#002 --- closed inters.
sashaparabaixinhos · 2 years
Tenso, tremulo e com taquicardia, a tríplice que o assolava toda vez que estava perto do irmão. Claro, junto do carinho, amor companheirismo, claro, claro...lógico. Fato era que antes de qualquer sentimento bom, a postura de Sasha ganhava cinco centímetros a mais pela a ansiedade de ver @makalovs a cinco metros de distancia, quase como um radar de ecolocalização que o avisava de que estava ferrado. Mas ei, era seu irmão, era sempre bom ver o mais velho. Claro. Sem sorrisos abertos demais e as muletas que se afundavam ao chão, fazia força para mostrar que estava com dor e não estava se recuperando, franzindo a testa em uma careta quando chegou perto demais, respirando cansado. "-- Mak...você está...bem vestido?" Droga, primeira frase e já considerava que tinha errado. Queria o abraçar, mas e se fosse empurrado e ganhasse um olhar gélido? Sasha já começava a sentir frio, então sorriu. Talvez assim conseguisse fazer o irmão sorrir. "--- Eu falei com aliados hoje, sabia? Estão falando bem de você...como está? Eu queria trazer a olguinha, só que ela estava doente e...você nem gosta dela, né?" Riu nervoso, se apoiando para coçar a nuca em certa vergonha. "--- Está....se divertindo? Não bateu em ninguém, não é?"
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rickm0naghan · 3 years
w. @anniehud
os dias nunca mais seriam os mesmos, isto era uma certeza. Desde seu reencontro desastroso com Annie, que Richard não conseguia mais fazer as coisas direito. Não dormia, não concentrava no trabalho, não estava conseguindo nem ficar com outra mulher que não fosse sua esposa, o que era um tanto irônico que o fato dele amar outra pessoa, pudesse ser a solução para a infidelidade de seu casamento. "Chefe, temos uma pessoa relatando caso de perseguição" a voz chiada pelo rádio, fez com que ele tentasse se concentrar no presente e esquecer o passado. — copiado, pode mandar entrar — soltou o botão do rádio ao fim das palavras, tentando organizar alguns documentos sobre a mesa, para não parecer tão desorganizado, mas travou no momento em que a porta se abriu, e ele ergueu a cabeça, dando de cara com a razão de seus problemas. — Annie? O que houve? — questionou-a, levantando-se rapidamente para ir ao seu encontro.
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d0ctorwho · 2 years
closed starter w. @viciousvicx​
❛i’ll never be that me again.❜ Ouviu a frase sair dos lábios da morena, e sentiu o peso da verdade delas no peito. William não carregava a ilusão de que Vic era a mesma que ele conhecera na juventude, pois nem ele mesmo era aquele cara. Mas ela dizia isso com olhos tristes, com pesar e isso o deixava preocupado, pois independente de qualquer coisa, o carinho por ela ainda existia, a felicidade de tê-la reencontrado era genuína, dentre tantas outras coisas.
Ele respirou pesado, deixando que todo o ar saísse logo em seguida. O peito subia e descia, enquanto ele tentava ser o apoio que ela parecia precisar naquele instante. Segurou a mão direita da outra entre as suas, como se tentasse chama-la para o momento presente  — E você acha isso tão ruim assim? — resolveu perguntar. Os olhos preocupados não desviavam dela nem um instante. 
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mayahaynxs · 3 years
w. @cirillaxriannon
— “i’ve never met anyone quite like you.” — os olhos de Maya entregavam o quanto aquelas palavras eram reais, e até um tanto raras saindo de seus lábios. Verdade seja dita, ela não costumava admitir surpresa em relação as pessoas, e tão pouco esperava encontrar alguém surpreendente naquela festa, mas ali estava Ciri, a prova viva de que (apesar dos esforços da Haynes), para tudo poderia existir uma primeira vez.
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beepboop358 · 3 years
The Opera in the HNL Control Room Video Hints to S4
I don't know if this has been done before or not but I did this right after the tweets dropped, but I wasn't posting then so I'm posting it now LOL (better late than never right?)
On May 5th, 2021, one day before the May 6 release of the ""Eleven are you listening?" teaser (002/004), the Stranger writers tweeted this:
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with the accompanying video:
The opera that's playing in the background is "Quand Le Bien-Aime Reviendra" which translates from French to English as "When The Beloved Will Return"
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I’ve also seen it translated as "When My Sweetheart Returns To Me”. (any french speakers please correct me/google translate if it’s wrong)
Next I looked up what this opera's plot is about, because there has to be a reason they picked this specific thing to play in the background, nothing they do is random xD
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At first when I saw father and daughter detail I thought of Hopper and El, but I reallllyyyy don't think it's referencing them. For one, El won't end up with Mike because he's gay and in love with Will, so El can't fulfill the "marrying her lover" part of this story. There's also no references to Hopper's death/reappearance in here if he is the father character.
It's the daughter's lover that disappears and returns after fighting his enemy, and the daughter goes "mad" thinking he has died. Germeuil (the lover) is "the beloved" the opera title refers too. The father is not a super important part of the picture here. This opera is more about a couple than a father/daughter or parent/child.
So that leave's us with two possibilities for who this opera could be referencing:
1. Joyce is Nina, and Hopper is Germeuil.
2. Will is Nina, and Mike is Germeuil.
3. A third possibility is that the Opera references BOTH Jopper and Byler in s4, or just some aspects of the opera's storyline for each couple.
Possibility 1: The opera references Jopper
Germeuil (Hopper) fights his enemy and disappears:
Hopper has already disappeared in a fight with the enemy. He was fighting the Russians & the upside down during all of s3, and he disappears or during the final battle of s3, with Joyce literally watching the fight between Hopper and the Russian happen right as she's trying to close the gate.
Nina (Joyce) goes mad and forgets details of the traumatic event:
Just like I mentioned in my Victor Creel Theories post, there are several hints throughout the show to mental instability running in Joyce's family, and Nina is described as going "mad" when her lover (Germeuil/Hopper) disappears and she thinks he has died. Everyone thinks Hopper is dead, Joyce included. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that Hopper's death will send Joyce spiraling, and cause her to forget the details of the event due to psychological distress.
Possibility 2: The opera references Byler
Germeuil (Mike) fights his enemy and disappears:
Mike wasn’t seen in the recent st4 sneak peek teaser (but neither were Jonathan, Argyle, and Joyce (unknown if Will is the one in front of the burning car but I think it is), and Finn was the only person who posted a picture of the clock with the caption “In the upside down, meanwhile…” and not “Meanwhile, in the upside down…”, like all the other cast members and official ST accounts. He never fixed the caption, which leads me to believe it wasn’t a mistake, but rather a clue. I wonder what this means for Mike’s storyline this season - does he get stuck in the upside down somehow?
Germeuil (Mike) fighting the enemy probably refers to some upside down monster, and he gets taken to the upside down during a battle or something.
And Nina (Will) goes mad and forgets details of the traumatic event:
Nina is described as "forgetting aspects of the traumatic incident in a manner consistent with a diagnosis of psychogenic amnesia"
"Psychogenic amnesia or dissociative amnesia is a memory disorder characterized by sudden retrograde episodic memory loss, said to occur for a period of time ranging from hours to years. More recently, "dissociative amnesia" has been defined as a dissociative disorder" characterized by retrospectively reported memory gaps. These gaps involve an inability to recall personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature"
There's a popular theory out there that Will has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and while DID is not the same thing as dissociative amnesia, there is the same dissociative aspect in both where the person represses/forgets memories that are traumatic to them. I recommend you read @kaypeace21's theory on this here and here.
If Mike was to disappear into the Upside down, it would certainly take a big toll on Will, which may cause him to go "Mad" (again hints of mental instability in Joyce's family, and Will is Joyce's son) This event may also bring out a more hardcore and powerful side of Will, and could trigger memories of his own life that he has forgotten. It could also be what makes Will face the lab/the monster this season.
Noah said this would be Will's darkest season, and my mind immediately goes "darker than getting possessed by an evil inter-dimensional monster who wants to kill everyone? How is that gonna work?"
But this theory is pretty dark, and it just might fit the description.
It also might fit in with the theory that Will may be one of the test subjects in the "Eleven are you listening?" teaser, which goes along with the theory that Will may have a connection to the lab beyond his relation to it in s2, which I discussed in my post about how Will, Sara, and El are all connected.
Anyways, this is all just speculation right now since nothing is confirmed, but it's interesting to think about how this opera might hint to s4 storylines.
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reddus-sideblog · 3 years
A Rembrancer’s account of the House Mariqette’s affairs during the War of the Beast.
002.M32 - The Promenade Worlds - Still recovering from the terrible destruction wrought by the Traitor’s hand the Untellatian Parliament signs oath-contracts with several Rogue Trader houses at the dawn of Millennium 32 to go forth into the void beyond the sector’s borders and find resources to rebuild the shattered worlds of the Sector Untellatian with. The borders formed by the Dominion of Storms, the Acheronian Drifts, and the Xersinian Wastes send the entrepreneur-explorers into largely uncharted territory, with some daring to make forays into forbidden systems. At least two noble lines are lost to unknown circumstances in the depths of the Heart of Darkness, with the entire Trathine family’s fleet being lost to the Xersinian Wastes.
