#13 could! also be pride i supposed but more likely gluttony or lust
asexual-levia-tan · 6 months
if the late-dateables become dateable before the death of the og app i wonder what sin they'll be assigned
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the-updog-academy · 4 years
The Siblings as the 7 Sins and Virtues
I actually have no idea if the reblog for the ask was showing up in the notes or not, so I decided to just do a separate post with these again. It was acting weird so I had to reformat to be more legible and a few slight edits from the original post. Apologies for the clutter! Anyways here we go.
First of all, I don’t think they actually go into the sins completely, but more so reference a bit of them. So all traits and symptoms may not be present. With that said, here are my reasoning on these alignments. Sin first and Virtue second.
Gluttony - He eats when he’s anxious, which we see at least twice throughout season 1 with the space food. Once after he talks to Allison and once right before he and Allison dance. He was also lacking in food on the moon which could also further symbolize this. When he has his first breakdown, he decides to overindulge in alcohol first and then drugs at the rave. The second time, he goes to the bar to get drunk after he finds out about Reginald’s big secret from Pogo. (A note that he shows this sin even more in the comics, together with Sloth.)
Temperance - He seems to show more self control until later, so I think he actually took an opposite turn here and gradually fell into the gluttonous phase and only got worse, before he got better again.
Wrath - Pretty self explanatory here, this boy has a lot of anger and bitterness towards his siblings as well as his father (bar Klaus and probably Ben). He’s prone to holding grudges. He’s seen taking his anger out on Vanya’s in his room at the gym. He takes his anger out on criminals when he goes out doing his vigilante runs. He’s just always angry and he has one hell of a temper. I wonder if the raw eggs fuel his anger?
Forgiveness - This one is also pretty straight forward. He actually accepts that Luther had been right about staying together, starts defending Vanya, therefore forgiving her for the book, AND he spares Cha-Cha at the theatre. A pretty big step for someone who’s always angry and bitter.
Greed - She used her powers to get whatever she wanted, when she wanted and made the perfect life for herself, until it wasn’t. She took too much and it ended up coming back to bite her in the ass later. The life she built up, she ended up losing through divorce and losing custody of her daughter Claire.
Charity - Later, Allison starts giving rather than taking. After all that’s said and done, she goes out of her way to lend a helping hand to Vanya as much as she can, especially with Leonard. She goes as far as lying to an officer despite the possible risks and consequences just to find her sister. She knows from experience how bad things can get if one is not careful and doesn’t want her sister to make the same mistakes, especially with Leonard.
Lust - This one also probably speaks for itself, but Klaus has a sexual nature, mainly implied by things he’s said aloud to others. And his drug addiction should be enough implication as to what he may have to go through to get said drugs, or even just to distract himself. Sex, drugs, and alcohol tend to go hand in hand. I can understand the drug use falling under Gluttony here, but it’s not really out of self indulgence that he has the addiction. It’s more out of desperation of drowning out the ghosts and dampening his power. However, he does crave love and affection, which may cause him to become lustful, the drugs becoming an excuse to get said love and affection…even if it’s the wrong kind.
Chastity - He stopped his junkie life style and quit cold turkey. Although the moment he went sober may indicate this, I think the real transition happened when he threw the pill on impulse at the rave and couldn’t even understand himself as to why he did in the first place. He cast aside the vices he used to have and it was all to stop his brother from making the same mistakes he himself made.
Pride - Although he didn’t enjoy killing people as an assassin/hitman, he even stated himself that he took pride in it. He’s narcissistic and always looks down on others, especially his siblings. He claims that he’s better and far more skilled at pretty much everything, going as far as to running off and doing things on his own rather than asking for help because “You’re all useless!”
Humility - To me, his “So what if Dad messed us up. We gonna let that define us?” monologue really reflects humility. He acknowledges he can’t stop the apocalypse alone and also tries to raise his siblings up rather than putting them down. There have been a few times where he actually put trust into his other siblings and let them come along to help. Five also turned his pride into humility when he told Luther not to waste his life. By using his own experiences, he gives Luther some positive advice compared to before when he was putting him down.
