#ted lasso rpf
daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 1
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/ a reader insert/OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
A meeting with an author leads to the next project after Ted Lasso.
Chapter 1
"You should read this, it's fucking life changing." Brett dropped the book into Jason's lap on his way to the writers room. Pre-production for season 3 was well underway and they were making the most of some time writing together. Jason picked up the book and thumbed through it, the front inside cover had been signed by the author: 
'You're a twat. Love Callie' 
"I hope you’re good friends. She's not wrong though, why's it so good?" he questioned.
"It's just... bloody brilliant. Honestly, give it a go. She's going to be writing the new wave of romcoms before we know it. I might try and get her to give some TV writing a go once we’ve finished here."
"Sure, sure, I have all the time in the world to sit and read, Goldstein." Jason rolled his eyes and stuffed the book into his backpack before following Brett into the room. Reading was definitely the kind of recreational activity he didn't have time for at the moment. With shooting planned for right around the corner, downtime was hard to come by. It didn’t take long for the writing to draw him in though and a month or two later, Brett saw the book being launched at his head in the makeup trailer.
"Great book, thanks man. I think I've sent a copy to everyone I know." Jason chuckled. 
"I can get you a copy of your own if you're interested. Signed. Callie texted me, she'll be in London in a few weeks. She’s coming over to visit her mum and sister - want me to set up a meeting?"
"Absolutely yes, if she's OK with that? Get it in my diary, I’ll tell Lisa. We can move stuff around to fit it in so work around whenever works for her." Brett nodded, pulling out his phone. 
"She's having a bit of a shitty time, she's just split with her dickhead boyfriend. They were together for about 5 years I think. He's an absolute weapon, she's well shot of him."
"That sucks. She's from the UK? Maybe being at home will help."
“Doubt it, she left when she was like, 17 to get away from her mum.” Brett said with a laugh. “She’s probably coming to see Beth really but if her mum finds out she’s in the country and doesn’t visit, she’ll go mad.”
“How’d you meet?”
“I’ll let her tell you - she loves to tell that one. Mostly cos it makes me look like a loser.”
“Poor baby Brett.”
“Oh fuck off. I tell you what I’m dreading having you two in the same room. I’m gonna be the punching bag.”
“We love you really, bud. I bet she only calls her true best friends a twat.”
“That’s true actually, she does.”
Callie brought her knees up and rested her mug in the V between her torso and legs, reaching around to type. Her sister had offered her spare room and empty-during-the-day restaurant as a quiet workspace. She’d had more than enough of her mum and so far was loving being back in London and with her sister. She felt like hell after the break up and hadn’t been looking after herself at all. It had caused tension with her mum who’d accused Callie of moping around and had told her to sort herself out. With Beth’s help, she was finally starting to do just that. She had half an eye on the front windows of the large dining space looking out for Brett, when a little tap on the front door shifted her gaze. With a big smile, she rose to unlock the door. 
"Alright, gorgeous? God it’s been a long time." She reached up to hug him. 
"Not bad, how have you been? Stupid question - you look like shit - you've lost weight." He chided, pulling at the baggy hoodie.
"Mate, I'll have you know that this is a vast improvement. My hair is clean, I've bathed, I'm actually wearing clothes - and they're clean ones. I haven't had a glass of wine in... three days, and I considered eating breakfast this morning. That’s enough dragging me in front of your boss though, where's the introduction?" Brett sighed heavily. 
"Fine, Cal, this is Jason. Jason, this is Callie Draper. She didn't always look a mess.” He said pointedly.
"This mess is lightyears from a few weeks ago." Callie gestured to her yoga leggings and oversized hoodie. “I’m practically glowing.” The dark circles under her eyes and drawn complexion clearly said otherwise.
"She's right. You should have seen what I picked up from Birmingham airport. It doesn’t look like it should be, but it’s an upgrade." A voice drifted through the swinging kitchen doors. 
"Well, isn't this lovely and supportive. Thanks, sis." Callie called through the door. She turned to Jason and explained, "I got home from the North American leg of my book tour to find my boyfriend fucking our upstairs neighbour on my kitchen counter. I spent a few weeks surviving on wine and chocolate biscuits so I'm now in recovery mode, my skin hasn't forgiven me yet - being dumped in your 30s is a lot harder than it is in your 20s." She said briefly. 
"I'm so sorry, that's fucking awful. If it’s any consolation, it’s fucking horrible in your 40s." Jason offered kindly. Callie smiled and shrugged, the smile not quite reaching her eyes. 
"Jeez, I think I’ll stay single then. Thanks. Shall we sit?" she gestured to her table. "I'll make some coffee - as long as Americano is OK? I can't do a Latte on that thing." She pointed at the barista coffee machine and set about making the three drinks. 
"Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just worried." Brett dropped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. 
"I'm OK. Getting there." She leaned into him before she started to fiddle with the coffee press, twisting it into place. 
"When are you going back to Chicago?"
"End of next week. I'm staying at Sara's at the moment, but I'm thinking of moving anyway."
“Where’s next on the list?” Brett asked curiously.
“Probably New York. I think Brookyn, my agent Laura lives just across the river and her office is in lower Manhattan so it seems like a pretty good spot.”
“Brooklyn is great, I’ve got a place there.”
“Excellent, you can give me take out recs.”
"Happy to. So how'd you two meet?" Jason asked, gesturing between Brett and Callie.
"I was at one of his gigs in San Francisco when he performed to 4 people and a dog. I was the only person who couldn't actually leave cos I was the barmaid. He was terrible!" Jason laughed and nudged Brett's shoulder, thanking Callie for the coffee she placed in front of him. 
"I couldn't understand why I was being heckled by a Brummie!" Brett shook his head. 
"Former Brummie. I'd been in the States for about 15 years by then." Callie countered, sitting back in her original seat. 
"When did you move?" Jason looked across at Callie, trying to connect the timeline.
"I was 17. I didn't want to go to uni, my mum was doing my head in, so I decided to do Camp America for a summer. I fell in love, wanted to stay so we got married when I was 18," Callie paused for effect, Jason's eyebrows somewhere near his hairline and Brett nearly doubled over laughing. "Then I was divorced at 22, and I've spent the last 15 years moving wherever I've wanted and doing any old jobs I can while I write. I just up and move when I’ve had enough. I’ve been in Chicago for the last 6 years though so it’s time for a change"
"Holy shit, maybe you should write that."
"Maybe I should." She laughed. It had been a while since she'd had to give her potted history, and it still made her laugh. 
"What happened with your ex husband? Tell him, Cal." Brett had tears in his eyes waiting for the final kicker in the story.. 
"He's happily remarried, we're still friends and I'm godmother to his and Andrew’s two little girls." She finished with a smirk.
"Are you serious? " Jason looked incredulous. 
"Yep, it was a bit of a wild time. My mum still hasn’t forgiven me, she adored him and she was devastated when she found out he was gay."
"You think? She was dreaming of babies on a ranch or some rubbish like that." Brett added with a laugh. "Anyway, enough of your crazy life. Have you got a book on you for Jason? And can you re-sign mine please: you called me a twat." Callie pulled a new book from her bag.
"I did that? Consider yourself honoured. I’m sure I only refer to my best friends as a twat. Got a pen?" she held out her hand, Jason supplied a red pen. "Ooh red, I like to edit in green. It feels less 'grrrr'." She tapped the pen to her lip, thinking, before lifting the cover so he couldn't see, and scribbled her message. Jason took it gratefully and put it straight in his bag without looking. Then she took Brett's dog-eared book and turned to where she'd last signed it. She sniggered at her previous message, and then signed just underneath it before passing the book back. Brett opened it. 
"Callie!" He held it out for Jason to see the new inscription:
'You're still a twat. Still love you though, Callie xo'
"I hope mine is nicer. Either that or I’m already in best friend territory." Jason teased.
"You won't know if you don't read it."
"The book? Oh I read it, I loved it. I sent it to everyone I know." Callie narrowed her eyes at him. 
"When you say everyone you know... do you happen to know Reese Witherspoon?"
"Not personally, but my friend Alexi does. And I sent her a copy, why?"
"My Insta went mental a few weeks ago, Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore... fucking Jennifer Aniston! All tagging me with pictures of the book. It was insane. I’ve had to add more dates to the book tour when I get back, and I’m going on a couple of daytime TV shows as well."
"Jen? Oh that was me, I'm definitely taking credit for that one. And the others by association." Callie's eyes were like saucers. 
"Holy shit." She whispered. "Holy shit. I told Laura something weird had happened, she didn’t believe me. She said it was just word of mouth."
"You're like... Nora Ephron reincarnated. If your books are anything to go by, then I can't wait to read your screenplays. Post-its, shopping lists. You name it, I'll read it." Callie blushed into her coffee.
11am turned quickly to lunchtime, with Callie's sister bringing out food for them all. Callie told them that she'd spent the previous week at her mums binge watching Ted Lasso. Her time living in America had meant that she'd already been familiar with Jason from his SNL days. Conversation came easily between the three of them and lunch soon fell away to mid afternoon, and by 4pm they were being pushed by Callie’s sister into clearing away water glasses, coffee cups and cake plates to make way for the restaurant opening. Brett excused himself to go to the bathroom and Jason turned to Callie,
"You've probably heard this from everyone already, but it does get easier. You'll... find yourself again." She nodded. 
"Thanks. I'll keep trying, it feels good to be out of the pity party so I just need to keep going. I'm struggling to write though," she shrugged, "I can't get in the right headspace, I just keep getting into my own head and seeing, well, what I walked in on. And then it’s all I see. I've tried poetry, lyrics, plays, prose... I just can't get my words out." Her chin dropped to her chest and she brushed across her eyes quickly to get rid of any potential tears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offload. It all just feels a bit bleak and dark foresty right now."
"I'm glad you did, your words will come back. Give yourself time." Jason offered a hug, and she rose slightly onto her toes to accept. 
