#thanks again vyn for sending me these!!!!
mutxnts · 2 years
hi ashhhhh i challenge you to do all the multiples of 5 for the ask meme >:) or else if that’s too many then the multiples of ten cksbcmbdmd
ooooh okay multiples of 5 here we go!!! thank you vyn for always sending these in, love you 💖💖
(putting the answers to these under the cut since it got long)
5. Favourite Culprit?
this is hard bc i don't really like any of the culprits lmao but maybe kristoph? or manfred von karma, since he unintentionally caused a HUGE domino effect on such much stuff, which ultimately led to his own downfall
10. Favourite trial from all the games?
already answered here!
15. Random headcanon you can share?
now that i'm trying to pick one out none are coming to mind lmao but hmmm i think that after the gavinners break up, klavier takes some time off from making music to reflect/take some time for himself/take apollo on dates/deal with the fallout of his brother. but this isn't a permanent break, i think he does come back at some point to release solo music bc songwriting really helps him cope with some of the stuff he experienced. it's a lot more serious of an album compared to the stuff the gavinners put out, so he's hesitant to even release it, but i think with apollo and trucy's encouragement and support, he would eventually release it!
20. Did you ever write fanfiction for Ace Attorney? If so, which one is your best piece
my best piece of fanfic for this fandom is something i haven't published yet jkfdsgkjdgh i have 3 wips that i really love but just haven't had any motivation to work on them, so they are sadly just sitting in my drafts 😔 but as for published fics, i would say maybe forever and always? mostly bc i'm partial to doing deep dives into characters and why they're Like That
25. Favourite rare pair?
i don't think i really have any since i mainly just like the main ships sdfgjklsjdflg but uhhhh apollo/clay? athena/juniper? idk, these seem like fairly common ones to me lol
also phoenix/grape juice KJDFGKJDKJFG
30. Character you’d push off a cliff with no hesitation?
dahlia lmao but also mvk
35. Smartest murder plan?
it's gotta be damon gant, right? he faked all this evidence, promoted lana and made it so that she would basically do everything he asked, and fired/demoted the detectives assigned to sl-9 so they couldn't do any real investigating themselves. luke atmey also deserves a shoutout though
40. Honest opinion on Phoenix Wright?
If phoenix wright has a million fans, then I am one of them. If phoenix wright has ten fans, then I am one of them. If phoenix wright has only one fan then that is me. If phoenix wright has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against phoenix wright, then I am against the world.
(i really, really love him, but you already knew that!)
45. Someone who would’ve made a fun prosecutor but isn’t?
maybe... franziska? don't get me wrong, i love her, but i do remember thinking it was annoying how often she made these ultimatums during court where you could only ask one question or answer it correctly once or you would lose all your health or whatever. from a player perspective that was always kind of annoying since the judge just went along with it lol. but honestly i don't really know for this question sdfgjgjksdf
50. Favourite moment?
okay just to name a few: unnecessary feelings, franziska bursting into the courtroom with the evidence in farewell my turnabout, miles as a defense attorney, any reunions between siblings (like lana reuniting with ema, mia hugging maya for the first time since her death), kristoph finally getting his comeuppance, the end scene of dual destinies (minor spoilers for aa5 for the rest of this answer so just skip to the next question vyn jklsdfjklfgd) where phoenix is smiling and proud of how far his proteges have come
55. Two characters you’d like to meet?
trucy and ema!!!
60. Character you relate to?
phoenix, but specifically during 7yg bc i feel like he really struggles to find a purpose during that time in his life and that's also where i'm at rn in mine
also penny nichols strangely enough bc she works in my field and actually kind of looks like me (i do have glasses, but not as big and round as hers. also i don't have freckles)
65. Outfit you’d like to wear?
bruh no joke i had a dream one time where i wore phoenix's 3 piece suit and ever since i've always wanted to wear one bc i think waistcoats look so nice on everyone!!!! i haven't even worn just a plain suit before but that would be fun too
70. Describe Dahlia Hawthorne in 3 words!
she deserved it
75. Character you would kiss?
phoenix HAHA but also maybe klavier
80. What case was the one that got you actually hooked?
i feel like turnabout sisters or turnabout samurai were ones where i was like oooh this is interesting but turnabout goodbyes was where the ace attorney brainrot finally sank in and i knew i was doomed
85. Which character would you introduce to your parents?
funnily enough i think klavier would be super nice and know how to flatter my parents lol. but maybe mia since she seems pretty calm and levelheaded and wouldn't do anything weird while meeting them?
90. Your NOTP?
any of the gross ships of course but hmmm maybe like klavier/daryan? i just don't really see it happening personally. same with trucy/pearl, i don't ship it personally and just think of them as friends. i also really don't like how in the credits or whatever of t&t it's hinted that phoenix and iris both kind of have feelings for each other still, so phoenix/iris is one that i'm not a fan of either
95. Which character would you redesign?
phoenix to show off more cleavage like his mentor KJDSFGJFDSGKJDFG
no but like maybe franziska if she comes back in aa7! oooh or maybe klavier, but i wouldn't completely redesign him, i would just give him a cool performance outfit for turnabout serenade
100. Phoenix Wright or Miles Edgeworth? Who do you like better?
oh my god this is the question this is gonna end on sdfjklgsdjfkldfsg sorry miles but i prefer phoenix <33
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hello, may I make an URGENT request, please?
Nxx boys with an s/o who isolate themselves when going through a depressive and anxiety induced episode. To the extent that they actively go out of their way to avoid people (including them), they texted them one message about it before leaving them on read) . When they check on the reader, they are super skittish and super anxious about burdening others. S/o insists that they are okay even though they are trembling to the point where they struggle to stand. S/o is anxiously fixating on being "clean" (showering and exfoliating excessively to the point their skin is kinda red, wearing a white oversized shirt ) and being "cold enough" (their place is dark, max ac, fans on max) (they are also just wearing a loose shirt and shorts trying to feel something). In addition, there are red dots on the shirt along the center of their body, indicating fresh self-harm.
(Thank you in advance, and my apologies if It's really specific and it makes you uncomfy)
Tears of Themis Boys Comfort S/O Who Tries To Isolate Themself
TW: Do not read it mentions of blood and self harm, along with poor mental state will make you feel worse, rather than comfort you!
Pairings: Luke x Gn!Reader, Marius x Gn!Reader, Artem x Gn!Reader, Vyn x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of self-harm, fresh cuts, blood, depression, anxiety, poor mental state in general, isolation, feeling like a burden
Genre: comfort
Post-Type: headcanons
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: In which you find yourself going through episodes of depression and anxiety so you try to isolate yourself from the boys
[A/N: Hello! Firstly, I'm sorry that this was as soon as I could write and post this urgent request for you, but I thank you for being patient and understanding! I tried my best to include as many details as you mentioned, but I did end up leaving some out. As we can see I went a little overboard, but I hope this helps you out <3. Hope you enjoy! Depression and anxiety are so horrible to deal with, trust me I have a few episodes as well, they come so suddenly and they definitely hit hard. Reach out if you ever need to, I'm here if you need anything! <3]
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As your childhood friend, Luke notices that something is wrong the minute you begin to isolate yourself from him
You guys always hangout together, whether it be him walking you home from work, or grabbing a quick lunch together between your busy schedules, both of you always made time for each other
So when you began messaging him that you couldn’t get lunch or see him, red alerts went off in his head immediately
He just wants to make sure it’s nothing serious and wants you to know that he’s there for you if you need him, so he sends you a quick text
You do respond, but your message is short and cryptic; however, after that, all his other messages get left on read
He acknowledges that you clearly need space, so he gives it to you, sending a check-in message to you every few hours as he continues his work for the day
By the end of the day with still no response from you, he decides enough is enough, so he races over to your place
He doesn’t want to be a nuisance and seem overbearing, but he was very worried now, this had never happened before since the two of you began dating
Arriving at your home, your door is surprisingly unlocked so he lets himself in, making a mental note to remind you to not leave your door unlocked when you are home alone…
But he’s met with pure darkness in your home along with a freezing breeze
He enters your room to find you on your bed in only a t-shirt and shorts to cover you from how cold is was in there
He does internally freak out for a moment and thinks the worst–probably stares at you for a while, holding his breath, until he sees your chest rise, indicating you were indeed alive, and only then is he able to breathe again
“MC,” he calls out in a whisper, not wanting to alarm you from his sudden presence as you lie on your bed with your eyes closed in the darkness
It does spook you a bit, but you could recognize his voice anywhere as you open your eyes and question why he was there, in which he quickly scolds you for keeping your door unlocked but sighs as he sits beside you on the bed
“What’s going on?” He asks.
