eistcnz · 1 month
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❝ Dancing bears, painted wings things I almost remember and a song someone sings once upon a december. Someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory. ❞
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spellbcok · 5 months
@masqce asked: it's time for a heist! tell us what role each of your muses has in this operation (name as many as you'd like).
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mastermind: blair. brute: yan hui, yuri. safe cracker: fred. driver: lucy, sabrina. cat burglar: anastasia, dohee, dongkyung. smooth operator: lorelai, talia. hacker: lydia.
unlisted muses
ruyi would take on all the positions herself because she doesn’t really do delegating or teamwork (at this moment in time).
anya would be all in for the money, but then ask something like this and be left out.
chloe wouldn't even hypothetically participate.
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eaden · 8 months
some parallels between the og lyctors and their Canaan House counterparts:
• G1deon and Dyas dying in the same unwinnable fight they willingly threw themselves into out of Duty
• 'chickenshits don't get beer' sounds like a Pyrrha aphorism
• Judith served in the Dve Territorials
• the chances of Coronabeth & Ianthe painting nude portraits of each other and gifting them to people are not zero
• we know very little about Cyrus and Valancy but what we do know explains A Lot about the Third House in general
• Ulysses the Fourth launching himself into hell via Resurrection Beast/Isaac welcoming the opportunity to be a human peg board
• Magnus 'my wife practically issues written invitations to breakfast' Quinn vs Augustine 'here is a formal invitation to witness a threesome with God' Quinque
• Augustine waited 10 000 years for a biographer only for the Houses' most renowned historian/lyctor researcher to be murdered by his colleague precisely for having those interests
• Cassiopeia & Nigella being in charge of the Teacher Project where they fit many souls into one body/CamPal fitting 2 souls into one body
• Cassie being a River expert/Sex Pal creating an unprecedented River bubble
• both Sixth House pairs have a 'wedding' just before the climax of their respective emergencies
• Literally everything about Cytherea/Dulcinea
• unloveable Mercymorn, critical Mercymorn...... certainly no one could accuse Silas Octakiseron of being loveable and uncritical
• 'you will be forgiven' / immediately attempts murder: possibly the only thing Silas and Mercy would agree on
• they also both give Gideon Nav explosively vague revelations about her origins before trying to kill her
• Anastasia/Harrow having a complex and potentially horny dynamic with The Body
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
28 asks! Thanks yall! :)) 🦶
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My last doctors appointment came up with nothing. Onto the next one in a few weeks...
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Oh good idea-- :00
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Dink already has a friend! His name is Doink! :)
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I usually watch YouTube or listen to music while I draw. I feel like it helps me draw faster and keeps me focused somehow.. XDD And no one wants to be alone with their thoughts lets be real-
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<XD I'll have to think about that one-
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1: I knew what was coming for me in Tales from Ba Sing Se. But it still hurt. :(((
1: At first I don't think I liked Mei very much <XDD But after seeing her turn around at the end of the show?? I really like her :))
There's a lot of moments that were sweet and sad. But Zuko's apology to Iroh, and Toph and Sokka's talk about Katara's motherly nature were amongst the sweetest. And Aang going avatar mode when loosing Appa and being comforted by Katara has to be the saddest I can remember.. 🥺🥺🥺
The ending overall just felt like it came too soon, I wish the show was longer..
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You're gonna have to be a liiiitle more specific- 😅
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(Aang holding Appa art in question)
Do people really ask that?? Man.. smh.. smh.. 😔😔
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That sounds like something they'd do! :DD
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:DDD Thank you! I'm glad you like my artwork!! :))))
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XDDD Oh man that's some fantastic angst potential
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(Evil Grim and V post in question)
An asker in this post described what I imagine they'd be like really well! :00
And yes! The evil versions are all shiny but evil Anastasia (Kricketot) is normal colors XD
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I didn't intend to have Miraidon around, no.. 😅
And I don't have the DLC, so I am unfamiliar with Ogerpon.. <:0
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The boo mushroom isn't intended to be in my AU.. but the boomerang and cloud flower could be included :00 I imagine they'd be/look a lot different though..
