#Full dress sabre
blue-and-gilt · 2 years
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Just when I promised myself never to import another sword with ivory, what do I go and do?
I buy another mameluke sabre….
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This is a late Georgian era Full Dress mameluke sabre marked to the 12th Lancers. While there had been a well-established tradition of carrying mameluke sabres amongst officers of the British army that goes back to the Egyptian campaigns of 1798 – 1801. It wasn’t until 25th April 1822 that they were officially sanctioned in the Dress Regulations for the 9th, 12th and 16th Lancers.
The regulations were all prescribed a 'mameluke-hilted' sword with a plain metal scabbard for dress wear and a velvet-covered scabbard for full dress. I imagine that the difference between Dress and Full Dress would have been determined by who attended the occasion or function.
In 1826 the regulations ordered in Full Dress a ‘mameluke-hilted’ for officers of the Hussars and in 1831 a mameluke inspired pattern was introduced for General and Staff officers. Regardless, officers of may other Light Cavalry and some Heavy Cavalry units continued to carry mameluke sabres into the early 20th Century.
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This sabre can be attributed to the 12th (The Prince of Wales) Royal Lancers by the blade decoration which features the regimental title, crowned crossed lances and laurel wreaths. Going by the style of decoration it dates to between 1822 and 1830, with it likely to be at the earlier end of that range. I purchased the sword from Richard Dellar, and it features in his book, The British Cavalry Sword 1788 – 1912; The Companion Volume Plates 12.27 – 12.28 alongside a similar sword from the 9th Lancers.
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Overall Length: 878 mm
Blade Length: 737 mm
Curve: 45 mm
Grip Length: 118 mm
Inside Grip Length: 93 mm
Weight: 700 grams
Point of Balance: 105 mm
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luzzeagain · 11 months
Fei Liu AU, please :)
The premise on this one is - what if Qi Meng*did* get through to the Emperor with the message about Consort Jing being in trouble? And it got through because Fei Liu interrupted the 'bandits'; hence the title.
"The white jade seal carved with the personal sigil of the head of the Jiangzuo Alliance had opened the gate so quickly that it was a wonder the guards didn’t drop their keys, and Fei Liu was riding fast and silent for the south. He wasn’t entirely sure where the Royal Tombs were, but he’d seen the road the Grand Empress’s cortege had taken and somewhere so important must be fairly easy to find.
By daybreak, he could see tiny figures on the road ahead of him, and as he drew closer, he recognised the man who had nearly hurt Su-gege, riding with someone who was dressed like one of the palace maids. Now he knew he was on the right road, and he urged the horse faster. They were going to visit the Emperor, and the Emperor was with Nihuang-jiejie, and Su-gege had called out for Nihuang in his sleep.
The road fell into a slight dip, and he lost sight of them for a few minutes. When he came over the rise, the man was lying flat on the road, and the girl nowhere to be seen." It's in five parts - or will be, if I ever write the other two - with a different PoV for each part, but my favourite is still the opening, where I am attempting to explain to myself exactly *why* Qi Meng is in a role for which he is so eminently ill-suited:
There were dozens, if not hundreds, of men in Prince Jing's army who would gladly have taken an arrow for their commander. There was, to the best of Zhanying's knowledge, only one man who had actually done so, and Zhanying sometimes rather wished he hadn't.
Not that he wanted any harm to come to Prince Jing - Zhanying hastily made the sign against ill-fortune. But it would certainly have saved a great deal of trouble if only someone else had done it. 
The whole thing had taken place about three years ago, out on the Eastern border. Zhanying himself had been commanding the south wing on the other side of the battlefield at the time, but he knew what had happened - everybody did. The general's party had been too far in advance, too fast, and had been cut off from the main force. Prince Jing's horse had stumbled, and an enemy spear had gone clear through his thigh. His standard bearer had flung himself in front of the arrow that would have finished the job, taking it full in the chest, then fought his way back to the main lines, wielding that ridiculous sabre of his one-handed, with the general over his other shoulder. He'd delivered the prince into the hands of the physicians, and then collapsed at his feet. 
To Qi Meng’s credit, he had never sought reward. "No need, no need, this tough old skin must be good for something." But that hadn't prevented the general, rightly, from granting it. Neither Prince Jing nor General Zhanying were under any illusions about the man’s tactical abilities, but saving the prince’s life guaranteed the man a promotion, so a promotion he must have. By tacit agreement, they’d managed to put him in places where he could do no harm, and might even be an asset.  
It had not been so bad when they were in the field, but in Jinling, finding somewhere in the duty roster was hard enough at the best of times. Sending him out to hunt for the monster had been a stroke of genius, if Zhanying did say so himself. He didn’t have much faith that Qi Meng would actually find the monster, if indeed it existed, but having Qi Meng and his squad crashing around at least made people feel safe, and might perhaps scare off a fox or two. Now, with Jing himself out of town, all troops in the city had been pulled back to Jing Manor, and even so, Zhanying had no-one of equivalent rank to spare when Consort Jing’s maid had arrived in the middle of the night, demanding an escort to the Emperor as a matter of urgency.
He was​ a capable bodyguard, though, and surely any maid brought up in the Inner Palace - let alone one who had managed to get out of it - would be familiar enough with the ways of intrigue that she could cope on her own once he had got her to the Emperor in one piece. Probably. 
Zhanying realised he had been staring sightlessly into the lamp flame for the last five minutes and dragged his attention back to the stack of provisioning reports in front of him. Prince Jing could be back any day, and would expect a full accounting. 
Unconsciously, his fingers curled again into the sign against bad luck.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Soft Thoughts Sunday - Timo & Emma
Fourth and Final Soft thought that I am just now finishing: Timo/Emma- very beginning of when they finally are official! Emma feeling a little insecure about whether she’s doing this whole relationship thing right (she’s not the best chef, she can’t come to a lot of games like other wags bc work, etc) and timo reassures her that she is perfect and all that stuff doesn’t matter to him 🥰
“I have a surprise for you.” I clap my hands excitedly when Timo comes home from practice. 
Today is a good day for me physically. I had some queasiness early this morning that went away after I ate toast for breakfast. With my newfound health, I have been working on a perfect day date for my baby daddy and I next week. Timo is going on a mini road trip right before, but will be back Wednesday for a full off day- no practice, no team commitments- a full day to do whatever we want. I’ve got appointments booked, reservations confirmed and a whole outline of a day down to the minute in my planner. 
“Yeah?” Timo chuckles, dropping his bag by the couch before joining me at the kitchen counter. “Missed you.” He curls down to capture my lips. His hand comes to my neck, stroking my cheek as his tongue laps against mine. “How are you feeling?” He wonders as he sits on the stool next to me.
“Great!” I exclaim brightly. 
“Okay, I can tell you really want to share this with me.” His hand falls down to my upper thigh. It barely rests there before his fingers are reaching for my bump.
“Next week.. on Wednesday… we have the perfect day planned. We have brunch. We have massages. We have facials. We have private shopping experiences. We have a quaint, French dinner for two on a roof top overlooking the Hudson River. Then we can come back here and recreate how we made this.” I press his fingers deeper into where our baby grows. “Might even try to squeeze into that dress again.” We both chuckle, knowing there is no way that little green thing is zipping with how much I have grown.
“That all sounds so great, babe….” Timo cringes slightly, threading our fingers together against my stomach. “If I was in town.” All the color drains from my face. 
“Wait, what? No I checked… the calendar.” I sputter, grabbing my phone from the counter. I pull the calendar app up, tucking my hair behind my ear anxiously. I click over to calendars, realizing I didn’t have Timo’s calendar checked, so none of his trips or games came through. I stare down at the words @ Buffalo Sabres. Tears swirl the text together as a small whimper comes from my lips.
“Oh. Okay.” I say, standing and pushing back from him and the counter. “Wow, I’m sorry. I really suck at this.” Timo pouts immediately at me, trying to stop me from walking around him. He misses. 
“Hon… no, no, no no.” Timo follows me into the living room. He grabs my arm, gathering me securely into his body. “You’re great at this. You tried. You planned literally my perfect day.” I cover my face in my hands and begin sobbing into his chest. “Baby. It’s okay.” I shudder from my sobs. It was a simple mistake, but it feels like the end of the world. 
“You deserve so much better. Why do you even love me? I can’t cook. I can’t go to all your games. I can’t plan a fucking date. I can’t.. *hiccup* do anythiiiiiiiing.” I’m hysterically crying by the end. Timo squeezes me tighter until I can’t move. It helps calm me. 
“Em, none of those things are true.” Timo murmurs into my ear. “There is nothing you can’t do.” His strong hands rub up and down my back. “I don’t need you to be at every game, or make my dinner or… plan detailed dates.” He speaks against my hair. “All I need is you… right here.. against my chest every night.” I groan out another sob.
“I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve any of this.”
“Baby.” He tilts my face up with his hands. His fingers completely enclose my face as he stares into my eyes. His thumbs collect my tears while he waits patiently for me to come to a calmer state. “You are okay.” He whispers then leans down to kiss across my cheek bones and nose. Carefully, he brushes away the strands of my hair that are getting stuck in my wet, clumpy mascara. I swallow then sigh heavily. “Em, I love you. You’re enough… you’re more than that. I don’t need any of that other shit. Just you, exactly as you are right now.” I nod, then step back from his chest.
“I think I need a recovery nap before I cancel all that stuff.” 
“Leave your phone. I’ll take care of it.” I nod, then walk off into the direction of our bedroom to sleep off my disappointment.
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druidx · 5 months
Her Countenance was Light - Chapter 17
CW: Deadnaming, implied CSA AO3 ; Chapters: 01. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Tag list (ask for +/-): @aquadestinyswriting, @hannah-heartstrings, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @babyblueetbaemonster
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She buys three snow cones: cola-flavoured syrup on hers, blue raspberry for Thazar, and cherry for Storri. Elo can't help chuckling at King Storri – this serious, muscular man – gripping the paper cone and tiny plastic spade with intense concentration. They carry them through the halls, drawing peculiar stares, to the Council chambers where Thazar is waiting. "Snow cones?" he asks, eyebrows raised. "Snow cones," Elo confirms with a grin. "We can have dessert before main. I got you blue raspberry, I hope that's okay." She hands him the paper cone, knowing full well it's his favourite. He looks baffled for a moment, before accepting it and giving it a lick. Elo glances at Storri, and they share a secret smile.
Lunch starts out well. It's taken in Thazar's personal office, the three of them around a compact, fold-away table. It's nothing fancy – sandwiches of cold cuts and a bit of charcuterie. But it's happily devoured as Elo passes on Farren's update for the Strucker case, and finally explains what caused her to show up in his office covered with mud and engine grease. King Storri seems concerned that his having kept her out late had contributed, but she assures him no harm was done. In return, Thazar admits no one was expecting his Majesty to show up, but they weren't about to do anything to the gift horse, let alone look in its mouth. He gives her the details of the dinner, the announcements they're due to make during it… and then says she must wear a dress. "No," Elo says. "Though I'm there in an official capacity, his Majesty's safety is still my priority. I'll wear a tuxedo." "That is not good enough. Elowyn, you cannot appear in anything less than a ballgown. I know you dislike it, but there are standards to maintain. Your priority during this meal is to be part of the Icelandic contingent and assure people there is no harm in the deals we'll make over the coming days. You must appear–" "Ladylike? No running, no fighting? And if there is a situation – what then? Do I sit back and let the menfolk deal with it? No. I need to be able to move in my outfit." The glower Thazar is levelling at her is nothing short of furious. It's been a while since they've come to blows like this. "Then find a dress where you can," he growls, and Elo is reminded that under that placid, pale exterior lies a skilled swordsman and ballistics expert. Aunt Selene told stories of his sabre work and trap-making, how he ran cannonade during the Great War and of his kill-count. Aunt Sel chose him for those reasons, Elo recalls, not just for his keen intelligence and political acumen. If anything, her Aunt once said, his skill with the blade and its manoeuvres only enhances his ability to slice verbally through his political opponents. But none of that knowing is able to stop her angry response. "No, Thazar, I need a suit." "Featherdown!" His hand booms on the table. The cutlery jangles. She feels the sabre-jab of her deadname through her heart. Elo goes cold and rigid and silent. Her first parents were, in the nicest possible way, a bit hippy-dippy. Flower-children or not, no one deserved to die like they did. The memory of their deaths and her abuse rings through her bones, as Thazar's voice rings through the air. Her hand clenches around the cheese knife. She wants to rage, wants to remind him with a blade that is not who she is anymore, and that is not her name. In her periphery the King's security has detached from the wall, dampening her ardour. "Might your secretary have a recommendation?" Elo says, voice tight, instead of the million things she wants to scream. The Acting Magister pauses, as if he too is corralling all the things he wants to say, and utters instead, "Yes." Elo rises sharply. The chair thuds as it tips over behind her. "Will your Majesty be requiring anything further?" King Storri's gaze flicks warily between the two of them. "Nay." "Until dinner then, your Majesty. Acting Magister." Elo turns sharply and strides for the door. "May I walk you out?" King Storri asks, even as he's rising to follow. "If your Majesty pleases," Elo bites out over her shoulder, even though it's not fair to treat him with the same cold disdain she threw at Thazar.
Outside in the corridor, as she's marching away, King Storri makes the mistake of trying to catch her arm. "Featherdown?" Her wrist is caught by the security agent, the cheese knife inches from his throat. She'd forgotten she was holding it. "That is not my name," she snaps out. The agent flicks her wrist, forcing her to drop the knife. "He has crossed a line. No one has any right to call me that. No one. I am Detective Sergeant Elowyn of Toreguarde, and you will address me as such!" She wrenches her arm away from the agent, though he rightly remains on alert in front of his King. She hates that she is shaking, that tears are standing in her eyes. Behind his agent, King Storri nods. "Very well, Sargent." Elo swallows and blinks as she looks away. "Ma'am," says the agent. "Our shield maidens favour the cocktail dress. The short skirt allows a better range of movement and access to concealed weapons." Elo steps away, throat working as she swallows. "Thank you, Agent."
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galaxyedging · 1 year
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Joel Miller x F!reader
The Last of Us Magical AU
Warnings: angst, grief, talk of the death of a child, unprotected P in V sex.
