#1 i love chloe stream have mercy
sheseuph · 3 years
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embarrasingly sacrificed a lot of study time to do this. wish i did more. i would say im proud of this :,) <3 chloe <3
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
| the detective and the blue-eyed fox | ch.5
title | all her fault 
pairing | Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
warnings | mentions of death, death, but nothing explicitly described
words | 3.1k 
author’s note | im emotionally invested in this series, i have ch.6 and ch.7 planned out too :3 prepare yourself for more twists and (maybe) a major death :))) also this wasn’t proof-read,,, lmk if there are any mistakes! enjoy :3 
| beginning | previous part | ao3 | 
Three walls of cement and one wall of two-inch glass. Gabriel Agreste faced the four blank slates of his confinement everyday for three months, pondering on how he was going to endure the remaining of his days in his dreary ‘home’. They wouldn’t even provide him with paper to create some sketches on- (What were they afraid of? Paper butterflies? He was powerless without his miraculous). 
“So, what business do we have today, Ms. Rossi?” He asked smoothly, business-like as ever despite not being able to remember the last time he had a conversation. Three months of complete isolation- The guards wouldn’t even spare him a single word, and to be fair, he couldn’t blame them. 
“Did you hear about Adrien?” 
Being straightforward when she wanted to be was one of Lila’s strong traits. Her words were driven to the point, cleared from the lies that typically shrouded them. A borderline sadistic smile traced her vermilion lips when a spark of curiosity glimmered in the man’s eyes- Oh, she was going to enjoy being the bearer of the staggering news. 
“What about Adrien?” She could tell- He was expecting something perhaps along the lines of his son screwing up the company he inherited, or perhaps his son making a public statement about- 
“He’s dead.” 
Gabriel froze from where he was seated on the cement block they provided him with, red draining from his already-pale skin and his bloodshot eyes. “What?” His voice was but a hoarse whisper, a denial, a beg, a plea for the woman to laugh and tell him that it was all some cruel joke. 
“He was murdered.” Oh, how she enjoyed seeing the anguish dawn into his eyes. The pain seeped into his body like a parasite, leeching away any will of survival the man had left. “Two weeks ago.” 
If getting stripped of his miraculous and being arrested was the sky crashing upon the world he tried so hard to bring his wife back into, then the revelation of his son’s death would be the universe collapsing into itself, becoming a black hole that self destructed from the very core of Gabriel Agreste’s heart. 
“Felix Graham de Vanily is combining the Agreste and the Vanily companies with a horizontal merger,” Lila continued, enjoying the acidic pain that burned through the heartless man’s soul. “Oh, and did I tell you? From the day Adrien died, Chat Noir stopped patrolling the city.” 
The rush of ‘What if he was murdered because I was Hawkmoth?’ and ‘There are no more Agrestes left...’ smashed into him like water reaching the bottom of the waterfall. There was no mercy behind the strong wave of despair; no mercy behind Lila Rossi’s cold eyes and satisfied smile; no mercy that the world had left for him as a punishment for all his crimes. 
“I think I might know who killed him, but I need you to be honest with me,” Lila said softly, enjoying the view of the man’s bowed head. The swollen red of his teary eyes made something inside her heart stir, and it wasn’t sympathy. No, not at all. Her heart swelled with a triumphant laugh, a satisfaction that can only be achieved through the means of revenge. “What happened to the peacock miraculous?” 
[Paris, three months ago] 
In the midst of destruction you could easily find pain, agony, and despair, because wherever you looked, there was someone who had no time to mourn, but still mourned nonetheless. Ladybug had lost count of how many Paris lost after the hundredth- And the count was only increasing exponentially by every passing second. The former city of love was doing its’ best impression of a society undergoing an apocalypse- In fact, it was a society undergoing an apocalypse. 
Exhaustion clawed at Paris’s heroine like a monster that wanted to be released from its’ cage. It tore at her without pause, releasing soreness into her muscles and weariness into her mentality. How much longer did she had to fight? How much longer until she couldn’t go on anymore? How much longer until Paris would fall into the hands of the man who could only focus on what he wanted? 
And what would happen to Paris if she couldn’t stand any longer to defend it? 
Smoke painted every inch and corner of the skyline in an abstract painting, which would’ve been beautiful if it wasn’t because of the direness of the situation. The clouds were stained a dirty red and firetrucks wailed in the distance, too little of them to keep up with the demand of damage control. Screams echoed across the city, a painful reminder to the heroine of how many lives she had let down. Nothing pained the heroine more than the fact she had been trusted with so many and ended up failing just as many.
A little distance away, shrouded under the same red sky that Ladybug stood under, was the Le Grand Paris. A section of the grand hotel had caved in, leaving the top half of the building in ruins. The golden embellishments of the hotel were caked in dust, the grandeur of Paris’s greatest hotel submitting to the chaos and destruction around it. 
“Come on! Get in here! Hurry up!” 
Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes. 
There stood Mayor Bourgeois, urgently yelling out orders for as many people as possible to get into the hotel’s wine cellar, which would be underground and as safe as it got at the moment. The endless stream of Parisians flowed continuously through the open doors of the hotel, the hotel’s large wine cellar being able to accommodate about half of Paris’s (surviving) population. 
For once in her life, Chloe was proud to call the mayor her father. 
“Daddy! I’ll go get more people here!” She yelled over the bustling noise. Worry clumped over the mayor and butler Jean’s eyes, but her father nodded nonetheless, a smile slipping over his lips. 
“Be careful, my dear!” 
