#1p2p caname
hellonerf · 3 months
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was thinking abt 2p ame alot today even tho i have a lovehate relationship with 2ptalia. can u tell i find the cannibalism aspect really funny because i find it really funny. like hahaha who the hell came up with that. i think people made 2p ame vegan as a kind of gap moe but i think it'd be really funny if it had to do with the cannibalism aspect. also because i want to woobify him to be the worlds saddest girl
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massivebadonker · 1 year
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Another au weehuuuaaa
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fireandiceland · 2 years
It’s fucking hot outside so here’s a headcanon that Allen wants a seamless tan so he spends sunny afternoons in his backyard lying face down and butt naked on a sun bed very aware that his pale ass Canadian neighbour is looking very RESPECTFULLY 👀🔥
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
if you’re up for it… 17 or 143 from that writing prompt for 2p!1p! amecan 👀 (or anything else that you think might fit allen and mattie hehe ;D)
Send a ship and a number ask game
17. "Don’t treat me like a princess" + 143. "Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere."
I’m always up for a request like this you're playing right into my cards. And.. Why not both? The quotes work really well together in the right scenario aka the brainrot I had under this post
-> make up sex, Allen fucked up by making Matthew really upset and just wants him to talk to him again, but he gets more than he hoped for. This turned out a lot sweeter than first planned, but the boys can be softies for once :)
Allen sighed and leaned his head against the bedroom door. It had been two days of sleeping on the couch and ear-crushing silence from his boyfriend and by now all he wanted was to talk to Matthew again. To hold him close and tell him that he's sorry...
When no reply came, Allen softly knocked again.
"Mattie, I'm coming in now. Okay?"
There was still a certain hesitance in Allen's movements, but with a deep exhale he finally pushed down the door handle. He opened the door as quiet as possible, a little surprised that it wasn't locked. Did Matthew leave it unlocked on purpose? Did he wait for Allen to come or maybe even expected it?
Allen shook his head. He was probably interpreting too much where there was nothing to interpret in the first place.
The sight in front of him made Allen's heart swell, but it still left a bitter feeling: Matthew was sleeping on his side of the bed, clutching his blanket. The curtains were nearly drawn closed, letting only the slightest bit of the afternoon sun in, but it was enough for Allen to find his way to the bed without stumbling over the clothes that covered the floor almost completely.
Allen sat down on the edge of Matthew's side of the bed, careful so as to not wake his boyfriend, but startled when the latter turned a little to look at him.
"Oh! I.. I didn't.." Allen fumbled to find the right words. In Matthew's puffy eyes he could see that there were still a lot of unspoken feelings and he wanted to avoid making everything even worse. "I thought you were napping. Did I wake you up? I can leave, I just wanted to-"
"Allen." Matthew sighed and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "I wasn't sleeping. Don’t treat me like a princess, what do you want?"
The sharp tone stung in his chest and made Allen grimace. Little did he know that Matthew had regretted the way he snapped at him immediately. He hadn't meant for the words to come out like this.
Allen thought about telling Matthew the truth, that he missed him and wanted to see him again and talk to him and that he was sorry. But instead of saying any of this he only shook his head lightly.
"Nothing. Don't worry." He swallowed the lump in his throat and forced a smile onto his face despite feeling more like crying. "I'll stop bothering you..."
Allen was about to get up from the bed when he felt a hand on his wrist.
"Allen!" Matthew's hold on him was a little too tight for it to be playful, but he instantly let go when he noticed Allen's shocked look. "No, please.. sorry.. Don't leave." His heart was beating rapidly, drumming in Matthew's ears as he waited for Allen to hopefully sit back down.
The almost panicky voice made Allen reconsider and he eventually sat back down with a sigh. He wasn't sure if he should be relieved or not, but Matthew's wish for him to stay eased some of the pain in his chest.
Without another word Matthew sat up properly and reached out for Allen's hand that was propped on the bed. He didn't take it, only placed his own hand close enought for their fingertips to touch. For a while they both sat in silence, staring at their touching fingertips as if they were going to tell them what to do next.
"I'm sorry, Mattie," Allen murmured, hoping his boyfriend would pick up his words, "I shouldn't have been such an ass about this. I didn't know our 6 months anniversary meant so much to you.. but I'll make it up to you? Okay?" With pleading eyes he looked up at Matthew and moved his hand over his boyfriend's to give it a little squeeze.
