#. princess need love too . zelpha
divineoath-a · 7 years
C1 zelpha!
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. i’m gonna do these all as sketches for now, since the state i’m in i can’t seem to make clean lines work.
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mako-bones · 3 years
any zelpha HCs?
Hello! Ah, my favorite BOTW ship. I just love them so much, and since I haven't gotten to the part of hopeless romance in my own story, here are some that I just thought of!
💌 Mipha is very protective about Zelda, but in a very subtle way. She always makes it known that she's there to accompany Zelda when she needs to train, study, or even just talk someplace quiet.
There's no romantic gain involved, just Mipha projecting her eldest sibling traits and seeing how hard Zelda works makes Mipha work even harder to help carry some of that burden. Of course, it's not possible to do it ALL, as they are both needed within their domain, but Mipha always spares time for Zelda; It's what she would want too.
💌 Speaking of royalty, their relationship is more secret. Making it public would mean a lot of paperwork, and a lot of scandal (Not because they're gay, but it's two big kingdoms in romantic cahoots- Everyone would want to talk trade routes and battle plans) The two women aren't ready for that just yet ^^"
So Zelda and Mipha discreetly trade each other gifts, clothes and jewelry under the guise of being friendly neighboring kingdoms. The stunning sapphire necklace from Mipha, the beautifully made garment from Zelda, and the letters attached that go on and on in poetic beauty about the other.
💌 Mipha knows that she can get sentimental quickly. But everytime she sees Zelda, her heart beats a little faster, her cheeks turn a baby blue, and secretly, all she wants is for Zelda to be happy.
Zora armor isn't off the table. It's for practical reasons, really! Honestly! The months spent pain-stakingly crafting discreet armor for your love (read: dearest friend) will protect her in battle, protect her from the hardest strike at least once, in case someone else isn't there to help. It will help her brave the strongest storms, imbued with healing energy and prayers and--
Okay, maybe Mipha is a little in love...
🌟 For Zelda, at the beginning of their relationship, she just couldn't understand Mipha. Of course the person that's gonna help save the day already has her powers, a stable kingdom looking up to her, a loving family...It made her sick.
But after more time spent, and Zelda began to see Princess Mipha as she really was--Afraid, just like her- Real and whole and imperfect, Zelda began to stop being so closed up, and instead tried to make amends.
She learned quickly Mipha's favorite foods, her favorite music and books. She spent more time in the hopes of asking to help unlock her powers, but she forgot all about it in the face of being able to be just Zelda. Not the vessel of Hylia, or the princess of Hyrule, but Zelda with Mipha.
And so, instead of turning their relationship into one of endless work, Zelda relishes in the fact that she can truly laugh and be with Mipha, shed of her royal self. That makes her happiest of all.
🌟 Zelda makes up many excuses to go visit Mipha. Her Divine Beast needs recalibration, and there's a document that needs to be signed urgently! And all that gets done, but Zelda always stays a few more hours to take "diplomatic" walks with Mipha, often to the quiet, secluded parts of the Reservoir, where they can swim and sit close together, their hands brushing and fingers entwining. They rest their heads against each other and...Well, you get the picture.
🌟 When crafting the Champion garments, Zelda of course took the time and research into every one. But when she started Mipha’s, she suddenly got a wave of love that poured into the fabric with every stitch. She thought about all their times together, good and not so good, but you can tell that a special kind of prayer was put into Mipha’s sash. It’s not armor, and it won’t protect Mipha in a fight, but it’s about as close as Zora armor as she can get away with.
And when it arrives to Mipha, the package is delivered by hand, with a sapphire buckle, a blue nightshade sprout, and a letter from Zelda for Mipha only. The other Champions had theirs hand delivered, but the note to them was much more formal, and very very short in comparison. No one really knows what the letter says, that’s a secret between Mipha and Zelda.
In conclusion,
Mipha makes the Zora Armor for Zelda. Zelda makes the Champion sash for Mipha. And that, to me, is their biggest love confession to each other. It’s not shouted to the rooftops, or celebrated across the world. They’re a little too shy for that, anyway.
Sorry this was so long, but I thank you so much for the ask! I love thinking about Zelpha, and I'm not the best at romance, but I tried my best! If I write anymore, I will add them in a new post! Thank you again <3
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Ship List
*I actually sent an ask for this but I realized it wasn’t that organized so I ask that you ignore it*
Ship list because its a trend so why not, top 10 and an out of ten rating based on how much I like them. 
