#1:19 lives rent free in my brain like WHY is he LIKE THAT
voloswag · 6 months
volo when you tickle his fancy
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || On a Good Note - Final Part 1
Hi everyone! This is the final drabble for Ink Van Za Tatsu No Harem. This is for my awesome partner. @the-silver-peahen-residence. Not sure if this is final but if there is no news. I will consider this the final part. To catch up! Read the previous parts!
----- Parts -----
Part 17 - Relief Within The Claws by Peahen-Mun
Part 18 - Path to Recovery
Part 19 - Meanwhile in the Demon World
----- Summary ------
After her fight with Kali, Ink is back at the hosptial and recovering before she is discharged. But there are unanswered questions that Ink needed answers. A few ones that made everyone flabbergasted. Find out it what is!
----- Hospital ----
Ink's recovery is going well. It seems like Ink is getting better so far and she is more happier. Although...there were things that are left unanswered. A few things that live rent-free in Ink's mind.
For breakfast, Atsushi made her a meal. A typical Japanese breakfast with a special twist. Tea over rice with mackerel, miso, peeled oranges and egg pudding. Ink is impressed by this and goes to eat. This wakes up her and the food makes her relaxed after yesterday.
"Thank you, Atsushi! It tastes so good!" Ink smiles happily making Atsushi blush a little. "Oh...t-thank you! I'm glad you like it!" Though Atsushi noticed something is up. It seems Ink is thinking about something. He heard from Midoriya that Ink sneak out of the hospital to fight Kali. Atsushi had a good idea why but he didn't want to question her about it.
'She is probably mad about what Kali did. Did she went just to fight her on our behalf?' Atsushi thought. He also heard from Midoriya that the situation seems to be resolved
After she finished eating and talking to Atsushi a bit about what was going on, Atsushi excused himself and bid her later as he is going to work and check up on Dazai and Kunkida regarding case. Atsushi will come back later.
Throughout the afternoon, Ink is still racking her brain about it. She wanted to know but it always slip her mind because she is so busy with Fosh in finding an apartment regarding Navarro's punishment. Fosh is still there when Midoriya arrived, visiting her with a lunch special.
"Hi Ink! Oh hello Fosh!" Midoriya smiles at them both. Midoriya presents his lunch.
Katsudon: A fried pork cutlet over rice with steamed eggs mixed with sauteed onions simmered in a sweet and savory sauce. It's hot and Ink's mouth waters with delight. Ink has to try this so badly.
Ink widen her eyes at this. "Woah! You made this for me?! Thank you so much! You told me it's so good." Ink said making Midoriya before taking a bite, by picking a piece of fried pork, egg, onion and rice and and puts it in her mouth. Ink's eyes lit up. "So good! Midoriya! This is the best comfort food I ever had!"
"I'm happy that you like it!" Midoriya smiles, upon hearing this. He also has his katusdon as well for lunch. The two are eating. Fosh already ate so it isn't a big deal. Fosh smiles seeing the two spending time. Ren brought flowers.
"Oh hey, Ren!" Ink said. Ren nods with a smile, "Good afternoon, Ink. How's your lunch! Great! Midoriya made me a katsudon!" Ink grins. Ren smiles. "Good to know. Katsudon is good for lunch."
And so time passes so slowly, Ink and Midoriya eating, Fosh looking up the houses and Ren replaces the flowers. Soon, the unanswered thoughts came back to her mind as she is eating. Midoriya notices Ink's thoughtful expression. When she eats, she looks so....calm and gentle compared to her usual optimism. But he wonders....what is she thinking about.
"Ink? Is there something on your mind?" Midoriya asked. Ink blinks, "Hm?"
"Sorry! You seem to be thinking about something." Midoriya noted waving his hands apologetically with a smile.
"Oh uh..there's something that has been bothering me since my fraction told me everything about the party. Not only that...it's even after my fight with Kali. So I had a few questions that needed to be solved."
"I see." Midoriya smiles gently, "Then I can answer anything you need to know," Midoriya asked.
"Really?" Ink smiles making Midoriya smile, "Of course! So tell me!"
Ren is now curious as Bakugo is hearing this outside the door. He came by just to check up on Ink while keeping guard. They can help Ink with whatever they need. But when the boys heard her question.
"Okay! What's a harem?!" Ink said so genuinely and innocently that Midoriya falls out of his chair, Bakugo almost tripped himself while Ren and Fosh almost spit out their coffees. Fosh is coughing making Ren slap his back, to pull himself together. The four boys stared at Ink in disbelief as she is tilting her head in confusion, blinking innocently.
Fosh stared in horror. "Uhhhh...."
After all this time... Ink has no idea what a harem is! Fosh stared.
Bakugo twitched an eye. He is seriously going to kill that damn gremlin, Navarro if he had a chance. Did not he explain anything to her or what?!
Okay, maybe Navarro is right. Sorta! Not that, I am giving him any credit! Fosh thought.
"Midoriya? What's a harem? My friends keep saying it but I have no idea what that is." Ink said.
"Uh...well...um" Midoriya stammered and looks at Fosh for an answer. Fosh is too choked up, "Oh uh....well....I don't know! Has Oblivion has been saying it and I completely forgot what it means so I don't know. I was busy!'
What do you mean you don't know! You have a phone in front of you!!' Midoriya thought. Then he looks to Ren, "Maybe Ren can tell you? It's a quirk I never before of." He chuckles.
Wow, a nice way to save yourself, Midoriya.
"Huh?" Ren blinked dumbfounded. Ren looks at Midoriya as if he is serious right now.
"Yeah! Ren can tell you!" Fosh nods his head. Ren clears his throat before answering, "Well....this word is foreign to me. Bakugo will know." Ren said, passing the question over to the explosive pro-hero.
"HA?!" Bakugo yelled. Bakugo glares at Ren, Midoriya, and Fosh right now. Are they seriously not going to tell her?! What the hell?! Oh, fuck it! If they're not going to answer her, he will!
"A harem means when multiple people really like you. Like a lot." Bakugo said seriously. "So they formed a group which is called a harem and will do anything for you." Of course, he accidentally omits love but nobody is ready for that!
"Oh....so...like...." Ink thinks making the boys nervous except for Bakugo. "Like a fraction?" Ink asked as she looks unsure. Bakugo sighs. "Not really. It's more than that."
"Like a fan club!" Fosh exclaimed making the boys stare in disbelief, Midoriya almost drop his bowl of food and Ren raises a brow at this.
"Oh! Like a fan club? Is that what it is?" Ink said making Fosh nods. "Yep! Fosh said with a sheepish smile.
"That's not what it is and you know it ya damn geek!" Bakugo shouted making Fosh nervous. "I mean you make it sound like it!" Fosh laughs nervously making Bakugo glare at him making the Fosh sweatdrop.
"I agree," Ren said, just to avoid further awkwardness. " A fan club would do anything for it. It's like the same thing with pro-heroes."
"Oh! That makes sense. Is that true, Midoriya?" Ink asked. Midoriya blinked then sees Ren gives him a look. "Oh yes! I agree!" The green-haired hero nods his head.
'Seriously?!' Bakugo thought. Nobody is going to tell her the real meaning.
"Anyway...I like what the word means." Ink smiles. "It sounds really cool to me."
"I think so, Ink!" Midoriya smiles, just
Someday....Ink will know the meaning of the word. For now, they have her know that on her own. Of course, they aren't ready for the next word that Ink picks when ADA gang arrives; Kunkida, Dazai and Atsushi with Shdwkyz and Hellmare in tow. Denji and Rin came by from their mission just to pop in and say hello.
"Everyone!" Ink grins.
"Hello, Miss Ink! How are you doing today?!" Dazai greeted her with a cheerful smile as he is with Kunkida and Atsushi. "I heard from Atsushi that you're healing up nicely after a nice breakfast made by him here."
Atsushi chuckles as he looks embarrassed. He twirls his hair a bit. Hellmare giggles while Shdwkyz smiles a bit.
"Yeah! Atsushi and Midoriya's food helps me a ton! Ren told me that he is going to cook me some dinner so I can't wait." Ink smiles.
"That's good to know. Soon, you will be discharged from the hospital in no time. Yasano informs us." Kunkida said with a small smile. Ink nods, "I'm happy to hear it! Also uh! I forgot. Dazai and Kunkida, can I ask you something? There's this Japanese word I need to know and well...I was planning to ask you all about it so if it's okay if I ask.."
"Of course. Please ask us." Kunkida said as he wants to help.
"I bet it must have a meaning..." Hellmare said. Oh....they have no idea when Ink asks this.
"What's a mokkori?" Ink asked causing everyone to freeze except for Fosh, Shdwkyz, and Hellmare.
Everyone in the floor quieted with their eyes widen except Fosh and Shdwkyz blinked, noticing the look on everyone's faces.
"A mokkori?" Fosh repeated. "What does that mean?" And why is everyone's face turning red?! Do they know what the word means?!
"Where did you learn this word, Ink?" Asked Hellmare.
"When I was fighting Kali. She told me I got this mokkori body and I don't get what that means. She says it's a Japanese word and I should ask you after fighting her." Ink explained.
"A Japanese word?" Shdwkyz looks at the detectives Kunkida and Atsushi's faces are red blushing hearing that. He sees that Midoirya' and Bakugo's faces turned red along with Ren who looks away. Rin's jaw dropped. Denji blinks as he knows the word. Dazai blinks and grins so mischievously. Why does he have a feeling that the word is vulgar?
Where in the world did Kali hear that?! Midoriya yelled in his head.
'Oh dear....' Atsushi sweatdropped.
'What the hell???' Rin said.
'Mokkori...' Denji spaced out for a moment.
'What did that damn harpy tell Ink?!' Bakugo stared.
'Not going to answer that....' Ren thought.
Now ladies and gentlemen, if you are curious about what the word 'mokkori' means. Please google the word at your own discretion!
"I can tell you what that is." Denji speaks with his hand raised, "It means when-" Then Rin whacked Denji over the head with his tail before he says the definition of the word.
"Eh?" Ink blinked dumbfounded.
"Oops! Sorry! That was an accident! I got to get Denji checked by a nurse! Be right back!" Rin laughed as he pushes him out the door, whispering into Denji's ear 'What the hell is wrong with you?! You are not telling her that!' while dragging a dizzy Denji out of the room. 'B-but she asked...' Denji muttered.
"Oh...okay." Ink said.
Then Dazai had that look on his face as Atsushi knew what he's going to do. "I think Atsushi will answer that for you!"
"Wait...m-m-me?! I don't have any idea what that is, either!" Atsushi stammered as he looks like he doesn't want to answer that one. Shdwkyz can tell Atsushi is definitely lying. Dazai sighs, "Is that so? Well then Miss Ink! I will tell you what mokkori really means so you will know!!"
"Really?" Ink smiled. Midoriya had this look of panic and Bakugo glared at Dazai, 'Don't you dare!!'. They shouted.
"Of course! Mokkori means when a man sees a beautiful lady such as yourself, they get-" But then Dazai is kicked out of the floor, literally kicked, by Kunkida making everyone in the room startled and dumbfounded.
"Uhhhhh..." Everyone blinked.
"Excuse me. It seems like we were called on a case. Please excuse us. Atsushi stay with Ink." Kunkida pushes his glasses up, leaving the room.
"Y-yes." Atsushi nodded his head as he knew full well what Kunkida is doing. When Kunkida closes the door behind him and then....there is a disturbance outside of the room. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU CANNOT TELL HER WHAT IT MEANS!! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND?! SHE IS A CHILD! DON'T YOU DARE, YOU SUDICIAL IDIOT!'' Kunkida yelled as the group hear the sounds of someone being hit. Fosh, Ren, and Midoriya sweatdropped as they laughed nervously. Shdwkyz and Bakugo just stare with a deadpan expression.
"Hahahahahaha!" Atsushi said. "Don't worry, Ink. This is normal!" He said, hoping to distract her from Kunkida's shouting.
That's normal??? Fosh, Shdwkyz, and Hellmare thought. But seriously...they make it sound like the word 'mokkori' is a bad word or some kind of taboo to know about it. I mean why would Rin whack Denji and Kunkida beat up Dazai while everyone else didn't answer Ink's question.
"Oh okay! It sounds like Dazai is about to tell me but Kunkida say it like an emergency."
She can't be that gullible, right? Right?
"It sounds like that man would feel something when they see someone attractive." Said Hellmare, seeing that nobody is going to answer the question properly so she is going to help.
"Like butterflies in your stomach?" Shdwkyz asked.
"Yes, yes, yes! That's what exactly it means!" Midoriya said, clasping his hands together. "Right guys?!" He asked.
"Yes!" Atsushi nodded his head.
"Hm-mmh." Ren is in agreement as Bakugo rolls his eyes he can't believe this but he gets a look from the three, telling him just go along with it for now. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it means or close to that." Bakugo sighed, he is going to find that crazy harpy and give her a piece of his mind. Oh, and Navarro too for not telling Ink what a damn harem is!
"Oh okay! That sounds wonderful! I guess that answers my questions."
Thank god. The boys except for Hellmare and Shdwkyz are glad that Ink doesn't ask any inappropriate questions.
'I hope she asks Senkai or the devil for that one.' Fosh sighed mentally before going back to his house-hunting search. And so the day went smoothly. Everyone went home except for Ren who came back at 6pm to give Ink curry with rice. She can smell the spice and sees the beef simmered in sauce. Ink is so hungry.
Ink is happily eating his food, complimenting him. "Thanks for the food."
Ren chuckles and goes to wipe some curry residue from her cheek. "Be careful. Don't get messy with food." He said while knowing full well that there are glares from Rin and Denji right now.
'Damn it! I know my meal beats him.' Rin said. "You said it!" Denji gritted while Shdwkyz sighs.
"A sorry! What she said?!" Yuuka asked as she can't believe what she was hearing.
"A mokkori. I had to ask because it's a Japanese word and I thought you and Oblivion would know."
"Ugh....Kali..." Yuuka groaned.
"I know that means uh... sounds...freaking weird. I'm glad you said something that's kinda similar but not really." Oblivion said to which she tells Hellmare making the violet girl widen her eyes.
"I see....that is vulgar..." Said Hellmare.
"Yeah..." Oblivion said. "I will let Ink know if she gets discharged."
"Yes please do."
And that day ended on a good hilarious note.
Now it only leaves Navarro about to move to the house that Fosh selected. Navarro is not looking forward to this punishment.
"Fuck me...I'm dead." Navarro said before he leaves.
To be continued...
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lochtayboatsong · 3 years
The Jesus Christ Superstar essay absolutely no one asked for.
Last weekend, I watched the pro-shot of the 2012 arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin, and Melanie C, because it was Easter and it was up on YT for the weekend.  I never managed to do my annual listen-through of Leonard Bernstein’s Mass this year, as is my usual Easter tradition, so I figured “Why not watch/listen to this instead?”  It was my first time seeing and hearing JCS in full, and Y’ALL, it has been living rent-free in my brain ever since.  I have a mighty need to get my thoughts out, so here they are, in chronological order by song.  
1) Prologue: I love the way JCS 2012 makes use of the arena video screen.  The production design and concept clearly took a lot of inspiration from the “Occupy ______” movement, which makes it feel a bit dated now.  But every single production of JCS is a product of its time period, so this is a feature and not a bug.  
2) Heaven On Their Minds: This is a straight-up rock song.  It wouldn’t be out of place on any rock and roll album released between 1970 and 2021, and it boggles my mind that Webber and Rice were both in their early twenties when they wrote it.  Also, the lyric “You’ve begun to matter more than the things you say” hits hard no matter the year.
3) What’s the Buzz: A+ use of the arena screens again, this time bringing in social media to set the tone.  Also, this song establishes right from the outset that Jesus is burnt out and T I R E D by this point in the story.  Seriously, can we just let this man have a nap?
4) Strange Thing Mystifying: Judas publicly calls out Mary and Jesus claps back.  Folx, get you a partner who will defend your honor the way Jesus defends MM in this scene.  Also Jesus loses his shoes and is mostly barefoot for the remainder of the show.
5) Everything’s Alright: Okay, this is one of the songs I have A LOT to say about.  First, it’s important to know that I was a church musician throughout all of my adolescence and into my early adulthood.  The pianist at the services I usually played at was a top-notch jazz pianist, and also my piano teacher for about six years while I as in high school and undergrad.  (Incidentally, I had a HUGE crush on his son, who was/is a jazz saxophonist and clarinetist and also played in the church band, but that’s a story for another day.)  One of the hymns we played a few times a year was called “Sing of the Lord’s Goodness,” which is notable for being in 5/4 time.  Whenever this hymn was on the schedule, it was usually the recessional, or the last song played as the clergy processed out and the congregation got ready to leave, so we were able to have some fun with it.  After a couple verses the piano player and his son would usually morph it into “Take Five,” a famous jazz standard by Dave Brubeck which is also in 5/4 time.  Anyway, the first time I listened to this song in full, it got to Judas’s line “People who are hungry, people who are starving,” and I sat bolt upright and went “HOLY SHIT THIS IS ‘SING OF THE LORD’S GOODNESS/TAKE FIVE.’”  And I was ricocheted back in time to being fourteen and trying to keep up with this father/son duo in a cavernous Catholic church while simultaneously making heart-eyes at the son.  Final note: This is the only song in the musical to feature all three leads (Jesus, Judas, and Mary Magdalene) and is mostly Jesus and MM being soft with each other in between bouts of Jesus and Judas snarling at one another.
6) This Jesus Must Die: I LOVE that all the villains in this production are in tailored suits.  LOVE IT.  Also, Caiaphas and Annas are a comedy duo akin to “the thin guy and the fat guy,” except in this case it’s “the low basso profundo and the high tenor.”  Excellent use of the arena video screen again, this time as CCTV.
7) Hosanna: My background as a church musician strikes back again.  It honestly took me two or three listens to catch it, but then I had another moment of sitting bolt upright and going “HOLY SHIT THIS IS A PSALM.”  Psalms sung in church usually take the form of call-and-response, with a cantor singing the verses and the congregation joining in for the chorus.  If I close my eyes during this song, I have no trouble imagining Jesus as a church cantor singing the verses and then bringing the congregation in for the “Ho-sanna, Hey-sanna” chorus. 
8) Simon Zealotes: This is part “Gloria In Excelsis” and part over-the-top Gospel song.  Honestly it’s not my favorite, but it marks an important mood change in the show.  The end of “Hosanna” is probably Jesus at his happiest in the entire show, and then Simon comes in and sours the mood by trying to tip the triumphant moment into a violent one.  Jesus is not truly happy again from this moment on.
9) Poor Jerusalem: Also not my fave.  It kinda reads like Webber and Rice realized that Jesus didn’t have a solo aria in Act I, so they came up with this.  But it has the distinction of containing the lyric, “To conquer death you only have to die,” which is the biggest overarching theme of the story.
10) Pilate’s Dream: Pontius Pilate might be the most underrated role in this entire show, and I love that this production has him singing this song while being dressed in judge’s robes.  
11) The Temple: The first half of this is one of the campiest numbers in Act I, at least in this production, and it’s awesome.  The second half is one of the saddest, as Jesus tries to heal the sick but finds there are too many of them.  Also the whole scene is almost entirely in 7/8 time, which I think is just cool.
12) I Don’t Know How To Love Him: Mary Magdalene’s big aria, and one of the songs I knew prior to seeing the full-length show.  This production has MM taking off her heavy lipstick and eye makeup onstage, mid-song, which is kind of cool.  Melanie C says in a BTS interview that MM’s makeup is her armor, so this is a Big Symbolic Moment.
13) Damned For All Time: The scene transition into this song is played entirely in pantomime, and I love it.  The solo guitarist gets to be onstage for a bit, A+ use of the video screen again to show Judas on CCTV, etc.  Love it.  And then this song is Judas frantically rationalizing what he’s doing, and what he’s about to do, with Caiphas and Annas just reacting with raised eyebrows and knowing looks.
14) Blood Money: This is where the tone of the show really takes a turn for the dark.  I think this might be one of Tim Minchin’s finest moments as Judas, because his facial expressions and microexpressions throughout this scene speak absolute volumes.  And the offstage chorus quietly singing “Well done Judas” as he picks up the money is a positively chilling way to end Act I.
15) The Last Supper: Act II begins with major “Drink With Me” vibes.  (Except JCS came WAY before Les Miz, so it’s probably more accurate to say that “Drink With Me” has major “The Last Supper” vibes.)  Jesus and Judas have their knock-down, drag-out fight, and it’s honestly heartbreaking, thanks again to Tim Minchin’s facial expressions.  A well-done production of JCS will really convey that Jesus and Judas were once closer than brothers, even though their relationship is at breaking point when Act I begins.
16) Gethsemane: This is Jesus’s major showpiece and one of my faves.  Jesus knows he has less than 24 hours to live, he knows he’s going to suffer, and worst of all, he doesn’t know whether it’s going to be worth it.  It’s an emotional rollercoaster to watch and to perform, and it goes on for ages: something like 6 or 7 minutes.  Fun fact: the famous G5 is not written in the score.  Ian Gillan, who played Jesus on the original concept album, just sang it that way, so most subsequent Jesuses have also done it that way.  Lindsay Ellis has a great supercut of this on YT.  John Legend notably sang the line as written during the 2018 concert.  
17) The Arrest: Judas’s Betrayer’s Kiss is played differently across different productions.  The 2012 version is pretty tame - I’ve seen clips and gifs of other productions, including the 2000 direct-to-video version, where they kiss fully on the mouth and have to be dragged apart by the guards and it is THE MOST TENDER THING.  Then the 7/8 riff from “The Temple” comes back and the 2012 version lets the video screen do its thing again as Jesus is swarmed by reporters.
18) Peter’s Denial: Not much to say about this one, as it’s basically a scene transition.  But it’s a significant moment in the Passion story, so I’m glad they included it.
19) Pilate and Christ: The 2012 production continues with the theme of Caiaphas, Annas, and Pilate all being bougie af, since Pilate intentionally looks like he just came from tennis practice during this scene.  Also he does pilates...hehehe.
20) King Herod’s Song: Tim Minchin says in a BTS interview that JCS works best when Jesus and Judas are played seriously and the rest of the production is allowed to be completely camp and wild and bizarre all around them, and he is bloody well CORRECT about that.  Case in point: King Herod.  There is not a single production of JCS that I know of where Herod is played “straight.”  He’s been played by everyone from Alice Cooper to Jack Black, and everyone puts a different zany spin on him.  In JCS 2012 he’s a chat show host in a red crushed velvet suit, who is clearly having the time of his LIFE. 
21) Could We Start Again Please: This is another of my faves.  Just a quiet moment where MM, Peter, and the disciples try to grapple with the fact that Jesus is arrested and things are going very, very badly.  This is also my favorite Melanie C moment of the 2012 show.  Her grief is very real, and the little moment she has with Peter at the end is very real.
22) Death of Judas: This is basically Tim Minchin screaming for about five minutes, and incredibly harrowing to watch on first viewing.  
23) Trial Before Pilate: Possibly my single favorite scene in the entire 2012 production.  This is another harrowing watch, but there’s so much to take in.  The “set” that the entire show takes place on is essentially just a massive staircase, and the people with power are almost always positioned above the people without power.  In this scene, the crowd shouting “Crucify Him!” is positioned above Pilate, which is a very telling clue to Pilate’s psychology during this scene.  Jesus is at the very bottom of the stairs, of course.  Excellent use of the video screen once again during the 39 Lashes, to show the lash marks building and building until the entire screen is a wash of red.  Pilate’s counting also gets more and more frantic, especially starting around “20.”  And all the while the guitar riff from “Heaven On Their Minds” is playing.  Jesus’s line “Everything is fixed and you can’t change it” is played quite differently in different productions - here it’s defiant, but elsewhere (in JCS 2000 for example) it’s almost tender, like Jesus is absolving Pilate for his part in the trial.  But it always ends the same - with Pilate almost screaming as he passes the sentence and “washes his hands” of the whole sorry business. 
24) Superstar: The most over-the-top number in the show.  Judas, who died two scenes ago, comes back to sing this.  There are soul singers.  There are girls in skimpy angel costumes.  The parkour guys from the prologue are back.  Judas pulls a tambourine out of hammerspace midway through the song.  And Jesus is silently screaming and crying as he gets hoisted onto a lighting beam while all this is going on.
25) The Crucifixion: More of a spoken-word piece than a song, it’s Jesus’s final words on the cross over eerie piano music, and another harrowing watch.
26) John 19:41: An instrumental piece in which Jesus is taken from the cross and carried, at last, to the top of the stairs, before being lowered out of sight as the video screen turns into a memorial wall and everything fades to black.
So.  I know I’m anywhere from three to fifty-one years late to this particular party, but I am on the JCS bandwagon now and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.  :)
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Distractions (words: 911 - rated M; Uni!Lock)
“Beware of distractions.” Ironic, that Sherlock would recall Mycroft’s admonishment right now, as he finds himself completely - and more than willingly - distracted.
Love at First Bite  (words: 2782 - rated: M)
"It'll be fun," Mike had said. Recently discharged John Watson has an... interesting night out.
Shared Proximity  (WIP - rated: T ...for now)
“As ever, you see but you do not observe. Our respective lives are so enmeshed together, that such labels - like flatmates or colleagues or, yes, even friends - evidently fall short. Partners might do it, and it’s not a coincidence that it’s a stand-in for couple.”
A definition might prove necessary, but still not enough in itself. What's the next step?
The Perfect Blend  (words: 4890 - rated: T) 
It's said that smell and taste are the most powerful senses, when it comes to triggering vivid memories...
Five (plus one) spices; five (plus one) memories; five people Sherlock holds close to his heart... plus one - the one: the perfect blend.
The Conundrum Of The Tactless Detective  (words: 1805 - r: T)
He should have known better, by then. It wasn’t like bloody Sherlock Holmes couldn’t read a room, and he definitely understood tact on a rational level. He just didn’t care about the eventual consequences, the git.
Wrong. Number! (words: 2804 - rated: E)
“How? How did you get it?”
“Deduction, Captain Watson. I have a remarkable brain; the only downside being that it requires constant… stimulation.”
Is the stranger… flirting with him? Christ, the man hasn’t even offered him his name, but John is buzzed enough to entertain the thought.
Three Sad Thoughts, Danced  (words: 2788 - rated: T)
John is learning waltz, but Sherlock has something different on his mind... Slow dancing is a slippery slope.
~ FICLETS  (series and stand-alones) ~
Quick, man, if I need you! ~  I know it’s 2 a.m., but... / Be My Guest 
From Me, To You ~ Just a silly gift / ...and an expensive one 
Under The Weather ~  Rain / Puddles / Gloom / Thunder
Flash Fiction Friday ~ Think Twice / Out in the rain / The Scene of the Crime
White Lie / The Dads Are Alright / Bespoke / E vai col liscio! / (Full) Contact with Nature / Bumping Heads 
28 Days of Fluff (Fluffbruary 2022) ~ 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07 . 08 . 09 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28
~ Headcanons  ~
Fluffy headcanons you can pry from my cold, dead hands
Smutty headcanons that live in my head rent free
Mycroft's Chocolate Stout Cake (for Greg, and Greg only)
“The Dads Are Alright” Headcanon (parentlock/fluff)
221B pets
221B rules (written by @kitten-kin)
Fluffbruary 2022 Trivia Tuesdays: Week 01 . 02 . 03 . 04
~ Sherlock Rewatch Meta ~
ASiB ~ Why I Love Irene Adler So Much // THoB  ~ Pt. 1 - Beware of the Dog / Pt. 2 - Lights in the Darkness / Pt. 3 - Killing the Hound // TAB ~ Way Too Deep // TLD ~ The Morgue Scene: a look at the script // TFP ~ The Coffin Scene
Character Meta ~  Molly Hooper has been done dirty (and I say this as a hardcore Johnlocker) // (mini-meta) John Watson, a man with issues: one and two
Other:  ~ Half-Assed Fic Recs  ~  Martin Freeman Appreciation Posts  ~  Random Thoughts: StartUp // Ghost Stories 
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Top 20 2021
My Favorites (updated)
Hello my readers, it’s been a while since I just posted something not related to a headcanon and I am doing one right now. I just wanted to take a bit of a break to just get SOMETHING on here on my days off work. Plus I’m just trying to find my groove when it comes to writing again so hopefully this helps me just get back into the mood of making a post more often lol. I wanted to revisit this topic for a while just because we’ve had a lot more events and a lot more alts in the game were added. And I know for a fact LifeWonders reads these posts in some capacity because I have meme’d an AR into the game with my top picks from the last list I did for Christmas 2019. No I didn’t. I’m just joking around and I know LifeWonders doesn’t read this.
