#1. I have like 3 now 4 wips in a little tab group up that work on while i crochet
hihi :3c
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. I hope you're having an amazing day/night!! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
this is a current ask game going around! -- @milkstore <3
The process of creating art. It could be traditional, a craft, sewing, or writing. It couldn't make any art I would go insane so fast. I have so many projects going on at once. The art keeps me at peace
Music. I love it when there are new album releases and I love going back to older works as well. I'm currently listening to I Care 4 U by Aaliyah. It is a compilation of many of her best songs. But this year I've had SOS by SZA on repeat. I love that album
Seeing my Grandparents in Texas. I don't see them often so it's hard not to be happy around them. Me and my Grandma on my mom's side keep texting each other about yarn and the art projects we do. We are little art gremlins together
Character Design, specifically the fashion within it. I was a Bratz girl growing up and the slogan "Passion for Fashion" hasn't left me. Fashion just tells so much about a character and it is so fun to use it as inspiration in figuring out your own personal style
Gifts. Giving them more than receiving some days. It's so fun giving something handmade or bought with love and seeing a person light up. I've been wanting to make my granddad something crochet for a while and all I could think of for something he could use is some coasters. I made them in his favorite colors and since I show him my work all the time it took a minute till he realized they were for him. He was smiling ear to ear and I'm so glad he liked them
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periperiwinkle · 7 years
Top 5 Adoribull WIPs
just doing my part with helping spread the holiday cheer! see all the WIPs under the cut! and more importantly, ENJOY!!! ilu guys <3
WIP #1: Raincheck
WIP #2: May The Odds
WIP #3: Snowbound
WIP #4: Imekari Mine (OT3)
WIP #5: Glorious Ataashi
 WIP #1: Raincheck
Dorian signaled a passing waiter for the bill, and across the table Krem seemed quiet. Pensive. He bit his lip, and just as Dorian lifted his brow, about to ask what was eating him up, he muttered a curse in Tevene under his breath and fished something out of his bag, which he slapped atop the table.
And there, beneath his splayed palm, was the aforementioned business card.
Dorian supposed he should be honored; an exclusive man such as The Iron Bull wouldn’t accept just anyone to hire his services, as Krem kindly explained to Dorian when he, embarrassed and offended that Krem believed he needed a quick fix-me-up with a hooker, tried to storm out of the bar.
“You’re a good guy, Dorian, I really think so. You take no shit from anyone, you have a good sense of humor, and you really fight for the things and the people that matter. You’re arrogant sometimes, but I’m pretty sure that’s just a mask you wear because, well, Tevinter. I’ve been there, I know how it is.” Dorian was taken aback, mouth hanging open like a fish and cheeks flushed. No one outside his adopted family or Mae had ever spoken of him so kindly. “And Bull may be a sort of fix-me-up, but he’s in no way quick about it. Or cheap. He knows what people need, and he gives it to them. Like... like a professional cuddler, you could say.”
“A professional cuddler.”
“Yeah, but with a lot more dick involved. If that’s your thing, of course.”
Dorian spluttered, feeling the tip of his ears warm up.
“And how would you know?! Have you hired his services, by any chance?”
“Nope. Guy’s my best friend. He saved my life six years back, so we’re pretty close.”
“Oh.” Dorian watched as Krem took a sip of his own beer, and the waiter discreetly stopped by to place their tab on their table. “So, what? You help him get clients?”
“No fucking way. The ‘word to mouth’ is more from client to client. That card is the only card I have on me, and I wasn’t really intending on giving it away. The old doofus gave it to me way back when he got them printed out and told me to keep it ‘just in case’ I met someone he’d probably want to meet. And fuck if he wasn’t right, because I honestly think he wouldn’t mind meeting you.”
So now here is Dorian, nursing just one glass of whiskey instead of the five he previously predicted having. Pondering.
He didn’t ask, because he knows that this isn’t the sort of thing you usually inquire, but he has a feeling he’s going to have to disburse a hefty amount to hire the services of The Iron Bull.
“...and how good is he?” Dorian asked in a hushed whisper, leaning closer to Krem as he was putting his wallet away. Krem lifted a brow and gave just a tiny little grin.
“Don’t take it from me because I never slept with him, but I’ve heard from one of his clients that he is, and I quote, ‘the most amazingly, mind-blowing sex I’ve ever had in my life’.”
And well if that didn’t get a person curious.
It was too late in the evening to call the man anyway. Dorian finished his drink, put the card on his nightstand, undressed and went to sleep.
