#1310 henford on bagley
thestressedsimmer · 1 year
February 1310
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Queen Marjory's keep is extremely small if you look at hers compared to those of the monarchs of Willow Creek or Windenberg - but after all of the others were taken in the war for Henford's independence? This one was built specifically for Marjory while she was being raised by the Comyn's. So it's special to her. It's truly her home.
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Her first order of business was to have a meeting with her top advisor and the nobleman who took her in once her father died and step-mother was captured - John.
She has been courting Prince Phillip of France for about a year now. It's a rather long courtship. The Comyn's eldest daughter was married within a couple of months of Louis showing interest. But different circumstances measure different responses.
"I. . . still don't think you should get married just yet. We're still in a state where you being pulled away from your duties due to a pregnancy isn't feasible. But I do believe we should get you formally betrothed, at the very least. It would solidify a future alliance with Willow Creek and ensure his eye doesn't start wandering."
Marjory didn't correct him, but. . . Phillip's eye wouldn't wander. He had very little interest in women. Or men, for that matter. He was marrying out of pure duty to his family, which Marjory said she understood and accepted when they began their courtship. So long as he wasn't cruel to her, she didn't mind what came after that.
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Being one of the few women who could negotiate her own marriage, she arranged a meeting with the king of Willow Creek. She was nervous that he wouldn't take her seriously, so she had John join in on the meeting. This is her first true action as a queen that had global circumstances.
Rebuilding things and creating new traditions is one thing, marrying a prince from another nation is another entirely. But she has always been someone who took risks.
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Immediately, she rushed in to tell Phillip the good news. Excited as can be! He seemed excited too. The only question was when the wedding would be.
Marjory promised that it wouldn't be too far in the future - she just had a couple of things to set in motion first.
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lilabella12 · 1 year
Ultimate Decades Challenge Masterpost
Hello everyone who's interested!
I started the ultimate decades challenge in august 2023 and this is my way to share the stories of my sims and their families. Sadly I lost my savefile in December but I wanted to start over for some time. It took me a while to get all my mods back together, sorry for the long wait!
I'm currently playing the Norwood family, read down below if you want an overview of the current households.
Ultimate Decades Challenge ⭐ Navigation ⭐
by Generation
Generation 0 - Willam & Eva Norwood | day 1 |
Generation 1 - Finnian & Emma Norwood | day 1 |
Generation 2 - Daniel Norwood | day 1 |
by Year
1300 | day 1 | recap 1300 - 1305 | recap 1305 - 1310 |
1310 | day 1 | recap 1310 - 1315 | recap 1315 - 1320 |
1320 | day 1 |
‼️ TRIGGER WARNING ‼️ death / death in childbirth / general loss of life / war / bodies / violence / blood / rape / abortion / depression / anxiety / underaged marriage
quick info - my last ultimate decades challenge [Atwood legacy up until year 1349] is now 'private', you won't see those posts here anymore just to make tagging/searching easier. Also remade the masterpost!
Also, here's some other stuff I post.
Superextended Not-So-Berry Challenge
Rags to Riches / Jill's Life in Henford-on-Bagley [ ‼️ NEW ‼️ ]
reblogs & reposts [my own and other peoples cc, some random challenges]]
If you're interested, please read the rules in this document
Just a qick note on the rules of the challenge. After every completed life stage, you have to roll a d20 to see if your sims survives to the next stage. It seems the d20 hates my guts, so my current family is living in misery. Take this as a trigger warning, there are a LOT of deaths in this playthrough! I'm trying to integrate them into my storytelling.
Also please remember that this is a game and so it's not historically accurate. I try my best to integrate real history, but sometimes it just falls short.
Down below you will find a few notes on what rules I changed to fit my playstyle as well as my current households (I will try to update them according to the posts). If you're interested in trying this youself I would love to follow you, because I really enjoy reading about the stories other players create with this challenge. If you want to follow my story, please use the archive to navigate the different decades.
I play most of the rules exactly as they're set with a few exceptions:
The sidehouseholds are also not allowed to "Try for baby". I use the same pregnancy percentage for them, too, but since generation 3 I changed the way the "baby tries" work since I rolled some really low numbers. Each conceived child now counts as a "try".
