@11thsshadow t-t-t-two for one timeline deal !!!! (Mirror DarvillKoschei && ElevenTheta)
Koschei had gotten lost from Theta. They had stopped here for fuel so often that it shouldn’t be confusing anymore. But he had lost Theta, which meant he himself got lost in his brief stress. It would be fine, though, because he was being directed by his husband through their psychic link. Trying to describe where he was— albeit, not very well… 
He had cut down a quiet alleyway to try and cut time in finding Theta. Who may have felt his sudden shock at being grabbed at, pulled— and the second that contact was made he tucked away any stray indications of psychic links, putting it all away, essentially hanging up on Theta. As he was pressed to a wall and his head turned up to the source to right them, though… 
That wasn’t Theta. 
Certainly looked like him, though.
But he wasn’t Theta. Wasn’t looking at him remotely close to it. That was the same face, but even briefly it was so different…
What did he have here? 
“H— Hello.” Koschei said cautiously, tilting his head against the brick behind him. Trying not to reveal what he knew all right away. “This… Is a very prolonged mugging, if… That’s what this is.” He said, clearing his throat, eyes wandering over his face to take in what was different. Who he was looking at. Definitely Time Lord. There was no question there. 
“— And I don’t have a wallet, either. So is there… Uh- anything else, or…” he said, feigning casualty as he attempted to tug his hand away, more a test than anything else. 
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longwayaround · 1 year
Not the end of the world, the Doctor told himself as he rushed around the TARDIS, pulling levers and pressing buttons mostly at random, because he had no idea how to stop this and surely it couldn’t make it any worse, could it?
They were falling through space and time, falling through the very fabric of the universe, and who even knew where they would land? A different universe, if they were lucky. The void, if they weren’t. And that was assuming that their fall didn’t tear everything open and collapse the walls between the universes. Where would the multiverse be if that happened?
The TARDIS complained, loudly, engines screaming to anyone who would listen. The Doctor could only yell comforting words and encourage her to keep fighting, to get them back to their own universe, and beg her not to leave them stranded in the void. Anywhere but the void.
* * *
Daleks. Daleks and Cybermen fighting over this universe, and where was he? Dead, surely, if he’d done nothing about any of this.
Earth stood an apocalyptic wasteland. He’d have protected them, at least, if he were still around, would he not? He’d have done something, something clever, and he’d have saved them, or he’d have died trying. He searched a while for his own grave in this broken little planet, waiting for the TARDIS to recharge and having no way off-world until it did.
Interdimensional travel. TARDISes - well, they were designed for it, actually, but not for it to happen like that. The walls between the worlds used to be so much easier to traverse, before.
And now?
Well, now he stood in the middle of a battleground - THE battleground, should his sources be correct - armed with nothing but a sonic screwdriver, an abundance of confidence, and a gift for talking until he thought of an actual plan. Or until something else intervened, whichever happened first.
Just the way he liked it.
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“Well, now, listen here!” he exclaimed from his spot on a bit of high ground that was just barely protected from the crossfire. He’d made sure this was broadcasting on all frequencies, and that seemed to stop the battle on its tracks, at least. Always handy, that. People had a tendency to stop for surprise announcements.
“You’ve been fighting all over the universe, leaving nothing but a wave of destruction wherever you go. Whole galaxies, gone! All for the glory of your empires. Well, this ends here! This is usually the part where I would tell you to scan me, but I have no idea what’s been going on in this universe, so never mind that, I’ll just introduce myself, shall I? I’m the Doctor, I’m a Time Lord, and if you have any information on me, the right reaction would be to be very, very scared.”
starter for @11thsshadow
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artificialdoctor · 1 year
Send “💉💉” to find my muse drugged and tied to a chair after being tortured and missing
It had taken weeks for his captors' attempts at torturing him to stop being pleasurable. They had started on the minor stuff - bloodletting, breaking bones... all things that he'd done to himself before his husband had appeared in his life. Then came the drugs which had initially had no effect in addition to the increasing severity of the torture.
Eventually, it had reached the point where he was so drugged up that he had no sense of what was real and what was just a hallucination caused by pain far beyond anything he'd experienced, going far beyond his limits to the point that he knew that he was barely holding his form together while still being alive. Or was he even alive?
He didn't even know if his agony was real or not. Neither did he know whether he was hallucinating his husband coming to his rescue. Assuming, of course, there was something to rescue besides a nearly formless puddle of gray goo covered in an amalgamation of its own blood and bodily fluids that wasn't its own. Grey eyes rimmed with red eyelids that were redder than usual due to his own tears looked at the figure of the love of its life.
And didn't care if it was a hallucination, real, or just the form that his shattered mind had conjured to make him accept his own death. To go peacefully in that good night.
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Missy licked the corner of her lip, wincing as she drew her lips into a tight smirk and cackled. Blood pooled at the corner of her mouth.
