#004. musing
bloodyscarlet · 10 months
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— scarlett
i’ll always be insaciable.
nome: scarlett
idade: 23 400 anos
ocupação: dançarina na fangtasia
personalidade: forte, elegante, presunçosa, mimada, insaciável, descontrolada, autoritária, inconsistente, organizada
Scarlett foi uma recém criada que deu muito trabalho. Gerava massacres e destruições em massa, era forte demais e sempre ansiava por mais e mais sangue. Insaciável. Um outro vampiro foi capaz de coloca-la no eixo e seguiu por alguns anos o acordo que Drácula fez em Tenebris - ela respeitou, até que as ideias de Carmilla começaram a se disseminar. Questionou muito e teve lapsos de descontrole - até hoje tem dificuldade de manter-se completamente saciada e controlada sob a sede de sangue.
Em algum momento se apaixonou por um humano e acabou o matando, em uma crise de descontrole.
wanted connections
amizades antigas, amizades recentes
alguém cujo parente/amigo ela matou :)
exs rolos, rolos atuais, rolo tóxico
clientes da boate
má influência (ela), boa influência (muse), má influência que instiga ela a beber sangue humano quando bem entender
inspiração pros poemas que ela escreve, alguém que tenha achado os poemas e descobriu um ponto soft dela
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coffinjockey · 2 years
coffinjockey: an indep. selec. & priv. blog for an original character from the star wars franchise. penned by anatoly / iggy (they, 25, est) & I ask that you be 18+ to follow me. down below are current links until I get my carrd up & running.
carrd | rules | temp. about. | promo. | verses.
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rcsea · 1 year
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A single muse carrd template !
✧ Features: A simple carrd layout with scroll features for easy navigation. Tested to be mobile friendly. Contains a built in page for rules, a stats / biography page, a page for verses (subverses) with tabs for quick scrolling, and a page for rp connections / mains. Elements are linked via style to make changing the colors easier. This is a template, so the graphics do not come with it by default, but I will be happy to send you the backgrounds I used by request (they are unsplash assets). If you have any issues or questions about editing the carrd, you are more than welcome to inbox me here on my tumblr and I will try my best to help you.
✧ Terms of Use: Like / Reblog if you use, please. Do NOT use this for illegal content or to promote hate (this includes "burn books" and callout / vent blogs). Do NOT remove the credit in the credits section of the rules page or make it invisible somehow. Edit as you wish, but no matter how much you change it, do NOT claim it as your own!
✧ Price: Pay what you want! You can get this carrd for FREE , but if you want to help a girl out with a tip, I'd greatly appreciate it 💗 ( Important Note! This template requires Pro Lite or higher to use due to the number of features included ! )
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cherrylng · 1 month
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STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)
Revealing all of the terrifying aesthetics depicted by Muse
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criticalfai1ure · 7 days
Bullying : successful
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monogatcri · 1 year
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niwa one-liner starter call .
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thehouse-o-girth · 3 months
Homura's been awfully quiet over this situation, leaving Celestia to do all the talking... How's she feel about this? Not the timeline she was expecting to deal with?
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"To say that it's the least expected outcome would be the smallest way to put it really." "Despite what seems like hundreds of times I've woken up to the first of the month and the cycle repeating as it does, somehow I've been casted away into somewhere that's completely off course."
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"Normally I'd blame the cat and say it's the reason I'm here, but I'm not even sure if it would be capable of doing such a thing, and even if it could... Why decide to use it now rather than earlier?" "Either way, I haven't been thinking much about food and smaller things that aren't involved with figuring a way out of this house."
