#iu shindou
njotaku · 3 years
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The only good thing about this anime so far...
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liliumsmangacaps · 4 years
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ilimitadoworld-r · 3 years
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tetrix-anime · 4 years
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100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru - Episode 11 Preview
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bianca-dark-wolf · 4 years
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100-𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓷𝓸 𝓘𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓱𝓲 𝓷𝓸 𝓤𝓮 𝓷𝓲 𝓞𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓪 𝓣𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓲𝓻𝓾
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nhkamira · 4 years
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru (100万の命の上に俺は立っている) - Review
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First review of the season is 100-man!
Brief: Yusuke Yotsuya is a lonely boy who doesn’t care much about the world that surrounds him. He prefers this way, simply enjoying playing games at home. One day he and other classmates Iu Shindo, Kusue Hakozaki Yuka Tokitate are send to another world were they became the heroes of such world. A new set of quest starts for them, in a world they believe is a virtual reality.
Well this one was kind of interesting, at first seems quite simple. We have the mc that’s more skillful than the other crew members, he’s kind of self center and behaves like the world is just a simple game. The rest of the members aren’t a big deal, one is a shy and unskillful girl (Kusue), the other is popular and nice (Iu) and then we have an otaku with a weird but kind of strong personality (Yuka).
Their adventures at first were okay, like not that interesting, but every time they achieve a quest and ask a question to the game master it became more intense. I liked how things turned during their last quest, even though was weird though, the best part was when they learned that the world they were in was not a virtual thing but just another world with real people and creatures.
The plot and characters development during this season weren’t a big deal. Animation was good, full of colors but there wasn’t anything marvelous about it, fighting moments weren’t that memorable. CGI was a bit annoying I don’t know why it takes life any seriousness of the moment. Music is average.
I think it was okay to watched, ending was more interesting that the rest of the series but hopefully season 2 that is already announced would be better. Still don’t know if I’m going to watch that.
Final score: 6.5/10
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themysteryerotica · 4 years
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I'm standing on 1,000,000 lives s1 ep3 locker room
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animegadaisukiidesu · 4 years
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 356 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 対AFO白熱‼︎ たいオール・フォー・ワンはくねつ‼︎ tai OORU FOO WAN hakunetsu!! Versus All For One--incandescence!!
1 ツクヨミ! TSUKUYOMI! "Tsukuyomi!"
2 黒影 ダークシャドウ! DAAKU SHADOU! “Dark Shadow!”
tagline 2 No.356 敵について 堀越耕平 ナンバー356 てきについて ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 356 teki ni tsuite  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 356 Regarding the Enemy  Kohei Horikoshi
3 大チャンスだよ!んじゃまた後で! だいチャンスだよ!んじゃまたあとで! dai CHANSU da yo! ‘nja mata ato de! “It’s [your] big chance! See you in a bit!”
4 ホークスの力では致命の一撃には届いていない…! ホークスのパワーではちめいのいちげきにはとどいていない…! HOOKUSU no PAWAA de wa chimei no ichigeki ni wa todoite inai...! “With Hawks’ power, we haven’t reached a deadly blow...!”
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1 深淵 ブラック BURAKKU Black
2 暗躯 アンク ANKU Ankh
3 終焉 ラグナロク RAGUNAROKU Ragnarok
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1 「儚」!!! 「ぼう」!!! 「bou」!!! "Ephemeral!!!"
2 "時間稼ぎ"だと思ってたんでしょ "じかんかせぎ"だとおもってたんでしょ “jikan kasegi” da to omottetandesho “You were thinking we were buying time, weren’t you?”
3 羽虫って実際けっこーー煩わしいスよね はむしってじっさいけっこーーわずらわしいスよね hamushi tte jissai kekko---wazurawashii SU yo ne “Gnats are actually---pretty annoying, you know?”
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1 今のは避けなければならない攻撃だ いまのはよけなければならないこうげきだ ima no wa yokenakereba naranai kougeki da “Now I have to avoid this attack.”
2 認識が遅れる にんしきがおくれる ninshiki ga okureru “My recognition is delayed.”
