#yall i die for her and halle period
sheseuph · 3 years
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embarrasingly sacrificed a lot of study time to do this. wish i did more. i would say im proud of this :,) <3 chloe <3
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Royalties Soundtrack Listening Event | Darren Criss Chat (July 7th, 2020)
Darren Criss 18:02:04
wait ha
Darren Criss 18:02:08
sorry yall
Darren Criss 18:02:12
this is confusing me of course
Darren Criss 18:02:29
this is new for me too friends
Darren Criss 18:02:45
well i'm here but I can't hear shit so gimme a sec
Darren Criss 18:04:00
well I'll just keep typing here guys
Darren Criss 18:04:04
Darren Criss 18:04:07
Darren Criss 18:04:15
i'm tryin
Darren Criss 18:04:57
What was your favorite song to write for the show?
They each were really fun so that's hard to say but Hate That I Need You surprised the hell outta me
Darren Criss 18:05:30
darren non capisco un cazzo
anchio pero sti cazzi siamo qui
Darren Criss 18:05:49
point and laugh at darren
yes let's laugh at him
Darren Criss 18:06:18
You inspired me to write my own songs 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
thanks for writing the first positive thing I've seen on this. That's wonderful! I hope to hear them!
Darren Criss 18:06:43
clo :)
i love that we are all grandparents when it comes to this
thank you for using the appropriate WE pronouns ha yeah this shit is confusing
Darren Criss 18:08:44
Darren how do you deal with stage fright .... i’ve been preforming in front of people for a while and i i still get scared . Does it ever go away ?
i guess it depends on how big the crowd is. everybody's different but I will say any kind of fright means you care, which is a good thing! Also the thing people forget about performing, for the most part, is you can't SEE the audience, most of the time they're in the dark. That's why performing for friends or in a small space where you can see everyone is much more nerve-racking
Darren Criss 18:08:57
Darren can we have a royalties tour once rona is over???
wouldn't that be fun!
Darren Criss 18:09:15
darren can you start streaming on twitch please haha i love you
ha can't compete with King Urie man
Darren Criss 18:10:06
Darren, I know it’s all weird right now, but do you have any idea when we might see Nerdy Prudes Must Die?
what a good question. I have no idea but I've been wanting to see that show for almost as long as I've wanted to make Royalties. The boys have been talking about that one for a while now.
Darren Criss 18:10:16
Can you like respond .
like yeah
Darren Criss 18:10:27
has Darren even said anything on this?
nope nothing
Darren Criss 18:12:39
Did you write each of the songs with the performers in mind or did you cast them afterwards?
great question. Except for "Also You," which was written with Jackie Tohn for Jackie Tohn, we had no idea who would sing each song. I did the demos for almost all of them and then we had to pitch actors/artists to see if they'd be interested... which wasn't as hard (luckily) as seeing if they were AVAILABLE... which many weren't given the short time we had to make the show. Hopefully we can get some of those folks on for the next season IF THEY'LL LET US HAVE ONE!
Darren Criss 18:13:52
darren royalties is so good i'm fucking proud of you
thanks for watching it, truly. I know the Quibi thing is strange for people so I appreciate you giving it all a chance : )
Darren Criss 18:14:04
Caitlyn A :)
if you see this kick your shoes off
I would but no shoes
Darren Criss 18:14:27
come to the uk challenge
god i wish.
Darren Criss 18:15:39
damn someone said "travel to UK challenge" and I meant to respond "find a vaccine challenge"
Darren Criss 18:17:08
i can't hear any of these songs but I"m just gonna start saying random shit about them
Darren Criss 18:17:16
first off, i really wanted a theme song
Darren Criss 18:17:23
that was a whole thing
Darren Criss 18:19:18
Had to cut through a lot of red tape to make sure we had that silly song in there. We were already in the middle of post production when I finally got it approved, but it had to be under 15 seconds. I wrote 3 diff versions. So glad it ended up working. Theme songs accomplish so much in such a short period of time. Establishes tone. Gives the audience an almost Pavlovian response to the familiarity of the characters... I'm happy with it
Darren Criss 18:20:12
also the "doo doo doo" lyrics are meant to sound like "scratch vocals" when songwriters record vocals with temporary gibberish lyrics with the intent of filling them in with real ones later
Darren Criss 18:22:29
Just That Good was a concept that started the entire 1st season, and it was one of those instant-songs where Nick and Matt told me the title and I immediately had the hook just from those words. That only happens every once in a while and I was so happy it did for that song. The tricky part was writing the rest of it, but the back half of the song with the chorus repeating that one refrain over and over- that was the melody from the get go
Darren Criss 18:23:08
I'll get back to Break it In, kick your shoes/let your hair, and kong later... i'll just go off on this one
Darren Criss 18:23:48
so I wanted to nod to the grandeur of everyone's favorite vampire elf, Jared Leto
Darren Criss 18:24:05
not HIM specifically, but 30 seconds to mars' very BIG music videos
Darren Criss 18:24:29
i dont jared is a buncha self centered nutcases like our guys in SWITCHBACK JACKET
Darren Criss 18:24:37
* i don't think Jared... 
Darren Criss 18:25:38
anyway yeah "so much better..." comes from a lot of the 90s alt rock that I grew up on, and the mix of that sound with a bit of electronic production was an effort to contemportize it as much as possible
Darren Criss 18:26:26
but the rhythm guitar, lots of power chords and high octaves were all harkening to my fave bands like Lit and Eve 6... but put through a strange bizzaro nickleback/creed performance filter
Darren Criss 18:26:55
"make you come true" is obviously a very salacious play on words
Darren Criss 18:28:27
so the only way to make it feel earnest is if we made the track itself sexy as possible. A lot of the songs, even without being written, leant themselves to a certain genre just by the title, and this one was kind of a no-brainer. Sexy mid tempo r&b. And I didn't even know we'd get Jordan Fisher to do it- who SMASHED the vocal.
Darren Criss 18:29:42
it's different every time but for this show specifically it's always title/idea first, and then the song comes from there. But that's because we're writing a show, so we have the luxury of getting to write from a specific place. It's much harder to do that in your own life when you just want to pull a title/idea from your own experience of life. I commend people that do that all the time.
Darren Criss 18:30:06
what's NUTS about prizefighter is...
Darren Criss 18:30:24
it was originally a song called LONG RANGER that BONNIE MCKEE sang, who I wrote the song with
Darren Criss 18:30:38
and in the video we had CHRISSY TIEGEN lipsynching
Darren Criss 18:30:44
it was bananas
Darren Criss 18:31:26
we ultimately couldn't use the song because of some complicated writers shit- not too dissimilar from the things we explore in our own show, which is just totally ironic.
Darren Criss 18:32:56
we were so bummed that we couldn't use the song but I'm actually really really happy with PRIZEFIGHTER. I love the song, and I love how it turned out production wise. I love how much of a massive influence latin x rhythms have had across the entire spectrum of mainstream music, so I wanted try my own hand at nodding to it!
Darren Criss 18:33:08
Lara :)!
Ahhhhh so was that the pilot song you were talking about last week?
that's the one
Darren Criss 18:33:45
You have inspired me to learn piano I already know how to play teanage dream now
you can thank Bonnie Mckee aka Kimmy Kelly for writing that song!
Darren Criss 18:34:01
ok then there's the k pop song
Darren Criss 18:34:08
honestly i had no idea where I was gonna start on this one
Darren Criss 18:34:22
full props to the brilliant CJ Baran who I wrote this song with
Darren Criss 18:34:39
we were just toying around with very industrial-sounding samples
Darren Criss 18:35:21
and I started singing Edvard Grieg's "in the hall of the mountain king"
Darren Criss 18:35:33
and he was the guy that was like YEAH JUST PUT IT IN THERE
Darren Criss 18:35:46
and i realized, oh yeah, that song is public domain
Darren Criss 18:35:59
and kinda ties perfectly to the nature of Elia Peck and his songwriting... huh.
Darren Criss 18:36:05
So we went for it from there.
Darren Criss 18:36:17
based the lyrics off of what the Neals say in the room.
Darren Criss 18:36:34
and then just wrote a bunch of ALMOST nonense lyrics about things that you could HATE that you NEED
Darren Criss 18:36:40
things like available wifi...
Darren Criss 18:37:01
artistinal mai-tais.... yeah I guess if you really really liked those you could HATE that you NEED them...
Darren Criss 18:37:04
etc etc
Darren Criss18:38:16
but the idea was to have Mariam Hale's character hardly do ANYTHING on the track, since she, as the audience sees, doesn't really have much to offer... so we just built it around this huge track with crazy lyrics that just tees up a tag for her to say without even having to sing: I HATE THAT I NEED YOU
Darren Criss18:38:43
I have classes in 10 minutes, and I'm not leaving until you dedicate a Royalties song to me.
looks like you're gonna miss calss
Darren Criss 18:39:09
"calss" ha. which is like "class" but like... different.
Darren Criss 18:39:32
Darren Criss 18:39:38
i really love this song as well
Darren Criss 18:40:02
the reveal of this song is that they keep talking about this "perfect song" they've written
Darren Criss 18:40:26
in other words we're teeing up a pretty big expectation of what a perfect song could possibly sound like
Darren Criss 18:40:36
the reveal of course is that the song itself is in fact just called "perfect song"
Darren Criss 18:40:43
which is ABOUT a perfect song
Darren Criss 18:41:07
and about TRYING TO WRITE a perfect song, and how that's not necessary when you have someone that IS the perfect song
Darren Criss 18:41:20
when we wrapped our heads around that idea, I really loved it 
Darren Criss 18:42:10
you'll notice we reference a lot of incredible songs, almost citing them as perfect songs themselves
Darren Criss 18:42:14
ain't no mountain high enough
Darren Criss 18:42:55
of course leonard cohen's seminal Hallelujah
Darren Criss 18:44:05
and of course Britney's Oops I Did It Again ha ;)
Darren Criss 18:45:00
the Oops being a layered joke of being annoyed with oneself that they AGAIN unwittingly wrote a lyric for already massive song, but in doing so citing yet ANOTHER already massive song... if that makes any sense
Darren Criss 18:45:27
sorry for the typos yall i'm moving fast, i'd never let this shit slide if it wasn't a casual chatroom vibe
Darren Criss 18:46:37
Did you know you wanted there to be a romantic thing between pierce and Sara?? :))))
yes that was actually our original "pilot presentation" episode. the one with the song LONE RANGER and Chrissy Tiegen. It was a longer version of what would become episode 7. We THINK it's a romantic thing but you realize that Sara is just playing Pierce to get the song she needs. That was always the premise yes.
Darren Criss 18:46:51
if you reply with a single dot I'd probably die
then I better steer clear of any dots
Darren Criss 18:47:04
ALSO YOU was an amazing lightning in a bottle moment
Darren Criss 18:47:09
Darren Criss 18:47:22
i always enjoy giving credit where credit is due
Darren Criss 18:48:24
and I came in pretty hot for most of the songs- concepts, chords, style... but this one literally was a simple as Jackie Sitting down and just playing "It's you I love but also you and also you and also you."
