#Luther  Hargreeves
ktonyard · 3 days
I need a fix-it fic where the Hargreeves siblings all pack their bags and kill Reggie. Breaking and entering, kidnapping, murder - the whole chabang. The rest of the series could be them getting away with it. Revenge on their abuser is the closure that they needed.
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laurrelise · 2 days
the hargreeves siblings as cats because i said so
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brellafaun · 3 days
brellies and the powerpoints i think they’d make if they did a presentation night:
Luther: top ten moon rock samples i would throw at dad given the chance
Diego: getting kicked out of the police academy any% speedrun stats
Allison: reasons why i never did anything wrong (number twelve will shock you!)
Klaus: every time i’ve met god (with photos. somehow.)
Five: complete recap of the fnaf lore in chronological order including every hex code, line of dialogue, and troll game in the series
Ben: book tierlist :)
Viktor: top ten things that make me want to end the world again
Lila: a detailed list of felonies she's committed with exact dates and locations
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Grace / the nannies / pogo somehow managing to get Reginald to rent out a children's museum for the evening just once when the kids are like 5-6 (maybe for their birthday). They needed something to get all their energy out.
Five and Viktor in a big plastic fake tree reading books and then going to the fake supermarket, where Luther and Allison are playing house and forced Ben to be their kid. Ben wants to go to the theater where Klaus has put on a one kid retelling of the ugly duckling with no audience.
Baby Diego is either clinging to grace for dear life and not knowing what to do........or has made it his mission to sneak around and throw something at each sibling without getting caught. Five and Viktor are the hardest targets bc they have cooped themselves up in the tree.
Diego also sneaking off because he wants to play in the water zone but the adults told him not to. He comes back sopping wet but very happy. An adult has to get him changed.
Klaus comes out of the theater costume zone dressed to the nines and proclaims himself mayor of hargreeves-ville. No one listens. Five will be the only one to call him mayor for the rest of the evening. But not respect said title.
Luther ends up playing in the"boring" science kid zone for a while well Allison and Ben join Klaus in the theater.
Diego ends up in the tree but he very dangerously climbed up on it. He's stuck. No one notices till Klaus screams, causing everyone to try and get him down.
Five and Viktor end up in the theater. Viktor plays with the instruments well five becomes a butthole director to everyone. Klaus isn't having fun anymore and runs to the supermarket.
Most of them end up in the fake supermarket and have a big group play, assigning jobs and trying to actually get along. It goes as well as u would think. Klaus can't stop beep scanning things and annoying everyone with it. Five ends up enjoying fake arguing like a Karen too much and it genuinely starts to get on Allison's nerves along with the beeping. "I heard a rumor everyone was quiet!!" Then dead silence. Allison feels bad but let's it stay for a few seconds longer before "I heard a rumor that you guys could talk again~" she gives five a weak smile, hoping he doesn't explode. five gives her the biggest scowl and maybe even some tears. I think five HATES being rumored. Ends up running away from the whole thing.
Viktor has a bit too much fun going "should I get this one....ooor this one" it's two of the same toy steaks. He asks five witch one then ben. Both say the left. He gets the right.
Ben is the "manager" and is hating his existence. He ends up enjoying stocking the shelves and ignoring everything around him. Probably took a audio book cassette player from the reading tree and has been blocking everything out. Also him using his tentacles to sort things.
Luther was still in the science zone and bumps into a very upset five. ever the number 1 caring bro , Luther tries his best to comfort him. They end up away from everyone to play in a big fake rocket ship. Viktor eventually joins, holding a shopping bag with his lone toy steak in it.
Diego and Klaus end up doing arts and crafts and get covered in glitter.
They all end the day covered in glitter, wet, probably covered in stickers and marker. They need to be sneaked into the house so hargreeves doesn't see and quick to the baths (the security got it and the nannies and pogo got a ear full later) they were clean as a whistle by the time dinner rolls around.
They never have an outing like that again and barely remember it.
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iguessiwritenow · 2 days
I know for a fact that umbrella Ben would be pissed to know that Klaus could float all along
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Once More (but with feeling!) S4 Rewrite Fan Script Episode 1
We Only See Each Other If The World's Ending
Hope you all enjoy!! Let me know what you think!!
