#...insulting things. And that really fucked me up bc violence against women is one of those things that really gets to me. And I'd be so ..
siobhanromee · 1 year
When you are trying to figure out characterization and then someone suggests an action your character would take.. and you have to go he would not fucking do that.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
I freaking loved this! Always a sucker for a badass reader, I mean it’s not always the men? Yk? Hehe kidding aside, I just had this idea, a prequel per se, for lioness. Ofc it’s up to u if u wanna do it!
Maybe the reader (I’m not sure what background is fitting/good), they viewed her as Bucky’s trophy wife before. Weak without Bucky, good for nothing but an eye candy, bed warmer, sexualizing her, saying bucky would be bored of her after the long run (Bc that’s what they do) basically every misogynistic statement a man could throw at a woman.
And well, yeah, women do try their shot with Bucky. Men also try to get her from Bucky. Thinking that their relationship is nothing but shallow and physical.
NOT knowing that Bucky is the king because of his Queen. NOT knowing that the brain of everything is her. not knowing that if Bucky is brutal, then she is worse. not knowing that without her, Bucky wouldn’t have his empire. Bucky might be a strong and wise man, but behind him before (Bc now she do be in front), was an even stronger and wiser woman of his. And not knowing that they see each other as equal, love each other through and through, they did something to put the woman behind, right in front of their eyes.
She isn’t called a lioness just for her beauty and grace. Her wit, cunningness, and aggressiveness did. So yeah, maybe this could prompt a prequel? HEHE thank you so much if u do (or don’t) pursue this! Really love ur writing 💗
Things got a bit bloody here, even for me...but I love it 🖤
Lioness - The Prequel || Mafia!Bucky
Warnings: 18+ only, oral (f rec), murder, torture, violence, swearing WC: 2.7k
main masterlist || bucky masterlist || part one
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You hadn’t known he was the owner of the nightclub when you had spotted Bucky watching you from the VIP tables. It was nothing new, men always liked to watch you. You had turned so many of them away as you danced alone under the strobe lights, but still more tried to lay their hands on your waist or the ballsier ones went straight to your ass. The current man had done just that, two of his palms firmly planted on your ass and pulled your body against his.
“Look at you playing all hard to get, baby,” he purred in your ear as you turned your face away from his with a grimace, the sharp tang of vodka on his breath. “Don’t be shy. An ass like this is just begging to be touched.”
“Don’t touch me,” you repeated as you rolled your eyes before pushing him back so you could see his glazed-over ones. “It’s not gonna happen, so fuck off before someone gets hurt.”
You sighed as you saw the resolve settle in his face, the tic of his jaw as he decided what to do with your insult. His hand grabbed your bare arm and gripped it painfully, his nails digging into your skin as he dragged you towards the mens bathroom. His foot kicked the door open and he shouted at two men using the urinals to find somewhere else to piss.
“I just want it noted for the record that I did warn you,” you said as he pushed you back into the tiled wall.
The second his hands moved to unbuckle his belt your fist jabbed out, straight into his trachea so he couldn’t scream for help. You swiped his legs out from under him and since he was finding it already hard to breath you straddled his chest, unsheathing the knife that was strapped to your thigh.
“You know what, I think you need a lesson in consent,” you said as you dragged the blade down his cheek, a thin red streak appearing in its wake. “Let’s role play, I’ll be you. Do you want me to break your nose?”
He tried to talk as he shook his head but his crushed trachea left him silent.
“See, a normal, decent person would take that as a no, but I’m being you. So…” You closed your fist and punched him, feeling the satisfying crunch of his nose under your knuckles. “Now, how's your lesson going?”
He shook his head wildly and you could almost taste his fear permeating the air.
”Good, good. That was the warm up.” His silent tears were mixing with the blood running down his face and you smiled sadistically as the door opened to reveal the man who had been watching you. “How about a castration?”
“Not the pick up line I would have used,” the stranger said as he walked in and closed the door behind him. He watched you in the mirror as he meticulously washed his hands and took care to get around the thick white gold rings he wore.
“What are you doing here?” you asked with a frown as he leant against the wall, tilting his head as he watched your fingers twirling your blade. It was a nervous habit as much as it just looked good.
“This is the mens room, doll, what are you doing here?” he shot back with a smirk. “You see when I heard about a man dragging the sexiest woman in my club into the bathrooms, this was not what I was expecting to find.”
“Ah, you’re the kind of guy that likes to swoop in and save the damsel in distress.” You chuckled, pressing the blade of your knife to the deadman's throat when he tried to buck you off. Your eyes remained fixed on the club owner. “Did you think I would fall on my knees for you, my white knight, and suck your cock?”
“I wouldn’t say no.” He winked before pulling a gun from behind his back. “But my priority is making sure no one else thinks they can come into my house and pull the shit he did. So, leave him with me.”
“It wasn’t a question, doll.”
“I don’t take orders from anyone.” You stared at each other for what felt like hours as he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and you felt your body heating up under his blue eyes. “But maybe we can come to another arrangement?”
His smirk grew and you squirmed, forgetting for a moment that you were still sitting on some stranger's chest. “What do you have in mind?”
He watched you rise and he couldn’t help thinking you had the grace of a cat and the fire of a huntress as you stepped over the half conscious man and closer to him. He hadn’t seen anyone that came close to being as sexy as you when you wiped your blade across your dress and slipped it back into your thigh sheath, a hint of your lace panties teasing him. “Let me kill him, you can take all the credit and, well, I’m sure you can think of something you want.”
You stood toe to toe him as you slipped his gun from his hands and placed it on the marble vanity. His cock was already straining against his pants and you sighed as you imagined how big it was from how it pressed against you as you reached up to whisper in his ear.
“So what do you say?”
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Two Years Later
“I’m telling you baby, you gotta do something to shake it up. We lost two blocks to the Don last month and now they think they fucking own the city,” you said as you reclined back in your chair, getting more frustrated that you couldn’t just waltz into the gentlemans club where the Don and his Capos met monthly - but apparently it was hallowed ground, neutral, bullshit. “I would paint the walls with his fucking brain.”
Bucky chuckled as he tipped your chin back so that he could kiss your filthy mouth. “Fuck, I love it when you get murderous.”
He turned your chair to face him as he dropped to the floor and pushed your legs wide. You watched his throat bob as he swallowed at the sight, your panties nowhere to be seen and your pussy ready to be eaten. You were always so ready for him. His hands pulled you forward and straight into his waiting mouth, his tongue delving between your slit.
“The cars are ready,” Steve called from outside the office door.
“Ten,” you moaned as Bucky eased two fingers inside you and curled them up as his tongue pressed over your clit, “minutes. Bit busy.”
You heard his exasperated sigh but ignored it as his footsteps retreated down the hall so you could finish before needing to leave. Bucky chuckled as he heard his best friend stopping someone else from trying to interrupt and the vibration sent a delicious wave of pleasure up your spine.
“Oh fuck, that’s it baby.”
Your fingers laced in his hair as you rolled your hips against his mouth, chasing the release he teased in front of you. Your head fell back as his lips sealed around your clit and sucked it just how you liked and his fingers rolled against your g-spot, the final straw that sent you head first into your orgasm. The leather of your chair creaked as your body jerked with sensitivity and Bucky continued to suck until you pushed his head away with a cry. You slammed your legs shut as you tried to stop your head from spinning and he grinned happily as he wiped away your juices running down his chin.
“Fuck, now I have to change.” You smirked as you rose from the chair and felt the back of your dress damp from the liquid that had escaped.
“No panties.” Bucky stated as he watched you walk on trembling legs to the door. “I want to know there’s cum running down your thighs.”
