#.simping hour๐Ÿ‰
jadeddaydream ยท 1 year
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need to sit my pussy on her lip scar pls
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jspenft ยท 2 years
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โœง PAIRING : Katsuki Bakugo / Izuku Midoriya / Shoto Todoroki x Femโ™€ reader. (Thanks to @izukuisbaby for helping me with Sho's part-๐Ÿ˜ญ)
โœง AN : Supposed to b mix of headcanons and fic, but became stories for each. May be long, sorry. All characters are aged up. Not proofread. AN #2 : I feel like I write better for those I simp. So if you happen to read everything, guess who's my crush among these 3.
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๐Ÿ‰ Go mountaineering. He's a man of thrills, obviously he loves it.
๐Ÿ‰ Is initially reluctant when he proposes the idea to you, but automatically changes his behavior when notices the stars in your eyes. As trivial as things are, you love to learn more about the man you likes. He likes spicy food ? You train all night long to cook him the best mapo tofu he's ever eaten ! He like mountaineering ? You going there with him without hesitation !
๐Ÿ‰ Hours spent on the internet to learn about this sport. Wanting to impress him, and above all not to make mistakes.
๐Ÿ‰ So arrived at the store for purchase of equipment, you already know what to take.
" - So fleece clothes are here, windbreaker is done... you whisper to yourself Katsuki, did you take gloves ?
- Mmh, even in your favorite color.
- Okay, we have almost everything. you say, moving towards another aisle
- May I help you, miss ?
- Oh uh yes, I'm looking for a helmet. you respond to the salesman who popped up behind you
- You're lucky, I have this magnificent aerodynamic helmet. It's our far among popular model with cyclists and there're only a few copies left. I can also recommend these shorts and overshoes, very trendy among women.
Katsuki inwardly laughs at the salesman's tirade to restock you with a bunch of expensive and useless equipment, in order to fulfill his sales quota.
- Oh no, you must have misunderstood, I'm not a cyclist, but mountaineer. you answer cheerfully Besides, I would need a harness and a survival blanket.
- Oh um excuse me then, mountaineering equipment are on this side, follow me please. he pulls himself together
After a while, you have everything you need and let the salesman get back to his business. Katsuki returns, leaning on a shelf and crossing his arms, with more items in his bag.
- Well then, you seem to know your stuff. he smirk
- Yeah ! It's not complicated, you really have to be stupid not to know about that stuff. proudly assert yourself
After a few seconds of silence, he answers.
- You know that.. we have a common computer, don't you ?
- Yeah, why bringing that u-
- And I have access to the search history, right ? he cuts you off
You're trying to remember something incriminating you could have researched, when it hits you. Silence broken by your boyfriend again.
- That's it, remember ?
- I-
- ยซ It's not complicated, you really have to be stupid not to know about that stuff. ยป he declares with a cheerful voice, imitating your way of speaking earlier.
- It's not what you think-
- Never said it's a bad thing. It was actually quite fun to read ยซ everything you need to know about mountaineering ยป , ยซ mountaineering for beginners in 5 steps ยป, ยซ best equipment-
- Ahh all right got it, it's embarrassing...
- ยซ How to impress your lover ยป...
- I could die of shame right now... you whisper
- It's okay, sorry, just funny to see you like that. he continues after a silence But hey, given the number of searches, you must have spent hours and hours on it. I love that you try to impress me, but please think of yourself. I'll explain it to you properly, so don't worry, okay ? You'll always up to it.
His speech warms your heart.
- Okay Katsu, let's get the latest items and go to the checkout, yeah ? you answer with a light smile
- Sure thing. "
๐Ÿ‰ Groans during the journey, secretly hiding his joy at being able to share one of his passions with you.
๐Ÿ‰ Arrived at destination, fresh air hits your face, it's cold but so pleasant. Katsuki takes you aside from the group of apinists and asks you one last time if you're sure you want to do this. And you obviously answer in the affirmative.
