#....... i might have neglected one actual request in order to do this. i apologise
skyberia · 1 year
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cool kids (and theo)
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Hello, El! I hope you're doing well. Can I ask imagine for Fyodor, pm!Dazai, Fukuzawa, Mori (separately) and their fem!s/o? They were busy for quite a long time and didn't pay attention to their s/o (close to ignoring). When they got free, they really, really wanted attention from their s/o, but she was offended and did not pay attention to them, going about her business (reading, drawing, watching a movie, etc.). How will guys make amends to get the desired attention from her beloved? Please.
Hey 😊 Two things first: next time, please check if requests are open (because currently they are only open for my event) as well as my rules (i have a character limit of 3). However, I really like the request and you were very polite, so I decided to still write it.
Fedya x gn!reader, pm!dazai x gn!reader, fukzawa x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: neglectful behaviour, comfort, slightly toxic relationships (Fedya, pm!dazai)
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Fyodor can get very immersed in a task
So him not paying you any attention - even ignoring you when you're in the room or talking with him - isn't all that uncommon
You hate every time it happens, but usually it just takes a few days, then he'll spoil you (no doubt to shut up your complains)
However, it's been two weeks now and in order to distract yourself you had picked up some new hobbies you had been interested in trying for a while
Imagine your surprise when Fedya finally comes out of his office to just silently stand a few metres away from you, simply watching you do
However, he realises quickly that you aren't even acknowledging his presence
So he'll start by sweet talking you after standing in your silence for well over ten minutes (he honestly just wants to cuddle. As much as he pretends that it isn't the case, he is actually pretty touch-starved)
But you don't reply
His fingers twitch
He wants so desperately to ignore you, or be cruel until you break and fling yourself into his arms begging for affection
But he is smart enough to realise that this wouldn't work - that this might even make everything worse
So he sighs and sits down behind you, hands carressing your shoulder and the top of your head and asking you "Myshka, I know I was quite neglectful. Would you still tell me of what you are doing?"
He doesn't apologise, and he barely even acknowledges that he's done something wrong, but his soft voice and gentle touch is enough to make you realise that he is sorry and that at the end of the day he needs you as much as you need him
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He's also one that might ignore you if work gets too much
However, he doesn't get so immersed that he won't notice you
He might snap at you, I'm sorry 🥺
And, while he will (most likely) not target any of your insecurities, he will make jabs at you that make you shut up and shun him until he's in a better mood
Usually, he comes to apologise a few hours later, pout on his lips and stretching his arms out for you to cuddle into his embrace
However, this mission is a whole lot more complicated and he's blown you off several times already
So in the end you decided it would be better to do your own thing for a while
When he is finally done, he doesn't even realise that he had blown you off for an entire week instead of only one day as usual
He has his usual pout on his lips and is waiting for his hug
He frowns when you don't even seem to notice him
He coughs, but you don't even flinch
That's when he starts coming closer, pressing sweet kisses to your neck and apologising after every one, though if you look closely, you can see that his eyes are calculating
He knows exactly what he has to do to get you back into his arms
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Honestly the least toxic out of the three
His office is away from your apartment, so he's essentially just doing a lot of overtime over the week
He had already warned you about it, but now that it was actually happening, you couldn't help but miss him
That's why you visited him every day, bringing him food and at least pressing a kiss to his cheek
You always tried to get him to take a break - at least for five minutes - but he never budged
Also! Unlike the others he actually acknowledges your presence
He won't be able to hold a conversation though
He does try to answer you whenever you speak, but you can always tell that he isn't quite listening
Unfortunetely, right when he had finished his week of horror, you had to go into overtime for your work as well
However, he made short shrift of it
Such a hypocrite
Won't take a break himself, but forces you to take one
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Suits 1 x 08 Analysis Part IV
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After the failed father-daughter reconciliation, we are once again treated to Harvey Specter scapegoating Louis Litt who, to his credit, had attempted a reconciliation with Perkins’ grieving widow. Poorly-timed? Of course. 
But coming with flowers is far better than pretending to lead a charitable organisation in order to extort information from a widow. Does Harvey Specter know any better? And then: “You need to get your shit together and find us a new witness.”, but no attempt made on Harvey’s part to share information so that they can work efficiently together. 
I don’t intend to excuse the volumes of sins that Louis Litt commits, nor to say that they have an understandable cause. The more I have watched since then, the more I blame Jessica Pearson for the eventual rupture-- almost more than I blame Harvey Specter. 
