stellarron · 11 months
Honkai: Star Rail EP: Samudrartha Lyrics
(崩坏:星穹铁道 《水龍吟》 中文歌词/拼音/英文翻译)
Artists: HOYO-Mix, 优素, 宮奇
过往 潮汐 guò wǎng cháo xī Tides of the past
将我的伤痕 刻蚀成龙鳞 jiāng wǒ de shāng hén kè shí chéng lóng lín Etched my scars into dragon scales
吐息中酝酿着风云 tǔ xī zhōng yùn niàng zhuó fēng yún Within its breath, brewing storms
血脉 根须 xuè mài gēn xū Bloodline and roots
在我皮肉下 交织成命运 zài wǒ pí ròu xià jiāo zhī chéng mìng yùn Interwoven ‘neath my flesh, forming destiny
扎根于烈火烧灼的龙心 zhā gēn yú liè huǒ shāo zhuó de lóng xīn Rooted in the scorching heart of a dragon
磨砺 金石 做我的骨骼 mó lì jīn shí zuò wǒ de gǔ gé Steel tempered, to become my bones
放任 飓风 从喉中挣脱 fàng rèn jù fēng cóng hóu zhōng zhèng tuō Hurricanes unleashed, tearing from my throat
用传说重塑我 yòng chuán shuō zhòng sù wǒ Using legends to reshape me
用痛疼重铸我 yòng tòng téng zhòng zhù wǒ Using agony to reforge me
撕裂形骸解放 sī liè xíng hái jiě fàng Rending my form, setting free
万钧雷霆的巨响 wàn jūn léi tíng de jù xiǎng A thunderous roar, a symphony
摇撼心魂激荡 yáo hàn xīn hún jī dàng Soul’s depths stirred by a tempest’s might
惊涛骇浪 jīng tāo hài làng Surging waves, an awe-inspiring sight
胸口鲜血滚烫 xiōng kǒu xiān xuè gǔn tàng Hot blood boiling, chest ablaze
淬炼出爪牙锋芒 cuì liàn chū zhǎo yá fēng máng Fangs and claws, burnished glaze
我必身披星光 wǒ bì shēn pī xīng guāng Adorned in starlight, I shall reascend
再临于重渊之上 zài lín yú zhòng yuān zhī shàng Above the watery abyss, transcendent
[repeat chorus]
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eidolonsix · 1 year
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⋆。 ☆ ° ✦ MAIN: @iridescene — I follow, send asks and interact from here.
⋆。 ☆ ° ✦ I WRITE FOR: Honkai: Star Rail ! Genshin Impact ! Wuthering Waves !
⋆。 ☆ ° ✦ GFX CREDIT... Headers by me ! Divider from @benkeibear !
⋆。 ☆ ° ✦ CRUSHING ON... Blade ! Wriothesley ! Nanook ! Gallagher ! Jiyan ! Thoma !
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Characters and franchises written for on this blog are not owned by me unless otherwise stated. Plagiarism, reposts, and use of my work for AI-related purposes are strictly prohibited.
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chapped lips
short little thing to get back into writing after not doing it for five thousand years (5 months)
"Want a taste?" You ask in a teasing tone, capping the lip balm and pointing it in his general direction.
Your heart flutters when you see his cheeks flush, and he averts his gaze quickly.
"As if I want a taste of your horrible lip balm," he shoots back, a grin playing on his lips as he looks at you, his head turned to the side.
★ ★ ★
God, are your lips dry.
You rifle through your bag, pulling out the stick of lip balm and uncapping it.
The office is rather empty today — there haven't been any customers, so it's just been you and Arataka. He'd struck up a few simple conversations, nothing more than a little "how are you" and a small "weather's been nice".
It breaks your heart a little to see him so... Disinterested in you, his gaze transfixed on the window, the golden light of the setting sun making his eyes glimmer gold.
You bring the stick of lip balm to your mouth, pressing it to your lips and dragging it across them. It's scented (and flavoured!) vanilla, and you find your tongue darting out to lick the oily residue.
