#... hm. not sure how such an uplifting song translated to this but
hey-hamlet · 1 year
Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday!!!!!!
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For the prompt thing, how about something based on the song The Tornado by Owl City? It is my utmost beloved. Not sure which of your au's would work with it, so if you pick this prompt you can pick whichever you feel like <33
Good luck on the quarter life crisis btw, I'm sure you'll figure stuff out and end up happier on the other side <3
Was my birthday about a month ago? perhaps. I am back now. I'd say this will not happen again, but it will and for that I am sorry. Anyway!! Onto the fic.
It was quiet. So very, very quiet.
Izuku carefully picked his way out of his bedroom, all traces of sleep long gone. The house was that strange bright darkness that lit the earliest hours of the morning, hours before the sun peaked over the horizon but still close enough to light the sky an odd, sickly grey. He'd woken abruptly to a deafening quiet that was impossible for the bustling apartment complex in downtown Mutsufasu he and his mother lived in. He had the childish urge to go get his mother, but it was Wednesday and her night shift wouldn't be over until sometime past sunrise.
Nothing was wrong with the kitchen, nor the entranceway. The light was too low to pick out any detail, but everything was where it should be. He paused.
The light was too low. In the kitchen. There was no glow from the clock face on the microwave, nor from the pilot light on the oven. He couldn't hear the faint hum of the electrical outlets nor the groan of the coolant through the refrigerator. A blackout? That explained some of the quiet.
Not all of it.
With a creeping sense of dread, he grabbed his keys from the front pocket of his backpack where it lay abandoned on the kitchen counter. He'd tossed it aside, too fraught from the terrible day he'd had at school to put it where it belonged. Kacchan had - well. It didn't matter, not right now. He'd have given anything for Kacchan to be right here. Kacchan was never quiet.
His keys were too loud as he unlocked the front door - first the deadbolt, then the main lock, before finally pausing at the latch. His hands shook, fine tremors he struggled to see in the darkness. Breath in. Breath out. Move.
The door, too, was quiet. Well-oiled hinges opened silently. The bright-dark of an approaching dawn met him - no street lights. He grit his teeth, leaving the false safety of his apartment, and almost dropped to his knees when he got a good look at what was around him.
Destruction. As far as he could see, Mutsutafu had been reduced to rubble. The apartments beside him were missing, rubble and rebar and limp, unconnected powerlines. It was still the tallest building left. How was it so quiet? No sirens, no people yelling, not even the sound of running water from a burst pipe. The rubble had already settled.
And Izuku had only been woken up by the silence.
Who - who could have -
Kacchan's house. Where was Kacchan's house?
He scanned the distance desperately - past the park, the grass now covered by fine grey dust, the nicer area with the freestanding houses - he couldn't see. It was too far, too far to see if Kacchan's house was rubble or if it was just caught in the blackout.
Izuku took off down the stairs. He didn't think about the fact every apartment that bordered them was either rubble, missing or silent. Kacchan had to be ok.
Kacchan was never quiet.
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Lie to Me (Ch. 10 of ?)
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Genre/Ratings: M eventually (aiming for a slow burn here); warnings for kidnapping and subsequent anxiety/PTSD (will be marked before every chapter)
Words: 2800
Summary: If you had to guess what the captured, traitor, trickster god Loki Laufeyson wanted or needed at this moment, a babysitter would be far, far down on the list. (Set after the events of Avengers 1.)
SHOUTOUT TO @molmcb and @jessiejunebug for their constant loveliness
Requested Tags: @deraniel @iamverity @yasnooshka24@wegingerangelica@themusingsofmany @dark-night-sky-99 @tarynkauai@stuffandstuff-stuffand the total sweetie @angelicshinigami @my-current-fandom-is @geekysimmerthings
WARNING: I have an extremely basic white girl taste in music. Rather than actual classics, I decided to stick with what I know, because I personally think it’s funnier to imagine Loki reacting to Kesha than the Beatles. Please do not scream at me for my horrible taste in music. I know it’s mainstream. But also you can pry my all consuming love for TSwift out of my cold, dead hands, okay thank you for coming to my TEDTalk
Something you’ve come to like about Loki is that he can appreciate silence.
