#1 pro wrestling
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scarskelly · 5 months
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skajador · 6 months
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Tokusatsu is kinda like pro wrestling anyways
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How successful would Samantha Carter…
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rennarita · 9 months
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auspicioustidings · 10 days
I thought u might find this funny, im playing an, admittedly, batshit sims save but long story short ghost was impregnated by max verstappen, the formula 1 driver 😭😭 like baby already born i missed the mpreg nxkgkdkvkdk free will exists
Oh no, I've just went into a spiral thinking about transman Ghost who gets stuck without t after a mission overruns and then he is captured. It's happened before, he knows it'll suck and he'll feel like shit but hey, bigger problems right now. He gets rescued, reunites with his pup, all is well. Only he'd never worried about pregnancy because his body doesn't do the required things for that to happen anymore, or at least it didn't until he was off his meds for months. And him and Soap fuck like rabbits, so they were definitely at it just before he was captured but after he had run out of meds. And while he usually tops, he was already having libido issues and tried topping from the bottom to change things up.
Anyway, turns out he won't be going back on t for at least another 6 months or so because in a turn of event yeah, he could fuck with having Johnny's kid. Price is thinking about retiring anyway and he'll need something to keep him occupied (say, for example, looking after a baby while said babies parents are off saving the world like he taught them).
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devileaterjaek · 8 days
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WWF Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role! (PSX) //Help my Discord reach 100 members// //Help support my dad's Dialysis//
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ethanpageallego · 3 months
Ethan’s Backstage Interview
WWE NXT • June 18, 2024
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solarsonicsoda · 6 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania XXXIX (Saturday)
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn def. The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships in 24:17
Oh my god what a promo package. As a longtime Zayn & Owens fan now, this hit different. Simply electric. Now, Lil Uzi Vert is out first with his hair styled like Batman’s head in a rather impressive look, and he's singing a song. He does this to welcome the champions, The Usos. Now here comes KO, main eventing Night One for a second consecutive time. I never noticed his homages to PWG and Super Dragon on his trunks! Now here's Sami Zayn! The crowd sing along to Worlds Apart as the challengers walk their way to the ring. Cole makes a great point, while The Usos are part of a famous wrestling family, here in their showy white gear, Zayn & Owens are down to Earth, blue collar, and they walk to the ring in plain black zip-up hoodies. The titles are raised and we’re ready to go. 
Olé chants start things off as they take things in. Jey offers the tag and starts it off against Zayn. Lock up and Uso gains control. Lock up again and this time Zayn wins out from the rope rebound. Jimmy makes a secret tag and pulls the ropes to drop Zayn to the outside. A clothesline by Jimmy, a throw into the ringpost, then Jimmy tags Jey who hits a dive. Suplex and he takes it back in the ring. Attack in the ropes and Jimmy kicks Zayn as the referee is distracted. Tag again and Jimmy stomps Zayn. He strikes Owens and draws his ire. Tag again and a double team. Jey can't put Zayn away yet though, even if he's desperate for a tag. Zayn is able to fight back and drop both Usos to the outside and get the tag! From the top rope, cannonball! He takes both men out and hits Bullfrog Splashes on each Uso, Jimmy on the outside and Jey inside. No 3 though, and Jey is able to regain control with a neckbreaker. Owens put up top and Jimmy makes a tag but Owens fights back. Knees up by Jey from a Swanton though, then Himmy immediately follows with an Uso Splash for 2. Owens sodges the hip attack, two superkicks, then a Cannonball in the corner to Jimmy. He goes up top but Jey fights him. However, Zayn fights him off and hits a brainbuster on the apron! Swanton from Owens but no 3. Zayn is in and huts an Uso Splash but it's 2 again. Ole chants even louder now as Cole mentions El Generico on WWE TV! Graves says he’s glad that guy retired.