“Nothing, I’m fine” you say quickly
Did you really think he’d believe that? He’s a detective for crying out loud, he could spot a lie a mile away, especially when it came from you, someone he knew for so long now
As his eyes get accustomed to the dark, he notices a dark stain on your shirt and leans forward to turn your bedside lamp on–and then it becomes very clear what was going on…that was blood
“Spill, I’m all ears”
You know he means business, and you can’t exactly hide the blood from your self-harm on your shirt either, so you let it all out; how low you’ve been feeling lately, and how you got a wave of depression and anxiety out of nowhere, hence your distance from him
“I just didn’t want to burden you with all these complicated feelings that not even I can handle. You’re busy with your own work and I don’t want to distract you from that…but I’m sorry for ignoring your messages. I did read them all and I appreciate your support and allowing me some space,” you sigh, feeling bad that he ended up in this mess anyway
“You’re not a burden to me, MC. You’re my lover and my childhood friend, we have a bond unlike any other. You don’t have to pretend to be okay around me. You’ve always been there for me on my rough days, so it would be an honor to do the same for you…I love you…a lot. I hope you know that I’ll always be here for you. The second you need me, I’d drop everything to hear you out and help you through it,” Luke expresses and he reaches out to hold your hand, pulling you into his arms
And just like that you felt a little less lonely through your feelings, you could get through this
After giving you some privacy to clean up your fresh cuts, Luke spends the night with you as he feels a bit nervous leaving you alone. He’d make you some hot chocolate or any kind of drink that you’d like to warm you up as he turns the fans off and lowers the ac, throwing a blanket on you
You wanted to feel something? Well enjoy the warmth this man provides you with as he joins you under the blanket and gets lost in conversation with you for the rest of the night until you both fall asleep
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Ahh yes Marius–this man is clingy and obsessive (in a good way) so the second you leave him on read along with only telling him through text that you ‘need some space’ he’s already at your front door, knocking on it
“MC! Honey, it’s me, please let me in,” He pleads loudly. (rip to the neighbors because he’d stand there all night until you decide to let him in)
Knowing how persistent he was, you force yourself up to unlock the door before plopping back down on your sofa, allowing him to let himself in
Thankfully Marius hears your lock click and opens the door himself, but he’s a little taken aback by the darkness in your home along with how freezing it was in there
He flicks on the light by the front door, which makes you flinch from the sudden brightness, and you find him running over to your side to embrace you as soon as he sees you’re only in a t-shirt and shorts in this freezing home
Your skin is as cold as ice as he tries his best to warm you up
“What’s going on? Why is it so cold in here and why did you leave me on read?” He pouts, not letting go of you
You do push him away slightly though despite how comforting and warm it was in his arms
“Nothing, I’m fine. I like the cold”
He squints his eyes at you, knowing you were lying because you weren’t looking into his eyes
Marius inspects your condition one for time, and that’s when he notices the faint dark stains on your shirt–blood, it had to be, unless you were painting with red paint somewhere in your home, but that seemed highly unlikely
“Please let me in,” he says in a softer tone, going a little more serious
This pulls at your heart strings, Marius never got serious unless it came to his father’s company or when danger was around, but you clearly weren’t okay and that made him worry, so you decide to just open up to him
You tell him about your feelings, how you’ve been feeling really anxious and sad lately, and you also explain how you blocked him out because you didn’t want to be a burden to him
“If anyone’s a burden, it’s probably me, beautiful,” he sighs in relief, happy that he finally knows what’s been going on. “Of course filling my fathers place as CEO is a little stressful, but darling, time spent with you is my only time to be myself and to truly relax, even if that means hearing your worries and feelings. It’s my job as your boyfriend to protect you and keep you safe, but I’m failing at my job if you don’t let me in…”
He pulls you into his embrace as tears start to fall from your eyes
“Please let me be your shoulder to cry on, let me be the one who helps you feel alive, who helps you feel something. I’m your person, the one you’ll never feel alone with, just say the word and I’ll take all those burdens off your shoulders”
Slight relief fills you at his words…you really weren’t alone. These feelings didn’t have to feel as overwhelming as they did
After more hugs and a few kisses, Marius makes it his responsibility to clean your cuts up and press kisses to each of them
Afterwards, he’d order some takeout that you like as he offers you professional help if you thought you needed it (he wouldn’t force you, but he wants you to know that there are options and that was one of them) as someone big in the industry, he had many connections and he could find you the best psychiatrist in Stellis with the snap of a finger
But whatever choice you decide to make, just know that he’d support you through it all no matter what
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Intellectual Artem has a more direct approach to helping you out
He doesn’t pick up on you isolating yourself from him that quickly, because he’s always swamped with work, and you usually give him his space anyway when he’s busy
But one weekend when he had the day off and you didn’t reach out to him first, he was a little…sad? Disappointed? Something like that
He becomes worried and messages you but you only tell him you’re fine
Every message he sends after that gets left on read, so he then catches on that you are very clearly not fine
“You can be honest with me, MC. We’re lovers…I just want to be there for you. Please message me when you get the chance,” he messages you
Artem wanted to give you your space, but he was worried. Did he do something to you without even realizing that he upset you? Were you really okay? So his plan of giving you the weekend to yourself goes down the drain as he finds himself at your front door with some homemade food he cooked at his own home and packed for the two of you to enjoy
He knocks softly at your door and clears his throat, “It’s me, Artem” he announces himself, feeling a little awkward…what if he was just overreacting? He was still pretty new to the whole dating scene after all
However, as your disheveled self peeks through the slightly open door, he knows his fears weren’t for nothing
You don’t even get a chance to speak before he’s already opening the door fully and stepping into your home
The darkness of your home along with the freezing temperature hits him like a truck as he turns back to look at you, with furrowed brows…what exactly was going on?
The light from outside illuminates just bright enough where he can see what you’re wearing, a t-shirt and some shorts. You must’ve been freezing
Needing to change the environment around you both, he places the food down and helps you close the front door, opening up the blinds to let in some natural light along the way
Seeing one of your candles nearby, he lights one up and guides you to the couch where he places a blanket over you
He’s quietly studying you, trying to piece everything together, but this is a case he can’t entirely solve on his own
“MC…” he says, not really knowing where to start. “Is everything okay?”
Clearly everything was in fact not okay, and he did notice the blood stains on your shirt, but he decides to keep his observations to himself, you’d tell him if you wanted to
“I’m great. How are you? What brings you here?” You feign interest, you weren’t in the right headspace to have casual conversation
“I know you’re probably holding back and pretending to be okay because you think you’d be a burden to me. Trust me MC, I know how to read you well, you’re my partner after all. I’d be foolish to believe those lies. It’s okay though, I won’t push you to tell me, but just know that you aren’t a burden. You’re the only one I’ve let into my life and I just want to make sure you’re happy. As your man, it’s my job to make sure you’re doing well, and it seems like I dropped the ball, so for that I am truly sorry.”
Not wanting Artem to blame himself anymore, you decide to just tell him everything that’s been going on, from everything you’ve been feeling, and why you’ve been avoiding him, as well as informing him that you self-harmed
It wasn’t like you didn’t trust him, you did, you were just scared to lose him or have him not want to deal with the baggage you carried
Your body began to shake as you explained everything and Artem quietly listened to each word, scooting closer to you as you spoke, so he could hold you, in an attempt to calm your nerves and ease your shakes
“I see…I’m sorry for not noticing sooner. Though work takes up a lot of my time, you’ll always be my number one priority. I’ll do better. I promise,” he sighs, holding you tighter to him as if you’d disappear from his grasp
Even if you reassure him that it isn’t his fault, Artem takes this very seriously and would work more on checking in on you throughout his day, no matter how busy he is
“I know you’re going through a tough time right now. I’m not sure how I can be truly helpful other than just giving you my support, but we can look for a professional's help as well if that's something you’d like to do…” He brings one of your hands up to his lips and leaves a lingering kiss to your skin, “You’re not alone, never. It’s okay to reach out for help when you need it. You can reach out to me anytime, even if you just need to hear my voice. I’ll always make time for you MC, I love you. I promise we’ll get through this together”
After everything, and once you’re a lot calmer, he’d put on a movie for you both to watch as you eat the food he brought, making a mental note to check out your wounds later on, but for now he’d try to keep things bright and hopefully distract you, even if it was just momentarily
He does take a few days off of work so he can stay by your side and give you the support you need as you decide what step you want to take next
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Nothing slides by Vyn, this is his specialty after all
You and Vyn frequently got together to drink tea and just talk about life or go on walks at a nearby park, Vyn always made time for you at the end of his day after seeing patients all day
So when you text him to cancel your plans one evening, he already knows something is up
“Something came up, I can’t go out this week. I’ll text you when I can,” you message him
“I am coming over,” he responds immediately, pulling his things together as he heads to you
Though he does have a spare key to your place, he doesn’t use it, knowing that suddenly invading your space, especially when something was obviously going on with you, wouldn’t be a great idea
“Darling, mind letting me in? I would like to speak with you if that is alright,” he speaks calmly through the door, knowing you were probably expecting him and listening on the other side somewhere
It takes a while. It’s silent, which worries Vyn as he debates whether he should just let himself in, but his worries vanish as soon as he hears your lock click open and the door slowly creaks as you open it
“My love,” Vyn whispers, eyeing the darkness behind you as a chill hits his face from the open door, but he keeps a smile on his face, needing to remain calm and not act shocked or alarmed which could potentially scare you off or have you close your heart to him, “Can I come in?”
You nod softly and open your door wider so he can come in, you were expecting him anyway since he said he’d be over soon
Vyn is still in his doctor coat which he slings over your shoulders, noticing you’re only wearing shorts and a t-shirt when you had the ac on blast. It was freezing in your home
He turns on a small lamp, not wanting to blind you with the bright light of the room, but needing to change the feel of your home subtly
Taking a seat on your couch, he pats the spot beside him, eyeing your bloody shirt until you’re seated
“May I?” he asks, gesturing to your shirt and whether he could see the damage you made. You knew there was no hiding things from Vyn. He was used to this and probably already knew what was going on, so you hesitantly nod, sighing in defeat as you begin to shake
You were scared of what he’d say or think about you after seeing your fresh cuts…
Vyn gently lifts your shirt and takes in the sight of your cuts with a neutral expression, then walks away to get some supplies to bandage you up so they don’t get infected
When he returns with a first aid kit, he quietly and softly cleans you up before speaking again
“I am all ears if you would like to say what led you to do this? And before you say it, no you are not a burden, no I am not upset, and no I do not hate you, darling. I am still very much in love with you despite how much it pains me to see you hurt yourself like this. I would just like to understand from your perspective if you would let me in,” he smiles softly, ready to hear you out
And as if he had some kind of magic pull on you, you find yourself revealing everything to him, from the complicated emotions and episodes you’ve gone through for the past few days, to how it all led to you eventually harming yourself, so you could feel something for once…something other than your depression and anxiety
He understood now, from your isolation, to the state of your home, and your desire to feel something, hence why it was so cold in your home and why you were wearing shorts despite how cold it was. All the pieces started to come together in his head
Vyn takes your hand in his now that he finished treating your cuts, he laces your fingers together as he speaks, “I first want you to know that what you are feeling is normal. It happens to a lot of people who are not aware of how to properly cope with these intense feelings. Depression and anxiety are more common than you think, but perhaps taking matters into your own hands caused you to feel worse?”
“Perhaps,” you nod, agreeing with his words. This was something you always tried to deal with on your own, which is why you tried to isolate yourself in the first place, you didn’t want to drag anyone else into your problems, you felt this was your own burden to carry
“Now…speaking not as a psychiatrist, but as your boyfriend, I want to say I care about you more than anything in this world. You are the light of my life, the one and only person I look forward to seeing everyday, so please do not lock me out of your heart, darling. It is my actual job and my duty as your lover to ensure you are okay. But you can count on me to help you through this if you would allow it”
Whether you take his help or not, he’d still show you his love and support for whatever decision you make
After a few hugs and more chatting, Vyn would make you some tea to calm you down
He’d squeeze you into his business day if you choose to seek counseling with him…after all he’s the only person he’d trust to truly help you through this
Through the good and the bad, Vyn will always remain by your side and hear you out, even with your smallest issues
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Posted: 7/18/2023
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greensagephase · 4 months
now that i'm more active on tumblr, one of the thoughts i've been having recently (and have been for a while now) is punk miguel so what are your thoughts on him if ever? :3
i'd send fanart, but unfortunately all of the ones i saw were reposted against the artist's consent onto pinterest! so i put trust in you to use your imagination this time hehe
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miguel says hi and have a nice day ^_^
Hiii, Vyn!! Thank you so much for the ask!! ❤️ I'm so happy to see you back on here and being active!! 🥰
Tbh, I don't think of punk!Miguel often but I think it's because I don't see a lot of content on him ?? Unless it just doesn't show up for me because of the algorithm?? I remember only reading a short piece many, many months ago (like, back in July I think) when I started using Tumblr again to read fanfic. I can't remember who it was by, I wish I could remember, but it was about Spider-Man punk Miguel joining the Spider Society and our grumpy Miguel not liking him because he was hitting on y/n and he also likes her, so he ends up finally making a move, and I think they have y/n choose (if anyone knows what I'm talking about, pls tell me the writer or some info), but I enjoyed it because punk Miguel was ... well a punk, hehe!! It was a fun take by the writer and I liked seeing Miguel in that concept! I've seen some fan art, too, and I do enjoy it!! I love how his fingernails are usually painted and that he wears lots of rings and necklaces (guys wearing jewelry is attractive to me).
