#12th lancers
blue-and-gilt · 2 years
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Just when I promised myself never to import another sword with ivory, what do I go and do?
I buy another mameluke sabre….
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This is a late Georgian era Full Dress mameluke sabre marked to the 12th Lancers. While there had been a well-established tradition of carrying mameluke sabres amongst officers of the British army that goes back to the Egyptian campaigns of 1798 – 1801. It wasn’t until 25th April 1822 that they were officially sanctioned in the Dress Regulations for the 9th, 12th and 16th Lancers.
The regulations were all prescribed a 'mameluke-hilted' sword with a plain metal scabbard for dress wear and a velvet-covered scabbard for full dress. I imagine that the difference between Dress and Full Dress would have been determined by who attended the occasion or function.
In 1826 the regulations ordered in Full Dress a ‘mameluke-hilted’ for officers of the Hussars and in 1831 a mameluke inspired pattern was introduced for General and Staff officers. Regardless, officers of may other Light Cavalry and some Heavy Cavalry units continued to carry mameluke sabres into the early 20th Century.
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This sabre can be attributed to the 12th (The Prince of Wales) Royal Lancers by the blade decoration which features the regimental title, crowned crossed lances and laurel wreaths. Going by the style of decoration it dates to between 1822 and 1830, with it likely to be at the earlier end of that range. I purchased the sword from Richard Dellar, and it features in his book, The British Cavalry Sword 1788 – 1912; The Companion Volume Plates 12.27 – 12.28 alongside a similar sword from the 9th Lancers.
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Overall Length: 878 mm
Blade Length: 737 mm
Curve: 45 mm
Grip Length: 118 mm
Inside Grip Length: 93 mm
Weight: 700 grams
Point of Balance: 105 mm
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awallofswords · 2 years
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Looks like it’s Parcel O’Clock again… This is the sword that left the UK in June, went half way around the world, only to get returned during a USA stopover. Supposedly a sub-contractor to DHL refused to carry weapons.  Arriving back in the UK in the beginning of August, it was shipped that week with all it’s paperwork using a different carrier and today it has finally arrived. 
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bryan360 · 1 year
Another GT4 post featuring this Mitsubishi vehicle while riding through the summer. At least not yet for Summer season this year, though. Just saying.
Also, seeing how Spot become a cuteness leader after Murukir’s retirement really make sense. It happens back in 2012 where he got his chance. Good for him. 👍
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coralnotcotton · 2 years
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Everything is found directly from https://deltarune.com/sweepstakes/.
This link leads to a post made by Noelle. At the bottom, it has a link to Dess: https://deltarune.com/december/. The broken link is intentional, because other links that don’t exist on the website lead to the Toby dog sleeping. (ex. https://deltarune.com/anything). This Toby dog also occasionally is seen dancing with maracas. When clicked, it plays a lullaby.
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If the link https://deltarune.com/december/ is changed to https://deltarune.com/dess/, a guitar shows up on screen. When clicked, it plays a song, which is an acoustic color of “Lost Girl”. The website title is “* (It’s a red guitar.)”
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Another banner which shows up after https://deltarune.com/icee/ is this website. There’s a comment section, and it seems to be a conversation between holidaygirl1225 (Noelle) and smartgenius5554738292 (probably Berdly) about getting prank called. The sound button plays a Christmas-themed song, similar to jingle bells. If the number after smartgenius’s user is called, it simply gives an invalid number message, as it’s a fake one.
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The third and final banner which rarely shows up leads you here. The second door leads you to a picture of plush Ralsei, and the website is titled “You won!” The seventh door leads to a picture of PIPIS, and is titled “You lost!” The 12th door leads to a picture of an empty gumball machine, and too, says that you won. Door 13 gives you this image, and says you won: 
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Credit to https://www.tumblr.com/lofthousezzz for finding this out, but this is a clear reference and screenshot of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superbad_(website)! Thanks!
The final door in this section of the website is the 15th, which redirects you to https://deltarune.com/chair/. It’s a blue chair, and when clicked on, it gets all glitchy and an ominous sound effect plays. The website title turns from “But what if it could...” to “... get darker than dark?” Occasionally, if you click it enough, there will be a Spamton eye jumpscare, and the page will close out on itself. When you exit back to the doors page, it’s titled, “You won?”
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Oh boy. Mid-post, I stumbled upon about 50 more website redirects. Save me. This next website thread is gonna be a long one, and credit to my friend Rogul for finding it.
When you click on the first shirt in the prizes section, there’s a blue link. It’ll lead you to:
It seems to be a lonely door in the dark until clicked on, where all the lights turn on and you’re in the Green Room.
