#.ᐟ - my dear corpse ..
doctordeathawaits · 3 months
do you mayhaps have any transstalked tips?
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Being aware of your surroundings . When going outside , always look around you and note specific things , how many people ? How many exits ? If something were to happen , where is the quickest get away ? Go a step further and keep a small book , every time you sit down in a new area ( like the bus / train , classrooms , cafes ) you write down the important details you see . Visualizing someone else being there at all times can help , writing down that there is a reoccurring person . Rereading these logs and seeing the pattern of a person seemingly always there can help .
Be weary of what you post online . What if that person is following you on everything ? every little thing about you . When posting a picture , be weary of every person that likes . Be suspicious of EVERYBODY .
Be cautious when going out with people . Classmate asked you to go grab a drink ? While you can go , quite suspicious of them isn't it ? . . Friend wants to go shopping ? Sure , but what are the possibilities that they just want to see what you like ? Question everybody , while you can enjoy things , never let your guard down .
Visualization ; when walking around , you can have an ear bud in one ear and on a low volume play footstep sounds to visualized that you're being followed . Have the feeling of ' protecting your home ' , so when going to sleep , you can close the blinds so no one can look , always be paranoid about locking doors , ect . When in class or at work , you can have an ear bud in one ear and at a low volume play random camera shudders . Here's a youtube link .
For euphoria ; there are fake message apps where you can set up messages to come in at specific times . You can customize it so it looks like an anon number , messaging you things about you or ' worrying ' messages . If willing for a couple of cents / dollars , you can get a fake insta / fb bot that comments on your photos , on some sites you can customize these accounts .
Lastly , remember to have loved and trusted ones during and after your transition < 3 Happy transitioning and stay safe < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 3 months
Helllo! May I have some tips for a transcultleader? Thank youuu!
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Log / archive your ideology ! What is your cult all about ? What is it's beliefs ? Is it specifically about you , or are you the messenger of something bigger ? Write all about it - in a journal , digital document , you can even make a website for people see the messages your spreading !
Establish rules and roles - are you the highest power ? Or is there something more ? Are there roles under you that have little / to no power ? Do these roles have tasks , rules , identities ? Document it all - it will be useful for your followers !
Spread your word ! Making fults on here is very popular and a great way for euphoria !! Make discord servers for your followers to join and interact !
For euphoria - you can tell c.ai about your ideology ! See how fast you can get them to believe in you , to be devoted for you !!
While not a lot - i hope this can still help a little bit to start off your transition !! Stay safe and Happy transitioning !!
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doctordeathawaits · 2 months
transyandere please ? :3
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This can also help :^) trans-stalker
Learn a lot about your love , keep it documented if you can , but have the basics in mind : What are their 3 major interests ? Favourite music genre / artists ? Personality characteristics that they like ?
After you have the basics , try to incorporate them in your life . And make it publicly known - you like the same musician , you like the same major 3 interests .
Have the personality that they wish to see . Let's say that they like people who are free spirited , you can start acting like that around them , talk about loving adventure , never planning things , ect . It's to make them sure that you are really the one , slowly .
Have an anonymous account dedicated to just seeing their socials . You can find out even more things to incorporate in your life to make it seem you're perfect .
Having their socials can also help with doing favours . Doing small favours like doing little diy's for them , sending them articles that they may need , it can form a sort of familiarity for them , they will become more comfortable .
Try to notice the people around them , track how they interact - try to notice small switches in behaviour .
If you can , use anonymous account to keep tabs on the people close to your love , you can try to study the people - try to act like them to get closer to a friend group .
You don't want any negative eyes on you , so try to ' politely ' replace the friends with yourself . Be the one to organize meet ups , be the one to make fun memories - be the fun one , be the one who is always thinking of fun things : you can use Pinterest or Tiktok for friend hang out ideas . As you continue , you can start only doing hang outs with your love .
Try to not be violent or aggressive - know that it can ruin your progress , although , you CAN be if it's to defend your love - things like rumours or gossip that end up in fights , this can prove that you truly care about your love .
