#...adjusting to a normal civillian is gonna be a struggle :
stillresolved · 8 months
the left hand ( meta: yohan. )
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okay so this is probably a post i should have made about k when i initially added them to my roster ( summer 2022, wow time flies sdkljfs ), but…let’s just say when it comes to the relationship between yohan and k, i headcanon that k ( ga-ram ) has romantic feelings for yohan, has for a very long time, and still isn’t quite over him.
( spoilers for 'the de*vil jud*ge down below! )
main reason for this is that ga-ram was young and impressionable when they initially met yohan and bc yohan was the only person at the time who could understand & relate to that rage and need for revenge….and ga-ram latched onto yohan HARD. yohan basically taught them how use anger ( aka repression and put into the plan instead ). literally put him up on a pedestal and thought he could do no wrong for a certain period of time. and while in the series it’s shown that yohan is very charismatic and manipulative, i don’t think he meant to have his plan take up at least 10 years of ga-ram’s life.
But also in those ten years ( or more ) before ga-on came into yohan’s life, yohan probably saw ga-ram as much of an anchor as much as ga-ram did…there probably was SOME kind of a romantic relationship or at least a friends-with-benefits dynamic between them…the car ride scene where k gives ga-on the advice about not getting too close to yohan, that’s the advice k would have given their younger self. By the time series starts, i would say k and yohan have like…you know that situation where you're single, but you rebound with your ex bc it’s easier to have a one night stand with someone you already know than go and try to find someone new? Yeah that’s kind of what their relationship was like- by then, k wasn’t passionately in love with yohan, but they did love him, even with knowing all his flaws….which is the reason they still stuck around after chang-hee died. 
this is all to say, in my interpretation of k, when they woke up after the fall, they didn’t take any of it well. Like for one thing, the system they and yohan were trying to change? Didn’t change a bit so that makes ga-ram feel like those last ten years were nothing. But also yohan up and running to switzerland and not even telling anyone where he was hiding for the longest time? Well it’s kinda like the main foundation of k’s life has just crumbled and while k does know yohan meant well, keeping this a secret, they can’t help but feel betrayed…yohan did have like a trust fund set up for ga-ram and technically ga-ram does get money ( a lot too ) from that, but they refuse to touch any of it. They refuse to talk to yohan or about him either.
( i will say, i think yohan probably also didn’t tell k for the longest time bc he knew k would follow after him and in yohan’s eyes, k deserves a chance to live their own life and the life would be healthiest without yohan there. )
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buckysbabygorl · 3 years
Hello! Idk if you’re currently accepting requests right now and if you aren’t, feel free to ignore or delete this! If you are, I would like to request a fluff oneshot with the reader (who possesses the ability to fly with wings) is practicing with their ability outside of the avengers compound one afternoon and standing in the field is Bucky, just watching them with pure adoration. 🥺
Flight Risk
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Word Count: 1.7k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Y/N fell once again as she took lift off.
At least she had manage a few feet this time.
Holy hell was this hard.
She looked to the clouds from her position in the grass, admiring the fluffy clusters above her. When she was younger, her mother told her they were made of the fallen feathers of angel wings, accumulating in soft mounds throughout the sky.
She reached to touch the end of her own wings, though they weren’t white, she liked to think that’s what the clouds above her felt like.
She knew they didn’t, in fact they didn’t feel like anything. Just cold, moist. Or so she had been told. She hadn’t felt them herself yet.
Her wings hadn’t been operational that long ago: DNA splicing experimentation and strenuous surgery had only produced these miraculous appendages on a  whim, she had been the only successful subject. There could have been more, but thankfully the Avengers stepped in once hearing that Zola’s previous experimentation had influenced a small group of mad scientists to use similar technologies. Kidnapping thousands of travellers throughout the decades and only recently been finding themselves successful in their results. They attempted to give people gills, fins, horns, hooves... and in Y/N’s case, wings.
