#...do klavier and clay have a ship name lmao
starredfishing · 2 years
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@khytal : hey do you wanna color this sketch i wont finis--
me immediately: yes thank you
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mutxnts · 2 years
hi ashhhhh i challenge you to do all the multiples of 5 for the ask meme >:) or else if that’s too many then the multiples of ten cksbcmbdmd
ooooh okay multiples of 5 here we go!!! thank you vyn for always sending these in, love you 💖💖
(putting the answers to these under the cut since it got long)
5. Favourite Culprit?
this is hard bc i don't really like any of the culprits lmao but maybe kristoph? or manfred von karma, since he unintentionally caused a HUGE domino effect on such much stuff, which ultimately led to his own downfall
10. Favourite trial from all the games?
already answered here!
15. Random headcanon you can share?
now that i'm trying to pick one out none are coming to mind lmao but hmmm i think that after the gavinners break up, klavier takes some time off from making music to reflect/take some time for himself/take apollo on dates/deal with the fallout of his brother. but this isn't a permanent break, i think he does come back at some point to release solo music bc songwriting really helps him cope with some of the stuff he experienced. it's a lot more serious of an album compared to the stuff the gavinners put out, so he's hesitant to even release it, but i think with apollo and trucy's encouragement and support, he would eventually release it!
20. Did you ever write fanfiction for Ace Attorney? If so, which one is your best piece
my best piece of fanfic for this fandom is something i haven't published yet jkfdsgkjdgh i have 3 wips that i really love but just haven't had any motivation to work on them, so they are sadly just sitting in my drafts 😔 but as for published fics, i would say maybe forever and always? mostly bc i'm partial to doing deep dives into characters and why they're Like That
25. Favourite rare pair?
i don't think i really have any since i mainly just like the main ships sdfgjklsjdflg but uhhhh apollo/clay? athena/juniper? idk, these seem like fairly common ones to me lol
also phoenix/grape juice KJDFGKJDKJFG
30. Character you’d push off a cliff with no hesitation?
dahlia lmao but also mvk
35. Smartest murder plan?
it's gotta be damon gant, right? he faked all this evidence, promoted lana and made it so that she would basically do everything he asked, and fired/demoted the detectives assigned to sl-9 so they couldn't do any real investigating themselves. luke atmey also deserves a shoutout though
40. Honest opinion on Phoenix Wright?
If phoenix wright has a million fans, then I am one of them. If phoenix wright has ten fans, then I am one of them. If phoenix wright has only one fan then that is me. If phoenix wright has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against phoenix wright, then I am against the world.
(i really, really love him, but you already knew that!)
45. Someone who would’ve made a fun prosecutor but isn’t?
maybe... franziska? don't get me wrong, i love her, but i do remember thinking it was annoying how often she made these ultimatums during court where you could only ask one question or answer it correctly once or you would lose all your health or whatever. from a player perspective that was always kind of annoying since the judge just went along with it lol. but honestly i don't really know for this question sdfgjgjksdf
50. Favourite moment?
okay just to name a few: unnecessary feelings, franziska bursting into the courtroom with the evidence in farewell my turnabout, miles as a defense attorney, any reunions between siblings (like lana reuniting with ema, mia hugging maya for the first time since her death), kristoph finally getting his comeuppance, the end scene of dual destinies (minor spoilers for aa5 for the rest of this answer so just skip to the next question vyn jklsdfjklfgd) where phoenix is smiling and proud of how far his proteges have come
55. Two characters you’d like to meet?
trucy and ema!!!
60. Character you relate to?
phoenix, but specifically during 7yg bc i feel like he really struggles to find a purpose during that time in his life and that's also where i'm at rn in mine
also penny nichols strangely enough bc she works in my field and actually kind of looks like me (i do have glasses, but not as big and round as hers. also i don't have freckles)
65. Outfit you’d like to wear?
bruh no joke i had a dream one time where i wore phoenix's 3 piece suit and ever since i've always wanted to wear one bc i think waistcoats look so nice on everyone!!!! i haven't even worn just a plain suit before but that would be fun too
70. Describe Dahlia Hawthorne in 3 words!
she deserved it
75. Character you would kiss?
phoenix HAHA but also maybe klavier
80. What case was the one that got you actually hooked?
i feel like turnabout sisters or turnabout samurai were ones where i was like oooh this is interesting but turnabout goodbyes was where the ace attorney brainrot finally sank in and i knew i was doomed
85. Which character would you introduce to your parents?
funnily enough i think klavier would be super nice and know how to flatter my parents lol. but maybe mia since she seems pretty calm and levelheaded and wouldn't do anything weird while meeting them?