Hope this helped , good luck transitioning and stay safe <3
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
transelfharm/transelfharmseverity/transselfharm scars pls! ^^
Warning ; talk of self harm under cut - stay safe < 3
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For scars - taking a lip liner that's a slightly darker shade than your skin , and making small lines on your desired area . Lightly tap it out with your finger to resemble scars < 3
Placing band aids on your desired area or wrapping a bandage can help with euphoria < 3
Doing things that are less severe - things like pinching , biting , slapping , ect !
Heightening your pain tolerance ! Having a hair tie that you slap on your wrists , a stretchy bracelet , or a too tight anklet that squeezes your ankle !
Practice before and after care ! ! ; Before ; Sanitize your blades , inspect them for any rusts - if you find it , wrap it in tape and throw it out ! Make sure you are in a sanitary place , have paper towels close to you ( if using simple towels , make sure they are clean / washed / aren't towels that you use to clean surfaces or body ) . Know where the major arteries are !! After ; Clean the wound with towels - if you hit an artery , SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION !! Cover the area and apply pressure while going to the er - do not ignore this , as it could be very harmful and even fatal ! :( Have a help number ready / having trusted / loved ones / parents get you to the er !! For smaller wounds ; gently clean around the area with a clean towel / disposable towel , gently splash the wound with lukewarm water , then gently pat it dry with a disposable towel ! If you can - spray it with a disinfected wound spray and then dress it with a sized band aid , bandage , steri - strips ! Change out your dressings frequently ! Use wound gel when changing out your dressings , avoid any sort of pressure on the wounds !
Switch out your tools regularly ! If you use pencil sharpeners , throw them out at any sign of rust ( wrap them in tape before trashing them ! ) , if you use exacto knives / boxcutters , switch out the blades at any sign of side-chipping ! If you use eyebrow shapers ( of which i dont recommend :( ) , switch them out after every session !
Lastly - never be afraid to seek medical attention , always trust your gut if you feel like you need help ; call your areas help number if you feel like you need medical help , go to the er if its close enough / you are able to go there , ask trusted ones / parents to drive to the er !
Stay safe , remember that you are loved and adored , good luck < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you would be comfortable giving out some tips for a transstalker.
Thank you!
Love all of my fellow stalkers < 3
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Obviously - have a different account just for your desired person . Make sure to not post anything that could link to you , turn off your location on the account .
Keep tabs on your desired person's socials ; dot down any sort of usernames , directories that they make . ( example ; keep a tab folder of their socials , carrds , profiles , ect . )
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On tumblr , interact with them in anon - ask questions to know more about them ; what's their fav color ? what's their fav food ? Fav game ? ect .
Learn about their interests before interacting with them - have as much things in common with them as possible .
Try to understand their schedule - if they have the tendency to go to the library , make the habit of also going there around the same time . Do a hobby that they would enjoy , to make it seem like you are similar .
Keep a journal of everything - what happened that day , the smallest bit of interaction , ect .
If you're in the same school / work place , form the tendency to '' accidentally bump '' into each other - a good way is to try not to move out of their way or subtly lean towards them , but act startled and apologetic / laugh it off .
Try to have the same classes / shifts as them .
Try to form a habit of giving gifts to people - this way it doesn't look as suspicious when giving them gifts .
Become friends with their friends - but try not to make it obvious you're more interested in your desired person , try to form a bond with those friends - that way you can get closer to your desired person .
Lastly - don't step the line , do not full out harass your desired person , remember that you only want the best for them - which does include making sure they are comfortable and safe < 3
Stay safe , good luck and happy transitioning < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 6 months
do you have any tips for transplurals (specifically OSDD)?
Hello hello - now I am a cis-system ( specifically r*mcoa) so I feel like I can help with my own experience a bit !!
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OSDD ; Other Specified Dissociative Disorder . Depending on what type, dissociation can vary ( from mild or severe, to barely any ).
