#1p Prussia
1p2p-heta-imagines · 9 months
How would 2p Japan and 1p Prussia react to a clingy s/o (like wanting to hold onto their arm 24/7, laying on top of them while they work/sleep/relax/etc, holding their hand everywhere they go, snuggling up into them and looking pretty, etc etc)
1p Prussia is very active so as long as they're fine being pretty much dragged around by him while holding hands then it's all good to him. He's not bothered by it, he even thinks it's quite endearing that they're so attached to him.
2p Japan is very touchy so he's not bothered by it at all, he thinks it's pretty adorable that they're so clingy and affectionate. Whenever they come into the room he's in, he will just open his arms without saying anything so they can lay on him or hug him.
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 10 months
sorry to add on if youre getting tired of doing these, but i was hoping you could do an nsfw alphabet for 1p prussia? thank you! <3
(It’s totally alright! They do take a little longer than the other asks because there’s so much to write but I really don’t mind answering them :])
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
• It’s not great, he’ll make sure that they’re alright and offer them a drink but he mostly just wants to sleep, that’s it.
B - Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• He likes his hair, he got kicked about it a lot but he decided that it’s now his favourite part because fuck what everyone else says
• He likes their stomach, he will just rest his head on their stomach because it’s comfy to him
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
• He cums pretty fast, maybe in around 5 minutes, much to his own embarrassment and he really likes to cum inside of people
D - Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• There’s a lot of images of him online, a LOT, he’s not embarrassed about it but he does try to keep it secret so other people don’t mock him
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
• Raised EXTREMELY religious so he doesn’t actually have that much experience because of it
F - Favorite position (This goes without saying)
• Missionary, partly due to religion and partly just because he likes the way people claw into his back
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc.)
• Hates being serious even in general, so he’s more goofy than serious during sex
H - Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
• Doesn’t really groom himself unless someone tells him to do it. He’s albino so all the hair on his body is the same white colour.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
• Not intimate unless he’s in a relationship with them and even then it’s not much, it makes him a little awkward
J - Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
• Doesn’t really jack off that much, he’d rather go find someone than jack off
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
• Sadomasochism
• Any kind of power play
• Ropes
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
• If it’s a ONS, their place, makes it easy for him to leave and never have to see them again
• If it’s his partner, his room, it’s just where he’s most comfortable
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
• Nothing particularly turns him on, pretty much just happens when it happens
N - No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Anything over the phone, he just can’t get off that way, any kind of phone sex or sexting is a hard no from him
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• Prefers to receive. He’s not that skilled, he does try but it’s very sloppy - some people prefer that though.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
• Prefers something slow and rough, sensual does nothing for him and he’s worried he’ll cum even faster if it’s something fast
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• Loves them, worships them, he thinks they’re great, especially when he doesn’t have much time on his hands
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.)
• Not a big fan of either, he knows what he likes and what he doesn’t, he’s perfectly happy to just stick with that
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
• Despite his big talk, he can’t actually go for that many rounds. He’s old, he’s tired, give him two rounds and he’s done. He’d die if this ever got out.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
• He got gifted one or two but he never uses them, he just never needed them so he’s more likely to use them on someone else instead
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
• He loves to tease, he thinks it’s funny to see people get needy
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• Only loud if he’s overstimulated, otherwise he’s more verbal than vocal
W - Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
• In his diaries, he always writes about his sexual experiences, may or may not have a rating system
X - X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• Smaller than average, around 4 inches, has a single dydoe piercing
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
• Not as high as he claims, he’s fine with just once a week, if that. He mostly keeps up the charade because of his friends being very sexual.
