#17 September 2022
f-farah · 2 years
أحياناً بحس إني خايفة من الوحدة
وإني وحيدة
أشخاص معدودين برتاح بوجودي معهم.. ما بيحسسوني بالرفض رغم كل بشاعتي.. دايماً مستعدين يقبلوني كيف ما كنت ويسمعوني..
رغم هيك، بس يهملوني، ينشغلوا عني رغم إني شخص منشغل عادةً وبيتوتي وما بيفضل وسائل التواصل، بيرجع خوفي من الوحدة يكبر.. يكبر وياكل قلبي..
وبلاقي حالي زعلانة منهم، وما بدي احكيهم ولا شوفهم، ورح اتركهم قبل ما يتركوني.. لأني ما بقدر اتحمل حدا بحبو يتركني.. وطبعاً بتنكسر دوامة مشاعري هي، بس يحكوني او نلتقي.. برجع بحبهم حب مفرط وبتعامل بصدق مفرط وبكون حاسة إني بمأمن.. بالطمأنينة تحضن روحي.
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Louis always includes a few visual puns and Easter eggs in his lyric videos (notably Just Like You). The Bigger Than Me lyric video is fun too.
The first thing to notice is that the color palette and font usage are similar to the Faith in the Future album cover: vermilion and black, featuring mixed fonts and a checkerboard pattern.
In fact, Louis probably deliberately chose the MARNI striped collar checked pattern jacket because of the graphics. His photoshoot from the release is incorporate into the lyric video.
Now for the highlights:
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“HIDE BEHIND A SMILE”: there’s no smile, but the mouth is highlighted. The graphic shows a look of defiance, but the lyrics are a confession of insecurity, the fear of revealing vulnerability
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“I DIDN’T READ THE SIGNS”: the graphics are cute, alternating triangles and circles. (I’m thinking of Louis’ ankle tattoo.)
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“ALL OF THESE VOICES”: the cacophony of words in the periphery. The graphic also depict an eyeball with the iris in the middle. (My post on Louis’ eye imagery, and the persistence of fish eye lens photos.)
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“I DON’T HEAR THEM ANYMORE”: H EAR with the graphic of the ear (a visual pun). It reminds me of this, “where s he lays.”
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Then we have the rapidly changing graphics of the chorus:
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“IT’S BIGGER THAN ME”: the montage of Louis’ FitF era symbols-> his photos, the smiley face with X’d out eyes, the checkerboard, the floating eye.
The circular graphics also recall the swirling eye graphics of 369 and LTWT (which also featured the checkerboard).
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The square is an interesting contrast. It’s in white, flashes by in a millisecond, and unlike the rest of the graphics, the square is hand drawn, a sketch. It brings our attention to Louis’ face inside the circle, but the square also suggests the phrase, “a square peg in a round hole,” meaning that in some ways, Louis may always be an outsider. This is reified by the use of the mismatching fonts: the graphics are a little jarring and out of place, a little bit uncomfortable to read.
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“I’VE WOKEN UP FROM MY SLEEP”: once again, we see the almost floating eye in the checkered background (top left)— an eye inside an eye— as the black circle represents a pupil and the red dot, the iris. The iris changes with the music, as one “wakes up from sleep” and our eyes accommodate to waking, adjusting from darkness to light.
I find it fascinating that the eye/ target motif is incorporated into so many aspects of Louis’ work, even in the AFHF graphics of this year.
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Bigger Than Me is rich with allusions to our senses, as if discovering them anew after emerging from isolation. It is a metaphor for the philosophical epiphany in the song. Louis is discovering that his musical world is a partnership with his fans: his songwriting in the pandemic is worthwhile only if there’s a chance to share the music afterward.
Louis is also discovering that individual suffering can be put into the context of universal feelings. We can be too hard on ourselves, dwell too much in our own heads, but also take criticisms too deeply into our hearts. Empathy and sympathy give us perspective. We can forgive ourselves, but we can also demand better of other people.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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It was the best thing I’ve ever done and a really important story. It’s dark, but also sometimes funny, as well as meaning something. So to be a part of that, that really doesn’t come along that often especially for a young woman in her twenties. I never thought I’d get to play a detective, let alone now, in something I don’t think we’ve seen before. I feel very excited and privileged.”
