#1)Lestat is more patient than I thought
showmey0urfangs · 2 years
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE - Timeline (1910 - 1945)
I made this timeline using some of the dates given on the show, and cross-referencing that with clues from the dialogue, props, as well as the historical events that were happening during that time.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Oh another spicy question if you don’t mind. Do you think Lestat and Louis bite one another during sex at the same time, during the sex but different times, or maybe one day one does it and the other day the other does it?
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I hope you don’t mind me answering these in one:
This is probably one of their main problems, actually.
Yes, I do think they bit each other during sex, if the scenes we got to see are any indication. Likely around the time of orgasm, when the need is strongest (or building up) would be my gut feeling.
And the intimacy of that bite, that shared blood, is also something they crave.
When that biting each other stopped (or at least lessened), when Louis decided to not drink human anymore, it set off a rather fatal chain reaction. (That is not a try at blame, I do not think that was his intention! But he is a vampire, and that comes with some repercussions.🤷🏽‍♀️)
First, as he himself notes at the beginning of the Antoinette fiasco:
No human blood -> decreased libido
Decreased libido -> less sex.
For humans… so far so bad.
For vampires though, and especially these vampires…
Less sex -> no biting (each other) during sex.
No biting each other -> less blood sharing.
Less blood sharing -> less intimacy.
Less intimacy -> less understanding.
Less understanding -> more temper/anger.
More temper/anger -> less sex.
Rinse. Repeat.
It is, unfortunately, a vicious circle.
There’s a few main (other) points here to note additionally though, imho.
1) Louis canonically wants to keep the option of suicide-by-sun so he refuses the offer of stronger blood several times. Since Armand can stand the sun and Louis cannot, it is safe to say (imho) that he and Armand do not drink from each other aaaallll the time (or the show changed that lore completely, though why… with Akasha later etc?! Wouldn’t make sense to me 🤷🏽‍♀️)
2) The maker-fledgling barrier can be bridged by sharing blood - therefore the not-sharing weighs much heavier than it does between Armand and Louis, for example, since they can just share thoughts and emotions telepathically.
3) Louis glosses over the intimacy of the kill (and therefore the blood-sharing) almost completely. The closest we get to what the books tell is the scene with the tenor, and, again, I think the visualizations they gave us actually tell of a different story. So Louis deprived himself that sensuality, that pleasure and that must have been extremely taxing on him, too, imho.
4) The actual proof that they both need and want that, and desperately, is something we get to see in the aftermath of the "fight", and the "hate sex", namely the evidence that both Lestat and Louis went and bit the other, respectively, when agitated/aroused/desperate. They want that intimacy, both of them. Badly.
I think the whole "Louis not saying I love you" probably weighed next to nothing during their happy years, when Lestat could read it in the blood during sex.
When that dropped away though the doubts came back, because Lestat is incredibly insecure at his core, especially in regards to Louis' love.
And the rest... is history.
And when they are finally happy and on equal footing at the court, finally almost similar in strength - then...
Louis knew what I couldn’t confide, and he was respectful of it, and comforting and patient.
... they are sharing blood again, regularly.
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Larry Ezekiel Goodman Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Larry Ezekiel Goodman Nicknames: Darkheart, Larebear Age: 21; Can Change Birthday: February 27th Sign: Pisces Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic Polygamous; Nonsexual unless introduced to sex by outside source (then highly sexual) Hair: Naturally Brown, dyes tips blue Eyes: Dodger Blue Skin: Pale White Height: 5′0″ Weight: 110 lbs Faceclaim: Gerhard Freidl Piercings: Horizontal Brow Piercings (Left Side), Angel Bites, Labret, Both Ears Gauged (Size 0g) Tattoos: None Scars: Nothing real noticeable
Alignment: Lawful Good Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, Aetheist Allegiance: South Park Vampire Society, Mike Makowski, Ryan Ellis
Family: Zachary Fetter (Father, Alive, Out Of The Picture); Mariah Goodman (Mother, Alive); Martin “Big M” Goodman (Uncle, Alive); Mary Goodman (Grandmother, Deceased); Ezekiel Goodman (Grandfather, Alive)
Pets: Lestat (White German Shepherd)
Personality: Adaptable, anxious, artistic, attention-seeking, caring, compassionate, compliant, desires an escape of reality, emotionally intelligent, empathetic, extroverted, forgiving, friendly, generous, gentle, gullible, impulsive, intuitive, loyal, overly trusting, passive, patient, protective, prudish, responsible, self deprecating, selfless, sensitive, shy, submissive, sullen, tolerant, worrisome
Likes: Sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, the spiritual side of vampirism, comaraderie, his friends, clamato juice, deviled egg potato salad, sweets, animals, helping others, rainy/snowy weather
Dislikes: Confrontation, cruelty of any kind, thinking too much, being criticized, know-it-alls, being taken advantage of, being left out, touching fish, Swedish meatballs, bitter things, plain water, hot weather
Can Do: Drive, make telephone calls, organize events, drop everything when a friend needs him, offer advice, play instruments (Cello, piano, clarinet, a little bit of violin, kazoo), write fiction
Can’t Do: Actually kill things, relax easily, cook, math, abandon his friends, most magic, handle confrontation, get too warm, resist singing to songs he likes/knows
Mental Health Diagnosis:
PTSD: Larry was treated rather poorly up until he started school, often locked out of his mother’s room at night and left with nobody to help him through things but his uncle. His uncle was and still is a drunk piggybacking off of his mother’s paychecks, and Larry suffered a lot of physical and sexual abuse from him. To this day he dislikes being alone with the man.