Those who scouted the regions that lie Rimwards find tens of untouched systems, brimming with unrefined resources. Mass-harvesting soon begins, with the Thune family claiming a majority of worlds before selling them to lesser houses for a king’s ransom, with interest rates that will take generations to pay off. As the newly named “Promenade Worlds” expand into full-fledged colonial worlds their remoteness draws in many noble families, who discreetly buy whole islands or continents on these planets, and create grand mansions and palaces upon them. This interest and development by the many noble families of the sector lead to a perceived air of exclusivity and refinement that the possessors of these worlds did little to dispel, leading to their lofty and grandiose title of “The Promenade Worlds”. With these periphery systems being still beyond the borders of the Sector Untellatian they were largely under the provisional purview of their owning nobility until such a time as a sub-sectorial constitution could be drafted and signed by these provisional rulers after their worlds were reviewed by Administratum logi-savants and Biologis adepts for tithe-grading. 
This tithe-grading process could last for decades, as hordes of bureaucratic adepts agonize over profit margins, labour-force numbers, and tonnage of harvested materials, double and triple checking their calculations before sending them to the nearest Adeptus Adminstratum collation nexus and awaiting a response through astropathic channels that could take months or even years that would give them the affirmation of due process needed to move on to the next step in the rigorous system. Occasionally, due to changing planetary conditions, corrupted astropathic transmissions, or lost mass shipments of paperwork, an entire system would have to be re-evaluated beginning the process all over again. This extensive and seemingly endless administrative busywork brought a sense of furtive complacency to the nobles who had taken up their private residences on these backwaters, as no end could be seen to it, and with it their private keep’s secrecy would remain unspoiled. For what reason these holds were kept can only be speculated at, but hiding away troubled progeny, dodging conscription tithes, stashing away unspeakably valuable heirlooms, and far less legitimate enterprises could all be assumed. For a handful of centuries these frontier worlds bolstered up the weakened Sector Untellatian until it could stand once more.
542.M32 - The Encounter at Scertan - As the Promenade Worlds began to face the growing pains of becoming a newly-formed subsector many of the Rogue Traders who had founded these frontier worlds now used them as stations to base further explorations into the depths of the void. As time went on these voyages would find the occasional world of use, but many of the habitable and resource rich worlds worlds had already been claimed. With this expansion of borders the Promenade Worlds came into contact with Forge World Tigrus around 374.M32. Soon after this chartist captains took to hauling raw resources from the burgeoning sub-sector to the Mechanicus sovereign space of Tigrus, and returning with manufactured goods and technological tools to further expand the scope of their industrial processes. This trade would continue largely uninterrupted for nearly two centuries, as it’s scale and rapidity benefitted the rapacious appetite of a recovering sector.
By 512.M32 an uncomfortable truth had been realized; across a wide number of the less habitable worlds of the newly-formed subsector a common xenoform was present, occupying their own primitive settlements far removed from any major human ones, but in numbers that could well threaten the less well defended industrial camps of the Promenade Worlds. The anomalous xenos had been repelled multiple times over the years by men-at-arms of the colonial world’s noble families, but as the years went on these skirmishes began escalating, some even becoming protracted campaigns, with noble families hiring Rogue Trader Militants to help them endure and scour their worlds. Even with this aid the infestations persisted, leading to a plea for help to, and interest from, Tigrus’ xenobiologists. 
In less than a decade the Tigrusian techpriests confirmed their findings, these xenos were none other than the long thought to be extinct “ork” species. While they exhibited none of the insane technological prowess that their species was said to possess during the Astartes’ engagements with them they nonetheless fit the profile of the creatures. It was surmised, ultimately, that these were merely stragglers, degenerated leftovers from the days of the Great Crusade’s xenocides, barely able to comprehend a simple firearm, much less use one. Skitarii cohorts were soon summoned, and rad-elimination protocols enacted, with consent from the planet’s rulers. This seemed to be the end to a pitiful, savage race that had no place in Mankind’s galaxy.
In the ensuing years a string of events occured that lead to the utter downfall of the sub-sector. The first of this was the growing predation on inter-system short distance haulers from the well-established worlds of the Promenade to the growing colonial worlds at the edges of it’s space. At first these were anomalous, but as the number of the escorts guarding the ships grew so too did the ferocity of these raiders. When ships laden with goods for colonies started disappearing, and some of their escorts with them, the Imperial Navy stepped in, determined to end the threat with decisive action. In 539.M32 the Battlefleet Ultima sent forth 2 flotilla of ships, consisting of one grand cruiser and three escorts each, to patrol the Promenade World’s outer edges, flush out these raiders, and crush them. These plans went unchanged for some three years, until chance had it that one of these patrol groups would investigate an astropathic plea for help coming from the Scertan system, a plea that mentioned xeno raiders preying on the isolated outposts of the planet’s worlds. The Exaction of Justice and it’s escort ships, the Torchbearer, Angelus Solarum, and the Terra’s Child took to the system, sweeping inwards to goad out their quarry. As the group approached Scertan III, the primary colonial world of the system, they made close passes on each of the planets, taking augur readings as they went. 
As the warships left the orbital rings of the gas giant Scertan VI they were hit by an unexpected bombardment that hit their rears, taking out the plasma drives of both the Angelus Solarum and the Terra’s Child, and crippling the maneuvering thrusters of the Exaction of Justice.To the shock of the ship’s captains the raiders had modified entire asteroids into attack platforms, which the initial scans had simply dismissed as ferric ore clusters. This opening salvo coloured the rest of the engagement, with the two disabled ships becoming easy prey for the lumbering asteroid fortresses. The valiant armsmen of both ships were unable to stop the tide of well-armed aliens that overran their vessels, soon commandeering them and turning their weapons against the Exaction of Justice. The Torchbearer left formation, as the Exaction suffered from the fire of her previous allies, and swung around to engage the commandeered vessels. Streaking through the hail of fire from the asteroid fortresses and gun batteries of the other escorts the Torchbearer disabled it’s rogue counterparts, annihilating their weapon batteries that were focused on the Exaction of Justice’s exposed flank.
With little left of it’s maneuvering devices the Exaction of Justice increased its plasma burn and accelerated deeper into the system, to put space between it and the overrun ships. As the Exaction hurtled forwards it approached the original goal of their interdiction, Scertan III. Coming closer to the beleaguered world the Lord-Captain of the Exaction of Justice realized how grave the situation of Scertan III truly was. It had been shelled from orbit, obliterating vast swathes of land and kicking up dust enough to block out entire continents. The devastation followed into orbit, where the shattered remains of the colony’s astropathic station and main void docks lay, now a mutilated metal corpse, it’s technological innards strewn about as though torn apart by some unimaginably immense chainsword. Then, from the opposite side of the planet’s orbit the xeno raiders struck at the damaged grand cruiser.
The hideous alien ship rounded the planet’s curvature, speeding towards the Exaction with full confidence in its ability to take on the heaviest class of ship of the Imperial Navy headon. With precious few options left the Imperial vessel’s Lord-Captain was determined to test his foe’s mettle. The Exaction hurtled towards the ugly, brutish ship, igniting her engines to full burn and taking shots at it’s pitted, spiked hull as the two ships closed the distance between them. In the last moments before the impact, the Lord-Captain Seyv Haadirge ordered the Torchbearer to retreat to the nearest civilized system, to tell the Battlefleet Ultima command upon Kar Duniash what had transpired, and regroup with the second flotilla. 
The cataclysmic crash between the human and alien cruisers was enough to totally destroy both combatants’ vessels, sending enough wreckage about to fully double the density of Scertan III’s debris cloud, and giving the vessels but a few precious dozens of minutes before they careened down to the world’s surface, obliterating a steppe continent with their furious force. The Torchbearer watched their doomed comrades with morose admiration before speeding out to fulfill their commander’s last order. 
544.M32 - The Tyrant Rises - It is unknown and perhaps unknowable if the Scertan Encounter lead to the ensuing invasion of greenskins, or if indeed the Tyrant of Jagga’s WAAAGH! had been in the making and rampaging towards these most tenuous borders of the Imperium for many years before it. Many xenoarcanists speculate it is a simple combination of the two, saying that the ork’s naval forces most likely returned to their main host and informed the orks of Jagga that the Imperial systems in that direction were ripe for the taking.
The reason for it mattered little in the end, as the Tyrant WAAAGH! swept through the  frontier systems of the Promenade Worlds, practically unopposed by the meager planetary defense forces and men-at-arms present on these planets. The endless tide of aliens tore apart the colonies of the fledgling sector and still hungered for more, and turned it’s sights to the ancient worlds of the Untellatian. As the orks renewed their strength on the spoils of their conquest the noble families of the Mariqette Reach's whipped their vassals and allies into a frenzy. The House of Mariqette was on the verge of being swept over by a green tide of barbaric fury, and they had lost many scions, assets, and entire family lines to the fury of the ork’s invasion already. The militant forces of the Imperium were occupied on the opposite side of the Promenade Worlds, pushing the WAAAGH! back from the Ostarrin Hold, and would promise very little in the way of aid to the far off Mariqette Reach.