He could always think about it the next morning.
WIP #2: May The Odds
“I know I need to come back home safe and sound,” he says, “because I promised my Tama. But there are other people here, competing against me, that deserve to live more than I do. And because of that I know I won’t win, not because I can’t, but because I would rather die if it meant they’d live instead.”
The crowd goes quiet. The interviewer goes quiet. Dorian’s jaw’s dropped.
Before anyone else can say anything, Bull gets up from his seat, and wordlessly walks out.
He finds Dorian at the back of the room he’s sitting in, and Dorian leaps to his feet.
“Why did you do that for!? You won’t get any sponsors now!”
He shrugs. “You didn’t exactly win the heart of the sponsors, either.”
Dorian’s speechless, because, well, it’s true. On the screen, the girl from District Eleven, Melody, is talking to the host. She’s visibly shaking, and her eyes are reddish with freshly-shed tears. The host tries to console her, the crowd applauses to cheer her up, and Bull huffs.
“I meant what I said,” Bull whispers, and Dorian slides down the wall and sits next to him. Melody giggles at something the man said, and Dorian wants to puke. They’ve put her in a poofy pink dress, and she’s now excitedly talking about how much she likes it. Bull shakes his head again. “It’s so fucking unfair.”
“It is,” Dorian says, feeling numb. When he looks at Bull, he looks so sad, so... desperate, but also hopeless, it’s heartbreaking. “But if it’s any worth, I think your life is worth as much as anyone else’s.”
Bull doesn’t say anything. He just huffs, loudly, and when Dorian’s pinkie nudges his thigh, he intertwines their fingers together.
WIP #3: Snowbound
He stands in front of the cave’s entrance, takes a deep breath, and brings forth ice. It has never been his strong suit, but he makes do, thinking of Vivienne and her chilly smile and her impeccable control over the air humidity and lower temperatures. From down the floor the snow clambers up, and after a whole minute, Dorian has built a stable wall of ice that covers the entrance of the cave. Simple enough to melt down when they must leave, and effective enough to keep the cave’s temperature stable.
Dorian turns around, brows furrowed. On his makeshift cot on the floor, Bull has awaken; he’s twitching and shifting as if uncomfortable, and his eye is open but unfocused. Dorian rushes to his side, kneeling on the floor, and gently sets his hands over Bull’s chest.
“I’m here, Amatus. Fret not, we’re fine now. We’ll be fine.”
“Fucking... cold.”
“Yes, yes, I know, quite terrible weather we’re having, I agree. We’ll be on our way to Skyhold soon enough, however, and we can soak for a few hours in a nice, warm bath, how does that sound?”
Bull hums. Lifts a massive hand to cup Dorian’s cheek. “Promise?”
Dorian feels his throat closing. He tries not to let it show, and just knows he’s terrible at it. He presses Bull’s hand tight against his cheek and hisses his palm.
“Promise, amatus.”
WIP #4: Imekari Mine (OT3)
When the chargers started pouring into the room, Imekari and Dorian already had some drinks in them - which is to say, they were deliciously tipsy, and both decided to abandon their seats to get the next round of ale to “properly welcome the boys” (Put it on the Inquisitor’s tab, Cabot, Dorian said, and Imekari slapped him, secretly a little jealous of how the Tevinter didn’t slur his words even a little despite being just as drunk as he was), but by the time they’d returned they realized what a bad idea that had been: the chairs they were sitting on were now occupied, one by a smug looking Krem and the other by a highly intimidating looking Grim. The group laughed when both stopped dead on their tracks, eyes going around the tavern and failing miserably in finding free seats, even in nearby tables. Imekari frowned and Dorian huffed in annoyance, setting the extra tankards down on their table.
“Well, I guess it cannot be helped, if you truly do not wiiiish--!” Dorian’s speech was cut short by a hand around his waist - a big, strong hand - that suddenly pulled him down, overflowing the ale he held with the sudden movement and splashing the floor. At first, he expected to meet with the wooden boards, placing a hand behind himself to cushion his fall, but instead his palm met with hard muscle and warm flesh. Bull’s flesh.
“And where’d you think you were going, big guy?” Bull asked, holding the mage by the hip and pulling him against his chest, Dorian blushing scarlet as he half-heartedly struggled, the red tint on his cheeks noticeable even by the dim light of the tavern.
“I beg your pardon...! This is mostly undignified! Adaar, will you please stop staring? You are absolutely not helping!”