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• Give him like 3 minutes and he’s fast asleep, he’s exhausted, he’s done
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Sorry for the late reply, here it is! (Wasn't sure if you meant yandere, so i just went normal ish)
1p Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt 
He’s a little flustered but he does like the compliment
He just stands there awkwardly looking like a statue after that, he does not know what to say
Oddly enough he’ll start talking about sweets and pretzels if you don’t continue the conversation
1p Italy/Feliciano Vargas
“:D” that’s it, that’s his reaction to being told he’s hot as fuck, he knows of corse but it makes him happy to be told
He’ll be over the top happy and talk your ear off if you don’t stop him
You’ll be showered in compliments as well
He’s so sweet and happy about it he’ll also buy you gelato and invite you out for dinner
1p Japan/Kiku Honda
Does not know what to do, so there’s also a lot of awkward silence here
If you try to talk to him he’ll get even more awkward and flustered, and not say shit, which makes it even worse for him
He’ll run off eventually when he is dying enough inside, don’t worry, he’ll follow you online but not interact with you, not creepy at all
1p Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt 
“HAH! Yes i am!” 
He’s gonna be such an ass about it though, to the point of annoyance
He’ll go around bragging he got called hot as fuck by a REALLY hot person, that’s going in his diary
He’ll do everything he can to pursue something with you, his ego can seriously not tolerate that shit, it will explode and he will become even more insufferable.
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Germany getting prank called by Prussia and p/o. P/o stands for platonic other.
Ludwig Beilschmidt, Gilbert Beilschmidt, and Elizaveta Hedervary Prank Called by Their Friend (P/O)
A/N: Here Anon! I hope you like the result of your request. I am sorry for replying to your request very late. Because of the lateness, I added Hungary as a bonus.
Gender: Neutral
Warning: Profanities
Ludwig Beilschmidt - Germany
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If you watch Hetalia, you know how much he cannot stand any kind of bullshit and he's easily angered because of Feliciano's random antics.
Even though he is mostly calm, and collected and seems he can handle any randomness that happens around him, he's not. He often loses his shit, especially in that scene where Italy made Japan almost the same as him.
Even though you don't really prank a lot of people. Sometimes the boredom changes you from your serious facade into a troublemaker piece of shiet.
Guess what? You are bored as hell and you have done all of your assignments since a few days ago and you are currently laying on the couch with a troubled face
Because of that, you decide to prank call your friend, Ludwig Beilschmidt. Which is kind of a good idea but also a bad idea for you, especially if you are not athletic.
The good idea because he made a funny reaction, He would curse in German words before he close the phone after knowing you pranked him and slammed the phone to the nightstand.
The bad idea because once the two of you meet, he will give you the most deadly stare that even scares the devil before he forces you to join the run training with Feliciano.
Your punishment also doubled in the example. If only Feliciano must run around the track five times, you would be running around the track field seven or ten times.
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Water rains down from the top of Ludwig's head until it reaches the drain. The whole bathroom filled with the smell of Apple orchard, fruity yet fresh as Ludwig washes himself with the water from the bubbles of the soap and the shampoo.
The tall man stepped out of the shower once he was done cleaning himself from the shower and dried himself with two towels as one of it are used to cover his manhood and the other one is used to dry his blonde hair.
The sound of his phone ringing reached out from his ear while he was wiping his hair with the towel. Ludwig glances up to his phone, putting the towel away before he uses his pants and trudges slowly to the phone. Picking it up and answering the phone, not aware of the prank that you are going to pull.
"Guten Tag, Mit wem spreche ich, bitte?" (Good afternoon, Who am I speaking to?) Ludwig asks.
"Good afternoon, this is me, Ludwig. I need you to do something," you told him.
"Ja, vhat is it, (Y/N)?" Ludwig asks.
"....Could you go to my house and go to my bathroom. I'm stuck in here because I ran out of toilet paper," you hold your snicker.
Soon silence fills the whole room and you can hear several sounds of German curses escaping from Ludwig's lips. You could not help but his reaction was very funny that the laugh that you tried to hold on desperately finally escapes, "BHAHAHAHA!! I'm sorry Ludwig!! HAHAHA" You laughed out loud.
"VERDAMMT (Y/N)! STOP DOING THIS KIND OF PRANK!" Steam escapes from his ear before he closes the phone and blocks your contact since you often pull this kind of prank. Let's hope the next day he would give mercy to you when it's training time.