"Thank you. Really, thank you." She muttered against the neckline of his hoodie. 
"My turn." Brett interrupted and Callie reluctantly stepped away from Jason. She ruffled Brett's hair and he planted a kiss on her forehead. "When's your flight?"
"Next week, I'm back at mum's at the weekend for my last few days though. Got to go back for one more round of fucks disguised as a pep talk." Brett nodded, 
"She’s only doing it because she loves you. Don't be a stranger, and please look after yourself." She nodded. 
"Will do, it was really good to see you. A patented Goldstein hug makes everything ok. And so good to meet you Jason. Jesus, what a fucking understatement! Good luck with the show."
"Thank you, it was great to meet you too."
"Thanks babe, it wouldn't be half as good without this genius." Brett nudged Jason gently and the two left Callie to lock the door behind them. 
"Jennifer fucking Aniston." She whispered, shaking her head. "As if!"
A few days later, Callie's phone pinged with a Twitter DM. A screenshot. Of a tweet she'd sent from her sister's sofa,
"Meeting actual pop culture geniuses is all well and good until they turn out to be extremely hot and very, very distracting 🥵"
She frowned at the screenshot at first, before seeing the message it came with. 
'Just checking whether you've met any other pop culture geniuses over the last few days?' Callie's jaw dropped. He did not have Twitter. She was almost certain. Almost. "Shit," she whispered furiously, "shit, shit, shit. Bethhhhhh?" she wailed, calling her sister. 
"What's up?" Beth replied, coming in from her room, DVD in hand. 
"I might have tweeted about meeting Jason the other day. Might have called him hot. He's found the tweet." Beth looked blankly, 
"Did you seriously think he didn't have Twitter?"
"There's an account, but it's not active!" 
"Ohh.. Oh Callie, you plum!"
"Shit! I'm so mortified!"
"Ahh so own it, he's seen it now. You might as well just laugh it off. Speaking off, I knew I had one of his films somewhere - fancy watching it?" She held up 'Sleeping with Other People' Callie was too nose deep in her phone to say no. 
"How's this sound - 'Only Brett and I’m not sure he qualifies as a genius.'?"
"Cute, funny. Breezy, go for it. I'm getting popcorn, shall I open some wine?"
"Fuck yes, please do. I might as well continue to drink myself to death at this rate. I'm a walking mess, Beth."
"You're fine. You're getting over dickhead at your own pace, we got you through the heartbreak and booze diet, I know you’re in the forest but we're getting you out." Callie hummed, hitting send on the message and shoving her phone out of sight to watch the film. By the time it ended, the empty wine bottle sat on the coffee table while Callie and Beth lay head to toe on the sofa. 
"So… The film didn't help." Callie pointed out, gently kicking her sister’s head. 
"You're not wrong," Beth sniggered, "He really is hot!"
"Aghh, shut up. I'm in my heartbreak era. I'm allowed to lust over unattainable men. Thank god I’ll never have to meet him again. He is ridiculously gorgeous in person, I couldn’t cope with that again."
"Did he reply to you?"
"Dunno, I'm sitting on my phone. Probably not." Callie dug under the cushions to retrieve it, "Oh shit, he has replied - it just says 'good to know.' Oh, he's sent a link to a song, he said it reminds him of the book." Callie clicked the link and turned up the volume. She looked across at Beth. 
"Didn’t you play this on repeat for about 8 months while you wrote?" Callie nodded slowly. "Bit mad that he's gone for the same song." Callie nodded again, incredulous.
"I'm sending him the full playlist." She decided, getting the link and adding it to the message stream with the caption 'here's my full playlist for the book, crazy coincidence that you went for that track.' He replied with a purple heart, and Callie resisted the urge to keep the conversation going.
Callie landed in Chicago a week later, stopping briefly at her old apartment to get more of her stuff before continuing to her best friend's home. After some calls to her agent, Laura, she had managed to sign a lease on an apartment in New York within the month, and packed up the rest of her belongings. Messages from Jason dropped into her Twitter DMs once or twice a week, recommending the best place in Brooklyn for tacos,  they’d exchanged book recommendations. It felt strange after so long to be living alone. Laura had found her a tiny apartment close enough that they could regularly meet. Since traveling the country together on her book tour, and the break up, she and Laura had become close friends. Callie was grateful to not be starting over totally alone in a new city. She settled down to write, but found again that the words wouldn't come to her, it felt like an age since she’d managed to successfully put pen to paper. Without really thinking, she picked up her phone and sent a message via Twitter: 'What do you listen to when you write?' The response came through almost immediately with a link to Run The Jewels - a duo she'd never heard of. She hit play without replying to the message and emerged 4 hours and 10,000 words later to a new message. Not on Twitter, on WhatsApp, from a number she didn't have saved already. 
'I talked Brett into giving me your number, I hope you don't mind. Hope the music suggestion worked.'
'It did! I finally got something going. Nothing like a looming deadline to hurry me along. I was on a couple of talk shows last week - it was completely bizarre. I don’t know how you do it. Weird as fuck.’
‘You get used to it. Send me the link, I wanna watch.’
Callie dropped the youtube link into their message chain and got back to work. The messages became more and more regular back and forth - discussing new episodes of TV shows they’d recommended to each other, swapping playlists and books. Callie even sent over recipes she’d made, with photographic evidence of how they’d turned out.
Over brunch, Laura put a coffee cup down for Callie and caught sight of a selfie of Jason and Brett on her phone.
“Well this is unexpectedly wonderful Callie Draper. Does Brett know he’s got a new role as matchmaker?”
“Don’t be silly, we’re just friends. We really got along when we met and he’s just really easy to talk to.” Laura hummed, looking at her own phone. She froze reading an email and Callie looked up at the notable silence. She’d expected the Spanish inquisition but it was nowhere to be found. “What’s up babe?”
“Fuuuck. Callie, fucking hell.”
“Laura! What is it? What’s going on?” Laura slid her phone across the table and Callie read the open email;
‘We’d like to invite Ms Draper to the offices to discuss a potential collaboration in getting her book adapted as a series. I’ll send the details across shortly. I'm away in LA for two weeks so we’ll get something booked in early next month. Netflix would love to have something like this in our wheelhouse so I’m really excited to meet you both.’
“Netflix?” Callie whispered in awe, more to the phone than to Laura.
“NETFLIX baby! Netflix!”
“Fucking hell. Fuck me, what do I do?”
“We meet with them, obviously!” Laura took the phone back and frantically drafted a response. Across the table, Callie picked her phone up and wrote a message of her own.
‘Holy fuck, Netflix want to meet me next month to discuss adapting the book. Fuck me, what do I do?!’
‘That’s amazing news - congrats! Meet with them of course, there’s no harm in hearing what they’re thinking of. Meeting with them doesn’t mean you’re committing to them. You’ll crush it.”
‘I know fuck all about TV. Hope you’re ready for a Padewan?’
In London, Jason laughed at his phone before sending a Yoda gif in response. Callie beamed at the reply before concentrating on Laura who was practically combusting. A few days later, a huge bouquet of beautiful sunflowers arrived on her doorstep with a note from Jason and Brett.
Do it you must, young Padawan 💜
She’d cried and sent them both a picture, thanking them.
‘Anytime, anything you need. You’ll do great, I can’t wait to hear all about it.’ Jason had replied.
The Netflix meeting soon rolled around and Callie listened intently. It had sounded great, she knew very little about TV but she’d heard enough to be a little wary of their business model of cancelling both popular and underperforming shows. She wondered if she was ruthless enough for them but found herself hiding those fears from Jason and Brett. She asked Laura to keep Netflix at arms length for a while, playing on her other deadline commitments, while she tried to work the scenarios in her own mind. They were walking through the park when the call from Apple TV reached Laura. She excused herself away from Callie slightly to take the call, before returning with a huge smile.
“Apple wants to meet you now. It happens sometimes, they’ll have heard through the grapevine about the things Netflix are looking into. Sometimes they’re bothered and want to see for themselves, sometimes they leave each other to it. Could be good for you though to hear out another option? They’ve booked us in to meet next month.” Callie was speechless. They parted ways and Laura went back to the office while Callie went home to write. On the way, she sent Jason a message.
‘Now Apple wants to meet me. This is insane. Insane! I’m really wary of Netflix. I’m not sure they’re the right fit. How did you know when you went with Apple?’
‘Amazing news! We were lucky with Apple, we knew right away and they’ve been really supportive. Couldn’t wish for a greater bunch of folks to work with. At least you’ll have something to compare Netflix to.’
Callie smiled, she knew he was right. They’d batted enough ideas back and forth over the last 5 months to know when each other was on the right track. She settled back at her desk and picked a playlist to write to. Time to focus on the day job - not the possibilities of what might happen.
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ao3-anonymous · 1 year
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (05/23/2023)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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calzone-d · 1 year
Hi, I’m cal, and this is my masterlist! I write for Ted Lasso/Jason Sudeikis. My inbox is always open for requests or just to talk! I’ll write one-shots, blurbs, headcanons, or we can just bounce concepts off each other! I’d like to note that I am towards the end of nursing school, so I may not get to any asks immediately!
*Some thoughts/concepts/blurbs may not be linked here, but can be found by searching “ted lasso thoughts”, or “my writing.”
*Other tags I use: dad!ted, dad!jason, mom!reader, sub!ted, jason sudeikis rpf
*This blog contains NSFW content, 18+ only! I’m not responsible for the content you consume.
*I do not write OC’s, all of my fics are x reader
-Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader———————
One Shots
Movie Night (smut)
After celebrating Richmond’s latest win, Ted invites you back to his hotel room for a movie night. You don’t watch much of the movie.
Like Father, Like Son (fluff)
You wake up in the middle of the night to Ted and Henry being sick.
Couch Kisses (smut)
An imagine inspired by my post about kissing Ted’s bulge over his khakis.