The boomerang flower might not be a full on powerup.. I might make it this big flower that once it grows its oddly shaped petals fall off and harden like wood. Leaving behind these perfect flat boomerangs. I can imagine Mario and Luigi just learning how to throw the boomerangs instead of absorbing a powerup. This would also explain how boomerang bros got their boomerangs. They throw the same dried up petals that the bros throw-
The cloud flower might just be changed into some king of... wispy thing and the bros can collect. Instead of a flower. Maybe a literal cloud? I'm not sure.. but I can see it existing :00
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I believe so! XD Thank you! :)
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(Refencing this post and this post)
<XD No one is safe from the bootleg curse!
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<XD No no, my AU was made before the movie came out. Nothing from the movie applies to my AU- including the Vanessa daughter thing <XDD
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Well lets see,
1: I think Gravity Falls and Pixars cars was very inspirational to me! :0
2: My favorite song changes from day to day,, but currently I really like Lights by Ellie Goulding! :))
3: When I understood it, I think I liked math! :))
4: And sorry! But drawing suggestions are now closed 😅
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Shroomie!! :DDD
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I wouldn't trust them personally- 😅😅
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XDD The only appropriate response to evil Grim and V honestly-
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They doin good! I've been meaning to draw them more often <XDD
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Ah man.. this is very bitter sweet. I'm glad you found me here and that you like what I make. But its also horrible to hear that you found me through stolen artwork that I worked so hard on..
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@katpotato55 (In response to this post)
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XDD Well hey it made me laugh too! Also thank you! :))
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I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do for that..😅I'm not familiar with Digimon.. 🥺 Thank you for the suggestion though! :00
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XDD Thank you!! And yes! I DO love sky! :DD Been playing ever since season of dreams back in 2021 💪💪💪
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i-need-a-tlt-outlet · 4 months
So i was looking at @cutetanuki-chan's Anastasia x Alecto art and something hit me like a train!
Jod said Harrow's parents did an actual resurrection by sacrificing the 200. At first I thought the obvious: Harrow is somehow the amalgamation of those 200.
Then, after reading some of ya'll's brainrots here, I though maybe Harrow is the resurrection of The Moon, hence her insane love for The Earth. Would explain her insane necro power too and doesn't fall into the problem that resurrection needs an insane sacrifice to happen and as far as we know that input cannot also be the ouput (aka the 200 cannot become Harrow, they are only the fuel to "resurrect" Harrow).
But then this new train hit me in the head and now I think she might even be a resurrection of Anastasia! THINK ABOUT IT!
They are both insane, so much that the other Lyctors literally called Harrow a second coming of Anastasia
Explains Harrow's extreme necro power and being an absolute natural with necromancy from an impossibly young age
WHAT ELSE explains that Harrow could bypass all the wards of The Locked Tomb?? Sure, she's a genius and a prodigy, but would that alone be enough to bypass things made a Lyctor?? At that age and having studied only from the Drearburh libraries??? Maybe... But Anastasia DESIGNED The Locked Tomb, so OF COURSE her reincarnation could figure out how to break into it!
Anastasia died inside The Locked Tomb, so her remains were on Pluto when Harrow's "resurrection" happened
So much of these books is about love. What if Anastasia loved Alecto and even after her death, after being resurrected 10 000 years later, she still loves her??
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lockedtombtheories · 1 year
Thanks! I think the biggest thing currently bugging me about HtN is why every surviving lyctor, with 1 single exception, was plotting to kill Jod? My understanding is that it was only when they saw cav!Gideon's eyes on the Mithraeum that they realized Jod lied about the existence of perfect lyctorhood. So why had they spent decades plotting with BoE to open the tomb and murder God? Only explanation I've read is "because he made them kill their cavs," which seems weak.
The short answer is: They at least suspected that he lied about it even before meeting Gideon. She was just the final nail in the coffin, so to speak. Plus, he did make them kill their cavs! Their siblings, their lovers, their closest friends! They dealt with that truth for far more than a lifetime, but they just so happens that they had a lot of time to dwell on it. It’s not really a surprise that it eventually got ugly.