When the right door is clicked, it leads you to https://deltarune.com/tv/. The website title is “* It’s off.” and supposedly, there is no way to interact with it.
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When the left door is clicked, it leads you to https://deltarune.com/weather/. This includes two new character sprites, and when clicked, it shows this, along with a repeating GIF of them swinging their spears:
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Finally, when the star door is clicked, it leads to https://deltarune.com/changingroom/. The title is “(Private...), and when the bath curtain is clicked, it comes up with one of the shadow men screaming in surprise before immediately closing the curtain again. Occasionally, it comes up with a rotating Lancer, and when he is clicked, it redirects to https://deltarune.com/lancer/. This is the equivalent of a Lancer rickroll. Thanks, Toby. When the shadow man is clicked on while the curtain is open, it gives this video at https://deltarune.com/shadowmen/: (I can’t upload the video since I’m posting outside of Beta, but it’s a fight between the fun gang and shadow men. You have to, quite literally, knock their socks off to spare them. They also wear some fancy clothes in the fight.)
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But wait! There’s more!
If you go to the Spamton toilet paper (never thought I’d be saying that), there’s a link which redirects you to https://deltarune.com/sighting/ in the description. It’s Spamton on the toilet. Yeah, the title is also “SIGHTING 1997″.
(EDIT: On the toilet paper, there's a link printed onto it: https://bluebubble.rodeo/. It leads to these two sprites of Kris and Susie, and the title is “Get ready for 2 minutes of mildly entertaining shoot-out action!”)
Credit to https://www.tumblr.com/cloud-lad for finding this.
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If you do the same but look in the description of the Spamton belt, it leads you to https://deltarune.com/dog/. This is all it does when you click on it, as well as play some dramatic tunes. The title is “HALL OF FAME”.
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The link in the Lancer cookie is simply just another Lancer rickroll. (https://deltarune.com/lancer/)
This is found when you go into the cardboard box’s description. The music plays some eerie, messed-up version of the game’s theme. Sort of reminds me of the Bad Egg from when you messed up modding in the old Pokemon games.
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When you click on “Until one day...”, it leads you to https://deltarune.com/egg/.
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Credit to https://noelle-holi-gay.tumblr.com/post/695672563314065408 for finding this secret page! I can’t find the way to get to it, but it exists here: https://deltarune.com/man/. The title is “* (Behind the tree.).”
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They’re also the one who found https://deltarune.com/blink/, which is a gif of Susie blinking. The title is simply “What?”
I’m unsure of how they originally got to this, but it can also be found in the description of the 3D celebrity photo cube, as of the 150k mark.
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A new Deltarune donation goal has been unlocked! In the heart locket section, a link leads to https://deltarune.com/kris_dreemurr_kris/, which seems to be posted by Noelle since it has the same title as most of her other account posts. It’s also Kris who plays the piano, probably. The audio is of a piano being played, almost frantically.
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I haven’t included the Ralsei Nurse Plush link, and that’s because it’s the fight scene with the shadow men which we’ve already seen. (https://deltarune.com/shadowmen/)
New donation goal with a new link! At the bottom of the PIPIS bath rug’s description, you can find this link: https://deltarune.com/bluecircle/. The link at the bottom leads to the code page (https://deltarune.com/code/), which we have already found.
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In the description of the Noelle watch, there’s a link which leads here. It’s talking about Kris and Susie’s relationship in Noelle’s point of view.
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This seems like extremely important lore! It’s in the description of the Spamton wedding ring, and when clicked, it leads to a message from Spamton. The title is “DELETE THIS !” and when the television is clicked, it turns into static with a static sound effect. The website title then turns into “YOU’RE EARLY!”
EDIT: Credit to https://www.tumblr.com/lillybean730 for finding this and telling me about it in the comment section! https://www.tumblr.com/theundertalesansguy also contacted me about it through message! If the area beneath “EVERYONE... EVERYONE EXCEPT...” is highlighted, it says, “... Mike...”
EDIT 2: HEY! Check out this theory about Mike and Tenna being separate people here! https://jahmocha.tumblr.com/post/695756183040032768/oh-my-god-we-were-wrong-about-mike-mike
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https://deltarune.com/d_a_m_n_y_o_u_t_e_n_n_a/ pt. 2
Credit to my friends Exo and Rogul for finding this. On the static page, you can actually scroll down. If you scroll down a little, you get this piece of text: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE!!”
