dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 3 - Holiday Food
12 Days of Christmas
Warnings: Some minor swearing, mention of sex but no smut or anything graphic.
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I wasn’t exactly surprised when Lemon told me that most of the Twins’ Christmas meals used to come out from a frozen plastic tray, when they were children. 
I was more surprised however, that things haven’t changed much now that they can definitely afford food worthy of its name.
Lemon grabs an apple from the Murano fruit bowl Tangerine and I bought in Venice for him during our last romantic gateway “I guess the holidays are not really a huge thing when you risk to be abroad during them because you have a mission.”
He bites the fruit, shrugging “I mean, we put on the decorations and all the stuff, but we never know if we will be in London to enjoy them during the actual day. They are still nice, though,” he adds, looking around with pride. I let my gaze take in the decorations he has picked during one of our longest shopping trips earlier in December. While my Tangerine definitely likes the more traditional - and obscenely expensive - decorations, carefully arranged with measure in the halls of his penthouse, Lemon is... eclectic.
If I must find a theme, I will definitely go with Winter Wonderland Candyland & Glittering Stuff that Lemon randomly liked. It works, though, in its own way. Exactly like Lemon.
I stop staring at a glittery tree decoration shaped like Thomas the Tank Engine –  one of the many, many Thomas ornaments spread around us ”Well, since this year you both are going to be around to enjoy them, how about we organize a proper Christmas lunch?”
”That’s a good idea,” his face lights up with sheer delight “we can have turkey and festive punch and all the good stuff! We can phone a restaurant and see if they deliver on Christmas day!”
“Or I could do it!”
Lemon looks at me, his eyebrows lifting in surprise “You mean you are willing to cook us a meal?”
“Not a meal,” I tut with fake annoyance “but a full, complete, hopefully tasty Christmas lunch.”
He seems at loss for words, but not displeased. I shrug “Listen Lem, you guys always do nice things for me, all the time, so it seems only natural I want to reciprocate.”
“Well, you are banging my brother and you are a sweet, fun person to have around,” he interrupts me with a huge grin “It’s no big deal to be nice with you!”
I hope I’m not blushing at both the brotherly teasing and the sweet compliment “Uh, thanks I guess. But that’s my point: it’s no big deal to cook a nice meal for people I care about. Especially for Christmas!”
He still seems reluctant to accept my offer so I insist “If this makes you feel better, I can let you help me. Tangerine is out of question,” I quickly add “I love him to the moon and back, but I would like not to set my kitchen on fire! Or having the turkey thrown in frustration outside the window! Or-”
“Yes, point taken, darling, thank you very much.”
We both turn on our tall stools in time to see Tangerine entering Lemon’s kitchen with a pouting expression, back from his tailoring session for a new suit. 
“Already back?” Lemon asks.
“Yeah, just in time to listen to the two of you trash talk my cooking skills”
”What skills?”
Tangerine flips him off, making his brother laugh “C’mon mate, do you remember when you tried to make us a Crisp Sandwich and you somehow destroyed the packet and then smashed the crisps?”
”I was fucking ten, Lemon!” is the indignant reply.
”So was I, but my packet didn’t look like a T-rex had gone through it.”
I try not to laugh, gently grabbing Tangerine’s tailored jacket and forcing him to bend over where I’m sitting. I kiss him lightly, the familiar tickle of his moustache a welcomed and well-known added sensation “Sorry, T, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
I’m aware that while he’s not annoyed for real, some cuddles are not going to hurt. He likes them too much even if he won’t ever voice that out loud. 
Tangerine huffs against my lips, wrapping an arm around my shoulders “Kiss me again and maybe I will consider buying you a nice Christmas present, you naughty little thing.”
Lemon pretends to gag in the background, and I laugh pushing my lips against Tangerine’s. He lingers a moment longer, then straightens himself “So, Christmas Lunch, uh? Do you think I have enough culinary skills to help you at least with the groceries?”