10) Zelpha - 6/10 -  I love this ship so much, just the idea of two princesses falling in love makes me explode. it’s just that I need to know how the age thing will work, since Zora age slower than Hylians😔
9) Yiga Husbands (Kooga) - 6/10 - A big tall Yiga and his chubby husband. I LOVE IT OKAY honestly this should be canon. Also SPOILER ALERT in the ending Sooga is there he lived guys you can’t tell me otherwise. Kohga needs a happy ending.
8) Zelimpa - 7/10 - I know zelpha is cute, but also look at Zelimpa. Impa always seems to be there for the princess (legit copying HG here but), and the idea of their close friendship turning into more than that sounds like a great idea. Besides we need a Sheikah queen. 
7) Queen x Urbosa - 7.5/10 - Honestly guys, who didn’t fall for Urbosa? Maybe in an AU where the queen lives she divorces Rhoam (screw him) and then marries Urbosa this could happen. And Zelda would get all the love she deserves from her two moms.
6) That one Goron NPC and Gerudo NPC - 7.5/10 - (spent half an hour trying to find them online) I’m pretty sure it was Karsh and another Goron. She goes on about how a Goron would make a good match for her, and nearby there is a Goron. Sure do hope they find each other. (Here’s a link if ya want it): (https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/845fr7/well_you_are_in_luck/)
5) Hudson and Rhondson - (it already happened so no rating :P - They are nice. The thing is, I have a N64 and I played Ocarina of Time, yeah? In the game, the Gerudo abduct the male carpenters. CARPENTERS (if I may add one looks like Hudson too). And in this game, a carpenter and a Gerudo get married. I dunno, it’s just such a sweet concept. 
4) Sidlink - 10/10 (this should be number three but Im running out of space I swear it should be number three) Who doesn’t like Sidlink? When I first played it I shipped it so hard. A tall fish boi and his short gremlin boyfriend. But how will the age work? I mean, maybe a LOTR situation (Aragorn and Arwen situation?) Honestly Link deserves Sidon, a happy shark man and Hyrule’s knight.
3) Zelink - 10/10 - (This should be tied with Sidlink I care for these two ships too much). In other Zelda games I’ve played, it’s always been Zelink for me. So why not shipping it in this game? This is heavily based on the cutscenes and theory videos I’ve seen by NintendoBlackCrisis check them out! They have a whole series on it! Zelink is just a pure comfort ship for me. An essential.
2)*crackship* Kipbot (Eggbot x the Kipster) - 10/10 - Rivals to lovers, my favorite trope. Honestly this has to happen. 
1) Revalink - 20/10 - Man this is all your fault TUMBLR. Especially you Kipster (and Baozi-art’s School AU). My true rivals to lovers ship. Rito Champion and Hylian Hero together forever. HHHHHHHHH I love them too much and it’s all tumblrs fault : )
= = = = = = = = 
MAN I am such a fake fan I can’t believe I forgot about Hudson and Rhodson,,, u right u right they are so cute!
God...I can make all the fics and theories and shit posts I want on this damn sideblog yet I can never escape being shipping with my one arch nemesis which is a fucking soulless egg robot is this the cost of hubris? -- Kip
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xankix · 7 years
Valentine’s Day Festival Pt. 2
                                                                               Valentine’s Day Festival
                                 Sidon x Link BOTW AU and Sidon x Link and Mipha X Zelda Modern AU Pt.2
 BTW Mipha and Sidon are human in this one.
 Modern AU
 An alarm beeps loudly, ringing throughout the Rhoam household. Link stretches his hand from under the blanket and blindly tapping on his nightstand. He continuously fail at turning it off and so his sister Zelda bursts through his door nearly breaking the damn thing off its hinges and turns off the alarm.
“How about removing her head from the covers next time!” She yelled at him, while smacking him through his covers. “Well excuse me princess (yes I just went there).” Link removed the covers and sat up in his bed, he rubbed at his eyes and thinking, ‘Why is my alarm even going off on a Saturday, I don’t work today.’ He grabbed his phone and went through his schedule for the day, everything seemed normal as he look through his normal Saturday routine, until…. His eyes land one specific event. In about 3 hours Hyrule will be hosting its annual Valentine’s Festival. It was one of the country’s most celebrated holidays right after Christmas. Zelda was already in her room getting ready, while Link fumbled getting the rest of his body from the covers and falling face first into the floor. He rushed to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower, he fumbled through his closet for an outfit to wear for the day. This day was really special, he would finally confess to his high school crush Sidon, the brother of his sister’s girlfriend.
