#2 In 1 Beach Lounger
ts4novvvas · 1 year
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my instagram
available for free September 20
11 new meshes, medium/high poly
bag 3 swatches
beach chair 10 swatches
beach umbrella 1 swatch
book and glasses 2 swatches
cocktail glass 1 swatch
coffee table 2 swatches
float lounger 9 swatches
lounger chair 10 swatches
oranges plate 3 swatches
slippers 4 swatches
sun hat 3 swatches
I'm alive! I'm so sorry for posting so rarely, I got a new job and absolutely don't have time for anything... I will try better to post cc, maybe the sets will be smaller but more often <3
if you have any problem or something doesn't work, let me know!
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simsterslife · 3 months
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Creating the Perfect Patio Night.
✼ umbrella & flat lounger | basket & beach ball | oranges
✼ hat and magazines & sunglasses* | sandals (1)(2)* | tray, drinks (1)(2) & cherries*
✼ lemonade dispenser & limes | juice jar & jug | tan spray* & alcohol bottles (1)(2)(3)
✼ starbucks cups | glass candle, lantern & candle | wine tray
Credit goes to amazing CC creators @plushpixelssims @s-imagination @littledica @pinkbox-anye @bbygyal123 @irinaseverinka @tudtuds @imfromsixam @ts4novvvas @pierisim @lilaccreative @maxsus @simcredibledesigns @myshunosun @charlypancakes
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elasticbeach · 1 year
Please may we have a part 2 for breaking up with Shanks but realizing you still have feelings for him?
Part 2/ Breaking up with Shanks but realizing you still have feelings for him
Okay I’m really sorry this took so long. But I hope you guys like it!
Warnings: Sad emotions I guess(?), childbirth
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Your leg kept bouncing up and down in a nervous manner, you were sat in the doctors office. `Soo…you`re now in your third semester. To me everything looks just fine, have something been bothering you?`. You looked at the woman, then shook your head. She smiled at you apologetically, because she knew, everyone knew. You were alone, no man at your side. Everyone kept giving you these looks, these pity full looks, there was this rumor that your man left to sea anf left you alone. The worst part of it all was that he didn’t leave you. You left him. “Thanks doctor.” You smile at the middle aged woman and stand up. “Take care” she smiles and you walk out of the hospital, you’re not headed home yet. It doesn’t even feel like home, so you take a seat on the beach. Your back hurting from the baby growing inside you. The baby is strong and healthy just like their father. You sigh and close your eyes. You miss him so much.
“Y/n!” You turn your head an annoyed sigh escaping you. “What?!” You shout from your lounger, you just layed down to tan a bit but your big baby of a boyfriend didn’t seem to be able to survive a second without you. “Where are my favourite pants?!” His scream seems panicked. You sigh again and stand up, with an annoyed expression you walk towards your shared cabin. “Can’t imagine how he would survive without you” jokes Yasopp and you smile a bit. You arrive at your shared cabin. Shanks is rampaging trough his closet in the search of his favourite pants you know he is about to visit whitebeard, you never stood on deck of the moby dick but the giant of a man still scared you. “They are hanging on deck! I washed them yesterday for you!” You cross your arms looking at your boyfriend. “Ooooh!” He gives you a sheepish smile. “Sorry love! Can’t imagine what I would do without you!” He presses a kiss to your temple and rushes to deck. You sigh and start organising his clothes again.
You open your eyes again when you feel the baby kick, you loved coming to the beach to think about your good times with Shanks. You still don’t understand yourself, what has gotten into you. How could you break his heart and your own so easily. Of course Shanks was a lot of trouble and of course dating him was tiring, but if you couldn’t handle such things, were you really to love such a free soul? You sigh again and stand up. Your swollen feet carry you to your ‘home’. Arriving home you take a seat on the sofa, you body hurts, being pregnant really is exhausting you. Another sigh escaped you, a habit you developed over the months of pregnancy.
You’re exhausted.
“Push! Push!” Screams your midwife. “AUGH!!” You scream and push. Another scream escapes you and another. You cannot think of anything but your desire for Shanks. For him to hold your hand and be here for the birth of his child. Another scream. Minutes feel like hours your body aches from pain, it hurts. Feels like every bone in your body is breaking over and over again. “AHH!” You scream again. The minutes pass and the pain finally stills, you hear your baby scream. “Congratulations! It’s a girl!” Says your midwife and puts your red baby on your chest. She’s still all dirty and covered in something and she screams with her eyes closed, but you can’t help but smile as you hold her. Your little bundle of joy, your little daughter. She has this bright red hair, just like her father. You smile and sob.
You’re happy.
“Come on say it! Say ‘ma-ma’ “ you look down at your little daughter. She’s laying on your lap while you play with her and want her to say mama. She’s four months old and just can’t stop blabbering, she truly is like her father. So active and eager to explore. You smile at her again. Her red hair is down in two cute piggy tails while she wears a pink onesie. She truly is the spitting image of her father only her eyes are yours. You pick her up. “Time to sleep don’t ya think?” You smile at your daughter again and carry her to her little bed. You woo her into slumber and walk away from her room, shutting the door silently. You sit in the kitchen, rethinking your life choices as per usual. You cannot stop thinking about Shanks and how he missed so much of his daughters life already and you know if you call him he won’t forgive you but you should let him know of his child. The debate inside of you going back and forth. You just can’t call him. You stand up and walk into your daughters room, you lay down in her bed and press her small body against yours as you silently cry.
You’re conflicted.
“Mama!” Your little girl finally says it aside from her blubber. You smile everytime she says it. “What is it my sunshine?” You ask as you dry your hands from doing the dishes. You come to sit on the sofa she’s laying on. She laughs and reaches for you with her little hands, desiring to be picked up and you oblige. You hold her in your arms. “You missed your mommy?” You ask in a teasing voice. “Mama!” She says again and you can’t help but smile. You put your babygirl back down and walk back into the kitchen. You do the dishes and glance at the transporter snail seated on the windowsill, you can call him. “Just promise me. You will call me if anything that brings you in danger happens. Please promise me.” You promised him, but the promise didn’t include telling him about a pregnancy right? You sigh, guilt plaguing your sould. You hate yourself for what you are doing for not giving your baby a father and complete family and for not telling him. He deserves to know, you repeat that to yourself day to day and still you cannot gather the courage to call him. To tell him.
You’re afraid.
It’s night. You cannot sleep, your now 5 month old daughter is deep asleep in her bed. You sit in the kitchen and stare at the letter you received. You cannot believe the sender. You’re scared to open. It’s from Benn. You cannot gather the courage to open the letter. Does he know of the baby? Did something happen? Are they coming for you? Is he just checking up on you? After one final sigh you take a deep breath and open the letter. It’s short. Relief washes over you as you recognise Benns handwriting, so it’s not from Shanks.
Dear Y/n,
I’m not good with formalities so I won’t ask how you’re doing. Not after what you did. I write this letter to let you know that Shanks is devastated. He drinks like never before, he’s truly a mess without you. We don’t know what to do to bring back our captain. The one who enjoyed life at sea. The one who wanted to explore the world and the one that loved you. He loved and still loves you, so I write this letter with one request. Call him. Bring us back the captain that we miss.
A shakky breath escapes you. He doesn’t hate you? You read over the letter a few more times. You start crying. You’re a mess, guilt eats you from the inside and so you collect yourself and go over to the kitchen. You take the transporter snail with you to the sofa. After a few minutes of hesitation you call. You don’t know what you will say. If you will tell him everything or not. You just want to give Benn what he asked. The seconds pass and you’re scared of him picking up. You wanna stop and just break off the call when suddenly you hear him picking up. Silence. Neither of you speaks, but you gather the courage. “Shanks?” You say in a shakky voice. “Yes? Y/n? Are you in danger?” Your heart fills with so much emotion when you hear his voice, tears escape your eyes. “No no, I’m fine.” You say in your shakky voice. “Are you crying?” He asks, he sounds tired. You can’t forgive yourself, you have to be honest with him. “Yes” “Why? What’s the matter?” You take a few deep breaths. “Uhm..how have you been doing?” You decide to ask him that, you truly want to know. “Well..I could lie and say I’m fine but I’m not. I miss you” silence again. You hear him shuffle and then you hear him purring liquid. “Please don’t drink” you say “Why not?” He asks as a dry chuckle escapes him. “Not like you really care..” he mutters and more tears escape you. “That’s not true” you say and hear him chuckle again. “Why did you leave me then ?” You knew you hurt him. Badly. You should have never left. “Shanks. I’m not calling to ask for forgiveness and for you to take me back. I think we both suffered from my dumb decision. I-“ he cuts you off. “Both? How did you suffer? Did you have fun alone? Met someone cute? Be honest are you calling out of pity?” You sigh. “Shanks, stop drinking please.” “Why? Not like you care.” You cry more at his words. You hurt him, so he tries to hurt you. “Shanks this is serious” you say still in a shakky voice. “Tell me then” he says and you take a few deep breaths. You stabilise your breathing. “Please don’t hate me.” You plead and he only hums. “You’re a father” Complete silence until his glass breaks you flinch from the sound. “Are you alright?” You ask Shanks. He doesn’t answer, you only hear him calling for Benn, then he hangs up. You’re in shock. Is he headed here? What is going on? Is he gonna take your daughter away? What is he planning. You walk to your daughters room. You lay in her baby bed once again. You hug her tight.
You’re scared.
Reposts are appreciated! <3
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obxone · 1 year
Your Terms, Not Mine (Part 2)
Edited-ish. ~1.08k words
(Part 1)
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JJ looks up from where he casually leans against his bike when you pull into the parking lot. Your headlights briefly illuminate him. Once you are in park, your car door is opened, and he smirks at you as he leans against the frame of your car. “Feel like a walk on the beach?”
You frown at him. “Don’t you have a group of friends waiting on you?”