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pcnnyworth · 7 months
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alfred pennyworth upon seeing a rat in the batcave, circa 1997 (source: "guided tour: the batcave" in batman: secret files and origins #1)
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decoysouled · 9 months
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anonymously tell me how you feel about me // accepting. @drolliic // [kicks door down] HENLO, I'm here to say that I'm impressed w/ your level of organization to keep everything running smoothly bc god knows this website is held together by a shoelace and the search barely works. That aside, I also wanna say that I adore the amount of attention you put in the little details that make your muses up and put them aside, giving them your own unique spin. Annnnnddd we may have not interacted yet, but I still think you're awesomesauce! :D
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adellc · 10 months
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seduce and destroy. pierce and enjoy
nome: adella
idade: 29 anos
qualidades: convincente, energética, extrovertida, persistente
defeitos: rancorosa, vingativa, impulsiva, influenciável
gostos: mar, fazer as unhas, mini saias, batom vermelho, flores, calor, sol, espelhos, cantar
desgostos: comidas apimentadas, altura, frio, insetos, pesca
Já sabia que não era a favorita, mas não tinha problema com isso! Adella sempre foi confiante e gostava de pensar que sempre teria tudo que quisesse - porque se esforçaria para ter! Diferente das outras irmãs que temiam os humanos, Adella sempre pensou que era injusto que ficassem apenas no oceano enquanto os humanos tinham todo o resto - queria conhecê-los e entendê-los, aliar-se a eles ou quem sabe destruí-los.
Quando as irmãs foram a Tão Tão Distante, não perdeu tempo em segui-las. Percebeu então que a vida humana é bastante diferente da que esperava - e logo se apaixonou. Se apaixonou uma, duas, três, muitas vezes. Percebeu porque eles eram considerados maldosos, porque eram capazes de partir corações muito fácil. Mas Adella era persistente e remoía os corações partido dentro do estômago. Partiu a ser ela a partir! Seu hobby? Seduzir e destruir. Tornou-se especialista em tornar as pessoas tristes - e a cada vez, sentia-se melhor.
Atualmente, Adella tem trabalhado cantando - em bares, restaurantes e onde bem entender. Foi desenvolvendo uma habilidade comum em sereias de utilizar sua voz e sua música como forma de entrar na mente alheia. É capaz de convencer e também de fazer com que sintam emoções diferentes.
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gunnclb · 1 year
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𝙄  𝘾𝘼𝙈𝙀  𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀  𝙏𝙊  𝙈𝘼𝙆𝙀  𝙊𝙉𝙀  𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙂  𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂  𝘾𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙍․   austin  sopp  aka  austin  gunn  aka  1/2  of  the  gunn  club    ––    written  and  tolerated  by  a    !   portrayal  is  strictly  keyfabe․  plotting  information  and  connections  are  under  the  cut․
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in  regards  to  plotting  i  am  open  to  any  and  all  connections,    chemistry  or  pre  plotted  please  give  them  all  to  me  !  if  you're  interested  in  plotting  with  austin,    please  give  this  post  a  ♡  and  i'll  slide  into  your  im's.  [  discord  is  available  upon  request  ]    i'll  update  this  with  taken  plots  as  he  gains  them.
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arachnidiots-a · 10 months
tag drop (redo: general & peter)
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cherrylng · 1 month
Memory of Muse 2000-2004 [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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From the first visit to Japan to the 2004 Japan tour. How did Muse grow up after seeing them up close? We look back at how Matthew, Dom, and Chris were at that time, with some interesting episodes.
Conversation◎Yoshika Horita & Kaoru Abe pix Yoshika Horita
Yoshika Horita and Kaoru Abe, who had close encounters with Muse while working for Avex as their official photographer and interviewer, respectively. We asked them about their most memorable episodes, not only during their visits to Japan, but also during the many times they interacted with the members during on-site interviews. Please enjoy their memorable talks, which convey the individual personalities of the members, as well as their nostalgic memories.
[2000/First visit to Japan] Horita: I first met the three of them at ON AIR WEST. They were like three dark and friendly guys from the countryside, whispering in hushed tones about everything. They have very thick accents to begin with, so you can't hear them very well when they talk like that. Dom is the type who consciously tries to speak properly, so his English pronunciation is clear. Matthew is like a muffled machine gun and speaks very fast.
