#100-Man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru
animedogoftheday · 2 years
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Today’s anime dog of the day is:
A Kobold from I’m Standing on a Million Lives (2020)
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tellmybodyidied · 1 year
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arbitrarygreay · 1 month
I'm Standing on 1M Lives (anime)
This is a story that looks like what the Narou-kei Isekai genre could actually be. It's a story that could not exist in another form. The video-game isekai elements are a critical part of making the story possible. What it does is allow the modern perspective to interact with the medieval fantasy world, but without needing to spend too many logistics on why the people from the modern day don't have to worry about the survival or societal integration issues of a regular portal fantasy story. This changes the kind of story that can be told, and 100-man knows that. I was really surprised to find that the source material is manga rather than light novels, because it reminded me of Grancrest, the way that it feels like the author is operating from a creative influence base composed of a lot more literature than animanga. The video-game elements never challenge the power scaling too much. All of Yusuke's munchkinning can't break the mission. Rather, the leveling and job elements operate as mostly mini-puzzle flavor spice, allowing the author some "get out of corner free" latitude to focus on the themes they actually care about. A major one is that the protagonists from the modern day come in with genre-savvy awareness that are reinforced by being inserted as video game heroes, but that mindest dashes up against the part where the world is not actually a confined narrative, but always moving on outside of what they see. 100-man also has the distinction of having writing more like Hunter x Hunter, where the resolution of plotting is never "more dakka", but letting the world-building determine the turns of the narrative. And this is because of the above, where one of the primary themes of the story is that fantasy worlds are not actually clean confined narratives. Everyone is still just living with the incentives of their environment. The author also very notably breaks from Narou conventions by having a true ensemble cast who aren't just database archetype manifestations. Which as of season 2's second arc, includes an out adult queer woman! Who gets shit done! What a pleasant surprise that character was.
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immoren · 3 months
Continuing emptying my "planning" list on anilist and I'm not sure if I ever had connection to cast of "I'm Standing on a Million Lives" and still S2E1 managed to hit me in the feels with "bitter-sweet reunion after decades& what-could-have-beens" cliches
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goldenfirefox · 6 months
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Just stop already.
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heronetworkgg · 10 months
La actriz de voz Risa Kubota anuncia su retiro de la industria
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La reconocida actriz de voz Risa Kubota ha anunciado su retiro de la industria a través de su cuenta oficial de Twitter. En una emotiva publicación escrita a mano, Kubota expresó sus sentimientos encontrados sobre esta decisión, pero finalmente ha optado por dar un paso atrás en su carrera. Agradeció a sus fans por todo […]
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otakween · 6 months
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I'm Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 15
I'm impressed that this series has made it this far. Literally no one talks about it, but there are much dumber things being published, so I guess it deserves its spot. It's definitely a mixed bag of highs and lows, but I'm mostly enjoying the ride. Still have no clue how many volumes there's going to be. No end in sight yet.
Ch. 70
Iu is goin badass mode and I'm loving it. Kinda giving Joan of Arc vibes.
The disconnect between Iu casually chopping off someone's fingers in one panel and then freaking out because she killed someone in the next was pretty wacky. Like...girl...what did you think was going to happen? Either way, I guess she got over the shock pretty quick because by the end of the chapter she's just slaughtering everyone lol.
It's kind of surprising that it took the characters this long to be worshipped for their immortality/resurrection ability. Then again, I guess living long isn't as rare in this world since there are sorcerers and dragon bishops and what not.
Ch. 71
This chapter was 100% fantasy politics. It was a struggle reading through all those silly made up names, but there were some interesting nuggets here and there.
We're jumping from one hot button to the next, first was human trafficking as seen in...many places, and next was attacks on journalistic freedom which the characters compare to recent events in Hong Kong.
I hope they give the new girl more to do than be a genki background character. She's on the cover after all! I will say her singing Immigrant Song was pretty hilarious. Certified Shrek moment.
It's kinda funny how this world/game uses community service as its goal. It's not like a twisted death game where you have to kill the other players you just have to...contribute to society lol. I guess that's what makes it interesting because the challenges take a lot more brain/strategy than a death game or RPG-style game might.
