dandysnob · 2 months
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Hamburg | 15.06.2022 | 🎥 by lifad_ukraine
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haslo-na-dzis · 2 months
Hasło na dziś: W moim przedszkolu byłem człowiekiem sukcesu.
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mari--556 · 11 months
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this is supposed to be ci flower but you can barely recognize her - 15.06.2022
Sour式Ci flower by MARi556
effects: めめ / ikeno / BeammanP
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years
Severodonetsk, May-June 2022. The video diary of user's grandfather, who died under russian shelling 15.06.2022
"We don't wish this to anybody. Anybody!"
"I'll give you fish soup, if we meet alive, God please"
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pmkdramdesenvar · 2 years
Kucağına oturup sarılmak…
Bu hissin bir kokusu olsa yağmur yağdıktan sonraki o toprak kokusu huzuru olurdu
herşeyi halledebildiğim onca kaostan çıkabildiğim tek yer
ama sanki hayatımı alt üst edeceksin bunu biliyorum yinede seni yaşamadan ölmek istemiyorum
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feeling--the--gravity · 4 months
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sn-witkw · 8 months
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seemabhatnagar · 8 months
"The Web of Deceit: A Modern Casanova's Tangled Affairs"
Shantilal Yashwant Kharat v. State of Maharashtra
Anticipatory Bail Application 129/2024
Before Bombay High Court
Anticipatory Bail Application was rejected on 17.01.2024 by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sarang V Kotwal J for the offence of cheating which was clearly made out apart from other offences.
The Applicant is seeking anticipatory bail in connection with criminal case registered at Rasayani Police Station, District Raigad, on 07.08.2023, U/Ss 406, 420, 494, 498- A, 504 and 506 IPC.
Submission of the Informant – wife
Informant wife in her FIR stated that she came across the applicant’s profile on a matrimonial site.
Both of them contacted each other.
The applicant met the informant in April 2022.
They got married on 15.06.2022.
After marriage the applicant asked for financial help.
The informant had given him Rs.7 lakhs.
The applicant pledged her ornaments and obtained loan of Rs.32 lakhs.
In December 2022, she saw some indications that the applicant was having an affair with his colleague. The informant came back to her parental house on 05.01.2023.
She made enquiries and she came to know that the applicant had married four times before marrying the informant.
His first wife had passed away.
Submission of the Counsel of the Applicant – Husband
Allegations in the F.I.R. are not correct.
His wife had passed away and thereafter he had married the present informant alone.
He had not married anybody else in between.
Submission of the intervenor before the Court
There are documents showing the applicant’s marriage with other ladies.
There are documents in the nature of birth certificates etc. mentioning his name as the father.
Additional Public Prosecutor supported the contentions of the counsel for the intervenor and produced the investigation papers before the Court.
Observation of the Court
Investigation paper contain a birth certificate in respect of a girl child born on 03.05.2009.
The mother’s name is mentioned in that birth certificate.
The father is shown as the present applicant.
There is another birth certificate of another girl child.
She was born on 15.04.2009.
In that certificate, name of the mother is different, but the applicant’s name as father is common.
There are two birth certificates in the year 2009 in respect of two girls in which mothers were different but the father is the applicant himself.
There are proceedings of divorce by mutual consent filed in the year 2008, in which, the applicant’s wife was another lady ‘P’.
These divorce proceedings were over resulting in divorce.
There is another divorce proceedings still pending; filed in the year 2018, in which, the wife is named as ‘K’.
There is sufficient material to show that the applicant has cheated many women.
All this was concealed from the present first informant.
No case of Anticipatory Bail is made out.
Seema Bhatnagar
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entomoblog · 1 year
Comment écouter la nature ? Quand le vivant nous parle
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Premiers résultats d’un nouveau programme de recherche en sciences cognitives dédié à l’étude de nos capacités de perception des paysages sonores naturels.
  Christian Lorenzi
Professeur en psychologie expérimentale, École normale supérieure (ENS) – PSL
Publié: 21 septembre 2023, 12:18 CEST
  Quatre habitats distincts en Californie
Les premiers résultats de ce programme de recherche interdisciplinaire viennent d’être récemment publiés dans diverses revues notamment Frontiers ou le Journal of Acoustical Society of America.
  Ce programme débute par une étude « pilote » visant à caractériser l’information acoustique véhiculée par des paysages sonores enregistrés dans une réserve de biosphère de Californie (voir figure 2).
  Il s’agit ici de quatre habitats distincts d’un même biome terrestre tempéré, c’est-à-dire une région vaste et homogène du point de vue climatique.