Abe: He wasn't so nervous at that time. He was being interviewed while lying on a gorgeous couch at Avex (laughs). Basically, [to them] it was like "I'm on a field trip!" and it was so pure.
Horita: At that time, they were accompanied by a manager who found them and was like a father figure.
Abe: Yes, it was like they were a local family. The show itself was very good, and they already had a certain style, but their usual behavior was not up to the level of their ability at all. Even in Tokyo, if they were to walk around Harajuku or Shibuya, they would look a bit out of place (laughs).
Horita: The way he dressed (laughs). I liked Matthew's cyber look at the time, but his shoes looked like something an old man would wear, and his denim was cut off at the hem! The uniqueness of Matthew's fashion came out at that time. But Dom is a bit of a fashionista. He was choosing what was appropriate for his height and weight. Chris doesn't care at all.
Abe: He (Matthew) talked a lot in the interview. He talked a lot about how they started the band because there was nothing to do in the countryside...... He talked a lot about things like that. But he would get bored in the middle of the interview (laughs). Then the three of them would get together again and start whispering in hushed tones. They didn't really have anything profound to say.
Horita: At that time, we even went to a music store to look at effectors.
Abe: It was their first time in Japan. 
Horita: Dom is Matthew's personal interpreter. Whenever Matthew needed something, he would call Dom and be like “Dom-Dom, Dom-Dom, you know....“ He always says “Dom-Dom” twice in succession (laughs). There was also a classmate of theirs named Tom (Kirk), and the four of them were originally best friends, but Tom went off to college and didn't play in the band. But they continued to be good friends, and eventually became like an external coordinator for Muse. You see, the world is closed, so they need that kind of existence (laughs).
Abe: Matthew is a little bit different. He is rather shy, so it would be difficult without Tom. Well, he's about as shy as I am. ...... So shy people interview each other and get interviewed by each other....... It's the worst (laughs).
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Picture: Matthew cools off with a mini fan given to him by a fan. He said, “Back then, I would have gladly used any gift from my fans.”
[2000/Summer Sonic 2000] Horita: When Matthew had blue hair. Chris got a tattoo in Japan after his son Alfie was born. I went with him to Harajuku, and we went into a store owned by a very seedy foreigner, and he got it done by a female assistant who said she had just started working there (laughs). I was like, “Oh my God, are you sure this is a good place to get a tattoo?" She showed me a font sample book, and I just put the letters exactly as they were in the book. I wrote “Alfie” as “Zaibu Ryo” (在父良/Father-in-law) in big letters at ....... But he looks so happy!
Abe: That doesn't exist, does it? (laughs)
Horita: Matthew seemed to be very interested in it. I think that's why he let Chris try it out (laughs).
Abe: I didn't do any interviews at that time. I did see Summer Sonic, though. I remember they were already playing “Plug in Baby” at that time. It was the first show of the morning, and it was on a grand scale. It was so hot that I almost collapsed, but I heard that Matthew almost collapsed too.
Horita: Speaking of Summer Sonic, Coldplay['s Chris Martin] and Matthew were talking backstage at the Osaka show. Then one of the tour managers at the time asked me to take a picture of them. I was like, “Hey, let's take a picture now!“ And I thought to myself, “Well, Coldplay is in a higher position than Muse.“ They didn't really know each other that well, but Matthew, who was shy, talked a lot. Matthew is a very cunning guy (laughs), and he will go for anyone who benefits him or interests him. He is a surprisingly calculating man (laughs). Also, maybe it has something to do with the fact that his grandmother is a medium, but he seems to have a divine power or something out of the ordinary. There is a little bit of evil spirituality in him (laughs). It's great because that kind of thing is sublimated into the music!
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Picture: At Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, where we stopped by during the Osaka performance. These two are always a set.
[2001/London coverage] Abe: At that time, they did two days at the Brixton Academy and it was a great success. I think I went to see both days.