Ch. 72
Eh, this chapter was kinda messy. Overall I enjoyed it, but why did they have to bring in a damn awkward narrator every two seconds!? The mangaka does this occasionally and it drives me nuts. This story does not need a narrator and it definitely doesn't need one spelling out exactly what's going on to the reader! It took me out of the story every time. :(
I did like Iu's internal struggle and her analysis of the tricky spot she's been put in. As I've said before, this mangaka is skilled at explaining difficult concepts (politics, sociology, war strategy etc.)
Thank God they sent Glen to help Iu and not Yusuke. This way it's a child asking an adult for help and not a "dumb" woman needing a man. Also, Iu needed Glen because she's emotionally intelligent (unlike Yusuke) and was good at calming her down and validating her choice.
Ch. 73
Okay, I kinda struggled to stay awake reading this one, it was a pretty boring info dump about the politics of the area Yusuke's in and how neither side is great.
Changing someone's entire political trajectory with one song? What is this, an idol anime!? (That scene was stupid lol)
The concept of force feeding someone monster meat to turn them into a berserker is pretty chilling. Fantasy human trafficking is even more brutal than irl trafficking I guess.
I continue to really dislike the made up names of this world. In this chapter it was the Sotaga vs. the Faida. IDK why but they just don't sound like real names to me, my brain rejects them. (IDK what magic makes some made up names sound good and others sound like you threw Scrabble letters at the wall...)
Ch. 74
This chapter was all about berserkers and how they relate to all of the ongoing storylines. I find this kind of fantasy slavery pretty interesting. Instead of IRL slavery where slaves were/are used for work, they're transformed into mindless weapons. Very dark, but I could see this kind of exploitation happening if monsters were real.
Of course the main big bad, president dude is wearing a turban...as this whole arc is a thinly veiled reference to extremists in the middle east. (Just feels weird to make this fantasy world so similar to the real world).
Some pretty brutal kills in this chapter, especially Ling getting curb stomped. I do enjoy that most of the gore is stake-less so it can get extreme like that. (Well I say "gore" but the player character deaths are actually bloodless).
Damn, dat fanservice at the end there. Overall this series hasn't been that fanservicey so it feels a little weird when it's tossed in like that. The art was decent, so I ain't mad.
The over-the-top evil all around (including Yotsuya's sociopathy) is a little eye-roll worthy. Verging into cringey edgy territory a bit.
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littleeyesofpallas · 19 days
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100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru[100万の命の上に俺は立っている]
aka I'M STANDING ON 1,000,000 LIVES
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anm-blog · 1 year
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evor20 · 3 years
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thecrazyanimegirl · 3 years
Fall anime 2020
And wow, it’s the last season of 2020! May the new year be a lot better, not just anime related!
{ Winter ‘18 }  { Spring ‘18 }  { Summer ‘18 }  { Fall ‘18 }  { Winter ‘19 } { Spring ‘19 }  { Summer ‘19 }  { Fall ‘19 }  { Winter ‘20 }  { Spring ‘20 } { Summer ‘20 }
Alongside the continuations and new seasons like fire force, danmachi,  mahouka koukou no rettousei, golden kamuy and so, these are the new shows that we started:
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 
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It is pretty typical isekai anime, just that it has twist and they can go back to their world every time they do a quest. I could see potential in characters and their development, but they aren’t kind of characters I would care about or watch something with meh plot for. Maybe they are building up for something cool, but for now, it was kind of boring for me.
Akudama Drive 
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Overwhelmingly cool show about criminals in a dystopian future world. There is not much to say about the story without spoiling other than being so unnecessary cool that I loved it an unnatural amount! The characters, the setting, the action scenes, the animation and conversations, everything is just so aesthetic! I looked forward to it every week! Gonna miss them a lot. Just beware of a lot of violence and blood scenes (even though they are mostly censored).