I want to reply something sweet and warm, but Lemon interjects with a devilish grin “I fear not. Do you remember two years ago when I asked you to buy some custard and you came back with a jar of mustard?”
My snort is covered by Tangerine’s frustrated groan “Oh, fuck off, would you?”
”Don’t worry, love,” I pat his arm affectionately “We’ll let you pick the wine. Maybe.”
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tanukimorado · 6 years
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Who’s taking part in the #12daysxmas Challenge? 🤔😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp-MvVinkmx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5r0ipdaxj45j
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bujutsu · 8 years
Training: Workhorse
Warm up: Stretches/Foam Roller + Bergenor Warm up
12 Days of Christmas (Workhorse Annual WOD) 1 Muscle Up (CTB) 2 Pistols 3 Deadlifts (225#) 4 V-ups (CTB) 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#) 6 Push-ups 7 TTB 8 Sit Ups 9 KBS (55#) 10 Box Jumps 11 HSPU (Box HSPU) 12 Burpees [24:12]
Strength: Clean & Jerk (Split) 65# x2 75# x2 85# x2 100# x2 145# x2
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feachured-blog · 13 years
"When I was younger I was told that you can tell the true value of a company by looking at how they handle the small details. If that is true then indie tshirt company Fechured is worth more than any other tee company I have come across."
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indieminded · 13 years
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Welcome to DAY FOUR of the 2nd Annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!
Today's theme is ANIMAL and we've got FOUR, yes FOUR t-shirts to offer up to ONE lucky winner today!
Get To Know Today's Brands
Interview: Don't Feed The Animals
Interview: Print Monkey
Interview: Lake & Chapel
Interview: Not Naked For A Reason
Via Tumblr, simply like or repost this to enter!
To find out how else to enter, head over here: http://ttg.me/fr
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gwpstudio-blog · 13 years
On the 3rd Day of Xmas my true love sent to me, 3 french hens... & freaky monster tees http://ttg.me/fq 12DaysXmas via @TeeGazette
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 12 - Grand Finale: whatever you wish for!
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist  
Warnings: slightly NSFW
(dunno why Tumblr didn’t publish this on the 25th, but here we go!)
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Of course, the first time that he says it out loud he is buried deep inside you, his cock still twitching, his lips pressed against your ear chanting his muffled I love you, I love you, I love you.
It doesn’t make it less meaningful.
Wrapping your arms and legs around his frame, you hold him while the aftershock of your shared peak fades.
Later, laying in his arms, your head on his chest, you look at London outside the stately wall of windows in Tangerine’s bedroom. Tomorrow it will be Christmas and while this year you won’t be able to make it home, you know the day will be equally great. In some ways, London has become a second home to you.
Sighing happily, you hold Tangerine a bit tighter, and he brushes his lips over the top of your head “You good?”
“Very much so.”
Despite your cheerful tone of voice, he senses the hesitance in your words. His fingers trace paths over your skin “Talk to me.”
“What you said earlier –“ you hesitate, an unusual bashfulness washing over you “did you mean it? Or was it a sort of – uh, a post orgasmic sentence?”
His chest expands under your cheek when he quietly chuckles “Should I be offended by this question, love?”
“I think you should answer it,” you retort, pushing yourself up to look at him.
Good Lord, but he’s magnificent.
Laying against his pillow, his hair a mess of tangled curls after all the times you have grabbed them to ask for more, to beg him to let you come, your bites blooming over his neck, lips still swollen after all the kissing, Tangerine looks like a man who has been really and thoroughly fucked.
Despite the pride it fills you knowing you were the one who made him come again and again, you hope your face doesn’t betray too much the sudden nervousness it’s gnawing your chest.
Tangerine frowns, his hand caressing your cheek “If I were a better man I would tell you to grab your stuff, leave, and don’t come back. I still think I should tell you it was my cock talking and it didn’t mean anything.”