He shrugs. “They’ll be fine without me.”
You nod once before glancing back at him. JJ frowns when he notices the faraway look in your eyes.
“What happened?”
You shrug. “Nothing. Do you have it?”
He pulls a small bag out of his pocket and holds it out to you. You fish out the cash and pass it to him. He deposits the bag of weed into your hand, and you hold it tightly while huffing out a breath.
“Anything else?” He asks. His hand moves to the handle of the door. It is an unspoken offer from him like it always is, and this will be one of the few times you take him up on his offer.
You bite your lip, cheeks warming as you exhale. “Are you sure?”
He shrugs and reaches to guide you out of the car. His hand warm around yours when he closes the door of your car. “A walk on the beach will cheer you up.”
Your smile is tight, clearly fake, and he notices. You ignore the concern in his eyes and lead the way to the beach. The sand promises to be just warm enough after baking in the sun all day. The waves crashing into the shore will be louder and more relaxing, without all the tourists crowding the beach.
Once you are both settled next to the other on the sand, he brushes his hand through your hair that hangs over your shoulder. “What happened?”
You bite your lip and close your eyes as you confess both your low and high of the night. “Rafe got his way tonight. And I didn’t hate it.”
JJ’s head drops, and he groans. “Again?”
You nod, closing your eyes as a tear escapes and disappears down your cheek.
“Fuck, Cupcake.”
“I know,” you whisper, hands touching your face to wipe away any more tears before you meet his gaze. “I’m fucked up, Maybank. I warned you that when we became friends.”
He sighs before taking the weed. “I’m just as equally fucked up.”
You scoff, digging your fingers into the sand. “You don’t let Kiara use you though. Not like I let him.”
“But I do,” he murmurs, shifting his attention from rolling the joint you will share to you. “She calls, and I go running… every time. Even when she kissed Pope right in front of me.”
You frown, looking out at the dark waves crashing into the shore. “We deserve better.”
“We do,” he nods, finishing the joint. “But we don’t want better.”
You smile weakly and take the joint after his initial hit. “True story.”
JJ throws his arm around your shoulders, tucking you into his side. “What triggered it this time?”
“Kelce touched me.”
JJ sighs. “You don’t have to go to those parties, you know that.”
“I do,” you mumble, your fingertip tracing a pattern on his hand as it hangs over your shoulder. “And I hate it.” You tip your head to look at him. “But we all have our parts to play.”
He nods, agreeing with you, and you reach forward to grab the joint. He watches you, smiling at how quickly you seem to begin loosening up.
“Sweetheart?” Your mother calls from inside the house, and you sigh, snapping your book shut before dragging yourself out of the patio lounger. “It is for you.”
“Of course, it is,” you mumble as you pass her in the kitchen and step into the family room. You pause at the sight of Rafe standing in your living room. “Rafe?”
He grins, removing his hand from the frame of your portrait. “Changed your mind again?”
“Something like that,” You muse, crossing your arms over your waist. “Why are you here?”
He shrugs, hands going into his pockets as he gets closer. “Heard you were with Maybank last night.”
You shake your head, annoyed with him. “So what if I did?”
“Are you hooking up with him now?”
“No.” You respond and head back for your lounging spot. He follows despite his usual tendency to get angry and storm off.
“Then what were you doing with that Pogue?”
You curl up on the lounger, picking your book back up, and then looking at him. “Who do you think I get my weed from?”
He laughs, his pointer finger dragging over his mouth. “I don’t know. I never questioned it.”
You nod, looking down at your book. “You also never questioned why I smoke weed. Did you notice that it started shortly after you started paying attention to me?”
“Are you blaming me for your drug use?”
“Not blaming you,” you mutter, staring up at him. “But the two are linked.”
He shakes his head. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
You stay silent and hope that he will leave, but he does not. Instead, he takes a seat on the edge of the lounger.
“Why didn’t you come?”
“Because I deserve better.”
His smile is not his usual cocky smile, and he looks off at the sprawling backyard. “You started this, remember?”
“I did,” you admit, a slight chuckle leaving you. “And I still would probably.” You look away. “You are my first love, and I’m a stupid girl for thinking I would get to be different than all the others.”
He is quiet, too quiet, as he processes your words. “You love me?”
You scoff, peeling yourself from the lounger and moving away from him. You hug yourself, looking at the backyard now instead of him. Your heart breaking for the millionth time. “Yep. I do. Like I said I’m a stupid girl.”
“It’s fine, Rafe,” you whisper, reaching up to wipe a stray tear away. “You should go. I want to be alone.”
Nothing is said as he gets to his feet and exits back through the house. The silence weighing down on you after you have truly spoken your heart, and it is clear he does not feel the same way. You were his toy, a distraction from the pressures of the kook lifestyle and being Ward Cameron’s golden boy.
(Part 3 anyone?)
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This is the longest thing I’ve submitted to WW so far. I present to you a daydream that wouldn’t leave me alone while I was in Greece last week. Boyfriend Danny has my heart!
You were napping in the afternoon sun on the sun loungers you’d rented for the day. Enjoying the warm breeze, head still a little fuzzy from the heat and the mojitos you and Danny had from the beach bar with lunch.
Slowly fluttering your eyes open you notice him missing from the bed next to you. You sit up and turn around just as he’s coming out of the sea James Bond style, looking like a literal Greek god. You watch him walk back to you as he casually throws his hair up in a high bun. God you love him.
“Hey baby, you enjoy your nap?” He leans down net to you placing a salty kiss on your lips, droplets of sea water falling off of him.
“You should have woken me up, we could’ve swam together” you pout a little
“I know beautiful but you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb” another salty kiss.
As he pulls away you see a mischievous smirk appear on his face “you do seem like you need to cool off though”
He whips the hair tie out of his hair and shakes his soaked curls out over your sun baked skin and you gasp sharply “Daniel that’s so cold!” bolting upright on the sun bed you go to tickle his sides in retaliation and he easily dodges you, chuckling as a playful frown crosses your face.
“You are so dead”
“So come at me bro” he taunts.
He shoots off in the direction of the Mediterranean and you chase after him over the hot sand. You catch him once the sea slows him down and tackle him into the shallow waters, finally getting a chance to tickle his sides.
“Okay okay you got me now quit it!”
You relent and you both try to catch your breath between laughter.
“Oh babe I forgot, I got us something!” You run out of the water back to your beds, pull out 2 snorkels and speed back to the ocean full of playful excitement.
“(Y/n) these are perfect!” He grabs a snorkel, pulls you into a hug and presses even saltier kisses all over your face while you both go into fits of giggles.
You spend a while bobbing around wearing your snorkels, spotting fish and shining rocks on the sea bed in the crystal clear waters. After a while Danny taps you on the shoulder and you both come back above the water with red rings on your faces from where the snorkels had been.
You’re floating on your back now with your eyes shut, rolling gently over the waves. But what you don’t see is how Danny is looking at you. He admires your sun kissed beauty and can’t believe his luck that you met, that you agreed to go on a date with him, that you’re celebrating your 1 year anniversary in paradise.
You feel his eyes on you and crack one eye open, his gaze never falters as the biggest smile spreads across your face at your gorgeous boyfriend. You swim over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him to the sweetest kiss. He hums against your mouth as you deepen the kiss and brings your legs to wrap around his waist. Knowing you could easily get carried away, you both pull away, pupils blown, smiles wide. He runs his knuckles over your pink cheekbones and sighs “I love you so much baby”
“Not as much as I love you” taking that hand in yours and kissing his knuckles. Breaking out of his spell you take a glance back at the beach “Danny I think we scared everyone away” you whispered, noticing that it’s almost empty of people. “Naa they just don’t know how to have fun like we do. You wanna go find some cool rocks before we go?”
Satisfied with your haul of colourful rocks safely in the pocket of Danny’s trunks, you take up your spots on the sun beds and dry off in the last of the evening sun. The car journey back to your rented apartment is spent singing Cat Stevens and Fleetwood Mac at the top of your lungs with his hand in its favourite spot on your thigh.
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sweetflanfiction · 2 years
The Arena - Part 7
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Universe: Alice in Borderland Pairing: Chishiya x reader Disclaimers and Warnings: This is going to have some descriptions of anxiety and panic attacks as well as the general 'alice in borderland' violence. Be warned.
Anything between these // // is a flashback/not real.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // End
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Ari was sitting on her bed, hair pulled up in a tank top and shorts, the knot of a bathing suit peeking from under her garments. She looked at you.
"Oh did I wake you?"
"What?" You looked around the sunlit room.
"You were sound asleep, I didn't want to wake you." She explained.
"What time is it?" You asked, dragging your body out of bed.
"Humm…10:30 or so. Kaori and Chishiya are already downstairs. Apparently Chishiya has been up since 7."
You reached the duffle bag with your weekend clothes and grabbed them, nodding at whatever Ari was saying. Your mind was still trying to remember bits and pieces of the dream as you softly closed the door to the bathroom.
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, your eyes shifted to your neck. Unsurprisingly there was a faded, thin scar on the skin. It ran from the middle of your throat to your jaw. You had some of those scattered around your body, as well as some substantial ones.
Looking at your eyes in the mirror a flash of your own bloody face and neck took you by surprise. You took a step back and blinked, the vision disappearing.
"Hey, smart ass, how good are you at counting cards?" Kaori asked, walking towards the group.
The rest of the group was tucked under a sun umbrella. Ari and you were lying on beach towels watching something on her phone and drinking something sweet and fruity. In the meantime, Chishiya was lying in the shade, with only his legs in the sun, trying to nap, his drink forgotten. 
“Which smart-ass are you trying to call?” You asked without looking up.
“All of you, but mostly Chishiya.” They sat in another sun lounge.
“Chishiya isn’t here at the moment.” The man announced, without moving. “Please try your call again at a later time.”
“Oh come on. Can you or can you not count cards?” They asked again.