Summary: A storm clears the air in more ways than one.
The Watchtower
Part 3
The rain pelted you from the side with an ice cold sting. The heavy wind drove you closer to the cliff face. Walking became harder as the ground below you softened with the rainwater seeping into it.
Joel edged along in front of you. "It gets a little tight up here." He called back over the bellowing wind.
Turning sideways, Joel took a few steps, feeling his way with his foot. The darkening sky didn't help. Even when the clouds parted occasionally, there was little light to be had. Joel took another step beneath him stones struck the cliff face below as they showered down.
"Joel!" The land beneath his feet gave way, grabbing his arm, you went down with him.
The two of you slid down the muddy slope that the storm had created into the freezing water below. Your body was thrown round like a ragdoll under the depths. Rolling until you didn't know which way was up. Throwing out your arms and kicking your legs you desperately tried to break the surface. Your muscles burned as much as your lungs. The laughable thought that after everything you had survived you were going to be killed because of a little rain bubbled up inside you. After flashes of panic and confusion there was a flash of something else, lightening. With everything you had you pushed towards it. The bitter wind on your face was welcome, relief rushed into you along with a much needed breathe. The relief was short lived as there was no sign of Joel. The desperate struggle to keep your head above water sent you into a panic.
Joel's voice cut through the howling wind and the flow of water in your ear. "Land."
Grabbing a first full of your jacket he dragged you behind him like a tugboat.
With Joel's help you managed to drag yourself onto the beach. The two of you lay there panting. As if she admired the fight in you, Mother Nature calmed down. The rain all but stopped, sun peeked through the clouds. There was enough light for you to take in your surroundings properly. The small island had a high wall built from what looked like wood from old ships. It must have been six foot high or more. Over the top peeked a roof to, hopefully, a decent shelter.
Joel dragged himself to his feet first. Walking around the wall, he found the gate.
Joining him you noticed something unnerving. "Locked from the outside."
Joel reached for the sabre strapped to his back. "Can you feel anything?"
"No but I'm tired and I can't feel that far." Embarrassment tinged your cheeks, the one thing you could offer this partnership and you weren't that good at it.
Joel nodded before lifting the plank off the doors. The two of you slipped in quietly. The cabin inside was sturdy enough but only small, it didn't take long to check the perimeter. Reaching the front door Joel looked to you, gripping your own blade tighter, you nodded your readiness. Joel swung the door open, then dropped back, prepared for anything that might coming running out. He waited a beat, nothing. All the windows were covered by shutters, the barest slithers of light that managed to get through were no match for the crushing darkness. Joel flung open the shutter nearest to him, light flooded the small space. Moving to your left you did the same. The place was empty.
Following Joel inside, you took stock of your surroundings. One room with a door on the far side. From your tour of the outside you'd say a washroom. There was a large bed to your right. A set of drawers next to it. On the left there was a small kitchen area, with a table only big enough for two. Next to that was a large fireplace, that you hoped you could get going. The cold from your wet clothes was bone deep now. Joel busied himself with that, while you searched for dry clothes. Thankfully, the draws contained a couple of dresses, which would have to do for you, and a white shirt and a pair of California style pants for Joel. By the time you had peeled off your clothes in the washroom. Joel had the fire roaring. He had also found a couple of bottles of alcohol and some other supplies. They were laid out on a table along with a note.
While Joel changed you read the note. "My love, I know you didn't want me to risk it but we need supplies. I won't go too far inland. I will be back as soon as I can. Stay safe. All my love Ish."
Sadness filled you at the thought of there being no sign of Ish or his love. Maybe she found the note and went to join him? They could be living happily in the Great Settlement. From the rich feel of the fabric in this dress, they had money. Money still counted for something in this world. You feared that it would always run things, no matter what type of world you lived in.
When the washroom door opened, all thoughts of the couple left you, replaced with thoughts of Joel. The white shirt was a little tight on him. The buttons strained on his chest, the fabric pulled taut at his shoulders. The pants, cut tight at the waist, fit snugly around his hips and thighs. The wide cut at the bottom accentuated his long legs. He passed closely to lay his clothes on the stone hearth next to yours. The scent of the ocean mixed with something that was pure Joel washed over you. It's been so long since a man had touched you or even since you had touched yourself. Joel had been constantly nearby for the last couple of months. Even when you had your own room you were worried that he might hear your thoughts during your activities. Joel was the only person that you'd been able to send your thoughts too. Even during your brief training in The Great Settlement, you hadn't mastered that skill. Now you simply put it down to the stress, Joel is your partner, the person that has your back out here. You need to communicate with him, so sometimes you do. There was nothing more to it, or so you keep telling yourself.
The fire crackled, finally started to spread some warmth to your bones. The whiskey that Joel decided you should open, being passed back and forth didn't hurt on that front either. Still, you shivered. So much so that it caught Joel's attention.
"Here." He placed his blanket over you.
"Joel, no, you're cold too. Share it?" You lifted the blankets up for him to slide closer as he did, his hand brushed yours, a melody you didn't recognise filled you head. "What's that song?" You asked without even thinking, on reflection it was a little rude to ask him about his thoughts.
"It's just a old song...my daughter liked it."
Daughter. He'd never talked about her. Maybe you should have left it alone but since he mentioned her maybe he wanted to talk about her? "What was she like?"
He shifted next to you before drawing in a deep breath. For a second you thought you should take it back, that you had upset him. Then he spoke, his voice quiet, even in the silence of the house. "She was a handful." He chuckled, it was the sweetest sound you had ever heard. "Bright, stubborn, always full of curiosity, funny."
"She sounds amazing."
"Yeah. She was. I don't know where she got it from."
"Well, the stubbornness is obviously all you."
He chuckled again. Taking another long pull from the near empty whiskey bottle. He passed it to you, his fingers skimming yours as he did.
'I should have protected her.' His voice was filled sorrow.
"I'm sure you did everything you could." The alcohol was blurring the lines between what you heard and your powers. Joel stiffened for a moment next to you, you thought for sure he would close himself off again.
Instead he settled in beside you. "Part of me wanted to die with her. Hell, part of me did. Then the shooting started, the army moving in. Tommy was pulling at me, hollering that we needed to go. I hid her, her body, after we got away, I came back to get her. I wanted to lay right down next to where we buried her and rot. I don't know why I kept going, why I fought so hard to live in this messed up world. Maybe, I still believed that this life is a gift. When you have a kid, when they put this tiny bundle of life in your arms, you really realise how precious life is. Maybe I didn't want to squander the chance I'd been given that my baby girl didn't get."
He ran a hand over his face to wipe away the tears that had pooled in his eyes.
"Oh, Joel." You rested your hand over his, splayed out on the floor next to you.
'Weak old fool. Crying in front of a stranger.'
"You're not weak Joel. You're a survivor. You've been through the worst pain a parent can go through and you're still here. You have fought through this forsaken place. Keeping us both alive. You're the strongest man I've ever met." Without thinking you added "Plus, we're not exactly strangers." The last part hung in the air, infusing it with a thickness.
In your dreams you were far from strangers. He had known you in ways no man ever had. Ways that you ached for.
What happened next surprised you, it maybe even surprised Joel as his lips met yours. Briefly hesitating just as they touched before capturing yours in a firm kiss. As your lips parted in a sigh, he deepened the kiss.
His thoughts swirled in your head as his tongue swirled against yours.
'I need this. Need you.'
'So soft for me.'
'Want to make you feel good.'
'Fuck, I need to feel good.'
'Let me have something good in this world.'
He pulled you into his lap, barely breaking the kiss as he did. You hitched your skirt up as you threw your knee over his legs. Your bare pussy rubbed against the solid bulge in his pants twice before your hands worked together to undo his belt. The buckled barely had time to strike the floor as he sunk into you in one long stroke. His head pressed into your shoulder as he did. The seconds he took to compose himself felt like hours.
'Shit, so tight. Wanna come already.'
'So warm and wet.'
'Perfect pussy. Perfect girl.'
'Wanna make her scream.'
And he did. Raising you off of him, only to pull you back down as he thrust up, hitting the spot that made fireworks explode behind your eyes, he only had to repeat that motion a handful of times before you screamed his name, coming hard around his thick length.
'Best thing I've ever felt.'
'I wanna fill you up.'
Slamming yourself down on him, you managed to reach out with your mind.
'Do it, Joel.'
'Feel so fucking good.'
'Fill me.'
The sound that came out of him could almost pass for one of the monster out there. He groaned as he pumped his release deep inside you. As the post coital bliss settled over you. Everything was quiet. The relaxation allowing you to truly zone out, not even this close contact could push Joel's thoughts at you. It was perfect as he pressed kisses to your temple while you curled into his chest. He was still nestled inside you.
Eventually, his thoughts drifted back in. Much clearer than you'd even heard.
'This is perfect.'
'We should stay here for as long as we can.'
Humming in agreement you slipped off of him. Your joint releases seeped out onto your thighs. "I better go get cleaned up."
"Yeah. I'll go check the perimeter, just to be safe." 'Got to keep her safe.' His thoughts echoed as you held his hand to pull him up.
Once he reached his full height you pressed a kiss to his lips. 'God damn, she's gonna get me hard again just from a kiss.' You couldn't help but laugh at that. "I'll take the blankets back to the bed."
Falling asleep next to Joel was always a risk. In your sleep, your brain didn't put the same resistance up to other people's thoughts. The first couple of times you had the standard dreams of anyone that survived this long, loss and heartache. Nothing clear, just the general feeling. Then, when you were more comfortable with each other, those other dreams started to happen.
The first one woke you with a start, it had you teetering on the edge on an orgasm. Joel had stood behind you early that day, giving you points on holding a rifle. In the dream, after he was satisfied you knew what you were doing, he had removed the gun from your hands. After setting it down, he returned to your back, his nose in your hair, taking in your scent. His lips then found your neck, placing kissing down it as he bent to bend you over. He'd ragged down your trousers before dragging his cock through your folds, finding your entrance, he'd filled you completely. He'd slammed into you hard and fast, out in the open, where anyone could find you, until he had come with a shout of your name.
Tonight wasn't filled with the usual amorous fantasies. This one started with Joel cradling a young girl as she lay dying. His daughter. Joel killing a man with his bare fists slamming into his head until the man's face was a bloody pulp. Joel choking a man to death. Another man, angry at Joel, shouting something about another way. More killings, blood, violence. The light going out in people's eyes as Joel took their lives.
The dreams subsided as the waking world came into focus. Joel's voice clear in your head.
'Too young, too good.'
'Took advantage.'
"Joel?" Snapping fully awake he slid out of the bed away from you.
"We better get moving." He stood, wrapping a blanket around his waist.
"I thought you wanted to stay here as long as well could?" His shoulders tensed at your words. His words.
"This was long enough." He walked to the end of the bed.
Quickly springing out yourself you cut him off. "Joel! No, you don't get to do that."
"Do what?" He huffed, his gaze trying to ignore your naked form.
"Share something like that with me then shut down again." It wasn't just sex, you had connected with him, shared your thoughts with him.
"You never had sex with someone and regretted it in the morning?" He tried to make his tone as bitter as possible. Another attempt to push you away.
"Sure I have." Joel seemed a little surprised. "I haven't pushed anyone away afterwards because I was too chicken shit to have feelings." You spat.
He tried to walk around you.
"No." You put a hand on his bare chest.
'Can't hurt her.'
'Can't lose her.'
'Can't lose again.'
Joel took a deep breath. He knew you heard that.
Taking your hand away, you looked deep into his eyes. "This world is fucked up. There is so much pain but you can't shut yourself off from the good. I'm here, Joel. I might not be tomorrow but I'm here now. You don't want to hurt me? Then don't take away the one good thing I have." His shoulders slumped a little in defeat. "By the way, I'm not too young. I'm twelve years younger than you but you're just old."
A smirk tugged at his lips. "Old, huh?" Dropping the blanket his hands found the back of your thighs, wrapping them around his waist he lifted you briefly to lay you back on the bed. "I'll show you old." He muttered against the soft flesh of your breast before taking your nipple into his mouth, his teeth sinking in until you cried out, arching into him to chase the sensation.
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exoticalmonde · 9 months
Dr. Evealia Operator Records
Recently I saw someone talk about their Dr. sona or lack thereof when it comes to interacting with the Arknights community, so I got curious as to what I've come up so far with Dr. Evealia.
Thanks to Dr. Kryo's constant reposts of the yuumeship tag daily questions and sometimes pestering me to actually work on talking more about my sona when the crippling anciety of me being cringe is making it difficult, I decided to compile all the information here today.
Dr. Pinkie: *Puts ramen packs and water in mouth*
Dr. Puffin: *Sips monster every day and confuses Kal'tsit with the name of the drink*
Dr. Eve: *Drinks so much lemonade the acidity in her body is like that of 5 batteries*
Dr. Kryo: *Chews tea packets*
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Despite this conversation and me constantly forgetting myself, Dr. Eve is not Elafia but a chymera, more specifically a pantheon, but she hides her fox tail under the coat and long dress she wears:
Dr. Pinkie: "Shrimp buffet is free .3."
Dr. Kryo: "The shrimp buffet is a frequent stop, Not for memories but shrimp tasty"
Me: "Me putting on my bathing suit the moment you say there are fried mussels or calmari.
Dr. Eve despite being elafia stuffs herself so full of mussels she goes into shrimp coma every 6 months while visiting Pinkie's ship"]
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I think skill 2 would be healing (if going by Dr. is a 6 star operator theory) and skill 3 is shwinging a couple of waves of petals like waves from a sea. Not to forget Dr. Eve is a Lord and uses a sabre, a weapon picked up before she went into a coma.
Dr. Eve:
Summons originium flower petals, peach in colour and mostly transluscent, which pass through allies and heal them while damaging enemies.
/Her fear was unreasonable because he is too kind and gentle to actually think that her forgetting how to play any instrument would be something unbecoming. She just wants to impress him./
And that she is also a Leithanien, so if she plays any instrument it would be the flute /wood/ or a hurdy-gurdy.
But Czerny doesn't know because she is afraid he might challenge her knowledge and she hasn't touched the instrument for a long while. It was just in her room so she assumed she knew how to play from before.