Sloth - This one actually may go into a bit of depth here. So we don’t know a lot about Ben but from what little we have seen so far, it is clear he wasn’t really enthusiastic about missions and possibly training when he was a kid. He did what he was supposed to, but he showed he wasn’t thrilled about it at all, like his other siblings so casually seemed to. “I didn’t sign up for this” shows that he’d rather just not do anything and sit idly. But at the same time he makes no effort to change or protest, instead he goes with the flow since that’s the easiest thing to do. He doesn’t take control of the situation when he could attempt to. Sloths tends to be associated with suicide and one of the many headcanons revolving around Ben’s death is just that: suicide. He seems depressed and not really all that happy. Having no wounds as a ghost could also indicate that it was internal, so perhaps an overdose?
Diligence - After death, he starts trying to take control of the situation by helping Klaus to the best of his ability since he can no longer take control of his own life…he’s dead. As a ghost he’s more enthusiastic, and takes more action even if he can’t actually can’t change anything physically. But that doesn’t stop him from trying anyway. It is a complete contrast to how he was in life.
Envy - Vanya had been jealous of her siblings for most of her life and was led to believe that she was ordinary and unlike them. As a possible coping mechanism, she wrote a book about their lives and publicly revealed some not-so-good things about herself and her siblings, despite them never giving her permission to share that information in the first place. And she goes into adulthood still unable to really make a name for herself. She’s never invited to any of the family meetings, she’s always left out of everything. Despite Allison’s helping hand, she pushed her away. Eventually she lashed out, hurt her own sister when she learns she’s beyond ordinary, and even causes the world’s destruction. The jealously blinded her and she took it out on not only her siblings, but the world as a whole. The irony is, she lived the most normal life out of all of them.
Kindness - When not having violent mood swings, she’s one of the most understanding and sympathetic people, Klaus probably only second to her. She listened to Five , about the apocalypse when he came to her and showed sympathy when she learned what happened to him and even offered him a place to sleep after serving him coffee. Vanya even let him have alcohol without question, despite him appearing 13 years old. She went as far as trying to understand the situation rather than judge him. Five coming to her in the first place implies that he trusts her the most out of their siblings. Vanya even went out of her way to talk to and compliment Helen Cho, who put her down in the end. But even then, she still tries to make friends and she is very compassionate when it comes to other people’s mental well being as well, as implied when she suggested a therapist to Five.
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thatishogwash · 6 years
The Tale of Persephone and Hades
IwaDai Week
Day 1 - August 12 - Greed / The Little Things (Habits)
Day 2 - August 13 - Lust / Masquerade
Day 3 - August 14 - Gluttony / Five Senses
Day 4 - August 15 - Envy / Fashion
Day 5 - August 16 - Pride / Fake Dating
Hajime ran through the forest, hearing the sounds of hoofs and braying dogs follow close behind him made his heart beat too quickly in his chest.  Hajime willed the vegetation to grow, entrapping legs and slowing down his pursuers.  He could not be caught so simply, he wouldn’t allow it.  He would not go back without a fight and they should bring their best for that.
Hajime spotted a cave cut into the side of the mountain, partially hidden by large bushes and trees.  It could cause his easy capture but it could also be a means of escape.  Hajime slid down into the hole and asked the bushes to cover it.  They not only grew more wild but they also sprouted thick thorns and pungent berries that would throw off the scent for the hounds that followed so close.
Hajime turned and realized he was on a sort of cliff.  He lowered himself down carefully and found the floor easily enough.  It was dark inside the cave but Hajime was a god after all and light was an easy thing to fix, even for someone that was considered a minor god of flowers and such things.  He felt his face curve into a deep scowl at the fresh remarks.
The sound of barking shook Hajime out of his anger and he quickly made his way down the tunnel, a small golden ball of light hovering near his shoulder showed him where he was.  It was a little taller than him and quite wide, but it looked far too smooth to be natural.  He had witnessed mortals do many odd things and he wondered for what purpose would they carve a tunnel into a mountain.  It wasn’t a particularly big mountain, it didn’t seem to save much time to go through it instead of around it.
