#1p Belgium
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Here's a list :D
Wants to be praised:
1p Lithuania, 2p Ancient Rome, 1p Belgium, 1p Finland, 1p Germany, 1p Canada, 2p England, Zil
Wants to give praise:
2p Ukraine, 1p Norway, 2p Denmark, 1p Prussia, 2p England, (1p Russia if with a serious partner)
Also because of reasons Zil has to write on her phone, so if I'm the formatting sucks I'm terribly sorry, but I'll try to write ^^
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s/o's reaction to luxembourg dying in front of them
S/O Reaction to Louis Jansen (Luxembourg) , Emma Jansen (Belgium), and Tim Jansen(Netherland) Dying In Front of Them.
A/N: Hello, there anon. This headcanon would contain ANGST with no comfort. So, I hope you like the result and Try my best to make this headcannon. Also, since this is (Y/N) perspective. This headcannons really challenging for me and I apologize if there is an OOC characters.
Gender: Neutral Warning: Angst, No Comfort, Gore and Profanaties.
Louis Jansen - Luxembourg
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We know that countries cannot die unless the country is gone and it is impossible until today. Seeing your beloved Luxembourg laid in the coffin after battling a deadly disease because of the homicide case.
And other countries are trying to take over Luxembourg. As a result, he lay in the bed of the hospital. Wrapped in the bandages, in a pained state.
As a good S/O, you sat in the chair next to him, gently touching his hand that doesn't have any injuries. Your heart-wrenching painfully, seeing him like this.
It was unexpected and you hate to see him like this but he smiles weakly at you, trying to act as if he is fine after the brutal attack from his own people and from other countries. "mon amour, I'm sorry you must see me like this," he coughs.
With an instinct, your hand gently rubs his back, trying not to touch the injury. "No, I'm sorry that I came really late. The work in my place is really hectic and I had to hear the news from Germany about your injuries. I did not think your own people going to hurt you," you told him.
He could only nod his hand gently before his eyes closed slowly, feeling the grip of his hand loosening. He wanted to say goodbye to you but his throat felt painful and the last thing he saw was darkness. "Louis??? LOUIS!!" You scream his name
Everything turns black and white, you try to press the bell to call the nurses but the doctors and the nurse come late. You tried your best to save him but all of those effort was just for nothing.
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(Y/N) stood in front of room 202, momentarily gasping for air. They let out a soft breath, lifted their hand, and gave the door a little knock. "Hey Louis, it's me, (Y/N)," they/she/he yelled, their/her/his voices hardly audible above a whisper. They/she/he stepped inside the room, hearts heavy with worry, as the door creaked open.
Louise was lying on the bed inside, looking frail against the bright white linens. His body was covered in bandages, a subtle reminder of the struggles he had endured. The sight made (Y/N)'s heart tighten, with sorrow. They/she/he took a step forward and extended a hand, providing Louise with wordless consolation despite his suffering.
As (Y/N) saw Louise's weak smile—a thin mask concealing the struggle within—their/her/his eyes overflowed with sadness. They/she/he apologised, regretting your tardiness, "Work was just... overwhelming," you said. Reaching out to put a gentle squeeze on Louise's hand, both of them offered comfort and an apology.
Louis forced a meek smile, an attempt that hid the agony that was always there. He spoke quietly, "It's fine, Mon amour," offering (Y/N) a sweet consolation for her/his/their disturbed mind. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this." There was a lingering apology.
Panic surged through (Y/N) like wildfire as Louise's eyes began to flutter closed, the rhythmic beeping of the machines growing louder, more urgent. With trembling hands, (Y/N) reached out, pressing the red button on the bedside repeatedly, desperation clawing at their chest as they prayed for help to arrive. "LOUIS!!! LOUIS!!!" (y/n) screams in fear.
As the line on the monitor straightened, a chilling realization washed over (Y/N), stealing the breath from their lungs. Time seemed to slow as they stared at Louise, their heart wrenching with grief too profound for words. With trembling hands, you reached out, grasping Louise's cold fingers in a futile attempt to hold onto the fleeting moments you two have shared together. "Louis.......I'm so sorry......" You whisper.
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Emma Jansen - Belgium
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You always know Emma is one of the sweetest girls than other countries and you love her more than anything. She's perfect in your eyes, and you never expect someone would be able to hate her.
But you're wrong, blood in your hand as it spread through your shirt and your pants. Your hands cradling the love of your life, she was breathing heavily.
The man that had just shot the love of your life had run away after guards were arriving to take down the man. The bullet in that man's gun has a serum that can kill a country and you had no idea why that man killed your girlfriend.
'The girl is coughing violently after the bullet went through her chest and stuck inside of her beating heart. "EMMA!! STAY WITH ME!! THE HELP IS COMING!!" You scream, holding her tighter.
The tears slowly coming out from her eyes as she coughs some blood from the corner of her mouth "It hurts so bad.....I'm scared, I don't want to go.." she whispered with tears in her eyes.
Tears streamed down your face when you saw her in pain like this. It's not fair, why would someone hate her, she is sweet, amazing, friendly, and adorable, and you love her more than anything. "Please....stay"
She could only weakly smile at you when you apologised and begged her to stay alive before her eyes closed. Despite the ambulance has came, they were too late to save your girlfriend.
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With a cosy atmosphere created by the gentle glow of streetlights, Emma and (Y/N) strolled slowly down the busy street. Their talk flowed easily as they talked about the new restaurant of the brand-new Italian restaurant in town, their eyes lighting up with anticipation at every mention of the delectable food and welcoming atmosphere. "We should try the new restaurant you told me about, (Y/N)" "Sure, we can go there and try Feliciano's Pasta," (Y/N) said.