However, the latter deserves more censure for his own arrogance, manipulation, and scapegoating of Louis Litt. It isn’t sufficient that he was made Senior Partner (through blackmail in 1 x 01); he has to rub it into Louis’ face on a daily basis for no good reason other than to convince himself he is the best-- even though Louis probably works harder than he does. 
Now we come to a turning point scene between Michael and Lola. 
The first thing to notice is that Lola Jensen completely takes Michael Ross by surprise when she shows up at his apartment. How she discovered his address is never mentioned, although we must assume by now that she is more than adept at seeking out classified information. 
But again, you need to watch Michael’s reaction and how irrational it is:
[Lola] “Wanted to apologise for earlier today. Can I come in?”
The first question Michael should have asked was, “How did you get my address?” 
Whilst a lawyer has the right to request sensitive information from his or her client, protected by attorney-client privilege, can a client do the same in reverse? Not to mention the fact that Lola isn’t even a client. So that leaves us with two potential options: either Michael gave her his address, which I consider unlikely, or she used underhand means of seeking this information. I don’t think Jerome Jensen knew his address, and there would be no reason for her to request this off Harvey, since that would reveal her hand. 
Furthermore, we know that Harvey dislikes her, although no indication is given why. More on that in the subsequent installment. 
So, this leaves the real option that Lola has looked into him. Michael doesn’t ask this obvious question. Why?
He is thoroughly disarmed by her. 
The second question should have been, “What are you doing here?”, which is of course answered by her announcement. Instead he just says her name. 
Notice that he uses her first name, not “Miss Jensen”-- far more appropriate for the kind of relationship between them. Why? He is still in “save the lost, sweet Girl” mode. 
The third question should have been, “What are you doing here at this time of night?” Sure, Michael often has to work late at the office, so she made a reasonable guess. But the lateness of the visit cannot bode well and Michael Ross of all people should constantly be suspicious when he gets late-night calls, as the Trevor travesties have demonstrated. 
Three crucial questions ignored in favour of surprise. That is to say, he is surprised she came back to him after ignoring his earlier summons. 
[Lola] “Can I come in?”
[Michael] “Er yeah; of course.”
Serious error of judgement!
Am I the only one who considers this inappropriate? Quite apart from the fact that she is a lone female entering his apartment at night, she is also the daughter of a longtime Pearson Hardman client. Isn’t he compromising his integrity so far? He has clearly allowed a great deal of emotional attachment to cloud his judgement and thus leading him to make such a decision. 
If someone had called me an “empty suit” and then ruined my attempts to forge a reconciliation between them and their father, the last place I would want to see them was at my house! What could we possibly have to discuss? 
What could Michael possibly say to Lola that couldn’t be said at the office? Remember, Lola said that she wanted to apologise for her behaviour earlier. Does she need to enter his apartment to do that? Does she even need to visit his house? (Yes, I know what happens afterwards, but I have to reason the case from Michael’s perspective to demonstrate his unusually attached behaviour concerning Lola). Michael does not even say that she should apologise to her father instead of to him-- after all, he is nothing more than a mediator. 
Instead, he allows her into his apartment. “Of course,” he says, although he is obliged to do so. 
Why does Michael Ross do this?
He thinks Lola is back on his side, has somehow been brought to reason, that maybe he can salvage something from the ashes and prove himself again. 
[Lola] “Nice gesture, Temple Gardens?”
Notice that whilst she is saying this, Michael Ross shuts the door behind her. Why? An apology won’t take that long. 
[Michael] “You said it was a pretty special place for you guys.”
She did? 
Folks, think about what this implies. That Lola, after her sulky and contemptuous introduction, was willing to volunteer sensitive information about her childhood implies that she intended to cooperate with Michael Ross-- but why? Evidently, she wanted to confront her father. However, that would put the episode out of sync with her later outrage that her father hadn’t called her personally. It would have been telling to see this scene between Michael and Lola-- how he managed to track her down again after their disastrous first meeting and how he offered her hope of reconciliation. 
Michael going out of his way to find a special place that would soften Lola’s heart shows a deliberate and unusual level of consideration. After all, Jerome tried to get his family problems solved by walking into a lawyer’s office and getting lawyers to chase his daughter down. They could have had this meeting in one of Pearson Hardman’s many offices. Again, I am inclined to think that this gesture was aimed entirely at Lola, particularly since she gives him credit for it as shown earlier. 
Notice that Michael lets Lola walk in and stroll about in his apartment. 
Love the mini-Mike action figure. That’s cute. But Michael’s cute, anyway. 
[Lola] “It was-- but then he became CEO.”