๐Ÿ‰ Trainer explains the rules to everyone.
" - Well before starting, know that this is a beginners group. So for the more experienced, be sure to help others for their first time and be patient. As for the others, remember that mountaineering isn't climbing, it's an extreme sport, so be careful and attentive. We'll start after checking material, thanks for listening.
You turn back to Katsuki.
- Have everything in your backpack ?
- Of course I do, who do you think I am ? Even bring a first aid kit in case Madame is injured. He throws you a flick
- Ouch ! We won't even need it cause I'm strong enough. Look, I even took a compass ! you exclaim while chowing it
- Y/n... where's the North ?
- Well, it's here. you say pointing at your right
- What's the point of having a compass if you don't even know how to use it... Your sense of direction is still biased as I can see, sweet.
- Said the man that were looking for sugar in all kitchen cupboard for like 2 hours. Who has the worst sense of direction ? you smirk
- Hey, calm down you two trainer interrupt him finish tying the rope, we're leaving in 5 minutes.
- Tch, yes sirrr~ " he rumbles
๐Ÿ‰ As a mountaineering groupe, you're all attached to the same rope. Katsuki insists that you be in front of him. Then he can guide, help you, and watch your ass.
๐Ÿ‰ He admires your serious face, giving your all.
๐Ÿ‰ Arrived at mountain refuge, you both take a well-deserved rest.
" - I'm proud of you, but you didn't need to overwork yourself for today.
- Who said JUST for today ? you glare at him
- Uh ?
- I love mountaineering, and from now on, I want it to become a daily thing, for both of us. "
Bonus : two grandmothers gossiping :
" - See this young girl blushing over there ?
- Flirting in a store, young people these days... "
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๐Ÿ‰ Literally fuckin' everywhere.
๐Ÿ‰ Notes, takes a lot of notes. Have a notebook especially on the places you love to go to. Whether it's places he's already taken you to, or those you mention in the course of a conversation.
๐Ÿ‰ Tries to plan everything from a to z, is so focused that he becomes clumsy. So obviously, his mother notices.
" - Izuku, I'm glad you came to visit me, but could you please stop staring at your taiyaki like that.
He stops daydreaming and quickly raises his head
- Sorry mom, I was in my thoughts.
- Seriously, you've been very tense lately, a problem at work ?
- Oh no, don't worry, it's about Y/n.
- Y/n ? What's going on with my beautiful daughter in law ? she said smiling
- Mmh, we're going to spend our first vacation together and I don't know what to doโ€ฆ he said collapsing on the table
- She likes the beach, doesn't she ? Why don't you take her there ?
- Yeah, I already intended to...
- What's the matter then ?
- Beach is not enough, need other things, I just want it to be perfect.
Inko answers with a tender looks on her face
- You know, it's not a honeymoon or anything, just vacation. I know her very well, and no matter what you do, she'll like it. I'm sure just being with you is enough for her. Simple words, but words that a son needed to hear from his mother. Come on, tell me the activities you've already thought about doing with her, I'll help you.
- Oh that's good cause I just wrote everything down, so there's this place but I'm hesitating cause we've already been there once and I dunno if it's good for holidays, otherwise we could do that I know that she liked it last time, ah and also that [...] "
'And here we go again with his usual monologues...' she thought
๐Ÿ‰ Makes you breakfast in bed on first day of vacation. He's usually really caring, but now he's so attentive that you wonder if it's an important date that you forgot.
๐Ÿ‰ Of course not, it's neither your couple anniversary, nor your birthday either. He just wanted to mark the occasion, having been very busy with his work lately.
๐Ÿ‰ " - Izuuu, my feet hurttt. you moan Plus I need to go to the toil-
- There's still this shop, want me to carry you honey ?
- Yes plea- I mean no. We can go tomorrow, why'd you absolutely wanna go there now ?
- The day isn't over yet Y/n. Come on, I still have things to show y-
You suddenly let go of his hand.
