#13 era Who
13thdoctorposts · 7 months
The amount of bias against 13 era Who is a real WTF, it was like people just wanted to be negative. We've all heard 'tHe WrItInG WaS bAd'. But people also just choose to be more negative and hostile towards it... for example
Legend of the Sea Devils... people couldn't stop talking about how bad it was. It got a 3 star review from Radio Times...
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The title and first line are...
Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils review – classic monsters resurface in maritime mediocrity
The Sea Devils are faithfully resurrected but the adventure on the South China sea is wishy-washy.
Do you know what else got a 3 star review? The Star Beast...
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But how did they frame this even though it has the exact same star rating? As wishy washy? as mediocre?... of course not it's framed in a positive way 👇
Doctor Who - The Star Beast review: Saturday night magic is back
There's a very big adventure coming.
Even though its not relevant they also had to take a dig in the first couple paragraphs of The Star Beast review at the previous era 'You'd be forgiven for wondering if we've travelled back in time, but no, this is Doctor Who in 2023, and how sorely it's been missed... Doctor Who hasn't been at its very best for a long while'... like I said this was rated the same as tLotSD... in tLotSD opening paragraph... "I feel a bit sorry for today’s young viewers. I grew up watching Doctor Who in the 1970s and, while it might not have been immense every single week, we could rely on a fairly steady stream of classics – and scares and chills agogo. Sitting through Legend of the Sea Devils is like watching seaweed dry." Same rating different framing... this put the viewer into a different mindset before watching it, it primes them to see the negative rather than the positive.
And for good measure The Power of the Doctor which got 4 stars was framed in a 'oh its good but still not great' way... 👇
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Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor review – A satisfying finale to an erratic 4-year chapter
Despite an abundance of distractions, Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill remain the throbbing heart of the story.
According to this star rating this episode is better then The Star Beast but you wouldn't now that from the words. The bias against 13 era Who and the writing is both real and insane and nothing will change my mind on that because we are constantly shown evidence of it.
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sentientsky · 6 days
watching thirteen's era, and this is pretty much the gist of it so far:
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causalityparadoxes · 7 months
Just saw someone credit Chibnall for making the Doctor nonbinary and uhm,,, respectfully I think some of ya'll skipped 12.
Unless I'm forgetting some earlier classic who/rtd mention of nonbinary-ism, 12 is the first TV Doctor to explicitly talk about timelords not having human gender.
And thats not even getting into earlier non TV stuff like the Eighth doctor saying the line 'i don't think I've ever even been a man' in response to someone asking him if he'd ever been a woman.
Like yes casting 13 as a woman was an awesome move and a win for nonbinary Doctor fans everywhere. But please don't forget the work Capaldi & Moffat put into making Twelve a nonbinary icon
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
So since mxtx has said that in novel canon nie huaisang is eventually going to end up being chief cultivator we can presume the headshaker thing, while based on his existing personality, was in fact an act and he is way more competent at his job than he's let on. And with Jin Guangyao dead and gone he has no reason to put on that act anymore.
Imagine being an Nie cultivator. Your flopppy incompetent sect leader comes home from traumatic events after it turns out his older brother's sworn brother- who's been over to your sect basically every other week for years now- is the one that killed said brother and you're fully prepared for tears and dramatics. And while you definitley don't like lianfang-zun since it just came out he killed your last (way more competent) sect leader he was sorta the one holding the sect together so you're bracing yourself for the worst, and instead he's... stoic? Paperwork is suddenly getting done well and on time without help. He's not wailing during negotiations anymore and you're getting actual good trade deals for the first time in over a decade. He answers questions now? With something other than "I don't know i don't know i really don't know!"
And even if you had none of the revelations wei wuxian had in guanyin temple, slowly the realization creeps up on you that all his earlier embarassing antics that cost your family their comfortable livelihoods and your sect their good name was on purpose. And from there it's not that hard to put two and two together. The rest of the cultivation world assumes the shock of jin guangyao's betrayal has finally forced the headshaker to grow up a little but you have worked side by side with him for a decade, probably even watched him grow up under his brother's rule. You know better.
How do you feel at that point? What can you even do? He's your sect leader. And he's finally doing his job, things are looking up, shouldn't you feel relieved? It' not like his incompetence really caused any deaths among the nie, just wiped out generational wealth and reputation that will take years and years to build back up. Is it really reasonable to only start hating someone for something when they've stopped doing it? Thereby proving that they were capable of stopping all along?
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yesokayiknow · 3 months
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human au. some of these guys spend too much time on here and it shows
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evviejo · 7 months
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doctor who, series 11, episode 9 - it takes you away december 2nd, 2018
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quantumshade · 1 month
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a.) i did watch 13's era religiously and tried to like it for years, b.) a show having ridiculous things in it does not make it camp, you just don't know what camp is, and c.) using "a man birthing a child" as an example of something being campy and cheesy and ridiculous.... You Are Just Being Transphobic.
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
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unofficial nuwho theme song illustrated
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lariskapargitay · 4 months
Me thinks that someone on the writing staff had a bit of a choking/bondage kink regarding 13/Jodie bc like idk if I never noticed it with the other doctors but this was a weeee bit excessive
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13thdoctorposts · 1 year
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The further and further we move away from 13 era Who the more and more I feel thankful to Jodie, Mandip, Chibs and crew that we have it.
I don’t think I realised how lucky we were when it was on or how likely it was going to be the only era of its kind.
Chibs had a harder time than the other showrunners of NuWho. It was a constant uphill battle, a lot of the fandom already didn’t like his writing and didn’t want him as showrunner, a good chunk of the fandom didn’t really want a female doctor, they weren’t interested in a more naturalistic less campy version of the show, budgets at the BBC became tighter, BBC were more restrictive and then to top it off there was a world wide pandemic, destroying industries, taking lives and making feats like making flux seem like it would be impossible.
The show was a light in the darkness during that time, Jodie shone brighter then a diamond as the Doctor we all needed, not just in the show but here in the real world for all of us.
I hope we never forget how lucky we were that these people put their love, time, dedication and mental resilience especially against an ever hostile ‘fan’base on the line to give us this wonderful era of the show, it will be sorely miss.
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steven moffat wouldn't cast a woman as the doctor because doctor who is also "for people who voted for brexit" and the "daily mail-reading viewers". like he was actively catering to conservative and right-wing audiences and thought a female doctor was too progressive.
now rtd is back and is so unapologetic and intentional about the characters being queer and telling conservatives to fuck off about it. doctor who is healing.
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mwagneto · 1 month
i made fun of 13 era being so millenial so many times (lovingly) including multiple instances of me saying she's 1 unlucky writing decision away from saying "doggo" only for 15 era to drop doggo TWICE in the first episode. humbling
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As an 11th and 12th Doctor fan I'm feeling rather left out so far by all the released 60th content.
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spooksier · 4 months
getting back into doctor who and seeing how the larger fandom on here talks about the 13th doctor is literally going to send me to an early grave. like guys. guys why does every post about her have to come with a disclaimer that you hate her run. guys youre doing misogyny again guys stop. i won’t share the screenshot bc i don’t want to put op on blast but like yesterday i saw a post about a cool parallel between 13 and 10 and the first comment i saw was literally ‘im sad at how miscast jodie was as the doctor but obviously david tennant speaks for himself 😍’ like GUYS!!!!!! AM I CRAZY!!!
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evviejo · 8 months
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every episode of the thirteenth doctor’s era:
the power of the doctor
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