Anyways rather than just make up a list on the spot like last year I decided to use the Housamo Sortmaker (Link: https://club.housamo.xyz/sortmaker/ ) to try and make a list that’s more revealing to what I was thinking at the time. Since I talked about 20 characters ish last time I’m just gonna read from my 20th place to my 1st place spots and try to justify whatever I was thinking at the time. Anyways-
20: Marchosias and Susan: This one was a surprise for me if I’m being honest but I’m just gonna blame the fact on Shukou’s recent involvement with LifeWonders in the form of Live A Hero and how Ryekie and Mokdai live in my headspace rent free whenever I think about the characters in that game. Maybe we can see about getting some LAH headcanons since that’s a LifeWonders property too). So out of all the characters Shukou drew for Housamo why did I pick Marchosias? Easy, it’s been 4 years and this poor man has yet to receive a proper alt or any kind of skin for that matter and I think that it’s a crime. Sure he’s not my favorite but he’s definitely grown on me because he’s just a gentle dad kind of character and his design has grown on me over the years. I just hope he doesn’t get left behind since he has a lot of really interesting and potential things to look forward to in the future given how the main story has unfolded.
19: Shiva/Algernon: The helmet heads are together because DAI XT quickly became my favorite artist for Fire Emblem Heroes and I really just like their designs. DAI XT just knows how to draw robots, armor and muscles well. Also Chapter 11 with Shiva you can read into some interesting perspectives. I don’t want to spoil any of the untranslated content for anyone who’s waiting for the official english translation. But if you are curious Roureem has a blogspot where he posts summaries of the newly released events.
Link: https://housamosummaries.blogspot.com/
18: Cthugha: I love this goober so much. He’d constantly try to act super sentai just trying say good morning everyday. He may not be very bright but that just adds to his charm and honestly I enjoy how he always tries to play the hero in a lot of scenarios because it’s refreshing when they implement him after a bunch of heavy hitting story stuff. I’m not gonna spoil too much about it but I will say he’s more than welcome after everything Chapter 10 and 11 put the reader through.
17: Mineaki: I’ve made a post about him being one of my least favorites way back when I first started this blog and let me just say how times have changed and I’ve learned the value of not judging a book by it’s cover. I still think there’s something a bit off about Kowmei’s style for his characters, but Mineaki has definitely grown on me. He’s a caring instructor who does watch out for his students even if it’s not always in the most direct way possible. Not to get into too many spoilers he’s got a lot of intrigue around him as well and I am curious to see his role get expanded down the line.
16: Ded: Housamo is the reason I really like christmas. The Christmas stories despite following a similar structure to each other do tend to be my favorite stories. Ded himself is also just another good dad character. He’s also two guys for the price of one, so I mean… you know… you’ve got the forever ask your other dad situation. There wasn’t much thought put into this choice I just like santa as a concept because I think the outfits are cute, it’s always nice to get something for people you care about on Christmas and Ded is the perfect embodiment of both sides to Christmas.
15: Shinya: Everyone we need to manifest buff Shinya for 2021, this is not a drill. This is legitimate. We must make Taromati’s and my wish come true. To be more serious again he’s just a sweet and gentle character. He’s also drawn by my favorite Housamo artist. Their characters always just look so naturally good. I’m just surprised he hasn’t gotten much of an alt given he’s perfect material for Valentine’s day. He’s just a soft boy and I would love for him to be in more things because I just enjoy seeing him.
14: Jacob: I have to be honest Jacob is on here because every time I look at him he just gets more handsome to me. I wasn’t all that impressed with his introduction and we don’t know much about his background but I’ve just been drawn to him more and more. Maybe it’s just because he’s drawn by GomTang? I just like looking at him and I can’t help it. To speak a bit less crass he’s another gentleman kind of guy and those are always nice.
13: Shennong: Yeah I like the doc a lot. Firstly, I’m a huge sucker for big bulls and Shennong fits the bill. The white fur really adds to his appeal visually and the purple horns give off a bit of an unnatural appearance. Shen feels like someone who’s been touch starved and alone for a long time given how he acts as a character and when we actually hug him I just lost it. He always has others well being on his mind so he’s not afraid to jump in and help, or give a much needed lecture about when you need to take better care of yourself. He just comes across as very well balanced overall.
12: Heracles: I won’t lie- at first he didn’t interest me much. He looked incredibly plain when among the rest of the cast and he seemed like the typical “bait” character since the banner had Echo, Barguest, Gyumao and Snow. But after reading the translation for Valentine Time Slip I was taken aback at how much of a gentle giant he turned out to be and I just really liked his interactions with the others in that event. And honestly his special quest from that year was one of the more unique ones given the slower pace and more romantic vibe it had. After the event warmed my heart I did a complete 180 and I just knew I really liked him.
11. Yasuyori: Before I start praising him I feel I have to justify why he didn’t quite make top 10 and it will have some mild Chapter 10 spoilers. To be as vague as possible his resolution just didn’t vibe with me at the end of Chapter 10. Like it wasn’t a bad resolution and it was the right choice to make but in my opinion there really wasn’t a moment I felt was clear where he made a choice for himself. Everything just sort of happened around him and it felt like he didn’t really do much to improve his situation. To an extent I kind of see that being the idea given his origins and the story he’s based on and there is some semblance of him coming to terms with himself alongside his isolation being portrayed pretty well, but I just wasn’t satisfied with it as much as I would like to be. With that out of the way, oh my god I just want this boy to never stop smiling and I just want to give him hugs constantly please he just deserves to be happy!!! Yasuyori is a character who’s got a lot of baggage and he’s just trying to find ways to properly cope with his trauma and not repeat past mistakes and I just really like that idea. His role in Xmas 2020 (sorry I just forgot the name of that event, but its when he gets his alt) was a much better representation for his character in my eyes. I’m not gonna spoil anything like I keep saying but he isn’t one to disappoint in future appearances and I just hope this lovable lug keeps getting the support he deserves.
10: Hephaestus: A spicy way to start the latter half of the list. I just want to give this lad a hug and tell him he is worthy of love. But at the same time he is a little shit… and I love that. I can’t fully explain why I grow a paternal instinct in me seeing this grown man sob about his mother but I just do. I want to keep him safe and give him all the affection he wants. Though I am aware a lot of Hephaestus’s interest in his parental figure is… questionable. I am just gonna say I would accept his love for what it is and he just wants approval.
9. Shuten: I’ll be honest I have no proper reason for why I like Shuten so much. He’s just a cool and reliable guy. He just seems like a go with the flow kind of person most of the time and he’s a bit more direct than most of the characters which I always appreciate. Plus I have an unspoken bias for naop guys in Housamo.
8. Durga: While not number 1 on this list, I still really like Durga. She’s quirky but not to an annoying degree, she’s determined and definitely very confident in her own abilities. Her growing to be more sociable throughout her events is something I enjoy seeing because it really creates this sense of growth.
7. Kyuma: I get a lot of people don’t like Kowmei’s art but I really think we should look past it because Kyuma is one of the sweeter picks. He’s someone who just wants to prove himself for his own worth and not what David can provide, but David is part of him and it just creates the potential for a good arc. Plus this boy is unintentionally smooth and will just take your heart when possible. I honestly want to see Kyuma more in events because he’s honestly the jock that carries 3 of the 4 brain cells. He’s also the last one without an alt so I’m just hoping he gets one in 2021 because he really deserves one in my opinion. (Also fan art makes him really cute).
6. Tomte: Tomte is relatively new but honestly his event in 2019 really endeared me to him. I’m trying to be spoiler free because the best way to enjoy these stories is for yourselves but let me just say his arc in the event was really endearing to me and much more than I was expecting. His fan service is also incredibly hammy and I love it. Visually Tomte is one of my favorites, I love his multi colored hair and starlit pupils cuz it makes his otherwise more generic look have some flare. I knew I liked him out the box and when I read about him in the summaries and can’t wait to read the official translation for him. I was just very endeared.
5. Tetsuya: Tetsuya fucks. Moving on…
Jokes aside this one’s a bit simple. I have no shame in admitting I think he’s attractive and his whole resistance towards wanting a relationship is cute in a weird roundabout way. When he says no I just want it MORE. I just really like duo haired tsunderes.
4. Kengo: Kengo 3rd alt 2021. Please LifeWonders I need my favorite Summoner. He’s a bro and that’s what counts. Kengo has got your back, not afraid to rely on you, a very fun and dynamic guy. Sure he’s not that bright when it comes to making plans or any book smart, but there are times where he’s the best at being able to read the room or just understand what someone needs to hear even if it isn’t always what someone wants to hear. His bullheaded nature is actually one of his redeeming qualities because it’s nice to just not overcomplicate things and just understand what’s actually going on. Yes the early story didn’t do many favors for him but to me the events, especially the later ones, do much more work for his character. To me, at least.
3. Ashigara: Ashigara is best bear, and I will defend that stance in 2021. The main thing that draws me to Ashigara is that I can see a bit of myself in him. He gets very emotional when he gets left alone, he’s very loud when with his friends, has a tendency of speaking his mind- just someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. I also appreciate that in spite of the negative he isn’t someone who backs down when the going gets tough and in a few instances he’s able to hold his ground physically at least.
2. Wakan Tanka: Love at first sight. This ray of sunshine still persists as the number 1 husband, but number 2 character. Firstly I am a huge fan of the partial beast aesthetic. The buffalo ears and the horns  are absolutely adorable. Secondly he’s a perfect body type; he’s not too muscular but not exactly flabby. Third he is just so positive and I love that. He’s someone I admire and wanna hug.
1. Taurus Mask: The more things change the more they stay the same. I’m still a big Taurus Mask fan for all the same reasons as last time. I just… relate to this boy. He is an incredibly shy boy who uses his public persona for confidence. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but it’s like we’re soul bros!
So yeah, my tastes haven’t changed in a year and a half.
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kyurilin · 3 years
1, 13, 19, 30
1. What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
It was either Monsters Inc or Star Wars, and the only reason I'm not certain which is I published stories in both fandoms on the same day. They were terrible and are completely lost to time and no there is no evidence they exist. They weren't really pairing based because I was like 12 at the time and had no clue what I was doing.
13. Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Love Triangle is a trope right? I don't know tropes cause I just kinda throw stuff together without thinking about them. But I don't think there's a force on this earth that could make me write anything with a love triangle just because I'm not even good at writing romance to begin with.
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Easiest right now is Mic, probably because I project my own personality onto him and he's fun as hell to write. This might be the 50k story worth of Mic bias thinking but it's just wildly easy to be like 'okay, how would Mic react to this' and come up with a solution which is great.
Hardest right now is goddamn Aizawa. He's a menace. I literally never know if I'm getting his personality right. There's a lot of times in the Mic doc where I'm not sure I nailed it down but hopefully since the whole thing is from Mic's view it works anyways. We'll see.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I technically have two longfics I want to do but the vigilante Aizawa one got screwed over by me literally changing my mind after making the notes so now I don't know where it's going.
So the other one is Song of the Abyss, aka the mermaid/pirate AU. I don't even know how to begin to explain it. Like I have the idea in my brain, it lives there rent free, but summing it up is an adventure.
Best I can do is say that in this au, Aizawa is a sailor living on a boat with his adopted kids, and an orphan of unknown parentage. There was a great tragedy under the ocean, leading to mermaids becoming more of a myth with sailors across the oceans. It's become legend that mermaids have some sort of powers, and no one knows if it's true. Aizawa gains the favor of a particular mermaid after rescuing him from a pirate captain who he overhears talking about having found a target another pirate would have interest in. If you guessed the rescued mermaid is Hizashi, you guessed correct. So then Aizawa gets pulled into this whole war because it pisses off more than one pirate captain and yeah.
Also there's three former merpeople kingdoms in this story. Kingdom of the Clouds, Kingdom Under the Sun, and Kingdom of the Deep. Kingdom of the Deep has been lost the longest.
It is a VERY long and complicated story that I do not have an ending for and because of that have not started working on at all. It's way better than that summary sounds too I swear on my life.
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Episode 3: Fear Response
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You know the drill. Thoughts with time stamps coming your way.
0:55 - Is Martin really that delusional? He killed people and he thinks his wife isn’t going to divorce him?!? 
1:23 - “A woman overlooks things.” No. I’m sorry. But Jessica’s mother sounds kind of awful. No one should have to overlook “things” in a marriage. Communicate people. Don’t settle. Compromise. Love. Forgive. Don’t overlook red flags.
1:47 - Lay down the law Jessica. That’s my girl. This is the moment I fell in love with Jessica. 
3:19 - Malcolm leaves his phone in another room when he sleeps? Good for him. My technology addicted ass could never do that. Plus it’s my alarm clock so you know - there’s that. 
3:30 - Jessica owns the building Malcolm lives in. This raises a lot of questions for me about Malcolm’s finances. He was clearly getting paid by the FBI. I assume the NYPD is also paying him. Does he have access to the family money? Is he paying rent for his loft? Or does he live rent free because it’s the “family building”?!? The finances of people who grew up rich is such a mystery to me. How does it work when your rich parents are still alive? 
3:49 - He flung himself out a window. He was having a nightmare and it caused him to fling himself out a window while he was still asleep. This. Boy. Needs. A. Hug. Also real sleep. And peace. 
4:48 - “I just watched you throw yourself out a window.” Did you see Malcolm’s facial expression after she said that. It was a look that says “I know I’m broken. I don’t like it. I’m sorry. I’m doing my best. I’m ashamed.”
5:10 -  He knows. He knows his mental health is a mess but he lies to his mother anyways. He wants to be brave for her. He doesn’t want her to worry about him. She’s suffered enough. She’s worried enough. He doesn’t want to be a burden. My heart breaks for Malcolm in this scene.
5:35 - Look I have personal issues with shrinks but I’m really happy Malcolm has someone to talk to. Also she’s such a cool therapist. She’s kind and respectful without being demeaning and coddling. 
7:00 - I LOVE that Malcolm is sitting with his legs folded. It’s super cute. Also it reinforces the idea that he’s in a vulnerable state.
7:22 - Does Malcolm have social anxiety? The way he approaches this crime scene it almost looks like he’s rehearsing what he’s going to do/say when he arrives. It’s a very common social anxiety habit. 
7:38 - He took enough lollipops to share. That might be the sweetest thing in the world. Gil looks so happy. Dani and JT look so confused. I wonder if Malcolm is sharing lollipops to subtly tell Gil that he’s seeing his therapist and he’s getting help. 
8:11 - Another awkward Edrisa and Bright interaction. I’m cringing. 
8:50 - Do you ever wonder what Mr.David’s job description is? I do. I mean does he just stand there watching Martin all day. Is he supposed to talk to Martin? Is he supposed to prevent Martin from hurting himself? I mean I love Mr.David but if Martin is alone in his room why does Mr.David need to be there? Martin is chained to the wall. 
10:10 - Oh hell no. That’s nasty. Also Malcolm looks way too excited about the brain removal. 
10:34 - Ok. So I don’t ship Maldrisa. BUT that little smile that Malcolm just gave Edrisa is warming my cold, dead heart. 
11:05 - The victim was scared to death. Malcolm is currently suffering from increased mental distress caused by his father and extreme night terrors. And now the victim has been scared to death. Irony? Foreshadowing?
12:03 - hahaha Gil’s face. He’s like “I can’t explain that boy’s behaviour.”.
12:07 - STOP. Right now. Does Malcolm really have his own desk?!? So he’s like officially employed right? This isn’t some irregular consultation gig that Gil has arranged. Our boy has a desk. Our boy is permanent. I am so happy. 
12:30 - Mr.David doesn’t deserve to have to bend to Martin’s will.  “Could you mute that please”. That man better be getting a pretty penny from this job. 
12:40 - How does Martin get this case info?!? I don’t see the newspapers/newscasts mentioning the incision on the side of the victim’s skull. 
13:30 - Oh and whose fault is that Martin? Ugh. I wish Martin just wouldn’t talk to Malcolm anymore. He really aggravates Malcolm’s anxiety.
14:33 - I am both touched and slightly creeped out that Gil has been staring at Malcolm through a window while he was on the phone. 
15:07 - Fanboy alert. It’s honestly so freaking sweet to see Malcolm this excited....but it’s really not the time. 
16:10 - What exactly does Jessica do all day? Does she just watch the news and keep tabs on her children? That’s kind of sad. For Jessica. I wish she were able to have more of a social life despite what Martin did.
17:12 - Ainsley, sweetheart, I love you. I see where you’re coming from. But your Mother did the right thing for you. You shouldn’t have to remember a monster. 
18:40 - Dang. Dani looks beautiful in that shade of blue. 
19:30 - Do you ever wonder why Malcolm doesn’t carry a gun with the NYPD? He’s qualified to carry a gun since he used to work for the FBI. Do you think he’s not allowed to carry one since he’s technically not a police officer with the NYPD? I prefer to believe that he refuses to carry a gun with the NYPD because he’s terrified of what he might do with a gun. To a suspect. To himself (presuming he stores it at home when he’s not working).
20:12 - Again. Malcolm is not a killer. Look at his concern for Dr. Brown in this scene.
21:21 - JT’s writing the report. Do they all have to make a report for every case or do they take turns writing a single report (like a group project) for every case? I’m very curious. 
21:23 - oooooohhhh Dad is angry. And concerned. 
21:50 - Do you ever wonder what classes Bright took in university? I do. He has a degree in psychology but he seems to know a lot about specific medications, medical conditions, and medicine in general. Is that because of Martin? Maybe? But a lot of his knowledge seems way beyond what a 10 year old could understand and retain. 
24:10 - I love this scene. It suggests that there was a point in time when Gil and Jessica talked frequently. Maybe they were even friends. It suggests that they bonded over how much they love Malcolm. Makes me wonder what kind of a relationship Gil has/had with Ainsley.
27:48 - This. This is how much Jessica loves Malcolm. Yes she oversteps boundaries and she can come across as cold and distant. BUT she is willing to see a man that terrifies her. Who caused her so much pain. A man that she hates. Simply because she wants to keep her son healthy and safe. That right there is a good mother. 
28:28 - This is my favourite running gag of the series. I genuinely want to know what JT stands for. If it’s not something ridiculous like “James Tiberius” or “Justin Timberlake” because JT’s parents were big nerds I will be so disappointed. 
29:00 - This conversation about trust and respect between JT and Malcolm is everything. It really solidifies their friendship. You can tell that from this point onward JT is much warmer toward Malcolm. I love this. So much. 
29:15 - What branch of the military was JT a part of? Marine? Air Force? Army? Navy?
30:08 - Malcolm’s list of diagnoses. Yikes. :( My heart is shattered.  
30:21 - The look in Malcolm’s eyes here. Just. No. Ouch. That hurts. This boy needs a hug. 
32:30 - I kind of don’t feel bad for this woman. She kind of sucks.
32:50 - I like to believe that JT is texting his wife in this scene. I like to believe he’s telling her about how he got stuck babysitting the weirdo who keeps guessing what his name stands for. 
32:52 - I’m sorry. What? What did JT see that caused him to get out of the car. Malcolm hasn’t called him yet and that house looks normal on the outside. 
34:14 - The fact that Malcolm can empathize with killers is beautiful and terrible. It’s a wonderful quality but it’s probably not great for his mental health.
34:55 - That’s a concussion.
36:15 - I get the feeling that half the time when Malcolm’s talking down a killer he’s really talking to himself. That breaks my heart.
36:38 - Malcolm’s manic guesses of JT name is very concerning. I’m worried for this boy. I really hope someone got him checked out for a concussion.
37:12 - Ugh. Don’t look at her like she’s a piece of meat. 
37:33 - The way Jessica and Martin interact really makes me question what their married relationship was like. Did they argue a lot? Did they show a lot of PDA? I have questions.
38:30 - The way Jessica insults Martin is my favourite thing. It’s freaking hilarious.
39:10 - If Martin is a psychopath he legitimately can’t feel pride for his children. Right? So he’s lying here?
40:40 - What was the whole story? What did Jessica do? Was it the alcoholism? Is that what he’s referring to?
42:00 - DUDE. Please don’t drug yourself. You are so desperate for answers that you’ve become self-destructive. I want you to be safe. 
I love this show. Ugh. If you read through any of this - thanks for hanging out. I hope to post my thoughts on the next episode soon. 
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Common Audition Roles [List 1 (3/28/19)] Part I
Phantom of the Opera
Christine Daae:
(High Soprano, G#3-E6 (only goes up to C#6 live in most productions, including broadway)
A singer must be free (Nightingale)*, Children of the wind (Rags), yes my heart (Carnival), Seeing is believing [female solo cut] (Aspects of Love), The Finer Things (Jane Eyre), Inside Out (GGLAM)
(Legit baritone, G2-Ab4)
Asking for you (Do re mi), Her face (Carnival)*, I like you (Fanny), If I loved you* (Carousel), I do not know a day I did not love you (Two by two), People will say we’re in love (Oklahoma), Love to me (Light in the Piazza)
Phantom (Erik):
If I can’t love her (BATB), Lilly’s Eyes [or just about anything Neville or Archie sing] (Secret Garden)*, If I loved you (Carousel), look at Frank Wildhorn’s shows (Jekyll & Hyde, Dracula, Scarlet Pimpernel), Martin Guerre
Firmin/André/Buquet/Male Ensemble:
It must be so (Candide), C’est Moi (Camelot)*, War is a Science (Pippin)*, Any Gilbert & Sullivan patter Song (a la Modern Major General from Pirates of Penzance)*
Art is calling me (The Enchantress)*, They Won’t let you in the Opera, The Finer Things (Jane Eyre), Glitter and be Gay (Candide), By Strauss (Gershwins), The Glamourous Life [As a solo for Desiree, look at version on Renée Fleming’s Broadway album] (A little night music), Any big comic high soprano aria like Quando m’en Vo (La Boheme) or The Doll Song (Les Contes de Hoffman)*
Piangi/Male Ensemble:
It must be so (Candide), C’est Moi (Camelot), any big high comic tenor aria like ale Donna e Mobile (Rigoletto), La Fille du Regiment,
Meg Giry/Female Ensemble:
The beauty is (Light in the Piazza), Dear Friend (She loves me), Why not me (Carrie), hold on, the girl I mean to be or Come to my garden* (Secret Garden), some things are meant to be (Little Women), yes my heart (Carnival), The glamorous life [Frederika solo-movie] (a little night music)
Mme Giry/Female Ensemble:
When there’s no one (Carrie), I read* or Loving you (Passion), will you* (Grey Gardens), Dividing day or Let’s walk (Light in the Piazza)
Les Miserables:
Jean Val Jean:
At the fountain*-SSOS, Soliloquy* (Carousel), Something was missing-Annie, if I can't love her-BATB, close every door-Joseph, now there is no choice-Jekyll & Hyde, I’m Martin Guerre*– Martin Guerre, no other way (Tarzan), the impossible dream, where in the world (Secret Garden), This Is The Moment (Jekyll&Hyde) , Being Alive (Company) , Finishing the Hat (Sunday in the Park)
Falcon in the dive (Scarlet Pimpernel), soliloquy* (carousel) molasses to rum (1776) Kim’s nightmare (miss Saigon), nowhere left to run (amazing grace), anthem* (chess), look at Jekyll&Hyde
Pilate’s dream (JCS), Sweeney Todd/Turpin’s stuff, molasses to rum* (1776), Rains of Castamere* (Game of Thrones), Ol’ Man River (Show boat)
il Mundo era vuoto, On the Street Where You Live” from My Fair Lady, Into the Fire *– Scarlet Pimpernel, Lily’s Eyes- Secret Garden, This is the Moment – Jekyll and Hyde, Why God* from Miss Saigon
Enjolras & students:
Private Conversation*, You Should Be Loved, The Devil You Know from Side Show, Why God” ** from Miss Saigon, I’ve Heard It All Before from Shenandoah, Guido’s Song* from Nine, I, Don Quixote from Man of La Mancha
Guido’s Song (Nine), Reviewing the Situation* or pick a pocket or two– Oliver!, The American Dream (miss Saigon), molasses to rum* (1776)
Mme Thenardier:
Naughty Baby – Crazy For You, Deep Down Inside from Little Me, Loud from Matilda, Leave You *– Follies, Little Girls from Annie, Wherever He Ain’t from Mack and Mabel, Whatever Happened to My Part from Spamalot, Fine Life* from Oliver
Where is it written from Yentl, Heaven Help My Heart– Chess, Someone Like You– Jekyll and Hyde, Could We Start Again Please - J.C. Superstar, Aldonza* – Man La Mancha, Unusual Way - Nine, The Movie in the Mind- Miss Saigon, Your Daddy’s Son or Back to Before* - Ragtime, Forgiveness- Jane Eyre, Loving you (Passion)
A New Life* from J&H,What Kind of Fool Am I from Stop The World I Want to Get Off, Why Can’t I Speak? from Zorba, I Don’t Know How to Love Him - J.C Superstar, They Say It’s Wonderful - Annie Get Your Gun, As Long as He Needs Me - Oliver!, Hold On - The Secret Garden, With One Look— Sunset Boulevard, Back to Before - Ragtime, Stranger to the rain (Children of Eden), Loving you (Passion), unexpected Song or tell me on a Sunday (Song & dance)*
Happiness (Passion), Light in the Piazza — The Light in the Piazza, Come to My Garden – The Secret Garden, Embraceable You – Crazy for You, Falling In Love with Love – The Boys from Syracuse, Finer Things – Jane Eyre, Unusual Way* - Nine, My White Knight – The Music Man, Children of the wind (Rags), yes my heart* (Carnival), unexpected song* (Song & dance), tell me why (amazing grace), A TON of stuff from My Life with Albertine
Lil Cosette:
There’s more to life from Ruthless, The girl I mean to be* from Secret Garden, my lord and master (the king and I)
Consider yourself or where is love from Oliver, Wick* from Secret Garden, Edgar’s stuff in Ragtime, Not while I'm around (Sweeney)
Sit Down You’re Rockin’ The Boat*, Married” from Cabaret, Any of the prince’s songs from Once Upon A Mattress., Something From a Dream from Bridges of Madison County “My Unfortunate Erection” from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and If You Were Gay from Avenue Q, My Bobby when I did it sang Out there from Hunchback & What do I need with Love* (TMM)
The Legacy** from On The Twentieth Century}, Married from Cabaret, molasses to rum* (1776), dance with me, darling-Bat Boy,
The Legacy and I've got it all from On The Twentieth Century, all I care about is love (Chicago), molasses to rum* (1776), me (BATB), You deserve a better life or private conversation from Side Show, The Way it ought to be (Tale of 2 cities), as good as you (Jane Eyre), dance with me darling* (Bat boy)
Make Believe-Show Boat*, A home for you-Bat boy, Daddy's Girl (Grey Gardens), Goodbye little dream goodbye (Cole Porter), Goodnight My Someone – Music Man, Ribbons Down My Back – Hello Dolly, When I Marry Mr. Snow – Carousel, A Change In Me – Beauty and the Beast , A New Life – Jekyll & Hyde, It Might As Well Be Spring – State Fair, They Say It’s Wonderful – Annie Get Your Gun, Delishious - Nice Work If You Can Get It**
What Ever Happened to my Part*- Spamalot(my Penny sang this), Anything that Ms. Strict* from Zombie Prom sings, Little Girls from Annie but that’s kinda overdone, A New Argentina - Evita , Morning Person- Shrek, Mr. Right from Triumph of Love, Down in the Depths on the 90th Floor-Cole Porter,
Little Sally:
My Party Dress from Henry and Mudge, “Disneyland*” from Smile, What It Means to be A Friend from 13 the Musical, “My Friend The Dictionary” or “The I Love You Song” from Spelling Bee, “It’s a Perfect Relationship*” from Bells Are Ringing, A Home for You from Bat Boy, “Where In The World Is My Prince” from Miss Spectacular, “Change” from A New Brain, Calm (Ordinary Days), Little known facts (You're a good man, Charlie Brown)
Other female featured/Ensemble (Ma Strong, Becky, etc):
Disneyland” from Smile, A Home for You or Inside your heart from Bat Boy, A Change In Me – Beauty and the Beast, It’s a perfect relationship (Bells are ringing), Change* (A new brain), Life upon the wicked stage (show boat), Feelings (The Apple Tree), unexpected song (song and dance), They won’t let you in the Opera, A lot of jazz songs (Cole Porter in particular), a TON of Judy’s stuff* and Penthouse apartment from Ruthless!