Something New (smut)
You and Ted finally drabble into the dom/sub dynamic. (sub!ted, softdom!reader)
Reconnected (fluff)
After Ted and your daughter recover from being sick, they’re both ecstatic to see you again.
Nightmares (angst/fluff)
When Ted has a nightmare, feeling your baby kick calms him down.
Helping Hands (comfort/fluff)
You come home from a long day to dinner and a clean house, courtesy of Ted and Henry.
Accidents Happen (comfort/fluff)
Henry is still learning how to hold his new baby sister.
Close Call (angst/comfort)
Ted gets a call no one could’ve prepared him for while at work
Unplanned Sleepovers (angst/comfort/fluff)
Henry finds you crying and insists on spending the night with you, while also finding a new nickname for you. Ted comes home and joins the action.
Only You (smut)
You and Ted have a moment alone in a closet at Roy and Keeley’s wedding.
Always There (comfort/fluff/smut)
You have a heart to heart with Henry before comforting ted in a way that only you can.
Sunscreen (fluff)
You spend a little time flirting with Ted during a team beach day.
Growing (fluff)
A glimpse into a domestic morning with Ted, before a serious conversation ensues.
showering with ted
random HC about Ted taking care of you while you’re drunk, plus non-alcohol related domestic dad!Ted
Ted + your baby bump HC’s
Ted + books/reading HC’s
power outage with Ted & Henry
waking up next to Ted
Ted + your newborn baby girl HC’s
Ted comforting you when you’re hurt, sick, and sad.
giving Ted a blowjob
reader is worried Ted misses his old family, and he reassures her he doesn’t
Ted and reader on a break HCs
Ted and reader doing yoga HCs
being a couch potato with Ted HCs
giving ted a blowjob to help him relax HCs
reader snaps at Ted after a bad day
cockwarming with ted
Ted + reader w/ a stomachache HCs
reader sitting in Ted’s lap while he fingers her
ted & panty sniffing x reader
Multi-part Fics
Mild Misunderstandings (angst/fluff)
A stressful week begins to take its toll on you and Ted.
part one
part two
Lover’s Exploration (smut)
Ted takes interest in a previous sexual encounter you bring up, and wants to try it.
part one
part two (coming soon!!)
Prompt List Works
I don’t know how much longer I could’ve taken this..
-Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader——————-
One Shots
Taking Care (smut)
After a long two weeks of quickies, you and Jason find time to play with a new buttplug you ordered.
Riding Dirty (smut)
You ride Jason for the first time.
Quality Time (fluff)
When Jason gets injured, you spend some quality time with the kids.
jason eating reader out HCs
jason + praise kink + riding (nsfw)
Prompt List Works
wait, don’t go.. please..
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed it so much
-Kinktober 2023------
Mirror Sex (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
Phone Sex (Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader)
Breeding Kink (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
Overstimulation (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
Pregnancy Kink (Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader)
Gentle Femdom (Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader)
Bondage/Edging/Toys Night (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
Surprise kink!!! (Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader)
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ouppyjamie · 1 year
since jamie is somewhat based on jack grealish:
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logical next step is that when his hair gets long enough he starts braiding it (for my visual learners:)
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all this to say i think roy starts braiding jamie’s hair, too (he’s already good at it since he knows how to braid phoebe’s) and it becomes a ritual before games for roy to do jamie’s hair
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dianessunflower · 1 year
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When I contemplate the physical spaces that articulate the letters 'I love you' in a written text, I may be led to think about other spaces, for example the space that lies between 'you' in the text and you in my life.
—Anne Carson
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Um. Brett?
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I was under the impression that the Phil/Brett stuff was a running joke, but there comes a point where you've gone beyond committing to the bit into just straight-up dating. like, this lowkey reads like a relationship announcement, is that on purpose?? Hello???
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ramorazinn · 10 months
Imagine I had the attention span to write this S1 AU where the paparazzi incident (not Keeley finding out it was her, but way back at the incident itself) is Rebecca's wake-up call re: fucking over the team.
"I want to rebrand the club,” she tells Keeley the next day. “Every other television programme these days is about a group of doctors or detectives or firefighters or whatnot who operate as a family. Every damn sports movie is about winning because they're not just a team. I want that for Richmond. I want their friendships plastered all over social media. I want to fill those seats with women who don’t give a flying fuck about football who just want to see the boys interact. And if I can imply that Rupert was a bad team dad along the way, I consider that an absolutely luscious cherry on top.”
Keeley seems to be… broken, just staring at her, mouth gaping open like a fish.  It's not the amusement or glee that Rebecca had expected, and she suddenly feels uncertain.
"Am I crazy?" she asks.  "Is this a stupid idea?"
"Fuck no!” Keeley bursts out. “I mean yes, it’s fucking insane, who does that? But do you have any idea what kind of presence the Roy/Jamie shippers already have on Tumblr and AO3?"
Rebecca does not know what any of those things are, and she decidedly does not want to ask, but based on Keeley's excited bouncing and wide grin, they all add up to something promising.
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Another Year of Us
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Description: Jason surprises you, once again, on New Year's Eve with an idea of how to celebrate.
Warning(s): pregnancy, references to smut, o*ivia, jason is so cute i may stab my eyes out
Pairing: JRU, Jason Sudeikis x reader
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: y'all, it's happening, my favorite dumbasses 🥺
Your eyelids flutter open as sunshine enters the room through the window, the cold air outside no match for your personal heater known as Jason Sudeikis. It wasn’t often that you were able to wake up naturally next to Jason with no blaring alarm or excited child drawing you out of your sleep. While you enjoyed sleeping in, even if it was a struggle for Jason, you were missing the loud whispers and giggles of Daisy and Otis waking you up in the morning. After a week of sleeping with no interruptions, you were ecstatic to pick up the kids after their time with Olivia. Your smile grows as you feel yourself being pulled back against Jason’s chest, the freedom of no kids meaning neither of you redressed after the previous night’s activities. 
Jason places a soft kiss on your bare shoulder, placing kisses in a line from there to just under your ear lobe, “Good morning, beautiful.” Your cheeks warm at his compliment as his arm wraps around you, his large hand resting on the side of your stomach where you feel a small kick against his palm, “Oh yes, I’m so sorry, little one. Good morning to you, too.” You giggle at his greeting to baby Sudeikis, who thankfully wasn’t moving around too much during the night. Turning your head just enough, your eyes soften as your gaze falls on Jason, his stubble grown a little more than the day before and the gray peeking out in the middle of his facial hair, “Hi”. 
Leaning forward, Jason meets you in a kiss, his tongue running over your bottom lip before you grant him entry, his plan soon thwarted when you lightly bite down on the tip of his tongue. With a painful exclamation, Jason pulls back and looks at you with a humorous look of confusion, “What the fuck was that for?” You just laugh and shrug, pulling out of his grasp slightly so that you have enough room to roll and lay on your back, “Dunno, just wanted to see what would happen.” Jason raises his eyebrows in challenge, sitting up and throwing his leg over your thighs, straddling your body just under where your bump lays, “I’ll show you what happens.” 
Jason’s hands slide up from where they rest on your hips, making their way to your breasts, though you stop him before they can reach their destination. With a roll of your eyes, you push Jason off of you, “You horny fucker, stop it. We have kiddos to pick up.” Jason groans, rolling onto his stomach and burying his face into his pillow as you carefully sit up, sliding off the bed, as you hear a quieted muttering, “I wish I was a fucker right now.” A loud laugh echoes throughout the room, “Get a hold of yourself, Jas.” Bringing his face out of the darkness, Jason watched you walk to your bathroom, a small smile on his face at the domesticity of it all.
Leaving the brownstone hand in hand, you and Jason head to the car, careful to not slip on any of the ice on the ground. Opening the door for you, Jason has a firm hand on your lower back as you slide into the car, “Jason, I do know how to get in a car, ya know?” Jason rolls his eyes at you, closing the door once you’re in and rounding to the other side. You put on your seat belt, making sure it's secure around your bump as Jason gets settled, “Yes, I know that you know how to get in a car. But I’ll be damned if you slip and fall while getting in the car. Nothing is happening to you or the princess on my watch.” You smile at Jason’s words, resting a hand on your bump as he began your quick drive to Olivia’s place, “You know, Daisy is going to be really disappointed if her “little princess sister” turns out to be a prince.”
When you watched Frozen for the first time after telling the kids about your pregnancy, Daisy let out a loud gasp about halfway through the movie, “Wait! Does this mean that I’m Elsa and the baby is Anna?!” You tried to explain that the baby could be a boy but your warnings fell on deaf ears, Daisy insisting that your family was Frozen come to life. Otis yelled in offense, though the two quickly decided that he was Kristoff (“without the kissing, that’d be so gross”), also assigning Sven and Olaf to you and Jason, whatever the fuck that meant.
A small smile appeared on Jason’s face as he shook his head, glancing to you before looking back at the road, “Nope, she won’t be disappointed.” You sigh, understanding the unsaid implications of his response, “Bubs, you don’t know that it's going to be a girl.” Jason just shakes his head again, “Yes, I do, Y/N. It’s going to be a girl, I’m telling you.” Yeah, you know he’s telling you, he’s been telling you for the past four months. Of course you’re worried that Daisy will be disappointed, she’s so excited for a little sister, but she’s only eight, and you know she’ll be just as happy with a little brother. But really, you’re worried about Jason being disappointed if it’s a boy. You know he’ll love your child with his whole heart no matter their sex, but he has been so excited for his “second baby girl” ever since he declared you were having a girl two weeks after you told him you were pregnant. You would be heartbroken to see him not get his wish, “Mhm, okay, well we’ll find out in only a few more months, okay?”
