nsimbi-yisrael · 1 year
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#1Kings 10:9 Blessed be the Lord thy God, which delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the Lord loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do judgment and justice. #DailyScriptures #spiritualdevelopment #spiritualrevolution #godswill #thirdeyeopen  #NSIMBIYISRAEL #NsimbiTruth  #bibletalk #Isreal #RighteousRevolution #godfirst  #biblescriptures  #bibledaily #Nsimbi #losttribe #Bantu #Indigenous #Israelite #scriptures #FederalRevolution #Salvation #Buganda  #africanproverbs #Precept #Uganda #Africa #African #UgandaFederal #UFCC (at Babylon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUcvr7tZXj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kelegerauthor · 2 years
'A Dust's Call' (God)
'A Dust's Call' (God)...Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him….—2 Kings 18:3-7a; 2 Chronicles 29:2
A Dust's Call (God) strange things happen when you're not paying attention the warmth turns to cold the cold turns to warmth a bitterness lingers in the solemnness of men's hearts blaming the times of earth instead of seeing truth in the hand of God† it is I†, He† who calls time to still in moments of desperation here, where they flock when explanations run out always in the bitterness of…
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ca-dmv-bot · 2 years
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Customer: (not on record) DMV: FN-FUCKEN OR FUN? Verdict: ACCEPTED
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daletrafra · 3 months
Paroles de la chanson “1 King” de Lil Wayne
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liberty1776 · 1 year
How To Become Wise | 1 Kings 3:7-9 | N.T. Wright Online
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twobrothersatwork · 10 months
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"She kept him safe from his enemies, and she defended him from seducers, and gave him a strong conflict, that he might overcome, and know that wisdom is mightier than all"
1King 2:4-5 Douay-Rheims Bible
Artwork: George Hitchcock, The Annunciation.
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God has a plan to provide for your needs
"You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” 1 Kings 17:4 NIV
Our God is a loving father who knows what His children need. By his divine abilities, he can sustain us in different situations. No environment or condition can be an obstacle to stop him from delivering your needs.
When drought struck Israel in the times of Elijah. God had prepared a plan to sustain his servant. The word of God says in Isaiah 65:13 "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, my servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed"
Don't be intimidated by what is happening around you. In the midst of that situation, God has a plan for you. Don't count yourself among those who are heading towards destruction. The Bible says, "But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition;" Heb 10:39. With God on our side, we will overcome every challenge.
Let us see what God told Elijah during drought and famine in Israel "Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” 1Kings 17:2-4
From these verses, I want you to know these three things:
1. God asked Elijah to leave where he was. "Leave here" When God tells you to move, obey him. Sometimes, God's plan can not be executed where you are. You can see this also in Gen 12:1-2
2. He also told him, "You will drink from the brook." A river here signifies supply abundance and life. God can not take you to dry places. Whenever he takes you, He will provide you with abundance and life.
3. Lastly - "The Ravens," the Bible says, "I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there." There is much to say about why God used ravens because according to the law, ravens are unclean birds, but God used them anyway. Today, just know this, Sometimes your help will not come from the people you expected. God can use anyone to help you.
Prayer: Father, help me to trust and obey everything you tell me because you have prepared a good plan for me. Teach me how to hear and follow the voice of your Holy Spirit. Amen
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themexicanduck · 2 months
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Psalm 91:1King James Version
91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
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Angels/demons vs humans let's go
((For clarity: I've referred to them as angels and demons because those are the names we commonly call them. It's important to note that "angel" means "messenger," and the idea of angels and demons that we're most familiar with is Platonic. In the Bible, our spiritual enemy is called "the satan," which means "the adversary." We know that the satan is not just one, but many demons, who hate humanity and try to keep us away from God; and that they used to be with God in the way that the creatures we call "angels" are, because they're the same kind of creature, which is "elohim." Therefore, I've put them into one category for the sake of this "Venn diagram," and will henceforth refer to them under the collective name "spiritual beings.")) (please keep in mind that I am simplifying things quite a bit, because 1. I'm not an expert, and 2. I have work in four hours.)
Ok first let's talk about our similarities:
- made in God's image (aka we're God's kids)
- have the ability to influence others on a spiritual level (truth vs lie, gentleness vs wrath, etc.)
- can be sent from God for an angelic purpose (according to the above-mentioned definition)
- have the capacity for good or evil
- are spiritual beings with form
- are involved in the spiritual war (by virtue of choosing good or evil)
- were made to glorify God
- are called gods and have authority over things on Earth; also have hierarchies amongst ourselves
- cannot easily exist in the physical world without a body to inhabit (2Cor 5:6-8; Mark 5:1-13)
The ways in which humans are unique:
- were given physical bodies and live in the physical world. These bodies are us, and belong solely to us, but also function as houses which we can share with other spirits (note: God has appeared to us in visions in the same form as He's given us, though far more radiant, and became a human to save us)
- can accept co-heirship with Christ, who is above all spiritual beings; though that does include us, it appears to mean that we'll also be over the other spiritual beings (and in fact, we can exercise this authority as an ambassador would even while our bodies are alive, as long as our spirits are) (also this seems to mirror the way Jacob was Isaac's heir instead of Esau, though that's just my brain braining; I'm not sure how much correlation there actually is)
- while our bodies are alive, can still choose whether or not we follow God; this choice appears to be much more flexible than it is for spiritual beings, though it does become irreversible once our bodies die or Jesus returns to bring the new creation
- start our lives spiritually dead because of the Curse (our intended state is fully alive, but we have to choose life)
The ways in which spiritual beings are unique:
- can come in many forms (meaning their specialties appear to have direct correlation with their visual forms: seraphim being healers and fiery snakes with wings; cherubim being throne-carriers and worshippers, with many wings, eyes, and faces, and whose souls are kept within intersecting wheels; demons being described as darkness; etc.)