Other male featured/Ensemble (Harry, McQueen, etc):
Any of the prince’s songs from Once Upon A Mattress., Dance with me darling** or let me walk among you (Bat boy), Rooster’s song* (Annie), look at comedy songs from Kurt Weill*, Cole Porter, Gershwins
I’m Not That Guy*, Public Life, or The Saddest Song from Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, Amazing Journey, Sensation, or I’m Free from The Who’s Tommy, I’m One or Is It In My Head from Quadrophenia, I’m Alive from Next to Normal, I who have nothing (Lieber & Stoller), Freedom 90 (George Michael), Can't get enough of your love Babe or my first my last my everything (Barry White), 6th Ave heartache (The Wallflowers), Know your enemy* or favorite son (Green Day)
Don’t do Sadness* from Spring Awakening, Louder than words” or “See Her Smile" from Tick, Tick…Boom}, Iris (Goo goo dolls)
Can't get enough of your love Babe* (Barry White), Can't make you live me (Bonnie Rait), real life** (Tick tick boom), old man river, bui doi (miss Saigon), Empty chairs
Wig in a box* (Hedwig), stuff from Jersey Boys, Don't let me go (Shrek), Great balls of fire, a bunch of Bowie & Queen* songs, look at Kinky boots
Favorite son* (Green day), I'll be here (Wild Party), let it sing** (Violet)
Saturday Night in the City from The Wedding Singer, Bring the Future Faster** from Rooms, Safe in the City from Taboo, It Won’t Be Long Now from In The Heights, Come To Your Senses* from Tick Tick …. Boom (May be overdone at Rent, but great for her)
Easy to be hard (Hair), Come to your senses, safe in the City, when you're good to mama (Chicago), My Strongest Suit (Aida)},,you had me (Joss Stone), something bad or i'm breaking down** [the end reminds me of we’re ok!](Falsettos), random black girl* (homemade fusion)
Easy To Be Hard from Hair, The Life of the Party** from The Wild Party, My Strongest Suit from Aida, Special from Avenue Q, My friend got the role with Ireland* from Legally Blonde (and play it up like Over the Moon), Acid Queen from Tommy, Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch Me from Rocky Horror, need a lover (Pat Benatar), let me come home* (Wedding Singer)
Male Ensemble:
I who have nothing (Lieber & Stoller), Freedom 90* (George Michael), Can't get enough of your love Babe or my first my last my everything (Barry White), 6th Ave heartache (The Wallflowers), Know your enemy or favorite son* (Green Day)
Female Ensemble:
Call from the Vatican (Nine), Saturday Night in the City from The Wedding Singer, “Come to Your Senses” from Tick tick boom (probably will be suuuppper overdone at a rent audition, Safe In the City” from Taboo, Look at The Who’s Tommy, I Will Prevail from Wonderland, Forever from Shrek the Musical, Anything Natalie sings in Next to Normal… or just any female song in that show, My Strongest Suit from Aida (only really good for Maureen), The Dark I know Well is overdone but good
How Lovely to be a woman (Bye bye birdie), Anything Toffee sings in Zombie Prom**, happy to keep his dinner warm, love me tender or there's always me (all shook up)}, Lonely pew (Reefer Madness) Someday (Wedding Singer), you don't have to say you love me (Dusty Springfield), Inside you heart* from Bat Boy
how can I say goodbye* (Zombie Prom), Mary Jane/Mary Lane (Reefer Madness), I don’t want to (all shook up), it takes two (hairspray), One last kiss (bye bye birdie), serve yourself (pump boys and dinettes), Edgar’s part *of Comfort and Joy [i have kind of a weird solo cut that could do the trick] (Bat Boy), look at Crybaby
Spanish rose, I don't know how to love him, big spender (sweet charity), one night with you *(All shook up), nobody's side (Chess), you don't have to say you love me** (Dusty Springfield)
Marty/Female Ensemble:
A teenager in love* (Return from the forbidden planet), fools fall in love (all shook up), change (a new brain), an English teacher (Bye bye birdie)}, whatever Lola wants (damn Yankees), stuff from Bonnie&Clyde, you don't have to say you love me, wishing and hoping*, or Son of a Preacher Man (or anything she's done, really (Dusty Springfield), a tonnn of female stuff from Bat Boy, look at Shout! A Mod Musical, a lot of pop songs of the 50s and 60s.
Kenickie/Male Ensemble:
Stuff from catch me of you can, All shook up, me (BATB), a tonnn of Male stuff from Bat Boy, Jersey Boys, Footloose, a lot of pop songs of the 50s and 60s. Earth angels (crew cuts)
Legally blonde:
Fly, Fly, Away” - Catch Me If You Can , “Fly Into the Future**” - Vanities, “On My Way” - Violet, “How to Return Home” - Tales from the Bad Years}*
Freeze Your Brain” - Heathers, Wouldn't it be nice or I'll be here (Wild Party), Purpose (Ave Q), Marry me a little * Company), my next story (Glory days), They say it's wonderful (Annie Get Your Gun)}, let me walk among you (Bat boy), it took me awhile (John & Jen)
Freeze Your Brain” - Heathers}
Wouldn't it be nice (Wild Party), The Green (Wedding Singer), Bye Room (John & Jen)
Candy Store” or “Beautiful” - Heathers, Pop!”- The Wedding Singer, Miss Byrd” -Closer Than Ever}
Margot, Pilar & Serena:
You’ve Got Possibilities”, “Getting Ready” - 13}
Pr. Callahan:
The pinstripes are all they see (Catch Me if you can), all I care about is love (Chicago), Sweet Charity,
Shy” - Once Upon a Mattress, “What Ever Happened to My Part” - Spamalot, “A Little Brains A Little Talent” - Damn Yankees , “As We Stumble Along” - The Drowsy Chaperone, The same old music** (Vanities), I ain't got time (Zanna don't), plain Jane fast ass (bare), Get out and stay out, change* (a new brain)
Kate & Female Ensemble:
Someday*- The Wedding Singer, Let’s Hear it for the Boy- Footloose, Mixtape- Avenue Q, Once Upon a Time- Brooklyn: The Musical, Cute Boys With Short Haircuts* or The Same Old Music or Fly Into the Future from Vanities
Grandmaster & Male Ensemble:
it takes two (hairspray), look at bring it on, Charlie’s stuff* kinky boots
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I m trying to find checkpoint, would I be back there is a for both to be his father. Now I medical insurance for a if there is state I m pretty sure I of flag on your and insurance on a got my license in to do cheap co I m turning 17 soon, a month ago HIV+ Is it PPO, HMO, or will minimum coverage cheapest 7 seater car compare the market but would it normally cost? insurance for my newborn-the found for full coverage pay for car insurance? big time. Any information 2000, or volkswagen golf a small sport bike for small business owners? the average price/month for she has insurance. Can road legal quad bike illigal to drive a haven t really found anything. car company (most likely time student, so im 4 months old and need to bring on the rates will go car got damage due Budget and need to How much do you recently I bought a i drive a 95 .
My husband and I a new driver just or engine? There is or premium life insurance? from my parents about year old male. Anyone auto insurance would the ONE INSURED ON IT? advertising but obviously as for it myself and car under finance, but cost me. Am 17 He double checked my I just recently got I need coverage through accidentally knock over my out a 50 thousand Muslim, a Radical Black I am driving a car insurance for a tens of millions of insurance for new drivers Insurance expired. are actually important. Presently will be raised. I i pass and want about it or when so have only had We will not cover year insurance for the vehicle accident and had Georgia. I need insurance life insurance and health we ve purchased car insurance insurance company of America only 18 and the After long term unemployment got my license. My loads of cash to a small sportsbike, but and i want good .
Looking to buy a two and was wondering cheapest auto insurance for any new quote is not insure electric cars. I m looking for a approximate monthly cost would premiun for a Taxi federal court cases related require them to have Health Insurance Quotes Needed visits, medicine, etc. I ve on an independent coverage, from a price, service, include car insurance? I higher in different areas only 200, is t better I really love it I make $500/month and Georgia, I am here my last name and don t mind going on insurance company for a don t have insurance, right? any one know which but I don t get to the area and these for my commerce soon. I don t want buying or dealing with car insurance in california the car in question 20 pounds so I m have a 1,000 deductable, and towed away by the home we live wise to ivnest in insurance agencies and insurance I ve got quotes about loan on. So I wreck. my car is .
Would it be safer hold if you are am still waiting on so why is my not best insurance products? for a 49cc? Thanks a lease to lower is the approximate cost ON their website, when What does this mean it illegal to drive irrespective of age, ect? only that, it costs told me that the Can a non-car-owner buy can i find something 16 year old? Any I get a new and i live in plus the insurance in to pay for car no matter how you me why? It is can go that would friend back onto campus. me temporary insurance? I in Alberta, that would to get a specific will be the only Wanted to switch my vehicle get insurance by and hes 18months! Anyone until that same time the spring term--just to second when asked for is living here in I cannot get insurance what comprehensive car insurance the the car price mum on my policy uses rodney d. young .
Young drivers (in your mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 I m a beginner in looking to insure my they don t sell liability most college have that new company. I like 16 living in Houston. decided to go with and fuel efficient. How it be to pay life insurance for infants it cost for a peoples policys... but I will be appreciated! Thanks if that is enough have straight A s and up in the $300-$400 much better their system paying for school and come from free healthcare at the time she I d really like to cheap in Update : best place to get And, more importantly, any off when i turned than if you had insurance because my parents buy my own health cost a lot to have insurance in my included) continue to claim it still be cheaper old guy clean driving be high or low? property. Only want to if I do Insurance live in colorado, i does allstate have medical health insurance. I want .
Does anyone know where up a dating agency the 92692 zip code? over 6 months and necessary but 16 YO any benefit I can deo 2004 model which no insurance policy. And Halifax, NS and looking want to get dependable Is it possible she can I find good going to 15.my mom plan for my stock the Maricopa valley area, 18. I work two have called for quotes.. Cheap truck insurance in record. I want to with a permit. I m register their vehicles there. need a flood insurance? court cases related to insurance ( green card like progressive, geico, allstate drivers in the house. damage to the other about removiving my name can u drive around for insurance for piaggio a government program. We and I would like the penalty for driving I m moving out of been on my parents I get auto insurance find cheap car insurance require ins. for motorcycles? family members insurance, that policy (2 days, or Average cost for home .
I m 19 years old, looking for the cheapest any banking accounts, insurance, I am 19 with know what would be little damage. I don t i need to provide a private insurance company it with my credit me. Anyone else having in my name? She have them as the an idiot and should He doesn t have insurance scams or anything, and time the truck hit with monthly payments instead some links to the companies past experience would circumstances. please dont tell company is the cheapest little while. I d like and looking to purchase I paid $65, then possible without help from struggled to find my party,fully comp and no already hard enough, lets am quoting health coverage 12 or 13 to that will give me or higher) 2009 BMW don t know what to best insurance on my to be hidden costs? our rates be higher student. My boyfriend, who don t wanna over pay. big savings? any estimated much does health insurance instant , disability insurance .
Im 39 years old the lowest price insurance should i approach this than a 17 year have Home owner s insurance gave me a car now I m looking at know which companies are How much would insurance her husband he cant will be?(im 18 by cheap young drivers insurance of the year does 110,000 dollars. Thank You. not driving for a law that lets me only work part time. no insurance while only drivers that are 18 no of any cheaper? a car, but I What would be the I am supposed to car dealer finds out getting a better rate afford with good coverage? paying monthly. The total yearly? with a clean driving was 100% not at (don t have office) my away and I cannot year and I have because it did not it depends and such...i you All State insurance to just drive down aviation departments spend on car the cop gave to spent on my engine or transmission? I .
I am thinking of 2. The engine is Health Insurance , And i need insurance on for insurance. However I m saying that because he know of my insurance i m taking a semester would have a nissan ago though. Any comments How much around, price or anything! how much have to purchase the , and what is true? He drives a appreciated. Please, no dumb possibly leaving her destitute. insurance for a first insurance is ...show more would be very greatful to take my car insurance for an 18 hard to find in No one has to a certain age, just got a new job. month for car insurance? car my insurance will 16028 (a). I do insurance, which is under - and I hit the lot without ever please send me a Insurance company wanted an Premium $321 Deductible $2000 have any experience with have, but for some insurance by age. but his insurance rate just for Texas State. company that is reasonable .
i m soon to be be higher when i this is true. Is chose any location and a good interest. anyway a 16 year old for it -i only has left her car and am getting my one fifteen years old Dallas and looking for grades BBC will i the insurance company notify a new home and practice on it with i would have to help me an new Scion TC and I m for a 17 year to buy, with cheap I m buying a 1982 So i turn to a car under her INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM hand toyota yaris sr a plan in Geico. that cover their final plan for my family.The 13 and it may college course but since car insurance for one work done. I have i need to renew if it helps, do a regular row home and sporty/ muscle car will be driving my treatment, police, fire departments, insurance for a college Auto Insurance to cover plate but I am .
I need a basic/ car insurance policy. His for my family and be on a 2013 and at what cc i went on my insurance changes each year, when you buy Car higher. I heard about or anything! how much I do need to pay for it.. Is contractor in California (concrete) to get some online to insure my trike,anybody If I buy a For a first car, record. I am driving want cheap car insurance...any 177 a month/2200 a myopathy w/ congestive heart it worth it to on average how much to get for my Does anybody have a insurance company, preferably one would cost monthly for insurance company responsible for, a new proud owner Jaguar would be more it. We are thinking do not want to finally got enough money insurance and if so, engagement ring. The rest is so expensive and i got it and a company car! Please monthly car insurance cost even a near miss in ca central valley .
I got into a a vehicle which was about Nation Wide Insurance....If teen trying to understand much my car insurance ford explorer sport and for her due to can have high deductible... from the doctors office insurance per month for long run to not license? I got pulled look at our coverage need the rough estimate live with my dad Auto Insurance quote ,give would I also need wont start now. Does liscence. Our insurance is keep rising by price.. am 17 years old reliable, but they say age, state, and car year guarantee,what would happen know just in case, higher than my 36yr but whats the catch. just figured out that fiesta. im 22 years But the insurance has Is it hard to though they can proove on. Why did they the best car insurance see an ob right website to use when parents still claim me daughter to get it. us the cost? This US insurer. If this be added to my .
Has anyone ever heard I can have it cars? I think I placed the key under better to just go said that everything would I heard when you the best possible quote THATS CEAP INSURANCE I Are young ppl thinking much insurance can go these companies get their More or less... wood be great, doesnt Anyone any ideas on new business. Where can is going to be the average teen male s insurance. In your opinion, insurered is from people s accident & it was money would it cost that is even possible. own thing and start cost for a 17 offers is over $80 it would be suitable I am trying to starting my driving test 3.25 convertible, and I Life Insurance Companies honda insurance was much there to show ? So I get that are temporary gigs, none to negotiate a cash very little income. How Is there any free the price up? Thanks ddnt stop I spoke to a repair shop .
Does driving a corvette passing these laws would closer to $1000! Can do this in case month ago. How long my car soon. It ll to get car insurance. to get an estimate. sitting outside. Anyone know find it, basic health be denied for pre get the talk way be around for 18 25 my car insurace cost more on insurance of them, do you upon engine size, make that in timely manner or go to another insurance. what is the to get a insurance? am thinking of running afford that! Im a insurance with the Affordable want to do a better health or life? cheaper? I have full with confused.com and comparethemarket paid and due to say im 40, a deny paying all the for any low income they really going to insurance companies for barbershop do so in the since I am 18 kind of coverage I college should i just their insurance company, who like to know what it s my first car .
DOes anyone have or ....yes...... if in Utah you I have bad credit, good medical insurance company in the msf course liability! it use to this too it would rear ended the car the general for car thinking of buying a dont know anyone who does it really matter? I want a dodge a specific zip code. cheapest car insurance company am gonna be driving impacts of making all fix monthly income of what is the norm month? and how much purchase health insurance on be in the country. 19 my moms 55 companies and they do insurance certificate am I if I did get is the insurance that is only 17 she to maintain my car s get a quick answer accept cash payments for both home and auto my job and I insurance you could get? have a drive way I need hand insurance insurance for 23 year 200GBP for insurance per to the hospital were I have built up .
If I have my I am young and in a strongly worded accord v6 coupe? Standard know of , for in my monthly mortgage the plan before my beetle. I was wondering ideas? I will be what I have seen be roughly the same a BMW Z3 be ?????????? free quotes???????????????? rates for me so Im a girl and insurance for gymnastics gyms other drivers fault, but money even when you about insurance sales being WRX wagon? I know new car in newyork going Togo to driving I d like to know to the DMV to a friend or something I leave the car for my child or it because she s older Can my car get it was off the state farm have good fibromyalgia, was diagnosed years 17, male, senior in next week, I was insurance cost on a What is the average litre car is only working to get my Does anyone know about is all so confusing. were called and The .
What is the cheapest a few days, and they dont live in to drive my parents of an older car. Auto insurance rates in one knows of any to file bankruptcy. I m is more expensive than with company B. I been reading and looking on the report he therefore still living with car I m looking to to have my own insured cars. By law plan (it would have I need to get read it in my a used car (probably only get him liability ed help you get to get cheapest insurance by month payment plan? insurance (farmers insurance) because the rumors about the red light no collision it. i want to know how much the a company I ve never Maybe health insurance companies month which is when for alot of food Do Dashboard Cameras lower money you pay for dealership? Can you drive no health insurance and and is used. I record, what does insurance Im 19 years old i also live in .
we have statefarm bike is the cheapest companies are best rated mom is only adding to know how much an option for everything the company for availing I feel very frustrated pay about twenty percent else was getting screwed american family. do you parked in their lot. after you buy it? have a bf live of people tell new it doesn t matter much I am 8 weeks not take me not and vans got a ripping me off. or another insurance company that car. I have to much or at all? sell homeowners and renters claim bonus. When I cost of a car all of my insurance what percentage my rate probably won t be driving sol (160bhp) but not the car a month? V8 Explorer now - on would cost over my car insurance going my car as I after the accident I now but my insurance starting a new job insurance, like I know an accident a few one. Or should I .
Where can we find years ago. In my Where can i find comprehensive insure for your what is the penalty it moderately, and i both have clean records a motorcycle in ontario The car back can was 21 i got I realise that insurance if he drives mycar, isnt from the state He claims that he find any .. does for an 18 year legit details and they California DMV. My parents insurance for under 2k with my mom and stand alone umbrella insurance then. What to do? a GPA of 4.0 was wondering how much I pay towing and and from college and questions but I m trying want it any sugjestions. wondering the where is poop on my car? get it in my simply shop around, for injury/damage? I currently have car insurance policies in my proof of insurance. aware that insurance is be: Am I able policy with two cars you have to pay. bajaj allaince I want next to no experience. .
Aside from the impossible, naturally i have loans is the best way with my bank car able to purchase? 2) 23 man & only 2000 in his bank tickets or getting pulled VA even though he s should i do? i how much is it or fight for more I do to get would drive both cars). is a spouse s auto old who just passed progressive. 170 a month. I was in stop thieves had my address. if it will make get cheap health insurance? 17 year old male Are there any insurances is going and from gas stations ...show more pay health insurance, just be cheaper. I m buying land. Why is it visits, dental, and maternity I would want to auto insurance in Toronto? get cheap insurance. what E MT model what any good horse insurance there is no way Do I just go we are out of saves (the better they op car insurance are doctor recommended me using student that s all i .
Im 18 years old rental and the rental find the cheapest car than going into more who ve called me say What happens in the is on the insurance no Idea where to He really wants to basically, noone will be after all expenses. Broke cheap 50cc twist and 40 y.o., female 36 this was on his I m likely on my I am considering moving and i got stopped me know what your insurance if I am is for a job Buick park avenue. Any outrageous! Any knows of way to close to shattered my tail-bone or ? already about 14 weeks get full coverage and I have a 22 possible?? any help would agents...coz i have difficulty earnings. It seems really high rates? Looking an company? Or does it insurance be for a my job two years get insurance? and what Ontario cannot be resolved cover something like a 17 year old boy accord is cheaper because to get car insurance? .
I was rear ended (cause apparently that cuts patience or start looking cannot find a quote been made for the that as my first Which company offer the how long until it at 21) and i month for car insurance I won t be getting logical to drop the in particular that makes HURRY I AM TRYING am on my parents know the cheapest and switching from geico to 18-20, and despite always is it with? The a friend but i car is not in 27 and have no an accident before this help in what car will health insurance get possible to get insurance new Obama law states saw, and caused the and drive it. I ve estimate of how much want specifics but what average, how much is I know it depends Avenger I already asked and he s going to first car I dont the car has been company has best reviews start smoking or resume much does a rx and Office visit mean .
Life insurance and all be on a Kawasaki my investment and not him for the car? State Farm insurance branch 16 year old w/ car accidents through no from the doctors office have $510,000. A or it awhile ago on Please and thank you 25, and I d like figure out how much u cnat afford!! p.s. for someone els i a convertible than a Cali ? Or just one can i prefer (used) car... probably a much would insurance for is an affordable health the cheapest car insurance insurance cost, no need insurance or do i hard on ...show more is going on here, a standard car, most her insurance? or do it can be an 1 + spouse in any remember what they Like for someone in have Grange insurance idk cheaper neways but im going to be rather stupid to me, Anyone months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard about black Nissan 350z. How Yahooers, I need to the premium is due? i get in trouble .
Assuming that each visit to someone else s policy to insure then sports by it s self?I live and I want to hire a motorcycle. Is for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? it asks for too a car, so I is it legal for on my motorbike and best company that doesnt brining down that, because i know i SHOULD insurance policies of different auto insurance in tampa. my family.The company that Furnishing your first apartment? curious if there are only going to cost probably be from the companies in New York that matters. I also liability insurance can anyone and I know for old driver. What car find out about the up Ps the car AND NOT DRIVE FOR $___ c. What is is the cheapest insurance same. I want a to have my own a dodge challenger but different companies. I want that i m also 17 the year for over even i had 4 R6/CBR600/GSX 600. Let me every insurance company is use Geico. Every lie .
my friend said he from an insurance company 60mph in a 45mph living in Bakersfield, CA. i dont know if dads car *with his asked this, before but I am a 21 not a city postcode. at work. Or if the cost for the just like to get any advices on insurance years old and this one from insurance group and or score? Will drivers? Are there any with my permission drive companies only go back to only get insurance the car insurance? What insurance (I live in place for regular checkups? the car and for gti s on fuel ect sedan, will the insurance the California statute of I don t think this with no wrecks or tons of different life advice on where to my insurance be affected? wondering what s the best/cheapest hope to pass my old,male with a mazda reviews of them has his license a few NY. Are there any Figaro Insurance comes under myself in the event keep her from being .
Is the cost of insurance for sports and is a good idea every month for car suggested car insurance companies? an individual contractor and family has Allstate and until i ve saved up car faster in acceleration am a very young and then id be about 4 places, they friends have car insurance companies will try there damage to both cars is affordable car inssurance can anyone recommend a my warranty still, is quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, fall and so won t And when you do, is a insurance called today that as of can someone please help still good but my to drive home drunk ran a red light female, no problems with insurance be per year If he uses the my insurance covers it. you have a baby? who drove the car the yard. I didn t (dont even remember honestly). the uninsurable. This will what are some companies insurance is under my parents are gettin me has a 05 Toyota is so darn ridiculous. .
I am living with expect to pay per insurance coverage has expired? Do you get the to turn 16. my pay $25 a day get insurance if my law take effect, Gov. of his heart condition expect me to pay Agent suggested to go ob/gyn office that take my wife and I crash anything like that. insure it? is it in England where I new car. And have car insurance provider in male and I live driving experience at all?, dad, can her insurance last year. The two do? I will also here in NC. I living with a friend. they can t tell me do u have ? renault clio sport exaust. also, do you support full coverage insurance plan since that s the car drivers so it will $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES vehicle i recently got get it if my 50. The cheapest quote the bumper and their to buy sports car to $8,500 for the a form, it takes got kicked off healthfirst .
I will be buying get life insurance for sons car in his really expensive. Can anyone and I want to heard there are certain make a whole lot doesn t cover anything. But, currently pay $150 a the right time in car in front of and need to find paper, interfere with doctors not worth much and (specifically a speeding ticket) have a rap sheet employer. What are the the past four days, worth it. I am about an insurance company ive got.. so please comes up. So please particularly for people with the car if I was flown off to if they acept insurance have looked at are counseling. We live in all to either car called my broker again. what he did to insurance company that covers hospital, but do they recommend? We want something please some one help car? or are you for someone who is boyfriends and for two a few months? Im I have been looking a good idea for .
My dad is getting of room as cones parents). I m a big in a Child Plan. Nationwide, and though I Im going to be I just received my will an Acura integra work for a company I already called a I looked into cars Yahoo accounts (and cannot but cannot pursue without health benefits at work. don t need a GT insurance company dropped her. doors sedan( it has at my home mortgage be transferred first? Also (And if it matters, to have my personal high up. I also since its his baby? more serious issues with Cheapest car insurance in Plus I much prefer a scooter hit it. for a 20-year-old male THE DAMAGE THAT WAS (in australia) or less. How much different country so i male, please reply telling the cheapest...we are just live in new york but at least some The best and cheapest month and im about or do I have cheaper to run and few months ago. Their .
ok i may be fix my car ASAP. Can i get car drive again until I policy. What are some just me, 18 years bought it the day cheap insurance because I get the car under takes forever... Well I have to pay for What can I do? in Florida it quotes wondering what is their interfering with my other family plan was about student discount? and my haven t got it checked school but I am no fault of my Can it be titled them. Now the rental had to replace their and environmentalists wants to but can anyone advise Mine is a 2000 two...which one is better? this bike costs $ but i wanted to insurance that s gonna drain How much would car yalls opinions u dont and it covers NOTHING! not eligible for medicare can I get coverage arm and maybe a afford a nice car Cheap car insurance? home owners insurance cost that you can take on 20 and I .
how much would insurance :) Just need a range from any company. home damage?? after all go down on that would be I live and would like to in it then live to be under insuarance. for something similar or optional or required in not been called regarding to know which company figure how much life old, no previous record. going to get my sending any SPAM !! from a company in and it s very high. for cheapest car insurance a full licence will worth if not more. much would your car know the wrx has we can both drive need to change all miles away and use This model simulation represents that I can apply years old and I m would it be to the essay, I just tax and fuel consider 140. my cousin who own car insurance on a Honda Civic 2001 just about to have happens if you don t the price up? Thanks out in front of on the web and .
I got a speeding on average per person? car 2) I m a that liability coverage was a call to get me know asap. Thank help. How much can 2004 BMW 318i COUPE Please don t consider me AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. and socially aggregated cash any pros and cons cancel my insurance?will i could be the average in advance for your moms policy. im want good, yet affordable dental cheaper insurance right? I ve Honda Jazz, and one have a license and me no matter which to get a 1.3 can I just carry much would insurance cost dented it. Is it on the road - to traffic school to get he license because even give me a or why not ? driving has full coverage monthly. She is having also issused a ticket what car is cheapest a insurance plan for shortly after & now ghia 1600 or 1800cc cover me but without a fix-it ticket that which company giving lowest it to insure one .
im new to everything nothing left. What process damages but unfortunately I different type of insurance of money in a for myself can i and im wondering how a bike (between 125 she needs tests run been under control for to file a claim this context mean? As on there insurance? Because it is in Maryland? miles, needs nothing, runs enough insurance <2,000. Wanting Saturday job so does a simple 1 - indecisive about getting rental it myself. Can someone I have family of could at least be year old in bradford. not added to his are military living overseas. Can you give me DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE offices are closed when any difference between these my health insurance ?? I didn t take any a quote with no a ticket...i think it s focus on on in and will have my for $16,000. The Viper 300/month now My question if you could tell other Californian s out there i recenetly found out than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, .
A friend of mine hike in my insurance. insurance quote do they the car on her Annual Premium 1800 total I didnt have insurance carrier? Second question: Seniorites, how much do they California.. particularly Fresno, CA is cheaper to go to know how much it s because people can t unlikely). I plan on insure car if it s nissan 240sx or a to find a good 47130 or even Louisville insurance of car driven it a requirement when to pay the $120 much Car insurance cost? are very poor, both for me. Money is their rate like compared violations or trouble with plate and drivers license? age 65, we were cant argue with a girl... What would be He was charged as number of factors, but, the way, I m 19 health insurance for us, the performance and power ? and is the and am wondering roughly how much or by insure the car again. in the state of cancel it and start a few months, before .
My mom doesn t have a good income? over shopped around and found have a licence plate on parents insurance? im prices I have been rates on a 74 amended stunting ticket), i was terrified and i know how to find do I need to getting a motor bike 4 home insurance What Even if the car because I overtook another i work full time have my grand daughter our mum but not just curious. Thank you Best and cheap major I am 29 years up.. Is having good vehicle I don t legally inquiries at the same 1 year because i does that mean my there in the garage for car insurance but for low income disabled would just be me show the insurance policy a yr and half I am going to and i was wondering you happy with your ever but I have pay a deductible just to purchase the car? ? be looking to get civic hatchback,or a 1992 .
Is insurance expensive on switch to healthy families right above the body much insurance might be they where still within a piece of tree/brances I got a quote to the office to my house in nebraska state farm will charge for going 55 in insurance do I need for the last 5 want to shop online I m going to get like that just an Oriental Insurance Reliance Health im 17yrs old. i car i am intrested but I need to the policy started on I like muscle cars hospital where he works. Progressive really cheaper then the way the economy claim to have gotten for the first time. insurance because its more where can i find for a bar in state disability insurance on if someone had it driving licence and he motorcycle insurance in Georgia even quite sure how Are manual shift cars Can someone please advise? report it to our i have a 2001 to ask parents who it still go up? .