Thusly the Lord Mariqette Solteraise the 1st summoned forth the multiple Mariqette lines that held Warrants of Trade allowing for the purchase of war materiel, most notably the Kees-Erraux, Dilante, and Deur-Maute lines. They made for Kar Duniash with all haste, and took to aggressive negotiations and in some cases acts of piracy out of desperation, being far too acutely aware of the destruction coming forth from the Rimward Reaches to care for the agonizing months or even years of due process that would be needed for the release of these vessels into their houses hands. While this was underway the Taghmata and Skitarii Legions of Bellus Prime and forces of House Vulker took to the field of battle, trying to delay the endless deluge of xenos with all the techno-arcane might they could muster. Ancient weapon vaults bearing hideous weapons not thought of in over a millennium were brought forth once more to destroy this menace, obliterating planetary biospheres in irradiated conflagration storms, phosphex bombing campaigns incinerating entire landmasses, and cybernetica constructs considered taboo by the nature of their abhorrent destructive potential commanded forth once more. Entire worlds were lost to these weapons, but it was barely enough to hold back the Tyrant WAAAGH! and the ranks of these ancient bastions of the Machine God were folding to the inconceivably more numerous hordes of their foes.
Many of scions of House Vulker were lost to hold back the greenskins, and cohorts and maniples without number sacrificed to give just another day to House Mariqette’s radical plan. The Knights of House Vulker had sworn binaric-honor pacts and intended to keep them, unto the death of their last son, but the ruling synod of Bellus Prime were becoming wary and uneasy. If the most terrible of relics from Old Night could not hold back this foe, then what? The other forces of the Imperium throughout the sector faced dilemmas of their own, with Incaladion besieged by an entire planetoid commandeered by orks, the worlds of the Ostarrin Hold dedicated to fighting a war very much the same as theirs, on the opposite side of what had once been the Promenade Worlds, and Tigrus facing a systemwide siege. There was no help to be found, from the followers of the Omnissiah or the Emperor, so the most drastic of measures were pursued to ensure the greenskins would not take their world. The biosphere of Bellus Prime was thusly poisoned with meticulous care to ensure it would be wholly inimical to the ork menace, any of the test subjects placed onto the forge world’s surface could not breathe and began to decompose within minutes of exposure.
After this act of self-poisoning the forces of Bellus Prime renewed their efforts, ensured that their home could continue to exist, even if the foe made landfall upon their world. It took still more weeks until the first of the Mariqette’s newly acquired fleet could make it to the frontlines, but once they did the effect was immediate. After witnessing the state of so many of the worlds that once held infinite promise for the noble houses of the sector their course of action was ensured. The fleet of House Mariqette would sweep through the stolen worlds and deny them to the enemy by means of obliteration, boiling oceans with lance batteries, obliterating continents in fusillades of macrocannon fire, and destroying moons and planetoids wholesale with nova cannons. Over the course of the next decade House Mariqette, supplied and followed by the remains of Bellus Prime’s Taghmata and House Vulker’s crusade fleet brought death to the lost worlds of Mankind. The destruction of planets was simply not enough to assuage their ignited rage and they took on the fleets of their sworn enemy head on, tearing them from the void and quite purposely marooning them in decaying orbits, or hauling the hulks into nearby stars.
598.M32 - The Lordly Patrol of the Dead Worlds - At the end of this grisly campaign almost two dozen systems were purgated, and only then did the Tyrant WAAAGH! resign. Though House Mariqette had bolstered its fleet with a score of ships taken from the Battlefleet Ultima command above Kar Duniash now only a half dozen of those ships were still serviceable. A handful of others required extensive refits to be considered voidworthy again, while the rest of the acquired ships were destroyed, either being scuttled as they were overwhelmed, utterly ruined by the alien foe, or in one case taking a whole enemy capital ship into a star’s corona with it while the crews of the two vessels clashed. If it could be considered a victory it was a hollow one. The perception of martial perfection of the Mariqette was marred by the brutal and terrible methods employed to cleanse the worlds of the taint of the greenskins, but their utter dedication to the Imperium would never come into question again. With the closing of the century came the sentencing of House Mariqette for their acts of piracy and theft against the Imperial Navy, presided over by the Lord Marshall of Justice for the Sector Untellatian, the Imperial Naval Review Board, and the Sector Lord himself. After the short 5 month trial the verdict was for the Lord Mariqette Solteraise the 1st and all his heirs to be punished by means of service unto the sector. This service entailed their stewardship over the worlds they had razed, to ensure that the enemies of Man would not ever use that region of space, and would not be able to use it as a route into the sector once more. To this end the Lordly Patrol of the Dead Worlds was established, with a flotilla of craft on near-permanent patrol throughout the breadth of the ruined worlds and multiple servo-automated listening posts stationed throughout the systems of the newly christened “Dead Worlds” as no longer did any of the systems once so full of promise for the Imperium resemble anything habitable.
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thoughts-of-loyalty · 4 years
For the character ask : 002 - Lorenz ?
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
Honestly, I went in to Three Houses interested in him at first?  I wasn’t sure because a lot of details pointed to him being rather snooty (and little positives hinted at beforehand), but I figured there had to be something to him beyond that, and I was generally interested in the Alliance beforehand.  That said, I went into it preparing to poke fun at him in-game, such as making him deal with Hilda taking advantage of him.
But boy, was I wrong about how much I’d come to like him.  He’s easily in my top 3 favorites in Three Houses, because his character is a lot more complex than it initially appears, and he has some fairly decent supports that give him some nice character growth.  His post-timeskip development is especially enjoyable, given how much kinder he is (even though he was fairly nice at times when not being pompous beforehand), and even when he defects in AM/SS, he is pretty cordial about the whole matter, and I like how he is willing to repay being spared by swearing loyalty towards the winner’s side, even taking it upon himself to convince his father to support the cause despite the risk.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Pretty much all of the other female Deer and Byleth.  They’re all pretty good chains, and really help show Lorenz’s good side.  The latter, meanwhile, is just my favorite marriage of the one’s I’ve done (the others are Catherine, Mercedes, and Rhea...), and the S-Support is rather sweet IMO.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Ignatz.  I really believe they should have had a paired ending where Lorenz sponsored Ignatz as a both a painted and a knight, given how much potential Lorenz saw in Ignatz the whole time.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I guess I’d say that I’m not a particular fan of Lorenz’s support with Mercedes?  I know a lot of people like it because of her calling out Lorenz, but I don’t really enjoy it because I feel it exaggerates Lorenz’s character some?  I never really got the feeling he looked down on his commoner Deer peers, at least in his supports with Ignatz and Leonie, so I didn’t exactly buy it or enjoy it much as a result.  Same goes for his support with Dorothea, though since no one talks about that, it’s not exactly an “unpopular opinion” in a conventional sense.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish that Lorenz had gotten a chance to properly confront his father over the actions that resulted in Raphael’s parents’ and Claude’s uncle’s deaths.  While the game is vague on how responsible Lorenz’s dad was as of the Ashen Wolves DLC, I still would’ve liked Lorenz to show some backbone and confront his dad over those matters.  Lorenz seems like the kind of fellow who would achieve what he wishes on his own merits, and would dislike the dishonorable methods his dad was/is willing to use to consolidate power, so I think there could have been some good moments there. The closest he gets is convincing his dad to oppose the Empire on other routes, which isn’t even remotely close enough.
my OTP:
Lorenz/Leonie.  Hands down my favorite ship for either because of numerous reasons, most particularly how much their supports have them come to mutual understandings and their dialogue when together is just so great.
my cross over ship:
I don’t really do that?  But from a non-romantic, inter-continuity standpoint, I’d love to see Lorenz interacting with either Virion or the Lycian League nobles, cuz the former would be interesting to compare/contrast, while the other being an alliance of nobles would be interesting to see, I think?
a headcanon fact:
In Verdant Wind, sometime during the five years between the fall of Garreg Mach and the reunion of the Deer, Lorenz made good on his word and hired Ignatz as a knight.  The reason they arrive together is because of that fact as well.
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dwindledglow · 5 years
FULL NAME: francesco mirkó mancini. PREFERRED NAME: francesco. NICKNAME/S: kekko, ciccio, franci, franco, mir. DATE OF BIRTH: february 28th, 2000. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis male & he/his. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: non-practising christian. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: in a relationship with lillian atkinson. OCCUPATION: racing driver, currently racing for prema powerteam in fia’s f3 championship. RESIDENCE: in between modena, italy and flatiron district, new york city.
HOMETOWN: verona, italy. NATIONALITY: italian. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: italian. LINGUISTICS: italian which is his native language and english, french, portuguese and spanish in a fluent level. EDUCATION: he has graduated from high-school and completed the first year of double major in chemical and mechanical engineering while taking on pre-law classes at columbia university. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: fifth. FATHER: alessandro mancini, born on august 10th, 1965 in firenze, italy, currently residing in milan, italy. he’s a former professional racing driver who competed in formula 1 who now owns a management company alongside his wife.  MOTHER: gisella sofia micucci, born on march 22nd, 1967 in milan, italy where she still resides. she’s a former mechanical engineer for ferrari who now owns a management company alongside her husband. SISTER/S: miuccia sofia mancini, born on july 12th, 1995 in modena, italy, currently residing in montecarlo, monaco and working as a test driver for formula-e after having won the british gt4 championship. bianca giulia mancini, born on january 3rd, 2009 in milan, italy where she still resides and studies, while competing in the super one series. franca maria mancini, born on october 4th, 2012 in milan, italy where she still resides and studies, while doing karting. BROTHER/S: alessi andrea mancini, born on september 30th, 1992 in modena, italy, currently residing in mooresville, north carolina and working as a professional racing driver for nascar. gian luca mancini, born on december 18th, 1993 in modena, italy, currently residing in mooresville, north carolina and working as a professional racing driver for nascar. leone alessandro mancini, born on may 14th, 1999 in verona, italy, currently residing in lugano, switzerland and working as a professional motorcycle rider who competes in moto2 championship. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: lillian atkinson. CHILDREN: none so far. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: andrea luca mancini, uncle.  EX/ES: giulianna ricci. PETS: kyio, a chihuahua and mochi, a merle french bulldog.
