#13 rw rp
Future speaks to other members of her group, Cat and Lumi about joining her growing team of detectives. Both agree to join, but Lumi seems off, eventually revealing his concern for Epithet, who has recently stopped communicating with him as much
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soaricarus · 6 months
5, 13, and 16 for the ask game?
what made you start your blog (5), what are you doing right now (13) and if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be (16)
funnily enough, not rain world! i've had this blog since 2019-2020 ish? been a while! my url used to be wayyy different though. we don't talk about when my username was amgry. that originated from me changing my pfp to a cat angry at a watermelon back then. i don't remember why i started it honestly! i kind of just had it for a while and then i made a sideblog for art, and later mspaint warrior cat designs (both of which still exist. no i wont give you their urls. theyre probably easy to find if you know me)
answering this ask /silly im actually trying out a new art style! and getting distracted constantly. but im drawing spearmaster hehe. im also watching another rw rp im in! i am so good at multitasking (lie)
oouuuuuuh oh this one is hard i think. i.... don't know? maybe i should probably Start Talking About Things That Concern/Worry/Bother Me With Friends and thats easier said than done. honestly i'd give myself shapeshifting that would solve a good 90% of my problems. otherwise? i don't know really! i don't think about that much..
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18+ only
Anyone want to join a rp group? Some of the fandoms. 13 RW, Marvel, Law and Order SVU, Les Mis, Greys Anatomy, New Amsterdam, Rent, Smash and so much more! Its great. Bring any character you want and get ready for the drama, angst, fluff, smut and anything else you could possibly imagine.
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magnigeeks · 8 months
Empowering E-Commerce Success: A Closer Look at Magnigeeks
In the rapidly evolving world of E-Commerce, businesses are continuously seeking innovative solutions to drive growth, boost online visibility, and enhance customer experiences. Enter Magnigeeks, a dynamic and customer-centric E-Commerce services provider that's making waves in the industry. Let's delve into what sets Magnigeeks apart and why it's becoming the go-to partner for businesses seeking to excel in the digital marketplace.
The E-Commerce Revolution
The rise of E-Commerce has reshaped the way consumers shop and businesses operate. The convenience of online transactions, the vast array of products and services, and the ease of global reach have altered the business landscape. As a result, staying competitive in this digital realm requires a strategic approach to E-Commerce services, and this is where Magnigeeks shines.
Unveiling the Magnigeeks Advantage
1. Comprehensive Solutions: Magnigeeks offers a holistic array of E-Commerce services, from website development and design to payment gateway integration, inventory management, and digital marketing. Their all-in-one approach streamlines the E-Commerce journey for businesses, regardless of their size.
2. Tailored Solutions: Recognizing that no two businesses are identical, Magnigeeks customizes its services to align with the unique needs and goals of each client. Whether you're a small startup or an established corporation, their E-Commerce solutions can be personalized to match your vision.
3. User-Centric Design: User experience is paramount in the digital marketplace, and Magnigeeks understands this. They prioritize the creation of user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing websites, which result in higher conversion rates and greater customer satisfaction.
4. Security and Trust: As cybersecurity threats continue to proliferate, Magnigeeks places a premium on data security and payment protection. They ensure that their E-Commerce platforms are fortified against potential threats, establishing trust with both businesses and their customers.
5. SEO and Marketing: Achieving success in E-Commerce hinges on visibility. Magnigeeks empowers businesses to reach their target audience through effective SEO strategies, social media marketing, and pay-per-click advertising.
6. Analytics and Optimization: Understanding customer behavior is pivotal to success. Magnigeeks equips businesses with analytical tools and optimization services to enable data-driven decisions and the continual enhancement of online strategies.
A Client-Centric Approach
Magnigeeks stands out for its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. They firmly believe that their success is measured by the success of their clients. This client-centric approach is palpable in their dedication to transparent communication, responsive support, and ongoing collaboration. Clients can count on Magnigeeks as a dependable and trusted partner, from the initial planning stages through post-launch maintenance.
In Conclusion
In the complex realm of E-Commerce services, Magnigeeks is emerging as a trusted ally for businesses looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. Their holistic approach, technical acumen, and unwavering focus on client success are propelling them to the forefront of the industry. For businesses navigating the ever-evolving world of online commerce, Magnigeeks is not just a partner but a catalyst for transformation. With their support, businesses can not only navigate the intricacies of E-Commerce but also thrive and flourish in the dynamic digital landscape. To know more visit us at https://magnigeeks.com/
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vuxehayvietnam · 9 months
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Kia Ninh Thuận Phan Rang | Đại Lý Kia Uy Tín Tại Ninh Thuận
Trong bước phát triển công nghiệp hóa hiện đại hóa đất nước thời kỳ đổi mới. Nổi bật trong đó là tỉnh Ninh Thuận với mô hình phát triển Khu công nghiệp.