Until know, best known for playing Marsali Fraser, Jamie Fraser’s step daughter in ­Outlander since 2017, Lyle recently played an ill-fated peace campaigner in the BBC submarine drama Vigil, as well as appearing in Tell It to the Bees (2018), with Anna Paquin and Holliday Grainger.
In the meantime Lyle has just finished playing the lead in a film called Mercy Falls, on which she was also executive producer.
“I shot that at the beginning of this year and it was the first time I’ve exec produced so that was really cool getting a bit more responsibility and control.”
“It’s all about a bunch of young people that go into the woods on a hiking holiday and one of them is not what she seems.”
Hiking turns hunter and hunted in the film which has a horror slant, something Lyle loves, although she wasn’t always so brave, admitting that a viewing of Saint Maud saw her fleeing her new flat and checking into the nearest hotel.
“I’d just moved in and it was still very 1950s and had a haunted feel. I thought I can’t be here in this scary place until I’ve renovated it. But yes, I do love horror and it was really fun to be part of. It’s not scary when you’re on set. It’s all very technical, and not very glamorous - fake blood is very sticky.”
Lyle is currently working on another film that she can’t discuss but it’s keeping her very occupied right now.
“The people involved had seen Vigil and Outlander and are quite top dogs in Hollywood so when they asked me to be part of it I was really thrilled. It’s exciting, but I can’t say anything - yet.”
Karen Pirie airs at 8pm from Sunday 25 September on ITV and ITV Hub.
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Lauren Lyle stars at DS Karen Pirie in ITV's adaptation of Val McDermid's The Distant Echo, the first of her Karen Pirie detective series. Pic: ITV/Patrick Smith
The Scotsman 10 September 2022
Remember… Outlander was my break into being able to work as an actor all the time. For four, five years, I really learnt what it was to work in film and TV. So it was an amazing experience. Outlander’s like a family. I grew up on the show and loved it. — Lauren Lyle
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It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm turning 17 :) i won't be able to celebrate my birthday because I've my chemistry exam the very next day..it would mean alot for some wishes from strangers.
Can i have a reblog? :D
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autumnal-blonde · 2 years
September 17, 2022
Okay I need to really work at this. It’s easy whenever you’re sad to not eat but now I’m gaining again. I was at a lower weight of 142 a couple of weeks ago.
It makes a huge difference though I’m like super bloated in my stomach.
Tomorrow is the super serious start of this diet. I’m gonna go through the kitchen and make sure that I just have healthy choices available and not be tempted by eating out.
B: skipped
L: black bean burger 800
S: alc 200, vanilla chai coffee 80
D: soup, maybe 400
My goal is by the end of September is to be 142 again. I’m hoping this is just bloating weight
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canylmazz · 2 years
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International Red Panda Day 
Visit a zoo or wildlife reserve to see one of the Earth’s cutest creatures, the Red Panda. Neither a panda nor even a bear, this unique animal is just too cute.
With the decline of available opportunities to live and thrive in their natural habitat, Red Pandas are struggling. International Red Panda Day hopes to encourage people to learn about these adorable creatures and help save the biome in which they live.
History of International Red Panda Day
Red pandas are native to the Eastern Himalayas and can sometimes still be found roaming there. These animals spend most of their lives in trees and even sleep aloft. When foraging, they are mostly nocturnal but they also forage in the gloaming hours of dusk and dawn.
Due to the encroachment of human activity and expansion, these rust-colored creatures are experiencing a loss of nesting trees and bamboo, leading to a decline in the population. With less than 10,000 in the wild efforts are doubled every year to help these little firefoxes!
Red pandas are smaller than many people expect, since their name is often associated with the giant panda. In fact, these little creatures typically only grow to about the size of a house cat, though their big, bushy tails add an additional 18 inches to their size. Red pandas have a taste for bamboo but, unlike their larger relatives, they eat many other foods as well—fruit, acorns, roots, and even eggs. Like giant pandas, they have an extended wrist bone that functions almost like a thumb and greatly aids their grip when climbing.