You chew your lip, unsure of what to tell him. He knows you love him. You have been the first one to tell that out loud and while you know – you truly, really do – that he certainly cares for you, that he has deep feelings for you, you can’t help but wonder if he is ready – willing – to take a further step in your relationship.  
“I still think this is the most fucked up decision you could take,” his smile his both tired, regretful, and full hope “but I’m exhausted to fight the supposedly good battle. If you want me, then you can have me.”
It makes your heart ache hearing him talking like that of himself. As if he’s in some ways cheating you.
You gently take his face in your hands “I want you, Tangerine. Everything you want to give me, I want it.”
He blinks, quickly, clearly filled with too many emotions and thoughts. His hand slides through the mess of your hair, securely wrapping around your nape and pushing your face towards his.
The kiss is slow, and tender and meaningful. It conveys his commitment, his love. You answer in kind.
Tangerine breaks the kiss only to press his lips on your cheek, smiling when you giggle, and then murmurs a single word in your ear.
It’s his name. It’s his real name.
His Christmas present for you.
Yay, we did it! I want to thank you all of you who liked, reblogged and commented. I had a great fun writing these fics!
Also, for everyone who want to send an ask (and yes, I still take them), I will now start answering them (perhaps I’ll be a bit slow, but worry not). 
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 9 - Wrapping & ribbons
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist    
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  “This was a fuckingly stupid idea!” Tangerine roars, slamming the scissors on the table and pressing his hand on his face.
Lemon knows it’s not the best time to tell him that in doing so he has covered his face in golden and pink glitter.
“You could have it wrapped at the store, you know” he says instead, peering at his brother with a smirk. Tangerine grumbles something about them not offering that service during peak times like Christmas and having no more paper bags to sell. Lemon shrugs tapping on the box his short-tempered Twin has tried to wrap into a colorful Christmas themed paper. The paper is ripped on one side. Some ribbons are precariously holding on it, half-tangled between themselves. It’s kind of a huge mess.
Lemon is sure she is going to love it anyway.
When he tells him as much, Tangerine scoffs, taking a cigarette from his pocket “Yeah, she is going to feel really fucking blessed when I’ll give her this crap.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Oh, piss off, Lemon!”
Lemon sighs “Really, why are you so worried? Isn’t the present that counts and all that shit?”
He is right, of course, and they both know that Tangerine’s partner will be delighted in receiving a rare edition of her favourite book.
“I just wanted to do something normal for her, for once. Ya know, something that all her friends have, stupid partners wrapping their gifts and shit.”
Lemon nods, as understanding as always, but he can’t avoid speaking his mind “She knows you two have a different situation. You gave her the chance to find someone less fucked up than you, but she has picked you.”
Tangerine is looking outside the open window, smoking, and apparently lost in thought, but his brother knows he’s listening and very carefully, so he goes on “She knows you love her, she loves you and all that romantic stuff you are so fond of under your bratty façade. So, stop pretending you are someone you are not just because you think you are going to lose her otherwise.”
He knows his words sting and that if someone else said that they would be dead in an instant, a bullet between their eyes.
From his Twin, though, Tangerine will always accept the truth, no matter how harsh and uncomfortable.
He smashes his cigarette in the ashtray “Let’s find a nice paper bag.”
“Right behind you, bro!”
That’s a cheer and a promise.
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 5 - Loneliness (or not so lonely anymore)
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist
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It’s Christmas morning, Tangerine realizes slowly opening his eyes. Usually, it doesn’t mean much.
He remembers listening to the other kids in school talking about families having lunch together, and presents from distant relatives who always picked the wrong ones, and vacations together in places he could afford to visit only in his books.
He didn’t have all of that, but he had Lemon, so that was enough. For a long while, it had been more than enough. Even if he pretended to get annoyed when Lemon insisted on spending the day eating at a luxurious restaurant or at least exchanging presents, Tangerine loved that tradition of theirs.