You crossed your finger over your heart and raced upstairs to change, keeping your promise before meeting Bucky at the front door. You kissed him as his hands ran over your body, smiling when he felt no panty lines under the material. “That’s my girl.”
Bucky could feel the anger radiating from you the entire meeting, his hand under the table gently squeezing yours as your fingers itched to reach for your knife. He knew you too well. The car ride home had been silent as you watched the mental playback with hindsight 20/20 vision. You could finally see it clearly, that you would never be taken seriously by the men of this world, not unless they saw firsthand what you were capable of.
“I’m sick of them looking at me like I’m just there to smile and giggle,” you growled the second the bedroom door closed. “I tell them one thing, they laugh. You tell them the same thing, they fucking take note. I am sick of it.”
“This whole thing was your idea, this agreement,” Bucky pointed out as he tore his restricting tie from his neck and cornered you at the edge of the bed.
“Fuck the agreement,” you huffed and fell back on the bed. “I want to renegotiate.”
His body covered yours as he caged you between his arms and his blue eyes glimmered with excitement, probably remembering how much fun the first negotiation was. “Anything you wish.”
“That’s not a negotiation, that’s submitting,” you pointed out as your fingers unbuttoned his dress shirt.
“It’s respecting my queen,” he said as his lips trailed along your neck. “This empire wouldn’t be what it is without you, so tell me what you want.”
“You’ll have to be more specific, my love.” His lips were leaving a trail of fire along your collarbone, slowly making his way down the valley of your breasts and leaving your thoughts scattered. “Tell me.”
“I want to cut the little whores who even think about touching you.” You smiled at the thought. “I want to carve my name onto them so they never forget who they crossed. And that would just be for pleasure. For business I would make a statement so loud that no one would ever fuck with us again, they would hear my name and tremble.”
“You want to be the bogeyman.”
“No, the whole problem that the people in this world have with me is that I am not a man. I want to show them that their misogynistic ideals will be their downfall.” Your chest was rising rapidly as you were impassioned with your statement. “I want to be something fierce, something feminine, something…more than any man could be.”
Bucky licked his lips as he watched your eyes shine like they did when you were worked up,  the way you fixated on your goal like a predator and her prey, a graceful, frightening huntress. “A lioness, The Lioness.”
“Lioness.” You tasted the sound on your tongue. “Hmm, they are fierce animals.”
“Feminine and graceful.” He added.
“And takes care of her king.”
“Sounds just like someone I know.” He smirked as he hovered above your lips. “My beautiful lioness.”
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You couldn’t help smirking at the pout on your husband’s lips as he watched you descend the stairs. Tonight was the night you were going to make your real introduction into the criminal underworld and you would not be doing it in a dress.
“Pick that lip up baby, and I might let you find out if I’m wearing anything under this,” you teased as you straightened the perfectly tailored, stark white suit you wore with a plunging neckline, a sense of business with a hint of sexiness. “Are you ready?”
His eager smile and lick of his lips sent your blood pumping faster around your body as you reached the bottom step and he laced his fingers with yours. “Let’s fucking do it.”
It was carnage, beautiful carnage. The Don didn’t know what had hit him as you stepped through the doors to the Gentlemen's Club, the ‘no women permitted’ sign streaked red with the blood of the man who tried to stop you.
“What the fuck is this Barnes?” he growled at Bucky who was leaning against the doorway behind you. “Get your puttana the fuck out of here.”
You kissed your lips at his insult and reached up your sleeve for the dagger that was sheathed to your forearm. “I think I need to teach you a lesson in manners.”
“She’s a really great teacher,” Bucky chuckled with a hint of his anger sneaking through. “First lesson, don’t call my wife a whore.”
“You have a problem you come talk to me, man to man, this is not how we do things,” the Don said as he moved behind his men, regretting the rule of no weapons on hallowed ground. His men outside had been armed but you had quickly slaughtered them, with the assistance of Steve standing guard beyond Bucky in case more arrived.
“Well things have changed,” you said as you tossed the blade up and caught it. “And I personally think actions speak louder than words.”
The Don ordered his men to attack and even though Bucky knew you could handle yourself his arm tensed as he physically fought against his protective urge to move you behind him. You dodged the hand that tried to grab you, knocking it aside with the vambrace hidden beneath your suits sleeve before you glided your blade across his throat, the hot spray of blood staining your suit as he fell to your feet. Your Jimmy Choo’s looked like Louboutins as you stepped through the pool of blood and turned the heels red.
You had to shake your head at the Don, he had made the wrong choice with his Capos. These men were not fighters, they were only good with a gun and assumed their brute strength was enough on its own, without their weapons they were just little sacrificial lambs. Your clothes were drenched in the blood of his men as you reached his trembling form, the last of his man gurgling through the hole in his throat. Your knife had been wedged stuck in the spine of a gutless pig who had tried to turn and run. Without the blade you had resorted to killing the last man with a kick to the throat, your heel puncturing a painful hole.
“Please, please don’t kill me.” The Don begged as he wet himself where he stood. “You can have it all back, your territory, it’s yours, done.”
“Oh, I know.” You laughed at his audacity. “And I will leave you alive.”
“Thank you, thank you,” he stammered as he fell to his knees and took your hand, kissing your wedding ring.
“Don’t mistake this as kindness,” you said as you backhanded him with the very hand he had just kissed. “I want you to tell everyone what you witnessed tonight.”
“We want you to tell everyone that she isn’t just one of the mob wives, she’s my equal in every way,” Bucky stated as he stood by your side, his pupils blown with lust after watching you take everyone down. “She’s my fucking lioness.”
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
I’ve talked a little bit about how at least one ~negative aspect~ of white supremacy/racism that impacts white people is that it can be SO DIFFICULT to avoid being Accidentally Racist over something that really shouldn’t have been that deep, and WOULDN’T have been that deep if not for the pervasiveness of white supremacy in america, and this bit about the lil country band Lady Antebellum and the controversy surrounding their name illustrates that pretty well, I think:
The band members have always said that the band's name was chosen arbitrarily, complaining about the difficulty of choosing a name. Inspired by the "country" style nostalgia of a photo shoot at a mansion from the Antebellum South, they said, "one of us said the word and we all kind of stopped and said, man, that could be a name"[40] and "Man that's a beautiful Antebellum house, and that's cool, maybe there's a haunted ghost or something in there like Lady Antebellum."[41] Haywood concluded, "[We] had a lady in the group, obviously, and threw Lady in the front of it for no reason. I wish we had a great resounding story to remember for the name, but it stuck ever since."[40] The name was always controversial, with a critic in Ms. Magazine writing in 2011 that the band's name "seems to me an example of the way we still — nearly 150 years after the end of the Civil War, nearly 50 years after the Civil Rights Act; and in a supposedly post-racial country led by a biracial president — glorify a culture that was based on the violent oppression of people of color".[41][42]
On June 11, 2020, joining widespread commercial response to the George Floyd protests,[41] the band announced it would abbreviate its name to its existing nickname "Lady A"[43] in an attempt to blunt the name's racist connotations.[1] The band members stated on social media that, never having previously sought the dictionary definition of the word "antebellum", they now consulted their "closest black friends and colleagues" so that their "eyes opened wide to the injustices, inequality and biases black women and men have always faced and continue to face every day. Now, blind spots we didn't even know existed have been revealed."[44] Fan response was mixed, with many decrying virtue signaling or even disparaging the protests.[41]American Songwriter said, "Given that the world knows what that A stands for, to many this change does little more than add extra insult to this ongoing injury."[45]
The next day, it was widely reported that the name "Lady A" had already been in use for more than 20 years by Seattle-based African American activist and blues, soul, funk, and gospel singer Anita White. The band again admitted ignorance of any prior use, which White called "pure privilege". Interviewed by Rolling Stone, White described the band's token acknowledgement of racism while blithely appropriating an African American artist's name: "They're using the name because of a Black Lives Matter incident that, for them, is just a moment in time. If it mattered, it would have mattered to them before. It shouldn't have taken George Floyd to die for them to realize that their name had a slave reference to it. It's an opportunity for them to pretend they're not racist". A veteran music industry lawyer observed that such name clashes are uncommon due to the existence of the Internet.[46][47] The band members contacted White the next week to apologize for having inadvertently co-opted and dominated her name,[48] saying that the Black Lives Matter movement had inspired them to a collaborative attitude. They nonetheless required retaining the same name, though she believed dual-naming is inherently impossible.[49]She said "We talked about attempting to co-exist but didn't discuss what that would look like"[48] because the band members would not directly respond to that explicit question three times during the conversation or in two contract drafts. She soon submitted a counteroffer that either the band would be renamed, or that her act would be renamed for a $5 million fee plus a $5 million donation to be split between Seattle charities, a nationwide legal defense fund for independent artists, and Black Lives Matter.[49]
On July 8, 2020, the band filed a lawsuit against White, asking a Nashville court to affirm its longstanding trademark of the name. The press release read: "Today we are sad to share that our sincere hope to join together with Anita White in unity and common purpose has ended. She and her team have demanded a $10 million payment, so reluctantly we have come to the conclusion that we need to ask a court to affirm our right to continue to use the name Lady A, a trademark we have held for many years."[50]
On September 15, 2020, White filed a counter-suit asserting her claim to the Lady A trademark and rejecting the notion that both artists could operate in the same industry under the same brand identity. She is seeking damages for lost sales and a weakened brand, along with royalties from any income the band receives under the Lady A moniker.[51][52]
Like????????? this REALLY didn’t need to be a thing. 