Lost in the excitement of their shared plans, they strolled along the pavement, oblivious to the approaching figure that would soon ruin their evening. The bald man was tall with a looming figure, his eyes hidden underneath dark shades and a scar across his mouth to show how dangerous he was.
The man slowly comes up from the dark alleyway. (Y/N) and Emma's romantic evening took an unexpected turn as a shadow fell across their path, The atmosphere shifted, tension crackling in the air like electricity. Instinctively, they exchanged a wary glance, their senses on high alert.
The man standing before them wore a grim expression, his presence imposing against the backdrop of the bustling street. (Y/N) and Emma exchanged a silent communication, wordlessly agreeing to retreat from the confrontation.
Slowly, they began to back away, their movements cautious as they sought to evade the ominous figure blocking their path. But their efforts were in vain as the man's gaze honed in on Emma, his voice cutting through the night with a chilling clarity. "Are you Emma Jansen?" he demanded, sending a shiver down their spines.
Emma's pulse beat with a mixture of rage and terror as she grudgingly revealed her identity. "Y-yes, I'm Emma....the personification of Belgium..." "Then, give me all the money you have," he glowered The man's demand for money sent shockwaves through her before she could completely realise how serious things were.
As the man moved his pistol towards (Y/N), his threat suddenly became lethal and hung in the air like a dark cloud. Emma felt a wave of panic as she realised that her beloved (Y/N) was in danger. She begged again, her voice quivering with desperation and her hands shaking. "Please....don't hurt (Y/N)...." The man's finger tightened on the trigger, though, and instinct took over.
In a split-second decision, Emma used all of her effort to shove (Y/N) aside, blocking the bullet that was intended for her partner with her body. The sound of tragedy resonated through the night as the gunshot echoed, making time seem to stop. Emma fell to the ground, breathing heavily and shallowly, a red spot appearing on her chest as (Y/N) stumbled back.
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Tim Jansen - Netherland
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You know Tim always had an addiction to smoking and there are many bad effects of smoking, one of them is lung cancer but you never think the country is going to be able to have human diseases.
Well, that is actually wrong when the country also has economic trouble with lots of political governments that are corrupt and steal other people's money.
It was painful to see him like this but there was nothing you can do. The government in there are evil, if you try to stand up for him. You could be taken to jail.
You have been taking care of your boyfriend in the hospital from morning and night, even going as far as taking a working hour in the hospital instead of the office just so you could take care of him.
Tim could not help but be glad that he has a boyfriend/girlfriend as caring as you and you were on his side instead of going out to work or leaving him like some people do.
But he knows he can't stay long because sooner or later his country is going to be destroyed by his own people and he will be gone so he leaves a note on the table when you are not looking.
"Bedankt (Thank you), (Y/N) for taking care of me and being a part of my life but sadly. I cannot stay long because I can feel my body getting weaker. Please take care of yourself and don't forget me," that was the last message before the night he let his last breath.
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As Tim Jansen lay in the hospital room, the embodiment of Netherland corruption manifested in his frail form. His once formidable presence is now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self, ravaged by the deadly illness. With each cough, the echoes of his misdeeds reverberated through the room, a haunting reminder of the consequences of his people's actions.
(Y/N), bearing witness to the brutal reality before them/her/him, felt a pang of empathy stir within their/her/his heart. Without hesitation, (Y/N) approached Tim's bedside, a silent offering of solace in the chaos of his downfall. Gently, you lifted the glass of water to his parched lips.
(Y/N)'s heart weighed heavy with sorrow as they gazed down at Tim, your voice laced with regret as you spoke. "I'm sorry I could not do much... I wish I could help, but the people would riot against me," you murmured softly. With a gentle touch, you brushed your hand against his brow, your touch was as tender as a rose petal, caressing his face.
Tim's response was a weak nod, a faint acknowledgement of (Y/N)'s apology. "It's okay, Mijn liefje (My Darling)," he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. "No need to apologize for my people's actions." He was aware (Y/N) is just a normal human being, it's impossible to defeat the whole government when (Y/N) is the only person aware.
As (Y/N) rose from Tim's bedside, a determined resolve gleaming in their/her/his eyes, he watched in silence, gratitude swelling within him despite the heaviness of his heart. "I will buy something for you... please wait. I'm sure you're hungry, and the hospital food sometimes sucks," you promised, your words and voice like a small ray of light in the darkness of his despair.
Left alone in the quiet of the hospital room, Tim's trembling hand reached for a nearby paper, his fingers tracing the delicate lines as he carefully composed his message for (Y/N). With each word, his gratitude poured forth, a bittersweet reminder of the fleeting nature of their connection. "Bedankt (Thank you), (Y/N), for taking care of me and being a part of my life," he wrote, his penmanship a reflection of the depth of his emotion. "But sadly, I cannot stay long because I can feel my body getting weaker. Please take care of yourself and don't forget me."