If you scroll down more, you can see two boxes of static which are slightly different than the normal static. If you click on the first box, it leads you to a solid blue page, playing a different type of static which fades in and out. The title is “AREN’T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?”, and when scrolled up far enough, it slowly turns into different shapes. When the black box is clicked, it leads you to https://deltarune.com/icepalace_glaceir/, which I will cover after the images below.
When the final box is clicked, it leads you back to https://deltarune.com/ramb/, which was covered earlier on in this post.
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This link was found in the black box shown above, and is yet another glitch post from Noelle. The file link at the start just leads back to their main page, https://deltarune.com/code/. The same goes for the guestbook link at the very bottom.
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Finally, this isn’t exactly a secret, but we now have the decision to either exile Spamton or free him with this final donation goal. Make sure to donate and cast your vote, friends!
EDIT: The funny little man is free. This dialogue could be from either Tenna or one of the Addisons, but that’s just a theory.
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Is it over? Oh my god, I think it’s over! Reblogs are appreciated, and sorry for having to delete my previous post, but it was really glitching out for me. Please, comment if you find anything else! I’ll add it here with credit!
Grammar is another pet-peeve of mine, so please point out if there are any typos or weird sentences.
LAST EDIT: 9/18/22, 10:24 PM EST
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Second Lieutenant Kazimierz Gurbiel (second from the left) and his troops from the 12th Podolski Lancers (3rd Carpathian Rifles Division), 2nd Polish Corps at Monte Cassino. 11-18 May 1944
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autumnbrambleagain · 2 months
lancer community what is more abhorrent,
my fellow pilot who wants to kill all enemies we defeat even if their mechs are just disabled, just gets up there and stomps them with his mech stomp stomp stomp,
or me, who wants to capture them and rehabilitate them as one of the 36 servants ordained to me as my position as 12th in line for the throne of my people (union overthrew our empire b/c crimes against humanity but we're working the angles it's cool)
for the record i only have two prisoners right now but i haven't really tortured them at ALL and one of them was part of an organization that was doing mass-murder terrorism of civilians and war profiteering, so like is it really evil if the worst i'm doing is not letting them go to a hospital for self-inflicted burn wounds (their flamethrower exploded and their mech melted (it's fine i have hired a less scrupulous nurse to give them constant medical treatment like you'd find in any hospital))
i know we're both kind of bad guys but which one of us is more the bad guy
i think this is a rhetorical question but
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! 8
“You can’t blame me for this,” said Danny.  “Literally, you can’t blame me for our plan working too well.”  There was a high-pitched whine from his end of the Fenton Phones, and a small explosion.
Jazz pinched the bridge of her nose.  “I know, I know, I’m not trying to play the blame game, but you need to get back here.  You’re the only one who can handle the ghosts.”
“I’m not–” Danny broke off, briefly.  “I’m not going to be able to take care of the ghosts.  I promised them that they could have cake if they stayed away from the hunters.  They did, and Ember helped even more.  I can’t go back on that promise now!”
“Okay, but the hunters are coming here.  What are we going to do about the ghosts then?  Even if we convince them they’re all in costume, they’re too good as costumes!  It would be too cool!”
“I think you’re still overestimating the coolness of costumes,” said Tucker.  “It’s an easy mistake to make, I know I–”
“Miss Fenton?  Jasmine?  Oh, there you are,” said Mr. Lancer, sounding relieved.  “No one had seen you since you went to talk to the ghosts, and– What’s wrong?”
Jazz scrubbed her hands over her face and stepped out of the little cubby the end of the row of lockers formed with the oddly-bent corner of the wall.  “We got the two shows to give up, but they’re coming here instead, for, I don’t know, cake as a consolation prize.  I don’t– I don’t know what to do about the ghosts.  They’ll be here in less than fifteen minutes.  I don’t know what to do.”
“Oh,” said Mr. Lancer.  “Twelfth Night, we’re in it now.”
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators -> Community Cake Day
12th Knight (OP): The paranormal investigators are coming to the Community Cake Day.  The ghosts are at Community Cake Day.  What do we do?”
Cynosure: I can’t believe you’re posting on the forums while this is going on.
12th Knight: I am a desperate man.  
Mr. Lancer looked up from his phone.  “In retrospect, I feel as if I should have known better than to ask advice from the internet.”
“Jazz,” said Danny, “why did Dad pull out his phone, shout cake, and start running away?”
Jazz would not hold her breath until she fainted.  She wasn’t even sure that was a thing people could do. 
“Okay,” said Sam, “ignoring that disturbing comment and why Jazz didn’t answer, I–  Tucker, what are you doing?”
