#i luv grayson so much
hawthornesbiggestfan · 9 months
its always "xander is the most underrated hawthorne" or "nash is the most underrated hawthorne" WHAT ABT THE ORIGINALS?? it feels like nobody cares abt them omg 😪🙏
zara was legit main character vibes like, oldest sister bookish girl who thrives for success and validation like... zara was the og grayson hawthorne yall 💀 (not that anybody could beat grayson, i luv the guy too much)
and skye? ik we might not like skye as much but,, she was part of the hawthornes too, and as much as we know, that probl had some difficulties. i bet skye was the kind of child who liked to cause problems to get attention bcs she felt neglected—and tbh, thats completely valid as a young girl.
toby ohhh toby. the guy had his issues. ik he perhaps shouldn't be in this list but, he grew up hawthorne so. the guy probl looked up to zara n skye so badly, n he def felt bad bcs tobias pushed the girls aside.
all im saying is that if we're talking abt underrated, the og hawthorne siblings are that exactly. they legit deserved sm better, and fight me but the girls had some valid ass reasons to do what they did (well.... skye kinda needed a slap but uh) especially zara like,,, she worked her ass off, then suddenly it was her nephew who was expected to get the fortune, then suddenly it was a random girl? i would've been frustrated af.
what r ur thoughts??
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reminiscentreader · 11 months
Father’s Day
< request from my lovely @nqds luv ya >
In his 16 years of living, xander had never celebrated Father’s Day, but every year up until he was about 12, he would crawl up to the window, high above his room, to make a wish. “Please magical father god thingy, make my dad come back, I know he’s not dead, I just want him back” he would wish every year, and it seems that his wishing had worked as he now had his dad back, isaiah, xander looked just like him, same deep brown eyes, same curly black hair, as well as both being giants.
That morning, Xander had strutted up to graysons room to tell him his plans for Father’s Day, he was going to take 12 jam donuts to the garage (6 for him, 6 for his dad) and then they would go to mini golf, the perfect Father’s Day, as xander got closer to graysons wing, he started to wonder whether Grayson would actually want to hear about xanders plans for Father’s Day, Grayson was the only Hawthorne who didn’t have some kind of parental figure, Jameson had his uncle, Nash’s dad called sometimes, And he had Isaiah, Graysons father had been a murderer. Yeah, doesn’t get much worse than that. But alas, Grayson didn’t seem to mind and even offered to help him carry them!
so now, Grayson and xander were stood at the door to ‘Danielle’s Donuts’, Xander had insisted they get there for opening so they could chose all of the best flavours. Soon enough, the doors opened and Grayson and xander stepped in, a whirlwind of flavours filled xanders nose, chocolate moose, pumpkin spice, strawberry and white chocolate were just some of the more prominent flavours, “Hello boys!,” a lady who xander assumed to be Danielle piped up, “Hiw can I help you today?”
“We need twelve donuts for Father’s Day!” Danielle looked taken aback, “twelve? Whatever could you need twelve donuts for?”
“he said for Father’s Day.” Grayson had suddenly appeared next to Xander and he did not look happy, he looked as if donut shops were hell on earth, even though they were obviously heaven. “No need to be so mean big brother, we’ll take 4 chocolate, 6 glazed and…” xander thought for a bit, “2 caramel please!” The lady nodded and immediately pulled out a dozen box of donuts.
Once xander arrived at the garage his father worked at, he said his goodbyes to Grayson and slowly walked up towards the door, Xander wasn’t normally one to be nervous but anything surrounding his father made him quiver, there was always the slight chance that his dad didn’t actually want him, and xander was just being a bother to him.
Knock, Knock, Xander swayed on his feet eight times before Isaiah opened the door, “HAPPY FATHERS DAY!” Xander shouted before tackle hugging his father, he heard Isaiah laugh before gently pushing xander off him, “well I certainly wasn’t expecting a visit off you son”
“you thought I wouldn’t come see you on Father’s Day? Were you expecting me to be here on Mother’s Day?” Xander joked, his father laughed softly, “Come in my boy,” Isaiah led him into the garage to a red porsche he was fixing, “What’s wrong with that one?” Xander queried, setting himself on a worn sofa in the corner of the room, Isaiah joined him on the sofa, “just some missing bolts, I should have it done in a couple minutes.” Xanders eyes suddenly widened as he remembered something, “Dad!” He exclaimed shaking his fathers arm, “I bought donuts!”
“Oh son, you shouldn’t have, I didn’t need anything.” Isaiah said but Xander could tell that he was thankful for it, “actually, yes I should’ve! I even got Grayson to help me bring them here!” Xander exitedly opened the box of donuts and handed a chocolate moose one to his dad, “Happy Father’s Day, dad”
“come son, I want to show you something.”