Matthew's expression softened and he sighed but reciprocated the gesture by intertwining his fingers will Allen's. "No, I'm sorry. I overreacted.. and then after what I said.. I didn't know how to bring it up.."
A gasp escaped Matthew when he was suddenly tackled back onto the bed by a hug from Allen. When the initial surprise had worn off he pulled his boyfriend into a tight grip and nuzzled his neck. It's only been two nights alone in their shared bed, but holding him close made Matthew realise how much he had missed Allen's warmth, his scent, even the light stubble on his chin that Matthew usually disliked for being scratchy.
"I missed you..."
Matthew took a shuddering breath before the soft feeling of Allen's cheek pressed against his was gone as he lifted his head to look into Matthew's eyes. It felt like he hadn't taken a good look at them in forever. He didn't have much time to get lost in the sea of purple-ish blue though. Before he knew what was happening, Allen found himself breathless from the kiss Matthew had pulled him into.
Rolling himself on top of Matthew, Allen carefully pushed a few strands of hair out of Matthew's face. All the uncertainty and wariness of the past days was gone when he felt his boyfriends lips turn into a smile under his kisses and nimble fingers sneaking underneath the hem of his t-shirt to grab his hips.
"I... missed you too," Matthew confessed breathlessly as Allen's hands wandered up his body, from his toned stomach to his soft pecs. “I missed.. this,” he continued while experimentally sliding his hands further up Allen’s back.
„Me too..“ Allen melted into the touch, shivered when Matthew dragged his nails along his spine. He warily pressed his thigh between Matthews legs, curious to see if this was too much after they had just had their first real talk since their fight.
It wasn’t. If anything it was too little.
Matthew bucked into the touch, suddenly both glad and a little ashamed that he didn’t put on any underwear under his sweatpants today - but he hadn’t expected this to happen. His hands found their way down his boyfriends back until he reached the curve of his ass.
Allen gasped, pleasantly surprised by Matthew’s move, and ground down against his thigh. The feeling of his boyfriend’s growing arousal twitching in the confinement of his sweatpants made Allen moan between the open mouthed kisses he left on Matthew‘s jaw and neck. He repeated the earlier movement, humping Matthew’s thigh the other supported his thrusts by lightly bending his leg and pulling him close with both hands on his ass.
“Allen.. my love..” Matthew’s voice was strained from panting. “Al..” When his boyfriends little thrusts only became more desperate - and Matthew swore the noise Allen made sounded like a sob -, he tried to steady him by holding his hips still and shuffled back a bit, putting some distance between them. "Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere."
“I know.” Without sparing Matthew a look, Allen rubbed his teary eyes. “I should know.. I’m sorry.”
Seeing his boyfriend like this made Matthew's heart ache. He quickly pulled Allen close again, capturing his lips in another kiss as he rolled the two of them to the side. Matthew wasn't always the best with words, but every nip at his lips, the tight grip on his hips and the soft caressing of his cheek as Matthew brushed a strand of hair away told Allen that I love you. I miss you. I need you.
The soft moan against his lips pulled Matthew from the trance he had been in. How long had he been lying here with Allen? He didn't care. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that he could stay here and keep kissing Allen until their tongues new every last nook of each other's mouths and their lips were burning from being bitten.
"Pancake, please.." Allen pleaded and ground against Matthew again. They were already flush against each other, had been for who knows how long, but it still didn't feel like it was enough.
"Hm?" Only Allen’s begging tone made Matthew realise that he had been teasing him by slowly running two fingers up and down between his butt cheeks while holding him close around his waist with his other hand. “Oh. Sorry..” I just don’t want this moment to end, Matthew thought to himself.
The little distance that Matthew put between Allen and him was enough to elicit a noise of protest from his boyfriend, but he chocked on any complaints when Matthew unceremoniously shoved his hand down Allen’s pants.
Matthew chuckled at the surprised gasp Allen let out and started stroking him slowly, but quickly changed the pace and pulled his clothes down to get a better grip on him. With every stroke he gave him, Matthew also ground his own clothed hard-on against Allen’s thigh.
As he felt his release come closer with every wave of pleasure Matthew blessed him with, Allen coerced himself into loosening the right grip he hid on Matthew’s biceps. Instead, he slowly let his fingertips wander down his torso and stomach until they reached their destination and pulled down the waistband of Matthew’s sweat pants. Allen chuckled as he noticed the lack of underwear.