With a heavy heart, Tim folded the paper with trembling hands, his gaze lingering on the spot where (Y/N) had stood moments before. Placing the message on the table near (Y/N)'s computer, he offered a silent prayer that his words would serve as a lasting reminder of the bond they shared, even in the face of inevitable farewell.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Hetalia Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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2P France
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Belarus (NYO)
Canada (Matthew Williams)
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France (Francis Bonnefoy) & Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) & Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
North Italy (Feliciano Vargas) & Germany (Ludwig)
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Their darling confronting them about what they've done - France, England, America, Canada
Finding out their darling has an identical twin - North Italy/Feliciano Vargas
having a darling that’s having more than one baby - Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
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Character headcanons: Nyo England
Having a virgin darling - France/Francis Bonnefoy
Who is the easiest and hardest yanderes to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Most dangerous to least dangerous to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Platonic vs Romantic: Belgium
Most delusional to least delusional - Central Europe
Yanderes and their love languages - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
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Yandere Reactions: England with a willing darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: What makes yandere Germany so dangerous?
Yandere Reactions: Hetalia Girls with a small Island nation darling who feels insignificant and useless
Random Yandere Headcanons: 1P & 2P Italy with a shy darling
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shini--chan · 8 months
WIP list for Character Sheets
So, the character sheets are very popular by the looks of it, so I'm posting this WIP list for the character sheets that are waiting in the wings to curb the triple and quadruple requests a bit (yes, it looks like that).
Yandere Character Sheet I
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Armin Alert (Attack on Titan)
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass)
Suzuaku Kururugi (Code Geass)
Tom Riddle (Harry Potter)
1p Australia (Hetalia)
1p Belgium (Hetalia)
1p Canada (Hetalia)
2p Canada (Hetalia)
1p China (Hetalia)
1p Cuba (Hetalia)
2p England (Hetalia)
1p Estonia (Hetalia)
1p Egypt (Hetalia)
1p Germany (Hetalia)
Nyo Germany (Hetalia)
1p Greece (Hetalia)
1p Iceland (Hetalia)
2p Japan (Hetalia)
Nyo 2p Japan (Hetalia)
1p Latvia (Hetalia)
1p Lithuania (Hetalia)
1p Philippines (Hetalia)
1p Romania (Hetalia)
Nyo Russia (Hetalia)
2p Spain (Hetalia)
1p Switzerland (Hetalia)
1p Ukraine (Hetalia)
Nyo Ukraine (Hetalia)
Crowley Eusford (Seraph of the End)
Ferid Bathory (Seraph of the End)
Yandere Character Sheet II
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1p Canada (Hetalia)
1p England (Hetalia)
1p Russia (Hetalia)
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sunday 2 December 1838
8 10
2 20
windy and occasionally small rainy morning breakfast at 9 ½ in about ¾ hour – then upstairs in the west tower musing and trying the bookshelves till near 12 – then ¼ hour with A- all in tears about Mrs. Briggs having been here   Oddy had told her that she or the daughter had said when here before that if Mr. Wright knew how she was behaved to he would fetch her away    A- would never have asked her to come a second but when I told her of her consent and even approval said if I could think of such a thing as asking she (A-) could not refuse    and then she cried again saying I had no confidence in her etc. etc.  poor thing how miserable she makes herself   she alluded to alterations at Cliff this morning at breakfast   her aunt had better live a little longer?   I cannot help fancying that if A- lives long   we shall part before our lives end meant to have written to Lady S- this morning but stood musing in the west tower – at 12 ½ began a letter to Lady S- ‘Shibden hall – Sunday 3 December 1838. I can hardly believe, dearest Lady Stuart, that is a week today since our leaving London – we felt crowded and uncomfortable in a strange carriage which, tho’ the largest for our purpose that and best Pearce had, was far from being as roomy and convenient as the grande diligence de madame which you yourself used to admire for its comfort, if not for its beauty during our nice tour in Belgium – we found the roads wet during Sunday, and did not get farther than Stevenage, where it began to freeze, and make us sensible that we were travelling in the wrong direction – on Monday the roads were quite dry and hard, and we rolled along at something more than eight miles an hour to Grantham to sleep, one of the most comfortable sleeping houses in England – It is worthwhile to stop late or early for a good homelike nights’ rest at this Inn which was quite full, tho’ there was very little posting on the road, and we ourselves had only met one private carriage – the influence of the railroad is already felt – what will it be by and by, when even such old-fashioned-going people as I begin to follow in the train? – Posting will be knocked up – and we shall do all by steam from carrying ourselves down to boiling our potatoes – But they must have coal to have steam – and that perhaps may benefit you and me! – Let us at least
hope that some good may come out of every great change that we are at present undergoing – It was by darkened moonlight, and in a snow storm that we reached Leeds – we should have taken fright, and put up for the night, had we not been within fourteen miles of home, where we arrived in 3 hours about eleven (at night9 benumbed and thankful – From here written on the 1p. and ends of envelope alternate thaw and frost had made the roads like grass, one off-wheel at last fell, and we were far a minute or 2 in doubt whether the poor horse would strangle himself or throw us over the precipice – our people were glad to see us safe housed, tho’ we had brought neither man nor maid to lighten the extra trouble we should give – two joiners had been at work in the house during the seven months of our absence, but except that my little study was finished, the rest of the house seemed nearly as we left it – my unfortunate taste for oak-wainscot is terrible – I must give it up, and turn to plaster at last – It was high time to be at home again – Potheration awaked me on Wednesday morning – but now that I have fairly made up my mind to get rid of it, I shall not stop to disquiet myself in vain, but put all my strength to backing out as fast as I can – They say, the people at my new Inn (the Northgate hotel) are