Nắm bắt được nhu cầu và sự phát triển của người dân ngày càng cao. Tập đoàn THACO Việt Nam đã thành lập và xây dựng Showroom Kia Ninh Thuận.
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#xehayvietnam #showroomKiaNinhThuan #KiaNinhThuan
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Gelapkan Angsuran Nasabah Karyawan Bank Diamankan Polisi
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LAMPUNG UTARA - Diduga telah melakukan tindak pidana penggelapan seorang karyawan pada salah satu perbankan di wilayah Bunga Mayang diamankan oleh jajaran Polres Lampung Utara. Oknum Karyawan Bank BPR Bunga Mayang Agroloka berinisial RK (41) yang beralamat di Perumdin T50 No 34 RT/RW 001/006 Desa Negara Tulang Bawang, Kecamatan Bunga Mayang itu telah diamankan pihak kepolisian setempat. Kapolsek Bunga Mayang, Ipda Adeka Putra, SH. MH, mewakili Kapolres Lampung Utara AKBP Kurniawan Ismail, SH, SIK, MIK, mengungkapkan, kasus ini terungkap setelah Direktur PT BPR Sulistiowati menghubungi salah seorang nasabahnya berinisial TT pada, Senin (20/3/2023) yang telah menerima cairan dana sebesar Rp50 juta, namun menduga tidak membayar angsuran selama kurang lebih empat bulan. Dari keterangan nasabah teesebut bahwa angsurannya tidak pernah ada tunggakan dan setiap bulan pembayaran di transfer ke nomor rekening RK yang merupakan Karyawan BPR itu sejumlah Rp5 juta. Saat dilakukan konfirmasi kembali oleh pihak BPR kepada terduga RK, ternyata uang angsuran nasabah ia pergunakan untuk keperluan pribadi, akibat ulahnya diketahui bahwa sejak bulan Maret 2022 hingga Maret 2023 pihak PT. BPR Bunga Mayang Agroloka mengalami kerugian sekitar Rp 200 juta, selanjutnya kejadian dilaporkan ke Polsek Bunga Mayang. Kapolsek Bunga Mayang Ipda Adeka Putra membenarkan telah menerima laporan dari Direktur PT BPR Bunga Mayang Agroloka tertanggal 15 April 2023, serta mengatakan pihaknya telah nenangkap terduga pelaku berinisial RK tersebut, ujar Adeka, Rabu (3/5/2023). Diterangkan oleh Kapolsek, RK kditangkap pada hari Minggu 30 April 2023 pukul 02.00 WIB di wilayah Bogor Jawa Barat berikut barang bukti berupa 13 lembar print-out kartu pinjaman, bukti transfer ke rekening milik terduga RK, kemudian copy Skep Pengangkatan Ka Pemasaran Saat ini RK sudah kita amankan di Mapolsek Bunga Mayang dan tengah kita lakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut, terhadap terduga RK dapat di jerat Pasa 374 KUHP tentang Tindak Pidana Penggelapan dalam Jabatan dengan ancaman kurungan 5 Tahun, pungkasnya. (Budi) Read the full article
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Shore temple Mahabalipuram timings full details of the temple
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Shore temple Mahabalipuram timings full details of the temple
The Shore Temple Mahabalipuram timings and complete details of the temple are mentioned in this article. It is a famous Hindu temple located in Mahabalipuram, a historic town in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
It is one of the oldest structural stone temples in South India, dating back to the 8th century AD. It is one of India’s most popular tourist destinations in Mahabalipuram along the Bay of Bengal.
According to the UNESCO classification, this temple is well-known for its distinctive architecture and is one of many “Heritage Sites” worldwide.
You can do many different things here, and you also have the chance to take in the scenic beauty of the beach and the temple.
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Main deity: Lord Shiva
Creator: Narasimhavarman II, Pallava Dynsaty
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AMANAH, (0857.7438.2436) Umroh Bulan November 2023
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digitalusmarket · 1 year
How to Use the Cricut Explore Air 2: The Complete Guide
Cricut Explore Air 2 is the finest crafting device for advanced and beginner crafters. In this tutorial, you will know everything you have to begin, such as project tutorials, ideas, and must-have tools.