Darren Criss 18:48:37
we all just looked at each other going, welp, yup, that's it, jackie you fuckin rule
Darren Criss 18:49:28
the song would have ended up very differently if she hadn't brought that to the table. the original episode and song was "one true loves" which isn't nearly as good of a gag/title as "also you"
Darren Criss 18:49:50
i ended up squeezing "one true loves" into the bridge, but of course, kept ALSO YOU as the main event
Darren Criss 18:50:02
i will say I was also trying to spoof my brother's old band, FREELANCE WHALES a little bit
Darren Criss 18:50:26
if you guys know the song "generator first floor" where they sing ay ay ay ay ay a lot...
Darren Criss 18:50:35
... as a lot of bands and songs had featured at the time...
Darren Criss 18:51:00
i wanted to put them all in one joke. where a band sang not only hey hey hey but ay and EE and AYE and OH and basically all the vowels
Darren Criss 18:51:10
which was where the joke of,
Darren Criss 18:51:20
a, e, i, o, and also u
Darren Criss 18:51:21
came from
Darren Criss 18:51:32
which i'm particularly proud of
Darren Criss 18:51:56
ok let's talk about BREAK IT IN
Darren Criss 18:54:16
I’m a musician myself (not that great lol) what was it like coming up with the melodic side did you play any instruments for the songs?
i played instruments on all the songs except Break It In and I Hate That I Need You, since those were all electronic. That's not to say i played EVERY instrument but I definitely played AN instrument of some kind for the others.
Darren Criss 18:55:34
as for break it in... anyway... yeah that was a blast. Nick Lang and I collaborated with my buddy Kendo who goes by the artist name KingJet.
Darren Criss 18:56:54
Kendo has worked on a lot of legit songs in the hip hop space. For each song I wanted to make sure there was a level of authenticity to what we were doing. I didn't wanna SPOOF the songs. I wanted the songs to sound rock solid and that it would be the LYRICAL CONCEPTS that would be the source of satire. So Kendo was a great guiding light to keep the track as authentic as possible.
Darren Criss 18:59:47
We explained to Kendo the whole joke concept of the song, which is basically just turning the idea of toxic masculinity on its head, and he was on top of it immediately- when we told him that there's this guy that's really concerned that people think he "fucks too soft" he immediately started spitting out lyrics like the hilariously defiant "I'm the KING OF THE HARD FUCK"
Darren Criss 19:00:35
which just killed me and Nick. It was just so juvenile that it was adorable to me
Darren Criss 19:00:57
Darren you’ve been here for an hour? That’s the length of royalties man xxx
yeah aint it great
Darren Criss 19:02:21
sophie :)
i personally think you should try your hand at writing a drill song, a british genre of rap that centres around rapping unrelated lyrics in front of chicken shops, personally think it has the right tone for the show for a season two
drill would be siq. I mean, opening the incredible pandora's box of UK based hip hop in general is its own magical wormhole of nuance and history and regional culture. it's amazing. i'd really have to do some homework if I wanted to pull that off!
Darren Criss 19:02:49
he’s talking again guys be worried he might write another essay
ok sorry i'll stop
Darren Criss 19:02:51
Darren Criss 19:03:03
he’s talking again guys be worried he might write another essay
Darren Criss 19:03:39
when darren actually cares about us 🥺
awww i always do! I just wasn't built for internet stuff.
Darren Criss 19:04:20
speaking of nick how was it to work with nick??
the best. Nick is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
Darren Criss 19:04:51
chloe :)!
what would be ur karaoke song choice from the show?
mighty as kong
Darren Criss 19:07:32
How much music theory goes into your songwriting? And did you learn all of it from playing the violin? In what way does it go into your songs?
all GREAT questions. I mean, music theory isn't something you CONSCIOUSLY employ when writing something, it's just that it really helps to know the rules or music when shaping it and trying to maximize its production. And as a matter of fact, yeah, I DID learn most of it playing violin. But when I was playing violin I was ingesting music from the perspective of a student ingesting information, not as a proactive creator putting anything of my own out into the world.
Darren Criss 19:08:07
Honestly I really didn't start UNDERSTANDING music theory until I started writing music for other people, and noticing certain things and chords and shapes had names and that they could be manipulated to accomplish certain things
Darren Criss 19:08:35
so most of my academic musical knowledge came in my 20s when I tried to start doing it professionally
Darren Criss 19:08:52
first instrument you ever learnt?
Darren Criss 19:09:07
I'm castin' my love net wide And fillin' every hole in my schedule
ha love that line
Darren Criss 19:09:29
Darren are you a big queen fan ( the band lol ) 😂
is the pope catholic
Darren Criss 19:12:00
Now its available, would you change anything?
jesus so much. but such is the nature of creating stuff. there's a great Hayao Miyazaki quote about always having to make new stuff to escape the woe of all the mistakes you made in your last thing... I mean, that's a bit extreme, I feel like we did the best we could given the circumstance but I totally get where Miyazaki is coming from. And in many ways that's everything we do in life. Do your best, know what you coulda done better and carry on
Darren Criss 19:12:36
who or what was your biggest inspiration growing up
the beatles. the uk. the 60s.
Darren Criss 19:13:02
Your first original song was "Not Alone". I'm right?
no it was actually a song i wrote in the third grade when I got a guitar for Christmas called "Save The Whales"
Darren Criss 19:14:29
Darren I need an answer it’s been annoying me for days. So was everyone fucking everyone in Pierces old band or was she just fucking everyone seperately??
ha that's a really great question. I figured she was just fucking everyone individually, which is why the band was so contentious but then again I'd rather let your imagination run wild...
Darren Criss 19:15:29
Darren, I love your taste in music. You should share your personal playlists ... bc everybody needs to know phantom planet 😉
if i actually shared my tastes in music, or actually shared the amount of stuff in my brain at the rate that I want to share, I would never work on or create anything because i would constantly be on the internet and you'd all be over me if you weren't already
Darren Criss 19:16:01
But yes, thank you for saying that, I love me my phantom planet oh so very much :)
Darren Criss 19:16:18
could you please answer me I don't speak English and I'm putting ALL my effort into asking you questions I'm going to cry
wow your english is actually pretty great
Darren Criss 19:17:08
I'd like to write a song with Howard Ashman
Darren Criss 19:17:23
Was kick your shoes off inspired by your Hedwig shoes?
nah cuz that shit was actually comfy
Darren Criss 19:17:55
i skipped my clarinet class because of you for the third time :) what can i say to my teacher?
that Darren says you should have gone to clarinet class!!!
Darren Criss 19:18:34
Could you please answer me. We’ve supported you for years from the uk and we’re staying up for this but it’s totally worth it because you’re amazing!! Molly x
I wish so bad I could go to the UK!
Darren Criss 19:20:01
FUCK someone asked about Sam Farrar and I wanted to answer it but it disappeared... Sam is a homie. one of my very first songwriting sessions was with him and a very famous member of the pop universe... who if I get a season two, I'm putting in the show.
Darren Criss 19:22:00
what other instruments would you like to learn in the future?
i just need to spend time trying to get better at the ones I've plateaued with. I feel like I got as good as I'd ever get on the guitar when i was like 19. So I've been trying to get better during the Quarantine. Picked up my violin and dusted off that Vivaldi, started doing drum rudiments on my drum pad, and started learning new licks and scales for guitar. Stuff I never got round to doing.
Darren Criss 19:22:27
mr. criss sir, what is your top quarantine activity?
playing music
Darren Criss 19:23:26
actually lies. top quarantine activity is learning Japanese. 30 minutes a day. And it's been several months. Almost got Hiragana down, still got a few characters I'm questionable with but with any luck I'll start up on Katakana in the next few weeks.
Darren Criss 19:23:40
What about working with Mark hamill ? Insane right
you said it
Darren Criss 19:23:54
Any updates on American Buffalo? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
it's opening next year!
Darren Criss 19:24:09
for the record this is really fun I'm enjoying this guys
Darren Criss 19:26:26
How different is it doing a show like Royalties where you're heavily involved in the creative process compared to other projects you've done in the past?
i'd say night and day but that's an understatement. When I did Glee all I had to do was act in scenes, record songs, and go to dance rehearsal. With Royalties, it's that AND casting, doing pre production, post production, notes, meetings, notes, writing and producing songs, location scouting, blah blah blah lots of the stuff that you don't have to worry about if you're not a creator. But make no mistake I absolutely love it.
Darren Criss 19:27:41
learn spanish
I'll get there. I already speak a bit of Italian so I wanted the challenge of learning something that didn't use a writing system I already understood.
Darren Criss 19:28:23
I take Music Technology as a subject at school and we have to make a whole song with the sole sample of glass breaking...
sounds fun. loads of things you can do with that.
Darren Criss 19:28:48
What are your goals for once quarantine is lifted?
hopefully to feel like I used this very strange time well.
Darren Criss 19:29:14
Ok I should probabl get outta here right?
Darren Criss 19:29:41
I've talked a lot about mighty as kong in other places
Darren Criss 19:30:00
so I'll just leave you with a story about "Let Your Hair Down"
Darren Criss 19:30:14
which was the very FIRST song we wrote for the show
Darren Criss 19:30:37
I had a meeting with an artist at a dive bar in the middle of the afternoon
Darren Criss 19:31:10
let's just say I showed up to that very first writer's session very late
Darren Criss 19:31:17
and sober ENOUGH
Darren Criss 19:31:41
darren did you watch hamilton??????
duh last night. so fun.
Darren Criss 19:32:17
anyway I was so relieved that we left with that song at the end of the day. The intent was always to write two songs with the exact same concepts just with different titles
Darren Criss 19:32:50
the chords are the same, just slightly different voicings played on slightly different instruments
Darren Criss 19:33:29
and the idea was that whichever song was funnier, or at least whichever song would be more fun to see in a music video... would be the one that Pierce & Sara write
Darren Criss 19:34:08
"Kick Your Shoes Off" ended up feeling more like a full music video than "Let Your Hair Down" but I LOVE that first song, and hopefully people get to hear the whole thing on Spotify since you don't get to hear the whole song in the episode
Darren Criss 19:34:51
with lines I love like "see my cheekbones, show off my clavicle, I bet you've never seen a ponytail to magical..."
Darren Criss 19:35:39
i love that u spelled it sara not sarah
thank you. if you don't already know it, check out Ben Folds' "Zak and Sara"
Darren Criss 19:36:01
OK i gotta get going
Darren Criss 19:36:12
but thanks to everyone from all over the world for joining
Darren Criss 19:36:17
i see you and i say hi to you!
Darren Criss 19:36:23
happy birthday to all the bday kids!
Darren Criss 19:36:33
thank you for spending a little bit of your bday with me
Darren Criss 19:36:39
thanks for checking out Royalties
Darren Criss 19:36:46
hope you enjoy the music
Darren Criss 19:36:53
and hope there gets to be a season 2!!!
Darren Criss 19:37:08
xo to all of you. stay safe, stay inspired. - Darren
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Since the Beginning (Ben Solo FANFICTION - Part 2)
Okay so it happened guys, the first part is getting oh my god so much love so quickly and like yall know me, I got excited and wanted to write part 2! P.S, i listen to a lot of music while writing these, do you guys want me to post the songs/ vids im listening to as a I write? Let me know! eeeeeehh I’m excited! Okay enjoy! Let me know if any of you want to be tagged in the future instalments!