If a sim remarries after their spouse dies, the baby tries are not reset.
I don't roll for marriage for my side households when they age up to a teen but when they age up to a child. This is also for storytelling as I tend to work towards their adulthood and interests when they're still children.
I do age up / event rolls on the start of each year just to work towards them in the story.
I may only plead for a sim ONCE in their lifetime. For infants / babies I allow myself ONE reroll per generation.
This list may change and/or expand in the future.
My current households:
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Daniel Norwood - Founder Generation 2
Annabeth Norwood - Wife of Daniel
Ian Norwood - Son of Finnian & Emma
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Evan Norwood - Son of William and Eva, remarried
Valeria Norwood - Second wife of Evan
Flora Norwood - Daughter of Evan & Rayla
Ida Norwood - Daughter of Evan & Rayla
Anna Norwood - Daughter of Evan & Valeria
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Leah McCairn - Daughter of Jayden & Tara, orphan
Elaine McCairn, Daughter of Lea McCairn & Leonard Dayle [affair]
Richard McCairn - Son of Jayden & Tara, orphan
William McCairn - Son of Jayden & Tara, orphan
You can refer to my spreadsheet to see relations, but HEAVY spoiler warnings for the story! I use it to keep track of my story and I queue up A LOT of posts so there's stuff that you probably won't know about here.
I use all the spreadsheets morbid gamer provided for the challenge with some minor changes.
Also, with once again HEAVY SPOILER WARNINGS you can find the family tree I update whenever I play here:
Thank you all for reading, thank you for your responses and have fun with my ultimate decades story!
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
Valentine's Day 1310
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Allistor woke his fellow members of the church with a lute solo on Valentine's Day. He was preaching that day - after all, it is a saint's feast day - and he wanted to make it a beautiful mass for everyone involved.
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Meanwhile, Maldouen decided that Undewyn deserved to feel truly special. He went out - under the guise of collecting water - and picked flowers. He was elated when he found a begonia, his beloved's favorite flower.
He offered to take him to the tavern later - a place where nobody would be looking too closely at them and they could eat and be merry, maybe even disappear into one of the rented rooms for some... ahem... quality time.
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Of course, the offer was accepted and they went to the tavern to eat by the fire and have some conversation just the two of them. As they munched on bread and cheese - a precursor to the real meal - and drank some mead, the subject strayed to their relationship.
Undewyn said, with a shrug, that he didn't mind if he was Maldouen's one and only. They were soulmates, but they didn't mean they had to be onlymates. After all, they aren't even supposed to be in a relationship at all! Might as well live it up, right?
Luckily, Maldouen agreed. He was pretty indifferent to it, so whatever happened would have to happen, but they didn't have to make any decisions on that for now. They have to sneak around with their relationship anyway, so trying to define it would be far too much work. So they tabled the conversation and - slightly tipsy - wandered off into the inn's back room....
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It was fairly late when they got back home. After midnight, as a matter of fact. Undewyn gave Maldouen a kiss on the cheek and stumbled off to bed, collapsing into it.
Then there was a call from the doorway. . . Hendrie had went out and got a crocus for Mal! He was suddenly very glad that he had that conversation -- because now he had two men who were after his heart instead of one.
Who knew there would be so much drama at the monastery?
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
February 1310
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To be honest? Marjory did a lot of procrastinating. It is one thing to be nervous, but it's another entirely when your words could make an already devastating war ten times worse.
So she did things. She didn't have any servants in her keep yet despite having beds for them - most of the royal treasury had been going to keeping things afloat. But she did have a lady-in-waiting who could have tended her horse, made ingredients, and swept up for her. . . But Marjory needed her mind to be busy.
After that, she sat down with her harp and just floated away on the music she made. . . And in that music, she found her words.
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Her nerves almost got the best of her once she sat down to take quill to paper. But, with a newly found resolve, she started to write. . .