Cricut Explore Air 2 is an innovative machine that writes, cuts, and scores different materials for users to do projects with. Using the Cricut Design Space software, crafters can select from three thousand ready-to-create projects or design one of their own. The premade projects contain all the essential information users require, like the supply list and directions.
With the Cricut Access Standard, users get unlimited access to over 370 fonts and more than 30,000 images, a few of which are exclusive. Also, they receive 10 percent off on their purchases. One of the best functions of this cutting machine is that it is wireless. It is also a cloud-based machine, which means you can design your project from anywhere through a PC or smartphone.
What Can A Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine Do?
Let’s begin by understanding things that Cricut Explore Air 2 is competent at doing. For new crafters, Explore Air 2 is a crafting device that uses advanced technology. It writes and cuts up to 2x quicker as earlier models.
With this cutting machine, you can cut more than 100 materials. It can cut anything from vinyl, iron-on, and cardstock to thick materials, including leather. The Cut Smart technology of the machine enables users to cut a wide range of materials with incredible accuracy.
Also Read: How to Use Flatten Tool in Cricut Design Space
With a Cricut Explore Air 2 device, you can make it on a PC or mobile phone, Android or iOS app. This machine uses Bluetooth for wireless cutting. You can easily connect it to a smartphone and make projects wherever you go. It comes with a smart set denial for simple cutting. If you wish to cut the same material repeatedly, you can set your Explore Air 2 machine and forget it.
Cricut Design Space
The Cricut Design Space software allows users to upload their SVG files free or select from plenty of ready-made designs. Just move to the Ready to Make screen to get inspiration via beautiful pictures of projects available in Design Space.
Types of Blades Compatible with Cricut Explore Air 2
Fine Point Blade: The design of this blade makes it cut mid-weight and light materials such as poster board, vinyl, cardstock, and iron-on. Cricut has used premium German carbide to make the sharpness and cuts of Fine Point Blade longer lasting.
Bonded Fabric Blade- Designed to cut bonded fabrics made of German carbide. It permits you to cut a range of lightweight fabrics with backing. Bonded Fabric Blade is the best choice for making appliques.
Deep-Point Blade: Want to cut thick materials such as cardboard, leather, stiff felt, or even magnet? Deep-Point Blade enables users to cut thicker materials. With this blade, users can cut materials about 1.5mm in thickness.    
Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine Accessories
Along with the fine point blade types of blades, your Explore Air 2 machine will come with a fine black pen, but apart from that, it is up to users to get the additional accessories. You can do much more with the fine point blade, but you can get additional accessories to increase the horizon. Thankfully, they aren’t costly, and you can purchase these accessories a little bit at a time.  
You will require the cutting mats for the Cricut Explore Air 2 machine. This machine is compatible with three mats: StandardGrip Mat, LightGrip Mat, and StongGrip Mat.  
The mats come in 12 x 24 and 12 x 12.  
EasyPress 2
If you wish to make infusible ink or iron-on projects, you must consider the Cricut EasyPress 2.
They come in different sizes. So you can purchase whatever you need.
Helpful Tools
Some other important Cricut tools can be beneficial for doing a project. Those other help tools are Spatulas, Scrapers, and Weeding Tools.
You can utilize different pens with the Explore Air 2 device. There are thin pens, thick pens, glitter pens, gel pens, and pens of every color.
There are tons of pens, and you must begin with the following sets: Multi-pen set black, Infusible Ink Markers, and Candy Shop Pen Set.
Scoring Tools
You can purchase a scoring stylus to utilize with your cutting machine. It is best for paper crafting and is very affordable.
Scoring tool assists in folding lines for boxes, envelopes, cards, and 3D projects.  
Other Features of Cricut Explore Air 2 Machine
Print and Cut: Explore Air 2 machine provides the capacity to print & cut images. Use the home printer to bring the images to life & cut them with accuracy on this cutting machine. It is the best way to make beautiful stickers, cutouts, and gift tags.
Cartridge Adapter: Explore Air 2 comes with an accessory adapter compatible with the Cricut cartridges, giving you access to your desired images.
Storage: The Cricut Explore Air 2 machine has several compartments for storage.
Also Read: Ultimate Guide to Cricut Tools and Accessories
Connecting Cricut Explore Air 2 to PC/iPad/MAC
Even though you can use your Explore Air 2 machine wirelessly, we will begin by setting this machine with the USB cable. Begin by placing your machine on the surface with about 10” left behind it as the Cricut cutting mat moves back and forth within the machine.
First, you should plug your Cricut machine into a power source and attach the USB cable and the power adapter.
Then, switch on your device and your PC.
Next, visit the official Cricut website, create a profile, and download the latest plugin software.