And one thing I think black folks and other poc need to chill out with is dismissing any white person’s attempt at Being Better in how they move through a white supremacist world in a way that seeks to undo or at least not exacerbate white supremacy. I can TOTALLY believe that, in their white ignorant bliss, this band really did choose their name without realizing for a moment that it might leave a fucked up taste in some people’s mouths. Honestly like... antebellum IS a cool sounding word lmfao and if it wasn’t so heavily associated with slavery-era america, i’d wanna name something antebellum, too! 
And like, yes, it’s true that it ~shouldn’t have taken george floyd’s death~ for anyone at all to suddenly decide that they want to go a little bit out of their way to denounce or at least not seem to promote racism in some small way. But it did. And it does. And every fucking time there’s a gross act of violence and injustice acted out on a person of color in front of the world, there’s always going to be a brand new white person out there who Sees The Light for the very first time. That doesn’t mean their new perspective isn’t genuine, and it doesn’t mean it happened All Of A Sudden. If anything, it was something they’d been thinking about for a long time, but didn’t know how to address it, or what to say, or who to say it to, or how to talk about it in their own community. OBVIOUSLY that problem is WAY LESS BAD than, ya know, actually experiencing racism, but it’s still a real thing that some white folks go through, and being mad about it isn’t going to make it NOT a real thing. it shouldn’t have taken george floyd’s death. it shouldn’t have taken trayvon martin’s death. it shouldn’t have taken the instatement of one of the most vile human beings to ever assault the face of the earth for This Person or That Person to finally want to make a positive and public change, BUT IT DID. It always does. That, unfortunately, is How It Works. 
And so, this band adjusts it’s name in an effort to not seem hostile. OBVIOUSLY it’s not a grand show of solidarity. OBVIOUSLY it’s not meant to convince anyone that they’re Super Amazing White People Who Will Stop At Nothing For Racial Equality. It was literally just a small, simple gesture. They’re just modifying their image, because they were no longer comfortable with knowing how that word makes a lot of people feel. Bc like... let’s be real: probably a solid ZERO of their fanbase would have given a shit if they’d just left the name as it was. Nobody who’s going to a Lady Antebellum concert was pouting about the name. And if anything, they prolly stood a better chance of LOSING fans for ~being politically correct~ than gaining fans for changing their name to something less annoying. 
And it JUST SO HAPPENS that the slight lil adjustment they made to their name steps on the toes of an existing artist, and it JUST SO HAPPENS that this artist is black, and is also an ACTIVIST in social and racial justice. 
And so, obviously people don’t interpret it as an honest mistake. Instead, it’s a result of white privilege. And I mean like??? ok, maybe it is. But I ALSO had never heard of Anita White until I read this fucking wiki page lmfao. So like... my ignorance isn’t due to no white privilege on my part. Maybe it’s a consequence of a white supremacist culture that wouldn’t glorify her and celebrate her and put her name everywhere... but that’s a different thing from privilege. 
So now not only are the bands efforts to adjust to a world that’s becoming more aware of racial injustice being dismissed as disingenuous or too-little-too-late, but now they’re ALSO being accused of Using Their White Privilege to trample all over an artist they’d never heard of. 
i DO think that after finding out the name was already taken, and after talking with her about it and determining that she wasn’t interested in sharing - as is her right - they should have just said “ok, sorry, thanks for talking with us about it” and picked something different. i think it’s kinda ridiculous that they think they should sue her and i think she’s HELLA right for suing their asses right back, and I hope she gets her damn money. 
But I’m also cognizant of how emotionally/psychologically upsetting it can feel to have to just Change Your Name after so many years of living with it. It makes sense that despite their desire to adapt and choose a new name that doesn’t make people cringe, they still want to try to hold on to the feeling that THEY associated with their own name. “Lady A” seemed like a happy medium: They can remain Who They Are while also showing that Who They Are is someone who’s not trying to glorify a disgusting era of history. But if “Lady A” isn’t an option... what’s left? What else could they call themselves that wouldn’t feel like a totally new, alien identity?? 
So, I understand how, on an emotional level, they want to fight to keep it. 
But uh. They really need to just Be Sad about it and let it go. Just consider it one of the small, upsetting sacrifices that white folks may sometimes have to make as we ALL struggle and stumble through this fuckin long-ass road of Making The World Less Terrible For People Of Color, and move on. 
But yeah, like. 
It’s fucking ridiculous that this was even an issue, and it was only an issue because of racism!!!!! If white supremacists didn’t manufacture a culture that oppresses people of color and glorifies the pre-civil-war era SPECIFICALLY for the good ol slavery, then perhaps people could wax poetic about the artistic and environmental aesthetic of that era without it being assumed that they Must Be Racist. Bc like??? idk if yall know this lmfao but i LOVE????? colonial american music. like, the kind of stuff with that Ashokan Farewell vibe. I think it sounds beautiful. And i really fuckin love the black spiritual music that was developed in that time. and i think so much of the architecture and fashion was so???? Nice. Just pleasant! But I can’t even get myself to fully enjoy it because of all the fuckin connotations that have been stuck to it. 
A band should be able to name theirself a name without it being such a goddamn fucking cultural crisis. 
But they can’t! And it is! 
Thanks, White Supremacy! 
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Top Five “Overrated” Classic books
*Disclaimer: I’m an opinionated bitch, but these are value judgements on the books (and the racist ass authors), not the people who like them* 
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Genre: Garbage Gothic Tragedy
Author: Emily Bronte
Year Published: 1847
Plot in 20 Words or Less: A rich family adopts an orphan, love drama ensues, and nobody has a good time
Problematic-o-matic: Slurs against Romani people/travelers, romanticizing of abusive & toxic relationships 
Why (I think) it’s Over-rated: 
This book pushed some buttons for me. I’m a survivor of domestic violence, and Heathcliffe’s behaviour was so shitty and abusive that if I wasn’t reading it for school I would have set the whole book on fire.