Hajime walked close to the side of the tunnel, hand stretched out to touch the smooth texture.  Like a rock carved smooth by the water.  Unlike most of the gods, Hajime quite liked mortals and all their oddities.
There was a strange noise up ahead and Hajime braced himself as the tunnel took a sharp turn.  He peered around the corner and felt his eyes widen at the sight there.  A hound the size of Hajime was curled up against the wall but most curious of all was the three heads all attached to the same body.  The strange noise Hajime had heard was a soft whimper, echoed three times.
Suddenly the three heads whipped up and spotted Hajime, who didn’t have time to even step back before the hound was on him.  The hound nearly knocked him over but instead of attacking him, like Hajime had thought it was about to do, the hound just huddled close, pressing against Hajime and shaking.
“Are you scared?”  Hajime whispered, fingers carefully working through the coarse hair down the creatures spine.  The hound whimpered and pushed closer, nearly knocking Hajime down once again but he held his stance and braced himself.  “Poor creature.”
Hajime knew of only one creature with three heads but he knew that one to be several times larger than the one before him.  Perhaps it was Cerberus’ pup?  Which would mean Hajime had found himself in or near the Underworld.  It was about the last place Hajime would ever want to be but what could he do now?
Turning back was always an option but would his captors be waiting for him?  And what did he have to go back to anyways that was so great?  He was tired of being treated like he was lesser just because his powers helped mortals than they did the gods.  But what waited for him further down the tunnel?  The Underworld was no place for Hajime, who was a child of the sun and things that grew under it.  But the creature before him was terrified and most likely lost, and Hajime had always been told his heart was too soft for his own good.
“Let’s go find your mother.”  And hope she didn’t eat Hajime, not to mention what would happen if the Lord of the Underworld found him.
Hajime had never met Daichi but he had heard the rumors that circulated about him.  He had no mercy towards anyone and he caused death and destruction wherever he went.
No, it was really best if Hajime avoided Daichi at all cost.
They walked together for hours and the only good thing Hajime could say about the length of time was at least the pup had stopped shaking so badly, though the middle head continued to try and lick his face.  Also his pursuers hadn’t found him yet.  Most wouldn’t assume he had gone to the Underworld to escape his fate.
Then Hajime heard the curious sound of water as he rounded another sharp corner.  He let out a gasp at the sight in front of him and was sure it was the entrance to the Underworld he had read about and seen depicted in carvings and paintings alike.  It was so much bigger than he imagined with rows upon rows of spectral beings floating on one side.  Some wandered near the back, moaning and trying to cling onto those who were boarding the ferry.
The pup let out several exited barks, the souls of the dead didn’t seem to care but the cloaked figure on the ferry turned towards him.  Hajime curled his hand in the fur around the pups neck as he felt his stomach drop.
A louder, deeper bark shook the large cavern.  The ground shook and Hajime looked up to see a hound who looked like the pup next to him though several times larger.  Hajime guessed that he could walk underneath Cerberus, reach up and not be able to touch her belly she was so large.
Cerberus stopped on the other side of the river and gave a long whine that made Hajime want to cover up his ears.  The pup trudged forward and Hajime watched in horror as he made a running leap for the water.  He had no idea what the river styx would do to the creature but he didn’t want to find out.
“No!  Don’t!”  Hajime grabbed onto the pup but he was far too strong and too eager to get back to his mother to listen.  They were both going into the river.
“Toraburu, stop!”  A voice commanded, cutting through all noise until it was completely silent.  Hajime stepped away from the river even as the pup gave a whine, pawing at the ground as a dark figure walked around Cerberus.  
The ferry glided easily over to the man, who stepped aboard with grace and came towards where Hajime stood.  He was dressed in all black with dark hair and hard eyes that stared at Hajime as he stepped into the sand next to the pup.  The ferryman, whose head was covered in a deep hood fidgeted with the long oar he held.