“He got in again!  How did he get in again?”
“Jazz, are they going to cake day?  Why are they going to cake day?  They cannot be at cake day!”
Tubahater: Could you maybe disguise the ghosts??
The Smart Twin:  As what?  With what?  There’s no way they’re going to look like anything but ghosts.
CasperQueen: There’s always the drama stuff, I guess, assuming it wasn’t all destroyed when a certain someone fell into it, like a loser.
Lovestheshow: oooh yeah, I love that trope
Lovestheshow: the one where a character dresses up like a crappy version of themselves 
Lovestheshow: yes please tell me you’re going to do it!
“Oh, heck,” said Tucker, “Nost actually has a point.  How is it that the guy who thinks the whole thing is an ARG has a point?”
At this, Jazz pulled out her own phone.  “Does he have a point?” she asked.  
“Anyone want to fill me in?” asked Danny.  “Kind of busy flying.”
West of West: Unfortunately, I know for a fact that people are stupid and blind enough to fall for this.
Point25Back: aren’t you supposed to be whipping butter nerd?
“Why are all my students on their phones when they’re supposed to be baking?” asked Lancer.
“You’re on your phone,” pointed out Jazz.  
West of West: Aren’t you supposed to be banned
Nobineryginger: oh ye dude i get you theres all sorts of great tropes like that my faves the one where everyone is dressed the same at a party and so when the baddies try to find the heroes they gotta unmask everyone but its all just normal people its like a switcheroo so sweet
“I can’t believe it, they do have a point,” said Jazz, out loud.
“Please, can someone fill me in?  At least on what I can do?  I’m still trying to distract, but– Ah!  I can disengage whenever you want me!”
“Keep distracting them for now, but be ready to, uh,” she looked up at Mr. Lancer, “be yourself but not be yourself again, and to say that you’re a different yourself than the yourself they met.”
“I hate that I understood that,” said Danny.  
“Okay,” said Jazz, “we need the drama class.”
[Video starts, showing a crowd of people of various ages in a school cafeteria.  Most of the people are either children or middle aged.  There are several people sitting at the front of the room.  Static obscures many of their features, but they all appear to be glowing and have odd skin tones.  The video is shaky.
WOMAN #1: Damn, I should have gotten a better camera, this one is spazzing out.  But the phone one is bad, too…
The angle of the camera changes slightly, and shows a low-angle profile of a woman.
WOMAN #2: Bought it out of town?
WOMAN #1: Yeah, why?
WOMAN #2: Takes a while for them to get used to the ectoplasm.  Give it a week and it’ll be fine.
WOMAN #1: That doesn’t help much now.  I wanted to film Ashley breaking a world record.
WOMAN #2: I’m sure someone else is filming, too.  You could ask around, later.
A door in the corner of the cafeteria opens, and the camera turns towards them.  A group of teenagers comes out.  One of them, a girl with long red hair and a large amount of flour on her shirt, is carrying a megaphone.  
TEENAGER: Hello, Amity Park!  I know you’re looking forward to cake, but we have an additional surprise for you all.  This is now a costume party!  The drama class will be bringing you your costumes shortly.  Thank you for cooperating and making this Community Cake Day a success.
The teenager lowers the microphone, and joins the other teenagers, who have started swarming the glowing people.
WOMAN #2: When was the last time you checked the forums?
Video ends.]
Danny dropped through the ceiling into the bathroom and transformed.  He pulled back on the fake hazmat and grimaced as he noticed a tear.  Maybe he could– Could he do a partial?  He’d never done a partial like that before on purpose–
“There you are!” shouted Jazz.  
“Oh gosh,” said Danny.  “This is the boy’s ba–”
“That doesn’t matter!  Come on!”
“But there’s a tear–”
Jazz shrieked in frustration and shoved a fake Danny Phantom top at him.  The gloves and belt were sewn on, and it looked very crooked.  
“Where did this even come from?” he whispered.  “Did you make this?”
“No, there were about fifty of them backstage of the theater, but no one fit this one.  It’s too small.”
Danny, who had gotten it on over his head with no effort, glared at her, but then the rest of her words sank in.  “Fifty?  Why does the drama class have fifty of these?”
“I don’t want to know, do you?  If it makes you feel better, it was right next to the surplus Ember stuff.”
It did not make Danny feel better.  
Even so, he let Jazz continue to herd him into the cafeteria and then sit him between Lunch Lady (dusted in flour and looking very pleased with herself) and Kitty, which was really unfair, he thought.  At least it wasn’t between Spectra and Skulker.  