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Gilbert Beilschmidt - Prussia
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Gilbert is one of the troublemakers in the Bad Touch Trio and he has done many pranks to the other countries just for shit and giggles. Including pranking his own brother, Ludwig.
Unlike Ludwig, he doesn't lose his shit easily because he is the epitome of a troublemaker. The one who causes trouble so this kind of prank would not annoy him.
If you try to prank call him. I think he would be confused for a brief second, not knowing it was you that he pranked you. He would throw some questions to make sure who is the other person behind the caller.
However, if he knows that it is you. I can see he would laugh and think that your prank is funny, almost fooling him and believing that it was another person who called him.
Another reaction that I can see he would most likely do is trying to prank you back as you prank call him by pretending that he's another person or making loud noises to scare you off.
After the prank call you have pulled to him. I can see he won't be annoyed but instead, I can see that he would ask you if he can join in pranking others with a prank call.
His main victim would be his own brother just to see him angry because he thinks it would be funny to prank him. Next would be either Hungary or Austria.
You and Prussia would be a great prank call buddy, especially if you two are pranking other people together. I can see he would be a prank buddy too outside of prank calls, the two of you would be the master of pranks.
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A grunt could be heard from the living room along with the sound of panting and the sound of breathing. A pair of ruby red eyes looking at the huge bar on top of him, lifting the metallic bar with the muscles of his arms twitching a little bit because of the repetitive movement and the height of the dumbell.
Sweats trickled from his forehead and his arms with the heat of his body getting hotter and hotter. It has been a long time since Gilbert workout alone while Germany out to work and having a meeting time with the other countries.
After several lifts, Gilbert carefully put the dumbell away after he can feel his muscles getting a little bit painful after several long lifts without any break. The white-haired Prussian grabs the wet cloth next to him, using it to wipe the sweat on his face and his body until he hears a loud ring from his phone.
Gilbert stands up, walking to the table to grab the cellphone and answer the phone. "Kesesesese! Zhis is avesome Prussia! Vho am I talking to?" Prussia asks.
"What? Didn't you call me?" You held your laugh.
"Vhat? Zhe awesome me haven't called you or anyone. Vhat are you talking about?" Prussia raises his eyebrows in confusion.
"You c-called me a few hours ago, Gilbert," You hope that Prussia did not hear your snicker but your pray wasn't heard.
"KESESESESESE! I see, you are pranking me, aren't you? That's a good one!" Gilbert knew that you pranked him, oh well.
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Elizaveta Hedervary - Hungary
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This queen does not like handling stupid situations/randomness but that does not mean she is stuck-up like Germany (Ludwig). She could be fun too.
The reason I am saying this is that there are two reactions that I am sure she would give you. In the first one, she would be angry but not as angry as Ludwig.
She would scold you and says that you are annoying if you often prank call her but not always doing it because she would most likely smack you with a Pan if you do it every day.
If she isn't too angry. She would probably block your contact but not forever, just for a few hours to make you understand that she is not in the mood to be pranked.
If you are a male, she would hit you with a frying pan if you keep pranking her nonstop and if you are a female. She would be likely to stop inviting you to shop together with her and give you a silent treatment.
I also can see that she would try to confront you by the prank calls and telling you to stop pranking her. If you keep teasing her, there is a chance she would chase you around just like how she chase off Prussia.
Also, I said she is not a stuck-up because I can see that she would ask you if she can join with the prank call together with you with the victim either Austria or Prussia.
She would also ask others to help you prank other countries to do a prank call to other countries, enlarging the victim of the prank call if you are doing a prank call with her.
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Birds chirping outside of the window as a pair of emerald green eyes stare at the sky outside of the window. Hungary wishes she could go hang out with her friends but none of them had a free time, all of them are busy with the job and the meetings that they had to do and ordered by their boss.