The chargers were all laughing at this point, keeping the teasing to a minimum in gratitude for the free ale, and Imekari giggled at the sight of Dorian squirming atop Bull’s knee, shuffling around but otherwise looking like he was more fighting with himself rather than Bull, torn between getting up to spare himself of further shame or allowing the qunari to manhandle him - in public, and right in front of his lover nonetheless. Imekari tried to think of how to make the situation better, how to tell Dorian he didn’t actually have to get up if he didn’t really want to, when Bull looked up, catching the Inquisitor’s eyes and patting his free leg with a challenging upturn of his lips. A rush of an almost sudden coal-hot blush ran up his neck and covered his cheeks, his heart beating fast - almost painfully so - behind his ribcage, like a swarm of birds hitting against his chest. He pinched his lips tightly, eyes quickly darting between the two men as he thought on his next move, not for the first or the last time caught off guard, nervous but feeling bold at the same time.
Slowly, he tightened his grip on the cup on his hand and took a step forward, reasoning that he very well couldn't refuse Bull at this point, could he? It would be rude, he told himself, and even if through his mildly drunken haze he knew the words were more of an excuse than anything else he decided not to dwell on it. At least for the moment.
Around Bull’s chair he went, settling on the qunari’s opposite leg, much to Dorian’s shock, whose jaw dropped open quite comically. The chargers hollered and cheered, whistling at the three of them, and Bull wrapped both hands around the waists of the men filling his lap, the most satisfying smile on his drink-flushed face and a deliciously low laugh escaping his throat. Imekari took a sip of his ale, suddenly wishing more than anything that it was water instead, and Dorian grunted, crossing his legs and arms loosely and pointedly pretending not to look at or pay attention to the rock hard pectorals that he was pulled flush against.
Imekari giggled nervously, a doofy grin practically etched onto his face at this point, and for a second he considered teasing the Tevinter about it, only he was just as embarrassed as the man was, if not more, so he settled on offering Bull a sip of his tankard since he couldn’t get a hold of his own (“Got your hands full, eh chief?” Krem quipped lightly, making Dalish holler with laughter and Stitches choke and go into a coughing fit), and not think about how the qunari looked afterwards, licking the froth off his lips as he thanked him, or how Dorian widened his eyes and bit his lip at Imekari, or how when he looked at Grim the man raised his own drink in acknowledgement, laced with a smug grin that spoke louder than anything else in the tavern.
And right then Imekari knew - he was doomed.
WIP #5: Glorious Ataashi
“Very good, child,” He says, letting the smoke curl up and out from his lips with each word he speaks, tongue licking his lips and fangs, and oh, Bull’s reaction is everything he wished and hoped for, and more. The man jumps back a few inches once he sees Dorian, sitting up on the bed and scrambling away on his elbows, but not a second later he freezes in place, eye widening even further as he takes it all in, as he watches the smoke coming off of Dorian's mouth, the tail trailing behind him, the black horns half hidden by his hair. Fear is replaced by shock as Bull’s jaw drops and he shamelessly gawks, his erection swelling and growing in size at an alarming speed as he eyes Dorian’s member - obviously looking nothing like his own - only partially hidden under the transparent silk. He tightens his grip on the sheets and his whole body shakes with a shiver that’s followed by a high-pitched exhale, like he’s speechless, but unsure if with fear or arousal. Dorian counts to five, and takes a step closer; he thinks of his role for the evening, and suddenly he knows just what to say.
“Look at you, hulking mass of a man, descendant of the elder gods. Ataashii, or so does your people call us - glorious ones. I do believe it to be most fitting, in a way. But if we are glorious, then you, too, are the sons and daughters and children of glorious gods and creatures, and merit just the same reverence as our people do.”
Bull says nothing still, fingers tightening on the sheets as he takes in each of Dorian’s words like they’re water and he’s a parched man in the middle of the desert. Dorian approaches the bed as he speaks, walking around it in an almost predatory stance, and he jerks his arm forward forward to cradle Bull’s chin and push his jaw up, closing his lips up with a clack. Bull jumps, not expecting the sudden movement, and Dorian tightens his fingers so his talons will dig into the flesh of his jaw, just slightly.
“You okay, my dearest?”
It seems to take a while for Bull to realize the question is not only aimed at him, but that a vocal answer is very much expected. “Shit, yes, yeah, I’m... Dorian...” he breathes out in a husky voice, wonder, amazement, arousal, all dripping from his tone like honey from an overflowing hive, and Dorian chuckles darkly, waving his head as he lets his hand drop, claws grazing sweetly against stubble. Bull shivers.
