cait-curious 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 18
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 18 (90in-game days). Changes from the round 17 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they had four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). Izzy passed away at home surrounded by her family. Currently her son Donald lives in the Goth Manor with his daughter Anna (born round 17) and his father, Ricky.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his fianc茅e, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario lives on his own following the death of his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they had three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16). Following Orlando's passing, Whitney adopted a child, Isaiah (born approximately round 16).
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora passed away at her home, the same day Danny's twins were born.
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have four children together: Natalie (born round 16), Danielle (born round 17), and twins Lia and Cornelius (born round 18). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they had two children together: twins Parker and Arthur (born round 17). Morty Goth died of old age.
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cait-curious 1 year
Luna Lothario graduated from Sim State University and celebrated by going out on the town with her boyfriend Gavin Newson.
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"What's the plan now that you're a real adult?" asked Gavin as they danced together in the bowling alley. "Well, I'm moving back in with my dad- he's really old now and wants to get everything settled with my inheritance." Gavin shook his head. "Must be nice being a Lothario. I guess you don't have to worry about work or anything." Luna held her head up high. "Actually, I already have a job. I was just hired on as the head of a local construction company." "Wait really?" Gavin was taken aback. "You literally just graduated!" "I know! But they said I had all the skills they were looking for in a leader." "Congrats babe. I'm really proud of you and everything you've accomplished."
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cait-curious 1 year
At Walter Cormier's house, he was still meeting women and going on dates.
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"So, what do you say- you, me, and... some hot-tub snorkeling?" Walter suggested.
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"Sounds good to me!" His date replied.
When the butler came to work the next day, he mentioned there was yet again a gift and a note left outside in the night.
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That outing yesterday was great! I thought I'd get you this Recalling Rug so you'd remember our fun time together!
"Okay, well," Walter and his butler looked at the rug. "At least this is something I can use. Put it in the hallway." "Very good sir."
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cait-curious 1 year
Toward the end of the round, the Grim Reaper came for Morty Goth- at only 89 days played, Morty did not live as long as his older sister.
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"Morty Goth," the Grim Reaper's voice boomed. "Your time is up." Grim held up an hourglass. "What?! That's not right. I need more time. More time!" Morty tried to grab the hourglass and shake it, as if to add more days to his life. "Your time is up," The Grim Reaper repeated. "You must come with me now."
Morty hung his head and followed into the ether. And with that, the last child of Mortimer Goth was gone.
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cait-curious 1 year
Morty invited his old friend Darryl to his house after work.
Their last meeting ended in a physical fight, and at first it seemed like this time wouldn't be any different.
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But Darryl and his wife Marsha had made up, and Morty was too busy with his twins to chase after anyone. So, things were better between them.
Parker and Arthur aged up to children. Arthur brought home a friend from school.
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It was Anna Cormier, who has met just about every child in Pleasantview. Anna doesn't know that Arthur and Parker are her grandmother's cousins, she just knows that she likes playing with them.
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cait-curious 1 year
Jane Stacks was struggling to raise her twin boys, but once they were old enough to go to school, it got a little better. With things going well at home, Jane and the boys decided to invite over their father, Danny, and his two oldest girls, for some summertime fun.
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The children all played water balloons together, screaming and running around the yard.
"Kids! Don't hit the gardener!" Jane yelled from the window. "Oh, don't worry about them," Danny said, also keeping an eye on the children. "They're all playing so nicely together." "I'm glad you brought them by," Jane said. "I'd love for them to grow up as good friends." "Me, too."
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cait-curious 1 year
Johnna Goth met a new recruit at work, Christian Broke. The two of them got along very well.
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"Thanks for coming over, Christian," Johnna said as she stroked his face. "You're a lot of fun." Christian had been really focused on his high school girlfriend Luna, and hadn't even considered dating anyone else. But now, after college, when Luna was playing the field, Christian was happy to spend time with an older woman. "You're a lot of fun too, Johnna," Christian said, their couch WooHoo still fresh on his mind.