On the other side of Paris, Alya was holding onto her younger siblings as tightly as she could, all four of them hidden under the dining table. A loud ring startled all of them, the second-oldest Cesaire turning her attention to her phone. Earthquake-like vibrations made multiple household objects topple and smash onto the floor, much to the twins’ terror. 
“Chloe?” She breathed, picking up the call. 
The voice that came in response was panting, taking hurried, shuddering breaths. The consistent thump-thump-thump of footsteps also echoed through the phone, accompanied by the distance rings of destruction. “Where are you? Get your family towards Le Grand Paris, you can hide in the wine cellar!” 
Alya couldn’t believe the blonde’s words. 
“And if you’re up to it, spread the word! The wine cellar is the safest place we have right now.” 
The call ended, Alya blinking back her surprise in exchange of a courage that surged forward all of a sudden. “Nora, take Ella and Etta to Le Grand Paris and hide in the wine cellar.” 
“And where are you going?” 
Alya steeled her jittering nerves. “I’m going to get out there and help.”
Not too far away from the Cesaire’s apartment, Ladybug was swinging through the city, surveying the damage. The whizz of her yoyo felt deafening to her ears, and everything hurt. Her muscles were sore, her legs were shaking, and her vision felt blurry. Half of Paris was a rubble of cement and dust, and the other half was on the verge of collapsing soon. 
Ladybug’s eyes widened in horror as she jerked back, catching sight of a familiar building that was so burdened with destruction that she could barely recognise it if it wasn’t for the fact that she knew she was on the right street. 
“No. No, no, no. Nononono-” Her breath caught in her throat, suffocating and strangling her from inside. 
The bakery had collapsed. 
She prayed with all her heart that her parents had gotten out, but from the looks of it, the bakery was hit fast and the chances that- 
“Think positive thoughts, Marinette.” The heroine whispered to herself, desperate and unwilling to face what she was sure was the truth. “Maybe they got out. Maybe they got out. They’re fine.” 
Even as she swung off, Ladybug knew in her heart that despite the lies she insisted on telling herself, her parents’ dead bodies were somewhere underneath the rubble. 
“Mamma!” Tears streamed down Lila’s face as she tugged and pulled at the portion of their ceiling that had chosen the diplomat as its’ victim. There was no use- Both of them knew as well as 1 + 1 that there was no way Lila could lift the concrete block by herself. 
The diplomat looked up with a weak smile, already having come to terms with how her life would end- With her lower half crushed by a ceiling. “Leave me here, dear, the building’s going to-” 
Lila shook her head stubbornly, desperately trying to lift the concrete again, only to look up in surprise, not having expected a pair of spandexed hands to join hers. Ladybug let out a grunt as she tried to nudge the collapsed ceiling even just a little, her suit tearing due to the rough surface of the collapsed ceiling. 
“Come on, we’ll push at the count of three!” The hero instructed, groaning and giving all her strength to the giant piece of debris, but it was no use. Ladybug was tired and worn out, and the little strength she had in her was not enough to overcome the concrete’s stubbornness to stay put. “I... I could...” She flung out her yoyo, trying to think of a way to use the concrete’s weight against itself. 
“Ladybug, the building is collapsing, please just leave me be.” The diplomat pleaded. “Lila, please get out of here!” 
The building groaned, supporting the woman’s statement. Ladybug bowed apologetically, guilt lurking in every corner of her eyes. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance, ma’am.” 
“You’ve done a lot for Paris. I should thank you.” The woman whispered, smiling painfully at her daughter. “I’m sorry, Lila. I love you, forever.” 
The girl sniffled, pressing her lips into a thin line. “I love you too, mamma.” 
“Come on, Lila.” Ladybug whispered gently, pulling the teen away. It was as heart-wrenching as abandoning a puppy on the side of the road on a rainy day, but the diplomat was right- The building was giving in, and if they didn’t get out themselves, Paris’s death count would only increase by another two. 
The escape from the building was quiet, only filled by the whizz of the yoyo. “I’m sorry I couldn’t have done more.” Ladybug said softly. 
“It’s not your fault.” Lila sniffled bitterly. Now that they were soaring over the city, Lila could see just how much of it was crumbled and broken- At least 70% of the city was reduced to rubbles, and the Eiffel tower, who had once stood tall at the core of Paris, had now bowed down to the wrath of the man who knew nothing but his own wants. 
It was at that moment that Lila Rossi decided that the person she hated the most was Hawkmoth.  
You never know the true meaning of horror until you live that one moment that crushes you inside. 
It freezes your blood, it makes your heart stop, and your chest feels like its’ being constricted. You can’t breath, and your field of vision just narrows to the one point that defines the cause of all your pain. Sometimes, you don’t even know what you feel. All emotion has been drained out of you, and your brain has lagged behind, unsure of how to react. 
Chloe stood in front of Le Grand Paris- The remains of it, anyway, and came to the conclusion that her father saved at least a thousand lives that day. All by putting aside his own safety and shepherding millions of his citizens into the wine cellar. 
It was over. 
It took hours for the firefighters to dig out the entrance to the wine cellar, millions and thousands of relieved Parisians crawling from the hole. The daughter of the mayor sat and waited, helping wherever she could. There were too many tears shed, too much blood bled, and too many people dead. 
She watched the line of Parisians trickle from what was formerly Le Grand Paris’s wine cellar. She waited and waited until the sun finally had mercy on Paris and ended the day that would be marked as the end of the city of love. She prayed and hoped until she saw the last man crawl from the cellar. 
And then she faced the truth that neither her father nor butler Jean made it into the wine cellar themselves. 