Horita: The first day was just the day I arrived or something, so I just went to see the show without any equipment. Matthew backstage was very funny. I think there was a tax accountant or someone in a suit there, and he was talking seriously about something like, “From now on, I'll take care of the money!“ As I said earlier, Matthew is very calculating and businessman-like. Their previous manager was someone who looked like someone from the industry, so I guess he thought he would be taken advantage of if things continued like this.
Abe: With all the money they had, they also bought a house to share among the three of them [Note: Presumably they're talking about Matt, Dom, and Tom's time of living together]. So, because of the formalities involved, we arrived very late to the hotel where the interview took place (laughs). During the interview, Matthew and Dom talked about the house all the time.
Horita: It was around this time that they suddenly became aware of themselves as members of society...... A tax accountant and a house! The next time I interviewed them in London, they had already moved to a different house (laughs).
Abe: Oh yes, it was a house with a studio. On the second day in Brixton, they had 2ManyDJs [aka Soulwax] in the afterparty, and it was Matthew's birthday party. 2ManyDJs at a live venue were still cute back then (laughs).
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Picture: Matthew is not much of a drinker, but these two are the type that drink until morning. Chris in particular is the type that is easy to get along with.
[2001/performance in Japan] Horita: This was the time when the dark side of Muse was in full bloom. They were selling out at once, they had money coming in, and they had more than enough talent, especially Matthew (laughs). The number of groupies increased to the point where I wondered, “How many groupies are there nowadays?“ (laughs).
Abe: Chris was a serious guy and never played around...he lost his wedding ring at a show in 2004 and turned blue.
Horita: Oh yes, once Chris got very drunk and lightly kissed someone. The next day he was depressed and said, “What have I done? I'll never get drunk again!“ (laughs) It was painful to watch, but he was so cute.
Abe: Yes, he was. He really cherished his wife. Did he have his fifth child this year?
Horita: Yes, yes. His wife is a very plain, ordinary person. She is very different from Matthew, who is now a celebrity (laughs). Dom is a mystery! Even if he cheats on me, I feel like I'll never find out.  On the other hand, I don't think he is clean for sure.
Abe: Come to think of it, Dom is always clean [i.e. hygienic]. Chris is always clean, too. But Matthew never takes a shower even when he is sweaty at a show. (Laughs) Even when they play until morning.
Horita: Matthew's eccentricities are many. They were staying at the Nikko Hotel at the time, and when we were in the cafe on the first floor, he came down from his room in his hotel gown and slippers. When the hotel staff was upset with him, he told them that he was “dressed in African formal wear“, and they forgave him (laughs).
Abe: He had a look on his face that said, “If I say this, they will never be angry with me.“
Horita: He was once scolded for suddenly playing the transparent grand piano displayed at Kawai Omotesando without permission (laughs).
Abe: Well, even if he did that, it still looks good, in Matthew's case.
Horita: The thing about Matthew is that he is easily drawn to things like “white pianos” and “transparent pianos.” It's simple and cute in that way.
Abe: He likes to play the piano as soon as there is one. He must think “I'm so cool!” playing it more than the guitar (laughs).
Horita: On the piano, he can play Chopin and other pieces right away, but he's not actually that good at it. But on the guitar, even though he is so good, his movements are unique.
Abe: Speaking of Matthew, he always went back to the hotel after rehearsal. Dom and Chris stayed at the venue. I don't know what it is like now.
Horita: Yes, and that sometimes caused him to come back to the venue about 10 minutes before the show started, which made the people around him nervous. I don't know what he’s doing, but I really want to go back!
Abe: Is it some kind of ritual to concentrate?
Horita: Some kind of ritual to bring down the god of live performance? After all, he is a spiritual person (laughs).
Abe: Maybe he’s preparing confetti to be taken out of his pockets during the show (laughs).
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Picture: The pass from the 2001 Brixton Academy show in London, which was attached to Abe-san's press notebook.