They couldn’t send Y/N back into society; they knew she wouldn’t be accepted or be able to live a normal life. She was free to return to civillian life if she chose, but the team made her aware that she was more than welcome to join them.
So she did.
She surprisingly had proved herself to be a usefull asset, wings aside. She was strong, fast, cunning, high above the rest (both literally and metaphorically). She was a superhero now.
But unfortunately, she had no capabality of flying.
“I can teach you,” Sam said, “It’s not that difficult.”
“Your wings don’t count,” Y/N said, “Yours are mechnical. Mine are natural.”
“Well, as natural as science experiments can be.” Bruce said.
“Shut it,” she teased.
Technology aside, Sam had seemed like the only one with somewhat similar experiences to teach her some minor details.
He gave her the basics, but she was alone now.
Huffing, she lifted herself from the ground and dusted her clothes off. She shook out her wings, adjusting her shirt so that they didn’t bunch at the shoulders.
“Come on, you got this. Just bend, brace, expand, flap--”
She tried again, shooting up with wings narrowed. She then unfurled them as she rose higher into the air, but as another gust of wind came she found herself faltering and tumbling back down.
Bucky took out his earbuds as he jogged by. He hadn’t noticed her before, adjusting to the early morning hadn’t left him very observant of his surroundings. He watched as her wings spread, her eyes on the sky above. He couldn’t help but chuckle as she struggled to stay up, frustration scrunching her face.
“You okay? He called out.
She rested her hands on her knees, looking up at the voice. A small smile breaking her thoughts as she realized who it was.
“Yeah.” She called back.
He jogged to her place in the open field, slowing as he neared her and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Flight practice?” He asked.
“Not really,” she said as she crossed her legs, “It’s more ‘breaking for impact’ practice at this point.”
He laughed softly, bending to sit beside her as she checked her knees for scrapes.
“I take it Sam didn’t really give you the best advice.” He said, reaching out to run his thumb over a small bruise on her shin.
She sighed, “Well his heart’s in the right place but--we’ve got different mechanics. I don’t think he can relate to this. Not that many people can...”
She ran the back of her hand along the length of her wings, flicking upwards as she reached their soft end point.
Bucky admired the light brown color of her wings, reminding him of the sparrows that sometimes stopped on the windowsill of his bedroom. 
He was never really subtle with his staring, Sam had actually labelled it as his biggest problem. She wasn’t an exception to that; he often found his eyes chasing after her as she exited rooms, her expansive wings encompassing her figure. 
“One day she’s gonna catch you staring,” Sam warned, “you better hope she doesn’t kick your ass. She could get the wrong idea...”
Bucky didn’t like that her phrased it that way; as if he was gawking at her. He wasn’t looking at her like she was some freak, or a circus sideshow. It was more like... admiration.
She was beautiful.
He thought she was beautiful.
If anyone had taken a glimpse into his mind, it would be easy to understand that he wasn’t looking only because the wings were breathtaking, he felt she was too.
“Can I?” He asked.
His hand was held out in a loose open palm, just above the bed of feathers.
She nodded, and he ran his knuckles slowly along the length in the same way she had before.
They tickled slightly, the nerve endings in his fingers seemed to buzz. His hand shook slightly as he flicked upwards at the point, and she giggled quietly.
“It tickles when you do it.” She said.
He smiled, “Same here.”
He gently picked at blades of grass that had stuck to her wings,  “How long have you been out here?”
She looked up at the sun, noting its change in height.
“A few hours I think. I didn’t want anyone to see.”
“Well, sorry for the intrusion then.” 
She shrugged, “It’s alright. I like having you around.”
A blush creeped up his cheeks, and he ducked his head more, pretending to really focus on pulling out grass.
“So--uh, where do you think you’re going wrong?”
She chuckled at his bluntness, only further embarrassing Bucky.
“I don’t know. In my lift off I can’t make it stick. It just doesn’t feel natural.”