Cathy was also toxic too, but Heathcliffe took it all the way to eleven. 
I wished the teachers would have trigger-warned us, and I kind of hate the prick for not doing that, don’t think I don’t see you Mr. A, you dickhead 
Beyond that, I didn’t like a single character in this book. Nobody. Not a one. Half of the characters were barely developed, and the ones that were developed were so unlikable that I hated them as much as they seemed to hate each other. 
I also thought the pacing wasn’t great, though that might be due to the differences in novels then and now.
Still, I thought this book was over-rated because all the characters sucked ass and I hated reading the book because of it.
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Genre: Nonsense Science fiction, dystopia
Author: George Orwell
Year Published: 1949
Plot in 20 Words or Less: Big brother is watching you, and he’ll torture you if you hurt his feelings
Problematic-o-matic: Orwell was a grumpy old man who hated LGBTQ people, women, vegetarians (why), people who wear sandals (?) and communists. Didn’t appear to be racist though, so that’s...good. 
Why it’s Over-rated: 
This book had a lot of hype.  And I read it, and I hated it. 
I thought the pacing was terrible, and that there was a whole lot of talking, then a cringey, over the top saccharine romance (bleck) and then torture. 
That is terrible pacing. The whole story just grinds to a halt so Winston and Julia could fall in instalove. Ugh. Even now, instalove is a trope that’ll make me DNF unless it’s done expertly. This was not done expertly. 
My husband has argued with me that the point of the romance was to point out how the totalitarian state doesn’t allow love to exist and turns people against each other, but the fact remains that it was boring and dumb. 
Also, the ending is anti-climactic and a big let down. There, I said it.
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Genre: Tripe Science Fiction
Author: Aldous Huxley
Year Published: 1932
Plot in 20 Words or Less: In a drugged up caste based society, a vacation goes horribly wrong
Problematic-o-matic: This book is ableist and racist. Like, so fucking racist, holy shit. Also, Aldous Huxley was racist, and may have been a plagiarist. (more in the link below)
Why it’s Over-rated:
This is one that made me hella uncomfortable. 
I’ll be honest, folkx, the racism in this book took me right out of the story. You see all these people defending it, but white people need to be quiet in this instance and listen to what the people being hurt by this work are saying.
And the idea of free love, but only if it’s hetero, rubbed me the wrong way too. Free love means free for everyone, baby. 
The writing itself is fine, but for one thing; characterization.
I found the characters really hard to like; even John, who was probably the most likeable character, was a total asshole by the end. Lenina was just...there. You could have replaced her with a lamp and it wouldn’t have changed much. Bernard was so, so annoying. Helmholtz was probably the only character I didn’t want to see kicked in the balls by a donkey, and he was barely in the book. 
So TL;DR: this book is so goddamn racist, and everyone sucks.
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Genre: A goddamn mess Adventure/Mythology
Author: Homer (the boring one, not the yellow one)
Year Published: 8th Century BC, translated into English in 1488 (and the world was worse for it)
Plot in 20 Words or Less: Supposed smart guy gets lost for ten years, doesn’t listen to directions, and gets all his friends killed
Problematic-o-matic: Racist against cyclopes, I guess? The Ancient Greeks general distaste towards women?
Why it’s Over-rated: 
This one is petty, but Odysseus SUCKS and the book is BORING.
Sure, he’s smart and stuff, but apparently not smart enough to find his way back to his house and keep his men alive. 
My dog found it’s way back to our house when I was a kid, and that dog wasn’t very smart. Odysseus can’t do what a dog can do, and that’s really sad. 
Also, while his wife is waiting for him, staying celibate, despite all the suitors coming after her, Odysseus goes off and bones Circe and stays with her on her island. 
Which is funny, because my ex was like “oh, he was looking out for his bros and keeping this crazy woman happy” and then he cheated on me, because he thinks irony is something you use to press your clothes. 
After that point I wanted the book to end with Odysseus being eaten by a pack of wild boars and then shit out on the front lawn of his stupid castle in Ithaca. I bet his castle was ugly too. 
This book would have been better if Homer Simpson wrote it.
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Genre: Dumpster fire Coming of age fiction
Author: J. D. Salinger
Year Published: 1951
Plot in 20 Words or Less: Teenage boy whines for way too many pages and almost gets shot by a pimp
Problematic-o-matic: J. D. Salinger was an abusive dick, and this book got banned at one point. And serial killers like it. So that’s...cool. 
Why it’s Over-rated: 
Holden Caufield is a whiny douche.
This book is so goddamn boring and the best part about it is that it’s short. 
The only controversy is that Holden Caufield is an asshole, and acts like a self-centered prick and talks about sex and stuff, which by today’s standards is really, really tame. 
He’s pretty realistic to a lot of teenagers; he thinks he’s the smartest, the best, that he sees through all the bullshit and he knows the right way for everything. 
But I also read this book as a teenager, and like Holden, I also had depression. I thought his portrayal was insulting on both fronts. He was incapable of seeing beyond his own world-view, and he acted like a jerk to people, even when they were nice to him. Not all people with depression are nice, but this wasn’t just not being nice, this was going out of his way to be negative to everyone around him.
I just wanted to grab the kid, smack him, and tell him to stop moping around and go spend more time with his sister.
Read the Full Post Here and Argue with Me about Books: https://elkascott.wordpress.com/2021/02/19/el-listicle-my-top-5-overrated-classic-novels/
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illnessfaker · 3 years
[ cw: f-slur, rape mention ]
no reblogs pls. this is a long vent.
haha not to be a hysterical faggot crippled shut-in freak or anything but the way ppl talk abt the defensiveness around the f-slur that some gay/bi male users (and some transfem users) on here as if it's some kind superiority pissing contest thing and not primarily about...respecting the boundaries and experiences of those gay/bi male (and transfem) users. like...being on this site as a fag-adjacent person (i say that half-jokingly because it sounds silly on one hand but on the other that's the most accurate descriptor of my gender identity, lol) is becoming increasingly draining and upsetting with how "progressive" homophobia against gay/bi men is apparently becoming, like, a meme among lgbtq people and that's acceptable somehow bc lgbtq people aren't cishets or because it's "only online" and therefore doesn't matter.
like idgaf abt ppl who aren't gay/bi men (or transfem) using the f-slur in every single context possible. if they're affectionately referring to their gay/bi male (or transfem) friends with that word (so long as said friends are comfortable with it) that's one thing. who cares. i even rb'd something where a cis butch (iirc) lesbian was talking about a gay man she knew who she was affectionatly calling a faggot and the things she said warmed my heart. if they're throwing it around at every opportunity or using it as an edgy insult against random strangers on the internet, that's another. the users on here who do the latter also regularly display behavior that like...shows a pretty clear disdain for gay/bi men (or transfem ppl) not apart of their online or "irl" circlejerks and echo chambers, and that is in no way disconnected from their love of using the f-slur, lol.