3 感覚機能のほとんどを失ってから かんかくきのうのほとんどをうしなってから kankaku kinou no hotondo wo ushinatte kara “Because I’ve lost most of my sensory functions,”
4 振動や赤外線…いくつもの感知"個性"を手に入れ しんどうやせきがいせん…いくつものかんち"こせい"をてにいれ shindou ya sekigaisen...ikutsumo no kanchi “kosei” wo te ni ire “those such as vibrations and infrared light...I got my hands on multiple sensing quirks.”
5 僕の認識能力は人のツレよりも遥かに高い ぼくのにんしきのうりょくはひとのツレよりもはるかにたかい boku no ninshiki nouryoku wa hito no TSURE yori mo haruka ni takai “My perception ability is much higher than that of a human.”
6 あの小娘の未成熟な"音"だけでは何ら支障は無いのだ原因はーーー あのこむすめのみせいじゅくな"おと"だけではなんらししょうはないのだげんいんはーーー ano komusume no miseijuku “oto” dake de wa nanra shishou wa nai no da gen’in wa--- “That little girl’s juvenile ‘sound’ by itself is no real hindrance. The cause is---”
7 "個性"たちの "こせい"たちの “kosei”-tachi no “My quirks’“
8 叛逆! はんぎゃく! hangyaku! “rebellion!”
9 こんな事は初めてだ「複製品」ゆえの脆弱性だというのか「僕の力」に比べて こんなことははじめてだ「ふくせいひん」ゆえのぜいじゃくせいだというのか「オリジナル」にくらべて konna koto wa hajimete da 「fukuseihin」 yue no zeijakusei da to iu no ka 「ORIJINARU (kanji: boku no chikara)」 ni kurabete “This is the first time something like this [has happened]. Is this a vulnerability due to their being replicas? Compared to the original (read as: ‘my power’)”
10 権力が弱い‼︎ けんりょくがよわい‼︎ kenryoku ga yowai!! “my influence/power/authority is weak!!”
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1 先刻まではなんとか虚を突くだけで致命傷を入れられなかったが せんこくまではなんとかきょをつくだけでちめいしょうをいれられなかったが senkoku made wa nan toka kyo wo tsuku dake de chimeishou wo irerarenakatta ga “Until the last minute, I managed to only poke cracks and couldn’t deliver a fatal injury.”
2 今なら いまなら ima nara “But now”
3 一閃 いっせん issen "in one flash"
4 殺 ころ koro- "I’ll kill-"
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1 浅ましい‼︎ あさましい‼︎ asamashii!! "Shameful!!"
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1 ーーー…!
2 まったく…‼︎ mattaku...!! “Jeez...!!”
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1 その執濃さが そのしっこさが sono shikkosa ga "That obsession,"
2 君を歪めたのだろうに‼︎ きみをゆがめたのだろうに‼︎ kimi wo yugameta no darou ni!! "that’s likely what distorted you!!"
3 エンデヴァー‼︎ ENDEVAA!! "Endeavor!!"
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1 更に弱くなった さらによわくなった sara ni yowaku natta "You became beyond weak." (Note: "Sara ni" or "beyond" is the first half of the Plus Ultra school motto when translated into Japanese.)
2 立場と たちばと tachiba to “Your standpoint and”
3 償いと つぐないと tsugunai to “atonement and”
4 過ちと あやまちと ayamachi to “mistakes and”
5 責任が せきにんが sekinin ga “responsibility.”
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1 おまえの生来の弱さを曝き出し おまえのせいらいのよわさをあばきだし omae no seirai no yowasa wo abaki dashi “You exposed your innate weaknesses”
2 見るに堪えない愚図へと引きずり下ろした みるにたえないぐずへとひきずりおろした miru ni taenai guzu e to hikizuri oroshita “and were dragged down into an unsightly, hesitant dullard.”
3 超人にはなれないんだよ炎司は ちょうじんにはなれないんだよおまえは choujin ni wa narenainda yo omae (read as: Enji) wa “You can’t become a superhuman, Enji.”
4 原点を思い出せ げんてんをおもいだせ genten wo omoi dase “Remember your origin.”
5 敵が てきが teki ga "The enemy"
6 何だったのかを なんだったのかを nan datta no ka wo "what was it, [I wondered.]"
7 悪漢から少女を救おうとし あっかんからしょうじょをすくおうとし akkan kara shoujo wo sukuou to shi "He tried to save the girl from a villain."