“Jazz,” said Danny, eyeing the cafeteria.  “Do you want to tell me the plan, now?”
“I would also like to know the plan,” said Kitty, who was currently wearing cat ears and badly done facepaint.
“You’re all just people dressing up as ghosts,” said Jazz, “like mascots.  Because it will get you free cake.  Danny, you’re not the same person they ran into earlier, got it?  You’re someone different.”
Danny definitely needed a few quiet minutes to process all this, but it almost, sort of, kind of, made sense.  “We’re making them think everyone is a fake.  Just more fake ghosts.  Not even original fake ghosts.”
“Yeah,” said Jazz.
“But– But what about Mom and Dad?  You know what they’re like.”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Jazz.  
“I’m worrying about it.”
“I’m worrying about it, too, actually,” said Sam, who sounded very out of breath.  “Any of you guys seen Val and Dani yet?”
“No,” said Danny.  They must still be at the hospital.
“Listen,” said Jazz, “someone else will take care of it.  You just sit here and eat cake.”
“Isn’t that what Marie Antoinette said?” asked Danny.  
Jazz made a face.  “You really do only know the one historical quote, don’t you?”
“Heh, she’s got you there,” said Kitty.  
“And you do need to eat more,” said Lunch Lady, pinching his cheek.
“Fine,” said Danny, “but don’t blame me when things go wrong with whatever you’re planning!”
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aimeedaisies · 10 months
Following His Majesty's Accession, The King is pleased to announce further military appointments for working Members of the Royal Family.
The new appointments will continue to reflect the close relationship between the Armed Forces and the Royal Family in His Majesty's reign.
His Majesty The King
The King will take on the following military affiliations:
Sponsor, HMS Queen Elizabeth
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Tank Regiment
Captain General, The Royal Artillery Captain General, The Honourable Artillery Company Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Marham Air Commodore-in-Chief, RAF Regiment
The King, as Sovereign, is Head of the Armed Forces. His Majesty is a military veteran himself, having trained and served in both the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force.
Her Majesty The Queen
Patron, The Royal Army Chaplains' Department
Her Majesty The Queen has a range of military affiliations, and was recently announced as the new Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Lancers. The Queen's father, the late Major Bruce Shand, served with the 12th Lancers during World War II. Her Majesty's other military appointments include Colonel Grenadier Guards and Colonel-in-Chief of The Rifles.
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
Colonel-in-Chief, The Mercian Regiment Colonel-in-Chief, The Army Air Corps
Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Valley
The Prince of Wales has a strong affiliation with the Armed Forces, having served in the Army as a Platoon Commander in The Blues and Royals, before completing flying training in the Royal Air Force. His Royal Highness served as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot, spending three years at RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales.
Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales
Commodore-in-Chief, Fleet Air Arm Colonel-in-Chief, 1st Queen's Dragoon Guards
Royal Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Coningsby
The Princess of Wales's existing military appointments include Colonel, Irish Guards and Royal Honorary Air Commodore of the Air Cadets. Her Royal Highness is also Sponsor of HMS Glasgow - the first of the Royal Navy's new Type 26 Frigates which is currently under construction. The Princess's grandfather served in the Royal Air Force.
His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Dragoon Guards Colonel-in-Chief, The Queen's Royal Hussars
The Duke of Edinburgh holds a range of military appointments. For twenty years, His Royal Highness has served as Royal Honorary Colonel of The Royal Wessex Yeomanry, whose troops have deployed in support of both The Queen's Royal Hussars and The Royal Dragoon Guards. His Royal Highness is also Royal Colonel of 2nd Battalion The Rifles, and was recently announced as Colonel-in-Chief of The London Guards.
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Irish Regiment Roval Colonel, The Queen's Own Yeomanry
The Duchess of Edinburgh's military appointments include Royal Colonel of 5 Battalion The Rifles and Honorary Air Commodore of RAF Wittering. Every year, The Duchess holds an annual competition in which Her Royal Highness's affiliated regiments from the UK and Canada compete against each other in a series of challenges, to foster cooperation.
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal
Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland
The King has been pleased to appoint The Princess Royal Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, recognising Her Royal Highness's strong links to Scotland and existing links with the Regiment as Colonel-in-Chief of both 15* Battalion The Ranger Regiment (formerly 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland) and 6th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland.
His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester
Air Commodore-in-Chief, Royal Auxiliary Air Force
The Duke of Gloucester has been Patron of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force Foundation since 2012. His Royal Highness's mother, Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, was Commandant of the Womens' Auxiliary Air Force from 1939 to 1944.
