#......fortunately things have slowly been getting less terrible. it kinda comes & goes in waves now
byanyan · 5 months
got a brand new weighted blanket today so i'm taking it for a test drive rn to soothe my anxiety as i finally crack my laptop open for the first time since sunday
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siren-dragon · 7 years
Long Live the King - (Ardyn Izunia x Reader) Ch. 3
Hey everyone, I’ve completed chapter 3, yay! ^_^
I’m sorry this took so long and that it is a little scattered, my brain has been fried in this intense heat-wave where I live. T_T (ugh, summer)
Anyway, here it is and please enjoy! :)
“One…two…three, push!”
You felt the car shift ever so slightly forward as the four boys began pushing the Regalia. It was an embarrassing situation to fall into, but nothing could be done about it. With the car broken down and no way of contacting Hammerhead for a tow; all that was left to do was push the vehicle yourselves. However, the boys refused to let you push alongside them, despite your protests, and instead had you sit in the driver seat to steer the car.
“Unbelievable,” Noctis grunted, sweat pouring from his face.
“We let ourselves get carried away.” Ignis added, pushing the bumper beside Gladio.
Prompto panted heavily, “look, these things happen.”
“Let’s just hope this isn’t some omen,” Gladio huffed out irritably.
“Are you all certain you don’t want my help?” You asked, watching the four struggles against the load. “We will arrive at Hammerhead much faster if we all push the Regalia.”
“Hey, you are helping (f/n),” Prompto grinned. “Someone has to steer the car.”
“Don’t worry (f/n), we’ve got this. Besides, you better enjoy the space while you can until you’re squeezed between Gladio and me again.”
You smiled, knowing all too well that it was now a matter of pride and manners for the four boys. “Very well then gentlemen, I will leave you to it. But I’m afraid we still have quite a while more until we reach Hammerhead.”
“Huh? Are you serious?! The map said that Hammerhead was right next door.” Prompto moaned in despair.
Gladio rolled his eyes. “Yeah it looks that way, on a map of the world.”
“The world is a big, old place,” Noctis sighed heavily.
“Filled with wonders,” you said, slowly turning the steering wheel of the car to prevent it from drifting off the road. It was a long way to Altissia; and you only hoped there were no more delays.
Upon arriving at Hammerhead, the news of the Regalia’s repairs was less than ideal, the work taking the rest of the funds that Cor had given the five of you. And with a lack of transportation and money, the situation had become dire. Fortunately, Cindy was kind enough to lend all of you some gil for the evening; making you sigh in relief at the possibility of staying at the caravan instead of in the outdoors. Ignis, ever the gentleman, refused to have a lady crammed into a tent amongst four men and had presented you with your own, smaller tent.
Though with the lack of funds, camping was going to be occurring more frequently if you could not earn money. So Noctis decided to accept Cindy’s offer of a hunt in exchange for a discount on the repairs.
“Wait a minute Miss!” Cindy called to you, causing you to look back. “Paw-Paw wanted ta speak with ya in the garage for a sec.”
“I guess…we’ll just head out and take care of the varmints ourselves then.” Prompto said, crossing his arms behind his head.
“The sooner we finish, the sooner we can leave. Will you be alright by yourself (f/n)?” Noctis asked.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “I will be fine. Do not forget I am a member of the Kingsglaive; I will be alright. But I ask you all to be safe out there, and come back soon.”
“You heard the lady, let’s go.” Gladio called to the other three, already making his way across the road.
Watching the boys leave until they vanished into the wilderness, you returned to the garage where Master Cid was currently sitting upon what appeared to be an ancient lawn chair. The old mechanic gave you a hard look, as if he was appraising your skill, before offering you a bottle of Jetty’s soda. “So, you the glaive Reggie sent,” it was not a question, but a statement.
“Yes, I am Lieutenant (f/n). Is there something you wished to speak with me about, Master Cid?”
Cid chuckled, “not in the slightest, girlie. I just don’t want ya interferin’ with my lesson for those boys is all.”
“You do not want me to assist them?”
“Look girlie, I know you’ve had a hard life. I can see it in yer eyes,” those words caused you to turn your gaze to the concrete pavement. “You know that life ain’t kind out ‘ere, somethin’ those boys need ta learn if they’re ta survive. And they ain’t gonna learn it if yer out there holdin’ their hand.”