Adjusting to the bright light shining around her was difficult, to say the least. Paris had been shrouded in semi-darkness for the past twenty-four hours. 
Marinette sat up hurriedly, groaning at the piercing pain that shot thorugh her spine at the action. All around her were her friends’ worried faces, Alya’s, Adrien’s, Nino’s, Chloe’s- Were those tears on Chloe’s cheeks? And was that Lila comforting her?
“Alya found you passed out in the middle of the street after it ended.” Nino explained quickly. 
Ah, that was what they were calling it now, Marinette thought. The battle she had fought for over fifteen hours without pause was now labelled ‘It’. 
“What were you doing out there, you could’ve died!” Alya scolded, but despite the tone, the teen was more glad than anything to see that the bluenette had made it. 
“Where... Are we? And why is everything so... Destroyed?” 
The classmates shared looks that practically spelt ‘Who’s going to break it to her?’. 
“Ladybug disappeared after the battle was won. She never got to use her miraculous cure.” Chloe supplied the explanation coldly. “Thousands are dead. Almost every building needs to be rebuilt.” 
Adrien offered her a weak smile that was on the verge of breaking. “Hawkmoth is gone for good.” There was a faint suggestion in the boy’s eyes that he was going through much more pain than any of them knew. “Hawkmoth... My father. My father was Hawkmoth. He was arrested a couple hours ago. Nathalie was Mayura.” 
Silence shrouded the teens like a  black rain cloud. “I’m sorry, Adrien.” Marinette whispered. It was coming back to her now- Chat Noir’s anguished screams when they discovered Gabriel Agreste, decked out in his purple suit, standing in the attic of Agreste Manor, Mayura’s escape- Feeling like she couldn’t go any further. The last thing she remembered was her transformation dropping, and contact with the cold hard ground. 
“Don’t be.” Lila responded nonchalantly. “I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that this whole shit was Hawkmoth’s fault and no one else’s. Almost everyone has lost a family member. Some of us lost more than others. It’s no one’s fault, so don’t you go apologising, Dupain-Cheng.” 
Her friends murmured their agreements, giving her soft smiles despite the devastation that tore at each of their hearts. 
Marinette wanted to laugh. 
Thousands dead and it was because she couldn’t hold on for two more seconds to use her miraculous cure. 
Thousands dead, including her own parents, Lila’s, and god knows how many others’ parents, siblings, lovers, and friends. 
Thousands dead and it was all. Her. Fault. 
Impatience decorated Lila’s tone as she tapped her heels, waiting for the terrorist’s answer. The click of her heels echoed through the room, bouncing off the concrete walls to create the loudest noise Gabriel had ever heard in a long time. 
“What happened to the peacock miraculous?” She repeated one more time for good measure, irked and irritated by the lack of answer from the other side of the glass. 
“It’s gone.” Gabriel answered softly after a while. “When they found Nathalie passed out in that alley, she didn’t have her miraculous on.” The man’s former assistant had fled after Ladybug and Chat Noir confronted them in the Agreste Manor, but two hours later, she was found unconscious in a back alley, and it was later discovered in the hospital that she had fallen into a coma. 
Bewilderment lit inside the woman’s eyes, burning beside the fury that blazed inside her soul. “Are you telling me someone stole them?” She hissed, resisting the urge to slam her hands on something. 
“No.” Gabriel answered reluctantly, slightly afraid of the woman’s fury. If it was any consolation, he knew the two-inch glass wall would prevent her from inflicting any harm onto him. “I’m telling you that Duusu probably ran off with her own miraculous.” 
The woman sucked in a deep breath, regulating her breathing to regain her composure. “Then do you have any idea where she went?” 
“Duusu is corrupted and manipulative, but she’ll need a host to operate through. She’d probably look for someone emotional, someone who’s lost a lot and is in a lot of pain.” Gabriel sighed, looking up to be met by Lila’s annoyed expression. 
“Oh wow.” Said the woman sarcastically, hands propped on her hips in a pretentious, thoughtful manner. “Someone emotional, someone who’s lost a lot and is in a lot of pain. That just about defines everyone that survived the apocalypse you laid on us three months ago.” 
It was at that moment Lila’s sarcastic attitude brought Gabriel to a terrifying conclusion. There was no amount of sympathy in her eyes, and judging from the hate and loath in her eyes... The revelation splashed him like a cold bucket of ice water, waking him up from the small smudge of hope he got to hold for a couple of seconds. 
“You aren’t here to get me out.” He whispered. Just when he thought that the sly woman was going to get him out of the four walls he was trapped in- She slammed her true intentions back into his face with no mercy. 
“You killed my mother, you bastard.” She smiled so sweetly that he wouldn’t be surprised if she was instantly cast as the beautiful but wicked stepmother from Snow White or perhaps the enchantress from Sleeping Beauty. “As well as the friends and family of thousand others. I hope you rot in jail forever.” 
If anyone’s confused on the timeline of the story, this is how it goes: 
3 months before current time, the final battle takes place (ch.5). Thousands die because Ladybug didn’t get to use her miraculous cure. Hawkmoth is arrested and Nathalie falls into a coma. Ladybug/Marinette leave Paris after the battle is over.