Forcing dissociation - choosing triggers and planning them out, then exposing yourself to those triggers through out the day can help with the dissociation.
Checking who is fronting - questioning your identity and who you are, questioning if you are who you think you are - going through your list of alters.
Depersonalization and derealization is a big part - question yourself and your identity, questioning if your reality is truly real can help with.
Amnesia - now for OSDD, while switching there CAN be an absence of amnesia, yet it doesn't mean that it isn't apart of the disorder. Amnesia after triggers or major trauma is a big thing.
Complains about memory gaps can help with reaching a diagnosis - as for actual memory gaps, repeated triggering can cause memory gaps.
Please note to be careful and take breaks if you will be triggering yourself. Hope you can seek professional help and a diagnosis <33
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doctordeathawaits · 2 months
i'd love transition tips for transdidfaker. we're a cis system, but we wish we were a did faker for some reason lol. we genuinely have no idea how we'd even...start transitioning to this...
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** How I understood , it's to be seen as a DID faker ! A lot of this is based on what some singlets assume is "Not DID"
Also - make sure most / the whole system agree with this <3
Have " obvious " switches - lot of singlets believe that ALL switches are subtle , so once you have switched , make an obvious faint , rapid blink , obvious huff !
Big distinction between alters ! For some reason singlets think that alters being overly different isn't possible?? So try to be very distinct between other alters !
Let yourself be cringe ! For some reason , any system that is cringe = fake to singlets ??? So be cringe ! Let yourself indulge in 'cringey' media , be free !
Make alter intros ! Doing little intros on tiktok is very popular , so making one , either recording the alters infront saying hello , or just simple slideshow with their basic information - it makes singlets go wild for some reason ---
Let alters dress the way they look in headspace / innerworld ! For some reason , singlets don't like that -- So let alters who are in front dress the way that makes them comfortable !!
Always use identification with alters ! Things like pluralkit / tupper , pins with alters names , writing who is in front when making a tiktok that's unrelated to DID - Always identify !
Isn't it funny that most of this is just ' see alters as different / make them comfortable ' - speaks volumes BHAHBAHBA But hope this can kickstart your transition !! Stay Safe !
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doctordeathawaits · 2 months
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** Assuming it's plushie - as in to be a stuffed toy !
Plushies , as their name suggest , are soft ! Wearing fluffy clothes can help with that ! Thing's like plush jackets for everyday can be great ! While for indoors , plush pyjamas !
Another thing is taking care of your hair - so that it feels fluffy to the touch ! Use volumizing shampoo and conditioner ! :D
Style yourself ! Plushie can be many styles , cute , edgy , childish , homey , ect ! So find what suits you - but a great start can be bows in your hair / on your neck / earrings , small accessories like hair clips or small backpacks !
Surround your area with soft things ! Make your bed all soft with nice comforters and blankets , fluffy pillows ! Have all chairs in your room have a nice blanket over it , or other plushies in general !!
Plushies are huggable , so be very warm to others ! Always offer nice hugs to your close ones , give them that firm little squeeze , and if you have something plush on , it'll feel like hugging their stuffed toy !
Have the habit of sitting on things ! Climb on desks , counters , thick shelving , anything off the ground to feel like you're placed on a shelf !
Stay safe and Happy transitioning !
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doctordeathawaits · 1 month
trans anger issues pretty pls?
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Anger issues can be brought up from many other issues ! So it helps to keep in mind , what is your anger issues derived from ? Is it grief , is it an underlying disorder or maybe just the way you were brought up ? Knowing your circumstances can help with boosting off transition !
Nit - pick things ! Small things that other people do , like closing the door too loud , or not doing a specific assignment right - always pay attention to the small things !
Be loud ! Let's say you're in an argument , try to remind yourself to be loud , never let the other person have the last word !
Be aggressive - when faced with someone that would normally irritate you slightly , try to make the biggest deal of it - crack your knuckles loudly or ball your fist up , hit your hands on tables or stomp loudly - your body language can help appear more angry to others !