Isaiah led Xander to a ladder in the corner of the garage, He jerked his chin to tell xander to climb. The ladder seemed to go on forever but once xander reached the top, he was mesmerised by the view, a golden sunset was painted across the sky, Isaiah rested a hand on Xanders shoulder, “You know I love you son.”
“I love you too dad.”
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Hope this is what you were thinking of @nqds i was thinking of doing a similar thing for Grayson and acacia, hope you liked it 💗💗💗
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dyinggraysons · 10 months
8 and 15 for Dick Grayson please :)
aw :) for better or for worse dick grayson is my bestie!!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
um…lots of things. but i want to add a disclaimer? obviously, there is a large fandom surrounding bat characters, some of which has little basis in actual comic/cartoon/movie canon. if someone wants to engage with these characters exclusively through (or primarily though) fandom, i honestly don’t care! i hope they have fun.
however, i’ve been reading batman comics since i was 11 years old (#cringe #embarrassing), so I’m going to be interpreting these characters a little differently from how they’ve been crafted in fandom.
what bothers me about fandom dick grayson is he’s often framed as being childish and unintelligent. yes, he’s a bit of a goofball! but he’s also somber and has some rage, ya know? grayson is just a guy who loves his friends but is constantly in his flop era (luv him though).
also the sexualization is becoming a bit much. it’s now spread into publications, and it just makes so mad. i do think comics should be a bit cheeky and naughty. superheroes are sexy, dude!but it was nearly impossible to find a batman-related comic from late 2021 to 2022 where there wasn’t a comment about dick grayson’s ass. that’s weird! any fun subversion is now totally lost.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
literally this man and all his friends! dickkory is great! dickroy heck yeah! dickjoey makes me feel bananas (in a good way)! dickbabs has its moments. dick and vic?? people should be getting on that. there’s probs so many more but that’s what comes to mind rn.
sorry to all the dick and wally folks out there. it’s not my vibe :(
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away-ward · 5 months
Devil's Night had so much potential that could set the series apart from other booktok series but it just falls short and on its face. I know you get this asks every day and I really hope I’m not bothering you, but some changes that would make the series a lot better for me are
Not making the Horsemen a wannabe gang or characters of a soap opera. If the plot began with rich kids suffering the consequences of their actions for the first time and later extand that theme to include more plot points that would eventually create a more solid theme, plot, and character arc, it would eliminate the whole mafia-esque theme that just didn’t suit the series. There is no need for them to be a gang or something dramatic. They are just a found family and will have their backs no matter what (with the privilege of money and power on their side).
Rika actually leaking the videos. It would make the series more interesting, and most importantly, make Rika an important character. Can’t come up with reasons for why she would do it right now (other than for a more reasonable reason than Trevor’s) but there is great potential. Her character can still be included to great extent in the following books without being annoying or unreasonable by being "redeemed" as the story goes on. We don’t need her paired with Michael (it can add tragedy, though) but they can still be each other’s love interest.
Getting rid of Blackchurch. I know you like Blackchurch but here me out 🫥. Emory wouldn’t know about Blackchurch if it wasn’t for Aydin, and I want to get rid off him. And while Blackchurch still can exist, I was thinking something along the lines of Will being suspected of Martin’s murder (happening after his initial assault on him that sent him to prison) while still keeping the whole "rich family tries to hide him/pay their way out of the case because they know he is guilty". Will refuses to enlarge information and refuses to plead guilty because he committed the murder with Emory. It can introduce readers to how much power the Graysons have (especially because they have an important political figure as the patriarch) and how much powerless Emory is in comparison.
A less intense Damon and Winter storyline. What do you mean you left a poor girl blind?! I would’ve get a restraining order too ngl. I would also add more significance to Winter’s character but I can’t come up with something right now. She can still be blind but not because of her love interest.
Incorporating the Horsemen concept. It was right there and we were left to starve. Michael can represent war, especially because the horse of war is red. He is leading the war against Rika because of what she did to the other Horsemen. It makes him an actual leader. Kai can represent scarcity, the black horse. It suggests a continuing abundance of luxuries for the wealthy and imperial oppression. It also carries a balance scale and Kai is a libra. Damon can be death, which rides a pale horse, and Will can be conquest, which rides a white horse and represent Christ and the Antichrist. The religious symbolism is already there with the Four Horsemen and the whole book of Hideaway.
Other things I would get rid off is the sexual assault scenes. The guys are supposed to be redeemed and gain sympathy; a sexual assaulter doesn’t deserve any of that. Other unnecessary scenes can be thrown out and a better thought out story could have been written. Not to discredit PD’s work, but Devil’s Night is just not that good of a story. I enjoy the headcanons and the possibilities that came out of the books, not exactly the storylines themselves. SORRY FOR RANTING LUV 💕💕💕🍪
You're so lovely! No need to apologize. I love when people come to the table with new ideas.
I have always said that Devil’s Night had great bones. And for people who are just here for the spicy stuff, I’m sure it does wonders. But I read for plot and characters, and there was so much here to pick at but nothing fully fleshed out.