"To the most serene prince the lord Edward by God’s grace illustrious king of England, Marjory by the same grace queen of Scots, greeting in Him through whom the thrones of those who rule are governed. When, under the sweetness of peace, the minds of the faithful find rest, then the life of the Watcher's children is adorned with good conduct, and also the whole of Holy Mother Church, because the affairs of all kingdoms are everywhere arranged more favourably. Our humility has led us, now and at other times, to beseech your highness more earnestly so that, having the Watcher and public decency in sight, you would take pains to cease from the persecution of us and the disturbance of the people of our kingdom in order that devastation and the spilling of the Watcher's children's blood may henceforth stop. Naturally, everything which we and our people will be able to do by bodily service, or to bear by giving freely of our goods, for the redemption of good peace and for the grace of your good will for all time, which must be earned, we are prepared and shall be prepared to accomplish in a suitable and honest way, with a pure heart. And if it accords with your will to have a discussion with us on these matters, may your royal sublimity send word in writing to us, by the bearer of this letter."
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(I absolutely DID NOT write this letter. It is an actual letter that Robert the Bruice wrote to King Edward II in 1310! I just changed a few words to Simify it and make it adhere to the alternate reality my Sims are living in!)
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
February 1310
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The day after her meeting with the Willow Creek royals, Marjory gussied herself up. She has another audience today. This time, it's with the Watcher's mouthpieces.
The bishops of Henford on Bagley are a stoic and duty-driven bunch. Not caring for the threat from Windenberg, they wanted to pay proper homage to their queen. In turn, their queen wanted some advice and spiritual guidance on a plan she has. . .
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"My queen."
The bishop was very respectful of the queen - this whole visit was to make it very clear that Marjory had the support of the church here in Henford on Bagley and would be respect as any other monarch. Windenberg could claim that Edward is their king all they like - it doesn't make it true.
"After we meet with you today, we will be writing to the pope. Asking him to recognize you as official queen of Scotland in the eyes of the church. If he agrees, it's unlikely that anybody else will argue."
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"Well, our Holy Father might be a little nervous to do so, seeing how many swords our adversary has at his disposal. . . But on that note, I have an idea that I would like to ask for guidance on."
Allistor's eyebrows raised as he looked at the young queen. She hadn't been necessarily raised to rule. She was a girl, for one thing, but. . . Her father was in the midst of fighting a great war. He couldn't have even reared a son to do the job. Marjory, nonetheless, is cunning and has a fire in her that could only come from the Watcher.
"I believe I should write a letter to Edward. He has the upper-hand, yes, but surely if I word it right, perhaps he would see reason? My heart aches thinking of my dearest step-mother locked away with myself doing nothing to try and help her."
The idea was an interesting one. Attempts at diplomacy should be applauded, but it's not like the kings of Windenberg had saw reason before.
"I believe it isn't an awful idea. Myself and my fellow mouths of the Watcher will pray for you to find the right words."
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
Odart Paorach
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Parents: Seamus & Ealusaid Paorach Generation: Two Gender: Male Date of Birth: September 2nd, 1309 Status: Alive Current Age: 1 Year Current Life Stage: Toddler Country of Origin: Henford on Bagley Class: Peasant Trait: Angelic
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
February 1310
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Despite their late night, Sundays mean getting up even earlier than normal to get ready for church and get there on time. Odart was extremely upset at being woken up.
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After church, Seamus had to get started on the farm chores. Going to church always makes him fall behind and work much later into evening, but his relationship with the Watcher is extremely important to him.
Ealusaid rushed into the kitchen to start on something special: a cake for Odart's birthday! She'd been slaving away to ensure they'd have enough butter and flour for it - she thought her little boy deserved a celebration!
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
January 1310
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The Paroach family get up bright and early - Ealusaid trying to tend to the cleaning while the baby sleeps.
He's a self soother so he's not all that difficult to care for, but babies are helpless and he still is very small. On top of that, after losing so many children. . . She is too anxious to let him out of her sight for even a moment.
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The day starts off with a knock at the door. . . It's the tax collector. Queen Marjory tries to be just and fair, but raising an army and trying to build a nation without Windenberg noticing wasn't cheap.