Long answer under the cut, because I love my followers and don’t want them to suffer.
First off: it isn't just the surviving lyctors who betrayed God. Mercymorn, Augustine, Cytherea, yes; but even G1deon was willing to share a bed with the enemy. Either he or Pyrrha told Wake about the RB's and what they do to necromancers, thereby handing her an effective weapon against lyctors. 
And then there's Anastasia, who's implied to have gone against John's orders by even founding the Ninth House. Cassie, who contacted BoE *6 000 years ago*. So who really knows what Cyrus and Ulysses were up to, or would have been if they'd survived for long enough. 
As for why? We get two pieces of explanation in the text. 
Could this refer to the proof in Gideon's eyes? Sure.  But I'm not convinced that it wasn't the message Cyth always wanted to send. 
Checking in with the other duplicitous sluts:
“You’ve offered us explanations for everything over the years. But—some of them didn’t hold up on examination … It was the power I could never get my head around, you know? I follow power back to its source, John. It’s the skill you asked me to perfect. And the longer I looked at yours, the less things added up.”  “This has been troubling you for a very long time, then,” God said finally. [...] “You don’t get your power from Dominicus,” said Augustine. “It gets its power from you. There’s no exchange involved, no symbiosis. You draw nothing from the system. It relies on you entirely, as we all know. You’re God, John. But—as the Edenites are fond of pointing out—you were once a man. So whither that transition? Where does your power come from? Even if the Resurrection had been the greatest thanergy bloom ever triggered, it would drain away over time. And then Mercy said to me—in a moment of true Mercy vileness—she said, What is God afraid of? [...] I never wanted to believe it when she said, What if he didn’t really put down A.L.? And then—What if he couldn’t put down A.L.?” (HtN, ch. 51)
So: they knew that John didn’t have a tangible power source; and lyctorhood was the only kind of internal furnace they know about. Ergo: yes, they suspected that John had lied about perfect Lyctorhood. He made them kill their cavs. 10 000 years of guilt, literally chasing them across the universe, and for what? For whom?
What kind of God demands such a sacrifice? I think that's one of the central questions of these books. What kind of God demands it? (compare the Binding of Isaac - John) But also: What kind of God punishes it? (compare the Mark of Cain - the Resurrection Beasts) 
But - 
“Why would one of the Emperor’s Lyctors hate him?” “Hate him?” The voice of the girl whom Gideon had known as Dulcinea rose, high and intent. “Hate him? I have loved that man for ten thousand years. We all loved him, every one of us. We worshipped him like a king. Like a god! Like a brother.” (GtN, ch. 35)
They are Believers losing their Faith. They’re questioning the entire foundation of his divinity. Augustine and Mercy are still asking, still hoping that they're wrong - “All that effort to break open the Locked Tomb,” said Augustine, “only to have the answer we wanted wander up in the form of one dead teenager flaunting your genes." - but crucially, they are also lovers going through a messy divorce. You know, when people who once loved each other and were presumably capable of communication are suddenly throwing plates at each other? “Come, swear your loyalty, my son—my brother—beloved—Lyctor—saint.” 
Possibly what Tazmuir is saying is, they're the same picture. But that might be conjecture. 
(edited to add in links to other theory posts. call it the director's cut)
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dabblingreturns · 2 months
Weird idea. Reverend Mother/father and Reverend daughter/son, arn't rank titles, they are status indicators.
So a Reverend daughter could be head of the house over a Reverend Mother. The reverend mother could even be a sibling of the head reverend daughter....
But the parent status could indicate that that person has given birth to a child. We know the line is unbroken for 10 000 years all way to Anastasia and her child or children, one of whom may have been Samuel.
Anyways that's my theory for how Harrow justified her deception
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amemoryofwot · 2 years
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Oh I hate this lmao not the first nun she’s met because she knew Anastasia
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I feel so old right now says the 10 000 year old Lyctor ancient even. And then in the first meeting of them alone she’s checking out her eyes!! God!!!