the "it's only online and so it's unimportant uwu go outside" thing also really feels like such a spit in the face as someone who both lives in a rural area full of cishet white men with guns that might try to kill me if i walked out of the house in drag (not to mention i live with my bf and his family and his parents are homophobes themselves i'm sure), and is also someone with health issues that usually keep me at home and in bed when i'm not working. i didn't always live here but even in my hometown the only "lgbtq space" i had was the high school GSA which didn't do shit other than the day of silence and was attended by people i did not feel safe around (e.g. my ex-friend who was very emotionally manipulative and ended up raping someone.) i don't have any other lgbtq spaces to go to other than online ones. if i never joined tumblr i might still be a self-hating cishet girl, or i might be dead, who knows. like, i've accepted at this point that personhood isn't something i'm allowed in (outside of my whiteness) so fuck me i guess if we need to but the idea that other young, impressionable, and/or traumatized lgbtq people who only can meet other lgbtq people and learn about lgbtq things online for whatever reason don't deserve to have us make an effort on cultivating internet spaces that are as accessible and safe for them as possible, or that their experiences and feelings are somehow unimportant is just...vile. like ofc not everyone needs to "pander" to "logged on" disabled fags like myself maybe but if you have any kind of large following on social media maybe consider that the things you say and do on said social media have like...an actual effect on other people instead of pretending that it's "just online" and therefore consequences for your actions either don't matter enough (to you personally) or somehow don't exist.
but going back to the fag thing, most popular lgbtq tumblr users on my dash i see nowadays just...simply do not give a shit whatsoever about gay/bi men, to the point they're normalizing "progressive" and "acceptable" homphobia against us bc they've convinced themselves due to the bigotry some gay/bi men (often cis, white, and wealthy mind you) exhibit we are "the cishets of the lgbtq community," despite horrific violence still being committed against us every day and despite other lgbtq people being capable of engaging in that violence themselves. ppl make thinly veiled jokes and memes where the punchline is men having sex with each other or effeminacy as if those things aren't primary avenues for gay/bi men being abused, assaulted, and killed (including acts of abuse and assault of a sexually-driven nature), as if said jokes and memes don't serve to normalize the mentalities that drive homophobic hate crimes. it's not like...a coincidence that most lgbtq people who makes these jokes aren't gay/bi men (or transfem). this doesn't even get into how things like homophobia and anti-effeminacy can pretty much boot certain gay/bi men from manhood...or womanhood...or any place in gender altogether.
call me exlusionary if you want but i think it's fair to say that the chances of people who aren't gay/bi men (or transfem*) facing the repurcussions of those mentalities in any meaningful way, the chances of these people actually having lived as or going to live as "faggots" is any meaningful sense is slim to none, and that's why they're so comfortable participating in this shit, and that's why i'm triggered(tm) by them "reclaiming" faggot (which doesn't really involve reclamation bc calling random strangers on the internet or gay/bi men you hate a slur isn't reclamation you morons), because frankly if you're not apart of either of those groups, you're just not a fucking faggot. it's not your word just because some rando on overwatch called you it for picking hanzo in comp. period. end of story. it's also just extremely absurd to try and claim faggotry as something you experience while...readily and happily engaging in homophobia and fag-hate (which isn't synonymous with the former term but i'm talking abt ppl who probably seldom ever engage which discussions and theory surrounding how homophobia instrumentates itself in society - or at least that which doesn't conform to their worldview). within the gay/bi male community there's plentu of masc "straight-acting" gays who weaponize this shit against fem gays and they (should) get held accountable in the same way. you're not special.
and god, being told my gendered experiences as a fag-adjacent person where (white) cafab women are fully capable of engaging in social forms of "oppression" against me and other fags in undeniably gendered ways is somehow an outlier and therefore not reflective of broader social by (white) masc urbanite tbros with definitively more social standing than i'll ever have in my life, as if i somehow developed this understanding of gendered violence just based off my own life and not...the reported and sometimes even recorded experiences of countless other fags who get mocked and silenced because anything that deviates from a watered down, shoddy cis feminist take on gender is fake news(tm) or bordering on saying misandry exists (like no it doesn't exist but acting as if homophobic shit like anti-sodomy laws, for example, has zero to do with gay/bi men's manhood is just nonsensical). convos on here abt gender being mostly dominated by (white) cafab women or sometimes (white) masc trans guys is such a mistake lmao.
anyway i'm tired and stressed and pretty done with having "acceptable" homophobic shit shoved in my face on a daily basis both online and offline but nevertheless i must persist because i'm not lucky enough to have anywhere else to go, really. just...think critically abt ur actions regarding gay/bi male sexuality and gender-stuff pretty please. please.
( *disclaimer just in case that i definitely don't see transfems as some "type" of gay/bi men. there are transfems who identify with gay/bi manhood and/or faggotry. there are transfems who don't. that's entirely up to them. thank u. )
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blackwoolncrown · 5 years
You know, I see ace arguments that are poised like ‘they hate us all the same, stop trying to be divisive’ and like, I feel y’all but the thing is like, that’s not the point of all ace criticism?
And let me be up front bc we all know reading comprehension and nuance are at an all time low: my criticism is largely about people who are solely ace demanding that they are as central to the LGBT label as someone who is Lesbian, Gay, Bi or Trans. This is not ever about someone who is ace and L/G/B r T. 
‘They’ might hate us all the same but y’all aren’t at risk for transphobia and homophobia at the same levels?
‘They’ might hate us all the same but anyone who isn’t what I’ll call ‘Ace&’ as in ‘Ace and L/G/B/T’ doesn’t have the same lived experience of people who are visibly queer.
It’s such a slap in the face to be like ‘we’re all in the same boat!’ when y’all don’t have to deal with the same amount of bullshit. Easy for you to say.
And it’s really effed that the way rhetoric is now, it’s made to exaggerate intra-community dialogue as ‘exclusion’ because no one in my mindset is ever talking about Ace& people or saying they shouldn’t be LGBT.
What we’re saying is that we’re seeing a dogged refusal to admit that y’all aren’t at nearly the same risk as people whose bodies are policable and punishable, and that the refusal to admit that, or the attempt to suggest that pointing out that difference is an act of exclusion tantamount to TERFs.
I’ve attempted to have conversations about this with other aces and when I get to transphobia/homophobia/biphobia and the fact that there are literally laws validating our bodies and attractions as punishable by death the argument is either silenced or retorted to with ‘oh so you’re saying being LGBT is about oppression’?
That rings super suspicious to me, because what people like me are trying to say is that our experience is fundamental to the purpose of the LGBT umbrella, and we are being told that this experience isn’t meaningful and pointing it out is an attack.
What we’re saying is that being L G B and T is fundamental to being LGBT (duh) and that people who actually have to deal with the greatest form of the related oppressions and who cannot hide their identities are more vulnerable, more marginalized, and should be listened to.
Deadass, y’all still need to work through the fact that no one goes gay as a side effect of depression. But lack of sexual interest does go hand in hand with many mental illnesses AND their medications. I’m not trying to rob you of your iridentity, but I want to know how ace is ace? Because if everyone who has no sexual desire at any time, for any duration, for any reason is ace, SOOO many people are ace that aren’t at all meaningfully connected to the LGBT umbrella- and suddenly all those ppl are LGBT? Queer? Well okay but are you gonna tell them? I mean do depressed people count? Do people over 30 count? Do seniors count? Is it only ace if you’re expected to have lots of sex? Who applies the expectation? How is society policing whether you meet it or not? 
 And LGBT people don’t ever just stop being LGBT (conversion don’t work!), but many DO voluntarily stop being ace?. And lots of people with internalized -phobias avoid their sexuality/identity until they process it.  Again, it’s not an attack, this is a truth of actual LGBT people’s lives and y’all have got to stop weaponizing it to play victim when we’re trying to have a conversation.