Elizavetha grabs the sweet bean strudel before stuffing it into her mouth, enjoying the sweet traditional Hungarian pastry that she made by herself. The sweet taste fills her mouth as she enjoys the the breaf while enjoying her afternoon tea alone.
As she was going to grab another bite of the sweet. A sound of her phone ringing could be heard by her, she looks up at the table as she sees her phone ringing out. Grabbing the phone, she looks up at the number and her head tilted a little bit as she sees the unknown number.
Elizavetha presses the answer button and putting the phone on speaker mode before she gulps the leftover pastry that was still inside of her mouth.
"Jó reggelt. Kivel beszélek?" (Good morning,. Who am i speaking with?) Elizavetha asks.
"Greetings, we are from Samsung company and we are doing a conduct check up test. Because of that, we need you to follow these phrase," you tried to distinguish your voice.
"Vhat? But I am not using Samsung and vhy do you sound so familiar.." she squinted her eyes.
"...Uhhh-" You feel a little bit nervous.
"Is...zhis (Y/N)?" Elizavetha began figuring out that you are trying to prank her.
"Uhhhh Goodbye-" You quickly close the phone, not ready for the next day since you are going to meet Elizavetha and have a meeting with her tomorrow.
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hetalia-angel · 7 months
Could you do some headcanons for Prussia, Russia, France, Spain, England and Romano with a darling who's trying to learn their native languages, pretty please?
Ofc Pookie bear. 🩷🩷🩷
Darling trying to learn the countries native language
Arthur is so used to everyone already knowing English since it’s the most known language in the world, so having a Darling that wasn’t fluent was a very new experience for him.
Arthur is a dad at heart a dysfunctional one but that’s something for another day. He’ll print off those worksheets that make you write the cursive alphabet and spell different words as a fun activity. Arthur will also try and include reading, movie nights, and listening to music to boost his darling’s fluency.
Arthur will sit his darling in his lap while he reads one page to her and she reads the next as they alternate.
As mentioned before he’s an awkward dad at heart who’s trying to do his best to help.
7/10 for effort in his teaching skills
Francis will be very flattered that his darling has decided to learn his language. He’ll try to expose his darling to lots of French media and tv shows to accustom her to the language.
Francis will be whipping out the old children’s books and lullabies he used to use for Matthew and read them to his darling. The children’s books are easy to follow and simple for beginners to understand.
He’s not the best teacher his he’d rather just kiss his darling and murmur the sweet French into her ear instead of explaining it.
Be prepared to receive lots and lots of texts and letter in French. Francis will be declaring his love to his darling at 3am. These messages will be so long that they have the read more button at the bottom to click to see it in full.
Francis gets a 0/10 since I would get into a fight with him any day.
Gilbert was immediately very supportive of the idea. He attempts to try and talk to his darling only in German but he has a bad habit of speaking in English so it doesn’t come naturally.
He attempts to show his darling german tv shows… but Germany is notorious for dubbing over them in every language possible. Gilbert could find every one besides the ones in german…
He keeps attempting to teach you until he gives up and asks Ludwig to come over and teach you. Ludwig is a strict and thorough teacher and Gilbert’s darling will definitely be fluent by the end of a few sessions.
4/10 Gilbert tried his best, okay?
Lovino loves his darling and his language… but he’s a terrible teacher. He has a short temper, doesn’t explain assignments, and is confused when his darling doesn’t understand things he finds simple.
He tries for a few week to teach his darling with no results. Eventually he makes his darling download duolingo and he pays for premium so she can learn faster.
Lovino will occasionally quiz his darling and check in on her progress.
2/10 Lovino is doing his best which isn’t that good. Still better than Francis though.
Ivan is a sweet guy to his darling 24/7 so when she decides to learn Russian he’s over the moon. He’s booking them a trip to St. Petersburg and taking his darling on a full tour.
He’s as calm and patient as possible with his darling while teaching. Ivan accidentally distracts his darling with his accent since she finds him a little bit too sexy to keep focus on learning.