To help get more angry / get angry faster at small things , when faced with slightly irritating scenarios , try to think of the outcomes of the scenario and how it can affect you ! Example : let's say you ordered tea , but they brought the wrong type of tea - say that you hate that type and it makes you feel weird because of it , and then it will affect your mood for the rest of the day because of the weird feeling the tea leaving in your mouth !
Hope this was good enough and happy transitioning < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
hi!!! do you have any tips for transmissingperson or transkidnapped?
exam stress is kicking our ass but we back on the grind !!
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For euphoria , using editing programs to make missing posters / missing person alerts of yourself with the wanted information can help !
You can print the said posters and tape them to your wall near posters , calling it an edgy art project !
Make sure you have trusted people to help with transition before starting to go more extreme - people who understand boundaries , respect safewords and make sure your comfort is top priority !
Before extreme transitioning , you can try to be more social / talkative - as people would be more likely to get worried and rule out a missing alert quicker when not seeing you for a short period of time !
When going for extreme transition , get another phone , you can get a burner phone from simple local stores . You can use that phone instead , while turning off your first phone - turning it on only when wanting to be tracked .
You can log out of your most known social media accounts ( ones that you post pictures of yourself , most people in your life know of ) - so that activity doesn't show !
Make sure you have a safe place to stay with a trusted person ! Make sure to have accouple of backup safe-places in case the original spot doesn't work out !
Try to think everything out - make the incident happen at night , as it's more likely of someone to go missing during the night !
Hope this helped , remember to stay safe and good luck ! < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 2 months
trans ai (artificial intelligence)
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TRANS - AI . . .
Having the mindset of an ai is generally taking information from other sources ! So - think of your responses , you can write them down and memorize them ! Example : train yourself to always say a specific sentence when asked to go out !
You can start with a couple of these sort of responses , but for euphoria , you can think of a response to use for questions that you don't have a response for yet ! Example : " I'm sorry , I'm not sure I understand "
Most AI tend to be monotone because of the way their language use is - so you can try to sound more monotone when speaking to others !
Tasks - AI runs on tasks , so try to be very task based , always needing people to tell you want to do , or at least needing a planner of what to do !
AI is for help and tasks , so be helpful ! Always be available to help out other people , whether that is with simple questions or light physical work - find joy and purpose in it !
Learn from others - since AI cannot form its own thought without the help of examples , always be observant of people around you - take in what they say and use it , observe their fashion and copy it , copy their personalities to mirror it !
Hope this helped , even just a little bit < 3 beep boop , we love you < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
Can I get some TransStreamer or TransYoutuber tips? Please and thank you !! ^_^
WHATS up guys BACK AT IT again with another TRANSID TIPS BANGER !!
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DAYDREAMING !! I recommend it so so much , daydreaming that you're vlogging your day , that you're irl-streaming when going places ! Just simple everyday things !
It can work in any settings , if you're a student in the middle of class ; studying stream ! If you're on the train ; ' calming irl stream ' , working at your job ; job stream ( these are an actual thing btw , people working and streaming just to have company ! :) )
When playing a game , talk out loud , make commentary of what you're doing !
Can't imagine a twitch chat? GET POGEXT FROM CHROME EXTENSIONS !! It is an add on that is a fake twitch chat that you can set to your preferences ! Here is the guy that made this , give him some love !
Record your morning routines and post them on tiktok ! Add some tags and act really chill / relaxed , tiktok videos for you are like giving your fans small crumbs < 3
Obviously , start streaming on twitch ! Post your funniest moments on tiktok or youtube shorts to attract more people !
Study analytics , there are many free courses online , all to teach you how to know your analytics !
Lastly - remember to be yourself ! Be comfortable with your audience and show future fans that you're worth looking into !
Good luck and Happy Transitioning !