Everyone seems to think that two people sitting quietly has to be awkward; something to avoid- but really, there’s nothing better than being in a room with someone, each doing their own thing, but enjoying the other person’s presence nonetheless. It’s a kind of comfortable that only comes with a severe amount of trust in the soul sitting across from you. Trust that you aren’t simply something to entertain them, or a mouth to keep them occupied- they like you even if all they’re doing is watching your eyebrows quirk as you read a particularly fascinating novel.
Sure, most of your visits are still full of back-and-forth bickering that could rival a fifties sitcom- you never seem to run out of things to talk about- but some days, when he can tell you’ve had a row you’d really rather not discuss, or you know he’s simply not in the headspace to chat, the two of you will simply sit and be. You’ll page through a book or scribble down some thoughts on your notepad while he laces and unlaced his long fingers into intricate patterns, content to sift through his thoughts.
Though you do mark down a note to talk to someone about getting him a few books. He’s got to be bored in there.
To your surprise, these quiet days quickly become your favorites because as much as you love his twisted sense of sarcasm, you like his singing voice more.
Sometimes, Loki will hum.
It’s always very quiet, under his breath, and most of the time you think he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. But every so often you’ll pause from whatever you’re doing to listen to the faint melodies coming from his cell. It’s never anything you’ve heard before, and the music is hopeful and happy and tragic and uplifting all at once, the kind of thing that makes you want to smile and cry at the same time. They must be from Asgard, because you doubt any music from Earth could ever sound like this.
You never mention it, though. You’re afraid if you call attention to it, he’ll stop, and the songs seem to give him a small bit of joy in his lonely bubble of isolation. You’d never want to take that away from him.
Today, rather than reading, you’ve got your arms curled up underneath your head and are fighting (and mostly failing) to keep your eyes open. You got caught up on a project last night and didn’t even realize what time it was until he sun was peeking through your curtains, leaving you to chug several cups of coffee and hope for the best.
But Loki is humming and the music is making you drowsy and warm which is not a great combination for wanting to stay awake. For his part, he doesn’t tease you about very obviously falling asleep on your desk, which you appreciate- you’re pretty sure any comebacks thought up right now would be incredibly lame
“ ‘S pretty,” you mumble, trying to blink the blurriness out of your eyes. Ugh. You hate all-nighters.
“You have a pretty voice.”
He doesn’t respond for a minute- though that might have been because you fell asleep for a second- but eventually he just chuckles briefly. “Thank you, I suppose. It does tend to be part of my appeal.”
“Your singing voice, stupid. It’s pretty.” A yawn nearly splits your face in half, and you blink at him blearily.
“When have you ever heard me sing?”
“Well you hum. Same thing. ‘S nice. Never heard it before.”
“I see.” He lapses into silence, and you frown.
“Well don’t stop.”
“I- I am not sure I even know what I was humming.”
You grumble, frustrated. “It was like-” you lilt into a vague approximation of one of his songs, the one that makes you think of a sunflower field on a misty day. “Like that. Kind of.”
Now he properly laughs. “I apologize, I don’t believe I can recreate… whatever it is you just pulled out of your sleep-addled brain.”
“Never said I was a singer.” Another yawn. “Sing something else then.”
“The Witling is quite pushy when exhausted,” he says amused. “Noted.”
“Shu’ up.” With a huff, your head is back in the crook of your elbow. “Why do I even like you.”
“For lullabies, apparently.”