She liked how it tasted.
"You?" She coughed, relieved when no tooth came out. "Why would you help?
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incangencence · 1 year
no questions || @11thsshadow continued from here
Dark didn't think he had an audience, didn't expect anyone to follow him. It made for a bigger clean up than he wanted. Yet here he was a body at his feet, blood dripping from his hands, and someone else was there. The only thing stopping him from doing anything was what she said. He cocked his head to side, studying the stranger closely. "I ask the questions first and I want to know... who the fuck are you?" Dark gripped his fists tightly , not making a move just yet. "Did you follow me here?"
"Shit!" the word slipped out, half a gasp, and Gene stepped back so quickly, her back slammed against the back door of the alley. And of course, it had already locked behind her. Of course there was no way forward but down the long, blood-soaked alleyway, cutting between the buildings to the street beyond.
"Mast-" but even before she could stammer out the name, she knew it wasn't him. The figure rising up before her was too tall, and as he turned to face her, the dim lights of the alley caught his face. Different person. Different killer. Jesus fucking Christ, couldn't she ever keep her mouth shut?
"S-sorry!" She swallowed. Forced down the fear that made the American lilt start to press out her perfected false British, and squared her shoulders, lifting her chin. Her heart pounded mercilessly in her chest, but she tried to remember what The Master had told her time and time again; If you're scared? You're dead. Don't ever let them see your fear.
"Sorry," she repeated, more smoothly, her false accent back and as neatly in place as if it were natural. "Thought you might've been a friend of mine. He's supposed to pick me up. From work." She nodded to the darkened bar behind her. "Usually not before getting himself into a bit of trouble though." She raised an eyebrow at him. "But I've made the offer now, so I suppose it still stands. Or you can let me by, and I'll happily get my hands dirty somewhere else?"
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ofthetardis-a · 1 year
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"Hold on," said the Master, clearly deep in thought. His hands were shaking, biting his lip, as if trying to remember what was on the tip of his tongue. "Who are you? Are you someone I know? I haven't seen your face before..."
@11thsshadow gets a discussed starter with Dhawan!Master
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venusexstillhaven · 1 year
[ X ] Continuation
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This wasn't the warm greeting she was expecting! A pout formed on Nicoledelora's face as she studied the man. For her first travels outside of The Time War, this was hardly the greeting she expected! Weren't others of her kind supposed to help one another? She feared what might happen if she asked for guidance, especially with his negative outlook on life.
"I should?" She blinked, contemplating this new view on life. Humans seemed fond of happily ever after, but maybe it never existed in the first place? Maybe it was like he said, just a lie to help children sleep at night.
"My name? Oh! My name! Right, it's Nicoledelora," she answered with a grin. However, her bright expression quickly shifted to puzzlement. "I, umm, I ran. At least for a little while... But what about you? What's your name? What are you doing all the way out here?"
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iamthemaster · 9 months
@11thsshadow continued from X
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"Oh....this is fantastic! SIMPLY FANTASTIC!" He chuckled, clapping his hands together in excitement. It was like having his old friend back once again, no longer wrapped up in trying to play a hero. He then paused, gathering himself together. "Not the mind-breaking part, just...having an old friend again. So, what fun adventures have you been up to?"
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ofenchantedechoes · 1 year
~ Starter for @11thsshadow ~
Clara had just finished closing up the diner—why yes, she did need money to survive on Earth, didn't she?—when she heard a loud noise coming from behind the door that led to the main console room of her TARDIS. Huh, weird, she thought, as she locked up the diner's doors (not that it really mattered) and went into the console room.
As she walked in, a button on the console was blinking rapidly.
"What are you trying to do?" The brunette asked, voice laced with concern. In response, the button started blinking more rapidly. "Alright, alright!" Clara muttered as she pressed the button before she felt a force pushing her back and knocking her into the wall, everything immediately going blank.
Sparks were flying everywhere as Clara's American diner-themed TARDIS hurtled through the time vortex, the world around it warping and shifting, colors blending and stretching like taffy. With a disorienting jolt, it crashed through the fabric of reality, plummeting into a universe bathed in ominous darkness. Eerily quiet and devoid of the familiar hum of city life, this bleak realm was a stark contrast to the vibrant, bustling world Clara had known.
The TARDIS, battered from its abrupt transition between dimensions, lay at a precarious angle amidst the desolation. Its neon lights flickered weakly, casting feeble glimmers in the oppressive darkness.
It felt like hours before Clara regained consciousness, her heart pounding as she took in the disastrous sight of the TARDIS. He seemed...almost wounded. The power had died down and Clara felt a shiver run down her spine. She carefully got onto her feet and made her way out, only to be greeted by an eerily still and quiet beach. Even the waves were barely crashing against the surface.
"Where am I?" She wondered aloud, unsure how they had strayed so far away. She just knew there was something terribly wrong here.