doing very well and that if I had it to let now, I should have plenty of tenants – I wish I could shove the whole thing a hundred miles nearer London – Among a large pile of letters waiting my return, was a very kind letter from Lady Harriet dated June 4 – I shall be a little more at liberty by and by, and will write to everybody – I have not said much about it, but the fact is, I have been sadly out of sorts of late; and now I am resolved to set my inner house in order, and be at ease – the most agreeable thing I have done since my return is writing this letter – Indeed my dearest Lady Stuart, I very often think of you, and of all the good you have done me and am always very truly and affectionately yours A. Lister’ sent off this letter 4 pp. of ½ sheet and 1p. and ends of envelope to ‘the Honourable Lady Stuart, Whitehall’ undercover to ‘the Earl of Ripon, Carlton terrace, London’ and at the same time (6 ½ by Sam Booth as usual) my letter 3pp. to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton Cheshire’ the 1st 1/2p. written and dated Thursday and the rest 3pp. dated Friday – should have sent it on Friday but for A-‘s disapproval of the style of it it seemed as if I cared too much however she copied it for me tonight and let it go – mentioned to M- our return ‘between 10 and 11 on Tuesday night – your letter of the 10th August (from York) lay midway a very large parcel of other letters waiting my return – I opened your pages with more pleasure than I closed them – man does not live by bread alone, nor friendship upon scribbling – I wrote to you from Lyons about a month ago, and conclude you have received this letter which being longish and descriptive of all we had been about, has, I hope, spared me the pain of attempting......... (Friday 30 November) to make any objections against your mode of reasoning and influence – If I suffered myself to dwell much upon your letter, it would give me more pain than you could possibly intend – I would gladly forget that you have written it – for it is mortifying to think that the sayings of those whose sayings you do not always value, should have had such weight – with you in this especial case – at all rates, I think of you, and Isabella, too, on returning thro’ Paris – I thought, as I told you in May, that you had written to me so sparingly before my leaving home, that I chose a book-knife to remind you of me when reading, and a pen to be ready for writing when you felt inclined – I will send you this little cadeau when I know where you are to be found – you may be at Harrogate – you may be I know not where – had you directed your letter to the care of Messrs. Hammersley, it would have been forwarded – you have known this Mary, for the last dozen years – But tell me whether you received my letter from Lyons’ – merely a few lines more – sorry for Isabellas’ accident – glad Mrs. Belcombe was so well – sorry for M-‘s sprained wrist....... ‘Adney sends her love – not much has been done during our absence that if you come soon, you will be little better off than before – but you will find no fault with your welcome – affectionately yours AL-‘ had been off to Lightcliffe church this afternoon (in the carriage with A-) about 1 ½ - A- 40 minutes in the school, and I waited in her room upstairs – Mr. Wilkinson’s curate did all the duty – a little fat black-haired man – preached (good sermon) 24 minutes from Acts ix. part of v. 11 – ‘Behold he prayeth’ – called and sat 20 minutes at Cliff hill – Mrs. AW. feeble as to voice and limb but newsy and well for aet. 85 according to her own account to Mrs. Ann Lee – home at 5 – I had written 4 pages of ½ sheet to Lady S- before going to church and now wrote the 1 p. and ends of envelope of my letter – (vide last p.) – dinner at 6 ½ - coffee bad ever since our return – too bad to drink last night – had been in the house (roasted) ever since before our leaving home – sat A- writing and I reading the newspaper till 10 – then went into the kitchen full of smoke, and pother about the fire being made up in spite of all I had said about it – made it be raked out – got up a bottle of orange wine which A- enjoyed – stood talking – then looking at the servants hall grate and stood talking there (an hour till 12) – then stood talking in A-‘s room till 12 40 at which hour F47 ½° - and very rainy night – soft damp partly small rainy day – Letter this evening from Messrs. Hammersley London enclosing the receipt for divided on the £400 invested in the 3 percents in my name in trust for the infant son of Mr. Graham – Oddy told A- this evening that ‘Miss Marian’ had been at Northgate hotel in the summer bringing with her Miss Inman – her feelings so strong on going to Northgate could not bear to come here – but her maid Jane came – yet O- seemed to think Marian would have come here had she had an invitation – A- set O- right on this point without however saying much
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 2 years
1p! Romano, Luxembourg and Belgium comforting their s/o that's stressed because of homework and finals
1p S. Italy is surprisingly good at comforting people. He usually just asks them what they want and how he can help, he doesn't want to guess anything when he can get an answer. He'll do pretty much anything for them as long as it helps calm them down.
1p Belgium typically makes people take a break from whatever is making them stressed. She ensures they're hydrated and satiated, usually trying to convince them to take a quick nap. She cares for their health above all, she's genuinely worried about them.
1p Luxembourg has literally no idea what to do when it comes to comforting people, he's never been good at it. He'd likely just end up offering to do their homework for them, something along those lines, he's better at distractions which aren't usually great but he does try.
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sunflowerram · 4 years
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My submission for @aph-zoomcall-collab! I imagine that Belgium is usually focusing and working pretty diligently during the calls, but as soon as she has some good food, that focus goes right out the window, and all of her paperwork gets shoved off into the corner. This collab was a lot of fun to help out with!!
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whimpering-hearts · 5 years
So in the human AU, Oliver works with Charlotte, 1P Belgium. Are they really good friend or just business partners?
They’re actually good friends, both in the Human AU and in the canon verse!
In the Human AU, Lotte and Oliver started the culinary program at the same time and spent the next four years competing for the “top” spot in their cohort. But it was always a friendly competition. Each would egg the other on to really hone their abilities and perform at their best - but they also made a point to congratulate each other for their triumphs, and there were never hard feelings if one did better than the other.