You don’t quite catch that bit, as the drowsiness has finally caught up with you- your eyes close, you curl yourself into a more comfortable position. Loki stares at you, somewhat amazed that you feel comfortable enough to be so vulnerable with him in the room. You look peaceful, content- something warm sparks in him. “It was something my mother sang me, when I was young,” he admits, when he knows for sure you can’t hear. “I seem to recall it chased away nightmares quite effectively.”
But he does start up his lullaby again. It pulls on the homesickness in his chest, but it also makes you smile softly in your sleep.
You dream of sunflowers.
“Okay, since I basically forced you to culture me on Asgardian music-”
“I believe you underestimate your incredibly rude demands.”
“I- I was half asleep! I wasn’t trying to on purpose-” you stop when Loki grins, making it obvious that he’s only teasing you. You huff. “Whatever. You suck. Don’t interrupt. Since I basically forced you to culture me on Asgardian music-” you pull out your phone and plunk it on the table. “I’m going to culture you in some Midgardian music.”
“I… see…”
“Don’t look so terrified, I’m not going to subject you to screamo headbangers or anything.” Loki gives you a look, the one that says what on Midgard are you talking about, you strange mortal. “I’m going to start you off with the classics.”
“Be still my beating heart.”
“I know, you should be grateful. My taste in music is the epitome of class and excellence.”
“…of course.”
You pull your phone out of your pocket and flick through your playlists, wondering what to dive into first. “Are you feeling something upbeat or angsty?”
Loki snorts, which is hilariously undignified for him. “I defer to your judgement.”
“A wise choice.” After a few flicks of the screen, you turn your volume up to full blast and sit back to listen.
“I got too many people… got left to prove wrong…”
Serene acoustic guitar washes through the room, and you drum your fingers on your thigh in time to Kesha’s voice. “Don’t let the bastards get you down…”
Loki raises an eyebrow. “Is this your way of attempting to be inspirational?”
You grin at him. “I thought it’d be uplifting.” “Been underestimated… my entire life…”
Once that song is over, you scroll a bit and click to a more techno, pop-y sounding beat. “I knew you were trouble when you walked in…” Again, he stares at you from behind the glass. “What? It’s a great song! One of her best!”
He wrinkles his nose. “Beyond the obvious message…. I do not believe I’m a fan.”
“Hm. Your loss. Honestly I’m disappointed I didn’t name you Trouble instead of Trickster, this would be a perfect theme song for you.” At his death glare, you hold your hands up, giggling. “Okay, okay! Next one…”
You roll through a couple of P!nk’s newer works, guessing he might appreciate the poetic lyrics, and then just because you want to you throw in a couple K-Pop groups, and then asked him for translations on the songs you’ve never bothered to google. “And this is currently the quintessential Midgardian music experience.” The first few strains of the goddamn song nobody can get out of their heads, Let it Go, begins to play. “It’s from a musical called Frozen, based on the old fairytale The Snow Queen.” You wiggle your eyebrows at him suggestively. “Magical ice powers, frozen hearts. The whole shebang.”
His eye rolls are really something spectacular. “Fascinating.”
“I just thought you’d appreciate the theme!”
He tilts his head. “Am I missing a joke, Witling?”
You grin at him. “You know, being a frost giant and all. I thought you could really, I dunno, empathize?”
Loki- well, Loki does something, something you can’t quite describe other than a  complete and systematic mass shutdown. It’s like his very soul suddenly ascends and leaves behind a body that can do nothing but breathe and blink. His eyes go opaque, and even the casual tapping and twitching of his fingers stutters and then stills. He practically disappears in front of your very eyes, as invisible as a person can be behind a pane of glass. Something in your stomach immediately turns. “Um, Loki? You okay?”
“How did you know that.” His voice is toneless, and quieter than you’ve ever heard it, even in those beginning days where he did nothing but huff and sigh at your existence.
You’re confused, but more than that, you’re frantically wondering what you did to cause such anguish to appear on his face. “How did I know…? I don’t know what you mean.”