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xinflesh · 1 year
Muse: About | Verses | rules | memes
Other muses/Blogs:
@11thsshadow @ncwcoat @raggdxy @inxumerable
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anywherexwhen · 1 year
draft count
starters: @deathxproof , @kingofthewebxxx , @thxta , @sclfmastery , @resignedworkaholics , @11thsshadow , @xinflesh
drafts: 18
queue: 0
Since the muse is pretty strong and I have SEVERAL different AUs of this, I'm going to be building a separate blog for my FobWatch!Doctor. Anyone who liked this post or this one will be getting their starter from @timekeptx
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@11thsshadow Rory Williams… Was not having a good time. Before they went back to their capital-R Regular Lives, it wasn’t too bad. Now that he was back out in the real world for a while it was more imperative to keep it under wraps. At the hospital, spending time with his dad, to a degree when he was alone with Amy… It felt important to him to keep it a secret. It felt important to not talk about the watch he’d happened upon that he swore his… Dad gave to him? How frequent his already chronic migraines were becoming, vivid nightmares, strange impulses, erratic emotions… 
He was taking a day to himself for the first time in a long time. Amy was apparently on a girl’s trip, he didn’t have work. Tend to the garden, sit on the couch… It’s why he jumped when he came back inside their house to see the Doctor there. Just. Standing there. And I Rory must have looked so confused. “What the- you can’t just- that’s— I- I didn’t even hear you. What are you doing here? Ah-“ Rory cleared his throat, straightening out, trying to appear less cagey. “Hi?” 
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longwayaround · 1 year
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Okay, lost in an alien planet - not good, but… well, it happened, right? It was far from the first time. The Doctor had a tendency to get distracted and wander off, for all that he kept telling her not to wander off. Never got the irony of that, either, which was always amusing.
At least so far there were no Weeping Angels, or Daleks, or Cybermen, or anything else that seemed like it wanted to kill her, convert her, or send her into the past and feed on the potential of the life she never lived. Just perfectly nice aliens, going about their business and barely sparing her a thought. Just a normal day in whatever planet this was, she wasn’t sure she ever caught the name.
And it’d been fun, at first. You really got to know a place, ending up lost there with no real way of getting back home aside from asking people if they’d seen an idiot with a bow tie or a blue box. But it’d been hours now, and she was starting to get really tired of this.
It was, of course, at that moment that she finally spotted him. Letting out a sigh of relief and shaking her head in annoyance - he definitely did not look like he’d just spent the past few hours frantically searching for her, and she was fine, sure, but it’d be nice to have been missed - she rushed over towards him.
“Where the hell were you?” she demanded as she approached, arms crossing over her chest as she came to a stop. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
starter for @11thsshadow
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justctraveler · 6 years
“Somethin’ different about you, Dark.” She could tell. If nothing but the fact that there wasn’t some FAINT SCENT of blood on him. With a hesitated pause, she moved, her attention turning FULLY to the other man. A small frown appeared on her forehead.
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“...Y’don’t recognise me, do you?”
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incangencence · 1 year
❝  who the fuck made you cry i’ll fucking rip their head off.  ❞  <3
[you can kill me but don't touch them || accepting]
"This stupid-" She hurled her bag into its customary corner of the TARDIS, whipping around to face Dark, the internal explosion building.
And then she caught the look on his face.
All the breath seemed to vanish from her lungs, and the room spun nauseatingly. She took a reflexive half step back. She had never, never seen him make a face like that. So... possessive. So... angry.
No wonder they'd called him the oncoming storm.
"I-it's... it's nothing. I'm f-fine," her voice sounded strained and distant to her ears. "J-just some silly drunk cow at work."
Not just some cow. A former friend from school. Sweeping in with the rest of the bachelorette party -- already too rowdy when they'd come streaming into the bar.
'Well, if it isn't Queen Gene! Weren't you supposed to be somebody? What on earth are you doing here?'
The spite in that voice...
Gene tried to force herself to smile. Couldn't manage it. She wiped her eyes on her sleeve.
"You know bar flies. Too much tequila and not enough home training. Can't we just..." She moved toward him, reaching out to grab his arm -- half pleading, half seeking some small reassurance. She could feel it then, running through her fingers like electricity. That rage she could have manipulated at whim. He'd meant what he said. He'd probably do anything she asked of him...
"... Can't we just go? Take me somewhere. I want to forget that shitty shift ever happened... Take me somewhere we can feel good."
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ofthetardis-a · 1 year
@11thsshadow continued from X
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Clara paused, processing his words. Wait...what was going on? Wrong TARDIS? The Doctor? Why was he speaking in such a way?
He looked like him. Sounded like him. It was all so identical, except...the longer hair. The difference in TARDIS.
"What's going on? Are you okay? Why are you...if you're not the Doctor, my Doctor, then who are you?"
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