                 He ran downstairs to the kitchen to make himself breakfast, Zelda already beat him there and was making blueberry pancakes. Link went into the fridge and took out the milk and orange juice and placed the drinks on the table and went to grab glasses from the cabinet. Zelda has just finished a hot stack of the fluffy food and placed it where Link usually sits.
She stacks some on a plate for her and sit down to eat. She takes her time, while Link is stuffing his face like he’s participating in an eating contest. “Dude you should slowdown, before you make yourself too sick to even go to the festival.”
She was right, he slowed down and took his time. He kept his eye on the clock on the wall, taking sips of his milk. “Done!” He yelled, it made Zelda jump in her seat, “Really dude, almost gave me a heart attack.” She picked up the glass to finish off her orange juice and went to the sink to wash her plate. There was thumping footsteps going in the direction of the living room and next a crash. “No need to run in the fucking house, jeez!” Yelled Zelda. Link had tripped over the coffee table and broke a vase sitting on it. “Uuuugggghhhh…. That hurt.” He grunted getting off the floor. ‘Why am I such a nervous wreck today, it’s just a confession.’
‘Uh, no idiot. It ain’t just a normal confession, you’ll be confessing to the most popular guy at school and you know you’re not in that category of popularity.’
‘You’re not making this any better!’ Zelda was watching him have a mental argument with himself, ‘Should I say something?’ She thought to herself.
                 Link eventually calmed down and went to get his shoes from the front door, completely ignoring Zelda on the way (most likely didn’t even realize she was there). He slipped on his sandals and grabbed his bag off the hook, Zelda walked over to put on her sandals and grab her purse. “So ready to confess, little brother?” Link punched her in the arm and she giggled while rubbing it.
 (time skip)
                 Link and Zelda made their way through the pink, white and red archway entry of the festival grounds. There were a lot of different stands for food, goodies and games. In the center of the event there was a fountain decorated with heart balloons and flowers, there stood Mipha and Sidon.
Both teens ran up to their friends, Mipha and Zelda sharing a kiss in front of the boys. “How bout getting a room and not making the rest of us uncomfortable. The girls giggled, “Aww is someone jealous, don’t worry today should end well for you two,” Said Zelda with a sly smirk. Mipha held her hand to her mouth to hold in a laugh, Link and Sidon blushed, their faces looking redder than a tomato.
They all went to check out the different attractions, Link mostly eyeing the stands selling food, “Link we just ate breakfast not too long ago,” comment Zelda. “You can’t hide how you’re feeling. I can see right through you that you want to try some of the food as much as I do.” Both teens ended running to the first stand they saw, leaving the siblings in the dust.  
 The day went on of Zelda and Mipha buying little gifts for each other, Zelda and Link trying out all the different foods, Link entering whatever eating competition being held and throwing up in the bathroom, Link and Sidon playing games together and all of them taking a dip in the community pool (it’s a pretty hot Feb.).
There was bonfire dance in the center of the festival, this event was very special. It wasn’t just for new and old couples, but a form of unity of the different races across the land. The first dance was something everyone did, it was unity part. Everyone was coming together and wanting to forget the past that held nothing but the memory of bloodshed between the people. The dance lasted about two minutes and everyone bowed to each other. Next was the dance for the old couples, Mipha and Zelda jumped into the fray of couples and started dancing around the bonfire. Zelda taking the lead of the dance and twirling Mipha around, both girls smiling through it all. Link and Sidon were standing in the crowd of people clapping to the music.
“So….” Started Link, “Anyone who caught your eye or is there someone you’re gonna dance with?” Sidon looked down at his friend, “Well I know there are bunch of the girls from school that plan to be the first to dance with me. They’ve been following us all day and honestly, none of them compare to the one I really want to be with. What about you,” Asked Sidon.
“Well, I just hope the one I like feels the same, I’m not the most popular kid at the school. You, Mipha and Zelda have it all amongst the student body and I’m more of the person that clings to you guys since I can’t make friends on my own.” Link laughed a little scratching the back of his neck.