HEIGHT: 6′0″ or 183 cm. WEIGHT: between 165 lbs or 75 kg and 168 lbs or 76 kg. BODY BUILD: if such thing was an acceptable description, most would say francesco is an exercise-junkie. he loves working out and trying out all kinds of exercise and different sports which, of course, gives place to pretty solid results. he’s naturally slender and thanks to his healthy routines, he has a rather athletic physique. his overall body is toned, particularly his legs and neck, and you can tell he spends a few good hours in the gym by the muscular arms and the six-pack. EYE COLOR: hazel-brown. EYESIGHT: his eyesight is perfect, he doesn’t need glasses or contacts. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: francesco doesn’t bother much with his hair. he has what could be considered a fade cut, shorter on the sides, longer on the top which isn’t a particularly high-maintenance hairstyle.  DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: his chiseled features are perhaps the most notable of his physical traits and the one people pick up on the quickest. alongside, his overall body build that does stand out. other than that, there’s nothing too particular. SCARS AND MARKS: there’s nothing particularly major or outstanding. he has scars and little marks as everyone which are courtesy of every day life. TATTOOS: none so far. PIERCINGS: none so far. VOICECLAIM: tony arbolino. ACCENT & INTENSITY: francesco has been living in the states for, at least, four to five years now but the italian essence has never for once left his being. even though he’s fluent in english and will get around the language with ease, you can tell he’s italian. the northern italy accent peeks through every word, shines through even in the way he enunciates himself and when he switches to his mother language, the intensity just grows within seconds. ALLERGIES: tree pollen, cow’s milk and mould. PHOBIAS & FEARS: not evolving, being stuck in the same place without the opportunity to grow and do more. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. ALCOHOL USE: socially. SMOKING: no. NARCOTICS USE: he smokes weed when faced with situations of high stress, but otherwise he stays away from other drugs. INDULGENT FOOD: sometimes, he likes to have a clean diet but he won’t say no to some comfort, soul food from time to time. SPLURGE SPENDING: it’s rare. francesco is very conscious of how he spends his money, actually. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: training. FAVORITE ANIMAL: lion. FAVORITE BOOK: outliers - the story of success by malcolm gladwell. FAVORITE COLOR/S: red. FAVORITE CUISINE: italian, though he enjoys trying different things. FAVORITE DISH/ES: gnocchi, ravioli, risotto alla milanese, bruschetta and a long list of mostly italian food. FAVORITE DRINK/S: mocaccino and plain, iced water. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: white lily. FAVORITE GEM: ruby. FAVORITE MOVIE: three billboards outside ebbing, missouri by martin mcdonagh.  FAVORITE SONG: just like you by emotional oranges. FAVORITE SCENT/S: ginger, melted chocolate, the scent of fresh bread, passionfruit. FAVORITE SHOW/S: he’s not really one to sit and watch tv shows, he mostly has no patience to wait weeks or months on end for episodes and new seasons but three shows that caught his attention and he’s been keeping up with: watchmen, black mirror and the handmaid’s tale. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: formula1, motogp, soccer, he supports inter milano, and basketball. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: winter. VACATION DESTINATION: somewhere in indonesia, maybe bali.
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squigglysquidd · 6 years
As a fellow Shakarian writer, I'd love to hear your thoughts on our mutual ship. If it's all right, I'm highlighting the whole row under 002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: The first time I played ME 1, I actually wasn’t as into it as I was in later playthroughs. I’ll say up front that I was playing renegade (because I always play renegade my first rpg game playthroughs while my BF plays paragon) and stopped playing because I wasn’t expecting my Shepard to have sex with the Consort when she asked for more than credits. That surprise sex dropping on me really turned me off of the game and I stopped playing for the longest time. However, when I watched my BF play, I immediately fell in love with Garrus as a character, both because of looks and his personality. At the time, however, I didn’t really think about romances in games, so it didn’t become a ship until I was given the idea from playing the games. I wanted to romance him and was disappointed part 1 was only human LIs and Liara, but figured it was because Bioware didn’t think people would be into alien looking characters. Needless to say, I was so excited when I heard you could romance Garrus in a leak. 
My thoughts: I’m not too sure what exactly this question means, so I’ll go with some basic thoughts on them. I really like Garrus’ look, though I think it has a lot to do with my being into Jurassic Park as a kid and really into the velociraptors. My main Shep is always modeled a bit after a self-insert, not gonna lie or feel bad about it, so I get a little giddy whenever I replay that particular Shep and think about romancing Garrus again. As for the ship itself, I wish there had been a way to lock it down sooner so it wasn’t just the end of the games where you were in a relationship, especially in 3. Kinda wish they hadn’t written the entire thing like a FWB relationship even after Shep says multiple times that it is more important than that to her.
What makes me happy about them: Their friends to lovers build up is what I really love. Falling in love with your best friend is a great trope for me and I’ll admit that it really reminds me of my own relationship, so it feels relatable. That, and I really enjoy the growth Garrus has through the games, so I like to think that leads to their relationship growing and changing as well even if Shepard is such a blank slate for players.
What makes me sad about them: I really wish Bioware didn’t have Garrus call it an ‘inter-species liaison’ even after he spilled his heart out to Shepard before the Omega-4. That’s not something you do before just sex between friends and though the writers wanted to leave it open-ended for players, you can definitely tell it’s more when you break it off and see his reaction. Sure, he is saying it to be light-hearted, but we should have had a chance to make Shepard set things straight up front. Although that’s just one of many peeves about the writing for romances I have no matter the ships, but I get it, Bioware wanted to make things easy for the player.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I know I’m in the minority, but I don’t like how writers like to make Shepard control the direction of Garrus’ life in part 2. I know, I know, it’s the whole Sidonis debate, but I see them more as equals in 2 and 3 than 1, so Shepard should let the man make his own decisions. I don’t see it as a healthy situation for someone to stand in the way of another getting their closure by saying they know what’s best and the two almost immediately start the gears moving for an intimate relationship. I’m sorry, but no, I would definitely not want to have sex with a supposed friend who acts like they know the situation better than I do when they’ve been dead for the last two years. Garrus was never meant to be completely paragon like Shepard no matter what they let you say to him in 1, so writers forcing him into that position through their Shepards really irks me.
Things I look for in fanfic: Can I say smut? Okay okay, serious answer. I like to read fics where they are still friends even as lovers. Some relationships have it either one or the other, but having both just shows how well they get along because putting intimacy on the table doesn’t necessarily mean that they are missing out on one thing or that they are only close because of it. Having a nice, bantering, just caring couple with these two is something I always enjoy in fics.
My wishlist: More fanfic and fanart of Shakarian! lol Really, I just wish for there to be a never ending flow of it, but I really look forward to things that think out of the box, like AUS and what not.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hm ... I kinda like Shep and Tali being together, but Tali and Garrus are my NOTP. Those two are better off like siblings and the games really build that up, so a romance between the two really threw me and just didn’t feel right. Of course, with Shep being so blank for players, she could really be with almost anyone. Garrus, though, feels more like he’d stick with turians if not with Shepard. I wouldn’t mind seeing him with that female turian in the Citadel DLC. He just, idk, seems like Shep is so out of his comfort zone that he wouldn’t try another species unless the two had that same kind of connection, which he doesn’t in games.
My happily ever after for them: You mean Shep surviving the Crucible and Garrus tracking her down so that they can settle down on a beach somewhere and only take the occasional mission that they have complete control over? Because we all know they couldn’t settle down completely, but maybe they’d start a security company or run security for whatever small town they decide to live close to.
Thanks for the asks! It was really fun :D
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sashaparabaixinhos · 2 years
Cansado pelo tanto que andava com a muleta e tropeçava, junto de uma dor incomum no tornozelo que começava ao chatear, querendo ficar sozinho por alguns segundos e em um lugar afastado. Quando sem os olhares de ninguém, encontrou @semkabimento logo próximo. Em um sorriso resplandescente, abriu os braços como se fosse o abraçar, se esquecendo da muleta e as soltando, tentando se abaixar e doendo sua coluna. "-- Ai, ai, ai...acho que estou ficando velho, Kabir." Brincou, se sentando em um banquinho ao lado pelo cansaço, mesmo que o sorriso não saísse de seu rosto. "-- Mas não tão velho quanto você."
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mooreenvr-blog · 6 years
Part 6. Action
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Investigating the chemicals in the products I use daily on my body was very shocking! The products are evaluated base on the ingredients of the product, if the product contains ingredients that are not EWG verified it is classified with a greater concern. The products can not contain ingredients with health, ecotoxicity and/or contamination concerns. For a product to be EWG verified the manufacturing of the product must be developed and follow current manufacturing practices to ensure the safety of their products. An endocrine disruptor may inter with the function of hormones, the endocrine system keeps our body in balance, maintains homeostasis and is the bodies main communication network. Examples of endocrine substances are Bisphenol A (BPA) used in the production of plastic goods and Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) a chemical used to manufacture a wide range of consumer food packaging.
 My Products:
NYX Cosmetics Stay Matte Powder Foundation (old formulation), 3.
Other HIGH concerns: Endocrine disruption, Persistence and bioaccumulation; Other MODERATE concerns: Biochemical or cellular level changes, Contamination concerns, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive); Other LOW concerns: Cancer, Data gaps, Eco-toxicology, Neurotoxicity.