90. Your NOTP?
any of the gross ships of course but hmmm maybe like klavier/daryan? i just don't really see it happening personally. same with trucy/pearl, i don't ship it personally and just think of them as friends. i also really don't like how in the credits or whatever of t&t it's hinted that phoenix and iris both kind of have feelings for each other still, so phoenix/iris is one that i'm not a fan of either
95. Which character would you redesign?
phoenix to show off more cleavage like his mentor KJDSFGJFDSGKJDFG
no but like maybe franziska if she comes back in aa7! oooh or maybe klavier, but i wouldn't completely redesign him, i would just give him a cool performance outfit for turnabout serenade
100. Phoenix Wright or Miles Edgeworth? Who do you like better?
oh my god this is the question this is gonna end on sdfjklgsdjfkldfsg sorry miles but i prefer phoenix <33
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Pearl and Trucy!!
Pearl Fey: Which “special someones” are you always trying to hook up? Which Shipshape ships do you want to sail?
My big ones are Narumitsu and Klapollo, because I'm predictable, lmao. I also like both Franmaya and Franziska/Adrian (does that have a ship name?)
I read a couple fics that were Apollo/Clay/Klavier (Clay lives AU), and that was really good.
Trucy Wright: Most magical fanfiction?
I HAVE A LOT but the two that first come to mind are Prince Charming Edgeworth and His Incredible Tux (Narumitsu with lots of snarky Maya and bonus Franmaya) and Patience (Trucy is SO DONE with these LOSER LAWYERS who all like each other and NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING; Narumitsu, Klapollo, and Cykesquill, which is not always my cup of tea for various reasons but I like it when written well)
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jake-marshall · 7 years
5, 9, 12 (can be a case, a game, an arc, whatever), 19 (go for it :P)
I can’t believe I have to put a disclaimer but I know how this fandom is with snooping around, so I’ll make one: these are my opinions, and boy are they salty.  As such, I’ve tried to slash out tags of ever ship mentioned in here (regardless of positive or negative speak of it), so let me know if anything shows up in the tags and I”ll go back and block it, because I”m not trying to spread hate; I’m answering questions for a friend who enjoys my saltiness >:pIf you don’t agree with my opinions, that’s fine, good for you, i don’t think everyone has to agree with me, just as I don’t agree with everyone.   Don’t try to engage me in a conversation about it because you can not possibly imagine how much I do not care.
 Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*I’ve already talked before aboutKl/apol/lo being the main answer for this (more so than Nar/u/mitsu Iguess because at least I understand where Nar/u/mitsu comes from) soI’ll mention these two:I wouldn’t say that the fandom hasmade me dislike La/namia, but it’s really disheartening that there’sso much content of it that’s either blatantly bisexual erasure(“they’re lesbians sorry i don’t make the rules!” shit likethat) and/or is less about celebrating the pairing and more of avessel to spread hatred of Godot (and very occasionally Jake).  So asa result I don’t actively seek out content for it the way I do otherships I like, which sucks, because  I don’t get to enjoy it as muchas I want to.  It’s my fave f/f ship after Junith/ena, mostdefinitely.As for a pairing I was originally indifferent tothat the fandom has soured me on?  Lmao Simon/Nahyuta anyone?  Backbefore SoJ came out and this was a crack ship that was born out of“omg Simon would think Nahyuta is so anime bishie! ^_^”(because they were aching for a male character to ship Simon with,I’m sure), I was just like “whatever.  Immature and side-eyeinducing, but ultimately, whatever.” Now, after seeing their purely negativeinteraction in SoJ treated as “omgz sexual tension!” when,if it was a heterosexual pairing, I GUARANTEE it would becondemned/considered wildly unhealthy (Kl/ema is the closest thing Ican compare it to?  Like, can’t bitches just dislike each other???),I can not possibly roll my eyes hard enough at this steaming garbageship and the idea that Yuty’s precious luv will heal Simon’s abusedbroken baby birb soul! And omgz they’re so hawtttt together i hopedem boiz maek out xD! It just reeks of “yaoi” fandom (andyes I mean that in a derogatory sense).  Oh, and don’t forget thatFulbright isn’t dead now, because he’s not even treated like he was alive in the first place! he’s just a plot device for Simon to angstover even more so Yuty has more chances to soothe him!  Ew.I mean, I guess it boils down to, Iwouldn’t dislike this ship so much if it was actually acknowledged asa silly crack ship instead of being extolled and placed on thispedestal as if it’s some pinnacle of how a relationship should be. Because ah, no, as a legitimate pairing it really is total andcomplete shit.Most disliked character(s)? Why?GOD well my most hated characters arecharacters we’re supposed to dislike, and/or love to hate?  I sayKristoph a lot for this since Klavier is one of my faves, and becuaseof how innocent Vera was.  Gant and MvK too, because of (likeKristoph) how long they were willing to be so self-serving anddeceitful and manipulative and had no guilt over their crimes?  But Imight hate Kristoph the most because, like Dahlia for you, Holly, Isee him get a lot of apologists, which is gross.
 I see this a lot for Phanty too, theapologists and humanization of him when he’s nothing but fuckingtrash, and I hate the fandom for it? but I don’t care about Phantyenough to really hate him (opposed to hating a certainship involving him COUGH COUGH). He’s just like some meme to me; Ilaugh at him and would rather spend my time focusing on Fulbright andhow much I like him because he’s the one who deserves my time, notthis loser^.   
Kristoph, however, was a betterdeveloped/written character. Even though we don’t know what’s behindhis psych-locks, and granted his motive was petty, I think that’swhat makes him interesting and creepy and realistic, and therefore heevokes a stronger opinion from me.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I really like TUrnabout BIg Top a lot, because I generally like ensemble casts such as this, and Acro is one of my favorite murderers.  I definitely understand why it makes people uncomfortable but I also have to wonder if people dislike it and JfA in general for the reason that there is little interaction between Nick and Edgey.   I don’t think Moe is as annoying as the fandom generally thinks he is, either, I honestly find him pretty sympathetic in many ways; it’s just his testimony that’s frustrating, as the player.
 It puzzles me when this fandom whines for poc/disabled characters and then we have Acro (even though he assumably wasn’t born physically disabled considering he was a professional acrobat but) and lmao no he’s boring.  But wait, actually, it doesn’t puzzle me…  because..... (see below)
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Oh there’s more than one thing, and it’s certainly not exclusive to the AA fandom but:
If you think ANY character (other than a commonly hated one like Godot of course) is white OR cis OR straight OR neurotypical you’re a horrible person who doesn’t support marginalized folks! 
Along that vein, if you don’t ship X popular gay ship/do ship x het ship, you obviously are just a homophobe! and should kys because you don’t ~respect the source material~ 
Also along that vein, a character is ONLY interesting if you slap on random labels re: their sexuality/gender identity/mental health because that’s what defines them, of course!
Female characters can do whatever the fuck they want and can not be criticized for it, because it’s always justified and they’re always the victims but if you like a morally grey male character (or even just find him interesting as a character!)… that’s right!  You’re awful!
On a more personal note:  It’s perfectly acceptable to develop an AU where Dadworth lives, or where Mia lives, or where Clay lives, or Jove lives, or literally any character not named Fulbright lives, but if you ship (ACTUAL) Black/bright  you’re an idiot who isn’t following canon, how dare you!I hated this fandom going into it so I’ve kind of been like… resilliant to letting it get to me too much, and I have made some wonderful friends and it’s really reinvigorated my love for writing, which is important.  BUt on a whole, it’s a shit fandom and I advise against people getting too involved in it, if they have any opinions on the games/ships/characters that might mildly differ from the majority.
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