This isn’t an attack or a dig it’s just a fact affecting a lot of people and these things need to be discussed because as a autochorissexual bi black trans woman who has indeed been abused, had to run away, had to end up doing sex work--- we are not living in the same axis of oppression and I don’t really have a shared experience with someone who is ONLY ace and therefore has not personally lived with transphobia or homophobia or biphobia. And I will not settle for being told that there’s no okay way for me to voice my concerns about this, sorry not sorry.  I’m willing to consider that some people who are ace-only now are actually dealing with this! So like if the A stands for Aces it’s in the same spirit of Ally- as LGBT-adjacent identies, and a place for people who might...just might come out later to exist in the community without outing themselves. 
So like ultimately no one can tell you about yourself, but there are meaningful differences and demanding they be acknowledged isn’t ‘exclusion’ it’s intersectionality. Oppression is intersectional and if you don’t want to hear that, you’re privileged and don’t want to admit it. If you think it’s an attack for people to point out that they’re more vulnerable than you...you need to check your self.
Being LGBT isn’t actually just about leveraging identities away from cishetness it’s also about how dangerous our experiences can be and every time y’all say that we are all in the exact same boat you insult people who literally have good reason to live in fear because they’ve seen themselves and their EXPLICIT identities jailed, murdered and legally oppressed literally all their lives and across the globe. Literally no one cares that I don’t want to fuck but if I don’t shave my face and perform femininity (breast aug helps) in certain spaces I’m putting myself at risk. Whether or not I feel sexual desire basically never comes up but who I’m married to does. My aceness is invisible and most importantly totally irrelevant but regardless of how we pass, both my partner and I- especially him- are the exact people lawmakers are getting together to talk about what bathrooms we can use. Whether or not I think my not being sexually motivated is a ‘thing’ (I really don’t, these days) has nothing to do with me being called a ‘he she’ in public by strangers, or having men email me with transphobic insults-- insults that allude to a huge social presence of violence against trans people- especially trans women, especially black trans women. People didn’t get shot up in a club in my community- Pulse Nightclub- for being ace. They were shot for being gay, for being perceived as aggressive, actively sexual deviants. The aftermath and grieving was so stressful it basically killed Orlando’s premier LGBT journalist and literally gave people cancer.
Y’all can’t truly relate...unless deep down inside you can, and you’re simply so terrified of really being LGBT that you don’t want to come out. To which I say..I get you, I really do. And if this is you, then you can admit that what I’m talking rings true. But I know that’s not all of y’all and we need to call a spade a spade.
‘They’ might hate us equally but they can control, police, oppress and attack some of us more than others. 
and if you’re not willing to hear this, you’re no help as far as I’m concerned.
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6ad6ro · 6 years
let's talk about this idea of incels for a sec. i'm gonna do my best to not make a single insulting remark here. and i'm oversimplifying gender and sexuality like crazy since incels tend to be cis men. so anyways incels are ppl (men) who wanna have sex, but believe women just won't let them, right? they feel somehow their personalities make them incompatible with girls. okay.
most ppl? just view that rejection as a period of loneliness rather than defining themselves by it. when you grow up, you realise that most ppl want romantic partners. or at least an emotionally comparable variant. it's rly not hard to meet ppl. you just get out there. be nice n considerate. honest. accept things don't always work out and realise it's not the world against you. you just keep looking. meet people and let things happen naturally.
TLDR: incels are just toxic, extremist versions of the guys who used to bring up "friendzoning", and fz was never real. girls don't actually have an easier time dating than guys. it isn't women doing this to you, but rather the fault of patriarchy and the dudes in charge. you can change! just stop with this silliness because it's making things way worse for you!
i'm not particularly attractive, especially now that i'm older. i don't have a lot of money. i'm rly not interesting. i have a ton of personality baggage and flaws. hell, i'm agoraphobic and sorta like a western hikikomori. it's rly hard for me to meet people even online. and yet, when i DO get out there? i wind up in relationships or flings or flirty friendships. bc that's just how it works.
you have to meet ppl and develop a relationship to have... the physical parts of a relationship. life isn't porn. or harem anime. people have brains and feelings. and everybody has preferences. that person who you think is perfect for you? maybe they just weren't looking for someone like you. it isn't cruel of them to have their own opinions.
i mean honestly i don't think a single one of you incels would fuck just anybody. you guys have preferences too. are you sure if you didn’t open your eyes a bit wider that you couldn’t find someone? bc there are tons and tons of lonely ppl out there! the majority of ppl, actually. it's insane how many ppl are out there, right at this moment, who wish they had a sexual partner. go find them! be willing to have broader preferences! stop looking for someone who is "perfect" and look for someone who you can just be happy with!
okay so fine you say "well i'm ugly from societies standards". but... then why are you going after people who follow society's standards. as someone who constantly feels outcast in your life, shouldn’t that experience SHOW you that popular societal opinions are mostly frivolous? standards of beauty are fake? so if someone rejects you purely on that front (and this is a stretch bc everyone has valid personal pref), why isn't that a GOOD thing to you!? you aren't wasting your time on someone who harshly judges you based on unimportant things! you're filtering incompatible ppl out that way! it's all very natural.
okay lastly... i'm gonna bring up a part that could make me look bad. but i wanna be rly honest here. so women? do seem like they have an easier time meeting men. SEEM is the key word here, bc they actually don't. not really.
but girls who are willing to severely fall into the gender roles that patriarchal society forces upon them? yeah. they do. as long as they're fairly "attractive". and willing to spend a ton of time TRYING to be attractive. ESP if they're a bit aggressive themselves. thanks to awful patriarchy, typical gender roles have men chasing women like predators after prey. i won't get into ALL the extensive, rapey issues that involves bc that isn't my point here.
tho i mean how is that any different than a guy doing similar role stuff like "working out/making money/acting cool"?? if you really wanna meet the kinds of girls who fall into typical gender roles, you gotta do the same thing? i don't think this will make ppl happy... but if you wanna play games with ppl, you gotta play within the same dumb rules!
but back to my point, girls that let themselves be chased easily find themselves with guys more often. bc in patriarchy typically the guy has to initiate. girls like that are being reactive. so from a naive male perspective, it can look like "they get any guy they want". no. they're just saying yes to the guys they like of whatever pool of guys who are going after them. if they aren't chasing guys directly, how can they be directly rejected out of the gate?
let's look at it this way: a guy chases after 20 girls he kinda likes over a few years. 5 respond positively back. it prob seems like he only has 25% success w women and is usually failing, right? whereas a girl gets hit on by 20 guys over the same period, but says yes to 5 of them. so she's getting an "100% success rate" there, since she only wanted that 5. she wasn't chasing anyone. to guys it looks like they WORK for women, but women just win the lottery with guys? no. absolutely wrong. that is objectively incorrect.
you aren't incorporating all the guys they rly want. or how often they just "go with it". how often do you hear stories of girls wanting a guy and winding up w their friend instead? girls actually typically play within a pool of disappointment rather than chasing ideals. it's not literally disappointment tho? it's just being realistic. they play with the cards they're dealt.
there are TONS of girls who don't wanna spend so much of their lives playing that game tho. who DON'T wanna live within the confines of being a trophy. or if they aren't naturally lucky enough to be "pretty" by default, who aren't willing to spend 75% of their day compensating for that. those girls? aren't surrounded by guys. often single. often lonely until they get older and find someone they're mutually compatible with. bc that's another thing most guys don't see?
the only girls "worth" going after are the "appealing/easy" prey. or "white whales" where they just hope they'll get lucky. men aren't aggressively going after the chubby girl who wears reg clothes and doesn't actively try to look "sexy". they aren't drawn to girls who aren't giving them that playful "come get me" attitude. to them, they see that girl as "just a friend". or a " last resort". or "maybe a lesbian". it's fucking gross.