[2003/Reporting in London] Abe: Before [the release of] “Absolution,” we were in London again for an interview. At that time, they had a confident but calm impression. They took a long break before making the album, and all three of them had that good feeling. I would say that all three of them had grown up while still maintaining an aura of being rock stars. They also set up our own studio. It was just a renovated flat.
Horita: Yes, there were computers and office desks in one room, and a huge pile of equipment in the next room. There was a grand piano, so it was not small, but there was no table or anything like that, so it was just a place for recording as a hobby.
Abe: But he said he went there three to four times a week.
Horita: What surprised me was Matthew's new car. It was a very nice [Toyota] Solara, the kind of car that only [Japanese] yankees drive nowadays, and it was a white convertible (laughs)! It had a tachometer that looks like something you would never expect to see on a car like this (laughs).
Abe: But I was convinced. No matter how you try, only Matthew could drive a car like that!
Horita: It's the same as the idea of the white piano (laughs). Dom drove a maroon BMW or something, so he was totally normal. After the interview, they both said, “Goodbye,” and went home.
Abe: It was a bit of an inconvenient location, and we were at a loss because we couldn't get a cab. Dom said, “I'll wait with you until the car comes,” and bought us a drink at the pub next door! Really, Chris is like a good father and he is very kind.
[2004/performance in Japan] Horita: Before the Bay NK Hall show, I caught up with the guitar tech at the venue when the band members were not there, and he let me take pictures of the equipment. Matthew was just passing by and said, “You can film anything you want! There's no secrets.” When I first came to the show [back in 2000], he was very reluctant to have his effects equipment photographed, but I could see that he was gaining confidence. Matthew was wearing a weird “Matrix”-style coat and sunglasses, and there was a big fuss about “Take a picture! Take a picture!“ Matthew may be a dorky guy, but his personality and sense of aesthetics remain consistent. But that is out of tune with the world's sense of beauty (laughs).
Abe: He always likes things that are futuristic. He likes to wear a ring with a cybernetic design that was given to him by a Japanese fan. He was wearing it during the photo shoot, but I guess it wasn't fanservice, he really liked it.
[Thereafter.....] Abe: After they moved to Warner, we stopped doing interviews with this trio. They had a worldwide breakthrough and became an unreachable band.
Horita: They were five years after their debut... a country bumpkin who succeeds, falls to the dark side, and realizes who he really is... It was like the “Star Wars Trilogy” (laughs).
Abe: By making a good album, you grow as a person. That must have been how Matthew was able to make such a big leap forward.
Horita: I think Dom, Chris, and Tom were instrumental in that. If it had been just Matthew, he would have destroyed himself by not being able to use his abundant talent. Also, it was good that he didn't have any impatience like, “I want to sell [out] in America! I want to be big!“ Even though Coldplay had achieved success, they [Muse] were not in a hurry, and they worked slowly and deliberately, and finally achieved success. But he might have had a desire to play in a big venue and hypnotize everyone in the room......
Abe: Yes, he just needed a place to present his sense of aesthetics.
Horita: That hasn't changed. I haven't met him (Matthew) yet, so I can't tell you more about him. I met Chris and Tom when they came to Japan in January, and I was happy to see that they had not changed at all.
Abe: Well, I think I was very lucky to catch a glimpse of Muse, who have now become such a great band, on their way to the top, and I have really good memories of them. I would like to continue to support them from behind to see where they are headed.
Translator's Notes: This is actually one of my favourite and unique Muse interviews I encountered so far in the STYLE magazine, because it's an interview/conversation in the point of view of those who actually interviewed and photographed the band themselves and witnessed their growth over time in 5 years, and gives interesting insight of stuff that they picked up, such as:
-Matt calling for Dom's attention by going all "Dom-Dom, Dom-Dom!" and he does it twice in succession!
-Matt's sense of fashion in the past was just that... eccentric/bad enough that nobody could ignore it LOL
-Not even his choice of car was spared from Abe and Horita's low-key savage mocking LMAO
-The journalist and photographer are like "Yeah, Matthew is a weird dork, but that's what makes him so cute!" LMAO
-Matt's preference for white or transparent pianos were actually noticed since 2001.