I also like to think Hobie would really like him (or maybe the whole spider gang) and our Miguel going through a similar situation like Miles when he meets Hobie because everyone thinks punk Miguel is so cool 😂 but what about you? What are your thoughts on him? :)
And awww, how sweet of your Miguel!! 🥺 Tell him I say thank you and that I hope he has a lovely day!! <333
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My Miguel also says hi, and to have an amazing start to your week!! <333
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worms-i-think · 2 years
*skids down the road to your inbox* HELLO WORMS!!! have you thought about Vyn's R Card [Leisure Time]? I would love to know how tf he got such a steep necked sweater. it's so out of the norm based on his outfits,,, how'd that get in his closet? what story does it hold?
ty and have a nice day!!!
yooooo hey remember when I made an ask game??? Yeah, turns out I got super sick and then had writer’s block! Anyway HI SAM IM GLAD YOURE HERE 🤍!! That’s a great choice for a card, and I was hoping someone chose that one! Here’s a thingy I wrote :)
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Vyn Richter: “Leisure Time”
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Hobbies, hobbies…
Vyn Richter was a multifaceted, multi-talented man. He could pick up nearly any skill with elegance and ease, whether it involved physical resilience, strategy and quick-thinking, or a unique taste in design.
Though, she had suggested I find a circle to share my hobbies with. It is not a necessity, certainly, but proving that my hobbies are more than needless tasks would make me appear more open.
He stood in front of a bulletin board in Hemingway Heights, perusing the many advertisements and posters. His personal goal this week was to find a group to participate in a hobby with. When his new colleague Rosa had asked about his personal interests a few days prior, Vyn found himself eager to tell about his experiences with polo, archery, music, and the like. They spoke for a while. She said he was an impressive individual.
Impressive. Vyn knew that he was gloating when he replayed their conversation in his head…up until she had asked with whom he shared his talents.
So now, as he stood, Vyn intended to do just that.
She certainly seems like a more sociable individual…this sort of community activity must be of great importance to her.
After moments of careful consideration, he took a picture of the contacts of one interesting group, gracefully tucked his phone in his pocket, and walked away.
A month later, Vyn sat with his legs crossed by the waterfront, holding a warm mug of tea and wearing the sweater that Ida had just finished.
“Oh, thank you so much for taking us out today, dear. The sweater looks lovely on you…it’d be a shame if you didn’t keep it.”
Vyn smiled gently to the old woman, insisting that he “mustn’t profit from her handiwork”, but she patted a wrinkled hand on his arm and laughed.
“So sweet! Oh, what a kind man we have…Vyn, I insist.”
Edith took a sip from her own tea. “And handsome too! I bet the waitress was jealous when she came out to see this dashing model with us crones!”
Vyn chuckled, and set his empty mug on the table before standing with his bag. “Well, I do admit that as much as I have enjoyed my time with you, I must be going. And Edith, thank you again for the cardstock. My colleague will be very pleased to see that we may begin scrapbooking our vacation travels. I will continue working on the sock pattern until our next meeting.”
“Of course, dearie! Cozy up with a book when you get around to wearing those—the merino is very soft. Or invite a friend to cozy up with you!” Edith had seemed to listen very intently whenever Vyn mentioned Rosa’s name, and in the moment he felt his features soften at the thought.
He said his final goodbyes to the women, paid the bill as they teased him for being a generous gentleman, and began the walk to the research center.
Vyn would never have expected that he could’ve found so much satisfaction in crafting with others. He had always prided himself in his independent nature, and when he returned to his workplace it dawned upon him that he hadn’t once tried to dissect their mannerisms during their meetings. Instead, he had focused on his own. Their chats gave him a genuine sense of comfort—not only in proving to Rosa that he was capable of sharing his hobbies, but that there were elders who cared for him enough to tease him, or send food when he’s sick, or suggest he adopt a cat. Hell, even as he sat there at his desk Vyn looked down to see the sweater that had been lovingly made for him.
Vyn made a mental note to thank Rosa for her suggestion, and pulled his white coat over the sweater while he tucked his bag of scrapbooking materials to the side. It was a productive day for leisure time, without a doubt.
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ty again for the ask! I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve appeared…living is wonky and my brain didn’t Want To but oh well! it may take a long while until I’m done with all of them, but I’m just reminding myself that this is a hobby and I shouldn’t be under any obligation to post lol,,, social media is weird. but I genuinely like everybody sitting in my inbox! Thanks for the patience <333
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ToT - chapter 10 - just some comments
warning: some topics here may trigger you, so read it at your own discretion
My 120k deck was enough to clear chapter 10 and I just can't believe it hahahah hell yeah! 🥳 
my comments do not follow any order btw ahahaha. Sorry for that! When I get too excited sometimes that happens XD
Now I know why people were saying that tot's main story is getting darker. And I agree. But I love that. The angst!! And it's so hard to trust people now. Even the boys. I don't mind taking home shady marius tho 🤭🤭🤭 Give me! He is mineeeee
I just feel this huge distance right now between the boys and rosa. And it seems that this will just get worse in future chapters. I wonder if one of our boys will become a traitor. If they aren't already.
Vyn saved Rosa's life and that was so cool. I loved their acting in the sauna ahahah. I was very tense reading that especially cuz I hate saunas lol.
Artem's acting is also getting better. He should be happy he got Rosa as his prize lol. Congratulations Artem. You should thank Vyn for that 🤣🤣
Idk if it's just me but I'm so mad at jerome hahaha. I mean, we don't know exactly what he is plotting, but I just can't stand him acting all friendly/cute when he talks to rosa. It looks as if he is mocking us!
Maybe he does care about the patients, but I just can't believe anything he says at this point. I hope NXX investigates him in the next chapter 😤😤
Also, what is Vyn's family connection to that facility jerome worked at? I forgot the name of the place, but according to Marius, Vyn's family has some sort of partnership with this facility who may be involved in shady business.
And talking about Vyn, his uncle is hot. But apparently he is a douche >.<. He 'trapped' vyn in his house? Did I get that right? What for? So many questions...
And who is the guy who was threatening Felicia's husband and his family? As you can see I already forgot the name of her husband 🙃Come on! I'm so curious!!! It may be the same guy who tried to kill Rosa, but it doesn't make sense that he exposed his identity to Rosa. Yeah, he probably thought she was going to die there, but still... A pretty dumb move if he did that.
Another moment I reallyyyyyyyyyy liked was the car chase. Artem is such a good driver btw. Boy got some skills, I must say it xD. It was very brave of him to put his life at risk to protect MC from the crash.
And I have to mention Marius and Vincent's convo. They are so stupid hahahaha. When they were talking about that dude who assaulted Mar, what was his name again? lol, vincent asked marius why he didn't send the info himself to Rosa and Marius asked him who was the boss, I laughed so hard. Marius is so dramatic sometimes 🤣🤣🤣 And he was so ready to seek revenge (and so was I) but the guy killed himself. I still don't understand why he assaulted marius. What he was trying to achieve there? Someone pushed him to do that? Does he have some connection with Gerard? And where is gerard btw? I hope he is okay...
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laciefuyu · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your  wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people  send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a  little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Tagged by: @ankahikoibaat
Tagging: idk who havent ajsjs @noneedforbloodpressure @jedi-order-apologist and folks who sees this in their dash
Lena & Radit (original story, slice of life & family drama)
forgiveness (original story one shot, another family drama)
Sith Obi-Wan (sprinkles codywan) BAD END END (self explanatory i think, and its one shot)
Trail of Truth (original story, fantasy vampire and hijabi vampires LOL)
SW charas plays FFXIV (modern aus, drama mama anakin and as being requested have codywan sprinkles)
Artem got accident then be idiot (tears of themis fic, artem focused but multiple pov. i'll be real this is just me want to see artem and vyn actually talk and.... nxx taking care artem is just my personal need. also its done, but in the middle of beta and this is actually a birthday gift to my bestie alex XD)
NXX plays FFXIV (I cannot say this going to be fic or just me listing how they would play ffxiv, but this is personal because i adore ffxiv lol)
NXX got their hair dried by artem + when they did the same to Artem (self explanatory, it just again love the mom friend artem and then he also got taken care by them. nxx found family for the win)
Sick Artem feat established VynTemRosa (self explanatory, was thinking of writing nxx polycule but i still havent get full grasp of marius and luke voice so yeah eventually that said i still crying over whether i get vyn and artem right. anyway i am currently focused on this because brain rot)
NXX boyband au (full stop, my brain need it so badly because i am very into idols for a long time and still do to some of my faves so i just plays with it.)
Artem theater major + become bestie with Vyn (reluctantly at first but become real) and roommate and still find his way to law anyway (self explanatory, this is because i find out that there is a good acting school at svart thanks to main story chapter 7 and reading thin veil card in yt about artem was about to major in drama if not law)
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka have talk about sexuality ane romantic attraction (self explanatory, and personal and its done tbh just need to be checked)
Arsiparis (hahaha lets just say this bahasa indo words for archivist ;) )
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softlycandescent · 5 months
winter reverie ☀︎
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On a cold night, Xiaoxi and Vyn find a way to make it a little cozier.
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Winter nights weren’t my favorite, the way the cold would settle on my bare skin. The fuzzy socks on my feet were worn and a gift from a distant holiday and on the verge of falling apart. Even with trails of cotton leading right back to me, I couldn’t help but feel warm watching Vyn light the nearby fireplace, and I don’t think it was the fire.
“Sorry it took a moment for me to get the fire going, love,” Vyn turns and brushes his fingers along my arm, sending a violent chill through my body. “You’re really cold, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” I press my lips into a flat line to ward off the incoming chills. I am cold, but he doesn’t need to fret over me, the fire weakly crackling at the center of the room is enough. “I’m really not that cold.”