Farmacy Clean Bee facial cleaner- Over hazard moderate, 4.
Other HIGH concerns: Multiple, additive exposure sources, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Miscellaneous; Other MODERATE concerns: Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive); Other LOW concerns: Enhanced skin absorption, Cancer, Data gaps, Eco-toxicology, Endocrine disruption, Contamination concerns.
Lady Speed Stick by Mennen Invisible Dry Antiperspirant & Deodorant Solid, Wild Freesia, 3.
Other HIGH concerns: Contamination concerns, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Miscellaneous, Persistence and bioaccumulation; Other MODERATE concerns: Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive); Other LOW concerns: Cancer, Data gaps, Eco-toxicology, Endocrine disruption, Neurotoxicity.
Dove Beauty Bars Sensitive Skin, 2 pk, 2.
Other HIGH concerns: Multiple, additive exposure sources, Occupational hazards; Other MODERATE concerns: Contamination concerns, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive); Other LOW concerns: Enhanced skin absorption, Data gaps, Eco-toxicology.
Lush Body Lotion, Charity Pot, 5.
Other HIGH concerns: Multiple, additive exposure sources, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Miscellaneous; Other MODERATE concerns: Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive); Other LOW concerns: Cancer, Data gaps, Eco-toxicology, Contamination concerns, Occupational hazards 
Having the chance to review the harmful ingredients in the beauty products I use, makes these products not beautiful at all. I am going to review the product I buy more closely from now on and look for the EWG verified substitutes for the products I use. I think the EWG website with classification and product classification is a very useful tool. I encourage people to review the website and understand that these products are very harmful. It was shocking to see the word bioaccumulation in the concerns for the products, meaning the toxins are accumulating in our bodies every time we use these products.
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  Analyzing the goods, I purchased during the week of March 11th to March 15th, 2019 the following Screening criteria for goods purchased was established: Bad- considering the dollar amount, unnecessary, unhealthy, Good – Considering the dollar amount, needed, reusable and the ugly – unnecessary, not environmentally friendly, single use.
McDonalds – $19. 50: Bad, Unhealthy, defiantly not needed but does not have a very a bad environmental impact, unless the consideration of pollution produced by livestock production in the modern agriculture system. If the environmental aspect of livestock production is considered the good would be considered ugly.
Clothing - $60.00 – Good – Shopped at a local thrift store throughout the week, the clothes are being reused. The clothing I bought will not end up in the land fill and will be used by me for quite awhile.
Groceries - $100.00 – Both good and ugly. $20.00 ugly, consisting of food packaging from cereal plastic bags, excess packaging of process foods. The remaining $80.00, consisted of mainly produce, milk and canned goods, such goods have recyclable packaging or may be reused within the household, are good.  
$60.00 – gas. I think I would consider the purchasing of gas to be both good and bad; it is necessary for travel to school and work and ugly, because it is not environmentally friendly. Considering it is needed to travel to school and work from Niverville, Manitoba the good will be considered good.  
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 Household e-waste is considered consumer electronics, including but not limited to computers, printers. Television and faxes by Dewis and Wesenbeeck (2016), such products require special consideration in terms of their management. Diverting unwanted electronics goods from the landfill and incinerators prevents the release of toxins contained in electronics from being released into the environment. There are a couple of options in Winnipeg, Manitoba to dispose electronic waste, you may be able to recycle your electronics at 4R Winnipeg Depot, EPRA drop-off location or contact SSCOPE, Inc. that will come and pick it up for a fee (City of Winnipeg). My electronics such as my smart-phone, my laptop television will one day need to be disposed respectfully. As long as these electronics are functioning, I will continue to use them, once I want to purchase a new TV or laptop, I will give my laptop or older functioning electronics to family members or sell it second hand before it is disposed. Living in southern Manitoba, I think finding alternative ways to dispose electronics is readily available compared to Northern communities that only have one landfill for all the waste.
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 The food system within my household is fairly sustainable, we rarely throw away leftovers and shop locally. We harvest a majority of our meat, hunting moose, dear and caribou. After the initial hunt the animal is sent to the butcher to make ground meat, steaks and stewing beef. We also fish and harvesting mainly walleye and whitefish. We also purchase eggs and chicken from a local farmer from St. Malo, Manitoba. We currently buy our produce from large grocery food stores such as Superstore and Sobeys, I would like to start purchasing produce more locally. The Green Action Center, Local food Options in Winnipeg, provide a numerous local Winnipeg markets to purchase organic locally grown produce. The nest time I am in need for fresh produce I am going to shop at St. Vital Market.
City of Winnipeg. Electronic waste (e-waste).      
https://winnipeg.ca/waterandwaste/garbage/electronics.stm Accessed on 23 March 2019
 Dewis G. and P. V.  Wesenbeeck (2016). Trash talking, Dealing with Canadian household e-waste. Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division. Catalogue no. 16‑002‑X ISSN 1913-4320.
 EWG’s Skin Deep, Cosmetic Database. https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ Accessed on 23 March 2019.
 Garnett T. (2013). Conference on ‘Future food and health’ Symposium I: Sustainability and food security Food sustainability: problems, perspectives and solutions. Food Climate Research Network, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Proceedings of the Nutrition      Society (2013), 72, 29–39.
 Image: Produce heart. https://agapeatlanta.org/programs/fresh-produce/. Accessed on 23 March 2019.
 Image: E-Waste.
https://www.greenomicsworld.com/circular-economy-sustainable-development/. Accessed on 23 March 2019.
 Image: EWG Vereifed.
https://www.ewg.org/release/ewg-verified-takes-aim-toxic-ingredients-consumer-products Accessed on 23 March 2019.
 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Endocrine Disruptors (2010). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/materials/endocrine_disruptors_508.pdf Accessed on 23 March 2019.
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letscreateafricaorg · 6 years
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New post in LET'S CREATE AFRICA (L.C.A.): ehouse employees and other staff to ensure business goals are met Report to upper management on stock levels, issues etc. Responsible for managing and training the staff in the warehouses Oversee the fulfillment and shipment of all the orders is done in timely manner to comply with delivery times Ensure compliance with all shipping/delivery guidelines: Customs declaration documents and coordination of LTL, FTL and Normal courier shipments Streamline all current systems, technologies and standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to order Fulfillment, Inventory Control and Warehousing Requirements: Bachelor of Science or Bachelors of Arts degree 5+ years’ experience in supply chain / demand planning or related field. 3+ years of demand forecasting experience. Deep understanding of forecasting analytics and statistical modeling methodologies. Strong Analytical and problem solving skills: Excellent communication skills. Strong oral and written skills, organization, time-management, and inter-personal skills. Excellent Microsoft Office (Excel) applications experience required. Experience working with integrated ERP systems preferred Knowledge of integrated supply chain processes. Comfortable presenting to and working directly with senior management. Experience with continual process improvement methods. How to apply: If you feel intrigued by this challenging opportunity, send your application with the position title on the subject line to [email protected] on or before 31st March, 2019. WE is an equal opportunity employer irrespective of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, disability, pregnancy, mental status or HIV status. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. [3/11, 09:08] Nelson Komba: We are looking to recruit on behalf of our client an Accountant with the following qualifications; ✓A Certified Public Accountant ✓ Must have at least 5 years of Experience ✓Mature individual preferably 30- 35 years of age. ✓Conversant with ERP systems and Accounting Softwares ✓Must be able to express himself well both in English and Swahili. Qualified Candidates can send their CVs to [email protected] before COB 14th March, 2019. Ladies are Encouraged to apply. [3/11, 09:08] Nelson Komba: HIV Testing Services (HTS) & Treatment Adherence Support (TAS) Officer Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK). Job Purpose: HTS/TAS officer will advance treatment adherence and HIV testing services in clinics and communities within the upper Eastern region. The HTS/TAS officer will be based in the project’s Embu office supporting health facilities in Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Kirinyaga and Tharaka Nithi counties. It reports to the Regional Medical officer. Qualification and Requirements A degree in nursing, social sciences, public health or equivalent. Extensive knowledge and at least 2 years’ experience in HIV care and treatment support and HIV testing services. Strong interpersonal and organizational skills Supervisory experience in healthcare settings Willing to be based in Embu and to travel at least 50% of the time Ability to work effectively with faith-based partner facilities (work experience in faith-based facilities will be an added advantage) Fluent in English and Kiswahili Method of Application Application with CVs and atleast 2 references should be submitted by mail or email to the following contact; The General Secretary Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) P.O Box 30690, 00100, Nairobi Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Only the shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview and will be required to bring with them their original copies of National ID, academic certificates, professional registration license / certificate and other relevant documents. The closing date for receiving all applications is 22nd March 2019 [3/11, 09:09] Nelson Komba: Communication and Advocacy Officer (CAO) – Advert/CMO/002/2019 Windle International is seeking for suitable candidates to fill the position of Communication and Advocacy Officer https://ift.tt/2F6PYZN
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phgq · 5 years
Lanao Sur guv appeals for public cooperation on enhanced community quarantine
#PHinfo: Lanao Sur guv appeals for public cooperation on enhanced community quarantine
MARAWI CITY, Mar. 20 (PIA) -- Lanao del Sur Governor Mamintal A. Adiong Jr. has asked the public to cooperate and observe the guidelines of the enhanced community quarantine.
Adiong and City Mayor Majul Gandamra has issued Joint Executive Order (EO) No. 002 placing the province, including Marawi City, in an enhanced community quarantine as part of a continuous push to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus disease.