“You’re popular in my eyes friend. Compared to everyone at school you’re not cocky and brag about anything. I have more respect for you and our sisters than anyone at school. Don’t ever sell yourself short Link, you’re a lot more special than what you think.” Sidon finished off with a smile and that made Link blush. He just couldn’t figure out how he became friends with someone so encouraging. The dance for old couples ended, Mipha and Zelda walked to them out of breath from dancing. “You two look like shit.” Said Link. Sidon gave him a bruh expression and said, “Link, that’s rude,” Link just snickered, soon people were walking to the bonfire for the new couple dance. There weren’t that many this year, Link watched as Sidon walked towards the bonfire. In the corner of his eye he could see the girls Sidon was talking about fussing over who would dance with him and possibly be his girlfriend, but to their surprise Sidon yelled out Link’s name.
               It’s as if time slowed down, Link watched Sidon stretch his hand out towards him, face slowing heating up from blushing and walking towards him. The girls gawking as Link places his hand on top of Sidon’s. The music began to play and Sidon led the dance.
Link kept his head down at their feet blushing like a mad man, trying to process what’s going on. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to dance with any of those girls. “You must really not want to dance with them don’t you? But what would the person who has a crush on you think, seeing you dance with me?”
Sidon cupped Link’s chin and raised his head their eyes could meet. “Don’t act like I don’t know how you feel.” Link tensed up at Sidon’s accusation, but didn’t say anything. “You’ve had a crush on me for some time now, don’t be surprised. You know I can be pretty observant, think about when I said those girls been following us. I watched everything you did and how you acted, you change a lot when around me. Honestly it was cute and made me see you in a different way. I decided to wait till now, Link.”
Link blushed and tried to turn away, but Sidon’s grip on his chin was strong, before Link knew it their lips were touching the moment the dance ended. Mipha and Zelda’s screams were muffled by the blood rushing through Link’s ears, but he can clearly tell they were jumping for joy. Sidon pulled away so they can breathe, lust filling both teens’ eyes.
“Link, I want to let you know I love you dearly.”
Link smiled up at his now boyfriend, standing on his toes he whispered, “I love you too, my prince.” And kissed him again, but with more confidence.
 (That took a while to figure out how to make everything flow. But that is Pt. 2 of this Sidlink and Zelpha pairing of the festival. Next one will be a Revlink and Zelbosa both BOTW universe and modern AU. Until next time. thank you for reading.) Gonna be adding Po--sidon’s name in the tags from now on.
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heroofhyrulelink · 7 years
Zelpha Week: Day 1
It’s Zelpha week and I’ve committed to writing a fic a day for this wonderful pair!
Zelpha Week themes AO3 Link
Day 1: Glow Word Count: 1486 Summary: Mipha gives Zelda advice on how to unlock her goddess powers.
Zelda's body was freezing cold. She had spent hours upon hours at the Spring of Power, praying to the goddess for help unlocking this cursed power. After a while it had begun to rain. Link suggested they head back to Hyrule Castle but Zelda refused and continued her prayers. The air turned cold soon after and within a short while, Zelda had passed out in the freezing waters. The poor princess had also collapsed on a considerably sharp rock, her head was injured but thankfully the champion with healing powers had accompanied them to this spring.
Right now the poor Hylian was being warmed up at a nearby stable. A mountain of blankets keeping her warm and several candles around her just to be safe. Mipha had her glowing blue hands hover above Zelda's injured head. She hummed a tune she often heard the Princess herself hum.
Zelda groaned, Mipha opened her eyes to find the Hylian Princess with her own eyes open and rapidly looking around. She tried to get up but Mipha firmly, yet gently, shoved her back down. She couldn't risk Zelda getting even more hurt than she already was.
"What...what happened?" Zelda groaned, closing her eyes again.
"You...you sort of collapsed in the water. At the Spring of Power." Mipha freed up a hand to tug the blanket more onto Zelda. "You collapsed into the water and struck your head on a rock. But it's nothing too serious!" Mipha quickly added once she saw the fear in Zelda's big green eyes. "It's just...a small cut. No need to worry, my dear princess." Zelda nodded slowly but still looked unconvinced.
"Next time I have to set up some kind of fire near me to keep me warm while I do my training. Then I can go for longer periods of time."
"Or..." Mipha put her hands down, the blue light dying down, "You could...possibly put your praying to a pause once it begins raining." The Zora Princess smiled a bit and sat down at the foot of the bed Zelda was laying on. Zelda paid no attention to the poor girl's smile.
"No. I have to continue my training no matter what it takes."
"Yes. I understand that, and I admire your devotion. However I don't believe that you will be able to...really train if you are not at your healthiest. You won't be able to get any sort of progress and you'll only throw yourself into an incessant cycle of stress and frustration."
