#15 yard dumpster picture
malloryslourd · 5 years
Goodeday's Daughter Throwing A Party At The Coven
Warnings: Some Strong Language, Mentions Of Drug And Alcohol Use
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the chaos of just thinking about this is really sending me to some dark places
it was a simple idea: 1) the parents were out 2) it was a friday night 3) they would have the house clean
so the plan was a go
invites had started out small but of course it had gotten out of hand quickly
on top of Madison and Coco inviting basically everyone on their snapchat a bunch of the high schools in the area had hear about it and brought it upon themselves to go
Queenie and Zoe were out on drink and food duty
you and Mallory had set up the house
putting all the important things in a place where they couldn't be found
Madison called for some backup just incase things got out of hand, as she claimed, but really it was some frat guys she wanted to come who weren't going to be much help at all
once everyone had gotten ready, people had already started to show up
it had seemed tamed at first
that was until everyone realized Madi and Coco shouldn't have been in charge of invites
"There's like a thousand people here!" "And that's a complaint?" "You SHOULD be thanking us!"
for at least the first hour and a half it was pretty chill to start off- a regular house party
then things took a turn for the worst
if anything could go wrong at a party- it went wrong
somehow, magically, mysteriously, someone got into the greenhouse and made it the designated smoke room because why wouldn't they
there was at least four (4) vases broken throughout the house
some asshole decided he wanted to skate down the stairs and made a painting fall that was hanging up on his way down
the tv in the living room was knocked down and most definitely never going to work again
the door to the downstairs bathroom was broken by some drunk guy who then ran out the house before anyone saw who it was
the liquor cabinet where the special drinks for dinner guests had been broken into and practically emptied before anyone noticed
there was a fight in the backyard that no one had enough time to break up before one of the guys got a bloody nose and busted lip
and possibly one of the worst things to happen was someone spilled their drink on a portrait- not just any Supreme's portrait, oh no, Fiona's portrait
Zoe was the one who discovered this and by the way she screamed everyone thought someone died
when you all got into the room and saw it you almost cried because you knew this was what was going to get you all killed
Madison panicked the most surprisingly
"This is it. We're dead. We're literally going to die. What the fuck are we going to do? We can never fix this? It's over with!"
you had to snap her out of it because you two were still standing there in shock while everyone ran off to stop the OTHER fight happening in the backyard again
and it was only 11:15 at this point
Zoe had to take a minute and a few shots to calm her nerves and get into I-Was-Put-In-Charge-Of-The-House Mode
Coco swore she was going to fight the next person to slide down the stairs so you and Queenie had to clam her down before she did something she regretted
Mallory was literally having a full blown break down in the bathroom while Coco and Queenie tried to calm her down
she went up to her room until the party ended
you had gotten into it with a few guys from John Curtis
you were VERY reluctantly held back
they were kicked out by Madison's friends before you set fire to the building and everyone in it
once the party had finally end at like 2am an official tally of all the things that need to be replaced, fixed, cleaned, or hidden was started
Mallory sent the list to the groupchat and it was divided among everyone
Queenie started an emotional/mental tally too
Y/N fighting JCC boys
Mallory crying three times
Coco almost hitting some pothead
you all stayed up to maybe 5am trying to clean but it wasn't even close to being finished
luckily Zoe and Madison were successful with getting Fiona's portrait clean before they turned in for the night
Madison knew just how to get the horrible weed smell out of the greenhouse
no one really questioned it
Queenie did a lot of the tidying up with Coco as they ran frantic with trash bags around the house
you and Mallory did a count of the price of everything you were going to have to replace or hide because it was broke and you replaced the broken door with an extra one in the shed
everyone's mentality is just: it's a big house, there's no way they're gonna notice everything... right?
everyone went to sleep for just a few hours before waking upon and starting right back where they left off
you and Mallory went to the city to buy everything you needed, both pushing through the killer hangovers
on your way home you got a call from Zoe asking for you guys to get more cleaning supplies because they had ran out cleaning the living room
you and Mallory turned around and bought like $350 worth of cleaning stuff
when you had gotten back the entrance was back in order
however when you two walked into the living room it was a different story
Madison had passed out on the carpet, gloves on and scrub brush in hand
before either of you asked anything Zoe had already asked for more bleach for the couches
you dropped off all the supplies and went back to what you were doing the night before- replacing broken stuff around the house
Mallory had put vases where they went and you replaced the fancy glasses in the kitchen and the few broken picture frames
Coco and Queenie were practically done with their work so they asked Mallory to help repair the damage left in the yard from the fights
that's when you got the phone call from Cordelia that they were going to be home in about two hours
when you told everyone else they went into a panic
Madison had went to the liquor store to refill the liquor cabinet
Queenie was trying to figure out how to get rid of all the trash
it was either burning it or finding a dumpster to throw it all in
a giant fire would've been hard to explain so Madison called one of her friends to load his truck up and throw it all away
"Why do these guys owe you so much?" "Mind your business"
with about thirty minutes to go, the finally steps of just wiping down the last of the counters and tables
literally right as the last paper towel was being thrown away the front door was being unlocked
"RUN!" "From what?" "... I DON'T KNOW!"
Misty and Cordelia had walked into the living room to find everyone very "nonchalantly" sitting watching tv
you all just smiled and greeted them hoping you hadn't missed anything
they hadn't noticed much just commenting on how clean the house was and how the yard had looked different oddly
Madison said she was practicing some new spell that had messed with the grass
that definitely raised some suspicion
everything had seemed to be fine and you had all relaxed
you had all went about your days, finally being able to talk about last nights events
Coco had taken some wild pictures and videos and you all made sure to have a laugh about them to kinda calm your nerves
everything had seemed fine before everyone heard Misty slam the back door
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voodoospeedcult · 4 years
A treasure hunt worth chasing
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This week’s expedition takes us on a trek to find lost rally cars. The World over, rally cars are unfortunately a bit disposable due to the abuse they see while being used in competition. Rally is devastating to cars and equipment, even if a car never sees a bad crash. After constant use and abuse it’s hard to keep them straight and it’s even harder to keep them up to safety specs. It’s easy to keep a 40+ year old road race car up to specs but with rally, it’s nearly impossible without a large investment. With those factors in play, it is pretty common place to see used, semi-competitive rally cars selling very cheap and it’s very common to find them parked, just wasting away. I put my best Indiana Jones custom on and go searching for the holy grail of junked rally cars. Group B Dumpster/Treasure Chest
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A Renault R5 Turbo and this isn’t just a normal R5, it’s an Evo 2 which were the homologation version built to make the R5 eligible for Group B rally racing. There were only 200 of the Evo 2 cars built! Seeing this one sitting there, used as a dumpster is heart breaking.
Skeletal Remains
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Alright, I admit it, I have a bit of a fetish for the Lancia Stratos. Growing up in the States we didn’t see much Group B rally back in the day due to the lack of US media caring about international rally racing (and no, there wasn’t internet back then), the only time we saw Group B was in racing magazines, usually from Europe that would end up in the race shop being passed down from another shop or a race team. In 1990 my fetish started after seeing one at Willow Springs during a test day. Most would see this neglected Stratos as an eyesore, it is basically just part of the chassis and doors. It is way to expensive to rebuild but I want to take it home and use it as a lawn ornament.
Forgotten Gems
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The 80s Citroen rally cars were never very popular due to the lack of… well everything except weight. The BX line of cars (there were a handful of different versions made/developed) exceeded the minimum weight requirements by almost 450lbs.! While weight was one issue, it was just one of MANY issues, they were slow, they handled horribly, they were unreliable, they were a mess! So why would we feature them here? Because no matter how bad they were, they are still very cool and very rare. And finding three of them, a BX 4TC, a BX 4TC Sport and a BX 4TC Evolution on the same transport truck just wasting away in Southern France is equivalent to finding the missing gold treasure of Billy the Kid.
Hidden in plain sight
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Now what we have here is a very cool find, a Peugeot 205 Rallye. The 205 cars were commonplace in Europe for 15 years, you could get a boring one, a loaded/luxury one, a sporty one, a fast one and then one ready to race. Peugeot teamed up with Talbot Sport to make a almost race ready car available right from the dealer. The 205 Rallye came with a tuned engine, a closer ratio gear box, tweaked suspension and absolutely no creature comforts including sound deadening. They expected to sell 5000 over a 4 year time period but the cars were so popular they sold over 30,000 of them!
Like finding Atlantis
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The Ford Cosworth, we could write a book about this motor and the cars that Ford has put them in, each and every one of them has been a winner. In rally the Cosworth Fords were the what legends are made of. The Escorts, the Sapphires, the XRs, the RS500 and the RS200 all had Cosworths powering them. The combination led to countless rally and rally championship wins with masters like Carlos Sainz, Ari Vatanen, Didier Auriol and Stig Blomqvist behind the wheel. A mint Ford Cosworth (any model) will fetch big money when sold and thrashed, forgotten cars like the RS500 and the Sapphire shown here will still bring more money than most normal cars sitting at your local used car dealer. Yard Sale
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The Lancia Delta has a rally history that most other cars dream that they had. The Italian car maker who had been heavily involved in rally for decades hit it big with the Delta. They finally had a car that won in all conditions and all terrains, they were so capable that they even made mediocre drivers shine bright. The cars become so popular that Lancia produced dozens of versions, each of them very focused on being the ultimate driving machine for it’s targeted buyer. At the top of the line is the Delta HF Intergrale Evoluzione (yes, that is spelled correctly) II which was loaded with high performance features that have just recently started showing up in modern cars.
Fools Gold?
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The car responsible for bringing AWD to rally, the Audi Quattro. The Quattro cars made their debut in 1980 but it wasn’t until 1984 when the Quattro S1 versions hit the rally stages that things got serious. The S1 cars were entirely different kind of rally car, as long as they stayed together or weren’t in an accident, they were virtually impossible for competitors to match. The car you see here has to be a replica or does it? The whereabouts of all but a handful of the S1 cars are known and those not accounted for were written off in accidents. So what do we have here? Of course a replica is the obvious answer but there are rumors that have been swirling in the rally community for years that the car pictured here was a car given as a gift to Walter Rohrl (Audi rally driver) by Audi. Though Audi nor Walter have never commented. Even if it is a replica it is worth big money as a replica is currently being sold in the States for $180,000. A find like that of Oak Island
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Alright, I admit it, the title on this one is a little bit mean but I am making fun of myself. I love the Curse of Oak Island TV show and I love Triumph TR7 and TR8 cars but both of these things have the same thing in common, is there really treasure? The Triumph TR cars are weird, weird in good and bad ways. They are fun, they are amazing fun to drive, that is when they run. Many will argue that there are more unreliable cars, and I am sure there are but these are absolute shit! I seriously don’t understand how or why I have owned and raced two of them nor do I understand why I am still attracted to them. Did I mention that they are shit? Sure it made sense for Triumph to race them, they had to make the public want them and want them we did. On track and on asphalt/tarmac rallies the Triumphs were damn fast. But seriously finding this, I don’t know if I would be tempted to grab it, even if the immediate risk of being rolled over by a giant rock didn’t exist, I would know that every day after I grabbed it would be cursed. The small finds are the greatest
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The Mini is a very important car, it is the car that made it possible for everyone to feel that they could be a rally driver. The first Mini hit the rally stages in 1960 but in 1962 a Mini driven by Paddy Hopkirk won the Monte Carlo rally which at the time was the most prestigious rally in the World. It was so big that even the press in the USA gave it some attention. Over a twelve year time span, Mini won dozens of rallies, it also won dozens of touring car championships and races. The Mini is arguably one of the most important production race cars ever! Finding one with documented rally heritage and being able to rescue it would be equal to finding something as special as finding the treasure of the Knights Templar.
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 years
No One Saw a Thing. 
“OMG, she broke a nail. Let her blame it on Skidmore.”
A Sundance documentary. 
Honest admission, my desire to watch this documentary had everything to do with its synopsis. The idea of a people murdering their town bully. Sounded like a good, solid story worth my time. I’m still rolling my eyes. Stupidity all around. If I were to go full rant, this post would be nothing but mess, that’s how much shit I found wrong with it. 
I’m just gonna bullet what I feel like covering. 
The murder of Ken Rex McElroy
By the time I finished the second episode, I found myself not believing Trena McElroy regarding her husband or his murder. The loving wife trying to sell her husband being a nice, well-mannered man. The very same man who got away with shooting a store owner. The very same man who physically assaulted her. Their daughter openly admitted that he abused her mother. And while admitting this, attempted to lessen what was, as if it was okay that her father abused her mother because he didn’t abuse her often. As if it was okay that her father abused her mother because he didn’t abuse her in front of them. Once is enough. Seeing her bruises is enough. That’s on top of everything else. The fact that he started dating Trena when she was only fourteen. This man walked on assault with a deadly weapon, domestic violence, statutory rape, child molestation, and polygamy. He probably would’ve gotten away with a lot more had they not killed him. He doesn’t get my sympathy. From what I saw, they had no choice but kill him because they made it clear from the start that he was untouchable. I don’t believe in taking the law into your own hands, but I feel this single act of vigilantism justifiable. 
His murder stretches beyond believability. The crime scene itself, the number of people claimed to be present, and the testimony of a loving wife. So loving, she had no problem sharing him with a sister wife, no problem taking punches to the face. According to Trena, the entire town held a meeting and came to the decision to kill him without reason. It must've been jealousy because he was such a nice man. An entire town jealous of what? I don’t buy more than ten people being at the crime scene, all circling the truck in which he was killed. I’m trying to picture the man boldly sitting there without fear, not even attempting to escape a crowd of 40 people. Vehicle running, but not daring to drive the hell outta there. Didn’t even care to protect his own wife. No attempt to put it in reverse. Parked and surrounded. Did he think they were planning to invite him over for tea? Claiming to watch a man go to his car, pull out a rifle, then shoot her husband. So Trena watched this happen without warning the  man she loved. He just sat there, with no thought to escape. Didn’t even turn his head to see this gun pointed at him, ready to shoot. If it were me, my tires would’ve ran over that crowd. No big deal to run your truck through when you can shoot a store owner and get away with it. 
It’s beyond absurd to me, and the documentary got worse from there. That’s when every crime that followed his murder placed its blame on their decision to remain silent about his killer(s). 
The murder of Wendy Gillenwater.
If no one saw Wendy laying in her front yard, bleeding to death, no one would be stopping to help her. To help someone, a person would first need to see such a person needing help. So I question who stood by and watched as cars drove by, all ignoring a dying woman. And while doing so, stood by and watched her die on her front lawn. Diane Fanning and the absurdity of her statement. Yes, people had to know that she was being abused by her boyfriend. I'm sure many did. Knowing she's being abused is one thing. Being able to stop him from abusing her is another. For Wendy, the only thing that town could’ve done, is offer their support and hope she'd find the courage to walk away. For any justice to be done, she would've needed to come forward and press charges. Wendy’s neighbors can't press charges on her behalf. They can’t testify to the abuse she endured. What an idiot. And she’s supposed to be an author. Please, don't write any books on domestic violence until you understand it. 
I’m supposed to believe this man used drugs, abused his girlfriend for five years, and actually beat her to death because the town remained silent. Because they got away with killing a man. It’s beyond me how anyone could blame suicide and domestic violence on this single act of murder. From what I saw, McElroy was untouchable despite being found guilty, while Skidmore was convicted without proof and sentenced to suffer the stupidity of man. Invade their lives, blame them for this man’s death, and you might find people crossing their arms when a stranger walks into town. Because that stranger is likely coming to invade their lives just to reignite the blame game. Leave their townspeople alone for fuck’s sake. Wendy’s boyfriend is doing life in prison, so don’t tell me people get away with murder in Skidmore. 