Link to Part 1
Link to Part 3
Link to Masterlist
Words: 2.6k+
Warnings: Mild Swearing, Feelings of abandonment
Note: Y/N = Your name, Y/N/N = Your NickName (or if you prefer, the nickname he gave you)
Tags: @bensoloslover​
Songs: Running - Adam Lambert, Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation, Somebody To Die For - Hurts, Paralyzed - NF
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He took his stand, “What do you mean Y/N was taken...” He asked in a breathy whisper looking down at his mother, he was near startling in this position, with that voice, he didn’t need the helmet to put fear into the hearts of those around him. He held the back of his head. It couldn’t possibly be his Y/N, he had never told anyone about her, no one. He took deep breaths. He had convinced himself so long ago that she was gone forever.
“Ben,” Leia held his cheek. “I know who she was to you... but there's no time for explanations right now, we’ll lose her forever if you don’t hurry.” She searched his eyes. “I wouldn’t put you in this position if it wasn’t absolutely necessary”.
Ben pulled away and sighed, turning around, his eyes darting around the tent. He turned back to face his mother in a swift move. “Tell me what I have to do”.
That is where it began. By the time nightfall reached Ben knew the plan, who would accompany him, the route they would take. He was going to see her, going to be able to touch her... and give her absolute hell after he finds out where she's been this entire time. She was his best friend, and deep down, he knew that he loved her, he would never admit it though. He never thought he would get the chance.
Sticks cracked under his new boots as he walked, to his new spacecraft. Leia was there, waiting to send him off. Ben’s eyes were killing him, strategizing under the light of a single lamp while looking between old maps and digitized constellations, he would have been done for. But the rush of getting to see Y/N again, finally being able to save her from the danger she was in for once. Nothing would stand in his way.
He walked up to the princess, the general. “Thank you,” She said softly. “I know this couldn’t be easy...” She looked up at the man that was once her beloved son.
“For Y/N, there's nothing I wouldn’t do...” He had a menacing whisper. “Don’t think I’m doing this for you or your... your cause” he nearly spat. He honestly and truly loved his mother, he wanted to be like her when he was much younger. Strong, smart, capable, commanding. He hated what she left him for. Mothers were supposed to let the world burn for their children... at least that's what he's heard over the years. He never felt that he was any sort of priority to his mother. If anything, he was a distraction and a target she had to worry about.
“Five minutes until take off! Let's go!” Someone in the crowd of mechanics, pilots, and more yelled.
“Goodbye... Leia.”
Without missing a beat he boarded his craft. Getting settled he looked over the controls and then to the co-pilot seat next to him. She would be there soon enough. He was going to make sure of that.
The crafts took off, heading back into space. He was focused, he realized, he hadn’t felt this way since before the accident with the rest of the Jedis.
It wasn’t long after the stars began rushing past him that Ben and the rest of the resistance reached the planet that Y/N was on. It was one of the base camps for the dark side. A near fallback plan. If ever all of their ships were blown up, or anything of great circumstances were to happen, they would all meet here. No one knew about it... At least, that's what he was sure of until now. Apparently the light side was more equipped than he had previously thought.
The ships made their landing a few miles away from the base camp, it was a cloudy night above them. Ben hated this planet, he had been here before only once but it was more than enough for him. The terrain was just about terrible for everything, the weather changed drastically in short periods of time, and the soldiers that were here... there was a reason they were the ones guarding the home base. It was so isolated here, the entire planet and only the First Order to do with it what they pleased.
Ben met with the rest of the fighters. He tried to ignore the way they looked at him, the looks that screamed traitor, the looks that screamed that they would stab him in the back the way he did to his own family. What did they know, they weren’t there. He shook off the feeling. He couldn’t get distracted. He got the cell number Y/N was being held in. He felt a pit in his stomach and then butterflies erupted, he didn’t know how, but he could feel Y/N’s presence... She was here.
“Let's go...” Ben whispered. He began making his way through the camp, staying to the shadows, a few fighters taking the more obvious route to be the distraction. A jet above, ready to pick them all up at the signal.
His heart was beating out of his chest, he had to time his breathing and concentrate on not making any noise.
Easily enough, Ben made his way into the building surrounded by small camps.
Just with Ben’s stroke of luck, a crew of stormtroopers rounded the hall he had come down.
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He sighed, he was done trying to be careful. He began his fight. The troops coming at him, they were, of course, no match for him with his lightsaber. He had technique unlike any of his fellow classmates at his uncle’s teachings. He rammed the uniforms, stabbed them, pulled them into each other using the Force, he didn't hold back in the slightest.
He finished them all off by himself. Taking a breath, he composed himself and followed the hallways to the cells, either taking down further troops like a storm or using the Force on any stragglers.
Finally, he made it. The numbers read the same as the ones he was told. He took a breath. This was it...
He punched the code into the door and it swept open quickly. Ben could feel his stomach-dropping, the anticipation. He stepped in, completely drenched in sweat, wearing just sweater and the bare parts of his usual Kylo Ren look...
Turning his head he saw someone curled up in the corner, mumbling. He walked over, one of his steps making a creaking noise and he was pulled back. He was surprised for only a moment, he could tell it was through the use of the Force. He was pushed up against the wall. “I swear, if one of you tries anything else, I will shishkabob you with my lightsa-” Her breath was taken away just as his was “... Ben!” She had finally turned and Ben didn’t even care that he couldn’t touch the ground at the moment.
Y/N ran to him, looking him up and down. “It’s... it's you.” She whispered and let him down gently and nearly jumped into his arms. “I never thought...” She whispered. Ben held her close, breathing in her scent, playing with the ends of her hair. His eyes became glassy. 
“I know... Me too” It was all he had to say. This was real- wait. He pulled away and pushed her up against the wall, not too hard, but enough to get her attention.
“Your lightsaber?” He searched her eyes. “You were using the Force... You... YOU WORK WITH MY MOTHER??” He pulled away and shook his head. “You... you never told me. You...” He took a deep breath.
“Ben... I can explain-”
“Stop.” He pushed her back with the Force slightly. “We just need to get out of here. Follow me” He walked out of the cell as Y/N followed. What the hell was happening. He could never imagine this when theorizing what her life was, being so close to his own. As they exited the cell Ben held out his arm behind him, pushing her back slightly incase of danger.
As Ben turned on his lightsaber he heard the same noise behind him. Y/N had picked up her own lightsaber from the nearby storage of prisoner’s items. “How many times have I told you, I don’t need you to protect me. I’ve got this.” She searched his eyes and then looked away. It had been a long time. She walked past him and lead the way.
They both jogged down the halls, each taking one side for a lookout.
“Okay, this way come on.” Y/N whispered and began heading in that direction.
“Y/N!” Ben loudly whispered. “No! The exit is this way!” He gestured with his lightsaber in the other direction, near growling, he was getting beyond frustrated at the situation.
“Ben... I was here on a mission. I’m not leaving without completing it.” She searched his eyes. 
He groaned internally. “I hate you” he mumbled and began heading in her direction. “But I’ve got your back”.
That made Y/N smile, she went on the tips of her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Its good to have you back” she whispered in his ear.
Neither Ben Solo or Kylo Ren had ever gotten embarrassed, but at this very moment, the man was turning just about the same colour as his lightsaber. He shook his head and jogged to catch up to her.
Soon enough, the two had made their way to the main control room for the entire camp and building. The guard inside rose from his seat but with a wave of her fingers and a whisper, he was sound asleep. Ben trusted Y/N with his life, but it was scary to see how powerful she was and how he had no idea... he needed to remember not to ever piss her off.
“Where is it...” Y/N mumbled to herself.
“Wheres wha-” Ben began but was then cut off.
“Aha!” Y/N nearly did a fist pump in the air. She began typing into the computer.
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Ben walked closer to the monitor. “Wait.. what are you... Y/N stop!” He pulled her back with the Force and quickly let go of her. He always felt so out of control when dealing with her... now that she was close, he used the Force on her so easily on her. He had to control himself. “You’re going to destroy it all” Ben’s voice was soft.
“Of course I am...” She was taken aback and scoffed. “You’re telling me you don’t want the First Order to fall?” She looked beyond confused.
It dawned on him. She had no idea what Ben had done... “Y/N... It’s complicated..” He began to whisper.
“There's nothing complicated about it Ben!” She grabbed onto his sweater, pleading him to see her way. “They’re murderers! They kill innocents, they don’t care about anyone or any sort of life... They’re monsters!” She walked past him and began to go back to typing on the computer.
Ben’s lightsaber turned on and Y/N froze. She bit her lip and looked over her shoulder at him. Sighing she let her head fall. She punched the desk with her fist. “Are you kidding me...?” She whispered, he had never heard her speak with such ferocity and yet, so gently. She turned to him. “You turned...?” She shook her head at him. “You have Han Solo and Leia Organa as your parents and you turn to the dark side? What, are you going through, your rebellious phase?” She shifted her weight, crossing her arms.
He absolutely despised when she did this. Whenever she disapproved of something he did, she would talk to him like he was a child. He shook his head, clearing his throat and pulling his hair back with one swift motion of his free hand. “You know... a lot of things have changed Y/N/N” He swung his lightsaber in a show-off motion, signalling to the colour of it.
Y/N’s lightsaber turned on as well, a bright blue illuminating her skin.
“Let's go, Solo.”
It was nothing but the sound of lightsabers slashing at one another, lights sparking. The two dancing against the other, following and presenting the next step.
Ben knocks Y/N to the ground, making sure not to hurt her too severely, he takes the opportunity to slash the computer. “Oops, can we leave now?” He raises an eyebrow to his best friend on the ground with a smirk.
With a scream she lunges at him, pure rage and fire, leaving behind nearly all her technique. “Y/N I don’t want to fight you!” He yelled over the sound of the weapons.
“Then you shouldn’t have become the villain!” She yelled, slashing and defending against his every move. She was strong, a lot stronger than the young Solo had anticipated.
They were out of the control room, fighting in the midst of the corridor, stormtroopers seeing them and taking fire. “Shit!” Y/N yelled, she ducked for cover.
Having tried to make sure that Y/N was out of the way, Ben forgot himself, letting himself get shot in the abdomen, he fell to the ground but moved himself to cover. “Ben!” Y/N yelled, she deflected the fire with her lightsaber as she ran over to him, ducking behind cover. “Are you okay?” He could tell she was worried by the look in her eyes, he missed those eyes. “Solo, you’re not allowed to die unless it's by my hands!” She groaned. “You’re trying to look after me, look at the crap you get yourself into” she scoffed and shook her head. “How are we getting out of here?” She searched his eyes while putting pressure on the wound. “I’ll radio for back up...” He winced, beginning to take the radio out of his pocket.
Y/N took it straight from his hands. “Its Y/N! Is anyone out there?” As soon as she stopped speaking there were several calls through the radio. All worried and cheering to hear her voice. These people knew her, they cared about her... she was known well in the resistance. Why did Leia need her back so badly? She was a Jedi but... was that really the whole reason why? Ben had thought that the resistance would have stopped with the search for the Jedis, after what he did...
“We’ve got your location! We’re coming, stay put!” the resistance called out.
Ben couldn’t believe it... he really couldn’t. Exhaustion was getting the best of him. Maybe it wasn’t the best to go Rambo on the way in using both excessive force and a lot of Force abilities. It was good to know that Y/N could tire him out... for training purposes of course.
The edges of his vision were going dark. “So... much for a rescue...” he couldn’t help chuckling softly, starting to close his eyes.
Y/N tapped his cheek gently. “Ben Solo, you stay with me damn it. I know you’re not dying so you sure as hell are not going to pass out on me you wuss”.