Ivan’s teaching method is easy enough to follow and he goes all out getting lots of help for his darling to learn. Everything is going smoothly until the day he decides to teach you Russian cursive. Ivan’s darling can’t follow his teachings since she claims that it all looks like scribbles.
9/10 Ivan puts in the effort unlike Francis who I’ve decided I have beef with.
Antonio is more than happy to teach you everything about his culture and language. He’ll waste no time to show his darling telenovelas and Spanish songs.
Spanish is a widely learnt language so he searches up one of those curriculums online to teach to his darling.
Antonio loves that his darling is learning Spanish mostly so he can find a new way to flirt with her.
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 11 months
I wish for 2p Prussia, as in would he be a scary man? Why?
Yeah, Wil totally would be terrifying. This man is a knight who spent centuries surviving and fighting.
If you were on the receiving end of his blade he would force you into combat until either a fatal blow is struck or until one of you collapse from exhaustion.
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shini--chan · 12 days
Hello! ✨
How would germany, prussia, france, russia and austria (all of them are 1p) deal with a lover who have genophobia? (genophobia is a serious fear of sexual intimacy)
Hello charming stranger
Yandere Hetalia - Genophobia
Trigger warnings: substance abuse, forced therapy, dub-con, non-con, murder, lobotomisation, deliberate triggering of phobias 
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Roderich would be incredulous about it. First, he would doubt your condition, see it just as you dishing up fibs to avoid a normal relationship. There would be snide remarks and very mean teasing. He would calm down over time, at least a bit, and decide to test the waters to see if you're telling the truth. And to determine the severity of your condition, should you turn out to be honest.
There would be hands on your waist, wandering higher or lower than appropriate. A lot of lewd jokes would fall, and when kissing you, he would pull you closer than usual or even light bite your lip. Maybe he'll make you read some raunchy novels, or go as far as to touch you in a sexual manner while you're asleep. 
Once he'd set up the diagnosis, he'll delve straight into giving you treatment. Since he is the man that outright enjoys playing psychiatrist, you'd be subjected to the full program. A pleasant side-effect in his eyes would be that he'd get to know you so well. Furthermore, you'd be indebted to him for curing you. 
That being said, your willingness to engage in therapy, with him no less, wouldn't play a significant role in his mind. The doctor knows what's best, better than the patient does, after all. Although, should conventional methods not work, then he'll gradually become more frustrated. The more frustrated he is, the more unconventional and unorthodox his methods would become. Brainwashing isn't off the table. 
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Francis would be aghast and irate. What happened to you that you're so scared of baring yourself to another person? Should there be a culprit, then he would tear open their throat and serve their heart to you on a silver platter, quite literally in this case. France would aim on demonstrating his dedication to you through this, that he would avenge you and hunt those that harm you to the ends of the earth. Radical and off putting? He wouldn't see it that way. 
Retributions and crimes of passion aside, he would be frustrated with your genophobia. When it comes to closer interactions, he would live in constant fear of triggering your phobia. That is something that would kill the romance for him, so he would seek ways to alleviate your fears. One of those would include romancing you so thoroughly and hard (love-bombing) that you would forget the past. At least, that would be his idea. Another would be alcohol, another carbon monoxide, and yet another making you watch pornography. 
While he does claim to be a master of romance, he is a bit too bloodthirsty and controlling to really be becoming of that title. He would yearn for the picture perfect romance with you, and your genophobia would throw a spanner in the works. So it would have to be eradicated, even if it would involve vile means. Depending on the time period, it might end up with you being lobotomized. 
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Ludwig would really be a wild card in regards to this. He could be awkward, recognising you as a victim of a heinous crime and handling you as if you're made of glass. At first that is - the sentiment would wear off as time passes. 
In that state, he would be at a loss with what he should do with you. There would be fearful attempts of broaching the subject more in depth, of communicating like healthy couples should. But this isn't a healthy relationship and Ludwig is far too emotionally constipated for something like that. Perhaps the two of you would wind up going in circles around each other. Germany's attempts to help you would be downright insensitive at times, like handing you a dildo and telling you to mastrubate until you are ready for real sex. 