Ladybug/Marinette heads to Gotham, where Marinette gets hired into GCPD and becomes partners with Damian. She also becomes Gotham’s newest vigilante, Lan, who exposes corrupt politicians 
2 weeks before current time, Adrien Agreste is murdered and Chat Noir stops patrolling Paris. (This is when Marinette learns from Tikki that Adrien and Chat are the same person even though the conversation wasn’t written) 
Current time (ch.1) Lan asks Damian to help her find the miraculous of the black cat 
Damian, the next day, finds out that Plagg and the black cat miraculous have been in his apartment the whole time (He then emails her and asks her to go to his apartment to discuss things) 
(ch.4) Damian and Marinette talk 
At the same time, in Paris, Luka visits Chloe, who is apparently in kahoots with him 
Also at the same time, Lila breaks into the highest security prison in Paris and talks to Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth (also partly ch.5) 
That’s about it for now :3 
taglist. @demonicbusiness @animegirlweeb @roselynfey @2confused-2doanything @insane-fangirl-of-everything @promiswords @galaxylightmoon @fusser90 @ira-sairain @liquid-luck-00 @glastwime859
gen. daminette taglist. @maskedpainter @animegirlweeb @missmadwoman
| next part | ao3 | 
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salty-fang · 4 years
Loving you is hard
So, this idea spawned from a conversation with @iloveitwhen and I've just wanted to write it. So without further ado...
“I- Would you like to me out go? I mean me out you? I mean go out with me? On Sunday?” They’d been best friends for months after he’d saved her from Chloé and her posse, although not before she had been smeared in mud and had her spectacles smashed, lying askew. They had jeered at her, screaming ‘Piggy’, only relenting once Adrien charged out of the mansion, hurling himself in front of her. Chloé had turned and ran leaving Sabrina, Kim and Max in the forefront of his rage.
After he had delivered his lecture spectacularly, he ushered her inside, getting her a towel to dry the mud off. He’d given her a spare pair of clothes that used to belong to his older sister, Claire, before she had been adopted. Of course, his father had been slightly disappointed once he recognised who she was as he frequented the bakery quite a lot. He tried to belittle her calling her a ‘mere baker’s daughter’ which was personally a compliment. And, he chewed her out for interrupting an important meeting with THE Bruce Wayne- whoever that was. Adrien had been a gentleman and sneered in defiance at Gabriel’s discourtesy but she could see how white his fists were and how hard he had been biting his lip. And she could never have him get in trouble for her mistake so... she did what she knew best.
She cried. You see, she had inherited quite the set of pipes and her cries had made the pointless vases tremble as her wails caused the pictures to shake. She placed Adrien’s hand in her own grubby little ones before pulling him away into the first room she saw. Failing to notice Emilie’s small smirk at the chaos she invoked and failing to hear Adrien’s desperate pleas for her to stop. Tentatively, she opened the door, sighing in relief at the sight of the empty room. It was slightly breath taking but intimidating at the sheer size of the room but the presence she felt behind her and Adrien’s wide eyes plagued her.
“When you said you would be getting ready to spar, did you mean that? Or were you out gallivanting with some girl?” Yup, that was it. His voice commanded respect, leaving no room for argument. His face was stoic and he exuded confidence yet his demeanour was cool. He had the ability to blend into the shadows, which admittedly scared the socks off of her. And he was even colder than Chloe. But so was she. She had never been proud of it but it was there. It was just too hard to reign in once she exposed that side of her.
“Some girl, huh? It’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng to you. Talk to me when you’ve had a shower and you don’t look like you haven’t changed clothes in a year. You think just because your friends with Agreste I’ll be polite whilst you insult me? If you do, well congratulations because you’ve invented a new kind of stupid.” She could see Adrien wince out of the corner of her eyes, the look of appraisal in Damian's eye before he turned a frightful glare towards her with the top of his lips curled in a sneer as he scoffed.
“You think you can waltz in here and interrupt my meeting with Agreste because you think you better than me. Because newsflash, and I know all about them, you may be pretty than most child models but you’re still an arrogant deceitful brat, Marionette. So why don’t you go back and roll in the mud, Piggy.”
“Damian that’s enough,” pleaded Adrien, voice strained.
“Is it though? She hardly looks phased.” It wasn’t true, it had hurt more than she had thought it would and she felt each word pierce her heart, breaking her down.
“He’s right though Adrien.” She saw the shock on both faces as she trained her eyes on the ground before locking her eyes on Damian. “But at least I’m honest about it. And I know the reality is going to slap him so hard in the face once he finds out he isn’t as amazing as he thinks.” She gave Adrien a quick hug before turning to leave, grabbing her pink purse from the couch. She could feel her temper flare up as she walked away, knowing that she could have easily won the battle. She- a Dupain-Cheng- had run away from a challenge. The only reason she had lost was because she’d been in unfamiliar territory and she wanted to make a good impression on Adrien.
Adrien! He probably thought she was annoying. Or weird. Maybe both. Definitely both. He’d probably tell his parents how weird she was and get a restraining order placed on her. She’d never defeat Damian and Adrien would hate her. Her parents would probably disown her too. Oh no. She’d be a lonely cat woman living off scraps in some alleyway. Everyone would forget about her and Adrien would marry Chloe. Chloe! She had been in such a state that she hadn’t seen Emilie walking towards her, engrossed in her new script.
“Hngh. Sorry about that. Oh, you’re the girl who told my husband off. Ni-chickpea why are you crying? Aww, come over here princess.”
“I’m sorry for everything. Sorry about crashing into your home, sorry for being the rudest guest ever, sorry for interrupting your meeting, sorry for being ugly.”
“Did Adrien tell you that? No? Well, you’re beautiful inside and out, chick. Don’t cry because of some stupid boy who has no filter. Now, would you like to grab some ice cream with your auntie Em.