Ben let out a soft laugh raising his eyes to Y/N, “I missed you”, he touched her cheek.
An explosion is what took their moment. Across the hall shouts came out of the smoke “Y/N! Where are you?”
They were here. As much as Ben hated the resistance, in this moment alone he was grateful, beyond, though he would never admit it.
They came running over, pulling Y/N up, rejoicing. They were acting as if she was the next Leia. He sighed, trying to pull himself up.
“Okay okay guys, we gotta get Ben up, he needs help.” Y/N stopped the celebration and the fighters didn’t make a move.
“He's a traitor! He's a backstabber!” One of the fighters stated the rest agreed.
Y/N crossed her arms, “As I said, he needs help...” She turned to look down at Ben, bending down to be inches away from his face, “And a lot of it” she smirked and patted his cheek gently.
Ben rolled his eyes but wouldn’t talk back as long as it meant he would get help, for now, he knew he couldn’t keep Y/N safe at the moment on his own, he needed these people.
They all sighed but helped the son of their general up, and back to the ship.
Ben’s eyes never left Y/N. He had her back, and he wasn’t going to let her go anytime soon.
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Summary: Erik never lets you in. You try to be patient but it becomes too late when you fall for him.
Angst and smut themes
It was a Wednesday evening and Erik just got home. The apartment smelled like your cooking and he loved it. He was getting out of his work clothes upstairs and getting ready for dinner.
“What you got cooking ?“ He hugged you from the back; engulfing your body and placing a light kiss on your neck.
“I’m making chicken curry“ You scoped up a bit of the soup and turned to feed him.
“Taste.“ He opened his mouth and accepted the warm and spicy contents. He gave you another kiss confirming your amazing cooking skills.
“You stay put your foot in these meals your cooking.“
“What can I say my mom raised a bad bitch.“ You turned the stove off and dished up two servings. Erik’s plate was much larger than yours. The man was a true eater. He could eat to full Macdonald’s meal and still be ready for more. His metabolism was crazy and your job was to keep it on its toes.
After dinner, you watched some tv. He sat next to you under a warm blanket as you watched an episode of a Telenovela. He loved that shit. Although he would never admit it to his boys. He was a die-hard fan.
“Look at Envo, playing Isabella. He knows that bitch don’t deserve that type of treatment. The girl just found out her half-sister and mother plotted to take out her pops. Now he fucks her best friends….“ He took a sip of his bottled water “…I don’t care how thick that bitch is man..” He whispered that last part then turned to you. You were staring into space. Your eyes fixed on nothing. You looked deep in thought.
“Baby you listening?“ You snapped out of your trance when he pulled you closer to him.
“….mmh..yeah…yeah the …friend and sister.“ Your left eye twitched. He knew you were lying.
He smacked his lips.
“You want to try that again.“
“I’m sorry E. I’m just really drained. I think I should go lay down“
“Okay then let’s go sleep them..“
“No! Stay and watch this till it ends I don’t want to interrupt you.“ You pleaded
“Nah. It won’t be any fun watching it without you.“
And you went to bed. Your body close to his until your lids closed shut.
“I bet you 10k that you won’t grow your hair out. Don’t lie to yourself. You know damn well that Corporation you work at won’t let a nigga come in with nigga’s hair. Correct me if I’m wrong?“
“Look at him. He knows you right“ Erik said?
“Well, Mr my brother is a king….“
“It’s my cousin..“ Erik corrected.
That was Kookie and Titi - Erik’s childhood friends. They had come over for a little get together you and Erik were hosting. They were not alone. They had brought over their girlfriends or “situations”…at this point, you didn’t know. Their names were Kiara and Adriana, nevertheless, they were sweet girls and you welcomed them with open arms. They helped with food preparation and the making of the drinks and you started to fall in love with them.
“So you met Kookie where… Adriana ?“ You asked again with a playful tone. yall were away from the guys so you could gossip properly.
“He works with my father. I took one look at that nigga and I heard God speak to me-“ Kiara took a deep dramatic sigh “Adriana, here we go again“
“What? she did!“ Adriana said.
“She ?“ You questioned
“Yes honey God is a black woman and when I saw that 6-foot nigga in a clean-cut black suit …walking out of a meeting with my dad …I felt my walls-”
Kiana stops her from carrying on.
“That’s it! If we don’t change the subject I’m going to need something stronger than this.“ She tapped her wine glass. You let out a light laugh
“What about you how did you met Erik.“ You weren’t expecting them to ask so it caught you off guard.
“Oh …ah Yeah Erik and I met at University…but briefly. We would pass each other in the halls or whatever. Then we graduated and then next thing I heard was he was drafted, he moved up and joined some super-secret parts of the military that he can’t even tell me about to this day.- “
“Like Seal team 6 and shit “ Adriana probed
“- I’m not sure but we never even spoken to each other at that point…..to put it lightly I wasn’t exactly Eriks type.- “
“So it was one-sided. You liked him and he didn’t like you.“ Kiana added
“Well at the time yeah. Every girl on campus loved him but I heard he had a girl and she was killed by some craze White South African guy and some other super crazy shit happened in Africa ….that I still might not believe happened but we met again when he and his cousin made an outreach program centre. They reached out to me to be the resident phycologist. I talk to the kids there …just work with them. “ You hoped that mess of a story made sense to them. They didn’t care about the other stuff they just cared that you and Erik were close stranges and now you were dating.
“Yeah it’s crazy ..we talk about that all the time“
“aww, its like fate was there the whole time.“ Adriana said and Kiana cringed a bit.
later that night all 6 of you sat around the living room drinking and talking. yall talked about your love life and the people yall hated. Yall talked about the current political events and Normani’s video but you could keep eye contact with Erik when the conversation shifted to sex.
You were going through something you couldn’t tell Erik cause you were scared it would insult him. You went cumming and you knew it had nothing to do with Erik cause even alone you cumming.
It was frustrating you and you knew exactly why you weren’t finishing. You were starting to fall in love with him and you were scared.
You didn’t Know him probably. You knew a little about his past and he wasn’t really giving with the information you craved. He was very friendly and supportive but in order to have a life with him, you needed to know more about him. That was too late you had fallen…hard.
You first noticed when a bank teller was flirting with Erik and you cut her off. For those few minutes, you told her to be professional and focus on her job and proceed to kiss Erik on the cheek. Erik was surprised throughout the exchange. He didn’t know you had it in you. It was one of the most sexiest things he’s ever seen you do. He bit his lip as he saw the passion in your eyes. He planned on giving you the best dick when you got home. Oh, it was good already. The tears roll down the side of your face as he pounded you. He kept reminding you why he was fucking between his heavy breaths.
“you told ..that bitch to stop ….. playing with your man huh?” Erik’s sweat rolled down his marked body.
“you don’t want to share this dick…huh…it’s all your and you’re taking it so well….yes this is your baby …take this dick..”
His words were turning you on but when it was time for your climax you heart just sunk. It was a strange emotion. You felt scared and sad but it lasted for a few seconds then Erik fall on you.
“baby, did you cum?” He moaned out
You didn’t know what to say. You had never not cum with Erik ..he knew your body well.
“yes… I did.” You lied. You were glad he couldn’t see your twitching eye. You let him sleep on you, between your legs. Usually, you didn’t because he was heavy but you thought it was a way to apologize for lying to him. You gently rubbed his back.
And after that night it has been the same until now. Erik called out to you asking if you alright. You lied
“Me? Yes. I’m good.” Your eye twitched.
That worried him.
“I have said this before and I’ll say it again !!! Length doesn’t matter!” Adriana said with her forth wine glass in the air.
Erik and titi let out laughs. They hit it over as they rolled laughing.
“You just saying that cause of what kookie got packing …don’t let him fool you.”
Kookie quickly came to his defence.
“man fuck y'all. Except for you baby”, he pointed to Adriana.
“ My dick is above average. It gets the job done. Period! Some of y'all with the long-ass dicks be leaving y'all shorties unsatisfied…y'all monster dicks be leaving her having to take care of her own shit when you knocked out in the bed.”
Once the sentences registered in your head. You involuntarily choked on your wine. It sprung straight onto your white carpet y'all were sitting on, in the living room. You coughed out wine that had made its way down your body.
Everyone rushed to help except Erik. Adriana took the glass from you while Titi sat you up.
“Girl, you good?”
You sat up while you told him you were fine.
“I’ll be in the bathroom to clean myself up.” You stood up and left
Erik’s jaw locked as he quickly follows behind you.
He opened the bathroom door after you just closed it.
“Jesus! Erik dont scare me like that.” You took off your top that was stained by the wine. Just in your bra, Erik stared you down.
“you want to tell me what’s got you acting like this .”
“Erik what are you talking about…can you get me the washing powder in there.”
He slowly reached for the cupboard and took out the washing powder.
“thank you.” You said sarcastically
“Are you pregnant?” Erik asked
“No, I’m not pregnant Erik. Are you high? You think I would drink wine if I was carrying a child.” You asked playfully
He quickly kissed his lips.
“So why you acting like there’s something I need to know…that you don’t want me too.”
“Erik.. are you done with your…little psychoanalysis you throwing on me!“ You started to get irritated you wanted him to leave you alone so you could process your own feelings.
“Are you done lying to me.-“ You turned to him slowly
“Lying!! I’m lying to you!! Oh, I want to hear this!“ you folded your arms and leaned against the working washing machine. The anger came from nowhere but it was very evident and Erik noticed it.
“Yeah you acting strange ass fuck and I-“ You cut him off
“And you what Erik!“ You were pretty sure your guests knew by now that there was a fight in the bathroom.
“What makes you think you have the right to fucking question me when I know nothing about you.“ The penny finally drops for Erik. He knew there was no way you could be this angry for no reason. His secrecy was finally catching up with him. He didn’t know it but it was messing you up. Driving you crazy.
“….Nothing to say. Mr I don’t like talking about my past. Mr Are you writing a book about me. Erik, you disappear for days or weeks at a time, and come back acting like it’s no big deal …..and when I ask you where the hell did go for so long….you always spin it and somehow blame me.“
“Yoh..Y/N …look chill out.“
“I can’t!! I want to But I fucken can’t because I’m in love with your thick-headed ass. I have reached a point where being without you would be a problem. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ERIK! THE THOUGHT OF BEING WITHOUT YOU BRINGS PAIN AND UNSPEAKABLE SORROW TO MY HEART…….yet I know nothing about you…we might as well be strangers. To be honest I don’t even know what we are. ”
He stood still not saying a word.
“This shit has been affecting me like crazy. My hormones are all over the place. It’s been months since I could…could cum. It’s all I think about. Do get me wrong. Your cute and fun to have around but that’s not what I need to form a partner. “
“….since the second we started hooking up….you never let me in and I was cool with that back then because …oh you know…you can’t trust these female right…..I’ve been patient Erik….and stupid it seems……“ He stood opposite. He was defeated and he didn’t know what to say. He had no idea how you felt.
“…While you out here …figuring shit out and building this wall you have up that I have to work so hard to climb over to reach you ….ill go lay down. I’m tired Erik.”
He knew the lost part didn’t mean you were tired for having a long day…he knew that maybe it was time he let you in and stopped keeping you at arm’s length.
You left him alone in the bathroom, heading upstairs. You heard a lot of shuffling from the living room but you honestly didn’t care if they were listing or not. You were heartbroken. Nothing mattered.