“You have given everyone quite a fright, again.”  The one man Hajime had told himself to avoid stated as he gave attention to each one of the heads of who Hajime could only assume was Toraburu.  “And you have brought a friend.”
“He was scared, I couldn’t leave him.”  Hajime said even though he had been warned never to speak out of turn in front of the god of the Underworld.  But he had also been told that Daichi was uncaring, which seemed untrue since his words were said so softly to the pup who was happily wagging his tail now.
“We thank you then.”  Daichi stated as he patted Toraburu’s side.  “Well, go back to your mother.”
“No Daichi, he always scratches the boat-” The ferryman complained but Toraburu was already scrambling onboard, nearly knocking the ferryman off.  His hood slipped to reveal a beard and worried looking brown eyes before he rightened himself and pushed away from the shore to return the pup to his mother.
“Perhaps you should put a collar on them.”  Hajime offered and was surprised by the flash of teeth as the god of the Underworld laughed.  The souls of the departed hadn’t reacted to anything else but they looked over when Daichi laughed.
“We’ve tried, they just chew them off of each other.”  Daichi kept his distance from Hajime, which he appreciated.  Lately too many have been pushing into his space, thinking they were due it just because he was being forced to marry.  “If you ever have need of a favor from the god of the Underworld, please feel free to ask.”  He sounded amused, as if he knew that day was unlikely to come.  Hajime knew the gods could be cruel and fickle, and none were supposed to be worse than Daichi but he could sense no ill will from the other god.  Just something very deep, some type of sadness lingered in the depths of his dark eyes.
Lightning cracked a space near Hajime, who jumped and moved away.  Daichi caught him around the arm, pulling Hajime back from the step he was about to make into the river just to get away from the person he had been running away from.
“Hello Ushijima.”  Daichi greeted the god of the sky, who gave Daichi a nod though his face remained blank as he looked at Hajime.
“It is time to stop running and accept your duty.”  Ushijima ordered and Hajime felt the need to run fill him up but he knew it was useless.  It had only been a matter of time before Ushijima interfered and then no place Hajime ran to would be safe, but he had just hoped for a little more time.
“Duty?”  Daichi asked, glancing over at Hajime.  “The crops could not have withered and died in the couple days he has been in the Underworld.”
“Of course not.”  Ushijima replied, completely missing the teasing smile on Daichi’s face.  “He is to marry, he has a long line of suitors that have been waiting.”  Daichi raised an eyebrow before looking back at Hajime once more.  Hajime wondered if the other god would show his true colors now, if he would toss Hajime towards Ushijima and be done with him.
Instead Daichi looked at the river than at Hajime with a raised eyebrow.  It took Hajime’s panicked mind to comprehend the meaningful look.  Daichi hadn’t verbally swore a favor to Hajime on the river styx, but he had been standing on its shores and that worked just as well.  Hajime was due a favor but was he willing to risk it?
“Come Hajime, enough of this foolishness.”  Ushijima ordered.
“I can’t.”  Hajime stated before clearing his throat and speaking louder.  “I have eaten fruit from here, now I must remain.”
“For how long?”  Ushijima frowned at the both of them.
“Four months.”  Daichi spoke up.  “Four months of every year he must remain down here.”  Hajime almost collapsed with relief as Daichi silently agreed with Hajime’s request.  He might still lock Hajime Tartarus or do something equally as cruel but he had given Hajime what he needed most, he had given him time.
“I will be back in four months then.”  Ushijima promised before disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.
“Daichi, what have you done?”  The ferryman asked, sounding deeply concerned even as Daichi laughed and clapped him on the back, nearly knocking him off his boat once more.
“Thank you.”  Hajime said, bowing deeply to Daichi.
“You shouldn’t thank me just yet.”  Daichi stated before helping Hajime onto the ferry.  “But maybe you can help me think of a way to keep the pups from wandering off.”
“There are more?”  Hajime asked in surprise, to which Daichi only laughed as they crossed the river styx together.  Hajime wondered what he had gotten himself into and perhaps that the Underworld wasn’t such a dreary place after all.
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