You were filled with excitement as Jason turned down Olivia’s street. Sure, she wasn’t your favorite person, and she certainly wasn’t a fan of you either, but she was the kids’ mom, which meant you were forever grateful for her. Your thoughts quickly shifted from her as you saw two of your favorite people standing on the porch of Olivia’s townhouse. She was standing in the doorway, of course, a mug of coffee in her hands as she made sure her kids were safe until you arrived, but her presence was no match to the love that flooded you at seeing the kids, your kids. It took you years to feel comfortable calling the Sudeikis children yours and even now, you don’t often do it besides menial conversation like telling the pharmacy you are picking up a prescription for your child. Jason reaffirmed your role in the lives of his children, reassuring you that you were a parent to them just as much as he and Olivia, but it was still hard sometimes. 
As soon as Jason put the car in park, your door was flung open before you jumped out of the car, well, more like slid out thanks to your bump, “Mama!” The sound was like music to your ears. Two small bodies wrapped their arms around you, Otis diving into a story from the week with his mom while Daisy greeted her little sister with a different story. Coming around to join the three of you, Jason jokingly scoffed, “All right, geez, I get the message. Guess I’ll just head home then.” The kids squealed with laughter as they hugged their dad, Jason greeting them with a large smile before looking up at you with a smug grin, acting as if he won even though they definitely cheered louder for you. 
Jason gave a brief wave to Olivia as you ushered the kids to the car, making sure they got all the way buckled as your fiancé loudly wished a happy new year to his ex. With all of you now situated in the car, Jason begins the drive back home as you partially turn in your seat to see Daisy and Otis, intently listening to their stories filled with sound effects and intense hand gestures. Jason looks in the rearview mirror, smiling brightly at the sight of his kids doubled over in laughter, then glancing to see you wearing a smile similar to his, seemingly on top of the world just from listening to Daisy and Otis’s nonsensical stories. With a backdrop of the winter city passing you all by as tourists make their way to Manhattan and Mumford & Sons quietly playing, Jason’s life of the past three years seems to come full circle. Seeing an open parking lot to his right, Jason quickly pulls in and parks the car, looking to you with a serious expression on his face. You turn to him in confusion, but he speaks before you can ask him what he’s doing, “Marry me.” 
Distracted by a family of snowmen in the parking lot, the kids are sharing laughs as they look out the window, but you just stare at Jason. You’ve never seen him look so serious before, his eyebrows raised in hopefulness and his cheeks pink, though you’re unsure if that’s due to the chilled air or his moment of vulnerability. You raise your left hand, showing your ring to Jason as you slightly tilt your head, “Um, yeah, Jas, you already did this part, remember? Got down on one knee and everything.” At any other moment, Jason would roll his eyes at you and call you a little shit or something similar, but right now, all he can do is look at you, “Today. Marry me, today.” Your breath hitches in your throat, the serious tone of Jason’s words catching the attention of the kids, who now watch the two of you intently, “Jason, what? I-I don’t have a dress, our families aren’t here, we haven’t even set a date.” 
Grabbing your hands, Jason looks at you with eyes filled with love, seemingly pleading that you will see this how he does, “Exactly, sweetheart. We haven’t even set a date, and I can’t wait any longer. We’ll have a reception after the baby comes, we’ll celebrate with everyone, but my family, our family, is all right here.” With tears pooling in your eyes, you turn to Otis and Daisy who are practically jumping in their seats, apparently sensing the seriousness of the situation enough to know to be quiet. You turn back to Jason, who has a small smile on his face, a couple of tears running down his face, “Three years ago today, I picked you up to go to a party as friends and I acted like an idiot, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. We drove through the same city, we listened to the same music, and we passed the same annoying tourists. I meant every single thing that night and I mean every single thing now. I can’t stand the idea of beginning another year where you aren’t my wife. So let’s go to the courthouse, let’s act like annoying lovesick teenagers. Let me marry you while you wear clunky snow boots and leggings and my sweatshirt. Marry me, Y/N.”
By now, tears are rolling down your face as you nod your head, pulling Jason in for a sweet kiss, your tears mixing as the kids cheer before groaning in disgust at your affection. You and Jason pull away, both of you wiping away your tears before you swat at Jason’s arm, “What’re you doing? Come on, let’s get a move on. You can’t say all that and expect me to wait another minute.” Jason chuckles at you, pulling you in for another quick kiss before peeling out of the parking lot, and heading to the closest New York City courthouse.
After waiting in line at the marriage clerk’s office, the kids so excited that they thankfully don’t complain, the four of you wait outside the office of a judge. You sit on a bench, the kids both tucked into your sides as they talk to the baby, Jason watching as he leans against the opposite wall, absolutely obliterated with love. A door opens before a booming voice fills the hall, “Y/N L/N and Daniel Sudeikis?” You and the kids stand up, Jason joining up and intertwining your fingers as the four of you walk to the judge’s chambers. The woman looks up, surprise across her face, “I was wondering from the name but Daniel, really?” Jason chuckles as the kids giggle at a face you make in their direction, “Yes, ma’am, surprising, I know.” The judge smiles, both at Jason’s midwestern manners and your interaction with the children, leading you into her chambers. 
Daisy and Otis sit down in the large chairs facing the desk, yell-whispering to you about their “thrones”. You smile at them, giving them a thumbs-up before bringing your finger to your lips, reminding them to be quiet. They giggle in excitement, watching as Jason brings you closer to him, wrapping an arm around your waist while the other rests on your bump. The judge sits down and motions to your clothes, “Last minute decision?” Jason looks down at you, a bright smile on his face, “This has been three years coming Your Honor, I couldn’t make it another year.” You look up at Jason with a similar sized smile, giving him a small kiss before you’re interrupted, “Okay, lovebirds, I haven’t said that yet. Wait a minute or two.” 
The kids holler with laughter at the teasing words of the judge, though you can’t judge them, you and Jason both laugh as well, though partly from embarrassment. The judge gives the two of you a tight-lipped smile, “All right, you two have filled out all the required documents, so now it’s really just the fun part. Please turn to each other.” You and Jason turn to face each other, standing as close as you can with your bump, “Do you, Y/N M/N L/N, take Daniel Jason Sudeikis to be your lawfully wedded husband?” You look up at Jason, a small smile on your face as tears run down your face, Jason’s expression mirroring yours, “I do.” You hear small giggles from the side, but you don’t look away from Jason, how can you? “And do you, Daniel Jason Sudeikis, take Y/N M/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
Jason squeezes your hands three times as he looks into your eyes, “I sure do.” A breath that you weren’t consciously holding left your lungs. There was no doubt in your mind that Jason would say yes, but you still needed to hear it, and now that you have, you’re pretty sure it’s one of your favorite sounds in the world. With a smile on her face, the judge closes her folder containing your documents, “Then by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now, you may kiss your spouse.” You don’t miss the teasing tone of how the judge finishes that second sentence but it doesn’t really matter, because all you can focus on is Jason’s lips on yours, your heart beating in your chest, the kicks of the baby in your belly, and the cheers of your kids. 
The two of you pull apart, resting your foreheads together as you feel the kids wrapping their arms around your legs. You’ll look at them in a moment, you’ll all celebrate, but right now, you’re looking at your husband. His eyes sparkle as he looks at you, a smile on his face, “We doing this? Another year of us?” You smile back, nodding your head as you lean in to give him a small kiss, “We’re doing this. You and me, Mr. Sudeikis.” Jason smirks at your response, both your phrase and the name for him, him kissing you once more before the kids can interrupt, “You and me, Mrs. Sudeikis.”
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footoballrps · 11 months
ayo ! new to the glorious game of football, seriker caught my eye and here i am now, obsessed and learning !
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this is a discord rp plot call for football rpf and football oc x oc rps !
   * currently only writing m x m ships.
20+ long-term writing partners only ! open to plotting, texts, headcanons, nsfw. mutual respect and communication of limits and triggers important.
some of the ships i am currently familiar with and looking to write are — seriker (sergio ramos · iker casillas), modramos / ramodric (sergio ramos · luka modric), modkroos (luka modric · toni kroos) · · · and bellingavi (jude bellingham · pablo gavi), pedrigavi (pedri gonzalez · pablo gavi), pedribell (pedri gonzalez · jude bellingham) · · · and jamieroy / kentartt ( roy kent · jamie tartt), tedependent (ted lasso · trent crimm) and more of the football ships you'll introduce me to !
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like this post or message me and we can get this going ! it's already so rare to find such rps, so i am looking forward to this quite the bit. hope to hear from y'all soon !
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
Twitter Famous (Story Page)
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Mutli-chapter Jason x Celeb!Reader fic I workshopped with @carmylasso based very loosely on Phoebe Bridges and Paul Mescal lol: 
Your PR manager always warned you to be careful with social media but it was your favorite way to interact with fans. So when someone asks you who your celebrity crush is well…things get a little out of hand.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: RPF, AFAB!reader, Celeb!Reader, graphic descriptions of p-in-v sex in chapter 6.5
ask me stuff! | story tag | Fic masterlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 & 6.5*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
*6.5 is 100% smut and totally skippable for any of my non-explicit friends out there! Does not affect the plot at all
It's literally just smut
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 4
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/a reader insert OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Callie landed at Heathrow to rain, a lot of rain. Fortunately the car Apple had provided was ready and waiting for her. She went straight to her sister’s flat to drop off her suitcase. It was stupidly early, thanks to her overnight flight and Beth was waiting with breakfast. The sisters hugged tightly. Callie ate and planned to take a quick nap while Beth headed to work. She had a rare Saturday evening off so they made plans to go out that night. Callie fired off a message in their group chat to let Jason and Brett know she’d landed and invited them out that night. When she woke up at lunchtime, they’d switched it up and invited her and Beth to their pre-planned night out to a karaoke bar. She’d gone to raid Beth’s fridge when the door buzzer went off. She checked the video doorbell to see Jason on the doorstep so buzzed him in. She was head first in her suitcase trying to find something more appropriate to wear than the t-shirt she’d fallen asleep in when he pushed at the slightly ajar front door.