“Ay Erik …my man. We out. We see you and your girl got things to talk about…so will be out of your hair” Titi shouted before they rushed out the front door.
Back in your shared bedroom you took your PJs, phone and night creams and heading for the guest room. There was no way you could sleep with Erik tonight. You were mad and disappointed. All that time you had wasted. Lost investment. You needed time alone. Time to think about your next step. Maybe moving out and starting fresh. It would be hard but what else can you do. It dawned on you that you spent more time at his house then she did. That’s why you locked the door. Just for tonight, you wanted to sit in your sorrow.
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fanficobsess3d · 5 years
period headcanons
wow I can’t believe I haven’t put out an anime fic yet, damn I really AM behind
this is my first headcanon for ~the boys~ so bear with me, but I just know that these are all fucking canon and yall can @ me 
Also, I’m a little bitch on my period - I’m on it now and lemme just say BOY - so I’m basing this off of my experiences. I have heavy, painful, and emotional periods so….. if you cannot relate just enjoy what could be from the boys of class 1-A
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He’s one of the only boys that will know what the fuck is going on with you
His mom is hella loud so it’s obvious that she’d educate her son on it
He may be a prideful asshole, but he was taught to be respectful and educated
He’s also not the type of guy to whine
So be prepared to hear a lot of insults when you whine
“oH mY FuKinh GOODDDDD!!!!” 
“You are so annoying! I don’t sound like that!” 
“Well, I’m so fucking sorry princess, I hate to break it to you, but you do fucking sound like that with your constant bitching!” 
Yeah he highkey roasts you every single time you wanna start whining
But don’t be mistaken, the second you really start to feel the pain he’s genuinely worried
There have been a few times you’ve gotten really bad
You typically start feeling nauseous all day and don’t eat
So you collapse
Curled into a ball on the floor, groaning and moaning
The girls had been with you and hissed with sympathy, but you could already hear Bakugo yelling from the hall
He instantly scoops you up to hide in a classroom away from everybody 
Setting you on the desk, you can see the worry in his eyes
He knew how you got when you were hit with the monthly hellfire rain waterfall 
So he was prepared for this
But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t get mad about it
“Jesus fucking CHRIST Y/N!” 
“‘M sorry, Katsuki….” 
You were playing with your thumbs as he lightly knocked against your head with his knuckles with a scoff
“You need to take better care of yourself, dumbass. I feel like my hair’s gonna go gray every damn time you fucking collapse like that.”
“I tried! I felt like I was gonna get sick this morning! And the pain pills don’t work anymore!”
“Then we’ll fucking skip. Next time, don’t wait to tell me that it’s gotten that bad as you fall like a fucking idiot on the goddamn floor. Dumbass.”
You let a small smile slip onto your face
You knew that he had his own way of showing affection, so you couldn’t help it every time he went even the tiniest bit soft on you 
You guys normally skip class after that
You sneak into your dorm to cuddle in your bed with your fuzzy blankets
And yeah you don’t forget the heating pad -- you have Bakugo: the human heater
He keeps a close eye on you the rest of the night, making sure you eat and pumping you full of pain meds to try and keep the pain at bay 
But god FORBID you start crying
He is not the most emotional person so the second you start crying he’s like um
He just curls his hand around the back of your head and pushes your head into his chest
Letting his head fall into the crook of your shoulder as your sobs die down
“God, you’re so fucking dramatic, babe.”
“Shut up! The cat was fucking cute okay?!” 
But he’s still there whenever you need something
Ask him to get stuff from the store for you and yeah he’ll do it
Prepare for the whining and groaning about it though
He’ll literally be on the phone with you the entire time just so he can be petty and grumble about it
But he’ll never admit that seeing you so distressed every month is more scary and stress inducing than literally everything else in his life
Because you’ve become his life 
Not that he’ll tell you that 
As for the sex part, I feel like he’ll only do something if you really ask for it or if you’re pissing him off
He’s a complete control freak, so if you think for a second that he’s gonna let you off after your attitude earlier….
Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you’re IN FOR IT
But he knows how much pain you might be in so he’s only gonna do it if the mood’s right 
Otherwise he’s not gonna put any of him near any part of you because he accidentally read the situation wrong once and you freaked and then cried because you told him no 
Yeah, that was a fun conversation
Bakugo was pissed when he found out the background about that answer
But if you are up to it, yeah y’all are going like seven rounds I SWEAR
That boy has the stamina of a fucking rabbit 
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This is also the only other guy who’s gonna know about uterus period stuff because of his sister
Yeah, he doesn’t know the specifics as much as Bakugo
But he’s aware of what’s happening 
Honestly I feel like he’s one of the best ones to be around on your period tbh
Yeah, he’s quiet, but that makes your life much much easier when all you want to do is cry and scream at people all day
The second you get mad at something, he gives you that look 
Everything will be fine, calm down 
And it’s like everything is fine 
You also know that he’ll be a little petty bitch if you decide to get mad at him about something
But then you’ll start crying because you didn’t mean to get mad at him and he’ll just smile at you because he knows that you genuinely do feel bad
As for the cramps, he’s already prepared
The second your period hits he just…. Knows 
He knows you so well that he can instantly feel when your personality starts to change
So not even a period later he’s shoving chocolate and a teddy bear with a cute picture of you two, in your face
He does get really worried when the cramps get really bad though
Pain meds don’t really work on you, so the only thing that he can do is massage you with his left side
He knows that the heat helps so anytime your face contorts and your mouth lets out a grunt of pain he’s instantly massaging your stomach or back 
My fatass cANNOT relate but N E WAYS
He’s not as dramatic as Bakugo but yeah, he does get really worried
He gets quieter than usual, if that’s even possible, and he never leaves your side
But that’s more for him than you since he knows that you get so caught up that you forget to take care of yourself sometimes
And he worries about you all of the time
Be prepared for a look if you start whining, though
He’s not really used to that
so if you start taking the immature route
whether because you feel bad or because you want to piss him off
Get ready for intimidating Todo 
He kind of looks at you like you need to remember who you’re talking to.
But he does understand that there are some days when every little thing gets to you
So he’s always prepared to listen
“Why is it that I’m the only person on this planet who suffers!???? I swear to gooddddd my uterus is about to fuckING EXPLODE!!! AND THERE’S NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT ITTTT! AAAAAA!” 
“Oh my god!!! You called me baby!” suddenly you’re bawling again 
He picks you up and sets you in his lap, letting you latch onto his shoulders and neck 
I highkey feel like he’s one of the guys who’d try and help by sex ngl
Like if you’re in his lap for longer than a second
Oop you’re getting it
It’s inevitable 
You really don’t mind tho cause BOY is an orgasm on your period fucking hEAVEN
Shoto’s also a switch so like
Since you’re such a goddamn sub baby on your period, what he says goes
the second you throw a fit, BOOM you’re gettin fucked
he’d prefer if you cry over an orgasm than a shitty dog commercial and that’s the tea on that
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Little baby over here has no fucking idea what a period is 
he was never really around girls much, so he never really learned
not to mention that schools barely cover it as it is 
He knows it involves blood
He knows it involves your parts????
…. and yeah, that’s pretty much it 
So the second you start complaining about it he gets all blushy and confused
You didn’t have time to explain, so the rest of the day was an adventure for him to try and figure it out
He gets instantly focused
He starts murmuring weird theories and writing down weird stuff as the day goes on
Noticing your weird habits and how you seemed to act like Kacchan
You became impulsive and you cried like four times before the first class ended
Not to mention how many arguments you got into
he was convinced for a wholeass solid period that a demon had literally possessed you
He was very, very, confused
But he wanted to find out why you were like that 
Later on, you sat him down and explained everything 
Granted, he blushed like a little school boy and it was an awkward conversation on his part
But you were irritated because it was so annoying to have to explain it to every boy ever 
but you were just glad that he was respectful about it
He felt bad that you had to sit down and explain something so normal and commonplace to him
then you felt bad because you didn’t mean to be mean to him 
or make him feel bad
Yeah, you started crying again
But now he understands everything and he feels, like, really bad
He doesn’t get why it’s the girls that have to suffer through everything
he also doesn’t understand why nobody pushed for more education about it 
he now understand more of the stigma around women and he feels really bad about that because he genuinely had no idea
And wow you gave him a pat on the back after that came out of his mouth
That got him so lovely bonus points
But he has that glint in his eye that you know very well, and you instantly sweat drop as he begins to mutter ideas to himself 
The next morning you show up to class and he instantly greets you with a hug and chocolate and very cooey gooey words that made Bakugo gag at his desk 
Later on that night, he makes you guys the comfiest blanket fort and sets up a bunch of movies to watch
Every time you cry he borderline cries himself, hugging you to his chest and wrapping you guys with the blankets
Every time you are in serious pain he feels really bad and hovers over you like a mother hen 
One time you collapsed and he instantly picked you up and ran to Recovery Girl in the health center
He genuinely thought you had died or something
But no, the cramps made you nauseous and you didn’t eat so your iron levels dropped really low and you passed out
He instantly freaked and kept shoving food in your mouth for the rest of the week
Now for the sex part 
You were in pain more often than not, so it was a bad idea for anything sexual to happen 
But yeah, you got horny on your period like, half of the time
Somehow the topic of period sex was brought up between you and Izuku and he had no idea that that was a thing 
The look on his face when he realized it was probably the funniest fucking thing ever 
His eyes bulged out of his head like those weird animal pens 
But he actually thought about it and literally a look at you would have you pouncing on him 
It was 50/50 on whether you’d be in the mood, though
Sometimes you just wanted to fuck
Sometimes you wanted to suck his dick until he cried
Other times you just wanted to cuddle his chest 
and, yeah, sometimes you wanted to throw a plate at a wall
honestly i felt that 
After the first time you’d had a successful sexual encounter on your period
You wished him luck on trying to figure out when to do each 
He just looked at you with wide eyes
“Yeah, I’ll just warn you now, because of how wacky my emotions are, if you tried anything like what we just did and I was not in the mood, my uterus would’ve had a royal fit.”
“What do you mean?” he looked at you cautiously
You turned to him, your eyes a dark glint, “I mean, if I’m not in the mood for sex, I’m either going suck you, cry, or punch you. Good luck figuring out when I wanna do each one.” 
He looked at how close you were in proximity and promptly scooted back a few inches, almost falling off of the bed
But you grabbed his arm and yanked him back until he was pushed into your neck 
“Yeah, also you can’t stop cuddling me until I say so, either.”
“... so as long as I do what you ask you won’t kill me, right?”
you had to giggle at that, he was just so naive at times
you hadn’t meant to come off so intimidating, because you were really happen that he was nice enough to take care of you like t
a lot of boyfriends you’d had in the past had been real assholes about it
“H-hey this is serious! How can I take care of you if i’m dead?!?!” 
you turned to look at him 
“That’s your only concern?” there was weird glint in your eye
“... am I supposed to be worried about something else?”
yeah, you jumped him again
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blurrybowers · 7 years
secret notes || patrick hockstetter
I combined these 2 requests:
request : “Hey can you do an imagine of where y/n finds a secret admirer note in her locker and after a couple weeks has a plan and wants to see who’s putting them on her locker, and sees Patrick putting them there. Then one day after the bell she goes to her locker and sees Patrick putting another note in and then he panics and runs out on y/n and she runs after him and they admit they love each other.”