Or, he would go in the opposite way of trying to help you in his considerate, awkward fashion. Then, he would view you as inferior to himself, a lowly creature that has to be hammered into shape. He'd roll his eyes, snap at you to pull yourself together, even make fun of you. In war, it would even be worse than that - coercion and threats and use of force. 
Either way, in most of the cases he would end up being so frustrated and wooden and out of sorts. He would sing your praises to the heavens and condemn you to hell. To relieve some of his frustration, he'd sometimes lock himself in his office with a photo or a personal effect of yours and take care of himself. 
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Gilbert, being his frugal and monastic self, even to the modern day, wouldn't realise that you have genophobia until far into the relationship. At first, he would be relieved since that wouldn't mean he would have to put out anytime soon. However, as the relationship would progress, he would find himself becoming frisky and mulling over sleeping with you. 
Here it should be remarked that Gilbert is no psychologist and he has little tact or finesse when it comes to human interactions. This would be evident in your relationship as well. Thus, he wouldn't know how to approach the issue at first. His first approaches would be downright hilarious - if it weren't such a serious topic and if he wouldn't be yandere. 
Finally though, he would take a military approach to the matter and gradually acclimate you to being intimate with regular "exercises", where you would both gradually expand your comfort zone. If it would make you comfortable, then he'd give up all control and let you ride him like a warhorse. 
Beware though - if he'd get the feeling that you're being difficult on purpose, to be spiteful or petty or due to whatever reason, then he'll let you feel it. Prussia wouldn't coerce you into sex, however your life would become harsher and harder if you make him endure a Josephite marriage. 
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Oh, when it comes to the grand picture, he would be elated at your fear of intimacy. It would mean that you aren't able to cheat on him, after all. During the beginning of your relationship he would even encourage it, and even try to use it as a springboard to make you isolate yourself even further and rely only on him. Perhaps he'd even orchestrate some incidents to induce social anxiety in you. 
That aside, you having genophobia probably means somebody hurt you in some fashion. It would be a matter that he simply couldn't leave be, and Ivan would take it upon himself to avenge you. Of course, while he would ensure that the news of that bastard's brutal demise reaches your ears, he wouldn't confess to the gruesome deep until much later. You'd have to be firmly bound to him for him to truly be open with you. 
Speaking of that, once your social life consists only of him and the company he approves of, he'd be determined to solve your problems. His approach would be that your phobia is still such a fixture in your life because you haven't found closure yet. New surroundings and a new lifestyle could help with that, or him finally coming clean in lynching the persons who harmed you. 
Though, should his initial hypothesis' bear no fruit, then he'd try more radical methods. In essence he would define the problem as your inability to relax during intimacy and that you would need help in doing so. Alcohol and opioids would be his solution here, maybe hypnosis as well. 
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coralcatsea · 2 months
Thoughts on Canon Universes: Part 3/5
Nyotalia: I love the concept more than the execution. It's not very consistent. Are they the og character in an AU where they grew up as a different gender? Or are they an entirely separate person? I'm not convinced of either. You have nyo Prussia who absolutely looks like the same person, but then there's nyo England whom I really doubt is how the og England would present as a girl. I really enjoy the idea of Nyotalia, I just reject or tweak some of the designs.
Cardverse: The designs are great and there's plenty of potential here, though I do feel like a lot of people shaft other AUs in favour of this one and it gets to be a bit overdone with a lot of the same stories told. There are still some pretty creative, unique takes, though!
2ptalia: Pretty fun designs. By themselves, I'm not that interested, but it's interesting to think of how some of them might interact with the 1ps. I think they work well when combined with fanon AUs along the lines of Coraline or Into the Looking Glass.
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adelheidsideblog · 4 months
Do the 2P Axis act the same with as their 1P’s with high libido lovers or completely differently?
So, admittedly, I don’t know as much about (most) of the 2ps, so bear with me.