The disappearance of Branson Perry.
Adding more to the already absurd. From what I saw regarding those jumper cables, I believe Perry disappeared on his own at the start, but was murdered later on. I’m having a hard time believing that a murderer would care to return jumper cables weeks after the fact. Unless his murderer needed to use those jumper cables, I would expect them to be laying on the ground where Perry was taken. You want this to be more believable, leave the jumper cables out of it. It’s possible someone stopped, asked for help to jump their car with his cables, and chose to kill him afterward. But you're not going to convince me they cared enough to return them. The nearest dumpster, the nearest lake. Burned, buried. Don’t expect me to believe they returned to the scene of their crime for the sake of returning those jumper cables. 
Jack Rogers didn’t do it. He’s the perfect example of what I would expect after a case like McElroy’s. 15 minutes of fame for Jack. If Perry was murdered, it was by someone outside of Skidmore, and for the same reason. You have this town that everyone talks shit about, how their residents treat outsiders. Consider the idea that people want to protect the home in which they live. When you have a town like that closing themselves off to outsiders, you have outsiders closing themselves off to them. Their reputation is likely to generate enemies. Enemies outside of Skidmore because they don’t understand that world. It’s not a town, but a family of 300+ people. 
Perry didn’t need his van, his wallet, or his personal possessions to disappear. I believe he disappeared on his own, took the cables for the purpose of cooking meth, then returned them when they were no longer needed. I believe he was murdered shortly after he returned them. More likely a drug-related murder. I do believe his body was buried and reburied. I do believe they burned the house for the sake of covering up his death. But I believe Perry’s initial disappearance was his own doing. I think he fell deeper into the drug world, considered himself untouchable, and learned the hard way that it’s a dog-eat-dog world. They no longer needed him. You’re still not gonna convince me that his killer(s) cared about those jumper cables finding their way back home. 
The murder of Bobbie Jo Stinnett and the sins of Skidmore.
Too much religious shit in this documentary. Claiming the murder of one bred three acts of violence. Exaggerations that made me roll my eyes all the more. Blame kept getting pushed back to McElroy. Hit again with the murder of Stinnett. Her killer, not a resident of Skidmore. Huge difference in her case. It’s called technology. Her computer led to her killer.   
With the amount of stress placed on this town by the media, various agencies of law enforcement, and random strangers stirring up shit, one should question the sanity of their residents at this point. The kind of bullshit they went through is the kind of bullshit that would push me to my limits. You have to start considering their well-being and stop being part of the problem. I don't think violence is more likely in Skidmore because of what happened to McElroy. Violence was always there as violence is everywhere, but more visible because the worst already happened. They did not choose to murder McElroy. They were forced to murder McElroy. Denied justice, denied a safe place to live because the law didn't feel like protecting them from a bully.
As far as I’m concerned, silence has been their savior. Whoever found the courage to kill him, best protect that person. McElroy would’ve continued raping their kids, shooting their store owners, walking out of their courthouses a free man, and likely would’ve ended up beating his liar of a wife to death because he has no respect for women. 
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mountjewls · 5 years
Milargo Miércoles (Miracle Wednesday)
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This day I managed to throw away a old Lady’s dentures, get caught in a wild Texas storm, and walk into an apartment that wasn’t mine at 10:15 at night. This day of my life occurred in Perryton Texas, a tiny town at the top of Texas, only 7 miles south of Oklahoma, with my friend Megan Clayburn. We only had one purpose at this time, and this was to help every single person in a two hour radius that we could find to take one step closer to Jesus Christ, and to help them in any way we would. In the middle of the afternoon  we went over to our friend's Gerald and Carol's house. Gerald and Carol are the cutest old couple. They are about 76 years old, fragile, sick, and the aren’t very mobile. We felt bad because they are sick and unable to take care of the house. To add to that they are hoarders of all kind of goods. We looked around and there was just so much unnecessary trash, unorganized things, and you could smell that somethings needed to be thrown away, immediately.  We offered our help to Gerald who had groceries in the Volkswagen, and we noticed that Gerald was using a cane today which normally he doesn't. We felt bad for him, and wanted to help him. We offered to help him taking the groceries from the car, but he tried to decline, but we wouldn’t let down. We finally convinced him to let us come out to the car and take the groceries inside. But it did not stop there. We saw a new vacuum and we couldn't resist. Earlier Megan Clayburn and I looked at each other and said in a whisper, "all I want to do right now is deep clean this house." We asked Carol, "is that a new vacuum? Can we please be the first ones to use it?" They were shocked by the question. They laughed and said, "only if you want to!" They were shocked by our enthusiasm to clean the house. We deep cleaned that house. There was so much trash, about 7 full white kitchen bags full of trash. We should have taken before and after pictures because we just performed a MIRACLE of how clean the house was! We cleaned from about about 4:00pm to 5:23pm. While Megan Clayburn was taking care of the kitchen and I was taking care of the living room where Carol had her chair and table set of goods to her right side. Throughout the cleaning session I was throwing all kinds of things away and I came across a paper towel with something I was too scared to ask what was inside... So I just tossed it in a garbage sack - little did I know I just threw away this sweet old Grandma's DENTURES! - We loaded the seven white garbage bags into the truck of Gerald's Volkswagen. While we were loading up the 7 big white full garbage bags, Gerald was talking about how big the trunk of his black Volkswagen was. We opened it and started loading it up and he said, "wow this is so big I can haul Mexicans in this truck!" HA I can't believe he said that! That was one of the wildest statements I have ever heard come out of a 77 year old man before. We loaded up the trash and go say bye to Carol in the apartment because we had to head to supper that was supposed to be at 6:00 in Spearman. We say goodbye then we realize after we were out the door there was one last box of trash with a bag of magazines and a white trash bag in the box that we forgot to load up in Gerald's truck. We run back into their apartment and say hi and bye to Carol and grab the box of trashed goods. We run over to Sam's apartment and ask him if he is coming to dinner and tell him, "remember this box of trash and ask about it to us at dinner because we just performed a miracle!" We dumped the box of trash in the dumpster outside of our apartment complex and hurry to go and pick up our other friend Patty for dinner. We drive on over our friend’s Mr. Hartle, who lives in Spearman, and at this time it began to rain. We get to Spearman, get to the town part of Spearman, pass Spearman completely, and almost make it to Stinnett! HA. Whoops. At this point it was starting to POUR, lighting was going wild, and it was an insane storm in the Panhandle of Texas.
Stinnett is about 15 minutes outside of the outside country of Spearman, so we had to turn around and head on back to Mr. Hartle's house. While we were on our way over we called  Sam and asked if we should take the 520 or country road Z. He told us not country road Z, he told us 520 because the roads were so bad. Country road Z is a unpaved road with a little whoop-dee-do in it (just a little down hill- up hill deal) that drags on, with ditches on the left and right, so if you got caught in it in the middle of a storm you would have a hard time. We turn around after we nearly made Stinnett, and head on back to Spearman and make it to the 520. We stayed on the 520 for a bit then we come across the first right turn to an unpaved dirt road to take to Brother Hartle's casa. We weren't sure if it was this right turn or the next one, and we were already late, so I said let's just take it! Boy oh boy that was a wrong decision. We make it all the way down and found out this was the exact road we were NOT supposed to take! We had met back up again with good ol' country road Z  with the incredibly muddy slight incline up the long hill, and it was a nightmare. At this point it was super rainy impossible to drive with control, and we almost made it into both ditches a couple times. We have already started up the muddy hill and Megan Clayburn says, "we have to turn around!" I respond with, "no, we already started we have to keep going." The car was completely out of control she was spinning the wheel one way and we were going the other way. Mud was completely caked on the wheels  and we were fish-tailing up the entire road! When we thought that we couldn't make it any further Sister Clayburn said with a panicked voice, "SOMEBODY SAY A PRAYER RIGHT NOW." So I did. I prayer to God and thanked Heavenly Father that we made it this far, asked him for his protection, and after I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, the rain calmed down immediately. Somehow we made it, through prayer, faith, and endurance. We get there we said a prayer of gratitude and Mr. Hartle and Sam gave us a hard time for taking the road that they told us NOT to take. I said it's all my fault, but we made it we are still just happy to be here. Dinner was incredible we were all laughing telling stories. Sister Clayburn told her story about the time she walked into a casa to a fat naked dead man on the floor just a month and a half before that. Yikes.
Many wild stories were going around the table, and we were all laughing up a storm.  Dessert comes around and it was ice cream Oreo cream pie. It was delicious. At least it was delicious for the first 3 bites. We dished out the pie, Then Mr. Hartle asked, "what are we going to do with the other half the pie? I don't want it!" Megan Clayburn and I looked at each other and said we can't take it home. Then Sam couldn't take it home and Patty didn't want to take it home either. I said to Brother Hartle, "you know what I want to do with this cake? I want to smash it on Megan’s face!"
Megan Clayburn and I look at each other and just started laughing. Brother Hartle started chanting "do it, do it, do it, do it!" I said, "alright." If the man of the house was on board I was on board. Megan Clayburn was not too thrilled about me shoving a pie in her face... So then I told her she could shove it in my face first. She shoved it in my face and I accepted it and laughed, then she reluctantly accepted a pie to the face from me. Hahaha It was hilarious. After we have pie all over our faces we kept the laughing and having a great time. Somehow it got in our hair it all over the place all of us were laughing and couldn't stop.
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After a wild time of stories shared we shared some experiences about prayer and how God does help us in times of need, and I know when we pore out our hearts to the Lord he will always answer. Mr. Hartle bore his testimony on personal prayer and how it helped. Patty felt the sweet peace in spirit in his home and it was a successful night at the Hartle home. When we left it was it was still raining, of course. We headed home... On the correct road this time and we stopped to get some gas in Spearman. While we were at the gas station we received a phone call from unknown number. I answered and said, "hello this is Juliann and Megan!" On the other Side of the line I heard this sweet old grandma say, "hello Juliann Mecham this is Carol, and Juliann Mecham I have a problem. Do you remember when you were cleaning by my chair? I had my dentures wrapped up in a paper towel and I can't find them anywhere. Gerald thinks things that you might have accidentally throw them away." At that moment I knew exactly what she was talking about and I knew exactly what I threw away. I threw away sweet old grandmas dentures. WHO DOES THAT.
I say to Carol, " Okay Carol will you ask Gerald where he threw away the garbage? We will go search for your teeth. I'm so sorry Carol!" It was raining so Carol said, "there is no way y'all are going outside in this stormy weather. It's rainy and it's cold and we don't let y'all get sick." We asked Gerald which garbage dumpster into it away and he said he threw it away in the alley behind their house not the apartment with their temporary staying in. I visited their house about 12 weeks in it go So I had a general idea where their house that is under construction might be.  Gerald and Carol hold us not to go out there looking in the rain because they didn't want us to get sick. And we didn't want them to go out looking in the rain for Carol's dentures.
So we drop off Patty back in Perryton and we head back to our house to get some flashlights. We go through some giant puddles that were left over from the rain, and we head over to where we think Gerald and Carol's house is. I say a prayer and we found it. We were led by God for sure. When arrived and we headed to the back through the mud to their back yard and we made it to the alley. We found the exact dumpster that Gerald described to us and we found the 7 big white nasty bags of trash. We started looking, then Sam, being the nice loyal friend, offered to come help look through the dumpster with us. When Sam pulled in the alley he found me half way in the dumpster, leg sticking out of the dumpster where you could just see half my body sticking out with my chacos in the light from Sam's headlights. We search through the molding nasty rotten trash and we could not find it. At this point it was rainy, muddy, and we could have been real frustrated, but we weren't. So we do a quick skin crawl in the garbage and then it came down to business. I jump in the dumpster and I search through and get my Chacos all nasty. While I was in the dumpster Megan Clayburn said that we need to say prayer. I did not decline that offer. While I'm standing in my chacos in the wet nasty muddy rotten dumpster we offer a prayer and ask our Heavenly Father to help us find the dentures of Carol. We searched and Sam got in the dumpster after me and search and searched, yet we could not find it.
We went through every single piece of trash. And we could not find it. after we put every single piece of trash back in the dumpster, we thanked Sam for his helping us, and we start walking back to the car. We started walking back to the car in the mud and Megan remembered we have one more box of trash in the dumpster in front of our apartment! We knew Heavenly Father would not leave our prayer unanswered. We kept the faith alive and we kept hoping for this miracle to find her dentures. We make it back through the Seas to the apartment and we finally find the dumpster that we threw away the box with the bag of magazines. Hermana Clayburn searched through the very last  thing in the bottom of the bag.. And there is was! Carol's denture wrapped in a paper towel. We immediately said a prayer gratitude to Heavenly Father for guiding us to those dentures.
We run over to Carol's house knocked on the door and they couldn't believe we found them. I couldn't believe it either. They were so happy and so shocked that we went in the middle of the rain she was so happy we found the them. After we gave them the dentures and I gave her a little cleaning thing for them I said, "I'm sorry for throwing away your teeth Carol, but if you remember one thing about us is that we are honest and if we say we're going to do something we're going to do it and we are true to our word and hard working."
She said, "what a blessing. When ever y'all come over we won't say it's the girls! Or anything else, we are going to say it's the “Lord's angel's." We ran back to our apartment at least we started with our apartment. we walked in and we looked down and noticed that was not our rug. That was awkward. We ran back to our actual apartment and by some miracle we made it to bed by 10:30. What a day.
I know if we pray with true intent God will answer our prayers, even if it is just to find some dentures of a cute 76 year old Grandma doesn’t matter what, God is there, God is even there for the fake teeth.
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rona-1776 · 6 years
Family Secrets
Summary: Keith knows who he is. He's a paladin of Voltron. But just because he knows who is doesn't mean he's not curious of his own past. There are still things he has no idea about. Especially about his mother. Who was she? Was she also Galra? Was the knife he now has belong to her? If she was an alien why was she on earth? Why was he abandoned by her? One day he finds a file at the Blade’s base. He realizes it has information about an important part of his past. He needs to know more but is being refused information. Now, Keith is determined to found out the truth with or without help.
Rating: T Trigger warnings: cursing, anxiety attacks, abandonment issues, light violence and blood mention Relationships: Platonic Keith and Pidge, platonic Keith and Lance Characters: Keith, Pidge, Lance, Kolivan, Galra OC - Keith’s mom
Hello! This is my fic for the @keithminibang! This was a lot of fun to work on and the longest piece I’ve ever written. Thanks to my great friend Abbey for betaing this for me! The art for this by burr-ell!
Link to this on Ao3!
Chapter 1: Hidden
Keith had always been a person who wanted answers. He never liked things that couldn’t be solved and he hated when people deliberately hid things. It was why he was so furious at the Garrison. He knew that the Garrison was hiding something. There was no pilot error on the Kerberos mission, but they didn't want bad press. Ever since then, he'd been trying to find answers to any question he came across. That was why he wanted to find Shiro, find the Blue Lion, and learn where he truly came from. He told the Blade of Marmora during the trial that it didn't matter where he came from. That he was a Voltron paladin. But still the ache in his chest every time he looked at his knife is too much to bear. It held his past and he wanted to uncover it. He had no one to ask either. Shiro only knew he had it when they met, and that his dad might know, but he left when he was younger and has no idea where he is. He had no idea who is mother was either. Before he was able to form memories of her, she was out of his life.