“Could you do a patrick one where the reader hears him screaming in the sewers and saves his punk ass from pennywise but pat runs away from her cause he’s embarrassed but sneaks into her room that night ? ”
OK THIS IMAGINE HAS TAKEN ME A OVER A WEEK TO WRITE…YALL better love the fuck out of it. There is also a few time skips but you’ll get what’s going on!  This is my longest imagine so far.
word count: 2000+
Annoyed and exhausted, I unlocked my locker, shoving my books into the small, slender space.  The day had finally come to a close, after what felt like days. I didn’t have any homework so after throwing the books from today in there I was satisfied. I went to pull out my army green jacket and as I did a blue sticky note slid down my locker and daintily landed on the floor in front of me. Quirking an eyebrow, I kneeled down and lifted it off the ground, it read in messy lowercase letters:
you look really pretty when you wear blue, it’s my favorite color on you.
I was at a loss who could’ve wrote me the short note. Glancing down the hall for any possible admirers, I was only met with the eyes of the creepy, old janitor from Michigan. He looked at me and sent a daunting wave in which I widened my eyes and looked away from his perverted self. It was a boy’s handwriting, messy and rushed.
Days went by, weeks even and those notes always ended up in my locker. They complimented me or told me to cheer up when I was feeling sad but they never had a name signed with them. I could only imagine who it could be, maybe Ben? He was always really shy around me but I knew he could write well. Or how about Eddie? He always got really nervous when he was talking to me. I was determined to find out who was leaving me the secret notes. I needed a plan. Pondering on what could be a clever idea, a flawless plan came into my mind.
Get there before the note does. I glanced at my watch, 7:43 a.m. , no one was at school yet, except a few teachers and some students who came for extra help. The note had always been in my locker by 2:30, never earlier. Today, I was going to find out who was leaving me the secret notes.
I waited behind the corner, having a clear view of my locker. It was 2:28 and I knew whoever my secret admirer was, would be in view soon. As I started to fidget, nervously playing with the strings on my skirt, I heard shuffling in the hallway. I peaked out from behind the corner I was standing in, to see Patrick Hockstetter. He was playing with his lighter. It wasn’t a shocker he wasn’t in class, he skipped like it was his job. I rolled my eyes, considering he was too much of a toolbag to even attempt to learn. Thinking he was going to walk down the hallway, my eyebrows knitted in confusion as he stopped in front of my locker. He looked both ways down the hallway, seeing if anyone was around. I gasped and ducked, hoping he didn’t see me.
Waiting a few seconds, I peered again, still hidden. There he was, folding up a blue sticky note and shoving it through the vent of my locker. Shocked was an understatement… I was at a loss for words. I decided to call him out on his rather romantic actions.
“Patrick?” I questioned, coming into the view of the lanky boy. His eyes widened and he tried to look like he was just leaning against my locker, not putting something in it.
“Uh hi? What are you doing talking to me? Fuck out of here loser, before I kick the shit out of you.” He threatened, trying to sound intimidating but I could see his hands twitching and his leg shaking. He was nervous, nervous I saw him.
“You’re the one who’s been putting notes in my locker!” I exclaimed, calling him out. His pale face quickly turned bright red and he blinked a few times. Patrick quickly caught his composure and coughed a shaky laugh.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ b-bout. N-Notes?” Patrick tried to sound confident but he failed. He sounded like Bill Denbrough. I glanced at him wiping his palms on his jeans, this kid was shitting himself, and I was loving every second of it.
“Oh please Patrick give it up. I just saw you.” I called him out on his bluff. He quickly looked around, making sure no one heard our conversation. He was so embarrassed, something I thought he wasn’t capable of being.
“Y/n, you’re a psycho and you’re seeing things. I’m outta here you weirdo.” He spat looking me up and down and making a grossed out face. I frowned and looked and my outfit, what was wrong with it? I wore a black denim skirt and a baby blue tank top.
“Why’d you just give me a dirty look? What’d I ever do to you!?” I screamed as he shook his head in disapproval running out of the school. Running away from the conversation we were in the middle of. I knew his ways, he was an asshole and a manipulative bully. But the notes he wrote me made me second guess my opinion of him. Multiple students rolled into the halls, shuffling to class before the first bell rang. I sighed, knowing I had to go to English class, a class I had with all his friends. Before walking to my first period, I glanced out the glass doors and saw Patrick glumly walking into the woods, far away from school.
Finally the school day had drawn to a close. I finished chatting with my friend Mike before quickly saying bye, knowing I had to go home and get started on my unreal amount of homework.
The fastest way home was cutting through the Barrens, it wasn’t usually sketchy but what started as a sunny, warm day turned into a cold, cloudy one. I shivered slightly due to my lack of a jacket and felt the goosebumps graze my arms. As I neared the barrens, I navigated my way through the woods, passing the tunnel but not without hearing a blood curdling scream. I stopped dead in my tracks.
Any normal person would’ve ran, got the fuck out of there as quickly as possible. But me, being a sucker for anything with a little danger, decided to follow the pinpoint of the noise. The terrifying sounds were coming from inside the…sewers? Weird. As I neared the entrance, I hesitated, but decided to suck up the rancid smell of the grey water and began trudging to the source of the petrifying noise. I grabbed a stray metal pipe that was laying around, just in case I had to defend myself against what was lurking around the sewers.
The sound was getting louder and louder. I turned down a pathway and saw IT. There was Patrick Hockstetter, gasping for air with a large gloved hand wrapped around his neck. It was dim in the sewers but I could see a monstrous clown with a daunting smirk on his face. He was tall and had an egg shaped head? This thing was fucking hideous. Patrick’s eyes widened when he saw me. He sent me a pleading look.
The clown hadn’t seen me yet but I knew I had to do something quick, before we were both killed. I was super scared but I decided knocking it out would be the best option. I quietly snuck behind it, and like I was swinging a baseball bat, swung at It’s head. The clown winced in pain before falling face first into the grey water.
“Quick, we need to get out of here.” I instructed  to Patrick as we both ran out of the sewers. When we were finally safe, far from the sewers, we stopped for a minute to catch our breathe. I glanced at Patrick who looked unfazed by the whole situation, meanwhile I was still trying to comprehend what was happening.
“What were you doing near the sewers?” He spoke, breaking the silence between us.
“Why were you in the sewers? I was walking home and heard a screaming and I ended up saving your ass.” I spat with an attitude, I still hadn’t received a ‘thank you’ from him.
“I would’ve gotten out of there fine. I didn’t need your help Y/n. Since when have you thought it was okay for you to talk to me? We aren’t friends, get that through your fuckin’ head.” He remarked, gritting his teeth as he spoke and I frowned. He wasn’t ugly but his personality made him ugly. I never had put any thought into having feelings for him just because he wasn’t the type to have feelings, for anything.
He expected an answer from me but I didn’t supply him with one. I stood there with a blank expression and decided it was best not to snap at him, knowing what he was capable of. He let out a chuckle and just turned around the other way and began walking, away from me and away from our conversation.
10:29 p.m.
Slamming my textbook shut, I released a sigh of relief, knowing I finally had finished my homework. Today’s incidents clearly had an effect on me since I was extremely exhausted. I jumped into my bed and wrapped myself in blankets. I closed my eyes, turning off the lights in my room until I heard a knocking on my window. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, slightly scared of what or who was out there. I grabbed my skateboard out of the corner of my room, ready to hit whatever was trying to come in. I opened the curtain to see Patrick crouching down on my roof with a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I unlocked the window and watched him climb in effortlessly.
“What Hockstetter? What do you want at this hour?” I interrogated, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I wanted to say thank you.” He mumbled. Thank you? I didn’t even know the words could come out of his mouth.
“Well you’re welcome. I wasn’t gonna let you die in there.” I replied, shocked that he was being nice, for once. He looked nervous but still tried to keep his composure.
“I gotta tell you somethin’.” Patrick muttered, looking like he was about to tell me he killed my cat or vandalized my mailbox. I nodded, implying for him to continue.
“Um, I-I am the one who’s been leaving the notes in your locker.” He mumbled, clearly embarrassed of his actions. I smiled.
“I knew it was you! Why are you embarrassed? They’re so sweet.” I exclaimed in a whisper, knowing my parents were downstairs.
“Because I don’t do well with rejection and why would you appreciate them if you knew they were from me?” He questioned, interested in the conversation.
“I think they’re so cute and I wanted to say thank you for them. They really make my day everyday.” I complimented with a soft smile and he just rolled his eyes, clearly he doesn’t deal with stuff like this often.
“So…” He began not knowing how to change the topic but I shushed him.
“We’re not done with this conversation. Why’d you write those for me?” I asked, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him to sit next to me on my bed.
“Cause you’re hot.” He frankly said. His words told me otherwise, saying how my smile could light up a room but I decided not to call him out on his sappy shit.
“Thank you. I think you’re kinda cute too.” I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up. Calling Patrick Hockstetter cute was the last thing I expected to be saying.
“So um do you wanna be my girlfriend?” He asked and my eyes widened. This was the last fucking kid that would have a girlfriend, Henry would have one before he did.
“I’ll think about it.” I winked before pushing him towards my window. He got up off my bed and sent me an eye roll before climbing out my window.
I would probably date him, even if he was a little bit of an asshole. As I shut the window I saw he had left me a note behind stuck to the top.
goodnight, girlfriend.
That night, I slept thinking about how Patrick and how someone who was so rough on the outside was super soft on the inside.
My requests are open, I’m gonna try to do ones with plots that aren’t basic, I want to write ones with an unexpected or unique plot, just to make mine more interesting because sometimes I feel like they are slacking.  xoxo
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earthghoul-mp4 · 4 years
Idk what am doing(Also Trigger warning !!Abuse, Self-harm mentions, Drug use and Self starvation!!)
