#10 years between rereads and still as brain rotted as ever I think I should read it one more time maybe
rowanisawriter · 25 days
thinking about art kinda hurts sometimes. lol. i have to think about it sideways. i have to walk along the borders of it and another thought in my head
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salaapaoo · 7 months
it's been a while since i've been on here!! I've been p busy w school >< but i got tagged !! by @fanfiction-artist-prototype for 20 questions!! 1. how many works do you have on ao3? I have 16! but a bunch of wips hidden in my docs hehe 2. what's your total ao3 word count?
144,014!! I feel proud bc it's been,,, almost a year since i started?? I haven't really had time to write lately though :<
3. what fandoms do you write for? hmm... only lcf so far, but i wanted to write for sss class revival hunter !! but i need to catch up and brain rot harder!!!
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
young master, you dumb bitch
puppy teeth
in the comfort of death
death's little reaper
teeny tiny trouble
5. do you respond to comments? why/why not?
I usually do!! I feel kind of bad tho bc I see comments and then tell myself that i'd just respond later, but then forget.... hhh i will respond to them eventually ;;
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hm.. there's only a few that are done... so i guess i'll say what i think will have the angstiest once i'm done?? I think it might be between mr forgettable, witcher's calamity, or comfort of death???
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhm.... i feel like a lot of mine don't really have happy endings??? hhh
8. do you get hate on fics?
no ! i'm really happy with that! i feel like the fandom is really nice tho heh
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? :] yes,,, uh theres.. some out there
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one?
i don't write crossovers hhh mostly because i would worry about trying to keep even more charas in character ;; brain too rotten w lcf
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of ??
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! i had one translated into russian!! that reminds me,, i should probably add a link to that to the summary or smth ghksjhg
13. have you ever co-written a fic?
hmmm officially on ao3, no, but i would consider a lot of my fics cowritten w my friends because would end up brainrotting together so hard that it would end up mostly written!! so if i end up writing it, i usually end up dedicating it to them or smth
14. what's your all time fave ship?
hmmm,,, im not too picky??? i usually like eating them all
15. whats a wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
hmm... im a bit worried about finishing comfort of death ?? i want to finish them all!! but for comfort of death i'm a bit worried because i know how i want it to end but the in between hhhh uughgggh having to connect it ughghghg we're still far out!!
16. what are your writing strengths?
my friend said that my writing felt nostalgic and like heheh that makes me feel proud!! smth abt how i desc scenes, so i think that's a thing i'm really proud of !!
17. writing weaknesses?
i think the fact that i don't like rereading is a big weakness because i'll read it again after a long ass time and then see so many errors!! I think i have a lot of run on sentences, too!!
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? i don't think i'm too confident on writing dialogue in another language!! I would probably just put it in italics and say its being done hhh or if i do, then i'd want it checked by someone who speaks it
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. fav fic you've ever written?
mmmm that's hard... but i think i'm really attached to like, teeny tiny trouble or maybe witcher's calamity? theres a few hidden ones that i'm actually really attached to !! i hope to have more time to write soon!!
@vveirdnobdy uuh,,, idk who to tag??? whoever wants to join?
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
Reunion - DAY 4
Pairing: none. Just Snape
Word Count: 1,828
Rating: E for Everyone
Plot:  After years of not speaking to them, he visits his parents.
Warnings: none
A/N: Day four! My own challenging prompt for October again! HAPPY SPOOKTOBER! :D
Posted: 10/4/20
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Severus looked at the letter in his hands and reread the address, turning up to analyze the decrepit state of the house before him. There was tall grass all over the lawn, weeds growing between the stone slabs of the walkway, ivy growing up the rotting fence in spirals; it was depressing. He’d thought, when he received notice that his father had transferred their Spinner’s End house over to his name, that they’d done so because they finally had the opportunity to take all their saved up money and moved into a new house far away from him.