Family issues, of course. Neglect, frustration, the works. Still not enough motivation for embezzlement, fraud, and cyber hacking. 
[Lola] “I must say, I was, uh, really impressed you figured out what I was doing... Especially since you’re not even a real lawyer!”
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you let sulky renegades into your apartment at night. 
Like a fish, Michael is caught.
But, we do get a hint of some other emotions behind Lola’s impenetrable façade. We now know that quite apart from her nonchalance when Michael caught her at Columbia, she was not alarmed, but impressed! She has finally met her match; someone has thrown a spanner in her works. 
[Lola] “I accessed Harvard Law School’s Alumni directory; every class that graduated for the last 10 years. No record of Mike Ross at all.”
In retrospect, one should hardly be surprised that Lola Jensen would look into Michael Ross in the same way he did to her. 
But as I write this analysis, I suddenly ask myself why she looked up Harvard and how she was led to that conclusion. After all, the fact that Michael Ross is fiendishly clever does not mean that he must be a fake lawyer. She must have been searching for something to use as leverage against him, and then was struck by the lack of information available on him. 
This would mean, of course, that she was doubly impressed by his investigative skills, given that he had never sat the LSAT, let alone graduated from Harvard. 
[Michael] “Yeah, the Dean’s office was supposed to fix that; they put my name wrong in the system.”
Lamest excuse ever, and it’s a testament to how disarmed Michael is that he fails to grasp the intelligence of his foe. He already knows that she can hack into classified company data and he pulls the administrator error when she confronts him with evidence of his fraud? The man is thrashing around in an ocean here. Playing with forces he cannot understand. You have to sympathise with him, being outwitted by a sulky, sanctimonious university student (actual university student, one might add), whilst he stands in a t-shirt and jeans, struggling to gain the upper hand. 
[Lola] (pretends to laugh) “I checked your Social Security number against the database.”
[Michael] “How d’you get my Social Security number?”
[Lola] “Easily.”
Michael Ross looks terrified, as he well should. 
Now, a few things to discuss here. 
Anyone notice how quickly Lola jumps into her research after the failed meeting with her father? We are, of course, to assume that she came to his apartment on the very night. This suggests desperation. Although she credits Michael with making a “nice gesture”, she understands that he will not leave her alone. 
So, here’s my question: if this all pans out as the product of a broken father-daughter relationship, why does Lola then say this:
[Lola] “Here’s the deal: leave me alone, or I expose you.”
If what she wanted was a reunion with her father, then Michael is on her side. He’s even dredging up pleasant memories from her childhood to effect that reunion, letting her into his apartment, and obviously itching to try again. So why would she pull such a double whammy on the very night that he tries to heal the breach? 
Isn’t it evident that Lola sees Michael as a threat to her investigations and research, and will stifle her voice of protest against her father’s environmental damage if he continues to act for her father? That is the only plausible reason for her to blackmail him in this fashion. People don’t make such threats without strong cause. 
And notice the wording that Lola uses: “...leave ME alone, or I expose YOU.” The capitalised emphasis is my own. It’s a me versus you issue. She doesn’t tell him to drop the case with her father; she wants him off her tail, meaning he cannot expose her embezzlement. She has him in a headlock, a man she barely knows and for whom she has precious little time, let alone respect. 
For what rational reason would Lola stop Michael from trying to reconcile her and her father? None, of course. 
It’s all about Clarity Drilling and their destruction of the environment, thinking that settlements are sufficient to atone for such damage. 
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chocobo-sunshine · 8 years
I'm surprised you haven't been flooded with requests because you're a good writer. But if this hasn't been done already, if the main four turned evil/against the Light, how would they be? Would they still be able to love, etc?
First of all, thank you so much for your request ~.You see, I started this blog just three days ago, and I’m not even sure on how should I run this little piece of my soul. I only had two requests, and that was because I asked for it — still, I’m so happy I did because, as I said, I love to write, but it feels so much better when I get to do it for others, in order for them to read that.I’d like to apologise once more for my mistakes and repetitions, for English is not my first language.Thank you, again, I hope I don’t disappoint you in this. ♥(It took so long I didn’t post anything else in my blog today, I’m really so sorry. ;;I hope you like it, even though this is EXTREMELY harsh, I believe. Feel free to say to me “That sucks!”, ‘cause it really does.)
• PromptoI think he would be the most likely to fall in darkness. He has suffered so much in his life, all that pain and loneliness, but I feel he was at the limit of endurance. What if his heart stumbled for a moment too long? What if, in the moment where he was the most vulnerable, he decided to stop fighting and re-joined what was once fated to be his destiny?