"If we want COVID-19 to be gone, don't go out of our house. Cooperate and observe the guidelines. If you have questions, our hotlines are available," Adiong said.
Under EO 002, entry into the province by residents and non-residents, regardless of the mode of travel, is strictly prohibited. Likewise, travel within the province from a municipality to Marawi and vice-versa, or within different municipalities is strictly prohibited.
Thus, Lanao del Sur residents are given 48 hours from the implementation of the EO to return to their respective residences.
Exempted on this prohibition are medical doctors, personnel working in the health and emergency frontline services, humanitarian aid and medical mission from recognized national and international organizations, national government and BARMM officials and employees who are deployed within the province to prevent the spread of COVID-19, members of the PNP and AFP, officials and employees government agencies and local government units within the province, and government employees working outside the province but are residing within Lanao del Sur. 
Residents may be allowed movement within the province to access basic necessities with at most two representatives per household upon prior written clearance from the Punong barangay or the local chief executive.
Cargoes consisting of basic commodities and necessities will not be unhampered. Supply chain vehicles and delivery vehicles are allowed entry and egress provided the owners, drivers and helpers will unload the cargoes without delay and leave the province immediately after unloading.
Media personnel are allowed to travel within the province provided they secure an identification card from the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force. (IATF).
The EO also requires “strict” home quarantine in all households. Residents with travel history abroad and local areas with COVID-19 cases within the past 14 days are considered as Persons Under Monitoring and shall be immediately subjected to a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
Congregational Friday prayers, ijtima/johor, multaqa,and madrasah/toril classess are also temporarily suspended.
Meanwhile, private construction companies with existing urgent government projects within the province are directed to submit a maximum of three names of their personnel who will be allowed to enter Marawi or any municipality only to continue their project operations.
All business establishments will also be closed except for grocery stores, sari-sari stores, pharmacies, medical clinics, food preparation and delivery services, water refilling stations, financial institutions, telecommunication supplies and facilities, and other establishments that provide basic necessities.
Mass public transport facilities are likewise suspended unless allowed by the Provincial IATF. For private transport, vehicles with more than two passengers are not allowed in observance of social distancing measures. Moreover, drivers of single motorcycles are not allowed to carry any passenger. (APB/PIA-ICIC)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Lanao Sur guv appeals for public cooperation on enhanced community quarantine." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1036707 (accessed March 20, 2020 at 08:49AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Lanao Sur guv appeals for public cooperation on enhanced community quarantine." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1036707 (archived).
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itsmeathan · 5 years
MARAWI CITY, Mar. 20 (PIA) -- Lanao del Sur Governor Mamintal A. Adiong Jr. has asked the public to cooperate and observe the guidelines of the enhanced community quarantine.
Adiong and City Mayor Majul Gandamra has issued Joint Executive Order (EO) No. 002 placing the province, including Marawi City, in an enhanced community quarantine as part of a continuous push to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus disease.
"If we want COVID-19 to be gone, don't go out of our house. Cooperate and observe the guidelines. If you have questions, our hotlines are available," Adiong said.
Under EO 002, entry into the province by residents and non-residents, regardless of the mode of travel, is strictly prohibited. Likewise, travel within the province from a municipality to Marawi and vice-versa, or within different municipalities is strictly prohibited.
Thus, Lanao del Sur residents are given 48 hours from the implementation of the EO to return to their respective residences.
Exempted on this prohibition are medical doctors, personnel working in the health and emergency frontline services, humanitarian aid and medical mission from recognized national and international organizations, national government and BARMM officials and employees who are deployed within the province to prevent the spread of COVID-19, members of the PNP and AFP, officials and employees government agencies and local government units within the province, and government employees working outside the province but are residing within Lanao del Sur. 
Residents may be allowed movement within the province to access basic necessities with at most two representatives per household upon prior written clearance from the Punong barangay or the local chief executive.
Cargoes consisting of basic commodities and necessities will not be unhampered. Supply chain vehicles and delivery vehicles are allowed entry and egress provided the owners, drivers and helpers will unload the cargoes without delay and leave the province immediately after unloading.
Media personnel are allowed to travel within the province provided they secure an identification card from the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force. (IATF).
The EO also requires “strict” home quarantine in all households. Residents with travel history abroad and local areas with COVID-19 cases within the past 14 days are considered as Persons Under Monitoring and shall be immediately subjected to a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
Congregational Friday prayers, ijtima/johor, multaqa,and madrasah/toril classess are also temporarily suspended.
Meanwhile, private construction companies with existing urgent government projects within the province are directed to submit a maximum of three names of their personnel who will be allowed to enter Marawi or any municipality only to continue their project operations.
All business establishments will also be closed except for grocery stores, sari-sari stores, pharmacies, medical clinics, food preparation and delivery services, water refilling stations, financial institutions, telecommunication supplies and facilities, and other establishments that provide basic necessities.
Mass public transport facilities are likewise suspended unless allowed by the Provincial IATF. For private transport, vehicles with more than two passengers are not allowed in observance of social distancing measures. Moreover, drivers of single motorcycles are not allowed to carry any passenger. (APB/PIA-ICIC)
source https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1036707
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A Comparative Study of Carbon Anodes Produced by Ball Milling for Lithium-Ion Batteries Abstract The study of high energy density electrode materials is central to the development of lithium-ion batteries. With the goal to enhance the performance of lithium ion batteries in terms of anode, first, the currently dominating anode material graphite, a form of carbon, was investigated. Five different carbons in variable particle size and morphology were tested as electrodes and analyzed. Moreover, due to the increasing interest in nano-structured materials, nano crystalline graphite was formed after 1h, 5h and 10h of ball milling and included into the comparative study. Characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Raman spectrum have been utilized along with the electrochemical testing to understand correlations between the electro chemical performance and materials characteristics. Our results show that the rational control of morphology and composition plays a very important role in enhancing the electrochemical performance of graphite as anode for lithium-ion batteries. Keywords: Graphite; Graphene; Carbon black; Carbon nanotube; Carbon anodes; Lithium ion batteries; Electrochemistry Go to Introduction Lithium-ion batteries have attracted a vast amount of attention for their application in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles, etc. The practical anode materials that have been commercialized so far are carbonaceous compounds, mostly graphitic carbons, due to their capability for reversible lithium ion intercalation in the layered crystals. A large amount of research has been conducted on graphite and graphitic carbon during the last thirty years and the graphite in lithium intercalation compounds, LixC6 (0≤x≤1), has been investigated [1,2]. The intercalating lithium LiC6 (x=1) is equivalent to a gravimetric specific capacity of 372mAh/g and a volumetric capacity of 1000mAh/cc below 0.3V vs. Li metal. Meanwhile, there has been increasing interest in nano crystalline grain size in the range of a few to a few tens of nanometers [3,4]. In both industrial and academic research fields, mechanical milling is a common approach that is widely used to mix precursors and facilitate solid-state reactions. During the milling process, particle size is reduced to as small as nano crycrystalline scale with reactants homogenously mixed. Furthermore, this method results in shrinking the diffusion paths for the solid- state reactions, thus the reaction time is saved. The mechanical milling technique has been used to prepare various nano structure materials, such as pure metallic substance [5,6] solid solutions [7] inter metallic compounds [5,6,8] and dispersion- strengthened alloys [9]. In this eport, a comparative study wasconducted on graphite produced by ball-milling to investigate structural disorder and consequent properties. Other graphitized carbons with different host structures and textures such as graphene, single-walled and multi-walled carbon nano tubes, nano fibers, etc., opened up prospects for these materials and boosted activities in this field [9,10-12]. The electrical resistivity of graphite (in highly ordered pyrolytic graphite) is 0.04mΩ cm along the graphene sheets (sp2- hybridized carbon atoms) and 150mfl cm across the stacked graphene sheets, which indicates the small resistivity of a single crystal of graphite along the graphene sheet [13]. Since the paper on the freestanding graphene was reported by Novoselovet al. [14] increasing study of preparation, structure and property of graphene have been conducted. Given the high conductivity, surface area and aspect ratio, graphene is regarded as a promising candidate for the fabrication of anode and cathode in lithium ion batteries [15,16]. Theoretically, graphene can accommodate lithium ions on both sides of each sheet. The maximum capacity can be delivered as 740mAh/g in terms of LiC3 instead of LiC6 for natural graphite [1,2,17]. Further theoretical study using a Li2 covalent molecule model identified that the maximum amount of lithium insertion can be achieved with a capacity of 1116mAh/g in terms of LiC6 [18]. Graphene is defined as a two-dimensional single carbon layer of graphite structure, describing its nature by analogy to a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon of quasi-infinitesize [19]. Nevertheless, this definition is usually deviated and the word “graphene” is used for a vast array