“Hey, you here?”
“Yeah, hang on, I’ll be right out.” she replied, slightly breathless. She’d just have to put her yoga leggings back on. Fine, had the top offered a bit more coverage. Instead she felt very exposed, the soft materials clinging to her. “Sorry, I’ve only just woken up.”
“We finished early today - don’t usually do Saturdays so I said to Brett I’d swing by and see you. He gave me Beth’s address.”
“Ahh that’s fine, she’s working for a few more hours anyway.” They hovered awkwardly, not quite standing far enough apart but also not standing directly in each other's space. Callie stepped forwards with a small smile to hug him, he willingly met her and wrapped his arms around her.
“Good to see you.”
“You too, not quite as long as 6 months this time though.”
“Long enough.” he murmured against her hairline. “Brett’s just finishing up on set, want to go and get him for lunch?”
“Yesss, definitely I’m starving, I’ll just get changed. Make yourself at home.” She moved away and headed for the spare room to fight again with her suitcase. A pair of jeans and a Star Wars t-shirt later, she was ready to go. They walked to the nearest tube station and Callie led Jason through the maze of tunnels to the correct platform. The train was hot and crowded, each bump along the track pushed Callie closer to him until he put a hand on her hip to steady her and keep her from getting pulled along with the crowd leaving the train. She could feel the fire on her skin where his fingertips caught the edge of her top and brushed against the exposed skin and had to look away so he couldn’t see the flush in her cheeks or the rush of breath she let out. Finally, they were pushed out into the sunlight again at their destination where Brett was fortunately waiting for them within a few meters. Callie hugged him and let him lead her to a cafe a few doors down with outdoor seating. She chose to sit next to Brett in order to put a table's distance between her and Jason, but it meant she’d have to look directly at him. With his baseball cap pulled low, he already had sunglasses shielding his eyes. She grabbed her glasses from her bag to similarly hide her eyes. While they chatted happily, she sent a quick message to Laura confirming she’d landed.
‘I got here OK, only to be killed by the looks Jason keeps throwing my way 🥵. Holy crap. WHY DID WE HAVE THAT CONVERSATION RIGHT BEFORE I LEFT? WHY IS THAT ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT?’
She stuffed the phone out of sight and tucked into her sandwich while Jason and Brett talked around her.
“You ok?” Brett nudged her elbow, “I’ve never known you this quiet.”
“I’m fine, just a bit of jet lag. Hence the sunnies.” She spoke to Brett but was watching Jason who had kept looking her way, she’d watched him throughout most of the meal, never quite knowing whether his eyes were on her. Checking his watch, Brett suggested that they leave as they’d be seeing each other again in just a few hours anyway. He left the table to pay the bill. As soon as he was out of earshot, Jason said softly,
“Those glasses ain’t doing shit babe, but if you want to pretend to hide where you’re looking then that’s fine. I know where I've been looking all afternoon.” He smirked a little as she blushed, she felt the heat pool in her stomach at the deep, husky tone of his voice but was saved from responding by Brett coming back to the table.
“Ready to go? Cal, do you want us to get you back to Beth’s?”
“Don’t be an idiot, I’m perfectly capable, thank you. I’ll see you both later.” She stood quickly and waved in their general direction rather than getting drawn into another hug from Jason. She headed down to the underground, out of the sun and out of Jason's eyeline at last.
By the time Beth got home shortly after Callie, she found Callie wringing her hands.
"It just feels like something has changed somehow. It's like it's all suddenly supercharged. And I can't escape him, and I'm not sure I want to? But I don't know what to do with that information?" Beth had barely walked through the door when Callie started bombarding her. 
"Woah, relax, open some wine and take a breath." Beth held her hands up. "Right, first of all, what time are we off out? So I know where to pitch the advice and how long we've got."
"Meeting them any time after 8 at that new karaoke place."
"Right, so we can be fashionably late if need be. Let's take this a point at a time, you've suddenly realised that you're wildly attracted to Jason?" Callie nodded. "That's not new news sweetheart. Second, you see him today and things are weird?" Callie nodded again. "Again, not news. Of course things are fucking weird! You flirt like mad all day long and then switch to work mode. You're both dancing around each other and neither of you are making a move. You push, he pulls and visa versa, you're in this constant dance of seeing who's going to 'crack' first." Callie deflated into her wine with a sigh and sat in silence for a few minutes.
"You're right." She finally admitted. "I'm overthinking and self sabotaging and I need to chill the fuck out. Either something or nothing will happen and I do have control over it all." Beth smiled at her sister.
"Atta girl. Don't let what happened with that dickhead make you doubt yourself or what you're worthy of. Jason seems to be a really genuine and lovely guy. It's as simple as that."
"I know. I mean, I don't know what to do about being so stupidly attracted to him that I can't breathe, but one step at a time, eh? God I swear he was out to kill me today. He was doing it on purpose."
"The cure for that is to drink until you don't notice and wind him up in equal measure." Beth laughed. 
"Well then I'm fucked because I'll be utterly wasted and will probably spill the beans to him. I can't imagine how much alcohol I'd need to not think he's hot!" Callie looked horrified. 
"Maybe that would be the perfect outcome! Shut up and drink up. I haven't had a night out in ages, let's get ready to gooo!" Beth poured them both another glass and pulled her sister out of the chair. With Beth surging into action,  Callie found herself the victim of a sisterly takeover. "If he's having fun with these little games and his sunglasses and putting his hand on your hip, then you can push back too! Let's see if he can take as good as he gives, yeah? You're gonna look so, so fit tonight, he's gonna wish he'd made a move already!" Callie sat cross-legged on the bed, looking somewhat sceptical.
"I dunno about that, Beth. I don't have your confidence! I just end up looking like a fool. Also I could be reading this entirely wrong, he might not even be remotely attracted to me."
'Ahh, why on earth do you think we're drinking right now? False confidence, baby! Just enough to give you a bit of a swing in your step, and then you can avoid him most of the night and have fun! I think you’ll know within about 5 seconds whether he’s into you. And if you’re too blind to see it then I’m not. Were his little lunchtime games not indication enough?" Callie conceded and went along with Beth's masterplan. She let Beth help to choose her outfit, help with a little extra makeup than she'd normally wear, and was persuaded into the shoes which made her calf muscles and glutes ache. They finished a bottle and a half of wine and poured into their Uber with Beth doing a "Two and a half drink Callie is super flirty and fit Callie!" chant. It was nearer 9 when they arrived at the bar, Callie called Brett, who came out to take them through to the private room available to them. She immediately spotted Jason at the far end of the bar and could see that he'd also seen her, she held her hand up in a small wave which he returned. She let Brett get them a drink first and then let him introduce her to just about everyone in the room. The route he took meant they wouldn't actually get around to Jason and Brendan until the end of the tour. Callie felt eyes on her at every point they stopped - hugs with most of the team cast, when she had Kola and Phil on either side of her, a few minutes with James reminiscing about old Channel 4 TV shows. The closer they got to the far end of the bar, the more Callie's confidence grew. The final stop off was with Hannah and Juno. Brett left them to 'girl talk' while he went to get more drinks.
"Oh, thank god he’s gone for a minute, I thought I was going to have to talk in code!" Beth breathed. "You're playing a blinder, Cal. I'm surprised you haven't spontaneously combusted. Oooh, the heat!" Callie paused in talking to Juno to look straight ahead past Beth. She caught Jason's eye and smiled briefly before looking away and devoting her attention back to Juno.
"I'm glad you've noticed too! As soon as you guys walked in, it was like someone had lit a fire in here!" Hannah giggled.
"He has definitely not been subtle." Juno added. 
"Alright, alright. I'm trying not to overthink this, so I'm trying to not give a shit whether he's looking or not. I feel like a fucking teenager. I need to go and say hi. I've seen everyone except him, and I haven't met Brendan yet and I’m dying to meet him. I'm going in, ladies. Wish me luck."
"You don't need it. I'm putting you down for a song though, OK babe? Don't worry, I won't stuff you with a Whitney number, we save those for Han." Juno added Callie to the karaoke app and she left the three ladies engrossed in choosing a song. Callie swayed her hips gently as she walked over to the bar, trying to exude elegance and confidence. 
"Here she is, thought you weren’t gonna come and say hi," Jason teased. He greeted her as usual, with a hug and a kiss on her cheek. He held her for an extra second, just long enough to whisper in her ear; "you look beautiful." She shivered as his breath caught her ear, and she was certain he must have noticed.
"Just saving the best til last, obviously," she smiled before turning to Brendan, "So that must be you, I’m so excited to finally meet you. Jason and Brett talk about you constantly. I swear they are both head over heels in love with you." Brendan welcomed her warmly while Jason laughed into his drink. 
"I've heard a lot about you too. Congrats on the book - and the show. They're so excited to be working on it. I have to keep reminding them to finish off here first!"
"Thank you. Yeah, I might have to come to you for advice on coping with them. I don't want to get into a 'don't feed the gremlins after midnight' situation." Callie talked with Brendan and Jason for a while, Jason's arm had stretched across her back so he could put his hand on the bar and she leaned into it slightly to relieve the pressure on her feet. Brendan was just about to excuse himself when Hannah's voice carried across the room via the microphone. 
"Callie darling, it's your turn."
"Ah crap. I'd hoped Juno was joking." Brendan shook his head,
"They never joke about karaoke. You should get up there - it's worse when one of them has to come and find you."
"That’s true, he’s right. What have they got you singing?" Jason asked, handing her a drink. 
