#1x11 - thicker than water
heartlandians · 8 months
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Heartland - 1x11 - Thicker Than Water
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hockeyandhorses · 7 years
Heartland re-watch 1x11 - Thicker Than Water
> Snowy Alberta!
> “I tripped in a gopher hole.” Mmhmm, sure Amy! Good thing Ty was there to catch ya!
> Jack’s cutting his own slices of bacon?!?
> Lou is so confused right now, it’s hilarious! She thought Jack would be throwing a fit once he heard about Tim coming over.
> Ty practicing roping on Mallory!  “Be the cow, Mallory!” Haha
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> “Oh, honey, nobody looks good in hip waders.” - Maggie to Lisa
> Maggie knows what’s up. She’s like the founder of Team Jisa.
> Amy and Lou grilling/teasing Jack about the fishing trip is so cute.
> Love the Ty/Mallory scenes in this episode. Their relationship is so awesome!
> Tim arrives with a horse in tow. At least that helps things be less awkward for Amy.
> Man, you can practically see the heart eyes Amy’s giving Ty when he walks away.
> Kinda makes me sad for Tim when he sees inside his former home for the first time in years. So many good memories, so many bad, so many missed....
> Mallory giving Lou the sad puppy eyes through the window! Way to work it!
> Uh-oh, Lou’s getting jealous of all the attention Tim is giving Amy.
> That fishing cabin and view though...I would love to escape to a place like that!
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> Ty is so proud of his roping skills, but I’m with Mallory: try roping a moving target!
> Jack is just LOVING Lisa’s fly fishing struggles.
> “I didn’t know fishing was a team sport.” Neither did we Lisa, but we’re glad it turned out that way so we could get some cute Jisa moments!
> Lou is really brave for jumping Spartan when she hasn’t jumped in years! I know she wants to impress Tim, but couldn’t she have done something else? That could’ve ended badly! At least she had a helmet on, though.
> The flashbacks to Tim’s accident at the Calgary Stampede are re-invigorating my desire for a Heartland prequel centered around Tim, Marion, Jack, Lou and Scott.
> In the credits, it says the young Lou in the flashback is 15 years old.
> Aww, the way Jack lights up when he talks about Lyndy. 
> Another High River reference! 
> Love how Lisa classes things up for their meal by bringing some wine.
>  Also I love hearing Jack talk about his rodeo days. Adds so much more to the character.
> Millarville reference! I think that’s where they film a lot of rodeo ground scenes.
> Jack being open and honest and Lisa toasting that.
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> So much baggage between Tim, Lou, and Amy. But you gotta start “unpacking” somewhere. That’s why I wish Tim would’ve hugged them after Lou mentioned she didn’t remember much hugging back during Tim’s rodeo days.
> So, I’m gonna assume Amy’s the horse and Ty’s the cow in this relationship example?
> Ty’s idea was still good...even if he used a Jersey cow.
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> Gah! That almost Jisa kiss ruined by the snoops waiting on the porch!
> Jack using fishing lingo when talking about Lisa is the funniest.
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> Amy’s favors are one of a kind: like needing a dozen heifers! 
> Lisa is hooked alright...on Jack more than fly fishing! Val’s reaction is priceless!
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> You kinda get how small the town is and how well neighbors know each other. Usually, people knock on the front door, but Val goes around to the side/back door. I guess it just strikes me as a small town neighbor thing to do. Or it just gives Val a chance to snoop around!
> It’s Val’s visit to Jack that has me wondering, is she upset that Jack didn’t tell her he was seeing Lisa or just upset that he’s seeing Lisa?
> Haha, it’s okay with Jack if Tim comes around as long as he has a date with Lisa during that time. Can’t fool, Amy!
> Tim says Amy’s got the “cutter’s slump”, so if you’re wondering what that is, it’s when the riders back posture is relaxed and bent. Thanks google!
> Lou finally admits that she stopped riding after Tim’s accident. I can understand that. It’s hard to love/do something that has seriously injured a loved one.
> Lou used to tap dance when she was younger! 
> Lou and Amy having these heart to heart’s is so great for their relationship. Some things get resolved and some don’t, but you can see them getting closer and understanding each other a lot better.
> Love the camera angle and that you can see Amy’s reflection in Lou’s mirror. Love those little details.
> So proud that Lou’s finishing her “crash course” with horses, even if the cat’s already out the bag.
> Amy: Anything you want to talk about?
      Ty: No. I’m good with just sitting.
> End song: “The Long Way Home” by Catherine MacLellan
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jordm · 7 years
Thicker than Water rewatch
Thicker than Water rewatch; Heartland episode 1x11
- Really missed all those little side glances and conversations between Amy and Ty in season 10, as well as seeing them work together! Hoping for more in season 11 :)
- Tim and Amy are still reconciling! What a long way their relationship has come from Season 1! 
- Amy “throwing” herself at Ty, then Ty’s grin when Amy says “What is there to talk about?” Swoon.
- Mallory looks so young! “BE THE COW” when Ty was roping with Mallory acting as the cow. And inserting herself into Amy and Lou’s lunch with Tim... and then getting Ty invited. Sometimes I forgot how annoying Mallory was.
- Grandpa Jack being surprisingly calm about Tim coming over for lunch... because HES GOING OUT WITH LISA!!!! (and fishing no less!). Turns out he made a pretty good catch during his trip ;)
- Lou trying to bond with horses by mucking out the stalls and lunging the horse. Two in one! I miss seeing Lou with horses. 
- Lou getting on a horse to impress Tim when she sees Tim bonding with Amy over horses over her business ideas... I really like seeing those flashbacks of why Lou doesn’t like horses (because of Tim’s accident) and seeing Tim and Lou finally talk about why she’s afraid of them
- Amy to Ty: “... tie the horse and cow together and eventually they’re going to have to figure out how to deal with it. they’re going to have to learn how to read all those little signals” i love them! 
- Tim: “Used to be home, but different”. 10 seasons later, it is home for him again.
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heartlandians · 4 years
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That looks great, Lou. Now to pick out his feet. Oh, come on, Amy. Not the feet. Okay, okay. (sarcastically) I love the feet. lt's my favorite part.
Heartland - 1x11 - Thicker Than Water
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heartlandians · 5 years
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Heartland - 1x11- Thicker Than Water
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heartlandians · 6 years
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Heartland - 1x11 - Thicker Than Water
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