"Yes I understand that but some things are more impor-"
"Nothing can be more important than you." Mipha's face flushed a light blue as she continued. "You. And your health too. Those are important. Without your healthy you can not unlock this power. Without you your power can not be used. It's a hand-in-hand situation, Zelda." The Hylian Princess sighed and crossed her arms. "You are a very capable person. I believe you have the ability to unlock and control this power that slumbers deep inside of you but only if you are able to control yourself first."
"I suppose...you do have a point. And I suppose...that you are somewhat right." Mipha smiled warmly and patted Zelda's hand. Zelda slowly sat up and smoothed out her white dress. "Might I ask you something?"
"Go right ahead."
"Your powers." Zelda looked at Mipha's hands. "How do you...call them. Perhaps I can take what you do and see if it works for me." Milha's blush from earlier returned. She looked down at her own hands and began messing with a silver ring on her finger.
"Well...it's...complicated. Not really but...it's rather difficult to explain..."
"Oh please Mipha," Zelda grabbed Mipha's hands in her own and locked eyes with the Zora Princess, "I'd just like an idea. Something to jump off of."
"It's-it's quite embarrassing to say actually..."
"I promise I won't say a word if you don't want me to." Zelda smiled sweetly and leaned in a bit more. "I just know your advice will help me greatly."
"I-I suppose if it means it'll benefit you..." Mipha cleared her throat and tried not to focus on how close Zelda was or how fast her heart was racing. "I...well....when I try to summon my powers I usually think about...someone. I think about how..." Zelda looked at Mipha expectantly, with an excited smile. "I think about how her smile could brighten up any day and outshine the sun. I think about how...her knowledge has no end and how she's a very intelligent person that many people look up to. I think about...how kind she is to all forms of life and how her voice can soothe any monster. I think about how...her eyes are greener than the glowing power of courage, how she remains tough when all hope seems lost. How she's...the most precious person in the kingdom. Not because of her status, but because of who she is." At this point Mipha was blushing a bright blue and was trying to look anywhere except Zelda.
"I..." Mipha gulped and looked at the lovely princess in front of her, squeezing her hands just a bit. Her own hands began glowing the familiar blue glow. "When I think about these things. When I think about the person that I care for so very deeply, I think of how I want to protect her at all costs. That is how I am able to summon this healing power." The Zora Princess leaned in slightly but stopped herself quickly and stood up, the blue light vanishing almost as fast as it came. "I should go and check the perimeter with Link. He may need my help." Mipha bowed in respect and quickly left the stable, leaving Zelda confused and slightly flustered.
The next morning Link decided it was best that Mipha accompany them to the Spring itself instead of waiting by the stable. The walk to the Spring was silent. Every time Zelda glanced over at the Zora Princess she noticed that she was still blushing lightly. She assumed it was related to what had caused her to leave so quickly the night before. But what was it that made her leave?
The two champions stood protectively by the entrance of the Spring, keeping a watchful eye out for anything that seemed even remotely dangerous. Zelda stepped into the water (it was much warmer now than last night) and began her training. Her mind, however, wasn't in a position where she could concentrate. On unlocking her power. Her thoughts wandered to the Zora Princess standing just a few feet away. What was it that troubled? What was it that she missed? Zelda sighed and dropped her hands, they splashed in the water surrounding her. The distressed Hylian looked up pleadingly to the great big goddess statue. She silently asked for some sort of sign that would help her get this power. Anything would do.
A single red bird landed atop the goddess statues head and chirped cheerfully. Zelda blinked and turned around to look at Mipha for a moment. She recalled the advice Mipha had given her. Zelda turned back around, clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. She attempted to clear her mind of all thoughts. Her brow furrowed after a moment when she realized that her thoughts were too busy to escape her head. Thoughts of Mipha , thoughts of last night. Zelda sighed. If she wasn't going to empty her mind she might as well lose herself in her thoughts for a moment. It would do her good.
She relaxed and allowed her mind to race. It begun with thoughts of last night. Mipha blushing bright blue, holding hands. From there her mind jumped to previous memories of the two of them. The two of them at Zora's Domain, exploring the interest plant life that surrounded the beautiful home of the Zora. The two of them in Hyrule Castle, spending a lovely lunch together. The two of them traveling together with work regarding the Divine Beasts But enjoying themselves nonetheless. Zelda's face flushed when she recalled a time where she told Mipha her eyes reminded her of honey and Mipha smiled so wide that her sharp teeth showed. Her blush only darkened when Zelda recalled last nights events once more and realized that the person Mipha was describing was her.