“Going commando today?” he asked with a smirk.
“No.. yeah..” Matthew tried to think of a better answer than the truth, but having Allen stroke his cock made it impossible to think of a good explanation. “We don’t have any clean underwear left.”
Allen laughed, but didn’t say anything in favour of surprising Matthew with a peck on the lips that quickly turned into a heated exchange of moans and gasps as they sucked and bit each other’s lips. Tongues brushed each other like their hands did as they kept stroking, but not as a competition but a collaboration between lovers.
Matthew bucked into Allen’s fist as he kept circling the head of his cock with his thumb, eyes pressed shut and close to release or at least begging for it. But Allen didn’t see how his boyfriend’s face contorted in pleasure. He was too busy thrusting into Matthew’s hand and relishing in the feeling of prickling skin, pulsating lust, and anticipation for the high before it was over.
Allen came with a broken moan, his tensing body making him throw his head back and tighten his grip on Matthew’s cock.
The slight increase in pressure and feeling his boyfriend’s hot cum on his hand made Matthew follow suit. A few more lazy thrusts were all he could manage before falling back onto the mattress, panting. With his clean hand he managed to wipe the sweat off his forehead before Allen - more or less carefully - threw himself onto Matthew's chest.
When Allen placed the hand he had just used to jerk his boyfriend off on Matthew's chest, the latter looked up.
"Where did you-?"
"Oops." With an apologetic smile Allen lifted his hand, leaving a sticky mess on the front of Matthew's black t-shirt.
Matthew groaned and let his head fall back into the pillow again. "Great.. that was my last clean shirt.." He tried to sound annoyed, but the afterglow of their first time in a while still held on and made him nearly indifferent about it.
"If that means I get to see you shirtless until laundry is done.. great indeed!" The witty comment earned Allen a hearty laugh from Matthew, the ended with him capturing his lips anew.
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modernday-jay · 2 years
why’s 1p2p caname (matthew x allen)… kinda good 😳
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ask-polyamory · 7 years
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Matt: We’re all as bad as each other to be truthful...
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Pick a ship for my next one shot
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spookycooky · 10 years
I need more 1p2p CanAme please make this happen like more headcanons and fanfiction and a fuckton of more fan art like seriously I need more fanart
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hellonerf · 3 months
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this strawpage... @_@ anon ok i love thinking alot abt 1p&2p caname now how they'd all interact with each other (all a ruse to drive the two canames closer together as most things are) conjuring things in my mind now
funnily enough i think 1Pcana 2Pame is actually likely to go well together haha.... maybe at first cana is like wow (T_T) hes even more of an asshole than the ame i know... then blablabla WHAT?! he is being sincere transparent ?!?!?!?! the bewilderment of seeing a version of ur brother without his constant effort into projecting a specific image... i think cana is always. a little fascinated by these kinds of moments from ame but its moments he has to wrestle out of or comes after a kind of peak of things building up... and here it just comes out of this new ame?! without prompting?!? only awhile after they just met?!?! so heres the little weird bonding theyd have afterwards... easing of first impression hostilities.... and 2Pame is like haha a polite cana can u imagine... haha lol... haha hes sooo nicer and accomodates to me hahaa.. (looks down at feet).... then theyre projecting images of their dear brother with more agreeable behaviors into the other hahaha i love it.... both going if only he was this likeable!
even so i love base caname so in my mind this still comes to a head like... well you cant replace the bond and shared memories here... and i think 2Pame especially is more anxious or fidgety that this cana doesn't know the same things the other does... ohh hes nicer (missing the kind of specific care he needs)(looks around nervously) and 1Pcana is just not used to how this ame is... unable to talk to him about his little grievances... or joke about the same things they hate... this ame wont just sleep in the couch with me... (7_7) what will they do now?!
on the opposite end i think 1Pame and 2Pcana would just not like each other LOL i think i mentioned them before, finding what they could be interesting. i still find them interesting but in the way that i really dont think theyd get along and its really funny to me. just from first impression theyre like i dont like this guy... and then upon spending more time theyre like i REALLY dont like this guy... from 1Pame specifically i think hes just someone who doesnt mesh well with tough or more hostile demeanor guys i think... he doesnt like accomodating people and hes definitely not interested in this. this jerk?! (he was also kindof a jerk). especially since he looks like cana... i think he can deal with people who are colder like that if there is a semblance of attention or affection there.. with this new cana hes like u wont be nice to me and u wont even pay attention to me. (kills him in his mind). meanwhile 2Pcana is like hes annoying (without the inherent fondness he'd have for his ame from their shared childhood) Lol...