8 結果少女もろとも肉塊と化した父を けっかしょうじょもろともにくかいとかしたちちを kekka shoujo moro tomo nikukai to ka shita chichi wo "As a result, along with the girl, the father had turned into a lump of meat..." (Edit: I believe there is sufficient evidence now to change this sentence to “As a result, along with the girl, my father had turned into a lump of meat...”)
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1-2 真の超人への羨望と僻みを しんのちょうじんへのせんぼうとひがみを shin no choujin he no senbou to higami wo "My envy and inferiority complex toward a true superhuman..."
3 "努力"と名乗る "エンデヴァー"となのる "ENDEVAA (kanji: doryoku)" to nanoru "I call myself 'Endeavor' (read as: 'effort')."
4 卑屈な性根を ひくつなしょうねを hikutsu na shoune wo "My servile nature..."
5-6 誇示していなければ保てぬ程度の醜い心を こじしていなければたもてぬていどのみにくいこころを kojishite inakereba tamotenu teido no minikui kokoro wo "The extent to which I sustain my ugly heart if I'm not showing off..."
7 そう sou "Yes."
8 おまえはオールマイトにもデクにもなれない omae wa OORU MAITO ni mo DEKU ni mo narenai "You cannot become All Might or Deku,"
9 炎司はいつも自分の弱さとしか戦ってなかったから おれはいつもじぶんのよわさとしかたたかってなかったから ore (read as: Enji) wa itsumo jibun no yowasa to shika tatakattenakatta kara "because I (read as: Enji) was always fighting with nothing but my own weaknesses."
10 だから dakara "Therefore,"
11 生まれ変わろうなんて考えるな うまれかわろうなんてかんがえるな umare kawarou nante kangaeruna "don't think of being reborn."
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1 "己の弱さ"を呪い続けろ "てき"をのろいつづけろ “teki (kanji: onore no yowasa)” wo noroi tsudzukero “Continue cursing the enemy (read as: your weaknesses).”
2 唯一 ゆいいつ yuiitsu “That”
3 それだけが sore dake ga “is the only thing”
4 おまえを生かしてきただから おまえをいかしてきただから omae wo ikashite kita dakara "that has kept you alive."
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1 そうだ…俺は…しつこい…‼︎ そうだ…おれは…しつこい…‼︎ sou da...ore wa...shitsukoi...!! "That's right...I am...persistent...!!"
2 だから…この先生涯… だから…このさきしょうがい… dakara...kono saki shougai... "That's why...[my] life from here on..."
3 「よくやった」と自分をなぐさめるような日は来ない…! 「よくやった」とじぶんをなぐさめるようなひはこない…! 「yoku yatta」 to jibun wo nagusameru you na hi wa konai...! “No day will come when I can comfort myself by saying, ‘Well done’...!”
4-5 この戦いを終わらせるのが このたたかいをおわらせるのが kono tatakai wo owaraseru no ga "Ending this battle,”
tagline 豪炎ー…その生き様を見よ ごうえんー…そのいきざまをみよ gouen--...sono ikizama wo miyo A gorgeous flame--...look at that way of life
6 俺の使命だ おれのしめいだ ore no shimei da “that is my mission.”
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setoruwu · 3 years
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru
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新堂 衣宇Iu Shindou
                          ╰►ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ɪᴛ
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newhologram · 2 years
Summer - CY8ER lyrics and translation
ᵁˢᵘᵃˡ ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ: ᴵ’ᵐ ᵃ ᴶᴾ ˢᵗᵘᵈᵉⁿᵗ, ⁿᵒᵗ ᶠˡᵘᵉⁿᵗ, ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ˡᵉᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ. ᴵ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗʳʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵒ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃˡ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᶦᵗ ᶜᵃⁿ ᶠᵉᵉˡ ˢᵗᵃˡᵉ. ᴵᵗ’ˢ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ᶦᵐᵖᵒʳᵗᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵖʳᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵉᵉˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃ ᵇᵒʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵈᶦʳᵉᶜᵗ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ. Just using summertime as an excuse to translate another CY8ER song. ;p This one was a struggle at first. I'm still getting used to their lyric style (this is another one written by Yunomi). There were lots of long verses and phrases I hadn't heard before. As always, I'm drawn so much to the verses written for Mashilo and Yamiyume Yamii.