It was the two of them against the world. It was good. They had each other. They were fine.
He never thought it could get better. 
When he was watching couples walking hand in hand during their shopping sprees, or kissing under the Christmas lights, he used to bitterly laugh at his own stupidity for wishing to have what they had, or at least to know what it felt experimenting a different love than the brotherly one.
Tangerine would think, occasionally, that not waking up in an empty bed or having something more than a quick session of fucking, would have been nice.
He was wrong. Since when you’ve arrived in his life, it has been splendid.
His Christmas mornings used to be like any other morning, if Lemon was sleeping at his place or if they were on a mission. Get up, get ready, get the day started and hope to be both alive at the end of it.
On this one, however, things are way different. First, he has not been awoken by the thrill of his Cartier alarm clock. Second, he is feeling exceptionally cosy in his current situation, ad he would like to stay like this longer.
Lemon, however, is banging on his bedroom door as if he was on fire, the thick wood trembling under his enthusiastic assault “Folks, wake up, it’s fucking presents time!”
“Great Lemon, go fucking open them, then!”
“I can’t do it without the two of you, c’mon, bring your asses into the living room!” Tangerine hears his brother’s steps fading away down the corridor, and vaguely hopes to steal some more minutes of sleep.
A light rumble against his back makes him huff in return “Glad you find funny being awoken like this, luv.”
He feels the gentle press of your lips against his nape and can’t help but lean into your touch, a half-smile blooming on his lips. It’s hard to keep his facade of petulance when cocooned in the arms of the love of his life while his brother is waiting for you two to start the celebration.
Tangerine interlaces his fingers with yours, cradling them against his chest.
“Merry Christmas,” he mumbles, kissing your fingers one by one, particularly lingering on the one wearing the engagement ring he has given you not so long ago.
“Happy Holidays,” is your whispered answer, scooting even closer to him. It makes him feel secure, treasured, loved.
Yes, definitely this is a different Christmas. And such a better one.                                                                                                                                                        
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 7 - Cold & Red cheeks
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist  
Warnings: none
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“You are cold.”
It’s not a question and you do your best to ignore his scowl. London during Christmas is splendid, covered in golden chains of lights and filled with festive cheers in the air and the scent of mince pies and mulled wine. Tangerine has asked you to meet him near a pub you both know. It isn’t exactly a date, you have the impression he just wanted to see you. And you definitely wanted to see him.
He is dressed as tastefully as always, but his navy coat has clearly been created for a quick walk from a warm car to  an even warmer room, not for a stroll in the streets when snow is in the air. Aside from his leather gloves, he isn't even wearing a scarf or either a hat of any kind.
The walking, window shopping and admiring the decorations, would be better if you weren’t feeling anxious about him. Despite his reassurances that he is fine, the red shade on his cheeks is telling you another story.
“Tangerine, come on,” you insist “would you really get a cold rather than admit you made a mistake not dressing up enough?”
Before he can reply you shake your head in disbelief “No, don’t answer that. I already know the answer. Well, then” you lift your chin, resolute “let’s say you are not cold, but humour me anyway, because I can’t stand the thought of you getting sick.”
You quickly undo the knot holding the scarf’s ends around your neck, and you throw it around Tangerine’s. You act quickly, tiptoeing to reach his height and then securing the scarf, pushing it gently against him “There, now I don’t have to walk around London worrying for you to get pneumonia.”
He seems too flabbergasted to protest and you hope your gesture hasn’t ruin his mood. For you the point isn’t forcing him to admit he has been wrong, but to get him a bit of warmth.
Before your hands can go too far away from him, as quick as a lighting, Tangerine gently grabs them between his own. You are both delighted and shocked, when he presses his lips on your gloved fingertips. He stays like this for some thundering seconds, the narrow distance between the two of you stretching and twisting under the soft pressure of a feeling you don’t have the guts to name yet.
His eyes burn into yours and your throat goes dry. When his lips leave your hands, you need to remember how to breathe.
