#07 13 05
lobster-lover · 9 months
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funny green guys, so much to think about, hustlers must read
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midnightcrustcat · 25 days
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FELT BLINKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! feel free to use them no credit needed =:333c check out my midnight crew blinkies too!!!
if u want problem sleuth blinkies next lemme know!!!
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Monday, May 13, and there’s a 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms. Highs are in the low eighties, and the lows are in the low sixties.
Giant human sized ghostly fire ants have been seen in Landreth Park. These ants are dangerous and view humans as a food source. Please stay away from Landreth Park until these ants are removed.
Technus and the Red Huntress fought yesterday in Elmerton. Because of this fight, the entire south side of Elmerton lost power. Power was lost at 10:24 AM and was regained at 3:07 PM.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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scrublord27 · 2 months
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Felt like it.
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the felt are all lesbians btw
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Homestuck Reread: The Intermission (p. 1154-1357)
Read the previous post here.
Apologies for the late post. Work has genuinely been kicking my ass. But now it's time to read the Midnight Crew Intermission. You either really love or really hate this section of the story. I've always been a fan, so I'm looking forward to going through it.
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The Intermission is more in-line with the spirit of Problem Sleuth than the rest of Homestuck. Hussie is returning to the old adventure game format and jokes, like this one where interacting with one item transforms it into a completely different item.
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Despite being a bloodthirsty mobster, Slick is quite prone to acts of silliness when dictated by the reader commands.
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I like how the digital clock on Slick's own computer counts as one of the clocks in the Felt's mansion.
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I love the Felt. They're like a lineup of Dick Tracy goons. I also appreciate how this page gives subtle hints about what each of their powers are.
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There are a number of times where a command to switch the POV to one character instead goes to a different character. I'm not sure if there's any logic here, or if Hussie is just being needlessly confusing in an already very elaborate part of the comic. My gut says the latter.
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Doze without a doubt has the worst power out of all the Felt. It's only useful in this specific use case where he's resistant to interrogation, but that wouldn't even be needed if he wasn't getting captured all the time.
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You know, "WARdrobe" was right there. I know Slick's inventory is already called the "War Chest", but is there even a pun there? Why not call it a "Battle Chest" like Battle Chess? They're living chess pieces. Come on.
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Super speed is such a high tier power, yet Itchy is felled with no effort. It's kinda funny how most of the Felt have these incredible powers and could easily trounce the MC if not for the fact that they seem to collectively share one brain cell.
It makes me wonder if the MC and Felt's rivalry had only consisted of harmless cartoon antics up to this point. And it's only after the Felt "knocked over" one of Slick's favorite casinos that MC decided to escalate to murder. I'd compare it to how the '60s Batman TV show was campy slapstick, but modern Batman media has since transitioned to being much grittier and more violent.
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I need a version of this comic page with Clover being shocked about Slick killing his friends.
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Unlike the previous carapacians we've seen (WV, PM, AR), Slick has five fingers instead of four. I think he, Droog, and the Queens are the only ones with five fingers.
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Meanwhile Deuce only has three chunky fingers. I'm not sure what the deal with that is.
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A lot of people like to infantilize Deuce in the same way they do to WV. Here's a reminder that he reads erotic magazines just like the other Crew members.
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See what I mean? He is a grown ass man, people.
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Trace is my favorite Felt member. I like his goofy underbite and the way his coat collar makes it look like he has a shark fin on his head. His power of seeing and interacting with people in the past is also pretty cool, even if it gives him away as soon as he starts messing with them.
It's a nice detail including Deuce in the panel since Droog had alerted him to where Trace will be at this point in the future.
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I love this panel. I believe Hussie just grabbed that image of the cane without realizing what it was until this point.
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It's telling that the only timeline where Slick is dead is one where he died before he was able to rebuild society.
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This might be a contender for the horniest page in all of Homestuck.
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Biscuits has no special powers or anything, he just wants to be included. I love that.
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Fin, despite having the power to see what others do in the future, was unable to react to Droog smacking him with the cue stick and getting pumped with bullets. Again, these guys are all morons.
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Remember when this was the only clue we had about Lord English's appearance and everyone thought he was going to be some tall, rail-thin Tumblr Sexyman? Good times.
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I'm a fan of this detached method of writing how the characters talk to each other. There's a lot of personality being conveyed in what they're saying even though none of it is being presented as dialogue. Unironically it feels more natural to read than the standard dialogue box format.
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Snowman can do whatever the hell she wants and all anyone else can do is just watch. The benefits of having your lifespan inextricably linked to that of the universe.
Also, I don't think it needs to be said, but "Three in the Morning" is a god tier track.
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Nearly every mention of Sawbuck comes with a jab about his weight. Don't come at me with asks saying that it's just Slick being an asshole. We all know whose "voice" this really is. (Hint: It's the guy with all the fat jokes on his Formspring).
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I wonder how many people remember that Slick is a canon zoophile.