Preview here Fansub here Gifsets will be in my gifs tag More translations Like my J-Pop translations? Donate to my ko-fi or become a Patron. Translation, romaji, and kana below
I want to hold onto the wish that I'll have you someday Like caressing a crack in the heart No, no, no
Even if I get used to the nights without you Somehow you make me flutter around the world
Summer, you should head on home Looks like you're still slurring your words Your little nose is like a powdered strawberry pancake
Chilling in the back of the club, your younger brother's blowin' bubbles Go change out of your nosebleed-stained clothes I'll see you again in your dreams
If you come here again, bring your white Les Paul And let me hear a bad song in E Major that echoes all over the world
Summer, you say, "ba-bop-balap" with bright red eyes like a rabbit
2 cups, 5 cups in, feels like I'm flyin' high So, that'll be my last cup
Summer, don't you have anything left to sell? I've seen nothin' but the clothes on my back
"He'll show up with a single phone call." "I'll give you all the time you like."
Summer, you're riding a sunken ship, a ghost at the bottom of the sea What kind of loneliness do you carry? What kind of morning will greet us?
A quartet of jellyfish sighs, in a place void of warm light Wrapping around dead fish and kissing their rainbow scales
If you come here again, bring your white Les Paul And let me hear a bad song in E Major that echoes all over the world
I want to hold onto the wish that I'll have you someday Like caressing a crack in the heart No, no, no
Even if I get used to the nights without you Somehow you make me flutter around the world
I want to hold onto the wish that I'll have you someday Like caressing a crack in the heart No, no, no
Even if I get used to the nights without you Somehow I'll flutter around the world in search of you
Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no
itsuka todoku you shoudou zutto daiteitai yo shinzou no hibi wo aibu shiteiru you na No no no
moshi kimi ga inai yoru ni narete mo sekaijuu shindou sasete dou ka
SAMAA, kimi wa mou kaeru yo roretsu mo mawattenai mitai da yo chiisana hana wa kona-mamire no ichigo PANKEEKI no yousou
KURABU no ura ni korogatteru kimi no otouto ga awa fuiteru hanaji-mamire no fuku wo nugasou de, mata yume demo mina yo
moshi mo koko ni mata kaeru nara kimi no shiroi RESU POORU de sa kikasete hoshii na, hetakuso na uta sekaijuu ni hibiku E MEJAA
SAMAA, kimi wa iu "ba, bappu, barappu…" usagi mitai na makkana me de
ni-hai, go-hai, haburi wa ii mitai de, sore ga saigo no ichi mai
SAMAA, urumono wa mou nai n janai? kiteru fuku igai mita koto nai
"denwa hitotsu de kare wa kuru desho" "nannara jikan datte ageru yo"
SAMAA, kimi no noru chinbotsu-sen fukai mizu no soko no yuurei kimi wa donna kodoku wo kakaete donna asa wo mukaeru n darou ne
kurage no tameiki no KARUTETTO atataka na hikari mo nakute shinda sakana wo dakishimete nijiiro no uroko ni KISU wo shite
moshi mo koko ni mata kaeru nara kimi no shiroi RESU POORU de sa kikasete hoshii na, hetakuso na uta sekaijuu ni hibiku E MEJAA
itsuka todoku you shoudou zutto daiteitai yo shinzou no hibi wo aibu shiteiru you na No no no
moshi kimi ga inai yoru ni narete mo sekaijuu shindou sasete dou ka
itsuka todoku you shoudou zutto daiteitai yo shinzou no hibi wo aibu shiteiru you na No no no
moshi kimi ga inai yoru ni narete mo sekaijuu shindou sasete dou ka sagasu yo
Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no
いつか届くよう衝動ずっと抱いていたいよ 心臓のヒビを愛撫しているような No no no
もし君がいない夜に慣れても 世界中振動させてどうかーー
サマー、君はもう帰れよ 呂律も回ってないみたいだよ 小さな鼻は粉まみれの苺パンケーキの様相
クラブの裏に転がってる君の弟が泡吹いてる 鼻血まみれの服を脱がそう で、また夢でも見なよ
もしもここにまた帰るなら 君の白いレスポールでさ 聴かせてほしいな、下手くそな歌 世界中に響くEメジャー
サマー、君は言う 「バ、バップ、バラップ……」 うさぎみたいな真っ赤な目で
2杯、5杯、羽振りはいいみたい で、それが最後の1枚
サマー、売る物はもうないんじゃない? 着てる服以外見たことない
「電話ひとつで彼は来るでしょ」 「なんなら時間だってあげるよ」
サマー、君の乗る沈没船 深い水の底の幽霊 君はどんな孤独を抱えて どんな朝を迎えるんだろうね
クラゲのため息のカルテット あたたかな光もなくて 死んだ魚を抱きしめて 虹色の鱗にキスをして
もしもここにまた帰るなら 君の白いレスポールでさ 聴かせてほしいな、下手くそな歌 世界中に響くEメジャー
いつか届くよう衝動ずっと抱いていたいよ 心臓のヒビを愛撫しているような No no no
もし君がいない夜に慣れても 世界中振動させてどうかーー
いつか届くよう衝動ずっと抱いていたいよ 心臓のヒビを愛撫しているような No no no
もし君がいない夜に慣れても 世界中振動させてどうか探すよ
Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no Oh, no, no, no No, no, no
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liliumsmangacaps · 4 years
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ilimitadoworld-r · 3 years
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tetrix-anime · 4 years
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100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru - Blu-Ray Box Illustrations
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Crunchyroll Announces JUJUTSU KAISEN, Noblesse, and More Fall 2020 Season Dubs!