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likeafairytale · 7 months
“ I missed you so much! I have so many things to tell you. ” - Anastasia hugging Miakoda and not wanting to let go after her and Achilles saved her
Miakoda was still in a daze when Anastasia hugged her. She barely could move, still weak from the drugs and the lack of blood, but somehow she succeeded to put her arms around the girl. Even if she wasn't hugging her as tight as she wanted, the gist was there. The vampire closed her eyes and put her face into the demigoddess' neck. At this moment, she knew she was finally safe, and she couldn't help but silently cry into the arms of her friend. Anastasia wasn't truly surprised by her reaction, and didn't even want to think about what she had been through since the last time they meet each others. The lycan hummed to the vampire to appeased her while stroking her hair, making her understand that she was in good hands now, that nothing will ever happen to her anymore.
“Thank you.” Miakoda succeeded to say through her tears.
“It's fine, I'm here.” Anastasia reassured, still stroking her hair. “I won't let you again. I promise.”
“I missed you too. Very much.”
This made Anastasia smile brightly, before she kissed the vampire's cheek. After a moment, Achilles arrived. He succeeded to implant a fake memory into the seller's mind, making him believe he paid the 15 000 dollars he owed him for the woman, and the seller didn't doubt his own memory. The demigod was proud of him. He had a smile on his face, but the smile faded the moment Miakoda saw him and left Anastasia's arms with difficulty, stepping back from them both. It was clear that the girl did not trust men, and seeing what happened sooner, Achilles could understand why. He automatically raised his both hands to show her he did not want her any harms, he even stepped back to let her more space. Anastasia, as for her, looked at both of them before coming between them, looking at Miakoda.
“No, it's fine! He is a friend.” She reassured, but she could see that Miakoda was still wary.
“He is the one who bought me... No friends do that."
“I'm the one who asked him. I needed you with us, and that was the only way.” Anastasia explained, and it seemed to appeased Miakoda. “I needed you to be free.”
“But he paid for me. I'm not free, I belong to him.”
“We didn't really pay, we lied about that. So technically, you are free. You belong to no one. Believe me. Achilles will never hurt you.”
“Hmm...” Achilles said, clearing his throat. “Can both of you speak in a language I know, please?”
Anastasia frowned, visibly a little confused by his words, before realizing that Miakoda and her were speaking in Miakoda's native tongue. The demigoddess couldn't help but laugh at that and shook her head a little. But Miakoda was still wary of Achilles. She came closer to Anastasia, took her hand, but stay away from the man, who stepped back once more. He felt a bit of hurt, for he always thought he was someone worth being trusted but seeing how suspicious the girl was, he started to doubted that.
“Miakoda, this is Achilles. My best friend. I told you about him once or twice.”
“Only once or twice?” Achilles asked, offended.
“Oh... He is the one who angered your Gods...”
“That's what you said about me? Not how nice I was, or how good of an illusionist I was. But how I angered the Gods?”
“Shut up.” Anastasia laughed and winked at him. “Achilles, this is Miakoda. We were... roommates, if we can say that like that, in a temple. We escaped together and stayed together for a while. But somehow we were separated.”
Miakoda relaxed a little now that she kind of knew who was the man in front of her. But she stayed near Anastasia anyway. The demigoddess started to walk, she wanted to be as far away as this stupid place as possible, still holding Miakoda's hand in one side, while she took Achilles arm on the other side. The woman seemed in a particularly good mood now, and was leading the two others in a park, for she wanted to be in a quiet place with them, far away from people gaze. She sat on the ground, not caring about her pretty dress, Achilles and Miakoda did the same. For a while, they stayed silence. Achilles was looking at people passing by, looking at them with puzzled look for being on the ground, which quite amused him. Miakoda was playing with the grass, pulling it off in order to occupy her mind. She was still in a daze, which is why her head was resting on Anastasia shoulder, while she closed her eyes. Anastasia, as for her, was looking at the clear sky, and a thought went through her mind. She turned around to face Miakoda, bringing hers and Achilles' attention on the lycan.
