#...may or may not ever leave the confines of the notes on my phone dkgzjfjgxjguglycries
feekins Β· 1 year
ok but y'all sleepin on Conrad fr like...how he's SO HAPPY!!! to see that Kni survived the Fall! that he RUNS TO GREET HIM WITH OPEN ARMS!!!!! and how damn GUILTY he feels about Tesla! and how RESPONSIBLE he likely feels for Kni?
think about it.
Vash has Luida and Brad.
Knives has Conrad - but bc he's Knives and bc Conrad carries so much guilt, the dynamic is TRAGICALLY different. has Conrad only ever been a tool to Knives? does Conrad keep going not [only] bc Knives won't let him die, but bc Conrad feels he has a duty to Knives? not just due to the guilt, but bc he also *legitimately cares* about Knives' wellbeing?? and always has????
idk man I just can't stop thinking about it - about how Conrad could've been (maybe tried to be?) the adult Kni would've benefitted from having growing up, and how there's nothing Conrad could do but watch as this angry, hurt, scared little boy both literally and figuratively took on the whole world 😭
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