He wished he knew more about his past. About his family. The only memories he had about his father were close to none. Some of them he remembered his dad preparing meals for him to eat before rushing out the door, and returning home almost a week later. He was always tired, bags under his eyes, never smiled, his clothes in a mess. It was like that for a while until one day he just didn’t come home. Keith was only 7 years old and was forced to grow up quickly to take care of himself. He didn’t have his mom around, though, that was when he needed her the most.
After that, Keith wanted to know why she was gone. Why did she leave? Was it because of him? Was he a bad kid? For a long time he had just settled on the fact that she took one look at him and decided she didn't want him and left. Now with his dad abandoning him as well he started to believe it was his fault. It hurt to think about. It hurt to think that his own mom wouldn't want him, but it was the only thing he could think of. Why else would she leave right after his birth? From what he gathered from his dad, she left a month after he was born and left nothing but the knife he had now. His dad had no idea where she was going and she never stated if she would return. She left no photo or any evidence that she even existed.
Without his mother or father around, it was only a matter of time before child services had come. He was immediately taken to a foster home, where he was only allowed to take his clothes with him. All his other belongings they forced him to leave behind. The one thing he smuggled in was his knife. Even as a kid he knew that in the home he was going to, the people in charge would take it from him. It was his only family connection and he needed it to know about his mother.
Every night while the other kids slept, he would duck under his covers and look at the blade. The glowing stone was what he always studied. He never knew what it was, but he knew it wasn't normal for a stone to glow on its own like that. The dark purple stone held a lighter purple symbol in the middle that emanated the light. Keith, every night, tried to research and find out what it was. Unfortunately, he always ended up stuck and wrapped up the blade and hid it under his pillow. His life was like that for 8 years. Constant moving around, family after family rejecting him, asking for the “cute kids”, and all in all having a shitty childhood.
Keith was 15 when he finally decided to run away from foster care. He knew that trying to make it on his own without the constant abuse from his foster parents would be more beneficial to him. He stopped trying to hide his knife, instead hooking it to his back in a sheath he made that connected to his belt. Every now and then he would take it out while hiding behind a dumpster or some other structure and just look at the blade. In some way when he was alone the blade seemed to bring a sort of comfort to him. When he was feeling lost, sometimes he found solace. He knew it was connected to his abandonment, which should have brought him loneliness or even hatred, but it brought the opposite when he needed it in those lonely times.
Keith wandered around from city to city, town to town. He still only had the clothes he kept from when he was taken from his home. It had been years, and eventually these clothes became too small for him. The shirts he had were stretched out and they no longer fit him well. The jeans he wore were tight and stopped above his ankles. His childhood clothes no longer fit him and he needed new ones. He resorted to stealing other people's clothes from clothing lines outside their homes. He made a quick run through a strangers yard and picked up a red jacket the he ended up cutting the bottom off of, simple black shirt and black jeans, and got rid of his old ratty sneakers in exchange for some boots that he, again, stole. It wasn't the best, but it was better than nothing, and when you have nothing you take what you can get.
It was only when he met Shiro that his life turned around. The first time they met, Shiro caught Keith stealing some food from a cart from an unsuspecting seller in an outside marketplace. He had run away to a secluded area and barely started to bite into his stolen meal when Shiro walked up to him. Keith had shied away shielding his food, afraid it would be taken away. Instead he offered to pay for a real meal and help Keith. He could tell that he looked worse for wear. His clothes were getting dirty, he barely could keep up proper hygiene, and Keith was so starved for food that it slipped his mind if he could trust this stranger.
After that encounter, Shiro had become a constant in his life. However, it took time for him to be let behind Keith's walls. After being left behind by his real parents, abused by his foster parents, and never knowing who he could trust, he was wary of new people. Once he had learned more about Shiro, though, Keith finally had someone to rely on. Shiro encouraged him, helped him out of the streets and into his home. He took care of him when no one else would. He still didn't know why Shiro bad taken a random dirty teenager off the street into his home, but he was happy to finally have a person to rely on.
Through Shiro's encouragement he entered the Garrison not much later. Shiro was a captain. He was in charge of most flight missions. It was here that Keith learned his love of flight. He was taken into the simulator and Shiro gave him a quick lesson on flight just to show him the basics, but Keith fell in love with the flight. Even through the simulator he could almost feel what real flying would be like. He enlisted and quickly became top of class surpassing everyone else. He wanted to fly, wanted to see what else was out there, and maybe find the answers he needed. Everything was perfect. Everything was happening in his favor for once in his life. Everything seemed like he would finally be able to find what he was looking for.
But not everything is what it seems. Before graduating to the next class, the constant in his life went missing. Shiro went missing. The one who kept him stable and the one who took him in and taught him flight was gone. Pilot error, he was told. Keith knew immediately it was bullshit. Shiro was an amazing pilot with two others who were equally as skilled. The Garrison was covering it up. Covering the truth and trying to blame it on the people instead of speaking the truth. He confronted Iverson with rage, yelling about how Shiro and the others couldn't have failed a mission like this. He was so angry at the lies and was blinded by his own rage that he ended up punching Iverson in the eye and blinding him. Unfortunately, he was kicked from the school and had no way of getting information. No way of finding of Shiro. No way of getting answers he desperately needed. The universe was back to make his life hell.
After being kicked out he was still determined to find answers. He wouldn't stop until he knew the truth. It was the night that he found a little run down shack near the Garrison and found it to be the perfect place to start his search. Holed up in a little shack he found in the desert, he spent a year following a strange signal that was calling to him. He took pictures and hung them up on the wall of the shack hoping to connect something. The signal came from a cave where the walls were covered in lion drawings. Nothing made sense or connected. For entire year he spent his time in the desert or infiltrating the Garrison for anything he could find. He even gave up looking for answers for his blade. In that one year finding the one family that actually cared about him meant more than the one that abandoned him.
After a year of searching and digging, he had finally found Shiro. When a large object had crash landed on Earth he hadn't expected to find Shiro. All he knew was that the Garrison had it and it was probably important if they were trying to keep it private from the rest of the school. He broke into the place and took care of the scientists and ran into three other students who helped him get Shiro out.
It had been Lance, one of the three students, who unlocked the way to way to get to the Blue Lion and activate it. It took them out into space where he continued to meet Allura and Coran. They assigned Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, and him to their own lions to fight the Galra. Keith, along with everyone else, agreed to the job. He knew this was it. This was how he was going to get the answers he deserved. The answers to his past, his blade, and why he was left behind.
The hallways in the base of the Blade of Marmora were silent. They were normally in this state; none of the members ever made much noise other than when they were training. Keith didn’t mind the silence, he even enjoyed at times. It was very different from the almost constant noise from the Castle of Lions. There was always some kind of noise going on there. Coran going on about his days when he was younger back in bootcamp, the mice putting on a show for Allura during free time, Lance talking with Hunk while he baked, even Pidge would be making some noise as she built some new machine for Voltron to use.
It was very different at the Blade’s base. No one really interacted or spoke to each other unless it was for information exchange or training. For him he’s only ever spoken to Kolivan or Regis for missions, other than that his interactions with other members were none. Another thing was they all wore their masks even when inside the base. Kolivan explained that it was for if someone hurt or killed you wouldn’t be able to attach a face to them and be able to focus better on a mission. It was cold he had to admit, but he also couldn’t disagree with him. Even so, Keith knew that if it came down to it, it didn’t matter to him if he knew their face or not. If he could save a life and bring them back he would do it without hesitation.
As he walked down the long hallway he passed a room that was dimly lit. Curious, he walked back and saw what he suspected to be the information room. Walking in he noticed multiple holographic screens that could show various documents at once. There was a control panel that spread the width of the room and in the middle of the panel he saw a handprint for identification. He placed his hand on it and immediately the screens lit up letting him access the files in the computer. He knew that the files inside were most likely just mission logs that were completed and information gathered, but he was still curious to see what it had. The Blade was very secretive and he hardly knew anything about the place, so this might be a good way to finally get some insight.
He started scrolling trying to see if any files could provide any information that he could to help the Blade or Voltron on their joint missions. As he scrolled he wasn’t finding much. It was mostly things he has already read or things that weren’t relevant anymore. He was about to leave when suddenly he started to come across names and the one that caught his eye first was his own. More specifically his last name. It shouldn’t have intrigued him knowing that it was just his own file. He told the Blade everything about him when he joined, but he was still curious. He swiped his finger across the screen to open it and what surprised was that there were two names in the file. One was labeled with his name and the other was labeled “Raye.” Immediately he opened it and felt nervous. Why was this person's name in his file when he didn’t even know who they were?
The very first thing in their file was about them and Keith opened it. It told him everything from her name, age, status in the Blade, and if she was full galra or not. There was a picture of her on the file and when he looked at it, his chest tightened. She was wearing the full Blade of Marmora suit and her hair was a bright white that was braided behind her back. She had a thin scar running down her right cheek. Her eyes were fully yellow like many galra he had seen while in space, but she was different than the rest. Even though in the picture her face held no emotion, she looked as though she hadn’t experienced as many of the horrors of war yet. It must have been when she first joined. But what was most jarring to Keith is that she looked almost like him. They had the same face shape, eyes and mouth.
“What…?” He went to see the other files she had opened up “missions”. In this it had all the missions that she had completed or were progress. He opened up completed and he was met with a log that she had written. There were a few missions that were dated back many years ago that she had done that he held no interest in. What he was interested in was one that was titled with the year 1997, and it appeared to be her first solo mission on Earth.
‘Mission Log 1: I have landed on planet Earth in accordance with the instructions for my mission. I will start looking for the Blue Lion and try to learn its whereabouts before Zarkon’s army finds and gets ahold of it. Intel by allies says that the Blue Lion is somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. I need to find it, retrieve it, and bring it back to the base so that Zarkon cannot get a hold of it. Voltron cannot fall into the hands of the enemy.’
She had been on Earth. She had been looking for the Blue Lion. It still didn’t tell him what he hoped it was but all he needed was to read a few more files to find out. He had a feeling. A feeling that he hadn't had in a long time. If this was his mother, he was going to find out and go look for her. He wanted answers about so many things. Mainly why did she leave him. If this log belonged to her did she leave because the mission was over? Why didn’t she stay then or take him with her? Why would she abandon her child on Earth without even giving an explanation as to why? He’s been so hurt for so many years and now he finally had a chance to know.
“Keith.” Keith looked away from the computer and saw Kolivan standing in the doorway of the room. “You are not allowed in here.” He walked in straight towards him, most likely to shut down the computer and take Keith out of the room. Keith glared at Kolivan his anger building up.
“Why wasn’t I told about this person? She’s on my file so she’s obviously connected to me. I think I have a right to know who it is.” He stood straight up intent on getting answers. Kolivan didn’t answer him. Instead he pushed Keith aside and put his hand on the panel which shut down the computer. The screens went back down making Keith unable to read anything more on the file.
“You do not have clearance to look through any files in here. What do you think you were doing exactly?” He was much taller than Keith and was intimidating without even trying.
“I was able to access no problem. I think I’m allowed to learn more about the people I’m working with. Besides, why am I not able to read files especially when there’s one that obviously connected to me? I have a right to know about this woman and I don’t know why you’re trying to keep it a secret from me.”
“You only need to know what we tell you. You are not allowed to sneak into our databases like this. Now head back to your quarters. That’s an order.” Keith continued to glare but eventually left. He knew that he would get nowhere fighting Kolivan like this. Keith was going to back in that room. He had to know. There was still so much that he needed to see, and from Kolivan’s reaction he knew that the Blade wasn’t going to tell him anything.
When Keith got back to his room he sat down on his bed and started to think. He didn’t get to read much on what he saw so he couldn’t make much much sense of it. However, he wanted to believe that the women he read was his mother. He wanted to believe it so much. The thought of actually finding after so many years finally seemed plausible. He was so close and he wasn’t going to let any closed lipped Blades keep him from finding his family. His blade had gotten him closer to the truth on who he was, but actually finding his mother would give him the closure and the answers that he had been desperately searching for.
Keith reached behind him and took out his blade. Before, looking at it he was so confused, knowing it held something about him that he didn’t know. He found only half the answers when he went through the trials. Looking down at the blade that he knows is hers, he feels that just with a little more research, he could find the answers that he needs. Tomorrow he told himself, he was going to go back into that room. He doesn’t care if he gets caught again all he needs is to get enough information on what he needs and get out. With that in mind and being ordered to stay in here, he put his blade away under his pillow and laid back down on his bed to go to sleep. He was ready to get some answers.
Tomorrow had come quickly. Apparently Kolivan had figured that Keith would try and sneak away back to information room because he did everything he could to keep him occupied. He went through rigorous training that keep him busy for hours, that he barely got a break to catch his breath. Even when given a break, Kolivan was watching him like a hawk as if he moved his eyes away for a second Keith would be gone. In his defense he wasn’t totally wrong. Keith himself was trying to find an opening for him to leave. He had been up all day from the early morning to now nearing late afternoon. He hadn’t been able to eat or have a chance to slow down since he got up. All day was a rigorous training and with exhaustion and lack of food, Keith was starting to run on fumes. For him it felt almost like he was back in the trials and he had barley held up during those.
“Start again!” Kolivan voice boomed from the side of the training deck. Keith was surrounded by three other Balde members all wielding their own blades. Keith took his starting position, eyes moving around the three to see who would move first. He was tired but he was still going to move forward and fight. He wasn’t going to let his tiredness win out during this fight.
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw the small movement of one of their shoulders and immediately Keith brought his sword up to block the attack. The loud clang of metal on metal rang out in the training room. Keith pushed them back with the sword and gave himself just enough room to block a second attack from behind him before dodging out of the way from a third attack. In this training cycle he wasn’t given much time to think. Attack after attack was thrown at him trying to find a weak point in him and exploiting it. Unfortunately for Keith, his hunger and exhaustion was doubling up on him causing him to trip in his movements and he was kicked in the gut and sent flying a few feet back. He landed and the air was knocked out of his lungs. Training was halted as he tried to get up on his knees and get air back into his lungs. He clutched his stomach and saw Kolivan walk up to him. He gathered enough of the strength he had to stand up and face him.
“You do realize what I’m trying to do here, right?” He asked Keith. He had his arms folded behind his back in his usual stance as he looked down at him.
“I know exactly what it is. You’re trying to keep me from that room I was in. You wouldn’t have to if you just told me what was in there since it had information connected to me.” Keith was trying to keep his composure as he glares up at Kolivan. His anger from being outnumbered and constantly beat up all day was taking a toll on him. His head was dizzy from lack on food and water and all to keep him from reading a few files that he didn’t know why were kept so secret in the first place.
Kolivan sighed. “I told you yesterday. The only things you need to know is what we tell you. There is no reason for you to go digging in the files. And I hope you weren’t planning on sneaking in there again today. You have been blocked from any and all access to the computer databases unless you have been given direct access from me.”
“What?!” Keith’s anger flared. “You can’t do that!”
“Yes, I can. You went against the Blade by going into that computer. You will be prevented from having all access to that room or its information unless I am there with you and permit what you can and cannot access.” Keith kept his glare. He couldn’t believe he was put on a lock down like some sort of child. However, that only made him more curious as to what they were hiding from him. “In addition, you are relieved from training for today. I suggest you go and eat. Someone will escort you to kitchen. Dismissed.” He turned and walked away from Keith as another Blade member came up next to him, presumably to lead him to the kitchen.
“I don’t need to be led to kitchen. I’ll be fine on my own.” He started walking away ignoring when they said they were ordered to be near him. It was humiliating but he wasn’t going to be led around and watched like this. It seemed overboard for something so small that he did.