you might be like "well i know girls like that who have TONS of sex so"... have you seen the levels of desperation stereotypically "unattractive" girls like that have to stoop too? let me tell you, i meet these girl's bf and they're often total scumbags. they're scraping the bottom if the barrel. are you sure these girls haven't stooped to total desperation due to so many years of being overlooked when they acted normally? or ask yourself, were they ever TRULY "unattractive/unappealing" in the first place? u sure you don't just have weird standards??
btw can i point out? the tradeoff? the utter lack of power and choice girls have in this system? girls have to be born pretty and actively attractive with a sexy personality at all times. guys just need to have a moderate amount of money and be occasionally considerate. girls have to be sex objects whereas guys can be just people. bald, fat, somewhat unattractive guys are seen as normal but if a girl looked like that? she'd be perceived as a monster.
as a male working within gender roles you have the freedom to go after as many girls as you want without issue or disrespect. nobody is gonna call you a "slut" for trying to meet many girls. the list goes on and on. why are you mad at girls when you were "born winning"? you are more likely to live a happier life being alone than a girl would constantly being with someone. you should be grateful you aren't them... not mad at them.
but anyways... all this stuff? is super gross. weird toxic shit. it makes sense you would be lonely and angry when you don't wanna play by these rules. or change yourself to be more "appealing". but... why are you getting mad at girls?!?!? why blame women?? shouldn't you be mad at the source? patriarchy. society. gender roles. capitalism. look at who's running the show. bc it isn't the women you're mad at. or "the sjws". it's men in power.
you're seeing your lawn die in the summer sun and getting mad at the grass for daring to dry out. so you go out and stomp on the lawn. instead of using that anger and that energy to water it or give it shade. what are you thinking!? use that "logic" you guys are so proud of and actually try and solve the issue instead of throwing a moral temper tantrum. you talk about girls "bein so overly emotional" but what the heck do you think you're doing here right now?? stop trying to find an easy cheat solution and FIX the problem!
nobody should resort to violence about this stuff, but if you WERE gonna get violent, why isn't it at the people who structured your sexual prison? rather than the girls you wanna convince to fuck you? do you really want a world where girls fuck you out of fear? bc that's rape. would YOU be happy being raped? don't wish for an even rapier world. don't be so stupid and naive. rapey patriarchy is the cause of all your issues to begin with. this is the exact opposite if what you want.
honestly this incel thing just seems like an extremist offshot of the old "friend zone" argument. very similar to how gamergate warped into literal alt-right nazis. it's gross and absurd and you depressed, confused guys are being manipulated. you aren't thinking. please seek therapy or a wider perspective? if you hate feeling lonely and ashamed, why would you wear that shame like a badge of honor? just stop. spread happiness instead and you'll start to receive it back. you can change! it's that simple! it's okay!!!
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
It’s Only Homophobic If I Don’t Like It/All LGBT People Must Think Like ME!
AKA Double Standard the post.
oh boy is there a lot to dissect in this one. first, hey dude, are you lgbt in any way, shape, or form? at all? if not, shut the fuck up
1. Actually, yes I am. I occupy a weird space between heterosexual and demisexual to my neurological condition. So you’re first point is immediately invalidated. And in fact, due to your accusations, your entire post either falls because of this...or you yourself are homophobic.
2. Yeah....and yet when Dudeblade does this later, you don’t call it out at all. You let it go even though, by your logic, he’s doing the exact same thing as me. But since it’s what you want, it’s not homophobic. so screw any LGBT people who didn’t agree with you huh?
there is…. a lot of casual homophobia here. 1. “you people” 2. “bitching about every straight couple” 3. “screeching homophobia” like. slow down, dude. the post has only just begun and you’re being homophobic.
Yeah...except that I call out Dudeblade in the exact same manner as this person, group him in with the “you people” and talk about him with the others and in fact most of my ange ron him...and he’s straight. Now what do they actually have in common? Being RWDE posters. So either you’re an idiot or you are willfully misrepresenting what I say.
there you go with that "you people” bs again. 1. calling the lgbt community “toxic” is literal homophobic rhetoric. 2. you say blame rt like it’s not their fault…. are they not to blame for making the conscious decision to not include even one (1) lgbt character in 5 years/4 volumes lmao?
1. Look at the point above: You just look homophobic for thinking that the LGBT community is a hivemind.
2. Did they ever SAY when the character was coming? No? Then they don’t have a deadline to meet ergo they can take their sweet ass time doing it, as creators are entitled to do.
1. it’s been five (5) years, my dude. we’re way past “not immediately. 2. lgbt characters are not something lgbt viewers should have to sit and wait for, or ”“deserve”“ (in I believe Monty’s words”). they are not prizes.
And you are not LGBT viewers: You are RWDE viewers which is not wholely made of LGBT people. Funny how most of your arguments fall apart by looking at the context huh?
this is so homophobic lmao i can’t believe im reading it with my own two fucking eyes. 1. “everyone blames the lgbt community” everyone does that anyway 2. “you are that insecure about yourselves that everything must mirror you” you’re the one witting a fucking essay about how shows don’t need to have an lgbt character and can be filled to the brim with cishets, my dude. it looks like one of us is the insecure one, and it’s not the lesbian lmao 3. also nice blaming the lgbt community for homophobia. like, thanks homophobe, never heard that one before
1. Actually, a few of your members (read: RWDE) have said that being straight is dragging the show down so that’s a lie.
2. Well, I'm not the one taking your words out of context and making everything fall apart simply by existsing and context. If you were so secure about yourself, you wouldn’t NEED an LGBT character in your show. I usually don’t give a shit about a person or character’s sexuality unless it has massively creepy undertones (like Puri Puri Prisoner from One Punch Man. Seriously, fuck that guy, going around attacking and molesting people just because he’s stronger. Hero my fucking ass.)
3. Once again, you are displaying the thought process of “Every LGBT person MUST think like em or else they are not LGBT.” AKA LGBT people are not like normal people and are a hivemind. Which, like I have said in this very post, is homophobic.
1. MILES also made this promise, you dumb fuck 2. they do have the obligation to include an lgbt character lmao 3. no they don’t. 4. calling lgbt people abusers lmao. love that Homophobia™ 5. what actions and how are they irredeemable………….. ?????? calling rt out on not including an lgbt character in 5 years despite promising us and then making me sit thru the ‘Life and Times of Jaune Arc, Sad Heterosexual Boy’? get fucked
1. Proof. 2. Not anymore: You people (read; RWDE) have pretty much shown that if you are given anything, you will tear everything to shreds so if they never do it: You have only your selves to blame. 3. Ah so they are not allowed to do anything you don’t want them to do. Sounds familiar... (https://helpguide.org/articles/abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse.htm) 4. Nope, calling RWDE absuers: Glad to see you cannot comprehend that LGBT people are, shock, people with different ideas because sexuality is mostly a non factor in how a person is. 5. Give me a minute: https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/163768158700/hey-remember-what-a-mirror-is (A gleeful assortment of what just one person has done.) https://bluepulserjaime.tumblr.com/post/163547055676/so-just-because-jaune-was-in-a-dress-and-camp (trying ti remove freedom of speech. Also he said that the CRWBY are only being praised because they are white. http://dudeblade.tumblr.com/post/163589308451/just-because-jaune-was-in-a-dress-and-camp-camp#notes Oh hey, you’re in there too!) https://sokumotanaka.tumblr.com/post/163181907124/okay-so (Supporting a guy who outright insulted Monty) https://rwby-analysis.tumblr.com/post/162751186437/ejladybug-its-pretty-low-to-accuse-someone-of (ATTACKING an LGBT person because, get this, they didn’t insult Miles and Kerry) That enough because I can go into the harassment, the bigotry, the double standard, the attacks against other LGBT people, the devaluing of human life and so on.
how are you even comparing critiquing a show and it’s writing to actual, real life ABUSE, you disgusting human being?
also, who the fuck is the victim in this? rt??????