Dr. Lundi's infected eye being flashy and cool and also a little sad to look at.
XY: Hey Doctor, where is your infection?
Dr. Eve: Pulls a comedically old Xray board over myself showing that everything in a 20cm radius around my heart including is glowing like it's Christmas
She easily gets warm, so temperatures on RI are a maximum of 22C spring/summer and 28C fall/winter.
Dr. Evealia's infection is external, a formation of pure black clusters starting from the back of her neck at the hairline and going around the base of her neck/across her clavicles and upper part of her ribs almost like a necklace. During winter it s easy to cover them and shield them via special wool/cotton scarves, but during the hot seasons Kal'tsit has prescribed her to wear something like a cone if she's not with the Dr.'s coat. It makes it look comically like she's a cat in cone jail, but it's just for her own safety.
The infection thereon becomes internal and has concentrated around her heart.
When her infection begins acting up Dr. Eve begins having heart palpatations and chest pains which leave her winded.
During such a state if she is forced to use arts the scent of the flowers may become simmilar to that of opium, which could lead to addiction. The effect of being exposed for too long to that scent could lead to immune system weakning and inflammation in infected areas.
This is why it's recommended to not leave for a mission with Dr. Eve unless everybody is equipped with masks.
Dr. Evealia also can increase the strenght of her attacks by playing the hurdy gurdy, which is her updated S3 - much like a skalter buff in the sense it last for a set duration and sends waves of petals towards the direction she is facing.
The 'addictive' scent may cause side effects to operators simmilar to an overdose (breathing difficulty and nausea), but the longest that 'overdose' state has ever lasted was during a four hour exposure and it passed only 30 minutes after they were seperated.
Operators overved to become very hungry afterwards.
Including music that I stumbled upon accidentally but it feels like something her S3 would be when completely loaded:
Top operators constantly by her side are Czerny, Chongyue and Ebenholz. Around that, Lumen is her designated caretaker around Kal'tsit. Ebenholz, while sworn to stay by her side, also has to wander off often to tend to his headaches. They have a handshake over that because heartache/headache and their brother stomachache are literally the bane of mankind.
As a chimera - fox tail, deer ears and pattern on her back lead to believing that her horns may not be deer horns but something showing sarkaz roots. It's unknown if that's true, just a rumour. They look like completely normal elafia horns though.
When the infection acts up Lumen is always around, making sure that the Dr. Has somewhere to sit and something to drink. It's peach juice.
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I just thought this is very funny also considering how much I am leaning towards the Sarkaz these days
Also said art in question: Link here
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Tweeted question that was aforementioned: Link here
Eveader Traditions:
One doesnt eat dinner and one doesnt eat breakfast, but if they are both on Rhodes Island they will eat lunch and dinner together if they can.
Whenever Eve is reading around the fireplace Hoederer sits close and reads with her.
They exchange books often to refresh their mind and broaden their horizons. Hoederer thinks that Eve's books are very imaginative and Eve thinks Hoederer's books are boring but in the end it's more fun when they can pause at any moment to talk about it.
Eve brings Hoederer snacks and Hoederer brings Eve drinks. He's probably the only one who actually bothers her to drink lots of water.
Their walkie talkies are linked so they can talk at any moment
This question is: Linked here
So prompted by Dr. Kryo I responded with:
Doc thoughts-
Gifts Dr. Kryo would give to certain folks
Surtr- A Necklace
Dr Lundi- A Signed album of a band she likes
Dr Eve- A rose statue for her desk
Dr Pinkie- A Coupon book with various food places in it
Mostima- A rare snack he saved for her
Pozëmka- An engraved fountain pen
Beehunter- Premium honey with a good amount of strawberries
Nightingale- A post for her bird
Kal'tsit- A mug that says "Ur alright.-kryo"
What Dr. Eve would prepare as presents for her closest ones:
Hoederer - A Diary that consists of all letters/moments we spent together between battles with my thoughts and feelings up to the point I fell in love, after which it begins as something like a love story travel guide I named 'The Story of….' leaving him to continue or not.
Chongyue - A visit to a very spiritually infused with the best of vibes hot springs in the snowy mountains/potentially somewhere to hang out with his sisters later.
Czerny - After long and painstakingly difficult relations with Leithanien, he's allowed to play in the Afterglow again. He freaks out because inside the box Eve gifts him is just a sheet of paper and for a moment he thinks it's an 'Im pregnant' note.
Eve gifts him some of her best alcohol after to mend that awkward but insanely funny situation.
Ebenholz - A gramophone. The sound waves from it are said to lessen headaches. Its a form of therapy.
Lumen - A snow globe of the light tower and a part of the Iberian coast that is a switch-on light.
Dr. Lundi - An entirely decorative gunblade made out of glass with flowers, fields of wheat and house designs already mounted on a black background and framed. The weapon's name is 'Brittle'. Interstingly enough it is in fact not brittle. Due to Lundi's clumsiness it is made out of especially tempered glass that doesnt break when dropped. At least from 1.70 in height.
Dr. Kryo - Brass knuckles in the shape of a dragon head with its fangs being the sharp part of that weapon. They come in pairs red and blue that change to the opposing colour depending on the temeperature.
Dr. Pinkie - A giant tea set with cups, plates, spoons and a tea pot and tea steeper and spoon ring holders and jars for sugar honey and milk that are all in the shape of bizzare sea creatures.
Lee - Her gift for him disappeared, he's taken up the task to find it himself.
Lessig - A new and improved soundproofed room.
SilverAsh - That man has everything and Eve almost cried herself to sleep in Courrier's and Matterhorn's room because their master is such a menace but in the end she gifted him a tail ring with imbedded smoky quartz which shows Tenzin in flight. Tenzin got a leg bracelet with a tiny chubby snow leopard on it that Eve swears is not a caricature of SilverAsh the man.
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sinistresabreur · 1 year
Lol people always think I must be lying because I actually did things with my life... and I think it all seems to stem from not "doing things" in the way most people think of the phrase. But I thrive on experience, not some token measure of accomplishment.
I grew up ranching cattle, goats, and pigs. I farm crops and grow food. I'm about to go visit 13 of my family's 17ish horses and eat fresh eggs for lunch. I got my first shotgun at 8yrs old and have been hunting dove, turkey, deer, and rabbit since I can remember. I spent 15hrs on a tractor a few weeks ago. I love being my own mechanic and have crawled, mudded, and raced all over the place.
I also lived for about 12yrs in various cities. I've played with big bands, orchestras, steel pan groups, rock bands, country bands, and hosted the jazz night at a coffee house for several years as house drummer. I've taught at public and private schools, done clinics for ATSSB, hosted a marimba booth at an international percussion convention, and have been giving private lessons for almost 20yrs.
I've dressed in full armor with a shield and gone on the field for full contact combat. I've been beat to a pulp and felt the rush of victory in a melee assault. I've used recurve bows, longbows, crossbows, broadswords, glaives, spears, and more made of wood, plastic, and steel, and still practice and research historical sabre methods. I even got to teach a class on british military sabre a few years ago.
I've lived in the country and in the ghetto. I've rapped on local artists' debut albums and maintain a laundry list of recorded bluegrass and blues tunes. I've bumped New York underground rap in a 79 toyota crawler with a tan stetson on while driving through Texas to a dinner&jazz gig. I've drowned myself in homemade meade from a drinking horn and sipped expensive cognac alongside a maduro cigar. I've gone to rodeos and art studios, hung out with French painters and Brazilian guitar prodigies, drank beer with good ole boys and smogged out apartments with hoodrats, and to this day love all of it just the same.
Too many people try to find their lane and make the most of it. Life is long, but a lifetime is short yall. Enjoy it while you have time or risk wishing you had when that time is nearly up. Like a famous jazz saxophonist once said, and which I poorly paraphrase: Everything on this planet you don't enjoy and someone else does is just that - another thing you don't get to enjoy that someone else does.
Do all the things.
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
So in BoA Lizzie charges towards Grelle with her sabres and Grelle’s eyes go wide. I can’t remember the full scene but I remember this. This is what got me thinking about them BFFs. Please. We need them interacting.
But it’s not only that, it’s the fact that in the Red Butler Arc Lizzie dressed all the servants, including (Butler-) Grelle up in poofy, frilly dresses, and while Lizzie may not remember (who Grelle is), Grelle does. She should, at least.
And Grelle, this murderous, angry woman (especially at the time of the Red Butler Arc, prior to her rehabilitation/punishment we see her depart from in the Circus Arc, and while externally it seems not to have worked, I think internally it did, to an extent. She’s had time to heal) had let Lizzie do this (so had Sebastian, a literal demon, but that’s another post for another day).
She’d let Lizzie put this dress that she obviously didn’t like (hence the dramatic monologue about it, as far as I recall) on her. Grelle is, to an extent, good with kids. (You could argue that this was her acting but- but… shut up.)
Let Grelle and Lizzie interact more! Let them be BFFs! Please. Let. Them. Be. Friends.
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zmwrites · 2 years
Tag: Word Find CCCLXI
I was tagged by @amywrites256​ and given the words eyes, dark, white, and knife. Thank you!!
From Open Seas:
“Sorry for the delay, everyone,” Dorian said, closing the door behind them. Tess flinched at the sound of the latch catching. She should have left while she’d had the chance. “This is Tess Bowen, the woman we’re here to discuss.”
“Woman? She looks like a fledgeling,” one particularly grizzled man remarked, assessing her critically. Tess corrected her earlier count—thirteen pairs of eyes, and one single eye.
“She is an adult,” Dorian replied. He cast a questioning glance at her. “Right?”
She nodded meekly, her voice coming out as barely more than a squeak. “I’m twenty-four.”
A pistol went off, the lead ball exploding through the boardwalk just a step short of her face and spraying splinters through the air. The voice came from above again. “That was a warning shot, Barros. Next time I won’t miss. Release her right now.”
“How do you know you won’t miss? You seem awfully far away.”
There was the telltale click of a cock on a gun being pulled back in the darkness behind him. “Because next time she won’t be the one firing.”
The main doors of the temple opened and a woman strode inside. She wasn’t dressed in the local style, but rather matched Dorian and Petra’s manner of dress with tight pants tucked into boots and a white shirt with loose sleeves. Her waistcoat was red and buttoned, her belt held a sabre and a pistol. Her black hair was in dozens of tiny braids down her back, and her skin was a warm, rich brown. The set of her full lips suggested she was irritated.
“There you two are. Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?” she demanded. “This is not the agreed upon meeting place.”
“Hello Idalah, nice to see you too,” Dorian said, lazily getting to his feet.
Dorian led the way through, only stopping to pick up a small knife that was lodged in a support pillar, then paused again at the stairs. Again, he climbed up and looked around.
He ducked back into hiding and grimaced. “They left behind two on watch. There’s probably an officer on board, too, but who knows where they’ll be.”
“Okay. How will we get past them?” Tess asked.
“If it was just you, Petra, and myself, we would be very sneaky. But with this large of a group we need a different approach,” he replied. “You are going to lead the way to the temple down the block where we will all be officially declared free people, and I am going to do my best to kill the two who were left behind.”
“Kill them?” she demanded, voice going squeaky.
“Yes, darling, kill them. Remember that these people kidnapped you and were ready to sell you to the highest bidder.”
She bit the inside of her lip so she didn’t argue.
He grinned and flicked her nose with his thumb. “Let’s go.”
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If people don’t want Tess to smooch Dorian then I’m doing something very wrong with this story.
I tag @winterandwords​, @writerfae​, @magic-is-something-we-create​, and anyone else who wants to play! Your words are mirror, climb, struggle, and jump. As always, no pressure!
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tagged by @theresa-of-liechtenstein :) yay i love talking about me
1. are you named after anyone? my middle name is after one of my great grandfathers (first letter the same)
2. when was the last time you cried? ah the other night after seeing sweeney todd i had had many emotions that day (some very negative, some, like the ones from seeing the show VERY POSITIVE) and then i must have dropped this shmatta i had brought in case the theater was cold, this pashmina, which i'd bought in college which i'm very attached to and suddenly it was gone and hit my Emotions Limit and had a wee breakdown
3. do you have kids? no! maybe someday
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? sometimes! im more of a quips person
5. what sports do you play/have you played? when i was a little kid i played rec softball (i was terrible at it), soccer, and basketball. i fenced in high school; my weapon was sabre.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people? hair. then how they dress. but very much hair
7. what’s your eye color? brown
8. scary movies or happy endings? these things do not feel remotely dialectical to me. this is not an opposed question. false premise. scary movies can have happy endings. non scary media can end in tragedy happy endings, i guess?
9. any special talents? maybe writing counts? but i went to school for that. um, crochet? i can do a pretty good ramona singer impression
10. where were you born? essex county, nj
11. what are your hobbies? crochet. reading. comic books. painting quite badly. reality television. regular television.
12. do you have any pets? this is rosie she's the light of my life
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13. how tall are you? 5'2 but im loud so that makes up for it
14. favorite subject? i was an english major w a creative writing minor then got an mfa in creative writing so. english :)
15. dream job? full-time writer. so--publishing and selling lots of books, doing readings, leading workshops, judging contests. teaching at a prestigious university but somehow being famous enough to not have to do a lot of academic committee bullshit. mostly having freedom and time to make cool shit. i'd really like to make some comics too. (any artists who wanna collab hmu lol but for real for real im dying to make a thing with another person)
im supposed to tag 15 people but im just gunna tag till i get bored: @stankhead @autumngracy @bisexualbeckett @apocalypse-friend @camillekaze @hopelesslyfree @pintobordeaux @januariat
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libidomechanica · 10 months
A dead lock
A treochair sequence
                A dead lock. Of Time’s spoke: he places. Or can’t be history. By frail as
flowers first was some good ship may meet no remora. A belt of strong
and scar what Nature, and haggard with things existent? And hath spent her
wide eyes have been hid of old stone with fire and you heare the flocks by shallow
ringlet curl from two smart sabre gashes, deep and recollect this
way: now I recommend my woman- conqueror; woman-conquer grief,
the night; and that repose, and wondren at bright this hour in riding there
is the width of paved heaven be praise we the Virgin all distinction!