He would succumb to his own mind tricking him, making him join the forces of Nifleheim as a Magitrooper, as he was once created for. He would be the most powerful of all those soulless robots, still carrying a sparkle of conscience within him, the one thing that makes him the most dangerous. For he was once human, he knows how to make them suffer, and cry, and scream, all under the freezing cold blue gaze of his eyes.
This would not be the real Prompto, though. It would be just as if he was trapped in a dark and cold cage, as if he found shelter in his own suffering. His mind would be quite entirely sealed away, letting his body and actions completely controllable. A puppet slipped in the grip of the wrong side of the chessboard.
Though he seems to have abandoned all trace of humanity, his heart would still be the one of the cheerful guy who smiled at his dark life, bearing it all without complaining. The strength deep inside him would never abandon him, or betray him. Just as his friends.
They would never cease to search for him, for their joyful Chocobo lover. They know they have to be four, the four of them, to be complete. Even when his actions began to slowly reveal his identity, they would never stop to care for him.
I believe Prompto’s heart would continue to love, if allowed to. And I believe his friends, his dearly beloved friends, would come up with a solution to bring him back, because that’s what, deep inside, Prompto wishes the most: his wrecked heart just needs to feel the joy of the sun again.
• IgnisThe gentle and clear-minded Ignis would not have turned against Light in his past, never. He was the most loyal, faithful to Noctis’s cause, and ready to give all he has to fight for it. Until the day he loses his sight.
Even if he never speak about it, even if he never, never, complains about it, it must be so hard for him. It must be difficult to rely only on his other senses when sight was his favourite one, it must be so painful to be forced to abandon the crystal clear sense of him, it must be so wrecking to feel to be a burden for everyone else, causing them so much trouble. It could have destroyed his mind.
The deep depression in which he fell when he realises he will not be the same again is nothing to be taken lightly. He is proud of what he did to fulfil his duty and let Noctis go on with his journey, but all that darkness around him is just too much. Not even his friends’ words can help him, nor the last glimmer of hope inside him can relieve his pain, and it just fades away.
His bad condition, though, never lets him go. He would just abandon the group, at some point, letting himself rest somewhere far from all kind of human contact.
He might be approached by Ardyn while living in his own suffering, and offered a brand new pair of fully functioning eyes. What does he have to lose, now?
Without anyone knowing it, or even suspect it, he would follow him, and get his new Magitek eyes — a dark crimson colour, but cloudy, reflecting his hollow soul.
He would start working for him. Ardyn surely knows how to talk to people, even more how to evaluate those whom he needs. Ignis, or what’s left of him, would just accept it, as he accept passively everything that happens at this point.
Not even when his life companions, always concerned for his condition, find him in Zagnautus, he turns back. He’s changed now, emptied from deep inside. He would never return the same again.
• GladiolusWhen he left the group to find a new strength, nobody ever thought he wouldn’t come back. Not the way he did, at least.
He never came back to his friends. They didn’t even try to contact him. But why would they? Gladio was the first one to leave, after all.
When Gladiolus, the ever courageous and fierce big guy, intended to protect the Prince, but also his friends, felt insecure and worthless for the first time in his life, he decided to leave the others, in order to became even stronger, and be able by then to protect his family.
Still, it felt strange. It was a brand new sensation for him, a horrendous sensation. He tried to get rid of it, fighting back the urge to scream and run away from everything, slaying every creature that happened to be in a bad place in the worst of times.
The irreparable happened when, travelling alone, he pushed himself nearly at the end of the known world. Nobody knows what occurred back then, but sure is that Gladio faced an incredibly strong and relentless opponent, who left tremendous scars painted on his whole body. He even nearly lose an arm for that fight, and only the Six know how he managed to stay alive at that juncture.
He prayed the Gods, as he never did before, but found himself neglected and abandoned. Nobody ever answered his angered screaming calls.
Once recovered, in the urge of becoming stronger, of proving his worth to the world, he lost sight of what was his first purpose. He became like a wild animal, careless of any living form. Only through slayer, he would relieve his anger, and that same anger pushed him even far beyond humanity, making him kill a hunter in his mission. He laughed on how easy it had been.
Darkness inside him started to take over him, and he became a true beast.
A true Daemon.
He now ravages the whole Eos, sowing dread and horror wherever he pass. The world now surely knows his strength.
• NoctisHe starts feeling himself falling when Luna dies.
He could bear the loss of his dad, his town, all he has known. He really could, he managed to. But when he hears Ignis stating her departure, he can’t help but feeling himself cracking. Literally.