This house looked worse than the state of their old – now his – home. This run down shed was far from the city of Cokeworth, hidden deep in Muggle society where no one could have found them. His tired brain couldn’t fully comprehend how worth it had been for them to leave him behind without a note or trace in order to live in a moldy shoebox like this.
Severus pulled up his hood against the autumn wind and stuff the letter in his pocket. He stepped over the fence – broken to ankle height – and made his way down to the door, kicking through spider webs weaved between the tall fescue. He pulled his hood down as he reached the door and knocked cautiously. The letter was in his mother’s writing asking him to come at once, and he didn’t know if his father was around – or if he even lived.
The door opened and his mother – shorter than he remembered with long white hair the texture of straw – opened the door. She still had that sullen look about her, with drooping eyelids that seemed so harshly uncaring.
Severus opened his mouth to speak – Does she recognize me? – but she quickly turned, leaving the door open for him to close on his own. He stepped through and looked around. Newspapers littered the floor, falling off stacks by the walls. It wasn’t just Muggle papers, but Wizarding ones as well. He raised a brow. Father must be dead then, however the coughing in a different room told him otherwise.
He looked up and saw his mother, thin and frail, waiting for him across a small living room. He shut the door and that’s when it hit him. What’s that smell? It reeked inside the house. It smelled of decaying animals, by the dozens. He stepped into the living room and almost retched, feeling the carpet sink an inch under his weight. There was slime oozing out of the fibers, staining his shoes. Foul.
“Wh – ” he couldn’t bring himself to say a single word. This was all too much. He hasn’t seen his parents in eleven years, has lived in his childhood home alone, unaware if they were alive or dead, and he finally gets a letter asking him over and they live here? Look at the state of things!
“Think the house’s infested,” she said tartly.
He plugged his nose with his fingers and spoke nasally. “With what?”
She looked around and pulled back a box of empty bottles and cans with the toe of her shoe. A slimy green, eight-eyed sludge creature scurried away under a hole in the wall. Severus gagged and stared at the old woman before him. She shouldn’t look so old, and yet her skin sagged with wrinkles, outlining her unpleased eyes. “Bundimums. An infestation.”
“Why have you asked me here?” Severus backed away from her. “I haven’t seen you since I left for my seventh year of Hogwarts and you finally contact to – what – ask me to help you with a pest problem? Y-you don’t think I deserved – at the very least – some sort of note from you? You think one letter from the bank detailing the transfer of your house to me was enough?” Severus let go of his nose and gagged at the smell. He pinched it again and shut his eyes, trying his hardest not to cry.
“You left us, Severus,” she spoke quickly, as if it were a waste of breath. “We didn’t give you that house until you were twenty-one. Until we saw who you were involved with.” She shook her head in disappointment.
He scoffed. “You thought I’d come looking for you? Thought I’d come to kill you? I should have! After what you – and especially what HE put me through! You never cared when I left! You didn’t even try to owl me!” Tears seared hot on his skin. “If you’d known me at all you’d’ve known you were perfectly safe in that house!”
“Well I thought I did know y’better. I thought I’d taught y’better than to join that Muggle-hating cult.” She looked around again, pulling strands of white hair behind her ear. “But go if y’want. I won’t hold you here. Not like a’ever could.”
He hands balled into fists but he didn’t move. Her words stung more than they ever had before. He felt like a disappointment all over again. But she’d wrong. She taught me nothing but hate. I taught myself to fight against it. He breathed out calmly, fixing his composure. “Where’s Da?” For a second he wasn’t sure what to call him, ‘father’ or what he always did as a child. The accent he had now – taught to him by Lucius and other like him, rich and upper class – didn’t allow for the easy pronunciation. They always preferred to say ‘father’.
He nodded and looked into the hallway. There was an open door with a bit of light shining out. “H… How is he? …I heard him cough.”
“Sick. With something. Doesn’ want t’go see a doctor.” She moved more boxes and stomped the life out of a bundimum, breathing heavy with age. She wiped her soles on the wet carpet and turned to him. “D’you want tea?”