After this, you must run the installer and go to the official design.curicut.com page.
Now, navigate and tap on the Menu icon at the top left side and choose the New Machine Setup option.
Then, Cricut will guide you through the installation procedure and your first project.
Final Words
If you have recently purchased a new Cricut Explore Air 2 machine or wish to purchase it, then you can read the above-detailed tutorial to learn all its essential features, tools, accessories, and more. Cricut Explore Air 2 is a fantastic crafting tool that writes, scores, and cuts plenty of materials to create projects. It’s a cloud-based device, meaning crafters can create projects anywhere using their smartphone or PC.
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truepdf · 1 year
The Sensible Fitness Program A Simple and Sustainable Solution
Description: Finally, an honest and sustainable solution to fitness for busy middle-agers Everyone: young or old and irrespective of gender, wants to be in great shape and live a happy, prosperous life.
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HIGENIS!!, CALL 0813-2868-0537, Pusat Budidaya Herbal Daun Sirih Merah Parlembar
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KLIK https://wa.me//6281328680537, Ciri² Daun Keji Beling, Cara Merebis Daun Keji Beling, Daun Keji Beling Dan Kumis Kencing, Daun Keji Beling Untuk Sakit Pinggang, Cara Mengelolah Daun Keji Beling Untuk Batu Ginjal
HARGA Rp 400
Manfaat daun sirih merah segar bagi kesehatan sbb: 1. Mengobati tumor ringan. 2. Mengobati asam urat. 3. Menjaga kesehatan organ kewanitaan. 4. Mengobati pneumonia. 5. Mengobati diabetes. 6. Meredakan sakit perut. 7. Mengobati gatal. 8. Mengobati tekanan darah tinggi. 9. Mengobati batuk. 10. Mengobati bronkitis. 11. Mengurangi bau badan. 12. Mengurangi bau mulut. 13. Mengobati gusi berdarah. 14. Sebagai antiseptik. 15. Mengobati jerawat.
PT.V-One Sumber Ghani Jaya Desa Buniayu Rt 001 Rw 001 Kecamatan Tambak Banyumas Jawatengah Kode Pos 53196
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apartemen38 · 2 years
Citylofts Sudirman
Apartemen Citylofts Sudirman - Jakarta
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Di sewakan dengan data sebagai berikut :
Type Studio
Luas 58 m2
Kondisi Full Furnish
Minimal sewa 12 bulan
Harga sewa Rp. 10.000.000 / bulan
Alamat apartemen Cityloft Sudirman  : Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur No.121, RT.13/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10220.
More info : 0811-998-339
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TSI/15791 (For Sale) Rumah Pavilion Residence, Rawa Buntu, 13x16 m², 2 Lt, PPJB
TSI/15791 (For Sale) Rumah Pavilion Residence, Rawa Buntu, 13×16 m², 2 Lt, PPJB
TSI/15791For SaleRumah Pavilion Residence, Rawa Buntu, 13×16 m², 2 Lt, PPJB Harga Rp 3.800.000.000Alamat Rawa Buntu, Tangerang Selatan Deskripsi PropertiRumah Pavilion Residence, lokasi strategis, 150m dri exit Tol BSD, Puspitek & stasiun Rw. Buntu, Furnished: Sofa, AC, Lemari Kabinet TV, tempat tidur ruang utama, fix closet kamar anak, meja makan + kursi, kulkas dan Oven, rumah view samping…
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View On WordPress
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dempseymagic-a · 4 years
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“They're gonna look at you, and they're gonna come at you. They will make you feel like you do not belong. They will make you feel like you can't have what they have. And they will keep leaving you out and they will keep pushing you down until you say, ‘Fuck this, I belong here.’ Some of you think I'm soft. Some of you think I'm a narc or I don't know, whatever. Honestly? I don't give a fuck. 'Cause I know who I am. Do you? Do you?”
                    promo credit @jacee
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sanfranhemmo · 4 years
hi! i’m currently on the look out for people to rp with on kik! i will happily do bxb, gxg, and bxg, i have no preference on playing male or female! mainly i’m into one direction, five seconds of summer, american horror story, x files, shameless, skins, doctor who, stranger things and many more that i can’t think of right now, always feel free to ask about other fandoms! i’m not picky with ships or plots. i enjoy detailed and lengthy replies, but i’m not fully against shorter replies too. please drop me a message if you’re interested, i’ll get back to you asap with my kik! :)
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romantichazel · 4 years
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I'm not any percent straight. I'm bisexual I guess... and I like people for people.
- Charlie
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