Jimmy fights back against a Blue Thunder Bomb and hits a superkick on Owens. Zayn is finally able to hit it but only after Jimmy tags Jey who immediately breaks the pin with a superkick. Some sort of flying superkick from Jey but Zayn kicks out. Superkick again from Jey and he tags Jimmy. They each hit one then a double superkick but Owens breaks up the pin. He gets his own superkick as the Usos tag again. They hound Sami and hit a double superkick to the back of the head of Zayn! He still won't stay down though. Tag again and double superkick again but Zayn kicks out. Tag again as they raise the ones and go for a 1D, but Owens pulls Jimmy from the ring. Jey kicks out of the roll up as Owens bounces Jimmy off of the announce table, He looks for a move through it but Jey runs in and helps his brother, as they drive him through an announce table. 1D on Zayn back in the ring, but kick out! Great reaction and the commentary sells it well. Jey begs Zayn to quit and beats him down in the corner. Zayn tries desperately to stand and Jey hits a Helluva Kick. Zayn falls into Jey as he mouths off again, but Exploder Suplex into the corner! Zayn tags Owens who hits pop-up powerbombs on both men. Owens screams “NOW” as Zayn hits a Helluva Kick on Jimmy, Owens hits a Stunner on Jey, but he kicks out at 2. Each team pull each other up on the mat and stare down as the crowd cheers. They start teeing off on each other. Superkick from Jimmy to Zayn, then one from Owens to Jimmy, then one to Jey. Pop-up powerbomb attempt but Jey vaults over after a secret tag by Jimmy. Superkicks each then a double superkick to Owens, and Zayn gets one on the apron too. Dragged over, tag, and Double Uso Splash. But Owens kicks out at two! Jey lifts up Owens in the corner, tags Jimmy, and double superkick in the corner. Tag again, and they put Owens up top. Jey has him superplex position but Zayn pulls out Jimmy and launches him over the announce table as Owens brings down Jey. Zayn runs to the corner and begs for the tag as the crowd goes wild. Jey is in the corner and Zayn hits the Helluva Kick! Jey falls into him, and after a moment he props him back up and hits another! But here comes Jimmy… but Owens is there with a Stunner. Zayn props Jey up once more, the crowd knows what's going to happen, and he hits one more Helluva Kick! 1, 2, 3! New champs as they quietly sit down and take it in. They embrace and get their titles, raising them as the fireworks go off. What a moment.
Pros: Emphatic victory, hot crowd, emotional moments, exciting action Cons: I can probably only wish I was more awake when I first saw it!
This is a pretty great match. Four awesome wrestlers, even if The Usos rely heavily on their superkicks throughout. Owens & Zayn getting this platform is absolutely awesome after all their years on the indies and work trying to get to this spot once in the WWE. It’s really less about the in-ring here and more about the moment, the energy, and the story. That's no knock on this match though, because it was all so good. A great pair of co-mains on this night for completely different reasons. But what a moment and the end of an always engaging match! 
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mrmayn1998ley · 4 months
Happy Day 2 Me :]
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God a Year Already?! Uh Cool... Etc... idk ill be bit more active lol!
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randanopterix · 1 year
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scarskelly · 2 months
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freshlychaos · 7 months
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Last night the 1year NADC special went on air with the show "Gold Rush Redux: NADC's Second Chance Rumble" where all the ex champions fought in a royal rumble type of match for a second chance. And entering with the number 6th Penta won it and will challenge the current NADC Champion Sting!
Now enjoy some info and highlights!
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Entrance Order:
Nick Jackson,Bandido,Matt jackson,Vikingo,Zack Sabre Jr., Pentagon Jr, Bryan Danielson Kazuchika Okada, Katsuyori Shibata, Eddie Kingston, Drago, Claudio Castagnoli, Tomohiro Ishii, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano, Konosuke Takeshita, Tetsuya Naito
Elimination Order:
Matt Jackson, El Hijo Del Vikingo, Zack Sabre Jr. , Nick Jackson, Katsuyori Shibata, Kazuchika Okada, Eddie Kingston, Bandido, Drago, Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson, Tetsuya Naito, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Konosuke Takeshita, Toru Yano, Tomohiro Ishii
Ironman: Pentagon Jr. (40m 19s)
Shortest time: Tetsuya Naito (2m 46s)
Most eliminations: Pentagon Jr (8)
Lucky number: 6 (Pentagon Jr.)
Unlucky number: 17 (Tetsuya Naito)
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How successful would Howard "Howie"/"Chimney" Han…
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rennarita · 9 months
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kopw · 9 months
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📷: D・パンパ
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