The Hylian Princess dropped her hands, opened her eyes and turned around quickly.
"Mipha." Zelda barely spoke above a whisper. The Zora Champion still heard her and immediately turned around. Upon seeing the wonderful Mipha, Zelda's heart began beating faster. Her right hand showed the mark of the Triforce before it began glowing a holy golden light.
Mipha blushed darkly, already understanding what had happened. She smiled and spoke softly.
"I knew you could do it."
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mako-bones · 3 years
Year Walk (A Zelpha Story)
This is Chapter Three! Posted on AO3, but I'm also posting here as well!
Chapter Two: Since We Were Kids
Word Count: 1320
There were few occasions that Mipha could recall stepping past the azure bridge of Zora's Domain, where smooth, cold stone became soft and prickly, soft grass.
It was a rare occasion, even rarer than rare. Mipha made a face as she looked up at the sky, dark rain clouds still lingering from the last rain, and then down at the ground, where the earth was muddy and bleak. This couldn't be how it used to be.
Squish. Squish. Squish.
"Is there a problem, Princess?" Zelda finally stopped and turned back, tilting her head as she noticed Mipha startle and uncomfortably move faster to catch up.
"Perfectly fine!"
"Wonderful! Are you excited to travel? It will take us a few hours to make it down the mountain, where the carriage is." Zelda changed the topic to dampen the silence.
"Quite, actually. It's not often that us Zora travel out past our homes." Mipha glanced down. And when we do, it's only natural to move by water.
That thought stayed firm in her mind--Zelda had made the long trek uphill after all! It was only fair, respectful and considerate that Mipha accompanied her back down.
Still, Mipha couldn't help but step slightly awkwardly to avoid the dampened grass, and dark mud puddles scattered across the path. Like a strange dance, one that Mipha hadn't ever practiced before.
"How long did you say it would take? I'm just curious, is all."
"Oh, well," Zelda tapped her chin thoughtfully. "It took us at least a day to get up here. Lots of leftover rain from the season made it difficult to maneuver slides and rocks. But now that we know the way, and with your expertise of your home, I'd say it shortens our hike to only about four more hours."
Oh, lovely. Well, there could be worse circumstances. Ignoring the awful texture (or trying to), Mipha kept her spear far from dragging in the dirt, slow and precise spins until the first time they decided to stop to rest.
Mipha recognized it by the water. All the bridges may have looked the same, but the geography around it always spoke a different story. "Oren Bridge."
Zelda waved a silent command to the other Hylian guards, and they slowly sat down with a small sigh along the riverbank and mountain walls. "It's a nice place to catch our breath. Feel free to do what you must. The fish in these parts are quite fresh, right?" She was talking to Mipha.
That didn't sound too bad--Not a bad idea at all!
Looking between Zelda and the river, Mipha set her Trident down against the bank and stepped back--With a gust of strength and precision, she leaped into the river with a splash, almost sighing as the cool water flushed her scales and tiny fish scurried away.
She hoped not too much time had passed, swimming through the shallow river to chase fat fish; One for her, but there was enough for everyone.
With a Staminoka in her teeth, Mipha peeked out of the water just barely. The soldiers were chatting to themselves, a tight circle of men and women. Zelda was sitting farther away; Legs crossed and furiously scribbled something without pause.
"Princess!" Mipha called, but Zelda's head did not move. She licked the tip of the quill, and continued.
"Excuse me!" Mipha turned to the knights, waving her hand a little. "Do you all eat fish? I'd be happy to catch some for you!"
Some nodded excitedly, some shook their heads with a scrunched expression. To each their own! Mipha glanced once more at Zelda, and with a small smile she flipped over in the water.
In only a few minutes, fish were piled up on the bank for the knights to cook. No bite marks, no stress.
And Zelda had finally moved. She sighed, pulling her hair back and leaning against the rock wall. Her eyes settled on Mipha, carrying the catch to the knights and their waiting fire. The tip of the quill tapped gently against Zelda's chin.
She glanced down at her notebook, and back at Mipha, eyebrows furrowing.
"Perhaps..." She muttered, and then scratched out some key words. "No, no..."
"Are you hungry, too?" Mipha's voice was suddenly much closer, and her shadow stretched over Zelda. Drops of water wet the dog-eared pages.
