#rq coining
rosie-rq · 2 days
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Amorace / Amoracial
(Amor - race)
When your race identity is affected by those you have a strong emotional bond with, be it a romantic relationship or otherwise.
Already coined? Consider it an alt flag!
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sick--angel · 1 day
Post-Radqueer flag 𝜗𝜚
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an alt flag for the Post-Radqueer movment !! OG flag is here , flag is eyestrain !!
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noxiaqueer · 23 hours
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for those who identify as (cis/trans) autistic for any reason
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randomblognamego · 1 day
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A Blankqueer term where you are just a critter that doesn’t want to be involved in any form is discourse while still having your own boundaries.
Emoji code: 🎧🌈/🌈🎧
Why 🎧?: because you are blocking out all discourse!
This stance is anti:
- Harassment
- Discourse
- Boundary breaking
- Contact without consent
- Antis
- Syscource
- Radqueer discourse
- Zionists
- Ageism, speciesism, ableism, racism
- “paraphiles are harmful”
- Doxxing
- “TransID’s are harmful”
- Thinks narcissistic abuse is real
- Thinks borderline abuse is real
- Thinks sociopath abuse is real
- Cancel culture
- Typing quirk exclusionist (ie. “You can’t use this typing quirk”)
This stance is neutral/doesn’t care if you use it:
- anti contact
- Radqueer
- Paraphile
This stance is pro:
- ship
- Consent
- “Live and let live”
- Endo systems
- Tulpas
- Non traumagenic systems basically
- Traumagenic systems
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haventhing · 2 months
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Transpet !
term for those who feel they should / wish etc , to be treated like a pet
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Cat version
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maxrqstuff · 2 months
#LGBTQIAAPX+ Coined by Me >:3
#Lesbian (includes: WLW, WLG, GLG, GLW, Sapphic, etc)
#Gay (includes: MLM, MLB, BLB, BLM(not the movement XD but still black lives do matter !!), Achillean, Vincient, Cinthean, etc)
#Bi (includes: Poly, Pan, Omni, Multisexual, etc)
#TransID (includes: Transgender, Non-Binary, Trace, Transabled, Transage, Transbody, Transpecies, Transtime, Transharmed, Transharmful, etc)
#Queer (includes everyone who is not Cis-Hetero-Allo-Human)
#A-Specs (includes: Aromatic, Aro-Spec, Asexual, Ace-Spec, AroAce, Aromid, Acemid, Amid, Aplatonic, Apl-Spec, Aemotional, Aemo-Spec, Aphysical, Aphy-Spec, Agender, Agin-Spec, Aracial, etc)
#Alterhumanity (Otherkinnity, Fictionkinnty, Factkinnity, Copingkinnity, Theriantropy, Vampiric, Dragonic, Otherlinkism/Choicekin, Copinglinksm, Otherspin, Otherhearted/Otherkith, Otherkinth, etc)
#Parasexuality (includes: 🤳🥀🌼α,🥀🌹β, 🌷🌺, 🕰️🍾, ☕️υτ, 📜🔖Σ, 🫖🍵, 🥤υτ, 🧑‍🍼μ, 🥃🍶🍹🥂, 🍸🗺️μ, ⌛️⚰️🪦💀🧟🍷🫗νθ, 🍼μ,🧃μυ, 🌟💫✨τ, 🍺🍻🔦🗝️, 🪶🐾🍋ζ, 🍭🍬🐚, 🥃🐚, etc)
#XenoID (includes: Xenogender, Xenoabled, Xenorace, erc)
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rqplushie · 3 months
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🐾 pettoism !! 🐾
🐶;; a fult/neoreligion based on living like an animal/pet!! (using things like food bowls, chew toys, dog beds, faux ears and tails, edible animal food and treats, etc!!)
🦴 ~ coined by me!
🧸 - requested by anon <3
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doll-queer · 1 month
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A transharmed identity where one feels they should have been/should be in a snuff film
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sick--angel · 1 day
Stoner Angel 𝜗𝜚
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a flag for stoner angels / angels that ' re stoners
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aevsria · 1 month
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Permakigurumi (Perma Kigurumi) is a TransID for those who believe they are or should be constantly wearing a kigurumi fursuit/mask.
they can also identify as the kigurumi mask/fursuit. altering their identity to a cutesy chinese fursuit.
credit not needed but appreciated!
examples of kigurumi:
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iotaisradqueer · 7 months
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a transid term for one who identifies as having a collar on their neck that they can't remove
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villiqueer · 19 days
VILLIQUEER — 🪲🌈 / 🧪🌈
pt: villiqueer
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Villiqueer is a term similar to post-radqueer, but with more explained ideals. This term is made for folk who feel as though they have been villianized and outcasted by the radqueer community and now feel as though they have moved past radqueerness while still holding onto the ideology.
Stances under the cut!
Villiqueer is pro . . .
- bodily autonomy
- all forms of self identification (transids, mspec monos, etc)
- all types of sexual/romantic orientations (including paras)
- sex education
- drug liberation
- sex positivity
- youthlib
- sex work of all kinds
- destigmatization of "unhealthy" coping mechanisms
- destigmatization of self harm and suicide
- destigmatization of paraphilias/parasexuals
- proship
- freedom to state any and all personal opinions
- consent
- all contact stances (yes. all of them.)
Villiqueer is anti . . .
- harassment
- bullying, including targeted bullying
- ableism / sanism
- non-consensual sexual interactions
- non-consensual abuse
- child abuse material ("cp"/csam/csem)
- para "recovery"
- thought crimes
- hate speech
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haventhing · 2 months
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☆ fantasytransid
A label for those who's transid identities are affected by fantasies 。 ie someone identifying as oty due to fantasies 。
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maxrqstuff · 15 days
Now this is our Flag !!!
We wont give up we will resist and fight for our lives and rights !!!
This is the symbol for anti anti-rq !!!
Originally this was an anti-radqueer flag BUT NOT ANYMORE.
This is now a reclaim flag and symbolism for radqueer resistance !!!
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We will not give them anything radical resistance !!
Its our now !!!
@radqueer-empire @arisudotexe @blankqueer
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