gse-renewables · 10 months
The Advantages of a 1MW Solar Power Plant by GSE Renewables
Solar power is rapidly gaining popularity as a clean and sustainable energy source. With advancements in technology and decreasing costs, solar power, particularly through companies like GSE Renewables, offers numerous benefits for both individuals and the environment.
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One of the primary advantages of solar power, especially when implemented by GSE Renewables, is its renewable nature. The sun is an abundant resource, and harnessing its energy does not deplete natural resources or contribute to harmful emissions. The installation of a 1MW solar power plant, as outlined in the 1MW solar power plant project report, can be an effective solution. In India, where the cost of electricity is a significant concern, the 1MW solar panel price in India and the cost of 1 MW of electricity in India are important factors to consider.
When considering the installation of a 1 MW solar panel system, it's crucial to assess the overall 1 MW power plant cost. Although the initial investment may be higher, GSE Renewables provides long-term cost savings. Solar panels from GSE Renewables have a lifespan of 25 years or more and can generate electricity at a lower cost compared to traditional energy sources.
By embracing solar energy from GSE Renewables and implementing a 1MW solar power plant, individuals and communities can reduce their carbon footprint, save on electricity bills, and promote energy independence. This sustainable and efficient solution not only benefits the environment but also contributes to a cleaner and greener future.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Toroidion 1MW Concept 
Toroidion was founded in 2011 with the mission of designing a fully electric powertrain capable of competing in the world-famous 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race, where total driving distances of more than 3,000 miles (4,830 km) are the norm. Those distances are well over 10 times the limitations of even high-range electric cars like the Tesla Model S and Audi R8 e-tron. To get around that inherent shortcoming, Toroidion relies on a rapid-swap high-capacity battery that is "as easily replaced in the pit-lane as it is in the home garage." It doesn't provide any further details about the battery pack or the swapping system, outside of saying the pack, along with the car itself, is built to a lightweight standard.Beyond those very general details, Toroidion is holding back further information about the 1MW's engineering and performance until it tests and tunes the concept car more thoroughly.  A 1,341-hp supercar with a scalable powertrain and swappable battery is, however, a pretty satisfying appetizer.
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poonamranius · 2 years
Solar Panels Yojana: मुफ्त में बिजली और कमाई का पूरा हिसाब
Solar Panels Yojana: मुफ्त में बिजली और कमाई का पूरा हिसाब
Free Solar Panels Yojana: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा किसानों को जो आर्थिक सुरक्षा मुहैया कराई गई, वह उनके खिलाफ दुरूपयोग करने लगे हैं। पिछले करीब 1 साल से चल रहा किसान आंदोलन इसका गवाह है। प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने प्रधानमंत्री कुसुम योजना की शुरुआत किसानों को वित्तीय सुरक्षा और उन्हें निर्बाध बिजली आपूर्ति प्रदान करने की आवश्यकता के साथ की थी, जिसका लाभ किसानों को मिला है। PM Kusum…
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The tesla semi is gonna need 1MW chargers.....what could go wrong
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mentality-of-wukong-au · 10 months
Maybe he doesn’t like performing for people that he doesn’t know,
Also look at this from the original au
Peng: Seriously?!
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jsato · 1 year
BRYAN LEYLAND(ブライアン・レイランド、修士、世界中のプロジェクトで60年以上の経験を持つパワーシステムエンジニア) 2023年5月10日
しかし、安価で信頼性の高い低排出ガス電力を供給できる技術として、原子力発電がある。原子力発電が安全で信頼できるものであることを多くの人が認識し、原子力発電への関心は高まっている。規制当局や国民が、最新の発電所は本質的に安全であり、低レベルの核放射線は危険ではないということを説得できれば、原子力発電は、世界が必要とするすべての低コスト、低排出量の電力を何百年、何千年も供給できるだろう。 しかし、太陽光発電や風力発電を100%原子力でバックアップすることができれば、風力発電や太陽光発電所はまったく必要なくなってしまう。
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
About gun control "working in other countries" : France banned guns, so historically people bought tazers to protect themselves, which were also banned because you could hurt someone with it (duh, that's the point), so recently some women started buying strong lasers for protection, which the french government regulated by banning the sale of any laser over 1mW (basically just laser pens) for uses outside of military or academic purposes.