“Wait, how can you walk in the daylight?!” She suddenly asked, confusing her two friends.
“Oh, thanks to this.” Miakoda answered, showing her one of her ring, a pretty one with a half moon and a star in it. “I met a witch, in Salem. She was nice, and she knew a spell to make me walk in the daytime.”
“That's fantastic! We will be able to do so many things together!” Anastasia couldn't help her enthusiasm, and that made Achilles laughed a little. Then, her smile turned into a frowned. “You must be hungry, aren't you? What did they use to make you so weak? When was the last time you truly ate?”
For a moment, Miakoda said nothing. She toyed with her bracelet, a bit nervous. Her eyes went from Anastasia to Achilles, –who was still at a good distance of her, and was barely listening, letting the two women catching up– before she looked at the ground, going back to pull the grass off. The girl could barely remember the last few weeks to be honest. She knew she was drugged daily, in order to keep her as weak as possible, because the seller knew what she was. They didn't think it was important to tell the buyer, though, after all they just wanted the money, who cares what happened to the women and the buyers after that? The vampire sighed a little, before she laid down on the ground, looking at the sky.
“They used something called vervain. It makes me very weak, and it hurts a lot...” She finally answered, while Anastasia laid down next to her, her head pressed against Miakoda's shoulder. “I think the last time I really eat was three weeks ago.”
“Three weeks?!” Anastasia repeated while raising. “Oh, no, no, no. come here, drink from me.”
“No, I...”
“Shut up and do it. No one will notice. Ash, keep an eye on people, please.”
The young man did not understand what she meant by that, but he obliged. He looked around, but no one was in the park or at least not the part they were in. from the corner of his eyes, he saw Anastasia rolling her sleeve and handed her arm to Miakoda. Achilles was puzzled, until he saw a hesitant Miakoda sticking her teeth into Anastasia's wrist. The lycan sighed a little with displeasure for it probably hurt a little, but did not move for all that. The two demigods looked at Miakoda drinking thirstily from Anastasia, who slowly started to lose her balanced. Achilles came closer and hold his best friend, so she won't fall on the ground, and Miakoda seemed to be aware of that for she immediately stopped drinking.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't want t-”
“It's all fine. As long as you feel better, it's fine. I have plenty of blood.” Anastasia said with amusement.
“You could have told me she was a vampire!” Achilles intervened, which made Anastasia frowned.
“Does that change anything?”
“No, of course not, but I would have loved to know this piece of information sooner. Before seeing her in action, for example.”
“You're being too dramatic.”
“You both are funny.”
Miakoda's words bring Achilles' and Anastasia's attention to her. She laughed, and they couldn't help but smile at that. Anastasia, although a little weak due to the loss of blood, came closer to Miakoda and hugged her tight. This time, the vampire was able to hugged her back properly. Yes she felt still a bit in the daze, but thanks to Anastasia's blood, she felt better, she regained some colours and was less weak than before. Who knew that demigods' blood were more powerful than human blood. Once again, Anastasia kissed Miakoda's cheek, making her smile and giggle a little.
“I thought about you all the time, you know. We shouldn't have been separated.”
“I thought of you too. Every full moon, especially.”
“All of this is quite touching, really, but it's getting late, ladies. Let's find a place to spend the night.” The women agreed to Achilles words, and they all got up in order to find aninn to rest for the night.
