official-semiramis · 7 years
Alright so i was just going to try and ignore this hoping it’ll blow over and that she’d stop harrassing us that’s clearly not happening so
If you’ve ever interacted with a tumblr user going by or that has gone by any of these urls please do block them and possibly warn anyone you might know that she could reach: • elfsona  (current url) • lzayol (also current url) • despurr  • saikah  • amaneh  • ahngieh  • 0sani •anti-shizaya • cupup • saikabot • boostedana • solosa • super-milk-chan • princesszange (these are the more prominent ones, she quickly changes url weekly whenever called out, will update) She goes by Sonia/Osani, is 22 and from Texas (will also usually include being a linguistic major in her bios)  She’s my ex and is known mostly for: being abuser who’s sent numerous death threats before and has sexually harrassed minors, generally just hopping from groups and servers just to start drama and find an easy lay. She’s also the reason why my and @neckhorse ‘s inboxs are closed, as she’s prone to send endless harrassing and threatening asks 
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That’s my inbox. Only about 20 of those arent from her. I’ll enclose some of the more striking ones below+context: (the context being me deciding to break our unhealthy relationship)
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Trying to feel better about herself by shifting the blame on me:
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I must precise our relationship was a ldr. She would get upset if i didnt want to sext her back and guilt trip me into doing it anything. Not wanting to admit that she tried to pin the blame on me somehow.
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The context here was me having reblogged two (2) selfies of asian mutuals/blogs.
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When i’d call her out her trump card would be calling me cracker or whitey because that gives leverage in arguments that aren’t about racism in the slightest. Also pretty unbecoming considering she’s voted Trump herself
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Typing and sending something like this clearly shows superiority and innocence in any kind of argument:
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Context here being ?? I deleted all pictures of her upon breaking and never mentioned. Probably trying to get a leverage on me using my phobia i guess. Also sort of hypocritical considering she’s threatened to impersonate me and go send my mutuals compromising pictures.
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Just like 90% of her asks, once again completely unprompted My take here is that she’s trying to make me feel jealous despite being utterly disgusted by her The habit of finding new romantic interests monthly seems to be an ongoing thing she does but that’s just tea and not something that should be on a callout :eyes: but yeah she does have a history of approaching people just for intercourse and to try and force them into a toxic relationship just to deny everything and proceed to harrass them to kingdom come so watch out if you’re a friend of hers
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context here is: 1-my brothers sexually abused me in the past (because comparing an abuse survivor to their abuser is something totally ok) 2-guilt tripping as usual
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Here we can see her having no grasp on how healthy relationships work and how breaking off an almost year long relationship that made my mental health plummet to rock bottom due to daily emotional abuse was just me overreacting
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Context is, once again, guilt tripping Also no there is no record of me ever making fun of self harming and never will be
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Now these were from an ex mutual of mine The reason for such treatment? Following and reblogging posts from me
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Here we can see her smartly admitting how she takes none of what she’s done seriously and is entirely unapologetic about it she’s merely playing the role of the victim trusting knowing her followers will blindly believe her
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context: my suicide attempts
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more kind asks after i reunited with my best friend after breaking up
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more episodes of her approaching me from a freshly made blog unleashing her trump card
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her being totally not creepy after our breakup
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more of her specialty, guilt tripping
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here’s her spam following me after her habitual remake (yes, the grand number of 100 times)
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More accusations probably due to projecting
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these (along with more) were sent to tumblr user @neckhorse, who’s also been abused by her in the past (and while underage)
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Here’s more proof of her being disgusting and ableist towards various other people
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This is my current blocked list on discord all people except the two i obscure are her the list will probably increase as she keeps going to the trouble of making new accounts for the sole purpose of harrassing me
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Lastly is the reason i wanted to finally make a more or less proper callout post She recently made a post accusing tumblr user @neckhorse of being a sexual predator despite having no proof and that never happening since she was the who abused her The reason she asked her followers to block her is to prevent them from ever interacting with her since they’d end up knowing her true colours
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                                                     (update) -i’ve been sent this ask the other day, just to prove how she’s still actively harassing people and especially mentally ill people using that. It’s sickening.
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I most definitely forgot things seeing how massive her bad reputation is but if you desire more proof or explanation you can feel free to contact either me or @neckhorse for more details or info about other users she’s harrassed You can also check out @yousei-bitches if you’re curious about her previous history (considering she’s being at the epicenter of various drama in different occasions throught the past 2 years). Here’s also some tags of mine you can check for some of her previous answered asks or posts (mostly vague) about her • /drama • /cupup • /0sani • /snake.ask I sincerely hope no one will buy into her false accusations nor let her close enough to exploit your weaknesses or literally anything personal you’ve ever had the misfortune to disclose to her And that she’ll finally leave us alone Stay safe
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itsagifnotagif · 7 years
youre the most annoying and boring white popular blogger on this site 😥💨
This made me so upset I am basically crying right now I don’t know how I will be able to get over this soul destroying ask. At least I am only the most annoying white blogger, means at least there is one other blogger of a different ethnicity that is more boring, that makes me feel better xox
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0sani replied to your post “ya’ll: i cant believe u guys said neo yokio was bad! literally the...”