of carbon materials, such as “graphene” can consist of single, few (two to nine layers), or even multiple layers (≥10 layers); in some cases, these multilayer graphenes can be called ultrathin graphite; another common deviation is heavily damaged graphene sheets with a crystallite size of nano meters, containing a large amount of sp3- hybridized carbon defects, ad atoms, and physical holes in the structure with close resemblance to amorphous carbon [13]. Due to its unique morphology (e.g., helical or fishbone arrange of graphite layers, presence of a central canal, entanglement, bundles formation, etc.) and electronic properties, carbon nano tubes (CNT) have been considered to be profitable for getting improved performance. Multi-walled nano tubes/nano filaments (MWNTs) and single-walled nano tubes (SWNTs) have been used in electrodes, with the aim to obtain higher lithiation capability and better overall performance [20,21]. The currently accepted model for CNT is the “Russian doll“model, which shows graphitic sheets rolled into closed concentric cylinders with diameters on the order of nano meters and lengths on the order of micrometers [20-22]. When applied to lithium ion batteries, SWNT accommodates up to one lithium ion for every two or three carbon atoms to form LiC6 [9,10-12,20,21,23,24] In most lithium ion batteries, carbon black (CB) has been used to improve electrical conductivity between the active materials [25]. It is also utilized as the anode material, since the irreversible process of a CB anode was addressed, [26] as well as the effects of its macroscopic structure on anode characteristics [27-29]. Capacity and electrochemical potential are key criteria for judging an anode candidate. In this report, based on structural investigations by x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering and scanning electron microscopy, we sought to study comparatively on graphite, graphene, carbon nano tubes and carbon black as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. In addition, the effect of structural disorder on electrochemical behavior in graphite and graphene is also investigated comparatively. Go to Materials and Methods Four different carbons were studied, namely, graphite supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (powder, <20 micron, synthetic), graphene supplied by XG Sciences Co. (graphene: xGnP-C-750; multi-layered “graphene”: xGnP-i Carbon black supplied by Timcal Ltd. (Super C65), and carbon nano tubes supplied by Sigma-Aldrich (Multi-Wall Carbon Nano tubes). The ball milling was carried out in a conventional planetary ball mill as well as in a high-energy ball mill. For graphite, our goal is to investigate the ball mill effect, so a high-energy ball mill was used to maximize the change. Whereas for layered graphene, due to the large particle size of the pristine material, we used relatively gentle gr inding-planetary ball mill and manual grinding, to grind the materials rather than destroy them, with the purpose of seeking good electrochemical performance. Pure graphite powder was put into a hard bearing steel vial and ahigh-energy ball mill was applied with a SPEX 8000D dual mixer/ mill (SPEX Sample Prep LLC, USA). Graphene (multi-layered “graphene”, xGnP-M-15) was ball milled using a planetary ball mill with a 4x100ml Gear-Drive 0.4L Planetary ball mill (Across International Co.). The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) by Philips X'Pert MPD System, and the X-ray source tube uses a copper target (1.5418Å). The data were recorded during a step scan in the 2θ range of 10-60o. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) characterized the morphology and elemental distribution, on a Zeiss Supra field emission scanning electron microscope operating at 10.0kV. Electrochemical properties of these Si materials were evaluated in 2325-type coin cells under an argon atmosphere with cathode composite, a lithium anode, a Celgard 3501 separator, and a 1:1 volume mixture of ethylene carbonate and di-methyl carbonate (Novolyte) with 10% fluoro ethylene carbonate additive were tested on a VMP2 multi-channel potentiotat (Biologic) at C/40 rate (current density 0.12mA/ cm2) for the first cycle, followed by C/10 rate (0.5mA/cm2) for the remaining cycles from 2.0V to 0.01V. The composites of the active material, carbon black (Timcal Ltd.) and sodium carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC, VMR) in a weight ratio of 70:20:10 were cast on copper foil, using a DI water slurry and dried at 85 °C in air for 12h. Capacities were calculated based on the weight of active mass (2-3mg/cm2). Go to Results and Discussion Physical characterization Click here to view Large Table 1 The structural changes among graphite, graphene, layered graphene, carbon black (CB) and carbon nano tube (CNT) were investigated by XRD measurement, and the patterns are shown in Figure 1. The presence of (002) graphitic reflection in the XRD patterns indicates the characteristics of carbon. The lattice parameters are shown in (Table 1). The diffraction peaks corresponding to the (002) graphitic plane belong to the hexagonal phase, P63/mmc; 194, of graphitic carbon. The peak position appears at 2θ=26.3-26.4, which is close to that of single crystalline graphite (2θ=26.5). This peak is different from turbo static graphite (2θ=25.8). These results clearly demonstrate that graphene materials possess a crystalline structure. The peak at around 44° is attributed to the (101) graphitic plane. The peak broadening may be attributed to the small particle size, and the height of the peak depends on the sample preparation as well as the XRD equipment settings. According to the Scherrer equation, Click here to view Large equ1 Click here to view Large Figure 1 As stated in Chapter 2, peak width (B) is inversely proportional to crystallite size (L), namely, the crystallite size is larger when the peak is broader. In terms of ball mill (BM) factor, XRD patterns addressed the crystallite size difference of graphite series nicely: 10h ball-milled graphite<5h BM graphite 1h BM graphite<pristine graphite. The reason is clear to elucidate that ball milling process decreases the particle size by grinding big particles into small ones. However, it is another story for graphene series: graphene<layered graphene<layered graphene with 15min BM < layered graphene with 30 min BM <layered graphene with 30min manual grinding. Graphene possesses the smallest crystallite size, which may be due to its one-layer structure. Layered graphene is a deviation of graphene; the particles are still very small but with a few layers instead of one. In this regard, the case of ball mill factor in terms of graphene differs from that of graphite. Ball milling approach aggravates agglomeration for particles with small crystallite size, because there is no much potential to grind the particles into smaller pieces, and the dominant effect of the ball mill damages the structure. Therefore, the uniform and layered structure is destroyed and bonds are formed in a relatively random manner, thus the crystallite size increases. Click here to view Large Figure 2 When comparing other carbon types, i.e. carbon nano tube (CNT) and carbon black (CB), with previously discussed graphite and graphene, CNT and CB demonstrates low peak height, indicating a relatively large crystallite size. The following SEM characterization may further illustrate this point. The morphology of these carbon materials was investigated by SEM, as shown in (Figure 2). From (Figure 2A-2D), pristine, un reacted graphite crystalline and smooth sheets. As the ball-milling time increases, its walls tended to be rough and broke into small particles. Gradually losing its original intact sheet morphology, the graphite after 10 h HEBM treatment had highly aggregated particles with roughly textured sidewalls. In terms of the two kinds of graphene, the structural morphology was revealed in (Figure 2E-2I). All the layered graphene materials (Figure 2F- 2I) were crystalline with smooth sheets, while the fine graphene (Figure 2 E) present small and random-shaped flakes stacking on larger flakes, and agglomerates were observed. Such structure remains the same under high magnifications, as shown in the inset of (Figure 2E). In terms of the other two carbon types, CB displayed small granular particles with a size of ~40 nm, which is consistent with the data from the supplier; and CNT demonstrated long and tubular morphology, as expected. Click here to view Large Figure 3 Raman spectroscopy has emerged as one of the most convenient techniques for characterizing graphene materials in a nondestructive way to provide information on structural features, density of defects, and the number of graphene layers. It functions on the basis of analyzing the scattering of monochromatic light that interacts with molecular vibrations and phonons of a particular solid. It has been used extensively to characterize carbon materials that show significant and characteristic Raman features in the region of 1200-3000cm-1 of Raman shift. The Raman spectra of the carbon series are shown in (Figure 3). The area selected on diamond carbon was shown as the inset in (Figure 3). Click here to view Large table 2 *The positions of D-band, G-band and G' band peaks are at ~1350, ~1580 and ~2700 cm-1 respectively. The signature bands of the Raman spectra of graphite and graphene are the G band at ~1584 cm-1 and the G’ band at ~2700cm-1. The G band is due to the in-plane E2g vibrational mode of sp2-bonded carbons. The G’ (also dominated as 2D) band is attributed to the second-order two-phonon mode [30], and this band changes substantially in relation to the quality and number of graphene layers. A third feature, the D band at ~1360 cm-1, is not Raman active for pristine graphene but can be observed where symmetry is broken by edges or in samples with a high density of defects. The D band is generated by the out- of-plane vibrations of sp2 carbon atoms, but it is active only in the presence of defects (edges, sp3 carbons, vacancies, adatoms, etc.). In addition, a weak D’ peak at about 1620 cm-1 is observed in the presence of disorders. A legend method to distinguish the type of disorder present in graphene has been proposed on the basis of analyzing the intensity ratio between the D and D’ bands, whereas this ratio is not often valid due to the weak intensity of the D’ peak. The peak at 1332cm-1 is associated with defects of sp3, which is characteristic for diamond carbon. The details of the Raman spectra of the carbon materials including the peak position and intensity ratio are given in (Table 2). There are three ratios, R, R’ and RG, based on the intensity of the observed peaks, are usually used as indicators. The ratio R, R’ and RG are defined as ID/IG, ID/IG’ and IG/IG’, respectively. As found by Tuinstra and Koeninget.al, the ratio R is inversely proportional to the effective crystallite size in the direction of the graphite plane La, where La=4.4/R[21].Due to the curved nature of graphite layers in carbon nano tubes, the empirical formula of La may not be appilicable for CNT analysis.However the value of R remains valid. [9,32] According to the R value shown in (Table 2), R value increases as ball mill time increases, which implies the increment of crystallite size. This result is consistent with other reports involving ball mill effect on graphite, [33] and it also matches the results of the previously discussed XRD analysis. Another ratio R', namely, ID/IG'-, has been taken as an indicator of the extent of defects in the structure. [30,31] In terms of the factor of ball