By the Grace of the Gods 
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A really soft isekai with a boy who tames slimes. This is that one (at least) show of the season where you can just turn off your brain, watch some cuteness and forget about everything. It comes with no strings attached, you can drop it halfway and not think twice about it, it won’t make you feel bad in any way, just happiness and rainbows, and sometimes that’s what I need.
Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- Rhyme Anima 
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Women rule the world and pretty boys rap to assert dominance. That’s it, that’s the premise and if you think that ridiculous, yes, it truly is haha If you want to have a laugh, listen to some rapping (can’t say much about the quality of it, but I enjoyed it immensely, good va’s!), go watch it. The plot quality is debatable to say the least, but it’s not really an anime about the story, rather about the 12+ guys and their friendships and rivals and well... rap.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park 
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Although a little bit on the improbable side to happen IRL, Ikebukuro WGP showcases multiple situations where we dive behind the back of many realistic happenings in bigger cities. There is always some company in conflict with another thinking solving it in their way is the best possible choice, not taking into consideration what happens to the little people bearing their consequences. It is of course up to the “good mafia” guys to solve it. If you are reading the Webtoon Weak Hero and are in search for some more realistic gang divisions, then feel free to give this anime a try. It has a pretty lovable and crafty MC minus the high-school setting.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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Ohh my where to start xD yes, you are looking at the fan favorite anime of this season and there is no doubt about it having that title. I can go on and try to convince everyone saying it has the perfect animation, soundtrack, appearance of the characters and so on but to truly experience it, you will have to watch it. Character development is on the slower track but it is understandable since it is obvious that the series will be a “long distance runner”. What impressed me the most is the perfect balance of humor and tragedy, so if you are one to typically enjoy shonen anime, give it definitely a try through the 3 episodes rule!
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 
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A girl got isekai’d in a game and now finds friends and people she cares about. Oh and she’s in a bear suit. This was one of those shows I watched for relaxation. There are no bad emotions coming from it and you can just relax, watch something that doesn’t need you to turn on your brain and try to be happy. If you are looking for something serious, you won’t really find it here.
Majo no Tabitabi 
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A witch that travels the world, visiting many cities and meeting a lot of people, hearing their stories and moving on. Not action packed, but has things happening throughout the eps. I thought it would be another happy show, but it turned to be quite dark in some episodes. Most episodes have their separate story with minimal connection to the previous ones and some are heartwarming and some are downright grim. Overall, the plot is interesting and the MCs development and way of thinking is interesting too! 
Maoujou de Oyasumi
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I KNEW this one is gonna be good when I first read the description of the manga in the bookstore 2 years ago xD What you see above is a small princess who wishes nothing more than a good sleep and a bunch of demons who decided to capture her. It becomes clear early on that she isn’t your typical prisoner as she sets out on quests to find stuff to make her rest more comfortable and NOTHING is gonna stand in her way. Your time watching this anime will be filled with heartfelt laughter and love for the all the characters. Yes, some people might be triggered by her actions and personality but I do believe since I (as a person who prefers to watch shonen) am impressed with it, a great number of people will like it.
Munou na Nana
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I really love this anime. MC is an antagonist, pretty much an antihero, but she was made to believe that she is the hero. She is very smart, so anything she plots end up interesting. This show always keeps me on the end of my seat. And it’s a great combination of everyone has supernatural abilities + high school setting, but with a darker twist to it. It’s one of my favorites this season! 
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I read the webtoon and I am fan of it, so I am really happy to see Noblesse became an anime! Characters are really awesome and plot is action packed. I’m sure you won’t regret watching it! The humor, the lore and the action is very well balanced and it’s just a good story. If you feel like you really like the anime, but something is missing and you have some time, the webtoon is amazing! Of course, they actually did the anime quite well, but some jokes or additional train of thought that goes in the characters head cannot be all transferred into the animation. Oh and - watch Noblesse: Awakening before this! That’s like the crash course of the first arc of the story.