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester
Colonel-in-Chief, Adjutant General's Corps
The Duchess of Gloucester has held the appointment of Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, Adjutant General's Corps, since 1992.
Background information
Other recently announced military appointments include the following:
Colonel-in-Chief, The Household Division - The King
Captain General Royal Marines - The King
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Engineers - The King
Colonel Grenadier Guards - The Queen
Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Lancers - The Queen
Colonel Welsh Guards - The Prince of Wales
Colonel Irish Guards - The Princess of Wales
Colonel London Guards - The Duke of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - The Duchess of Edinburgh
Colonel-in-Chief, Intelligence Corps - The Princess Royal
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camillasgirl · 1 year
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Queen Camilla’s Patronages
The Desert Rats Association (Patron from 27.07.2007)
The 7th Armoured Division was a British armoured division which saw service during the Second World War where its exploits made it famous as the Desert Rats.
After the Munich Crisis, the division was formed in Egypt during 1938 as the Mobile Division (Egypt) and its first divisional commander was the acclaimed tank theorist Major-General Sir Percy Hobart. During January 1940, the name of the unit was changed to the 7th Armoured Division. It was during this period that the nickname “Desert Rats” was coined. The division fought in every major battle during the North African Campaign; later it would land and fight in Italy before being withdrawn to the United Kingdom where it prepared to fight in North West Europe. It began landing in Normandy during the afternoon of 6 June and fought its way across Europe ending the war in Kiel and Hamburg, Germany. The 7th Armoured Brigade was detached from the division during early 1942 and fought the Japanese during the fighting in Burma before it returned to the Mediterranean Theatre and fought in Italy.
“As the proud daughter of a 12th Lancer, Major Bruce Shand, who fought with the regiment in France and North Africa alongside the Desert Rats and was awarded the Military Cross in both campaigns, I grew up with the history and traditions of the 12th and subsequently the 9th/12th Lancers and have always felt a deep affinity to the regiment, which is hardly surprising as you are, after all, the ‘Prince of Wales’s own’. I know that wherever my (papa) is tonight he will be drinking a toast to the 9th/12th Royal Lancers, a regiment in which he was so proud to have served. I feel very proud of my connection to this regimental family, and it is with enormous pride that I put on my 9/12th Lancers brooch, which I intend to wear for many years to come.” - Queen Camilla
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pwlanier · 1 year
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blue-and-gilt · 10 months
British Lancer Officer's Full Dress Sword
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"On 25th April 1822, the first Dress Regulations for the Army (Regulations for the Dress of General, Staff, and Regimental Officers) were published by the Adjutant-General's Office and practice of carrying a 'mameluke-hilted' sword by officers of the cavalry received official sanction for the first time: the three existing lancer regiments - the 9th, 12th and 16th Lancers - were prescribed a 'mameluke-hilted' sword with a plain metal scabbard for dress wear and a velvet-covered scabbard for full dress."  - The British Cavalry Sword 1788 - 1912 by Richard Dellar, Pg 111
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awallofswords · 2 years
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Happy Fathers Day! This was my weekend’s project; another display board. More of a random theme this time round as I fill it with odds and ends that have caught my attention.
From right to left they are:
British, Georgian era light cavalry officers dress sabre
British 1822 Regulation full dress mameluke sabre for an officer of the 12th Lancers
British 1822 Regulation dress Lancer officers’ mameluke sabre
British, Georgian era officers’ pipe-back sabre
French Revolutionary mounted officers sabre with rotating guard.
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illegiblewords · 2 years
I compiled a list of designs in the past to share some favorite Final Fantasy XIV glamours from the Eorzea Collection website. With the Endwalker expansion released, there are quite a few new options available and people have developed even more incredible looks. So I decided it was worth doing a follow-up. I’ll probably do this every expansion or so. As before, this list comes with a disclaimer that it’s personal opinion and purely in the interest of going ‘LOOK HOW COOL THIS IS’ at people! Anyone could theoretically do the same, I’m not an authority.
This post focuses on melee dps.