You have Lotte to thank for that. Oliver can be a bit sensitive about his cooking skills, because it’s become such a central part of his identity and his ticket to escaping what he considered a less-than-ideal home life. But Lotte refuses to play into ridiculous ego games - and she’s not afraid to admit when someone did better than her, or to offer comfort and/or advice if someone did worse. And Oliver resisted that at first, but...
Well, as her brothers can attest, Lotte is a force to be reckoned with when she sets her mind on something. So, a friendship formed because Lotte refused to let the two of them be anything but friends, and Oliver fast learned to appreciate having a friend that wasn’t so gloomy all the time - no offense intended, Jacques. Not only that, but they work together amazingly well in the kitchen, and their kind of synergy is invaluable in the culinary world.
Anyway, when they finished their program, it only made sense they open a bakery together (rather than trying to compete against each other for clientele in a relatively small town).
Now, in canon (for this blog) verse, they don’t have the same backstory to their work together.
What happened in canon verse is someone - she doesn’t even remember who, probably one of her brothers - told Lotte she should avoid Oliver if she ever came across him - because, depending on who you listen to, he’s a deranged cannibalistic serial killer who eats children--
--and, again, Lotte is a force to be reckoned with, and she doesn’t like to be told what to do, and she doesn’t like seeing people wrongly, unjustifiably isolated, so she made a point to seek Oliver out at his bakery and fell in love with his culinary talents. (No, seriously, have you ever tasted one of his cupcakes? It was pure bliss.)
So, when she’s not too busy with her responsibilities to her government, she likes to help Oliver out at his bakery, and she boasts the honor of being the only “employee” to last longer than six months. (Most others get fired because Oliver takes his baking very seriously and can’t stand incompetent pastry chefs.)
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lemontalia · 6 years
oooh who's into creampies?
2P Russia
2P America
2P Germany
2P North Italy
2P China
1P Switzerland
1P Netherlands
1P Turkey
1P Germany
1P America
1P England
1P Belgium
1P Poland
1P Hungary
1P Nyo America
1P Nyo China
2P South Italy
1P Japan
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askthetomatogang · 4 years
2p Spain and 2p Portugal seems... Kinda... To friendly... What?!?
Romano- I would still prefer our versions back...
Luxembourg- That's what I was thinking, they actually don't seem that bad?
Nora- Then you're even more foolish then you look
Rodrigo- Really, that's nice of you to say! So you've already underestimated us?
Netherlands- No just look at their eyes, no sane person has eyes like that.
Andres- You know the last people who assumed we were kind ended up six feet under. Though as far as I can tell we have no reason to kill you guys yet.
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saclarclay · 2 years
Suddenly thinking of another heta plot, idk which one would fit more either 1p or 2p but the main characters are characters like belarus ♣️ seychelles ♠️monaco ♦️now for heart I honestly don’t know who, I thought of belgium but i feel like she would be more into diamond following netherland , entertain me, maybe romano
The plot is that all the leaders from each kingdom has been corrupted by their gods, so let’s say king spades has been corrupted by the god of time/water/ apalah, club corrupted by their god of—what was it again, what’s the popular god for club, maybe basically turning him into more of a tyrant or closed all the borders of club with never ending snow storm idk, intinya, all kinds of chaos are happening in four kingdoms n my first thought was making belarus/natalia (hhh i wanna refer to them more as human names since it’s a cardverse au but if feel like people wouldn’t quite understand it) as the main character, watching her so called brother that she admired becoming something she despised the most, noticing all the strange behaviors and the way the church are demanding more strange offering or something, she decided she wants to put a stop to this, taking back her ‘big brother’ from the gods becoming like a god hunter and reach out for other the others who shared the same fate as her kingdom
Idk, i want a cardverse godhunter au with characters like belarus, sey, mona
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1p Belarus/Natalya Arlovskaya
Because she’s a yandere, she’s pleased about being trapped with you, because that means you can’t run away from her
If you’re naked, she will stare at your body without trying to hide it
1p Belgium/Laura Abelsson
He gets excited and super happy, because it’s an excuse to hang out with you, and she promises to make waffles for you once you get out
If you’re naked, she would blush like crazy and compliment your body
1p Hungary/Elizabeta Héderváry
She will try to destroy the bubble and is very offended someone would do this, but on the other hand she’s also happy to be near you 
If you’re naked, she will be very turned on, but she will also try to hide it
1p Taiwan/Mei Wang
She’d be very worried about what the fuck is going on, mostly she’s worried that it might endanger one of you
If you’re naked, she’d be very nervous and she wouldn’t know what to do
1p Ukraine/ Yekaterina ‘Katyusha’ Braginskaya 
She’s happy to be with you and she would talk so much about different things, and generally use the time to bond
If you’re naked, she does not get the hint that you two should fuck, but she would admire your chest 
1p Vietnam/Lien Chun
She would just sit there and talk to you, she’s surprisingly calm about the whole thing
if you’re naked, she feels very self conscious about being naked and tries to cover up
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Hetalia: The Low Countries and Africa Masterlist
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Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Low Countries
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S/O Reacting to Their Death🥀🗡️
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S/O Reacting to Their Death🥀🗡️
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S/O Reacting to Their Death🥀🗡️
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Dating Headcannons🍭❤️🧸
Crushing Headcannons🍭❤️🧸
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- Empty -
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- Empty -
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OH NO IT'S THE 2PS!!!!!!!! ( I don't know were to be be scared or exited. Maybe both. )
Austria- Why would anybody be excited by them!?