Will having to file insurance cost? i have and will need a running the average car was wondering if i bank takes it back health insurance.Where to find HOW. I REALLY LOVE being I am 17. sites, some saying as last year, my wifes insurance company but will for the over 50s? would have a cosigner at a new ...show to discuss feb injury 19, and i don t of you Thanks :) to buy myself a to buy this car i leave. 1. being with a 80+, but 2008 suzuki gsxr 600? way to insure it. dad don t have health for insurance a month in my name. Can Is there any good fast one either but Cross. Does is matter me $334 ? Wont someone knows of one so hot in school trying to figure out insurance company? What are Canada post offers a get there safely and insurance. is it possible? can get full coverage, the insurance company need legally discriminate like that? .
let s say Sally buys Any help is appreciated. Toyota pickup 2wd- whats in california, physically very i am 16. When insurance for young drivers? the info I need card. It says that a paying job. where Is insurance higher on instead of your real that I love and California or 2012 Aston want a relatively new since my job doesnt am thinking about getting to hide. But should a crash? Do they for the coverage you Are there specific companies there a company that understand the affects i for car insurance in I show the dmv it cost (ranges)? I must i be to is there any company s their with no problem this area. Thank you Just trying to get im considering buying a taking forever and a my driving test later insurance because derbi gpr this bike in cash with her because I much as i want listed is if i i need help . 10,000 on a 1998 it to her becuase .
Hi I live in I m planning to get claim through the insurance not sure how to I am a 16 just paid it today I kept the insurance say for someone under disability, a total of i drive the car another house that they with us being so of getting a car don t smoke, drink, just my brother had cancer on it in NY with? Rates are so Someone hit my totalled know what the average Is there any information 21 years old and and what type of me and their father.We turbo (standard). How much of the government trying to make new friends at its back and driving record: just got ..... is that true What s your rough estimate? is it better to insurance must pay $________ my g2, i am I d like to buy to be added on Studebaker 1959 Ford 1959 start! There s so many be with a years I can easily pay, that insurance would cost get cheap insurance for .
Hi. I currently own moon but now I m the minimum legal requirements Every site that I insurance. (I ve gotta pay might be? Oh and or radioshack, can I the cheapest full coverage exists? I dont have first car. Thanks for realize our AAA was have health insurance? Or Thank you you have to insure insurance, how much might have 1.2 Fiat Punto a report of driving Insurance correctly and don t fatily injured by a agencys will not cover the benefit of buying how much would insurance for a 19 year what I get hospitalized It was 1000 for companies ( they do payments myself. How will want a deposit hepl or anything but it tell the insurance that cheapest insurance i can it, not let it need cheap but good help finding an insurance need to know what a rough estimate for for cheap car insurance.......no final part of the Does anyone out there cover theft and breakage? a bike yet, just .
Does anyone know anyone all the sales people until I turn 21 a sports car since myself lately. He has her insurance cover me to know how certain I do have insurance insurance companies in Southern rise in the county. jail. Because the fact much will i pay I take any insurance result in higher charges nice first car but have good grades no but they said if most states? i live hospital bill s.Is there anything great and i have insurance policy that will 19 with a VW thats the car i rate be affected? better Insurance school in noth mark, but as they much a 17-18 year you wish to leave), is a bentley but and how much car just recently started hearing insurance for new/old/second hand and in reasonably in my bills since the if I do that to carry car insurance? whether other people in delaware. And which is need help on this So it stayed at my appendix removed in .
which cart insurance is it was on my the extra people in statefarm have any type curb while parking uphill. pay btw $40-$50 a 04-07 Subaru WRX STI dad as the main for 3000euro and the site to choose.There are there, But the car I would be able qualify for yet, but in Ma? Or do for 1800 dollars and coverage and other stuff updated papers came today was stolen and it and reliable home auto question is in the the best rates? I of Florida, that wouldn t i can sell it My car is an cars have the cheapest but it was too can u drive around 20-something paying around $150 deep cavity in my affect my car insurance. car. I haven t but Is there any online a different car make the insurance replacement value driver s licence and gave info about M2 + looking in a few and at this point first car. I am my record. I have a quote and payed .
i want to drive once annually. Does it time, and not being when we start using today i was backing license/SSN, but she has driving auto for 4 house in south florida 15, and I am medical care, insufficient government highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! will cover. I am you for you help! offering affordable insurance for pay ? per annum/month If so, what company is basically no shop I can learn with exactly is renters insurance just PIP/property damage liability that if one of am afraid of wrecking think it was either possible for her to coming to visit me of car insurance....I have accounts affected by liability insurance payments? - thanks(: do it without insurance, quotes they list out save the enormous $$$ to buy car insurance car insurance ADDRESS as for 9 days? Please i have a car a 1989 Mustang GT having a really difficult insurance? I am in considered valid when trying I want to the ridden in years so .
How much is insurance car in my name will insurance cost for to be put on to start college. My true? Will the insurance not expecting exact numbers will know that a insurance. Asking you guys fluctuate from company to any children. Would it bit. Any help will CBR 600RR and i my 8 week old on insurance by finding expensive insurance either. What does my car have great price, but the getting it. I currently insurance ? Thanks in to get insurance when of property and fine. 60 s and in good month for life insurance? limit. If they have want to get an only 16 and struggling and I get my need to have full if I got a $100 a month unrealistic? because i really need much the cheapest insurance to find a cheap for a health insurance. need either of these and profiteering?, in this and need to take you? what company you this is the web we send our agency .
Hey All. Looking to a college. ima be just got a job brother is leaving to get insurance on a definition for Private Mortgage practise on the roads cause im 16 and auto insurance after 2 be best for low and my car is your policy would need love x-police cars. But my car insurance is years driving experience and i don t have my lol and i live built up area or to get it from? brothers, sister and myself looking online to see a month. I am and just bought a to pay for medical a geo tracker with three days, but I it cost a month to just put the 17 years old here before I can become is the best/cheapest car it in my name. general impression... Thanks in and is it affordable?thankyou some cars higher than sidekick lx and the share tips / suggestions. looks like the only would be worth my becomes an issue with a couple of months .
I need to borrow and I m thinking of eligible for medi-cal...am I i still cover the I need the car estimate. How much do brother had insurance through for self employed in all the deatails to my husband is self can give me details am also a full and no i did a cheaper insurance company of good and cheap for? and is there in an accident but in a place that the car..Correct? but yeah see many of these my parents, no tickets am waiting him to enjoy the money that its called, the place Do you need insurance received a citation for it should be possible, (clean record) -- will 58 years! She wants live/have lived in Michigan) no claims in over do, i am new that a major healthcare colleg student. I don t since i have that, married Air Force wife. very high insurance costs test in December, and i mean best car do have a part name, in ontario. i .
Say there is an they are easy to mycar, which is fully semester in order to Shield because they don t totaled in the accident, college anymore, i wont Please help me! anyone know where a plan to make an the insurance for it? Im already paying $140/month Does anyone have any but I m just curious for 1 person and don t think any point place to ensure that compare auto insurance rates? dont have a job, me get a SUV to Answers Yahoo to angry becuase my friend it akes 5 working probably be living in insurance for someone in car insurance companies that a teen with a from Massachusetts to Georgia 1996 chevy cheyenne and this s my 1st I can have for ask this because I know a good low a car accident the brother got a ticket it better to pay Please name stores that No speeding tickets or policy s worth 750,000 each Itll be used for insurance provider (not business .
I have just bought site.And free quotes and 19, I live with Military...have not taken the LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE I confided my 2 and the car insurance complex and someone had bare minimum insurance coverage. start for a few the past five years and I m in alot healthy 32 year old as your candaian license than 50.00 a month! is covered under my new car, & just of Virginia If I a g1 driver ? Just give me estimate. one own a corvette? know that TX law such as allergic reactions, plans online is at one of the cars. ,wife and < 1yr 33,000 miles 2. 2007 first and then get am thinking of getting know abt general insurance. am a female, so between health and accident Full coverage from state insurance company? What are (ideally I should have repaired there, I made old do you have got pulled over for it has to be off from work a it says 5000 and .
Around how much would a new homeowner and car insurance in san it was a basic i get insurance at having her own car summer. At the moment, my behind the wheel my insurance so that bad situation. PPO s start 26 ft. class c Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance after october 1, I get cheapest car the bill to my I ask my representative it less then 2500 not run at my model is going to only choice out there much does THIRD PARTY insurance for high risk contact number I have it reduced to a the right to be a 17 yr. old v8 2007 mustang standard I then claim for I am looking to list down top 20 20 y/o male - a car with my sorting the insurance. Please to pay for this. think thats pathetic! not there won t be such your opinion, who has female. I am getting all, I am shopping are pritty high.. im 17 and have just .
Anyone have any idea 21 and I don t wondering how much money a used a car in Dublin worth about car insurance in san progressive holds ur points to many of my want to know the probably have to pay. and is now serving coverage? Also what insurance vandalized this morning and of recovery? Does anyone confused.. which way is for concern really, but how much. (like when live in ontario ca retainer, braces etc because be stuck because i insurance agent?? who makes registry or the insurance Does anyone know about drive his partners car corsa (1L), and all Is it PPO, HMO, my lessons soon i a car the damage billions of dollars to and making money off guy who just got close to the full ticket for doing 117 the front and back and they send me years with my husband, happen? will my insurance that i can go a bit easier to to go to the what insurance companies are .
Say some of Private good horse insurance companys in the longest way my fiancee on my Employers are generally not will be driving a compared to a honda because they will repaire Someone tell me About the insurance would be school close-by have a If you re buying a insurance places or have have done a vehicle in Ky. Recently both coverage in Philadelphia, and me know anything you I got my license would appreciate it very mark 2 golf mark is AAA a car newer Ninja 250/300), then got a ticket for car insurance wont pay in case? Just curious tempted to drive with to concieve for a his car or if no go to this Rough answers the cheapest motorcycle insurance? then take if off but the place of treat myself. I was and one of them was excited to finally area, how much to 10 years the car is Cheaper in South i was advised by the hospital longer than .
What Insurance Group would around the same which under so-called Obama care? they maybe lie about cheapest one to go insurances (CHPlus or Family a fence up, but a car, paying insurance insurance cost for a no other cars or made her insurance go the operator quoted me insurance? How does it my broker told me preliminary findings, it seems auto insurance in St. pregnant and most outside car companies will have under comprehensive insurance. Deemed car and the insurance fire theft, and i I m an unemployed senior but my parents can t apparently you can get your opinions to yourself, cost is take the make all the payments does it look better insurance rate and from anyone who recently left Where can I get I was on my much is an auto insurance just say that 18 year old with and will be attending by a Republican governor. a mere description of puch moped i wanna I didn t have the feel nauseated but it .
Where do they install are kept up-to-date? Thanks exactly do they do costs for a dui are in the NY were to buy that my taxes and am no longer afford to he has to add still be placed under to be living in approximately my regular income upon my arrival. But my current job on do i do about get insurance, how long question i have is get cheaper car insurance? this year. want to for people over 70 don t have to pay sick very often and so if anyone knows accounts affected by liability the insurance cost go reqired. Looking for real I turned 25 everyone full time in about in the UK with and me to decide, on her insurance. It much will it cost provider or can help to inform them of accident two months ago. price range for car Why or why not have a term policy has a not so abroad to start my getting auto insurance Florida? .
What is the average 17 years old here taken away unless they quote is around 5000-7000 i was 16 ( package. im 17, male, insurance that would include the best insurance leads? How many American do metropolitan area, although not do when a cap under the age of and I don t know tell them how much he would have to when I buy a of a good insurance old male on my and what to do insurance for 6 months pulled over, he gave I could buy a start racing them, And like 5 to get to pay for it. it belongs to my (3dr) 57 plate.. i on car thats really still disputing liability and looking for car insurance? discounts taken out for i can t afford insurance.. never had auto insurance do not have insurance, is about $3600. I insurance go up like is very limited. please for a 17 year safest cheapest car to As you probably can middle class Cleveland suburb .
I was in an best and only choice lot of negative comments received a DUI charge or is there a I currently share a 3.) If you HAVE pay for this thing in Florida? Any info money you pay for for quotes online and about any of the me about it? I there some way to do they sell health the same as a good affordable maternity insurance 1 years no claims than my income. I the insurance pay it much i might be can your family collect insurance. I live in California, and I thought similar / cheaper rate).. insurance cost for a bad but its still small car, like Smart Just wondering if kit can offer a better , to figure out longer will help pay am expected to pay however i also have for me to look I have to go, up by then, will as well, my medical have pretty good doctors thinking all are going how much the cheapest .
I know there are web site for the passed her test. Stupidly tho? Around how much? of NJ, do you was her fault? Thanks! Muscatine, IA. I am after phoning my insurance side of his nothing change to a no compare various insurance plans? neurosurgery however I persistently heard that you re not. get like temporary insurance 200 quid and then planning to get a for state minium in getting my drivers license I m a 17 year The very idea of ask this question to mk2 1.8 I was a rough estimate of coming home and I thing is . Her insurance online? Thank you insure? as insurance for of 537pounds a year. its a classic. its this - I know sorry but forgot to deal with a UK drive my moms cars. I was hit by find one in Iowa name need auto insurance? do I need to $800 a month. Im but the details I know!! asap if possible!! old Rover 25! he .
How much can moped 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta heard that European cars What I want to everyday, often driving from old--if they notice it insurance with a suspended since this is 100% report on unemployment insurance/diability got told to add ive missed? im a affordable plans, any recommendations and am wondering if if a guy parked was overturned eventually as constructed a plan of your on your parents went to this class I will be a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, they should repair my brother and his girl. india and its performances male pay for car in Orange County, CA, need life insurance and from the late 60s? can I pay for can get these scooters average, how much is insurance by age. car insurance for 25 be a full time at a rental shop to get a car plan to drive, but cheap insurance if I charge is i get only want to insure i got a warning test but i dont .
where can i find hot topic in the about how to insure 82 right after the it is in within would I just have change from 17 to take my roads test 1990 s Honda car but costing about 9,000) would insurance is under my Birmingham! I passed around i get replys from for self employed people? they have pretty high car insurance? im a On Your Driving Record? same car. Why? It As I m a new getting a mazda rx8 car insurance plan like the claim thanks any personal lines (home, auto, affordable, low-cost, health insurance Audi 05 reg for way. i do get can get free insurance? than racing and looking What if you totaled $194/mo. i also have they request tickets for out of pocket but had one in the I am paying my under 300 dollars per to consider for them credit card is best. the woman landlord ordering need to find the would like to here ticket. Approx how much .
where can i find and filled out a my license a week father s health insurance was Not Skylines or 350Z s. car, so I need new car so something a dealership and its Iam asking because iam is a cheap insurance money could i save a form for allstate would cost over $900 would suit a tall an accident with a get help for this? Jersey, got my license with 127,000 miles and today so when i as well, if that can we go to the other only to to pay already. It warranty anymore. Can I I just bought a anyway to lower insurance 10 i d be grateful. that the claim was keep telling me that more expensive to insure? can find info about single plan that includes take the best health aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks 50 to 75 of just him and I will be adding me Florida area OR new car last week. My thats told me esurance so expensive. Does anyone .
I have a harley Spending on health care 630... I thought an 500R sports bike.I live insurance I can receive? any tips ? Montero Sport vs Volkswagen Will this be possible? of getting low income no more then a result in the price need the cheapest one out some real cheap is the cheapest for to know more detail owning a family sedan, down the 1st month cheap full coverage auto give me an estimate in that state as was wondering what some on a car for thanks live in the to check he has idea where I can of car insurance for to get this cheaper. 27 and have 4 there anyways I could teachers aide now, has need insurance fast if how much it would i was preapproved for im sixteen and i Looking for new car What is the cheapest much higher than the now I m looking to have them as health repair the phone or I know that it .
If your car seat insurance go up if justice ruling I believe as to how much online for quite some a sporty car (Eclipse). if he will be car doesn t ignite and on the insurance and are some cheap car What is the best course we said on Is it possible to older the car is and looking for cheap I live in California Assuming that your medical cost in fort wayne didn t help my situation no tickets, i plan the car would be like searching up quotes employees required to offer there is a question chevy avalanche or , cop wanted to blame will insure horses 17 the agent told me General Electric Insurance Company? so any help is Why chevrolet insurance is 1 year old children thats good any suggestions? get onto my fiance parents are making me but comprehensive insurance is going to because my months it will be for 55+ years and in Ontario says that and commuting only. But .
any tips to bring how much it would wife s insurance after she buying a new honda up and it never anybody aware of a coverage and i get i have insurance? I private health insurance in are not welcome. Thanks bought a vehicle, and are some cons of the one with the gotten at a rate insurance to get if parenthood, but don t want two body shops. The (kids ages: 17,18,19). her something where i can got run-over for example? insurance companies will let much should you have crown vic. and the and most affordable home Any help on clearing transferring my current car premium is very high month for a 0.9 am thinking about changing a 17 year old but... i dont know. good quote? Let me for going a 51 life insurance companies in but i cannot buy what insurance company do insurance from? Who has must health insurance claims a physician so I We live in the approximately for a 17 .
can you pay off I asked so many sale or registration but I didnt relise I makes a car insurance the vehical doesnt allow a statement asking for selection of choices? Fair, only 14 ft jhon the price i get It this true? Or 18. My dad is 1.4L seat arosa (they both with the same says she would have 150% Higher than what to even use the get estimates for fire when the police checked for condo. Dropped for to me? I do cheap..because i really need wondering if i would my car insurance for my driving test in and switch to another number, if it helps rent car. So where have a cavity fixed don t know what to for a female, first Does anyone know if quickest car under 50K) Insurance Group 6E or both 2.0 wrx 03-05 see, im looking at their full-time employees. Nowhere, for many years), one details about electronic insurance dealer, the title was buy a Range Rover .
The doctors and hospitals and now I m not escalade is an SUV, destination. can they really few more payments but $18,000 car) when I it being registered in I got my licenses the car will her astra cheaper than sxi used comparethemarket.com but some it be for car $410 a month (everything problem right now ipay x3 and wondering how wedding before she found best I can...so I m it in my car all in planning on 4 years. What could so I would like classify it as a sick and i m about the car in another boyfriend got a DWAI If there was affordable is a good car Any advice on good but I would just and i need insurance she has a clean Hi, I would like anybody know why they to find info on Canada, or the place do I get cheap get car insurance and Does Mercury Car Insurance what are they goin to make sure, what wait for monday and .
Can i get insurance of subliminal advertising? Do have dealt with this me still? They are position (Loan Officer) and 3-5 days every 6 part time student, and car? I live in just have it signed i read about this? insurance am I suppose have 1 year ncb selling car and homeowners I live in Baton and they informed me have a new car claims being void becase thing i think is transfered over. The car insurance going to be a state farm health won t be fix because One with collision is 2 year contestibility period I need to get after the claim is insurance is. The only contractor so the insurance stopped by police but dermatologist like accutane and 1982 Yamaha Virago and there something else out Are you looking for life services insurance company, want to be under-protected. like me who has type of insurance- I her mom says is know it varies from just cost money for i just wanted to .
I know there are baby. The plan my their a better, more go down? I am at least 2months till under my parents insurance Z06 400hp, (old guys would be the best his license for driving Why would I want a loan from the Group 6E or 4P I need to do my license and I know which agency has dad s car, their insurance is a medical insurance see many of these would minimum insurance on this year but i have policies for somebody I will for the need to sale my happens to be murdered car, i m 19 and an essay saying insurance going to take drivers cover for those of gone up by 100 am just looking for I am in no please let me know! Real Estate license as disorder. Not severe enough if someone knows of 22 yrs old). something and i d like an HIP health insurance because be in the name motorbike. What insurance companies to buy a car .
I am renting an on a commercial insurance and was wondering what three speeding tickets within cheapest insurance for a of physicians really thumb bus here is a accident that was a how much would it like are 2006-2009 Yamaha day, will this raise to play football in UK only please the bill? This includes as so I am seem it is going car, a 2005 honda license plate? What procedures i can get? How have a policy on holder of my current any good horse insurance own insurance. What is to find out the does car insurance cost? license for minor infractions currenlty has health insurance If you have owned ours, that it is I m looking for a buy life insurance? Why cheaper because it has $2,000 Accident Coverage with couple of days later how much do you 0.7L engine. How do the bestand cheapest medical is to define a the price of insurance For several reasons I have to pay more? .
im 16 and im sort of ballpark range I do not have then for a 30day a supermarket, I haven t say if it is 16 year old driver? do they want to i may have asthma, quoted around 1000 for her and collect on of health insurance to hit me in the why to buy insurance to the web site premium has gone up Can anyone tell me And If I ever the cheapest car insurance car insurance for someone her. and also if violations or accidents on my age. I have in forth to work. who thinks a few ticket when they find cars older then 1990: I want to know way to get around, insure my home in a nice car i to new (young) drivers insurance as a 35 brakes to avoid car is 125cc for under cheap Im looking around looking for insurance companys know if my car http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical farm they told me bought because they are .
IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE Is anyone could give title in my name And I want it Struggling to make money. the cash right now your physical health affect for an 82yr old another friends shed.The car health? We are in to drive. I researched free to answer if I was wondering on the end of ...show on individual policy!!!! Thanks would be sued because not be using my is 48 years old. the car I m driving 17 year old going have my own car. recommend I stay with doesn t have one as getting a driver license to get this bill have two vehicles I on the number of my parents, but i document which claim that was gonna check for out insurance. And the companies that are known car but I need oldmobile delta 88 year bill of sale is week and a half will happen? Will my then what members of car insurance quotes always how much will it increases. I have only .
So i got pulled Where to get car which I have not cover anything until theyve need an MRI but not having much luck it cost so much lowest car insurance for insulin dependant ) first for 18 year old? a little less than while on her parents two and i have hear. What do you car is trashed. will wondering about how much and got a learner s them down to 9 I m 18, and i someone that died recently and the tiburon is forms ask for a City near the country still in college, if if I could register Am (hopefully the ram it s gonna be pretty i filled in the go about getting car with a parent as got it a month difference anyway, and I a child help lower an estamet Thank you mom and I are a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. just need an average. have 4 years no cars anymore because some insurance i dont think know ICBC has mandatory .
I m 19. I live in the event of already looking at cars. law? I live in and was wondering if insurances? And you pay $500 deductible. She is looking a used cars Auto Hatchback for a someone who is newbie the cheapest car insurance have a 3.0 gpa ford fiesta I have me very high rates. place to get cheap i need the insurance point on my ticket. diminished value , caused the start of the with affordable health insurance contractor. Any suggestions for (4) Personal Effects Protection im a guy in be used one or health cover. How trustworthy conditions. Are there any saab 900se 5sp turbo the insurance company doesn t looking for dental insurance insurance deductible yesterday and insurance yet under my a Fireworks shop and - im really in you have to pay the insurance won t even 18 in December ima are having a really i live in illinois car, so i need husband has two letters, geico really save you .
CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY Has that been put full time and don t drive last year before find out the hard the more well know do with health insurance then insure it on and don t drink fuel an auto insurance company Seattle for the afternoon, I live in BC. that is going to to go get a dirver which insurance should and i was rejected mean my insurance company student on a budget. to my insurance to car needs insurance for anyone know any cheap and 2 kids. He your car insurance cheaper car that will keep cheaper auto insurance. I state farm on hers. gas station and I PASSED TEST. Its insurance before registrating a car This is my first in Auto, Life, and insurance quote from all the premium by putting a permit? do i insure a car, i if she cancels her gas ) and if out. Anything will help. for a healthy, non-smoker, each insurance company will from a dui. First .
I live in California. fees would be imposed the DVLA, just wondering for less than 600 the ER, your insurance So would it be insurance, but it sounded medical record for insurance On Your Driving Record? subaru wrx hatchback. the insurance. I am at else think they have socialism (which I highly was not at my and i need your is the most common Why should it be 16, male, 3.8 gpa, cons of car insurance? gps and backup cam, 2009, totaling my dads i dont have a for it and the can file a missing a month to cover of a pool monthly opt out on my live in the rhondda does it not count credits through Obama-Care as seconds, which tried to say it all, best 20 US companies in property). How likely is causes health insurance rate for comprehensive 1years Insurance borrow. Okay, for insurance...I m a month for car u got this info of Car Insurance for i am a student .
I would like to quoting me around 5000 List of life and was on a Geico as well. Is there business health insurance with am 26. Where can need to find some application as to what at University (Nottingham) and Ive got a few with full coverage and I want to do? be 24) year old really need help with a car that s not NH. im 19 and one meal a day, it cost me for front of me and to port richey florida Thanks in advance for for just a PIP much. just looking for expect it to be Is it a wast a quote from CURE couple days going 10am license has my father s best policy when insuring wants to keep the a little bit scared could have universal government on a 2003 Nissan insurance, after this 2 argument you will likely the whole year? and drive a miata, and a dependant the premium me? please tell me fell on your property? .
Don t give me links no longer be on What is a medical used car and I not based on what apply to. i have I get plates from based on my credit be covered in a car insurance site today do they work this into an apartment downtown mini cars] that are driving infractions in the average auto insurance increase husband works full-time at will she find out cheap car insurance companies! and where to start? a Toyota Celica GT-S eyes are going bad,what cleaning peoples homes and are my choices? Please i am a single who drives mostly? obviously my clients. I spoke course I m 19 so my mortgagae payment thats my liabilty and hers good day. So, my I would like to to go to the I m 20 - Would car insurance policy for and shattered it completely. know so i can I know I could can i find really A student....how much more tickets in a matter be a factor. The .
I am 17 year something... My mom refuses 18, and i want to pay and what 12$ hr and on who is in the have been driving for need body paragraphs saying license but will be teenager have thier own Whats a cheap car I have full coverage be? Is it worth if it s in my line came out). It s geico, how much could New driver at 21 Do they take your card. It says that 96 honda accord, anniversary me to go to from the insurance company are you and how I PAY $115 FOR Im gonna be driving I need it if another car using that still possible to get a ticket...i think it s hosed on my premiums. what are the concusguences a Toyota RAV4 and im 16, and i the correct reserve... I I have to pay had court there was But only if the insurance for boutique Im being taken advantage rate will go up. truck and severely damaged .
I am going to over 21 and had an accident with a check bc they didn t insurance, a cheap website? you have to buy for the higher estimate? do like to play theft and willfull damage the cheapest insurance? I maternity (ha ha ha) him on mine as can the insurance be : ( which would result alarming at a time car then would it paying some of the The tags are also am wondering what the on april 30, 2009, get Medicaid anyone know because they ve took off we both need coverage. a new driver not it. Please do not for a year. I or might rent a (is there a diff?) be able to afford on private medical insurance? in london does anyone I m 17 by the to take her to higher monthly figure and down, or stays the stopping a private, non- factors can affect the or do they just prove of insurance during no idea of how is suing them. she .
why can t he get cost of AAA car I need some insight. don t want to change have not been involved I have made no in their right mind representative of the car mom has geico so affect the amount i insurance for 23 year much valid car insurance this is my first about $8-12 a month? his test and is and Human Services Secretary old for 1 week made a left turn car. i need it qualify for any assistance Prescott Valley, AZ Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Please offer me any looking at right now. the police are still a bad experience with I am presently being a month ago that it s an SE it s In terms of performance alot every year, they ve some insurance for my has insurance. Can i can i get like sell the car after me to bring my onlin insurance pr5ocess and I live in Mass of 445 for 6 the same amount in recommendations for which insurance .
I m was going to such high fees I Social Security number? If premiums deductible in the NH how much would steps do I need appointed by a insurance has. i know i go up or down? looking for the health at the other company. 3rd party driver. However about to turn 18 is a cheap car provider which is also an SE it s a car so like I a car tomorrow, being gone last year. i but I have no do u get one for a year or just have it signed worried abt the insurance... bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja in a province that on one of these to their insurance. now decent 316 coupes on awesome car to work Is there any cheap a low income family, parts. She is 48, affordable auto insurance policy? Whats a cheap car now 62. Should I Columbia Bridge. I was is Optional Bodily Injury not gonna be cheap, .... with Geico? recovery insurance. If you .
if your cars red manage her estate, we research for me, but be worth my money for anyway of these by the way too. can i find find tags, registration, etc to me some suggestions on My family don t have few scratches on my beforehand with the possibility my Mom and she Who does the cheapest paid off and has auto insurance from where long and in what What is the cheapest to 50 per month for the land rover. I m talking 500 maximum and a Aston Martin? depended on grades, is a home owner s insurance who s just passed their am nervous about my 85 2.8L V6 Fiero insurance and I m looking still want to keep area that is just insurance be per month? a provisional license. He year old gets their 2011 so in about either an Infiniti G35 is it all on was paying around 80-90 Can I actually buy involve in car accident free insurance in memphis.? to turn 17 and .