He was followed to entire way to the kitchen. Did they really think that he was going to try and sneak away in this condition? Kolivan made it pretty hard for him to do anything other than go get some food before he dragged himself back to his room. He wanted to go, but his limbs felt heavy from use and his stomach was hurting from more than just hunger now. He quickly grabbed something and sat down at one of the tables in the kitchen. There were multiple long ones to fit many of the Blade members in the base. When Keith first saw them he was reminded of the long tables that you would see in the lunch rooms back on Earth.
As he started eating he was trying to think of a way to get back in and get what he needed. He was blocked from all access so just putting his hand on the panel like before wasn’t going to work again. The only way he could think of was by hacking but he didn’t know how to do that. Wait. Keith stopped for a minute. Hacking. Maybe Pidge could help him. She could hack into the data bases and just get what he needed. It wouldn’t be hard considering how they’ve done it to multiple Galra ships before. The only thing he would need to do is persuade her. He wasn’t sure if she’d agree, considering she’d be hacking into an ally’s databases. However, maybe if he convinced her it was to find his family she might be inclined to do so. He needed her help, and he knew it. He knew the Blade wasn’t going to help him any so he would enlist the help of his friends. He knew that there was a chance that she would say no and he would be on his own again. But he didn’t care. If he had to do this on his own he would. He was done with the cover ups, done with lies, and done with the Blade. He deserved answers and was going to get them one way or another.
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gojrsdumpsterrental · 2 years
How a Dumpster Rental Can Help You Sell Your Home
It’s a mantra in real estate. “Declutter your house before putting it on the market.” A dumpster rental can help make decluttering easy.
If you don’t have time for a yard sale, and have already donated what someone else might want to use, and you still have a ton of stuff, renting a dumpster from JR’s Hauling and Roll Off Dumpster Rental may be an ideal solution. We offer dumpster rental and delivery right to your home, and pick up when you’re done. We offer affordable dumpster rental and junk removal services to customers throughout Harford County and Baltimore County, including Kingsville, Bel Air, Aberdeen and surrounding areas.Whether you’re downsizing, moving up in the world or handling an estate sale, dumpster rental and junk removal services can help you get the job done.Things to remove to make the home look more spacious:
Excess furniture, especially anything broken or damaged by pets
Anything blocking the entryway or crowding the hallway
Exercise equipment – put it in storage if you use it. If it’s broken, trash it.
Books, magazines and newspapers – recycle
Plants – toss sickly looking plants
Pictures, paintings, posters oh my! Take them down and store them.
Cabinets, pantry and countertops – toss any food item more than a year old. Clear out the cabinets of miscellaneous items just tossed in. Consider getting rid of extra sets of dishes or pots and pans, and just keeping what you need and use regularly.
Donate or toss clothes to make your closets look bigger. If you haven’t worn it in a year, it can go.
Limit the linens. Linen closets should be cleared to showcase them. Throw away or donate unnecessary items. Donate old towels, sheets and comforters to your local SPCA or dump them. Nobody needs 15 sets of towels.
Be brutal when it comes to the garage and attic. Potential buyers want to see a lot of space for their own stuff. Get rid of all that old paint, broken items, etc.
Beware of the basement. If you’ve been using your basement to store anything that just didn’t have a place anywhere else, you may need to put it in storage. Or, if your basement is at all damp, you should probably dump everything, because mold and mildew thrive in damp, dark places.
If there are items you can’t bear to throw away but are cluttering the home, put them in storage until the home sells. And look at it this way: The more you donate or dispose of, the less you have to move. And if you’re paying a moving company, that can be a big deal, since many companies charge by the pound.Decluttering your home allows prospective buyers to more easily imagine their own belongings in your home, and allows them to see how much space there really is. Crowded rooms and closets make a space look smaller than it actually is.Call 443-286-3284 today to schedule your
dumpster rental
. We can suggest the best dumpster size based on how big the house is, how long you’ve lived there and whether it’s a total cleanout or you’re just getting rid of some stuff that’s accumulated over the years. We deliver right to your street or driveway, and pick up when you’re done.
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theattainer · 4 years
The Most Amazing Books People Found in a Dumpster
The Most Amazing Books People Found in a Dumpster
I spent a long time thinking about whether I really wanted to write this post. A very common misconception about old books is that you can divide them up into two categories: 1) rare and valuable books, and 2) everything else. The first category needs to be given special attention, preserved, and protected; the second category is literally trash. You often encounter this dichotomy in online discussions of old books, and even many of the professionals embrace it uncritically. To give an example, there is an apparently popular TV show about searching for antiques at yard sales, which regularly regales its viewers with a quiz titled “Dumpster or No Dumpster;” the implication being, of course, that if a certain item isn’t fit for Sotheby’s, it can safely be thrown away.
I worried that by focusing on a select few items that somebody had trashed and that turned out to be valuable, I would just be feeding this misconception. If everyone is aware that a tiny percentage of old books can be very valuable, this might get people to research their books more carefully before trashing them. However, once the appraisers predictably discover that 99% of their books have little value, they will nonetheless proceed to throw these books out. While better than nothing, this is not exactly a huge improvement of the status quo.
Pictured: The 99%.
If my readers forgive me for stating the moral of this post in advance, I would like the post to instead help inculcate a deep agnosticism with respect to second-hand books. Yes, some items are obviously very valuable, but even for most books that seem unimpressive at first glance, there is a collector somewhere who is searching for this exact copy. Even when the book itself is common, the signature, library stamp, marginalia, or merely the level of preservation can make it very rare or unique, and even if nobody is interested in it now, somebody might covet this exact copy 50 years from now. Hence, please be nice, help preserve old books even if AbeBooks says they aren’t worth much, and don’t be the person whom future collectors will curse. Well, now that I’ve stated it, without further ado:
1. Tartars in the Library
To get an overview of the insane stuff that can be found among the trash in rich countries, there is probably no better resource than Garbage Finds. This Montreal-based blogger earns a living from the stuff he finds in his city’s trash cans, with the most interesting pieces being posted online. From the dumpsters, he regularly hauls jewellery, gold and silver items, antiques, valuable art, as well as bags of (still valid) coins and rolls of (still valid) banknotes. There doesn’t seem to be a single item out there that would be too valuable for people to throw into the garbage. And while one could use this as an excuse to sneer at Canadians, there is no particular reason to expect Americans, Germans or Japanese to behave much differently.
Our blogger regularly finds books as well, though only the most impressive items make it into his posts. Perhaps the record-holder here is a book he casually mentions in one of the posts, tucked between a spate of other antiques he found in a single dumpster, among them pre-Columbian pottery and a number of 19th century photographs and art. The author of the post is no book expert, so he guessed that the volume might be from the late 19th century as well, but his commentariat quickly set him straight and explained that the year 1610, printed on the last page, is very likely genuine.
It’s hard to be certain based on the pictures that were included into the post, but it seems that the leather-bound volume found in a Montreal dumpster includes at least two separate works which were bound together not long after being printed. The first is a historical work printed in 1610 and dedicated to the elector John George I of Saxony. Since the title page is missing, so is the title, but the last page says that the book was printed in Leipzig by the printer Henning Grosse Jr.
The second book was printed at the same location in 1611, and this time the title page is present. The book is a German adaptation of the travels of Marco Polo, or Chorographia Tartariae, as the book’s Latin name is spelled. At least one map is present, depicting the island of Rhodes, which definitely increases the value of the book. Of special interest to me, however, is the dedication immediately after the title page. Even though the work was printed in Saxony, it is dedicated to Hans Jakob Khisl and Karl Khisl, two members of a Carniolan noble family that was of paramount importance for Slovenian history.
Left: title page of Chorographia Tartariae. Right: coat of arms of the Khisl family and the dedication to Hans Jakob and Karl Khisl.
The Khisls gave their name to Khislstein castle in the centre of Kranj, and they played a major part in the Reformation movement in Slovenia, during which time we got our first printed books. Of interest to book history, they also opened the first Slovenian paper mill at Fužine near Ljubljana in 1579. Next to the former mill, there still stands a castle which used to belong to the Khisls and now houses the Museum of Architecture and Design. I regularly pass by the castle on my strolls down the Ljubljanica River. Fortunately, the castle is too big to fit into a dumpster.
The entrance to Fužine castle. Above the portal is the Khisls’ coat of arms.
The reason why the book was dedicated to the Khisls is that the translator got to know them well during his career. Hieronymus Megiser was born in Swabia and studied at Tübingen, but he spent a big part of his life in Carniola and Carinthia, where he became well acquainted with the Slovenian language. He put this knowledge to good use and brought out the first Slovenian dictionary of all time – more precisely, a huge German-Latin-Slovenian-Italian dictionary – in 1592. Apart from Slavic cultures, he was also interested in lands further east, which led him to compile the first ever Turkish grammar in German. It’s thus no surprise that he was also the first person to translate Marco Polo into German – in the 1611 volume that ultimately ended up in a dumpster.
Megiser look as angry as you’d expect from someone whose books are getting trashed.
In the end, our blogger sold the book to a friend-of-the-blog for 30 dollars, which is a very modest sum even considering the missing pages. However, the whole point of my writing is that when looking at old books, one shouldn’t focus on their monetary worth. Hence, if the book arrived into good hands, then the founder of Garbage Finds did the right thing. I checked online and there doesn’t seem to be a copy of this edition of Marco Polo in any Slovenian library, despite the Megiser-Khisl connection. I know that our National Library looks out for interesting Slovenian books being offered by foreign booksellers, and occasionally buys them for its collection. Maybe it would be a better idea to establish relations with foreign dumpster divers and buy interesting books from them. A lot more could be acquired that way, and for much less money, too.
This particular example bothers me even more than all the others below, and the reason isn’t just the book’s historical importance or its Slovenian connection. I guess the main reason is that (ironically?) I’m kind of thinking like a librarian. Preserving old books isn’t a passive process that just happens, you need to actively make it happen by safeguarding the books from damp and insects and dirt and little children, year after year after year… When you look at a book that’s 400 years old, what you’re looking at is the effort of over a dozen generations to preserve the book against an onslaught of calamities that could easily turn a volume into dust in a matter of days. That alone should give every booklover pause when handling a truly old item. But at the end of all these centuries, some idiot had to come along and chuck the book into the trash. If you’re reading this, f**k you.
2. 1812 All Over Again
There are two factors which make the following story unique: 1) the absurd importance of the salvaged books and 2) the fact that one of the first places where it was announced was Reddit. Just like electronic media have slowly supplanted printed ones as the primary means of record-keeping of our age, they are in turn being replaced by social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit. Perhaps 22ndcentury historians will have special citation styles for Tweets and Facebook posts, just like we now have special styles for journal articles and conference abstracts.
Back to the story. It doesn’t say whether Max Brown often dumpster-dives for antiques, but at least on one occasion in 2014, he was distracted by a bunch of old cassettes lying inside a dumpster near his California home. Thank God for those cassettes – under them turned out to lie a bunch of old books. Brown pulled out a handful of these, but then, according to the story, it started to rain, so he packed up what he could – 15 books altogether – and headed home.
Once he was home, he took a better look at these books and found out that they were in fact really old, dating to the 18th century and even earlier. What especially caught his attention, though, was an inscription in one of the books, “From the Library of Thomas Jefferson.” I don’t know what went through his head at that moment, but my guess is that it was a feeling not unlike drunkenness. Each collector dreams of such moments, and Brown, if not perhaps a collector, found his.
Left: the inscription on the book’s inner flyleaf. Right: title page of the book in question, On Wisdomby Pierre Charron.
He contacted antiquarian booksellers, who at first told him that the inscriptions connecting the books to Jefferson were not authentic. Not entirely convinced, Brown did some additional research of his own, tracing down the owners of Jefferson’s books after the death of their famous owner. Jefferson, an inveterate collector of books from an early age, had offered his library to the US Congress after the original Library of Congress was burned down during the War of 1812. After some wrangling and debate, Jefferson’s offer was accepted. However, after the transaction was finalized and the books were transferred in 1815, Jefferson’s collecting did not grind to a halt, so he continued to acquire new books for himself until his death in 1826.
This second library of Thomas Jefferson was dispersed after his death. Brown checked out the 19th century sales catalogues of Jefferson’s books and found the same titles that he had recovered from the dumpster. He sought a second opinion about the books’ provenance, and this time, he was told that the inscriptions were genuine. In the meantime, however, Brown had been strapped for cash, so he sold most of the books for 8,000 dollars; not a small sum, but probably only a fraction of what the books would have fetched at a major auction.
Jefferson as a pensioner in 1821. He probably never had more time to read in his life – the biggest distraction were all the tourists who had already started flocking to his Monticello home.
The story, as Brown and the journalists who interviewed him eventually pieced it together, is as follows: one part of Jefferson’s library ended up in the possession of the Kellogg family soon after Jefferson’s death. The ownership of these books can then ultimately be traced down to a descendant of the family by the name of Violet Cherry, who died in 1976. After that, the trail officially goes cold, but it seems that Brown also figured out who the subsequent owners were. Unfortunately, he isn’t sharing names. All he divulges is that they are themselves descendants of Ms Cherry, that they threw the books away during a remodelling in 2014, and that, extremely ironically, they are historians by profession. I hope he changes his mind and makes their names public one day. The very least these people deserve is a proper public shaming.
As the story is presented online, it still leaves a few unanswered questions. How is it possible to have such a priceless book collection at home and not know it? If I had Thomas Jefferson’s books in my collection, there’s no way my kids, or anyone else I know for that matter, would be able to not be aware of this. The descendants of Ms Cherry might have hated books, but it’s really hard to imagine that someone would prefer to throw these books away than to exchange them for a Mercedes.
Also, how many books did Brown leave behind him in the dumpster? It’s possible that the other books inside were not from Jefferson’s library (he also salvaged some old photograph albums of the Kelloggs), but it’s also possible that the story is ultimately a very tragic one. I can’t really understand how one could find such beautiful books and then be put off from rescuing them by the rain (even if one didn’t yet know whom exactly these 18th century volumes belonged to), but let’s give Brown a break here. I’m sure he has had enough moments of remorse as it is, and the next time he comes across a pile of discarded old books, he’ll know what to do.
Perhaps the saddest part is that the story was only reported by a handful of regional media. If these same books were stolen from a library or an auction house, I’m sure that the story would hit the headlines the next morning, and scores of policemen would be assigned to the case.  When reporting about major book thefts, journalists often stress that the perpetrators had assaulted our common cultural heritage, and should consequently be given be given exemplary, harsh punishments. But when books of equal value are literally destroyed, nothing happens. Whoever threw these into the trash does not need to fear any sanctions.
3. What does Montaigne know?
Most stories about amazing garbage finds never become public, so the only way to come across them is by word of mouth. I can only guess at what the most valuable thing is that anyone ever found in the trash. We know about this present story only because the finder told it to his friend, a blogger, who in turn wrote a post about it, titled “What Can Be Found in the New York Trash.”
Both the blogger and his friend are Russians living in New York. One day, the friend was going from his house to the store and passed by a large open dumpster which was evidently filled with the contents of someone’s apartment, covered with a layer of snow. There was plenty of furniture and clothes, but also a lot of books, many of them quite old. The passer-by filled a box with books and other items that grabbed his attention, and once he was home, he had a better look at them.
One of the books was an edition of Montaigne’s Essays, printed in 1957 and illustrated by the “great American artist” Salvador Dali. What’s more, the book was a bibliophile edition, produced in 1000 numbered copies that were signed by the illustrator. Even though the outside of the book was scratched, presumably a consequence of having lain in the dumpster, the inside seemed to be very well preserved. When copies of the same edition reach the market, they tend to sell for 1000-2000 dollars, though this one might fetch a bit less due to its imperfect condition.
The inside of Dali’s ilustrated version of Montaigne’s Essays.