Season I Melee DPS
- Dragontamer by Nova Kie
- Eastern Spear by Toffi Fee
- Valkyrie by Shiyo Hayashi
- Holy Knight, Unholy Arms by Rio Natani
- Imperial Shrike by Rio Natani
- Spear of the Father by Accoy Liv
- Spinosus by Mio Meyi
- Wyrmlance by Louise Aquitaine
- Virtu Bird by Leisha Aysheen
- Daughter of Suzaku by Leisha Aysheen
- Abyssal Dragonlancer by Felidae Aelfwig
- Nidhogg’s Bane by Hiei Imada
- Ktiseos by Nya Nya
-Harlequin Dragoon by Ry Tempester
- Glynne - Royal Knight by Glynne Silence
- The Crimson Fang by Sui'ra Yhven
- Lancer of the Heavens by Felidae Aelfwig
- Forgiven Deception by David Gerussi
- Iceborn by Erles'io Noctaleos
- Goelia - Terminal Hesitation by Glynne Silence
- Monochrome city by Lillith Light
- Crimson Reaper by Lielle Graham
- Sable Scythe by Illya Heavy
- Ruby Reaper by Morgana Dotharl
- Gravedigger by Ratel Felsenbrecherin
- Hell To Pay by Morrow Krvnagora
- Blue feathers by Rixario Highborn
- Keeper Of The 12th Gate by Noel Haze
- Desert Strayer by Sylvian Staffbearer
- Reaper Warrior by Wei Wangji
- Oneiros by Kheiron Reginleif
- Scythe of Bahamut by Ered Kaehr
- The Night Watch of Hingashi by Sir Owl
- No Title by Glynne Silence
- Darbar Maiming by Teru Nashira
- Reaper of the Snow by Sir Owl
- Destiny’s Protector by Zenix Stormcaster
- Demon in Red by Elias Deldrin
- Bluefeather Explorer by Tyo'li Wolndara
- Tres Deseos by Leisha Aysheen
- Yojimbo by Lohia Aihol
- Ruby Samurai by Iggy Goldberg
- Flame’s Champion by Sarah Montcroix
- Divine Blade by Iggy Goldberg
- Samurai of Light by Bb Channel
- Seraph by Rue Mitsuri
- Blademaster (F. Ver.) by Louise Aquitaine
- Neo-Mercernary by Mio Meyi
- Sword Saint by Pastel Alerion
- Hellhound by Kaien Shimazu
- Spirit of the Desert by Tenchi Tora
- Samurai Mercernary by Esta Mephistopheles
- Makai Blade by Keiteaux Kisarre
- Desert Scavenger by Vellen Grydja
- Medieval Samurai by Hanso Richimoto
- Wet Ink by Yuzu Rein’del
- Of the Falling Snows by E’saiye Valhesri
- Panthean Striking by Teru Nashira
- Blade for Hire by Banri Togano
- Blue Genie by Leisha Aysheen
- Ruby Sea Ribbons by Ko Kiri
- Managarmr by Shiyo Hayashi
- Alzadaal by Miyo Mei
- A Hunter At Heart. by Lakira’ Kina
- Blade Princess by Toffi Fee
- Karasu Ninja by Anya Maeve
- Bloodied Feather - Maelstrom Operative by Alisya Hawk
- Ghost of Vanaspati by Ko Kiri
- Chromatic Miysis by Jenny Nguyen
- Beauteous Beast by Keiteaux Kisarre
- Deadly Masquerade by Suranar Thunderwind
- Ala Mhigan Assassin by Red Boar
- Prince Of Thieves by Cassius Tayunn
- Nasty Bat by Val Forsyth
- Blademaster (M Ver.) by Leon Aquitaine
- High Emissary by Felidae Aelfwig
- Artic Ninja by Braum Osbern
- through the snow by Toffi Fee
- Forest Whisper by Juniper Luna
- Seiryu Serpentsworn by Ko Kiri
- Navi’s Ninth Vare Monk by Navi Tsuri
- Purple Punch by Sumire Ume
- The Beast Within by Sveta Raybrant
- Assassin but not a Ninja V2 (Monk) by Loe Vaen
- Cyberlicht by Tarn Supreme
- Beat-down Brat by Nerril Kuroba
- Feral Instinct by Z’oka Bajhiri
- Wardancer by Miyo Mei
- Heir of Fire by Ko Kiri
- No title by Glynne Silence
- Red Fist White Dragon by Viveka Serhilde
- Modern Theravada by Angyo Owari
- Gyr Abanian Fists by Corus Maderna
- Yankee by Noir Malqir
- Sky Rat  Enforcer by Citrus Prime
- Five Finger Snap Punch by Coco Kai
- Azure Fists by Y'taryll Bjurhet
- Claws of Anubis by Matthaeus Imperator
- Monk of Divine Light by Geraltus D’doritus
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hands-of-the-king · 1 year
Truthfully, few things have infuriated me more than having to go into the guts of this game and struggle to make it into something that it wants to be, only to fall short and realize that even if the framework IS better than it once was, the fact that it still requires six hour sessions to get anything done is a massive flaw.