"No idea, but I think I'll need this, thank you." She raised her glass and reluctantly moved away from Jason. Beth, Hannah, and Juno had chosen a Taylor Swift song, clearly with Beth's input and gentle direction. Callie froze for a moment on the small stage, quickly reading ahead the first few lines so she knew which song was about to be her downfall. The song was ‘Dress’, which Jason had already caught her singing along to once before. The lyrics had seemed pretty apt at the time anyway, but now, they were a damn neon sign above her head. Callie shook off the dread and gave it her all. After a few drinks she did enjoy a bit of karaoke so it’s not like she’d been dragged into it. She made sure to avoid looking over at the bar, but the lyrics were so overt that there was no need to add fuel to the fire anyway. She finished the song with a little bow and bounced down the steps into Hannah's waiting arms. Enveloped in a girl's hug, she felt on top of the world. For a karaoke bar, the group didn't spend much time singing, so she was quickly whisked away to the dance floor. There was just enough time to deposit her empty glass on the bar. As she turned to leave, Jason held her elbow. 
"That's the second time I've heard you sing that."
"Hmm. It's a good one."
"You should go and dance, Callie, before they send a search party." She held his gaze for a moment longer. Had he used her name on purpose? Say my name, and everything just stops. She dismissed the thought and gave his arm a squeeze before heading off to dance. She spent well over an hour in the throng of the crowd, dancing hard with her friends. Song after song, she cheered and shouted for the ones who jumped up to do karaoke and she sang at the top of her lungs until she was hoarse. Eventually she gestured to Beth that she was going to the bar, and escaped the group. She headed back to the bar using her hands to try and fan some air to her face. She leaned into where Jason sat to catch her breath. He automatically wrapped an arm around her waist and she pressed into his side with her arm over his shoulders. With him sitting on a barstool, they were nearly the same height. 
"Thank you for inviting us, this is such a good place!" She had to lean in close to speak into his ear, her breath tickling on his neck. He handed her a bottle of water which she gratefully took, while he continued talking with Billy and Phil. Her feet were really starting to hurt. She fidgeted uncomfortably and he twisted in the seat so that she could stand between his knees and rest more against the chair. Her hand moved to his thigh to hold herself steady and she listened to their conversation. With Jason directly behind her, his voice carried over her shoulder making her shiver. 
“Hey, you should come too Callie?” Billy pulled her into the conversation.
“What’s that, sorry?”
“We’re going to the football tomorrow, do you wanna come?”
“Billy, I’m not sure Callie’s a football fan, plus she’s probably majorly jet lagged.”
“Who’s playing?” She asked curiously, she was an armchair fan but didn’t follow religiously.
“Arsenal and Liverpool.”
“I don’t want to tag along if I’m not wanted-” she started to say before Jason interrupted,
“You are, I just… wasn’t sure it was your thing?”
“I’m a closet Liverpool fan actually, my Nanna supported them. Plus, they were quite the team of heartthrobs in my teenage years.”
“Stevie G?” Phil questioned,
“Stevie, Xabi Alonso… that Champions League miracle final in Istanbul? Oh my god. I cried so much. Anyway, now I just love Jurgen Klopp.”
“What a man,” Billy agreed, “you’re coming then? Maybe you’ll get to meet him.”
“I couldn’t, I’d be too starstruck. Just being in the same stadium as Mo Salah might kill me off.” They laughed, told her to sort the logistics with Brendan who was organising the outing and went off for another round of karaoke.
“And there you go surprising me again.” Jason muttered. She slid off the seat and turned to face him, not quite realising the proximity until she’d turned around. 
“Keeping you on your toes.” She smiled, taking a slightly shaky breath. Still standing between his knees with her hands on his thighs and at eye level Callie felt suddenly sober and nervous. She quickly realised that she didn’t really want to draw such attention to herself in a room full of his closest friends and colleagues, she knew that if anyone looked across at them in that moment, they’d look very much like a couple and she wasn’t sure how she’d answer those questions should they arise. “I think I’m going to… go.” She decided firmly. He couldn’t hide the disappointment, but nodded anyway.
“If that’s what you want.”
“I’m exhausted and-” she paused, looking away from him, his hand moved to her hip.
“And?” Callie was about to respond when Beth joined them,
“Oooh four drink touchy feely Callie is here!” Callie rolled her eyes and reluctantly went to move. Jason held her hips tightly for a moment longer,
“Get some sleep sweetheart, this ain’t a race.” He kissed her forehead and let her move, then he stepped down from the barstool to hug Beth. “I think you’re the one taking touchy feely Callie home, Beth.”
“That’s a shame, you’d love her!” Beth laughed, swaying on the spot, “She can’t keep her hands to herself!” Callie covered her face with her hand.
“Fuck me Beth, can you not? Come on, time to go.” She took Beth’s hand, gave Jason a brief smile and waved in the general direction of the crowd. The air outside was fresh and cool. She hadn’t realised just how warm it was inside. She bundled Beth into a cab and once home, put her into bed with a glass of water and ibuprofen. Wide awake and full of giddiness, Callie made a cup of tea before going to bed. She took off her makeup and changed her clothes, sliding under the covers. Jason had sent a message while she’d been looking after Beth,
‘Hope you got back ok. I’ll pick you up at 1pm tomorrow so you can declare your love to Jurgen Klopp.’
‘All fine here, thanks. I’d get a shirt before the match but I plan on sleeping for the next 12 hours. As wonderful as Klopp is, he just can’t pull off the hoodie and baseball cap combo the way some others can.’
‘It’s a look that takes dedication. See you tomorrow, sleeping beauty.’  
She shut off her phone and fell into a deep sleep. She missed Beth going out to work, missed breakfast, and emerged with just enough time to shower and sling on a pair of jeans and a top before the football. She jumped into the waiting minibus at exactly 1pm with a half eaten croissant in hand and sunglasses on to hide her tired eyes.
“Alright Callie?” The boys chimed as she joined them. 
“Hey everyone. Good night, sore heads?” She queried jumping into the first spare seat she found next to James. She received various groans and sighs in reply. Brendan and Jason were across the narrow aisle and she lifted her glasses to say hello properly.
“Caught up on your sleep?” Jason asked.
“God, never. Always happy for more.” she yawned unexpectedly. He reached around Brendan and put a paper bag into her lap. “What’s this?”
“I had a little time this morning.” She brushed the croissant crumbs away and dipped into the bag, pulling out a Liverpool home kit shirt with ‘SALAH’ on the back. She shrieked with glee and pulled it straight on over her t-shirt.
“Oh my god, thank you! I can’t reach you to hug you.”
“Later. Hope it’s ok?”
“It’s better than ok!” She beamed. The match was exciting and frenetic. There were none of the tensions of the previous night though, she was completely comfortable with Jason and they fit back together easily both shouting their way through the match. She could almost forget that they’d been one dark corridor or moment alone from a kiss. Had Beth not interrupted, she’d have put money on it happening, it had felt so inevitable. After the match, she got to meet Klopp, Salah and a handful of other players. The Ted cast were treated like royalty. Brendan’s super bus dropped her back off at the flat in the early evening and she collapsed on the sofa with Beth to watch a movie and relax. 
She took Monday off and spent the day at the flat writing on and off, sharing ideas with Brett and Jason in their group chat and blasting 00’s pop songs from her laptop. They were most of the way through outlining the first season of the show but they were having trouble moving into the final section. There were some storylines which Callie wasn’t willing to give up on, and she was fed up with fighting over it. She suggested that she go to set on Tuesday, and then they'd planned the Wednesday to Friday to be working sessions at Jason’s with the Ted cast taking a long weekend off. Early on Tuesday morning, she packed up her bag and headed to Richmond where a few of the cast and crew were already working. She set up on a bench near the makeup trailer and dived into her work. The morning air was cold and she’d only put a thin jumper on, she looked around for someone to pinch a jacket from - she’d already seen Phil and Cristo but they’d gone off to film.
“Looking for something or someone?” a voice called behind her. 
“Aha, you actually.” she grinned. Jason was dressed for a set day rather than a filming day, hat and hoodie firmly in place.
“Found me. Everything ok?”
“Yeah, just cold. Is there a jacket I can borrow?” He pulled off his hoodie and handed it over.
“Is this ok for now? If you want to come with me, we can get something better if you want?” Callie pulled it over her head, his scent surrounding her and making her dizzy.
“No, this is perfect, thanks.”
“It suits you. If you want to take a break, I can show you around - get you a bit of background so you know why Brett’s pushing for certain things?” he alluded to their ongoing battle over the storyline.
“Hmm. If you can show me a good reason why it won’t work, then I might be persuaded. I’m not going down without a fight though?”
“I would never expect you to.” He laughed and she followed him through the set. She spent much of the day by his, Chip’s or Brendan’s side watching them work. She took it all on board and Jason watched proudly as she made notes and constantly asked questions. They were filming late into the evening so she stuck around, joining the cast for takeout as the day drew to a close. Brett offered to walk her to the tube station so she took him up on it, hoping to make peace. 
“It matters to the story, Brett, it’s got to happen - it’s one of the main plotlines!”
“But how can we fit it in? It also doesn’t move the story forward at all.”
“It adds context, it provides background.”
“We can show that in other ways. Cal, trust me - there’s no way we can script this without it being a distraction rather than a benefit.”
“I don’t believe you, there’s got to be a way.” 
“You’re driving me mad with this.”
“I’m driving you mad? Look, let’s go through it again tomorrow. Jason can referee. I’m not trying to be difficult, I’m trying to understand.”
“Jason is not an impartial ref and you bloody know it.”
“He’s one of your best mates.”
“And yours too from what I can see. Maybe more than.”
“Don’t start, there’s nothing going on there.”
“Not yet.” He griped.
“My train’s coming, I’m going home, I don’t need to stick around to have you lay into me for something that hasn’t even happened.”
“Well you must be blind if you think it’s not going to happen.”
“I’ll make that decision, thanks. See you tomorrow.” Callie boarded the train without a second glance. She went to bed, ignoring the unread messages on her phone and still angry at Brett. 
The next morning, she took the tube again to the address Jason had sent through. She returned Jason’s hoodie and while they tried to work, it just wasn’t flowing. The argument with Brett was still brewing in the background and added an underlying tension through the day. They worked their way through other plot points, potential future season arcs but it was stilted and strained. In the end, Callie held up her hands.