Yeah, gun control works. Except that people are still getting assaulted in the streets, and you need to ban anything that might be considered a weapon for it to work.
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Went with the UK and commonwealth because it's the easiest to find stuff from since I know where to look
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luluzuhriyah · 2 years
APRIL2030: Dari Perusahaan Kertas Menuju Promotor Ekonomi Hijau
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Kehidupan modern saat ini sangat erat dan tak terpisahkan dari kertas, mulai dari kegiatan ibu rumah tangga sehari-hari yang menyeduhkan teh kepada keluarganya dengan produk teh celup, hingga perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang menggunakan papan-papan berbahan dasar pulp. Sadarkah bahwa produk-produk berbahan kertas yang kita gunakan sehari-hari adalah hasil olahan teknologi dengan bahan baku kayu? Jika tidak diproduksi dengan memperhatikan lingkungan, pohon-pohon di hutan beserta ekosistem di dalamnya akan habis suatu saat nanti. Lantas apa yang harus dilakukan? Pertanyaan ini dijawab dengan baik oleh Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) Group melalui program APRIL2030.
Jika asing dengan nama APRIL, mari berkenalan. APRIL Group adalah salah satu perusahaan penghasil pulp dan kertas yang terbesar, dengan teknologi terkini dan terefisien di dunia. Ingin tahu dimana produksinya? Di Indonesia! Ya, APRIL Group adalah perusahaan yang operasionalnya berada di Provinsi Riau, Sumatera. Sebagai perusahaan kertas, APRIL Group sangat memperhatikan keberlanjutan hutan industri mereka. Terbukti dengan komitmen APRIL Group yang berkontribusi dalam mendukung target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pemerintah indonesia dalam mewujudkan ekonomi hijau, melalui APRIL2030 yang menargetkan nol emisi karbon pada penggunaan lahan di 2030 mendatang.
4 Komitmen APRIL2030
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Mengutip dari Sustainability Report APRIL Group 2021, melalui APRIL2030 perusahaan ini ingin turut andil dalam menerapkan dampak positif pada lingkungan, iklim, alam, beserta masyarakat sembari terus memajukan bisnisnya. Ada 4 komitmen utama dengan 18 target misi yang ingin dicapai melalui APRIL2030 demi mendukung SDGs yang dicanangkan oleh PBB yang tentunya diikuti juga oleh Indonesia. Keempat komitmen tersebut adalah Climate Positive (Iklim Positif), Thriving Landscapes (Lanskap yang Berkembang), Inclusive Progress (Kemajuan Inklusif), dan Sustainable Growth (Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan).
Climate Positive
Tergabung dalam inisiatif Science Based Targets (SBTi), menandakan bahwa APRIL Group serius dalam membantu pemerintah mewujudkan ekonomi hijau di Indonesia. Target yang ingin dicapai APRIL2030 dalam komitmen iklim yang positif dan bersih diantaranya mencapai bersih emisi pada 2030, mengurangi 25% intensitas emisi karbon produk, mencanangkan 90% daya pada pabrik menggunakan energi bersih dan terbarukan, hingga memasuk 50% dari total energi pengoberasian fiber menggunakan energi yang terbarukan. Sebagai catatan, APRIL Group telah memanfaatkan panel surya sebagai salah satu sumber energi di wilayah operasional Pangkalan Kerinci, yang memproduksi 1MW energi.
Thriving Landscapes
APRIL Group memastikan bahwa sebagian besar lanskap mereka dilestarikan, dilindungi, dan keanekaragaman hayati di dalamnya terus bertumbuh. Persentase pendapatan dari hutan tanaman APRIL Group digunakan untuk restorasi dan konservasi hutan. Inisiatif ini termasuk memperluas kawasan konservasi dan restorasi di luar tapak operasi dan memastikan nol kehilangan bersih kawasan hutan lindung untuk mencapai keuntungan terukur dalam nilai ekosistem. Meminimalkan jumlah lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi, APRIL Group berinvestasi dalam penelitian silvikultur dan inovasi teknologi untuk mencapai peningkatan 50% dalam produktivitas serat perkebunan.