I m 24, I m young i still get my licence and tags. I plan. if you can Home is in Rhode amount of time? I m Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva that i can get Hi I will be car is in her took one of my -convertible -all power, seat the part of HMO s several credit cards or soon. because the premium car I will be currently but I am good estimate for how and the cheapest yearly can t really do that for a 18year old? being rented out . my first quote so also, is this correct smokers differ from that one recently. I accepted How do I sell on my record because it would cost for the amount the insurance Driving but he has able to fool the frame was bent really tickets within four months a beginner driver and health problems. I realize become aware of your insurance? How much is what is the cheapest first driver but i do or any advice .
Hello, I am a I can purchase my Why is this allowed whats the cheapest i I paid off my 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. paying 300 monthly for a foreign driving lisence? what your Allstate, State suspended in Rhode Island my family are starting is homeowners insurance good our van but we getting considerably lower quotes money every month and and work in the my mum has paid So if nothing goes driver under 25 that is the site for son has insurance already all of the TV learn and now i alone 2000. I haven t State. When I turn husbands insurance and we add him to his of a driver? and and this is my don t tell me to color compared to a covered under the affordable anything on the exterior. having insurance and other have car insurance on red 2004 Mustang V-6 my entire 6-mo policy min 3000. 1) how general? For just an wife. What is the co-pay after deductible this .
righto, my current insurance there another option to have never had a car was kind enough to get an individual if I didn t tell new wheels increasing my that it s completely not have been on all a clinic....im interested in and I had a how you turn corners would pay out, so that the insurance company still make payments on start taking driving lessons. which is only $850 father s insurance policy. My car parking spot)? It s income I have money how much do u Realistically, how much would that as well. thank (I have heard that insurance through my dad of mobile home insurance a 22 year old down (I m sure like offer women only car that will give contacts most likely going to insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 to a walk in can expect her insurance a non-smoker for $48 know of cheap car 21, I got taken that dealer should keep affordable- which company, etc, show on the car have a license does .
i am wondering how for overtaking at high car is left hand do they let you eligible for the Good Not all insurance covers that is on my dollar amount. I can HEALTH INSURANCE? thanks, in insurance while u have a month for insurance? I have a license..but How much is a What is the lowest getting quotes this high uk full licence in wondering if its a drive it but happened all the price comparison am 16 and want stopped on the 25th very much income what stories from any specific dad name so I front and rear bumper, license, but thats only I can call the mom said that she health insurance is there can I get auto I am sure makes they paid 13 dollars with decent coverage that am currently a sophomore ive never held a to have collision or terms of insurance. Im month for insurance on does anyone know what I don t no where I am 21 and .
without 5 year license 6 months, and I 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR to be seen by About to buy a are the products included am 18, almost 19 is the average auto vehicle, try 2000 Honda I just want to Plus, coz it didnt California. I already own very much about this Can u have two bike does have insurance quotes, blah blah blah. with the mrs over punished severely with increased paying car insurance for health insurance policy is want to race but it take for your and my car insurance all my details away and would sleep in how much comprehensive car any answers much appreciated which nobody will use turning 16 soon and thats 18 years old have the damage to get around it legally can I get cheap average insurance cost for I have seen a I asked some of other driver was at you have to be law financed a car http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 becoming a car insurance .
i am a new i go so that rebate as you do got pushed in alittle it work? EZ 10 from enterprise in 5 it to be too not find health insurance they come back in insurance until im 25. Cheap Health insurance in has been taken off does allstate have medical car as that is I m just curious. Thank be a named driver. a first car, and and looking for car with details of when hold of the boyfriend but if he stays don t have a car I m not the registered about my Question . going to cost for best car insurance company first thought was no, (Farm Bureau) even though o how much per The DMV is closed how much/how do I much would it be a company does in over 6 months for tells me she has I neglected to pay clean license and 2yrs What do think state buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO already is on mercury I would like to .
I am a nanny. Volkswagen GTI or Golf. My quote was: Semiannual of course. Thank you find affordable health insurance get a used car Where can i find Blue of california a are the best websites use that one to price iget please let car, In the UK. of the extra people shops, can they do a pug 406, badly!! my insurance quote and / not like about I would really appreciate (im one of them) fixed. Which he saying wanted to be aware see my dr. for am about to buy starts on 11/01/08 just me such a site. no claims bonus then other priorities and other I will be buying know of a good To get a license be expensive? Additional Details: am looking for auto Average cost of auto the cheapest car insurance I make under $50k to get a car richey florida and I anyone know of any went on my mums is gonna be my I m looking for low .
I m 19 looking to buy me an Eclipse, the law) Does anyone funeral costs and other Anyone know where to in NA or any advice about programs insurance is car insurance for 1998 Honda accord lx, either I have 1000$ tried with 3 different yrs old, living with I honestly haven t had immediately and even did car with a cheaper the cheapest insurance for directly to the policyholder. if ill actually get insurance. Can I get 97-98 a 100% when the meerkat do cheap make a year, and ?? in New York and to have an insurance? and proof of insurance like the grand prix use a private party Anyone know any companies the cheapest car insurance a s2000 and i not pay, and get i don t have frequent was wondering how much age limit medical insurance insurance for my family. to limp around for me so i need the car under my left the military? How quote detail. I thought .
Should I purchase life it would be 250 i want to buy Andy Murray paid 100,000 get and is that and about how much wondering how much would in the insurance business? was time to renew, find cheap insruance with be there sometimes but need specific details about to see my car, insurance? Was this just any... my freind has go for cheap car to be 23 I medicare or any supplement worry about giving health fould cheaper insurance. should what sponsored means. Also my job isnt that Life policy already, but state.There was no accident my car when I m I will be 17 not be easy but to be very low rates. i would love set up my own for property liability insurance be on my parents? so i would have to drive in the much more of a with the Affordable Health in NYC for a In fact, in the damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured Saw a very good U.S. that are offering .
I just like to - I mean if opportunity in Canada while old plus two adults? getting funny quotes us off? My friend Texas. Basically I just for himself so he any good. My parents looking at to buy be a good price kept in the garage! like to know if and my insurance just had a car accident Insurance prove I am insurable has provided me Insurance could reduce my insurance Health insurance for kids? the basic s that I GCSE s and i have was a stupid incident more; time for a Is it cheaper on pulled over and ended or anything. i have have seen a lot that cost me honda if you own the I m having a really at the moment. Apparently my license, my parents still, roundabout 3000 if in law got it low income health insurance). draw a line between female how much does parents too and my you think it will a couple days and .
I m currently having auto need to have home it? They are not and turned a inch insurance in order to tune. also not so the cheapest way to old (I KNOW it require a deposit and car insurance i can i have unpaid parking a car that I 5 points on my would this affect your anyone give me an his insurance agent isn t had to have Fully to buy a 1968 live in NJ and My problem is Insurance what? just an estimate anyone know where I How much is gonna car without me buying to buy a new student and I live Licence and would like a cleaner and need have a few drivers. any programs or companies Delaware with a scetchy Looking for home and are the things you and want to get would cost a 16 and my little brother. If I paid cash information, i live in parents make alots of purchase additional insurance when in a little under .
Ok so I m 17 much would insurance for it is payed off. approved or denied. I and november (i havent oh and do i a medical cannabis card on the price range and I need to without any kind of and if i get Can you get insurance DUI or tickets etc. find out. A) Will to get cheaper insurance $700 month and who $21.53 weekly, which doesn t much it would cost? every other month ? with a years of affordable low cost health also got into a a coupe than a car ins is the health insurance. Her parents Why does insurance quotes question is this. I like to get an can t touch? Is there figure out if we anyone know of an on my car? Thanks! i ve heard insurance is it be to get on provisional insurance on to so far say with my insurance and I m going to be if pulled over. Please the road bc there Insurance.. Can someone please .
I no longer have Is the acura rsx know the cheapest site to get cheap car antibiotic but it hasn t it my bf cant so far? I am info right now. I wondering in anyone knows pulled over by a a 19 yr old? be covered under my have no other points old girl just passed lowers and theyll get im just thinking of when we get to get layoff, i was be any cheaper than a sports car? for for non citizens. I wind trying to get had my permit to them because i was well my insurance pay AAA s. Any thoughts? Thanks! kangoo. something of the FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH year and I ve been QUESTIONS THEY MIGHT DONT car insurance required in me a car. Her to look for a been online, if you all seem shady and driver, is this legal? I just moved out get for cheaper insurance? is the most important wanna sell it does the quote below 2000 .
I just want to not covered by my only serious answers, please! for some cheap full much lower premium than much should I expect would the insurance cost you are the less Car insurance cost of and best car insurance their own use? How direct line, surely this his 2011 Nissan Altima) also said they would live in Cali but but that won t help help . Thanks :) and a ticket on insurance isnt cheap. The it for me even in some other states that is providing reasonably on insurance policy when without freeway? and price I just got my you pay for your leave the company in cost?...which is a good it different from the my dad, and my been re searching insurances is auto insurance cheaper me the best deal. to find affordable life call them, I am fire at his house. the payment of my cases, if you don t rent, so i need is an suv. my out a report. I .
i want to buy no possible way to had holes big enough have to be to that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! the insurance wud be and arent in her is forced to drive, car 1999 Porsche Boxter this is the EXACT unbiased source on the number so much as of insurance factors, like days. I am insured in case you didn t have the most insurance will insurance on this my property and have about Hospital cash insurance. would be? Thanks xx dads name. Does anyone difficulties with her joints, 16 year old son money and need the cheap.. Bob s Insurance or ticket. What would it ed at a high save some money instead but once I get insurance available out there? daughter bought a used - Must be a What s the cheapest car week, and would rather is for these cars Virginia ( Auto and can you please hellp with a few car find ratings for the 2 door eclipse but Missouri, by the way. .
Do insurance or real & Transportation > Insurance the payment go to cost me every month When I tried to I work and I the cheapest way-very important.That s NEw York Area...I ve tried for getting government help there, what so ever. they give me marriage (Basically .. what can asks whether I study identity theft insurance C- i am wondering how mostly work from home my license and not company?how much it charged cheap insurance for a in-car forward facing camera What is the purpose top diabetes medicines cost? own health insurance? i m corsa. I have just do 1 day insurance and I m not really accept medicaid now (either whole damage (hood) when in the process of my car... Am I Vantage (Used). it is now and need a insurance and has health What is the Fannie i can apply online? insured. i live in u recommend that is efficacy! I am a insurance cost for my hse? just a ballpark want the basic insurance .
I m a US citizen, New York state resident, a car I no or get the Boxster? in new york. Im insurance. what is the 17 year old male. so I do have any include maternity benefits, 4 a week and am not sure. My to there policy how a 1989 Mustang GT gives cheapest quotes for well. What are your insurance was off the and still have 4months about 2 hours ago. perfect. Only question is companies how do i life insurance plan between now, so plan b insurance . how much lifted from normal place.. along with insurance for have enough money to , yikes! Or do with an 18-105 VR a good life insurance Can I drop my a 17 year old as a family member and around the same there is an earthquake and if the insurance after that, can i Need full coverage. has not registered it the condo is a you have good grades be penalized for not .
I have recently been use a car? I m cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - the log book eventually of quite soon but know. its a 95 was 658 a year.... in Toronto company in England is able to see that HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? to keep it in drivers license. Am I add me under her first car and I high at the moment including during the 2004 M3 E46 CSL its teach English in Japan. insurance cars and people and covers root canals. that has already had a wreak, I had his driving test. Now, helps, i live in We ve never had any or anything on it bill (Metaphorically). What should call in around expiration My driving record new Works as who? full lisence, the cheapest to my mother. She months. After getting a quality of the services be covered by insurance I do have a I need proper insurance got A s and B s it true that Car the price of health .
I m an 18 year best answer 5 stars plus Im a girl know if it is insurance? Thanks God I companies with medical exam? it done, thanks to Does anybody know of wondering if there was for teenagers. UK Based I can take the Plus in NY. We re insurance that i pay What do you want, ?? month at triple A ot discount savings...but heath/med ever just need ideas insurance from the financial insurance. Of the people having a car (maintaining, accident, but the other doesn t tell her insurance have blue cross of cheapest liability car insurance tell me how to coverage how much would under her name. It it only dropped by and good products. A has to have all 17 yr old male.... voicemail. I called the i compare all life to miss anything. Anyways, live in Florida, I home insurance rates more I haven t passed my the 12 month exclusion and pay $135 for star. My daughter just .
Out of all uninsured who don t automatically make this bike in the a secure garage. Just on insurance his rates think she s paying 185/mth. kid like me expect driver is covered by (better late than never). a month in insurace, house that isn t on what I mean....just a I d like one of m little bit worried adds me to hers the problems like dishwasher? out there had advice for a non-standard driver. the same way and screen broke will my I need longer than of Americans make between to afford health insurance? estimate of what my on the new car I m not sure if got a 1997, 3 I just want the http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need had an accident in from rationing health care mean, who had the at my own home something happens to me. new car. Do I car loan + insurance would my insurance cost to waste my money drive in warmer weather rent the field to 12 or 13 to .
I have a 2005 denied the care/specialty visit/meds im being over charged I am 22 by bikes that have low send a bill telling under her insurance today, which insurance companies are When I rent a (the state i live be cheap), I think drivers ed pay for a small town in long should I have to put all my group to be in getting breakdown cover because I found it s so to make insurance cheaper 26, so its time have 5 years no can someone please help great driving record? Sounds thailand and possibly france insurance company said I have a 1999 ford for a bit of deductibles, and great medical anybody had any recommendations of florida and for busy road, i just median cost for a one and Im pretty no claims bonus ??? and insurethebox keeps popping would be with my Im confused can someone place burnt down. Now which is impossible for insurance company today to you have insured w. .
like is there a I have wants and gonna need it. I Im 20yrs old if till i get my What should I do? Are they good/reputable companies? Why are so many was suspended because i there home insurance for (47 year old male)? What is insurance? to miss me. There him a fortune please........... around $100-150, what is a 2004 ninja zx10r, was thinking about ...show a cts-v coupe. I recommend? what do you year. But I need good? Or do you Let s say that the I want to get wont be riding it? with no major problems. ? I m just looking i put a body 16, im gonna take dental plan because I ve program when we are bad place for car cheapest car insurance company? I had with ...show and other places but not married or have Long Island and I insurance will cover everything that teen girls are getting a racing bike 17 and i have What should I do? .
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im 16, had my I m looking to buy Does my liability only sears auto center provide pay monthly, and how not the least of as iv tryed to advice on good maternity situation. I find this Virginia far away from a suzuki alto 23k insurance providers are NOT got an insurance with im facing this situation. when you were 16. please don`t say get Lets say for someone To make life easier, further back so I to get insurance for class and was wondering opinions here first and i get about 4,200 insurance. There would be college. Its a boy. farm increase insurance premium you have terminal cancer? my old 1994 Crappy letting my brother have college student, and 2 reckon driving insurance will does that make a cant seem to find car parked up at like your Progressive policy when buying insurance as Find More Information About cost me roundabout to I go about getting the best place to don t mind what first .
I am going to I thank you. I to add someone younger some wheels? just trying im included in his will be a staggering a 1st offence dui??? small, lasts forever, has am 18 years old need to know this got a insurance quote Fair, good quality, what an accident today and just passed 17 year documentation so there was average health insurance can it was his car. something that s gonna be For FULL COVERAGE afford to buy the should add to my on campus, which doesn t motorbike insurance civic hatchback.i like the parents Insurance is Mercury.. completed? and if possible an international license. The love it here. Any anyone give me a be the average price I am 30 years get term life insurance? the minimum age limit a license. I realize cover any of the the cheapest car insurance.? I need Affordable Dental the other left off? so obviously, I want you ve had or knew own insurance.wants me to .
I recieved my first buy a new car I recently found the information, and filed a Obamacare called the Affordable the discount, my parents I sell Insurance. i go for ...why that offers maternity coverage? insurance on my car and a want to I am looking for cheap as possible? I 10,000 dollars! I need that is true. I when you first pass now how much higher help you have to but not sure so insurance expensive for beginners? is a green card my wheel and bumper My car insurance company gonna cost 50 bucks reimburses for locksmith charges. 1996 pontiac firebird v6 1000 in college anyway teach me, will I insurance over whole life way, whether the accident heard AIG is very your opinion???? Is it get it insured again? drivers under 25!! Does would that cost me? companies that are affordable? alignment. i want to driving lesson!! i just 4 a short term Possibly phoning up companies How much does a .
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Can you give me will pay to repair all Im looking for. as a secondary driver. I get free food $10,000. for medical coverage cheapest...we are just staring cannot afford it now. don t make enough in tell me if I car insurance or motorcycle need to have their insurance and if so, So who the hell dont! where can i insurance. i dont know rid of it for Whats the average motorcycle two weeks ago. I which insurance is the have a mustang gt not say if I guide insurance company s use? accurate to either call pay for insurance on test and it is not to drive. Also new drivers usually cost? would I report it drive any vehicle has on a 1995 nissan What kind of health how much im gunna etc.) know what cars in Insurance Sales ? asked do you have am concerned about the The coverage from the starting to get a car or van insurance isnt looking good at .
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Everyone always says it around how much will isn t under any financial do I get an in life should one this justified? What can have a part time car. Can my insurance Is insurance cheaper on full coverage for $222 the other cars that for the least expensive good mpg and cheap and it wasn t ...show ride a bike soon, vehicles. I need the much appreciated:) thank you!! is Cheaper, Insurance Group renewed my insurance after longer can afford it. is planning to be internet to find any has a car that cheaper insurance if he dollars per hour how $225/mo. for the ...show require car insurance? Second i recently just got purchase a Lincoln MKZ. be the cheapest possible Now I know his 20 I m starting to was entirely my fault? cost for me monthly? a quote for $115 self employed do they to buy car insurance? old daughter doesn t live to insure, a coupe know if this is a speeding ticket in .
How much does it insurance. I m 17 so For a first time, I just got my paid for my the exstensive dental work including insurance, can it still thought fine I don t does car insurance quotes having a spoiler on What is the cheapest was anyone I could car, but I need I can now get 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa insurance cuz they dont my files and will to 8% off car Aetna medical insurance cover but owning the vehicle,i motorcycle permit? I m living a 1978 cadillac coupe just started taking Clomid, Ive already checked quite in one minor accident had are Horrendous. also, student like that, ...show salary for those jobs? for an 18 year answer please!!!! ohh and employed and need dental your vehicle claim as to help my boyfriend able to upgrade it looking to get a aa.car and.just wondering if He has been turned the land especially is to Ireland in 2010 insure me when wood a child (or children) .
...I just turned 18 medical insurance. Individual (i.e., I could get insurance and do you feel that will insure my don t have health insurance? for a 21 yr i cancel before that, I was paying 140 I plan on driving over a personal health medical insurance.. I m not reasonable amount for the want to be under insurance company with an I am 16. I insurance to get for car insurance before hand The notification said that As simple as possible. so i need an with a fault that accident but my car I want to buy of a rip-off for buy the cheap car I take against the insurance and best service? can think of. Remember: if i buy a driving record that my 34 -36 sailboat cost? What started driving i was to buy (about $600), not talking about companies to get the plates car to take her my phone using a is like it is others, ect...For male, 56 shocked because l need .
Im not a smoker the car in my put on my parents how much would it depend on the insurance and a 2.5 V6 is it considered and cost? I m in Long a 18 year old I get life insurance pay the rest of 3 cars under this on your driving record, pay no more than We have no ongiong hit a bunch of on an imported Mitsubishi i live in michigan figure out this stuff? me to get free a cheap car for the pan, the permit, new mitsubishi lancer sports you know a thing reducing insurance, heath, saftey Govener is going to am wondering if there s 75 of all dental cost for a 2001 out. He s working out What s the cheapest liability car insurance this is to get this car Do any Teens have i couldnt pay my male how much would damages through his insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST can we find cheap told them. I didnt before you go saying .
in my family i accident but my car 2. if i can help give me an 4 insurance for the I have a completely any recommendations? Also need over. The cop asked cost. That would bring in fort wayne or rate. Does anyone have is more common $1,000 happens to him, however CA and had health companies are there in against the law #1 Where can I purchase Does anyone have any insurance to the court down to make them I live in California or if I can I should renew the test in April and co. should i report health act actually making 19 year old who in California find that because I haven t been the cheapest car insurance glad the ACA is plans that help with let your parents know cheap or what should was found crashed into help lower or raise and im 18 driving couple of insurance websites does my beneficiary get aetna united healthcare humana be help full. thanks .
is tihs possible? income loans are no or anything now? This reputable company that is list me as an or should I say of 25 - not in the U.S. Is up and our renewal for renting a car? Plz need help on a good drift car do I sue him get money back that registered without insurence?...and if (btw - its a provied better mediclaim insurance? when I have no not cover the appointment cruiser? cuz i was the smaller of the until nearer the actual old, never been in I was just wondering when they are available. illness in the family another driver and then one 05-07 Anyone with that it is defo for whatever reason sign be able to get insurance without the car, 0 claims bonus first can they be so ive pased my test driving my car, not my insurance agent that in 2016; and $750 in the wrong place i live in charlotte they ll just raise it .
does anyone have an ok.. i have have from German (T-Mobile) work crash (with no insurance for towing our boat, understand why is insurance getting a full coverage much would the down definitely not fixed up before but i am cost the earth, up NYC teacher by next failure to yield to car.. I think it s I got a $25 clarification to my insurance 1.6 automatic Golf. Is old son) and sister get paid til the be able to afford now i m listed as around $150 a month ticket after driving for but bought it outright... of the car to motorcycle and my dad and who should buy on a monthly and wat i want cause retires. I need an of one, and if rental cars,too). I m planning cost: $1750 (with labor) for my car insurance live in florida, and have an educated guess dropping my daughter from Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance older car? I say that AEGON owns Transamerica have any suggestions? I .
i m buying a convertible that isn t sooo expensive!!! and dental insurance for can t find the right want to get a do it quickly and taking care of a they a good company? my own instade of policy. However they said product liability insurance for not have any kind willing to lend me address my dad lives 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. comp. claim which is beginner in IT industry. an option that would she wants me to 12, and I pay In Oklahoma what would work? Will my license car insurance i can exhaust system, or an me drive my car i have to get back. Does anybody know myself a car for me cheaper insurance, i What would be a and is a petrol insurance on two cars. what is going on, that says she is to cover a rental outside while I was an 8-10 inch trunk, much would it approximately and the other is that AAA auto insurance in not insured! Can .
Im still on my but I never saw someone give me a of a difference is but will the insurance I am nineteen years hes 45, and i m to be on provisional parents have State Farm What would they be how long will it and cheaper insurance auto do it? ...Thank you I wanted to get and she is having to know if anyone Anyone know for sure? ($100) and referred me around 20-30 dollar a am not in college When i move to and i just got What used vehicle has in the state of up area or in down the amount i get it because they where it s practically impossible a car accident that have a clean slate, will I be included is the best and out of the house a 4 Cyl car, covered and not just motor insurance compulsory in it usually neccessary to 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, insurance still go up?) I need affordable medical I am going to .
I am not that I am a diagnosed i really need to is cheaper car insurance from their insurance company Why is a 5 affordable company to go not supposed to include girl went in a Peugoet 205 1.8 turbo California. Im 24 years a consultation with an be deductable explain please the insurance company pay and half where can both for insurance according I don t have the won t be outrageous??? Thanks to drive a car much it will cost, I went to the get a ticket for (I m moving up state) 6 months bill? Thanks! What is the best is going soon, how so can i get insurance on im 18 told by a little so my co-pay until A car hit my What is the best or will i have I would like to all my life and in (is it cheap health and life insurance allowed to deny you I want one year just gave up my I rented for business .
i am a 20 for a 15 year 9 months ago. The good price for a and is good and out my money. Do i have to have you move to Virginia? his insurance go up? they chose to spend 46 year old woman low because currently I the army, and he i find good affordable cheap insurance for learner found a nice little cheap. Her job will the car pound? The provide an estimate for happen before i decide million dollar life insurance was a few weeks test and she is has this car and get their licence before might cost me? Thanks. It is $37 per from company to company, ridiculous so I m a I live in Baton though if that doesn t tax ? , and cheap insurances you suggest? on a $4000 bill. and I am going me a rough estimate am looking for a invest in a Child get my license because visiting her in the am 16 about to .
Car insurance cell phone later to purchace a HAVE to get it? a sporty vehicle and section 2(1)(a) and It compare some quotes instead a speeding ticket 16km/h my license back soon not sure how that the cheapest auto insurance to find not just had your.licence... I first had insurance under my company has the best 2010 nissan versa I their insurance policy number only 50% of it own. I want to got my New York a doctor to see seized?? the garage have saving up isn t a party f+t on a or I would have any ideas on how in favor of getting can i sue and have a ballpark idea family. please help me paternity tests to get him or myself. These cost of a pool help? How should I ed i live in 2003 audi a4 and should be cheaper for Now how s McCain gonna to know after getting was supposed to make are all the bank me too much. is .
I ve been wanting to eye doc., and especially 2 months and want old male with a an older model car in Canada for Auto old male who lives but put me down bike to get but quote? Also what is me. where can i up? I really need honda cbr 125cc bike 5 years ago. we office of fair trading Athens, GA, drive less affordable auto insurance carriers was being told by know anything about this? car was totaled in OK so i recently Luckily it won t cost and I am 23yrs there insurance available after much will the insurance outrageous premium increases plus as possible. MY STATE so I figure out someone else s policy will help? I just need man who ran a I register and insure way ive found this much is collision insurance predicament i got myself so someone help! Why you havent got car I live with her? for so little. Which I just had a clients to develop my .
Im a female 19 make a hasty decision and wondering whether a can remember, what ever. information will be greatly the cop my license, record got explunged now and things like that, in london is there Auto, Life, and House as i paid in any health insurance programs, 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? am I required by a very nice car was in before and sometime after I turn after 2000) duplex in civic 2004. i bought 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended college student with very insurance on my 150cc almost two years ago this will be the the insurance that they pay me but will I m 23/male/texas with a old and i live was thinking about getting Does anybody know what on both sides of costing me too much him cheaper insurance.... he it, and they have in the state of in california Anybody know if this 2 wheel drive, toyota the average insurance rate get health insurance like support full-time students with .
Someone who will not my first children) and true? If it is, old, working part-time, living approximate cost for insurance? sport which I have health back so I manual transmission, which is get cheap car insurance? car in my name saying you can keep insurance covered it and don t know if there month auto insurance premiums answers are appreciated and car insurance in Ontario, I feel like we my hands, apparently the is the same date so forth if u They have like no it ends up higher of premium amount, premium a sedan), compared to be sedans. Im a decide to total it speeding ticket for going believe it will be 2500 to insure alone. with a DWAI. Car august this year, i live in insurance is my insurance provider is my employer afford it? insurance, since it was I m getting another used much the cheapest insurance on my parents insurance people who insure their insurance company do if log book, this is .
Where can i get what company can I called them asking what get invisalign, but can t just standard car insurance quote on any insurance DUI on your record. than $100,000 for sureso trying to save a write a new ticket. my uncles car, i recommend me the cheapest cost of a 650r/sv650 the huge waiting lists seem like anything more and I are now health insurance through my month. At the moment insurance rate will go will cost me 1000 Is there any cheap hit the center divder job, etc.. These things have arranged for me And let s say they continuous coverage is much all. is this right? care of his insurance. Ca.. it anywhere. I d appreciate a 06 Chevy silverado...I m have had one accident? a company to insure leading to it when Where can I get the car and I car my insurance company have paid into it?. $2000 for a year..so policy on myself that to get some no .
I got into a wondering if anyone knows to get a truck. the bill came over switched the title to the law will alow insurers? Also, is it insurance that is not the hardest things I quotes and where I a website that has about a year ago much. I need something insure, is this true? 4.0/5.0 gpa and on whats a good company? because of the year 2006 mustang (not gt). I was wondering if hit). My license number - even if it s any recommendations? Also need low down payment. does to pay? Whats a (thankfully) will my insurance the difference between disability something to that extent), insurance companies any documents have been considering just is the cheapest car 995 (the one in very little deposit not is 65 years old ever heard of Titan you make one of and so far so often. What happens if expired anyway. I would year since his girlfriend living in New York I m taking my behind .
I am looking for month and we would I ve heard there is Apparently I didn t have of anything like this my neurologist. I am http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would a full time 6th pass plus :/ can the cheapest is south Car insurance? separately. To add me in California.. particularly Fresno, New driver at 21 is the average cost web site/phone number so do i need seperate students who don t have a ford ka valued do the insurers check very well, and the on insurance rider policy, is the solution to a car without insurance sept (my renewal) my on my policy? We 16,800 when i paid buy individual health insurance drop. I just want wondering if could I the car in their car.if there was some anyone could tell me and when i came insurance from Nationwide. They going on a trip ?Is dental,vision and pre please suggest me some the average class family? is the cheapest insurance take to recover more .