i think theyd just butt heads all the time... nobody willing to give in... especially especially since they look like someone they love. 1Pames just like what the hell :( wheres my cana who puts his hand in his face all exasperated and then drives me to where i asked him to anyways :( what the hell :( kill this fake cana with flamethrowers now (gritting teeth). and 2Pcana also cant stand him hes like this fakeness... fake politeness... who is this for. why are u saying excuse me. hate this performative behavior... (throws cigarette in his face). its like the worst traits of their loved one was put to the max... theyre like. sick of this guy already...
in my beautiful world ofcourse this makes the canames be like ok... so i love my... not his others... i just love him! all canames are beautiful and really funny and fun and cute! thank you anon idk if u'll end up seeing my ranting or if ur from twitter and not tumblr... but its really fun for me...
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massivebadonker · 1 year
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wewerenotthefirst · 11 years
Booty Man -Tim Wilson
"Lord, what a booty." Alfred mumbled, chin propped into his hands. He was pointedly staring at Matt’s ass.
Matt glowered at him. And, with a flip of her long blond ponytail, calmly told him to fuck off.
"I’m gonna marry her one day." Alfred added, dopey smile spreading across his face. "And then I’m gonna touch that booty."
(They do get married. But Matt nearly crushes three of his toes under her heel when he tries to touch her ass at the reception.)
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monocirrus · 11 years
Their Lonely Nature
In which 1P2P Canada and America embody the elements on Earth: Fire (2P America), Water (Canada), Wind (America), and Ice (2P Canada). 2P America is named Abraham in this fic. It's a lonely existence, being able to fall in love with each other but not able to consummate that love without bringing massive destruction to mortal beings. Only a desperate 2P America gets the short end of the stick, since loving another element will always and inevitably result in death.
Abraham gasped out and clutched his arm, smoke rising in the frigid air. The newcomer stared at him impassively, dispassionate. Another opposite. "I don't," Abraham panted, "I don't know. I'm so alone. I can't bear to be alone anymore." The newcomer watched him.  He moved his cloak, and his legs, and sat a little farther away. Abraham's eyes burned, and he shut them to avoid witnessing his last rejection. But-- "You're not alone," the man said after a moment. "I'm here with you now."
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hellonerf · 2 months
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americest is growing on me 😗 sorry i draw 2p crying so much i just find the contrast to ame really funny
(im gonna call 2p ame meri from now on bcz i Dont Like Allen As His Name but i havent found a good substitute and 2p ame is long and a litle confusing) i imagine them in worldmix situations like meri somehow ending up in 1p world completely alone and then losing it 10000 times and having to stay in some apartment while ame watches over him before they figure it out. or just general mirrorworld shit
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hellonerf · 5 months
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i wanted 2P ame to be cute too because i hate bad boy types and i hate hot men like really badly so i hope i made him look more sleepy rather than flirty
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decided his contrast with 1P ame would be that hes more (relaxed gazing at you) rather than (INTENSE WATCHING YOU)
and hes more grounded. since people make him vegan while 1Pame has a whole thing about eating and indulgence (that i'll get too crazy about so i wont get into it) both of which is like fun characterization there! i think if they met theyd be able to "get along" somewhat for atleast a week then 1Pame would kill 2Pame out of some kind of weird freak mindset (like they are minako and gyaruko and im so serious about this). that or like million other scenarios i really think 1P is a fucking freak sick in the head so i made 2P more like (extends hand to you smiles warmly at you)
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hellonerf · 4 months
2p can x regular ame? if you're comfortable with that
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good timing anon bcz ive been thinking about this combination recently. and i also couldnt find much of it in the fandom 😢 i think they'd be funny
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hellonerf · 4 months
2p!ame x regular cana to match your current post? i think can would be unsettled by the strange docile homunculus clone of his brother haha
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i think they'd all be disoriented but 2p ame would adapt pretty well to it (unpictured is cana being elated that hes older in 2p and ame not being so happy about it)
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