Our blogger heard about the amazing find from his friend that same day, and rushed to the dumpster to see for himself what lay inside. He took a number of photos, in which we can see the gigantic dumpster in question, about as long as two of the cars parked next to it. The blogger also took plenty of photos of the finds that he himself brought home, which included paintings, vintage clothes, different paper ephemera, as well as a number of books. He didn’t find anything as valuable as Montaigne’s Essays, but he did salvage several well-preserved turn-of-the-century children’s books. It’s unlikely that our blogger, or anyone else for that matter, managed to get to the bottom of the dumpster and inspect all of its contents. Hence, it’s hard to say whether Dali’s book was indeed the most valuable object to have lain inside.
The dumpster from which Dali’s Montaigne was rescued.
For the first two stories I presented above, we don’t know what the dumpsters in question looked like, or how many people passed by them. In this case, however, we can see clearly from the photos that the dumpster was located at the side of a main street, that plenty of cars and people passed by, and that any pedestrian could see that the container was filled with books. Judging by the layer of snow on top of the books, it also seems that they were left standing inside for quite some time. If a few random people throw valuable books into the trash, this can be shrugged off as an aberration, but when hundreds of passers-by do nothing about it, then that is worrisome. If it weren’t for two Russian immigrants, nothing would remain of the cultural heritage packed within this NY dumpster.
4. Accio Rare Book!
The previous three stories suggest that if a book is old(ish), it might also be valuable. This is not a necessary condition, though, and dumpsters can also yield valuable books of a more recent date. In this last story, a book that would at first glance appear to be the most common item in the world turned out to be as rare and as precious as very few other bibliophile gems. The story also illustrates that it’s not just dumpsters in front of mansions that one should be attentive to.
The book in question is a first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, which came out in 1997 in a tiny print run of 500 copies, around 300 of which were bought up by libraries. Given what a success Harry Potter became afterwards, this is probably the most sought-after modern first edition of all, with even tattered library copies fetching significant sums. It’s great that libraries support fledgling young authors by buying up their books, but it would be even better if these books weren’t ultimately trashed.
This one was thrown out, along with a few other (less rare) Harry Potter first editions, by a school in Buckinghamshire, which unfortunately remains unnamed, in 2008. The occasion for the trashing was an incoming visit by Ofsted, the school-inspection body of the UK Department of Education. Apparently, the school wanted its library to look pristine for the inspection, and plenty of other items had found themselves in the dumpster. If Ofsted has a policy that libraries aren’t allowed to carry rare and valuable books, then I hope the inspectors never find their way to Oxbridge colleges…
The battered first edition of Harry Potter recovered from the trash (center), along with two other early Harry Potter editions.
The Harry Potter books were taken by a then-teacher at the school, who apparently had to fish them out of the dumpster. Sometimes libraries will at least offer these sort of discarded books to employees before trashing them, but apparently this institution has an uncompromising policy of destruction. As it happens, the teacher brought all of these books home, but at first didn’t consider that they might have any particular value – she simply wanted to have them around for her children and grandchildren to read.
About eight years later, her son noticed that the books, especially the first edition of Philosopher’s Stone, might indeed be valuable. He offered them around to antiquarian sellers, who offered to buy the books on the spot for several thousand pounds, but he figured that the books’ real value might indeed be much higher, and resisted the temptation. Finally, he contacted the Hansons’ Auctioneers auction house, where Philosopher’s Stone went up for auction in 2020 and reached the sum of £33,000, despite being an ex-library copy with significant damage to the spine.
The saddest part of this particular story is probably that when the unnamed teacher was interviewed about her finds, she sounded almost apologetic for having rescued the books from the trash. She explained to the journalist that “it just seemed awful to throw them away” and that taking them home for her grandchildren was “better than seeing them go to waste.” Perhaps the biggest problem, when it comes to books in the trash, is that people are so squeamish about dumpster diving. Even the few who salvage books from trash bags often later feel the need to ask forgiveness for their good deeds.
When Rebecca Rego Barry wrote her Rare Books Uncovered: True Stories of Fantastic Finds in Unlikely Places, she included 52 stories into the volume, gathered from fellow collectors and book dealers whom she had gotten to know over the years. Of all these stories, however, only one involves a book that was literally found in the trash. Even then, the book in question, a rare 1920s driving manual for New Yorkers, is not quite as “fantastic” as many of the other highlighted finds.
I was rather surprised by this omission, and I would like to use the opportunity here to publicly invite Ms Barry to focus a future volume entirely on books found and rescued from the trash. I’m certain that there are many stories similar to the four above that haven’t yet been published anywhere, in print or online. Admittedly, most antiquarian dealers are probably too haughty to sift through the trash themselves, but I’m sure each of them has now and then acquired a rare book that, according to the seller, had come from a dumpster. If such a collection of stories helped motivate some of its readers to take up dumpster diving, then that would be the biggest service to book collecting I can think of.
At the end of all this, the reader might ask whether I also have any similar stories of dumpster finds of my own. I definitely do, and at least one of them can compete with the four I have selected for the present post. However, I’ll probably use these stories for blog posts of their own – and I can’t post everything at once. Stay tuned!
Что можно найти в нью-йоркской мусорке. January 24, 2014. Accessible at: https://samsebeskazal.livejournal.com/292125.html
Armitage, Stefan. Teacher sells first edition ‘Harry Potter’ book for $40,000 after finding it in school’s trash. May 21, 2020. Accessible at: https://vt.co/lifestyle/teacher-sells-first-edition-harry-potter-book-for-40000-after-finding-it-in-schools-trash
Cutler-Tietjen, Jordan. He found 15 books in a Sierra dumpster. Then he found out they belonged to Thomas Jefferson. July 29, 2018. Accessible at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article214992280.html
Rego Barry, Rebecca. Rare Books Uncovered: True Stories of Fantastic Finds in Unlikely Places. Beverly: Voyageur Press, 2015.
So I found these books in the dumpster while taking out the trash…August 27, 2018. Accessible at: https://www.reddit.com/r/BookCollecting/comments/9ar8vf/so_i_found_these_books_in_the_dumpster_while/
The enigmatic dumpster. February 11, 2015. Accessible at: https://garbagefinds.com/2015/02/11/the-enigmatic-dumpster/
What do you think?
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thewayiremember · 4 years
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July 12, 07:20 AM
           I’m going to the alley today. I decided to leave in the morning and pretend to go jogging because I don’t want my parents to know where I’m going. It’s Sunday and I forgot they are home. I had to get creative. I’m a terrible liar, so I was prepared to run out of the house avoiding any conversation with them, but when I got downstairs nobody was there. They must be still asleep. Convenient because I was about to starve, so I’m having cereal for breakfast while I prepare myself mentally. It shouldn’t count as breakfast, it’s just sugar. It’s a snack, people.  
„Having second thoughts?” Nora asked me last night again. Wow, she really knows the right thing to say to make me feel guilty about wanting to chicken out.
Yes, Nora, as a matter of fact, I am thinking about changing my mind for the twentieth time and going to a hypnotist to make me oblivious to your visits. You have to admit it’s a masterplan. She doesn’t hear my thoughts, though, hopefully. She’s a fourteen-year-old, but a scary-looking one.
 11:40 AM
           I was getting increasingly nervous the closer I was getting to that alley. As I was walking down the street, I thought about changing my mind and going back a couple more times. Who knows what memories it might trigger, I’m really fine with forgetting. But at the back of my head, I could hear Nora talking about people being in trouble. Oh, quit it, Nora, I won’t go back. I’m just… considering my options.
           I was passing by so many people that I couldn’t help but wonder what an odd place it was to beat someone up. The city is always crowded, even in the evenings. It’s just hard to believe that no one heard people fighting a few feet away. Or maybe they just didn’t care. Whoever did this to me must have been pretty confident that they wouldn't be caught. Or so reckless, and then they just got lucky.
           I stopped before entering the alley, only fifty yards away from the movie theater. It’s so close from here, how come I didn’t make it there that night? I reached to my pocket to grab my phone, thinking it would be easier to just take pictures and analyze them later at home, but I forgot that I had crashed the camera lens the day before. Oh, well, I’m gonna have to rely on my memory once again.
           I looked at the screen to check the time. 8:11. I didn’t like that time. I waited for 8:15.  
           The place was very narrow and yet, somehow, pretty well lit. Physics, couldn’t explain it even it was a matter of life and death. It didn’t look that bad during the day, but I could definitely imagine how creepy it must be there at night. The feeling of concrete walls cooling your skin, each step echoing through the darkness and the smell of rotten food in the air. Although the smell’s there all the time, unfortunately, so I had to take a shower after coming back because I couldn’t get it off my hair.
           Tons of trash bags lying around next to a half-empty dumpster. I have a theory that people don’t know what dumpsters are actually for. I thought it must have looked exactly like that on July 1 because I was told I had been found right next to a stinky pile just like one of those, looking like a trash bag myself. I mean, the lady who found me had mistaken me for one at first.
           I stood there, in between garbage, and suddenly I felt… foolish. I didn’t know what I was doing, I went there without a plan and no memories were triggered, nothing was clicking in that empty head of mine. I let out a long sigh and said “Ugh, what am I even looking for? Signs of blood, DNA samples, footprints? And what would I even do with that? Besides, there’s nothing in here!” I paused and noticed a tent lying a few feet away from me and added, a little too loudly “And someone threw away this ugly tent but didn’t even bother to take it down first. God, I hate people!”
           A cat I hadn’t noticed before hissed at me, warning to keep it down, or else. I decided to do as I was told. Mainly because I was glad it was only a cat, and not a person. But then I heard someone coming my way. My first impulse was to flee in case it was someone not very friendly (I didn’t need more bruises), but my body just froze. I have the most useless natural instincts. Well, it turned out to be a homeless lady, who lives in that tent that I had just very loudly made fun of and expressed my opinion of how ugly it was.
„Do I know you?” she asked confused after lecturing me about not insulting other people’s homes. I still feel guilty even though I apologized a hundred times. I can’t believe I’m capable of poking fun even at the homeless.
„No, sorry, I don’t think you do. Look, I have to go, but again, I’m really sorry for being rude.”
“No, no, I do know you. Your face is still a little bruised up. Aren’t you the boy I found here about two weeks ago?” Can you believe it? What was the chance of her being there? I know, I know, pretty high chance since she lives there, but I had no idea it would be that simple.
           She showed me the exact place where she had found me, and there was no way I could have figured that out by myself. There were no signs of anything, really. I told her that I don’t remember much from that day and asked her if she could help me remember. It’s sad but I think she was just happy to talk to somebody, she seemed excited.
“There’s not that much to say, I’m afraid. It was late, and usually, I’m already asleep at that time,” she explained “but earlier that day one of my cats passed away and I was so upset that I couldn’t sleep. At first, I heard very slow, but very heavy footsteps, but I figured it was some drunkard, as usual, so I didn’t think much of it. But that person was really struggling with something, judging by the sounds, and after a minute or so I think they tripped over one of those metal trash cans because the noise it made would wake up the dead, that’s for sure. And then they ran away. Probably thought the sounds would draw too much attention and got scared about someone calling the cops on them. When I walked outside I saw you and called 911. Yes, a lot of homeless people have cellphones. The rest I think you know better than I do.” She must have seen my confused face because she added: “Oh, you don’t like what you hear?”
“No, it’s just… I was kind of hoping you have seen their faces, something that would lead me to those guys who beat me.” I tried not to sound disappointed, she was trying to be helpful. “I’m sorry for asking so many questions because I know from the police that you were pretty scared when you saw me and even thought I was dead, but do you remember anything else?”
„I’m sorry, I don’t. And sorry for thinking you were dead, but when I got closer to you, you looked so bad. There wasn’t really that much blood, although strangely, your mouth was covered in mud, and maybe that’s why I couldn’t see you breathing.”
Oh, my, it’s not strange, it’s bizarre. Not the thing about dirt covering my mouth, I already know what it is. I remember Nora giving me that muddy potion to drink to send me here. So whoever beat me up that night, must have done it right after I had traveled back.
Ugh, I need a break from thinking. My head is about to explode!
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sinister-bob · 7 years
How To Be Poor, Written By Someone Who Has Never Been Anything But.