Alright so context: These characters are the Alternate versions of two other characters which is why there reffered to as “Alter Siri, Alter Subaru, Alter Kou, Alter Rina, Alter Melon’ and ‘Alter Akai” Subaru, Kou and Melon are all vampires in theyre universe and all of the (except Alter Siri) are part of the Crimson rose’s mafia (I didnt come up with most of this stuff, This happened a while back when I had discord) Alter M(Melon) has been shown to have a crush on Alter R(Rina), Alter S and K(Subaru and Kou) are dating. No one really knows about Alter Siri. Alter A(Akai), Is a dick-head brother. He and Alter M are twins with her being the younger of the two. Alter A has always been abusive, physically and mentally. So Alter M’s trust issues and low esteem, stem from him. Alter M and Alter S, intentionally chose, not to bite Alter R or Alter K. (Even though both have been very adamant about them doing so-) Alter R is in fact a Demon- (Not really sure what kind though-) UHM- Oh yeah, Alter M and Alter A’s parents were murdered when they were very young and Alter A was thought to be dead as well. (WHICH HE WASNT) Alter R’s mother was killed by Alter R’s hand and Alter R’s sister also died. Alter S and Alter K have been trying to set up Alter M and Alter R because its painfully obvious they like each other. THE MAIN THINGS TO REMEMBER: Alter A is a dick, Alter M is SUPPOSED to feed off Alter R but refuses to do so, Alter S and Alter K are the chaotic duo of the four, and Alter Siri stays out of their bullshit at all costs. Alter M and Alter K both have ADHD
Alter R lay awake on her bed staring up the ceiling. The storm outside was making it pretty hard to sleep, so there wasn’t any point in trying. There was a quiet knock on her door and Alter R looks up to see Alter M  standing half-asleep in the doorway. “Cant sleep either, huh?” Alter M shook her head and walked over to Alter R. “Storms are always so pretty but they make too much noise..” Alter M  whines as she flops onto Alter R’s bed. “Sounds like you-” Alter R realized how that sounded, but apparently Alter M didn’t. “Nuh uh, I dont make nearly as much noise as Kou-chan, and Baru-chan” Alter R laughed a bit “I’ve always found that family dynamic you three have very interesting.” Alter M sits up “Whats that s’posed to mean?” Alter R smiled “It just means that you three never cease to confuse me, Especially you” Alter M folds her arms across her chest “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Alter R sighs “I just mean, Ive never understood you, Or any of you for that matter. I’m not good with people, and probably never will be” The storm outside seeed to die down some to the point where it was just rain and Alter M smiles. “What’s got you all smiley?” Alter M’s hands ball up into fists and shake a little “Hehe! The rain! Do you hear it?” The gentle pitter-patter of the rain on the roof had Alter M’s brain go nuts, and Alter R found it adorable “Yeah, I do. It is a nice sound, huh?” Alter M smiled widely and nodded happily. Alter R laughed “You find the strangest things amazing, Alter M” Alter M drew her face into an angry pout “Nuh-uh I dont.” Alter R looked at her skeptically “How many people do you know can go from crying to almost perfectly fine when given a frog plush?” Alter M didnt respond “Thats not fair! Buttons is the best comfort plushie!” Alter R laughed. Alter flopped backwards onto Alter R bed and turned over to face the wall. “Aw c’mon-” Alter shook her head “Nu!” Alter R took a minute to decide what to do. “Hmm...Hehe...” Alter R decided to pick up Alter M. It wasnt hard with how small Alter M is. “Put me dooown, meanie” Alter R sat Alter M in her lap “Better?” Alter M was not prepared for that “HHHHHH-” Alter R was kinda oblivious to Alter M’s crush on her since she felt like she didnt deserve to be loved so she hid her feelings for Alter M, and hoped they’d just go away. Alter M hid her face in the collar of her sweater “Thats not fair...” Alter R laughed a little “How?” Alter M turned away “Cuz!” “Pfft- “cuz” how?” Alter M flapped her arms quickly “Cuz because!” Alter R realized how tired Alter M looked “Hey...When’s the last time you slept?” Alter M didnt respond “Alter M...” Alter M shrugged “I dunno...two..three days ago?” Alter R sighed “Its not my fault! Trying to sleep is hard” Alter R knew how that was. There were countless nights where she couldn’t sleep at all even if she tried. “When’s the ast time you had any water?” Alter M drew a black once again “Alter M!” Alter  pulled her collar further over her face “I’m sorry!” Alter R sighs “Stay here, alright?” Alter M nodded. Alter R got up and walked down to the kitchen. “I shouldn’t be so hard on her, Its not her fault...But she’ll keep doing if someone doesn’t tell her other wise” Alter R sweared under her breath and folded her arms on the counter “Ri-chan...?” Alter R forgot Subarus and Kou’s room was down the hall from the kitchen “Hey Subaru..” Alter S walked over to her “You okay?” Alter R nodded “Yeah I’m fine, its super early though. You should get back to sleep.” Alter S just looked at her. “Yo hear yourself right? I should sleep? Whens the last time you had a full 8 hours of sleep, huh?” There wasnt an answer “Thats what I thought. Now what been keeping you up at night? Somethings bound to be wrong if you’re the one distraught” Alter R walked over to the fridge to get some waters “No ones distraught, alright?” Alter S knew better than that. “Then why is it that every night this week, without fail, You’ve been up in the middle of the night....For what?” Alter clenched her fist around one of the waters “For the last time...Its nothing!” Alter S let it go this time. “Just take of yourself, alright?” Alter R nodded and headed back upstairs. Alter S sighed and got a cup of ramen “She’s the one who worries me...She stretches herself thin for everyone else and just acts like she’s fine. I just wish she didnt keep everything bottled up. Both of them! Her and Mel-chan” 
Alter M had fallen asleep on the end of Alter R’s bed “I didn’t tell her she had to stay awake..” Alter R picked up her phone to check the time “Damn...Its already three- thirty..” Alter R threw one her extra blankets over Alter M. Alter just curled up underneath of it, “pfft- That’s not how you use a blanket” Alter M picked up her head “Hm...?” Alter M sat up sleepily and looked at her. “Nothing, Nothing. I didnt say anything” Alter M hugged Alter R “Oh- ok...?” Alter R was never really one for physical affection, shes only ever really let Alter M hug her, any physical contact really. “Hey...You can let go now..” Alter M only hugged her tighter and Alter R realized she had fallen asleep. “Ah...Jeez...” Alter R was too tired at this point to care, so  she just laid own with Alter M still hugging her. Around seven or so Kou came around to check on Alter R since she’s usually up by then. “Awww!” Alter R had held onto Alter M the whole night. Its not uncommon for Alter M to e hugging something especially when she’s asleep. Its more uncommon to see Alter R hugging anyone for long periods of time. “I dont think either of them have actually, slept, in a while” Kou walked off leaving Alter R and Alter M to sleep. Kou went to go get Subaru who had ultimately fallen alseep on the couch “Oiiii! Subaru.” Subaru rolled over off the couch “AGH- Shit!” Kou kicked him “SHHH- Ri-chan and Mel-chan are still sleeping” Subaru punched him “B!tch” Kou gasped dramatically “Ooo Ouch what a burn” Subaru just looked at him. Alter R stared down at them from the top of the stairs. They both knew they fucked up, Alter M appeared behind her looking half dead. “Im going back to bed...” Alter M turned on her heel and walked down to her room.  “Wait yall two was in the same room???” Alter R walked down the stairs “Uhm...Yeah?” Alter S nodded “Mhm...” Alter R just gave him a confused look and went to get a coffee “And your still sure you dont have feelings for her?” Not many things can catch Rina off guard...This however, Caught her very off-guard “Yes I’m sure!” Alter S and Alter K gave her a look like “Uh huh” “Yeah well your face just about as red as your eyes” Rina threw a spoon at him “You shut your mouth!” They both started laughing and Rina just sipped her coffee “I’m gonna kill you both in your sleep...” Alter M stomped out of room “If y’all don’t shut the fuck up, I will burn all of your clothes” Everyone just looked at her “Let this be a godammned warning” Rina just kinda looked at her “Uhm- Okay then...” “Kinda saw that oe coming she’s always pissed off about something- Its just easier to piss hernoff if shes tired” Alter M threw her shoe at him “Ya damn right” Rina laughed and so did Kou “Thats not funny that hurt!” Melon went to grab a redbull but Rina stopped her. “Eh?” Rina looked her dead in the eyes and just told her “No” Melon just kinda looked at her “Fine” and went to go sit down. Rina grabbed her wrist “Subaru, Kou...Out. Now” Subaru and Kou knew something was boutta happen but when Rina said something ya best listen. Both of them left the room. “What?” Rina leaned back against the counter “....” Melon was throughly confused “What did I do??” Rina looked up from her mug “Whens the last time you ate anything?” Melon looked away “That requires an answer...” Melon refused to meet Rina’s eyes “Alter M...” Melon simply walked outside and into the woods Rina followed her but from a distance. “Maybe she just need some air...?” Melon sat down in the middle of a clearing and just stayed there
                        (End of part one cuz Im Lazy \(030)/)
What should happen next???
0 notes
leaughrilke · 8 years
Outside of their family, how are the kids doing socially? Do they make friends, trust people easily? Do they have a hard time keeping their powers a secret? Does one of their moms being a Luthor affect the way people act around them? How do they deal with their moms kinda being in the public eye?
oof well this started fluffy and got angsty and then got cute again so do with that what u will
so for the most part?  the kiddos do alright!!!  they rlly do, like they’re all enough like kara that ofc they attracts ppl like moths to flame
finn’s like easily one of the most popular kids in school, starting from elementary school and like he’s not one of the traditionally popular boys??  like he’s not a jock and he’s not one of those uber macho dudes but he cares so deeply and fully and like all the girls love him to death and all the uber macho dudes for the most part love him to death as well 
like he’s rlly soft and kind and remembers ppls birthdays and who has a nut allergy so he always makes sure to make a separate safe batch of baked goods for bake sales.  he’s that kid that’s got tabs on everyone and knows who is having a bad week and who might need someone to eat with at lunch and he makes it look so fun to be nice??  that he just manages to lead by example and national city prep academy is a nicer place for him being in it
maia’s that ride or die friend like she’s super intense and kind of scary tbh but god when she picks you, she Picks you and she’ll keep picking you, keep standing up for you, keep vehemently defending u until her dying day tbh like she loves so much like kara, once she sees the good in you, once she’s decided ur one of her ppl, she’ll fight everyone in her sight for u and that is so wildly appreciated, like she has all the girls at school wanting to have her on their side, in their corner and the best thing is that she is, she will be, no questions asked
like??  she’s not half as soft as finn but she’s just as caring, just as loving and she like??  doesnt have a cult following, but she definitely is that hot ass senior that has all the underclassmen stumbling over themselves bc she nodded at one of them in the hall during passing period and stella dies a little inside bc all her friends are in love with maia to some degree
stella is the one that struggles the most socially??  bc everyone loves finn and maia doesnt give a shit if some ppl dont like her, barely notices it, but stella is a little quieter and a little bit different and she kind of weirds ppl out bc she’s just as intense as maia but she doesnt have the cool factor, she stumbles over her feet and stammers and gets easily overwhelmed and most ppl get a little weirded out by how stella always seems to know how they’re feeling??  can sort of predict whats coming in a conversation???