                If free from Eves failed. Reflects the shepherd lad, or adamant, to find.
                This is all it bright have not look of dull and true that inbent eyes, with
your Princess: she deems it rich to die ere I print age, for some other
speak their phantasies like a fate, indeed some difficult for she wish’d
the garters which pretty dear; till hopes are at rest, corroding in her
own opinion of an Alien Shah whose fancies of love, then the
more. Full character of war to compassion and—much taller—tree of
thee, thou said all, and waile thy selfe denies, so every woman, where
all friends. Sweet Birds sit broods on what might be deem’d to pour their way from one
anatomic. But not as slowly child lies at thy footstep of lost
liberties. High and really the cold miser spread in than put you might
bring that source of the shadows, over shore, whereto this stream of
sentimental bogle, which it came at billiards. Angels know are only
snatch a certainly thou wanderedst with mares; his daughters of Albion’s
isle. Music hath a vision of existence; whether thin wan fingertips
but sweepings all become more serious, she sees the gibier, they
please those fierce darts Despairer, where he is gone; and beside her speak; she
scars remain grounded; her eyes; and as a snowy sentences, the grave,
or in the more mysterious: for certain summer’s day, and what’s still
he’d wed with the tomb bestrew wherein tis her woman: these tears the soil.
                Aurora deem’d his honest man, and taste for such or such or such outrage,
and Campbell of beechen green darkness but thine shakes oft to critics,
or the green bank hath got blue devils, and plumes we rustling for a passions.
Space between my belief, the nightingale, rapt in health, and linden
alley: then she had dreaming, yet, not less prompt to medicine a health
to shed; she hugg’d it to his beard, and maiden fancies? Until the same
relation to thy thighs so closely cling that lived on. Her with jealousy,
be thought claim: Forbear, no love your true or false and smiles, her air like
slaue-borne Muscouite, I chose his life? And when I am old? This subject,
whether my very ears were made of night and tear. Thus everywhere! The
grate—I think such hazard, with rain: her silken vestments were born to his
own horse we got, and much, and sometimes too are not a jot, and out of
my skin and the earthly shore just now; for wrinkles, their passionate fire.
She dwelt or dwell his side; the cursed in the tyranny grew stronger stounds,
has somewhat of the tide the clock was echoing in my degree will.
I have not boldly: we will revives; amaz’d, she thoughts, like dinner
admitted as an aspect had an air of the vault to vent that which I
know ere the Greek Eve, Helen, from thee, this dress her stand a whirlwind: then
she dream it would fain be weaning back to me. Hey, rose, just buying time.
                Love bears logs into shadow from the bars to shed his spawn of taxborn
riches exposed to find where—oh, whereto this private, their pure bloody
French will dare the real world came the wall. And sweet, all raiment; no pretend
to Phoebus race. A battle array had made. She knew nought to dread
the sea in me out above a scroll: when I am old, o ye Graces,
where dwell nor remedy, could some day to thy bed, sweet lips murmuring
o’er her love I though her brain perplex’d, and main lifted her less true
needing. In safety in the first and tender pines in town. Where dwell nor
sought her pretty ring time. At Christ in the roses damask’d, red and gnarled.
Amongst the state, whose hopes to feede, and in pretence whatever found to
give it time but we will I thus early about a groan, or sigh, to
languish, and the land, whereby his own sweet with truth; a smooth thin light, and
having poet, ’ like a fiend in answered nothing new—like some hour to-
night! Tis over green darkness, something and drink this conduct free; regretted
halls, when exquisite the way the ripened peach in the Rose—and I
make myself and mists, and with the camel is to sit upon you. We
left them one tenants pass’d for further trie, by all his own sweet excess
by the chaste dames, his quality. But chafing me down. They will not cure!
                Her beauty. Her foot was long, till her selfe at last year hence? Sky, and in
the hues of myrtle; a gown made three days of straw and uncrumpling fern,
and four graves give up their art; they are,—very little: where paced them while
she sees herself upon him; t was hardly worth the king of the Sun:
’ then, with her head, and blazon’d baldric slung a mighty silver hammer
at them one tenants pass’d in visits, luncheons, thought. For being full of
grief, thou, best on t: March! Which show’d deep Passion’s errors hath a tour to
Rome, although something so flash on his thunder excommuning wit, and,
as well receives and for the stream with thee fade at the best: some slight thy
smoky fires: once we least, impervious, impervious, imperial
palace in our house is a flower, each like more like a lion
ramps at the clear’d hed, milke hands, adored, instead, who, praying all-sufficient
forth the virtue, she, my Dian of the garters which I doubt he
is fled, and much, and seen was not despair, together. My music sees
more subtle forced my swimming in the fever, are alter’d in woefull
bands: O noble gas floated free of compassions rends as her junior
by six weeks his your Psyche. And there he rules, all that gentlemen. Lovers
brook’d nor claim’d Of tumbling first, more or less.
                Perhaps because his lip to her I’d nothing this is she doing?
                Books than fees. It seems a sorry jest: but I will bleede; but the approach
of passages, will be careful housewives do a fly. In the first they
had bursts, and sorrow, hope and fields were very germ of ruin, rose from
you, light can see the chain of life is thorny; and helmes vnbruzed wexen
dayly browne. The Lady of Shalott. Juan had good zecchini, with her
hand, seek’st thou art or shame stole the red cloaks of max! Already … I’m
beginning to these? Like to a flame, who all give up the bass, than by single
un- green electrons. And hence between our faith thorns of Elfland
fairy one, why—these—are—men: I shudderings, no connubial turmoil
grows, and drew much the warm South, and midnight, to show its. ’Ring in the damsel’s
face—but never heard! That they played that is above payment? His cheek;
a kiss by you, sir, to see. Heaven’s Horizon, it were not despair?
As far from Sir Leoline will sleep: thetis baptized her thou this won’t be
history makes a dandy while Damon lay, which is but a lottery,
draw near a source. And others lie in bed, and many reasons: he is
warm, humid their own work out, and the night in what I throw off is ideal—
lower’d, like some classic pas—sans flaws— set off at speed, being into
place was a beginning was reckoning yields. As for the meadow sold.
                A solitary shadows and true, the weightye prise, what ails then in the
new world I ever trust that shudder but to be their union of bent
foam and ward; whose wounds of the wretched wight, even as the shore! The island
in chase, cries to take the spring from his devoured his blinded
eyes—so kissed against the lady Geraldine. But the Princess: Lady
Psyche and blade, bethrothed to one, and, neither call desolate and
paine. Singing a shameless has been friends. Or baser courteously Love closed
its little glittered leewardings, samite sheeted and rocks grow bright dungeons
lift of swimmers themselves, for thee were the ear, where lies thy pen both
alike; a night for ever. Take heed; with dandies dined; heard her spared me:
yet I know nor have a sister at the lady, who knelt by thy own
daughter’s initiation, not to forbear upon you. To the door,
above the praise, but die in yon rich sky, no subtile Serpents words
are still as none, his eye wider were than true, and their state or starch, as
an indifference to what remember, without something like a reality
more attaches—but heal me with me, her sinnes that myself
round me thou yet may suit or may not I that I was hardly known, she
had been, whilst her locks to fears, and say too, daily. Much I bear to touch!
                She rapt upon stone: a woman or wine, you’llhave to understand—be
dumb! Their hapless group, hoping t’ have since I exscribe yourself, foreseen—
tiny bottle which the west—I miss it! Save what we see in a murky
old niche in this be others vanish’d please those who sow them were
inherent—what were the mastiff old did pass, acquire the more’s the
jealous dolphins spouted up and accomplish’d the Marvel of the Zodiac’s
signs to thee, when Haidee threw herself, and shook to see us pass?
Some muttered leewardings, samite sheet. The Eagles at her face, and thee,
and shower, sixteen are the breeze, at once, but I an eagle soar! Back,
one and a father’s bloodless love, and, oh, the dear to kill, and he lovely
plight, for Colin fittest, as of a becasse; ’ and from the apparelled,
in any thing is heard on the gate; the grassy floor where we
must have been obliged to such friends fall out I know not thy heauy grace, showing
thee! Is there stood upon her, as to woman, scarce can speak to their
one! Comes nectar; but—ah she—whene’er I have lain entranced I wis since
first they not stated moment merry, pass as lilies fair on a chaste
dames, huge giants living in a modest hope—but modest hope—but mournful
of another. Shot, loue gaue the summer’s noon clouded brain, like one
burning mirror, darkly; but now unrobe your true is, takes limbs did she.
                Are over. Riotous, but also snatch’d heart into the lion’s walls,
those monstrous eyes, that strove to these? Models, such a baby as that clos’d
me in this I yield to thine forbeares, that which it sits, the strength to
fly the learned nature’s whole address held cravings for the mastiff bitch?
                Alone on thy child, I stole over us like the Chinese nymphs, but
this tries anyway—from peaceful slumber, but gave him, and having prayed:
the self-same song that I can tell: where not the whole addressing few to
find the two, according to a married, and saw again—ah, woe is
me, woe, woe is me! One act a phantom of that the very germ of
coxcomb in pretence to leave ears: this is she doth lie: that is confusion
of the waves might traverse times uncertaine knot of that kind. Grew tight
befall melissa, for a blush? A wet napkin, wrapt in conversational
facility, for when what he hates, and to delight can never
will often fretful as the radio playing and tree, mocks married,
and men, and all thy love. Broken charm, to dally with wings whose virtue
place was for a new one would give thee proofs, save that and that stark
alien surface; but if it be chanced to praise, that o’er her eyes have
for noise of clocks, we are better drawn thus bent on he rose rough, especially
when the warrior horses are so much Rose as well as breeches.
Pardon ere youthful hermitess, beauteous parent’s hem with gems and a
still we work for fame; though not to be male, they only son, methinks to
thrust in at your stomach’s not him take care of nature’s vernal spring.
Under the pass’d for endless dole. And thus I turned cud of wrath, and
uttering on the unbetrayable repose, and calm within its own sweet.
                Love, and yet separate: the treasures may to man, wildered you! We had
made it brings a great reproof’s a smile as infant plays. Juan replied, Your
blood to the soft sea-sand. It is the cell; sir Leoline; and stood beside
remote land runs by I ne’er will hearts are dun; if hairs be wires, black blocks
a breadth of park still losing when chivalry was disclosing what the
meadow sold. Have pity to read Don Quixotic, and answers with his
carriages, and blindly to forsake, and went down his arm is brought her
far away, for it had no powre to rule both flesh and so went forth her
chanting pang, the express much passe: this were very wise or with her?
                So lonely isle of riches and less nice. With dindon a lark, with that
cloud drop on his vice in use, did after a rough day to the still air
is Music slumber storms rent Theotormon: red as the other; that’s to
say, that look’d upon the voyage, love, where thy footsteps are waiting tower’d
Camelot. The signal-tree to-night, so as they for my embalmed
darkness from her kennel, the bases lost in laurel: her wisdom or
her shade. To welcome forest bars to the cold, at least, there and years after
than three days and nights and dames erected, meaneth on a visions
of death of hemlock I had first, more noble person, twelve upon the
shadow, dull and slightest splinters are swept away, bringing and bore him
with the Continent, and look the blood-hounds, from Fairy-Land, whereto
though public learn’d; and Geraldine to meet her glance the world’s blame, and should
know the Fyfield to find out of the unmoisten’d throttle, especial.
                With new names of conditional future broods on such a handsome statutes
of wild Yuie twine, how I could be not glad, There lamps&I’ll let you oil
my scalp. ’ Thought doth lie, yet looks red and gnarled.— And t will go or send away
with, it seemed about the starry Hope! Overlook a space between
a flower bloom, she seems to smile lord Henry heard nor saw: tho’ this woman
counts be the skye, sike words that dignity of soul may come, draw a
drap o’ the public learn’d; and, to say, the exact opposition.
Remembers quite heart have dawn’d a fair and stir of fountains, but quite the ocean,
we ponder horror over in my hand, as from seven-and-twenty,
no use to take there, sleepy one, white and balm, or poison him her
flesh. By turns but cloy’d; and thro’ the Nith’s wind and a ho, and fell, as rolls
an ox o’er it, was she wrote, too awful, could be forgotten, and thee,
this must come when will try, fair maiden-cheek, the lurking demoiselle
of good eating yet it did melt me down. And Jealousy, I think a
very paltry magazine can show it grew habitual. Poor Tom
was one-and- twenty; for indeed, like a stock-holder in green, and thou
art my all. Out. Meaning league back o’er a name, Caesar himself like spirit
from myself bring her; and rushed pepper— although not in the wounds might
beakers to make that something which grows pure and of pain? Clad, though somewhat
bound; the service of Sir Leoline. Upon the weight winds her brow to tell?
                Of their full of powerfull Cupid’s armory, saying from her kennel,
the great man, thought he scarce that hour to Rome, although on Lethe fix.
Secretive, sensitive, and, for his neighbours’ land, he understand—be dumb!
                Out of door hath she, to thy throat untied a kerchief, crying, Give Sal
that! To thus ended scythe and to Tyrian, for what can ail the Pope makes
and performed of the sea remember the flocks by shall poor Sylvander
hie; depriv’d of the great court-Galen poised his ritual, although she
walker upon the grot, while great Locke? ’ The various damme’s’-these
precautionary hints can touch or little glittering in the land, and
call’d his head it crouched; and this respect, and warm in my call, thy daughter;
while they passed the lowly dust: and signet gem, all honour pend in silence
to dispute betwixt me and part. And what might hand with altered voice,
we remembered stars. There stood, but what it feels like, their lee—another.
                I pray you, drink was the worse for priority, he neither her lonely
isle of goodness, when she pointed hour! There is paid to bring throng, unmoor’d
our best ties in your eyes! They strike the deep-delved earth doth glorify
the orange or ripened ear. There was true: but then in the figuranti,
they knew t was drawn by mankind might be all things that deity.
                In the air my quiet to my love’s sickness, and his mind assume thy
body, I allow, and flowery levels of yonder tower’d
Camelot. All the original, a pleasures for many worlds fall out.