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Slick's "rapier wit" strikes again!
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A strong contender for most gruesome death in all of Homestuck.
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So does this mean that it's set to go off a few seconds after the point Biscuits would exit the oven? If the oven behaves normally and Biscuits is just sitting in there until the timer goes off, that must be the case. The wording is very awkward though.
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Cans's ability to punch people into the future might make him the most powerful of all the Felt. No wonder the MC was hoping he wouldn't show up.
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I like that the detail about the shopping trip is included.
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It's noteworthy that this early look at Karkat's room doesn't look anything at all like how it appears when he's properly introduced. Also, this is the sole appearance of Crabsprite, which stings a bit since we don't ever get a proper glimpse of what Karkat's relationship with his lusus is like.
This was a fun little diversion. Not a lot to talk about here other than how much I enjoyed a lot of these gags. I kind of wish that Hussie expanded upon this and made a whole adventure with these guys detached from Homestuck. It would've made for a nice follow-up to Problem Sleuth, something more true to that story's tone and humor.
But that would never come to pass, unfortunately. Now it's back to business as usual. Act 4 awaits.
Read the next post here.
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drawing--dead · 1 year
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413 BABY!
happy 413, folks! thought i'd share my felt sprites. (not for public use! these are made by me, for me)
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optimus-rhyme · 1 year
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elicatkin · 3 months
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knackfandomarchive · 3 months
I can sort of laugh as Knack, but can't say a single word.
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groggygrimalkin · 1 year
The Felt Headcanon sprite edits!!
(Colorpicked from the comic "The inaugural death of mister seven" bc I love the colors used in it!!)
Click for better quality!
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My hc is that leprechauns are broken down into three taxonomy categories and take aspects from fitting animals in that category!(Ex:I gave Matchsticks the tail of a fire belly newt!Etc)
Mammalian(Itchy,Doze,Clover,Die,Crowbar Quarters)
I'm very shy abt sharing headcanons so uh
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upper-admin-scp · 3 months
From: Doctor P. May
To: Overwatch Command
Subject: SCP-191 Request
SCP-191 has begun an expected growth spurt. Increase of nutrition intake has been approved by medical staff and a hormone therapy scheduled is being decided on at this time in conjunction with ███████ team to take into account [DATA EXPUNGED].
As SCP-191 continues to grow its cybernetic components become too small for her. It has already expressed difficulty walking due to uneven leg height. The Ethics Committee has pre-approved modifications to SCP-191's cybernetic components to allow for ease of mobility, with the Council having final say on what is and is not to be removed, modified, or replace.
I and SCP-191 await your decision.
Regards, Dr. May
Head of SCP-191 Containment
Secure Contain Protect
/---------------------------\ |======[YAY]==[NAY][ABSTAIN]| |---------------------------| | O5-01 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-02 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-03 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-04 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-05 [ ] [ ] [X] | | O5-06 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-07 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-08 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-09 [ ] [X] [ ] | | O5-10 [ ] [X] [ ] | | O5-11 [X] [ ] [ ] | | O5-12 [ ] [ ] [X] | | O5-13 [X] [ ] [ ] | |---------------------------| |=============== YAY - {9}==| |=============== NAY - {2}==| |========= ABSTAINED - {2}==| |---------------------------| | [MOTION PASSED] | \---------------------------/
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midnightcrustcat · 1 year
hello intermission fandom, today i share my designs for tha felt
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un-invierno-eterno · 5 months
Martes 07 de mayo del 2024 (1:47 a.m.)
Querido niño:
Otra carta más que te escribo, estoy como cuando solía escribirle cartas a los chicos que solía amar mientras lloraba en las madrugadas y tú estabas al lado mío dándome calor y amor que ellos nunca jamás me darían.
Te extraño mucho, el Vicente se orino en mis cojines y en mis cortinas y lo odié. Mi papá me dijo que tú lo hacías y eso no es cierto, hasta que tú cuerpo se enfermó por completo y no podías retener como antes.
Yo lo soporte y no del todo porque te llamé la atención en tus últimos días. Lo siento tanto mi bebé.
No era mi intención, sólo pensaba que lo hacías de pesado y por hacerle caso a mi mamá. Pero tú ya no podías más.
Hace un mes estabas conmigo durmiendo a mi lado mientras te hacías sin querer y te sentías incómodo. Yo te tomaba en mis brazos para que fueras a orinar al patio y no sentirte del todo culpable.
Recuerdo como te entregaba a dios cada vez que te sentía sufrir. Porque no lo soportaba, el dolor en mi corazón y mi paciencia yendose a la mierda sin ver progreso.
Juro por dios que a ti de verdad no te hubiese soltado como he tenido que tratar de soltar a L y perdón por nombrarlo, pero sólo tu lo sabes. Sólo tu sabes cómo todos los años que te saqué a pasear lo esperé y deseaba que me saludara hasta que lo hizo un par de veces gracias a ti.