Inclusive Progress
Sebagai perusahaan besar, tentunya APRIL Group turut memiliki tanggung jawab sosial pada masyarakat di Provinsi Riau, tempat wilayah operasionalnya berpusat. Maka kemajuan yang inklusif adalah tindakan APRIL Group untuk terus membantu masyarakat sekitarnya berdaya. Sektor kesehatan, pendidikan, dan inklusi gender adalah yang termasuk dalam fokus utama APRIL Group pada komitmen ini. APRIL Group melalui APRIL2030 menargetkan untuk memberantas kemiskinan ekstrem dalam radius 50 km dari wilayah operasional, sambil meningkatkan pendidikan dan akses universal pada perawatan kesehatan. APRIL Group juga menargetkan untuk turut membantu pemerintah untuk menurunkan prevalensi stunting sebesar 50% pada anak di bawah usia lima tahun di Provinsi Riau.
Sustainable Growth
Pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan bagi APRIL Group adalah terus berinvestasi pada perkembangan bersama dengan iklim, alam, dan masyarakat disekitarnya. Meningkatkan efisiensi material dan pemulihan bahan kimia melalui pengurangan penggunaan air proses per ton produk dan pengurangan limbah padat adalah bukti nyata yang akan dilakukan APRIL Group untuk mencapai target ini. Melalui APRIL2030, perusahaan ini akan mengambil 20% serat selulosa untuk viscose dari tekstil daur ulang, serta akan mengurangi 80% sampah padat yang dibuang ke TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir).
Keseriusan APRIL Group dalam menyokong ekonomi hijau yang berkelanjutan ini tentunya menjadikan APRIL Group bukan hanya sekedar perusahaan kertas biasa yang memanfaatkan sumber daya alam di Indonesia, APRIL Group melalui inisiasi APRIL2030 telah menjadi promotor ekonomi hijau di Indonesia. Semoga inisiasi APRIL2030 menjadi role model bagi para pelaku industri di sektor lain untuk turut aktif mendukung SDGs Indonesia yang dicanangkan rampung pada tahun 2030 mendatang.
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umbrageliker · 2 years
step 3: microwave at 1MW for one second.
step 4: enjoy!
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sasquapossum · 1 year
The NIMBYs are at it again. There’s a proposal to develop a 1MW solar plant on a piece of land between my town and the next. Adjacent residents are up in arms, apparently because they have already enjoyed the benefit of adjacency for years without payment or responsibility for it. That has, of course, turned into a sense of entitlement and control over any future disposition of that land. Also true to form, people who never gave one milli-shit about forestry or ecosystem diversity before have become instant experts, now that it suits them to use those causes for their own benefit.
Personally, I think those people should just eat it. Be grateful for what they have already been allowed to reap without sowing. Representation without taxation is also tyranny; it’s the separation of the two that’s the problem, not the existence of either.
Yes, I’d like to see an analysis of how the CO₂ reduction from solar (vs. fossil fuels) compares to the loss of some trees, but I doubt that would come out in the squatters’ favor. We’d also have to factor in the fact that this is local power, less subject to problems with - or attacks against - the regional grid. And lastly, let’s consider that the owner of that land has some right to develop it. Would the abutters perhaps prefer that it be developed as yet another traffic-snarling office park or big-box store? Solar panels seem like one of the most benign possibilities even for them. The project seems like a net positive for the community, and to the extent that the community should be able to over-ride the owners at all it should not be for the benefit of only a few.
BTW, the same company also owns an adjacent office park and associated parking. I almost worked there once, when it housed Kendall Square Research. The one valid objection I’d consider to their development plan is that they should start by putting solar panels over all that first, and only then consider developing the currently vacant land. I’m not an instant expert on energy or environmental policy either, but it seems to me that putting solar on already disrupted land is generally preferable to disrupting new land regardless of where it is or who lives adjacent to it.