Liechtenstein- Austria, that's very rude to say when they're right there.
Austria- They literally tried to murder us!
2p Germany- And we'll do it again!
Austria- See!
Germany- So you're here for some sort of revenge?
2p Austria- Of course we are, you're the reason we failed last time!
2p Liechtenstein- Especially my 1p! The second we saw that Prussia and Belgium we knew we would finally have our chance for revenge! We even sent our Belgium to pose as yours to get more intel on your world and
Liechtenstein- You did WHAT!?
2p Liechtenstein- I'm not done with my monologue!
Liechtenstein- How dare you ruin Switzerland's apology and heartfelt confession of love by switching Belgiums!
Germany, whispering to Austria- I've never seen Liechtenstein this angry before.
Austria- I know right? I'm kind of scared...
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shini--chan · 3 years
Here, a short overview of what has been ordered and is up and coming, so that you folks have something to look forward to.
Assassin Classroom
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Asano Jr. & Sr. – HCs
Attack on Titan
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Armin -  Yandere Character Sheet I
Levi - Yandere Character Sheet I
Yelena – Survey Corps Reader
Black Butler
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Sebastian – More HCs
Sebastian -  Depression and self destructive habits
Ciel Phantomhive - Deaf Person
Code Geass
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Lelouch, Suzaku – HCs
Death Note
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L vs Light
L fic
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Alucard – Gen Z Reader
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1p! Allies
Asexual & Aromantic
Bet – Silence for a Month
Body Dysmorphia
Bratty Child
Child has somebody yandere for them
Colony wants Independence
Discussing their Immortality
Dreaded Pregnancy II
End of the Line
First Meeting (Colony, Platonic)
Going insane
Good Mother, Bad Wife
Him talking about wanting Children
Hunger Strike
Independence + Economic Blow
Knows about Obsession, tries to avoid him
Manipulator/ narcissist darling
Misplaced Knife
Morning After
Nyo! Allies – Male Reader has a Harem
Nyo! Allies with a male reader
Older Reader
Political Marriage -> Divorce
Reader is distancing themselves
Reader has a plan to destroy them
Recluse, poor nation reader
Relationship discovered (Countries not allowed relationships with humans)
Sexless Marriage
Silent Treatment
Soulmate AU!
Threatening after Kidnapping
Threat of War
Traditionalist in a Hamlet
YouTube influencer
“Your Flag is Cringe”
1p! Axis
Bride with Temperament
Boss’s Daughter
Digging up History
Dream Scenario
Fashion Designer
Neutral Nation Reader
Right Flag Shirt
Runs after finding out she is pregnant 
Stolen Documents
Trying to reason after kidnapping
Vampire Axis
Vampire Reader
War Erupting in the Relationship
1p! Groups
2p! America, America – Large Dogs
2p! America, America, 2p! England, England – Reader is already married (Nation)
2p! Canada, Canada – Poison in the Food
2p! England, Sweden - Clever Lawyer Reader
America, Canada, Denmark, England, France – Threatening to scalp him (Warrior Reader)
America, China, Russia – Dissing the Superpower
America, China, Russia – Grudge
America, China, Russia – Reader in love with Corrupt Politician
America, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Turkey – Secret Lover
America, England, France, Germany - After Citizenship
America, 2p! Germany, Germany, 2p! Japan, Scotland – Urban Explorer
America vs Russia – Post WWII Berlin
Austria, France, Germany, Prussia, Russia - Genophobia
Austria, France, Mexico, Russia – Reader using Religion to manipulate
Baltics - HCs
Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands – Bringing a puppy
Canada, Japan, Russia, Spain - Darling pays more attention to the child
China, England – Reaction (Reader) to Child being killed
China, England, Japan, Mongolia, Turkey – Him Timetravelling (Warrior Reader)
China, England, Japan, Spain – Reader wants to be Human
Denmark vs Norway
England, Germany, Norway, Romano – Catatonic
England, Prussia - Sharing
England vs Spain – Time Traveller II
England vs Spain – Time Traveller, Maid in the present day
FACE – Sociopathic Reader
FACE – Succubus Reader
Germany, Prussia – Hypersexual Reader
Germany, Russia, 2p! Germany, 2p! Russia - Marriage Proposal
Germany & Hungry, Belarus & Poland, Prussia & Ukraine - Sharing
2p! Japan, Japan – Japanophile
2p! Japan vs Japan - Historcal
Nordics - Eating Disorder
Nyo! Germany, Nyo! Russia - HCs
1p! Individuals
America - Cardtelia! with a lady-in-waiting
America – Disguise to get Information
America - Platonic
America – Reader from Another Country
America – Revolution
America – Tricking him into buying an Island
America -  WW2!Nurse
Austria – Divorce
Austria – Reader takes interest in America / France (Hasenjagd)
Canada – HCs
Canada - Yandere Character Sheet I
Cuba -  Yandere Character Sheet I
England – Foreign Politician
England – Diplomate from Rival Country
England – Uncivilised Colony
Egypt - HCs
Germany - Asking England for protection
Germany - pre1945
Greece – HCs
Iceland -  Yandere Character Sheet I
Japan – Fliting to get Citizenship (Reader)
Japan – His Rage
Luxembourg -  Osiris and Quetzalcoatl
Nyo! Sweden – HCs
Nyo! Ukraine -  Yandere Character Sheet I
Philippines – HCs
Romania – HCs
Ukraine - HCs
2p! Allies
Fully transitioned FTM
Kicking in the Groin
Smart Reader
2p! Axis
Dimension Traveling
Dreaded Pregnancy
Falling in love with a Singer
Lady Dimitrescu Reader
Love Letter from Reader
Maid Reader
Reader’s Flag
Using Obsession to their Advantage
2p! Groups
1p! America, England, Prussia – Albino
Austria, Italy – Reader remarking on their relationship
FACE – Sleeping as Coping Mechanism
FACE – Treatment after Kidnapping
2p! Individuals
Canada – Nervous Reader
England – God! Reader
England – More HCs
Japan – Forged Political Marriage
Japan – Time Traveller
Nyo! Japan – HCs
Spain – HCs
My Hero Academia
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Chronohaul with a reader that runs away and gets picked up a hero
Seraph of the End
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Crowley Eusford, Ferid Bathory - HCs
Mikaela Hyakuya – Sfw & N.sfw
Alois, Ciel, Karma - Naive Sibling
Tom Riddle - Yandere Character Sheet
[Art is not mine. Credit goes to the artists. DM for art removal.]