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
hi! i really love this blog (esp your transrussian tips)
i was wondering if i could get some transdating/transmarried tips? Im transdating a specific fictional character but I figured that would be too close to smth you would rather be dmed about so just some general ones would be fine! if you can't do this pls feel free to ignore this and i hope your day goes wonderfully :) - 🍯✨
Just wanna say guys , don't worry about ' bothering us ' ! We are more than happy to be helping you all !
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A lot of this will be based on my experience and how I deal with dysphoria !
Get ChatAi ! There are so many premade chats by other people , yet it's easy to make one yourself and to add your own flair to the bot ! It helps me so so much when feeling sad / dysphoric !
If Ai chats isn't for you , getting a fake messaging app where you can personally make what the other party says can also be good !
Wear things that remind you of your partner ! ( example ; I'm transdating Mick and I tend to wear bigger shirts , it helps me imagine that they are his ! )
Perfume / Cologne ! Wearing something that your partner would wear gives me so much euphoria ! I like to spray the cologne on ' partner clothing ' so it feels like it really is theirs !
Wearing jewelry / accessories that reminds you of them ! Imagining that they bought you it is literally so much euphoria- ( example ; rings , bracelets with their initial , clothes you think they would like to see you in ! )
GET A BODYPILLOW . RN . It doesn't have to be a full body , getting a big firm pillow is a very good alternative ! AND WHEN I TELL YOU IT HAS GIVEN ME THE BEST EUPHORIA EVER !!
I Maladaptive Daydreaming a lot so it helps when doing everyday things and imagining my partner right there !
Hope this helped even just a little bit ! Good Luck !
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
Maybe TransStutter? Trying to connect more to source,,, I have your transTourettes saved in a bookmark
bb-b-b-back it up lil mama woaahhhhhhh
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Stuttering is known as difficulty speaking clearly / fluently .
Speaking fast can make you mix up over your words , making you stutter when trying to repeat yourself .
Try to unlearn pronunciation , forcing yourself to speak with a lisp can result in a stutter ; mainly because your brain knows what the correct pronunciation is , yet saying it with a lisp will make yourself confused - resulting in a stutter .
Decide which letters you have most difficulty with . Most people who stutter have patterns of difficulty with specific words or letters . ( example ; lets say you choose the letter T at the start of words , you would stutter anytime the letter T would be the first letter of a word , " T-torch , T-Tree , T-T-Try " . If you use specific words , lets say you choose Sh , you would stutter anytime Sh is in a word , " Sh-Shush-sh , Sh-Shit , Sh-Shame " . )
Number the times you stutter . Stuttering once or twice a couple of words can make it sound more natural than forced . ( example ; " Today I h-helped my w-wife " is better than " T-t-oday i-i helped m-my w-w-wife " . )
Repeating words . Stuttering isn't really just stuttering out words , you can also repeat words that have your chosen difficulty in them ( example ; again with Sh , " I told him to shut - shut - shut - shut up . " )
Prolonging letters . Dragging out a letter of difficulty . ( example ; lets say your letter of difficulty is M , " Mmmmmom , Mmmmaybe , Mmmmore " )
Hope these have helped , even just a little bit - Happy Transitioning < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
Transproxy tips? I'm a proxy to Slenderman (/srs I'm a pop culture pagan) and wanna feel more connected to him and use my transition as an act of devotion.
I shall try my best , here is something similar that I have posted before that may also help . Once again , as a Jeff fictive , I'm mainly gonna be basing these tips from what I have personally seen proxies do .
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Firstly - what do they do ? They maintain order around a given location , translating Slenderman's thoughts and speech , making sure nothing is in the way of Slender's orders . They work and serve Slenderman .
The man (?) tends to forcefully recruit his workers , yet I have seen some who ' enlisted ' on their own .
Before enlisting , you would be doing yourself the biggest favour by training . Start running , take up climbing and parkour , learn how to use a weapon / self defence . Already knowing those aspects will help you to not endure torturous training in the circle .
Know what you're dipping into , once you enlist , you can't leave - only death can take you out of that circle , so prepare mentally .