Dependant Personality Disorder: Larry will pour himself into other things in order to escape his actual reality. Because of this, he takes on the brunt of handling most Vampire Society affairs, including but not limited to booking events and venues, securing timetables and even setting up the occasional bake sale. The busier he can stay, the happier he is.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Flat Feet: Larry has to wear special inserts in his shoes because his feet have no arches in them. It occasionally makes running hard.
Fears: Being forgotten, aliens, being eaten alive, earthquakes
Positive Traits: Loyal, trustworthy, tolerant
Negative Traits: Self-deprecating, anxious, worrisome
Quirks: Listens to such a wide variety of music it’s hard to pinpoint his tastes; Likes peanut butter and cheese sandwiches; Has an interest in all occult/supernatural things but vampires are his number 1
Tends To: Busy himself to the point of forgetting himself; Become nonverbal during conflict; Cling to his dog when scared
History: The timing couldn’t have been worse for Larry to have been a shine in his parents’ eyes. Zach Fetter was content to be the guy Mariah Goodman’s parents couldn’t stand, and she was content to know she was breaking rules, until Larry came into the picture. The minute it turned from rebellion into the possibility of a family, all parties tried to run. Mariah, sadly, was a little stuck. She couldn’t get an abortion, and had to temporarily move back in with her parents until Larry was born. He spent the beginning of his life mostly with his grandparents, while his mother got back on her feet with a job.
When he was three, his uncle was released from prison and his mother moved out of her parents’ house to move in with her brother. The initial idea was for him to get a job and help out, but something always got in the way. He spent a lot of time babysitting Larry, who began to behave differently. Quiet, more sullen, he flinched a lot in the presence of his uncle and refused to talk about it. By kindergarten, he was reluctant to do much on his own, and immediately clung to an older kid by the name of Mike Makowski.
They became fast friends, and Larry was ever loyal to any of Mike’s causes, even if he was a year younger than him. When they became the South Park Vampire Society in fourth grade (fifth for Mike), Larry was a dutiful second in command that spent as much time as he could with his friends. They were all a very close-knit group, and even as they grew and everyone else changed, Larry didn’t see a whole lot of it.
He let himself be so enveloped in his work for his friends, in spending time with them and helping them with problems, that he never thought of much else. Most things that regular teenage boys did escaped him, barring his schoolwork, and he was always probably the least sexual of the vampire kids. Not to say that he didn’t like people that way, or that he didn’t have the thoughts on occasion, but he was always so tired when he got home, and it took a lot to get him to open up about things like that.