Not born from the goblin bee that blown about the very time when your
brow: are you were coming deference of Death’— but t is that, in faery
lands for souls— the power, if men have seen a portion’d, as a poplar
or a pole, being her poor Thames? Glazed o’er her dear or twa, she’ll no be
half in lovely Mary Morison. I dreamed I was a sabled evening
on the bat. Exactly as thine—thou’st had foretold, dying, dying,
that’s not so, great deeds cannot be a tortoise crawls; troops of mine. Oh, you
are born, the reasons: he is gone, and indistinct, nor flower, if but
to keep an adjunct to repeat for want of worst of blood, and they were
never not be forgot, a proud of every other spell? Their self-confess
how much too much or little being voice, we remembrance, Julia.
                Little hard sky limits. Cries to cease to help my princess: Lady Psyche
thieved at the more brain of weal and truth prove her sandal. An eagle
clang an easy man, gave thee to my bosom’s shop is hanging glass
for I was a humming. Then they began to burden grown, it made him
that a little space, the badge, and a real swell, full of the dark eye glanced
like Heaven knows my days and pearls and feature, for grief—for what can see
the black wires grow old, but bursting with misty vapuors, which is neither
light as if to warp her gaieties, none enough alone and the lady
passed outside swells, which I can’t allow their extremely taken up at
length dissolving human day is kindly dies, follies trickes; while they
then I’ll stake fast, and all the days we had marched out, and shut up from care?
                Is me sent, etc. Through his Mecænas is yclad in claye, and
in woe along the flow’rs gaily spring. As I wandered on to sun,
couldst needs the pine, to the Sun grew broadening time, true knight occasion, till
your features: and very few to fault at last from thy labour’s an infants
at a sudden loss of quiet! Of men, she serious end: for
all turn out so—now I know where her undinal vast bulk that Coleridge
hath eyes a moment of desire, and where thy footstep gleams—in what’s
uppermost of all the orient into my veracious: they come.
                I’ll lie besides, the tears have a-year. Rooms, as live for none at all. Great
the mouth of a monk, saffron-robed thoughts moved to look a little grave, o
there to see. And flam’d upon their cash, to shoote agayne: or it mens follies
mote be found; some say the sad bosom bounded? Adoring crew; and
sung of live and Pain and with little, of the Sun; seeking the flash’d through
he rode down from Camelot still as they faint on hill or field! Her chamber
carved with the lady Geraldine. Young, handsome statutes of the hearted—
ah, you are a middling set; they strikes Time all offence, as all its
ears before the honeyed years after t’other, go to the Northern star.
Where you ambassadresses from four winged Dryad of the old text, still is
able, or no, t is odd, none ever likely all things unbearably
in the locks, above the bodiless despair? His Chamber carved so
I am here. But as you like, their azure’s highest heav’n drawn down
the day: she look’d upon the world, winded& alone, but like a serpent’s
eye with short breathed his wonder in growing sermon, is one of the last
leave the gentleman can quantity of rhyme’s distress’ eyes are your hands.
                There was then pray that myself dost give me words say, or whom my jewels, gifts,
to fetch her: these rarities might be all lies! Shut up from, the breeze: the
blood-hounds, from thee, I trow, the marvell’d what he at large black wires grow bright
coming stony names of shales and France, which t is no lack of a tree.
                You say, knowing cock; tu—whit! He rolled her life too well-guided arrow
flew. Whole world, and romances I ne’er prest, Now, while now, by Honours cruel.
                Beyond a coxcomb’s flight. Unchanged, so that he would prove that though she deem’d
he had been, whate’er the progress of any wood ye see, that fled, approached
melissa, for a friendship is Reproof, and one Night Zulaikha
went to searched, throughout their curious meats display terror, driv’n to make
the Rose—and I as a new rhythm. Not a thousand scimitars await
her; on her, as near can be mistaken, however dear mother,
save breath, long have treated me who hath no ladye—love desire, they saw
not fashion, whereto thought her far away, although it. Beside of
Love, their pay: and being plac’d such desperated and warmth of loue and
free—sir Leoline will try, fair maidens, on the van, booze in the marriage.
                I shuddering kiss: work that depth bottomless. That for want of Time’s worst
reproof darts, O beloved Woman! An ignorant, noteless, or
fourth of those deities which the foremost, who had fallen on a hill.
Now I am dead; corruption carried the sea and could make some qualms
very like to Lambro bade the shore, where she drag the count it stranger,
like one that he seeks delayed sheltering still. You may have, and then we
use like if you were born, the murmurous haunt beloved a pretty
picking in the carven stern as her sighs. Notes over another side;
the curse is on her footing of the walks, treads on the Privy, ’ lord Henry
walk’d bad Frenchman! Birds sing and eke the child dwell though we were, and never
can I prove plain dislike is frown’d; some ne’er attract our great disparity
of years—pale, clotted with swimming lover, and used to be bored
or less: one monstrous eye a milder ray, like two steeds were much grace she
floating flowers to throw that hour were still rattling up with something
more than their hapless group, hoping no heart away; she recognized no
being, and at eve voyage on gentleman, for our couch without a
character— high, yet resemblance, still thy might at all; who did not upon
the mind is love and goodly verdure flings, the Lady of Shalott.
                And brow. Except where each other was wastes. Advice. Sweet Naiad of the spheres.
                Her Notes in four cross-grain’d, to leave us much, or lips that clouds, that I
must not she was more keen, with least abstruse. But since with wine, and lose their
hair, bedabbled within an Alpine hollow sea’s, mourns o’er; but in the
trysted hour. Knew the sorrow after dinner, clear of seeming it was.
The heart convey its grief. The crickets and mighty Mother Eden; they
were. And his Heart bled from the sublime, be arch, or nonsense, will pique a
gentleman. And awful, could be i’d toss life as well fitted, whilst
I then there’s no button for the Devil; the neck that thou should love
hid in me out of doors proclaim it far and shriek of sage Minerva
than the sad heart has not for certain reason: thus wretch approaches, and
meet thee of you think I know which he sought from hence at Christabel answer:
his duties to the exact opposite! How difference horrid sin—and
where he deems it rich to the wretchednesse tries, wherever believe so
much. Of this your ruin I mourn; your booty; let me change; and tenderness,
who, seeing that received him in your writers, who just like courtly
accents fine, with which overthrown on the soul once more;—but I was cold.
                And all those I have ears in vain? The great love loves man. Her sweet delight.
I have sincere, as farre so prettiest, best-natured? If once the conceit
of him thy happy lot, for mankind too, if we don’t, t will went
away. For often fretful as the left the lamplighter’s too. And gain
by their pursue her and his horse, to feel, in friend! Translated Hercules
Furens’ into as furious case; for she arose, her large a
flight. That prodigy, Miss Flaw, Miss Flaw, Miss Audacia Shoestring, as far
from the secret floor where permit us letter to be dissipated
by frail successory, as I have a carefully understand,
that besiege all keep apart. Much as marble, which seemes ease and for
the breeze warble something great, and keeps the man; the islands is, it seem’d
full casks are passions, milliards. Of Smollett, Prior, Ariosto, Fielding,
miss Raw, Miss Araminta Smith who at sixteen short, thereupon, in
terms unhandsome but waxing thine and not tell—which on thy cheek began
to shun sickness, some fly, and indigestion’s granary is full many
a face to disfigure bridegrooms, as live for blood partake such
as I am to my mistakes an active dower, and now doth Geraldine
press. And eye. Said he, Let others read? Four ladies unseen of my
comparison to regret the lady Christabel, So let it be!
                Whose heart, I know nor snow nor snow nor snow nor snow nor snow nor snow nor
snow nor hail they were not married. By rebound, and tuff, amygdaloid
and honour first foe whom favour, make that same vacant eye, on many
weary slaves of gold, with Roland de Vaux of Tryermaine! Men may slip from
cold despair, together, grew for so the last axiom, he applied
a grief, but dearest bloody cloth unfolds, disclosing of the end they
now! That there she spake your Highness breath invade, and all inrail’d with such
graceful: men for still the merchant? Bridge of pity; or will, it with the
passion and— much taller—tree of coming all her remain grounded; her
eyes? And, oh, the dove may be fix’d on Camelot; the middle of night.
But this is an evolution of all kinds of nature of my wit
to make men— pinn’d like there’s still to behold the third is still, the surge,
o’er the wedding air bubble, approaches, drays, choked turnpikes, and fantasy,
her conducts to butter. But Thyrsis, let me changeable, but praisde.
                No matter of him, the buried Ben in four cross-roads with only Friendship
in a Brussels lace. And was calm assurance, or separate drawers until
she sobb’d, he must take a body to be very tree, forbidden
mixtures than we men of eve serenely savage, with tempestuous
morn in the ridge of twilight, moonlight, or shame should die, but dirty springing
clearly, her well! Stars, and echo back her silken robe, and gracious
notes over and shone like an angel’s feet: he could brook a wordless musicks
might find a term is shown through either old or new joy; but even
the ways seeking: but how shapes the steps as the exchange! The inner crashes,
books that delight than in too soon for shame hold vp thy selfe at last,
has made of stone half hidden from dawn to dawn the solstice down, the glory
in Mens faith do move, by wonder and having not perswades for
mankind the mysteries and his cabinet, to furnish.—If it be pride?
                Ah fon, for his own preferr’d thee! But I must lose their resolved to do.
Which encyclopedize both Subjects worth my while with kindled eyes—so
kissed again young Daphnis with his sabre, in hot water-fretted when
you know not who are not marriage state, whose Throne, not blow a strait; I grate
on rusty hinges here: ’ but No! I take to play the summit, and long
without the stage, and thee, finding me down. Last and mastered by care? I
sigh’d, and sulkily the Queen-Moon is behind his carol they reach’d the
vale; but sold by the drowsy sacristan still air is Music slumber
was gone by, this mark of my breast. Were my whole together, grew for so
correct, which was an enduring, and doth bare, and never to one she
loved each wild woods were very short, upon speculation, and being
as much danger, free from your feats of artlessly seized up without being
thine eies, that does she must renders to keep apart. Need not fashion,—
say what if I fail of my soul, as if to warbles, all things which sadly
shone, and, neither halt of earshot, things, endure one else may have caught
in womankind might bring water child. We touch and me: for her prest, where
all in danger,— her husband-hunting where picturesque Constant more free.
                Come, my children— that merry, a novel power to be bored or less,
an old hostel, called on through years could retrace; food she rose conceding
dialogue with rain: her surely, if the season, of the grounded. To
canvass what delight, and birds of untended: before they could be dated
some years half detected. The colours had stopp’d hill! But there, but she
cannot touch of Counsel—whereby Love comes nectar at this cheek: its onion
root the morning, lustful joy shall not; we ourself the way, just at
the carts make thee; yet mine recall’d in Ossian the snake! Lay this they please,
I needs a good or evil, burning marriage into one she lo’ed sae
dear. And rather not say: for ere she died, might brings all have thy love. So
dark a mind was not make it, the cuckoo’s parting general: t is still.
                And from Gods mouth last are his truth: and the omen! Half-listening hedges,
and found a new rhythm. Are your stream, the musk that evil hour hath offence,
or some excuse is—’t is my home. Romance of pantomimes.
                Yet there oft dull and drink was thy toil reward, like other years, and shame
stole the only what’s the Nini, without the proper spheres, follow her.
The Lady of Shalott. In the green darkness but to dream too brief and
a hey nonino, that so it seem’d to freedom, he applied a grief,
and guard you so, ’ utter’d world uplifts its wall; and therefore take except
perhaps the effort, which with trapping until none else, and reasons my
belief,—seeing made at the deep, or down she saw the wet scent of satin,
elaborately wed; I am half measures, on the coronals
of the last leaves; sweet lovers fall out with sincere, and eke the lowly
eye. Mistress, but on the soul when he deliver me for one drink-offering
planet hung about their vocation had not his age, his eyes: by
love’s excess by the sun and tomb inherits tomb, and gain by the bank
and family likeness than finding river, and bore juan was without dreamed,
ah woe betide, the butchered present, a great disparage whatever.
                The air my quiet sheep from wing to the child; her hair was long league of
light, swell nor sought his face. In signature does nature or the Sultan
has a humming. A path she stay her wear not. And yon shrine, all were there.
                Him as thy selfe denies, and Dick the harbor shouldst thou should have been
impossible blossoms comes this broad, bright, condemne to die. Where are found was
not for they reach’d upon the river as it may be much to choose take
heede then she said: I have studied Spanish, and know me such who speak, and
listen to it—loss, surprised to do the fool with lamplike eyes o’er her
friend forth again have seen the Baron forgotten, and thinner, then to
be here, at any buddes of Poesie, yet little: Would you have got too
near, they have cause why sullen day, the young, ’ was said, because his shield her
abus’d, gods holy Life, his life and look these words Sir Leoline; and always
made our Cot o’ergrown with frantic pain. Yet, yet hee was sure a thing
among the kind reading close; but what to win it is but a lassie
yet, may retrograde a little left eye; or does he who, as the smile,
nay, laughing slut the matter;—a dreadful words his gold; or does he scent
their naval cells, and as to remind those who love but to sing those thing,
torturing, murder’d head unto such roses: by the kneels beneath a
willowy hills and found a single un- green electron never
guiltless message sent in full-throated easier wreck’d, because he ne’er
hearts: he danced, I say, it is anticipate the ills o’er the stiffness
of Fitz-Fulke, who served; she gazed and while the wold and my joy behind a
screen of such friends in that from cliffand towering still, hoping t’ have spent.
                ’ Was said no one in hapless calf at eight a. The splendid than your heart
is such friend by more than the shadow of a bare blade them take care thou
hadst thou wrong that I had fill’d him from good housekeepers who doubt, if such
to the portion of You. Fault much showing al for a short absence, or
than all these fields lived—thus divided, stand in time, and thee, heart-honored
Maid! I’ll seek heau’ns course of soi-disant sound of any who wedded lie!
                He cried, ‘Hold! I say, right glad they would lie, in spring, muddied with something
to a penchant, thought doth take; but in these curious makes reality-
TV star look-alike, he does the female or male?
With arms more chance almost sanctity itself so bless. My musical:
I don’t know, or don’t much as if they beheld the loftier rays. The
lady blest, and who around it! Manners now make my rhymes not that all
alike flounder, agape, gesticulating a topic which, alas!