Taiso Samurai 
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A MAPPA anime about a japanese gymnast on the verge of retirement, his daughter and a ninja they adopted! That about covers it! It’s a soft and heartwarming story that really leaves a good feeling after watching it. The characters are lovable and the drama side of the story levels out with humor pretty well, without glossing over stuff too much. I can’t say much about the sports aspect since I don’t know much, but it was worth the watch even though it isn’t the most amazing action-packed anime ever. But it was a solid story, good charas and was just soft.
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun
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One and a half minute of a lady with a cat and a dog being incredibly relatable.
Yuukoku no Moriarty
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Ah yes, I’m a sucker for every possible variation of sherlock homes, so it’s no wonder how much I enjoyed this. It’s centered about Moriarty, but Sherlock has his time in the later half of the show. The animation is just so beautiful, I loved the stories and mysteries and the way they handled Moriarty as a character. Also a good mixture of mystery, people being hideous creatures, main characters being pretty af and humor. I should continue to the manga now.
Dropped: MAGATSU WAHRHEIT, The Day I Became a God   
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animebw · 3 years
Short Reflection: Summer 2021 Anime
Let’s be honest, Summer 2021 was a break that anime fans desperately needed. Winter and Spring were so stuffed to the gills with fantastic shows, it was impossible to keep up with them all. Anime has been overwhelmingly good lately, to the point it’s almost too much of a good thing. The pressure to keep up with everything worth watching in the past couple seasons means it’s almost certain a few worthwhile shows slipped through the cracks because there just wasn’t enough time. So it’s a bit of a relief that Summer has turned out to be such a low-ebb season. Thank god I only have to worry about a few shows that are worth checking out! Thank god so much of this season has been disappointing and can easily be cast off to the dustbins of history! After how incredible Winter and Spring were, we needed a season that was just plain mediocre to decompress. So sit back, relax, and let me walk you through the few anime this season that are worth a look.
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That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Season 2 Part 2: 3.5/10
At this point, it’s time to admit that the slime show is dead on its feet. Whatever spark of life it once had back when it started is gone, and it’s never coming back. The characters are flat and boring, the politics are hackneyed and overwrought, and it keeps pretending to have stakes only to solve everything instantly with half-baked bullshit. It’s honestly baffling how averse this show is to the idea of dramatic tension, how regularly it undermines every last attempt to make you think that something, anything, might pose the smallest challenge to Rimuru’s OP isekai protagonist self-insert masturbation powers. At least when Legend of the Galactic Heroes spent six straight episodes on political discussions, you knew there were actually gonna be meaningful conseqeunces when the bullets finally started flying. And at least those politics were more complex than a fifth-graders idea of “cool fantasy worldbuilding” shoved down your throat in a single indigestible chunk. The only reason I rate the second part of this season higher than the first is because of Veldora, who is easily the show’s most entertaining character by a country mile. Every time he’s on screen is a moment worth celebrating in this otherwise brain-dead piece of lavishly produced pig slop.
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The Case Study of Vanitas: 4.5/10
Is it just me, or is anime on a steampunk vampire kick lately? Last season gave us Mars Red and Joran, and now we’ve got this tale of Parisian bloodsuckers fighting cursed beings, based on a manga from the author of the similarly Victorian campfest Pandora Hearts. Unfortunately, while Bones’ lavish production values are a step far above Xebec’s dismal treatment of that latter show, The Case Study of Vanitas only exacerbates its predecessor’s flaws. It moves way too slowly, the world feels underbaked, and it can’t quite find the sweet spot between goofy camp and high melodrama it’s so clearly shooting for. And whatever charms can be found amidst its deliciously gothic set design and action scenes, they’re quickly swamped by one of the most distasteful protagonists I’ve seen in recent memory. Say what you want about Pandora Hearts, at least it doesn’t have a prominent subplot where the main character repeatedly assaults a woman to somehow make her fall in love with him. Jeanne deserves so much better than this crap.