- in the vein of above, can change forms (taking human shape in multiple recorded places, including other mythologies; a spirit in 1Kings and 2Chron "going out and being a lying spirit," implying that they were not one all the time; etc.)
- are all submitted to God's authority (meaning that though they do have the ability to choose whether they want to continue to be His children, they all fear God.
- In the vein of all above, this choice fundamentally changes them in a way that appears irreversible (this choice to become separate from God contrasts with our choice to become alive from death)
My conclusion: humans are just another kind of elohim, sitting in our own place in the hierarchy and with our own role in this big spiritual war
Ok, that's all I can think of right now. If anyone has any questions or additions, please feel free! Again, I'm not an expert, and I haven't read Enoch, but any opportunity to research is welcome <3
@toytanks my friend, is this what you wanted? Are you happy with the thing you asked for? I give it freely. Eat and be merry.
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iateyouroreos · 11 months
Psalm 119:1King James Version
119 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.
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nsimbi-yisrael · 2 years
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#1Kings 22:17 And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace. (at Babylon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnGsAMFNBK9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iuicmontreal · 1 year
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#prayer #blowingtrumpets #hands spread to #heaven #1Kings 8:54 #wearenotahategrouo
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So I got pointed towards the Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, which is a midrashic work (if you don't know what midrash is, it's a type of/collection of a certain kind of Jewish exegesis) that contains a retelling of Jonah and it is. a lot.
Jonah takes place on the 5th day of creation?? somehow?? I know in the Jewish tradition "day" isn't always a literal day but also. bro
Jonah fled because God had punk'd him before and he was worried God was going to make him a clown on an international stage. Literally: "It is assumed by our Midrash that this prophecy is referred to by Jonah (4:2), “Was not this my saying when I was yet in my country… for I knew that thou art a gracious God… and repentest thee of the evil.” So Jonah has quite literally seen this film before and had his reputation as a prophet ruined. Now, keep in mind, the only other time Jonah is named in the Bible is 2 Kings 14:25, but this is saying that Jonah was also the prophet mentioned in 2 Kings 9.... even though the version I've read said that prophet is Elijah. Then again, the beginning says that Elijah's protégé Elisha sends one of their students out to go actually give the prophecy of the coup, so that might be what they mean. I'm looking in the original article for the midrash where Jonah is the boy Elijah resurrects, as this would actually make a good throughline. Still, was a little Shook TM when I read this part.
Really just thinking about the implications of Jonah being raised from the dead by one of God's prophets and then growing up as the student of said prophet, Always Knowing that he wasn't originally meant to live.
The sailors try and dip Jonah a little bit in the water to calm the storm, but realize that the storm starts up again every time they pull him back in, so on the third try they just throw him overboard.
GOD MADE THE GIANT FISH SPECIFICALLY TO EAT JONAH. This makes me crazy. What the fuck.
No seriously read this
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They also say Jonah "entered its mouth just as a man enters the great synagogue, and he stood (therein)." So he just walked in?
The idea of standing is interesting though in the context of Zornberg's article saying that standing=praying: " Elijah’s first words describe his relationship to God: “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand ….” (1Kings 17:1) . . . For Cain, to be unable to find a stable place on earth from which to pray to God is, essentially, to be cast out, denied the pivotal spot between death and life: “Anyone who finds me will kill me.” For Jonah, to evade that place is to deny his vulnerability, to prefer death—the foregone conclusion—to the anguish of the human place between … “The heart of standing,” wrote William Empson, “is you cannot fly.” But Jonah, the “dove,” flies, he flees; he is poreach, boreach. Fear leads him to deny his own fear."
Oh also there's a pearl inside the fish that lights up and that Jonah somehow uses to see the ocean. Just so you know.
The fish talks to Jonah and is apparently destined to be eaten by Leviathan, but Jonah tells the fish he has a plan, goes to Leviathan (while still in the fish) and tells Leviathan he's going to beat his ass and cook him for a great feast and flashes his Covenant seal, which freaks Leviathan out enough to get it to fuck right off
The fish then goes Jonah a whole bunch of different wonders, including the Eben Shethiyah, or "Foundation Stone," upon which the world is built
Jonah is basically in Hell now and sees the "sons"/"company" of Korah, who led a rebellion against Moses. They tell him to pray at the Foundation Stone and God will hear him, because they are under the Temple of God
Jonah prays to be brought back to life (again the text specifies standing to pray), but God doesn't answer until he SPECIFCALLY vows to kill the Leviathan on Judgement Day
Which is.... you know.... literally not at all what God told Jonah to do in the first place.
And this retelling ends with Jonah being vomited out of the fish and the sailors of Jonah's ship being SO impressed they all convert and go get circumcized.
Riveting stuff.
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daletrafra · 3 months
Paroles de la chanson “1 King” de Lil Wayne
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johnchiarello · 1 year
KINGS 20 1Kings 20:11 And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that...
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loveblackculture · 2 years
…Did you notice today's date is 12/12! See what the Bible says about today's date:
Genesis 12:12. You will not die you will live.
Exodus 12:12. Will be Passover danger in your life
Deuteronomy 12:12 You and your households will be joyful in God's presence.
Joshua 12:12 You will defeat all your enemies
1 Samuel 12:12 A new and a better king will rule in your life.
2Samuel 12:12 The evil plans of your enemies will be made public.
1Kings 12:12 Your favours shall return to you.
2Kings 12:12 You will build your own house.
Happy New week & Compliment of the seasons
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