“That I- I’m not-” he takes a breath, and it shudders out of him so achingly slowly something about it breaks your heart. “A frost giant.”
“How did I know that…you’re a frost giant…? I mean, like everything else we knew about you, from old poems and stories…” there’s a flare of anger in his eyes that scares you. “Is that- is that not good?”
“You say you knew this from the old stories?” His voice is still quiet, but now there’s something simmering beneath it.
“Yeah. The Poetic Edda and all that. I think they’re described as a race in Beowulf which is like, freshman English 101.” Silence. Heavy, stifling, suffocating silence. Your chest heaves from the pressure of it. “Loki? You’re scaring me here.”
The life crashes back into him all at once, and he’s suddenly as hot and dangerous as a flare lit to explode. “You knew this?” He roars, up on his feet and practically vibrating with intensity. His glare pins you to your seat. “You knew- the pathetic Midgardians, of all the races in the galaxy, knew my own secrets before even I?” He laughs violently, his entire body shaking with the force of it. “Of course they did! Because what luck would the universe afford me other than heinous? Other than disgusting-” his cot gets thrown from its position in the corner to the other side of his cell- “rotted-” his hands clench; knuckles white- “fate!” He stands amid the small chaos he’s created, heaving, eyes wild and looking for something to destroy.
You’ve curled yourself up a small as possible, watching the scene unfold with your heart in your throat. “Loki?” You whisper, not noticing a small tear drip onto your cheek. “I’m- I’m sorry. I don’t know what I said but I’m so sorry-”
When he whirls on you, notices your wide eyes, a little of his rage dissipates. “No, Witling, it is not-” he groans, clearly frustrated, and runs his fingers through his hair to direct his anger somewhere other than you. “You did nothing, other than confirm that the world is infinitely cruel.” His laugh is darker this time, more bitter. “That is a not a new lesson to me, have no fear.”
“I- I don’t understand.”
“I do not see how you would.” He looks away, but you get the idea that he’s tying to avoid his own reflection rather than you. His hands clench and unclench.  “I am not sure how your poets came upon such knowledge, but it becomes more and more clear that their sources outrank even my own.”
Realization smack you so suddenly there’s a physical sting on your cheek. “You… you didn’t know. You didn’t know?” How is that even possible?
He grimaces. “Not until a scant year ago.”
You stare at him. “You didn’t know that you were a frost giant until a year ago.” He opens his mouth to say something scathing about your parroting habit, but you cut him off. “Sorry, I’m sorry, I just- how? Why?”
“Why does Odin do anything?” He snarls. “To manipulate. To lie. To raise torment.”
His tone is cutting, but his eyes are lost. Despite the anger radiating off of him in waves, he stands in his white cell alone, adrift, with nothing to anchor him. Ever so slowly, you push back your chair and stand- he eyes you like a caged animal, which is all too accurate to his situation- and walk to him, gauging his reaction as you go. He only watches, so you eventually get close enough to reach out and touch the glass in front of you. You can’t offer anything but that. “Tell me?”
Loki’s sigh caries millennia of unspoken stories. “I would not tell a tale you already know.”
You shake your head a little. “I think I’m realizing we never knew the first thing about you.”
He looks at you for a moment, apparently weighing your words. “It is quite simple. On a mission to slaughter the Jotunn, my father came across an abandoned child in the middle of the battlefield. He concealed its nature and brought it to Asgard to raise in hopes of one day using it as a bargaining chip for peace.”
It. He speaks of himself like a thing, not a person. “Why did he never tell you?”
“Because it would have risked disloyalty, and crippled his plans.” His eyes darken. “If I had realized sooner that I could never take the throne, never truly be a prince of Asgard…” he doesn’t finish his sentence, but you can guess the sentiment.
“He used you.” The simple fact hangs naked in the air, a revelation for you but old news to the god in the cell.
“From the day he spotted me. I was never more than a pawn to him.”