“No.” Severus shook his head and moved more boxes, following the scampering slimes to their nest with his eyes. “They’re in the walls. It must be too crowded. They’re starting to spill out and over take the floors.” He dropped a box over a slime and winced as it splashed onto his trousers. “I’ll be ‘round tomorrow with… Bloody hell, I don’t know. Something. Goodbye.”
She opened the door for him and he gasped for fresh air as he exited the house. He shook his head and walked around the corner and ducked behind some bushes to apparate away.
~ * ~ * ~
He came back the next day with buckets of halophyte powder he’d gotten at discount in the apothecary. He knocked on the door and this time it was his father that had answered. He was hunched over and held pill bottles in his hands. His hair was cut short and a balding spot shone plainly on the crown of his head.
He no longer towered over him with muscles and bulging veins. He looked weak as well, and a little confused to be seeing him. “What’re you doin’? Why’re you here?”
Severus rolled his eyes and pushed the door open, watching his father shuffle out of the way. “Where’s Mam?”
His father wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brows. “Out in ‘er devil garden.” He moved into the kitchen and took down a glass, filling it with tap water.
At least the water looks clean. Severus followed him in, curious to see him so indifferent to his presence. He set down the heavy buckets. “How long has,” – he looked around at the dripping slime oozing from the walls, “… this been going on for?”
His father shrugged, gulping down several thumb nail-sized pills. “Few years?”
Severus gripped the counter. “Years?” He left his father and headed out the back door to the small garden of firethorns that his mother was tending to. “Your house has been infested with bundimums for years?”
She wiped her hands on her patched apron and nodded, looking up at him.
“Why? You’re a witch! You could have taken care of this yourself years ago!” He looked into her eyes and found something about them had changed, or, something in him had. He’d always feared his father, but his mother especially. He feared the possibility that she didn’t love him, or care for him. But in that instant he didn’t see a scared boy reflected in her dark eyes. He saw himself annoyed at her stupidity. She had always been a fool. He just hadn’t realized it before.
He turned on his heels and headed back inside. His father was still in the kitchen, struggling with his pills, trying not to tremble as he carefully tilted the bottle. Severus sighed and gritted his teeth as he reached for the bottle.
“You give that back!” His father gripped Severus’ collar but was too weak to shake him properly.
“Which ones do you need?” was all he said to his father’s act of aggression.
His father let go and made a large circle with his fingers reluctantly. “The big ones.”
Severus tipped the bottle enough to stick a slender finger in and pull out one of the large pills from the back. He handed it to his father and helped him with the glass of water as well and when he was ready to put the lid on the bottle he did that for him also.
Severus picked up the buckets and got to work on the house, pouring it along the walls and into vents. He made holes in the walls and poured the powder inside, hearing the bubbling sizzles of the sludge creatures as they died.
It took two days to get the whole house done, and only an hour to clean out the house with a few spells invented for the very purpose of bundimum messes. On the last day he repaired the holes in the walls with ‘reparo’ when his father wasn’t looking. The house was decent and all they needed to do was air out the place.
He grabbed his coat from their hanger by the door and called out to his parents. “I’ll be passing by weekly. If you need anything send me a letter.” They didn’t respond but he knew they both heard him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes to himself, knowing if they truly didn’t want his presence, they’d’ve done more than just complain under their breaths.
He closed the door and apparated behind the house again.
~ * ~ * ~
He reached the Hogwarts gate and locked it up, glaring at the few students who eyed the gate mischievously. He walked up the lawn and nearly slipped on some mud at the entrance. He steadied himself and looked up to see Minerva at the stairs on her way to dinner.
“How was your visit?”
Severus joined her. “It was… better.” Something deep in his heart mended, and he felt more whole.
Minerva gave him a warm smile and led them to the high table.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Day 4 Prompt: Swarms + bundimum (green many-eyed sludge-like pest known to infest houses; recognized by a foul smell of decay)
General Taglist:
@severuslovebot @bionic-otp
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