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maxhsrgreeves · 1 day
Idiots or not. They’re my family 💙
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hottie0 · 2 days
okay so am i the only one who wishes umbrella academy incorporated their powers more into the show….
like maybe i’m just a sucker for superhero content but i feel like they should’ve done more with their powers, especially as the show continued. like the first 2 seasons were pretty good for it but then in the last two they only focused on the character development which i know is what most people like but i just wanna see some badass fight scenes.
my favourite scenes in the show are 1. the season 2 intro ofc and 2. the scene in season 1 where they save the bank from being robbed.
like everyone is using their powers in cool ways and they’re a team. it’s like they completely disregarded it later on. i know the family is supposed to be disfunctional but i wish they had more than like 4 scenes where they actually fought using their powers as a team, that’s their whole thing! it’s what the show is literally about!
plus they could do soooo much more with their powers. that’s what i like about marvel is that when a superhero gets a new development in their power they actually use it, but they do not do that in TUA and for what? are the writers just not good at superhero writing? i guess not because they could be doing so much more.
the thing that pisses me off exponentially that i’ve been wishing they would do every season but never did is utilize diego’s breath-holding powers. in the comics he can hold his breath for as long as he wants and they never used it.
and klaus too, he can conjure almost anybody??? and he just doesn’t??? like i know it’s traumatizing and stuff but still. i like that they did a lot with his power in the later seasons, but he can do so much more.
it goes for all of them too, they all have so much untapped potential, instead of wasting their time introducing more and more characters, why wouldn’t they just add more depth to what they’ve already done. i would much prefer that than what they did.
they could even have some really cool spin offs with the characters. like if there was a show about how they were raised, or their powers as a team like animated maybe just like the avengers or dc but edgier. or just their lives without powers, i’m sure lots of people would love that. this franchise has so much promise, i hate to see it being abandoned.
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clarkgriffon · 2 days
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY → Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days
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enough time has passed i didnt see a single five and lila scene in season 4 from before they were gonna kiss
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andrewthedeadly · 3 days
luther was bitchless , jobless , homeless , ape bodied even though he was literally NORMAL and the ape body has nothing to do with his power , POWERUPLESS , SUNDAY NIGHT STRIPPER , and now hes dead.
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ktonyard · 3 days
I adore Luther’s character arc throughout the series (season 4 doesn’t exist, Idk what you’re talking about). I am not saying that I agree with everything he has done. There are some things he has done that I cannot get behind or forget. That doesn’t make his story any less interesting.
He thought he was a good person, a hero even. So ofc he didn’t realise that he was harming the people in his life until it was way to late. But he clearly wanted to be good. He just didn’t know how.
Yet he did change. He apologised for what he did and he was one of the most accepting people in Viktor’s life. Luther asking him to be his best man healed something inside of me. Not only is that the nicest thing someone could have done to Viktor (at the time) but it was a symbol of their bond and how it had changed.
He is nowhere near perfect but he held on to his journey and became better because of it.
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kidovna · 2 months
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happy umbrella academy eve!! (redrew this)
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brellafaun · 20 hours
brellies as interactions between me and my roommate part two
klaus: you’re on my tumblr lol
luther: idk this cake just. isn’t special
diego: well, don’t say that. the cake could develop a complex
luther, without hesitation, stabbing the cake repeatedly with a fork: no.
ben and klaus: call and response meowing
viktor: idk. the extra piece of cheese makes it look like i’m a dog about to take medication
allison: i mean you kinda are
klaus: and then i’ll die and you’ll be all like “oh noooo klaus is dead!!!!!”
five: yeah and then i get the house to myself :)
klaus: no wait-
five: i’m gonna leave your body in the street :)
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the siblings playing rock band. Five is the master guitarist. he plays more then he should in his free time. he will never admit it and everyone thinks hes just born gifted. diego is very jealous of five and makes guitar a contest. only diego sees it this way, five just wants to do guitar and likes the skill curve. lila is on drums bc she drums. she is the ONLY ONE who wants drums. she is VERY proud of being the family drummer. shes not very good. she assumes because she has irl drumming experience, it transfers over. it does not. luther, Allison and Klaus are the singers and take turns. but Allison and Klaus will always give their mic to luther to do the hand hurty hit things bc it doesn't hurt for luther. but this has resulted in many broken mics. viktor just likes watching and having a good time with family. sometimes he starts dancing if he gets enough booze in him but most of the time he's having fun watching everyone bicker and play.
Ben: wants to play drums.....Lila doesn't listen. he sits with viktor, less happy. (this can work with both bens. but i think sparrow ben would want to sing. he gets less turns then the others)
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you're laughing. The umbrella academy's final season destroyed every character's personal growth and semi-healed traumas, left huge plot-holes, completely abandoned some of it's most beloved side characters that were crucial in previous seasons and you're laugh-oh. You're crying. My bad. Go ahead. Let it out. Understandable.
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