  Les données sonores, collectées et analysées par Bernie Krause et ses collègues correspondent à des enregistrements de haute qualité réalisés à quatre saisons (printemps, été, automne, hiver), quatre périodes de la journée (aube, milieu de la journée, soirée, nuit) au sein de quatre sites : une forêt, une clairière, un maquis et une prairie."
Études ci-dessus
  Auditory discrimination of natural soundscapes | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 03.05.2023 https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jasa/article/153/5/2706/2888160/Auditory-discrimination-of-natural-soundscapes
  Fig. 2 Les quatre sites du parc national de Sequoia (sud de la Sierra Nevada, Californie, États-Unis). Chacun de ces sites correspond à un habitat spécifique du point de vue de l’altitude et de la diversité de la végétation : CM est une clairière entourée de séquoias ; SH est un maquis avec des vents forts ; BF est une forêt avec un ruisseau relativement bruyant ; SY est une prairie. Les stimuli utilisés ont été extraits des 64 heures d’enregistrements acoustiques recueillis par Krause et al. (2011) pendant un an. Reproduit de Krause et al. (2011), Author provided (no reuse)
    What Do We Mean by “Soundscape”? A Functional Description - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 15.06.2022 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2022.894232/full
  Traduction d'un extrait
  "... il est important de noter que les oiseaux sont, avec les insectes, les principaux contributeurs aux paysages sonores terrestres non anthropogéniques par rapport aux amphibiens et aux mammifères (par exemple, Phillips et al., 2018)."
  Balakrishnan, R. (2016). “Behavioral Ecology of Insect Acoustic Communication,” in Insect Hearing, eds G. Pollack, A. Mason, A. Popper, and R. Fay (New York, NY: Springer International Publishing), doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28890-1_3
  Farji-Brener, A. G., Dalton, M. C., Balza, U., Courtis, A., Lemus-Domínguez, I., Fernández-Hilario, R., et al. (2018). Working in the Rain? Why leaf-cutting ants stop foraging When It’s Raining. Insectes Soc. 65, 233–239. doi: 10.1007/s00040-018-0605-z
  Phillips, Y. F., Towsey, M., and Roe, P. (2018). Revealing the ecological content of long-duration audio-recordings of the environment through clustering and visualisation. PLoS One 13:e0193345. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193345
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thejeffproject · 1 year
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W h e w ~
Nr. 22
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raniehus · 2 years
Die Erschließung ist grundsätzlich Aufgabe der Gemeinde, § 123 Abs. 1 BauGB. Alleine der Umstand, dass die Gemeinde einen Bebauungsplan aufstellt, begründet keinen Erschließungsanspruch, § 123 Abs. 3 BauGB.
Kommt die Gemeinde über Jahre ihrer Erschließungsaufgabe nach § 123 Abs. 1 BauGB nicht nach, verdichtet sich allerdings nach Treu und Glauben die gemeindliche Erschließungsaufgabe zu einem korrespondierenden Anspruch, jedenfalls dann, wenn sich die Gemeinde entscheidet, den Bebauungsplan nicht aufzuheben.
BVerwG, Beschluss vom 15.06.2022 - 9 B 32.21 -
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(13) 10.06.2022 - 15.06.2022
Observation drawings from a trip. Ballpoint pen and highlighter.
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telnews-in · 2 years
एएआई एडमिट कार्ड 2022 लिंक - एटीसी हॉल टिकट, 400 पदों के लिए परीक्षा तिथि
एएआई एडमिट कार्ड 2022 लिंक – एटीसी हॉल टिकट, 400 पदों के लिए परीक्षा तिथि
एएआई एडमिट कार्ड 2022 – एयरपोर्ट अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया जूनियर ऑफिसर कॉल लेटर, परीक्षा टिकट, एडमिट टिकट, सेंटर कोड http://www.aai.aero पर एएआई प्रवेश पत्र 2022- वायु यातायात नियंत्रण विभाग ने 400 जूनियर कार्यकारी पदों के लिए भर्ती अधिसूचना जारी की है। सभी पात्र आवेदकों ने एएआई जूनियर कार्यकारी भर्ती के लिए 15.06.2022 से 14.07.2022 तक आवेदन किया है। अब भारतीय विमानपत्तन प्राधिकरण जूनियर कार्यकारी के…
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svt-archivo · 2 years
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15.06.2022 Twitter GOING SEVENTEEN EP.50
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liam-93-productions · 2 years
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Liam getting massaged at Soccer Aid’s training camp last week (x) - 15.06
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deny1720 · 2 years
Dragul meu,
Ai apărut in viața mea in urmă cu doi ani. Atât de surprinzător încât sunt sigură că a fost mâna lui Dumnezeu. Câteva zile mai tarziu, urma ca in viata mea sa se produca schimbari majore. De atunci am atins cote maxime de fericire, dar am trait si suferinte si dezamăgiri greu de dus. În acea vara ai fost soarele ce ma incalzea in noptile racoroase si ploaia ce imi racorea zilele caniculare. Ai fost tot ce mi-am dorit vreodată! Cu bune, cu rele am devenit un om mai bun, mai cald, mai credincios. Am incercat sa devin cea mai buna versiune a mea, pentru tine! Povestea noastră incepuse sa se contureze frumos. Atat de frumos incat imi era frica de un final neprevazut.