“But didn’t you look different?” You blurt out, trying to wrap your head around the inconsequential details in order to ignore the more painful implications. “I mean- I don’t know what frost giants- Jotunn- look like, really, but…”
He does smile a little at that. “Magic mimics, and illusions are quite easy to conjure. I imagine my subconscious did the work for me.”
“Oh.” You glance at the cuffs on his wrists. “Do they not do anything then?”
“I assure you they work properly,” he sighs. “I would assume Midgardian technology is not capable of suppressing every ounce of magic I possess.”
Your finger traces an outline of his manacles on the glass, leaving smudges. “I’m so sorry.”
Loki looks at you. “It’s ancient history, Witling.”
“How can you say that? Of course it’s not!”
“I realized my father’s love was conditional very quickly, even if I did not know why. I have had a century to deal with the fallout.”
“That- doesn’t make me feel better.” You cross your arms, desperately searching for solid footing. “So you were alone?”
“No.” His voice softens. “My mother- she loved me as a mother should. I do not think I would have survived without her.”
The both of you stand quietly for a minute as your world resettles on its axis. Loki eventually rights his cot and sits down on it, waiting for you to speak first.
“I bet you’re beautiful.” He looks at you, confused. “I mean your other form- self? Carvings aren’t very detailed, most people said the Jotunn were fiercely stunning.”
“Jotunn are monsters, Witling. The things you tell your children of at night. There is nothing beautiful about me.”
“You aren’t a monster.”
“The stories would say otherwise.”
“Well then maybe the stories are wrong,” you say harshly. His eyes meet yours, vulnerable. “Because I know monsters, Loki, I have plenty of my own. You do not share their face, believe me.” He doesn’t seem to know what to make of that- he seems caught between denial and disbelief. “Tell me about your mother.”
So he does. He tells you of her never ending patience when his burgeoning magic was more hinderance than help, and how her healing hands could stitch together even the most dire of wounds. How she could rein in Odin’s temper and even change his mind in the dead of night. How she would know exactly where he would hide when he was upset, and leave a mark or sign so he would know he wasn’t alone.
With every story, his sadness seems to chip away, and his anger fades. Your heart is still crying, but you’ve at least pulled yourself together enough for the tears to dry up, and smile and encourage Loki to keep going whenever he hesitates.
Throughout it all, you murmur small thank-you’s to Frigga in the back of your mind, for carrying him through when you couldn’t.
A/N: Get it? Because they dated for like three weeks and everyone thought it was strange?
Guys. I have two chapters left. TWO. And they’re not hard chapters. So why have I been staring at them for a week not able to write either of them??? BLERGH. 
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chiefmauskateer · 5 years
Live blogging Eurovision not live
I ended up staying 12 hours at a board game thing so I missed Eurovision.
1. Eurgh this opening nonsense.
2. Hah, Heathrow drones
3. I would buy Malta's song for my car playlist. Good for her going for first and doing well.
4. These postcard things are so weird
5. Good lord her skin-to-dress transition is as as smooth as a cartoon drawing. O.o
6. I don't think Albania will break the curse of slot 2.
7. I think that is an illusion neckline? I am finding this woman's chest overly fascinating. 🤔 #whysosmooth #sounmoving
8. Will I like it Graham? Will I? Oh no. Maybe I will. I apologise for questioning you. Oh BLESS little Czech Republic singer's I'm-posh-trying-to-sound-cool English accent. This makes good noises for sitting in bars and stuff you know?
9. Yeah.. there is a reason the UK pay to skip the semis though isn't there, Graham?
10. Omg is Germany singing from the position of the UK? I hope so. I quite like their song - not necessarily their voices. I wish I should bob along to music like that and look as cool. 🙁
11. I am trying to remember whether Russia does well with public votes. Oh Graham implied they do. Oh. A ballad? Yay. I hope this build up actually builds. Ok mirrors.
12. 😲 The reflection moved itself! Lol shower door.