1. Overestimate what is demanded of you. 2. Pride and shame are commodities are for the rich.  You can't afford them. 3. If it is offered strings free, take it. 4. Take samples.  If it's only a bite, it's a bite more than you had before. 5. Dumpster dive.  Great for finding clothes and food.  As stated above, shame is for those that can afford it. 6. Pick bottles.  Even if cans and bottles are worth pennies, that's pennies more than you had before. 7. Pick up spare change you find on the ground. 8. Keep your eyes open for things that can be useful.  Pony-o's, bobby pins, lighters, ETC. 9. Check candy wrappers, bottles, ETC, on the ground, sometimes they're sealed and full. 10. Ask for discounts. 11. No matter how old your kid is, they are always slightly younger than the cut-off age on the discount menu, or bus fare. 12. The library is your friend. 13. Going out is expensive; unless it's free, you're not going. 14. Budget. 15. Figure out when the sales are, then go shopping, even if that means going to eight different stores.  You may only end up saving ten cents, but that's more than you had. 16. Find out when your store is having sample days, senior appreciation day, ETC.  This goes for banks, store openings, whatever. 17. Go to the food bank.  You have to ask if they have any baby formula, pet food, ETC.  They are not mind-readers, they need to know your specific needs.  You also have to ask for peanut butter because some people have allergies. 18. When going to the food bank see if they have seasonal hampers. 19. See if nearby places of worship givie out hampers. 20. Go through alleys, keep your eyes open for things that you can use or sell in a yard sale or pawn shop. 21. When you go to the blood bank, whether you donate blood or your turned away, you're still allowed to have a drink and a doughnut/muffin.  Sometimes they'll let you take one for the road. 22. When getting free soft furniture, Lysol it.  You need to kill the bacteria and bugs in it if there are any. 23. Find out what local weeds you can eat.  Dandilions and knot-weed are both edible, but be careful because people spray them.  Every part of dandilions are edible.  You can make a coffee substitute with the root. 24. Ask people if you can pick fruit from their trees, promise to be gentle with the trees.  The same with rhubarb. 25. Give up smoking, coffee, sweets the most part, instant meals. 26. Learn to cook. 27. See if you can make it.  Generally it's cheaper if you can make it yourself. 28. $3.25 for a loaf of bread, and $6 for ten K of flour, $4.70 for a jar of yeast.  That will make about twenty loaves and you'll have enough yeast for the some of the next month. 29. Use old fashioned rolled oats.  They're healthier than quick oats and taste better. 30. If you're friendly with neighbours, when you're making your yummy homemade bread, see if you can sell them a loaf for, say, fifty cents.  It will help you recoup your losses. 31. Sometimes expiration dates mean precisely jack.  Be willing to risk getting a little sick to figure out how far past the date you can go.  *Note* If the meat is greenish, the eggs smell funny, ETC, don't eat it, you will die.   Unless the milk is actually mouldy, just use it in cooking. 32. Even if it's discounted, don't buy bloated or rusty cans.  You will die. 33. All stores, especially convience stores, throw away perfectly good food, I.E., jars of Cheez Whiz.  DON'T CLIMB IN TRASH COMPACTORS. 34. Waste is a sin.  Supper before last is still supper unless it went bad.  You have a frying pan for a reason. 35. Just because there is a bad spot on a piece of fruit or whatever, it does not mean that it, itself is bad.  You have knives for a reason. 36. Find one pot meals, because you don't have many dishes.  Cast iron frying pans are pricy, but they last generations.  You can fry bacon or bake a cake in it. 37. Find out the difference between an investment and a splurge. 38. In winter  you'll find a lot of winter and clothes.  Check for bugs before claiming it, wash in hot water. 39. When you can, store up some stuff before having a yard sale.  Check bylaws where you live. 40. Just after Christmas, Channuka, there's a lot of ornaments, clothing, plastic trees in good repair, thrown away. 41. If you are harrassed while picking garbage, you are, in most places, legally allowed to do that as long as if it is not on their property.  If they say that they're going to call the cops, tell them the phone number.  If you're worried about being harrassed by the cops, it generally takes about seventeen minutes or longer for them to show up.  *Note* In nicer neighbourhoods, the reaction time is quicker, conversely, the worse the neighbourhood, the reaction time is lower. 42. There are three modes of transport; bus, bike, foot.  Taxi's are for emergencies only. 43. Offer services that you are capable of doing.  Shovelling snow, baking bread, ETC. 44. Sometimes offering to help can be very rewarding; you maybe fed, you might be able to claim the bottles after a dance, or take left-overs home. 45. Eat other people's leftovers if you're not squimish. (Don't eat where their mouthes have been, eat around that spot.)  *Note* If you're caught doing this in a restaurant, you will be booted. 46. When you move into a new place, do check spaces for forgotten goods.  Same when getting second-hand clothes. 47. Wear your clothes until they disintergrate. 48. Learn to sew. 49. When picking bottles, avoid at all cost bottles with foil balls shoved in the necks.  These are homemade bombs and they will at best severely disfigure you. 50. Go to swap meets.  Start a swap meet. 51. Every place you live will most likely be a slum, and the landlord will screw you seven ways to Sunday, as well as the rentalsman.  You are poor, you don't matter.  Keep fighting though, because sometimes you actually win, and every conquest helps not only you, but others. 52. When checking out a place to move into, take pictures with time stamps if able, and as many witnesses as you can manage, same when you move out.  If you can get the landlord to sign something that state they know what's wrong with the place, all the better. 53. If you have a social worker, Because it's one of your needs and it usually falls within their guidelines, arrange a home visit after you have moved in/out and cleaned the place, but not handed in your keys, get them to come in and walk them through the place, making sure that they note the condition that it is in, because they're going to be your most powerful witness. 54. Know the laws that effect you. 55. If you're a woman, see if there's something like the Elisabeth Fry Association in your area, because if you get arrested, they'll get a lawyer for you as well as assist you to the best of their abilities. 56. The police are not your friends.  They are more likely to screw you over than the prostitute on the corner. 57. Find out what foods/meals are healthy and cheap. 58. Find out who your friends are, and don't always be asking them for a free pass.  They won't be your friends for long if you're a sponge. 59. Coupons are your friends, use them.  Call companies, tell them about the products you like or don't like, and they'll usually send you coupons.  If it doesn't sound like they're going to offer any, ask.  Print them off, even if it means copying the coupon to word and pasting it several times.  Twelve coupons are worth more than one. 60. Always check your till receipt and change, sometimes mistakes are made and you get charged for the wrong thing.  Sometimes you'll get reimbursed for the trouble. 61. Bargain.  Don't be afraid to ask for things. 62. Junk food is not always cheaper than healthy food.  Shop around. 63. Find out what you can live without, and then cut it out of your life. 64. Being a vegetarian is generally cheaper than not, because meat is expensive.  But to save money should not come at expense to your health. 65. You're kids do not need the latest toys.  You can make toys.  Yes, they're cheap and they look it, but sometime a wrapping paper tube is as much fun as a lightsaber.  Bonus points for colouring like one. 66. Try different foods, sometimes peanut butter, molasses, banana sandwiches are cheaper than mac and cheese. 67. Spices are your friends, buy them in large pouches and use them in every meal.  Keep out of humidity. 68. Bulk is somtimes cheaper, not always.  Price check and compare. 69. Lists are going to be a common theme, make lists to be aware of what's best for everything. 70. Can labels, paper from bills, ETC, maybe good to have on hand if you need to make lists or you have bored kids. 71. Skimp on how much electricity you use as well as water. 72. If you have sweaters, use them rather than turning on the heat. 73. If you have a large family or a lot of friends, communal living is optional. 74. Marriage is not always the cheaper option; it is a myth that two peopl eat as cheaply as for one. 75. Children are expensive, so are pets.  But if you do have children, you have to always put them first, even if that means you go a little hungry.  You brought them into this world and decided to keep them, so you have to do what is best. 76. In winter, cover the windows and sometimes the doors to keep cold out.  If it is very cold and there are gaps around the doors/windows, twist plastic bags up and shove them in the gaps, using a chopstick or pencil.  Flat-headed screwdrivers work fairly nice as long as you are careful to not wreck the bag.  Careful to not stab yourself; Band-Aids are expensive. 77. If you need a tool, but you don't have it, get it from the store, be careful to not damage the package too much or the tool, then return it to the store with the receipt.  *Note* Be sure of the store's return policy beforehand. 78. If you're buying clothes, always state that they are for someone under thirteen, there's only half the tax. 79. Clothes for kids and men are almost always cheaper than women's clothes.  If you are petite, always go for the kids clothes because it is usually under twenty.  *Note* Men's jeans hug your butt better. 80. If you are heavier, go for mens clothing; they're generally better quality and there is less stretch to them. 81. Be careful when buying second-hand things because they are often in bad repair and most places don't do refunds. 82. The Salvation Army is extremely expensive, they don't help people, and they are bigots.  They also take the best items for themselves without paying. 83. To test to see if things are in good repair; 1.) The Tooth Test: Take the thinnest overlap of fabric between your front teeth and give a small tug, don't yank.  If it tears easily, the fabric is rotten.  2.) The Finger Test: If you find a small hole, stick the tip of your finger in it and push.  If the fabric breaks apart easily, the fabric is rotten.  3.) The Pull: If you grab the article with both hands, gently pull, if it comes apart easily, it is rotten.  4.) The Seam Check: Put your hands on either side of the seam and grip it firmly.  Pulling in opposite directions, listen carefully for the seams to make a popping sound.  If the popping comes rapidly, it is rotten.  You also shouldn't be able to see the seams very well. 84. When buying new things, check to see the value of it first.  It is not cheaper if you have to buy five things to last the life of the name brand thing.  When buying clothes, pull at the seams.  If you can see them easily, it is too cheap.  When buying shoes, not only do you wear them around the store for about half an hour, pry at the sole to see how easily it separates from the body of it.  Pull on the laces if it starts rippin through the shoe.  Also, if you can touch the toe of the shoe to the heel, it's cheap and it will not last.  *Note* If you are in a wheelchair, buy whatever is the cheapest, most comfortable shoe. 85. Ugly does not mean bad, and this can be applied to most aspects of life: Fruit, clothes, vehicles, housing, animals, dates... 86. If you're eating at a restaurant and you're made to wait for a very long time or the food sucks, complain to the manager; you may be able to have a discount or a free meal. 87. Carbohydrates are not the enemy, if you do not have near two thousand calories a day, you will be constantly exhausted, sick, irritable, ETC.  Eat food that has a high calorie index, and you will feel better.  *Note* Junk food generally has high calorie count, but you will get sick if you try to live off of potato chips.  A bag of potatoes is a better deal than a bag of chips. 88. At some point, you will have nothing but condiments in your fridge.  There is no shame in a ketchup sandwich, or a mayo sandwich. 89. Mayo is more expensive than Miracle Whip, but it tastes better and is better for you.  You can make your own mayo that costs about fifty cents. 90. Cheez Whiz is expensive, and is not worth it. 91. Store brand is not always the best option. 92. Dry beans last forever and is very healthy.  They are cheap. 93. Dry your food.  Freezer burnt food has no food value, but most of the time, drying the food concentrates the nutrients.  When drying food, moisture and air are your enemies.  If you have a food processor, powder the food and then you can use it to suppliment your meals. 94. Buy food when it's cheap. 95. The cheapest pet food is mostly filler and will make your pet sick, and they will eat more of it because they're not getting the food they need.  Middle of the road is not the best, but it's better than the least. 96. Teflon is poisonous; if you're pans are flaking, don't use them. 97. Tin has lead in it, don't use tin pot and pans. 98. Soup is the food of peasants.  Suppliment it with bread. 99. Drink tap water.  Filter it if you need to, but don't buy bottled water.  The refund you get on the bottles doesn't make up for the amount you paid for it. 100. If you buy soft drink, get the cans.  In the long run it's cheaper.  You generally get about half a liter more.  It's also better for you and the environment. 101. If you've got fluffy animals, brush them out and collect the hair.  Spin it into yarn and make things out of it.  You do enough for your pet, make them do something for you. 102. Alcohol and drugs might seem like a good way to get your mind off your troubles, but it is too expensive not only right now, but later on. 103. Put things in your bread; pumpkin puree, mashed beans, oatmeal, tomato paste, dry fruit and nuts, ETC.  It's a great way to suppliment your diet. 104. If you're finding your place is dry in the winter, put a can or a pot on the stove full of water.  Have the burner on low.  Change the water out once in awhile, and change out the can because it will get gross.  TURN OFF THE BURNER WHEN YOU LEAVE OR GO TO BED.  *Note* If you put spices, favourite smelling liquid soap in the water, it will scent the place too. 105. Brown bag your lunches. 106. If you can afford a Christmas tree, look at plastic trees (an investment), or if that's too expensive still, little trees, you can usually get them at the dollar store.  If that's still too expensive, get some cardboard, cut out the tree and hang it on the wall. 107. You don't need a microwave; most things can be reheated on the stovetop or in the oven.  *Note* If it's for, say, one slice of pizza, eat it cold.  Don't run that mother for just one small thing. 108. Utilize things to their fullest capacity. 109. You don't need to buy Ice Melt and other expensive products.  Go to the dollar store, get some salt and use that. 110. Vinegar and baking soda cleans things, and kills bugs and weeds. 111. Don't buy ice.  That's just stupid. 112. Grow what you can; herbs, tomatoes, carrots, weed, ETC.  Look at websites (using library computer), and they'll tell you how to do cutting, splicing, hydroponics, ETC. 113. Corvids are your spirit animals; scavenge. 114. Look at doomsday prepper websites, they know how to make everything from soap to smokehouses to temporary shelters. 115. Be prepared to be homeless at some point in your life. 116. A lot of landlords won't let you have anything other than curtain to hang over your windows, so either jury-rig plain sheets to be curtains, or go to the dollar store for shower curtains. 117. Look at stir-fry recipes and ramen recipes, you can take inspiration from them. 118. If you see something old and neglected in someone yard and it looks like something you can use, be polite and ask if they are using it, or if you can have.  You might get it for free, or for a few bucks. 119. No matter how horrible life is going for you, try to be polite; people are more likely to help you if they remember you as nice. 120. In cooking, use everything; if you have blood, throw it in soup, gravy, pot roast, ETC.  Use organ meat in spreads, gravy, ETC.  If you cook bacon or other greasy foods, save the grease and spread it on toast.  Use the liquid from canned food in soups. 121. Mosquitos are repelled by citrus and attracted by sweet.  If you eat an orange (navels are usually the cheapest), break the skin up and rub the oil on your skin.  It will cause your skin to tan slightly. 122. Vitamins are bull for the most part.  Spend that money on real food. 123. If you give gifts for birthdays or holidays, find small things on discount throughout the year or make gifts.  (Some families, buying presents on the cheap or for free is a point of pride.) 124. Set a budget for the holidays and birthdays so that only a certain amount is spent. 125. Don't use fabric softener, it ruins your clothes.  If you must soften your clothes, throw in wool balls.  This will also make things less static-y. 126. If you need an animal companion, either find a stray or go to the ASPCA.  *Note* All animals need to see the vet occasionally, so keep this in mind.  If you can barely afford care for you, you can't afford a pet.  Also, some vets have a pay program so you can pay a set amount monthly. 127. Don't buy a vehicle on payments. 128. Don't take out loans, not even with family members. 129. Don't use money marts. 130. Get rainchecks on sold out items that are on sale. 131. You can make your own booze with yeast, sugar, and water.  If you want it to taste better, use juice instead of water.  You don't need a still. 132. If you're capable of walking, park a few block away from where there are meters and walks the rest of the way to your destination.  This may require a bit of mental arithmatic to see if you're not actually walking more or at least halfway. 133. Transit passes are generally cheaper than tokens. 134. Some transit offices if you prove where you lay on the poverty line, you will get a discount. 135. Your child does not need to go to ballet, gymnastics, karate, hockey, ETC.  But they do need to go to the park and have interactions with not only you, but other kids. 136. See what free programs there are for kids. 137. Field trips cost money, so if you hear one is coming up, see how it impacts the child's education.  Sometimes they don't need to go, sometimes their grade is depending on participation. 138. Five buck can be cheap for somethings, and it can be too much for others, figure out what that means to you. 139. Au Natural is the best and cheapest look you can go for. 140. Home-methods for certain things don't work, so be sure to figure out what does and doesn't exist before you try anything.  I.E., certain homemade make up, hair bleach, ETC. 141. If you're making something for the first time, do it in a small batch to see if you like it or if it even works. 142. Just because it's not photo worthy, doesn't mean it isn't servicable. 143. If you throw away perfectly good food because it wasn't to your taste, you're not hungry enough. 144. Make cookie dough ahead of time and freeze it for when you want something nice.  It keeps for about six months. 145. If you insist on waxing, look up sugar wax recipes.  Omit the lemon juice that most of them call for and just use sugar and water.  If it gets overcooked, cool it down and add more water before reheating it.  It won't smell good, but it will still work. 146. You can make things ahead of time, so do what you can. 147. If you have vacation time, save your money.  Aruba is not worth going broke for, and if you did travel, you would just be helping destroy their societal infrastructure.  (Aruba puts more money towards tourism than schools, because most of the money they get is from tourism.) 148. You can make simple candies with vinegar and sugar, and if you don't have vinegar, you can make it with water, sugar, and a little bit of flavour, like cinnamon. 149. If you've got kids, or you're hungry and got nothing, make toast, put butter on it and a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon. 150. If you've made pie and you've got left over crust, cut it into pieces and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on it before cooking it. 151. You can make furniture out of carboard. 152. You can make furniture out of discarded pallets. 153. It's illegal to take milk crates, but if you find any, they can be invaluable.  If you have eight of them and a plank of wood, you have a table.
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thepatriotsandwe · 7 years
Ranking the Remaining Patriot Games By Difficulty
With the season at the halfway point for the Pats, the playoff picture is starting to come into view. Context for victories and losses in the first half have changed the dynamic of looking into strength of schedule. Wins over Tampa and Atlanta are looking less impressive, but some of the performances, such as that against New Orleans, is now a shining example of what this New England team can accomplish. With that being said, let’s take a look at the remaining schedule and attempt to predict where the larger challenges exist.
We’ll begin with the strongest challenge.
1. Week 15, at Pittsburgh
The Pittsburgh Steelers simply have the best weapons on offense in the NFL. Antonio Brown (57 receptions, 835 yards, 3 touchdowns) is having a monster season, and the arrival of Juju Smith-Schuster is breathing life into this receiving group for everyone not named Brown. Le’veon Bell is having a very good season as well (760 yards, 5 touchdowns, 3.9 yards per carry). Ben Roethlistberger has not looked like himself, however, and only has 10 touchdowns to 9 interceptions to this point. 