Ah yes, critique...that consists of lying, msirepresneting and cheating...and attacking the writers while trying to get them fired so a woman can take over...constantly insulting them while saying you are their fans...then trying to humiliate them by making a spectacle and then blaming them...while treating them as a factory for LGBT characters or as robots that should only do as they say instead of people...Making the CRWBY hesitant to answer any and all questions that might set you off...as you control what they do, when they do it...Like an abuser (https://helpguide.org/articles/abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse.htm)
So yes, yes they are.       
1. jaune asking weiss to the dance 2. weiss giving neptune Sad Heterosexual Looks bc she had a crush on him 3. pyrrha being a Sad Heterosexual bc she has an ~unrequited love~ for jaune 4. pyrrha literally kissing jaune 5. ren and nora’s background and Meaningful Heterosexual Looks, all but confirming renora 6. not to mention all the more one liners about how many characters are SO attracted to the 'opposite gender’ (ie qrow with the waitress)
1. ah yes, because t’s bad if a heterosexual is having love woes. Doesn’t TAHT sound bigoted?
2. Ship sank and was sued for character development. 3. Ship also sank and was used for character development. 4. Ship sank. 5. Because Asexuals, demisexuals and bisexuals don’t exist apparently (and both Ren and Nora have aspects of the first two.) 6. Look at 5
yes, 'tis was I, the Homosexual, that was the homophobe all along! anyway, calling out homophobic/transphobic jokes is not homophobic, I can’t believe i actually have to say that.
Yes...except those jokes are not what you call them. By this logic, every joke ever made is some kind of phobic and thus humor as a whole shouldn’t exist. And since people make jokes about straight and cisgender people, logically they are allowed to make the same jokes for LGBT people. That IS what equality means.
“the lgbt community doesn’t deserve anything” ohhhhhh my god
“Only people who think like me are LGBT” Really, whose the homophobe here?
1. it’s probably because bumbleby is? the most popular? lgbt ship? in? the fandom?????? 2. im not even gonna TOUCH on asexuality and the lgbt community lmao 3. also like Bumbleby can, in fact, be a ship made up of not only two lesbians, but two bisexual women, a bisexual woman and a lesbian, a pansexual woman and a lesbian, or a bisexual woman and a pansexual woman. 4. just say you hate wlw and go!
1. And what about the people who don’t like Bumbleby and are LGBT? Like this person (https://darkvioletcloud.tumblr.com/post/163803510478/rwde-and-rwby-critical-is-making-me-hate-bumblebee) 2. Because if you don’t consider them LGBT because they aren’t you. 3. And you can have two gay men, one bisexual man and one gay man, one bisexual man and one pansexual man, one pansexual woman and one bisexual man, two pansexual men or woman, one pansexual man and woman, one bisexual man and woman. Bumbleby is not your only option for LGBT representation. Or are you just using the guise of representation to force your ship? Seems that way to me. 4. I don’t: I’m a White Rose Shipper. You’re the one who hates anything not wlw from your attitude.
1. im not going to comment about the suicide baiting bc i honestly know nothing about it so 2. didn’t you, earlier, in this very post, say treating the lgbt community like it was a hive mind is homophobic? and yet.
1. Another example of irredeemable shit. 2. I know one would because one HAS done it. My friends in this fandom are all LGBT and they have called this out too. Hell, the guy I linked to is bi AND trans. No one likes being used for another’s agenda. Also, you have been acting LIKE the LGBT community is a hivemind.  3. Dudeblade is straight and talking over LGBT people: He’s doing what you accused me of. And yet not a word against him.  Double Standard much?
1. renora was suggested from the beginning 2. pyrrha and jaune literally kissed on the mouth in literally the most cliche, heterosexual way possible
1. And by your logic, so was WHite Rose and Bumbleby: Not a counter 2. Ah yes because hetersosexuality Is inherently bad like a cliché. Because homosexuality and it’s kin should just be marketing ploys to make something look good and original when it’s actually shit. That’s not homophobic at all.
1. i can’t believe one (1) man is doing all this! by just criticizing an internet show on a micro-blogging website. amazing. 2. this is now a joke post bc heterophobia ISNT REAL aldjajdjahskshh im literally close to tears rn fuck oh my god
1. More like a group of people encouraging a dangerous mindset and being toxic as shit by encouraging an abusive relationship between fans and creators. 2. Considering you used “cishet” which is a deragitory word used to devalue heterosexuals and cisgender people as if they are beneath you: You are a perfect example of heterophobia. Also: If heterophobia isn’t real then it’s counterpart isn’t real. That’s right. you just insinuated that HOMOPHOBIA isn’t real. Good job there. 3. What abouyt the homophobia argument? The sexism argument? The racism argument? Are those just accepted as truth? Well then: Glad to see you admit it.
not very logically indeed, kob
That’s a mirror you’re talking to dumbass.
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bpdeadd · 4 years
lit been trying to force myself to get over this thing and like I was ok for like maybe 2 weeks and its all been fucking with my head again like idk how to get over this I'm just so angry about it all the time - anything that reminds me of them triggers me off and I rly want to punch someone, preferably him in the face but uGH - not only to get back at them for it but also to partly get back at EVERYONE who has hurt me in the past bc I've let them get away w it - I let them get away w hurting me and I don’t want anyone to get away w hurting me, like no-one fucking ever considers how i’d feel about this shit they just don’t seem to care and I know like the whole thing ‘oh u don't deserve to be treated like that’ etc but like ????????? how come it still pisses me off? why can’t I just get over it? why do ppl keep treating me like that then? 
also like I hate the fact that boundaries are such a huge thing for me now - I never grew up with boundaries bc lets face it, do narcissistic mothers have any, and now I feel like i’m being punished for not having boundaries just bc I tend to sacrifice my own comfort for others bc I care about them or I just want that person to like me and care about me or w/e - then I tried to establish boundaries - no-one fucking listens or cares or mocks me, so ???? the fuck am I supposed to do?? 
like the only way I can establish boundaries is if I completely become socially isolated - never have anyone in my life bc lets face it ppl can't use you, abandon you, reject you OR NOW violate your boundaries if you avoid everyone and have no-one in your life like I can’t be fucked, why should I allow anyone into my life after all this shit that's gone on, also if I act like someone ppl hate then maybe they’d all stay away from me and if they pretend to like me when I'm all aggressive, bitter, violent etc, then I'd know something is wrong and that's a red flag - bc ppl don’t like me when I'm like that so 
I just don’t want to let anyone into my life anymore, and its not like ppl prove themselves to be trustworthy anyway, or even fucking loyal. why should I have to prove that I am or try to be that for someone who isn’t toward that to me like wtf??????
also I really hate men now - like if I didn’t hate them before I now have a reason to, like always didn’t like them, they were HORRIBLE towards me since I was literally around other people as a child, insulting me, bullying me (physical most), and now this bs I don't even know why I would fucking bother now after all of this, men are disgusting and I hope they all fucking die bc they are a waste of fucking time and space and who fucking needs them to exist anyway like ?????????? the only use they have is their sp//m so like??? what the fuck is the point of them existing????? they contribute nothing except misery and violence against women - don’t think I've ever had a man be nice to me in general (w/o it being for /that/ reason) so yeeeahhh
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