“No thanks. My aunt, Delphine, said no one likes girls who don’t have tiny waists. She told me that I’d be more pretty if I lost weight so I really shouldn’t. Or she might tell my father if I gain any.” And with that, she scrambled off her lap with a surprisingly agile leap and ran out of the mansion. Emilie hadn’t decided whether she’d like to launch Delphine into the sun or sock her across the face but she knew that she’d be having a few choice words with her. When she got in contact with her.
It really wasn’t a surprise when months later, Marinette, who had become a regular guest at their home arrived in a flood of tears, explaining how her aunt had booked her for a flight next week to go and live with Tom and Sabine, neither of which knew she’d existed until today. Obviously, Delphine had done it because of her conversation with Emilie and her selfish ideals. Tom and Sabine both had been reluctant, and that was putting it mildly, to take her in reaffirming the fact that they had wanted no children. Although, their empathy ultimately won as her sister told her she would put Marinette up for adoption or even leave her homeless, alone to fend for herself.
It had come as a surprise to both Damian and Marinette who had actually reconciled after getting off on the wrong foot, but it didn’t stop the occasional glares or the brusque and impatient nature of Damian. However, Marinette had been too blinded by her crush on the cinnamon roll for her to realise that his iciness hadn’t completely thawed. Sure, he could tolerate her but he didn’t necessarily like her. He just put up with her because she was acquainted with Agreste, which led to many many third wheeling situations like now.
“I- Would you like to me out go? I mean me out you? I mean go out with me? On Sunday?” He actually had the audacity to snicker at her being tongue tied but a small part of him wanted her to get rejected. He liked their dynamic as it was, there was no need to complicate it with stupid feelings. The atmosphere felt tense and awkward, both things he had no idea how to deal with so he waited on the doorsteps of the rose garden’s entrance, which was a terribly cliché place to confess. If he knew Agreste, Marinette would come running with tears streaming down her face in
There she came, her steps thundering down the narrow pathway as leaves and thorns entangled themselves in her hair. And if he knew Dupain-Cheng, she’d tell him the reason behind her tears in
“He rejected me. He called me Piggy. It’s alright if you say it but it hurt when he did, it hurt. Do you think he said no because I’m not pretty or skinny enough?” She whined, pounding her puny fists against his chest.
‘Damn it, why couldn’t it be Grayson? He was always more suited to dealing with emotions than I ever was.’ He awkwardly patted her hair, humming a tune his mother would sing to him before she disappeared. It always seemed to soothe him and even when he hated Drake, he’d begrudgingly admit that he calmed him down when he was being bratty but never catty.
‘That word is reserved exclusively for Selina.’ He shuddered at the thought of being so closely linked to Catwoman.
‘Never again. Never. Again.’
“What’s never again?”
“You were muttering it pretty hard under your breath.”
‘Yeah and you switched from upset to bubbly but ain’t nobody questioning you.’
“Uh yeah. I meant no boy will make you cry ever again except for me. And if they do, I’ll come right over and make you smile.” What was he saying? Why wouldn’t he just shut up? Now she’d think he was serious and she probably wouldn’t stop pestering him about it.
“Promise?” she cooed; her doe-eyes narrowed owlishly at him.
“Promise.” Man, he hated being caught off guard. It made him do some admittedly stupid things. Stupid, illegal things although in his defence, when was he not doing something illegal. It was literally his defining element and didn’t each boy who made Ma-Dupain-Cheng cry know it. Adrien had been lucky to escape with a tiny bruise on his forearm because of Marinette’s pleas, but he’d spare him no mercy next time.
In the span of six months, he had had more social interactions with Dupain-Cheng-the name was becoming such a mouthful that he considered calling her Marinette- than he had had in his entire life span. However, his presence was made redundant in the last 3 years as he hadn’t gotten any indication that she was still alive. No texts, no impromptu 3am calls, no nothing. She’d disappeared without a trace and whilst he felt relieved to be rid of his persistent acquaintance, he missed the fun and chaos they’d create.
With her unbridled creativity and his cunning and quick wit, none of his family were any match for them. They’d hide in vents, find secret passageways, watch security and not once would their whereabouts be detected. But now, he had no partner, no alibi and no one to build a pillow for with him. It seemed so childish but it was comfortable and alleviated the stress and pressure on him, giving him a chance to regress back to a childlike mentality. One he never experienced even after he broke free from the League’s clutches.
Even when Marinette despised him, she’d still soothe him when the memories became too vivid which was her biggest flaw but one of her redeeming qualities. She had no reason to help him, there was nothing to gain from his former arrogant egotistical ten-year-old self but she still voluntarily to calm him down.
When he would have trouble breathing, she’d stay with him, helping him even out his heart rate. When he would tussle with the sheets at sleepovers, she would lie awake with him, huddling herself closer to him before humming a sweet yet sharp harmony, lulling him to sleep. He would occasionally feel the light kiss on his forehead but was completely oblivious to Marinette slipping from his grasp.
She’d be sprawled on the floor near to him, looking tense and completely uncomfortable and yet she’d have a semblance of a smile etched across her face. He always had found it quite foolish but secretly endearing.
He'd been ignorant to think that she’d always be that close to him Always there to give him a much-needed hug even if he wrestled out of embrace. That she’d always be that close to him, running to him at his beck and call. The bleak reality slapped him across the cheek. The dwindling conversation was evidence enough that she’d be glad to finally be rid of him. He heard from Adrien that she had still been in contact with him regularly enough to know the ins and outs of her situation. He genuinely thought she was dead, although it was becoming more increasingly clear that she was wilfully ignoring him. Which stung. A lot.