Something soft falls onto my arms and immediately recognizes it as Vyn’s beige cardigan. I put it on properly and it flops past my fingertips. “Is that better, Xiaoxi?”
I flap the sleeves against his chest playfully, “Yes, much, thank you. Your sweaters are so much softer than mine, so cozy.” 
“I think it suits you,” Vyn’s hand cups my cheek and I lean into it, closing my eyes. His thumb traces over a faded scar. When I feel his lips make contact with my nose I can;t help but let out a giggle, no matter how many times he does it it never fails to make me giddy with a heart full of love.
Then he pulls away and I resist the urge to whine and reach out for him again. His eyes find mine against the glow of the fireplace. “Vyn-”
“May I have this dance, my dear?” His hand reaches for my mind and he presses a kiss to my knuckles. The way he’s bowed made me feel so important, so special. 
Of course I accepted, and the soft smile he gave me made my heart swell. Reflections from the fire danced across his glasses and drew me in. The way he held my hand was so delicate as he guided it to his shoulder, the material of his shirt felt so smooth under my palm. I slowly brought my other hand to his other shoulder. 
As per usual, I stood on his feet, he always told me he didn’t want my legs to ache from standing on my toes to reach him. Besides there was a certain tenderness behind our fuzzy socks overlapping in a messy splay of colors.
Vyn’s hands travelled down to my sides and when he held me it was like my anxieties from the day had been washed away by a gentle breeze. Even when we started to sway back and forth and in short steps across the floor. 
There was no music, no beat to match. But to be honest, I never liked dancing with him to music, it would distract me far too much. Honestly, I preferred to just focus on him. 
“You’re a really good dancer, Vyn,” I whisper, my head falling into the space between his neck and shoulder.
“You’ve said that before, but I prefer this to everything else.”
“Even when I doze off?”
“I’ll carry you to bed then.”
“I really love you.”
“I really love you too.”
0 notes
thenovelartist · 1 year
Thank you.
Thank you. For everything. You have no idea how much joy you bring into my life. It’s time you knew that.
The first story I read from you was Give and Take, a VynRosa fanfiction that seriously didn’t feel like 16k words because, despite such length, I kept craving for more. I loved your writing—it was smooth, endearing, magical. I fell in love with the story. I wondered how you could come up and write a beautiful piece. It seemed like love at first read to me, honestly. Right after I finished Give and Take, I devoured every Tears of Themis fic you had. 
But you only had five Tears of Themis fics posted on Ao3. I tried to look for more, to no avail. I was disheartened because your writing—and your ideas—were so one of a kind that, somehow, your writing was the only one I wanted to read. And when I saw your other works, I was curious why you had so many stories about Miraculous Ladybug. I didn’t read them because I haven’t watched even a clip of the show yet. 
Fast forward to 2023—two years later. I saw Miraculous Ladybug The Movie on Netflix and remembered you. I watched it. I fell in love.
In 3 weeks or less, I binged all five seasons of the show, including the movies, and Miraculous Secrets. I became so obsessed that I think of Cat Noir before I fall asleep. Of Marinette’s genuine love for Adrien. And even though they did end up together in the last season, I couldn’t help but fantasize about the many things that could’ve been. Then I remembered I had you. I remembered my favorite author, who filled my heart with bliss by writing the best VynRosa ever—and wrote the best Miraculous Ladybug stories, too. 
I haven’t finished reading all your works yet because of university, but thank you. Thank you for writing these stories. You make me very happy. Miraculous Ladybug is a series that touched my soul and I am glad to have an author who does the same.
Please write more. 
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This took forever to respond to because I was just so freaking touched. Thank you so much for taking the time to send me such a nice message. I'm really flattered that you like my work so much, and I'm honored to be held in such high regard.
There wasn't much to how I came up with the idea for "Give and Take." I really enjoyed Vyn's character, but "childhood friends to lovers" is my favorite trope (which is why Luke ultimately became my fave), so I wanted to put these two together when they were young, doing my best to balance enough build-up to make it seem realistic the way they fell while also keeping it short... er, I guess I should say "not write an entire novel for them" XD . I probably should have written more, but after working on it for a couple weeks, I got tired at the end and decided I needed to wrap it up quickly, hence the couple year time skip for the ending bit.
I hope you enjoy my ML fics as much or more as my Tears of Themis ones. With as many as I have (and as many long ones), they should keep you busy for a while. XD
I hope school is going smoothly for you. :) Thank you again!!!
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lovestellis · 2 years
winter reverie
Winter nights weren’t my favorite, the way the cold would settle on my bare skin. The fuzzy socks on my feet were worn and a gift from a distant holiday and on the verge of falling apart. Even with trails of cotton leading right back to me, I couldn’t help but feel warm watching Vyn light the nearby fireplace, and I don’t think it was the fire.
“Sorry it took a moment for me to get the fire going, love,” Vyn turns and brushes his fingers along my arm, sending a violent chill through my body. “You’re really cold, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” I press my lips into a flat line to ward off the incoming chills. I am cold, but he doesn’t need to fret over me, the fire weakly crackling at the center of the room is enough. “I’m really not that cold.”
Something soft falls onto my arms and immediately recognizes it as Vyn’s beige cardigan. I put it on properly and it flops past my fingertips. “Is that better, Xiaoxi?”
I flap the sleeves against his chest playfully, “Yes, much, thank you. Your sweaters are so much softer than mine, so cozy.” 
“I think it suits you,” Vyn’s hand cups my cheek and I lean into it, closing my eyes. His thumb traces over a faded scar. When I feel his lips make contact with my nose I can;t help but let out a giggle, no matter how many times he does it it never fails to make me giddy with a heart full of love.
Then he pulls away and I resist the urge to whine and reach out for him again. His eyes find mine against the glow of the fireplace. “Vyn-”
“May I have this dance, my dear?” His hand reaches for my mind and he presses a kiss to my knuckles. The way he’s bowed made me feel so important, so special. 
Of course I accepted, and the soft smile he gave me made my heart swell. Reflections from the fire danced across his glasses and drew me in. The way he held my hand was so delicate as he guided it to his shoulder, the material of his shirt felt so smooth under my palm. I slowly brought my other hand to his other shoulder. 
As per usual, I stood on his feet, he always told me he didn’t want my legs to ache from standing on my toes to reach him. Besides there was a certain tenderness behind our fuzzy socks overlapping in a messy splay of colors.
Vyn’s hands travelled down to my sides and when he held me it was like my anxieties from the day had been washed away by a gentle breeze. Even when we started to sway back and forth and in short steps across the floor. 
There was no music, no beat to match. But to be honest, I never liked dancing with him to music, it would distract me far too much. Honestly, I preferred to just focus on him. 
“You’re a really good dancer, Vyn,” I whisper, my head falling into the space between his neck and shoulder.
“You’ve said that before, but I prefer this to everything else.”
“Even when I doze off?”
“I’ll carry you to bed then.”
“I really love you.”
“I really love you too.”
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actualbird · 2 years
assorted hc rambles that one way or another have something to do with the academia in tot's canon
wc: 1k
cuz even if i know this is a game of romance and wits and murder mystery law, hyv cant just drop the cast like the nxx team (aka vyn and artem have doctorate degrees, mc is a graduate attorney, luke has a master's in bioengineering, and marius is working on his master's in oil painting) and not expect me to want to know more about how theyre interacting with their specific spheres of academia
stellis university's biology department is begging "Pearce, L." to please consider giving a guest lecture for their students, pretty please
i think it's very entertaining to remember that several departments at stellis university have a bunch of Celebrity Poster Students/Alumni/Profs.
psychology dept obviously has the graceful intelligent dr vyn richter and hoo boy, that incident back in his personal story 3 where for a hot sec the university believed a SKETCHY CALLOUT POST accusing him to be a TOXIC MANIPULATOR....okay thats pretty on par for the course of how social media works HAHA. but my point here is that vyn is beautiful and a great teacher and theres a fanclub for him and he was momentarily involved in juicy drama. hes the perfect poster prof, he brings in a lot of attention and, in turn, interested students.
the law dept obviously has artem wing, and theyve also got rising attorney mc too!! im not sure if ingrid rosworth is canonically also a graduate of stellis uni, but if she is, im sure the law dept can drop some spicy rumors about ingrid and artem's Bitter Rivalry or something
aaaand the fine arts department has The marius von hagen as a grad student, and that in itself is already a big draw and a bunch of publicity.
but what about the STEM nation?
luke pearce is the only person on the team that is in no way affiliated with stellis university. he got his master's degree at national central university, which (and i know i mentioned this before but i want to mention it again) is noted in the Big Data Lab to be a canonical rival school of stellis university
National Central University has been competing with Stellis University for the top-ranked college domestically for years, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. [from the Big Data Lab entry on NCU]
which is already so hilarious to think about. can you imagine national central university and stellis university's sports teams go against each other for a big game and suddenly the nxx investigation team is divided due to school loyalties? luke's gonna be the lone ranger rooting for national central and everybodys gonna affectionately call him a traitor
but i digress.
while luke is the most lowkey of the team in terms of publicity/popularity he gets from the media, surely, surely this canonical genius' bioengineering contributions during his studies garnered attention from the nerds at stellis uni.
the master's thesis written by Pearce, L. is something many students and faculty have been fangirling/fanboying over the moment they read it, and it becomes known that Pearce, L. is currently residing in south stellis, and thus the dept keeps sending luke emails inviting him to do a guest lecture sometime
and he always just replies with a concise and friendly "No thank you! :D" because 1) hes got enough on his plate to do right now and 2) cuz of stupid school loyalties jhvJHVKSJHFS, hes not teaching on enemy territory
"MY DISCIPLINE'S citation style is better than YOURS!!!"
luke (biology/engineering) and vyn (psychology/pedagogy) use APA. mc and artem (law) use The Bluebook Style. and marius, our sole trooper in the fine arts, uses MLA.
if ever the team have to collaborate with somebody else in the team who is outside of their respective discipline's citation style to co-author some research, blood will be shed. the chaos would be immense. everybody assumed they were using the same citation (i.e. whatever citation each of them were respectively used to) and then when they realize the formatting discrepancies, the ACADEMIC RIFTS IN MANUALS OF STYLE, everybody gets extremely defensive and comically overdramatic over their preferred format of choice
vyn, luke, and marius: //squinting at the bluebook format
vyn: this is...
marius: youre gonna be way too passive aggressive with your thoughts, what we need is blunt aggressive. this format sucks balls
artem: it does not suck balls
vyn: no, he's right, it does
marius, muttering to himself: oh that was a weird feeling, vyn saying im right
artem, louder: it doesnt!!
luke, looking at mc with the biggest saddest puppy eyes: w-when did you change so much...i...i thought i knew you, i trusted you 🥺🥺🥺
marius: uh, cuz marius is right and holy and all of you are wrong?
vyn, immediately switching sides cuz he loves the drama: MLA is ridiculous. why on earth is the only number present in the in text citation the page number?
marius: cuz it's simpler and doesnt take for-fuckin-ever to read past?????
luke, grumbling: least MLA could do is have the year in the in text citation...
marius: thats what the works cited portion is for, bitch!
artem: so you want us to flip all the way to the works cited portion to see the year? that seems like it would take much longer to do, like it would take forever---
and this argument would go on for far too long.
moving on
one day vyn is sick and has to postpone a class and...
if vyn comes down with the ails, he'll of course have to update his students about how he wont be coming in on that day.
now, he wanted to start off his email saying. "I am afraid I will have to postpone classes [...]" and whatnot, but vyn is Very Sick. he starts writing the email, passes out like a few words in, and when he wakes up he sees the email he had accidentally sent to all his students:
Good day, I am afraid
(based on this hilarious tumblr post)
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elleaftermidnight · 3 years
the tot boys absolutely ruining you is nice, but what about wrecking the tot boys soo good you make them cry 🤤🤤
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elle’s feeling thirsty. mdni. or else you’ll never get a s/sr card ever again.