All of you heard, more than saw the doctor inhale and exhale, moving to sit on the lounger, pulling the hood of his jacket down. 
“Why?” He asked, his eyes blinking slowly and Kaori shoved something into his hand.
You saw his jaw clench and unclench as he looked at the piece of paper your friend had given him.
“I can, but I’m not.” He said and gave the paper back to Kaori.
“Why not?”
“It’s cheating.” He replied lying back down.
“Oh come on, we all know you’re not above cheating at game night.” Ari added after looking at the pamphlet, passing it over to you.
The small red and black sheet announced ‘Game Night at Seaside Paradise! - Come play and win some great prizes!’. There were four face cards printed under the title and your breath was caught in your throat. Without realizing it, your eyes shifted to Chishiya. He was doing his usual slow blinking, but his shoulders were tensing.
Once again the feeling of being stuck without an escape entered your mind, but looking around there was nothing strange happening. The pool was filled with coworkers and families spending the weekend. The doors inside were widely open and the pathway that led to the coast was open as well. And yet, you felt trapped and that awful burning smell came back. 
“It’ll be fun! You could prove how superior you are to all those old ladies at the bingo table.” Ari laughed. 
“We are giving you free rein on your high horse!” Kaori exclaimed. Suddenly a series of loud popping sounds were heard, and the music stopped. Both you and Chishiya got up from your places faster than the speed of light. Both of you looked around, both alert. You could feel your heart in your throat and your breathing was labored. You saw Chishiya’s breath deepen as well. 
You looked at him and he looked at you. The resounding sound of a gun firing and people screaming echoed in your heads. He frowned for a second and then shook his head at you. 
"Sorry guys!!" A loud cheerful voice over the loud was heard." Seems like the DJ was having too much fun!!"
Some laughs and cheers could be heard around the pool as the music resumed. But neither of you seemed to relax.
"Huh…guys?" Kaori questioned, their teasing tone turning serious. "It's cool. The guy in the DJ booth knocked over the mic."
Taking a deep breath, you turned your gaze from the man to your other friends. They were looking up at both of you, their faces laced with concern. "Sorry." You apologized as you moved to sit down again, paying attention as you noticed Chishiya's lounge chair had knocked over the drinks. "Oh! I'm gonna run and get us more of these."
Before any of them could say anything you grabbed the three spilled glasses and briskly walked towards the bar, trying to shake the fear that zipped through your spine. After the dream, something had changed in you. You didn’t remember much of it, but this feeling of fearlessness had started to fight the anxiety and apprehension that were gripping you tight. And although you had managed not to cower as the loud sound was heard, you were still a tad shaken.
You sat at the bar and waved at the man behind it, asking him to refill the glasses. He nodded and took them away. Across from you a pair of twins were whispering and looking around. You tried not to stare but you'd seen them before. You shrugged. There were a lot of people around, yet your eyes kept looking at them, until you blinked and they were not there. 
“Great. I’m seeing ghosts now.” You mumbled placing a hand on your forehead.
"Then I hope you asked for the virgin drinks." You heard a raspy voice drawl behind you.
"Pshh…and miss the chance to see you drunk?” you swiveled your chair to look at the man. 
Chishiya was standing there, hands in the pockets of his swim trunks, and white the hood up on this blueish jacket. No shirt underneath. 
"Does all your clothing have pockets?" You asked and he nodded.
"Yes and all my jackets have hoodies" he grinned at you, sitting in the chair next to you and pushing the said hood down.
"There were no hoodies in the suits." You laughed as the expression on his face changed into a mocking one.
"They are sewn into the lining." He said with a serious face.
"Shut up." You slapped his shoulder and he mocked the injury. “You didn’t need to come to me. The buddy system only works if we’re out of sight.” 
"As much as I enjoy being your unspoken buddy, that’s not why I’m here.” He confessed and you raised your eyebrows. “It’s all about the math: Four glasses, two hands and a DJ that likes sudden pops." 
“Ah…” You acknowledged, grinning. “Of course. My knight in a shiny hoodie, I suppose.”
Chishiya gave you a look of surprise, but the corners of his lips slowly turned upwards. You looked away, mimicking his smile, silently blaming the alcohol in the drinks for the boldness. A comfortable silence fell between you as you waited for the barman to finish the drinks.
"We have to go to the Game thingy." You told him suddenly and he raised an eyebrow.
"We do?"
You nodded profusely, looking at your other friends over your shoulder. Their heads were leaning together, trying and failing to hide the fact they were staring at the two of you. You heard Chishiya humming as he looked back as well.
“We do.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because those two lovely humans have been through it with us and they deserve a little fun. So, you’re gonna brush up on your card counting and we’re gonna win these people some prizes…” You replied, and saw one of his eyebrows raise. “Or we are babysitting them at the nightclub.”
Chishiya was still looking at you with a surprised look, his grin turning to a full smile and laughter. This is something he didn’t do often, but you were always glad to see his toothy smile.
“Card counting it is.”
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@phoenix666stuff // @rosesandlavendertea // @xiaoishwrites // @gohuijoee // @huachengsbestie01
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gorgosim · 2 years
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TS4 Community Lot Build Challenge
Time to spice up your sim saves and add in some new community lots for all sims to visit. Get creative, get out of your comfort zone, make it your own and most importantly, make it playable! **I’ll be starting this off with 3 weeks worth and will continue updating each week with a cap of 10 weeks total!**
Challenge Rules:
Each week, there will be a community lot type to accomplish. (Lounge, spa, etc) Complete it within a week, or, complete it on your own time. It's completely up to you!
If it isn't obvious enough, no stealing other simmers builds.
You can use any and all DLC that you have, or none.
No CC allowed.
Location, lot size and theme to your community lot is completely up to you.
No renovations, your lot has to be original.
If you would like, please use the tag #ts4communitylotchallenge on social media and/or the gallery so simmers can view/download your lovely creations.
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Week One: Park
What's an amazing place for a date, a place to bring the family, take your dog for a walk or even just a place for yourself to unwind away from home? A park of course!
Lot Requirements:
1 Toilet
1 Sink
2 Benches
1 Chess table
1 Patio Table
4 Outside Patio Chairs
1 Playground Equipment
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Week Two: Library
One of the best places to be to learn, no matter the age! Or, perhaps you just want to crack open a book and get lost in another universe. No matter the reason for going to a library, none can deny the bliss of getting away from the chaos in life and going to a quiet place.
Lot Requirements:
3 Bookshelves
3 Desks
5 Desk Chairs
2 Computers
1 Waste Disposal
1 Sink
1 Toilet
2 Living Chairs
1 Chess Table
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Week Three: Beach
Calling all beach lovers, or those looking for a change of scenery, it's beach time! Whether for a date or family outing, nothing beats the feel of sand between or toes. Unless.. you hate it. (Don't worry, I do too)
Lot Requirements:
1 Public Bathroom
1 Lounge Chair
Optional - 1 Water Vehicle
Optional - 1 Float Lounger
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Week Four: Bar
Ah, the place that often screams chaos. Or, on special occasions, a place that can even bring sims together. Whatever you choose to go to the local bar for, nothing beats freshly mixed drinks and listening to other sims drunkenly complain about their lives!
Lot Requirements:
1 Bar
4 Barstools
4 Dining Chairs
1 Sink
1 Toilet
1 Waste Disposal
1 Dining Tables
1 Stereo
1 Television
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Week Five: Seasonal Festival
Remember how in the Sims 3, there were seasonal festivals? I think it's time that we bring those back! Whether you love seeing the flowers bloom or love going to the pumpkin patch, there's nothing quite like some seasonal fun.
Lot Requirements: (Choose park or generic, this is up to you based on your lot/season)
1 Toilet
1 Sink
2 Benches
1 Chess table
1 Patio Table
4 Outside Patio Chairs
1 Playground Equipment
No requirements
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Beneath the surface of male suicide lies a murky world of icy darkness, and the shards of hidden trauma.
Like an iceberg – we limit men’s issues to what we can see, that icy white cap, and never look for what lies below.
Beneath the calm, demure surface, often hides stories of the abused men, or bullied boys, tales of trauma, or neglect, and sexual violence; the life of the addicted, the lonely, or those fighting a losing battle for child custody…
Stories we ignore and wave away as not possible, or as insignificant, or arrogantly berate as ‘hijacking the conversation’.
And so the secret epidemic, unnoticed, drifts closer and closer still, until it crashes into the side of our boat, making real what we chose to ignore, to devastating consequences.
We care then.
When the sun loungers and beach towels of society are disturbed, and the water rushes in, we scrabble around in a panic…
We treat the issue too late.
The cause of a man’s suicide has taken its toll, and any chance to prevent or change course, to sail for safer waters, has long since gone.
Because suicide is not a distinct issue, but the end destination of various other issues when the volume is turned up to ten, and all hope has gone.
It is, a ‘rational and solution based decision’, as is coldly described by the latest research.
It is not something to be pathologised and medicated as ‘abnormal’’, seen primarily as a ‘mental health problem’, or part of a ‘toxic’ male mindset that needs to be talked away.
And such perspectives have clearly failed us.
Failed because research often finds that suicidal men don’t consider their problem as being a ‘mental health problem’, as they are left to grapple with what lays beneath the surface.
And I know…
It’s easier to acknowledge only what we can see, to throw the burden of responsibility back upon men, but as with icebergs; we need to peer deeper, and further into the distance, to understand, before it’s too late.
So how far can you see, and how deep dare you look?
[1]: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25530176/
[2]: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/2291/default/
[3]: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31638469/
[4]: https://equi-law.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/APPG-MB-Male-Suicide-Report-9-22.pdf
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 5
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/a reader insert OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Final Chapter
Mexico was hot. Laura had found a gorgeous hotel right on the beach with views and tequila to die for. She’d diligently kept her Instagram followers up to date, which also included Beth and Brett. She’d posted a handful of pictures of their first couple of days - a selfie of the two of them with margaritas in hand, Callie on a sun lounger with her head in a book, the view from their room… On their last full day they'd spent the morning on the beach, Callie in the water and Laura in the sun. As Callie walked back up the beach to their spot, Laura snapped a photo, and wolf whistled.