Luckily, the harvest had been amazing so they did not struggle to pay at all. Not that Reginald would care. He isn't nearly as kind as the queen.
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The rest of their proceeds were spent on a horse! They named her Ailena.
A horse is almost a necessity for a farmer - but they made the decision mainly because the graveyard where their children are buried is too far away to walk. They can't always rely on the charity of others or the chance that an odd carriage goes by for them to pay for a ride in.
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They decided to go and visit, since they were heading down to the town square anyway. They could almost feel Dawy's spirit. His love, his gratefulness that they came to see him. . .
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Little Odart wouldn't stop squealing with giggles. He's not a very vocal infant, so it was a surprise to hear him laugh and play as if someone else was there.
Ealusaid asked Seamus if he thought that Dawy was playing with him beyond the grave. If the Watcher allowed visits from the beyond, she was sure that was it. He had been so excited to have a new sibling, after all.
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They stayed at the graveyard for as long as they could - even having a lunch of cheese and fruit on the ground in front of the grave - but they really had to get going to town.
Not only did they have to sell some of the goods Ealusaid had been crafting and a few stray bits of the fall harvest, but the queen had started town fairs. Mainly for farmers like this family - there were even some competitions for them to compete in, being judged by the nobles and sometimes even the queen herself.
It's an attempt to bring some light to a country that has been ravaged by Windenberg and devastated by the loss of their king.
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They spent all day at the fair. They made a good bit of money and Seamus got an honorable mention for the size of his harvest!
Ealusaid spent most of the day with the baby, trying to keep him warmed and entertained. She also chatted with some of the women in town - one of the elder ladies shared with her a recipe for a meat pie that she is excited to try out. Maybe for Odart's birthday! It's coming up!
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By the time the fair ended, the baby was fussing and exhausted and to be honest, his parents were cranky as well.
They went home and all went straight to sleep.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
December 1310
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The harvest has come! Farmers all over the world are praying that they will have a good harvest.
Windenberg Harvest: Fair. Henford on Bagley Harvest: Excellent! Willow Creek Harvest: Fair. Tartosian Harvest: Poor. Glimmerbrook Harvest: Poor.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
1310: Henford on Bagley
Our New Game+ UDC has more than just Windenberg! Henford on Bagley is considered, to Windenberg, part of them. But they do not agree. They have a queen of their own and are fighting fiercely for their independence.
The Paraoch Family
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Ealusaid and Seamus had a rocky marriage. She has fierce moodswings and he has a hard time staying faithful. But after losing three children - one in toddlerhood - they found themselves mending their marriage and supporing each other. They finally were blessed with a son - Odart - but Ealusaid is terrified of losing him and keeps him on her hip. Will he suffer the same fate as his siblings?
Current Head of House: Seamus Paraoch
Current Spouse: Ealusaid Paraoch
Current Heir: Odart Paraoch
Family Tree (tw for depictions of death - if you don't want to read that, don't click the sims' portraits!)
The Henford on Bagley Royal Family
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After the death of her father, Marjory became queen at only ten years of age. Freshly of age to rule herself, she set off to her newly built keep with her Clydesdale horse - raised from a foal to be hers. Will she manage to negotiate her stepmother's release from a Windenberg dungeon? And will SHE survive to have heirs of her own?
Current Head of House: Queen Marjory
The Comyn Family
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John Comyn is a Henford on Bagley baron who is well known for finally negotiating peace with King Edward II of Windenberg. Sadly, a lot of his countrymen do not appreciate it because his involvement caused the execution of one of the greatest of Henford's knights - William Wallace. Will he get to see his children reach adulthood?
(Disclaimer! Just because the main Sims in this family are named after and loosely based on historical figures does not mean anything that happens in the game is historically accurate. For example: Robert the Bruce has died and his daughter has the throne. That means John III is not able to be murdered by him!)
Current Head of House: John Comyn III
Current Spouse: Joan Comyn
Current Heir: John Comyn IV
Family Tree
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
February 1310
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Continuing on with the tradition of my clergy members finding their soulmates after they take The Vows.
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lilabella12 · 5 months
1310 - Day 1
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Finnian is mourning his father. Today will be his funeral at the church of the watcher.