“You may call me that if you wish, but tonight, Dorian isn’t exactly here.” He then climbs onto the bed, pushing Bull’s knees down and kneeling over one leg, smile sharp as his tongue traces the fake teeth again, before letting fire flow out and lick the tip of Bull’s nose. “How scandalous, is it not?”
“Ataashii,” Bull tries again, and that gets a smile out of Dorian.
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” he whispers as he leans in, and kisses Bull.
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kjsimmill · 5 years
Someone in a group I am part of asked me for some tips on using Twitter for novices. Now, I am the first to admit that I am a long way from being an expert, however, I am more than happy to share what I know and have learnt. So in this article I will cover
Finding followers
How to Retweet
What to Tweet
How often to tweet
Common Hashtags for authors
and some Useful Tool
Once you have a Twitter account set up you’re going to want to start following some people, I find following people I share interests with help, as well as those I am in groups with. I am by no means an expert, but this is what worked for me.
Finding followers:
Start by typing your interest in the search bar with a # in front of it. For this example, I will use #authors, but look for people who enjoy your hobbies, your genre, etc
This brings up posts with this hashtag
Ignoring any accounts that show at the top scroll down, if any tweets catch your eye, retweet and follow them, often Authors will follow back.
To follow someone:
If using the above step you find someone you want to follow, hover over their name to open the profile
Click the follow button, this will then turn blue and say following. (PS I don’t know this person it is just who came up during my screenshot for the example)
The way is after doing the hashtag search click on the people tag. This displays all the people with the hashtag you searched for, read their profile and follow anyone you like
How to retweet:
Retweeting is one of the most important things when trying to establish an account, it shows people the kind of things you like, and if you share content they like they are more likely to follow you. By retweeting others, you make the page not all about you, but about others too. This is important in social media. The general guidelines, based on my digital marketing course are as follows, don’t worry about these too much, it is just to show what kind of balance you eventually want to aim for:
Posting tactics:
In my digital marketing course, the following Tweet strategies were recommended as best practises.
5-3-2 – 5 pieces of content from other people, three of yours, two personal status updates – this works best for people and small businesses
5-5-5 – 5 updates about you and content, 5 about other people, 5 responses to other people’s posts – these posts should add value and be relevant to you, your hobbies, or the market
4-1-1 – 4 posts from other people, 1 retweet for every 1 self-promoting update
Rule of thrids – a third of you, a third of others, and a third on personal interactions
  How to retweet a post:
Using the search function find a post you think will enhance your feed and be of interest to your followers. Again I will use #authors as an example. Here I recommend instead of using the default page that comes up, you select the ‘latest’ tab. Scroll down until you find one you like.
For this example I will select the retweet button
When you click this the option to RT will come up. You can either just retweet, or rt with your own comment
Once it is done the rt button turns green. The number by it is how many times a post has been retweeted.
Retweeting your followers
Being engaged and retweeting your followers is really important. The tweets of the people you follow are displayed on the Home page
Using the same process above, scroll down to find the ones you want to retweet, and select the retweet button
What to Tweet
Content is all important. It is better it send out 4 or 5 tweets your audience will be interested in, than 50 they won’t. There is a fine line here, as you want to use it to promote your book.
Posts with pictures, according to my digital marketing course, get around 80% more engagement than those with text alone. So where possible include a relevant picture, gif, or in the case of authors, a book link often pulls an image from Amazon.
When promoting your own work, I find best practice is to offer pictures with teasers.
Another well-received option is to use quotes from your reviews, and short elevator pitches.
Think of a Tweet like a pick-up line, you want to entice and tease your reader, gain their interest so they want to know more.
However, it is not all about your book. You need to be personal, reveal and share snippets of your day. If you’ve written something you love or hate, tweet about it. Seen something which inspires you, made something you’re proud of? Take a picture, share it. The goal is to connect with your audience, let them see you, and your work.
How to Send a Tweet
Start by pressing the Tweet button
If you have some text highlighted in red when you write a tweet, this means it is over the character limit.
You can always find a way to save space if needed by changing things a little
Once your tweet is written, double-check it for typos and press the Tweet button.
  How often to Tweet
The average lifespan of a Tweet is 17 minutes, after which, unless people have RTed or looked for it specifically then it is finished. This is because of the constant scrolling timelines. According to Internet Live Stats, every second around 6000 tweets are sent. However, despite their short lifespan this doesn’t mean you should be sending out something every 17 minutes. Here it is important to focus on quality over quantity. Before posting anything make sure it will add value to your customers.