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My Next Life as a Villainess Season 2: 4.5/10
What happens to a story when it outlives its premise and keeps going anyway? Is it able to continue justifying its existence, or does it lose the spark that made it special in the first place? In the case of Villainess Season 2, sadly, the results are far from promising. Now that we’ve “cleared” the game and wrapped up Catarina trying to avoid her characters’ doom flags, the story has lost all sense of direction. It aimlessly wanders from one slice-of-life scenario to the next, repeating several beats from season 1 along the way and coming up with few new ideas of its own. And that might be acceptable if this were a show with a truly iconic cast who are just fun to watch hang out and shoot the shit. Unfortunately, without the plot’s tension backing them up, it quickly becomes clear that most of Catarina’s harem is just kind of... bland and boring. There’s nowhere near enough personality and chemistry between them to sustain a show without an overarching plot to drive them. And that causes some serious issues when this season finally tries to bring some romantic progression to the table, resulting in a series of confessions and kisses that are more creepy and uncomfortable than enjoyably saucy. I really don’t want to be this down on a genuine bisexual harem. but outside of a few lovely moments scattered throughout this season- episode 8, in particular, might be the show’s best episode of all- I don’t know if it’s got any gas left in the tank.
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I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2: 5/10
Is there anything more frustrating than a show that’s almost good? I’m Standing on a Million Lives took me by surprise last year as one of the few modern isekai to genuinely excite me, with smart writing and clever twists on the expected formula. Its characters were strong, its worldbuilding was engaging, and the protagonist’s arc toward self-improvement felt like a rebuttal of all the many misanthropic power fantasies saturating the market. By all rights, this show should’ve been hailed as an exemplar of the genre, maybe not Re:Zero tier but pretty damn respected all the same. Unfortunately, there was one small problem, a problem this season exacerbates even further: the anime adaptation is ass. Not only is the animation itself barely competent at the best of times, the seams where the story’s been cut for time are so visible that even I, having not read the source material, can tell where things are being rushed. Barely an episode goes by without at least one stupid, badly executed moment that pulls you out of the experience, and this season’s arcs were particularly littered with dumb contrivances. If only this property had been given to a studio with the talent and resources to bring it to life, this could have been something truly special. But no, pandering garbage like Shield Hero and Mushoku Tensei get lavish budgets and huge marketing pushes while actually entertaining, challenging isekai are left to beg for crumbs. And people wonder why this genre is so fucking broken.
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Magia Record Season 2: 5/10
At this point, I’ve made peace with Magia Record. It’s nowhere near as good as the original Madoka, and it was probably never going to be even if the adaptation wasn’t such an obvious hack job. What it does have in its favor, though, is some of the most jaw-dropping action sakuga in the entire franchise. Season 1 looked pretty decent in its own right, but with season 2′s reduced episode count and increasingly battle-heavy plot, there’s at least one animation cut in every episode that absolutely knocked my socks off. Some of them are even a match for Rebellion’s movie budget! Couple that with the plot finally kicking into overdrive, the plodding slog of a narrative giving way to propulsive forward momentum, welcome returns from every member of the OG cast, and some of the first genuinely affecting character beats this anime’s managed to hit- seriously, Tsuruno gets more character in the final episode of this season than she did in the entirety of season 1- and Magia Record managed to actually excite me this time around. It’s still hampered by the bloated worldbuilding and underwritten arcs from the first season, but it’s a step up in every conceivable way, and I’ll be damned if I’m not looking forward to seeing how this all ends. Maybe the final season will go a step further and manage to be overall good!
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The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace: 6/10
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace is what you get when you take your standard-issue dumb shonen battle manga and stick it in a seinen magazine. It’s a Dragonball Z-style meathead punch-em-up where immortal beings beat the snot out of monstrous demons with crazy superpowers, only with way more blood, the gruesomeness amped up to Takashi Miike levels, everybody having sex, and edgy rape and pedophilia jokes. In other words, it’s trash. But it’s surprisingly entertaining trash, provided you can overlook how terribly it treats its female characters (because good lord, this show loves treating assault as tittilation). There’s some genuinely cool worldbuilding behind the seemingly simple gods vs demons concept, the plot progresses in unexpected ways that keep you unsure what’s gonna happen next, and Mappa’s fantastic production brings it all to life with an almost Jojo-esque flair. Plus, something about taking your standard anime violent slapstick and amping it up to R-rated levels of carnage really does make for a fantastic running joke. I certainly can’t recommend this show to everyone- seriously, if you are at all squeamish about rape or pedophilia being depicted badly in media, stay the fuck away- but there’s enough treasure buried in this trash that I’m glad I watched it.