Zelda slammed her book close, hands overlapping the other to protect the leather bound journal. "W-What? Oh! Yes! I'll assist you in preparing lunch."
"No need." Mipha replied, and outstretched a plate full of fish and greens. Diced mushrooms laid underneath a golden browned filleted fish, and fried herbs sprinkled around the bowl.
"One of your soldiers brought an entire bag full of cooking supplies! From your castle and mine alike. Here, take it! There's plenty for everyone."
Gently setting the bowl to Zelda's lap, Mipha took a breath of relief, before sitting across from Zelda, mindful of the wildflowers growing around them. A few silent and still moments passed before Mipha finally glanced over again, and her eyes widened at the same time as Zelda’s, staring straight at the Zora Princess with unnerving focus.
Zelda stabbed her fork into her plate and cleared her throat. “I’m terribly sorry, Mipha. I was lost in my mind.”
“What were you thinking about-?”
“Mushrooms-” Zelda replied quickly. “While we were walking, I noticed how this mountain grows a plethora of Stamella mushrooms. I wish I had the time to forage for them, but we really must be on. Time is of the essence.”
“Really?” Mipha turned to the soldiers, still not even halfway done with their meal. Their boots were kicked off and their weapons in a pile against a dead log. “For a few minutes, I believe...That’s more than enough time to grab one or two mushrooms, right?”
With lowered eyebrows, Zelda looked between her soldiers, and then the beaten path sheltered by arching pine trees and the occasional Summerwing butterfly. She pursed her lips, hand moving through her hair.
Mipha tilted her head, thinking about looking for a spare rainbow where there were leftover puddles and clouds, and searching for them with company. Her eyes widened as Zelda frowned even more.
“No.” Zelda stood up, and marched over to her soldiers, her stance causing them to straighten up and ready their gear hastily. “Come on, now- Hurry up. We have to be at the bottom of the mountain before it gets past four o’clock.”
Smoothing out her outfit, Zelda tugged at hre gloves and flexed her fingers, before turning to lead the way herself. She passed Mipha a glance, nearly unreadable it seemed. “I’m sorry,” She said, picking up pace again. “Maybe next time.”
“Of course,” Mipha nodded. She knew how important responsibilities were, and how quickly time flew when no one paid attention. But as they passed by the little path full of vibrant mushrooms, soon waving them goodbye from the other side of the river, Mipha pursed her lips.
The coachman, dressed in a deep blue coat and white trousers, opened the door for Zelda to step in.
“Your Highness…”
He raised an eyebrow, subtly glancing around the Princess.
He could have sworn he was told there would be at least one more guest travelling with the--
Mipha sprung from the lake nearby, arms full of her spear and mushrooms. Zelda’s eyes widened to the size of boulders, especially as the soaked plants were generously handed to her by the Zora Princess.
“Ah, there we are.” the Coachman nodded, unsurprised in the least. He flicked off a droplet of water on his sleeve. “Your Highness.”
Mipha smiled as she nodded and followed Zelda inside the lavish carriage. Once everyone was inside, the driver climbed up to his seat, fastening his coat and hat. “If everything is on schedule…” He squinted up towards the sun, and nodded to himself.
“To the kingdom we go.”
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heroofhyrulelink · 7 years
Zelpha Week: Day 2
Hope you all enjoy this one! I loved writing it :)
Zelpha Week Themes AO3 Link
Day 2: Magic Word Count: 1129 Summary: Mipha and Zelda spend some time in the Spirit Realm and once the Calamity is defeated, Zelda looks for a way to bring Mipha back to life.
Zelda was trapped inside of the Calamity for over a century, forced to roam the "Spirit Realm" of Hyrule while waiting for Link to wake up and finish what they all started so very long ago. Most of the time, the Princess was alone. She was trapped in the ghostly version of her kingdom by herself. However, every once in a while a special someone would visit. Mipha, the Zora Champion.
Mipha's spirit was the one out of the four champions that hadn't yet accepted the fact that things had gone terribly wrong. Don't get her wrong, she understood that she was dead and most of Hyrule's population had plummeted...but she didn't believe that she would stay dead. Neither did she believe that Hyrule would stay "dead". The other champions did have faith in Hyrule's recovery given the fact that it had survived this long, however their mindset was more...realistic than Mipha's perhaps too optimistic thoughts. This didn't matter too much though.