"Wooo, look at you. Holy crap babe you look great - look at that?!" She held the photo up to Callie to approve. "Raquel Welch eat your fucking heart out." She posted it straight away with exactly that caption, alongside a few more she'd taken in the latter half of the week. Without her phone, Callie had no idea what Laura had actually posted throughout the week, but she trusted her regardless. Saying goodbye with one final cocktail, they made their way to the airport in a cab. Callie retrieved her phone from the depths of her bag and brought it to life. She'd loved her disconnected week, but she wanted to find out how the final days had gone on Ted and how Beth had been. While they got coffee, Callie let the airport WiFi bring her phone into the present day. There were only really her favourite 3 people to catch up with. A string of messages from Beth, usually off the back of seeing Laura's photos, a couple off Brett, and just the one from Jason. She replied in the order she'd seen them, Beth first, and then Brett. She opened the message from Jason, short and to the point, 
'Fucking hell babe, are you trying to kill me?'
She frowned, and replied first before opening her social media. 
'What's up? Just catching up. I have no idea what's going on?'
As Instagram opened up, the algorithm brought her most popular followed accounts to the top with the content she'd missed. Greeting her at the very top of the timeline was her own bikini picture. She scrolled through the others Laura had posted, liked them, and commented on them. She showed Laura Jason's message while they waited to board.
"You idiot, he's seen your hot bikini pic - isn't it obvious?" Callie hadn't considered that. She didn't think he had Instagram, but then again she also thought he didn't have Twitter so her track record was not great. 
"Oh wow, you think?" Laura nodded emphatically. 
"For sure. Message him again." Callie brought up their message chain and looked expectantly at Laura. 
"And say what maestro?"
"You're the writer." Laura snorted. Callie thought for a while. 
'Ah. All caught up now. My back burned that day, should have put more sunscreen on.'
'You're funny. You should probably bump Laura from the next trip if she's not going to help you with sunscreen.'
'I think I will. Let me know if you can think of a suitable replacement.' 
She took a quick selfie of the two of them, still wearing sun hats and glasses, and sent it off with her reply.
'Boarding for home now, will call later or tomorrow. No idea when I'm supposed to land. Hope you haven't missed me too much.'
'Laura's Instagram has been a lifeline.'
She shook her head and switched her phone back off. 
New York was significantly cooler than Mexico. After nearly 3 weeks away, Callie spent the morning doing laundry, catching up on missed emails and refilling her fridge. She joined the scheduled call with Brett and Jason, they'd all missed calls from each other over the previous two days and hadn't been able to properly catch up. 
"Look at those freckles!" Brett laughed as soon as Callie’s video connected. 
"It's the sun! I haven't seen it for so long." She grinned. "How was it finishing Ted?'
"Awful, I think I'm still dehydrated from all the tears. And not seeing him every day is worse than I expected." Brett pointed as Jason's video joined the call. 
"You're not still crying are you? I'll see you tomorrow, you can have another hug." Jason offered, "Hey Callie, good trip?"
"Really good. I think I've missed my calling as a tequila aficionado."
"It's good to have you back. Not that we did much work while you were gone."
They spent a good couple of hours catching up before Brett had to leave for another meeting while Callie and Jason stayed in the call. 
"How's LA?"
"Not bad, I prefer Brooklyn but the kids are here so that makes it better. You catching up with your New York guy now you're back?"
"Nope." Callie popped the 'p'. "I broke it off before I left for Mexico. He wasn't surprised, it's not like we were anything serious, he'd still been seeing other people so… there's that. I just didn't want to disappear completely without saying so."
"I'm sorry it didn't work out."
"Are you?" Callie asked outright. 
"No.” He admitted truthfully, “I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for."
"Hmm. I don't think I knew what I was looking for." They fell into silence for a minute. "I need to head off actually."
"Another date lined up already?"
"Only with Laura. I'm giving her my abstract for the next book. Not the one I'm writing now, the next one after that."
"Wow, that's planning ahead."
"It's just an idea for now, we'll see how it goes." 
"I can't wait to hear about it. I have to go too, I'm getting the kids from school."
"Speak to you soon?"
"Of course. Nice to have you back."
Callie fell quickly back into her usual work rhythm, dividing her time between her part written book, the plans for the next one, and the work on the show. She and Jason had resumed their back and forth calls and messages, with time difference having a much lesser impact. With only a week or so before he and Brett were due back from LA, Callie was working flat out. She picked up her phone as it rang and propped it against her tea mug so she could continue typing. 
"Hey, you busy?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Apple Dan wanted to confirm our next meeting. Is two weeks today OK for you?"
"I don't know if two minutes from now is good for me to be honest." Callie snapped. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm just stressing with this deadline on the first draft chapters for the book. I've got no fucking hot water in the apartment, the landlord has no idea when it'll be fixed so I'm having to go the the gym every day, which is taking time I don't fucking have right now and it’s absolutely disgusting, I swear people are fucking animals-"
"Hey, hey woah, stop. It's OK. Go to my place - my neighbour with the green door has a spare key. I'll call her now and let her know you're coming. Stay there as long as you need to. Just pick a room, my housekeeper was there earlier in the week to check it over so make yourself at home." Callie fumbled to pick up the phone. 
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am. I'm not back for another…four days? Five days, I think. If your place isn't sorted by then, you can just stay at mine for longer and I'll stay out of your way while you're on Laura's time."
"Oh god, thank you so much. You're a fucking hero."
"It's really nothing."
"No, it's everything, it's perfect. I owe you big time."
"Get some stuff packed, I'll call my neighbour now."
"Thanks babe, love ya."  Callie hung up the phone and immediately dropped it. Fuck. She grabbed it back up and called Laura without a second thought. 
"Hiii! You ok?"
"Noooo. I just told Jason I loved him."
"Sorry, what?"
"He told me to go to his apartment and stay there cos I was so stressed over the hot water thing and then I went to hang up and it just fell out of my mouth like I was saying bye to you, or Beth. It was just completely…"
"Natural. Because you do love him, he's literally your best friend who did something really nice for you, and of course it was your automatic and natural response. Don't overthink it, he probably didn't even notice." Callie wasn't so sure about that, but she hummed and conceded with Laura before putting some things in a bag. She took an Uber with her stuff the few blocks to Jason's and knocked at the house next door. She vaguely explored the house without being too intrusive, trying to find the guest bedroom. She closed the doors on the kids' rooms so she didn't disturb anything in them, and found the guest room right across the hall from Jason's. She hovered in the hallway between the two doors for a second, eyeing up the bigger bed, but common sense won out and she dropped her bag in the spare room. It was like pressing a big magic button. 
Removing the underlying stress of her apartment issues suddenly unlocked Callie’s productivity. She sat at the kitchen island that she had last shared with Brett and Jason and she drafted outlines for the next book, edited and re-edited her first draft chapters of the new book, and worked hard on tying up the loose plot points that she’d been working on for the show. For three full days she sat from 8am til 6pm and worked, she took an hour each in the morning and afternoon to go for a walk around Jason’s neighbourhood, took some bakery cupcakes to his neighbour to thank them for arranging to let her in, and filled his fridge. Each evening, she sat with a glass of wine and picked a movie from his outrageous collection. By the fourth day, she started pulling on a story thread for the show which had come from nowhere. She missed her morning break, ate lunch while standing in front of her laptop and made voice notes when she went for a walk in the afternoon. She didn’t stop to watch a movie, instead she put You Got Mail on in the background. By 11pm she was asleep on the sofa with her laptop still resting on her stomach. 
Jason saw the lights on from the street, he wasn’t sure whether she’d still be there, the last he’d heard she was trying to find out whether the water was back on at her apartment. Since then, he’d been on an earlier flight back to New York so hadn’t seen an update. The house was quiet when he entered so he stayed silent. He peered around the sitting room door to see Callie laid out on the sofa wearing his hoodie and a pair of pajama shorts. The end credits of You Got Mail were rolling and her laptop looked as though it was about to slide off her stomach to the floor. He reached her just in time to catch it and put it down safely. She stretched out, causing the hoodie to rise up but she didn’t stir at all. He ran his fingers through her hair gently.
“Callie? Callie baby, time to wake up.” she batted his hand away and frowned in her sleep. He took her hand and kissed her palm. “Cal?”
“Jason?” She mumbled in her sleep, rolling to her side to face him.
“It’s me, time to wake up and get into a real bed?” Her eyes fluttered open and she looked blankly at him. She took a couple of blinks to wake up and reached out a hand to brush across his stubble, the Ted mustache had been taken over. She looked completely confused.
“Are you really here?” she whispered.
“I am. You ok?” she snatched her hand back and sat up quickly, shaking off the sleep.
“How come you’re here? I thought you were back tomorrow. Have I missed a day?”
“I got an early flight. Why are you working so late?” He helped her up off the sofa and she stretched out the aching muscles.
“I got carried away with a storyline.” She handed him a beer from the fridge, “I can go back to my apartment tomorrow.”
“That’s good. So I umm… I came back because I was worried about you. I finished my last meeting today and didn’t want to wait for the flight tomorrow.”
“It’s been a much better few days. I submitted my chapters so I’m clear of deadlines now for a few weeks. Plus the water is fixed.” There was an odd silence and a strange nervousness radiating from Jason which was also beginning to engulf Callie. “So, I’m gonna go to bed. Then I can get out of your hair tomorrow so you can settle back in.” She finished her beer and put the bottle in the recycling box.