I’ve been slowly falling off the LANCER design train as more and more stuff in the community has gotten more wildly toxic and echo-chamber-y, with outright bullying and beating people over the head with established mode of conduct being expected in the general discord.
Small little rant below. As always, if you’ve had fun playing LANCER? Hell yeah, good on you! None of this is pointed at you, nor the time you’ve spent enjoying the game.
TL;DR: Game’s mechanically imbalanced, dissonant writing has drawn in would-be liberals, LGBT, and facists all into the same community, without actually taking a stance one way or the other, despite how much Union is “Post-Scarcity Utopia.”
Between certain community ideations of balance versus what the numbers supply, there’s no pleasing people. Official content comes out that teaches players that their big fun gun can be no-sold once each round (Solstice Rain, LL0). That NPCs get to do More Cool Stuff than them (No Room for a Wallflower, Act 1′s NPC additions, notably the Lurker compared to the Balor). That they’re going to spend hours and hours playing the game and advancing their pilots, for what?
To play a Minotaur next to a Tortuga who has three times as much impact on the game than they do? Every sitrep in the game is solved by killing things better. Whoever takes Nuclear Cavalier, Overpower Caliber, and brings the biggest gun that shoots the most will Win Better(tm). Woe betide you if you want to be a hacker, for your option is H0r_OS System Upgrade I.
Skirmish is the King of the Game. The Most Damage per the Most Action will beat out ticking up 2 heat at a time each and every time.
I’ve spent the past three years playing and running this game, and the past one and a half trying to make it a real Tabletop RPG. That invokes narrative in the midst of the tabletop combat. That creates memorable moments backed by mechanics of clashes and ace maneuvers and PILE DRIVING TWO SEPARATE MECHS OFF OF A SKYSCRAPER.
I’ve pushed the system to its limits, torn out every gut and bone I can and readjusted it all. And still I’m not happy with it.
And I think it’s that the very foundation just isn’t geared to make a snappy mech game that makes you feel ‘Mud & Lasers.’ You get in the cockpit, and you get ready to stare at the grid for the next six hours. Or you stop at 3 or 4 and get ready to do it again next week. You can dress it up, you can use the prettiest of maps. But it’s not evocative. You play, you roll, you miss your shot or do piddly damage, and that quick action was a 12th of the actions you will take across the entire six rounds. You tune off for the next 20 minutes as everything else goes and then its your turn again. You perk up when your name is called because something is shooting you, and you have to readjust to every single change in th situation as you await your turn, hoping that you can still do your seven-step plan to ensure optimal gameplay.
You’re outgunned, but you’re tough enough to survive it and weather it. Or, you’re not. At which point, kick back and wait until the combat’s over, because ‘optimally’ you don’t want to risk your pilot like that.
All the while, people with wide eyes who want to play a cool little idea they had just kind of go ‘oh...’ when anything more than a cakewalk drifts their way. I’ve taught Lancer to so many groups by now, and it’s gotten to the point where it’s hard to recommend it.
Harder still, because customizing and tuning your mech is something that I’ve been chasing for years since Armored Core V came out.
Anyways, if you want the feeling of satisfying tactical combat in half the time, Apocalypse Frame is worth a look. It’s missing the crunchy customization, but I’m hoping to come up with something soon that can help with that.
If you come into my askbox trying to defend the mechanics of LANCER, I’m sorry to tell you that it is neither a tabletop RPG nor a wargame, but a thing that straddles the most infuriating line between the two to ever exist.
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gmlocg · 1 year
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3,121.) Jet Lancer
Release: May 12th, 2020 | GGF: Action, Shoot 'Em Up, Bullet Hell, Arcade, Twin Stick Shooter | Developer(s): Code Wakers | Publisher(s): Armor Games Studios | Platform(s): Macintosh (2020), Nintendo Switch (2020), Windows (2020)
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 year
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updated art for my lancer (but all the humans have furry genetic splices because we're furries and playing as humans is kinda dull everything already makes you be a human you know?) character, Sundown 297: Horizon in Citrine, Daughter of the Flamesfox, 12th in line to the Sun-Dappled Kingdom
thirdcomm came in and put a stop to her family doing the whole, you know, slavery thing, so now she's off being a lancer to learn the weird invading aliens technology so they can take their rightful kingdom back! she's the good guy
she's into NHP shit and drone shit and the fox drone holds her NHP's cask, which she's trying to socialize on the idea that NHPs are just a single divine consciousness being socialized into an identity and that's how the god that founded their royal bloodline probably worked TOO so she's gonna remake god from scratch
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