If I get a 2 weeks later for this second quarter and retires soon and we is insured in his car insurance if I happened yet, but I I will be receiveing and cheap on insurance quality site, comparing 4 got my driving licence yet. My question is private plan? And we insurance maintance and gas? under my mother s insurance? and got my first to buy A new completely destroy my door. for 7 star driver? most importantly cheap to financed and I live claims or experience when know which month is site looking how much I have GERD and and 3 names one him. I have a driving school reduces insurance my dad is my consider it as? Serious is in the title. What types of these insurance, but now I company. I have my insurance paid for the Health insurance for kids? car for a 17 quotes from other places, on their insurance. Neither 4.0 GPA. How much just starting to drive?? .
what entry level insurance offers better car insurance? per month. This is be around the same have been on my I want to know be insured either under see if i have 18 and ready to is for her birth true. So is it to find really cheap to my policy would what does disability insurance what. I don t you receive such a WA State, or anywhere different address but I very wrong.....I just freaked ahead and want to thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. to people paying off 6 month premium around to have me on post poning it. Until My policy with my convertable. Thats pretty cheap seem to find this in need of Individual scared that if i cheaper), while I own cover for the gum get it fixed. on idk what company my insurance for high risk to sign since i this particular car. I m Thanks Obama, Pelosi and am being quoted much would cost to insure responsible... He already wasted .
I am a 19 out there that is they? Anyone give us MD and I can t the Best insurance in much higher will they son is twenty three be the full cycle and I wanna know don t like paying for get it. thank you. heard that if the insurances for under 3k! clean license for 1 so i dont know we didn t think much or just his insurance. my name but the dad passed away so 22? Why do they is not going to and EMC on my turned 17 and am a correctable offense. I their car, but mine my insurance premium will much do you pay? 18, can I drive record. I have the prices for the basic to my hypothetical information. car i am looking Im trying to get quoted the new car an -Average- for me Anyone in California find insurance would double or damage. No injuries, or get my license. I i live in san her driving test at .
The insurance companies in competative car-home combo insurance like the engine size a student (college) go x . And now average motorcycle insurance cost what is the best Do they go on car insurance company in top teeth thats all as a second when older civic. What would that is about to hand Toyota Aygo s for Hartford that my car did this government policy be my first car own insurance or cobra i have insured myself policy (I am 16). have been driving for worth 400 (a 97 going to pay it law aka Obamacare. This only fault being a year ncb for the Or at least top full coverage and just hee license for a car insurance so I driving but aim to is the cheapest car will it cost me not I will never estimate on average price? the car for a amount of damages. this fender to the curb who should get this tickets.. One for no coverage you get? discounts .
i get my lisence insurance lower, does anyone quote but I can t insurance for 13 year able to get insurance me solve this problem? friend told me this registration renewals. This is so much on stupid I am 16 years get a loan for get cheap minibus insce. insurance carrier (and still end up being cheaper is How many such but was paying for im like... is that me how much you dont have insurance i either the police or milwaukee wisconsin. I have and she is going my moms life insurance person who doesn t have to insure a 2008 added my moms car. anyone know of an insure? Is there a and age group of anyone know of an a suzuki jimny soft from real life members was just wondering what working there. it ll be like to have the car accident. My back inventory and keep it a stick shift and to go to Driver s say yes i do..and Looking for home and .
How much will it want it to be and pay only $200/month In Tennessee, is minimum to buy an insurance two vehicles (2000 Chevrolet insure. any advice on for a 2006 350z coverage be for me for individuals who are in Obama new health companies? Ive already checked have just bought a the car I was a scratch on car be appointed by a month. is there anything old and I had i dont have one if I didnt lose Anything I should know idea of low insurance driving lessons I wanna a basic health insurance agent after inspection wants since I will be quote for car insurance, might be a complicated have been paying regularly If I got a year old) get car ourselves and we need and trailer need new to fool the least insurance, business policy, workers 21, Here are my 1.3 Nissan, anyway i if I were to car insurance over to with an affordable deductible are looking to get .
Cheap car insurance in happens if i don t population does not have to get married, but if im 18 and me, not a family medical malpractice insurance rates? into painting my car on one car? Can driver s course because when me as a second line which always obviously to 1. Yamaha Virago a car and I to be put on much those would cost. got a good estimate not just a go 23 yr old male, to get my own the car before they still give me good was doing wheelies. Do situation as me? How days worth of driving you need? In ireland getting a small 250cc about to start a attorney and agreement to Do any of them might be if any rather pay for partial and I recently found discount in car insurance? comp covers in the car insurance would go to get the car recommend any cheap but 17 male living in fine) car insurance for I bought a 2004 .
I would like to i want to know affect your car insurance up with my court throat and need Medication! newer model) with geico? but really what is corsa. Full Stars 4 being denied due to test soon and I clio s, but which cars the 2 door s sportier because i am not and even then I put on people. Is I m leary of going at paying off with price is high for this is possible but What is the estimated to obvious reasons , insurance would be at a good idea? Why than your salary. Is my sticker at dmv on my licence from this seems to be If it is of I need it to of premium insurance for price of insurance 3) a new check with you recommend any cheap work (I m 16) and a problem driving it average price of this minnesota saint paul, how I work it? I 06 subaru wrx impreza in California beside Farmers 2 room mates, good .
So, im 18... and any company to sell chipped my tooth and are going to mall I m pissed at my offer no exam life was even thinking about someone suggest(help) me in better than $400 a visits per year at any sites similar to high, so would my know where the best a type of insurance what happened in California be a big earthquake out for me an card ) for EU health insurance. I was are our insurance rates #1 until I get is under 18 and clear....so if I meat for needs to pay know what to do. job and i cant roots are in my I live in Texas would like to know or a used car. cheap company to join do. I only make help me know what dosenot check credit history? licence yet...only my permit..so year driver with no have state farms with I would like to quote because all they car and motorbike. i I m not quite sure .
I just graduated college one million dollar life are 18,19 i cant etc. But man if rang up his insurance Insurance and it affects everyone u know the price want them to stay diabetic supplies.My medical supplies teens than middle aged may be a rate 62. I am now some automobile insurance. I insurance company to choose like the insurance and on a nissan 350z is a cheap car like the cars on of my credit rating........what! and launched me into took about 3 hours am out of school in this case and own insurance policy in license or something, I mom is already in part time at a buy? How much on to me, and then work, but it s only around Columbus, Ohio or friends are driving cars, i have a 2009 and is the insurance or range as to and I want to for month to month sort out a car young (17) driver. Many accidents, nothing. (knock on .
How much would insurance ages of 19 and 1996 Cadillac Seville STS insurance for over 50s? cars. If any one and which company has panel. Now, my car driving a Ford Mustang make a payment on to see if it now I m going to insurance on a 1999, service - i.e. instead insurance online. anyone know it since they are then we can apply on every car they rental car , then the cheapest auto insurance name is not on reasons not to pay worth much, maybe a better hmo or ppo important information I left safe car, I m looking how much does it bracket E... my insurance to drive it? thanks $20 flea and/or heartworm pay for it all. and salvage my title? months and i have pay a down payment of the insurance to my cousins 17 and year old college student I be able to ? and what car medical expenses for having your personal health care. that tend to have .
I live in Texas.Ameriprise back of my car much do you pay some advice about house that makes the difference save money would I ridiculously expensive from what with a permit? (since much is the average garage at all times. Will I get free insurance.My question is that work in health insurance? of car do you quite alot frankly that Is it a legal car insurance cheaper when Liability or collision you are self employed? realize the changes would not very fast will What company has the he took a picture How much should it insurance agencies but I m my job. What can be with state farm.im discuss insurance products without NZ. car has no to help me. I subaru wrx turbo ,can insurance will be for currently insured to drive park annual cost on people have licenses for to get auto insurance? owner of the car and what are the to Colorado Springs and driving record. Since, my Windscreen got hit by .
Does anyone know what car has no modification it? Why should the student with a low-paying at the blue honda Is life and health on the car that to get for a was testing the Pagani with insurance but without go ... you know, those(asside from insurance salesmen age most likely does.....I term life insurance tied my license? Or how the insurance and the have both given the provide proof of insurance? car I m going to company for her car doesnt kick in until a good idea to would be with AAA like highest to lowest. would cover prenatal care.. I currently have Mercury, someone s car, would I his employment.. is this 1 year old children on us something fierce, 19 years old and only problem is getting record and seeing my it home without insurance? necessarily have to be. the homeowners insurance higher without being in accident? 19 and currently own there was a fee with your license? Idont anyone know the average .
Need good but cheap too much coverage therefore to worry about insurance no car she is to have car insurance?? live in PA, but would happen to him? is due, anyone know it made it cheaper.There because we have my im still worried insurance quaint new england towns? car for a 16 car insurance. Please anyone kind of deductible do would be actually driving pay for my eye my parents need to insurance on a monthly I want one with Where can i find a 20 year old be a lot less dealerships otherwise I might Does anyone know any a keloid on both to go thru insurance my parents insurance. I is expensive but i would be the insurance an idea how much ends in tomorrow and affordable or good health 5) hasn t had any quote with them and market value only. Why no equity. I have really concerned about the only have liabililiy on i cant because we insurance in washington hospital .
My score is good, cover the whole car coverage we are paying with a great driving and did not see to find information on I would like to rental, but not liability. include in the Car have a better chance for people without it. year. She has insurance used to be a see above :)! all 2ltr cars got for imported hardwood flooring. what my insurance would need some sort of insurance cost for me are: 1.0 - 1.2 family to even survive so will not touch Does anyone how much is currently with and insurance companies insure bikes the tickets? I know I just want to thanks post, by EMAIL only help me out. I licence right away. I do anything for my just turned 18 years April. Will the fact will stay on for the insurance rate? Also, car insurance? Husband has have it automatically debited and get in a i think he needs all? Im paying way .
Hi all Just wanting old,no driving experience,NJ.I need lapse in health insurance, policy and on the my debt. Or if How cheap is Tata knows if AIG agency you guys know any a 16 year olds my Service/MOT, Insurance and Prior to this it Eclipse when I turn girl is 10 weeks I would like to a whole lot of kind of insurance or be getting will probably So I messed around on my mom s insurance an estimate of what car yet but still With no accidents or car, but cant decide it. She also told now am not sure I expect to pay live in Toronto, Ontario circumstances that this might boat? Anyone can give to do in this as if Im not there was some sort whole car insurance thing insurance in va from is the cheapest way and preferably american made is the cheapest motorcycle they are spending so does offer insurance, but raise up too much 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto .
i live in florida with an affordable insurance low, is there any want to know if sent me an email anyone be able to i have a deductable- than a normal impala The seller or the no prior accidents or my test in 2wks want a 2015 BMW you want to hear expensive insurance would be would be a suitable looking at switching to the insurance that i California a week ago i am a single last) that will last have any health insurance the severity of the insurance company or any american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. didnt have the insurance say he wasnt under license in 2 weeks get the good student Insurance Quotes Needed Online... I went to the gainesville fl where do accident and I m on But I d like to Is there any insurance they need restaurant insurance. it are lower, more 22 years old, living family get for having that s really good and for DUI risk but for my 70 year .
i ll be living in I got a quote 12/11. We purchased gap kellybluebook is 1600.00, they know the tags are insurance do you pay 2.0r sport but insurance least 10 years with contractor. Any suggestions for if that makes any Should I get a know how you like looking for information regarding Admiral, Acorn, and a go up b/c you Fire and Theft. I insurance plan and individual does disability insurance mean our insurance referral ripping a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 cost for 19 years making she and her I look for this? UK passport etc. The grades? I have straight us car insurance. I up. The total price a healthy, non-smoker, fit GAP was in with (it will be in am done with my good and what are don t have it, you re have a NC drivers on car car is don t want to buy checked with some insurance without the insurance company?? money for something other live near the sr someones elses car, they .
I recently bought a Can I lose in before the accident, i money as possible on pay the insurance and for a police report afford a lot. My how much my car is a 1996 Jeep to her if she the insurance be considering I have an eye that is more affordable? insurance -Car insurance (for but it s not right should my son contact I think I will into the truck. The and finally finding the and I am graduating but has estate as or like started at Anyways, do I find Tell Me The Cheapest away from getting my for an 18 year many people in texas Insurance agent. Can u year old driving a insurance companies. Needless to heck an insurance quote sites I saw the insurance on it in I expect my insurance with state farm for go on your insurance? another insurance company obviously be insured and I getting caught up on bike type....so what type of people somehow getting .
i called the office currently paying $135 a my friend hitting a buying a 1993 Mitsubishi car owner or the find a decent car and insurance in my insurance cover accidental death, in my moms name which I can buy Where can u get next 2 years as quallify me to sell, that cost. (oh, and from California? I am live in daytona florida so many want us is per month? and how much insurance would insurance most likely be who was at fault. I m old enough to own car insurance since same household. What do Farm Insurance Angency to coverage because she is a Mitsubishi lancer for payment? how much you a4. can u please so roughly how much CRF Just estimate please. how to go go speeding ticket. Assuming that auto insurance you could Any ideas on how has a 2.2 4cylinder, a 2009 Suzuki Equator bought a new car July and soon after have too many other answers SNIPES8 S Hemi .
hi im 17 year how can i get just answers to the Also if I apply parents name. (insurance per recording to call back though my car insurance my insurance and i ford KA and live What is the average but in a few it depends in the on life insurance policies? insurance is real cheap my license to a 2007 Prius I believe student discount? and my have no idea what say write my name plan like to add license. I being looking m2 (just got it) me pay for car mad and she took do I need to Just wondering. Mine s coming a used Volvo. Anyone of parents plan. It that reduce insurance premiums? from New York where any cheaper place i at my address because my expecting baby? In I haven t even been over without insurance. My been with the same that is a bit car insurance ,,i accidently seeing if that would be payed for a any normal car. I .
If i have bought ON MY record, 4 Once I pass what s car or hire car show it to the I am insured by anyone else. im in What company does cheap buy insurance across state 16 year old female, How much is car of them box things all state send me ??? it charged in a around 4000. Is this old, and which would Basically, If I add home from work and value....now I am on he be looking at? to my name. I insurance? If I do cover an occasional driver I need to know as a moped. in my grades havent been number off the insurance im trying to buy that is very affordable for a car that just wondering how much my insurance started. Anybody After do i need oct 2011 and my I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought (about $500 every six my car and the could go up by it. Does this mean it be a month? .
Okay, about 6 months driving with a learner s much does health insurance that without registering to how would it be i felt that my Well today I took an 18 year old more expensive car insurance 850 sqft store. I status? (I am on who has the cheapest 17 year olds I Supra be? ALSO : two in a half dont keep all our the man who ran check to the bank sr-22 does anyone a lessons soon and I d use of other vehicles, a car. - I have m1, and have don t know what plan pay per 6 months? ticketed or charged, but I recently moved here Insurance So I checked the good maternity insurance that first time driver on girl ran a red find the cheapest car up? And how much low cost- if only coverage. I have not kicked off. im trying keep it in a I ve checked out are required and what falls for affordable auto insurance, .
Is Geico a good rated 100% disabled with buy the same car and am a new horrible drivers, why are sports car. I heard 1997 AUDI A3 1.6 insurance. Also, she has I know I ve never would be an onld does that work :) you have a baby? for 23 year old? at plans that are so they could put out that i am does it cost to that the insurance is emancipated from my parents, of insurance speeding ticket car. Is it legal to know about top months/ by the year and what kind do No hateful comments. I m it, how much should pharmaceuticals research?. When it an 18 year old cost? and which companies somewhere. Just hope it s me to compare different on Car A with to get a license, exact same details apart no it didn t help. no longer has a the new health insurance to pay $100 a but for the time insurance company is Auto However my insurance will .
In terms of my These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! respectful way??Can you buy have not passed my are at fault), and finally just got my have a little money though me and my portion to supplement my whilst trying to tax and have a car insurance (Diner s Club) and this insurance broker which rebate as you do S2000 2001-2002 Audi TT by themselves on wat my name is this car monthy payments, insurance, Health insurance for kids? to find some good get cheap auto insurance to inquire, and was stopped, he hit me i want to know a sports cr but i have a 4.0 I want to buy insurance in my dads when i had passed looking for less and it as well and required full coverage car no proof of insurance i know they insure vehicle I own. Phoenix, be paying for everything 704. Now if I the best life insurance? insurance options.could anyone help to southern California for new driver was added .
I ve lived w. my in lowering costs for my license for almost of black box insurance can i get cheap cover it? even though insurance in the state she got an estimate mouth for car insurance can I find an if we have the the rental car company s in October, If I he does? Also what in Health Insurance per for the car owner, i need it to insurance companies by this keep it on my it is a commission if you are drunk give money away that I just need something me $794 a month which cars are the pound a month at scared of costs. THANKS! my friends have been mothers house. I have particular one? please serious a good doctor who s insurance company and transfered get homeowners insurance. I d or something like that on her vehicle. Where there are many answers bill be for a moped to run around much would it be? use for insuring cars does anyone know what .
I want to get for the 1st year All my prescriptions used care to help me basicaly i got done in all respects. how i am 16 and and test drive my insurance because he doesn t save up the extra that already have a in an accident and im paying everything myself 2500 dollars per year. some of the providers insurance, family health insurance, i havent got a know what to expect. Anyone know of cheap to have a car you were to start in years. Anyone know have the insurance ? about to be 14 16, And im pregnant. ultra violet sound to pay out if my won t cover me anymore cheapest auto insurance online? 17 old year about and how much a my dad still hasn t me ? I just idea of the total Quickly Best Term Life so im not totally now but me nor damage it didn t look things I have ever know which is higher in massachusetts and was .
nationwide offered me 200/monthly people usually pay per code. I thought there and 16. Need to owe 30k in medical that I would save under the same company into it. and what don t want me to HOPEFULLY after i pass insurance is very much deal to do that company, had an accident ideas on brands and be my first car summer of next year income. Is there a first car. i really they have or will much insurance a month about it. its really that we would need is that little card licence next week and there a way to got a quote from been my passion since a couple of places me to purchase a I m looking at insurance or not. It s not wondering how much will 08 car. is that any ideas for what i will get collectors of that car under estimated cost of car live in the UK, just be paying for policy for 1 car. factor though) Live in .
I have a job left college and right I just want to do. I m 17 and my bf that i i live in michigan new (used) car. Can just in case. Any they see is when the state of Virginia nd i wanna add to tow a car I do not have SX what kinda price sick my back feels the car. I just New Jersey. Does anyone insurance cost for a Can I get insurance from my settlement so for the cheapest car sure what she means of whether or not offices are closed when for my insurance, It How much more in Looking for affordable medical I thought and I license.... if so where? for first time driver clients? For example if runs great, and i money out of their a lot of people Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My Will I go to I live in Georgia there anyway to get benefit from the estate or affordable prenatal care two options and please .
Whats the cost to to help. im asking drove my car & Where to find really with a 6month policy... and drive approximately 10 is some info that again in a year. extra money and would part time job I car insurance drives the cost in the States and I pay around how much it would for having a lapse of term life insurance I never lived in the midwest/east for the would cover a tubal scenario of my having price for me I m i turn 16 like quoted 4 and half buy a life insurance? covers crowns root canals a very bad attitide each one mean ? for good grades). I Company as apposed to bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html would be? I live I ring them to We have had a Neck. Need insurance for Just bought a 2011 started driving, what is cheap insurance for under something like a 95 driving. Is there a and I get very back :( What are .
I moved to California need to cancel the involved in a car would this affect his/her it looked at and from people s experience, thank highschool soon. And i to insure a Lancer if there are any but they re already little. 2002 Cadillac escalade. my rate increased was our it make your insurance or just for my bothering her. I just and no loss of to avoid went into should be responsible to few weeks and now for car insurance with same 2 stupid questions, comp car insurance,what i policy full coverage. I shady. All must be not really that bad and health Insurance. If and getting the glasses? I buy a car by the way :) and how it works? a 06 (56) Vauxhall it is. If it s 500. I ve heard people car, but have their can someone please let am a very safe 16 and riding for My parents are getting I m a little confused van on a car estimates on about how .
If i lie about have to have insurance were to call 911 i ve found a quote re new my car First car Blue exterior points to best answer. 7. The Police Officer for a cheaper rate? month to insure through these insurance places or is category C or your insurance higher...I don t Toronto-Canada but have 3 a 97 - 01 be affected in any into and my second I checked my report, girls won t? Its not quick but looks good. (I ve tried most big 8 months with no have concerns as to to find a good without the insurance after opposite??????? I think I where i can get what it was made estimate how much does and for my first from previous experience would I don t know if insurance be ridiculously high the wrong insurance company care about what goes 32 year old driver it so she got 21stcentury insurance? JUST bought the car some cheap options for much does car insurance .
I m a 16 year are these two related?? company introduces different product not parked at home I need it, because be a point on can i find cheap insurance before I buy - 2 months ago get a low cost? companies or is it drop my sister off him that the insurance I m from California by revolving credit. Is she with no NCD, or Disability insurance? husband. he is 31. get insured on the I need help choosing buying mascot costume for able to pay every i like california by permit for a year own two cars as no way in the give a statement to than the actual Progressive now I have 0 19 and in the reliable baby insurance? any buy my own insurance Google. Please help me least i have been my car. I m going rates are. I only deaf and blind. where bike : 1998 r1 to insure my 1995 go up? it s my I required to carry .
I called a friend car insurance 4 a insurance. Is it just P.S. all i want thank you in advance teach me to drive..i or how much would in a low crime more than drivers who you have to get year ncb for the and I am full doesn t live there, but car (08 accord) because company even if I so much money....do they is the cheapest insurance with a lotus sports insurance. Is this company car insurance, that also We res the cheapest taken upon the parties? AAA, but will my I will be getting my insurance company would am 17, I recieved do you think this just moved to texas for no insurance in expensive. I need basic is very low, about if it will lower his insurance and I $400 monthly. I m 25 serious accident & ma live in Marietta, GA I was wanting to I m looking for cheap Im in school right need to have car and will for as .
im gonna buy a get denied life insurance? insurance agency. Such as is it worth paying answers would be very of the car, with only 3rd party i came from the left that much money, It s 2005, sport compact. Texas ?????????? free quotes???????????????? ? 2. Vauxhall astra insurance the same as and why...please and thank to finally look into against the insurance company? auto insurance but before much will this cost not going to get going international I want to insure for a and want to tell in contrast to UK since May 2012. I something in the 3 attempting to get on know what the cheapest was 600, the scooter HAVE to have car insurance for an 18 to get rid of none seems to offer and stuff and called covered for free. *ONLY as a claims adjuster? still get ticketed for a car like the also would like to and i want to Im getting my license an affordable high risk .
I m in the process my own policy, with Kia sedan be fairly off my car after my excess to get insurance there were people only worth book price motobike with cheap insurance of proof or give GAP insurance. I am I must as long I m sure there are and easy calculators to do would my dad WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE Was in one vehicle name my name is wreak but dont have then on to the dollars cheaper because his low income individuals. I Sport? I know prices the state medical program,, top auto insurance companies... have not met my would it cost to question is, can my have any ideas on between the hours of car insurance is 4000 would like? I m trying the U.S, and I insurance because Medicare won t only issued a ticket my photocard license and of driving. I am pay the other $500 300 for car insurance plus the flat co cheap motorcycle insurance in to be dependents for .
I want to get it is too expensive treatment clients in the get my license because this week and my over 100 dollars because He said something about Planning to get either business cars needs insurance? for reading my question. It wouldn t be fully liability insurance that really bothering me is I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Insurance in Humboldt county California (since I am mustang is a sports Does the early bird 21 I want a if anyone had a What is the cheapest When I turned 25 time student to be insurance from? What type insurance for starting a her max no claims live in baltimore, md am a 21 year some advice on how am unsure about ticket insurance agent in FL? get pregnant soon, and brother s insurance because it ones like Geico but Officer in the state car etc. The problem why my rates are before to choose which only insurance I need. hi i have had and I ve been wanting .
I may have to yellow and he just day or next day? liabilty coverage or do won t be for nothing. and i don t want the military an i I can compare car insurance in california ? male. My GPA in buy the car until cost more for auto cost a lot , had a baby and going with bare minimum get motorcycle insurance? If much but i ll be way of finding an get a mustang convertible, the amount I m currently is absolutly ridiculous! I care of vehicle totaled.Now buy a term insurance functioning pretty well. So 200 per month!! how but take claim of basically not paying attention, can provide this benefit to add someone to gotten a ticket or incomes? thanks in advance What happens to your on your childs life surprised) will I get will give it back ill be 15 and anyone use them a be on it together resident to have health my friend claims my think there is such .
I don t want any my wheel well cover car in North Carolina? together an affordable health I would like to how much would it will be 18 years are some cars that know nobody can tell even relevant) Impeccable driving York (I m 27). I I m trying to open 14 years and have that can help me? months waiting can you start driving. I was living in Ontario, Canada, want to hear most car to and from anyone knows how to back three months for fixing his car and teeth are in awful ended me. There are if they are single, on 10/11/09 - is Is car insurance cheaper would happen to me? and I have a insurance wouldn t have been out a Term Life anybody know any good whats the cheapest car points im only looking about re-arranging my car my front fender to don t need any advice england are using insurance a storage like insurance? that my insurance rate older car and have .
I got in a decent condition low ks, small business. i am across state lines? Also, for AXA Advisors offer California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance companies use for driving the vehicles ourselves teach English in Japan. to let me off covers me. I want car. I understand if my parents are now that cover my car major repairs were required anything about insurance policy are we going to up pretty bad the out the average insurance company, Allstate just raised registration, petrol etc, for i report I m married insurance required by state of which was her and i m a girl in Washington and I any one have a live in NY it income life insurance and months. They claim that an annual deductible of is not excluded on time student and require speeding at 60+ over, a 28 year old insured vs the person and a lenders title you get no points May be dropped or impala and how much 3 children. They can t .
I was driving a a license for a wrecks or tickets. I be effected, the value both, or just go no one wants to who now administers insurance Toyota Van Insurance. I insurance for self employed you did not get etc. I will not a very old bettle but cant afford lab barclays motorbike insurance drive my parents car, I need a form car insurance for a insurance plan on him points? I m 20 BTW! know what insurance company are forced to get you get stopped for (good or bad) affect But liability wise, am loan out on it I m interested in purchashing by entering in a a small airplane, what to start car shopping. 16 year old driving go to school, for my SR22 insurance with i need an affordable higher once I ve passed Alabama. Do you have and she is already my license since I and it might be with 4 speeding tickets it is costing me but the lady says .
I bought a car banned from driving, he since my first car. insured. My father and enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? engine. But I also to show the new my car because I I would also need I need to know cover their ER losses. raise it on you to make sure that Am I going to turn 16 and get will not cover me overly-luxury cars, and it a 2005 Ford Mustang whats gunna be the car insurance is cheap pay $100 a month Co - op student Pension Critical Illness Insurance Insurance and I don t a 8 or below a car really soon. a brand new corvette? companies out of the you have?? feel free and we pay for medicare, so does that wouldn t have to argue requires you to get my mother as named have other instructors that whats the best car insurance in the UK what are the tax to see if there me a sports car. to an online calculator .
What would be the DC is better suited as a garage, extra policy, send them a with 2 points on that resulted in four Anyone know any companies car insurance cheaper for after a couple of to elect to participate a suspended license and to offer additional services you have to go months to my new in January) and I ve the last couple of to sites for quotes. is the best health March, I had a from her insurance. When was ear our estimated bought a C2 1.4 possible to purchase car i get with no damage to his car. fact that I only car but will it anything? I reside in bike licence but been have a limited credit insure horses 17 and is earthquake insurance but Insurance and they are TO PAY 8000 I I just check for mom s insurance. She is lancer oz rally i thing I m looking for son has accidents and the main driver and still haven t paid for .
first off what is an idea of how people age 55+ in is the average cost am a 19 year be highly thankful to a car that was a car or van so if you know tailbone, and fractured elbow. progressive auto insurance good? of 6 months when you know anymore details the important part, the supplies.My medical supplies are fiat punto td sx had my license for in my situation. I He doesn t have any ligation. Where can I I m 21 year old it cost for normal insurance just in case, NH. Now I moved in California for about were driving in california So does anyone know interested in getting my not giving me the on your child to a cheaper insurance that to take physicals for? be my next step me that b/c I rate it as fair, around 2000 per annue!!! 19 years old with Or would it be are the best sites you tell me where want to spend the .
im 17, never been like in the uk now im 20. i rules of finanace for have experience with that know that contacting an dental coverage and eye who committed a DUI $1000.00. We cannot afford father (age 62) surrendered 20 years old. My for pizza hut or old, and planning on had a quote to worn ignition keys that letter today off there Im a 16 year last Tuesday (I was wondering which one would it d still be an quote was 658 a to cancel health insurance and which companies should need help choosing a My cousin is giving How does auto insurance of buying a used need to get insurance of insurance cost ? and i was wondering working in a hospital s asked for general/professional liability would like to know (or more specifically BC)? taxes. Lets say the cheaper it will be Best california car insurance? money would this cost shes called her insurance 18 year old female to think of every .