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artem wing is the prettiest crier, alluring blue eyes filled to the brim with tears as he watches you ride his cock. you’re throwing your head back, moan after moan falling past your lips. he just can’t believe that he’s the only one that gets to see you like this, he’s the only one who can feels your walls clamping around his dick as you chase your own high. the tears that stream down his cheeks come from love and the immense pleasure that’s building in the pit of his stomach, especially as you lean down to cover his neck in the prettiest little marks. “don’t stop, darling. feel so good around me, what did i ever do to deserve you.”
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luke pearce bites his lip, trying to stop the moan that threatened to fall past him as you took more and more of his length into your mouth. but it felt too good, especially when you moan around him -- the vibrations sending shocks straight to the pit of his stomach -- and seeing you pleasure yourself while you sucked him off. tears prick the corners of his eyes when his tip hits the back of your throat, sucking in a breath as he attempted to blink them back. he feels your tongue licks the underside of his shaft and a choked out sob escapes him. just as he nears his release, you pull your mouth off of him with a smirk, choosing to plant several kisses along his jaw instead. “baby- you gotta let me cum, please. please.”
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marius von hagen knew as soon as he sinks his cock inside you that you’ve ruined everyone else for him, no one would be able to take him as well as you did. his fingers grip at your hips as he slams into you, feeling the way your walls wrap around him -- milking his cock for everything that it had. with your lips marking his neck, your hands gripping at his hair, your cries of pleasure falling on his ears, marius hadn’t even noticed that tears had already begun streaming down his cheeks. a mixture of sobs and moans of your name leave his lips, his hips continuously bucking into you as he attempts to chase down his release. it would come soon enough, feeling your thumbs wipe away at his tears, a fucked-out smile on your face. “you feel amazing, i'm yours- yours alone, okay?”
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vyn richter didn’t think he would be the type to cry, but having you beneath him, writing in pleasure and eyes screwed shut as he thrusted in and out of you. you reach a hand out to cup his cheek, your thumb grazing the skin beneath it as you bit your lip and arched your back. you were close, he could feel it in the way you squeezed and clenched around his length; the warmth of your walls enough to send him over the edge. neither you nor vyn noticed that he had begun crying until on of his tears fell on your cheek. his movement slowing down as he processes everything that he had been feeling -- love and pleasure intertwined as he leans down to press his lips on yours. vyn lets the tears fall freely as you come undone together, “look at me, you’ve completely ruined me, my love.”
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thinking bout making the boys feel so good that they cry,, would like to ruin them please thank you :>
—  tot masterlist ; inbox is always open for thirsts / anons / char anons <3
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hello sunshine!! Please take as much time as you need with this, thank you for such a wonderful event.
My pronouns are they/them. Fandoms are haikyuu, tears of themis and txt. I would prefer a romantic matchup and my MBTI is ENFP. I am a Sagittarius (sun,mercury &venus) Leo Moon and Aquarius (Rising & Mars). What I value most in a relationship is emotional support, teamwork and communication. I always liked people with gentle eyes or eyes that are the most noticeable part of someone. Anyone with an aura that comes off shy and introverted but still sure of themselves is very attractive to me. Personality would be someone who’s kindness + sincerity + integrity shines through even if they are a bit apprehensive towards people or situations. Big heart energy, if I must say.
My personality is I am a good balance of emotions and logic. I love making people laugh and loosen up and I’m always ready to lend an ear. Sincerity is my favourite attribute in someone so it’s what I try to be everyday. The therapist friend and mom of the group most times. Troubles can weigh on me for days but I always remain optimistic despite. I am an ambivert with more introverted hobbies like writing, watching new shows and finding new music, reading poetry & non fiction, taking long walks and learning new languages.
Currently I am in a degree studying Cognitive Science with a minor in Computer Science. Random things that are very dear to me are my dogs, early mornings, my dark blue windbreaker, fruits and the 2001 movie, Artificial Intelligence. The quote I always live by is, “Follow your heart but take your brain with you.”
For the scenario, I would like a scenario about 3am late night talking, giggling under the covers about stupid jokes and talking about the most random topics. Thank you so much for doing this, take care of yourself. ❤️
1000 Follower Matchup Event #13
My event is now CLOSED but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can check out the masterlist to this event here.
Note: 100000 years late, but it's finally here. Hope you enjoy. Also side note to anyone looking through my masterlist, I need to fix all the links on my account so they don't go straight to google (on mobile) and some just don't work so I'll need to work on that soon. In the meantime if you can't find your matchup that I've already posted you can try searching for it like Matchup #1 or something. idk. or send me an ask and I'll try and find it for you
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I match you with SUGAWARA, SOOBIN, and LUKE
Runner-ups were Asahi, Taehyun, and Vyn
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I instantly thought Suga was a great match for you because you said you like someone with gentle eyes and I just LOVE Sugawara’s eyes. They look so comforting, like you can just open up to him about your deepest darkest secrets and he’d listen unconditionally. 
Study dates are in your future with Suga, I’m not sure if he’s incredibly smart, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t failing like our beloved Tanaka or Kageyama lol. So you’d both have tons of study dates, though he does get distracted MANY times by your beauty and just stares at you with loving eyes until you catch him and make him focus on his work again. Cute~ He appreciates how intelligent you are, but also how laid back you can be. You’re the only person who’s ever really there for him so the fact that you can also listen to his worries and make him feel better on his bad days is so so special to him. He’d go out of his way to show you little signs of his thanks–nothing crazy, just things like bringing you flowers, buying you breakfast in the morning before your classes, little things to show he was thinking of you!
3am’s with Sugawara:
For some reason, I headcanon that this man can’t stay up late for the life of him
So 3am’s with Suga are delirious; he’s just rambling on about something and isn’t fully making sense, so you’re just laughing at him and he gets pouty because his half-awake self thinks you’re making fun of him
You had proposed the idea of a sleepover to him, and he was really trying his best to stay awake
Cue him jolting up and running to the bathroom to throw cold water over his face every few minutes
You do try and tell him that it’s okay for him to just fall asleep, but he refuses, he NEEDS to stay awake
Mission failed though because he does end up falling asleep as you just admire his sleeping face, deciding to end your attempt at an all nighter and just sleep with him as well
He does wake up early though and uses the time to admire you as you sleep
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Okay so I had originally had Taehyun as my first choice, but after months of letting this matchup sit, I thought Soobin would be a better choice. Now excuse me if any of this is wrong, it’s been a long time since I delved into anything-txt-related, but I do still keep up with their music. I just haven’t had time to watch their other stuff SIGH. But again the eyes part made me choose him. Soobin has the cutest, most gentlest eyes in the whole world. Literally if he ever looks at me and asks me for anything, I’d have to give it to him, how can you say no? And let me just say, he definitely uses that to his advantage.
With the boys he’s a cheeky menace, but with you, he’s just so incredibly sweet (but still has his playful moments whenever he isn’t being shy). I’d like to think he’d be a gentleman with his s/o and treat them with so much love and care. He loves how intelligent you are and likes to watch you study instead of doing any studying himself lol. Really soft with you.
3a.m’s with Soobin:
I think he’s used to staying up late so being up at this time is no issue for him
He’ll think of something fun for the two of you to do together, whether it be playing games, or making a late night meal if you’re craving it
I picture cute convenience store runs as you both giggle in the dark of the night, as if only the two of you exist in the world–not a worry in sight
Soobin is more of a listener, so when you return to the comfort of your bed, he looks in awe at everything you tell him, listening to every little detail and jumping in to respond whenever it feels right to do so
It’s like staying up late with your best friend
You both make a bet on who can stay up the longest, whoever falls asleep first has to buy the other food the next day–something cute like that
Overall, it’s a fun night
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Your very own golden retriever, protective boyfriend. Shy, yet confident Luke, he’s perfect for you. He’d love your dogs, since I’m pretty sure he’s a dog person–love that. He’s a detective (and very in-shape) so he loves going on morning walks with you and your dogs. Early mornings are his favorite time of day to spend with you, seeing your face each morning is like the equivalent of drinking coffee for other people.
He’s typically busy with work, but whenever he’s free, he loves watching movies with you and just staying home to spend lots of time with you doing all your favorite things. He’s fascinated that you love learning different languages so he probably asks you to teach him a new word each day just so he can be included in that part of your life. In return he’ll let you in on some detective secrets (nothing classified though, sorry).
Best partner you could have really.
3a.m’s with Luke:
I need to replay every chapter of tot i swear
But I think Luke is the type to stay up late doing detective work (research and thinking things through) so he’s used to staying up
On the rare free nights that he gets, he’d feel super relaxed finally not having any work to do so he might feel a little drowsy as he listens to you chat about your day and other little things that come to your mind
He listens to every word though, refusing to fall asleep and leave you speaking to yourself
Use this opportunity to get him to say cute things without a filter, he’s usually not as confident with his words of affection when he’s wide awake (even though he does really care for you, he’s not fully used to it yet)
Throws the covers over the two of you and cuddles into you
Doesn’t fall asleep until you do first, no matter how tired he is
Not that thrilling, but definitely still tons of fun
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Posted: 5/25/2023
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halcyon-writings · 3 years
- holding out your palm under their chin (hcs)
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note(s)/warning(s): the title sounds kinda wild but it’s fluff i promise, no spoilers, my thoughts are too much, reader is gn + not rosa/the mc (bc she’s here and that’s weird dating urself we aren’t 3h /j) surprisingly enough my first entry for this series is not angsty who would’ve thunk
feat. marius, luke, vyn, artem, and rosa
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marius von hagen
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the one who’s teasing you about it, maybe a slight laugh too. looking from your open palm to your eyes with a the corners of his crinkling in amusement. He even raises his eyebrows a few times to add to the humor of it all. But he’s going to indulge you all the same, after poking some more fun of course.