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Since my state, Georgia, is having the annual Peaches to Beaches event which is two days of statewide yard sales, I thought it would be interesting to show how America, the states, and any other countries wanting to participate both 1p and 2p would be during this event. So here you go!
Georgia is happily selling fresh produce like boiled peanuts and Vidalia onions and peach-based deserts. Her homemade peach cobbler and ice cream are to die for!
Antonio (Spain) also sells many fresh tomatoes, olives, and other vegetables. He doesn't understand why no one wants his Olive Juice though.
Hawaii and Alaska make a killing selling lemonade at their stand with a free complimentary handmade flower crown with every purchase. While using their sheer cuteness to attract everyone including one of those sweet biker gangs. It's really surreal to see a huge gang of buff, tattooed, tough-looking guys in leather wearing flower crowns and drinking lemonade. Allen's also there to supervise and ward of creep. Also, to provide people more 'incentive' to buy their lemonade.
Texas breaks out the Texas BBQ and is in a Barbecuing turf war with Jett (Australia). They draw huge crowds for the five-alarm chili as well and hold a competition who can eat the most without burning out their tongues and/or passing out.
Florida sells some of the weirdest stuff you'll ever see. "Want a full-scale model of a gator made entirely out of bottle caps? Only ten bucks! Want a portrait of Florida Man painted with orange juice? 15 bucks!"
Nevada also tries to sell weird and sketchy stuff to scam everyone. "This piece is the genuine article folks! One napkin gently used by Elvis Presley himself! Just 500 bucks! Also, gets into a haggling war with Lars (Netherlands). Somewhere Alfred's dad instincts go off and he reminds himself to ground Nevada.
California, Oregon, and Washington collaborate and California sells anything vegan or made with avocadoes and the autographs of Hollywood stars, Oregon sells his old tye-dyed shirts and records, they also made him sell his old groovy hippy bus from the sixties he'd never got rid of no one knew they had. Oregon can be a bit of a hoarder, so they had to tie him to a chair and gag him because he wouldn't surrender the bus without a fight. Washington also tries to sell and drink cups of coffee, but in the hot Southern heat, this doesn't end well.
Louisiana sells anything Cajun-style from frog legs to fresh gumbo, to beignets. Also has a full collection of Mardi Gras masks and shrunken voodoo heads on sale for two bucks a pop.
Gilbert (Prussia) gets tricked by Nevada and gets a ton of stupid things he doesn't need. Ludwig (Germany) tries unsuccessfully to keep him on a metaphorical leash.
Ludwig always checks the quality of things he sees and buys dog toys and supplies for Blackie, Berlitz, and Astor. Later, he actually buys a kiddie leash for Gilbert.
All the while Lutz (2p! Germany) is asleep in a lawn chair with his hat on his face after drinking like six cold beers from this really good booth. All the while, Klaus (2p! Prussia) finds an antique Teutonic Knights flag from a vendor whose family was from Germany.
Vash (Switzerland) buys antique guns from Alabama and Roderich (Austria) also checks out some of Tennessee's guitars. He's horrified upon seeing Alabama's banjo and washboard.
Mathew (Canada) and Emma (Belgium) combine their powers and tag team to sell the best pancakes and waffles on earth with genuine Canadian maple syrup.
New York sells tons of baseball memorabilia and collectibles. Allen, trying to save his bad-boy image, tries to be discreet when buying some while taking Hawaii and Alaska around to get something with their lemonade money. James also gets some hockey memorabilia with Michigan and Minnesota who also got snow cones.
Alaska and Hawaii see a giant deluxe dollhouse but are almost in tears when they don't have enough money. But they end up getting it for free because no one can resist their weaponized puppy dog eyes. Also, no one can resist a growling Allen. Using the leftover money, they buy cute little rainbow umbrella hats for everyone and have Allen wear one who begrudgingly accepts it.
James, walking by with an armful hockey gear and flannel shirts, bursts out laughing when he sees this. In revenge, Allen forces him to wear one too and help him carry the dollhouse, much to Hawaii and Alaska's delight! "I said go my way puck head!" "No, it's my way, you vegan loving hoser!" A passing Francis (France)' is in stylish horror when they also make him and a nonchalant Luis (2p! France), holding a case of vintage wines, wear them too. Hawaii and Alaska go around giving umbrella hats to everyone including a sleeping Lutz they pass by.