It's at this moment that you find that Arataka's watching you, his gaze fixed on your mouth, his eyes following your tongue as you run it across your lips.
You decide to tease him.
"Want a taste?" You ask in a teasing tone, capping the lip balm and pointing it in his general direction.
Your heart flutters when you see his cheeks flush, and he averts his gaze quickly.
"As if I want a taste of your horrible lip balm," he shoots back, a grin playing on his lips as he looks at you, his head turned to the side.
"I bet it tastes horrible. Just like you do."
You gasp dramatically, feigning offence.
"I do not taste horrible! How could you be so heartless?"
You're stifling giggles, fighting back a grin as Arataka just arches a brow at you.
God, he's so...
"I doubt that."
He's grinning wide, now, leaning forward on his desk, resting his chin in his hands, his elbows on the table.
You make a strangled noise, half faking and half actually surprised.
"I taste lovely, thank you very much!"
You shove the lip balm back into your bag and narrow your eyes at him. He snickers, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm not going to believe you until you prove it."
It takes a moment for you to compute what he says before you get up from your chair, walking over to his desk and resting your hands on it, leaning your weight onto the wood.
"Is that a challenge?"
You lean in close to his face, staring right into those eyes of his. He narrows them in delight, grinning at you.
"I doubt you're brave enough."
Those are the last words Arataka manages to get out before you close the distance — you're almost lying down on the desk as you press your lips onto his. You feel him startle, surprised, but he's quick to kiss you right back. His eyes flutter shut as he sighs into you.
He's gentle with it, cupping your face in one hand and tangling his fingers in your hair with the other.
The kiss is clumsy and inexperienced, but when you pull away, your faces are both red and your bodies are both hot.
When he looks at you, his eyes are heavy with desire.
"You taste horrible, just as I thought," he remarks as he licks his lips, humming in thought as he cups his chin in a hand.
He grins, narrowing his eyes as he brings them back to look at you.
"I'll need another taste to make sure."
You sigh in fake annoyance.
"Fine, fine," you say, leaning on the desk and kissing him again.
This time, it's a lot better: he seems to have learnt from the previous kiss as he moves his lips to slot themselves comfortably against yours, his hand trailing down from your neck to the small of your back.
You can hear him bite back... Noises, as he grips your waist. He pulls you into him as he tilts his head to the side, pressing his mouth onto yours gently.
When you pull away, Arataka's hesitant to let you go, his hand gripping your upper arm, his thumbs drawing small circles on your skin. His touch sends shivers down your spine as you sigh.
"Is that enough?" You ask, trying to make your voice sound annoyed, trying to keep it from sounding like a moan.
He cups his chin in a hand, narrowing his eyes in thought.
"...Third time's the charm."
He gets up from his chair, dusting off his suit for a moment before snaking his hands behind your back, pressing your body up against to his as he dips you, kissing you again.
His hand travels up to your head, holding it in place as he deepens the kiss. You hear... Sounds, coming from him — loud ones at that — just as the door opens.
Mob's confused voice breaks the intimate moment you and Arataka had been sharing.
He immediately pulls himself away from you, making you more than a little disappointed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Ah, yes, Mob—"
Arataka clears his throat, and you can almost feel his embarrassment.
It's quiet for a long while.
Mob just... Wordlessly takes his seat at the little table in the corner, not looking either of you in the eye.
Your gaze flickers from him to Arataka.
Continue this later?
You mouth, studying his face for a reaction.
He nods briskly.
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llithiumstars · 9 months
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lalna's tits tuesday...
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russica · 6 months
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Back on my BS ❤️💜 Added an extra Kar'niss
Fun Facts! I think we should be able to spare Kar'niss. Or recruit the crazy boi! I do not care what is canon lore for drider, I'm sure their broken psyche doesn't make for a good time but, well, fantasy.