“I didn’t think you could be so cute!” He exclaims, and of course you want to either smack him or kiss him (or both). You pull your hand away which makes him fluster instead, He still wanted to do the thing where he rests his chin in your palm. After much convincing (which meant to stop his whining that got several looks from other people) he finally gets his way.
He bats his eyelashes and pouts when you laugh at him. But doesn’t quite move just yet. And seeing how you move to cup his face with both hands, suddenly the so confident pax group leader flushes. he protests loudly as you laugh while letting go. (He likes it more than he wants to admit). And you suddenly have a thing for him whining. Huh, who knew.
luke pearce
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Luke, you beautiful soul you, would look at you a bit confused when you hold your hand out out of the blue. Confusion spreads across his features because he can’t remember you handing him anything. Perhaps followed by a small panic because what if you did and he forgot and then lost it. He’s patting his many pockets on the familiar jacket before you grab his attention again.
Your hand is held out again, and this time Luke tilts his head, akin to a confused puppy. And you probably have to reach up, palm placed underneath his chin. He processes it for a moment, before his entire face heats up, and he sputters out a question about your antics. But he doesn’t move his head away either so really, who’s winning here.
Once he recovers, and you’re certain he won’t spontaneously combust, he sends a wide grin your way. And like previously looking like an excited puppy, all he was missing was the ears and the wagging tail. This man loves physical affection, and literally would love this so much. Don’t @ me I’m right.
vyn richter
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Ah Vyn. Now unlike the previous two, it would take a bit more to surprise him, or even fluster him. He sees you raise your hand up to his chin, just enough that he’d have to lean down slightly. Raising a delicate brow with a small amused quirk of his lips, “Oh?” And despite you literally having him in the palm of your hand, it feels like you’re the one that’s been trapped instead.
Not one to state his want outright, rather nudging slowly, Vyn relishes the contact just as much. I imagine that he’s also another that’s a bit touched starved (ig they all are huh). Looking up at you through his eyelashes. There’s soft adoration in his eyes, it’s no surprise if you suddenly combust at the way he looks at you. Vyn is just that charming and he knows it, using this skill for evil /j. “Is this what you wanted?” He asks.
But unlike the previous two, he ends up flustering you. Leaning just a bit more forward, tilting his head, when you feel him kiss your palm. Also peering up at you slightly just to get a glimpse of your reaction. It seems that he got the last laugh instead, well played doc, well played. 
artem wing
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This poor man. You’re gonna end up confusing the hell out of him and that is a fact. If the man had to consult a book on how to ask someone out, he probably wouldn’t even know what you want him to do unless you say so outright. But it’s okay, his confusion is cute so it’s whatever. Probably makes a note of this to google it or smth, just in case,,, can’t stand him /j. But just because he’s a little confused, does not mean that he won’t do it.  
Literally all you would have to do is ask nicely and man will go to the ends of the Earth for you. His happiness is quiet, but still he’s enamored all the same. If he could bring both of your hands to cup his face, he would but the thought of that probably gets him all flustered. (He once turned so red when his hand brushed against yours once, even Celestine had decided to have some pity for the poor thing and didn’t tease him that time). 
He’s literally boyfriend material, wtf. Probably the second that flusters you albeit unintentionally because once he gets it, it’s as though a lightbulb pops up above his head. Artem is just so earnest in his affection (I’m gonna go kiss him rn smh), like idk if it’s y bias towards him but please imagine him doing this it’s so cute
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MISS ROSA!!!! My beloved,,, I know we can technically give her any name we want but I like this name for her. Another sweetheart who get’s flushed when you hold your hand out in front of her/beneath her chin. She’s aware of the cute trends, and in no doubt thanks to Kiki as well, but still, she thinks it may be cheesy to ask for such couple-y things to do. But she still loves them. 
As her s/o, you can get away with teasing her (Marius is punching the air rn). Just please have mercy on her, you’ll make the poor woman combust or smth. But once she gets over the slight embarrassment, she loves it. Also probably does it to you from time to time so she can see you get all flustered. It’s a hollow victory bc Rosa is also red in the face but it is a victory all the same.
If you also work at Themis, just know that Kiki may or may not squeal at the two of you and now you have everybody’s attention, good luck! (It’s okay get her back with smth about idol merch and she gets sworn to secrecy, easy peasy).
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House Call (NSFW)
Part of Entrapped - series of smutty NSFW fansequels for Vyn's cards, with their own sort of continuity Pt 01 Layers | Pt 02 House Call
Fansequel to Mercury in Retrograde. Rosa gives Vyn another chance to prove his worthiness of the top spot in her Send Help list.
Wet shirt doctor happens.
Nothing gets fixed. Again.
Fic ultimately inspired by this post
and a specific bit by this fanart
Rosa: Dr. Richter, I'm sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but can I ask for your help?
Vyn: Anything and anytime, Rosa. What is it?
Rosa: The wall mount for my shower head came loose and I can't attach it by myself...is it alright if you could take a look at it and see if it's something you can fix?
Vyn: I will be there in a few minutes.
Rosa: Thanks, Dr. Richter!
Vyn: But may I ask for something in exchange?
Rosa: What is it?
Vyn: Remember to call me Vyn. Like how you did, back in the garden.
Unwittingly reminded of that time, you blush furiously as the memories of what happened in the relative privacy of his English garden flood back into your mind.
It only happened less than a month ago, and it took you two weeks to snap out of daydreaming about it every so often, which oftentimes had you blanking out, trying to relive the exquisite experience in your thoughts...
Get a hold of yourself, Rosa!
You put your phone down onto the kitchen table, and slap both of your cheeks, hard. There are some preparation that needed doing, such as making sure tea and other snacks are on hand, and...
Should I tidy up the bedroom?
Goddamn it, Rosa, you invited the man to your house to help you with the shower, NOT jump on him!
You bury your face into your hands, cursing at yourself in frustration.
"Hello, Rosa," Vyn greets you with a smile as soon as you open the door, his large toolbox on one hand and a large duffel bag in the other. "Did you wait too long?" he asks as you usher him into the living room. "I had to gather my things first."
"Oh, is that the toolbox we bought the last time?"
"Yes, the very same one." Vyn says as he places it on the glass table and his duffel bag on one end of the sofa. "I do not want to accidentally leave out anything that may be needed to fix your shower head, and so I brought everything with me."
"Thanks Dr. Ri--Vyn," You quickly correct yourself. It's still surreal, being on a first-name basis with this illustrious man who still you look up to.
"I really appreciate you going through the trouble of coming here to help."
"'Dr. Richter', still?" Vyn said as he turns to face you. "Are you still not used with the intimacy of calling me by my name?"
He grins, as if teasing you. His face takes on a rakish smile that you cannot help but blush.
And he makes it known that he notices--his smile widens, and his eyes become more seductive, even with his glasses. "I wonder what I should do, so that you will always remember to call me 'Vyn'" he whispers, tipping his head to one side as he looks at you with amusement.
"Oh, um..."
Before you can dwell on what to reply, it is then that you notice he is differently dressed than usual: a thin, white casual button down shirt, with sleeves rolled up to the elbows; simple dark denims. He seems sufficiently dressed for the task, you realize, and that even dressed like this, he still looks downright hot.
"Well?" Vyn now crosses his arms, not letting up with his teasing, waiting for your reply. "What do you need me--or us--to do, so you are always reminded to call me by my name?"
Mustering all your courage, you say "This," and stand on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his warm cheek.
Before your heel could even touch the floor Vyn pulls you even closer to him.
"That is not enough, I am afraid," he almost purrs, and he tips your chin upwards with a gentle touch of his fingertip. His face slowly dips towards yours as he whispers, "Let us start with this."
His warm lips softly nibble on your lower lip. With a sigh--of longing?--his arms slide across your back, pulling you even closer, impossibly closer, to his warm body, so much that you feel the thudding of his heart against his chest, and the stirrings of his arousal starting to poke against your stomach.
You moan, and Vyn takes that chance to slip his tongue inside, seeking yours to slide against it needily, sensuously, hungrily... The kissing is so unmistakably sexual that the shower head may not be fixed, after all...
With a groan Vyn reluctantly pulls away. He calms himself down with deep breaths, before saying, "There. After that, will you still keep on calling me 'Dr. Richter', or will you call me by my name from now on?"
You can see him still catching his breath; a telltale pink sex flush coloring his cheeks, contrasting beautifully with his champagne-gold eyes now hazy with lust; his silver hair slightly tousled.
Is this still Dr. Richter? You ask yourself. No. This man in front of me is Vyn. You repeat his name in your mind, the single glorious syllable rolling off quite beautifully in your head and imprinting itself all over your temporal lobe. Vyn. Vyn.
"Vyn," you whisper as you behold the beautiful man right in front of you.
And Vyn smiles, satisfied. "I am glad.
"Well then," he says as he gets into gear. "Can you show me the way to your broken shower?"
"Ah, this is quite a pickle," Vyn murmurs as he holds the wall mount of the shower head to the tiled wall with one hand, and a screwdriver with the other. "I am sure I have the right screw, but..."
He then continues to work the screw nail embedded into the hole with the screwdriver. "...it does not seem to tighten at all."
"I wonder what's wrong..." you murmur. "Do you need me to fetch something that may help?"
Vyn pauses, as if in thought. Then he finally says, "Would you be a dear and fetch me the home maintenance book I left in the backseat of my car? It is the same one that we bought together from the book club."
You remember what book it is. "Sure," you say, and off you go to his car to fetch it.
When you get back you hear the hissing of the shower coming from the bathroom, and a loud thudding noise, followed by some cursing in a language not your own.
"Vyn!" you cry out, alarmed. What if he hurt himself?  You frantically run up the stairs leading to the loft area of your apartment, turning left to your bathroom...
And you see him lying down in your bathtub, the shower going off and drenching him in water.
"Vyn! Are you alright? Did you hit your head?" You run towards the tub, seating yourself by the edge as you peer at Vyn still wincing and rubbing the back of his head.
"No, no. I think I am fine." he finally says. He moves his limbs, as if checking for any pain coming from bruises or broken bones. "All in one piece.