op probably doesnt enjoy anything, ever
this is why i hate when some of my posts get popular cause i have to deal with obtuse idiots like you
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commentsense888 · 5 years
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Not sure if this fits here by 0sani https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/dvln05/not_sure_if_this_fits_here/?utm_source=ifttt
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yousei-bitches · 7 years
can we talk about how 0sani is a fake lesbian for the sake of being even more edgy so she can make "only heteros" jokes. Like.. She literally reblogged a post saying "if youve only ever been attracted to fictional men you might be a lesbian" and just... ran with it. Like oh im a worthless otaku so I guess im also lesbian :3 never mind I was begging my ex bf to love me 2 seconds ago! Like she never identified as a lesbian until reblogging that post smh
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obese-cats · 7 years
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@0sani hes fixed and hes a healthy boy, who am i to play god and try to force my cat to be overweight
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Kink me once, shame on you. Kink me twice, shame on
i think the phrase is a little jumbled
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official-semiramis · 7 years
time for some nice anons from You Know Whooo
i gotta say these are all particularly juicy, even coming from her herself! let’s start with this welcoming triple
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I’d like to take a moment to just appreciate the one in the middle, personally. You’d think a person wouldn’t be dumb enough to say ‘’im not awful im right’’  and then admit they’re threatening to doxx you right after yet here we are!! I truly am, at this very moment, shitting my pants.
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(context required for this one ask: -havoc is my cat -evelyne is my gf) This ask is very vague, in fact, you couldnt have been more vague; it would have maybe been more effective if you actually made a point or two. You’re right about the Havoc part though, this is the face of a disappointed cat 
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Now this one is funny because it’s not as extensive as some others but it’s possibly more of a mess. I’ll try to do my best to comment each piece of whatever this is 1-yes i do hate you for being an awful person, yes i’m lazy and occasionally hate myself. death penalty? you’re really grasping at straw here by stating the obvious lmao 2-i think you got this all wrong, i’m not trying to ‘’make you look bad’’, im merely showing people the shit you do/say so really, your actions speak for themselves and i dont even have to try and do that!  3-a certain degree of smugness is due when dealing with someone as ridiculously obsessed with you, honestly. Even if just to lighten the mood 4-im not gonna comment on the just like every man bit because of how out place it is like girl where are you even pulling that from, you’re just trying to get brownie points at this point 5-lastly, there’s a lot more stuff i could do to feed my ego and i sincerely don’t see how any of this how contribute to that, i’m just spreading awareness so that people wont have to deal with you toxic ass, that’s all
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Now before i comment this i’d like to give you a tip: when you make an accusation pulled out of your ass like this and use the word ‘’hypocritical’’ it really reeks of projecting, jsyk If by ‘’pressuring you’’ you mean trying to help your hopeless abusive ass to grow out of your own bad manipulative habits and failing, then yeah im guilty Not really sure how you can state so firmly i haven’t made any ‘’progress’’ but you sure sound professional. I still wont pay you for your services though
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If we’re dealing with her we couldnt possibly NOT get the topical sexually themed ask. We just Could Not. Frankly i don’t think i even need to personally comment on this, just the fact that you’d try to make a point out of this kind of stuff speaks for itself. All your asks are 100% ad hominem attacks that i guess in your brain are passed as valid points to bring up in an argument somehow. Go you! totally got me with this one! All the accusations about you backed with proof? Pfft that’s not nothing compared to this. This is the strong stuff Also for someone who’s forgetting aspects of me you’ve listed quite a few in these asks :eyes:
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As if all of those weren’t strong points already, she has to go a step further! Her only aim? U t t e r victory I really dont need to explicit how all of these are extremely exaggerated and disrespectful claims to make about a person, again, without proof, since there isn’t, since i’m not the person in question but I’d honestly want to know how you could really say to yourself ‘’Damn, look at this stuff, i’m CLEARLY in the right and such a good person honestly’’ as you typed all of these. I really cant capacitate myself of that. Please do tell me. 