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michel-tanguy · 10 months
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pdj-france · 1 year
Les scientifiques ont fait revivre un ver gelé il y a 46 000 ans - à une époque où les mammouths laineux, les tigres à dents de sabre et les wapitis géants parcouraient encore la Terre. Le ver rond, d'une espèce jusque-là inconnue, a survécu à 40 mètres sous la surface dans le pergélisol sibérien dans un état dormant connu sous le nom de cryptobiose, selon le professeur émérite Teymuras Kurzchalia, professeur émérite à l'Institut Max Planck de biologie cellulaire moléculaire et de génétique à Dresde et l'un des scientifiques impliqués dans la recherche.Les organismes dans un état cryptobiotique peuvent supporter l'absence totale d'eau ou d'oxygène et résister à des températures élevées, ainsi qu'à des conditions de gel ou extrêmement salées.Des chercheurs ont fait revivre un ver qui a longtemps été congelé sous la toundra sibérienne aride. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)Ils restent dans un état "entre la mort et la vie", dans lequel leurs taux métaboliques diminuent à un niveau indétectable, a expliqué Kurzchalia."On peut arrêter la vie et la recommencer depuis le début. C'est une découverte majeure", a-t-il dit, ajoutant que d'autres organismes précédemment ressuscités de cet état avaient survécu pendant des décennies plutôt que des millénaires.Il y a cinq ans, des scientifiques de l'Institut des problèmes physicochimiques et biologiques des sciences du sol en Russie ont découvert deux espèces de vers ronds dans le pergélisol sibérien. L'une des chercheuses, Anastasia Shatilovich, a ravivé deux des vers à l'institut en les réhydratant simplement avec de l'eau, avant d'emmener une centaine de vers dans des laboratoires en Allemagne pour une analyse plus approfondie, en les transportant dans sa poche.Le ver dormant depuis longtemps a été trouvé dans le pergélisol sibérien. (Alexei V. Tchesunov et Anastasia Chatilovitch)Après avoir décongelé les vers, les scientifiques ont utilisé l'analyse au radiocarbone du matériel végétal de l'échantillon pour établir que les dépôts n'avaient pas été décongelés depuis 45 839 à 47 769 ans.Mais ils ne savaient toujours pas si le ver était une espèce connue. Finalement, des analyses génétiques menées par des scientifiques de Dresde et de Cologne ont montré que ces vers appartenaient à une nouvelle espèce, que les chercheurs ont nommée Panagrolaimus kolymaenis.Les chercheurs ont également découvert que le P. kolymaenis partageait avec C. elegans - un autre organisme souvent utilisé dans les études scientifiques - "une boîte à outils moléculaire" qui pourrait lui permettre de survivre à la cryptobiose.Les gens en queue de sirène vont à la plage au milieu de la caniculeLes deux organismes produisent un sucre appelé tréhalose, leur permettant éventuellement de supporter la congélation et la déshydratation."Voir que la même voie biochimique est utilisée dans une espèce qui se trouve à 200, 300 millions d'années, c'est vraiment frappant", a déclaré Philipp Schiffer, chef de groupe de recherche à l'Institut de zoologie de l'Université de Cologne et l'un des scientifiques impliqués. dans l'étude."Cela signifie que certains processus d'évolution sont profondément conservés."Biologie d'un ver trouvé congelé dans le pergélisol sibérien. (Chatilovich et al, 2023)Schiffer a ajouté qu'il existe d'autres informations exploitables qui peuvent être glanées en étudiant ces organismes."En examinant et en analysant ces animaux, nous pouvons peut-être informer la biologie de la conservation, ou peut-être même développer des efforts pour protéger d'autres espèces, ou au moins apprendre quoi faire pour les protéger dans ces conditions extrêmes que nous connaissons actuellement", a-t-il déclaré à CNN.Inscrivez-vous ici pour recevoir nos newsletters quotidiennes et nos alertes d'actualités, envoyées directement dans votre boîte de réception.
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ntumun23hcc · 2 years
Historical Crisis Council: What Goes Around, Comes Around
When the Bolsheviks killed the Romanov family back in November 1917, Tsar Nicholas II's youngest daughter, Anastasia Romanova, was not accounted for. While legend has it that she has escaped and went to the USA, no one could account for the truth.
In World War I, the Germans sent Lenin on a train from Switzerland back to Moscow, hoping he would stir chaos in Russia. While the Germans did succeed, it did not go the way the Germans expected.
This time, the NSDAP means business. Along with the now grown Anastasia came 40 000 000 armed soldiers with rifles and tanks. With the mobilisation of A-46 aircrafts from the Warsaw airbase, the Germans soon went into Minsk and Kyiv, followed by 2 submarines dispatched from Gdynia to Tallinn. From then, the Germans swept the Baltics and Moscow, storming over the Winter Palace.