                Mean to show a parting palfrey was no reasonable matches for eyes
have felt that shines dim in the sharp shingles in the grass and dandies dined;
heard the little day.—Her Cheek was in the babe for wrong, but whether say,
the soft and mien excite, their one! Her air such gentle birds. That isle is
no lack of such creditor whose great round the meek camel why he lovely
being sometimes such a dirty rat. But both, or skin, or brigantine,
or pink, of no great Augustus Fitz- Plantagenet. A quality
alone among his body. To canvass you: her cold and amber
store in fix’d on Camelot. But the tenor; these are Nugae, quarum pars
parva fui, ’ but stir she could not know not the worm feeds on, and reck’d not
wait their moon- faced illicit emails, ton entangled without a friendship,
or romances I ne’er believe her, if she said, the beautiful
dreame, and, heedless gentlewoman. But will not stay, and help her she was
the miserable matches, at duty’s call’d his holy! Her moist cold snow.
A second leg, and age in love. Joys beside still with steps are waking!
                Whom, if unto the delight us, again! The Lady of Shalott.
                With a booty; a second sex! Tis time;— but straight, and angled with
devotion, she serious. Or the fancy but read this new field, said he,
They’re over. With one that cookery could roast beef in our life! They harped
on the viands. This knowledge, so my daughters of Albion weeps not; she
cannot go to their knowledge was a jukebox where lamps&I’ll let you got
home throughout the sedge is knowledge was by his only tender soul, as
if to see the lucky hour to-night, even while it stood by her gaieties,
none enough foe to love, she’s safe in port, his guardian sea-god
to come down. Grew friends and children, happiness? To find one, each their hours!
Now it shan’t see many soon; they could be a little oak-room which meets
all my days are the Italian boatman’s decline; mournful of animated
nature of the London street its hungry dog; or does he who
contempt were still. Has she: but loued not; my smiles, her air such gentlemen.
                No fault beeing you can make it worth my woe, the after all, t is easy
to express it. With that we may furnish matter, ’ and then sneer’d; some
sport to play.— Albeit I’m sure I did see. She calls her place. Love
unreproved, is Feeding prey: theotormon’s breach whereon she saw Ilion?
With me. The fuel of life, and shuddered: and youth, thoughts would lie, in spring,
busy hum of cities Night Zulaikha went to see all; my Muse despised
everything else is still warm white immutability in mind;—
of time proceeded from thy beds of roses, thy cap, thy kirtle, at
rest won’t be better; and real their thunder, as I hate even democratic
royalty. To swim or sink—I have seen malt liquors exchanged,
so that my wing’d ship may meet no remora. The horrible! In folly
in for damages, for that thou that aimest wide of Capri we
found a kiss for these lines should follow that hath his ritual, although
we know not wholly; and stuff with some time, until to soul, a light doth
lie: that is, not too far, till hope; to look at the best or worst partake
all us colored boys. Each rose with virgin fill’d his tremor came, some
good steeds, and traps; and then may slip from cold despair? And careless of sleep!—
Love desire! Clasped his peace, leaving few to faults which I at presented
to an article, should do, own thought what in stately, left her, O.
                Where are fools. And at even there to speak for none, his gracious was hers!
Seeing casually glancing at me, because they place—we’ll let her sire,
Sir Leoline! The thirty, that I quite perspicuous man. It seems to
sleep. It is built anew, grows stubborn, and so went forth again: than I
have bit at sharpers’ hooks: some melodious plot she loathsome mystical
usurper of their bleeding, for Haidee’s sweetly sings upon me,
’ cried to teach discerning Ignorance perceived with something to her I’d
nothing shall never have a sound about the plague ’bove scorn of the
damsel’s face, and several pitied be, but stir she could shew it, in
listen. Got home some one eludes, must withered from the past. Love, children
boughs, and all our Titles shuffled Whose was a better melodie.
                That is, is; then as doubly named—firmness; now t is true, hath conquest:
no abuse of his mother! And this is an evolution of our
immortal pinions, stately tree, mocks married— a case which human nature
reign’d all frailties the timely eare, and live, performance had though t
is no love but Like, a semi-demi goddess when there are fool’d, now
transmemberment get; his travels yet these hills, that Juan had enough for
me then, on every blade and bring the wintry blast the spot he soil’d: thus
is the fair Salámán and Absál out of reach, as represent time,
or will he bind himself o’ermaster’d around me roots of the hill, and
smiles must be or seem what he saw her blaze much as the night assail and
you them: o brilliant, where the meadows of her eternal fire, and whether
English, save me now. The line between love’s spheres unknown grotto where
the art of him, he was in an electrons. Thou lay three glowing sermon,
is one of the sand, and meet the Baron, the sun walk, in glorious
surges sink and something greater was as fleet as wind, and nostrils?
Showers break our bubbles that which derived a double hill behind through
a splendour fall so sure a thing so: when true Justice thunder. Of what
was only children, happiness,—the loved well. Till, painting; then the dust
and clown: perhaps the smaller. Beneath their secrets of talk; nothing sweet.
                To cease, and see, and we must tell exactly four difference is a line!
                Prize so dear. It made for Poets found, her with favour or whole to his
requisite to thee with wings whose heart is that very verdant goose. Is
that our adventures a rebuked, like Holbein’s Dance of these rarities
might put this she knows why, I have sinn’d! On Sunium or Hymettus, like
a jewel set in the common schoolboy or a queen? There Dante’s bones of
your equals, free from the Isles loved hill, is flank’d by the Chinese nymph replied,
her eye might go on, when exquisitely chisell’d, still renewing
smart. Creation’s quite enough of maintenance— full before a petticoat
influence of it selfe at large bright grew friends: the differs from soul than
those thou wilt na gie, at least his heard a Wild Flower singing and try
another there we turned cud of wrangle; and long the most seraphic
creature is a straw, borne on by human nature? But the tenor’s wife,
with no great bells, the porch we were Haidee’s bosom there be prophesying
chariots hurl’d like a delusion; they talk’d by the turn of diction,
proud air of Lugo, but none ever follow her turning from bush to
bush about, the Lady of Shalott. Maud has a straining and he will
revive our Liberties. Then laughter is by many a summer. Though
a favour or wholly; and whored, the heart—which says, Thou shall I relate
the topics I must confined to For me are window do paint.
                Part; but the prow,—thy derelict and thine? Because should be to my breast.
That she sees the Grenvilles? Know very clerks,—those shamrock now seems Cain:
la Belle Alliance’ of dunces down her veil draw soft across a
laborious gold. And thriftie bitts of mighty silver bugle hung, and cuckoo!
As after vertue gan for there. Those monstrous males that way;—juan yet
determin’d to cease while the omen! I saw myself—beside the signal
off some vast belly moonward and modern curtsy; there was most exalted,
Charity, are swept away, assured she did discreet, for being
this in thy revolt doth lie. His stormy east-wind straight restriction, and
I sat all are gone, she knew: her answered, but it was not yet a pause.
                Showing all from eating yet it did breath seems still. We becomes more she
gazed upon a printed page. The circles bridge, I know it: for ere she
gets poison him that myselfe beleeue that belch incessant from me! The births,
nor stirs; ah! But the awkward thing seem’d innocent predominance a
masquerade; and temper amorous, as the cold hill side. Through he be
dear to touch! Both Was and I; we still was quietly she grew, as Captain
Parry’s voyager, and protects his golden pin; since first the foreigners
in the sky. She sits in her austere— why, Bracy! Remote land at
even thence: he, were laid: juan replied, Not while in happy omen, hail!
                Where are two of the gynaeceum, fail so far like nature list’ning sees—
no sight a haloed ascetic, or turning days, to hold the circle.
                Should ape those nutriment did changeable, with a sirocco, for
example of sanguine you might defy a crotchet critic I—would creep;
and how shapes the pearls and was not farre off where he went from Nubia brought
to change that’s hardest. An approve the least was bred a modesty, or
absence, or inanity? Makes such slightest laces, especially
thing whispering for each other tons, ’ which on the ripened peach in this
narrative of self-defence: this mark of my still at ease; the mirror
crack’d old basin, but for his sect is confused and circle, the blind the
night and woes, the way, and potatoes—two weeds which Rumour, they also
seen some one somewhere she wears her ear. Moon are but bad pilots when
qualified in vain she stood, if a handsome, and wanne, so high, much as marble
fonts; there wild. A hecatomb of suitors with her wax made no
impression to us through my slumber, but take thy body, even I
in my vocabulary. And none of which might and this in the wind
o’er her friends they fear’d the brae, Sir, the fillets on thy footsteps as the
certainly to sette thy notes are not different go-between the lights of
power in spring, before the best of desire! Through the truth or
error clear, if I have proved the cot below, stuck out the circum-walk
the story, women at least ere theirs, for someone else, and Geraldine?
                Miserable the field-flower! When the wars of sword and dances broke and
bracelets too, and argument, with no knowable ring? That tape-recorder
should ne’er had thy wings, I touch of sun on wood from the captivity
the Lady of Shalott. Finer than their full conquer’d the banks complaints,
in camps, in ships, in some future broods! Or pricked my fears, and whored,
the humpback in his terror, driv’n to make this private instinct of gore
and you will be, are but incontinents— as if to close in our lives
is holy! For, soon wither’d as the sheepbell tinkles in hand. The blood
be thy taste, and with sorrow cleft with the summers back, one after-hands
may move, come tell me, can you may not state to me; love with my signet
gem, all honour, and uncrumpling fern, and this much loth to breed more luscious
earth is now be brought but peace; no critics, or thou counted spot exists
with that I verily believe me, on a divan. Tis pleasing
to her arms, it sets my poore Nymph passe: this spirit was on the hills?
                The Muses dwell by the dove, but even the left eye; on your breath, we
were, and lost it to the abhorrence from our heroes and Miss Knowman.
Where young man, she won the mother mantle and her head: she leaneth on
a vision blest, which means so quite; at least, like Malthus, generations?
                Device but thine earth doth seize my braine so darke place sounding world, which euen
grown, it made? Devil are these possess’d a straw, t will went and perplexes
our former’s hymeneal hopes and trees, and thou, Diviner still be
because I have listened to feede, and the unhappy Queen, with stilts, a
moderate: sometimes foxes’ brushes; yet I shudder’d also with honour!
She prayse is smoke, and nowe imploy the child love with his flame angels
affection for a prophecies, that every flake, all bluely dash’d through
all from Providence and in good sense held in leading hound, and shone they
pleasure, like saints them breath, when love is, there wild, dishonoured by care?
                To meet again! They please; and yet may smile, his verse of sovereigns break of
that, ’ she answers gave no very difficulties, where before, doubtless
to the sage sublime, be king—was received with her whose diapasons; and
still her charms SHE alone and put it is because the cheeks, that prim, silent,
cold earth forget’st so long we were youthes fancies, open thine
aspyring wittes to catch virgin that light, and was blithe and crooked knife.—
Like to the hidden; tis my mother. Two resplendent eyes of youthful,
charming Chloe; till she lay; the broad clear, though below each door below.
                The loved a soldiery to soothe theme of Juan’s suite, late scarcely look’d as
marble, which pose our notion than beard, he cannot move, the sun’s red kelson
past the shepherds lost Haidee and bed as those pedestrian Paphians
who abound in spells, lady of Shalott. But it is something sweet.
Now is the rents? Yon wandering kings, and being done, something rolls! All
frailties that grow there, sleepy one? Till she turned round her smooth pillow, thou
seest not, though she now and this quest’ allow’d, pursue howe’er unpleasing
to behold the ripeness. A handsome, white as Cleopatra’s melted
pearls away and ask them forth her beautiful dreamed I was a fine and
spied the involuntary sigh brake, as she’s home. Fled is that loneliness.
Up their lee—another and an entry: riding in generation—
professors of the cookery rather halt of earshot, things: yet
my mother nation, unto the world is all because she was apt to
do? So lonely subterraqueous sight? An envoy either side, praise its
sweetness, Sweet, with that cast her thought o’ Mary Morison. Done the islands,
O my princes pallace thou dost thou that fears no blot? My head have
been men you need me like a ball! Or sat amidst the very station.
                Close as well! Brought there is much more pain’d with the blue skies? For what so fell
she who burns dead eyes upon their own head. Then glare the workman and Haidee’s
mother with something is pleasant, to like two being too had weird
seizure came a tongue: on both skill he chose his noted want of the oak.
                The contrived too well: but chafing me down as lovers a true she errs,
but it’s turtle rest on t: March! By age in her arms and his song; permits
whate’er the two Hinkseys nothing doubting of her days and plants allure,
whereto thou preventative, and Campbell grew friends withal, manners
each sweet, more neat than we men of care those child from wood and fear much
more meet. Night, as the heaved were human hearts’ delights, but take cover like
the lady rose and fish; but the fashion is, but none scapes free that
hath thee from death, to bear; perhaps may safely charnel-house, that which would
be ashamed of the lovely daughters of their very stable his feasts
are pretty to forsake thy sovranty, recoiling with their piety
with both legs in war’s alarms; but as you will make Don Juan, here people’s
voice, like a shotgun.—Knights come upon an heiresses Giltbedding.
                Is one act a phantom of such credit her faith proves thievish for any
vanity retire: but relief was dory, relieved one has
supporters, and interminable—not eternal joy. A man mad
all times a gleam of equanimity till the adulterate pair.
And plants allure, where Nature manners now make my rhyme; but innocent
and swell, so nutty, and part; and shook in the bark and try another.
                Now it chancel port and her less dreary as a sponge drinking should mingle
act of immolation: few would be double. And then how shapes the
party as night; but what dark cave of my head, so fierce name against thy
heauy grace, beauty and greed, yet will not survived. Blue instead of death. I
took the mother. As Eldon on a hill. Flashing and both maladies
of love; and if I be dead, for his mother nearest father touch’d his,
nor the pot. Amongst live gazette, had she knows what white as Cleopatra’s
melted pearls away and all but precipice, and make, when thro’ the garment
of peace, leaving with industry. Its petty passionate as Swanne.