Not making the Horsemen a wannabe gang or characters of a soap opera
I didn’t fully mind the secret society vibe, but I much would have preferred if it were more like a found family. If the plot were rich kids suffer the consequence of their actions and either learn their lesson or learn to be better criminals, that would have been fun (especially if they just learned to be better criminals but they never did. They never learned anything!!)
But yeah. Totally agree with you here. I’d take found family that has a flimsy relationship with morals and the law when their loved ones are involved over the secret society/mafia/gang vibes that we had any day of the week.
Rika actually leaking the videos.
In the past, I proposed that an interesting storyline would have been if Rika wanted revenge for what happened to her that night, so I can fully understand wanting to give Rika more influence in the story. Maybe after she’s attacked, she ends up with the phone instead of Trevor, but Trevor comes to her later and, seeing how upset she is, convinces her to upload as revenge. She could be sort of thinking: The horsemen don’t get to be judge, jury, and executioner in Thunder Bay, and she’s going to be the one to stop them, not knowing the stories behind the videos she posted.
It falls in the same realm of Banks protecting Damon, and Winter not speaking up about her involvement with Damon, and Emory signing those papers, in that she actually did the thing she’s accused of, but that’s not the full story.
And maybe she should apologize for listening to Trevor, but who’s going to force her after what Damon did? And well, she didn’t know about Martin being a child abuser, but that doesn’t mean the horsemen get to play vigilante.
This creates a more dynamic plot, then just “Rika’s innocent. Revenge Night is off. Everyone go home!”
Getting rid of Blackchurch
…I like the blackchurch plot???
I don’t like the blackchurch plot at all. I would have preferred if Emory had been dragged back to Thunder Bay so that we can see her interact with the characters that I’m actually interested in. No offence to Micah and Rory, or their fans, but I just don’t care about them. Their stories, their families, how they ended up at blackchurch. None of that matters to me.
Give me Banks and Emory! Give me Banks – who knew in Hideaway that Martin was a child abuser and then inherited her father’s empire a year later – try to explain to Emory why Martin is still out there, getting married, getting promoted, having a great life. Give me Banks explaining that Martin is protected by Evans, and that’s why she can’t move on him, otherwise she’d have him strung up (how did Banks not know?). Give me Michael, Winter, and Emory bonding over their terrible siblings. There’s so much potential here that we miss because Emory and Will and Alex are over on an island suffering through Aydin’s power trip.
Let me understand these people.
while still keeping the whole "rich family tries to hide him/pay their way out of the case because they know he is guilty". Will refuses to enlarge information and refuses to plead guilty because he committed the murder with Emory.
Interesting to have Emory involved with the murder. I’m totally in for Will doing it for her, but I never considered Emory being there. There’s so many ways this could go. Very intriguing idea.
So is the idea then that the Grayson’s send Will to Blackchurch so that he can’t arrested? Like if the cops can’t find him, the family can plan his defense? Or are they getting him out of the way because he won’t tell them what really happened, as he’s protecting Emory?
What does Emory do?
A less intense Damon and Winter storyline
I thought the point that it was actually her father that caused her blindness, not Damon? Anyway, Damon seeking revenge on Winter was kinda dumb. Yeah, she didn't speak up. But he straight up manipulated and lied to her. And he was going to go serve time regardless. I think Rika having something on Damon and using that pull to go after Winter's dad for what he did to her dad would have been an interesting plot. Pitting Damon against the girl he wants, who's still suspicious of him, while trying to avoid going back to prison from whatever Rika has on him. Or something. Talk about a chess game. And after he did the same thing to Kai, who would he be to complain? I bet he'd be impressed she successfully took a page from his book.
Winter’s a tricky one. I really don’t know how to give her more power either. I do think I would have preferred if she, after she had her accident, she’d pivoted from dancing to music? Possibly pianist or something. I don’t think it improves her story arc at all, just something that’s a bit more interesting to me. There’s only really one notable blind ballerina and she lost her sight at 19, not 6. And she was an incredible dancer before that, as well, so the whole “Winter doesn’t need a walking stick; Winter can pirouette without spotting; blah blah blah” just really pushes the limits of believability for me. I don’t know.
Incorporating the Horsemen concept
Interesting. First, I’ve always since Michael as the conqueror because his name is Michael (like the archangel) Crist, which is another for of Christ. It’s very subtle, I know.
I saw Kai as War. He literally named his dojo Sensou, the Japanese word for war. He was at war with himself, with Damon, with Banks. It seemed he always had someone to fight and reason to be angry.
Damon as Death because… well obviously. He’s killed at least two people that we know of. And that whole conversation in Nightfall.