- No, sorry but I really am tired. Can we do this another time ?
He looks at you intently, as if surveying the situation.
- Oh um.. I'm sorry. I was so happy we're spending time together that I didn't pay attention to what you really wanted... he confesses after realizing
You move closer and take his hands in yours.
- It's okay honey, all that matters is that you meant well.
Admiring each other's eyes, as if you were alone in the world. Until a thought brings you back to reality.
- But umm.. Can we go now ? I really wanna pee you confess by no longer holding up on your legs
- Oh sure, I'll carry you right away ! " he suddenly respond with a soft smile
๐Ÿ‰ At the end of the day, you give him a massage on his back (he loves it, don't tell me otherwise).
" - That's not fair, I had to take the lead today, and you ended up taking care of mee~ he pout
- You shouldn't have taken so much trouble for me, you idiot. "
๐Ÿ‰ He gave his all to prepare you the best vacation of your life. So much so that he became stressed. In the end, you still did some activities that he prepared for you. Apart from that, you both preferred to enjoy present moment.
๐Ÿ‰ Went to the sea, several times, especially cause you wanted to try all flavors of ice cream from the nearby ice-cream maker.
๐Ÿ‰ You managed to get movie tickets for the premiere of All Might's biographical movie. He cried. What a fanboy
๐Ÿ‰ He'll take you to the gym. Since when he's not at work, he's at the gym, you want to start sport to go there daily with him.
" - Arghhh, I can't take it anymore- you growl
- Come on Y/n one more rep, you can do it !
You thought you were going to suffer at gym, but not that much.
- You doing great honey, that was perfect !
- Perfect my ass you collapse on the floor I'm exhausted~
- Hehe here you go he hands you a bottle of water You mustn't flinch, I want to do my sport with you now
- Mmh thanks Izu
- Something bothering you ?
- Hum no, that's just.. you wave your hand come closer.
He leans over and you whisper in his ear.
- Don't you see girls over there watching us ? I mean, watching you ?
- Mmh ? Oh, it must be cause I'm kinda well-known. he touches his face looking a little embarrassed
- 'Or you just look attractive' you mumble
Yeah you mumble, but he understand, absolutely everything you just said. So he slowly approached, put his hand on your cheek, and kissed you.
- A few more series ? There's nothing MY wife can't do. " he declares with a soft smile quite loudly, not just for you, but as if he wants to be heard by women around him.
And you just sat here, amazed.
๐Ÿ‰ After going to the sea, cinema, gym; he listens to all your suggestions and takes you where you want. Fairground ? No problem, you may be adults, there is no age limit for having fun. You buy lots of sweets, so many you'll have to takes some home, so many that Izu give some to his colleagues at work. Katsuki told him several times he doesn't like sweets, but ate them anyway.
๐Ÿ‰ In short, no pressure. He learned not to stress out trying to please you. You just both enjoy the moment.
Bonus : returning from the gym :
" - Did you really call me "my wife" earlier ?
- No, I mean yeah, but it was on impulse and-
- Hope you'll take your responsibilities and truly call me your wife then. you smirk leaving him in the bedroom
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๐Ÿ‰ Fancy locations.
๐Ÿ‰ He sends you a message to ask you to wear something nice for tonight. At first you're taken aback 'cause you weren't thinking of moving today. Indeed, lying in your pajamas in your bed watching TV, you're not really ready to go outside. But then you're pretty happy that he's asking you to go out, so you answers him 'Of course ! Can't wait for 2nightโค๏ธ' with a smile on your face.
๐Ÿ‰ The evening, you find yourself a little disconcerted.
" - A costume, and a restaurant ?
- Yeah, don't you like it ?
- Yes ! I just thought we were going to have a picnic. Well... I'm going to look ridiculous in this little summer dress in a 5 star restaurant...
- Why this ? You are very beautiful in this dress.