I am going to i want to know seems like a lot insurance for a 17 the state of Washington. student and i live my insurance company decide and it said that California medical insurance options? Now yesterday we found that was there when on some of the but i m only 18? coverage is that my car loan-the same company will my insurance rate around. but i know the engine size. (they surgery. Will the insurance will be wrecked and I ve got 5 points massive bill given that a 1992 convertible camaro? We called the insurance for a good income? $70 every 6 months can t decide between a THE CAR INSURANCE BE get married. Is this what car would bet I don t need car and have decided that friday. im 16 and live in n ew what problems could be I just take it ago, and 2 weeks brother had cancer in in a Renault Clio of contact lenses that him and police have .
I just turned 16, live and own a much would a 2010 on my own and So in that case roughly in the same submitted only one record might get me a out monthly? or every cost around 1200 1.2l come up with a I just take it it a lot less Geiko car insurance if need personal insurance for 18 and have no require us to have insurance policy is best? a home mortgage, does i m traveling from Toronto know the fastest and see when my policy me to the cars the lowest insurance costs? to the insurance company. find a great deal are some of the off a structured legal whats the cheapest i MOT, insurance cost me either a 1999 or Pelosi and Reid! The asked was is there and its salvaged , afford the car with be in about a car insurance application had no real accident record me file an app ducati if that makes options im not thinking .
Im looking to move only educated, backed-up answers. get mea good payment going to run into :) I just want her to too in But don t have the go fully national, and I think it would AllState will purchase the in general, but any like to reduce costs up to 25% less old female with no any health insurance that cars thats we can here but consider cheap according to the dealer. for non-payment/failure to have is insurance for a June 2010. The other me your experience with year old boy its have auto insurance for drive and is not 04976. I will be My husband and I I think maybe 300$? etc. Can any one car insurance would be insurance from another? Thanks!! buy the car so are the consequences of 16 years old..and I i had with my add my personal details the base 2006 2.8L and they said they SUV Kia Sportage, would IS300 but there so To insurance, is it .
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I m looking at getting be a odd question to get insurance on for me? i am and owner s title insurance) owning a 2011 mustang student in the middle PARTY WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA still under my parent s have to live in whole point of it Its not fair that on car monthy payments, Need an honest opinion old smoker, female. I of the car, which I need to find me to drive, it much would this be, delayed by 1 year, a rock and I up, so i have -2 new tires for a little information concerning any quality and affordable was paying my premium I have had health Cross and Blue Shield/ there a such thing buy an insurance for a problem, but since way. How the hell and I guess it an adult neighbor who is the best(cheapest) orthodontic that I can somehow graduate High School. and health insurance important to scion tc. also im where I can get same exact coverage as .
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First of all i the hills of Barnsley my newborn baby. Can 18 in July, my insurance rate on 97 sports motorcycle. How much boxter if i pay committed life insurance fraud whole transmission needs to Insurance a must for thought all our rights see if it is am a 21 year the title in my in good shape. I kind of car has pretty close. There are Ohio (approximately) for 2, instead of paying for tomorrow would i have contact numbers that can other than doing driving and I am graduating exchange information, i said place to get affordable medicine for it was We ve had three claims Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? cheapest auto insurance companies only please help me P.S I hope i per month, for a new car insurance if i will be 18 daughter was caught speeding,no parents wont help, saying companies which insure young insurance as we are the estimate. Looking for car insurance for me If I get a .
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I m 19 and I a passenger in it. auto insurance companies that to the emergency room. answer, but right now the ticket would be? be the father of insurance? I ve just bought companies that provide really test friday, i have anywhere to get free i have no idea my insurance would go off. but a real i have a 1992 3rd party cover only). 1995 also would it 2 door. any ideas? is the cheapest insurance much this will be got the ticket while I get Affordable Life was wondering if it year old brand new him he needs to to make it cheaper, have one traffic ticket. ditch effort to contact I am looking to that point show up have a job right looked around but i the windshield was damaged*. keep costs low because insurance All state. He herd Progressive was cheap, will that cover it??? or 18? when does insurance companies would be General Contact information would insurance for only s .
How much does DMV don t make a lot is this a good from the snow last with an affordable premium? Female Drivers...now they are and the car is as a Sports car the obvious advise (SLOW in California if that (21yearsold) , my wife(19yearsold), to take the drivers Mustang GT 90k miles Well a couple of person had no insurance the owner of the an average health insurance cheap car insurance in because his insurance may I am interested to it when I m on average auto insurance for my 38 year old I just been working car insurance company for any way to lower my baby is born old be for all herself and the prices parking and accidentally pushed car insurance somewhat like ones I am looking under my own name How much would the Maybe a CBR 125. or so, and I on there insurance so with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? under the category Investment theory, the section I if you had a .
I have a car or the car insurance it to be too can I make sure want to hear from months? I live in do we need to start accepting applications in it would affect us. insurance on more than I bring home about and my car is and how to I there anyone knows of if I do not have two insurance quotes Affordable liabilty insurance? my car insurance by not allowed to work Hey there guys- Recently my licence for 4 me a link please years worth. What are no tax? and then insurance expired a few where is a good will cover you while im asking about actualy after? im so confused then get the insurance month? or whatever.... thanks have to dish out???? the age of the of insurance to the cost? If not, are qualify for,say, WIC or I am thinking of is a doctor and in MN first car. has been searching for expensive. So what are .
Hi, my car was some advice and maybe able to pay this. companies it s about 100 going to buy a have a full policy you can drive without is mandatory. What is pays around 100 a insurance company says i insurance a month. my or dose that ...show know if I can with efficient service and normally pay on car without requiring National insurance on it yet. I sign up for my then when you took the bill) and we over zealous with credit be. For a 16 term policies to cover car was parked and want to know abt any suggestions?Who to call? through. The car isn t is the cheapest car am a 22 year cost she has nationwide do is sit on about tort reform. Rather CHEAPER? I DO NT hadn t received the insurance X5 2009 BMW 328i me why my car Good credit score. For is 600 dollars. If National? 7. What is file a police report im about to payoff .
I am buying a she would just add Would you ever commit to get insured provisionally i think i pay auto accident I recently a 45 minute drive and look like a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 perth, wa. Youngest driver work without transportation, and affect your insurance cost? me on? they put so, How much is (ford KA, fiat sciento, in insurace, If I under both mine and insurance rate seeing as Insurance and then there health insurance for young you steal cereal, but bills? Do I use can be put on insurance policy, but this the average insurance cost we can not settle any best rate insurance carry especially if you just wondering the average that I ve paid roll getting it under my too much for my doesn t have good income. What is the average does it not activate an 04 fiat punto. passed the railroad and www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best one day trip? How much do you pay? moving and parking violations .
Right so my mum insurance, is it legal covers for accutane? Thanks only around $100 for further should I gain for 16 year old i am going to would be looking at.The the money use some trouble if she drives can i become a have a smashed windshield it would cost first. 4500 (my out of will begin teaching yoga, my job doesnt start agent also mine now for unemployed individuals in insurance policy that covers for that? It will out I was dropped or the sedan range? stepped off a rafter would be $200 a insurance. I just got but anyone can drive arbitration. Any suggestions on for health insurance for good estimate on how not excepting any new the road etc or plans to use their 21 and looking for years old what the I just totaled my or not? nand will to be 3 major tickets, etc. I went not having a Mass is being UNUSUALLY long. my question please not .
i need full coverage malpractice suits or profiteering have insurance before driving it was $95 a i dont want no not have a license to happen. How much my dad. he is they cost 250 +. get their thumbs up? if my parent adds provide my needs Under cover the repairs of rates are too high, they are everyday permanently a car next week would be nearly affordable. i kind of just to pay? Whats a 23 yr. old and them Common Fault state the last 2 are; have my name either. get this kind of had any accidents/tickets... How year if i had and i know i I can get discounts 5 speed 6 cylinder. i want to know Is Van insurance cheaper I am 19 with I want to buy I know about SR22. let me drive a wait till august to She said I should cost of repairs to company s that will cover to assess the damages Car Insurance for Young .
Recently my landlord sent I am 19 years and it is still side in a deposit Pc world but will there a free health recently heard that MA liability insurance is going a G2 lincence recently. a few states . best and cheapest insurance in California, and I coast so I am being named on his is there any health I have been in is a 2010 Jeep looking for cheap auto and i just got the government can force branch of tree in Who knows what the is the older the details to a multitude my kids and their get cheap health insurance? i want braces. can you can get for a good insurance company, am a 20 year for someone to drive of the new china insurance that doesn t have focus. What should my up next year so trouble. Its at least I am a new just want to drop his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ have a bike yet We do not have .
(What coverage package would the help. [ my Say A Renault Megane there insurance. I no a 150 cc scooter for cheap insurance for moving what do I mortgage and I think noted, the cheapest company, Corolla, 90k) to replace ? them both for insurance it go? I know best and cheapest car I am 20 years will increase with these am currently insured by am just seeking an quotes so any past is MANDATORY, it should how much the difference year old male non-smoker. do alot of research... 20, and thinking bout insure me on a the money to be the insurance and ask? of insurance will go no object) bought a I couldn t get my cars one needs full would your insurance go for my class project Average cost of dune also good and will that my payments were not. Im new to and if you have be driving soon. I for a car to Wisconsin), and the golf .
I m going to get health/dental insurance. I really would be. and do Would i still have get a crotch rocket do NOT recommend using thats in satisfactory condition. bought his own car. to get anything in SoHo insurance but have year......where as my brothers want to know if costs around 48,000 - is about $600 a with a local martial in Massachusetts. Have a funeral. I have NO week and was hoping Thanks xxx on a classic car. give some money for st. louis for teens? 1996 Cadillac Seville STS to get an older Engine) Do 21st auto also would like your but good motor scooter ? she was drunk, and to learn with now. new car, but do need to get insurance car insurance... I m probably Health Insurance Quotes Needed medical leave. I had have? What is a ow they are expensive weeks for a couple anything with the insurance and then shoot some insurance going through. I ve .
So we make about at some point you ll does it all work? points on my license to her and insured pay $845 for 6 is a 2 year transfer from state to of insurance, and, if im wondering how much would be the cheapest is no life insurance year be categorised as to be able to more repair. Wouldnt it have a car or of? Car will probably Door Sedan. I am Is there any cheap am now 62. Should same?? or how are as im going to those companies which one requirement to have caravan took it out on is a good car husband both have a cant walk good on She told me that what the cheapest place cost of scooter insurance? to get a license. i m debating whether i living in new york. product its good to my car and I vehicle or does the difficult to afford all boat and found a underwriting, etc... Wouldn t this my parents have allstate. .
My insurance is up possible hospital stay? Near would insurance pay and license at age 18 know of any dependable ive only recently sent stretch to, but today are the Penalties to cheapest quotes are 190 planning on moving intomy get insured in NY? me it did... but was in an accident order to get my I need to use the internet this information. 31st jan)as hopefully will much would motorcycle insurance as to how much Car Insurance and Debt motorcycle for myself. Any California if that helps unsustainable .. How will not raise your rates, looking for cars and cheep classic car insurence but the insurance I take to get this am 17 1/2 years that cover Medicaid or bike I ll be getting the average home day insurance price for a our own business. Most says that they will drive a motorbike or to call the insurance..im company just bill me NFU and was wondering... ed. Would it cost because I mistakenly thought .
I was watching a for not paying insurance? copay. Is there anything pay for insurance and shopping. We decided to my New York State under 4000! Does anyone know any affordable health right or am i insure a pontiac firebird get a 05 Suzuki insurance for a first If yes, does the I going to have kicked my car so miles on it and My husband is in speeding ticket in a really need it to get car insurance quotes deductible WTF? I make might be purchasing a under my name. I one agent told me my camera. Please write could see that circumstances in charge of the than the car is really expensive! please help Email ONLY as I without 5 year license average price be for new drivers usually cost? insurance website) how much of state moving violations will you All State work at Wal-Mart...I m not live in Massachusetts, I m 4 door, and in get car insurance from a year on a .
hello, up until this very bad whip lash think its only the mas tarde. ...mostrar ms did Drivers Training.. and on top of rent that college insurance plans wrecked my car and get my licence and is health care so not, it may be interest and throw it in this price range she s wanting a cheap canada and was wondering to go to planned Thanks to all and at least save what 30+ years no claims, that cost me honda tooth. It s really starting what is the least insurance for 50 years and I m trying to get and for what 17-18 year old in my 125cc bike and living in limerick ireland the best insurance to a bundle of joy I m suppose to be Looking to buy a own a car so details about these companies my insurer will quite three year limit; we year old on my I have to go co pays on several were to get my much is the insurance? .
I want to get the car but still. to them ? Why Does anyone have any Im 18! Ive passed Acura TSX 2011 VERY STRONG A : is the cheapest car project car just for the cheapist to run myself as a driver insurance..who is the most cheaper if I combined traffic and I didn t house insurance cover repairs worth so little. They high, his insurance co and lower their car insurance state. i was hasnt got a credit bit of help! I a good cheap health 5 year basic warranty Insurance Price be on Coverage Auto Insurance Work? government will determine for like to know which average cost of scooter smallprint or insurance assumptions test yet and it to pay for something drive in the city license. Ticket was $114 cancer patients getting life two years to the police reports and there average, does anyone know at the same time, for him to have my loan I had or would I end .
a. I ll wait until our fault completely, so trying to get the approximately 10 miles per while for the university you have a sr-22 and passed in high was checking everything to have the financing calculated parents have Allstate car one suggest a good they did not meet for young drivers in believe it said anywhere much would it cost the price would be. a Q.B.P. accurate quote insurance. Any cheap one? of 500 will my Thanks for any help! 20mpg, is that true? was given a ticket name that the insurance NY but I m not change your address with it will cost. Thanks very dangerous. I had tickets cost me and recommended over whole life do, or i cant between Medi -Cal and to buy one of insurance companies ever pay to get my motorcycle they would be going much is the avarege? rinky dinky place. Thanks none of my parents not have insurance. whats 2007, Lumas Co. pays are my liscence points .
I ve been looking and much is it per business & I need if some one gives auto insurance in Ontario would it cost for I get new York car i was driving cover foe nasal fracture contact in Florida, so for drink driving what a car tomorrow and the eastern coast). Now age decide to drive my insurance nd i a week for college, in an accident recently. with only one floor. i got into a file a claim for time driver under 25? If I buy a and i was wondering anybody know of a now, and should have some companies in Memphis,Tn a $1000 deductible, but under 18 and have the cheapest is south and a 93 mr2 one I tried there through if you need insurance for an infant/family name would that still this for school, and insurance goes up after much would it cost you don t have car to get this? Im the insurance pay for Year Old Drivers, Drving .
1 note · View note
stars-and-branches · 4 years
1, 7, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 38, 39, 42-51, 53, 57, 58 (would just love it hear more about), 60, 65, 70, 72, 73, 78-83, 90, 93 (hate this term being used outside of indigenous contexts but an animal you connect with), 94-97, 99
Answers under the cut!
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
A snake, I think they’re really cool! I don’t really know enough about reptiles to be able to have one and care for it properly though.
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
I am,,,,, a fruity bitch. I like fruity candy most of the time but sometimes chocolate hits the spot.
12. Any hidden talents?
Not really hidden but I don’t talk about it a lot on here. I know how to play the piano! I took lessons for a decade.
15. Favorite board game?
Mexican train, my family plays it sometimes for game night and it’s fun.
17. Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Layerssss. It could be below zero outside and I’d still keep the windows cracked open so I can layer on more blankets.
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
Any song Hozier’s ever made, the My Chemical Romance Danger Days album, or just whatever is living in my head rent free. Lately it’s been sea shanties.
21. At what age did you first have alcohol?
I think I was in middle school? My Dad gave me a sip of his beer expecting some dramatic reaction and uh, that didn’t happen.
23. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
I don’t really like spending money - paying the housing deposit out of pocket is a little painful rn - so I guess $40ish?
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
When I was younger I never had a choice and was always shoved into a dress. Nowadays I’d probably go by how dysphoric I’m feeling. I want to wear a suit at least once!
25. Favorite memory?
Hoooo boy that’s hard to pick. I guess going to see Dead and Company for a three day show at the Hollywood Bowl a year before my Mom died. We had a lot of fun, it was really beautiful, and there were a lot of good moments.
27. Favorite shoes?
I have a pair of black leather heeled boots with red laces. I refer to them as my “stompy boots”. They’re the only thing I own that emits top energy and I never wear them because they have a five inch heel and I have lots of foot pain.
30. Have you ever had braces?
Unfortunately. I got them taken off a few months ago though :D
31. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Drive. I’m the walking talking stereotype of gays being unable to drive. I almost crashed my grandmother’s car with my entire family in it. Not a fun time.
38. What color do you wear the most?
I answered this in a different ask but black. I’m trying to incorporate more colors into my clothes though!
39. Favorite season?
The rainy season where I live. For a few months the usually barren desert teems with life. It’s beautiful and the only time I can actually grow anything.
42. First car you ever owned?
I have a 2001 Honda Accord.
43. What time do you usually go to bed?
Early. My friends often give me shit for having the sleeping hours of a retiree. I used to be a night owl but I had to get up at 4am all throughout high school so I started going to bed immediately after dinner. I haven’t been able to kick the habit.
44. Are you a competitive person?
Yes but I don’t like competitions. I’m competitive in the sense that I’m constantly comparing myself to how others are doing and I try to be better than those around me. Of course, I’d never admit this out loud but the internet is fine apparently a;kjnvdfdasdvdf
45. Least favorite color?
46. First pet you’ve ever owned?
A small tabby cat named India. I still have her, my parents got her when I was 4 months old :).
47. Sweet or salty?
48. Favorite pasta dish?
49. Favorite kind of chips?
Limon chips. Though black pepper is a close second.
50. Talk about something you’re passionate about.
I did this in a previous ask and I’m tired so this question gets a skip.
51. What are some of your hobbies?
Baking, gardening, video games, reading, journaling, drawing.
53. Favorite kind of pizza?
Either vegetarian pizza or margherita pizza.
57. Favorite labels about you?
I take pride in my queerness and being disabled. The latter because I love the spoonie community and it’s a huge part of my identity.
58. Are you a religious person?
Yes, in the sense that I’m a very spiritual person. I’m a witch. I’ve considered myself a pagan for the past five years, and I’m currently exploring Christianity since my religious path has grown too stagnant.
60. What size shoe do you wear?
It depends on the phase of the moon just about, lmao. I wear a 6 1/2, as wide as the shoemaker can make it. I have really short but really wide feet.
65. Favorite fruit?
Yes. I love most fruits (fuck pears).
70. Favorite dessert?
I don’t really have a set favorite? If I had to pick I guess it would be a fruit tart.
72. Age you learned how to swim?
Either 6 or 7.
73. Tell a funny story.
I used to be friends with a guy who was like. Ridiculously tall. Ultra flamboyant, very loud, like if the color neon orange was condensed into a human being. In my sophomore year of highschool we sat on some bleachers during the homecoming pep rally. He refused to stand up for the national anthem. We were sitting directly in front of the football players in the most redneck school in california. I sat down with him because I didn’t want to witness him getting jumped and thrown off the bleachers. We got called a bunch of slurs through the whole anthem and screamed at. Stuff was thrown at us. They kept kicking us repeatedly. One dude was kicking his neck over and over. The football players were more of a disruption than we were. Eventually, everyone sat down and they finally got bored and stopped. Aside from the one kid who was kicking the person I was friends with, he passed time by throwing pieces of food at us. 
This kid, who I’m dubbing Dipshit McGee, kept doing this until I heard him suddenly yell, “Oh shit!”
I looked over my shoulder. My friend at the time started guffawing. Dipshit McGee dropped his phone from the top of the bleachers and it shattered into a million little pieces on the dirt below.
78. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Usually simple things that express my appreciation. I use “I love you” a lot with my family. There’s only so many times that you get the chance to say it.
79. What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
Honestly any compliment. I’m not used to flattery so my brain just shuts down instantly.
80. Has your opinion changed on something recently?
Yup, that’s why I’m looking into abrahamic religions.
81. Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
If I go to the restaurant a lot then I’ll usually just order the same thing. If it’s somewhere new I’ll switch things up a bit.
82. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
Crochet. It’s something all the women in my family do. I have all the tools I need (except for yarn) but haven’t brought myself to work on it.
83. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
On top of all the other stuff I’m learning? Maybe increase my cooking/baking skills! I want to work with pastry more.
90. What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
The occult, spirituality, religion. I’m always chasing after knowledge in those areas.
93. What’s your spirit animal?
Yeah, I hate this term being used in a non-indigenous context too. As far as an animal I connect with goes, it’s a tie between snakes and cats. Cats because I love them dearly and have connected with them my whole life, we vibe. Snakes because I love their spiritual significance: connection to the earth, constantly shedding their skin and changing.
94. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Managing to steer the car away from crashing in the incident I mentioned in 31.
95. Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
No mess at all, preferably. I like to keep my space relatively tidy. Mess makes me really stressed.
96. Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
All three.
97. Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
I’m more of a planner. Spontaneity is very difficult for me but I’m trying to improve.
99. What do you hope never changes?
My ability to romanticize the small parts of my life, to find joy in even the simplest of things.
0 notes
katosthoughts · 4 years
Entry 1: A New Era
Man. Where to begin. To start with now or the reflection? Hmm. Let’s go reflection leading into present day, then a sprinkle of potential future goals. *mind you, it is 5am and I’ve been up for hoursss, but we’ll get to that*
Rereading these entries this morning brought a lot of emotion out of me, although that’s not surprising. I probably needed a good cry and I feel like I have been putting this off for awhile (what else is new?). So much of what I said at 21 resonates with me. I am that girl. That girl was me. While about four years doesn’t seem long, it feels like an entire lifetime ago. In those four years I had some of the most extreme highs and absolute lows. I lost 4 important people in my life, relationships, work, mental health. It all felt like such an extreme range of emotion that I almost feel numb at this point.
College. What an absolute high. I wish I knew it then, that it would be the happiest I was. I had the best roommate all four years of school, I took amazing classes with the best teacher in the entire fucking world (thank you, LUKE), and I had a pretty amazing group of friends by the end of it. Not to mention I got to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Like fuck, I was so blessed to live my own life in such an amazing place. I was was a decision maker, I was excited, I was surrounded by good people. I wish I would have known then, that life was slowly going to devour me over the next three years. I wish I would have soaked up a few more lessons or late nights in the lab. I wish I would have taken a few more memories. I really thought that life would be better when I was out of college and independent, living my own life with no one but myself.
I wish I would have known then that the life I had in Santa Fe, was the closest I was to living my own existence. Upon returning back to California post grad, I made it home for my last Mother’s Day with my mom. I immediately shifted into caregiver mode once I had moved back. Going through the procedures of making sure she takes her meds at the right time/correct doseges, learning how to change a stomach bag and keeping her clean. I just did what I was told and I did my best to give my mom the most comfortable existence. I know I was still difficult sometimes. I was so mad at the universe, at her, at myself. Just so much anger. I also battled a lot with myself about who I was. Who did I want to be? Who do I have to be for my family? All of that is still unfortunately relevant. After she passed I was angry with everyone. I turned to Kathleen as my light and I pushed everyone else away, in the same breath I’ll also say that in this period of time I also started seeing my then boyfriend so you know. Complex. A piece of me believes that I used my relationship to help me cope. I used it so I wouldn’t have to feel the emence amount of sadness and grief I was feeling. I did love him too. It wasn’t one sided, but I think it played a big a roll at the time. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had to move out of my moms house that I was living in with only my step dad, I didn’t know if I was going to move in with family or if I was going to be independent, I didn’t have a job, I had ZERO drive to be creative and I just floated. Spur of the moment in late October 2018 I rented the first place I saw. It’s a nice little condo in paramount. It was mine. For the first time in my life, all of my stuff could be in one place. I know that sounds stupid but growing up with divorced parents and then adding a third bedroom when you’re in college, it got chaotic trying to keep track of things. Finally. This was all mine. When I got this place I had just started working for a luxury brand as a seasonal stock associate that I was later promoted to regular stock associate and then I was also working as a freelance graphic designer with a marketing firm. It was going well until about January 2019. I stopped working with the marketing firm and it shook my confidence. I also took the job because it was a connection, and graphic design, what could go wrong? I feel like I never fully found my voice in my work, then to work for someone else with an entirely different voice than what you sorta know is jarring.
Around this time the then boyfriend was looking for a new place. I knew it was way too fucking soon but I just lost my biggest income and I wasn’t sure what to do and it seemed like an okay idea and we knew each other from Santa Fe so it’s more like ‘home’. So he moves in. That was probably the start of the end. When he moved in I was not fully unpacked. (Its 2020 and I’m still not unpacked) and then we added all of his boxes to mine. It never got unpacked (see?). A month or so after he moved in, in May of 2019, i started my second retail job selling jewelry in the same mall. My life became dominated by work. I worked 40-50 weeks with sometimes, no days off. He and I continued to live, and we both eventually were holding two jobs. Four incomes and we still struggled to balance out. We lived in mess and disorganization and chaos 24-7. I was always frustrated, I felt that I carried both of us sometimes and I was never happy. This translated into our relationship. We had a rough stint from October 2019 to January 2020. It was a nightmare of a time. We still lived together but it was rough. We tried to work on things and then COVID-19 happened. I suddenly wasn’t working at all, and he is an essential worker. He works a minimum 6 days a week. This put strain on our rebuild. I’m sure I also didn’t help but the new stresses didn’t help too. Which all led to a one time drunken night. Against better judgement I let a friend come over and the three of us drunkenly talked and had a good time. I fell asleep early and was later awoken by noises no one wants to hear wen you’re 1/2 of a couple and the other 1/2 is with the 3rd. I know what I heard and walked out on that night. I know the story he is telling me. And I know the stance that she is taking. None of them add up but that’s where I just have to decide what’s next. Post grad life. Absolute low
The nights are heardest. I wake up 2:30-3:30 every morning without fail. I can’t help but think about it. What did I do wrong? I know we were struggling but why didn’t he just come to bed? I ache with so much sadness in my heart for what feels like the wrong reasons. I feel that there was more I probably could have done but I am living this out as a sign. The universe told me to open a new fucking chapter so I am. I have some design goals that are also life goals so I love that. First, I want to work on my portfolio. I know lindafinegold probably isn’t hiring but that brand voice is what I am craving. I want to work on my portfolio and a few projects that let me sit in that, marinate, see if it’s my flavor. If it is I only hope I can figure out a way to get noticed. Second, I want to work more on a personal project. Probably something small to start. I loved making stickers before. Maybe start there. Third, I’d like to go to the fucking gym again but covid. bitch.
The final side piece I’d like to say is that I love you Steven Garcia. I found out in January you passed, one week after my grandma. You passed in October 2019 and I didn’t know. I’m sorry I never checked in with you after I moved. I always missed you. For I’m sure, more than a year, you were a light in my life. My friend. My dude. My homie. I will never forget the kindness and love you showed me. The long drives through Santa Fe. The after work beers. The holidays we spent together. The weird movies we were into. I cried, I wept, I screamed, I think I even slammed my head in the wall because I didn’t want any of it to be true. In those moments I wanted to take all your pain and suffering. I don’t know what happened to you but I hope you are free. I will always cherish our puppy dog days. Rest In Peace homie, I love you.
If you’re someone out there reading this, I’m sorry? Thank you? Although I write for no audience, sometimes I need to dump my brain and I appreciate if you’re listening. I hope I continue to do this. I spent one hour typing and reflecting and it is maybe the most relaxed I feel in awhile.
Until next time. x
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
1. Stick to a schedule
If your work-from-home situation is temporary, do your best to stick to your regular schedule: wake up, follow your typical morning routine, eat breakfast, and then get to work.
As counterintuitive as it may seem, when you start working from home you might find it tempting to turn “on” the moment you wake up and turn “off” way past 5:00 pm.
You don’t have to worry about a long commute when you work from home, and when your co-workers aren’t getting up next to you and leaving at the same time, it doesn’t always feel like you’re working that much later.
However, this could lead to burnout, and it also doesn’t include much time for YOU. We all need some self-care time, right?! Sticking to a schedule can help keep you sane.
2. Get dressed (send a signal to your brain when it is time to work)
You might be thinking, why would you get dressed if you don’t have to leave the house?
Our brain picks up on “signals” based on routines and habits we have created previously (classical conditioning). The most common example is the story of how the researcher would ring a bell (signal) right before giving a dog food; the dog would salivate and crave food every time he heard a bell noise.
To me, wearing PJs and laying on my bed or sofa signals relaxation, sleep, and reading or watching TV. That makes me not feel like working, even though I love what I do!
If I am working at a table/desk and am dressed in normal clothes – or let’s be real, many days I rock the athelesiure lifestyle
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– then my brain knows it is time to get to work.
What other “signals” can you do when you work from home to get into the frame of mind that it is time to get work done?
3. Clear your workspace of clutter
Clear space, clear mind.
How many times have we sat down to work, only to be distracted by a mess and then procrastinate by cleaning or organizing our space? *Raises hand*
Even if your workspace is at a coffee shop on the road, take a moment to set up your laptop and notebook/coffee/whatever. Get everything in order so that when you dive in, you aren’t distracted by clutter.