“Alright”, Bucky wasn’t sure how to help her, it wasn’t like he had any personal experience himself. “Well, what does feel natural?”
“What do you mean?”
He leaned back to lie on the grass, hands cradling his head as he looked up.
“I guess--I mean, when you look at birds, they just start flapping. That’s natural for them. Humans don’t fly; Sam’s wings are mechanical…”
Y/N realized early on in their relationship that Bucky had a tendency to ramble; though he liked when others were “to the point”, he lacked that quality himself. But she knew if she was patient, he’d get there eventually. And truthfully, she quite enjoyed listening to his tangents.
“...so Sam’s advice is based off what the wings are designed to do. Maybe you need to try testing it out the natural way. Move your wings in a way that feels right. Does that make sense?”
No, it didn’t.
But she smiled anyway, “Kind of. Like, don’t think about it and see where my body takes me?”
He chuckled, “That’s a weird way to phrase it, but yeah, something like that.”
Suddenly she stood up, making Bucky jump slightly.
She was no longer looking at him, only closing her eyes and expanding her wings.
He liked that she was a “0 to 100” type of person, out of nowhere she’d get an idea and then it was all action.
She let the wind ripple through her feathers, and she tried to gauge the current off her wings.
Don’t think about it… what feels right?
She couldn’t put it into words; but as she focused on her surroundings, feeling the breeze… some kind of instinct came over her.
Bucky intently watched as she inhaled; steading herself as her wings unfurled.
As the sun gleamed behind her, leaving him completely consumed in her shadow. 
It was breathtaking.
Her eyes snapped open.
The sudden flap of her wings threw Bucky back, the hard beat shooting her upwards and leaving him in the grass.
Each stride she took was with purpose, and before they knew it she was flying higher than she ever had before.
Bucky stood, laughing and smiling in awe as she soared along the current.
The wind roared in her ears, so loud she could barely hear her own laughter.
She was amazed, she was flying.
She let the wind pull her, ducking her wings and shooting off in another direction.
Bucky spun around in circles as she flew around him, trying to catch her figure against the blinding sunlight.
He was dizzy, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Jesus Christ,” he said to himself. He cupped his hands over his mouth to amplify his voice, “You’re flying!” He screamed.
“I’m fucking flying!” She screamed back.
Just wait ‘til Sam saw this.
But then she got cocky, dipping further than she should’ve.
She caught a draft that clipped her wing.
It was too late to catch herself before she was fluttering to the ground.
“Shit!” She screamed.
“Shit.” Bucky muttered.
He started running in her direction, arms reaching out like he was catching a football.
“I’ve got you,” he cried, “I’ve got you!”
He caught her just in time, bracing for impact as they both crashed into the ground.
Hair windswept and cheeks red, Y/N screamed out in happiness.
“Oh my god, did you see that? Did you see me?”
He couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head as she dramatically recounted the experience, his arms firmly holding her against him.
“And then I was like whoosh and the wind came and it was like AHH and then--”
She was cut off by his lips on hers.
His lips were soft, his touch surprisingly gentle for such a gruff man…
Her eyes closed and she pressed further into him, deepening the kiss.
He pulled away, leaving her more shocked than the flight had.
“I’m sorry,” He started, “It’s just--”
He looked into her eyes, unable to explain it all. How could he? She was just...
“--I think you’re amazing.”
She smiled back at him, “Oh I’ll show you amazing.”
Her hands wrapped around his collar as she pulled him back in for another kiss.
Bucky would have to remind himself to interrupt flight practice more often...
I hope you enjoyed @halietigges this request was so fun to make!
Taglist: @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @dumb-ass-writer @cuddlycalcifer @babyblue-07 @babybluereads @lonewolf471 @emmabarnes @niiight-dreamerrrr @julipmoon @fandomsfallnomore @elliee1497 @godspeedlover @sexwithhiddlesbatch @annestine @shower-me-with-roses @yougottalovefandoms @rebekahdawkins
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