Zelda spent most of her time in the empty version of the Zora's Domain, waiting for Miles to return to the Spirit Realm. Those days were lonely and long. It almost felt like she had to wait years until her next visit from the charming champion. But before she knew it Mipha was walking up the steps of the Domain and greeting Zelda with a warm smile.
The two spent their time together talking, obviously. It was a bit awkward. The two never really spoke of things other than pressing issues such as the Calamity or royal matters. But now they were forced to talk about something else. Something new. So they did. The two grew closer, getting to know each other slowly yet surely. Zelda was the one that talked the most, going on for what felt like hours about her life and how she spent a majority of it praying when she longed for knowledge and adventure. Mipha listened intently to everything the Hylian Princess had to say. When Zelda said all she needed to the Zora Champion had a new image of the once seemingly pretentious princess.
Mipha spoke of her own life, it wasn't as interesting as Zelda's but Zelda enjoyed hearing about it nonetheless. The Hylian took a major interest in Mipha's healing powers and how she discovered them, Mipha answered any question Zelda threw at her. Zelda attacked the Zora Princess with a shower of questions regarding Mipha's spearmanship, Mipha happily gave the overexcited Zelda a demonstration and answered all her questions.
It went on like this for a while. The two talked of themselves and grew closer. One day, without really thinking, Mipha took a hold of her friend's hand and confessed that she had feelings for her, feelings that developed in their time together. The two were blushing brightly, Mipha apologised for being so blunt and sudden. She wanted to confess her feelings before anything happened. She didn't want to wait to confess only to be obliterated by Ganon's dark forces. Zelda, not really knowing how to properly act in a situation like this, responded with a rather sudden, and only a little awkward, kiss.
More time passed. Link had woken up and Mipha was needed up in Hyrule now. Before she returned to help Link defeat the Calamity, Zelda held onto her girlfriend tightly and promised her that things would turn out okay. Link would win. Hyrule would be free. Zelda would go straight to work to figure out how to revive Mipha so they could be together like all the times they imagined. Mipha only smiled and wished her luck with that and with sealing the darkness before she disappeared.
Even more time passed. Zelda was freed, floating in the air and hands clasped together while golden light enveloped her. She raised a hand and sealed the darkness. It was over. The spirits of the champions were freed and Hyrule was saved. As promised, Zelda put herself to work. She dragged Link across the kingdom (not really, he went willingly) to the goddess statues and prayed to them for some sort of clue. All the time she replayed memories of herself and her dearest Mipha in the Spirit Realm. All those promises of the future felt like lies they told each other to shelter themselves from the truth.
When the Spring of Wisdom was a failure, the two Hylians spent the night at Hateno village. They were going to return to Hyrule Castle and attempt to salvage any books they could find, maybe one had something on reviving your dead Zora girlfriend?
Night rolled around and Zelda fell into a rather short sleep. She dreamt she was in a peculiar place. Somewhere she didn't recall being. A gigantic goddess statue, bigger than the ones at the springs, stood at the end of the room. Zelda tilted her head and walked slowly towards it.
"Zelda." Mipha's soft voice echoed in the room. Zelda looked around for the source of the voice, disappointed when she couldn't see Mipha. "Zelda," Mipha repeated, "The Goddesses. The Triforce."
"Mipha? Zelda turned in circles, looking for the red Zora. "Where on earth are you?"
"The Triforce. It allows you one wish. The Goddesses are allowing you to use that one wish as reward for all the pain you have endured. Go to it, my dear Princess. Go to it."
Zelda woke up in a cold sweat. She jumped out of bed and shook Link awake, explaining that she knew exactly where to go. Of course all she had to say was "we go where the Triforce presumably is!", when she realised that wasn't too specific she began describing her dream and is surroundings to her knight. Link instantly knew where to go.
It took them a while but they eventually made it to The Forgotten Temple. Zelda could feel the power radiating from inside. The two entered and made it all the way through as quickly as possible. Once they reached the room with the gigantic Goddess statue the Triforce did make itself known. Golden light appeared out of thin air, a moment later and the three triangles floated into view before combing to make one gigantic triangle.
Her heart raced as she placed a single hand on the Triforce, closed her eyes, and made her wish. The magical triangles disappeared and instead were replaced with ha brilliant blue light. Zelda quickly threw her arms out in time to catch a now living Mipha fall from a few feet above the ground.
The two just stood there a moment, Zelda carrying Mipha like the princess she was, and Mipha staring into her girlfriends eyes. After a minute of disbelief they laughed, Zelda spun around happily before they shared a gentle kiss of relief.
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