milling, R' value shows that more ball milling results in more defects. Comparing in terms of different carbon types, the order of increasing defects may be arranged as graphite < layered graphene< CB <graphene< CNT. The peak positions and the relative peak heights of the G and G' bands indicate the number of layers present for a given flake. The location of the G peak for single layer graphene is 3-5cm-1 higher than that for bulk graphite, while its intensity is roughly the same. A single graphene sheet generates a sharp G' band, which is roughly four times more intense than the G band. Upon increasing the number of graphene layers up to five layers, the G' band decreases in intensity, splits into multiple sub-peaks, and shifts toward higher wave numbers up to 5 cm-1. The G' peak shows a significant change in both shape and intensity as the number of layers decreased. In bulk graphite, the G band is comprised of two components, the intensities of which are roughly 1/4 and 1/2 that of the G peak for the low and high shift, respectively. For single layer graphene, the G' band is a single sharp peak at the lower shift, with intensity roughly 4 times that of the G peak. It was following these trends that finally enabled scientists to reliably confirm the identity of mechanically exfoliated flakes [30]. Relative peak heights of the G and G' bands (RG) indicate the number of layers present for a given flake. Namely, the value of RG increases, the number of graphite layers increases. Raman spectrum of graphene consisting of more than five layers is hardly distinguishable from that of graphite. Besides Raman scattering, Rayleigh scattering has also been proposed to characterize graphene materials with a possibility to distinguish up to six layers of graphene sheets. Go to Electrochemical Properties Click here to view Large Figure 4 The cyclic voltammograms of the pristine untreated graphite along with the graphite treated with 1h, 5h and 10h HEBM are shown in (Figure 4) [32,33]. Characteristics of graphite appeared to be weak when high-energy ball milling treatment was applied, and the 10 h BM graphite was almost inactive as observed. The main redox peaks occur at around 0.20, 0.10, and 0.02 V for the reduction during cathodic scans, and at around 0.25, 0.20, and 0.15 V for the corresponding oxidation during anodic scans, respectively. These peaks are the characteristic LiCx phase transformation peaks that are observed during lithiation and de-lithiation processes as reported in the literature [34-36]. The broad peak at 0.85 V corresponds to the initial formation of an SEI layer by the irreversible decomposition of electrolyte components at graphite surfaces. No other new peaks from HEBM have been observed, however some peaks are weakening due to loss of their characteristics, which is consistent with their intensity, splits into multiple sub-peaks, and shifts toward higher wave numbers up to 5 cm-1. The G' peak shows a significant change in both shape and intensity as the number of layers decreased. In bulk graphite, the G band is comprised of two components, the intensities of which are roughly 1/4 and 1/2 that of the G peak for the low and high shift, respectively. For single layer graphene, the G' band is a single sharp peak at the lower shift, with intensity roughly 4 times that of the G peak. It was following these trends that finally enabled scientists to reliably confirm the identity of mechanically exfoliated flakes [30]. Relative peak heights of the G and G' bands (RG) indicate the number of layers present for a given flake. Namely, the value of RG increases, the number of graphite layers increases. Raman spectrum of graphene consisting of more than five layers is hardly distinguishable from that of graphite. Besides Raman scattering, Rayleigh scattering has also been proposed to characterize graphene materials with a possibility to distinguish up to six layers of graphene sheets. structural change examined by XRD and SEM techniques. It is observed that graphite anode with 1 h HEBM does not change the bulk graphite material much and possesses the same basic electrochemical characteristics as the milling-free graphite which can be confirmed from its CV scan curves. However, it is found that a lower current density is achieved by the milled graphite anodes, probably because the ion conductive resistance of the SEI layer formed on the milled graphite is lower than that of the SEI layer formed on the un milled graphite [34-37] Comparing the CV curves for graphene, layered graphene and graphite at the scan rate of 0.2 mV/s, the characteristic peaks for graphite are also clearly revealed. Graphene curves are largely diminished, the low current resulting from high ion conductive resistance due to the large amount of defects from its single layer structure. At the sixth cycle of the three materials, this behavior is confirmed once more. The layered graphene possesses almost the same property as normal graphite, despite some impact on its current, the overall feature maintained. Whereas for graphene, the characteristic features, especially redox peaks, have almost vanished. In terms of the CV curves for CB and CNT, the peak corresponding to the 1V plateau, where lithium was removed, during the charge is apparent for CNT, but not apparent for CB. Click here to view Large Figure 5 Click here to view Large Figure 6 The 1st and 6th cycle of cyclic voltammograms for the pristine, untreated graphite along with the graphite treated with 1h, 5h and 10h HEBM are shown in Figure 5A & 5B, and the 6th cycle for graphene, layered graphene and graphite is plotted in Figure 5C. The voltammograms reflect an irreversible cathodic wave at the first cycle that belongs to the reduction and passivation processes and their highly reversible repeated Li insertion into the electrodes. As mentioned before, the current reflects resistance. In this regard, the ion conductive resistance of the SEI layer decreases after the layer has been formed after the first cycle, and the ion conductive resistance is high for the milling treated graphite due to pulverization of the structure. Both Figure 4&5 are based on the CV tests at 0.2 mV/s scan rate (Figure 6A) demonstrates the electrochemical performance for the graphite currently used in lithium battery anodes along with the same graphite after 1 h, 5 h and 10 h high-energy ball milling with the same electrode composition. In 100 cycles the graphite with HEBM treatment shows lower capacity than the pristine, untreated graphite. The capacity maintains at 360 mAh/g for pristine graphite anode up to 100 cycles, while the capacity is lowered to 313, 269 and 196 mAh/g for the graphite products with 1 h, 5 h and 10 h milling, respectively. The cycle ability in terms of efficiency also indicates the same trend. As shown in Table 1, the first cycle efficiency reaches 74.8% for pristine graphite, while it drops to 56.5%, 37.3% and 34.7% for the graphite products with 1 h, 5 h and 10 h milling, respectively. The electrochemical behavior was all carried out as C/30 rate for the first formation cycle, followed by C/15 rate for the following cycles. Electrochemical performance of different carbon materials was investigated, as shown in (Figure 6B). Among graphite, graphene and layered graphene, graphite possesses the best cycling stability, maintaining a capacity of 360 mAh/g, whereas layered graphene demonstrates 254 mAh/g and graphene has 183mAh/g after 100 cycles. The columbic efficiency can be reached as high as 99.5% for graphene after 100 cycles, and 99.9%, 99.7% for graphite NP and graphite, respectively. First cycle efficiency, as shown in Table 3, is as low as 17.8% for graphene due to its structural feature, most of the lithium failed to get out after inserting into the layers. The capacity of CB and CNT are relatively low as well as their columbic efficiency, especially in the case of CNT, which fades rapidly and drops to a very low capacity in the first several cycles. Click here to view Large Table 3 Go to Carbon black influence on graphite Click here to view Large Figure 7 A typical electrode is usually composed of ~80% active material, 10% CB and 10% binder by weight. However, considering graphite and CB are both a form of carbon, graphite electrode without adding CB was studied to investigate the CB impact. The cyclic voltammetry curves are shown in (Figure 7). The graphite electrode contains 80% graphite, 10% carbon black and 10% CMC binder by weight, while the graphite without carbon black electrode comprises 90% graphite and 10% CMC, and carbon black electrode is made of 90% carbon black and 10% CMC by weight. As mentioned in the discussion of Figure 4, the characteristic peaks for graphite are clearly shown in the graphite without carbon black curve. The main redox peaks occur at around 0.20, 0.10, and 0.02 V for the reduction during cathodic scans, and at around 0.2 5, 0.20, and 0.15 V for the corresponding oxidation during anodic scans, respectively. These peaks are the characteristic LiCx phase transformation peaks that are observed during lithiation and de-lithiation processes, whereas carbon black curves are apparently not active, which presents very low current resulting from high ion conductive resistance. The first cycle CV curves show low current achieved by all the three composites, while similar peaks were observed in the CV curves of graphite electrode and graphite without carbon black electrode; the current achieved is low due to the resistance caused by SEI layer formation. At the 6th cycle, however, the current grows high and all the characteristic peaks are clearly shown after the SEI layer formed. Carbon black curves remained inactive through the first cycle to the 6th cycle with no significant peaks observed. Click here to view Large Figure 8 The capacity versus cycle number curves for the graphite electrode, carbon black free graphite electrode and carbon black only electrode are shown in Figure 8. The observed capacity after 100 charging/discharging operations was 360 mAh/g, 336 mAh/g and 199 mAh/g for graphite, carbon black free graphite and carbon black only electrodes, respectively (Table 4) illustrates the first cycle efficiency of the three electrodes with different compositions, graphite anode with 10% carbon black delivered a first cycle efficiency of 74.8%, while the graphite only electrode gives 73.1% and carbon only electrode gives 52.5%. This implies that carbon black is not the major reason for the efficiency fading of the graphite electrode, since the graphite-only electrode shows an even higher first cycle loss. The corresponding coulombic efficiency was given at 99.7%, 98.8%and 99.7% until 100 cycles. In this regard, carbon black may not be removed from the graphite anode electrode, even though they are both carbon (Table 5). Click here to view Large Table 4 Click here to view Large Table 5 Go to Conclusion Our results show that the rational control of morphology and composition plays a critical role in enhancing the electrochemical performance of carbon as anode in lithium-ion batteries. Ball milling does not have a positive effect on the electrochemical behaviour. Graphite displayed the best cyclability. The dominating reason may be its layered morphology, which could effectively and reversibly intercalate and deintercalate lithium. Carbon black plays a significant role in electrode composition. For more  information Open access journals please visit our site: Juniper Publishers For more articles please click on: Journal Material Science juniper publishers material science composite materials
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