                Can one professions her veins revel, and still, and say with her hair when
they faintest thou among mankind; bubbles, little ones mynd aboue the bridle
glittering tones, yet soft incense paired with tears. And bower, where the
kind. Their literally every tree, cut down they could bestowing! Thus
policy in love of cattle, who balance even of all sorts of Juan’s
company be kept him from many had love’s sickness, some languished and
unfamiliar dust of Pallas bold. Pardon, I am nothing; a
mere speculating as the people meant to make there! Born with the taper
downward, tall and arms binding me on first to fayne, and may be much
sacrificial, and might have to gay, or wand’ring in a murky old
niche in the serenely lie round the morning mild, wearièd with mercurial
skill, to find the lakes, have though he rode down from Camelot. Deep
sighs, and Off’rings made: for, nor in nothing she belike harness’d meteor,
and thought to night to fly the rav’nous snake where there’s no button
for it. Leave undescribing people purely kiss. And how shall still
enchanted loudly though cast together, and thinner, there was resemblance,
still perplexes our soarings what’s call’d glory, with no pain, so that morning,
she awoke, and put thee quickly she rose with wrong to endureth
all it bring for a rarity. When we are left with me’s a sine qua.
                For wearing. Of this expecting the valley- glades: for Venus’ ceston
every face, nor the presence room to room— but all alone, I think to
a Saturn ate his fire by those which afternoons he passion, such a
baby as that same, even as it would go off? A heroine. Pluck
them hovering lightingales or doves. Those vegetables of Lethe’s
strawberries. To bear; why waxed Sir Lancelot. The cuckoo then, the recreant
traitors seek my tourney on the glowing,— tis pleasaunce makes an active
dower, and smiling and water, with white-flower! For term of life’s journey
court with haste; whither thought; and what, if in stealth, and still, that prayer her
eyes a moment ere she gets poison, and much, and awful, couldst thou leave
behind his liege-lady the claws of a virgin; beauty appear’d a
life and fruit, gush from hands, turn the oar until the bins, come live with figure
bridegrooms, as the blood is nipp’d, and her spared store, but was in their
fashionable man, wildered you! Madding feet, tore they, who knelt at the
pleasures than I. We are the fruit of love and slight to please, it is, that
neither fruit that strove to work upon me, when she rose. State unchanged, so
that were he felt that was before a king; tall, stated—as usual.
                To the same to where fame faster than a stanch one; but know which once had
good zecchini, with a glass, and swell, so nutty, and a strait command,
the perilous graces, whether my veracious was a library
fine, I’ve no fear! Go to the higher by deference her call’d and fell, as
rolls of human head; yet court-Galen poised his path, and half a smile and
as he lay a staine upon an affidavit, romances reduced
them as noiseless to feel, in friendship but in black against her bed
she fall i’d brush the music so swell of our gray towers built to
the dim-gray dawn; but the really look’d aside: whatever feelings from
our pretty name in his old tune; he chance; or if it be pride? It was
a modest way’s certain fair and fears no blot? The ear, Then glare the rents?
                The wild the added charm is broke away into tower’d Camelot.
Me, her young noble. To gratify senses, others samphire, ’ the other
what I love as some women as also I was a jukebox where
lies a thing, that t was doomsday and aspire, for term of life, misled,
and mountain- skirted plains. For those who cram, relieved one has seen beautiful
dreamed I was one exceedingly to resume to guess so, but
would creep; and why we came, and nostrils wide draw in the secret tears; and
flying reached her moist cold brow, and then he was sentimental as Mozart’s
softest, Russians, bought her, O. Had held till I wore her picture a
great assemblies or in part; but should have adored, instead of green. Tis
strange is the color is brilliant, a great or small his breast: her salesman.
                Where the way, just as the frozen marriage which bright, as children—there is
much amiss, began to question carries flower bloom, she serious
eye a milder ray, like that crowd about their valley road. The sun blooms,
it is that like to mix some slight except the Whigs? For what if shed, pray
that flattery which Sense and to Tyrian, for which had no powre to see?
Was a fine and Juan their reptile souls—the power given quantity
of sound as twilight Elfins make, like a dumb statues, polished by some
acids with little street its hack sounds of nation’s mint, and the morn in
a trance; still perhaps I was broken. When, musing in the gale that better
return again, lord Roland and Sir Lancelot. For the minister
of mine rebuked me angrily: What Folly, Jámi, wearing mass.
                That will not: but to love, thought she ever dwelt among the strange some have
a-year. She deem’d absent still; no hideous sight? Come tell you, girl, for
on my purpose to blame, to chase fatigue and Sence, with pleasaunce of love
of glory’s but a rap—I have we not made for writing upon the
unhappy Queen, with words run o’er, I can’t allow the shadows of
poverty, and a hey nonino, how that times such whom a good or evil,
burning marriage; and yet the time, by the summit, and as her surely
may fix himself like all business buds, blossom’d trees: what good to the
chain. A single changes. Of certain the endgame of woe, sadder
husbandry the women at least before; stern she wrote, too awful, sure, that’s
a lie: I don’t know why you refuse: the neighbour than stone: a woman.
                Stake this accursèd things were much like more like this page to stoupe, and jewels,
gifts, to put his daughter and dies; lady of Shalott. And this at all.
                In pleasure, be it sometimes under the desert. Gone down, within it.
                Our sin the sun is gone, and tall beyond time it shook the gibier, thoughts
black.—I would, Oh would be—a lioness, then a slave bethought with no word
from yon bean- field! Bind us in time, and wasten soone in love at all.
                Hire browe browne. Do you feel my heart, and dead pretence, not only faut is
love? And said among them thus exempt from thou lay three days are tears had
not stay, for who’s song. Who earns the inner weightless message sent in a
cloud of passion as e’er behold as airy and for endless palace.
                -Footed through, retired; and, for life thou counted spot exists—and what nymph
soe’er she arose, for which I have rested well? And living powre to show
his lovèd eyes that grow there, every vulgarit— ’ which, erring it wither
less the lovely, loveliest, chaste along, she receive it to Elenor:
he’s dead, she finds herself in scorn the eloquent recital was
lightly singing I no further sort of chaste Adeline’s
matrimonial bounties he tooke Still worse, the places. The dashing eye; but
sold by the measuring the interior of the lofty lady
Christabel saw that those thing thinner, there’s a Religions can attract
because the pale yellow-leaved were laid: juan replied—if it showed
to my bosom strain the terrace ranged with sword of fear, that th’
uncertain when she viewed, a visit; the yellow- leaved were now to see
t was ere Abolition; and see, and learnt, for Colin fitted well.
                A weary moons before I met you. With cheerful waves rolling like this,
’ he cried aloud, like Lucifer when the finest wool, which seems half-
oblivious cooks, you bind you will sit up with rain: her side—o rather
sense, or chaise, or charge be thine, the only reason her mind; the beauty
also seem’d to behold; last carnival she may stay at home, my
Lucasia, since which gave upon you in acts: their secret influence of
Death’—but t is still, that thou, to what dark confusion of advice, since
he was there strapped&cut diagonal at the white ashes should hear each
other will he bind him, and earn our pretty dear; a turk, with her dream
hath conquest got. Are saving and sail for a friend, there! That no defect.
Though public learn’d; and, as men for their souls’ antipodes. Twelve days of
high desire! Began to shun sickness, something whelm the heart is at
rest with nimble, and yet, by heaven, down to Camelot. She woke at
least contradict themselves, forsooth, scarce could stir his porch we were Haidee’s
bosom that rage outside in the window sweats, the clergy, who upon
me scowl—I wish to hear such, or lips were designed to those who could call
being made from their naval cells, and he whose sessions break in pious
dukes, had seen nought else, her laddie dear; till he’d wed with thee! To my mistaken,
and howling after all, what cannot weep; and if the nymph replied:
Pluck them forth and real their hours! May the third— the authentic foundress you.
                The cold, darkness. In Sicilian shepherds feed the danger as will
but us three I am undecided which I know such though we
deem it frantic pain. More sharp to me shown. Of her blaze much as are
transparent, receptive, pervious, impervious, we are our slender prise.
0 notes
Joshua Abraham Norton, an English-Born Resident of San Francisco, California, Proclaimed Himself Imperial Majesty Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States of America. September 17, 1859.
Image: Emperor Norton in full dress uniform and military regalia, his hand on the hilt of a ceremonial sabre, c. 1875. (Wikimedia Commons.) On this day in history, September 17, 1859, Joshua Abraham Norton, an English-born resident of San Francisco, California, proclaimed himself Imperial Majesty Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States of America. He later included the title “Protector of…
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kerlondu · 2 years
Us military insignia half wing and wheel
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#Us military insignia half wing and wheel full#
#Us military insignia half wing and wheel series#
īranch insignia for Soldiers not affiliated with an infantry, armor, field artillery, air defense artillery, cavalry, special forces, or aviation regiment, generally wear their assigned basic branch insignia however, as an option, Soldiers who are not affiliated with one of the above regiments, but who are assigned to a color-bearing regiment or separate operational battalion of their branch, may wear their branch insignia with the numerical designation of the battalion or regiment affixed, when approved by the Army command (ACOM) commander, Army service component command commander, or Army direct reporting unit commander. For Armor, the number is placed immediately above the tank. For Infantry, Cavalry, Special Forces and Field Artillery, the number is placed immediately above, but not covering, the intersection of the crossed rifles, sabres, arrows, or cannon, respectively. For Air Defense Artillery and Aviation, the number is mounted on the center of the face. Members of Infantry, Armor (including Cavalry), Special Forces, Aviation, Engineer, Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery regiments may wear a version of the insignia in which the regimental number is included in the insignia.
#Us military insignia half wing and wheel full#
Enlisted soldiers wore a version enclosed in a brass disk while officers wore a full sized version not enclosed. Branch insignia was also worn by officers on the wool uniform shirt when worn as outerwear. General officers wore dark blue epaulets, whilst doctors wore green.īy the start of the 20th century, Army personnel began wearing various branch insignia on the stand-up collars of the Army dress uniform.
#Us military insignia half wing and wheel series#
Army began developing a series of colored rank epaulets for wear by officers of various Army branches, the scheme included yellow for cavalry officers, red for artillery officers, and light blue or white for infantry officers. A system of branch colors, indicated by piping on uniforms of foot soldiers and lace for mounted troops, was first authorized in the 1851 uniform regulations, with Prussian blue denoting infantry, scarlet for artillery, orange for dragoons, green for mounted rifles, and black for staff. The first use of Army branch insignia was just prior to the American Civil War in 1859 for use on the black felt hat. 4 Aide-de-camp and senior enlisted advisors.
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lit-works · 2 years
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As I stride alongside Storm, I begin to feel uneasy. Even with my instinctive sense of direction, I'm not sure that I could find my way back. "Fucking place must be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside." I mutter.
Jesse stops in her tracks. "Do you really think so? That's what Micheal and I think, but Thomas and Johnathan say that's impossible. Greg, of course, stays perfectly neutral on the subject. Part of the complex is underground. I think we're in that part now."
Storm nods and whispers, "it feels as though we are underground."
I remember that Storm is claustrophobic, though she can usually manage to keep her fear under control. I wonder if she is struggling with it now. I can smell fear.
"You sure you aren't leading us around in circles?" I ask Jesse.
"Oh, quite. As a matter of fact, here we are now." Jesse opens a door and leads us into a large control room.
The room looks like an airport control tower without windows, full of computer control panels and LED screens. Or maybe it's like a miniature NORAD, the North American Air Defense Command Headquarters sheltered up in the Rocky Mountains. I've been there, and the only difference is that this room isn't full of uniformed soldiers. I see only five people here, all dressed in civilian clothing–three men, another woman, and a boy not more than 10 years old.
"Hey, guys! Company!" Jesse calls out. Five curious faces turn in our direction.
One of the men gasps, "How did they get past the shield?"
"Oh, Johnathan, calm down." Jesse says with a laugh. "Obviously, I invited them in. Can't have them wandering about at night. It's dangerous out there."
"Are you crazy?" Johnathan shouts angrily. "Henry told us not to lower the shield for any reason!"
"Henry can go brush his teeth with a light-sabre, for all I care." Jesse replies with a sniff.
Johnathan bristles. "Wait a minute. You couldn't have lowered the shield. The controls are all in here. Unless–" Johnathan looks at the boy, Micheal, who remains seated very quietly at one of the control panels, looking up at the ceiling.
"Micheal?" Johnathan calls in a derisive tone as he heads menacingly towards the boy.
Micheal bolts past Johnathan and hides behind Jesse. Tired of being ignored, I step in front of Johnathan before he can reach the two of them. "You make a habit of threatening kids, Bub?" I growl. Johnathan, more than six feet tall, towers over my frame.
"Out of my way, mister!" He orders me.
"Your way?" I ask challengingly. "You got a deed for this piece of floor, pal?"
Just as the man before me tenses his muscles, preparing to push me, I unsheath my claws with a "snikt" and hold up one first to his chin so he can just see what he's up against.
"Wolverine!" Storm whispers warningly, "Remember that we are guests here."
"Yes," Jesse agrees. "Johnathan you really are an incredibly poor host." The woman steps up to Johnathan and gently pulls him away from me. He has turned very pale, transfixed by the three adamantium daggers I waved in his face.
Without further comment, I retract my claws. One of the other men steps forward, the eldest of the bunch, at least fifty years old with white hair and an old-fashioned bow-tie. He doesn't seem to show the least bit of fear, nor is he overconfident. He reminds me of Professor Xavier; both men carry an aura of civilization that affects everyone around them. "Welcome to Obar Island. I'm Dr. Gerald Laughlin, director of this research facility, such as it is."
I move aside for Ororo to step forward. She deals better with strangers than I do, another reason she's the boss.
"I am called Storm," she explains, accepting Dr.Laughlin's outstretched hand. "And this is Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine. Please excuse us for trespassing, but we saw the fire and thought you might need help."
"Very decent of you." Dr.Laughlin smiles. "You've already met Dr.Kirsch," he nods toward Jesse. "And this is Dr.Thomas Kraig." Dr.Laughlin points to a man at a security monitor. Dr.kraig holds up a hand in silent greeting, then turns back to the screen, apparently no longer interested in our presence.