“Thank you,” Tangerine says, tenderly touching the red and incredibly soft wool wrapped around his neck “It wasn’t necessary, but if this makes you feel better, I’ll borrow it.”
He gives it back the day after, and you are secretly pleased realizing it still carries an imperceptible trace of his cologne. 
Wrapping it around you, you think you know what to buy him for Christmas.
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 11 - Carolling around
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist  
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I knew that Tangerine wasn’t going to be ecstatic when we realized that the street we had picked for a last minute Christmas shopping spree was packed both with shoppers and singers.
Some of them were good, others had decided to impress their own twist on some holiday’s classics. It was fun to watch them having their own little groups of supporters, but Tangerine was more focused on the list he wanted to go through as quickly as possible. Apparently Lemon had changed his mind again while they were on a mission and Tangerine, while cursing and complaining, was determined to find the stuff his brother wanted. He also said something about a present for Momo but eluded my question about it.
It surely was someone from the other half of his life as I affectionately referred to that part of him that he was keeping far away from me, at all costs. Of course, I had a pretty good idea of what he did for a job. Careful not to give me too many details, he still wanted me to know what I was getting myself into, when it was clear we both wanted more than the occasional sex.
I knew he didn’t want to share anything – or at least the less he could because he wanted me safe, protected, shielded from a world where it seemed that violence and blood were the only type of currency used.
This Momo person was clearly inhabiting that part of his life. I wasn’t jealous, just curious. Tangerine was many things, but a cheater? Not at all. He could result a tad intense even in his affection, but he was loyal to the people he loved, loyal to the point of putting himself between them and whatever he feared could hurt them.
I offered to go with him because every second I didn’t spend with him right after he was back from a mission looked like a second wasted. He would blush at hearing that and then he would cover my face in kisses. Which he did, by the way.
A song captured my attention. It was a beautiful rendition of Darlene Love’s All Alone For Christmas.
I couldn’t avoid to stop and listen to the little choir, gently swaying on my feet like others were doing following the rhythm. Tangerine’s heavy sigh broke the magic “Wanna go on, luv?”
“Two minutes, T,” I smiled, nodding at the singers. He didn’t seem particularly impressed – nothing unusual – but he wasn’t bothered either, so I guessed I could consider it a success. He still stayed with me, shoulders softly touching, close like we both wanted to be when we were together.
When the song ended, I clapped and cheered, searching in my pockets for some spare coins.
“Here,” Tangerine murmured softly, pressing some change into my gloved hand. I quickly kissed him on a cheek, knowing that that was his favourite way to be thanked.
While we were leaving, I couldn’t quite hide my surprise he wanted to tip them.
“Are you calling me a cheapskate?” he huffed feigning annoyance, while wrapping his strong arm around my shoulders. I laughed and then sighed pleasantly surprised when he swallowed my cackles bending slightly and kissing me in the middle of the road.
“They weren’t bad, and I wanted to thank them. They made you smile.”
I stared at him, surprised by the sudden outburst of romanticism. I knew he was a bit embarrassed to be so soft. So not used to it.
For once, the one struggling with words it was me. I threw my arms around his neck, searching for another kiss. It was his favourite way to be thanked, after all.
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 6 - Memories
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist
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“Bro, look there, look at what I’ve found!”.
Lemon almost crashed a couple of children standing in his path while dragging Tangerine near a shelf in the overcrowded toy store. The very store where they have just collected in an anonymous backpack their payment for a job well done – as always, Tangerine might add.
What kind off sick prick could pick a place like a toy shop for that kind of transaction is something Tangerine is still wondering about. Luckily, everything went well, they are now a bit richer, and he’s thinking about making a reservation in Lemon’s favourite restaurant.
If his brother won’t rip off his arm in the meantime.
“For fuck’s sake, Lemon, calm down, won’t you?”
