littlestarbeam · 4 months
I didn't learn from the mistakes of others so now I am going to down the path of my forefathers (my brother) chose not only the hardest subjects to get into but the hardest to learn cuz mama didn't raise a quitter.
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clementimetodie · 16 days
So while an 18month old is seen as a toddler, scientific classification wise, infancy is 3mo-18mo, and toddler is 19mo-3years. (0mo-3mo is newborn). Hence why the paper said "18mo infant". It matters mainly for childcare and developmental things. If you have let's say a 15month old in a group of other toddlers, it limits how many children you can care for per 1 adult. In my state for example, it would limit it to 6 children per adult, rather than it the youngest is 19 months, you can have 8 or 10 children per adult. [These things change per state law in the US and other countries have different ratios.]
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dailybayonetta · 2 years
people are like “bitch lied” bro, i shit you not, even if it was 15k upfront, that’s still LITTLE for the gaming studio  the dude who worked on GTA4 and voiced main protagonist got 100k for 15months of work and he still considered that a small paymenet and GTA4 made 380mil back the first dale of sales???
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myrtaceaae · 1 year
Anybody have ideas on who to use as a referee when the only referee I had left the country, and I only had his home phone number? The only other referee is one from 6 years ago that I only worked at for 15months and haven't been in contact since.
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theratsinmywalls-10 · 9 months
Hello! :)
I will post my Rats here :3.
I have six females rn, they are between 10months and 15months old. Their names are Ravioli, Toaster, Lucy, Lola, Sunshine and Dewdrop. Ravioli and Toaster being my oldest ladys and Dewy and Sunshine the youngest.
Asks/Dms open for everything rat related :)!
(english isnt my first language so dont mind mistakes)
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chussy · 2 years
its not fair it’s not FAIR that i have another seizure after 15months seizure free it’s NOT FAIR i thought it was done that we’d gotten right the meds and dosage and that i’d be able to live normally but NOOOO. god fucking damn it
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cuboneonjupiter · 22 days
Need some advice. I do want to mention, I am very new to this. Ive been reading lots of books, posts and watching videos. I consume all info with a grain of salt and just follow my intuition when it comes to what I do for my ancestors. I believe it’s been 15months since i initially felt called to connect with my ancestors. And only about 3 months since I started collecting items here and there to make an “Altar”. This is now the second time I have left flowers for my ancestors. I checked on the flowers this morning, the front half looks fresh but when I turned them and the back side is brown and dying. Im not sure if this means anything significant at all or it’s just time to change them out. But they’re going on 2 weeks now, with me refreshing the water and cleaning the vase.
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flowers-that-i-sent · 6 months
Hi. Its been well over a year I think. Im sober now. 15months. Did it myself. In secret i guess you could say. Just a shut up dont think about it and take each day at a time. Still have issues with eating but I've accepts thats just my life. Im going through my page and deleting a lot of old post and all my hash tags. I still have a bit to go but almost done. I might redo this whole page as a written journal instead of pictures. Haven't decided yet.
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scaredtobelesbian · 7 months
I'm so fucking pathetic, my mum has chronic back pain, my older sister doesn't get along with dad. We are always having to walk on eggshells around him. My little sister could go into labour any minute and she has 15month old on top of that. But here I am feeling all fucked up about myself because I hate every thing about me. Right now? I can't think of one positive thing about me. It fucking sucks, I can't help anyone. I'm always tired from my seizures it fucking sucks
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silenceandbackbone · 11 months
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Looking back a little more than a year now, I never would have imagined finding myself here where I am today.
Addiction had taken me away from my kids, from family, became my primary relationship and I was a full time asshole constantly seeking a solution, only that I would find myself in the grip of the only one I knew - a substance, to the abandonmemt of all else! The result was the same each time - wondering how I got here? Asking the same repetitive questions like, why can't I stop? What is wrong with me? Why do I do this? Is this all my life is going to be?
Today life couldn't be anymore different. I get to see my kids, and they have a dad that shows up. I have some friends. I can live with myself and life on life's terms. Helping those such as myself and putting first things first and making it about others.
It's not always sunshine and rainbows, I miss the mark often, but getting it right 20% of the time is way better than I was 15months ago and I wouldn't trade my best days in active for my worst days in recovery!
I need God, I need my fellows and those such as myself. This program that has changed my life and an attitude of gratitude - such as finding myself in a beautiful place, soaking in what life has on offer!
#recovery #addiction #alcoholism #faith #hope #addictionrecovery #alcholismrecovery
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abegoto · 1 year
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kooooojiiiii · 1 year
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ya-toxmi8522 · 1 year
15monthe wedding anniversary
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yoshistory · 1 year
in all my planning for this, somehow, the actual part where im signing the application and stuff for the new place feels the most stressful of all. i feel like it should feel the most relieving, like, im finally securing it and i'll have a place to stay the next 15months, barring anything insane happening
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newswireml · 2 years
Climate activist Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco’s 15-month jail sentence quashed on appeal | New South Wales#Climate #activist #Deanna #Violet #Cocos #15month #jail #sentence #quashed #appeal #South #Wales
A 15-month jail sentence imposed on a climate protester who blocked one lane on the Sydney Harbour Bridge with a truck has been quashed. Deanna “Violet” Coco, 32, was issued with a 12-month conditional release order on Wednesday after district court judge Mark Williams heard she had been initially imprisoned on false information provided by the NSW police. Coco cried tears of joy in court, with…
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honey-bee-holly · 2 years
Lost Bob our Guinea pig today. Only a year ish only (15months old I believe) we don’t know what happened. Vets has no idea. Only that he had a lot of pain in his upper stomach and heart rate was low.
If we had noticed sooner. If I had checked him when I got benji (rabbit) out for his jab this morning. By the time we got home and I got Bob out. Mum thought he was hydrating. Even though it’s not been that cold. He was sleepy. And I took him upstairs, wrapped him in a towel and hot water bottle. Thinking it’d help like mum said. But I saw he was getting worse. He had diarrhoea by then. If mum had listened to me and took him to vets sooner.
And she didn’t help. Leaving me to clean him up, to watch him barely move. And when I got her to come upstairs cause I was worried. Spent it saying. Oh we’re gonna lose him. Kept putting off phoning vets until I had to get brother involved. Her lying to vets on the phone. Her moaning when I had to get brother to phone them back to say no the afternoon appointment is to long and that Bob needed emergency appointment. Her then fart arsing around to get ready. Then lying bout stuff to vets again. I would say the only good thing she did was making me leave while they put him down. If it wasn’t for her to then hold it over my head much like she’s done with brothers cat last year.
And when did I get so detached? I was crying a little in van. Dealing with dad asking questions. But the moment mum gets in I switch off.l I just stop crying and haven’t cried since.
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