Erai tot ce-mi puteam dori. Ceva ce nici nu îndrăzneam vreodata sa visez. Tot ce era mai bun si mai frumos in mine, se lega de tine. Jumătatea mea mai buna!
Apoi, toamna si-a facut prezenta si in povestea noastra, iar vantul mi te-a luat. Atunci am simtit ca lumea mea se prăbușește, ca mi-a luat tot ce aveam mai bun, fara sa intrebe. Am ramas brusc singura, goala, a nimanui. Fiecare zi devenea tot mai greu de suportat. Plângeam într-una noptile, pierdeam in pat zilele, trista si cu sufletul pustiu. Am început sa te urasc, sa-ti doresc raul si sa-ti regret prezenta in viata mea. Voiam sa te doara, sa simti si tu durerea si golul din suflet. Asa am realizat cat de multe te iubesc. Te iubeam, dar era prea târziu.
Te-am iubit atat de mult incat in ciuda durerii si suferintei traite, te-am primit înapoi, cateva luni mai tarziu. Cuvintele tale imi dadeau speranta unui an nou mai bun, in care sa ne continuam povestea. Insa si de data asta, ai ales sa fii un trecator, iar eu, pentru prima data un pansament.
Am plans atunci cand te-am vazut cu ea. Pareai fericit. Mult mai fericit decat mine, iar din orgoliu am inceput sa va urasc. I-am dorit ei raul. Voiam sa treaca prin tot ce am trecut si ei alături de tine. Sa sufere. Sa o ranesti.
Asta pana cand am inteles ca viata merge inainte si fara tine. Am inceput incet sa ma regasesc si am invatat sa ma pun pe mine pe primul loc. Chiar daca inca erai ultimul meu gand inainte sa adorm, începusem sa fiu bine, fericita si plina de speranța.
Jocurile tale de dute-vino insa nu s-au terminat odata cu prezenta ei in viata ta. Iar anul acesta, de ziua mea, ai ales sa revii. Nu am fost insa suficient de puternica incat sa te refuz. Te-am primit inapoi, realizand ca nu mai simt, iar asta ma sperie amarnic. Totuși, cu un gram de speranta am indraznit sa ma gândesc la un viitor comun.
Ieri te-am văzut si te-am avut. Poate pentru ultima data, desi ma sperie acest gand. Am profitat din plin de acea noapte, ca dimineața sa ma găsească plângând. Am înțeles in sfarsit ca tu nu vezi un viitor alături de mine, ca nu simți, ca am fost doar un pansament! Doare! Doare al naibii de tare, dar de data asta nu te urasc si nici nu plâng!
In seara asta renunt la noi, desi nu sunt pregatita. Renunt la gandul ca vei reveni, desi imi doresc. Nu o sa te uit, dar ma voi preface ca nu te-am cunoscut vreodată. Ma doare, dar nu vreau sa continui asa. Promit ca nu te voi mai deranja, ca te voi lasa sa-ti traiesti povestea de dragoste si sa mergi pe drumul pe care l-ai ales. Voi incerca sa nu privesc inapoi, sa nu-ti mai cedez si sa fiu puternica. Pentru ca merit! Merit sa fiu fericita langa cineva care va sti sa ma aprecieze si care va face orice sa nu ma piarda. Vei ramane probabil un om drag mie, poate cea mai draga poveste poveste a mea. Asa vei ramane, acolo într-un colt de suflet, pierdut printre amintiri!
Mulțumesc pentru ca mi-ai fost! Mulțumesc pentru ca alaturi de tine am inteles implinirea si iti mulțumesc si pentru durerea provocata. Imi place sa cred ca datorita ei am devenit mai puternica. Iti mulțumesc pentru tot ce ai făcut pentru mine, pentru noi. Mulțumesc ca ai incercat! Mulțumesc pentru sfaturi, încredere si momente speciale.
Cat despre tine, imi doresc sa-ti dorești lucruri corecte! Sa nu ma uiti si sa ma povestești frumos, te rog!
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