“I’ve missed you.” He said quietly as she reached the doorway. “Not hearing from you while you were away was so weird and then Laura was posting those photographs and you looked…” his eyes moved from her to the ceiling, “god Callie, you look so perfect. Then. Now. Every single day. I quit. This push and pull? This game? I’m cracking first, I quit.” Callie’s eyes grew wider. She cleared her throat a little. 
“I’m so much braver when there’s an ocean or a fucking phone between us. I can almost forget that… you take every breath from my body. When you’re there, in front of me, it’s like I can't speak or think. You trip me up every time. I fumble the bag.” She hesitated. “Believe me, you won a long time ago. Brett, Laura, Beth, they’ve been calling me out on my bullshit for months. I just keep getting in my own way.” She fell away to a whisper. She looked at the floor unsure of herself. The silence was deafening. She closed her eyes to blink back tears and as they refocused on the floor, Jason’s sneakers came into view. She looked up, shocked to see the boundless love in his eyes. Callie finally, finally, met him in a searing kiss.
She buried her face deeper into the pillow, hiding from the sunlight. She could feel Jason pressed against her back, breathing softly into her hair and unbothered by the opened blinds. Even in sleep, his hands were everywhere. Callie sighed contentedly. Somewhere across the room, a phone rang. She was all set to ignore it and go back to sleep, but Jason groaned with a low rumble and she suddenly felt anything but sleepy. He left her side briefly to get the phone and answered with a deep, sleepy voice.
“Oh… It’s Laura. Is Callie there?” Jason moved the phone from his ear to look at it. Definitely not his.
“Your phone babe, not mine.” He went to hand it over but she pushed it back towards him, rolling over to face him.
“Tell her I’ll call her later, I’m sleeping.” He smirked.
“Uhh, she’s busy, Laur. She’ll call you later.” He hung up and pulled Callie close,
“I said sleeping, not busy.” She pointed out.
“Sleep is for the weak. I’ve waited too long for you to let you sleep.”
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thegreenvoyage · 2 years
13 Best Beach Clubs Lisbon (2023)
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Lisbon is one of the top destinations when finding the perfect spot to spend your summer days. With its crystal-clear waters, golden sand beaches, and lively atmosphere, there's no doubt that this area is ideal for a leisurely vacation. Whether you want to sunbathe on the beach or enjoy cocktails by the water, you'll find the perfect spot here. So whether you're looking for a laid-back day by the sea or some more adventurous activities, these 13 beach clubs in Lisbon are sure to fit the bill. Table of ContentsTop Categories of Beach Clubs in Lisbon Overview 1- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Families 2- Beach Clubs in Lisbon to Party 3- Beach Clubs in Lisbon on a budget 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Lisbon 5- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Couples & Honeymoons Lisbon Quick Guide What are the best beach clubs in Lisbon? 1.    SUD Lisboa Beach Club 2.    Bar Moinho 3.    Kailua Fonte da Telha 4.    Bar do Guincho 5.    Rampa Beach Club 6.    Cabana Beach Bar 7.    Costa in Beach Bar 8.    Yamba Beach Club 9.    Gemeos Bar 10. K Urban Beach Club 11. Lisboa Rio 12. Classico Beach Club 13. Tamariz Beach Club Best Things to Do in Lisbon 1. Enjoy the fun 2. Feel the sand 3. Enjoy the nightlife Lisbon Travel Essentials Conclusion Top Categories of Beach Clubs in Lisbon Overview 1- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Families There are plenty of family-friendly beach clubs in Portugal, and Bar Moinho is one of them. This bar has a wide range of drinks, food, and plenty of seating. The beach is only a few minutes away, and there's also a pool and plenty of sun loungers for visitors. (number 2 on the list) 2- Beach Clubs in Lisbon to Party Cabana Beach Bar! This nightclub is perfect for party-goers looking for a night out on the town. A wide range of drinks and snacks are available at the hotel, as well as a swimming pool and a dance floor. (number 6 on the list) 3- Beach Clubs in Lisbon on a budget Costa In Beach Bar! This club is perfect for budget-conscious travellers looking for a night out on the town. There's a range of drinks and food available at low prices, as well as a pool and dancefloor. (number 7 on the list) 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Lisbon Kailua Fonte da Telha! The luxurious accommodations at this beach club are ideal for couples seeking a romantic getaway. Drinks and snacks are available, as well as a pool and spa. (number 3 on the list) 5- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Couples & Honeymoons Check out Yamba Beach Club if you prefer a quieter, more relaxed experience. This club is perfect for couples looking for a romantic escape. (number 8 on the list) Lisbon Quick Guide Here are a few resources that you may find helpful in Lisbon. Popular Hotel Stays in Lisbon: - Room007 Select Liberdade - Browns Boutique Hotel - Browns Central Hotel - TURIM Terreiro do Paço Hotel - Browns Downtown Hotel Car Rental: Are you looking for a hassle-free car rental experience in Lisbon? Look no further! Discover Cars is a top car rental company in Lisbon, offering a wide range of vehicles and easy online booking. Bike Rentals: If you're looking for a bike, check out Bikes Bookings. They have a wide variety of bikes to choose from and a great selection of accessories, such as helmets and locks. Tours: Viator and Get Your Guide are two of the most popular tourist booking platform, offering various options, from walking to Segway tours. Here are a few popular selections - Sintra: Pena Palace and Park Entrance Ticket - Lisbon: Pena Palace, Sintra, Cabo da Roca, & Cascais Daytrip - Lisbon: History, Stories and Lifestyle Walking Tour - Lisbon: Sunset Sailing with Portuguese Wine and History - Lisbon: Hop-on Hop-off 48-Hour Bus and Boat Tour Ticket What are the best beach clubs in Lisbon? Lisbon is known for its stunning architecture, gorgeous scenery, and delicious food, but many people don't know that the city is also home to some of the best beach clubs Lisbon. The following clubs will satisfy your needs, whether you're looking for a pool party, a beachfront bar, or just somewhere to relax with friends. If you're looking for the best beaches in Lisbon, you'll want to check out some of the city's best beach clubs. These clubs offer everything from great drinks and food to lively nightlife and stunning views. Here are 13 of the best beach clubs Lisbon that you won’t want to miss: - SUD Lisboa Beach Club - Bar Moinho - Kailua Fonte da Telha - Bar do Guincho - Rampa Beach Club - Cabana Beach Bar - Costa In Beach Bar - Yamba Beach Club - Gemeos Bar - K Urban Beach Club - Lisboa Rio - Classico beach club - Tamariz Beach Club 1.    SUD Lisboa Beach Club If you're looking for an idyllic spot to relax and take in the sights and sounds of Lisbon – without spending a fortune – you'll want to check out Sud Lisboa. This beach club is one of the most luxurious options you'll find in the city, and it offers all the amenities you could want, including a wide variety of restaurants and bars, a well-equipped gym, and stunning views of the Tagus River and the city skyline. If you're looking to spend a day or two soaking up the sun and enjoying some of Lisbon's best cultural attractions, Sud Lisboa is the place for you. On-site, several museums, a casino, and a range of attractions will keep you entertained for hours. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a day full of relaxation, Sud Lisboa is worth a visit. With its world-class facilities and luxurious surroundings, it's guaranteed to make your vacation in Lisbon even more special. Address: Pavilhão Poente (ao lado do MAAT, Av. Brasília, 1300-598 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: +351 21 159 2700 Website: https://sudlisboa.com/en/ Email: [email protected] 2.    Bar Moinho The bar Moinho on the beach is perfect for some drinks and relaxation! It's located in the quiet Carcavelos, a great place to spend a lazy day. You can sit outside and enjoy the sounds of the waves or take a seat inside and enjoy some delicious Portuguese cuisine. The bar also has plenty of sun loungers and umbrellas, so you can soak up some rays while relaxing. Whatever your mood may be, Carcavelos has something to offer, from relaxing days at the pool to fun nights out. So take a walk and enjoy some of the best beach clubs Lisbon offers. Address: Praia do Moinho - Praia de, 2775-681 Carcavelos, Portugal Phone: +351 21 458 0194 Website: https://www.facebook.com/BarMoinhoCarcavelos/ Email: [email protected] 3.    Kailua Fonte da Telha Take a trip to Lisbon to Kailua Fonte da Telha if you want something fun and exciting. This bar/restaurant is a place to drink and eat, and it’s sure to please. A great bar atmosphere can be found at the station, and the staff is friendly, helpful, and accommodating to all customers. The menu features plenty of different options, including salads, hamburgers, toast, and desserts. There is also a separate menu available for smoothies and shakes if you want something more substantial. Those seeking a fun night out on the town will find Kailua to be the perfect place for them. The city of Kailua is the ideal place for anyone interested in participating in a variety of activities, whether they are tourists or residents looking for a place to relax and have some fun while in the city. Address: Av. Vasco da Gama, Praia Lareira Fonte da Telha, 2815-486 Aroeira, Portugal Phone: +351 21 296 3784 Website: https://www.kailua.pt/ Email: [email protected] 4.    Bar do Guincho If you're looking for a beach bar in Lisbon that will make you feel at home, Bar do Guincho is your spot. This place is iconic, and it's easy to see why – it's casual and comfortable, with a great atmosphere and a range of drinks to suit all tastes. The best part is that it's located off the beaten path, so you can enjoy peace and quiet while soaking up the views. Alternatively, if you're looking for a spot to party it up, Bar do Guincho is the place for you. It's always lively, and the staff is always happy to help you. Address: Estrada do Abano, Praia do Guincho, 547, 2755-144, Portugal Phone: +351 21 487 1683 Website: https://www.bardoguincho.pt/ Email: [email protected] 5.    Rampa Beach Club Rampa Beach Club is worth checking out if you're looking for a Lisbon beach club that will leave you feeling spoilt for choice. The venue boasts some of the best food in Lisbon, and the views are unbeatable – you can sit and enjoy the sun and waves from right on the sand. The atmosphere is also chilled out, which is great if you're looking for a relaxing break from the city. And if you're a fan of fresh seafood, then you'll be in heaven at Rampa Beach Club – the menu features sea bass and sardines, which are delicious. Rampa Beach Club is a great choice if you're looking for an exclusive beach escape – be sure to check it out if you're in Lisbon! Address: R. Vasco da Gama Lote 277, 2825-486 Fonte de Telha, Portugal Phone: +351 21 297 4810 Website: https://rampabeachclub.negocio.site/ 6.    