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The whole family comes to the church service, Tara and Jayden have arrived from Henford on Bagley by now. They wanted to be here for Evan's wedding but now they are at least glad to be here for William's burial. Emma is surprised at how much Leah has grown by now - she turned seven this week.
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Afterwards they meet up at the graveyard and try to make the best out of this bad situation - finally a time to reconnect as a family!
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Finnian is glad to meet his new nephew and Emma tries her best to console Tara about the death of her father.
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When most of the family has left to kindle a bonfire in William's honour, Tara and Evan have a moment to themselves.
Evan: "I should have looked after him earlier, Tara, perhaps there could have been something to save him."
Tara: "Don't blame yourself, Evan, you have done so much for him these last few years. He wrote me some time ago that he wasn't feeling well, I don't think there was anything you could have changed."
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When Evan leaves, too, she has a quiet moment of morning alone.
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Tara: "I'm sorry, father. I wish I could have seen you one more time."
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She joins her family at the bonfire where her daughter is being taken care of by her two aunts. Afterwards they say their goodbyes - Tara and Jayden have to leave soon with the children, they need to rent their carriage back home.
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Finnian gets home late that night because he went to the castle to pay back some of the debts. Afterwards he loses himself in his work and tries to make peace with the situation.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
March 1310
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Even though winter does not allow for much to grow - the few crops that do grow during this time are integral to the survival of every person, pet, and livestock!
Windenberg Harvest: Fair. Henford on Bagley Harvest: Fair. Willow Creek Harvest: Fair. Tartosian Harvest: Poor. Glimmerbrook Harvest: Poor.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
March 1310
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There is another special day in the royal household - a second birthday in the same year!
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Ysole celebrated her last day of toddlerhood with stories from her mother and plenty of games - early enough in the morning that she woke up her older sister with her loud games. She gets very into her dolls. Already telling stories of her own!
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It was slightly bittersweet for the king - this is their youngest child and quite possibly their last. While he's grateful to the Watcher for her surviving to get older, it's sad to think that he'll probably never hear the excited babblings of a toddler of his own. . .
And at the rate his son is going, he might not see his grandchildren be born at all.
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Bittersweet or not, this is a princess' birthday! That means that there is yet another banquet thrown at the palace for all of the gentry of Willow Creek along with plenty of foreign nobles (specifically the Dauphin's in-laws) and royals!
If nothing else, Willow Creek is known for their parties.
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Young Joan (dubbed so because she shares a name with her mother and mother-in-law) was excited to have so much time with her family. Especially her younger sister Elizabeth. She has been struggling with her elder sister being gone, despite how often they fought before, and had been writing her a letter almost every single day.
The princess responded to every one with advice and reassurance that they wouldn't be apart forever and pleaded with her mother-in-law to invite her to the princess' birthday celebrations.
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Robert wasn't seen much at the banquet. This is because he was thoroughly exhausted from his own birthday celebrations. He is nowhere near as sociable as the rest of his family.
So, preferring the outdoors, he spent his time practicing his archery and swordsmanship.
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That did not mean that the party lost steam by any means. Even though Robert's absence was noted and missed, there was plenty of music, dancing, food, and laughter.
Ysole even made her first friend in Elizabeth! Willow Creek and Henford on Bagley only seemed to be strengthening their friendship.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
March 1310
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The banquet continued on. Robert entertained the youngest guests - trying to teach them how to dance properly, but the young ladies just wanted to dance and babble about everything under the sun.
The ladies - and Louis - gathered around the fire to mingle. Everyone suspected that Louis must have done something to anger his wife, because he had been working very hard the whole day to be the best husband possible.
The kings? Retired to Phillip's study to play a round of chess and discuss some things. After all, Willow Creek's goal was to maintain the peace and not get involved in any wars between Henford on Bagley and Windenberg. Banquets and birthdays were times of celebration and the best time to make friends.
Edward was certainly in good spirits and even agreed to keep an open mind about Henford on Bagley - especially the baron John III who he has had a... strained relationship with lately.
All in all, the banquet could be considered a success!
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