“I’m going home, I think that’s enough for today, don’t you?” she said firmly, admitting defeat after Brett had nixed another of her ideas.
“First time we’ve agreed all day.” He rolled his eyes, Callie scoffed and shook her head.
“Right. I’ll see you both later.” She was out the door before Brett had even moved from the table, slamming it hard behind her.
“Don’t be too hard on her, she’s new to all of this.”
“I’m not being too hard, she’s being too… flippant. She thinks she can just do whatever she wants with no consequences.”
“Maybe that’s true, but she’ll figure it out in her own time. In the meantime, we wait.” Brett frowned, not entirely sure whether either of them ware still talking about the show.
Callie climbed into bed without waiting up for Beth. She exchanged messages with Laura who suggested they take a break to Mexico once Callie returned from London.
‘Pack a new bag and whoosh, off we go. A week in Cancun, sun, sea and plenty of margaritas. No phone for you - no work at all for you. Just a week off.’
‘Sounds like bliss. Let’s see how tomorrow goes but one more battle with Brett and I’m going to need to get away from him. He keeps going on about how I can’t have everything I want, my decisions affect others blah blah blah.’
‘Are you sure he’s talking about the show?’ 
‘How’d you mean?’
‘You’ve got one guy in New York you’re actually dating, but you’re having your cake and eating it in London with whatever is still not happening with Jason. Who has not long gone through a shitshow breakup of his own. Have you considered that Brett’s trying to protect his friend?’
Callie dropped the phone on the bed, so that was it. It wasn’t the plot really - it was Brett disapproving of Callie while she tried to make sense of her feelings. She’d been so desperate to push her own feelings away and pretend that it was just a crush on Jason that the real strength of those feelings had overwhelmed her completely. 
The next morning at Jason’s, Brett was nowhere to be seen.
“He’ll be here later, he had some stuff this morning.” Jason explained. They worked throughout the morning until Callie couldn’t ignore her stomach rumbling any longer and started making lunch.
“I’m not just going to turn up at each of your many houses and keep cooking for you, you know?” She teased after plating up eggs benedict for them both.
“You haven’t seen my place in LA yet. You could roller skate around that kitchen.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I’d probably break an ankle. I’m not built for anything that involves balance.”
“You’re a great cook. I’m just reaping the benefits, not taking advantage.”
“Hmnm. They could be the same thing.”
“If I were taking advantage, you’d be here all day every day.” Callie hesitated with her fork part way to her mouth.
“I think those would be completely different circumstances.” She said at last, the front door making her jump. Jason looked at her a moment longer and then turned to Brett.
“Hey man, have you eaten? We saved you some.”
“Thanks, no I haven’t yet. Alright Cal?” He took in Jason and Callie sitting closely side by side at the kitchen island.
“Yeah, you?” He got a plate and pulled Callie’s ponytail as he passed behind her. “Wanker.” She muttered with a smile.
“You pair actually done any work so far today?” He asked.
“Loads without you here.” She teased. He raised an eyebrow and then closed his eyes as he tried Callie’s hollandaise sauce.
“When you’re ready for a new career, I suggest cooking.”
“I’ll bear that in mind when my TV career crashes and burns. Beth and I are cooking tonight if you both want to come?” Both nodded. “I’m going to Mexico with Laura next week once I get back to New York.”
“Lifestyles of the rich and famous.” Jason smiled.
“Hardly. She suggested a break and I figured I should make the most of her not screaming at me about my deadlines. No phones, no work. Just margaritas and sun.”
“Beth can come here if it’s easier? More space to cook?”
“That’s a good idea actually, it’s closer to the restaurant.” Callie called her sister while Brett finished eating.
The afternoon passed without incident, both Brett and Callie on their best behaviour. Laura’s suggestion had opened Callie’s eyes to what the real issue might be so she was willing to cut him a little slack until she could get him alone. Beth arrived with arms full of ingredients and she and Callie got to work on making fresh pasta and meringue kisses. Jason looked across the kitchen to see Callie kneading pasta dough with flour up to her elbows, in her hair and on her forehead, stood next to Beth, both of them bouncing to the music Callie had chosen. “I write to hip hop Jason, I do not cook to hip hop. Pop is for cooking.” Mariah Carey’s Fantasy sounded throughout the downstairs with Callie and Beth both singing along at various points with spoon microphones. “But it's just a sweet sweet fantasy baby. When I close my eyes, you come and you take me. It's so deep in my daydreams, but it's just a sweet sweet fantasy baby.” They sang in fits of laughter. They worked well together, Beth offering advice to Callie about not overfilling the tortellini, not cutting too close to the edge, and the best way to twist them into shape. 
Brett offered to pop to the shops to get a couple of bottles of wine and Callie took the opportunity to go with him and clear the air. Beth meanwhile, took her opportunity to get to know Jason a little better.
“I meant to thank you.” She said, stirring the sauce for the pasta.
“What for?”
“Since you turned up at the restaurant all that time ago, she’s just been doing so much better. I know a lot of that is just time and recovering from the break up, it was so fresh when you met her. Honestly, the week before she was an absolute wreck. But a lot of it is down to that day she sent that daft tweet and you replied. You guys seem to have a genuine connection, it’s been so good for her.”
“That’s so lovely to hear, it really is. It’s been a privilege to watch her get better and more confident and happy.”
“You know she likes you? Really likes you?” Beth said quietly, knowing that Callie would likely kill her for overstepping. “Please, don’t tell her we’ve had this conversation. I just… she’s her own worst enemy sometimes. She’ll just carry on in this weird limbo with you until you get bored and meet someone and then she’ll be kicking herself for not doing anything about it when she had the chance. That’s all I’m going to say, do with that what you want - or not - if that’s also the case. Just let her down gently if it is.” Jason didn’t say anything for a long time, he concentrated on finding plates, cutlery and clearing the table.
“I promise you Beth, I’d never hurt her. I’d also never get bored with her.” Beth smiled softly and nodded, hearing the front door.
Brett and Callie had walked 5 minutes round the corner to the nearest mini supermarket. It took a while for either of them to feel ready to talk, Callie felt the apology on the tip of her tongue but couldn’t quite force it out.
“I don’t mean to be so hard on you.” Brett admitted. “It’s fucking cutthroat, I want you to be prepared that just because this has been so easy and seamless and Apple are bending over backwards, doesn’t mean it’ll last forever. They have an empire to protect, you’re just a cog in the network.”
“I know. And I’m grateful, to them and to you and Jason. I don’t intend to let this pass me by.”
“Can I ask you something?” She looked over to him and nodded for him to continue. “What’s going on with you and Jason?”
“Jump straight in the deep end there, babe.” She laughed. “Nothing. I already told you that the other day.” He looked skeptical. “I do like him, ok. I really do. But I am a normal person, trying to live a normal life. I don’t want to rock the boat, I don’t want to risk this working relationship and I really, really don’t want to lose one of the best friends I’ve made since… well, you probably. I have Beth, Laura, you and now Jason. If I do something stupid, make a stupid move or comment or worse, and I lose that core friendship… I don’t even want to think about it. The four of you have built me back up from absolute rock bottom. I will not risk that.”
“Not even for the possibility of something better?” He questioned.
“The price to pay is too high.”
“So you’ll just carry on with this game, while seeing that boring bloke in New York?” She shrugged.
“I don’t know, Brett. I’m just taking things step by step. I’m trying really hard to be seeing someone else, but all I see is him.” Brett took the bag of wine from her and put his arm over her shoulder.
“Fucking hell mate. You do need a holiday.”
“You’re telling me. Now, please keep this just between us? I’ll figure it out in my own time, and if that happens to be too late then so be it.” He rolled his eyes, clearly not agreeing with her but accepting her request.
“Have you two made up now?” Beth asked innocently while adding salad to a big bowl.
“For now. Til he pisses me off again.” Brett took out the wine and handed it to Jason who had glasses lined up. Dinner was a much happier and more animated affair than the previous day and a half had been, the wine and laughter flowed as they discussed previous terrible relationships they were finally able to laugh about.
“Do you remember that bloke who made me call him Chef in bed?!” Beth reminded Callie through tears.
“Oh god, he was awful! He was horrible - why on earth did you go out with him?!”
“One of the waitresses said he was lovely. He was anything but lovely!”
“He literally shouted at you during sex, Beth! During sex. ‘Call me Chef when I’m going down on you!’” Callie said in a gruff impersonation before she doubled over with her hands over her face, shoulders shaking with laughter.
“Both of you have been out with some right morons. And I didn’t even meet most of them.” Brett stated.
“Callie wins though. She married a gay man for a green card.”
“Yep, thanks for reminding me. His husband is also far prettier than me.”
“That’s true, he is a beautiful man.”
“They’ve got another baby coming.”
“No way! That’s so cute. Don’t tell mum. She’ll launch into her-”
“‘That could have been you Callie, but you turned that man gay! You could have babies on a farm!’” Callie’s impression of her mother was uncanny, causing Beth to choke on her wine.
“Babies on a fucking farm.” She sniggered.
“Don’t remind me, I’ve got to go and see her at the weekend. I’m going to have flashbacks to tonight and I won’t be able to hold it together.”
“Show your face, make nice and get outta there.” Beth shared their motto of ‘how to visit mum’.
“I can push through it knowing I’m going to be on a beach drinking tequila in five days, baby.”
“Ugh don’t, I’m jealous. I wonder if I can get a tan from the lights on the hot pass?” Beth wondered.
“Well don’t bother texting to tell me, I won’t see it. You’ll just see my tan get progressively better by checking Laura’s Instagram.” Callie teased.
“Tan getting better, you getting drunker, the bikini getting smaller. I remember those holidays. Next time, give me more notice so I can come too!”