Five years ago, Marinette was a bawling mess in Damian's arm. Three years ago, she had last heard from Damian. He seemed as though he was bored of their conversations yet Adrien had been telling her otherwise.
Adrien, Adrien, Adrien. The boy was oblivious as ever, even going as far to budge her in Damian’s direction.
‘Pfft! Damian, he’s blunt as hell but too nice for his own good. He’s cold yet he shows more empathy than everyone else I know. He’s warm and his hair is to die for. I love how soft it is when it’s not gelled back. But even if he is all that, Adrien’s held my heart for all these years and I’m not going to let some fluttering feelings, that Damian probably doesn’t return, ruin all my progress.’
Her progress consisted on growing out of her shell (and growing out her hair), experimenting new outfits and lip gloss. Plus, she learnt how to cook meals and bake pastries with her parents so that was a great thing that came out from those years of isolation. She’d also lost some weight and had been cutting back on the carbs, so when she had landed back in Gotham, she had been shocked to see a pile of high carb, fatty foods awaiting her. Her arms itched to try one and she was quite tempted to delve right in for old times’ sake but the look her aunt gave her stopped her short. A smug smirk, a haughty scoff and the condescending shake of the head was enough to send Marinette out without lunch. Oh well. She could always pinch some off of someone else.
Behind her, she could hear snippets of two distinctly female voices.
“Ugh... fat ass. Skirts too short.”
“Attention seeker.”
‘No, I’m not.’
‘Please, not again.’
“Rip it off. She’s practically parading around in her knickers anyways.”
‘Please just, leave me alone.’
She could hear their footsteps and their heavy breathing before blood-curdling squeals ripped through the air.
“IT’S DAMIAN WAYNE!” They shrieked, making her spin around in a daze. Surely it couldn’t be who they thought it was. They were just mistaken. Because, there was no way that this dude towering over her was the same guy who was incredibly shorter than her years ago. It couldn’t be. The guy with a jawline that was sharper than glass couldn’t be the same baby-faced Damian she knew. But the thing that caught her off guard was the mischievous gleam in his glowing green eyes. She’d recognise his beautiful eyes anywhere.
“What do you have to say for yourselves?” So that was new. His rather high-pitched tone replaced by a soothing baritone bass. It had been enough to send her into a trance but she was shocked out of her stupor when she felt a tug on her arm.
“Careful idiot. You nearly walked straight into traffic and you don’t want to turn into roadkill now.” He hissed. She could feel the pout on her face and the light flush of her cheeks at his proximity but willed herself to march on.
“You’re fine,” said one of the girls, trailing her finger down his chest. Marinette could feel her stomach churn in embarrassment plus jealousy and stopped in her tracks to rescue Damian from an awkward situation.
“That’s not what I asked though. Are you not going to apologise?”
“To who?”
“To her. You just insulted her for no reason and you’re tryna walk away.”
“Sorry.” They huffed before flashing strained smiles at Damian. They would have left if it wasn’t for Marinette’s intervention. And it was a sassy one at that.
“Last time I checked you insulted me. But it sounded like you were apologising to Pretty Boy over there. Aren’t you gonna say sorry to me or were you just being insincere?"
“We’re sorry.” They chorused after a few pointed glares from Damian yet that didn’t stop them from muttering the word ‘bitch' under their breath as they walked away.
“Hey Mary, you short stack how you been doing? Haven’t seen you for 5 years and of course you stopped speaking to me for about 3 but, hey, we move.”
“Actually, I thought you didn’t want to chat with me anymore so I stopped. And did your Dad force you to attend every ‘slang lesson' available because you actually talk like you’re genuinely our age. And Damian, learn my name. It’s been 5 years and you’ve said every variation of names that aren’t mine.”
“But how else are we gonna have our inside jokes.”
“By firstly using something funny. And remove your hand from around my shoulder, people are going to assume we’re dating. Especially with how fickle everyone here is.”
“I mean is there really a problem with us dating?” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Yes, you know I love Adrien. We can’t give him the wrong idea about us.”
“I forgot, I promised that I’d help tutor the exchange student, Lila Rossi, I think. I’ll see you later?” And with that he slunk off, which in all honesty was pretty weird. Damian offering to help a random person? It sounded like more of an excuse. But she had to find Adrien first. To show him how much she’d changed. She’d dyed her hair to an inky black with tints of blue, gotten her ears pierced and actually wore skirts and dresses now. She’d savour his shocked pikachu face for ever with how speechless he’d be.
When she was about to wander the yard when she saw his blonde mop of hair glitter in the sunlight. She moved from an idle stroll to a brisk walk before breaking out into a sprint. But the sight in front of her made her blood boil as she heard Adrien scream...
“Hey, Piggy!” He had pulled a person, who was obviously not her, into a hug before gazing admiringly into their eyes. Eyes which were slightly prettier than hers. Well, it was always better to blend into the background or at least that’s what she told herself.
It didn’t explain the churning in her stomach, the tears pricking the corners of her eyes or the fact she’d choked on her spit.
What the hell was going on?!
Lila Rossi and Marinette don't know each other, but it was convenient to use her in this situation.
This is also separate from Twisted Fate.
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tiny-maus-boots · 5 years
Wild West AU pt 5
A/N: I dunno why. Blame @lilhan. There is Bechloe and there is Staubrey. If you’re not into one or the other or either please run far away. Thank you. I own nothing. Generic disclaimers. Please enjoy.
A/N: Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be found on Ao3 and thank you to @chloes-yellow-cup for doing the thing with the posting and all that stuff.