And Will as the Famine/Scarcity. He was a glutton before going to Blackchurch, over indulging in everything. Blackchurch represented a cutting off from all of his vices; literally starving himself of what brings him joy. However, it seemed by Nightfall, PD had forgone the Horsemen trend and instead focused on Peter Pan themes? A girl who grew up too quick and a boy who never wanted to. It was weird. I mean, a story can definitely have multiple themes and inspirations. It was just hard to see the horsemen theme in Will.
Anyway. Here’s a fun little graphic I made. Not the best, because I’d never created something like this before, but it was still a fun time.
Other things that could have changed:
Yeah, I would have enjoyed less assualty-scenes too. The KaiBanks one in particular never sat right with me.
There are so many things about this story to enjoy; the characters and the dynamics; the situations and problems posed – all of it was really interesting. And I the hands of a different author would have been a much different story. I’m not angry at PD for writing about what they’re interested in. I just sometimes wish this idea had occurred to someone else. I want this core story, but in a different package.
I enjoy the headcanons and the possibilities that came out of the books, not exactly the storylines themselves.
I share the same sentiment.
Thank you so much for all the time you put into this. Be sure, you’re never bothering me, and I wouldn’t call this a rant by any means. I genuinely enjoyed taking in your ideas!
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ok so i might need fucking therapy because im like in love with like castellen and it’s a goddamn problem like why the fuck do i think that he is the hot shit like bitch get your fucking shit together i don’t know why i like him i just do so when i get older i’ll probably find my very own john fucking mayor and i will just be screwed over because i put myself in toxic situations and like i think i should have known this from the start because i read shatter me before i read percy jackson and like i hated adam from the start but Aaron i was like in love with even tho he like put julliet thru hell doesn’t mean that i don’t want to yk but like yeah also im getting on the topic of books but like i am on my knees for atlas corrigan like wtf i read caraval and no offense to stephanie garber but i hated it so much like scarlet’s only character trait is that she can smell colors or some dumb shit like that. i think i will die when the brothers hawthorne comes out like grayson 😮‍💨🥴😩😏 same with xander but yeah i hate john mayor, caraval, and fucking ryle. i love luke, atlas, grayson, and the baby and best hawthrone xander.
if you are still here i luv u have a great day
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jadeddaydream · 2 years
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there’s something about her in that uniform😩
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anywherebuthere · 3 years
i hope grayson hawthorne knows how sexy he is to me 😩🙏
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hauntingblue · 4 years
Dick and Bruce's relationship really makes my heart warm. Like you have this sad man who sees his reflection on this child who just lost his parents, and he (in his twenties!!!) just takes him in and tries his best to make sure he doesn't follow the path he has taken, that he gets to be happy. And he does!! This child grows into a better man than he is and Bruce knows it, it's like he knew from the start, since he was the joy on the gloomy mornings, the light on the dark nights... Bruce did the best he could and Dick knew that, he knows, and he has given him so much in return, he is there for him whenever, he is there for the family Bruce has built, he took care of it when Bruce wasn't there, took care of his mantle -his legacy, the thing he promised to himself when he was a child, Dick carried it on-, he took care of his child -he was for Damian what Bruce was for him-. Dick has given him so much in return, what could he do to the person who picked him up from the rubble of his life and helped him build it up again? He taught him to be a hero, to be the better person Bruce didn't get to be.
"So he could turn out like you?"
"No, so that he wouldn't"
And he didn't.
Inspired by this video:
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sevikasmainwhore · 2 years
hi tink tink!!
how do u think the arcane ladies would react to seeing their thick gf in booty shorts? it’s getting so hot here it’s hard to wear anything else
btw i luv ur writing 💕
please cause it’s hotter than a mf out here 😭 omg yes please keep using tink tink, it’s so cute and makes me feel special 💝💝
Arcane Ladies reacting to your booty shorts ♥︎
Requested ⇢ Yes/No
Type ⇢ Headcanons❥
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❤️ Vi knew it was getting hot. It was doubt in that so when she first saw you in your shorts she couldn’t blame you. Until she started noticing you in them a bit more. How your thighs made the perfect bulge, how they made your ass look nice and round. Vi could’ve sworn she felt a little bit of drool out the corner of her mouth. You were getting a popsicle from the freezer when Vi came from behind you, claiming she wanted a “hug”. “Vi stop, it’s hot baby” You complained. You could feel her hands lowering down your ass. “Let me cool you down a bit” Vi did not in fact cool you down at all.
💙 Caitlyn was in disbelief really. Of course it was over 80° outside so she really didn’t think too much of it. She’d stare anytime you’d walk by her. Always have the urge to grab your ass, like it was just staring at her. Of course she’d be respectful and keep her hands to herself. Because they were so short a bit of your ass would peek out and Caitlyn couldn’t help herself. You were laying down on a blanket in the living room in front of the fan when Caitlyn came from behind you just planted her head on your ass. Like it was a pillow. “Caitlyn, it’s hot” “That’s not my problem” You scoffed “Get off” She nuzzled up more “Do I have too?” You let out an exaggerated breath. She wasn’t getting up anytime soon so might as well just let her stay.