-The true story behind Chris' first tattoo and the absolute horror by Horita at the choice of tattoo shop and being forced to pick the kanji letters that sound the closest to what 'Alfie' would be pronounced as.
-Matt actually enjoys receiving gifts from fans and would use/wear them.
-Their observation that Matt and Dom always stick together as a set. My heart...
-The imagery of the boys' first trip to Japan being like "I'm on a field trip!" to them shall live in my head rent free.
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feelswrvng · 11 months
continued from here
he was too old to celebrate his divorce. he'd repeated those words several times throughout the evening. and still, his friends had dragged him out to some risqué establishment, with several pretty girls, dressed in provocative outfits and available to boost their egos. he'd already been there against his will, clearly unhappy with the environment he'd found himself. his mood only took a turn for the worse when he recognized genesis stepping on stage. it had never crossed rafael's mind that it might be someone who simply looked like her. no. one look at her legs and he'd recognize them anywhere - specially wrapped around him.
he had to endure, but was at least partially relieved none of his friends knew her father. he'd sat there, watched and hated how everyone else present got to watch too, as she danced and swayed a little too sensually. once the routine was wrapped up he made an excuse and, soon after, paid someone away so he might wait for her in her dressing room. there'd been no pretty words, no questions or justifications. he'd simply shoved her up against her vanity, dress already bunched around her waist and in one swift motion he found himself back inside her. didn't seem to matter what she wanted or what she had to say for herself. "liar!" he growled, slamming into from behind, with no regards of being heard when the bass of the music made the floor and walls tremble slightly. "you're such a fucking liar. you'd never tell me." maybe he wouldn't have either. anyone else might assume working here meant she was a whore. "you have such a thing for being fucked in front of mirrors, don't you?" he hissed, smacking her ass and squeezing her throat, forcing her to look at him. "i'm here to fuck you like the whore you pretend to be. half the men out there will go home and toss off at the thought of you," he groaned, his free hand pulling her hair and his other tightening around her neck. "but here i am, balls deep inside you." he released her throat in time to allow her some air, his hand still pulling her hair hard, keeping her gaze fixed on the mirror as he pounded into her, the vanity trembling underneath their weight. "you want this. you want this so bad. you can't even hide it. i'm already drenched by you," rafael hissed. "if what you needed was a fuck, baby, all you had to do was ask, instead of dancing for all these greasy old pervs. but you like the attention, don't you? you come on stage and they salivate for you and it makes you feel pretty." he tugged harder, lips trailing her chin. "but this is when you're the prettiest: with that pretty little cunt of yours wrapped around my cock, weeping at the pleasure you get from being wrecked." his free hand came down hard against her ass, her body jolting forward after a particularly hard thrust on his end. "you've got five minutes to cum. and then i have to go back out there and watch your friends put on a show for me." @kiillmeromantically
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nancyxthompsons · 1 year
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Nancy Thompson's Outfits for the carnival
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nikandrosr · 10 months
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stupidity is far more dangerous than evil.
nome: nikandros
idade: 37 anos
local de nascimento: reino vermelho
qualidades: Inteligente, discreto, cuidadoso e esforçado
defeitos: Maldoso, egoista, calculista e metódico
gostos: livros, caneta de pena, chapéu, chá, café da manhã, poltronas confortáveis, estudar, sua coleção de estiletes
desgostos: atrasos, palavrões, crianças, piadas (não entende)
Nikandros é um cientista do reino vermelho que tem estudado como extrair magia e ser capaz de oferece-la para as pessoas que, assim como ele, não possuem super poderes ou magia dentro do corpo. Em Tão Tão Distante, usa o porão de sua casa como um centro de laboratório, onde realiza testes com outros seres, sem muito se incomodar se usa pessoas como cobaias.
Tem alguns episódios de explosão de raiva, comportamentos extremamente violentos que resultam em lapsos de memória e blackouts.
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