Pero el dolor que siento por él no se compara con el tuyo. Tu me dueles en la soledad, en el amor, en mis noches, en mis tristezas, en mis ganas de comer, en mis ganas de salir y en mi frío.
Él no estuvo en ninguna de esas ocasiones, él no se sintió como si me partieran realmente el alma y no pudiera soportar el dolor de dejarte ir y en hasta intentar detener todo y llevarte a casa para que siguieras conmigo.
Si bien, cuando me enteré que él tenía novia y le había dedicado una de las canciones que amaba en ese entonces y me recordaban a él. Agregando de las tremendas ganas de suicidarme que sentí ese día y de lo decidida que estaba no se comparan al dolor que siento ahora.
Me siento sola, con el alma podrida, con el alma desgarrada y llena de amor pero sin poder entregar porque todos me rechazan. Nadie me hace sentir como tú, tu hacías que mi amor fuera válido, que mi amor no era algo malo, que mi amor era bonito, que mi amor era fuerte, maravilloso y era importante al igual que los demás.
Escribo esto y no estás, no puedo estirar el brazo y tocar tu lomito o tu estómago respirando lentamente mientras duermes entre medio de mis frazadas calentito. No estás y no vas a volver. Lo único que queda de ti, es tu olor, tus pelitos y algunas manchas de tus fluidos que pronto se irán.
Dios sabe cuánto te extraño, el dolor ahora es real, mi amor por ti es real y no fue una fantasía como lo fue con todos los chicos que amé. Porque tú sabías que yo te amaba y era recíproco.
Hace un mes a esta hora te llevaba en mis brazos para que fueras a orinar (2:00 am)
Y yo te esperaba muerta de frío en la cocina, porque quería lo mejor para ti y que te pudieras sentir cómodo y sin culpas.
Hace un mes aún sentía tu calor en los pies de mi cama, sentía tu respiración y podía escuchar tu corazón libremente.
Te extraño como la mierda porque mi amor ahora no es válido, solo es una cochinada más en este mundo, soy la loca, la intensa, la mamona, la que le hace falta un pololo y con argumentos.
Si bien he perdido varias cosas estos años, pero tú eres la perdida más fea que he tenido. Porque se supone que deberías estar a mi lado respirando y dándome compañía. Pero no estás.
Yo sé perder, siempre supe cómo perder, como actuar antes la perdida, entender que no se puede tener todo en la vida, hasta que te perdí a ti y aún siento que volverás.
Que realmente no perdí, ahora no se como actuar ante la perdida, me siento vacía, estúpida, mala y una imbécil al no poder soltarte.
Eras mi luna, mi sol, mis estrellas, mi cielo, mi universo, mi aire y mis grandes ganas de vivir.
Me salvaste y yo no pude hacer lo mismo.
Te tuve por 14 años conmigo y aún así no me conformo, porque siento que te faltó verme crecer más, verme enamorarme, ver cómo me casaba o como tenia hijos. Porque por más que lo niegue siempre quise hijos.
Amo los bebés, amaria tener mi bebé y que tú hubieses estado para que lo hubieses olfateado y le movieras la colita y yo sentir que tú amor trascenderia con mis bebés.
Pero no estás y quizas lo mismo pasará con la Mami Corina, quizás nunca me conozca un novio, ni sus bisnietos porque nadie me quiere para algo serio aún. Ni siquiera para el chiste. Es horrible.
Estoy tan triste, pero te amo y te extraño mi bebé.
Eras hermoso, te ame mucho, te cuide y fuiste mi niñito precioso.
Besos al otro plano terrenal😊
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oozeyboozey · 6 hours
tag dump ... feel free to disregard.
║▌ verse. 01.  the spy who came in from the cold.    //    main. ║▌ verse. 02.  keep your friends close…but your enemies closer.    //    mafia. ║▌ verse. 03.  not your average jedi.    //    star wars. ║▌ verse. 04.  the world belongs to the dead.    //    zombies. ║▌ verse. 05.  daddy’s little girl hunting monsters.    //    supernatural. ║▌ verse. 06.  and then things got stranger.    //    stranger things. ║▌ verse. 07.  a modernized badass historical fantasy..    //    modern royalty. ║▌ verse. 08.  the rebellious princes…and the strong queen.    //    royalty. ║▌ verse. 09.  are you the hunter? or are you the prey?    //    yellowjackets. ║▌ verse. 10.  sink into the wasteland underneath.    //    fallout. ║▌ verse. 11.  straight outta brooklyn..    //    shameless. ║▌ verse. 12.  sharp blades cutting the ice like a dream.    //    figure skater. ║▌ verse. 13.  silver screen pipe dream.    //    actress. ║▌ verse. 14.  she’s a maniac in the ring.    //    boxer. ║▌ verse. 15.  the little russian firefighter.    //    911. ║▌ verse. 16.  i was hurt by bad men. now i hunt them down.    //    criminal minds.
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dopingconsomme · 3 months
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