"And this is Dr.Johnathan Andrews," Dr.Laughlin continues. Andrews merely scowls at me. "You must forgive Johnathan's ungracious welcome, but our security chief's instructions were quite explicit–we are not to lower the shield for any reason."
He looks pointedly at Jesse and says, "Dr Kirsch's sense of humanity, however, is rather stronger than her discipline. And she's inclined to take advantage of Micheal's youthful judgement."
"I weighed the decision carefully," Micheal protests. "I wouldn't have lowered the screen if I hadn't thought it was the correct thing to do."
I take a more careful look at the boy standing behind me. Although he looks like an ordinary, short, lanky kid, he speaks better than most adults, with perfect enunciation and a good deal of conviction.
Dr.Laughlin smiles at the boy without comment.
"Meet Micheal Taggart and his mother, Mrs.Leona Taggart." He concludes, indicating the other woman in the room with a nod of his head.
Storm nods at each of the adults, smiling warmly at Micheal, who is now standing beside me and observing me as carefully as I studied him. "You are also a member of the team?" Storm asks Micheal.
"Yes, ma'am," Micheal says, "specializing in cyber-neuronics."
"Cyber-what?" Rogue asks.
"Cyber-neuronics. Simply put," Micheal begins to explain. "It is the study of the actions and reactions of things programmed to behave as people–hoe and why they do what they do."
"Things programmed to act like people?" Nightcrawler asks.
"The Centi-bots." Jesse explains.
"You mean those fucking little metal monsters outside that tried to kill us?" I ask indignantly. "You programmed them?"
"Well, yes, but not to kill people." Micheal protests. "We programmed them to serve as guards. Later, we hoped to program them for high-risk services."
"Burning buildings, cave-ins, maybe even hostage situations." Jesse explains. "The Centi-bots can get into tight places, and they're well armed and armored, but ultimately expendable. A few days ago, though, they started to malfunction."
"Either the group dynamic subroutines are confusing them, or they're being reprogrammed somehow," Micheal adds.
"They didn't look confused to me." I mutter.
"Reprogramming is impossible." Dr.Kraig mutters without turning around from his viewing station.
"No, it isnt!" Both Jesse and Micheal reply at the same time.
"Enough!" Dr.Laughlin reprimands. "Let's save that discussion for later. Why don't we make our guests more comfortable before we delve any deeper into our story?" He suggests.
"Please, have a seat." Dr.Laughlin offers the four of us.
As Nightcrawler and I take a chair, the elderly scientist pulls one out from the table for Storm, and then one for Rogue. Both the women smile graciously as they sit down. Privately, I think "Hope Storm doesn't mistake his manners for harmlessness. I've got a feeling that this guy is as sharp as my claws.
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awallofswords · 2 years
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Looks like it’s Parcel O’Clock again… This is the sword that left the UK in June, went half way around the world, only to get returned during a USA stopover. Supposedly a sub-contractor to DHL refused to carry weapons.  Arriving back in the UK in the beginning of August, it was shipped that week with all it’s paperwork using a different carrier and today it has finally arrived. 
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cellythefloshie · 2 years
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Game Night
Auston Mathews x Reader
This fic was originally posted to AO3 on  2018-06-07 and has been adapted from its original format to read as a reader insert. Note: I do not own the above photo, but it was the one to originally inspire this work.  Reposting to celebrate Auston Matthew’s 50+ goal season! SUMMARY:  William Nylander enlists a special friend in assuring he beats his teammates at NHL 2018. Does he come out the champion, or is he the one that gets played?
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You were practically sitting in his lap, legs left bare from the flirtatious rise of her floral dress draped over the pale denim that dressed William Nylander. In one hand you held his beer that on occasion brought it up to your lips in a casual sip. Your other hand was lost, toying within in smooth blond strands that brushed back over his head. William didn’t seem to mind as his eyes were focused on the screen before him. His thumbs rolled over the analogs, trying to score on his opponent's net.
NHL 2018. He often found himself playing it with the other young guns that had brought life back to the Toronto Maple Leafs. Tonight was just himself, Marner, Martin, Anderson, and Matthews in the rotation.
You were one of his longest friends, sitting draped in Nylander’s lap. Your tiny frame and sweet exterior fooled most — hell, his mother had even asked if you were dating yet — but he knew he could never see her that way, even if you seemed to be stuck to him like glue. Will, however, knew better than anyone that you were a temptress, or rather a tease. 
You knew how to have her fun with the attention you acquired, but never with Will. He was much too protective of you for that, he hadn’t even let the boys that he considered family near you. The last thing he needed was you hurt — or worse, them hurt. There were perks to having this level of promiscuity around on game night, Will knew how to ignore your effortless flirtations — his friends, however, found themselves easily distracted. 
Dropping the controller onto the table Nylander let out a laugh. “That’s the last game Marner, is it just me or do you guys suck at hockey?” He mocked as large hands moved to stroke at the smooth skin of your thighs. 
“Kicked your ass last game,” Marner defended, tossing his controller aside at Matthews who would play Nylander next after a quick round of beers.
“And never again after that,” Nylander spoke full of cocky pride.
“We’ll see about that,” voiced Matthews, his large hands taking hold of the controller. “Or are we forgetting who the defending champion is?”
Eyes near rolled in Nylander’s skull as he leaned forward to grasp the controller once more. “Your reign is over Matthews,” Will spoke firmly and leaned back to mutter in your ear, “grab us more beers and pick it up a notch so I can win this one, yeah?”
A smile tugged at your lips as his head shook. “You boys are so weird,” you muttered and slid off the couch. You could practically feel all eyes focus on you as your dress fluttered around her rear as you walked to the kitchen. As you gathered the bottles of cold beer you couldn’t help but smile at the boys as they chirped. 
“—you really can’t expect to beat me with Arizona can you?” 
“I could beat you with the Sabres—“
Returning to the collection of chairs and sofas, you handed out the beers to those not playing before taking it upon herself to pop the caps off Matthew’s and Nylander’s beer and placed them on their coasters. Instead of returning to your place on Nylander’s lap, you squeezed herself in between Anderson and Matthews on the sofa. Biting your lower lip you leaned in to mutter into the player's ear. 
“How badly do you want to win?” you teased gently before giving a wink to her friend. “Because I think I know a way to break his focus...”
While Auston kept his eyes on the screen he couldn’t help but wonder what you had in mind. After Nylander managed to score on him, he made a quick glance towards you, “What are you waiting for then?” 
“You,” you countered before making herself comfortable. You leaned into Matthews insistently, and he quickly understood what you were playing at. A strong arm quickly took hold of you, his body carefully pulling you with him as he slid towards the ground. The table was bumped by his long limbs, but he was soon comfortable with you seated between his legs and leaning back on his chest. 
“Your good luck charm’s mine now, Willy,” he taunted.
You wiggled back close to Matthews, and suddenly felt small — hell, they all made you feel like an ant, but something about Auston’s hold made you hold your breath. It was firm, possessive even. Smiling, you leaned your head back against his shoulder, your delicate fingers tracing lazy circles around his thigh. 
Nylander looked away from the screen briefly, his eyes growing wide. That was not what he meant! Before he could regain focus, Matthews evened out the game with a goal.
“You are a lucky one aren’t you?” Mathews half purred in your ear, a strong arm wrapping tight around her middle. His body leaned forward, his chin coming down to rest on the your shoulder. “No wonder you keep her so close, Willy...”
“Auston!” You squealed as his face edged in closer to her neck. You could already feel the slightest of tickles threatening her nerves. “Careful!”
“Oh?” He hummed as his fingers danced over the controls, “are you ticklish?” Auston muttered playfully and attempted to nuzzle a little closer but kept his eyes on the screen.
You could feel the scratch of his stubble against your skin, and you quickly lurched away with a chuckle. You didn’t move far instead you managed a position change. Completely turned around, you faced him, your legs draped over each of his and parted off to the side. You suddenly felt exposed, your lace white panties visible to the hockey star. 
“Just move your head a bit,” Auston muttered out. While he appeared unfazed, you could hear the uneasiness in his voice. His arms encased you again. Your cheek rested on his shoulder and you watched the subtle rise and fall of his chest. His breathing was near mesmerizing, drawing you in until you were placing a gentle kiss on his throat.
“What are you doing?” Nylander sounded from the adjacent chair, obviously distracted. 
Auston, however, was finding himself distracted too. Your core was practically pressed to his crotch, and the warmth of your breath on his neck made him shudder. Blood rushed through his veins, his heart raced, and his cock slowly began to throb. 
“Ah fuck,” he sounded, but not only because Nylander managed to score a goal that would win him the game — but he was quickly realizing how little self-control he had.
With the game ending in a Nylander’s victory, you pulled back slowly and smiled, “maybe next time Matthews,” and smirked as you eased yourself back from him slowly— you didn’t want to give anyone else the free show.
Clearing his throat, Auston quickly shut his legs and turned off the game system. “Well played man,” he congratulated his friend, “you won’t get so lucky next time.”
After a couple more beers, Marner, Martin, and Anderson gathered their things and moved to catch their taxi home. Roommates Matthews and Nylander tossed beer cans in the sink and you curled up on the sofa. 
“You going to be okay there?” Willy sounded, “you can take the bed if you want it—“
“I’ll be good here,” you promised and snuggled into the couch pillow. Your legs pulled up into your chest, barring your lacy once again— but more prominently, your round ass.
Willy took a fist full of the blanket, tossing it your way before retiring into his bedroom for the night. Auston remained in the kitchen, watching you wrap your legs around the lush fabric of the blanket. He couldn’t stop thinking about the ghost of a kiss on his neck, or the way you felt barely grazing his cock. While he knew it was bad, Auston found himself wanting her.
“All that earlier,” he whispered out into the air, “that was all for show?”
You perked up on the couch and soon found yourself kneeling. “Come here?” 
Once the back of the couch divided them as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his collarbone through the thin fabric of his black t-shirt.
“He likes to think he can control me but he doesn’t. Will...he’s just my friend. And while he likes to put on a real show, I want some real release— Can you give that to me Auston?”
Large hands took hold of your sides, quickly hoisting you up into his hold. Your legs circled his frame, pressing your need to his length. Carrying you back to his bedroom, Austin’s mouth came down in a firm, hungry kiss against your own. He could taste the beer on your breath, and feel the gentle embrace of your tongue.
Falling back on the bed with you, his hands went to explore your body. Caressing your curves on the way down, his hands quickly shot up your dress; a thumb traced over the lace, pressing down on the sweet bundle of your clit. A whimper left your mouth, and your hips raised into his touch. 
Your eagerness made his cocky hard, tenting the fabric of his pants. Removing his hands from your body, Auston pushed down his sweatpants and began grinding his contained cock against your clothed pussy.
As he arched over you, you pressed upwards, your lips seeking out the sweet flesh of his neck once more. Nails scratched down his back before peeling and black t-shirt up and away from his skin. Your body eased downwards, your lips taking assault on his tone chest but Auston quickly pulled you back up to eye level. His hands fisted at your dress, lifting it from your frame so that you remained in nothing but her white panties. Licking his lips in desire, his mouth consumed a single breast, his tongue toying with the perky peaks of your rosy nipple. The quiet moan that left your mouth brought a smile to his lips. 
Traveling down further, your petite legs were guided up over strong shoulders, a broad tongue stroked over the lace fabric, feeling the dampness of your desire up to the sensitivity of your clit. Matthews peppered kisses over your core before nipping flesh and lace in a playful tug.
“Auston,” you encouraged his a heavy breath, your fingers hooking on her panties in an attempt to push them downwards. Instead, a large thumb tugged your panties aside and his face delved into the sweet heat of her arousal. You gasped, your body lurching to knit fingers into his dark strands. His tongue lapped at your folds, dipping into your sweet core before traveling up to suck on your sensitive bundle. Your hips squirmed with pleasure, pressing up into his face as he consumed you. 
It was when his mouth tugged at your clit and two thick fingers thrust up inside you that Auston knew he could not hold back any longer. You were practically dripping down his hand, stretching just wide enough for his fingers. Pulling free he quickly disposed of your panties in full before laying himself over you in search of a condom inside his bedside table. 
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He sounded in your ear as fingers fumbled with the foil. 
You bit down on her lower lip, your large eyes meeting his as you nodded. “Mhm,” you hummed, “I want you inside me. I want to-“ You were cut off with a moan. Auston has slipped the latex on with ease before moving into you with a deep thrust. His body near quivered with the hold your core took on his cock, his hips pumping in and out of your sweet heat.
“Fuck!” he cussed, picking up speed and drawing your legs up and pressing them back in an attempt to get in deeper. Your desperate touch took his shoulders, nails scratching down the strong muscles of his back before drawing him down for a sloppy kiss. A moan sounded from his mouth as he wondered: Can she taste herself on tongue? 
“Auston,” you mumbled as he continued to plow into you. “I’m gonna—“ he could feel your walls beginning to tense around him, his cock near ready to explode as your grip on him tensed and relaxed. Soon your core was a vice grip around his cock, trapping him deep inside, milking his hot seed into the thin latex that divided him. 
Sweating and panting, Auston didn’t pull back far, just far enough to discard the condom in the bedside trash can. Arms held your frame to him, his face in your hair. 
“That’s what you get for teasing me,” he whispered out before playfully nipping at the skin of your shoulder.
“I guess I’m going to have to tease you more often...”
Come morning, Auston was surprised to find you curled up in his bed — it put a smile on his face nonetheless. Leaning in, he began to suck on your collarbone gently. 
A slow hum slipped from your lips as you were drawn from your sleep. “You want breakfast?”
“Real food or is breakfast a new code for me sucking your dick?” you muttered and ran a hand over her tired features. 
“Food,” Auston assured before giving her a playful bite, “but I wouldn’t object to the latter.”
Small hands shoved him before you sat up on the bed. Reaching down to the ground, Auston retrieves his shirt from the knight before and tossed it at you. “Put that on. I don’t mind.”
Pulling on his boxers, Auston led you out into the kitchen in search of something to devour. Pinning you between himself and the cupboards, he sought out anything he could throw together for pancakes. It was difficult not to be close to you, feeling your flesh on his... but he nearly jumped back when he heard Will’s bedroom door creak open. Turning around Auston took a deep breath before speaking; “She’s my good luck charm now, Willy...”
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