13. Visually very good Russia. Well done. The song is nice and edgy too. Great voice.
14. Omg I recognised Gautier from Big in France 🤣
15. "FLYING! WE ALL HOPE TO DO TO FLY!" "Let's fly! Yes!" - the penny dropped at that moment.
16. I got bored of Denmark and went to talk to my husband about Albania's illusion neckline. Now it is a man telling me to say Na na na. It is lovely and camp. Just missing some oomph vocally.
17. I didn't know Macedonia was split somehow? #whyishouldpayattentiontothenews
18. You have got me ready for this song Graham, I had better like it.
19. Good voice. I can tell from the dress - unless she tears the skirt away - that this will be a long number. 😐 Yep. Too repetitive for me. You let me down Graham.
20. Omg yes! He is a disappointing Jeff Goldblum, I just didn't want to say it first.
21. Sweden helped cowrite our song? Is that an indication of whether I will like theirs or evidence of sabotage? 🤣
22. Sabotage.
23. He could serenade me. 😘 He is fucking gorgeous.
24. Oooooo that wink! Take me now.
25. Michael Rice. Oh dear even his name sounds a bit naff. Despite Tim Rice being awesome.
26. Slovenia are wearing white. Love the late-90s/00s pop vibes. I don't think that guitar is making any sound though. Is this song about how she loves the lead guitarist of a band but he is too aloof and she is just a sweet naive fangirl? Just going by the fact this is not a duet and she doesn't take her eyes off him except when she closes them with quiet emotion.
24. Oh no I needed a bigger kiss than that for that song.
25. West Wickham? That is the village next to my home village! Woo tiny shout-out!
26. Standing up costume? Excellent.
27. Oh my. Has she any circulation in her legs? Maybe they work like flight socks.
28. Husband came in to tell me about UK sex workers from what he learned from PhilosophyTube and then she took off the jacket. 😆
28. She has such teeny hips.
29. Ok. So is the Netherlands the one that sparks joy or the one that did not? #mariekondomemespoilers
30. The vocals for the chorus is potentially sparking joy but I need it to build through the verses too.
31. Greece sounds like I do when I have my tooth guard in.
32. Just sing in your own languages. That is what is awesome about variety.
33. Good song though. Just not sure about the squawking and screeching between things?
34. Must be hard for Graham, knowing what each act is like already, praying for something amazingly good or amazingly bad to happen live.
35. Ah Israel is recycling Russia's mirror panels.
36. Bleurgh he does NOT have a good voice Graham. It is all throaty and weird. I don't understand what he is doing with his air. I don't think he is singing at a comfortable pitch either.
37. Oh I see it is because he actually cried? No wonder his voice wasn't working properly.
38. Norway's postcard already makes me fills me with hope. Ooo obscure language? Awesome.
39. Very cool. Love it. About time we had uplifting. Omg the dude with the obscure language job is hilariously brilliant. Oh yes! I love it. The subtitles can't cope hah. I would buy this one too. 💙 Love the origami spirit animals
40. Michael is the most British looking lad tho isn't he? Going for Will Young vocal stylings. The song is ok... Just doesn't have the Welly it needs to do really well. Hah there is the Swedish act's writing influence.
41. Awww what a sweet boy hah.
42. "If you win tonight will you come back?" "Hahahaha.... Ha... *Definite hesitation and inner tears*" "SAY YES" "OH! YES! 😬"
43. ICELAND. "Put granny in the hall and a blanket over the budgy cage" 🤣 omg. What is this? 😂 He is dressed like a dremora from Oblivion. Sing/shouts like one too. 😂
44. My meniere's would not cope if I was in the studio for this song. The strobes are even affecting how they look on screen.
45. "Iceland. They have very long winters. I would be angry too."