💛 Mel had actually taken a day off her counselor duties to take a trip to a private pool area she thought you’d like. Everything was going well. Bags were packed and ready and she had her swimsuit on underneath a covering. But when she saw you in your shorts, she was at a loss of words. “You ready??” You ask, so happily. “Yea…” For the whole day, Mel couldn’t stop staring. How your ass just peeks out of the shorts, How you took your sweet time, prancing around the pool before actually getting in. You were probably doing this on purpose because you could feel her eyes on you. Whenever you walked you made sure to sway your hips because you knew you’d get something out of her.
🧡 Grayson knew you had a fat ass. She also knew that it was getting hotter by the minute so when she’s home just enjoying her day and you happen to walk by with your shorts on and a tank top she didn’t think too much of it. Until she started noticing how your ass pokes out of them every time you bend down, or even when you’re putting them on and she’s just watching you jump to pull you then up. If it wasn’t already how outside she’d be burning up already. “You like em’? I made them out of some old pants I wasn’t wearing” Grayson chuckled “You look absolutely delicious, would you wear those for me again?” She pulls you by your waist in for a hug. You couldn’t help be flustered at her words. “Grayson, it’s hot” “Oh well”
🤎 Ambessa was a very intimidating, powerful women. You wouldn’t think she’d think or look at you in such a way. But she’s only human so when you came out of the bedroom in your shorts and a tank top she was speechless. It was a hot day in her kingdom so it was only right for you wear something that revealing, she just won’t let you leave anywhere in it. You tried walking her out the door and she stopped you halfway out. “That’s far enough” You huff and pout. “I wanna walk you out” “Not in those in your not” You looked down at your outfit confused. “Amby, it’s hot” “Yes, but that’s for me and me only” She was referring to your ass. You could tell from her voice and with that she left you feeling all hotter then before.
💜 Sevika had actually made you a pair out of some pants that were a bit too tight on her. She didn’t think they’d fit so tight on you though. You were getting ready to go out with Sevika when she stopped you half way out the bedroom door. “What’s wrong?” You asked her. It was a really hot day i’m the Undercity, hotter than usual, and it was only right you wore the shorts today with a tube top and nice crop top jacket. Sevika didn’t think so though. “You’re not leaving like that, at least not without me doing something about it” You wasn’t sure what she meant but leaving the house with hickeys and love bites all over your thighs and neck wasn’t what you had planned.
🤍 Cassandra had taken off a few days because of how hot it was. She’d stay at home with you and cool off, laying on the couch or even sitting in a chair reading a book while a fan blasted on her. You’d come in with her with ice cream in your shorts and a shirt she gifted you. She lost all her focus. She couldn’t stay on one sentence anymore. She’s glance up from her book and she you with a spoon full of ice cream and your legs propped up on the couch. You were showing a lot. She kept her composure or at least she tried too. “Y/n, could you bring me some too?” She asked so sweetly and you obliged. She didn’t really want any she just wanted to watch you walk away and how your ass poked out of them. She didn’t feel guilty about it at all.
💟 Renata liked the way they squeezed you. It was a hot but chill day in the Undercity and Renata was having the best day of her life. Just watching you walk around doing things she asked you too. It was like a game to her but it wasn’t fun at all too you. “Can you bring me that file from my desk?” “A drink of water please.” And so on. It was tiring and you were sick of it but being able to watch your ass bounce and poke out of your shorts made Renata the luckiest women alive. Of course she did make it up to you by just letting you rest, bringing you your own cold beverage and even letting you nap in front of an electric fan, but she’d never tell you why she had you doing all that.
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𝗕𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀 ⇢ Do they eat ass?
𝗩𝗶 ⇢ Yes
𝗖𝗮𝗶𝘁 ⇢ No
𝗠𝗲𝗹 ⇢ 50/50
𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘆𝘀𝗼𝗻 ⇢ No
𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮 ⇢ Yes
𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗸𝗮 ⇢ 50/50
𝗖𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗮 ⇢ No
𝗥𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗮 ⇢ Yes
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note: my body just shuts down every time it’s too hot. the amby nickname is so cute to me. 50/50 means either they’ll do it on a really good day or other times they won’t do it.
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yandererichietozier · 6 years
🌼 soleil fire emblem
send me 🌼 + a kinrec & i’ll say if they’re som1 id kin
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saturngrqy · 3 years
road trip// gd
HI BABES!!1!!1 im sorry ive been inactive as fuck i have had so much going on school wise and sports wise and I promise imma get back on my grind. ily!!!! thanks for being so patient with me. i luv yall:)))) send in some reqs because i keep falling behind because i suck at coming up with ideas by myself. thanks yall ok bye 
warnings-  fluff, das it
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The orange glow of the sunset blared through the windshield of the car as I readjusted my head against the seat. I sighed, snuggling into my pillow that was leaning on the door. 