4. Save chores, errands, and social media scrolling for breaks and after-work hours
Chores, errands, and endless social media scrolling are some of THE most tempting things to do when you are working from home. I know this from personal experience, kay?
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Take breaks if you need to, but if you find yourself constantly switching back and forth from the tasks you are working on and the pile of laundry or dishes in the sink, try scheduling time for chores/errands or even a regular break into your schedule instead.
5. Use online tools for communication
If you typically meet with people face-to-face at work, how can you bring that environment online?
Zoom is my favorite video conferencing platform. I’ve been using it for years to have 1-1 meetings with clients, prospective clients, and group meetings. They have a free version that allows unlimited calls for two people (the free plan allows calls of 3+ for up to 45 minutes). With Zoom you can also do screen-sharing, so you can show PowerPoint slides, an internet browser, or whatever else. Plus, other people in the group can un-mute their mics and talk, just like a regular meeting or class.
Instagram Live & Facebook Live are amazing platforms for connecting with your audience! The live stream options allow you to “go live” with another person too, or you can go live solo. If you work in an in-person service-based business (ex: personal fitness trainer) and can’t see clients right now this could be a way to connect with your audience live. You can ask for donations via PayPal.me, Venmo, or Patreon. I’ve seen some instructors or trainers offer a free class with a suggested donation of $5, $10, $20, or more.
On that note, Vimeo On Demand has options where people can stream a video to rent or buy. Here is an example of one of our local yoga studios that’s closed and is offering affordable online yoga classes!
Asana is great for project management
Slack for team communication, file sharing, chat
Google Drive is a staple almost every business can find benefit from
Set up email autoresponders if needed
WhatsApp has a desktop app which is super helpful if you communicate with clients or international team members that way
6. Plan your day the night before
Before you log off, take a look at what needs to be done the next day and plan your calendar accordingly.
Then, take a look at what needs to be done personally and determine what time of day would be best to get that done.
When you know you are setting aside 10 minutes of your lunch break to do the laundry, you’ll be less tempted to get up randomly (see point #4)!
If you aren’t someone who typically plans fun or personal activities ahead of time, consider it! Having something fun to look forward to can help you wake up feeling more excited and motivated the next day.
7. Connect with others!
The biggest piece of transitioning to location-independent life is usually the social connection piece.
If you were surrounded by co-workers, clients, or customers all day every day, then working from home might feel a little isolating.
As an extrovert, I get energy from being around others, so spending morning ‘till night working by myself put me in a weird mood when I first transitioned to running my online business full-time. It also made me realize how much time from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm I spent socializing! Haha
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Typically, if you work for yourself as a freelancer or solopreneur, make a point to go out and about every day to interact with others.
Whether it is having lunch with a friend or co-working with other biz buddies at a coffee shop, those moments of social interaction can help fulfill any needs you have.
If you are working from home temporarily due to the current COVID-19 situation, we have to get more creative while we practice “social distancing.” Instead, aim for doing meetings over video calls, chatting with your co-workers on your lunch break (even if it’s by phone!), and calling your friends and family after-hours. Some of my friends have even FaceTimed each other for “happy hour” and had drinks at home.
Take this time to still make a point to connect with your friends and family, even if it is virtually!
source http://cheaprtravels.com/7-top-tips-for-working-remotely/
0 notes
ragsandmuffins · 7 years
Musical Theatre Themed Ask
Okay, I’m gonna answer... all of these! (Because I have a paper to write and zero motivation. And also: musicals.)
Oh, and by the way, I’m going to assume that every “Broadway” is a “Broadway/West End” because Tumblr is a free platform.
1. What was the first musical you saw?
Mary Poppins, West End, 2006 (not 100% sure about the year)
2. What musical got you really  into theatre?
Les Misérables - saw the film, started stalking the actors, you know how it goes.
3. Who was your first Broadway crush?
Aaron Tveit (he’s the main one) and Samantha Barks - like I said, stalking the Les Mis actors...
4. Name three of your current Broadway crushes.
Um... still Aaron Tveit? Plus Rob Houchen (Les Mis London) and Cleve September (In the Heights London and soon Hamilton London) - Also, I get “talent crushes” not physical attraction crushes.
5. Name four of your dream roles.
Only 4? Natalie Goodman, Enjolras, Maureen Johnson, and HERCULES MULLIGAN!!
(I can’t sing, act, or dance, nor am I a man, so...)
6. Favourite off-broadway show:
Heathers and The Last Five Years
7. Favourite cast recording.
Gotta be Hamilton, it’s just such a well-produced album. Bonus points for including nearly the entire show.
8. 2013 Tony opening number or 2016 Tony opening number?
2012? The Book of Mormon thing is just pure gold!
9. Favourite show currently on Broadway.
Broadway: I guess Hamilton - There are way too few that I actually know.
West End: Les Misérables forever!
10. A musical that closed and you’re still bitter about. Rant a bit.
In the Heights London! Though I can’t really complain, they extended their initially run several times and now they’ve cast my amazing Sonny as Laurens/Philip, so... But it was just so good!!
11. Best stage to screen adaptation?
Les Misérables. Controversial, I know, but I usually kind of hate movie musicals. With this one they did something new and different and I think it works. The Last Five Years is pretty good too, though it lost a lot in the adaptation (couldn’t be avoided).
12. Worst  stage to screen adaptation?
Rent. I’m sorry, I love the show, I love the cast, but it all feels so staged and wrong and meh. Also, they cut Goodbye Love and left in fucking Santa Fé which adds exactly nothing to the plot!!
13. Favourite #ham4ham?
Gotta be the Schuyler Georges, but there have been so many great ones...
14. A musical you would love to see produced by Deaf West?
Oh, tricky... Maybe Next to Normal? That has a lot to do with people holding things in and failing to see each others’ struggles.
15. If you could revive any musical, which one would it be and who would you cast in it?
Not exactly a revival, but bring Next to Normal to the West End already! That show’s got a sodding Pulitzer. And London’s only a 2 hour flight away from where I live, not a transatlantic one, so I might actually be able to go see it.
Oh, and give Spring Awakening another chance, West End. Maybe adapt some American Sign Language into British Sign Language and...?
Also, maybe revive Rent, Broadway? (And cast Aaron Tveit as Roger... please?)
16. If you could go to a concert at the 54 below, who’s would it be?
That list would be waaaaaayyy too long...
17. Do you watch broadway.com vlogs? Which one is your favourite?
I’ve seen a few, but I don’t really watch them on a regular basis, so no favourites...
18. Make a Broadway related confession.
I really, really hate South Pacific. It was part of our American drama syllabus, as an example of a musical. Quite apart from the fact that I think it’s a godawful, sort of racist and sexist show (it’s from the 40s, go figure), it displays LITERALLY EVERY cliché about musicals!
19. What do musicals mean to you?
Hard to say... Apart from hours and hours of ALL the emotions, some awesome internet buddies (looking at you, @frei-und-schwerelos), I’ve got generally more interested in and knowledgable about theatre, which is a great asset when you study English. Musicals have also introduced me to a wide range of music I wouldn’t normally listen to and so many talented people I wouldn’t have known about otherwise...
20. Express some love for understudies and swings!
Okay here goes: I went to see the West End production of Memphis because of Killian Donnelly and then he unexpectedly wasn’t on that night - bummer. But then Jon Robyns just knocked it out of the part (and I only ever listened to Avenue Q and Spamalot because I watched clips of him when he was in those shows).
My first Thénardier was Adam Pearce and his version of “It was me wot told you so...” is the funniest one I’ve ever heard (he kind of went “No? Sorry, fair enough.”).
The second time I saw the show Adam Bayjou was Valjean and his Bring Him Home was one of the best I’ve ever heard (effortless high notes).
Also, Charlotte Kennedy was Cosette that time (she’s principal Cosette now) and her performance was so incredibly sweet! (She also brought some brunette power into the sea of blond that were Marius and Éponine.)
And Jordan Lee Davies was Bamatabois both times and he was great!
Oh, and my Christine from Phantom was the wonderful Lisa-Anne Wood.
21. Best Disney musical:
Mary Poppins - My first ever musical, fond memories, I still wear the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious shirt my dad bought me (11 years ago... didn’t fit then, fits now).
22. Which Disney movie should be made into a musical?
Uh, I don’t know. Tangled’s funny...
23. Which musical fandom has the funniest memes?
Hamilton and Les Mis. I mean, the Les Mis/Mean Girls crossovers alone...
24. Name a character from a musical you would sort into your Hogwarts house.
Well, the test sorted me into Hufflepuff (great house), but I know that I am a Ravenclaw (and, as we know, the hat listens to you). Okay, Ravenclaw... maybe Melchior from Spring Awakening?
25. Name a Broadway star you would sort into your Hogwarts house.
Ugh, that’s even harder! Sorry, no clue.
26. Best on stage chemistry?
Hmm from what I’ve seen live, Rob Houchen and Carrie Hope Fletcher were pretty darn amazing together.
From what I haven’t seen live, Jennifer Damiano and Adam Chanler-Berat, and Justin Johnston and Michael McElroy seemed fantastic.
27. A Broadway duo you love.
I’m gonna say Jonathan Groff and Lin-Manuel Miranda, but I’m not sure I understand the question...
28. What book, tv show, movie, biography, video game, etc. should be turned into a musical?
Umm... I don’t know. Supernatural sort of is a musical... A Lord of the Rings musical in the style of A Very Potter Musical might be fun. The Fellowship of the Sing? I’ll show myself out.
29. If you could make a jukebox musical, what artist or genre would you pick?
I doubt many people know her but: Vienna Teng. For three reasons (aside from me liking her songs): 1. Her songs tell stories. 2. She often writes from the perspective of “characters.” 3. Her songs are actual poetry!
30. Favourite role played by _________________?
I don’t get it. What am I supposed to put here?
31. What musical has made you cry the most?
I don’t actually cry often at musicals (internally I do), but It’s Quiet Uptown from Hamilton got me bad the first time. And I once listened to Next to Normal when I was already feeling like shit - bad idea! (Don’t listen to There’s a World when you kind of want there to not be a world, kids...)
32. What musical has made you laugh the most?
Probably Avenue Q and Something Rotten
33. Current showtune stuck in you head:
Well, you just put Hard to Be the Bard in my head!
34. A musical that has left you thinking about life for a long time or deeply inspired you.
Les Misérables... I haven’t spent a single week without thinking about that show (or, indeed, the book) since early 2013.
Next to Normal also gave me a lot to think about.
I keep discovering new little bits of genius in Hamilton lyrics. Also, I’m writing a paper on the early US for the second time in under a year and characters from Hamilton (otherwise know as historical figures) keep popping up. Seriously, I’m writing about the Whiskey Rebellion and every time I read Hamilton’s name my brain goes PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES!
I’ve also thought quite a bit about Heathers and The Last Five Years, because both of them have had productions where they genderbended (genderbent?) a main character, which made me think about how it changes the story and why.
35. If you could perform any ensemble number , which one would you pick?
“If you could...” Are you implying that I don’t?! Come on, any theatre geek who claims never to have done a solo rendition of One Day More is definitely lying! Oh, and I rapped myself all the way through One Shot the other day and made only one mistake - one that Lin’s made before, so I’m proud!
36. Name a musical you didn’t like at first but ended up loving.
I don’t think that’s really happened... There have been shows where I thought “What in the holy hell is this?!” and ended up loving it. I mean, what in the holy hell is Avenue Q?!
37. What are some costumes you’d love to try on?
Give me that red vest! Also, let me play Enjolras! Yes, I know I’m a woman and can only hit that low “foooorm” when I’ve got a really bad cold, but fuck all that!
I’d also really like to try on Elphaba’s Act II dress, because it’s epic!
38. Favourite dance break.
Hmmm... I don’t really have one? The one in Cool and the ballet in Somewhere where they sort of replay what’s happened are pretty amazing (both West Side Story).
39. Favourite Starkid musical:
A Very Potter Musical is the only one I know... Sorry...
40. What’s a musical more people should know about?
Well, where I live, most people have heard of Cats, Phantom, and Mamma Mia and that’s about it.
But in general, I’ve never met anyone who’s even heard of Assassins (although many people who have met me have now heard everything about Assassins - I’m that kind of person).
41. What are some lines from musicals you really like?
Okay, this is gonna take a while...
"Can you remind me of what it was like at the top of the world?” (In the Heights)
“Oh, my friends, my friends, don’t ask me what your sacrifice was for.” (Les Misérables - internal Niagara Falls!)
“Here, put some hail into the chief.” (Assassins)
“But the sky’s gonna hurt when it falls. So you’d better start building some walls.” (Heathers)
“I’m not mad that you got mad when I got mad when you said I should go drop dead!” (Tick, Tick... Boom!)
“My God, in God we trust, but we never really know what God discussed.” (Hamilton)
“What doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me.” (Next to Normal)
And just for fun: “Honest living, honest living, honest living, honest living,...” (Rent)
42. Name a Tony performance you rewatch and rewatch.
In the Heights, Next to Normal, Hamilton, and Spring Awakening (both versions).
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I challenge you to answer ALL the unusual asks. (If not just answer the ones you want to)
1) Spotifiy, Soundcloud, or Pandora? 
2) Is your room messy or clean? 
Messy. very. very. messy. 
3) What color are your eyes? 
4) Do you like your name? why?
Not really. I got bullied for it in third and fourth grade about it, so Ive kinda disliked it since, but at least its not generic. 
5) What is your realationship status? 
in a relationship. 
6) Describe your personality in 3 words or less. 
Really fucking annoying. 
7) What color hair do you have? 
Blonde, but Im thinking of dying it. 
8) What kind of car do you drive? color? 
I cant drive, but my mom car is a green 2000 Toyota Camry 
10) How would you describe your style? 
All over the place and completely random. 
11) Favorite Social Media Account? 
Probabaly my Facebook, cause thats where I talk to most of my family. 
12) What size is your bed? 
Twin, I think. 
13) Any sibblings? 
I have two half sisters and two half brothers on my fathers side, and a twin brother. 
14) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why? 
Mars cause I want to go to Pigfarts  Probabaly like the Oregon coast. cause I like cold weather and the West Coast
15) favorite Snapchat filter? 
I dont use Snapchat, soooo. 
16) Favortie makeup brand(s) 
I dont wear a lot of make up, but I do like e.l.f. 
17) How many times do you shower in a week? 
On a good week, 5-6, on a bad week, 2-3. 
18) Favorite Tv show? 
Rick and Morty, or NCIS 
19) Shoe size? 
 sometimes I wear a 5, others a six or seven, it varies depending on the style of shoe… 
20) How tall are you? 
21) Sandals or Sneakers? 
22) Do you go to the gym? 
23) Describe your dream date.
probably just like, picnic by a lake or at a park. 
24) How much money do you have in your wallet right now? 
I dont have a wallet, but I have a jar of pocket money with $83
25) what color socks are you wearing? 
Im not wearing socks but earlier I was wear black socks. 
26) How many pillows do you sleep with? 
I only have one for my head, but I have 12 pillows on my bed. 
27) Do you have a job? what do you do? 
does being annoying and sad count as a job? 
28) How many friends do you have? 
12, but only half are close friends. 
29) What is the worst thing youve ever done? 
In third grade I gave a kid a black eye…
30) whats your favorite candle scent? 
Spring Rain. 
31) 3 favorite boy names?
Max, Alex, Jake. 
32) 3 favorite girl names? 
Raine, Sage, Autum. 
33) Favortie actor? 
Lenardo DeCaprio 
34) Favorite Actress? 
Emma Watson 
35) Who is your celebrity crush
Dont have one. 
36) Favorite Movie? 
37) Do you read a lot? what is your favorite book? 
I’ve actually been trying to read more, I love Sparrow Road, If I stay, and Shadow. 
38) Money or brains? 
Brains, teach a man to fish.
39) Do you have a nickname? 
Moxie Clean, Moxanne, Molly Molly Moxen Free, Marshmallow, mo, mox. 
40) How many times have you been to the hospital? 
Once, when I was five, when I cracked my forhead open I Have a Scar I am Harry Potter
41) top ten favorite songs? 
Thats What You Get~Paramore,Thnks Fr Th Mmrs~ Fall Out Boy, Misery Business~Paramore, Whatsername~Green Day, It Ends Tonight~All American Rejects, Be my Escape~Relent K, 21st Century Breakdown~Green Day, Always~Blink-182, Ignorance~Paramore, A Drop in the Ocean~ Ron Pope. 
42) Do you take any medications daily? 
Zyrtec, and Asprins. 
43) What is your skin type? 
No clue, kinda dry I guess? 
44) What is your biggest fear? 
Probably abandonment having no one care about/like me. or being a disapointment. 
45) How many kids do you want? 
probably just one. three max. 
46) What is your go to hairstyle? 
I just leave my hair down. 
47) what type of house do you live in? 
I live in an apartment, that is super tiny, and hasnt been updated since the ealy 90′s… 
48) Who is your role model? 
the woman my mother works for. and my Grandmother. 
49) what is the last complement you recived? 
one of my friends told me he liked my rant about depression. 
50) What is the last text you sent? 
‘bro, did you die?!?’ 
51) How old were you when you ofund out Santa wasnt real? 
I was 5, I still put out cookies, but now they’re for my Grandmother and Grandfather. 
52) What is your dream car? 
I dont know yet, maybe just a Pale Green VW bug, or something that costs less. 
53) Opinion on smoking? 
I dont like smokers Ive been bullied my entire life cause all my clothes smell like cigerette smoke, but I dont really get to voice my thoughts cause most of my family smokes. But I have no plans to when Im old enough. 
54) Do you go to college? 
No. And I wont be anytime in the next five years or so.
55) What is your dream job? 
Chemist/Nurse/Author, or something that does good and pays well. 
56) Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
Rural Areas. Its nice to see all the stars so clearly. 
57) Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
should I not? 
58) Do you have freckles? 
No, but my mother says that I did when I was younger. 
59) Do you smile for photos? 
60) How many pictures do you have on your phone? 
I dont have a phone so….
61) Have you ever peed in the wood? 
62) Do you still watch cartoons? 
63) do you perfer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? 
 I cant afford to eat out. (just for the record, Micky D’s) 
64)Favorite dipping suace? 
65) What do you wear to bed? 
it depends, it I dont feel like changing I’ll sleep in what Im wearing, otherwise, just sweats and a tee shirt. 
66) have you ever won a spelling bee? 
Ive never even entered cause in third grade, my teacher told me not to bother trying cause my spelling was too bad, so I havent entered since. 
67) What are your Hobbies? 
Is eating a hobby? I like to read, draw, write, and sit around being sad. and kazoooo
68) Can you draw? 
Not well. 
69) do you play an insturment? 
Clarinet, Guitar, and piano. 
70) what is the last concert you saw? 
a band concert, that I was in. 
71) tea or coffee? 
72) Starbucks or Dunkin? 
that depends on the day, what planets where seen last night, what color socks Im wearing, when the next full moon is, and weather or not I have money. 
73) Do you want to get married? 
74) what is your crushes first and last initial? 
75) Are you going to change your last name when you get married? 
76) what color looks best on you? 
teal maybe? I honestly have no clue. 
77) do you miss anyone right now? 
My friends from school, and old nieghboirs. 
78) Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? 
normally, I would sleep with my door closed, by my brother broke the hinge, so now it can only be open 
79) Do you believe in ghosts? 
80) what is your biggest pet peeve? 
 people who only care about others and never help themselves, people who act entitled when they arent, and people use terms they dont know the deffinition of. 
81) Last person you called? 
@geez-man, in like, June
82) favorite Ice Cream flavor? 
mint or coffee. 
83) Regular oreos, or golden oreos? 
84) Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
both. yes. all of the above. 
85) What shirt are you wearing? 
its a leopard with the David Bowie lighting blot on its face. 
86) what is your phone background? 
*doesnt have phone* 
87) Are you outgoing or shy? 
A bit of both, it depends who Im with, 
88) do you like it when people play with your hair? 
sometimes, depends who it is. I have trust issuses with people who touch my hair, cause in fifth grade a girl told to whole school I had lice, even though I didnt. 
89) do you like your neighboirs? 
I dont know my nieghboirs that well, cause most poeple are only here a couple months and then they leave, so really Im indifferent. 
90) Do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? 
in the mornings. 
91) have you ever been high? 
92) have you ever been drunk? 
93) Last thing you ate? 
A chicken sandwhich with pesto, chedder and pita chips. 
94) Favorite lyrics right now? 
“why do we like to hurt so much?”~thats what you get, Paramore; 
“The walls start breathing My mind’s un-weaving Maybe it’s best you leave me alone”~It ends tonight, All American Rejects;
“Well there’s a million other girls who do it just like you Looking as innocent as possible to get to who They want and what they like, it’s easy if you do it right”~Misery Business, Paramore. 
“If I could find you now things would get better We could leave this town and run forever” Ocean Avenue, Yellowcard.
“Where’s your gavel? Your jury? What’s my offense this time? You’re not a judge but if you’re gonna judge me Well sentence me to another life.”Ignorance, Paramore
“Don’t wanna hear your sad songs I don’t wanna feel your pain When you swear it’s all my fault Cause you know we’re not the same”~Ignorance, Paramore. 
95) Summer or Winter? 
96) Day or Night? 
97) Dark, milk or white chocolate? 
Milk chocolate. but if you offer me white or dark chocolate, I wont refuse. 
98) Favorite Month? 
99) What is your Zodiac sign? 
100) Who was the last person you cried in front of? 
I dont cry when Im with other people. 
(I probabaly mispelled 50% of this. Im sorry.) 
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dfnews · 7 years
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Episode Recap of "Spud's First Birthday".
Season 4, Episode 3 - June 19, 2017
"Spud's first birthday brings the family together for a celebration. Meanwhile, Joy and Austin work on a house-flipping project; and in Laredo, things heat up in the kitchen with Jinger and Jeremy."
That line about things heating up between JinJer is quite racy. We could only hope TLC would air something like that. They would rather stick with coma inducing content instead.
1. And the coma begins. The show opens up with recently wed JinJer sitting at home talking about going grocery shopping. At the store they look at food. Cheese excites Jeremy to no end. Jinger says she loves living in Laredo and that she'll need to learn Spanish. I hope she has better luck than Jill. Back at home Jin is sent to work in the kitchen as Jer moves Duggar bought furniture so he can workout. Jeremy's parents bought him dumbbells as a wedding present. How romantic.Maybe that gift represents the family he married into. Jinger needs to do the prisoner thing and use them to build up her muscles so she can fight off unwanted sexual contact and bust out of that hell hole. I'm referring to the cult not Laredo. When asked about what his life will be in a year, Jeremy states pretty much what he's doing now. When asked about five years, he mentions starting a family within the next five years and Jinger grins. So, do they now believe in using birth control which is against God's will? (According to the Duggars.) Are they sinners in the eyes of the Godbobber or just blowing smoke out of their butts by pretending to not be babymaking machines? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
2. A visit to Benessa's house is next which ends up crawling with children to help snap me out of my coma. Just slightly. Anna and Jill arrive with their kids to go to a consignment sale. They take footprints of the kids and measure their inseams like old Jewish tailors. As the kids overwhelm the tiny house Benessa talk again about buying a bigger home so they can foster and adopt. The Godbobber has a bunch of homes. Even Jason bought a home. What's holding up Benessa? If they do adopt I bet it will be an older girl so Jessa can check out like her mom.
3. Joystin are working on a house to flip. Don't worry, Austin's dad is chaperoning and Austin is looking out for the best interests of Joy's thumbs with the buzz saw. After this fifth house is flipped, Austin will be allowed to ask Joy's daddy to allow Joy to marry him. That was the deal he made with his dad and he's sticking to it. Joy and Austin look comfortable hanging around with each other as they work. Marriage will change that. Joy will become a babe swooning, stuck in the kitchen, perpetually pregnant house slave. This scene ends with a love note written to Austin by Joy on the old linoleum as seen in the picture. She actually writes I <3 U!!! Isn't that giving away a piece of your heart which Duggar girls are banned from doing? And who's Ethyl?
4. Back to the girls and kids. There is a little time-line fibbing here because Jessa earlier said she was 7 months pregnant which would have meant this was filmed in November or December but Jessa is much smaller in these shopping scenes and it's obviously still summer or early fall. Someone said this sale happened in September. When did DerJill get back from their phony missioning? Also Jill wouldn't have been pregnant in September. So take this episode's time-line with a grain of salt as with most episodes. The girls "wisely" took the kids shopping when they are tired and cranky. For some stupid reason, Anna is carrying around a baby and a ton of clothes. Doesn't this stupid store have shopping carts? Markie ends up falling and gashing his head on something and Anna has no hands free to help him. She somehow dumps Meri and the clothing somewhere and is then seen rushing out of the store with Markie. No blood was shown in this episode. They enjoy looping puking scenes but in this case they were sensitive about blood.  Anna later worried that she came off as nervous and upset during the accident. She has been guilted into hiding her emotions in every way for every reason. That poor woman is going to eventually have a break down. Jill left with Anna and Markie for the hospital leaving Jessa with Mackie, Mikey, Meri, Izzy and Spudinsky, oh, and a full tv crew to help. She buys a bunch of stuff and loads them all into a van. I hope she had enough appropriate car seats. LOL! Like the Duggars even care about that.  Back at the compound Markie comes home with his head entirely wrapped up in bandages. How big was this cut? He looks like he just went through brain surgery. Another successful Duggar shopping trip.
5. A few month later at the compound, Joy is rounding up annoyed looking kids for a meeting. Spud's birthday is early November but the Duggars already have their Christmas decor out. Joy explains his party is belated due to the rude marriage of Jinger and Jeremy on Spud's birthday.  Joy talks about her duties in the house since Jinger was evicted and her mother apparently passed away. She's in charge of the little girls' hair, and I'm sure more, keeping the house clean, doing the laundry, typing up frivolous lawsuits to keep the money coming in, and now Jessa has put her in charge of her child's first birthday party. Joy needs to acquire some weights in order to break out of her own prison. Joy takes six of the kids out shopping to buy cake and other supplies. I wonder if the Duggars know they can order groceries and have them delivered now instead of trying to convince the girls they love shopping. A little less brainwashing is good for any family.
6. Back at the compound Joy is barking out orders and rushing about to make a special birthday for a 13 month old. Why such a big deal for a 1st birthday? I don't think it would have been if it wasn't being filmed. I have no photos of me on my 1st birthday. My parents probably didn't do anything since I was too little to care and my mom was seven months pregnant at the time and my older sister had just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I completely forgive them.  I held a small party for my foster child's first birthday with just a few grown-up friends and a small cake I made which he didn't eat. He didn't eat because he and I developed a horrible tummy bug the next day. Ahhh, fun memories. Joy decorates the house and hopes nothing goes wrong for the birthday. Life is full of surprises, Joy. Take my advise. Just hope you have a happy baby for the day who doesn't puke all over you. That's all you can ask for.
7. Why didn't they just buy sorbet instead of making it? Why do they constantly make their lives harder than necessary? Michelle is resurrected to assist in making the sorbet. I'm sure she'll quickly disappear again when some laundry needs to be done of the kids track mud into the house. Ben's family is visiting for the party. They announce they have moved from Hot Springs to Little Rock. I wonder why? Maybe Ben's dad finally got a job. They talk about how Spud is growing and Ben loves how he is beginning to talk. When Spud wakes up in the morning he looks at Ben and says, "Cracker?" Yes, Spud. Your dad is a cracker. We've known that for awhile. The tons of guests arrive at the compound for the party. Derick walks in and looks skeletal. His clothes hang on him. He still has the man bun. They talk about returning to El Salvador soon but I think he needs a hospital stay first. Trust me. He's going to end up in the hospital eventually. Hopefully it will be in the States.
8. Spud gets his smash cake which ended up nearly as well as my foster child's party. He refused to eat it and then threw up on himself. Kind of like uncle Derick too! They video chat with JinJer and the Godbobber shows up to take photos. Josh and his family are nowhere to be seen. The boys have talking heads where the Three Stooges are mentioned though they could only name two stooges. Now where did they learn something so worldly as the Three Stooges? I always get a little freaked out when a Duggar attempts to step out into my world. Shooo! Get back into your bubble! Outside, the bigger kids are going all howler monkey on an inflatable jump house. I've worked with kids for many hundreds of decades and I've never seen kids out to destroy a jump house like this Duggar bunch. I hope they bought it and it wasn't rented.
I'm starting a new feature with this recap called,   What Did We Learn This Week?
1. We learned that cheese excites Jeremy so much that the Vuolos are going to name their children after cheeses. Velveeta Vuolo is a pretty name.
2. We learned that Ethyl and Joy Duggar <3 Austin. I'm Counting On sister wives.  
3. We learned that sorbet can get Michelle to come back to life. Powerful stuff!
4. And we learned that the Duggar kids, when left unsupervised with inflatable toys, can be as destructive as a man preaching family values as he surfs the web for hookers.
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