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cait-curious 1 year
Things were very quiet with Shanna and Nick at the Lothario house. With Luna still in college, there wasn't much activity there.
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"How do you feel now that Isabella and Cora are gone?" Shanna asked her partner. "I feel pretty lonely," Nick admitted. "The two of them have been my best friends all my life. Cora and I were inseparable growing up, and I never would've been able to raise Luna without Izzy's help. I don't know what to do knowing they're both gone now."
And Nick would outlive both Cora and Isabella, surviving past the end of the round. He would at least live to see Luna graduate from college.
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cait-curious 1 year
After graduating from Sim State, Christian Broke moved back in with his mom while he got his life as an adult started in Pleasantview.
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"I just got a job with the military, so things are going pretty well for me," Christian boasted to his friends Luna and Aldric at dinner. "Whoa look at you, Mr. Big Shot! Congratulations!" Luna replied. "I'm not sure that I've met your mom, is she here?" Aldric asked. "Yes, just in the next room." Christian was so busy trying to impress Luna that he didn't really worry about Aldric walking off to talk to his mother.
Aldric got along with Christian's widowed mother very well, and she was happy for the company.
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Christian's mom Christy giggled while cuddling in bed with Aldric. "Surely you don't want to have WooHoo with such an old lady," Christy mused. "Oh, surely I do," replied Aldric.
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cait-curious 1 year
At Rosa Broke's house, things were going much more smoothly with Anna living with her dad. Anna still called just about every day to check in with her mom, which she really appreciated.
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"Now are you making lots of friends at school? Are the kids being nice to you?" Rosa asked her younger daughter. "I'm doing really good at school, Mr. Ricky," Shannon said to Ricky Cormier, who was visiting Rosa. "I got an A on my last report card." "That's great sweetie," whispered Ricky, trying not to get his voice recognized by his granddaughter on the phone. "Natalie Welsh-Goth? Oh yes, I know her dad. That's great that you're friends now," Rosa said, walking away from Ricky and Shannon.
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cait-curious 1 year
With Natalie in school and Danielle becoming more independent, Cora and Tara were able to sneak in a little alone time.
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"Oh Cora, I'm so happy," Tara said as they held each other close. "Danny's become such a good husband and father." Cora smiled. "I love seeing you with the girls. We never got to experience the baby and toddler years with Danny. Do you regret that?" "Not at all. I don't have any regrets with the way things have been over the years. What about you?" Tara asked her wife. "No regrets at all. I loved my childhood with my brothers and my mom. I loved being a teenager and having the Lothario twins over to play video games. I loved going to college and becoming close with the Broke twins. I loved meeting you and getting married. I loved adopting Danny and moving here. I loved raising Danny together, and all the friends we made along the way. I loved Morty living with us and getting back on his feet. And now I love that Danny has come back home and is raising his family here."
Not too long after Cora and Tara were done with their hot tub time, Tosha went into labor.
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"Another blonde baby girl! Welcome baby Lia!
Something was different after this baby, though. Tosha went into the next room to hand her newborn off to her mother-in-law. "Cora, take her," Tosha panted. "I don't feel so good," Cora said, setting down the baby
As Tosha delivered her next baby, a little boy, the Grim Reaper showed up for Cora.
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"Cora Goth, your time has come," The Grim Reaper said, in his booming voice. "What?? No!" Tosha cried, surrounded by her children. "No! It can't be time yet!!" Danny yelled after setting down his daughter. But Grim didn't listen to what any of them had to say. Before they could even finish pleading, Cora was gone, and only her urn remained.
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cait-curious 1 year
Natalie Welsh-Goth wasn't doing the best academically, but she was making a lot of friends.
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"Aw man, another bad report card," Natalie shrugged. "Come on Shea, let's go play in my room." Natalie's new friend Shea Stacks followed her inside.