“Tired, baby?” Grayson asked, leaning his arm over the console to rub my shoulder. I grunted in response, turning towards him. 
“How much longer do we got?” I asked, barely opening my eyes. 
“Uhhh.... about 45 minutes,” Grayson responded, glancing up at the map on his phone. I nodded, wrapping my blanket tighter around myself. Grayson and I were driving down to New Jersey in his van, and Ethan and Kristina were in the backseat sleeping, as it was Grayson’s turn to drive. 
Grayson’s hand moved from my shoulder to my thigh, softly resting there, rubbing small circles. 
“You can take a nap, babe, I know you’re tired,” he whispered. I smiled up at him before softly closing my eyes. 
“Baby, Y/n,” I woke  to Grayson gently poking me in the face. I shuffled awake, slightly confused about where I was. I looked out the door to see we were finally at his mom’s house. I got up, wrapping the blanket around myself to shield me from the cold air. 
“E and Kris already went inside,” he explained. “Unfortunately they already called dibs on the big room, so looks like we are sharing the laundry room.” He laughed, pulling me into his side. I giggled, following him to the door. When he opened the door, we were immediately greeted by his mom, who was probably the sweetest person I have ever met. 
We had a pretty small dinner, and Grayson and I quickly ran to bed once we were finished. He laid down first, gesturing his arms toward me from below. I laughed, laying down right on top of him as he wrapped his arms around my collarbone. 
“Thanks for coming,” Grayson whispered into my hair. “I know a 3 day long car ride isn’t the most exciting thing in the world.”
I rolled my eyes, looking back up at him. “Anything with you is an adventure. I love you, Grayson.”
bye that was horse shit
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graysonswife · 4 years
Here’s a blurb I wrote on my Wattpad and was very proud of :) also this is inspired by the song Ghost of you by five seconds of summer. Also italics are y/n speaking. Okay bye now
Dance with me
I felt a poke on my arm causing me to rub my eyes to see who was bothering my beauty sleep. Y/n laid there looking at me with her goofiest smile before telling me to "wake up."
"Five more minutes Luv," I say rolling over before she tugged on my arm. "Wake up" "Only because I love you"
Sitting up I look at her standing up holding out her hand for me to grab. "Is that my white button-up shirt that I just got dry cleaned" "maybe it is maybe it isn't"
Rolling my eyes, I stood up grabbing her hand as she led me downstairs to the living room. Grabbing her felt weird I had a weird pain in my stomach but I decided to ignore it as she turns on the radio.
"I wanna dance with you all over our new living room," I grabbed onto her hand before pulling her close to my chest as she hums along with the music. I gave her a small spin as she giggled before wrapping her arms against my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist.
"You look beautiful my love" "I know but you tell me that all the time" "Well I'm not lying tho," I say pecking her forehead.
"You should wear my clothes every day" "What would you wear?" "Ethan's," she chuckles as she spins me. "I like spinning you, angel"
"Well I like spinning you too," I roll my eyes "You know what I meant" "No I don't think I do."
"I love dancing with you" "I love dancing with you but not as much as I love you" "Oh no I love you more" "we're not starting this again" "Good because I know I already won"
She scoffs before letting go of me. "Grayson I want you to know that I love you and I always will so never forget that" "I know that angel"
"No, listen I love you so much you are the light of my day I'm so glad I met a guy like you've made me the happiest girl alive. Just know that I'm always dancing with you even if you can't see me"
"Baby, what's going on your freaking me out-"Grayson wakes up" "Huh?" "WAKE UP"
I woke up looking on the other side of the bed to see it empty. "NO!" I say before jumping out of bed running down the stair to see the radio playing me and Y/n favorite song on low volume.
"Y/N" "BABY!" "ANGEL," I yell calling out her name as tears stream down my face.
Ring Ring  Ring
I quickly run to the phone picking it up to see a random number calling me. "Hello is this Grayson Dolan?"  "Yes, this is him" "I'm afraid Y/n Y/L/N has been in a terrible accident and she will not make it I'm sorry Mr.Dolan. "
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hibiyaz · 7 years
i cant wait until saturday
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jadeddaydream · 2 years
grayson and sevika threesome fic anyone???
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heywritersblock · 6 years
matching: g.d
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i saw that new insta grayson uploaded where gray is wearing grey in a bathroom full of grey which made me think of the blue outfits and the blue car and it got me thinking: 1) wow this boy loves to match  2) imagine how much he’d love to match with his fave girl.