Cabana Beach Bar Cabana Beach Bar is one of the city's most famous beach clubs, and for a good reason. It's located on the tranquil beach of Cabana, and just a few minutes' walk from the city centre. The club's sunbeds are comfortable and well-maintained, and the waters are crystal clear. The beach is also well-stocked with beach umbrellas, sun loungers, and parasols, so you can relax in the shade if you want to or take a dip in the ocean if you feel like it. The club's menu features a wide range of delicious food and drinks and plenty of options for children. The club offers upgraded services, such as private beach access, free Wi-Fi, and a children's play area. So whether you're looking for a peaceful escape from the city or just a place to relax and enjoy the sun, Cabana Beach Bar is a perfect choice. Address: Descida da Fonte da Telha, Almada, Portugal Phone: +351 21 297 7711 Website: https://cabanabeachbarcy.com/ 7.    Costa in Beach Bar Located on the famous Costa do Sol beach in Lisbon, this bar is the perfect place to hang out with friends and enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean climate. Costa In Beach Bar is one of the best Lisbon beach clubs and offers a wide variety of drinks and food options. There's also a lovely beachfront terrace with stunning ocean views, perfect for catching some sun and relaxing. Whether you're looking to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather or you're looking for a place to chill out and enjoy a drink, Costa in Beach Bar is the place to be! Address: Av. Gen. Humberto Delgado 7B, 2825-337 Costa da Caparica, Portugal Phone: +351 919 920 858 8.    Yamba Beach Club If you're looking for a beach daycation in Lisbon – away from the city's hustle and bustle, you'll want to check out Yamba Beach Club. This tranquil locale boasts stunning views of the Tagus River, crystal-clear waters, and a wide variety of beach amenities, including a children's play area, showers, and a beach bar. If you like to take your dog to the beach club, you are welcome to do so. If you're unfamiliar with Lisbon, stop by the Yamba Beach Club's information desk for a quick orientation. Whether you are interested in the city, the beaches, or the culture of the Portuguese, the hotel staff will be more than happy to assist you with your questions about them. Address: Praia da Bolina, Estr. da Praia do Castelo, 2825-491 Costa da Caparica, Portugal Phone: +351 932 737 401 Website: http://www.yambayamba.com/ 9.    Gemeos Bar In the Gemeos Bar, you can relax with a drink and enjoy the picturesque view of the Tagus River as you enjoy a good time. The terrace is perfect for eating and drinking, and the live music on Fridays and Saturdays makes it a great spot to get down and have some fun. Weekend nights are always packed at the Gemeos Bar, not just because of the lovely views. The themed parties always have a great atmosphere, and the DJs and live music make it enjoyable. Address: Carcavelos, Portugal Phone: +351 21 457 9274 Website: http://bardosgemeos.com/ 10. K Urban Beach Club K Urban Beach Club is located in one of the most popular areas of Lisbon – Areeiro. With its amazing ocean views, beautiful architecture, and perfect location, it is no wonder that this club is so popular. The club has many activities, including swimming, sunbathing, fitness classes, etc. Plus, the staff are incredibly friendly and will go out of their way to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. K Urban Beach Club is the perfect place if you're looking for a break from the busy city life and some quiet time. Address: Cais da Viscondessa, 1200-109 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: +351 961 312 719 Website: https://grupo-k.pt/ Email: [email protected] 11. Lisboa Rio With delicious food, cocktails, and a beautiful river view, it's the perfect spot to spend a night in Lisbon. The restaurant is in the heart of the Bairro Alto, a vibrant and lively neighborhood in central Lisbon. The Tagus River can be seen flowing in the background, providing a stunning view that sets the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable evening. The menu at Lisbon Rio Club is diverse and offers something for everyone. There are burgers, snacks, cocktails, and a wide selection of wine and beer. As part of the restaurant's menu, you will be able to find some delicious items, including burgers, fries, and onion rings, that will leave you wanting more. If you're looking for a night out that will let you relax and enjoy yourself, Lisbon Rio Club is the perfect place to go. As well as the beautiful atmosphere, the restaurant offers delicious and unique food and is located in a beautiful and relaxing location. Spend a night or two here, and you will not regret it. Address: Cais Gás 7, 1200-109 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: +351 966 447 171 Website: https://www.lisboario.pt/ Email: [email protected] 12. Classico Beach Club This prestigious establishment takes advantage of Caparica's stunning coastline to provide a truly luxurious dining experience. With an impressive list of accolades, the Best Beach Clubs Lisbon Classico Beach Club is known for its exquisite food and service. This establishment is a great choice if you're looking for a casual lunch or a more indulgent dinner. Whatever your mood, you're sure to find something that excites you here. The Classico Beach Club is also fantastic for relaxing and soaking up the stunning Caparica coastline. Whether you're in the mood for a swim, a soak in the spa, or a glass of wine on the terrace, this is the perfect spot for a relaxing day out. So whether you're looking for a luxurious beach escape or a relaxing day out, the Best Beach Clubs Lisbon, Classico Beach Club is the perfect place. Address: Praia de, Av. Afonso de Albuquerque S/N, 2825-485 Trafaria, Portugal Phone: +351 927 194 906 Website: https://restaurantesolivier.com/classicobyolivier/ Email: [email protected] 13. Tamariz Beach Club One of life's simplest pleasures is spending time at the beach, and Lisbon has plenty of great beaches to choose from. You should head to Tamariz Beach Club if you want a truly unique experience. This beautiful spot is located just steps from the sandy shores of Estoril, and it's easy to see why it's been a favorite destination for locals and visitors alike for years. There is always a festive and upbeat atmosphere at the pool and beach. Furthermore, the staff at this hotel is exceptionally friendly and accommodating, always willing to assist in making your stay as comfortable as possible. The Tamariz Beach Club offers a variety of experiences, from casual beach days to more upscale ones. Address: Av. Marginal 7669, Estoril, Portugal Phone: +34 662 12 96 05 Website: https://www.facebook.com/TamarizSummerClub/ Email: [email protected] Best Things to Do in Lisbon People come to enjoy the fun and relax in many places. You can visit a beach club in Lisbon where you can enjoy the sea breeze, feel the sand on your feet, and enjoy the nightlife. It is optional; you must spend a fortune to enjoy the fun. You can enjoy the fun with a budget, and you don’t need to be rich to enjoy the beach club in Lisbon. 1. Enjoy the fun The most important thing to enjoy is the sea breeze and the sun's rays. If you are a person who is fond of water and loves the sea, then you will be able to enjoy the water and feel its refreshingness of the water. 2. Feel the sand One of the most beautiful things about the beach club in Lisbon is that you can feel the sand. You can feel the coolness of the sand when you walk around the beach. The coolness of the sand will make you feel refreshed, and you can enjoy the nightlife. 3. Enjoy the nightlife At Lisbon's beach club, you can experience the nightlife. You can enjoy many activities that will make you feel happy and refreshed. You can enjoy the dance floor or the bar where you can drink. Lisbon Travel Essentials Are you looking to get away to Lisbon? Here are some essentials to make your trip a success! Flights & Hotels Accommodation: First and foremost, book your flights and accommodation. With over 100 airlines and countless hotel options available, WayAway and Booking.com are great resources for finding the best deals. Airport & Hotel Transfers: Book your airport transfers in advance if you're arriving in Lisbon on a Saturday or Sunday. Kwik Taxi is a reliable and affordable option. Rental Services: Once you've arrived in Lisbon, it's time to get your bearings. Head over to Discover Cars to rent a car for your stay. Transfers can be a major hassle, so using a rental service will make your life much easier. Transport Services: If you're looking for an all in one platform, 12go offers various transport services that allow you to explore the city at your own pace. Attractions, Museums & Shows: Now it's time to explore. Tiqets and TripAdvisor are fantastic resources for finding Lisbon attractions, museums, and restaurants. Activities: Viator is a great resource for activities in Lisbon, with options for cycling, swimming, wine tasting, and more. A comprehensive guide to everything Lisbon has to offer can be found at Get Your Guide. Conclusion The 12 Best Beach Clubs in Lisbon are perfect for tourists who want to enjoy the sun and the sand. These clubs are located in some of the most beautiful spots in the city, and they offer everything from pool parties to full-blown beach bars and pictureque sceneries. Read the full article
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uksresort · 2 years
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The Reason you should Always Choose Resorts with a Swimming Pool
Swimming pools are always one of your guests' favorite amenities, regardless of where your Resort is located. The Best Resort in Khopoli provides the best Swimming pools that will always be a refuge for visitors and the place where they will begin or end their days, even if you are within walking distance of some of the best beaches in the world. And why not, it is where they will decide to spend a whole day relaxing.
Benefits of Swimming Pool
1. Flexibility
Swimming makes your body more flexible. Helps loosen ligaments and tendons. This reduces pressure and makes it more resistant to sudden shocks and stresses. To continue with the routine, choose an accommodation with a swimming pool.
2. The Pool is Cleaned Regularly
The sea is not going to be cleaned, is it? Even if you take a dip there, be sure to share the waters with plenty of others. A swim in the pool is going to be much more hygienic, don't you think? Therefore, always choose a hotel with a swimming pool in Khopoli.
Here are Reasons to Choose a UK’s Resort 
#1 Privacy
While looking for accommodation, one of the most difficult points to ensure is your privacy. Resorts often let you down with limited access to all of their amenities. If you book a resort, no more disappointment because of the crowded lawn or restaurant. You will have your private garden along with dining rooms to enjoy every moment during your stay.