"Forgive me; I am rather clumsy," Vyn mutters as his back slides up the tub, letting himself settle into a sitting position. He then fumbles at the shower head to turn it off. "It is upsetting how I cannot--"
It is then that you notice his current state: Vyn sprawled in the wet tub, his clothes soaked; his white shirt absolutely drenched with its thin cotton fabric now translucent and sticking onto his lithe body, his muscles and even his nipples now showing through the fabric...
You gulp.
He notices you staring at him. "Ohoh. So the last time was never a wonderful misunderstanding, was it?" Vyn asks, grinning. "You were indeed...looking at me, in that way."
"Well, I--" you struggle to string together a plausible excuse, then Vyn mercifully cuts in.
"You were staring at me, if you may recall," he licks his lips, which curl into a seductive grin; his eyes almost leering behind wet silver eyelashes tipped with droplets of water, and the lenses of his eyeglasses streaked with water marks.
"Staring at me in that exact same way. If you can only look into a mirror right now, you could see your lustful face..."
Vyn then runs a hand through his wet silver hair, slicking his hair backwards as he keeps on leering at you; he even bites his lower lip, as if to further amp his teasing...
Is he...Is he preening? Right in my tub?
Oh god.
"I like it when you look at me that way, Rosa," he whispers, voice now low and seductive. "It makes me..."
His fingers deftly undo the buttons of his shirt.
"...feel certain things."
Unconsciously you bring a hand to your lips; you are now acutely aware of the furious blush blooming up your neck, up to the entirety of your face. Your breath picks up once you see him working on his belt buckle...
"Rosa, I did mention how you are the only one who can see my vulnerability," Vyn says as he manages to unbuckle his belt. "Permit me, then, to also show you the darker sides to me..."
He smiles at you, as if in a dangerous invitation. "...do you want to see it?" he asks, his fingers now on the button of his denim pants. "Shall I proceed, or is this too much for my virgin Rosa?"
You are watching his fingers on his pants in rapt attention, only to be further teased as Vyn stops in the middle of opening his fly until he hears your reply.
"I may be a virgin," you say, your own voice heavy with such desire, as if someone else is speaking on your behalf. "...but that should not stop me from looking at you, should it?"
You feel your own lips drying. and so you give them a lick.
Vyn lets out a low chuckle as he continues unbuttoning his pants, then proceeding to pull at the zipper.
His black underwear is now visible, and you can clearly see his own arousal straining against its soft fabric.
Now both of your hands are covering your mouth, as your eyes are glued to him as he teases you with the slow, measured movements of his long, slender fingers.
"Welcome to the darker side of me, Rosa," Vyn says, his smile slowly transitioning to a look of hunger. "Look at me. I like it when you look at me, in that way." His fingers now slip underneath the band of his briefs, pulling out his erect cock, its full length now freed and it twitches once, in his grasp.
You let out a small gasp at the sight; your mouth dries, and so you lick your lips once again, unconsciously. Yet your eyes do not leave the sight of his stiff member, even as Vyn holds it with one hand, his thumb starting to massage the underside of his length just where the cockhead meets the shaft.
"Yes, look at me, Rosa--this is how I am, in those lonely nights when there is nothing else to do but think of you." He groans as his other hand slithers inside his opened shirt, thumbing a nipple.
"Ahh--" he moans, driving his head deeper against the backrest in your tub. "Gods--haha--it feels even better now that you are indeed looking at me."
You squirm on the edge of the tub, all too aware of the wetness pooling in your nethers as you watch him pleasure himself inside your tub with abandon. "Vyn, I--oh damn." You bite your thumb. "Even I am now feeling things too," you say, laughing weakly in a lame attempt to distract yourself from the hot, heavy, suffocating atmosphere of sexual tension threatening to smother you.
"Hahh--gods, Rosa, I want you..." your doctor now grips his cock firmly, his hand now jerking himself off as his other hand fondles his nipple. "I...I want you."
"What do I need to do?" You ask, as your hands grip the edge of the tub so hard your knuckles turn white. Even if you are inexperienced with sex, the desire is still undeniably strong--you only need guidance...
And you want him, damn it. Even if he is in your goddamn tub.
"I do not plan on deflowering you here in such a laughable setting," Vyn says with a lopsided grin, his hands not letting up with his self-pleasuring. "But I suppose we can still do...certain things."
"Certain things...?" Your breath hitches, excited at the prospect of a new experience.
"It will be easier if I demonstrate, my dear Rosa. Come join me here, if you want."
As if in a trance you find yourself slipping out of your clothes, joining Vyn in the wet, empty bathtub; entangling your limbs in the tight, cramped space as your tongues ravenously slide against each other.
You initially think that it would be cold in the bathtub not filled with hot water, but you soon find that Vyn now feels warmer against your naked body; and your combined body heat causes you to sweat a little.
Now at close proximity with him you finally notice that Vyn actually has a beauty spot underneath his delicate collarbone. "Hey...I did not know you have a mole here," you whisper. "I do not recall you wearing anything that exposes your collarbone--did anyone else have the chance to see this beauty mark?"
"No. I am always properly attired, Rosa, and that means my shirts are always buttoned up including the collar."
Delighted at the knowledge of yet another sight that is reserved for you, you give the spot with the beauty mark a slow lick, relishing the slight salt taste on his skin.
Vyn lets out another low chuckle.
"Rosa, I am sorry that you should see me like this," he says quite unapologetically. "But I want you to know how much I..."
He takes one of your hands, leading it to his cock. "...Want you."
"Yeah, I can clearly see that, Vyn," you murmur against his lips. "I--ever since that time in the garden, I couldn't stop thinking about you too."
Your fingers tentatively touch his erection, then you allow yourself to grip him with your inexpert grasp.
"Allow me," he says, amused, as he gently prises off your fingers and bringing your palm to his lips. "Give it a little lubrication," he whispers before running the flat of his tongue all over your palm, coating it with his saliva.
"There," he murmurs once he is satisfied.
"And you hold it like this..." Vyn guides your fingers, wrapping them around his girth. "Apply a little pressure, like so..." His fingers press gently against yours holding his length. "...and do not be afraid to stroke me, like this..."
You pay full attention to his instruction, spellbound, the same way that you would with his lectures whenever you sit in his classes.
"Go ahead, try it by yourself," Vyn tells you as he lets go of your hand. "Feel free. You will find my feedback will come--hahh--quickly."
"Mnh--ahh--yes, that is right," Vyn closes his eyes as he thoroughly enjoys your practical demonstration, your hand stroking up and down the full length of his cock. "Yes, you are doing rather--gods--well. Continue," he says as if you were both in a classroom setting.
You smile at his reactions, you feel elated that he is writhing in pleasure by your hand, you are delighted at the moans that slip out of his mouth. "Am I doing it right?" You ask as you keep stroking him. "Does it make you feel good?"
"Yes, you are doing it right--ah--my pet," he moans, looking at you helplessly with his misty gold eyes. "Yes. Damn. Your fingers feel fucking good."
You blink at hearing him swear. "Haha, must be that good huh," you grin as you dip in for another kiss.
"Let me return the favor, pet?" He purrs as he guides one of your thighs to wrap around his waist. "Tell me...have you touched yourself in this way?"
You feel one of his hands trail down to your pussy, fingertips gathering wetness along the slit before slipping his index finger almost halfway inside. "Does this hurt?"
"No, and...no," You answer, shimmying your hips a little, trying to get used to the sensation of having something inside you. "It doesn't hurt, but it's my first time--ah!"
Vyn slowly thrusts his index finger in and out of you, each thrust inside driving his digit deeper inch by sweet inch. "How does this feel?"
"I--I don't know," you say, but you catch yourself moaning as his strokes become steadier and faster. "It feels...strange, but..."
"But...?" Vyn licks your ear to tease you even more. "If you feel like it, I can add another finger inside you..."
"Y-yeah, let's try that," you say as you keep on stroking his cock. "Oh--shit!" You yelp as Vyn slips another finger inside, now fucking you with two digits.
"The shower head will probably need to--ahh, fuck--wait for another day, pet?" Vyn's voice now starts to shudder. "It still works without even if not mounted in the wall. I am--hahh--damn--sorry."
You laugh at the mention of the one thing you invited him over--only to be promptly forgotten in the throes of making out with the one supposed to fix it. "Yes, I can still--ah!--shower--uughn--Vyn," you moan as your hips now start to grind against his toned abdomen. "I want to...come..."
"Sing for me then, Rosa," Vyn whispers, his voice now outright erotic. I shall make you come with my fingers."
Lewd, wet sounds now emanate from the delicious finger fucking that he is giving you, now that you are immensely wet, so wet that your juices have even spread on his abdomen as your hips grind against it with abandon.
His other hand slips between you, its fingers now massaging your clit.
"Shit, Vyn," you moan helplessly, so overcome with pleasure from both of his hand, that your own hand stops stroking him. "Oh--"
"Yes, come for me," Vyn whispers directly into your ear, his hot breath making you hiss through your teeth. "Come. And sing my name out loud when do you?" His fingers pick up speed, nudging you over the edge...
"Oh god. Oh god--" your inner thighs tense up as you feel the imminent wave of pleasure coming. Your toes curl, your free hand grabs fistfuls of his silver hair as you press his face against yours, both of your tongues dancing in a torrid, openmouthed kiss.
And the wave washes over you, and you cry his name out loud--the acoustics of your bathroom letting his name reverberating within its walls. "Vyn," you moan helplessly, his fingers still not letting up even as your inner walls spasm around his fingers.
"Heh. My little virgin Rosa," Vyn hums, satisfied with his handiwork. "I am so tempted to deflower you, right here and now, but I shall do so properly, and in a proper, romantic setting..."
"What, my bathtub isn't romantic?" you retort as you slowly recover from the orgasm.
"Before you crack any more jokes, beloved, remember that I am not done yet," Vyn reminds you, his cock in your hand still stiff and requiring more attention. "Just a little bit more--I am quite turned on by your singing earlier." He gives the shell of your ear a small lick. "Continue pleasuring me, pet."
You do not need to be told any further--you apply a little bit more pressure as you stroke his full length--up and down--and you try experimenting with applying more pressure on the underside with your thumb.
The way Vyn is now moaning your name out loud, repeatedly, tells you that you are doing the right thing.
"Does it feel good, Vyn?"
"Y-yes, ah--just a little more--" he grunts, his hips now moving against your hand...
Then it comes. This time it is Vyn who presses your face closer this his for a deep kiss, and he moans your name, over and over, into your mouth. You feel his hot sperm come out in bursts, coating your hand and splashing onto the back of your thighs, dripping down onto his abdomen.
It is a mess. A rather sexy mess.
"The wall mount for the shower head..." you giggle. "I wonder if it will even be fixed."