1500~ words
it’s late at night when your phone lights up on your bedside table signalling a text. you let your grin spread across your face when you see who’s interrupting your best efforts to fall to sleep. baby gray ♡ 2:07 what are you wearing tomorrow???
you snort a laugh, grabbing your phone and rolling onto your back so you can reply.
y/n 2:09 babe, the line is usually what are you wearing rn X
you give the charger cord a slight tug so you can get comfortable and press send. you can’t help the giggle that overcomes you as you think about your bizarro boyfriend laid in bed texting you about tomorrow’s outfit choice. for the life of you, you can’t work out his motive. your rub your hand over your eyes as your phone lights up on your chest.
baby gray ♡ 2:10 ha ha
baby gray ♡ 2:10 was just wondering if you were thinkin those new black jeans or smthng else x
no clearer as to why your boyfriend’s texting you about this at this hour, you decide to be direct.
y/n 2:11 wtf???
baby gray ♡ 2:11 just don’t want you to be too hot or cold or whatever x
y/n 2:12 appreciate the concern babe but i’m a big girl - i think i’ll manage to find something to wear to breakfast all by myself. you’re so cute x
baby gray ♡ 2:12 ok luv u xxxxxx
you reply with a quick ‘love you too, get some sleep’ and throw your phone back onto your bedside table when you see the read notification. you spend the rest of the night tossing and turning, annoyed with yourself that you can’t quite get your head around what gray was trying to achieve there.
the boys have asked you to accompany them on a quick trip to colorado for a photoshoot and some snowboarding fun. the flight you’re all booked on is super early so you’ve all agreed to meet at the airport at 5:15 ready for your flight. by the time you’d snoozed your alarm three times and finally pulled yourself out of bed at 4:00, you’d literally thrown on the nearest outfit and run out of the door. at 5:30, you arrived at the airport to the small group of people waiting for you. you immediately accept gray’s hug, abandon your carry on case and snuggle into his side. you’re not good at early mornings and the soft smile on his face and how he kisses the top of your head gently is his way of showing that he knows this well. your eyes start to close at the feel of gray’s soft sweatshirt under your head until your hear ethan’s giggles behind you. you feel grayson’s head lift off the top of yours and then hear a blunt, “what?” escape his lips. “nah, nothin’. just wondering if you guys had planned this is all,” E replies, gesturing to you two whilst clearly taking pictures on his phone. you look up with furrowed eyebrows and then glance at yourself and gray. oh. you mumble a quiet, “no, no. not planned. embarrassing though,” as you pull away and grab your carry on, huffing a laugh at how hilarious the others seemed to find this situation.
in your hurry the hour before, you’d pulled on light grey sweats and a light grey hoodie, throwing on the shoes that happened to be closest to the door. clearly, your boyfriend had done pretty much the same thing and had ended up in a matching grey hoodie and sweatpants. 
noting your embarrassment, gray speaks: “clearly it’s not planned you ass hat - our shoes don’t match. we’re expert planners, do you think we’d have left that detail out?” 
the group guffaws in laughter as you plant your face back into your boyfriend’s side. you all make your way through check in and security, meeting gray’s eyes when you have to take your shoes off and you see you’ve both chosen white vans socks. 
your slight blush returns and he sends a wink in your direction with a mumbled, “we’ve just got impeccable taste, baby,” and then a swift, “fuck off, you’re just jealous you’re not part of our team,” in E’s direction when he too notices your additional match. 
when you’re sat on the plane just before take off, you smile when gray insists on taking a pic of you both to document your outfits. when gray mutters quietly, “just in case you don’t let us match again,” just before he takes the pic, you get an idea.
it’s christmas eve back in the jersey dolan household. the house is packed with family and friends that want to join in the festivities and between eating your body weight in snacks and playing hundreds of different games with a whole range of cousins, you finally all settle down in the evening to watch a film. 
you’re sandwiched on the couch between grayson and ethan, sharing popcorn but not really getting a look in as the boys eat it all so quickly. about half way through the film, gray starts fidgeting at the side of you. you ignore it at first, then when it continues, you shoot him an eyebrow raise as if to say, ‘what’s up?’ he starts to reply then when he gets shushed by the cousin sat on the floor at his feet, he leans across to whisper to you, “think i’ve eaten too much. my freakin’ jeans are so tight.” 
you breathe out a laugh, careful not to disturb the avid film viewers. he joins in with you and then whispers, “think i’m gonna have to change,” he explains before making a move to get up. without thinking, you tug on his arm before he can get too far and say (not quite as quietly as you meant to), “hey, how about an early christmas present?” you blush again and shake your head as ethan and a few of gray’s uncles all hear you and shout a chorus of ayyys and “get it, gray!” across the room at you. 
you’re quietly mortified as you jump up and say, “no! no! just… just come and see,” pulling on gray’s hand as he intertwines his fingers with yours and smacks the back of ethan’s head as he passes just for good measure.
as you reach his childhood bedroom, you let go of his hand and root in your suitcase to find a perfect wrapped present. “oh, you really meant an actual present then?” he cheekily says, winking at you when he sees the tell tale blush cover the tops of your cheeks. how he loves that blush. you roll your eyes and whisper, “c’mere,” and pat the space next to you on the bed. as soon as he’s sat down, you shove the gift into his hands and wrap your arms around yourself in sudden nervousness. was this a stupid idea? 