“I see….” You whispered, twirling the Jetty’s bottle between your fingers.
“Best ta teach them now for it’s too late,” Cid grumbled, taking a swig from his own bottle. “It’d only be worse later.”
“I take it King Regis asked you to do so,” you smirked in good humor.
Cid let out a barking laugh. “Why do ya think he sent y’all ta me?”
The four did not return until the following morning, having been too far away to make it to Hammerhead before nightfall and instead camped at a nearby Haven. Prompto kept shouting about a giant bird that nearly killed Noctis while the prince corrected his friend’s exaggerated details. When the car was finally finished with its repairs, Prompto insisted on a photo with the Regalia before you all set out on the last leg of your journey within Lucis. When you looked at the photo with the five of you alongside the beautiful car, you insisted he make a copy for you, which the cheerful blonde happily promised.  
As you drove further south, the desert region of Leide soon began to melt away as the scent of salt danced across the breeze.
“Hey, I see the sea!” Prompto cried out in delight.
“I ‘see’ it too,” Noctis teased.
“That’s Galdin Quay.”
Gladio grinned, “kinda makes me want to go for a dip.”
“Is…that a big mountain behind it?”
You shook your head, “no, it’s an island called Angelgard.”
“No one goes to Galdin for an island though. They go to relax and get massages,” Prompto laughed.
“And savor the seafood, it’s famously delicious.” Ignis commented as the Regalia drifted down the hairpin turns to the shoreline.
“Looks like we’ll have to see it for ourselves.”
Slowly Ignis reversed the car into the nearest parking before cutting the engine. You exited the vehicle and couldn’t help the grin that spread across your lips. The sun shinned brightly upon the crystal blue water, making it sparkle like liquid sapphires. The scent of salt perfumed the air so heavily you could practically taste it upon your tongue as the wind blew back strands of your (h/c) hair. Having lived within Insomnia for 12 years now, the oceanic view was shockingly different from the metropolis skyline of the Crown-City, the peacefulness reminding you of the Royal Gardens that you missed terribly.
“It’s beautiful….” You whispered aloud.
“And yet by all accounts, it pales in comparison to Altissia,” Ignis spoke, locking the car doors.
“All we need is the ferry and we can see it for ourselves.” Gladio added as you all walked toward the pier.
The hotel was certainly expensive, if the well-dressed guests were anything to go by, making you feel out of place in your casual attire. Laughter echoed around the restaurant from visiting families while the scent of delicious seafood wafted through the air.
“I’m afraid you’re out of luck.”
You froze mid-step as if petrified by a Naga daemon, the warm atmosphere suddenly becoming colder than the Glacian’s cadaver. Slowly you lifted your eyes to the figure of your husband standing before you. He smiled mockingly to your companions until his eyes fell upon you.
All at once the world seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of you as golden eyes clashed with your own (e/c) eyes. It truly was him; the man who haunted your memories and plagued your dreams since the day you first met in those secluded gardens. Yet it felt as if you were gazing at him from across a yawning abyss; as if you were miles apart instead of 5 feet in front of each other. Despite how close you were, you felt further away from him than ever before.
Ardyn seemed to gaze at you in disbelief, his mouth parted ever so slightly in shock as a look of horror flittered briefly across his face. Though as quickly as the expression appeared, it was gone, hidden behind a façade of charm.
“The boats bring you here?” He spoke, his eyes still locked upon your form, as if he was speaking only to you.
“What about them?” Prompto asked nervously.
“Well, they’ll not take you forth.”
Gladio narrowed his eyes in suspicion, “and what’s your story?”
He smiled and walked past Noctis and yourself, “I’m an impatient traveler…ready to turn ship. Though the cease-fire is getting us no where.”
The chime of metal echoed through the air as Ardyn tossed a coin toward Noctis, Gladio managing to catch the piece of currency just before it hit the prince’s face. “What’s this? Some sort of souvenir?”
“Consider it your allowance~.”
“And who is it that is allowing us….” you spoke, your voice barely a whisper.
Ardyn allowed his eyes to settle upon you once more, a smirk twisting upon his face as he raised his arms in a dramatic manner. “A man of no consequence, my dear.”