The Steelers’ defense has quietly become one of the best in the NFL, ranking 2nd and 5th in points and yards allowed respectively. While the Patriots have enjoyed much success with the passing attack in recent years against the Steelers, the reformed Steel Curtain have far and away the most sacks compared to the remaining teams New England has yet to face (26 sacks on the season). Pressure on Tom Brady is the way to defeat New England, and the Patriots offensive line has been leaky to say the least. It will take a major effort for New England to get it done in the Steel City.
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2. Week 13, at Buffalo
Honestly, just about every team I could put in the #2 spot is highly questionable. I’m going Buffalo due to: A. It being an away game, B. It being a divisional game, and C. Tyrod Taylor’s ability to move in the pocket can spell trouble for this New England defense.
The Bills are very much not a yards based team. Their offense ranks a putrid 26th in terms of yards gained, but they do rank around middle of the pack in points (16th). It’s a similar story of defense in which they’re 23rd in yards allowed, but rank a very respectable 6th in terms of points.
For a Bills squad that everyone and their mother assumed were going for the tank job, they’ve become a bit of world beaters. In no way are their victories clean, but they just seem to do enough to win games. This must be incredibly stressful for Bills fans, but I’ve seen enough videos on the “Bills Mafia” to know they’re probably mostly too hammered to really even notice.
The Bills are usually good for at least one competitive game against New England, and this should be a close one that New England pulls off.
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3. Week 10, at Denver
The Denver offense is abysmal. In some kind of nightmarish fever dream that I can’t even totally recall, Brock Osweiler is somehow their starting quarterback again. 
With the Patriots defense looking stronger week-by-week, one would imagine that the Pats hang on to win this game. The only issue is, Von Miller is a scary, scary man. Marcus Cannon has been ruled out for this game, and the absence of Chris Hogan means Brady will have to find another convenience store to find first downs at. Anticipate a run-first offense for the Patriots, as the Broncos have struggled at slowing down strong running attacks.
The Denver defense isn’t what it used to be, allowing the 25th most yards in games, but they still clamp down when it comes to allowing teams to get into the end zone as they rank 2nd in points against. This entire match up will fall on the shoulders of CJ Anderson to carry Denver to victory, and with the Malcolm Brown injury New England may have some difficulty containing him, but probably not. 
Going into Denver can be scary, but this isn’t the same Denver as we’re used to. Especially after that complete dumpster fire that was the Philadelphia game.
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4. Week 11, at Oakland (in Mexico)
The Raiders’ season has been beyond disappointing, but Derek Carr is still putting together a decent season being on pace for around 4,000 yards and 26 touchdowns. 
The main challenge for the Patriots in this instance is that Oakland will be coming off a bye week, and the Patriots will not be returning to Foxborough after Denver. Couple that with being an international game, and the Patriots could be thrown slightly off-kilter. 
Regardless of logistics, the Patriots will be going up against one of the worst defenses in the NFL (21st and 26th in points/yards), and the Raiders offense has been horribly unbalanced due to the total failure of the Marshawn Lynch experiment. If they want any chance of taking down the Pats, they need to establish a running game early, and let Derek Carr take advantage of an, at times, shaky secondary.
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5. Week 14, at Miami
It was not my intention for the top 5 games to all be away games, but that’s just how it works out. 
I really don’t know how to feel about Miami, but they certainly have offensive talent. The departure of Jay Ajayi may hurt Miami going forward, but Damien Williams and Kenyan Drake have shown flashes as play makers for this Miami squad. Jarvis Landry isn’t having an amazing year by any stretch, but he’s putting in another solid performance in his young career. Jay Cutler has been fairly white bread in his outings, and seems to have replaced Alex Smith for the most boring quarterback to watch.
The Miami defense has been among the top 10 in terms of yards allowed, but rank middle of the pack in points. That type of defense just won’t be enough to stall the New England offense. This game will likely come down to Jay Cutler’s ability to get the ball down the field and put up points, but he seems less than eager to do that this season (or play football, in general). 
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6. Week 16, vs Buffalo
We’ve already covered Buffalo, and their ability to keep games close may make this one more interesting. Especially if they’re still in the wild card hunt, but this should be a nice and easy victory for a Patriots squad that we all hope will be totally clicking by this point.
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7. Week 17, vs New York (Jets)
The Jets certainly played the Patriots tough in New York earlier in the season, which we’ve come to expect. Josh McCown has done a very admirable job of taking this depleted Jets offense and making them respectable. Young receiver Robby Anderson had led the charge for the receiving unit and has shown to be a very talented youth in the league. 
The fact of the matter for the Jets is that they rank in the bottom half in both defense and offense. They’re certainly not the 0-16 tank job that we thought they would be, but they’re not particularly good either. I don’t see a clear path to victory for the Jets, especially in week 17 in which their season will almost assuredly be over. The only reason this game is not ranked last is because the Patriots may be playing a simplified offense due to playoff positioning already being decided. 
But I believe in you, Brian Hoyah.
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8. Week 12, vs Miami
Already covered. Jay Cutler seems to be content on being a game manager this season, and that simply won’t be enough to take down New England in Foxborough. Get well soon, Tanne.
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That’ll do it. I’m eager to look back on this post in the future and cringe on some absurdly bad takes. 
This being the first post of this blog, I’d like to thank all of you who actually made it to the end. This originally was going to be much shorter, but apparently the NFL is complicated, go figure. I hope to continue to update this blog throughout this season, or potentially get bored and let it be yet another unfinished project.
Go Pats.
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Some Tiny Treats
1. On certain nights, the mortician in the morgue locks his office door and spends the night praying. He shivers when the scraping noises pass by his door. He never looks for the bodies that disappear... 2. A woman, all in white, with black hair, is staring directly at you. You see that the crowd pushes around her, but her eyes never leave you. A pool of blood collects around one foot. When you run toward her, she vanishes as a truck passes in between you two. 3. Everytime you turn around, you notice that it takes everyone else half of a second to start to move. 4. Children chant a new rhyme as they play jumprope. "One for blood, two for stone. You never know, when you'll be bone. Three for fire, four for death. You never know, you'll loose your breath. Five for sin, Six to kill. You never know, what's under the hill." 5. Dogs stop barking as you walk by. They all stare at you. ALL of them. 6. You can hear a heartbeat. But, whose, you don't know. It grows faster over time. What happens when it stops? 7. After investigating a place where a murder had taken place, you find a simple audio tape. Playing the tape reveals it to be a typical mix tape made by the victim's lover. However, between one of the songs, a strange sound is heard. Repeated playing reveals that the sound changes each time it is played. Playing the sound backwards reveals it to be a chilling voice that says: "Four…" Playing it again results in "Three…" Again: "Two…" 9. You see blood fall onto the carpet. You look up. There is nothing on the ceiling. Examining the drops, you notice that they are still falling. But they are falling from a spot about chest high in the middle of the room...from thin air. 10. Upon waking, you look out your window. You notice that it seems that the tree in your yard is writhing...until it bursts into thousands of birds: ravens, crows, magpies. They have stripped the tree. It is now dead. 11. Cats begin bringing small creatures to leave on your porch. Then, the creatures begin to get bigger day by day, eventually bigger than a cat should be able to drag... 12. While wondering through the forest, one of the members of the group spots a small bag dangling from a tree branch. Inside the bag are several human fingernails and teeth. 13. You go to a bar to meet someone, you take him or her home for a one-night stand. You have a great night, and fall asleep next to them. When you wake up the next morning, you find yourself alone in bed; your lover's internal organs are stacked neatly at the foot of the bed. As you jump up, you see that on the pillow is written in blood the word "FORNICATE" across the pillows... As you turn to run out, the full length mirror in the door shows you that there's a red 'R' on your chest. 14. You're experiencing little deja vues. And they are from dreams you dream the night before. And they get longer, and clearer. 15. A stray black cat guards your back porch each night. You can hear it battle something big every night right after midnight. And each day it becomes weaker. Soon it will die... 16. Your partner talks in her sleep. Sometimes in murmer, sometimes very clear. She tells you about things, things which happend here, bad things. 17. You suffer from an itch on your back, a really feisty one. But you can't scratch now, not now. Later that day, the itch is still there you finally allow yourself to scratch. Your touching a moist soft spot. Before you know it, you're scratching your bones. 18. Your reflexion in the mirror in the morning, while you brush your teeth, does things slightly different. You brush up, it brushes down. 19. You're at work alone, when you suddenly hear the copy machine start up. You walk out to take a look at what's going on and see several copies filling the tray. Picking up one of the pieces of paper you discover that it is a copy of a picture depicting you sitting in your office chair, dead, with your eyes torn out and your throat cut. the others are the same picture, but taken from increasingly bizaar angles. There is no original picture in the copy machine. In fact, the machine has been out of toner for a week. 20. You start to leave work (alone again). As you walk out to your car, you hear a cat meow. Or was it a baby cry? Either way, it's gone now. As you continue toward your car. You hear it again. And then again. The source appears to be coming from the dumpster near your car. By this time the sound is constant and in fact has been joined by dozens more. Opening the dumpster lid and peering in you are confronted by the horrific image of dozens of dead babies in various states of decay writhing atop one another. When you slam the dumpster closed, the sound of the crying babies abruptly ends. If you look in again, the dumpster is normal. 21.You are eating an orange. After putting a section in your mouth you bite down on what feels like a seed, but it is peculiarly hard. Upon examination, it appears to be a small black gem stone. The next day, upon eating an apple you find a piece of rope. 22.While you're calling home to check your answering machine, someone picks up the other end. The voice sounds familiar and answers the phone with your name. After a short and angry conversation in which the person insists he is in fact the rightful tenant, you speed home. When you arrive, no one is there, but your phone starts ringing. You answer it, speak your name and begin an argument with the caller. 23.You have been unable to visit your grandmother's grave for some time now. Every time you do you can hear her pleading from beneath the ground, begging to be let out. She says she can't breathe and that shes scared. No one else can hear it. 24.You check your watch. The big hand is on the 4, the little hand is on the 1. You'll be late for work. At work, you find an email in your inbox. The sender is yourself. Puzzled, you open the e-mail you apparently sent to yourself. Inside is the message "the out for watch watch." You look at your watch. The little hand is on the 4, the big hand is on the 1. You look back at the screen. The fourth and first words have swapped places. "watch out for the watch." You look at your watch again. Your watch is digital. 25.While eating peanuts, you crack open one to find a very small piece of a torn photo. As you open more peanuts, you find more and more pieces. When you tape it all together, you see a photo of a large hole in the wall of your bedroom. 26.In the middle of a terrible thunderstorm, a small dark shape is visible from your window. Despite the pouring rain and the late hour, a bird is perched just within view. It could easily be some sort of statue, except for the occasional twitch of the head as it watches you with one eye, then the other. Closer observation with binoculars or the like reveals maggots dripping off its wings instead of rain. Running outside to investigate reveals no sign of its presence - not even remnants of its grisly sheddings... 27.A small red dot appears in the center of your vision, as time passes it grows larger and larger. Soon, it will be big enough to see the face inside.. 28.The lights in your hallway begin to flicker. When the light is on, you see nothing. But each time it goes out, you can make out the silhouette of a figure. Each time the light goes off, it gets closer. 29.You suddenly say out loud you wish you were dead. You do not understand why. 30.You bang and bang against the wall...you scream to be let out...you know they can hear you....you've heard the new baby crying...the new family arrive...just like the old family and the one before that...you've heard them making love...you've heard them laugh at the dinner table... They must have heard you banging and screaming...yelling and pleaing for help..the MUST have heard you...why don't they free you.... 31.You look into a large hanging photo of yourself. In the photo, you host a large, strange smile and eyes that seem to follow. There was never a photo hung on that wall. 32.While visiting a friend in the hospital, you overhear a woman crying in grief over a miscarriage. As you walk through the lonely halls of the hospital on your way out, you see a small trail of blood leading to a corner. For a split second, you can see the end of a severed umbilical cord being dragged around the corner. 33.I can see you. 34.Masks begin to talk to you. Some whisper, some scream, others giggle. But they all hate you. 35.You find yourself in the middle of an old, decrepit school. You dont know why you are here. As you walk through the dark halls, you notice all the lockers door's have been torn off except one. The one remaining locker with a door has a large padlock and chains on it. Behind it you hear something moan. 36.Only allow water to flow through the drains. Anything else will feed it. 37.you see a small glint in the shadows underneath your computer desk. It looks like something moist and glistening in what little light shines down there. You sit at your PC and turn it on. You do not see a start up screen. Instead, a single large eyeball in the center of the screen looks at you. As the eye fades, The words "Im Hungry." appear. 38.Everytime you blink, something moves. 39.Do not trust your eyes, they are against you. Go into the closet and shut the door. 40.Pray you fall asleep fast enough. You don't need to see it watching you from across your room.
by anonymous
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orindasfinest · 5 years
To admit to a thing that everyone already knows like Bill Clinton will someday when the antifa firing squad has him wetting his senile pants at gunpoint stammering about how Epstein was onto something with the tightness of 15-year-old box: yes, I missed last week. I shockingly have a girlfriend AND aspirations of being something other than a water babysitter for the rest of my life and the two combined to stop me from shitposting about fantasy football. I have now concluded with my significant other and with my job applications, filling both with rich cum, and will thereby turn my attention to the band of misfits I decided to assemble in hopes of winning a fantasy league for once in my fucking life, which in this instance would basically be like beating ‘Through the Fire and the Flames’ on Guitar Hero in easy difficulty. At least the Eagles officially suck so nobody can feel good about real-life accomplishments except for me and my lovable group of New Englanders who use HGH as lube when waxing their shaven carrots to lithographs of Jock Sutherland’s single-wing play designs. That is a real reference and I am so gratified that I got to waste seconds of your life making you try and process such a string of words – much like you will continue to do if you keep reading! Let’s begin.
10. Leaguema Balls (Mike)
Record: 0-3 | PF: 305.1 | PA: 425.3 | Streak: L3 | Last Week (I actually wrote out a rankings but then just never added the roasts, so they were worthless, but trust me) 10
Plays Next: Sean’s Hard Mangos (Sean)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Continuing to draw breath
It’s comforting to know that I can leave my sweet foundling rankings alone for a week and still have the unmoving anchor way at the bottom to keep it grounded and sturdy. You would have thought that assembling a competent fantasy football roster was Rogaine given Michael’s lack of familiarity with the concept. If you want, Dirt, you can think up an AIM away message to leave in this slot to save me the work for the next 13 weeks and so this entry has some consistency besides sucking more than spilling soup down your shirt in a meeting. (I know that wasn’t you but this guy deserves some of your grilling space.) Marquise Brown is going to blow out a lung trying to run under Lamar’s 102-yard touch passes on Sunday and turn back into Steve Breaston with a dumber nickname.
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9. Sean’s Hard Mangos (Sean)
Record: 0-3 | PF: 374.4 | PA: 401.2 | Streak: L3 | Last Week: 8
Plays Next: Oh dear christ not my repeaters again
Questionable Decision of the Week: Dick amputation by tendon fatigue
Just as I take solace in Mike’s cellar-dwelling ways, I can relax about the other two Philly league members having decent squads just by looking at Sean’s merry band of sap-sucking stupidheads. You’d find more consistent direction from Sean behind the wheel of a car than you would from a team led by Derrick Henry and James Conner. And here I thought you were done with uninterested, underperforming ball-grabbers when you broke up with Hannah. Word of advice, dawg! You’re gonna get your first win this week because the algorithm isn’t yet advanced enough to throw up in both of your faces instead of assigning a victor between you and Michael, so act like you’ve been there before, or at least act like you know how to run a palatable social media account after three fucking years of trying and failing.