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  With a brand new season of anime also comes a whole new slate of English dubs for you to enjoy! Today, Crunchyroll is announcing upcoming dubs for JUJUTSU KAISEN, I’m Standing on a Million Lives, TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You, and Noblesse! Check out all the dub premiere dates below, and don’t forget to check out the dub cast for the upcoming Crunchyroll Original series Onyx Equinox, premiering November 21!
  Check out the cast members for the upcoming dubs below! 
  Episode 1 launch: November 20 at 2:00pm PT
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  Yuuji Itadori - Adam McArthur (Marco Diaz in Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
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  Megumi Fushiguro - Robbie Daymond
(Jin Mori in The God of High School, Prompto in Final Fantasy XV)
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  Nobara Kugisaki - Anne Yatco (Hamamoto in Penguin Highway) 
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  Satoru Gojou - Kaiji Tang (Taek Jegal in The God of High School, Joe in MEGALOBOX)
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Ryoumen Sukuna - Ray Chase
(Bruno Bucciarati in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Noctis in Final Fantasy XV)
    I’m Standing on a Million Lives
  Episode 1 launch: November 13 at 3:00am PT
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  Yuusuke Yotsuya - Zeno Robinson
(Ogun Montgomery in Fire Force, Garfiel Tinsel in Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-) 
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    Iu Shindou - Jeannie Tirado
(Female Byleth in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Android 21 in Dragon Ball FighterZ) 
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    Kusue Hakozaki - Valeria Rodriguez (Sucrose in Genshin Impact) 
    TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You
  Episode 1 launch: November 20 at 1:00pm PT
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  Nasa Yuzaki -  Zach Aguilar
(Tanjiro Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Male Byleth in Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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      Tsukasa Tsukuyomi (Tsukasa Yuzaki) - Lauren Landa
(Sailor Neptune in Sailor Moon, Juno in Beastars)
  Episode 1 launch: November 18 at 12:00pm PT
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  Cadis Etrama Di Raizel - Ray Chase
(Bruno Bucciarati in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Noctis in Final Fantasy XV)
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    Frankenstein - Sean Chiplock
(Subaru in Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World, Han Daewi in The God of High School)
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        Kyle Cardine is an Editor for Crunchyroll. You can find his Twitter here.
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nhkamira · 3 years
I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2/100万の命の上に俺は立っている - Review
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Tbh I don't exactly know how or why I watched this. After the first season I ended up curious about how our heroes will save everyone, and I still am, especially since Yotsuya became a more lonely dark character after killing for the first time.
This season felt a bit weird compare to the previous one; a different threat came to the world where our heroes have to fulfill their missions, it was darker many people die during this season, and still, nothing has happened in their real world, it makes me wonder if what they are doing is working or if it is just too early for something to happen, I want to know how they would use all the abilities they got but in their real world. Also new party members during this season, I really liked Keita but Glenda felt unnecessary, I feel like the other girls should get more development as heroes. The animation was not that good, I think it was worst than the first season, but still this season managed to keep me entertain and I will probably watch the third season if it comes out.
Final score: 6/10
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