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gse-renewables · 10 months
The Advantages of a 1MW Solar Power Plant by GSE Renewables
Solar power is rapidly gaining popularity as a clean and sustainable energy source. With advancements in technology and decreasing costs, solar power, particularly through companies like GSE Renewables, offers numerous benefits for both individuals and the environment.
One of the primary advantages of solar power, especially when implemented by GSE Renewables, is its renewable nature. The sun is an abundant resource, and harnessing its energy does not deplete natural resources or contribute to harmful emissions. The installation of a 1MW solar power plant, as outlined in the 1MW solar power plant project report, can be an effective solution. In India, where the cost of electricity is a significant concern, the 1MW solar panel price in India and the cost of 1 MW of electricity in India are important factors to consider.
When considering the installation of a 1MW solar panel system, it's crucial to assess the overall 1 MW power plant cost. Although the initial investment may be higher, GSE Renewables provides long-term cost savings. Solar panels from GSE Renewables have a lifespan of 25 years or more and can generate electricity at a lower cost compared to traditional energy sources.
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noriaki-nakada · 2 years
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postsofbabel · 15 days
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vegabazaar · 23 days
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Laser Distance Meter Metrix 60m DM 60 Brand : Metrix Model : DM 60 Measuring mode : Single and Continuous(max/min) Measuring range : 0.05 ~ 60m Accuracy(Standard Deviation) : ±2.0mm Measuring units : Distance : m, ft, in Laser Type : 620 – 690nm, Class II, <1mW Single Measurement time : 0.25s Other functionalities : Area, Volume, Pythagoras measurements Operating temperature : 0 to 40℃ Buy : https://vegabazaar.com/product/Laser-Distance-Meter-Metrix-60m-DM-60/
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nocodmentary · 2 months
DG-58 LSW - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III - Domination - No Commentary Game: CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE III Mode: DOMINATION Map: EMERGENCY Platform: XBOX SERIES X Keyboard: RAZER HUNTSMAN MINI Mouse: RAZER BASILISK V3 Mouse Sensitivity: 3 Primary Weapon Type: LIGHT MACHINE GUN Primary Weapon: DG-58 LSW Blueprint: N/A Muzzle: ELR BLACKFIRE COMPENSATOR Underbarrel: N/A Barrel: CULPA OGS LIGHT BARREL Ammunition: 5.8X42 HIGH GRAIN ROUNDS Laser: N/A Magazine: N/A Optic: CAUCASUS REFLEX SIGHT Rear Grip: N/A Stock: N/A Comb: FSS LAST STAND COMB Camo Category: WOODLAND Camo: MODERN WOODLAND Gun Screen: N/A Charm: THE TEAM Large Decal: CENTER MASS Sticker 1: N/A Sticker 2: N/A Sticker 3: ASPHYXIATE Secondary Weapon Type: HANDGUN Secondary Weapon: COR-45 Blueprint: N/A Muzzle: N/A Underbarrel: N/A Barrel: XRK SWIFTSHOT LIGHT BARREL Ammunition: N/A Laser: 1MW PISTOL LASER Trigger Action: XRK V6 MATCH Magazine: 18 ROUND MAG Optic: SZ MINI Rear Grip: N/A Stock: N/A Camo Category: DIGITAL Camo: DESERT OIL DIGITAL Charm: SURVIVAL 101 Large Decal: SPLIT ENDS Sticker 1: HAZARD PAY Sticker 2: N/A Vest: ENGINEER VEST Tactical: FLASH GRENADE Field Upgrade: COMM SCRAMBLER Gloves: ORDNANCE GLOVES Boots: STALKER BOOTS Gear 1: EOD PADDING Gear 2: MAG HOLSTER Streak Type: KILLSTREAK Killstreak 1: GUARDIAN-SC (5) Killstreak 2: CRUISE MISSILE (6) Killstreak 3: SAE (7) Operator Type: SPECGRU Operator: JOHN DOE Operator Skin: JOHN DOE Finishing Move: MAIN MAN Calling Card: PRIDE Emblem: FLAG OF INDIA
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ambientalmercantil · 2 months
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