If you don’t log into your account within six months, Twitter may shut it down.
What Hashtags to use
The author community has so many hashtags it is hard to keep track. The rules are simple.
First, make sure they are relevant, don’t use #nonfiction if your book is #fiction
Secondly, check what is trending. If you can, you want to turn a trending hashtag into a marketing push, some people call this trend hijacking. Trending hashtags are displayed on the left side of your Twitter.
Here, since my book donates to charity, I could utilise the current trending #internationaldayofcharity and highlight the donating aspect of my book in a promo tweet.
In this instance, you’ll also see I opted to link to the charity rather than the book. It is a day of charity after all, if someone is interested in my book, they can always check my profile, however, I want to promote the DMWS here.
Always be tactful and tactful when using trending hashtags
Common hashtags for authors
Books and Reading
#amReading #Bibliophile #bookreview #Books #BookWorm #GreatReads #MustRead #WhatToRead #bookswelove #FridayReads #TeaserTues #IlikebigBooks #recommendedreads #Weekendreads #whattoreadnext #WriterWednesday or #WW
Genre, examples
#ChickLit #classicbooks #contemporaryYA #cookbooks #crime #DarkFantasy #dystopian #EpicFantasy #erotica #Espionage #fanfic #Fantasy #fiction #graphicnovels #HeroicFantasy #histfic #Horror #indie #LBGT #LitFic #LitRPG #Love #MagicandWizardy #manga #mystery #nonfiction #paranormal #PictureBooks #Romance #SciFI or #SYFY #Suspense #SwordandSorcery #Thriller #UrbanFantasy #WomensFiction #yabooks
#99c #AuthorRT #BookGiveaway #BookMarketing #Authorfollowback (not popular anymore) #FreeReads #FreeBook #NewRelease
Publishing platform
#Apple #Amazon #eBook #BookBuzz #eReaders #KDP #Kindle #KindleBargain #Kobo #Nook #SmashWords #KindleUnlimited #FreeonKU
Useful Hashtags
#Bookboost (any tweet tagged with this gets a rt from Bookboost) #IARTG (Indie author RT group) #ASMSG (Authors’ Social Media Support Group) Writing Process
#AmWriting #AmEditing #CopyWriting #Creativity #Editing #IndieAuthor #WIP #WordCount #Author #Writing #WritingAdvice #WriteMotivation #WritingTips #WritersLife #WritingCommunity
Useful tools
  https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/ – Free
Use to schedule tweets. Type your Tweet in the box, select date and time, and repeat with different dates for repeating tweets.
https://www.socialoomph.com – Free with limited features, or $15 a month to create a queue
https://www.vicconsult.com/buffered-bulk-tweets/ – great for text only tweet scheduleing – $5 a month, must keep adding content, so keep a notepad with the tweets on to copy and paste in. When I last used this it was still restricted to 180 characters
https://ifttt.com/twitter – Free – Great for finding and posting content you enjoy
https://ifttt.com/applets/SMvaxczG-if-hashtag-then-retweet-it is a great one to use if you often retweet specific hashtag, but be sure to keep the -RT in the hashtag line. There are so many, that you can opt to rt things from places like NASA, or simply say thank you every time someone follows you
When Tweeting the idea is to keep your audience entertained, give them insight into you, your work, your interests, while also engaging with them. It is not all about selling your book, it is about adding value to their day, be it a smile, a book teaser, or just something personal they may relate or be inspired by. Try to keep a balance between your things and everyone else’s. RT followers, RT things that interest you, doing this shows people what you like, and shared hobbies and passions help them to relate to you and form an online relationship.
As I said above, I am a long way from being an expert on social media, however, I hope you have found some of these tips useful. This is my Twitter strategy, based on things I have learnt in the digital marketing, associates degree I have just completed, as you get a feel for it you will develop your own best practices. If you have some tips you’d like to share, please feel free to comment below. I would love to know what works for you.
I hope to see you here again.
Article by K.J. Simmill (KS the Dreamer)
Since I still have your attention, and this is a marketing post, it must be time for some shameless self-promotion – check out my award-winning books here, and have a great week x
How to Twitter, and Hashtags for authors #TwitterTips #AmWriting #IARTG #howtoTwitter #DigitalMarketing #authors Someone in a group I am part of asked me for some tips on using Twitter for novices.
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