Ryth would absolutely adopt this broken boi. Kar'niss' demented mind and Ryth's swiss cheese Durge brain are a match made in the hells 💙 Ryth is a fan of the weird and broken. He would absolutely love Abdirak, He Who Was, the Nurses in the House of Healing, and the Debtors in the House of Hope. He wouldn't be a fan of Araj Oblodra only because she insults Astarion and makes him uncomfortable.
Ryth would do whatever it took to convince Kar'niss to come with him when the Shadowlands were cleared out. He wouldn't want the poor thing to fry in the sun. Then, when the Absolute was finally defeated, he'd revisit the drider who would, let's be honest, probably be in a state after being abandoned by another god... Unless Ryth threatened the Emperor to extend the protection- I think Ryth would actually get violent about it too. He would fully believe Kar'niss deserved kindness and that clearing the Absolute from his head might be temporarily devastating but long term better.
Ryth would find a safe place for the drider to live, maybe in the underdark. He'd find safe ways for Kar'niss to hunt and try and find ways to comfort the poor guys broken mind.
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artataliaf · 5 months
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we can make it if we try
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disaster-delia · 1 month
This is the most MSI sounding song og MSI in my opinion
Everything sounds so characteristic to them, the rythm, the lyrics, the voice range
Current fav tbh
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hannah-heartstrings · 4 months
Has Lecrinn ever shared some crazy thing she did with Garrus? Like jumped into painting, spotted a unicorn, spotted (or didn't spotted) the invisible towns. Did Garrus find it hard to believe?
Hi friend! 🩵
And yes, she tells him all about her adventures. At first she leaves out some details while embellishing others to make herself look better, but she gets more honest as they grow closer and she learns it's OK to admit that she's scared or that she doesn't always know what she's doing.
As for your second question, I feel like living in Tamriel is already so weird that not much is too hard to believe. XD And Garrus is naturally trusting. They might actually have the opposite problem, he believing her too easily.
Lecrinn: And then I defeated all the daedra. 😌
Garrus: Amazing!
Reptilious: You weren't even there, you ran away!
Lecrinn: No I didn't! 😨
Garrus: 😅
~ a little later ~
Garrus: You don't have to pretend to be impressive, Lecrinn, you already are.
Lecrinn: ...Oh. 🥹
Reptilious: 🙄
Still, some things are wild even for Elder Scrolls, in which case I think his reaction would be something like "that's hard to believe but I'm trying my best to believe you anyway."
Garrus: ...In a painting?
Lecrinn: Yes!
Garrus: How do you know this?
Lecrinn: I just watched Rann fall in it!
Garrus: And you're sure you weren't... poisoned beforehand?
Lecrinn: 😠
Garrus: All right! I'm coming.
Thanks so much for the ask and for enabling my fanfic shenanigans. 🤭 I might have to write snippets out of those jokes.
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caracello · 5 months
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this is actually so real.
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saraali-19 · 11 months
Top 10 my Favorite Youtubers
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stellarron · 9 months
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teddykaczynski · 9 months
everything’s coming up yiv “sdw” teddykaczynski
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ezzy-bake-oven · 28 days
Bro used to serve the empire, now he's just serving
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llithiumstars · 1 month
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delighted by todays gartic beafts
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russica · 5 months
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Kar'niss and Ryth cuddle puddle 🖤
Fun Facts! Ryth sleeps in basically a nest made of pillows, blankets, and whatever other soft materials he can find. Bro catches Kar'niss flopped over on the ground all dead spider and immediately invites him to share. Ryth is all about some platonic cuddling, and he definitely sees Kar'niss as sort of a lost puppy. I think Kar'niss would enjoy the nest, and Ryth would find him lounging in it because he can actually relax his whole body. Ryth would be sure to add things in colors and textures Kar'niss liked 🖤
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macroglossus · 29 days
every so often i get a sushi craving that brings me to my knees but all of the sushi places around me use vinegar that contains gluten to make the sticky rice stick. thusly no sushi for me. screeching and rending the walls around me
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