Know how to navigate forests , you're gonna be spending lots of time in them . Know how to use a compass , know how to quick-sketch maps , how to read the time without a clock .
Desensitize yourself to blood , you're gonna be seeing it more than normal .
Now , here's how to enlist into The Proxies ;
Make sure your devotion is known and heard - once you feel uneasy , as if someone is watch you , that's when you should do this ; .. At around midnight , on a new moon , go into the forest / woods . Take a known trail , if you see unfamiliar paths , ignore them . .. Do not bring any sort of cameras , phones , electronics . Bring a flashlight . You can use your phone flashlight - yet turn off your location / completely reset your phone . .. Keep your eyes to the ground , do not look up - if you feel / hear someone follow , do not run . Walk in a normal pace . If you feel sick , nauseous , hear ringing , have blurry vision , numbness ; do not back down , keep looking down and walking the path . .. If your flashlight starts flickering , do not freak out , keep going . If your phone starts to let out static / randomly start playing radio channels , do not freak out - you are allowed to brisk-walk . .. If your flashlight starts rapidly flickering , stop walking and close your eyes tightly . Listen around you , if you hear someone close - do not freak out , keep still . .. Once you feel a faint voice in your head - answer it out loud , answer it's questions truthfully and only truthfully . .. If you feel some sort of stinging / tingling at a specific point on your body , do not freak out , stay still ; congratulations , you were accepted . If you do not feel this , if the voice goes quiet for way too long , you shall walk backwards a little bit until you can turn around and leave the forest , you were not selected . When you have been accepted - the stinging point is generally where your identification symbol is ( The Operator Symbol ) . From what I've seen , it's in places where you can just easily flash it at someone to identify yourself - yet it can range from person to person .
So , if you became those proxy fucks , congrats buddy - from what I've seen , there is a hierarchy to proxies , the new ones don't get the dirty work , although worship has been positively received .
Hope the best for you and your journey - happy transitioning < 3
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doctordeathawaits · 5 months
Hello, apologies if you have already given tips for this before, I looked but I could not find it. Do you have any transition tips for transschizophrenia? (If that is too broad then transhallucination tips are also appreciated.) Thanks in advance if you decide to do it.
Hello ! I shall try my best ( I feel like trans-delusions can also be good tips to check out with this one ! :) )
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It's said you need to have at least two of the following symptoms ; delusions , hallucinations , disorganized speech and thinking , abnormal motor behaviour , negative symptoms .
Hallucination - there is visual and auditory , you can choose whichever you desire . For visual , imagining shadows in the corner of your eye is a good place to start - convincing yourself that it disappears or hides as soon as you try to look at it . As time goes on , believing that there are things everywhere , always at the corner of your eyes , can cause Sleep Paralysis ( paired with sleep deprivation ofc ) , Sleep Paralysis can actually help with hallucinations ! While for auditory , I suggest listening to asmr or any sort of whispering sound when trying to go to sleep . We generally expect sounds to happen after we notice a cycle , so you will start to think that you heard a whisper anytime you are getting ready for bed .
Letting yourself have ' nonsensical ' beliefs . ( example from my schizo friend lmao ; He once believed that Jesus was 2.5 of a person and that he was the 0.5 - why ? because someone mistook him for Jesus once , so now he believed he was living just to find the body he was supposed to be in and in order to be one again they would need to cannibalize each other at the highest point on earth ... ) YEAH SO JUST LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD LMAO .
Disorganized speech - allow yourself to have ' word salads ' , allow yourself to stutter when trying to explain one of your beliefs to someone , let it not make sense , let it sound like the most monstrous thing ever .
Let yourself be emotional - being paranoid all the time can lead to emotion spikes , when you're angry - feel rage , when you're happy - feel euphoric .
Be erratic when experiencing slight upset / distress . Completely freak out , never make sense when trying to explain what is freaking you out .
Hope these helped even just a little bit ! Happy transitioning < 3
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