Tangerine is aware of the scolding look a couple of parents has thrown in his direction but before he can give them a piece of his mind, his brother slams a book under his nose.
“Not of my taste,” is Tangerine’s dry reply, observing with a frown the red and gold cover where a pumpkin carriage, a gnome, and an apple stare back at him.
“C’mon mate, I know you don’t read fairy tales anymore. Neither do I, for what is worth since you keep booking us job after job!”
“Yes, Lemon, that’s exactly why I don’t read fairy tale’s books.”
Lemon tuts in dismay “I can’t believe you forgot it! Look. At. This. Book.” He repeats jabbing at the cover with his finger. Tangerine knows that while people think he’s the stubborn part of the duo, his brother’s will power is not an inch weaker than his. Quite the contrary, actually.
Knowing that Lemon won’t relent until he does, Tangerine finally gives the book his full attention. And then it clicks.
“No way!”
“Yes instead!” Lemon beams, his smile large and filled with glee “It’s the same book you bought me with your pocket money when we were nine!”
The story is a bit more complicated than that, but Tangerine knows that Lemon won’t mortify him with the details. Tangerine’s mind, however, remembers it too well.
Lemon had seen that volume of fairy tales while they were strolling around the mall, instead of being in school as they should have. And he spoke about it for months. To little Tangerine the most logical solution had appeared to go back at the bookstore, nick the book, steal a paper bag with little penguins and snowflakes printed on it, and then present an early Christmas present to his brother.
Except that Lemon’s reaction hadn’t been the one he imagined. 
“A Christmas present shouldn’t be stolen,” he had said in a very stern tone of voice, one he seldom reserved for his Twin, insisting for Tangerine to bring the book back “I don’t want it if risks to put you in danger!”. Tangerine can count on one hand the times – three - that Lemon has disagreed with something he did to the point of not fully supporting him.
It still stings to think about those occasions, even if time demonstrated that Lemon was right in taking a stand. Tangerine will never admit to anyone that he was wrong about anything. Lemon, however, is the exception. Tangerine remembers saving his pocket money and doing some homework for some lazy schoolmates in exchange for some quids. He saved enough to go back at the bookstore and actually buy the book a couple of months later.
That time, Lemon accepted it and hugged his brother for some long minutes. Then Tangerine held him a year later, Lemon crying in his brother’s arms, when the book got lost after their stuff was packed and they were sent away again.
Lemon’s voice brings Tangerine back, wondering where they should get lunch. Tangerine takes the book from his brother’s hands and nods towards the door “You go ahead, there is a pub at the end of the street. I’ll see you there in five.”
Tangerine knows that Lemon is aware of what he’s doing, but he still feels the urgence of smile when he approaches the cashier, the book safely hold with care against his side.   “Can I get this wrapped up, please? Oh, and use the paper with the snowflakes, thank you very much.”
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tanukimorado · 6 years
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Who’s taking part in the #12daysxmas Challenge? 🤔😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp-MvVinkmx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2cr6q21lcwta
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feachured-blog · 13 years
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indieminded · 13 years
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Welcome to DAY THREE of the 2nd Annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!
Today's theme is MONSTER and we've got FIVE, yes FIVE t-shirts to offer up to ONE lucky winner today!
Get To Know Today's Brands
Interview: Carte Postale
Interview: Bleee
Interview: Tee-Face
Interview: QuakerNinja
Interview: The Yetee
To enter via Tumblr, simply like or reblog this post!
To find out how to squeeze 3 more entries in, follow this link to the official giveaway post: http://ttg.me/fq
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indieminded · 13 years
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Get To Know Today's Brands
Interview: Angry Mongo
Interview: 604 Republic
Interview: AHtQ Apparel
Interview: S'up Cuz Clothing
Interview: Qwertee
To be entered via Tumblr, simply "like" or repost this picture before 11:59pm PST on December 2nd!
For full rules and instructions on how else to enter, click here: http://ttg.me/fp
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