- If you say so... "
๐Ÿ‰ In the middle of the meal you felt a little uncomfortable, with this impression that everyone is watching you. You even came to wonder if he was not going to ask you out, I mean in marriage, why put so much effort for a simple date otherwise ?
๐Ÿ‰ But no, nothing at all, you just went home afterwards. Not that you actually expected him to propose to you but. And the following days, the same. He takes you to a fancy place, you expect something, but in fact nothing happens.
๐Ÿ‰ Every time you offer him a simple activity or outing, he says he has a better idea in mind.
๐Ÿ‰ Shoto notices after a while that you don't like these outings that much.
He needs advice.
But his friends from high school promo say so many different things that he no longer knows where to turn.
" - Dance lessons ! Here you go, it's a good activity to do as a couple. Besides, it would be so funny to see you dancing !
- No Mina ! A date at restaurant, that's what he need ! It's so romanticc~ answers Toruu
Girls continue to debate, as if the principal concerned no longer exists.
- Huh, it's just vacation, right..? Question meant for his friends, but Shoto talks more to himself at this point. Plus I already do date restaurant... he mumbled
๐Ÿ‰ Was initially asking for some advice on where he could take you on vacation. Then girls jumped on him so excited to help him. In the end, they're more debating on the best date than helping him with his vacation...
๐Ÿ‰ They didn't help him at all, all their words were mixed up in his head. So he decided to turn to a better person, the one he's sure will be of good help : Fuyumi<3
" - Wich places could you take Y/n ?
- Yeah, she looked so happy to finally be on vacation, but I don't know where to take her. I think i screwed up.
Indeed, he didn't really think about it. But it was by seeing ads on TV, billboards, and couples in the street that he realized it. Holidays are significant in a couple
- What if you just ask her ? Don't take it so seriously. " she smiled
๐Ÿ‰ He now has clearer ideas thanks to his sister. And can finally talk to you.
" - You know, it's not that I didn't like the outings you prepared for me. It was just.. too much.
His face relaxes, as if he had finally found the solution to an enigma still unsolved. Sooo...
- Where would I like to go on vacation ? Mmh.. where you wanna go !
- Huh... he makes his usual stoic face
- W-what, did I say something wrong ? Oh, that doesn't help you at all, does it ? you answer looking sheepish
- Exactly...
- Well, where did you go when you were little ?
- Little... he whispers to himself
- Ah, don't answer if it makes you uncomfortable !
- No do not worry. Uh, we used to go to the temple, and... Matsuri..? he responds like he's not sure
- Perfect, that's what we'll do then !
- That's all ? he seems disconcerted I mean, I thought vacations were important to you.
- And it is, I want to learn more about you, and share the things you aspire to. you share a wonderful smile
๐Ÿ‰ Soo, cultural places
๐Ÿ‰ In the town next door, a Matsuri, a famous Japanese festival, was taking place. You definitely go there. It's so simple, but seeing your face so happy makes his heart feel better.
๐Ÿ‰ Between food stalls and rifle shooting, you had no time to get bored. It was really something you wanted to do at least once in your life.
๐Ÿ‰ You both go to the temple. You usually go there very little, more at New Years. But Shoto comes from a traditional family, so obviously he goes there a lot more often.
๐Ÿ‰ Before leaving, come the time to write a wish on a wooden plaque, the ema.
" - What did you write ?
- I can't say that Y/n.
- I know.. have a sense of humor.. you pout
After a short silence he continues
- ... What did you write ? he pout too
you answers with a smirk
- Someone gets nosy too.
Bonus : Girls after talking for hours :
" - And you Shoto what d'you think ? ...Shoto ?
- He's been gone for a long time. " replied Tsuyu
Yes, he slipped away in the middle of their conversation.
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ยฉ jspenft 2022 : do not plagiarize, steal, contort, copy, or translate my content to other platforms.
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jadeddaydream ยท 1 year
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The way I would SUCK the soul out of her
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jadeddaydream ยท 2 years
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thereโ€™s something about her in that uniform๐Ÿ˜ฉ
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