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8. James White is Right (Tori)
Record: 0-3 | PF: 372.7 | PA: 439.7 | Streak: L3 | Last Week: 9
Plays Next: Cartoon Colt Copulation (Hahahahaha)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Acting like her dirt star is the brightest light in the sky when in reality it’s Proxima Centauri from Event Horizon
Much like capitalism, the league has created a placated and clueless middle class, consolidated wealth in the top 1%, and left the lower half of the populace to shiver and die like Austin Ekeler on the sidelines now that Melvin Gordon is back. Of course, knowing Tori’s family, they’d just bray about how the economy is thunderously good before unironically sharing deep-fried boomer memes while she gently chides them through comments, pretending there’s not a little racist in her team name. And in her soul. James White is back, though, having just watched his wife give birth, knowing that whole time that the tearing and screeching he was witnessing would pale in comparison to Tori trying to fit a toothpick up her half-thimble rear entrance.
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7. Mark Ruffalo’s Ruffalo Bills (Aidan)
Record: 2-1 | PF: 410.5 | PA: 408.8 | Streak: L1 | Last Week: 3
Plays Next: The Queen’s Booty Lickers (Liv)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Using his asshole around women and not expecting repercussions
Benefiting from a more questionable handout than the insurance settlement that gives him money for having headaches sometimes, Aidan rode high on the back of a free Mahomes the first two weeks of the season. That all came crashing down when Lauren put him in a dumpster in this past matchup, which was probably an upgrade from his place in Chicago. Aidan has a picture of the Blues Brothers’ trainside apartment on his vision board in the hopes that someday he can move somewhere that high-class. Expect further regression as Josh Jacobs and Leonard Fournette continue to suffer from some sort of Power 5 running back glaucoma which makes them barrel directly into their linemen’s asses on every handoff instead of bouncing to the acres of green space just outside the tackles. This is much like how Aidan rushes for beans on toast instead of attempting to taste flavor.
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6. Airstrip One Ezekiels Engels (Derv)
Record: 2-1 | PF: 404.7 | PA: 387.8 | Streak: W2 | Last Week: 7
Plays Next: TEAM DUMPSTER BEARS (Lauren)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Fookin ‘ell ‘ard ta pick one innit luv xx
After a less auspicious start than the Easter Rebellion, Derv has rebounded from a sheer fleecing to fashion herself into something of a competent franchise owner. Knowing the strength of her impostor syndrome, though, she’s liable to swap Zeke for a scalding slap in the face *battered whisper* because that’s the type of team that she deserves. I would say this ranking of 6 will be the highest you will ever get but I think if you’re a good enough girl this year, around Thanksgiving your dad will finally put you on his shoulders so you can see the inflatable turkeys parading down the garbage metropolis a mere three hours from you upstate hovel. Otherwise it’ll be another long outing of sinking further down the standings and standing so low at 4’8 you look like you’re dissolving into a sinkhole.
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5. The Queen’s Booty Lickers (Liv)
Record: 2-1 | PF: 399.7 | PA: 394.3 | Streak: L1 | Last Week: 1
Plays Next: Mark Ruffalo’s Still Not a Funny Name (Aidan)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Taking dick so long it got mistaken for the amount of time she spends on the toilet
How the mighty have fallen! One minute, you look like an infallible cock destroyer, and then BANG! You get run over. But I won’t bring up your car accident too much. I’m seeing more hopeless tears from your Johnson & Johnson RB corps than from babies piteously afflicted by their cornea-searing shampoo. It’s fitting that such an intermittent contributor would have a roster full of people that basically decide whether or not they want to do a football on a play-by-play basis. “How about an out route, Amari?” “How about you sit in a room for 10 minutes with Liv’s roommate, coach?” This team could light the league on fire but it’ll settle for searing its own britches at completely unpredictable hours. Again, just like Liv.
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4. The Birds Have Arrived (John)
Record: 2-1 | PF: 402.1 | PA: 391.4 | Streak: W1 | Last Week: 4
Plays Next: Poo Poo Point Diarrheas (Griffin)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Sending Snickers to hell. She was a good cat john.
The man with the worst opinions in the league dropped Antonio Brown for some reason even though he was clearly a kindred spirit in that regard. There’s no difference between what AB did and what John said about candy, except for the fact that I’d be more comfortable with jizz on my back than I would listening to more of his sweets-based takes. (Come to think of it, I’d just be more comfortable with jizz on my back.) As alluded to before, Melvin Gordon is returning to action, which means John can stop pretending that Miles Sanders will be any kind of valuable contributor, about 4 years and one hair-tearingly bad contract extension before the Eagles do the same. While you’re on the road with the VengaBus, Oakman, see if you can pick up a kicker who realizes that people with apostrophes in their names belong on the defensive line and who can actually put the ball through the fucking uprights.
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3. Cartoon Colt Copulation (Gabe)
Record: 2-1 | PF: 422.5 | PA: 333 | Streak: W2 | Last Week: 2
Plays Next: James White is Right (Delicious)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Looking past all the signs that Lauren sabotages air travel just to spend extra time with me and trying to aim my blasts to curve around her IUD anyway
I would just like to immediately point out that my points for is second highest in the league and therefore I righteously deserve my place near the top of the rankings AND could even go for higher. I would also like to admit that I have by far the lowest points against. So even when I excel, I do it in arenas that are specifically set up for me to succeed, which feels appropriate for me as a white man. I’m swinging my dick on an unlevel playing field like Steve-O on a teeter-totter with a scorpion. Saquon’s injury is all I need to have the pinchers come rocketing towards my little glistening head and put the clamps on my high-falutin’ status. BUT FOR NOW FUCK YOU JACOBY BRISSETT IS GOD which is only right and fair in the name of equality
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Record: 2-1 | PF: 426 | PA: 363 | Streak: W1 | Last Week: 6
Plays Next: Airstrip One Historical Reference Yawn (Derv)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Do I really have to spell it out? After she spent a whole weekend plus in my bed? Come on, guys. Going back to Buzz City and pretending low rent is a fair tradeoff for having about as much culture as spoiled yogurt
Team Clemson had a TAMU product to thank for their banana sandwich performance in matchday number three as Mike Evans put up FORTY FIVE FUCKING BIG ONES in, of course, a losing effort for his real-life Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Scoring points but losing everything of consequence is nothing new to Lauren after her latest tussles with Catan. But the soaring to improbable heights is taking on gorgeous new wrinkles as different folks step up week after week to put up the performances of their lives, only to be invariably out of gas week nine, leaving her roster a withered, gaping husk with bitter glances back towards what once was as she tries to wring some sort of enjoyment from the remnants. Welcome to childbirth, honey!
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1. Poo Poo Point Diarrheas (Griffin)
Record: 3-0 | PF: 396.5 | PA: 342.7 | Streak: W3 | Last Week: 5
Plays Next: The Birds Have Arrived (John)
Questionable Decision of the Week: Getting tested for STDs. Next you’re gonna tell Sean not to drunk drive. Narc
Griffin has the 4th-lowest point total out of all of us, yet he is the sole occupant of first place as of press time. The last time I saw a fatty get this much undeserved shine, my ex-girlfriend made me watch an entire episode of This Is Us. You’re rocking Mitchy Trubes at quarterback, whose play style must be similar to your lovemaking technique: going long a lot, but never looking like you have any idea what you’re doing. I am so happy about your brief stay at the top of the mountain and I hope you can brag about it at show choir or whatever. Just remember that the #1 spot in these rankings is not like having abandonment issues. You don’t need to get used to it.
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tumbleweedshorts · 7 years
Family Secrets (part 1/6)
Inspiration: in one of the writers’ groups on Facebook, I saw this prompt:
A twelve year old finds a shoebox in the back of his mother’s closet. Inside the shoebox is a gun, a yellow stained newspaper clipping with his photo, and a birth certificate with a burn spot in the middle of it. Challenge. Could you turn this into a story?
I wrote the following based on this.
Danny was stunned. His photo stared back at him through at least seven years of his life. It was part of some kind of article detailing how a boy named Hans Fischer and his mother Margit had died in an apparent murder-suicide in New York City. He put the clipping back in the box and turned to the other paper in there. It was a birth certificate. What struck him was the date of birth: “15 März 1982”. HIS date of birth. But the name on the certificate was… Hans Fischer. It was only then that Danny realized the birth certificate was written in German. Right where the birth place was supposed to be written, there was a burnt spot. He tried to make out the place but couldn’t. Looking at the names of the parents, he saw they were Margit Schulz, 35, and Friedrich Fischer, 42.
This left Danny utterly confused. As far back as he could remember, he’d been Danny Beck. He’d never known his dad, and his mom had raised him in the USA, teaching him German all the while. He’d been in school in LA for years and always fit in just fine. As far as his classmates knew, in fact, he was 100% pure all-American. It had come as a real shock to Joe when Danny had told him he spoke German. But this… This opened up a whole bunch of questions about who he was. Or at least who his family was. Was this the birth certificate of a twin brother he had? Or was it his own? And the picture? He had to try to find out more.
Then there was the matter of the gun. He was terrified of guns, having heard many stories already about the rampant gun violence in some parts of the LA suburbs. He was afraid even to touch this gun. It lay there, on top of yet more papers in that otherwise empty box. He didn’t have a clue how guns worked, whether this one was loaded or functional or anything. But still he dared not touch it.
Putting the clipping and the certificate back in this box, he closed it and laid it aside. Finding another under where this one was, he opened it too. In there he found strange documents, also written in German, but he could hardly understand what they meant. Most of them were just written in some kind of gibberish, but two of them had handwritten notes added which referred to weird stuff… “3kg leeks, 4kg turnips, 20 boxes of raisins, to be delivered to the market…” Underneath those he found a faded card with what looked like his mom’s face on it, and some unreadable text.
A noise in the hallway brought him back to reality. He hurriedly put both boxes back in the closet as he’d found them, then made his way out of his mom’s room. She found him just as he was closing the door.
“What were you doing in my room?” she asked him, in German as usual.
“Just…” he didn’t know what to answer.
“Were you looking through my stuff?” she asked him with a suspicious look on her face.
“No, mom, I swear!” he said, then, suddenly thinking of a reason, added, “I was just looking for my skateboard. You said I could use it again, but didn’t give it back.”
This much was true. She’d confiscated it because he was jumping off a makeshift ramp in the front yard with it, and had very nearly broken his neck with a false landing.
The suspicion vanished from her face. Her eyes relaxed and she answered, “Oh, yeah, true, I’m sorry. I’ll get it for you.” Then, turning stern again, she added, “But I’ve told you before never to go looking through my stuff. Next time I catch you, the skateboard ends up in the dumpster.”
“Yes, Mom.” Danny answered, looking contrite. “I was just bored, and I wanted it back. I’m sorry, Mom.” He went up to her and hugged her. He knew that always calmed her temper down. Indeed, she softened her tone and her posture and returned the hug.
The next day was a public holiday. But his mom still had to work, and left him home alone again. Intrigued by his discovery of the previous day, he started searching through the rest of the house in case he found more information. There was nothing. By noon, he was getting frustrated and his curiosity was overflowing. He desperately wanted to just ask his mom about it, but that would of course mean admitting he’d looked through her stuff and she wouldn’t let that fly. He could go to the library to try to look something up, but he wouldn’t know what on Earth to look up.
His mom’s bedroom door stood tantalizingly closed before him for hours. By 3pm, he decided to go for it. He needed to know what this was about, and the only way seemed to be by betraying his word to his mom. He opened the door and went to the closet. He found and opened the box with the gun. This time, he gathered up his courage and nudged it aside, just enough to be able to grab the papers underneath it. There was a passport, a French one, with a younger picture of his mom and the name Josiane Meunier, and a baby picture of him with the name François Meunier. The date of issue looked to be June 24th, 1984.
Beneath that, two more passports, Canadian this time. Both contained current pictures, and the dates of issue were only a few weeks ago, in February 1994. But the names were different again. Joanne Claude and Jérémy Blondel.
He couldn’t make head or tail of this. He went back to the second box, but there was nothing more he could understand. He found a third box beneath those, and in there was a massive book. Opening this, he saw news clippings from all over, pointing to various unexplained disappearances, destructions and deaths.
Alongside them were notes describing… Danny gasped. From what he read, it sounded as though his mother had been involved in those.
He checked the time. He had until 5 to replace everything, put it back and leave the room before his mom came back. It was 4:30. As he couldn’t understand any more of this, he decided to pack it all up again and leave, making sure he left no traces.
Back in the kitchen, he poured himself a glass of milk and sat down to think. His mom had clearly been involved in some sort of covert operations. But what was the truth? Was he indeed Hans Fischer? The only way he could get more information without admitting his treachery to his mom was to go to the library and look up the events he’d read about. He took his skateboard, left a note on the kitchen table and took off.
Once at the library, he went straight to the newspaper collections and found the dates he’d seen. He found an article about one of the events. The article didn’t say any more than he’d already read, however. Less, in fact. RAF base Gatow had been broken into, and a hangar had been blown up. The article pointed to an accident. But her mom’s notes seemed to point to specific locations in the hangar and explosives to be placed there.
He tried to make sense of this in his mind. Then he remembered seeing a James Bond movie a couple of weeks earlier - he’d gone with Joe and his parents, who are a bit more relaxed on the PG-13 ratings and exaggerated their ages when buying the tickets. Both of them had been really excited to see a PG-13 movie for the first time in their lives, and they hadn’t been disappointed.
Anyway, he started making tenuous connections. He looked up more about the Cold War and various intelligence services. In the World Book encyclopedia, he found the entry for the Stasi, the East German intelligence service. A picture caught his eye. He didn’t recognize it. But it reminded him of the mostly faded logo on the papers from the second box.
It looked like his mother had led a secret life, working as an East German agent until the late 80s. But he knew so little still, and couldn’t figure out how to find out more. He’d have to ask her about it, but he’d need to find a way to do so without admitting to snooping again. That was going to be hard. He’d have to read up some more.
He stayed at the library until 7, when his mom came to pick him up.
“I found your note” she said, “Thanks for leaving it. What were you doing at the library, by the way? Homework?”
Danny hesitated. Not now, he thought.
“Yeah, homework.”
Then he turned away and got into the car for the ride home.
Continued in part 2
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lnkjunkremoval-blog · 5 years
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CSN Cleaning Las Vegas
CONTACT: (702) 551-2023
SERVICES: Commercial Cleaning, Residential Cleaning, House Cleaning, Office Cleaning, Bathroom Cleaning, Regular Cleaning, Weekly Cleaning, Daily Cleaning, Move In Cleaning, Move Out Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Janitorial Services, Pre-Sale Cleaning, Post Construction Cleaning, New Construction Cleaning, Housekeeping, Junk Removal, After Renovation Cleaning. After Rmodeling Deep Cleaning, Dusting Services.
HOURS: Monday to Sunday  6:00 am – 11:00 pm
Located in Las Vegas NV 89108
WEB    : www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com
   SERVICE AREA: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada.
 Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain's Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada.
 Service Area Zip Codes: 88901, 88905, 89101, 89102, 89104, 89106, 89107, 89108, 89109, 89110, 89116, 89117, 89124, 89125, 89126, 89127, 89128, 89129, 89130, 89131, 89133, 89134, 89136, 89137, 89138, 89143, 89144, 89145, 89146, 89147, 89149, 89151, 89152, 89153, 89154, 89155, 89157, 89158, 89161, 89162, 89163, 89164, 89166, 89185.
   More information is at:
MGM Household Services, http://www.mgmhouseholdservices.com/
MGM Junk Removal, http://www.mgmjunkremoval.com/
Service-Vegas, http://www.service-vegas.com/
CSN Cleaning Las Vegas, http://www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com/
McCarran Handyman Services, http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/
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