It was quiet around the Caverns as Beca saddled her horse, King snuffled at her shoulder blowing her hair back and she laughed despite the heaviness in her chest. Beca rested her head against his neck as she stroked his shoulder. Chloe led her horse forward and leaned against a wooden pillar just watching as Beca straightened up to tighten the straps before turning around to face her mate with a tight lipped smile. “I’m ready.” It was about as much as she said all morning. Chloe hadn’t pushed her and she was grateful for it but she knew she had say something at some point. “The girls already head out?”
Chloe reached out to pet King’s nose before answering. “Yeah, Stacie rode out with her tail between her legs and Bree was hot on her heels looking more surly than usual.” Beca’s lips twitched in a slight smile at the annoyed tone of Chloe’s voice. The protective streak was endearing and Beca reached to tug on the sleeve of Chloe’s duster letting her mate know that Beca appreciated her. “We can find another way you know. We don’t need him, Bec.”
Beca led King out of the stable before she reached up and hauled herself into the saddle. “It’s a lot Chlo. I dunno how I feel about it. Him.” She had loved him once, or as close to love as she knew at the time. They had been a team and his betrayal had cut her deeply, much more deeply than she ever imagined it would. It wasn’t just that he had let go of her hand and left her to the mercy of a posse, he hadn’t even been waiting for her when they got back. For a long time it kept her from trusting anyone else and now he was suddenly thrust upon them again, unwanted and unexpected.
Chloe hoisted herself into the saddle and clucked her tongue at her horse, settling into the easy cantering pace. “Well I sure know how I feel about ‘im.” Beca gave a half chuckling nod of acknowledgement. She knew exactly how Chloe felt about him and given the opportunity she was sure her mate would draw down on Jesse without batting an eye. Beca kept pace and her silence until they had a few miles under the hoof. When they were just shy of their spot she slowed her horse to a trot and let her shoulders drop.
“It’s not that I love him still. You know that, you’ve got all of me.” Chloe matched Beca’s trot and gave a slight nod of her head. She did know it and she didn’t question the fact in the slightest. Chloe understood how complicated it must be for Beca.
“Never even a question, Cowgirl.” She offered Beca a wink before jerking her chin at the entrance to a boxy canyon. They slipped in one by one, the trickle of water from a sluggish stream splashing up under their horses as they trotted out into the valley. Aubrey and Stacie were watering their horses a bit upstream and Beca pulled King to a halt near them. Stacie scratched at her ear and kicked at a loose stone as Beca and Chloe dismounted. She looked like she had something she wanted to say but Beca didn’t really need to hear it. She knew it wasn’t meant to hurt her, it just was what it was.
Beca let her horse drop his head to the cool water, tying his reins off on the trunk of twisted knotty tree that had fallen over long ago. “Beca, look I’m real sorry about bringing it up. I should have thought it through…” Beca raised a hand and shook her head to forestall more of an apology from her tall friend.
“S’Okay Stace. I know you didn’t bring it up for shits and giggles. Maybe when the girls get here we’ll come up with something else.” Something better that didn’t involve her having to face Jesse for the first time in years. Aubrey made a rumble of dissent and raised a flask to her lips to take a long pull, wiping at her chin with the back of a gloved hand. Aubrey wasn’t by any means a saint but she was as good a Christian woman as she could be given what she had left behind, so she wasn’t prone to much drinking and certainly not during the day. Beca and Chloe shared a brief look, each as confused as the other.
Aubrey took a deep breath and let it out slowly, one hand came up to idly scratch at the long scar on her face. Over the years Beca had come to realize that it was one of Aubrey’s tells. She touched it when she felt vulnerable and small and watching her do it now unsettled every last one of them. Stacie focused her intense gaze on Aubrey, noting every twitch of movement that crossed Aubrey’s face. “Bree?”
“The damned Army is in Penitence.” They took a collective breath at that, Chloe shaking her head with a sigh. It was to be expected really since they did technically steal gold intended for the Federal Reserve. Twice. She just didn’t understand why Aubrey was so bothered by the news that the Army would be interested in getting it back. Stacie frowned and took a step closer to Aubrey, gently pulling her hand away from her face so that she could tip Aubrey’s chin up.
Aubrey took a breath then swallowed but couldn’t seem to look away. “I’ve seen you stare an Army regulation Gatling dead in the face and laugh. You gonna tell me what’s so big it’s got ya spooked?”
Beca reached out blindly and met Chloe’s hand, giving it a squeeze for reassurance. “Avery’s with them.” It dropped between them like a lead weight and the air rushed out of Beca’s lungs. Avery Posen was the devil’s son. There was but a heartbeat before Stacie turned on a heel to stride to her horse, one foot already hooked in the stirrup to haul herself up. Beca reacted first, pushing herself between Stacie and Rowdy trying to block her friend from a ridiculously disastrous course of action. The taller woman roughly shoved Beca out of her way and hauled herself up into the saddle.
Stacie tried to back her horse up to get around them but Beca gripped Rowdy’s bridle in her hand. “Let. Me. Go.” Chloe scooted behind Beca and grabbed the other side, holding his head steady and making it harder for Stacie to fight it without seriously hurting someone. Not that she didn’t still try.
“Stacie stop! STOP!” Beca winced at the echo of Chloe’s shout as it bounced off the canyon walls. She didn’t dare let go of her grip on Rowdy and watched Stacie warily. Aubrey had dropped her flask from nerveless fingers and stood frozen in mute horror of the idea of Stacie going after her brother. Her lips moved but her words were barely more than a choked whisper.