As the five of you watched him depart, you felt your shoulders trembling with an emotion you had not felt for a very long time: fear. Again, you were left with more questions then answers, but you did know one key fact. Whoever that man was…it was most certainly not the Ardyn you knew.
No! No, No, NO!
Ardyn continued to pace restlessly within the confines of his personal airship, having just departed from the failed treaty signing within Insomnia. It was impossible! How could she, his beloved Queen, be alive?! Was this humorless jest a final act of spite for the Immortal Accursed?
He sat heavily upon one of the passenger chair’s, slamming his fist into the metal wall beside him. Ardyn refused to believe that it was truly you. He had suffered in darkness for too long to be fooled by a simple doppelganger of his love. And yet…perhaps it truly was you. How desperately he wanted to hold you in his arms, feel the warmth of your skin once more as you wrapped your arms around him. It was pathetic fantasy; but it also caused Ardyn to feel something he had not for a long time: hope.
“Fly to Galdin Quay,” Ardyn ordered.
The MT pilot simply nodded its mechanical head before turning the ship to the coast. Landing away from the resort, Ardyn disembarked the ship and warped stealthily to the shoreline. He hid in the shadows and waited in silence, waiting for you to appear. And at long last you came, leaning against the balcony of your suite, looking out to the ocean.
Your (h/c) hair fell in soft waves down your back as you began twisting it into a braid over your shoulder. Gone were your casual attire, instead dressed in a simple camisole with a pair of sleepwear shorts, allowing Ardyn a lovely view of your (s/c) legs. He would have stayed there for all eternity if he could have, the sight of you like a glass of water to his parched throat. Was it truly you? After so many years, did the gods finally decide to show mercy to his damned soul?
Ardyn searched through the pocket of his coat, carefully retrieving the object within. It was nothing more than a simple ocarina, ancient in it’s design but polished to perfection. He let his fingers trail across the porcelain instrument before turning his gaze to you once more as you retreated into the room. It would seem he would have to keep a closer eye upon the young prince and his merry band. Perhaps he had found his sweet nymph once more…
The sun shinned brightly across the morning sky, cherry blossom petals falling all around you. You walked across the familiar cobblestoned paths, humming softly as your fingers danced across the petals of the flowers you passed. Soon darkness clouded your vision, the rough skin of a man’s hand brushing against your eyes as a chuckle sounded in your ear.
“I thought I’d find you here, my dear.”
“Oh? And what would the King be searching for?” you giggled.
“A kiss, from the sweet nymph that has bewitched him.”
You lowered the hands covering your eyes and spun around, only to scream in horror. Dark, prominent veins was spread across too-pale skin, like cracks across a shattered mask. Black sludge poured from his eyes and mouth; his sclera now obsidian making it seem like his golden iris’ were glowing. “What is the matter, my dear? Does the darkness frighten you?”
Slowly you backed away from Ardyn as the garden began to fall into ruin. The plants perished as the shadows crept across the ground like a plague. He grinned at you like a couerl, taking hold of your wrist in a vice-grip and pulling you closer. “Together at last…how long I’ve waited….”
The shadows began clawing at your body until the floor collapsed beneath your feet, pulling you into oblivion….
You sat up in an instant, breathing heavily as you looked about the room with wide, terrified eyes. It was all…just a nightmare; nothing more.
“Are you alright (f/n)?” Prompto asked kindly from his seat on the armchair.
“Yes, I just had a…bad dream is all.” You answered, standing up and stretching your arms above your head. “Where is Ignis?”
“Looking for breakfast. Noct is still asleep, as usual.”
“I’m up now,” Noctis groaned, sitting up from his place on the bed.
Ignis returned to the room and looked toward Noctis with a look of pity and concern. Noctis frowned in confusion, “what’s with the look?”
He ignored Noctis’ question and handed the paper in his hand to you and Gladio. “It’s all over the papers…”
You glanced at the title and felt the blood leave your face at the headline: INSOMNIA FALLS!
And that is the end of the 3rd chapter! ^_^ Thank you to everyone who has read this story, I appreciate your support and so does @maty-yami.
I will try to finish the next chapter as quickly as possible, so please bear with me and I will do my best to write it as quickly as possible. So long!
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