#2 Hygiene
It is essential to maintain hygiene during the holidays. From furniture to toiletries, everything in the resort is more likely to be more hygienic than in hotels. If you book a resort in Phuket instead of a hotel room, the professionals will take care of everything, including your hygiene.
#3 Private Pool
It is perhaps the best amenity found in UK’s resorts. The effort of getting up early and putting a towel on the perfect lounger around the pool before another guest takes it can't ruin your vacation. There can be no alternative to stepping out into your own private pool and enjoying yourself for hours.
#4 Convenience
If you compare the comfort of staying in resorts with that of hotels, the difference will always make you choose a One Day Picnic Resort in Khopoli. In most hotels, breakfast ends at 10:30. At your own resort, you choose the breakfast time. The same applies to any other service, be it a late-night arrival or a personalized kitchen.
#5 Spacious
There can be no comparison between the number of spaces that hotels and resorts provide. Even if you book an executive suite, the space is smaller than a private resort. In resorts, there are usually several bedrooms, separate kitchens, and bathrooms that allow you to relax comfortably.
#6. Increase Property Value
You never know when it will be time to move from your home to a new property, but confidence in increasing value is always a plus. A swimming pool adds a touch of luxury to your property to help it stand out from the crowd when in the real estate market by increasing its overall value. You may not want to sell now, but when you do, a pool could make a big difference to the bottom line.
#7. Relax
Spending time in the water helps your body relax, relieves stress, and improves sleep. After a long day at work, or when you feel like you need a little break from the stresses of life, a pool makes a world of difference. It's not just for kids, a swimming pool can be a very effective tool in promoting a stress-free lifestyle.
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yashvitours · 2 years
Top 7 Romantic Honeymoon Resorts In Thailand
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Hey, Congratulations, you’re getting hitched! Now you get to think about the best part…The Honeymoon! And if you are looking to spend some quality time with your loved one in a tropical paradise, look no further than Thailand!
              This beautiful country is known as the ‘Land of Smiles.’
Thailand is an exotic destination perfect for a romantic trip; its idyllic offshore islands feature crystal clear oceans, limestone cliffs and mangrove forests and its luxury hotels boast beachfront villas, sparkling infinity pools, pampering spas and much more. Hey, all the honeymoon couples, the good news is that there are several exotic resorts in Thailand that will surely surprise you and leave you in the woo. Book your Thailand Holiday Packages and enjoy your stays at the below-mentioned Romantic Resorts in Thailand.
Here are 7 Romantic Resorts in Thailand to Cosy Up your Romance
The Sarojin
Scenic locations, and comfortable & luxurious accommodations, are a perfect set-up for any honeymoon. From hot tubs and jacuzzi baths in the rooms to private dinners on the beach or in the jungle, couples massages, sunset cocktails and sun loungers for two-if, you’re looking to indulge thoroughly in your newlywed status, then this is the place to do it. The Sarojin will do its best to make these days the best days of your life. Book Thailand Tour Packages to mark memorable days.
Four Seasons Resorts, Koh Samui
The Four Seasons Resort invites couples to enjoy the laid-back island lifestyle while having all their home comforts. Various accommodations are offered, including 1-bedroom pool villas, 2-bedroom pool apartments, and family pool villas. During your visit, you may get a relaxing massage at the Secret Garden Spa, practice Muay Thai kickboxing, and utilize the fitness facility.
Private cruises, sunset drinks, private film screenings, private Thai-style sala meals, and private in-villa meals are among the fantastic options to spend some quality time with your partner in the resort by booking Thailand Holiday Packages.
Pimalai Resort and Spa, Koh Lanta
Poking out of the jungle slopes, the Pimalai was built to complement nature. The resort is located on Thailand’s Andaman coast, with the most fudged views from its endless pool for couples to enjoy. The premises are pristine and luxurious, and you will have plenty of opportunities to pamper yourself. The evening time is famous in this resort as you can spend time with each other. The Pimalai Resort and Spa is one of the most romantic resorts in Thailand. So, this allows you to indulge in really romantic moments in complete solitude by booking Thailand Honeymoon Packages.
Layana Resort and Spa, Koh Lanta
Koh Lanta is home to many romance-inducing luxury resorts, and one of the best is the Layana Resort and Spa. Watch the ocean strum shoreline from a beautiful infinity salt-water pool. Tides Restaurant and Sundowners Bar are the areas of specialization of the Layana Resort and Spa, which gives stunning views of the beaches. Book Thailand Tour Packages for Couples and enjoy a romantic Candlelit dinner on the beach with your partner.
The Float House, River Kwai
If you are looking for somewhere a little bit different from staying in Thailand, then a night or two in a floating villa will be a fun addition to your itinerary. The Float House is located on the iconic River Kwai and is the unique setting to base yourself for adventuring around Kanchanaburi. Jump straight into the river for a morning swim, explore the nearby caves, and swing on your deck while you watch the sun go down.
Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp and Resort
Perhaps one of the most atmospheric places to stay in Thailand, Anantara in Chiang Rai is pretty special indeed. With a prime location to take in mountain top views that stretch to Myanmar and Laos in the distance, it boasts spectacular spaces filled with Thai art and design, serene pool sides and romantic restaurants. It’s also home to a traditional mahout camp for rescued elephants. Explore this incredible place by booking Thailand Holiday Packages. 
Romantic Resort and Spa, Khao Yai
Khao Yai, the first national park in Thailand, is where you will find the Romantic Resort and Spa. A rather dreamy resort pool (flanked by six elephant statues) sits in a pristine courtyard, while a decadent spa offers bathing facilities in the style of Japanese onsen(hot springs), a salt room and aqua beds. There are a variety of rooms, many of which have a private balcony, a minibar and gripping views of the pool and mountains. Book Thailand Honeymoon Packages and enjoy the most spectacular scenery with your partner.
Concluding Words
For a romantic honeymoon tour, take your partner to any of these resorts and make your days more special in Thailand. Log into Yashvi Tours and Travels website for the best deals on Thailand Tour Packages from India and get to know all about visiting Thailand.
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lordshotelsresorts · 10 days
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Shrivardhan Beach is a hidden gem in Maharashtra, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With its golden sands, swaying palms, and tranquil waters, Shrivardhan Beach is the perfect destination for those seeking a relaxing getaway. If you're planning a visit, finding the right accommodation is key to enhancing your experience. So, where can you find the best rooms near Shrivardhan Beach for a relaxing stay? Look no further than Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan, your gateway to a luxurious and peaceful retreat.
1. Why Choose Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan?
Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan stands out as the premier choice for visitors looking for the best rooms near Shrivardhan Beach. This resort is a perfect blend of modern comfort and traditional Konkan hospitality, offering an unparalleled experience for guests. Here’s why Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan is the ideal place for your stay:
Proximity to Shrivardhan Beach: Located just a short walk from the beach, the resort allows guests to enjoy easy access to the pristine sands and soothing waves. Whether you want to take an early morning stroll or unwind with a sunset view, the beach is right at your doorstep.
Luxurious Accommodations: The resort offers a variety of well-appointed rooms designed to provide maximum comfort and relaxation. Each room is spacious, elegantly furnished, and equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi, and more. Some rooms even offer private balconies with stunning views of the lush surroundings or the beach, making it a perfect spot to unwind.
Serene Atmosphere: The resort is surrounded by lush greenery, creating a serene environment that is ideal for relaxation. The well-maintained gardens, swaying palm trees, and peaceful ambiance make Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan a true sanctuary for those looking to escape the noise of daily life.
2. Amenities and Services to Enhance Your Stay
Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan goes above and beyond to ensure that your stay is not only comfortable but also memorable. The resort offers a range of amenities and services that cater to the needs of every guest:
Swimming Pool: Take a refreshing dip in the resort’s outdoor swimming pool, perfect for cooling off after a day at the beach. The pool area is surrounded by comfortable loungers, allowing you to relax and soak up the sun in style.
Multi-Cuisine Restaurant: Indulge in a culinary journey at the resort’s multi-cuisine restaurant, which offers a variety of dishes ranging from traditional Konkani seafood to popular international cuisines. The restaurant’s cozy ambiance and attentive service make dining a delightful experience.
Spa and Wellness Center: Rejuvenate your mind and body at the resort’s spa, which offers a selection of therapies and treatments designed to relax and revitalize you. Whether you choose a soothing massage or a refreshing facial, the spa ensures a blissful experience.
Indoor and Outdoor Activities: For those who enjoy staying active, the resort offers a range of indoor and outdoor activities. From beach volleyball to nature walks, there’s something for everyone. The resort also organizes excursions to nearby attractions, allowing you to explore the rich cultural heritage of the region.
3. A Perfect Base for Exploring Shrivardhan
While Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan is a destination in itself, it also serves as an excellent base for exploring the surrounding area. Shrivardhan Beach is known for its tranquil beauty, but there’s much more to discover in the region:
Diveagar Beach: Just a short drive from Shrivardhan, Diveagar Beach is another picturesque spot that offers a peaceful retreat. The beach is known for its clean sands, gentle waves, and calm atmosphere, making it perfect for a day trip.
Harihareshwar Temple: Often referred to as the "Kashi of the South," Harihareshwar Temple is a must-visit for spiritual seekers. The temple is located on a hillock overlooking the Arabian Sea and offers stunning views of the coastline.
Kondivali Beach: For a more secluded experience, head to Kondivali Beach, a hidden gem surrounded by cliffs and dense forests. The beach is less crowded and offers an ideal setting for a quiet picnic or a leisurely walk.
4. Book Your Stay at Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan Today
If you're wondering where to find the best rooms near Shrivardhan Beach for a relaxing stay, Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan is the answer. With its luxurious accommodations, top-notch amenities, and serene atmosphere, the resort provides everything you need for a perfect beach getaway. Whether you're traveling with family, and friends, or on a solo retreat, Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan promises an unforgettable experience.