While the USSR did try to put on a fight, comrades in the CPSU were more focused on the infighting than the ongoing war, the same as that of during World War I. It is lamentable that Russia is now the way it is. And indeed, history always repeats itself. While we are unsure if the Germans will really allow Tsarina Anastasia to regain her control over the entirety of the USSR, we can sit back, and enjoy the grand re-installation.
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
18 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎪
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Guuuuurl does it look like I missed the boops? XDD
(I DID miss the super boops and revenge boops tho. I was trashed on the couch and stuck on mobile all day so I wasn't able to send any back to anyone💔💔)
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Uhhhmm... oh jeez lemme try to remember-- I'm assuming you mean the order I got everyone in the game..?? Cuz other than the goofy little comics I've been drawing there isn't much of a story beyond that-
Uhhh so I started with Midori(Sprigatito) obviously, thennn... I think I caught Grim(Gastly).. then I caught Gloria(Ralts). Thenn..... arrhrhhgh I thiiiink I went looking for eevees, but I found Anastasia(Shiny Kricketot) in the process and kept her. Then I picked one of the eevees I caught at random and kept him. Then lastly I found a Mareep(Bonnie) by surprise and kept her.
My memory is very poor but I thiiink that's mostly accurate <XDD If I misunderstood your question don't be afraid to send another ask! 😅
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Sorry, I don't take requests.. But hey! You already got a solid concept going and some artistic talent, you can always make it yourself for free! :0
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Not really.. I've had a surprising number of uncomfortable experiences with the fandom recently so I've decided to take a step back from Octonauts for a while..
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :}}
And yeah that's how I pictured her XDD its becuase I use her the most out of all my Pokémon-
Now she's not bossy and doesn't have a leader or "I'm better that you guys" complex, none of that! She's just very intelligent and usually very level headed and calm. I can imagine that she's gotten the team safely through a lot of complicated situations and her plans/advice have rarely led the group astray.
Plus since I use her so often, I like to think that she's one of the most powerful Pokémon on the team. If not the most powerful. So whenever the group was met with a great danger, Gloria was probably the one to rescue them <XD
So the whole group kind'a gravitates behind her and lets/wants her to take the lead most of the time. Especially when things get complicated or dangerous!
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@nerdyskullcap (User in ask)
I took a peek at their blog, but I couldn't find any original art of the Conductor after quite a while of scrolling through that tag.. I only found reblogs of other peoples Conductor comics.. <:(
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XD That description of Gloria is very fitting! I use her the most out of all my Pokémon and she rarely loses! XDD
This was a cool read, and hey! Some of my Pokémon have some of those attacks! :000 Gloria has draining kiss and Bonnie has discharge! :D
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I'd like to think they've never fought before.. maybe some little bickering on a bad day, but never anything serious.
They have good communication and just generally get along really well and like a lot of the same things. So there's rarely conflict between them! :0
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Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you like my artwork! :}}
As for your question.. I'm afraid I don't understand/cant explain it--
Lets say I wanna draw Mario. I imagine what the drawing might end up looking like in my head, what pose I'll draw him in and what colors I'll use.. And then I just.. draw it. It might not look exactly like what I pictured but its probably close enough.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'm afraid I either don't understand your question or this is just an art thing that I don't know how to explain. <:( Sorry, feel free to send another ask with more specifics if you have them!
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If Bill ever became a lawyer? All hope is lost XDD
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I haven't really thought about the details of the crews travels and adventures.. but I'm sure that when Louis got cursed and became a crab monster? That was probably pretty memorable XD
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Probably this one honestly <XD I cant think of anything more cursed off the top of my head-
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I suppose that would be fine, but I wouldn't prefer it. As I've said many times,, just comments guys! Asks, reblogs, tags, how ever you type them. I just want comments.👍
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No problem! Getting asks are usually a pick me up :}}
As for the Dry Bones thing, that's what I meant by "not sure how it fits into the AU yet" 😅 Who'd they fight? Why did they fight? When did this happen? No idea. Its all just a neat concept with no structure yet :// And beyond the awkward living situation with the Dry Bones today, I haven't really thought about how the Koopa culture has been changed by the war. That's just way too much thinking and I'm way too sick to bother trying to figure it out atm- 💀💔 But maybe someday I'll think it through!