“The bikini doesn’t get any smaller nowadays, I’m too old for that.” Callie just managed to clamp her hand over Beth’s mouth before she launched into a rendition of ‘get your tits out for the lads’. “Nooo thank you, I will not be getting them out.”
“Just let me live my life through you please Callie, that’s all I ask.”
“Live your own life, Top Chef. Come on, time to clear up. You’ve finished all the wine and you’re getting rowdy.” Callie helped clear plates and started washing up while Brett kept Beth occupied. Jason worked on clearing the kitchen and bringing things over to Callie at the sink.
“You don’t need to do any of that, you know?”
“It’s ok, we can’t wreck your kitchen and then leave you to it.”
“So it’s a no phone holiday?” 
“Yep, gonna miss me?"
"Think you’ll cope for a week without my daily gifs and spam?”
“Not sure I could last a day.” She laughed,
“Oh you could. You’ll be begging me to never text you again by the time I get back. Silence is golden.”
“You could never. I’d give it a day before you crack.” 
“You’re probably right. Where would I get my new playlists from? I don’t trust Spotify, I prefer my personally curated Sudeikis collection.”
“Damn right. I’ll send you a holiday list.” Callie’s face lit up,
“Really? You’re the best, don’t listen to what anyone else says.” She bumped his shoulder. 
"So, the last working session tomorrow?"
"Yeah, we should. Now that Brett and I are buddies again we might actually get something done."
"I mean, we can try at least."
"You're a bad influence. I promised Laura I was here to work. All I've done is drink, watch football and hang out with you."
"Worth it though?"
"Totally worth it." She finished washing the dishes and reached up to kiss his cheek. "See you tomorrow." 
Brett walked Callie and Beth out and to the tube, saying goodbye to Beth and making plans to pick up coffees and breakfast with Callie on their way back in the morning. Callie eventually flopped into Beth's bed while she made them tea. 
"So I cleared the air with Brett." She called out. 
"I gathered. All ok now?"
"Yeah. He was worried about Jason, worried about me. I told him where my head was and I think he gets it now."
"That's good. He's a good friend."
"The very best. I told him, you,  Laur, he and now Jason have become this core source of strength for me. I would not have gotten through the last year without you guys."
"And we all love you too my darling." Callie snuggled up to Beth, "I miss you when you're not here."
"I miss you too. You need to visit more." 
"I will now you're in New York and not with a dickhead anymore." Callie fell asleep in Beth's bed just as they'd spent so many nights as children. The next morning, she met Brett as planned and they turned up at Jason's together with coffee and breakfast. They worked hard for most of the day before Callie had to get her train to her mums. 
"So," she started, packing up her laptop, "You guys finish here next week?"
"That's right, the last shooting day is Thursday. I'm pretty sure there's a wild weekend planned, and then I fly to LA on Sunday."
"Same as me I think, but different flights?" Brett added.
"LA for a month?"
"About that, it depends on the kids and where they need me to be, I haven't got a flight back to New York planned yet." 
"OK, and then the real work starts?"
"Oh, you're gonna love contract negotiations, Cal." Brett laughed, Jason pointed at him. 
"Dead right. We've got about 6 weeks to get our shit together, and then the real work starts. Fortunately, not telling Apple Dan when I'm back does mean we can get an extra few days if we need them."
"Better keep that one quiet." Brett suggested. 
"Sounds like a plan."
"I'm just going to get us a couple of beers,  J. Back in 10. Callie, be good sweetheart. Have a great trip to Mexico."
"Love you Brett, see you later." She accepted his bear hug happily and watched him skip down the steps in the direction of the shop.
"And I'll see you in a few weeks as well." She turned to Jason with open arms. 
"Won't be long till we're getting this show going for real." He held her tightly. 
"It's been a fun few months planning, I've had a good time."
"Me too." Neither of them moved away, Callie stayed with her arms anchored around Jason's waist. "See you soon, beautiful." He kissed the top of her head and let her go. She pulled her overnight bag up onto her shoulder and headed down the steps with a far heavier step than Brett had. At the bottom, she turned to blow him a kiss before making her way to the tube station. Jason watched until she was out of sight, by which time, Brett had returned with beer.
"You'll see her soon. Bloody romcommunist." Brett teased, pushing Jason back into the house.
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pod-together · 1 year
Pod-Together Day 1 Reveals 2023
The Matchmaking Bentley (Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Queen (Band)) written by ChrisCalledMeSweetie, performed by Juulna Summary: Crowley's Bentley is determined to make the ineffable husbands' relationship more effable - with a bit of help from Queen.
Just Missed You (Ted Lasso (TV)) written by chainofclovers and gnen, performed by klb, rockinhamburger, petrodobreva, eafay70, Ceewelsh, JanuariumPods, meyml, ToughPaperRound, dairaliz, SSLeif, HowOldAreWe, gnen, chainofclovers, and DryDreams Summary: Ted and Beard, one year later. (They love each other, they will see each other again.) A "found audio" story for pod-together 2023.
Value (Jewish Scripture & Legend) written by Hagar, performed by eafay70 Summary: Le’a is kind as often as possible, but it doesn’t always help ease the sting of life in the shadow of her beautiful sister Rachel.
Lightning (Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV)) written by tadhana_writes, performed by gracicah Summary:"Lightning flashed. In that horrible moment of pure light, I saw my mistake."
Things are well. Holmes has returned, life has returned to a quiet lull, and they're in another case. Same thing as always. By the light of a thunderstorm, Watson realises that things may not be the as well as he wishes them to be.
Pay Attention to Me (A3! (Video Game), A3! (Anime)) written by Dokuhan, performed by ChaosKiro Summary: Chikage will swear up and down, left to right, backwards and forwards that jealousy is beneath him. But that becomes a lot harder to say when Sakuya and Tasuku start spending more time together than usual.
camouflage (Twisted-Wonderland (Video Game)) written by roxas_oxo13, performed by Wonderlandian_Geek Summary: “You remind me of myself, I guess.” “Impossible.” “Why’s that?” It's now or never. He’s already not likable; he has to nothing to lose. “You’re good-looking. You’re always surrounded by your flowery little posse. You always have something to say. You don’t know what it’s like to have people avoid you and tell you that your parents are the only thing you have going for you. It’s always do this, try this, be better, until it’s time to do a science project and suddenly you’re hot shit.”
Visit to a Strange World (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF, 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) written by FlutterFyre, performed by pezzax Summary: Xiao Zhan awakens to find himself in an impossible situation. He has more questions than he knows what to do with, the biggest being, How do I get home?
Surrender (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) written by SanctuaryAngel, performed by SerenaEW Summary: Harry ends his life within the Veil after losing Sirius, and Severus spends every day visiting, wondering if he should follow.
Don the Mantle [text, audio] (Star Wars: Rebels) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by Flowerparrish Summary: The world spun as he took in the date before him. Perhaps this was a nightmare of some sort? Or a hallucination? The brief said they weren’t entirely sure what protections the device had on it. Forcing him to relive the assault on Lasan certainly would be a fitting way to neutralize him. Still, that didn’t…that idea didn’t seem right. This felt all too real.
Not Alone (เขา...ไม่ใช่ผม | Not Me (TV 2021)) written by FlutterFyre, performed by Wereflamingo Summary: Not that any of that mattered. Black wasn’t here and – like the rest of them – Sean was hooded, cuffed, and crammed in the back of this van like unwanted luggage. Helpless.
Get A Read On Me (Men's Hockey RPF) written by savvygambols, performed by Beryllinthranox Summary: Roope considers Jason, his broad chest and his strong arms, his big dark eyes and his beautiful brown skin. Jason is a good-looking man and his shirt doesn’t fit at all. “We’re going shopping after practice,” say Roope. “Uh—” says Jason. He rubs his palms on his jeans. His jeans don’t fit. Roope can fix this. Roope can fix all of this. “I mean, I don’t know, Roope. I don’t, like—I mean, you know me and clothes, right? It’s not my thing.” “It wasn’t a question,” says Roope. “We’re going.”
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
Love trying to explain cockles to outsiders
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calzone-d · 1 year
Cal’s Kinktober ‘23
Hi babies! I’ve decided to do eight kinktober fics this year. The kinks are listed below. I’m not sure how long they’ll be, or what days they’ll be posted, but they will exist and be posted by the 31st. Nursing school’s a bitch.. don’t @ me. Be on the lookout!
mirror sex (jason sudeikis x reader)
phone sex (ted lasso x reader)
breeding kink (jason sudeikis x reader)
overstimulation (jason sudeikis x reader)
pregnancy kink (ted lasso x reader)
femdom (but i’m a soft femdom kinda girl ya feel?) (ted lasso x reader)
bondage/edging/toys night (jason sudeikis x reader)
surprise kink!! (ted lasso x reader)
as always my inbox is still open for any other requests! thank you guys for all the support and love. i’m always so happy when i see notifications from everyone.☺️
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destinationtoast · 1 year
why are there not already a bunch of ao3 stories about Brett and Phil having a contest to see who can provoke the most fic featuring their absurd public comments about each other? but of course neither of them are winning, because there's still almost no rpf about them somehow, so they keep escalating. "he's so fit" "our calls are more rom than romcom" "i think about him carnally" "he's in my bed again" "he's my boyfriend" "he's my lover" [18 eggplant emojis]
("It's cheating if you post it yourself," Brett reminds Phil. Phil pouts and saves his PWP to drafts.)
(Hannah and Juno are jaded. "Good fucking luck," Juno says. "We kissed loads, on the lips, and there's still no fic about us." "Eleventh time's the charm?" Hannah asks with a cheeky grin.)
("Bretthaniel," Phil says. "I'm concerned that there's no fic up about you and Mae yet. Just what exactly are we going to have to do to each other on stage to make fic happen?" Brett gets a wicked grin. "You planning your Emmys acceptance already?")
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riversfire · 1 year
Will never forgive the studios for keeping brettphil from going canon in September
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