Natalie and Shea had been doing the Smustle, so she went into the kitchen to show her new dance moves to her little sister.
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"C'mon Danielle, you try it!" Natalie said, making the horse-riding motion. Little Danielle squealed and kicked in her highchair.
"Natalie, go play with your friend," Tosha said, very pregnant and tired. "Don't bother the baby when she's trying to eat." Natalie sulked off. "Yes mom."
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cait-curious 1 year
Tosha had to leave her first day of work a little early, because she wasn't feeling well. When she got home, she found out why.
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"Yep, here we go again. Pregnancy #3," Tosha said to herself. This time it was much less stressful- they had a big house and plenty of money. Not at all like her last two pregnancies.
Natalie had a great first day at school and asked to bring a friend home.
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"Hi there! What's your name?" Danny asked the little girl in his living room. "My name is Anna Cormier! What's your name?" the girl asked in response. "My name's Danny. You're Donald and Rosa's daughter?" Anna nodded. "Your parents are good friends of mine," Danny replied. "Yeah, my daddy said I could come home with Natalie because he's best friends with her daddy. So, Natalie and I are best friends now too!" Anna exclaimed. "Well, that's great. You can come home with Natalie any time, and you have my permission for her to go to your house, too.
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Natalie and Anna played together all afternoon, until Anna had to go home for the evening.
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cait-curious 1 year
At the Welsh-Goth house, the family chatted over dinner.
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"Tosh, you okay? You've barely touched your mac and cheese," Danny asked. "I'm just so nervous about starting my new job tomorrow," Tosha said, picking at her dinner. "Well, I'm excited to start school tomorrow!" Natalie added. "That's great baby! You'll make lots of new friends," Danny added. He was wondering if Tosha had more than new work jitters, though.
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cait-curious 1 year
Baby Danielle became a toddler!
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"Oh baby girl we have to give you a haircut! Don't want the grandmas to mix you and your sister up!"
This wasn't a worry for long, though, as Natalie aged up to a child shortly after.
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"Ugh I'm so sleepy and I can't fit in the crib anymore- maybe I can sleep in my grandmas' bed."
Her family made over the nursery so that half would have Danielle's toddler things, and the other half would have Danielle's big girl bed and toys. Grandma Cora read her a bedtime story.
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"And then the princess slayed the dragon herself, because she didn't need a knight to come and save her when she could do the saving herself."
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cait-curious 1 year
Cora and Tara didn't know what to do with themselves as empty nesters, so they were so happy to have a full house again.
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"Thanks so much for everything you're doing for us, Cora. We were really struggling on our own," Tosha confided over lunch. "Of course! You're part of our family now. We love having you and Danny around, and of course we love having the girls here, too."
Tosha and Danny felt at home right away. It had been so tough when they were on their own and having babies, but now with more help and more money, things were so much easier.
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"Why didn't you just move back here after college, Danny? Things could've been so much easier!" Tosha asked as they lounged in their bed in Danny's childhood bedroom. "I know. I wanted to make it on my own! I didn't want to rely on my moms forever," Danny admitted. "But neither one of us have a job." "I know. I didn't plan on that part. Or on the girls, at least not right away." "Well, I'm glad you gave it and moved back home. I love it here," Tosha said. Danny smiled. "I'm so glad you're happy. I hope the girls will be happy too."
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cait-curious 1 year
After the birth of their second child, Danny and Tosha moved in with Cora and Tara. They had been unable to support their family on their own, so Danny reluctantly took up the offer to move back home.
The relief in stress was immediate, though- Danny and Tosha moved straight to the hot tub, leaving the babies with Danny's moms.
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"Okay baby Danielle, we have a room all set up for you! But let's get a bottle first."
Tara had to chase after Natalie, who was big enough to crawl after her parents.
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"Alright baby, let's go inside. Let's give mommy and daddy some privacy."
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