"Maybe call a professional if you want it fixed properly, my love?" Vyn mumbles weakly, still recovering from his own climax, his face nuzzling your hair.
"No. I want my Dr. Sexy to fix my shower."
Vyn laughs at the horrible nickname. "Do not call me that when there is someone else around, I beg you."
After showering (with the wall mount for the shower still broken) and changing into dry clothes, you both once again try your hand into fixing the wall mount.
"Um, Vyn, look at this," you point at the page displayed on your smartphone. "It mentions something like uh--" you peer at the text once again. "A screw anchor?"
"Let me see that," Vyn says as he holds out his hand.
He then reads the information as soon as you give him your smartphone. "Hmm. Ah--I think that may be the problem..."
He hands you back your phone and he stands on tiptoe to level one of his eyes to the hole, peering inside. "I think I found something...hand me one of the longer screws, please?"
Vyn then proceeds to dig out something from the hole with the long screw. Eventually he pulls out a small elongated object made out of plastic.
The both of you peer at it closely. "It's cracked," you note. "That must be why the screw can't be tightened."
"Yes, you are right," Vyn murmured. "I do not think I have this in my toolbox--we will need to go to the hardware store to buy a replacement."
You sigh. "I'm really sorry, Vyn--you go all this way and for nothing..."
"Nothing, Rosa? Are you sure?"
You look up at Vyn, whose eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Well..." you smile back, coyly. "I am still a virgin. By technical standards."
"Heh," he then bends down to lower his lips to your ear. "Next time, I will take you," His whisper sends electric jolts down your spine. "And I will, as they say, blow your mind."
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artemstellation · 3 years
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tot men + cats.
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artem wing...
.... as the cat who ignores you when you give it affection, but then meows right after when you get up to leave.
i feel like he's used to giving affection more than receiving it, so he's just bamboozled when it's returned. he does not know what to do or how to respond (i am also said cat, and malfunctioning in the face of affection is one of my special talents). so he just unintentionally ignores what you're saying, but then gets back to his senses when you sigh.
immediately scrambles to apologize and shyly asks if you could do it again (i am dying of cuteness, so i will bring all of you down with me). until he gets used to it, expect him to be like this, and good luck keeping your laughter in check.
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marius von hagen...
.... as that one cat who soaks up all the affection you can give it and then immediately proceeds to bite you (aka my cat, i just want some love man). totally not a continuation from the last post.
this annoying but lovable idiot will take all the affection and sweet words you can send his way, and then immediately proceed to tease you about the smallest of things or about your need for his affection (hey, you were the one whining-). gives you a smug smile right after and receives a deadpan in response (i agree with rosa, this man is cute as long as he doesn't open his mouth).
you don't want to do it again, but you do it again because this is marius von hagen, successor of the pax group that we are talking about here, because one, if you don't give him the affection and attention he wants, he'll annoy you for the rest of the day, and two, because he'll drag you away from whatever work you're doing. you don't think you can handle anymore of celestine's teasing, since marius alone is enough.
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luke pearce...
.... as the actual affectionate cat who gives you a heck ton of love even when you don't want it (aka the cat i wanted, but never got).
gives you all the love and affection he can! he's telling you that he loves you, gives you kisses, hugs you so well, and takes you out on some of the most fun dates! (he's so precious mum i'm in love-) always gives more than you can take, and will be down to provide you with a heck ton of love even without you asking.
he's slowly turning you into an addict to his affection and attention (what if that was his plan all along? 😳 /j) with how much of them that he gives you. good luck trying to successfully pass a day without craving for this sweetheart's love (spoiler: you failed miserably).
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vyn richter...
as that cat who's too smart for it's own good and silently judges you while pretending that it is not (also my cat but remove the smart part 👍).
he's smart, he's cute, he knows it, but he'll still reserve himself for you (pride yourself on this). teaches you a lot of new tricks and things, so much that everyone else at themis is beginning to be scared of how smart you are becoming (you're a pro at weaseling your way out of sticky situations thanks to him).
but he also silently judges you with a smile on his face for some of the stupid things you say (he'd judge me for the rest of his life, then) and do with luke. shakes his head and sighs, and then has the audacity to pretend that he didn't do anything. still loves you though (give me a vyn please-).
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✦ notes; hehe this is totally not based off of my statement in the last post about marius being like a cat. also totally wasn't supposed to be a shitpost that turned into a full on post because i was being salty about my cat ignoring me. 👍 enjoy anyway.
- rine
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© 2021 rine @artemstellation. do not plagarize or repost without due permission.
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: crack, Y/n pisses Vyn off for fun
Pronouns: They/them
Summary: Vyn never gave Y/n a clear explanation about that day, so Y/n makes it a personal goal to get Vynnie to confess to them properly. The NXX joins in on the fun to embarrass Vyn further.
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"VYNNIEEEEE!!!" Y/n flings themself across the room next to Vyn.
"Vynnie do you like me? Because if you were messing with me that other day I might just pull the knife from the drawer." They bat their lashes innocently.
"You're good at reading people right? How about you tell me?"
Son of a bitch-
"Vynnie... I'm not the psychologist... even if I were to be able to tell, I wouldn't be able to read you as well as you can read me..." They mumble sadly. Gaslight gatekeep girl boss? Manipulate mansplain malewife? Up to you.
Vyn turns to face Y/n and pushes a strand of hair behind their ear. "I thought you said Raven taught you how to read people?"
Luke turns from the other side of the room with sharp eyes.
"Dr. Richter we all know that you have a fat crush on Y/n why can't you confess?" Marius calls from his desk.
Vyn throws a pen at him. Marius squeaks when it barely misses him.
“You like me?” Y/n bats their lashes again and Vyn stares into their soul.
“You tell me Y/n.” Vyn smiles.
Y/n has now made it a personal goal to make Vyn bend to their will.
It starts with food.
“vyNNIE I MADE COOKIES!!!” They fly through the door to the office, and Vyn barely gets to breathe before a cookie is shoved into his mouth with a box onto his desk.
“They’re earl grey tea cookies,” Y/n shoves another into their mouth and then rushes to hand everyone their packet.
Vyn finally gets to taste the cookie, and he finds that it tastes pretty good. It’s edible.
The six failed attempts at home say otherwise but the final batch was tasty so they brought it anyways.
“Mari do you think I could work at your mansion as a chef?” Vyn can see your nose growing.
Marius bites down onto another one. “Quit the NXX I’ll give you twice the pay.”
“I’ll send you right back to the psych ward if you quit.” Vyn cuts you both off.
Strike one!
Then came the all nighters.
“Let me finish I’m two lines of code away from breaking in,” You stare into the computer, and your fingers never stop typing.
Vyn stares at you and sighs. “Don’t stay up too late.”
You were still awake the next morning.
“Yeah Artie can you bring me coffee? I need a bit more energy before I finally get in.” You secure the phone between your cheek and shoulder, and you continue typing. “I’ll pay you the money.”
Oh hell no.
“Y/n.” Here comes the devil. A smoking hot devil ;)
“VyNnIE~” You sing. “GoOd MorNIng!~”
“Get to bed,” Vyn sighs.
“VYNNIE it’s TOO EaRLY foR BEDDDDD!!!” You groan. A ding is heard from the elevator and you perk up. “ARTIE’S HERE WITH THE BEAN JUICE!!!”
“Hey,” Artem greets the two of you. “Here’s the coffee.”
You sigh in content as you reach for the drink. Vyn grabs it from your hand, and he downs the whole thing in one breath.
“Vynnie…” You blink. “Vynnie… that was four shots of espresso…”
Vyn breathes after the coffee and stares down at you. “Sleep. Now.”
“YES DADDY!” You speed past him before he can grab you, and you crash onto the bed in the office.
Vyn struggled through the day thanks to that coffee of yours.
Strike two!
“Luke.” You push your chair so that it slams right into his. “Lukie help me out I’m almost in you just need to get that last line of code in.”
“Oh so now you’re not sorry for stealing my job?”
“Yes. Absolutely.” You push your laptop to him and he types in the code you’re missing. Your eyes stare at his hands and the screen, and the NXX headquarters is so quiet it seems as though you were never there to begin with.
The other four turn to stare at you two, and Vyn walks over before he can register anything. He pushes the two chairs apart, and he stands between the two.
“How about you leave Raven’s job to him, and go work on that drug’s prototype?”
“Makes me sound like the bad guy here,” You grumble. “It’s curing in the fridge. Now let me see the code!! VYNNIE STOP COCKBLOCKING ME-“
Vyn throws you over his shoulder, and he shoves you onto the bed in the headquarters.
“I CRASHED FOR THREE HOURS YESTERDAY VYNNIE I’M FINE-“ You try to get up and Vyn pushes you back down.
“I won’t repeat myself again. Sleep.”
You stare at him. “Vynnie. Vynnie just admit you have a crush on me and we can make this easier for everyone.”
Vyn stares at you and glares.
Strike three!
You hug MC by the waist as she sits on the sofa.
“Why won’t Vynnie confess…” You grumble into her stomach.
“Well Dr. Richter is a bit more collected than others,” MC smiles. “How about you? Do you like him?”
“Not sure.” You hum. “But I do know I like being petty.”
MC smiles and continues sorting through the papers.
“Ah,” She stops. “Y/n do you know your old identity in the research program?”
“Am I wanted for mass murder?” You turn to stare at the papers. “Oh yeah they used to call me Dr. Bella. Short for Belladonna I believe.”
“Ah,” MC stares at the papers. “You probably want to see this.”
“Ooh did we find the man I want to kill?” You jump up, and you kick your legs over MC’s. “WE DID!!!!”
You look through the papers, and you’re interrupted by someone pulling you off of MC’s legs.
“You’re going to kill her circulation.”
“And I won’t kill yours?” You’re seated on Vyn’s lap now.
“She’s a woman.”
“Idk sounds misogynistic to me Vynnie,” You sigh. “What? Jealous of a woman now?”
Vyn buries his face into your neck, and you take off his glasses for him.
“No…” He mumbles. “I just… want you to myself…”
MC whips out her phone, and you hear another camera click. Luke had brought his expensive camera for this. Marius whips out a canvas and easel out of nowhere and Artem’s furiously scribbling down notes onto a paper. Vyn hides himself into the crook of your neck even more and you strike a pose.
“Does this mean we’re dating?”
“Nope,” Vyn rolls his eyes. “I totally didn’t confess to you just now… it was your imagination.”
“No difference”
“We’ve been going through this for months already.”
“Marius do you wanna date?”
“Hell yes. Come here-“
“… I don’t know what to feel about this.”
“Just enjoy this before we’re yelled at to get back to work again.”
“… you’re right.”
You're out!
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