- Like his 1p, I think sex is his stress relief
- He has more of a sub energy though, but seems like a vers. Ultimately if you’re bossy enough (and let him cum) I think he’ll do whatever you want.
- I could see him being into quickies where his partner gets off but he doesn’t (orgasm denial?)
- He’s also more open to public sex than his counterpart and will get frisky anywhere there isn’t kids around
- Ultimately a good match for someone with a high libido
- I definitely think he’s similar to his 1p but I don’t see him receiving penetration
- I also see him bottoming less often
- Also is very into public sex but particularly in places he’s likely to get caught at (not church though. He can’t get a boner in such a holy place)
- Will overstimulate his partner to tears
- I actually think he has a lower libido but hates the idea of his partner masturbating without him so he’s more willing to get them off
- Anti-quickie unless he’s drunk
- He likes feeling needed (he would never admit that though)
- Overall I think he would do okay
- Definitely has a higher libido than his 1p
- Has slept around a lot because of it
- He’s into edging/denial to make sessions longer
- To a lesser extent is also into overstimulation
- He likes to make you beg for it
- It takes him a long time to cum because of medication he takes
- I actually think he’s a sex repulsed asexual (1p Prussia is not sex repulsed but is on the asexual spectrum)
- 2p Romano is very needy and his love language is physical touch, meaning he also has a high libido
- It doesn’t take him long to cum but he can go for multiple rounds
- I don’t see him as a top, or a dom
- For the most part, he lets his partner do whatever they want to him. He doesn’t really care so long as he gets to cum.
- With that being said he’s great at giving head
- Also an exhibitionist. He’s willing to have sex in shockingly public places too (he has had sex in a church)
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Non rare pairs
Ships including any version (1p, 2p, nyos, ect) of these ships aren't considered rare pairs and cannot be included in your submissions.
Thanks to @hwsrarepairweek2022 for the list. I also added a few more ships that had more than 200 fics in English on AO3
HRE x Chibitalia
RusPru (Prussia x Russia)
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theunderneath · 3 months
Part 1 Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere 1p and 2p America with a darling that chooses 1p America? (headcanons / EDITED)
2p America and 2p Canada's reaction to their s/o getting badly hurt in a car accident (Headcanon /
2p FACE + 2p Romano react to a s/o who bruise easily (Headcanon /
Yandere Canada that is a Wendigo (One Shot /
Would the 2p's still drug/tie up/lock their darling in the basement if they were in a relationship with them willingly? Could they have a normal relationship even if they are Yandere? (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Canada/James Williams and his darling fucking up the people who hurt both of them in the past (Headcanon /
2p Allies scared their Darling so bad they punched them (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Prussia SFW and NSFW headcanons (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Nordics headcanon (
Yandere 1p Allies in love with a Darling who yandere for someone else (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p and 1p Japan (
NSFW headcanons for 1p Russia (
A sociopath darling with Allies (Headcanon /
2p Norway sharing a Darling with 2p Iceland (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p Russia and 2p America (Headcanon /
2p Prussia, 1p Canada, 2p Canada, 2p England, and 1p Japan that has a big tiddie goth gf Darling (Headcanon /
1p/2p axis with a cold-hearted/sociopath Darling (Headcanon
Yandere 2p Russia, 2p England, 1p America, and 1p Germany with a darling that rejected their marriage proposal because of superstition (Headcanon /
2p Russia do if his kidnapped Darling one night comes to his room while he was asleep and cuddled to him (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Italy headcanon (
Yandere 2p Italy's favorite outfits to put a fem Darling in (Headcanon /
The most sexual vanilla p2's (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Russia and 2p Prussia proposing to their Darling and they turn them down (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Spain headcanons (
What 5 2ps are most baby-hungry (Headcanon /
What 2ps would want a personal Playboy bunny (headcanon /
2p Italy kink headcanons (
2p Japan with a Darling that gets flustered when he speaks Japanese (headcanon /
2p Axis most taboo kinks (Headcanon /
Part 2
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 1 year
Tw: mention of csa!!