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Re-Main: 6.5/10
At first glance, Re-Main looks like your standard-issue pretty boys sports anime, water polo addition. Start watching it, though, and you very quickly realize that... wel, yes, it’s a standard-issue pretty boys sports anime, but it’s also filtered through a Jun Maeda-esque lens of surprisingly grounded melodrama. The main character, Minato, has suffered a head injury that’s made him forgot the past three years; he doesn’t remember playing water polo or any of the friends and teammates he played with. And the show takes the time to portray the reality of that amnesia, showing him slowly re-learn what his life has become and consider what path he wants to follow now. Even as it turns its attention to hitting all the typical sports anime beats- building a new team, teaching the amateurs the ropes, giving every central character a motivation and struggle related to playing water polo- it keeps finding new and interesting story beats to hit with Minato’s amnesia. There’s a massive turning point about halfway through the show that’s so audacious it really shouldn’t work, but god damn if Re-Main didn’t actually pull it off. On top of that, the writing is crisp, the characters are fun, and it know exactly how to hit all the tropes you expect from the genre. Sure, there’s shamefully little actual water polo in this water polo anime, but as a fun-sized snack to pass the time with a few genuine surprises up its sleeve, it was well worth a watch.
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To Your Eternity: 6.5/10
It’s nothing short of agonizing what happened with To Your Eternity. Its first episode was about as perfect as premieres get, flawlessly setting the stage for an emotionally devastating tale of an immortal being’s journey to self-actualization through loss and love. But from that stellar starting point, it just gradually got worse with every arc. The story grew more bloated, the characters grew less interesting, and the slow march of its tearjerking moments started to feel more pointless than moving. And it all comes crashing down in the final arc, seven straight episodes of terrible writing and even worse production values that drive To Your Eternity into a fucking ditch. It is baffling how bad this series gets in its back half, to the point that incredible first episode barely feels like the same show anymore. Thankfully, its final episode is also incredible; in fact, it may well be the show’s strongest, most emotionally powerful episode yet. So at the very least, I remain hopeful that season 2 can continue that upward trajectory and restore what made To Your Eternity so special to begin with. If it can’t, though, then this show’s fall from grace will be a far greater tragedy than anything within its fiction.
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Kageki Shoujo: 6.5/10
The biggest problem with Kageki Shoujo is that it’s a show split in two. The manga it’s based on originally started publication in a seinen magazine, but finished that run and switched over to a shoujo magazine after less than twenty chapters. And you can feel that shift even if you haven’t read the manga, because this show’s first five episodes are radically different from the tone and focus it eventually ends up taking. Yes, they’re still about a Takarazuka-inspired theater school and the young girls attending it with dreams of becoming the top star, but they also dive headfirst into a whole mess of thorny social issues like stalking, pedophilia, eating disorders, and predatory idol culture. It’s a powerful fucking start, marrying hilarious character antics with gut-wrenching Serious Topics(tm) in a way that would make Mari Okada proud. And then it reaches the end of its initial seinen run, and it almost instantly abandons those more weighty topics in favor of becoming a more straightforward theater school show. Still a good theater school show, but nowhere near as electrifying as that opening stretch. I still highly recommend Kageki Shoujo; it’s got some damn fantastic direction, and the odd-couple chemistry between its two leads is endlessly delightful. Just don’t expect it to maintain the power of those first few episodes as it goes on.
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Fena Pirate Princess (Incomplete): 7/10?