Tags List - Personal
Not A Ghost Nor A Demon (Larry) This Is What I Do I Spit On You (Larry’s IC Posts) Stripes Are Always In (Larry’s Closet) A Vampire’s Lair (Larry’s Stuff) I’ve Got A Notion (Larry’s Desires) Fake Fangs And Clamato Juice (Larry’s Aesthetic) The Vampire Lestat (Lestat Tag) Like Fog Lights In The Rain (Larry’s Music) Things Are Different When You’re Dead (Larry Musings) Here It’s December Every Day (Larry Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
We Are But Shepherding Wolves (Larry And Allison Mertz)
The Different Need Us As Well (Larry And Amanda Harrison)
Please No Grieving (Larry And Annie Barlett)
Blondes Have More Fun (Larry And Bebe Stevens)
I Don’t Know Him (Larry And Billy Harris)
Sister In Darkness (Larry And Bloodrayne)
Where Oh Where Has He Gone? (Larry And Bradley Biggle)
It’s The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life (Larry And Butters Stotch)
I Don’t Like Dirt (Larry And Christophe “The Mole” DeLorne)
He’s Cool Enough To Hang Out With Us (Larry And Clyde Donovan)
If He Had Wheels He’d Be A Wagon (Larry And Craig Tucker)
Party Till It’s 666 In The Morning (Larry And Damien Thorn)
Nothing Is Ever Perfect (Larry And David Harrison)
He Rode Cthulhu Like A Pony! (Larry And Eric Cartman)
A Sweet Kid (Larry And Filmore Anderson)
Sharp And Scathing With Shipping Included (Larry And Firkle Smith)
The More The Merrier (Larry And Flora)
Brothers In Vampirism (Larry And Gangsta Vamp)
It’s Not Right To Tell Someone They’re Wrong (Larry And Gary Harrison)
What’s Up Drunkie? (Larry And Gregory)
She Wears A Dress Like A Body Bag Every Day (Larry And Heidi Turner)
Fire Bad! (Larry And Henriette Biggle)
Under Our Wings You Could Flourish (Larry And Ike Broflovski)
Don’t Let The Losers Win (Larry And Jennifer Harrison)Could She Be One Of Us? (Larry And Jenny)
Humor Is The Lifeblood Of Society (Larry And Jimmy Valmer)
One Of Us (Larry And Karen McCormick)
Why Does He Hate Us So Much? (Larry And Kenny McCormick)
Help Yourself To Guns And Ammo (Larry And Kevin McCormick)
Millennials Against Canada (Larry And Kyle Broflovski)
Everyone Is Welcome (Larry And Leslie Meyers)
I Believe (Larry And Mark Harrison)
Anywhere But Scottsdale (Larry And Michael)
They Worry You With All The Talk Of How You’re Not Their Kind (Larry And Mike Makowski
A Little Extra Help (Larry And Mimsy)
Always Scheming (Larry And Nathan)
The Sun It Withers In Comparison (Larry And Nichole Daniels)
Ugh You Spit On Me Larry (Larry And Pete)
He’s Not Like The Others (Larry And Quaid)
Leader Of The Pack (Larry And Red Tucker)
We’re Cool Huh? (Larry And Ryan Ellis)
Not Everyone Is On Our Level (Larry And Sally Bands)
You Poor Guy (Larry And Scott Tenorman)
Dogs Are Life (Larry And Stan Marsh)
Fanastic Wounds (Larry And Timmy Burch)
Is He On The List? (Larry And Token Black)
Tally Marks (Larry And Trent Boyett)
Too Young To Drink Caffeine (Larry And Tweek Tweak)
Class President (Larry And Wendy Testaburger)
Tags List - With X - OC
For What It’s Worth (With Hershy) - @brokenxdelinquentsx
It Was An Honest Mistake (With Nikolai Robins) - @sub-nikolai
Tags List - With X - Crossover
Daddy Daddy Get Me Out Of Here I’m Underground (With Jareth)
A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
Second Best Friend Ever (Larry’s Elementary Verse)
It didn’t take long for Larry to be swept up in Mike Makowski. Someone that was so confident and cool actually paying him attention was the biggest, nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. He would have followed Mike to the ends of the Earth and back, and usually helped retrieve him from Scottsdale, at least by tattling to his parents.
Growing Into Oneself (Larry’s Middle School Verse)
In middle school, being the vice president and treasurer of the Vampire Society became his life. He would make sure that everyone had their tickets for dances and things, that everyone was going to parties or zoo excursions. Mike’s birthdays became a big-ticket item and he did a lot of work with Mike’s stepdad to get the parties to be just right for his best friend.
Workaholic (Larry’s High School Verse)
In high school, Larry got a job as a clerk at the Photo Dojo. If he wasn’t doing that or school work, he was almost always with his friends doing something. If they weren’t together, he was planning things, or taking dictation from Mike. He spent as little time at home as he could leading up to his 18th birthday, and after it he tried to spend even less time there.
We Are The Fortunate All The Time (Larry’s College Verse)
The second Larry graduated high school, he was already out the door. The soonest he could get to his college life and away from his family, the better. Sure, he missed his friends, but they all talked on group chats and Discord, so things were still close. Living outside of Colorado was odd for him, however, hard to really put into place. Outside of his friend group, which apparently sheltered him a lot, he didn’t know how to function.