The opportunity to enjoy a blissful stay near one of Maharashtra’s most beautiful beaches. Book your room at Gaurav Lords Resort Shrivardhan today and get ready to immerse yourself in the tranquility and luxury that await you at this exceptional resort.
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lotusevents · 26 days
Top Summer Party Venues to Elevate Your Celebration
As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, summer presents the perfect opportunity to gather friends, family, or colleagues for a memorable party. Choosing the right venue is essential to set the tone for your summer celebration. Whether you're planning an intimate gathering or a grand festivity, here are some top summer party venues that will make your event unforgettable.
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1. Rooftop Bars
Rooftop bars are synonymous with summer parties, offering stunning views, fresh air, and a vibrant atmosphere. Venues like Madison Rooftop in London provide panoramic views of St. Paul's Cathedral and the city skyline, creating a magical backdrop for any celebration. With comfortable seating, stylish decor, and an extensive cocktail menu, rooftop bars are perfect for a chic and relaxed summer soirée.
2. Beach Clubs
Nothing says summer like a party by the sea. Beach clubs offer a laid-back yet glamorous setting with sun, sand, and surf. Venues such as The Bungalow in Santa Monica, California, combine a coastal vibe with luxurious amenities. Enjoy the ocean breeze, lounge in cabanas, and dance to live music as the sun sets over the water. Beach clubs are ideal for those looking to combine relaxation and revelry.
3. Garden Venues
For a more serene and nature-inspired celebration, garden venues provide a picturesque setting. Places like The Secret Garden in Kent, UK, offer lush greenery, blooming flowers, and elegant garden structures. These venues are perfect for afternoon tea parties, garden games, or evening dinners under twinkling fairy lights. The natural beauty of a garden venue creates a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere.
4. Poolside Locations
Poolside parties are quintessential for summer, offering a fun and refreshing environment. Venues like The SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills provide a chic poolside setting with luxurious loungers, stylish cabanas, and top-notch service. Whether it's a daytime pool party with cocktails and DJ sets or an evening gathering with ambient lighting, poolside locations offer versatility and a cool respite from the summer heat.
5. Country Estates
For a touch of sophistication and grandeur, country estates offer a stunning backdrop for summer parties. Venues like Aynhoe Park in Oxfordshire, UK, provide sprawling grounds, historic architecture, and luxurious interiors. Country estates are perfect for large gatherings, offering ample space for outdoor activities, elegant dining, and even overnight accommodations for guests. The opulence and exclusivity of a country estate add a special touch to any celebration.
6. Urban Courtyards
Urban courtyards combine the best of both worlds: the convenience of a city location with the charm of an outdoor space. Venues like Dalloway Terrace in London offer a stylish courtyard setting with lush greenery, floral decorations, and a cozy yet sophisticated ambiance. Urban courtyards are ideal for cocktail parties, casual dinners, or networking events, providing a hidden oasis in the heart of the city.
7. Private Yachts
For the ultimate in luxury and exclusivity, hosting a summer party on a private yacht is hard to beat. Yacht venues like The Venetian in Dubai offer opulent settings, complete with gourmet catering, entertainment options, and breathtaking views from the water. Whether cruising along the coastline or anchored in a picturesque bay, a yacht party offers a unique and unforgettable experience.
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Selecting the perfect summer party venues are key to creating an unforgettable event. Whether you prefer the urban sophistication of a rooftop bar, the natural beauty of a garden, or the luxurious setting of a private yacht, there's a venue to suit every style and occasion. As you plan your summer celebration, consider these top venues to ensure your party is a resounding success.
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new-myrtle-beach-sc · 27 days
Outdoor Oasis
People love to spend time outdoors for its refreshing and rejuvenating qualities, and The Veranda at Market Common enhances this experience with its exceptional amenities. This community offers a range of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom homes, including stunning one bedroom apartments in Myrtle Beach. Residents can unwind in the lush garden oasis, where a hammock is nestled among vibrant flora, providing a perfect spot for relaxation. Tanning ledges with loungers offer a sun-soaked retreat, while grilling areas are ideal for outdoor cooking and socializing. These features create a harmonious blend of comfort and nature, making The Veranda at Market Common an inviting choice for those who cherish both indoor and outdoor living.
The Geography of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is along the eastern coast of the United States, right on the Atlantic Ocean. It’s part of the Grand Strand, a long stretch of sandy beach that extends for about 60 miles. The city is flat and has a mild climate, with warm summers and mild winters, which makes it a popular spot for beachgoers year-round. Myrtle Beach is close to several rivers and wetlands, adding to its natural beauty. The area has lots of lakes and golf courses, too. With its easy access to the ocean and scenic landscapes, Myrtle Beach is a great place for outdoor activities and enjoying the coast.
SkyWheel Myrtle Beach
SkyWheel Myrtle Beach is a giant Ferris wheel that offers amazing views of the city and the ocean. Located on the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk, it’s one of the tallest Ferris wheels in the country. When you ride the SkyWheel, you sit in a big, enclosed cabin that moves slowly around the wheel, giving you a bird’s-eye view of the beach and surrounding area. The ride is especially beautiful at night when the SkyWheel lights up with colorful lights. It’s a fun and exciting way to see the sights of Myrtle Beach from high above. Whether you're visiting during the day or at night, the SkyWheel is a must-see attraction for everyone.
ACC Legends Gather in Myrtle Beach for Star-studded Golf Weekend
A lot of people, including famous ones, play golf because it’s a fun and relaxing sport. Golf is a great way to spend time outdoors and enjoy beautiful green spaces. It helps people get some exercise while walking the course and swinging the clubs. Many famous people play golf because it’s a social activity where they can spend time with friends or meet new people. Golf also allows players to challenge themselves and improve their skills. The game can be played at any skill level, so it’s enjoyable for both beginners and experts. Plus, golf tournaments and events can be exciting to watch, making it a popular sport among people from all walks of life.
Link to Map Driving Direction
SkyWheel Myrtle Beach 1110 N Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, United States
Follow 10th Ave N/Mr. Joe White Ave to US-17 S/US-17 BYP S 7 min (1.9 mi)
Follow US-17 S to Farrow Pkwy. Take the Farrow Pkwy SW exit from US-17 S 5 min (4.1 mi)
Continue on Farrow Pkwy to your destination 2 min (0.6 mi)
The Veranda at Market Common 2350 Margarita Dr, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, United States
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sparticlem · 1 month
Bikini Bar - 7 Reasons to Visit the Beachside Bars at Sentosa Island
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The tropical paradise of Sentosa Island in Singapore offers pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. One of the best ways to experience its beauty is by visiting the bar selection at Sentosa Island's line of beaches. Here are seven top reasons why you should plan a visit to Sentosa Island's beachside bars.
#1 Stunning ocean views
Sparkling waters of the South China Sea surround Sentosa Island, and the beachside bars offer stunning beaches and ocean views. Bask in and enjoy the breathtaking ocean views while sipping on a cocktail or enjoying a delicious meal at loungers and cabanas provided by the various outdoor bars lining the Singapore beaches.
#2 Delicious food and drinks
The bars at Sentosa Island's beach offer various delicious food and drinks, with options ranging from local cuisine to international favourites. Whether you're in the mood for seafood, burgers, or vegetarian options, you will find something to suit your taste buds. No visit to beachside bars would be complete without trying out the signature cocktails or beers.
#3 Fun water activities
Sentosa Island is a hub for water activities. The many outdoor bars lining the Singapore beach offer equipment rental and lessons. Try kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, or surfing offered by some of the bar establishments. If you're feeling adventurous, try out the giant inflatable water park or go on a banana boat ride.
#4 Live entertainment
Many of Sentosa Island's beachside bars offer live entertainment, ranging from local bands to international DJs. Catch a live performance while enjoying your food and drinks, or dance the night away to the beats of the DJ. The music adds to the overall atmosphere of the bar at Sentosa, making for a fun and memorable experience.
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#5 Relaxing atmosphere
If you're looking for a more laid-back experience, Sentosa Island's beachside bars offer a relaxing atmosphere to unwind in. Lounge on a beach chair, soak up the sun and enjoy the peaceful sound of the waves while sipping on a cold drink. You will enjoy a relaxing tanning session with your favourite cocktail at any of the bars at Sentosa.
#6 Perfect for celebrations
Sentosa Island's beachside bars are perfect for celebrating special occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries, or even a night out with friends. Book a private cabana or table at the outdoor bars lining the beaches in Singapore. Order a bottle of champagne, and celebrate in style while enjoying the stunning ocean views and lively atmosphere.
#7 Happy hour specials
Many of Sentosa Island's beachside bars offer happy hour specials. These establishments offer discounted drinks and snacks. Take advantage of these specials and try some of the signature cocktails or beers each bar at Sentosa can offer. It's the perfect time to unwind after a day of exploring Sentosa Island.
Sentosa Island's beachside bars offer a range of experiences, from fun water activities to relaxing atmospheres and delicious food and drinks. Whether travelling with friends or family, visiting the bar selection at Sentosa Island's beachside is a must-do on your Singapore itinerary.
So why not plan your visit today and experience all Sentosa Island's beachside bars offer? Book your trip to Sentosa Island and enjoy the stunning ocean views, delicious food and drinks, and fun water activities. Don't forget to catch a live performance and take advantage of happy hour specials. You're sure to have a memorable experience on Sentosa Island.
Bikini Bar is a colourful Siloso Beach bar that serves various ice-cold drinks, cocktails, and radio-friendly music. Everyone may enjoy the stunning views of Siloso Beach, excellent tavern cuisine, and fresh sea air at the bar. The facility will be visible to tourists and visitors along the Siloso Beach Promenade. Explore their website to discover more about the institution and what it has to offer.
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