How to celebrate International Red Panda Day
Celebrating this day can range from simply telling a friend to traveling to the place where the Red Panda is native. Try these ideas for celebrating International Red Panda Day:
Visit Red Pandas at a Local Zoo
Head to your local zoo and support those who are helping to save the lives of these lovable creatures and their habitats. But do be sure to keep your eyes peeled–these little guys can be a little bit hard to spot. Spending a lot of their time in trees, they are often difficult to see in their enclosures at the zoo.
Learn Fun Facts About Red Pandas
To help make others aware of the plight of these cute little animals, share some fun facts and bits of trivia on International Panda Day:
Red Pandas spend approximately 55% of their days sleeping. They are most active early in the morning, when they tend to forage for breakfast.
Typically solitary creatures, Red Pandas prefer to live and dwell alone, Red Pandas don’t usually gather together for social reasons but only join together in pairs during breeding seasons, when they communicate through body language such as head bobbing or tail arching.
Red Pandas are not actually bears. In fact, they are the only living members of their taxonomic family, the Ailuridae family. This means they are not actually related to Giant Pandas, but they do have a few things in common with them, including their propensity to eat bamboo. Really, they are more like racoons than bears.
Red Pandas love snow. In fact, because of the contrast between the color of their fur and the snow, a wintery day may be one of the best times to be able to spot a Red Panda in their outside habitat at the zoo.
Take a Red Panda Ecotrip
Join together a love of travel with a way to help these little animals. Red Panda Network offers Eco Trips, which allow participants to visit one of the most biodiverse places in the world and become educated on the needs to prevent forest exploitation. Enjoy a small group experience and local hospitality while participating in community-based conservation efforts. Plus, these trips will offer opportunities to see Red Pandas in the wild!
After the trip, come home and tell others about the plight of the Red Panda and become an advocate to help others see the need. It’s a win-win!
Make an impact for Red Pandas
Red Panda Network offers suggestions and facilitates ways humans can help these little creatures to survive and improve their situation. Whether giving a donation, holding a fundraising event, raising awareness or becoming a ‘panda guardian’, many options are available for doing a little bit to help out.
The network is regularly recruiting volunteers to become Red Panda Ambassadors, who are encouraged to get involved with the “panda-monium” that takes place around the love for these furry creatures. Join in on the action for International Red Panda Day!
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faggot-friday · 3 months
Kotlc Based On Things That Have Been Said At My School (part one?)
Keefe: I would make a great housewife Sophie: that's good, Fitz here has been looking for one
Keefe, in detention: this is a DICTATORSHIP!
Marella: due to recent historical events, you are no longer allowed to say "slay queen"-- Tam: slay queen. Marella: *screaming*
Cis Male Teacher: I won't be able to come to school tomorrow, I'm having a baby-- Dex: wow, congratulations! I didn't know, you've been hiding it so well!
Sophie: you really put the "bi" into "no bitches"
Tam, holding a lollipop stick like a cigarette: fabulous
Marella: yeah my sister has lesbian friends. I don’t though Marella: I am the lesbian friend
Keefe: maybe Jesus wasn’t saying “amen”, he was saying “ah, men” Tam: go to mass and say Jesus fucks men, I fucking dare you
Sophie: I keep talking about cowboys that’s gotta be an indication of some sort of mental illness Dex: oh absolutely Sophie: *gasps* Sophie: yeehawtism
Dex: caffeine doesn’t really affect me it just tastes bad Sophie: ADHD moment Dex: oh god I’m crashing Dex: there wasn’t even a high but I’m craSHI—
Tam: fuck you, Keefe, let's kiss
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thelifeofniy · 1 year
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blogmoderne · 2 years
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Niall celebrating Lewis capaldi’s no. 1 UK song for that god awful song :)
Man I am so glad Louis makes good music.
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There you go.
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
Video 📹 wee clip from full clip ⬇️
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Remember gently rolling your eyes when you heard Balfe and Dornan had no chemistry?
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murdrdocs · 29 days
turned the bear on (my comfort episode) and heard carmys voice for the first time in nearly a year and i had a Visceral reaction.
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dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2811 - September 17th
Patreon / Twitter / Discord Server
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emmasource · 9 months
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emmawatson: Behind the Scenes 💪
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Curse of the Suspicious
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