AU Verses
I Can’t Wait To Show You My Love (Larry’s ABO AU)
Born a male Omega, Larry was always looked down upon by his mother, and his uncle saw him as a target. His grandparents took him in when he started to smell too much like his uncle, and have full custody of him. He lives with them in Middle Park, but still goes to school and hangs out with his friends in South Park.
His Only Fault Was His Trust (Demon!Larry AU)
Larry had never been much of a bad person. In fact, his only real flaw was that he trusted others so thoroughly that whatever they said or told him to do made him dangerous. A loyal friend, he became a majordomo to the royal family of hell when he died.
Creatures Of The Deep (Mer!Larry AU)
Larry is a Demasoni Cichlid, one of the least aggressive of his species. He tries to be a kind of vegetarian, but his species cannot survive without meat for long. He eats fish more than anything, though he goes into a frenzy on occasion. When he’s on land, he loses his ability to speak.
Apprenticed (Larry’s Repo! The Genetic Opera AU)
It started off innocently enough; Larry had been hoping to get some good, interesting work for his stories. Vampires were still a hit, even if it was more organ-themed now-a-days. But working as an apprentice to a Graverobber wasn’t always the easier thing to deal with, especially when squeamish.
Warn Your Warmth To Turn Away (Vampire!Larry AU)
It made sense, at some point, for Larry to obsess over vampires to the point of following ‘real’ ones. When he’d left South Park for college, he never once thought he’d find anyone that fit his aesthetic. Here he was, though, in a club called The Den, a bartender that didn’t realize just what he was getting himself into. Three days into his employment, he found out the dirty underbelly of the city operated there, and that most of them were not human. To keep him from running, he was slowly being poisoned, turned into a vampire that could still provide blood to others until the night of his full shift. Which just so happened to be his twenty-second birthday.
I Don’t Want To Be Team Jacob (Werewolf!Larry AU)
Larry had always loved dogs. He had enjoyed seeing wolves in the forest, thinking of them as vampiric familiars. The one time he stepped over his boundaries and pet an unfamiliar dog, though, turned out to be the worst night of his life. Trying to hide his new side from his friends and relatives was proving to be too hard, to boot.
None At This Time
Open Starters
None At This Time
Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Gerhard Freidl
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Art By Me
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Lestat is Larry’s loyal White German Shepherd. The pair are mostly inseparable, and he will take Lestat with him to occasional Vampire Society meetings. Lestat protects Larry from his uncle, who is the only person that Lestat doesn’t like.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 day
I finally had the chance to watch season 2 of the show and personally I was disappointed overall. I loved season one, I love the books and I wanted to love season two just as much. But I felt they missed out on so much in the second season, from Armands experiments on Claudia, to how they revealed Armand as the mastermind behind Claudias murder, Claudias relationship with Madeline felt glossed over, no reveal that Lestat had been held prisoner by Armand, Louis burning the coven was great but felt lacking, how Daniel gets turned and the reveal that he's not a vampire. Did you enjoy season 2 overall? I hope most people loved it and I liked elements of it. But it felt lacking compared to season 1.
Given that there are already hints by extras, cast and of the writers themselves of scenes that are to be revisited - and that have not been revisited yet - I think it is safe to say that some of what you missed (and which I had expected, too, tbh), will still come.
I mean, the impact from Lestat's POV for certain scenes will be very poignant.
But I... know what you mean. I did enjoy the season, and it more or less went as I expected - details were different, of course, and they crash-coursed the Merrick plot, but they ended with the reveal(s), as anticipated, I just wished it would have been much, much clearer, since it flies over the heads of a lot of people apparently.
And, and I said this before - they returned way, way, wayyyyy closer to the book structure than I had thought they would - which, given them taking from so many other books... felt strange to me. I had not thought that they would actually go through book by book.
I do prefer season 1 over season 2, if only for the fact that it's the family season :), season 2 ends in death and tragedy, and that is what it feels like for the most part, too. I loved that they managed to lift the mood at the end there, though, and Louis challenging the vampires there is iconic.
So... for me....
This show is a puzzle.
And not all of the pieces are on the table yet.
I think we will have to be patient - and likely wait for until after season 5 so we can find the corner pieces :))) - and then we will be able to fully enjoy the artwork they created for us.
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