“Please don’t leave me…” It was more than just a plea to stay. If Stacie rode out now she was sure to die. Standing against one man was easy, standing against an army? That was a horse of a different color all together. “I can’t Stace…I can’t without you.” Aubrey’s tanned face turned a stricken gray her eyes dim making her look more lost than Beca had ever seen.
Beca felt her heart rise to her throat, threatening to choke her with the depth of hurt in those words. She caught Chloe’s eye and swallowed thickly. If anything ever happened to Chloe they might as well put her down like a bull gone wrong. She felt the echo of Aubrey’s pain stir inside of her and she had to take a second to blink back the sudden rise of hot prickling tears. She had lost Jesse and it had hurt but she never really stopped living, or being, she just kept moving forward. It settled inside her chest with a calming weight despite the fact that watching Aubrey broken at the mere thought tore at her heart something fierce because she understood it. She couldn’t without Chloe either.
Chloe snapped when it looked like Stacie might try to kick her way free and pulled her gun, the hammer cocking back before the barrel was fully out of the holster. She took one shot to the sky and leveled it right at Stacie’s face. “Damnit Stace, stop!”
“You’re not gonna shoot me Chlo.” Stacie scoffed at the idea of it but she didn’t dare take her eyes from the steady steel pointing straight at her. Beca’s girl might be soft and cuddly but she was hard when she had to be and right now she had to be. The gun lowered and Chloe pressed the tip to Stacie’s foot then raised a challenging brow.
“Ya got 9 others give or take depending on how stupid you decide to be. Look at her. Just look! Look at her and tell me your way is better.”
Stacie tossed her head in disbelief and looked over her shoulder to Aubrey. Her face crumbled and her shoulders bowed under the sudden weight of guilt when she realized what she was doing to her partner. Stacie let the reins drop from her fingers and carefully swung a leg over so she could dismount. Beca sighed softly in relief and let go of the horse’s head so she could move in closer to Chloe’s comforting warmth. When she was close enough to cling to Aubrey buried her face in Stacie’s neck, hands balling in Stacie’s shirt with a slight tremor. The taller woman murmured soft apologies as she cradled her mate close to her chest, her eyes soft in apology when she gazed over at Beca and Chloe.
Chloe holstered her gun, fingers lingering on the butt as if she itched to use it still and Beca knew the desire for vengeance ran through them all. Regardless, this new information had to be weighed carefully, had to be considered from all the angles. Beca half leaned into Rowdy’s shoulder and brought her harp to her lips, twanging idly as turned it over in her mind. Chloe gave her a regretful smile and tipped her head. They needed Jesse and his boys, there was no other option as best as she could see. Beca let the harp drop to her chest and nodded her head in agreement. Chloe moved forward to stroke down Aubrey’s back soothingly. “So the way I see it we have two options. Cut our losses, call in our favors and hide or run until we can make our way up north to new territory to plunder until we have what we need to move on. Or we can pony up with our old outfit and plow down anything that gets in our way. I’m not so much for the former myself but we should all have a say because where one goes we all go.”
Aubrey gave Chloe a slight nod, her hand finding her friend’s with a warm squeeze. “I agree with Chloe. We can tuck tail and run up north but the Army will be after us still and whoever else we cross along the way. We chose this mark so we could use the gold to buy us new lives, seems a shame and a sin to give it up for getting caught somewhere else.”
Beca watched as Stacie gave a short nod of agreement. There wasn’t much to be said but she figured she had better cast her vote as well. “Then it’s unanimous for the border, anyone gets in our way we send them to hell and I hope to God that swine of a brother of yours plants himself in our path.” Stace raised her eyes to Beca and gave her a nod and slow smirk that meant she was going to kill Avery whether he got in their way or not. Beca didn’t rightly mind that plan so she gave a wink to Stacie letting her know she was on board for that. “Good now let’s just focus on one thing at a time for now. How are we getting Emmy through with supplies with Cox’s men circling around searching for us?” There were only so many options and all of them left Emily in a wagon full of supplies in plain view of any interested eye.
Stacie looked over her shoulder and then pointed to a cleft in the wall that hid a deep cave they’d used on more than one occasion to hide out and heal up. “Let’s go for a walk. It’s better if I show you.” The leggy brunette took the lead ushering them through the craggy face. Beca stopped just inside to let her eyes adjust to the dark even though she knew the interior well enough to walk it with her eyes closed. Someone struck flint with their knife and used it to light a few lanterns stashed with the emergency supplies. Beca blinked at the warm yellow glow when Aubrey handed her the lantern and moved to light another. “Where exactly are we going?”
Stacie shouldered a bug out bag on her shoulder and gestured to the lowest hole in the back wall. “About six miles up through there. It goes down a bit and gets a little tight in places but it goes all the way through the mountain. Comes out at the Old Crow Mine.”
Chloe peered into the darkness dubiously. “Didn’t that mine close because of a collapse?” Stacie chuckled and hefted a coil of rope in her other hand.
“Yeap. Didn’t take much to clear it and shore the supports. Even still has the old track runnin’ through the main vein.”
Beca gave a half laugh. “Train track huh? Exactly how long have you been working on this escape plan of yours?”
“Since you got caught in El Paso.” Beca grumbled under her breath and rubbed one butt cheek that she swore still had buckshot in it. Well. If they managed to pull this off it might be nice not having to worry about get shot or stabbed. Or caught. A thing that happened far too frequently for Beca’s liking. A tight smile crossed her face and snorted.
“Well then g’wan lead the way, this is your rodeo.”
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