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I’d now like to end this with the cherry on the top: this. This arguably the second messiest ask of the bunch imo. What she’s referring to is a poor and half assed attempt to end things on ‘’friendly terms’’ despite: A-her not having done or even tried to do anything to make up for the shit she’s done and B-me having repeated to her multiple times i’d rather not be contacted by her. She straight up ignored all that and tried to reach an agreement completely by herself considering how she blocked me right after sending it, not really giving me a saying in any of it. I still wouldnt have replied but that’s just not how you try to reach an agreement, you couldnt be more one sided. I’d post the message she sent if she didnt keep deleting her blogs weekly as per usual. The next point she made here, I dont think she thought it through too much If she did then she’d realize that i’d only respond to that side of hers because it’s her actual true side. If i dont want to listen to your hurried and half assed apologies where you actually seem level-headed just in hopes you can end things in a way that would keep people from knowing about what you did, it ‘s because it’s bullshit and you dont mean any of that. You only ever show that side when you want things to take a better turn for you so that you can keep on running from your past as you’ve been doing for years. That other ‘’less softer side’’ is what you’re actually thinking, and that’s why i only respond to that, because that’s where you show how you really are. I dont need to remind you that  people only say sorry for things they say when their filter stops working: your apologies only serve to try and erase the awful taste you leave when you say the truth, and they dont work I dont know why you decided to end that ask on a more than uncomfortable note but it’s what i’d expect from you, not actual points, just a bunch of vapid shitty insults Im done commenting this, it turned out way longer than i expected but i think i can safely say these asks perfectly encapsulate your persona: you’re disgusting Sonia
この番組はご覧のスポンサーの提供でお送りします! :
(through one of her many, many sideblogs made for the sole purpose of harrassing me and other people) 
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missshamour replied to your post: 0sani replied to your post “ya’ll: i cant...
not liking one show means not liking everything else according to some idiot with no critical thinking
GOD this shit is so annoying like you damn well know what i meant you just want to be a smartass
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ikasle · 10 years
mint choco froyo & cookies and cream froyo ?
mint choco froyo - my kindness, how much i do for a person,  i care about, i accept everything that happends to me bad or goodcookies and cream froyo - care about me, say nice things about me, love tokyo ghoul hahaha
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official-semiramis · 7 years
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In case anyone was wondering about her stance on this. She doesn't feel one bit of remorse for what she's done. Not one. Harassing minors and obsessing over people is apparently something funny now
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official-semiramis · 7 years
1. I dont give a shit about tyler so those screenshots mean nothing to me 2. someone texted me, begging me to have "snake and his friends" leave them alone. so 3. how does it feel becoming what you hate? tracking down an innocent girl thinking it's me. So keep blocking/thinking about me, i dont care for your drama, dude. youve mention me more times in more platforms than your gf. but im sure shes too afraid to lose you to utter a complaint seeing as you left her many times. thats still your shit
1-Well they should since they perfectly show how your ways of predating upon people havent changed one bit: you’re still the manipulative bitch from last year and before that too2-That’s a bold faced lie. You’d have totally posted that if it really did happen, and if it did, i incite you to do so. I’m assuming this ‘’person’’ you’re speaking of is your alternate twitter account so yeah, this i s a lazy try if anything3-Here’s where you fucked yourself up though: in both cases, you’re the one at fault here.The leading hypothesis backed by proof is that you’re the same person (tyler confirmed her photos matched the ones you sent him so….) and the extents you’re willing to go to keep this facade up are… disturbing to say the least. In the offchance it’s not you and it’s actually someone else *you* would still be at fault for having used her photos, practically catfishing people and adding yet another heavy accusation to the ever growing list. In both cases i don’t see where or how you’d be in the right here, you’re just getting yourself deeper in shit by the say like this.I don’t see how it’s *my* drama, i mean it IS drama but it’s born from all the shit *you* did! you can keep trying to play it cool and distance yourself as much as you want, you’ll just look all the more desperate.I guess you trying to bring Eve into this again is supposed to be a jab of sorts, and an unsuccessful one at that. You’re literally using anything you can to divert the attention from what you did, you never once addressed the accusations on you or even tried to defend yourself, it’s plain as day you’re just grasping at whatever sounds like a good thing to use to ‘’expose’’ me when you’re really… not doing that at allI want to conclude this saying i never once dragged your current fictious relationship into this nor did i say a word about your lifestyle or literally anything regarding your personal lifeWhy? Because i didnt need to. I dont because im in the right, while *you* do because that’s all you have, pathetic and disgusting attempts to undermine me and get me to give up on warning people about youWhy do you keep making infinite accounts to harass me about this? why can’t you publicly address this and show this to all the people that follow you as well? i’m sure they’d love to see you send death threats and say disgusting guilt trippy shitIf anyone’s scared here, that’s you, otherwise you wouldnt have to hide behind all thisyou’re nothing more than a coward.
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official-semiramis · 7 years
i dont know how your family puts up with you being such a constant disappointment, i could barely make it through +1 year. like how do you live with yourself?
you’re not disproving any of the points made against youyour attempts to bully me are pathetic and grossstop sending me asks
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official-semiramis · 7 years
outside of the internet do you even have friends or
you get accused of being an obsessive harasser that sexually harassed minors and this is all you have to sayagain, you’re disgustingstop sending me asks
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official-semiramis · 7 years
gotta try harder if you want to be intimidating
you’re not trying to deny any claimsyou just want to get attention out of thisstop sending me asks
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official-semiramis · 7 years
if making me lose followers is what makes you think makes me feel "unsafe" then lol youll have to talk to all 500+ of my mutuals then uhh good luck. not that i would care if i lost one
so they’re just numbers for yougood to knowi’m probably going to do that actually
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