46. It is always weird when singers' eyes follow the camera panning sideways.
47. Ooo this chorus has promise. Camp and build it up Estonia. Do it.
48. No not like that.
49. Where does that guitar come from and go too?!
50. "She is just 16 years old. It's good to get some things over with early. Get on with the rest of your life". Yikes.
51. Just wear fitted trousers. More comfy than this boots and give the same visual effect. 🤷
51. I am always really uncomfortable with young teen stars singing about sexytimes like that. 😬
52. Azerbaijan usually pulls out a good one. Ok a good beat. Laser robots! 🤖 awesome a heartbreak song. The sort you can remix for clubs or have in the background of shops and hair salons.
53. Alexander McQueen robots?! Pricey
54. Graham: France has entertained. Diverse dancers is cool. Shame about the song.
55. Oh yes. I agree from a musical stance but visually brilliant and definitely a crowd pleaser despite the lack of bite to the tune and vocals.
56. I mean Graham. Look and listen to the vibe had gone for. That is why he went for the docks.
57. This would be good for Zumba.
58. Serbia's postcard music is fun. Hope it translates into the performance. Oh now I have to look at her dress. Oh. Yes. I see what you mean. Serbia's postcard music did NOT translate into the performance. 😑
59. That small bit of air guitar could have gone somewhere far cooler. 🙄 Instead we got a tiny bit of guitar and back to the way of the song with swirly galaxy effects.
60. Nice Swiss man is nice to look at. Song has a promising vibe too. Woo sex pop song.
61. Another goodun for Zumba.
62. Well done Australia! What a great performance 👏👏
63. "if Australia win it will still be hosted in Europe" - ok but is Tel Aviv in Europe?
64. Spain is fun.
65. Right. I don't know yet who won... Hm. I think Sweden, Spain, Russia and Australia stand a good chance from the audience vote.
I think I would have voted Sweden. And Cyprus, actually. And Australia. And Norway.
Basically spent quite a bit of money. 🤐
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yeonjuns-croptop · 3 years
Review: 'The Chaos Chapter: Freeze' by TXT
Just my thoughts while listening to the songs for the first time^^
1. Anti-Romantic:
Ohhh i like this especially the instrumental it's calm but amazing? The chorus oh wow interesting but not bad i like it it's not boring and nice to listen to^^
2. 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You):
I loved this from the first second lmao. It's an amazing song the concept is really dope and it just looks amazing. I like the vibe in the mv a lot with the mics and stuff. It's an amazing song hands down.
3. Magic:
Oh funky. Instant headbopping lol. I kinda like this maybe a few more listens needed for me haha but it's like not bad for me it switches between parts i really like and some i have to get used to? Smth like that haha not sure how i feel about the chanting at the end
4. Ice Cream:
Oh what is this o.O calmer song again ig not that that's bad i don't think i like that song that much not really my style tbh haha
5. Balance Game:
Good? Not sure if i like the autotune here tbh not much to say
6. No Rules:
Sounds fun^^ Follow up to New Rules? I like this a lot yeah makes me wanna dance has 'could play on the radio on repeat' vibes but not in a bad way hope this has a performance/choreo i'd like to see it
7. Dear Sputnik:
Reminds me of smth idk what but it sounds nice^^ the chorus has more energy but excited calm energy? Idk it sounds uplifting and vibey but very subdued? Smth feels like it's missing in the chorus the vibe i'd expect for it doesn't quite translate but that could just be me. But it's a good song.
8. Frost:
Wtf is that start?????? Very simplistic the instrumental in the beginning but sounds like a big vibe. Similar vibe to 0X1=Lovesong? The chorus hm a few listens and i'll like it. The verses are very nice tho as well as the prechorus the goodbye in the end was cute
Mixed? Some very very good songs and some i might have to listen to a few times to warm up (this is not a bad thing this happens a lot to me even with songs i now really love).
I like anti-romantic and 0X1=Lovesong probably the most rn.
I will ofc buy the album but idk which version yet (the pain i experience every time :))
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