but god when she makes friends, they are so so protective of her.  like??  stella is disliked by a lot of ppl, is a pretty easy target but her friends love her so so deeply bc she knows how to help them best, is v careful with their feelings in a way that not a lot of kids think to be u know??  she’s not the most popular, but she’s p well insulated by the time she hits high school, has a rlly solid group of friends that stick close to her
this kind of goes hand in hand with the first part but here’s some other anecdotes lmao
finn makes friends so so easily like that boy walks into a room and within the first ten minutes he’s already got five new friends like??  he’s probably one of those student ambassadors, shows all the new kids around the campus tbh and like for sure has brownies or something to give them
like???  he’s for sure voted mr congeniality.  For Sure.  he collects friends and favors so easily and so quickly and he loves them all so much, you would think that maybe some friendships arent as deep as others and that’s true, but that doesnt mean he doesnt love those friends just as much, wouldnt drop what he’s doing to go pick them up bc their car died on the highway
that said, he doesnt trust super easily??  like he’s p wary in general, a little more suspicious of ppl than he ever lets on.  like it takes him a Long time to rlly ever tell his rlly close friends any big details abt himself.  it takes him even longer to ever invite ppl over to the house, even tho his moms are like you can??  pls do??  have a childhood kiddo
maia takes a little longer to make friends i think??  but that’s more a matter of her not noticing someone is trying to be friends with her, like she’s sort of above it all a lot of the times, often wrapped up in her own head.  but like i said, she’s p intense so once she’s noticed, she’ll dive in head first like all in, ride or die
and its so funny bc she is so so like non-plussed by things like what movie to see or stuff like that, she’s kind of a rlly great friend without meaning to??  like oh, yall were planning to do a mall night but ur period started and u dont have the energy and now u just want to lie around and eat ice cream??  she’ll pick up ur fave flavors and probably a couple redbox rentals and is down for a movie night, maybe becomes ur favorite person in that exact moment
she actually trusts ppl more easily than finn, if only bc generally the ppl that are more insistent abt actually getting to know her, not just that scary person she puts forward are usually ppl that genuinely care abt her and want the best for her??  that said, she gets in with a bad crowd and dates this super fucking awful abusive asshole that sort of destroys that innate trust for a while.  she gets it back eventually, thanks to those friends she had before the entire experience, who stood by her even when she tried to push them away
stella takes the longest to make friends??  she’s like that shy kid in the corner that wont make eye contact but when she does u feel like she’s probably seen ur soul and knows all ur secrets (which....techincally she doesnt see souls and only knows maybe four or five of ur secrets) but she’s rlly sweet and v earnest and ppl sort of find her endearing after a while
like??  she finally finds her ppl when she joins the drama department and switches soccer teams and gets into debate and starts a chess club, like??  when she starts actually embracing who she is and not trying to model herself after maia or finn or kara or lena, when she sort of loses herself in doing things that are actually interesting to her and not just what gets her the least negative responses from other ppl, she makes so many friends !!!  like girl just has to get out of her own head sometimes
of the three kiddos, she definitely trusts the easiest, just bc like??  she knows what ppls intentions are, knows when someone’s hiding something from her or has ulterior motives for trying to befriend her.  like most of the work is done for her just at first meeting like she rlly doesnt have to worry too much abt trusting ppl
they all sort of struggle with hiding their powers??  some more than others for sure
like finn probably struggles more than maia??  bc maia keeps taking that power-suppressant all through school, but finn wants to learn to control himself, wants to not be as dependent on something else to make him more human, safer for others to be around.  so he wears the glasses and softens his touch and makes sure he never moves too quickly, gives up on sports and works hard to never get angry, never let the hum of his heat vision get too distracting 
its rlly hard when he’s around his friends, harder when he starts dating, bc other ppl dont have to worry abt the stuff he has to worry abt??  like he has to have like a lot of talks with kara abt it bc he gets overwhelmed a lot, worries a lot abt accidentally hurting someone he loves
maia on the other hand struggles more with the lying??  like she has this ride or die mentality and it fucks her up that she cant tell the ppl she trusts this giant secret abt her, this thing that defines her existence??  Fucks Her Up tbh like.....she’s like a vault, her friends confess all their shit to her and she hates that she cant do the same??  cant do that without endangering her brother and sister and moms and, rlly, her entire family and she’s not going to do that, wont ever do that
so like she struggles with that, but the actual powers part of it isnt as big of a thing for her bc she keeps taking the suppressant bc she just??  doesnt trust herself not to.  doesnt trust the power in her hands, like she wont take it on the weekends bc thats when kara trains her and finn, takes them to the deo to spar but during the week, when she doesnt have kara’s steady presence to ground her, finn’s quiet hand at her shoulder to stop her when she’s about to go too far
stella struggles with it but its different??  like she’s not hiding superhuman strength or the ability to fly or anything so conspicuous, but she has to like.....constantly monitor what she says and how she acts towards ppl that dont know like??  ppl get kind of weirded out when she knows stuff abt them or like....knows their heart or some shit when they’ve only rlly known each other for a few months
that said, she also gets away with a whole lot by just saying she’s rlly empathetic with this weird little smirk that her friends think is just her poking fun at the fact that she can be kind of spacey and not super aware abt other stuff all the time but lol little do they know
i mean??  at school??  most ppl dont know like she’s mrs danvers or (insert kiddos name)’s mom and like especially in elementary school, she’s not the one at pta meetings bc she knows what will happen if other parents see her and make the connection??  so its usually kara and she usually flies under the radar, like ppl kind of know that she’s the kara danvers from page six, wife of lena luthor and doing the gala circuit when needed, but no one ever like rlly registers it ya know??
likes the kiddos friends kind of put it together but she’s still just mrs danvers to them, their friends rlly cool mom that helps them do these rlly awesome science experiments when they come over and are bored.  a couple ppls parents find out and refuse to let their kids go over anymore and the kids dont understand why and lena like.....lost tbh.  like how does she explain that??  how does she let them know its her fault, that she did this to them by association and for that she is truly sorry
but like the kiddos rlly just let it roll of their backs like it only happens maybe a handful of times and their friends are still their friends at school
but like??  when they get older, they get more vocal, like??  they’re proud of their mother and theyre so fucking sick of hearing the weird, awful comments ppl make about luthors whenever lex winds up in the news again and maia reaches a point of just FUCK OFF levels of anger, starts screaming IM A LUTHOR TOO, MOTHERFUCKER when she tackles someone in the hallway after hearing superman should do the world a favor and just get rid of that entire rats nest during passing period and that’s sort of what outs them all
things change a little after that??  like most of their friends stick around, but there is definitely a wariness towards the danvers kiddos after that, but they bear it with pride, like finn and stella arent upset in the slightest.  like??  so they lost a couple friends; good, better leave now bc they love their mom a whole hell of a lot more than those ppl and that’s never going to change
like??  they rlly arent that aware of the weird spotlight they live in for a while when they’re small, particularly maia and finn like......kara and lena kept their relationship rlly rlly quiet for a long time.  like??  no one knew they were an item until they rlly needed to come out and say it, and then they got engaged and married rlly quietly, just family and lena kept her name professionally so no one rlly knew.  and they kept her pregnancy under wraps, not necessarily hiding??  but just not announcing it either and quite honestly the press doesnt know abt finn until some opportunistic pap gets a shot of kara and lena with little roly poly finn at the park, looking every bit the deliriously happy family they are.  its much the same for maia, with no one outside of their little circle of friends and family knowing abt her until someone catches a picture of them with two little ones, not one.  and like stella??  hell, stella doesnt rlly get a debut until she’s nearly four tbh and its bc she v seriously asks to be lena’s date to her gala and like how was lena going to say no to that request
that said, when they get older, they’re kind of prime targets for some asshole opportunistic paps to swarm and try and get quotes from, try and smear the luthor name some more.  lena issues a no nonsense statement that she’s fair game, but her children are off limits.  catco worldwide issues a similar statement, that the family lives of their reporters are not open for discussion and that such targeting of children is a reprehensible act that has no place in journalism
that helps, that and the ruthless way their family encircles them, fights the press and tabloids and fights to give the kiddos as normal of a life as possible.  and like???  they rlly do.  there’s a couple incidents where the heightened scrutiny was noticeable, but mostly??  the kiddos rlly dont notice, just flip the newspaper over when its lex on the front page or switch whatever gossip show off when the topic comes round to lena, little things like that that help them live as normally as they can
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lillianrs · 7 years
My first day of highschool (no one probably cares but I need to rant, ok?)
Warning: lots of swears, nonsense ranting, TMI, and lots of capital letters
FIRst off, I couldn’t fall asleep yesterday since I had a large fucking caramel frappé at 4pm and I ended up falling asleep at 10 (I went to bed at 8). I woke up at 3:45 am and couldn’t go back asleep, so I just turned my alarms of and listened to twenty one pilots to calm myself. I got out of bed at I think quarter to six, and got dressed in the clothes I already picked out. Skinny jeans: check. Tøp t-shirt: check. Any other shit that I wore: check. Yup, I’m done. I then make my way to the bathroom when my mom got up. Now, I started my *cough cough* “.” Yesterday (I also dropped my pad in the toilet on accident had constipation and bad stomachaches while also having to go to my brothers meet the teacher but let’s not talk about that) and I absolutely want death. Blah blah blah I do shit and eat toast and eggs yeah. I text my friends in a Twitter GC and I’m like having legit anxiety over here and I was fully planning to sit next to “The one with too many nicknames™” but guess what? NOPE!! I GO OUT TO THE BUS STOP TO DISCOVER THAT THEY REALLY DID MOVE THE SIXTH GRADERS ONTO THE EARLY BUS. HOW LOVELY. SO IM STANDING OUT THERE WITH TEN SIXTH GRADERS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE ELEMENTARY BUS AND SO I GET ON THE FUCKING BUS TO FIND OUT THE NEW FRICKITY FUCKING BUS DRIVER HAS SEATS FOR THE MIDDLES SCHOOLERS 6th 7th and 8th GRADE, LEAVING ONLY SEVEN SEATS FOR ALL THE HIGHSCOOLERS. LIKE, WTF, MAN!! THIS ONE DUDE HAD TO STAND BECAUSE THERE WEREN’T ANY FUCKING SEATS.
so anyway, I walk into the highschool catching up to “The one with too many nicknames™” and I go find my homeroom. My homeroom teacher had donuts. Already like her. So then we practice our locks and I didn’t put mine on my locker bc I was planning to just carry my book bag around all day since we were allowed to do that now. It was reasonable until 7th period math but that’s for later. My first period was study hall in the library so I just go down there, sit down at the table that barely anybody’s in, and sleep. The speaker went “Ding…ding….ding….ding” signaling to move on to second pd. Second pd I had English and got another 1000 page hardback book like last year. Then third pd Science. Then fourth pd History, then my elective fifth pd video class. Then it was lunch time.
Ahhh, lunch. So I go into lunch, take one look at the line, and I’m like BITCH I JUST AINT EATING. Like, there’s a fifth pd lunch and a sixth, and my god the line was long. I was only at lunch with three of my friends but that’s fine since not many people are missing (some left school or moved or something idk) but basically I just messed with my phone and it felt super weird to have my phone at school. The only friend that got lunch took like 15 minutes waiting in line and I’m like shocked but all of a sudden everyone just BURSTS OUT OF THE PLACE AND IM LIKE OH SHIT BC THEY GAVE YOU NO WARNINGS LIKE LUCH IS OVER FUCKHEAD LEAVE. SO IM HURRYING TO GET MY STUFF TOGETHER AND JUST RUN WITH MY FRIEND TO OUR MATH CLASS.
So yeah we’re in math class, we have another 8th pd on Tuesdays and Thursday’s. Every other day I go to gym (specifically girls gym, which is very sexist might I add). So yeah, I’m not looking forward to gym. We have to have a change of clothes and pretty much the only thing we do is volley ball like can I just fucking die? Anyways, by this time I have three hardback books in my book bag. Now, I used to be required to have a special chair and take book copies home with me due to my cerebral palsy (that’s how you spell it right?) but now that I look back I realize that that was either unnecessary and I was just really weak, or I’ve just improved myself. But either way, I was still carrying- and my dad weighed- 26 pounds. It wouldn’t really be that difficult to carry all of that as I’m sure I’ll get used to it but that problem is that my book bag just won’t fit it all (I also still have to get my science book) so I’m just gonna drop my lit book in my locker tomorrow morning since I know I won’t need that until next Friday. The last period I had was food and consumer science (another elective) and I really only wanted to take foods bc Mrs. McDounah would also be my teacher in the highschool (she taught 7th and 8th) but on the last day of school she said she was retiring but the new teacher seems nice. Then I try and find the main exit to the school and walk across the parking lot carrying 26 pounds on my back. But wait, there’s people standing around the bus bc apperently someone isn’t where they’re supposed to be and I’m just standing there begging for death and I just sat in like the last available seat next to someone.
And that was my first day of highschool. (There are other things but of course I’m not gonna go into full detail)
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