If you asked me when Fena first started airing, I would’ve called it a shoe-in for one of the season’s best anime. A grand sense of adventure on the high seas, a lush production that hasn’t wavered a bit across its run, some of the best damn animated slapstick I’ve ever seen, and a story about freaking pirate ninjas? How could this not be one of the most ridiculously fun anime of the year? Now, though... I’m not so sure. It hasn’t lost any of its endearingly corny charms, but the longer it goes on, the more I’m frustrated with how it treats its titular protagonist. Fena is introduced as a spunky go-getter who’s constantly fighting impossible odds to pursue her dreams, even when she gets in over her head. She’s an instantly lovable heroine, the kind of ditzy-yet-undaunted wunderkind who brightens every scene just by existing in it. So it’s frustrating to see the story continuously strip her of more and more agency, turning her from a self-motivated character to a destined Chosen One who gets dragged around by the plot more than she actively engages in it. All she’s gotten to do lately is be told exposition about how special she is, get captured, get pushed around by other characters, and scream for her male love interest to save her. She’s barely an active agent in her own story anymore! I hope the show’s final stretch finally gives her cool shit to do again, because there’s so much to love about Fena Pirate Princess, and I’d hate for such a black mark to mar its charms.
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Sonny Boy: 7.5/10
So, I don’t get Sonny Boy. I’m not sure it’s possible to get Sonny Boy. And yet, I’m pretty sure I love it regardless? Sitting at the stylistic intersection of Yuasa, Ikuhara, and Serial Experiments Lain, this show is a surreal, at times nigh-incomprehensible dreamscape journey, following a group of middle school students who one day get whisked away from their world and set adrift through a series of parallel universes, each with their own increasingly byzantine rules. It’s hard to pin down exactly what it’s saying, but it’s definitely saying something, and the philosophical puzzle it presents for the audience to unravel makes for one of the most engaging anime-watching experiences I’ve had in a long time. I have never seen another show this dedicated to capturing the feeling of being lost in a transient dream. I have never seen writing so good at capturing intensely specific feelings while simultaneously being completely open to interpretation. I have never seen animation put to such experimental, abstract use in storytelling, submerging and synthesizing so many different thematic concepts through visuals alone. Shingo Natsume has created a true art-house masterpiece here, and I can’t wait to see what new projects he’ll cook up next. Until then, though, you deserve to check out Sonny Boy for yourself. I can’t promise you’ll understand it, but I expect you’ll end up thinking about it for many years to come.
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The Aquatope on White Sand (1st Cour): 8.5/10
I shouldn’t be surprised by how good Aquatope ended up being. It’s made by the same creative team behind 2018′s criminally underrated Iroduku, the show that set a new gold standard for portrayals of magical realism in anime. And yet, this tale of two girls working at an Okinawa aquarium on the verge of closing is even better than I expected. It’s a tender, gut-wrenching tale of facing down the end of a lifelong dream, how to move on when life diverts from the path you thought you were walking and you suddenly have to build yourself up from scratch again. As someone who’s currently struggling with paralysis in getting my own future goals up and moving, the fight to keep Gama Gama Aquarium alive struck me on a level I was in no way prepared for, and it all builds to a climax that left me sobbing on the floor. Add to that a cast full of endearing characters and a typically lush, lived-in production from PA Works, and you have the recipe for a true slice-of-life masterpiece. The first cours alone could’ve been the entire show and it would still be a triumph; the fact that the story gets to continue after what seemed like a natural stopping point only makes me all the more excited. How will this story’s second half expand on the first half’s fantastic foundation? When will the hinted-at magical realism elements finally step into the spotlight? Is it ever gonna grow the balls to let Fuuka and Kukuru actually be gay for each other? Eh, probably not that last one, but Aquatope is fantastic enough that even without explicit yuri, it’s still far and away the best anime of summer 2021. If it’s slipped under your radar, check it out now; I promise, you won’t regret it.
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gurikajis · 3 years
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njotaku · 3 years
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The only good thing about this anime so far...
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immoren · 3 months
I remember S1 of "Standing on a million lives" being always on level of "going through the motions" level on interest while I watched it and somehow S2 made me invested enough that lack of animation quality started to piss me off
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goldenfirefox · 11 months
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Friendship with umbrella over, raincoat is my best friend now.
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