Nothing is the same from now on, his thoughts constantly directed to the things he lost, more than those things he needs to take back.
He would continue on his journey, though, but he keeps failing. Ignis’s ruined, because he failed; Prompto’s lost, because he failed; Gladio’s in anger, of course.
Why would anyone have all those high expectation for him? He was chosen by the Crystal, yes, but was he really the Prince of Light that everyone awaited? “All this journey is just a swirl into pain”, he thinks, but he has to go on. At least, to regain what’s his.
… Even if not in the right way.
He’s determined to let it all come to an end, but he doesn’t believe in the Six nor in the Crystal anymore. He just loses faith in them, it’s not something that can be explained. Everything that happened to him conducted him not in gaining strength, but in accumulating regret and sorrow.
When it comes to take back the throne, he does defeat Ardyn, but… He just can’t feel like bringing back the dawn. Actually, there’s barely no one to enjoy it, so instead of dying, why don’t just live his life as the King of the Eternal Night? 
OH EM GEE This tourned out so much longer then expected
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Exactly How Does One Aid the Homeless?
A weird point took place to me a few days earlier. A girl placed an article on my face publication web page that simply stated "brrrr, it's 40 degrees here now." Jokingly I claimed it was additionally 40 degrees in Australia in some components, as that is the distinction between Celsius and also Fahrenheit. The girl responded with "yes, but I sleep in a tent since I am homeless". Then I saw her name as well as recognised an on the internet friend of some 10 to 12 years. I was ruined!
Not only did I feel ashamed but felt to quickly react and apologise. In conversation her story unfolded. She has been homeless for some 4 years and also while she is known to me and I can aid by elevating recognition it is a story that is manifesting in every western country where individuals are living on the streets. This girl is autistic, has chromic cardiac arrest, rheumatoid arthritis, and also a brain aneurism. Se is dangerously ill, alone, as well as desperate.
The number of people who are on the streets of our cities advocating help are primarily neglected by governments that downplay losing a lot of money on their own little rewards. In Australia, for example, the federal government has actually just discarded 122 million on a postal choose same-sex marriage. This was completely unnecessary as the parliament has to elect on it anyhow as well as can have carried out in the initial circumstances.
In the UK the government passed a bill enabling Trump to spend $10 billion on a wall surface that is racist, dissentious, and entirely unnecessary. The truths are that there are not many votes in assisting the homeless. Their predicament is ideal buried under the rug as well as not listened to. However what concerning the ones that are suffering?
Does anyone treatment? Yes, there is a huge response to the photo put up on face book of the above sufferer's living conditions. She rests under a plastic covering established like a tent. Her individual things are scattered anywhere because she has no furnishings or method of keeping them neat. She can't also keep them out of the rainfall or snow.
Aiding the Homeless Can Make a Substantial Difference
We see them daily in every major city on the planet. As we drive to function they exist at the entrances and exits to highways, indications around their neck requesting for a handout. We studiously neglect them and actually it has actually come to be an ability to not make eye contact though sometimes we just can not aid ourselves. We might comment to our fellow guests that the person is as well young to be homeless, that they must get a work and also make a good living.
Since what we lot of times do not see, except in third world countries are the kids of the homeless. They are living in cardboard http://shengrongdq.com/zeriansal8/post-assisting-your-neighborhood-50623.html boxes under the freeway walkways as well as gathering for heat around kerosene fires. These youngsters are truth targets of the current recession as well as the numbers of children that are homeless as well as underneath the hardship line is surprising in this, the treasures country worldwide. It is something to deny assistance to a homeless man as well as quite an additional to neglect the circumstances of these innocent children.
The only means to assisting the homeless is to develop companies that will certainly depend upon grants and financing from the government. Exclusive institutions, as philanthropic as they are, will never ever change financing from the general public.Helping the homeless will certainly cure lots of ills that befall out society. Firstly we can battle disease. Homeless individuals are many times extra vulnerable to getting and spreading out infectious conditions than people in the general populace. Homeless youngsters are at even higher risk given that they do not understand exactly how to properly clean themselves and also have no facilities to do so were they so experienced and also likely.
We need to develop caring and functioning homeless rescue shelters where homeless people can safely live as well as be looked after in an extensive, holistic and also long-term means. We can't simply give them a dish or more, tidy them up and send them back out to face the rigors of the road. In order to help homeless people we require to educate them, give them jobs, give medication as well as wellness services for them and treat them as if they were participants of our family members, which they are. Helping the homeless is our duty. We are all component of the mankind yet often it seems that the most privileged among us are one of the most tough hearted and also unconcerned.
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