your sudden worries left your mind pretty quickly as gray ripped the wrapping paper away and shot you a look of disbelief. “you didn’t…” he whispers around a huge grin. “did you actually…?” he asks as he holds up two pairs of matching red, plaid pjs. “well, i kinda figured out that you like to match so i thought…” you started before you were tackled back on to the bed covers. “this is the fuckin’ best present ever! they’ve got our initials on, too? these are dope! quick, get changed and put ‘em on!” he shouts and starts stripping off, groaning when he finally rids himself of the too tight jeans. when you’re both finally stood in your matching pjs, the look of pure joy on gray’s face melts your heart. “i love you, i can’t believe you worked out how much i love matching with you. thank you so much for doing this for me,” he says sincerely, not quite able to wipe the excitement from his eyes. “anything for you baby gray,” you smile. “what the fuck is the matching about anyway?” you ask bluntly with a cheeky grin on your face. he groans and leans forward hide his face in your neck. you tap him twice on his temple and whisper, “come on, share the quirks,” reassuringly. he looks up at you and sighs, accepting the fact he’s just going to have to be honest. “i dunno,” he starts to confess. “i’ve just always liked feeling like i’m a part of something. y’know, that team mentality. i’ve always looked like E so that automatically makes us a team but with you, i dunno, i just like that feeling that we’re on the same page, i guess.” you smile gently at him, “like we belong to each other?” his shyness fades slowly as he begins nodding his head. “yeah, exactly like that. and now everyone knows it ‘cause we’re the only ones in matching pjs. let’s go show them off and make them jealous,” he says, dragging you close to him and planting a soft kiss on your lips, then your cheeks, then your nose and finally your forehead. “can’t wait to make you an official part of team dolan one day,” he whispers just before he yanks you out of his room to show off his girl and their matching outfits to his adoring family.
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Lemme just say the ending you wrote for Wicked is beyonddddddd amazing i’m lit rally speechless luv. But you do got me wondering what the alternative ending would be like cause i do love me some angst. Would love for you to share the tidbits or keep it to yourself hehe thats also fine 👁.👁
Thanks love 🥺 but the alternative ending is ooff, okay so this is short explanation on Ethan's personality, but also on how that fits in considering that in the alternative ending Grayson dies and his body is never recovered.
Prince Ethan was a manwhore who never really stopped his ways even though he claims he loves Y/N. She's intriguing to him because she's off limits and especially taunting when he knows she was supposed to be his. That lady from her court that sends him updates on her from part 7? She was in his bed when they visited during the takeover. He managed to find a woman and bang her within a few hours and to convince her to go against her queen and give him clues on what she's up to.
When Y/N is left a widow, she and Ethan eventually grow closer.
It's not likely he would be perfectly fateful to Y/N even when they end up together, I mean he even tried to steer Grayson to someone else. Eventually his eyes would wander.
He wouldn't force her to do anything. Especially not on the day of his brother's funeral. But yeah, he loved his brother more than anything so he respected Grayson and the promise he gave him to protect Y/N in case Grayson died.
But since Grayson remained dead, Y/N would eventually marry Ethan, not exactly because she is crazy in love with him. They would be co-rulers, co-parents, securing heirs and just being there for each other in the lonesome nights. It would be love, just not the kind of insane, all consuming love she had with Grayson.
She wouldn't mind him sleeping with someone else as long as he never stayed the night, used protection so there wouldn't be any illegitimate bastard children around. But, to his credit, Ethan did so very few times, even when Y/N nudged him to. It didn't take him long to realize he'll always be a replacement for Grayson and while most times he didn't mind because he loved that she would look at him tenderly, the times she actually sent him to another woman would always be when his heart breaks.
Brooks never married her because he remained certain she'd never love him as much as she loved Grayson and also because he considered himself a commoner and he grew up in Dracovia where commoners marrying royals was absurd and an insult to the royal. It would mean the people wouldn't respect her. But Brooks would be by her side till his death regardless of Grayson being alive or dead.
Bailey will grow up to be incredibly similar to Grayson in both looks and personality, always looking out for his mother and his half siblings. He's a constant reminder of the husband she still had dreams of, but she couldn't see his face in those dreams and his voice faded away just as his scent did. Y/N never really heals from it, hence why she found comfort in Ethan due to their similar looks.
Since she was taking Grayson to Dracovia when she found Snowflake the baby dragon, she will never find it nor other dragons. He faith in her dragon heritage will decline over time and she will have a hard time hiding it too.
But yeah, since Grayson IS alive, Ethan and Y/N remain just friends, he won't settle down until his mid thirties and never in a marriage sort of way, but he will stay relatively loyal to one woman at that point.
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