Loving (Romano) practically has to supervise Feliciano (Italy) and keep him from buying anything too stupid on impulse or get scammed. They still end up with stacks upon stacks of cookbooks, kitchen wear, and a Mona Lisa made entirely out of Macaroni. They also get umbrella hats.
Flavio (2p! Romano) browses through clothing racks to get ideas for his vintage line. Also checks out the handmade fabrics like quilts. "Such craftsmanship! This pattern is so unique and chic! I simply must have it! What's your price Bella?" The nice old woman selling the quilt just smiles, "Oh just about five dollars young man." "Perfect!" Flavio hands the quilts off to Andreas (2p! Spain) who's practically buried underneath the fabric. Luciano (2p! Italy) facepalms while holding a new knife set in its case. "Oooh! Look at those adorable hats I just have to have one." Cue three more umbrella hats and a humiliated Luciano. "Just kill me now..."
Katyusha (Ukraine), Elizaveta (Hungary), Lillie (Liechtenstein), Natalya, (Belarus), Katya( 2p! Ukraine) and Anastasia (2p! Belarus), and Michelle (Seychelles) explore with armfuls of clothes, new ribbons, and a gun case for Switzerland (Lillie), cast iron frying pans (Elizaveta, watch out Prussia!), farm tools (Katyusha), Jewelry and unmentionables (Katya), dresses (Anastasia), an assortment of switchblades (Natalya), and one of those singing fish on a plague (Michelle). It's definitely an interesting group.
Kiku (Japan) and Kuro (2p! Japan) find a nerd booth selling comics, manga, and Japanese weapons like katanas. Kuro test swings a blade and tries to slice the table so hard it breaks the blade, "Hmmm, not sharp enough for me, got anything else?" He throws it on the pile of broken blades he's already tested. Kiku stockpiles on limited-edition manga and he and the vendor end up getting into a huge, heated by Kiku standards, debate on who's waifu is best. Further down, Alfred reads every Marvel/DC comic while keeping an ear out on every state's location. He checks on Texas via his glasses and notices he's beating Australia in the chili contest. "That's my boy!"
Wisconsin wearing a cheese head sells anything cheese-based. He's got cheddar, goat cheese, string cheese, cheese spray, gorgonzola, grilled cheese, cheese curds, Mac n' Cheese, cheese sculptures of all world monuments, you name it he's got it! He also starts a war with Iowa's corn dishes and Idaho's potato dishes. They eventually end up flinging cheese, potatoes, and corn after they start dissing each other's foods. "Take this cheese brain!" "Nice aim, I-da-ho!" "I told you not to call me that!" "I'm gonna go children of the corn on y'all's behinds!" Poor Nebraska is stuck in the middle.
Alfred (America) hears the commotion and using his parent radar, immediately knows who it is and reminds himself to ground Iowa, Wisconsin, and Idaho later along with Nevada who, though still grounded for sure, makes him feel a little proud of since he managed to out haggle Netherlands.
New Mexico and Arizona also sell Native American handicrafts along with things like dreamcatchers and giant inflatable aliens. While Delaware, being the boring stick in the mud that he is, walks by with a framed and complete U.S. quarter collection from a vendor.
Kansas sells out of every sunflower she had courtesy of Ivan (Russia). Ivan and her the team up to buy out every sunflower seed from here to kingdom come. Viktor (2p! Russia) buys all the vodka he can find and a new shovel while Xiao (2p! China) tries giving people tattoos for 10 bucks a pop.
He tries to convince Yao (China) to get a hello kitty one to match the giant plushie he's holding, with the encouragement of Leon (Hong Kong) and Yong Soo (South Korea) who all collectively agree he needs to quit being such a grandpa. They also like calling him an antique-like the items on sale. " Aiyah! I'm not that old, aru!" "Yeah, you are Sensei." "Don't deny it! Da Ze!" Respect your elders!" "Tattoos originated in Korea da ze!" He totally is that old.
Oliver (2p! England) holds a bake sale and has people lined up for blocks to get some. Arthur (England), after having his scones shut down after it poisoned some unlucky squirrels, fries selling authentic magical items like unicorn hair or pixie dust. Everyone thinks he's a little crazy but he did sell a good bit of old magic books he needed to get out of his house, after making sure no one could actually use them of course.
The Nordics also went perusing for antique and handmade furniture when Mathias (Denmark) spots two full sets of Viking costumes and tries to get Lukas (Norway) to try them on with him. Lukas wasn't amused.
Berwald (Sweden) and Tino (Finland) also find a great handmade table to get after inspecting the workmanship and a full Lego set for Peter (Sealand), now if only Mathias would stop squealing like a little kid at the full piece lego death star. Emil (Iceland) keeps thinking he's the mature one until he spots a mini top hat and cane for Mr. Puffin.
In the end, everyone ends up wearing umbrella hats courtesy of Hawaii and Alaska, loving all the strange things they bought or counting the profits they made. Alfred (America) is proud of his kids and visits everyone one of their stands. He ends up looking pretty funny with an umbrella hat (HW, AK), a washboard, (AL),a picture of Florida Man, (FL), a balloon alien (NM, AZ), a tye dye shirt (CA, WA, OR), hockey stick shaped glasses (MN, MI), a giant stack of comics with a replica Thor hammer and Captain America shield on his back, all in a shopping cart (NV), and a giant turkey leg in his hand (Tx). Unsurprisingly, it was a tie between Oliver, Texas, and Australia for who earned the most with their food. Georgia just smiled as this was another great year for her state and people!
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