Hello, could i get a headcanon of how would 1p Germany , Prussia, France, Austria and maybe even Romano comfort their male s/o when they open up about being sa'd as a child? I'm having a really difficult time dealing with this myself...
(Headcanons are under the read more, please be careful when proceeding if mentions of CSA are triggering for you!)
(Also, anon, as one victim/survivor to another, please know you can always message me if you're having a hard time and need someone to talk to)
1p S. Italy is, surprisingly, an excellent listener. He'd listen to whatever they had to say, never rushing them or digging deeper than they want to share. A lot of his affection is physical so he'd likely offer them a hug but completely understands if they don't want one.
1p Germany is horrible at comforting, he's never really sure what to say that could help them but he makes sure to ask them if there's anything they would need him to do (e.g. warning before touching them or avoiding specific triggers).
1p Frace immediately thanks them for feeling like they can trust him with this information and wants to know what he can do to try and make them feel better. He knows nothing he does will completely ease the pain but he tries his best to do whatever he can.
1p Prussia probably ends up immediately crying when he hears what's happened to them. He loves them so much and can't begin to say how devastating that is, he likely just ends up reinstating that it's not their fault and that he's sorry they had to go through that.
1p Austria likely suggests therapy for them if they aren't already going because he knows he can't offer help like a professional can. He has no idea what to say in response, it's never something he's even had pass his mind. He's a little frozen on what to do past that.
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 11 months
what 1ps/2ps (if thats too much then just 2p is ok!) would be particularly fond of their boyfriends top surgery scars? (i wasnt sure if this would be considered NSFW or not so i just sent it here just in case if thats ok)
(I wouldn’t personally consider this NSFW but I’ll still answer this here :])
• 1p S. Italy
• 1p America
• 1p Russia
• 1p Prussia
• 2p Germany
• 2p England
• 2p China
• 2p Seborga
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Here's a list :D
Wants to be praised:
1p Lithuania, 2p Ancient Rome, 1p Belgium, 1p Finland, 1p Germany, 1p Canada, 2p England, Zil
Wants to give praise:
2p Ukraine, 1p Norway, 2p Denmark, 1p Prussia, 2p England, (1p Russia if with a serious partner)
Also because of reasons Zil has to write on her phone, so if I'm the formatting sucks I'm terribly sorry, but I'll try to write ^^
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Hetalia: Eastern Europe and Central Europe Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Eastern Europe
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Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice❤️🍭🧸
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- Empty -
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- Empty -
Central Europe
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- Empty -
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Prank Called by their P/O as a Friend🧐😂😐
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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When S/O Have a Nightmare🥀🍭
Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice❤️🍭🧸
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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S/O Asking him out (Male Reader)🧐🍭
Reuniting Their S/O for a Long Time🥀🍭
Celebrating their S/O Birthday (Part Four)🍭❤️
Prank Called by their P/O as a Friend🧐😂😐
Tall S/O who Charges Them when They are Distracted😂🧐
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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midnightlee25 · 11 months
Yandere Hetalia Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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2P France
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Belarus (NYO)
Canada (Matthew Williams)
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France (Francis Bonnefoy) & Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) & Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
North Italy (Feliciano Vargas) & Germany (Ludwig)
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Their darling confronting them about what they've done - France, England, America, Canada
Finding out their darling has an identical twin - North Italy/Feliciano Vargas
having a darling that’s having more than one baby - Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
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Character headcanons: Nyo England
Having a virgin darling - France/Francis Bonnefoy
Who is the easiest and hardest yanderes to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Most dangerous to least dangerous to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Platonic vs Romantic: Belgium
Most delusional to least delusional - Central Europe
Yanderes and their love languages - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
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Yandere Reactions: England with a willing darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: What makes yandere Germany so dangerous?
Yandere Reactions: Hetalia Girls with a small Island nation darling who feels insignificant and useless
Random Yandere Headcanons: 1P & 2P Italy with a shy darling
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