Now Luigi, I had this idea that he had a bizarre encounter with a 1-UP and was later bitten by a Goomba. Over the span of say... 5 days or so..? Luigi slowly got weaker and weaker until eventually he became bedridden and actually died- He came back to life moments after but it still completely shook Mario and Luigi's worlds for a sec there-
I had intended to draw a comic about this, and I made a sketch about it in the past.. but around the time I thought of this idea my Mario phase was kind'a passing over so I didn't feel like making it- <XDD
As for a potential sequel, I would like to see Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth. Not sure why Toadsworth wasn't in the first movie- he absolutely should have been. That deep voiced purple..? council..? toad guy?? Totally should have been Toadsworth :/
And my request for the Wario bros is that they are taken seriously. 😅🤣
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I'm doing okay so far today, thank you! :}
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I haven't really figured out the details about how Tuna and Louis lost their limbs- 😅
But I'm considering that Louis lost his arm (I assume you meant his arm-) in some kind of work related accident a long time ago. It must have been a fishing accident somehow..
As for Tuna, either some kind of natural disaster/accident or.. someone "removed" them... O-O
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I do not :/ I'm not even sure what homestuck is.. I thiiink its a webcomic-
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Oooo! :00 It looks cool! :DD
And thank you, I'm hoping I get over this soon too 😅
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news24fr · 2 years
Les températures ont plongé à moins 50 degrés Celsius cette semaine à Iakoutsk lors d'une vague de froid anormalement longue dans la ville sibérienne connue comme la plus froide de la planète. Située à 5 000 km à l'est de Moscou sur le pergélisol de l'Extrême-Orient russe, les habitants de la cité minière voient souvent le thermomètre descendre régulièrement bien en dessous de moins 40. "Vous ne pouvez pas le combattre. Soit vous vous adaptez et vous vous habillez en conséquence, soit vous souffrez", a déclaré Anastasia Gruzdeva, à l'extérieur avec deux écharpes, deux paires de gants et plusieurs chapeaux et capuches. Une vue montre un marché en plein air par une journée glaciale à Iakoutsk, en Russie "Vous ne sentez pas vraiment le froid dans la ville. Ou peut-être que c'est juste le cerveau qui vous y prépare et vous dit que tout est normal", a-t-elle ajouté dans la ville enveloppée de brume glacée. 2 vendeurs de poisson posent pour une photo sur un marché en plein air par une journée glaciale à Iakoutsk, en Russie Un autre habitant, Nurgusun Starostina, qui vend du poisson congelé sur un marché sans avoir besoin d'un réfrigérateur ou d'un congélateur, a déclaré qu'il n'y avait pas de secrets particuliers pour faire face au froid. "Habillez-vous simplement chaudement", a-t-elle dit. "En couches, comme un chou !"(Cette histoire n'a pas été éditée par le personnel de NDTV et est générée automatiquement à partir d'un flux syndiqué.)
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Maria Angelikousi : a affrété le GNL « Yiannis » à SHELL pour 400 000 $ par jour
Maria Angelikousi : a affrété le GNL « Yiannis » à SHELL pour 400 000 $ par jour
Son Anastasia Coton Maran Gas, du groupe Angelikousis, a coupé le ruban pour l’une des meilleures offres de tarifs de gaz naturel liquéfié, le marché estimant qu’il n’y a pas de limite aux prix que les tarifs toucheront dans les mois à venir. Selon S&P Global Commodity, le méthanier “Yiannis” de Maran Gas s’est amarré à Shell pour 400 000 $ par jour pour un voyage intra-Atlantique. Le navire…
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blackcatarts · 6 years
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Bear Babe™
Anna / @monosuga / @suhsire
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